
ScottLjussi, jussi01 , do either of you know when TheMuso is getting back?  i really need someone to sanity check some code and then push it to fix the 'unity as default xsession' problem for natty00:55
ScottLlol, do "either" of you00:55
ScottLor persia, might you afford some time?01:19
jussiScottL: you can also ask people in #ubuntu-motu for help with that sor t of stuff :)07:56
falktxScottL: btw, I pushed ladish into ubuntu's revu15:06
falktxI got no comments so far, again...15:06
ScottLfalktx, can you possibly get it into debian?  that would probably greatly speed the acceptance15:15
falktxScottL: I've consider that, but I'm not sure how to do it...15:15
falktxquadispro is the debian guru...15:16
ScottLfalktx, i think i am not overstating to say that the debian multimedia team is aggressive about working packages15:30
ScottLeither pushing them into experiemental in a timely fashion15:31
ScottLor making comments back to those who package them15:31
ScottLfalktx, there are also wiki pages that would greatly help, i'll see if i can find some of them for you in the coming days15:31
falktxScottL: i'm just a little busy right now, and that sort of thing looks like takes a lot of time...15:32
ScottLfalktx, from what i've seen, you have already done the hard work...packaging15:58
ScottLto get it into debian would be to get it into their git repositories and then post to the mailing list for sponsorship15:58
falktxScottL: but I'm sure I missed something... I always do..15:58
ScottLfalktx, yes, just like in REVU someone will look it over and give feeback, just it seems that debian multimedia team is more responsive, especially for audio related applications15:59
falktxScottL: btw, I'm about to announce the new PPAs16:00
ScottLcool :)16:02
ScottLgot a minute to pm?16:02
falktxScottL: sure16:02

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