
charlie-tcaGood morning13:31
ochosimr_pouit: i just got notice from DanRabbit that some of the xfce-relevant stuff was fixed in elementary bzr and i'm hoping the rest will be fixed before natty18:38
ochosimr_pouit: can we pull stuff from bzr or does it have to be a proper release?18:38
mr_pouitwe can pull things and put them in elementaryXubuntu if we want18:39
ochosihm, again only elementaryXubuntu?18:39
mr_pouitfor the 'real' elementary package in ubuntu, a release is probably better18:39
ochosii'll ask whether that'll be possible18:39
ochosibecause i think otherwise it would be double the effort18:40
mr_pouitbut no hurry, I think there's still lot of time18:40
mr_pouitFeb, 24 or March, 2418:40
mr_pouit(feature freeze or user interface freeze)18:41
mr_pouit(after feature freeze, it's more painful though :p)18:41
ochosii see, i'll forward that :)18:42

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