
pooliehi lifeless !00:16
pooliehappy new year00:16
lifelesshi poolie, ditto.00:17
lifelesspopping out for food, brb00:18
wgrantpoolie: Did you happen to check if Lucid's python-oauth is fixed too?00:20
pooliewgrant, i did not, yet00:20
pooliefrancis's message led me to suspect it was already installed from an egg?00:21
pooliethat was the next thing i was going to check00:21
wgrantAh, I haven't read the MP.00:21
wgrantI'm just interested because I have been trying to remove contrib/ over the past year or so.00:21
wgrantMost of it is gone.00:22
wgrantlib/contrib/oauth should be easily removable. And we for some reason have a version of BeautifulSoup in the tree too, which should be removable.00:22
* wgrant lunches.00:22
StevenKwgrant: Far too many scripts use contrib.glock :-(01:10
cody-somervillewgrant, StevenK: With today's soyuz, how difficult would it be to separate the buildd and job dispatch code into a discrete service?01:12
lifelesscody-somerville: what do you mean by that?01:25
wgrantBeat me to it.01:25
lifelesswhat operations would be 'buildd but not job dispatch'? And vice verca.01:25
pooliewgrant, there is a download-cache/dist/oauth-1.0.tar.gz01:26
pooliewhich i take to mean it's not installed from the distro01:26
poolieistm it would be better if more stuff was01:26
lifelessthat just means its in the download cache01:26
wgrantI think the "buildd and job dispatch code" is a single entity that cody-somerville wants extracted?01:26
lifelessversions.cfg and setup.py are what you need to consult01:26
cody-somervillewgrant, aye01:26
wgrantpoolie: It would make sense for lots of stuff to be installed from the distro, I think.01:26
wgrantBut Zope disagrees, so we disagree.01:26
lifelesspoolie: to do more stuff from the distro we need to solve the concurrent version issue I've been harping on about (e.g. see debian-python mails from yesteday)01:26
lifelesswgrant: its not about zope01:27
pooliewhat is that, briefly?01:27
pooliemultiple versions of the same python library?01:27
poolieor for multiple interpreters?01:27
wgrantlifeless: It is to an extent.01:27
lifelesswgrant: if you mean not at all01:27
wgrantlifeless: Oh?01:27
poolie... because, lp needs some things more recent than in lucid, that cannot be upgraded without breaking other packages?01:28
wgrantZope people use buildout.01:28
cody-somervilleand actually a more interesting question I have is, how difficult would it be to make the packaging building stuff (exclusively) a service? Ie. I use an API to provide a source package + chroot configuration and I get back the binaries01:28
wgrantSome other people are starting to use virtualenv, true, but it's not the way things have mostly worked in the past.01:28
lifelesspoolie: because we run multiple versions of launchpad concurrently in the same machine01:28
wgrantcody-somerville: With queueing?01:29
lifelesspoolie: such as when we're deploying an upgrade01:29
cody-somervillewgrant, yes01:29
lifelesswgrant: I think you're talking about something else, I know what other zope projects do, I'm talking about what we'd need.01:29
wgrantcody-somerville: It wouldn't be horrifyingly difficult to write a job to do that. But buildd-manager still depends on most of the rest of Launchpad.01:29
lifelesspoolie: wgrant: one of the first things I did as TA was analyse what we need from buildout, as part of looking to simplify things.01:29
wgrantlifeless: Most projects do not need to be locked to particular versions of libraries.01:30
poolieone way to look at this is, probably01:30
lifelessthe primary thing is having dependency V1 and V2 concurrently installed as we transition01:30
cody-somervillewgrant, just the buildd is already separated out, right?01:30
wgrantcody-somerville: Right.01:30
lifelesswgrant: it only takes one.01:30
poolieif launchpad itself was packaged, you couldn't run multiple (closely related) versions concurrently01:30
wgrantlifeless: Right.01:30
poolietherefore, they should actually be in separate chroots or something01:30
pooliegenerally speaking debian expects you'll have just one version at a time01:31
lifelesspoolie: huh?01:31
lifelesspoolie: we're talking deps, you're talking application.01:31
lifelesspoolie: for deps debian expects many versions in nearly every other language than python.01:31
lifelessC, C++, C#, perl (I think), ...01:31
cody-somervillewgrant, Does it have a well defined, generic API that would make it easy to just use say amazon's simple queue service and some dispatching glue code?01:32
wgrantcody-somerville: Hee hee.01:32
pooliemm i agree it would be good to support multiple versions in debian01:32
lifelesscody-somerville: we have rabbit, why would we use sqs?01:32
pooliejust don't know if that should be a dependency for getting more lp dependencies packaged01:33
lifelesscody-somerville: perhaps you should talk about what you want to do, now how to do it :) It might be a more effective discussion01:33
cody-somervillewgrant, Does it have a well defined, generic API that would make it easy to just use an existing queue solution such as rabbitmq and some dispatching glue code?01:33
lifelesspoolie: its not a dpeendency for getting them packaged; its a dependency for *using them from packages*01:33
cody-somervillelifeless, I am but you're getting hung up on the example I used. :P01:34
wgrantcody-somerville: My previous rofling stands.01:34
pooliethat's what i meant01:34
cody-somervillewgrant, seriously? :(01:34
poolieanyhow, in this particular case, we could use the packaged version?01:34
lifelesspoolie: we will be running 30 or more appservers per physical machine, I shudder at the idea of vm's or chroots in the mix.01:34
wgrantcody-somerville: It's not impossible.01:34
wgrantBut probably not terribly easy.01:34
poolieor is there a general thing of keeping it in sourcecode because we might want to change it?01:34
lifelesspoolie: in this case, yes.01:34
pooliewhere is the line?01:35
lifelesspoolie: if the packaged version matches our version needs, once its remoed from contrib we should just use the package automatically.01:35
cody-somervilleffs, why don't people just trust all the books that tell you that people WILL reuse your code :-(01:35
lifelesscody-somerville: I'm not hung up on it, I don't get your use case.01:35
wgrantcody-somerville: Probably because this was written in 2004 or so :(01:35
poolieno, what i meant was, what's the policy on using the packaged version?01:36
poolieis it as simple as saying if the distro's own package is adequate, we'll use it, otherwise not?01:36
lifelesspoolie: there isn't a hard one, its an engineering decision per package.01:36
lifelessI wouldn't use a high flux dependency (like bzrlib) from a package today.01:36
cody-somervillepoolie, thats what we do with OEM's image build system01:36
cody-somervillepoolie, we create a virtualenv and pip will only install dependencies that aren't already met by the system's site-packages01:37
pooliemm i see your point01:38
pooliein some ways it seems like a kludge not to update the bzr package and install that01:39
poolieof course it would be difficult to do staged testing then01:39
pooliei guess also it seems not quite perfectly safe to upgrade packages while they're being used01:39
cody-somervillelifeless, I want to be able to use the launchpad buildd farm directly to build source packages. ie. I use API to say I want to build this source package using this chroot configuration and it gives me back the binary packages.01:40
lifelesspoolie: ignoring the link-unlink bug, the problem is that we want version 1 running while version 2 is prepped and checked01:41
lifelesspoolie: and during that time, version 1 might restart (log rotation) or import a module it hadn't used before01:41
lifelesspoolie: in fact, for cronscript servers, we're continually starting new processes of version1 all the way until version2 is live01:42
wgrantcody-somerville: Why?01:43
lifelesscody-somerville: ok; so you want to not-publish-into-a-ppa and you want to specify the chroot rather than it being inferred from the target ppa01:43
lifelesscody-somerville: we could certainly refactor to have a dedicated layer for that01:44
poolieassuming the python multiple version problem is solved, would you use that?01:44
lifelesspoolie: I'm very keen to use more distro packages of python.01:44
poolieit seems unidiomatic to have separate package names at very fine granularity01:44
wgrantlifeless: Another requirement is custom sources.list entries.01:44
pooliebut perhaps we would have stable on bzr2.2.2 and staging on bzr2.2.301:44
lifelesswgrant: right, we'd need complete parameterisation01:44
wgrantWhich is messy.01:45
cody-somervillewgrant, we already can do that01:45
wgrantcody-somerville: Not... really.01:45
lifelesscody-somerville: we inject those into the chroot, its not a different chroot01:45
lifelesscody-somerville: *you* might be willing to run with a different chroot, but lp can't sensibly.01:45
lifelesswe'd have thousands01:45
cody-somervilleI don't actually want to use my own chroot with my current use case, just be able to define the sources.list really01:46
poolielifeless, i'd like to have a talk sometime today, or tomorrow01:46
wgrantIdeally the build farm would not really be part of LP.01:47
cody-somervillewgrant, +1000001:47
lifelesswgrant: why?01:47
cody-somervillelifeless, makes it easier to reuse the code01:47
pooliewill just do a couple more chores then ping you01:47
poolieif that suits01:47
lifelesscody-somerville:  that doesn't really follow :)01:48
lifelesspoolie: sure01:48
cody-somervillelifeless, it currently sounds like I'd have to setup an entire launchpad instance to reuse the code or to deploy my own instance01:48
cody-somervillelifeless, plus, the buildd farm stuff really has no need knowing anything about launchpad its self - so why make it? :)01:49
lifelesstheres a bunch of opportunities we haven't capitalised on01:50
cody-somervillethey can all be done at a higher level01:50
lifelesssomething we'd want to make all this done better would be to have web callbacks for things completing01:51
wgrantlifeless: Because Launchpad is really huge and unnecessarily monolithic. The build farm is sensibly reusable, so it is a good target for ripping out.01:51
lifelesswgrant: I'm pro that if we sort the interface out properly first01:51
wgrantlifeless: That would seem to be a requirement regardless.01:51
lifelesswgrant: The worry I have, is that if the goal is 'rip out' then sorting out the interface becomes secondary and 'good enough' often isn't.01:53
lifelesswgrant: if the priority is instead 'get a really clean interface and make use of the build farm in better ways' - and if by chance someone can extract it later, thats fine with me.01:54
wgrantlifeless: If we do not clean up the interface, there is little direct benefit to ripping it out.01:55
cody-somervilleSo to reveal my master plan, I know that OEM Services isn't going to run our own deployment of launchpad - we don't want to - and I know that launchpad.net isn't going to be able to meet all of OEM Services's needs while meeting everyone elses at the same time which is why I'd like to be able to build custom services that are a perfect fit for us on top of services provided by Launchpad so I don't have to reinvent the wheel o01:55
cody-somerviller duplicate resources.01:55
wgrantThat is a large part of my desire to chop LP into little pieces.01:55
wgrantcody-somerville: Why can we not provide all of your needs?01:55
lifelessbeat me to it this time.01:55
wgrantWe should be trying to fix LP -- whatever that may entail -- before we try to work around it.01:56
cody-somervillewgrant, because you have to have the same behavior across launchpad and the desired behavior for OEM Services, Ubuntu, and upstream projects conflict.01:56
cody-somervillePlus some things won't be appropriate in Launchpad at all and you guys would hate us if we made you hack something in and we'd be angry that it wasn't maintained very well and we can't just do it all ourselves as it would duplicate part of something Launchpad does well01:58
cody-somervilleugh, not typing very well but that seems readable, yes?01:58
lifelesscody-somerville: we need all projects in lp to be consistent, we don't need distros to be the same as projects01:59
wgrantlifeless: Yes we dooooooooo.01:59
wgrantThey should be the same object.01:59
wgrantAnything else is just a mess of pain and user confusion.01:59
lifelesswgrant: if we sort out project groups, sure.01:59
wgrantcody-somerville: What sort of things do you want? Your needs are not terribly unique.01:59
wgrantlifeless: Project groups are a bug.01:59
lifelesswgrant: one solution to grouping things; one I'm not terribly happy with, but not a bug per se.02:00
cody-somervillewgrant, Our needs are considerable unique.02:00
lifelesscody-somerville: will you be @ the rally?02:00
cody-somervillelifeless, No, sorry.02:01
wgrantcody-somerville: Some of your specific needs, sure.02:01
lifelesscody-somerville: I'd like to do this on specifics, not on generic statements.02:01
wgrantBut your need for extensions is not unique.02:01
cody-somervillelifeless, Agreed.02:01
cody-somervillewgrant, True which is why I think its entirely possible for launchpad to make it really easy for us to build services on top of launchpad services and everyone be happy.02:01
wgrantcody-somerville: Exactly.02:02
lifelessour generic requirement to find good defaults and unconfusing extensions does not mean 'cannot mean OEM's needs'02:02
wgrantExcept that you probably shouldn't be trying to run your own instances of every service.02:02
wgrantYou should probably be able to integrate with Launchpad.net.02:02
wgrant(argh, I wish the code had been released as "Rocketfuel" or similar, so we didn't have "Launchpad" vs "Launchpad.net" :()02:03
cody-somervilleWe don't want to. For example, we want to use the launchpad buildd farm but we want to do our own upload processing. Maybe in the future Soyuz will be able to do what we want to do there but it'll be a long time out. Part of the desire to do this is to improve turn around on meeting our needs and not wanting to bloat Launchpad02:03
cody-somerville*and also02:04
wgrantcody-somerville: Why do you need to do your own upload processing? And is there a good reason to run your own build farm?02:04
cody-somervillewgrant, A good example is that we want to have the project name as the target instead of the Ubuntu release name. It would take a lot of work to make that possible in Soyuz right now but in the future, if this was our only requirement, we'd switch to using Soyuz upload processing again when it became possible.02:06
cody-somervillewgrant, I can think of no way to justify the cost of hardware for us to set up our own build farm02:07
wgrantcody-somerville: Then you probably want to integrate with the Launchpad build farm, rather than set up your own.02:07
cody-somervillewgrant, neither could the c-level execs which is why we are now using PPAs to build our packages instead of traditional debian dak buildds02:07
lifelesswe're /not/ going to run multiple competing control nodes02:08
cody-somervillewgrant, Sorry if I haven't been clear. We absolutely want to which is why I was asking my previous questions about refractoring the code.02:09
wgrantcody-somerville: But you don't want it split out so you can run your own.02:09
wgrantYou want to be able to inject your own things into the queue.02:09
cody-somervillewgrant, in the future, we may want to supplement our own capacity to build packages using a private farm02:10
wgrantcody-somerville: Then we can probably use builder pools.02:10
wgrantWhich don't exist, but have been devised.02:10
cody-somervillewgrant, thats fine too02:10
cody-somervillewgrant, basically I just want to be able to use the buildd farm like one can use pbuilder (in terms of input and output, roughly)02:12
lifelessso devs will use it directly like that ?02:12
cody-somervillelifeless, No. What I'm envisioning is that our engineers will upload the source package to our upload processor which will handle our unique constraint checks and then use launchpad API to queue it for building with the right sources.list02:14
cody-somervillethen we'll poll for completed builds, download the binaries, and install them into our archive02:14
lifelesscody-somerville: so I think you've spent a bunch of time thinking about this *without us*02:14
lifelessand framed the problem as 'how to workaround launchpad'02:14
lifelessthis isn't helpful :)02:15
lifelesscody-somerville: What I'd like to do is just design something that directly adds in what you need; it sounds like the first thing you need is a callback for constraint checking02:15
cody-somervillelifeless, I don't think so. I've shared exactly what I wanted out of Soyuz with the soyuz team almost two years ago.02:15
wgrantWell, thinking about how to fix Launchpad also isn't entirely helpful.02:15
wgrantThis may change in January.02:15
wgrantWhen we are actually capable of responding to requirements.02:15
lifelesscody-somerville: its not visible to me in my TA role unless it was captured somewhere, which it doesn't seem to have been.02:16
cody-somervillelifeless, I even reiterated over it in June with Jono Lange and kiko in Lexington.02:16
cody-somervillelifeless, I don't believe you were the TA then02:16
wgrantJulian is aware of it.02:16
wgrantWe are aware of it.02:16
* cody-somerville nods.02:16
wgrantBut this is all about to become irrelevant :(02:16
lifelesscody-somerville: I wasn't.02:17
lifelesscody-somerville: July :)02:17
lifelesscody-somerville: so polling is a performance and bandwidth hog02:18
cody-somervillelifeless, in the future we'd have web callback02:18
lifelesscody-somerville: would a callback from lp @ the constraint checking stage help you today ?02:18
cody-somervillelifeless, for some of our requirements, yes02:19
cody-somervillelifeless, but we still wouldn't be able to use the project name as the target02:19
lifelesscody-somerville: we may need more than one change to meet all your needs.02:20
wgrantcody-somerville: Why can't you use separate archives?02:20
cody-somervillewgrant, we do currently, one for each project02:20
cody-somervillewgrant, the issue is that the target has to be the Ubuntu series02:20
wgrantIs this a problem?02:20
cody-somervillewgrant, and that'll take a lot of work (pretty much rewriting soyuz) to make that work02:21
wgrantThe scale of the problem depends on why it is a problem.02:21
cody-somervillewgrant, yes. engineers are forever uploading to the wrong series (and then think something is wrong and think soyuz is broken again), its more difficult to track the changes now since we have projects that inherit from other projects, and several times packages have been accidentally uploaded to Ubuntu (but were rejected for other reasons thank goodness).02:22
wgrantcody-somerville: It sounds like you want series-restricted PPAs, and probably to remove the default dput target...02:23
cody-somervilleits not the dput target I'm talking about02:23
cody-somervilleits the target in the changelog (which is the default value for the Distribution field in the .changes file)02:24
wgrantThe dput target was for the Ubuntu part.02:24
wgrantAlso, even now you can put whatever you want in the Distribution field, if you also add the series to the path.02:25
wgrantIt's not that ingrained.02:25
cody-somervillere: series-restricted, sorta but I'd rather think of it like being able to create an archive and be able to configure my own suites02:25
wgrantRight. But that's a little harder.02:25
wgrantNot *terribly* difficult. But substantially harder.02:25
cody-somervillecause thats our biggest barrier to using launchpad for our archive management02:25
lifeless=== Top 10 Time Out Counts by Page ID ===02:26
lifeless    Hard / Soft  Page ID02:26
lifeless      92 /  266  BugTask:+index02:26
lifeless      91 / 5150  Archive:+index02:26
lifeless      41 /  263  Distribution:+bugs02:26
lifeless      26 /  114  ProjectGroupSet:CollectionResource:#project_groups02:26
lifeless      17 /   37  MailingListApplication:MailingListAPIView02:26
lifeless      13 /    4  Product:+filebug-show-similar02:26
wgrant!! I am no longer winning :D02:26
lifeless      11 /  190  POFile:+translate02:26
lifeless      11 /   12  DistroSeriesLanguage:+index02:26
lifeless       8 /    2  ProjectGroup:+milestones02:26
lifeless       8 /    2  Distribution:+builds02:26
lifelesswgrant: so are02:26
wgrantSoft timeouts don't count.02:26
lifelessyeah, they do.02:27
* wgrant finds a recent oops.02:27
wgrantOh, that's right.02:30
wgrantLast time I looked at this I noticed that there were many seconds of Python time which didn't make sense.02:31
wgrantPresumably single-threading may eliminate that.02:31
lifelessI've mailed flacoste asking him to bump it up now I'm back02:33
wgrantIt's possible that the view is buggy, but 2.5 seconds after a 100ms query that should only return a few dozen objects seems unlikely.02:34
poolielifeless, hi, how about now?02:54
StevenKsubunit-filter, you make me sad and I hate you05:28
lifelessStevenK: perhaps a more constructive version of same would garner more useful responses than this05:39
StevenKlifeless: 'subunit-ls | subunit-filter --no-success' shows me a lot more than the failed tests05:39
StevenKBut I still hate using subunit since it's obtuse05:39
lifelesssubunit-ls does not output subunit05:40
lifelessyou want subunit-filter | subunit-ls05:40
StevenKOh, damn it05:41
StevenKThe upgrade in the background played with postgres05:41
StevenKlifeless: Can I have that tell me which tests failed, without the traceback?05:43
lifelesswhat traceback ?05:44
StevenKOh, it's a frinxing doctest05:44
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
adeuringgood morning08:53
al-maisanGood morning09:21
mrevellHey, I've come back after the holiday and now find that when I try to run make schema in devel I get a message asking me to run link-external-sourcecode. devel is usually the target I link to, though, so I'm a bit confused. Any ideas?09:33
wgrantmrevell: Try 'utilities/link-external-sourcecode ../../lp-sourcedeps'09:35
mrevellThanks wgr09:36
mrevellSeems to have done the job, thanks wgrant.09:37
mrevellallenap, Around?09:53
allenapmrevell: Yep, what's up?09:53
mrevellallenap, Remember the egg problem I was having last year? (Couldn't find a distribution for 'testtools==0.9.8-r151'.)  I don't suppose you've got any other ideas on how I can get round it?09:54
mrevellallenap, Don't worry if you don't remember :)09:55
allenapmrevell: Mmm, I don't really remember the problem. Do you have a paste of it?09:56
mrevellallenap, Sure: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/550154/09:57
lifeless /win 7109:59
stub$ ls -al download-cache/dist/testtools-0.9.8-r151.tar.gz09:59
stub-rw-r--r-- 1 stub stub 83750 2010-12-07 12:34 download-cache/dist/testtools-0.9.8-r151.tar.gz09:59
stubmrevell: Does your tree have that?09:59
* mrevell checks10:00
lifelessstub: hi10:01
mrevellstub, No, it doesn't. I've tried rf-setup in the hope that might pull down whatever's missing but it hasn't helped.10:01
lifelessstub: wgrant was hoping to talk to you about the archive:+index timeout bug - 400ms queries.10:01
wgrantOh, right, forgot about that.10:01
* wgrant finds an OOPS.10:01
lifelesswgrant: linked in ze bug :)10:01
stubmthaddon: cd download-cache; bzr up10:01
lifelesss/mthaddon/mrevell :P10:01
stubmrevell: ^^^ (sorry mthaddon)10:02
mrevellthanks stuv10:02
mrevellheh, and I failed to write your name10:02
stubmrevell: Update scripts should be doing that for you. Perhaps there is one you are not running?10:03
wgrantrocketfuel-setup should run rocketfuel-get which updates download-cache.10:03
stubUnless things are misconfigured and it is updating some random location :)10:03
mrevellstub, Ah, I'm hitting a repository format error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/550164/ ... I'm trying a bzr upgrade10:04
wgrantstub: https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1817D1186 <- the query count should now be constant, but the remaining queries are being rather slow.10:04
wgrantstub: Any suggestions?10:05
stubNoScript update thinks Ubuntu SSO is doing XSS.10:06
wgrantIt probably is.10:07
stubwgrant: I think we are going to need to eliminate those big IN (list, of, constants) - they used to benchmark fairly well (years ago) but that seems to be the common factor on the slow queries.10:07
wgrantstub: :(10:08
lifelessstub: really?10:08
stubI don't know - just my spidey sense.10:08
lifelessstub: thats going to play havoc with complex datasets10:08
lifeless(because prejoining across many tables performs terribly in storm due to deserialisation overheads and cache-replacement-thrashing)10:09
stubSome unions in there that look suspicious too10:09
stubAnd those tables have been getting pretty darn big now we have several whole distro releases in there.10:10
stub((seven table join with unnecessary ORDER BY) UNION (five table join with unnecessary ORDER BY)) ORDER BY id10:14
stub(query 22 at over 1s)10:15
stublifeless: We shouldn't have cache replacement issues - the appserver runs with a big cache (10,000). And if that isn't big enough, we can spare some more RAM.10:21
stub(storm cache that is - the current config specifies size 10000 and generational cache for the appservers.10:21
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
deryckMorning, all.12:02
deryckHappy New Year!12:02
bigjoolsMerry New Year!12:06
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
=== mrevell_ is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
bachi deryck13:53
deryckhi bac13:53
bacderyck: hope you had a good break.13:53
bacderyck: i've got a question for you about QA and bug mail13:53
deryckbac: indeed, a wonderful break.  Thanks!  and hope your's was good.13:54
deryckbac: sure, shoot.13:54
bacso i need to qa the fix for bug 57950213:54
_mup_Bug #579502: Do not send notifications to registrants (and never if the pillar does not use bugs) <bugjam2010> <lp-bugs> <qa-needstesting> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/579502 >13:54
bacbut bugmail does not appear to be sent from qastaging13:55
bacand, if i remember what sinzui said yesterday, it isn't sent by staging either13:55
deryckbac: I thought qastaging mail was sent to the staging mailbox.13:55
bacderyck: so can you give me some advice on how to QA a bug mail branch?13:55
deryckbac: we usually do some action, have losas run the send bugmail script, and then check the mail in the staging mailbox.13:56
bacderyck: really?  sinzui indicated there was a separate qastaging@ mailbox...but the mail sending script wasn't being run13:56
deryckmail isn't sent via cron, so you need a losa.13:56
bacderyck: ok, so the script is run on demand?13:56
bacwell, then, that's the missing link13:56
deryckbac: right.  and I wasn't aware of a separate mailbox, but maybe that's the case now.13:56
bacderyck: thanks.  those are two good pieces of ammo to move forward!13:57
deryckbac: np!13:57
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
jcsacketthenninge: ping.14:53
henningeHi jcsackett! ;)14:54
jcsacketthi, henninge. i was wondering how the qa on recife was going?14:54
henningejcsackett: still ongoing but looks good. ;)14:55
jcsacketthenninge: cool, thanks. :-)14:55
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
bigjoolsanyone know if there's a bug filed about the screwy branch diff overlay?16:18
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== Edwin__ is now known as EdwinGrubbs
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
deryckbigjools: there's one filed about it being too wide on bug pages17:06
* gmb EoDs.17:07
bigjoolsderyck: ah I don't think that's the same.  The top of it is off the page for me, and on Chromium it's not even formatted properly.17:07
bigjoolsfor the latter, it takes up the whole page17:07
deryckbigjools: the bug I'm think of was Chromium specific, so maybe related then.  but nothing about those issues specifically that I recall.17:08
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
bigjoolsbac: thanks for fixing that has_*_ppa stuff!17:39
bacbigjools: np.17:39
=== benji is now known as benji-lunch
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=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
lifelessflacoste: We're popping into the hospital this morning, in about 2 hrs for $unknown-duration18:48
lifelessflacoste: if there's anything more you want to discuss before then would be good :)18:48
flacostelifeless: nope, we are good18:49
=== benji-lunch is now known as benji
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
maxbIs there any systematic distinction between lp.code and lp.codehosting ?21:35
mwhudsonmaxb: ish21:52
maxbdo tell :-)21:52
mwhudsoni guess you could say that lp.code is the code for the code tab in the webapp21:53
mwhudsonlp.codehosting is for the stuff that deals in bzr branch data21:53
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-afk
lifelessmwhudson: / thumper: either of you aware of any reason we can't move from internal-xmlrpc to apis for the code* stuff?23:20
mwhudsonlifeless: there are some that shouldn't be accessible from the wider world23:21
mwhudsonand it would be nice to do authentication more tidily, but that's a bit orthogonal really23:21
lifelessmwhudson: why not?23:21
lifelessI mean23:21
lifelessshould they be limited to some service account23:21
lifelessand we simply don't use from outside23:22
lifelessor would they be an actual problem if the outside used it even on the service acocunt?23:22
mwhudsoni think limiting to a service account would be ok23:24
lifelessI'd like to get rid of the internal xmlrpc 'cluster'23:24
lifelessit requires manual load balancing and complicates haproxy substantially23:24
pooliei'd like to change bzr to stop using external xmlrpc too23:34
lifelessthe anonymous lp-api interface should permit a crafted url with no indirection.23:35
lifelessif we bypass all the restful overhead, it should be tolerably fast23:35
lifelesssinzui: what teams use polls?23:39
wgrant~ubuntumembers has in the past.23:40
wgrantFor CC elections.23:40
lifelesswell, its coming back is all23:40
wgrantRecent DMB elections have used an external Condorcet service, though.23:40
lifelessyes, I know.23:40
lifelesswgrant: I'm asking sinzui because of his MP23:40
wgrantIt is tempting to restrict them by FF to grandfather them for certain teams.23:41
wgrantBut that sounds difficult.23:41
lifelesspretty easy23:41
lifelesshowever hard to explain23:42

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