
wgrantlifeless: Interested in a very challenging +1/-194 review?02:50
wgrantSpeaking of reviews, I probably want to find a mentor at some point.02:51
wgrantlifeless: Thanks.02:59
StevenKwgrant: And a 4 digit bug closure! Win!05:16
wgrantStevenK: That was the main purpose of the branch.05:22
adeuringgmb: already around?09:26
gmbadeuring: Yes. I'll be starting reviews at the top of the hour.09:27
gmbHappy new year, by the way :)09:27
adeuringgmb: happy new year to you too :)09:27
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gmbadeuring: I think it's worth refactoring the part of test_user_access_to_private_bug_attachment() that deals with disabling the redirect mechanism in the test HTTP client out into its own method or even a standalone function; it's complex enough that it doesn't really fit in the middle of the test without confusing the reader (well, me, anyway) and we may want to use it elsewhere at some point.10:34
adeuringgmb: yes, I'll do that. thanks for the suggestion!10:34
gmbadeuring: Cool. I've got a couple of other comments but nothing major, so r=me with that refactoring.10:35
adeuringgmb: thanks!10:35
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jelmerhappy new year gmb, and thanks for the review!11:42
gmbjelmer: Happy new year; you're welcome :)11:43
mrevellHello there gmb. Happy new year and belated congrats on your first anniversary :) I wonder if you'd fancy looking at a branch with two simple text changes? https://code.launchpad.net/~matthew.revell/launchpad/VAT-update/+merge/4511311:57
gmbmrevell: Hello, good morning, thankee, thankee and yes of course.11:59
mrevellta :)11:59
gmbmrevell: What editor are you using? It appears to be adding DOS line endings (or is that deliberate?)12:03
gmbActually, they're all over the tour HTML files, by the look of it.12:04
gmb... okay, no, I'm wrong. Just tour/api so far...12:05
mrevellgmb, Gedit, although the original HTML for the tour was done by an external contractor on some sort of Mac, I believe. AFAIK I'm preserving whatever the file uses at the time. Perhaps I should strip the DOS line endings.12:08
gmbmrevell: Yes, I think that would be best. Otherwise, you end up with a situation where we get noise in the diffs just because an editor does something with the line endings.12:09
gmbmrevell: Other than that, r=me.12:10
mrevellgmb, Thanks. I'll fix those line endings.12:11
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jcsackettallenap: i updated the mp you were looking at before the break.14:11
jcsacketti had bac take a look at it since i wasn't sure how long you were out for, but i'd still love for you to take a look and make sure i addressed your concerns.14:11
allenapjcsackett: Okay, cool, I'll go and take a look.14:13
jcsackettallenap: thanks!14:13
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bigjoolsmrevell: hi, fancy reviewing a UI mockup?14:16
mrevellbigjools, I'd love to.14:16
bigjoolsmrevell: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/DerivativeDistributions14:16
bigjoolsin fact14:17
bigjoolssee the first 214:17
mrevellThanks bigjools, I'll get onto that now.14:17
bigjoolsmrevell: we can have a Grumble if that helps14:17
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bigjoolsmrevell: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/DerivativeDistributions updated a bit15:50
mrevellThanks bigjools15:50
Edwin__gmb: Can you review this branch? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~edwin-grubbs/launchpad/bug-682727-bug-count-timeout/+merge/4514116:41
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gmbEdwinGrubbs: Sure.16:42
gmbEdwinGrubbs: r=me with a couple of minor nitpicks16:52
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EdwinGrubbsgmb: thanks16:52
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benjileonardr and mars: you two can thumb wrestle over https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/bug-669701/+merge/4517120:39
leonardri'll get it20:40
leonardrmars, then maybe you can review a couple small branches of mine20:42
leonardrbenji, can you make diff_rules a method of the view instead of a free-floating function?20:45
benjileonardr: I can.20:46
leonardrcan you do anything about that lines_of_context = 99999? is there some 'unlimited' constant?20:47
benjileonardr: unfortunately not; it's required to be a number (arithmatic is performed on it)20:49
benjire. diff_rules, since it doesn't use self, I assume you want it to be a class method, correct?20:50
benjier, not a classmethod a staticmethod20:50
leonardrbenji: i don't think it matters much, but i don't know much about the best practices of views20:52
leonardrmaybe mars can weigh in20:52
leonardrgo ahead and make it a static method. the main thing is that it be close to the place that uses it20:53
leonardri do think your code in line 150-151 violates our style guide20:53
leonardrit should be more like20:54
leonardr name="field.feature_rules").value = (20:54
leonardr  'beta_user some_key 10 another value with spaces')20:54
leonardriow the parenthesis should be the last thing on the line, and you should add parentheses to avoid exceeding the line limit20:54
benjiok, I'll change that (that'll be a hard one for me to remember)20:56
leonardrsame futher along in the diff20:59
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benjileonardr: hmm, I can't find the second one, what is the line number in the diff?21:00
leonardrbenji: around 153?21:00
benjioh, yeah I already changed that one21:01
leonardri think that's it21:01
benjicool, thanks21:02
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benjileonardr: given that this has a (admin-only) UI component, should it get UI review too?21:10
leonardrbenji: yes, they may want to change the way you display the diff or something21:11
benjileonardr: ok, thanks; do I have to wait until a ui reviewer is on call or is there some other mechanism for getting ui reviews?21:12
leonardrbenji: you should ping a ui reviewer21:12
benjisinzui: do you have a moment for a (hopefully quick) UI review?21:13
benjisinzui: great! the MP describes how to see the UI change in question: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/bug-669701/+merge/4517121:14
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leonardrmars, my small branches #1:21:22
marsleonardr, ok21:22
leonardroops, that's the wrong mp21:22
leonardrthat's the mp for my launchpadlib branch21:22
leonardr1 sec21:22
sinzuibenji. When I use other forms, Lp uses an info notification to tell my my change was applied. I can be hacked in the template as you have done, but it is more commonly added using self.request.response.addNotification21:23
sinzuiWhy is this form different21:23
* sinzui expects to see a div with the class="message info" to make it look like other changes21:24
benjisinzui: I used self.request.response.addNotification originally when I just had the "Your changes have been applied" message, but since I had the diff to include addNotification didn't seem appropriate21:24
benjiand mixing them seemed odd (but I'm glad to do it if that's the status quo)21:25
benjithe class="message info" seems like a good idea, I'll do that21:25
leonardrmars: ok, the branches are21:26
marsleonardr, did you push the latest version?  I don't see the "Removed a doctest" bit21:26
leonardrand then https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpadlib/launchpad-integration/+merge/4517621:26
sinzuibenji: class="informational message" is correct, but I see you point about oddness.21:27
* sinzui tries to hack it21:27
leonardrmars: i think you're reading the wrong merge proposal? the one i posted to https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/launchpadlib-integration/+merge/45174 by mistake?21:27
marsleonardr, I don't see the "removed a test" bit in the first branch21:27
leonardrthe doctest removal is in launchpadlib, not launchpad21:27
marsleonardr, same message for both commits?21:27
marserr, MPs21:27
leonardrmars: if you reload https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/launchpadlib-integration/+merge/45174 you'll see a comment with an updated commit21:28
marsah :)21:28
sinzuibenji: r=me. I do not want to introduce a blue, yellow, red, and green splotch to a page and risk giving a beloved losa  a seizure21:32
benjisinzui: to be clear: you're approving it without any changes?21:32
benjicool, thanks21:33
marsleonardr, still reading the second one, found a note or two so far22:10
leonardrmars, great22:16
marsjust finished22:17
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leonardrmars: i have an unrelated question about ec2 test. i'm getting "aws credentials could not be loaded" on my new computer when i try to do ec2 test. do you know what i need to copy over from my old computer?22:38
marsleonardr, copy the $HOME/.ec2 directory22:38
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