
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
maxblifeless: 1. Rename the old cscvs import branch to old-foobar or foobar-cscvs. 2. Munge the import URL to defeat LP's dupe checking of import URLs. 3. Register a new import.00:32
lifelessis there a bug filed about that00:39
maxbA bug filed about what?00:40
maxbThe dupe checking is useful enough that I would not advocate removing it00:41
maxbalthough it's somewhat defeated by, for example, Git via git:, vs. via http:00:41
jelmermaxb: In the case of dupes we could just have multiple names for the same branch (ideally)00:43
maxbThat would seem confusing, to no purpose00:43
jelmermaxb: I don't think it would really be confusing - why is it problematic to have (effectively) two mirrors of the same upstream branch00:44
jelmerit is now possible that somebody registers a mirror and thereby blocks anybody else from registering the same mirror00:44
jelmerand without guarantees that branch will e.g. still be around in two months, or that it will still contain a mirror00:44
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lifelessmaxb: thats a complex process others cannot easily invent01:57
lifelessmaxb: we should make it easy and straight forward01:58
ftawhat's the format of the 'created_since_date' Parameter in the lp API?07:14
wgrantfta: In launchpadlib, give it a Python datetime. The bare webservice should use ISO8601, I believe.07:15
ftawgrant, ok. so no "1 month ago" syntax then07:19
wgrantfta: Not in the raw API, no.07:21
wgrantIt's easy enough if you're using launchpadlib, though.07:21
ftawgrant, can i get those ppa stats from something else than a getPublishedBinaries() ?08:14
wgrantfta: Not at the moment.08:15
ftai mean, how to get stats for older binaries (superseded)08:16
wgrantfta: getPublishedBinaries takes a status argument.08:16
wgrantYou can get superseded/deleted binaries from it.08:16
ftait's not documented? it says just published and pending08:17
ftawgrant, Can I do an "OR"?08:20
ftai want all states08:20
wgrantfta: Normally a method like that would accept a list. But this one appears not to. You'll have to run it multiple times.08:22
wgrantfta: The documentation shows all five possible statuses, AFAICT...08:23
wgrantYou're looking on Build?08:23
wgrantOr source_package_publishing_history?08:23
wgrantsource_package_publishing_history.getPublishedBinaries is not the usual way to get to binaries. I tend to use the method on archive.08:24
wgrantsource_package_publishing_history.getBuiltBinaries might do what you want, but it's not exported yet.08:24
* wgrant vanishes for a while.08:25
zygahi, what does "Release URL pattern" actually define?10:28
zygais it supposed to discover released tarballs somehow?10:28
zygaif so how can I debug it?10:28
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andriihi, Is 'annotate' feature in launchpad web-interface supposed to work? I am always getting 'Please try again' message:12:07
maxbandrii: it's supposed to, but is somewhat fragile12:16
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ftawgrant, i sort of managed to extract some stats for one of my daily ppas, but it takes ages, and ends up dying: OOPS-1830C107712:24
wgrantfta: You're sure that's the right OOPS ID?12:31
wgrantSomething is wrong here.12:32
ftawgrant, i think so. here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/550201/12:34
wgrantfta: Thanks.12:34
ftawgrant, i got a lots of stats though. it died after 1h15..12:40
wgrantfta: If you can work out nice things to do with them, we can work to expose more efficient APIs.12:41
wgrantfta: This is just the initial cut that I whipped together in half an hour a few months ago.12:41
wgrantMostly to check that we had the data in the DB properly.12:42
wgrantNot for actual use.12:42
wgrantfta: Oh, interesting, it was getPublishedBinaries that failed.12:43
wgrantNot any of the download count stuff.12:43
ftawgrant, i have at least all the stats for chromium in the daily ppa for 2010. i've created some graphs already, they are not easy to read, but they are quite rich in information12:44
wgrantfta: I would be very interested to see what you come up with.12:44
ftagrrr. i need something better than openoffice for my charts, not enough control.12:46
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trijntjeping fta13:17
ftatrijntje, pong13:20
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trijntjeHi, I'm having some trouble locating some of the string I need to translate in Chromium itself13:22
trijntjefor example this one: https://translations.launchpad.net/chromium-browser/translations/+pots/inspector-strings/nl/14/+translate13:22
ftatrijntje, oh, it's the inspector-strings template. this one needs a serious refresh upstream. i've already talked to the guy maintain it13:29
ftatrijntje, that particular string ends up in a javascript file, loaded by the web inspector. but it's not possible to see it translated at the moment. there's a problem with build system.13:31
ftatrijntje, so that's the only template for which i'm collecting translations, but which is not used right now. should be fixed in the coming days/weeks13:33
trijntjefta, so I should wait with translating inspector-strings? Or is it just that one string?13:36
ftatrijntje, you can wait if you're not racing for the perfect score like the other 4 langs ;)13:39
fta    this.Warnings = {13:40
fta        IncorrectMIMEType: {id: 0, message: WebInspector.UIString("Resource interpreted as %s but transferred with MIME type %s.")}13:40
fta    };13:41
ftatrijntje, ^^13:41
trijntjefta, there is a race? I didnt know that:P13:41
ftatrijntje, ^^ the 1st 4 are updating their strings almost every day13:43
trijntjehmm, most are already done13:43
trijntjewell most, a few at least13:44
ftatrijntje, yep, but they are new strings almost everyday too (it's a very active trunk)13:44
trijntjefta, ok, I didnt know that. I did install the daily ppa just now so I can test the translations13:45
ftatrijntje, good. you should see everything translated except the inspector (for now)13:46
trijntjeBut i'm still a bit confused about inspector-strings, how can I see the context of those strings in the program itself?13:46
ftathe grd is helpful13:47
ftait shows "Resource interpreted as <ph name="REAL_TYPE">%1$s<ex>text/javascript</ex></ph> but transferred with MIME type <ph name="SPECIFIED_TYPE">%2$s<ex>text/javascript</ex></ph>"13:50
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
bachello launchpad.  i'm the help contact today -- ping me if you have questions or need help.13:53
ftatrijntje, did it help?14:01
trijntjefta, not really, I'm not familiar with .grd or .js files. Maybe I'll just postpone those strings for later14:02
ftatrijntje, i mean, the grd has some examples for the variable placeholders which gettext can't expose. it's often enough to properly translate the strings14:05
marine1Is this a help Chanel to formulate questions for launchpad??14:09
trijntjefta, I see. I've bookmarked that link so I can use it when I go back to translate inspector-strings later on. Thanks for your time14:11
ftatrijntje, i will blog about this, as i guess it's confusing for a lot of translators14:12
henningemarine1: it is14:12
trijntjefta, yeah, I mostly go look around in the program itself to find out where a string occurs and what it means. But chromium has way more comments with every string than any other program I've worked on so far, which I really helpful14:14
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marine1henninge: O.K. what I want to describe is after I used updated manager my system has several problems14:25
maxbmarine1: That sounds like you have issues with Ubuntu, not Launchpad itself. Perhaps you want #ubuntu14:27
marine1maxb: i triesd that already and didn't get the answer I was lookng for14:27
maxbThis channel concerns the use of launchpad.net itself, but not projects that just happen to use Launchpad services14:29
marine1maxb: yeah I don't a rpoblem per say with Launchpad just trying to get helpwith my issues14:29
marine1maxb: can you give me direction that i should go or just post the problem on Launchpad and wait for help14:32
marine1maxb: ???14:34
marine1great Chanel here14:36
marine1lots of responses and feed back gotta love it14:36
marine1so that's what people do sit and stare and the chat board14:37
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stasbac: ping15:19
stasgot a minute?15:19
bachi stas.  yes, give me a second though.15:20
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
stasjust wanted to let you know if i can help with something about wierd bug newz mentioned15:21
newz2000stas: try it using the non-ajax version and see if it works or gives an oops15:25
bacstas: newz2000 means use https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/692785/+editstatus15:26
stasbac, newz2000 no oops, just the same response as here http://is.gd/k5th215:27
bacthanks stas, that is useful15:27
bacderyck: any ideas on why a public bug would not allow a logged in user to access +editstatus?  See ^^15:28
newz2000stas: ah, there is a diff team for bugs than for other stuff, maybe I need to put you on the right one15:28
newz2000stas: try now15:29
deryckbac: looking at scrollback15:29
deryckbac: so to toggle out of certain statuses you have to be in the bug supervisor group15:31
bacderyck: ok.  i was testing using an "unprivileged" account on LP.  it turns out someone had added that unprivileged user to some teams so that is why it worked15:32
bacderyck: the ajax error message needs some help.  i'll open a bug15:32
deryckbac: there is an existing bug on ajax error messages generally.  they all need help.  major help.15:33
bacderyck: http://i.imgur.com/WTDvo.png15:33
bacderyck: would this one be covered by that existing ajax bug?15:33
deryckbac: yeah, we've got that one noted.15:34
stasnewz2000: nothing changed on ajax version15:34
deryckbac: anytime you see that one, it's also a sign that the permissions are wrong.15:34
bacderyck: yes, i figured as much.  but was further confused by my testing as above.15:34
bacstas: you'll need to be added to the bug supervisor team if you want to change that status.  is that what newz2000 did already?15:35
newz2000bac: i've just done it now15:35
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stasnah, didn't help15:36
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bachi jelmer16:26
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Jeruvyevil spam bot on https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/139392, what is the proper method to deal with this?19:29
lifelesshttps://launchpad.net/~ja56 is the spammer19:53
lifelesslooks like a compromised account, early messages are fine19:54
lifelessbut a day later boom19:54
flacostejelmer: is there anything needed to QA bug 693743? shouldn't this been taged as no-qa?20:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 693743 in Launchpad itself "lp.archiveuploader.GPGV is unused" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69374320:08
flacostejelmer: same thing for bug 69375720:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 693757 in Launchpad itself "nascentupload-announcements breaks on python2.7" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69375720:10
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