
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
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micahghi, does DEB_BUILD_ARCH = armel for the native builders?05:46
loolmicahg: Yes; but it's usually a bad idea to check this09:59
StaRetjiis there a link for geexbox image for arm platform?11:09
ogralooking at the u-boot packaging i now understand why lool didnt want to do the package split11:53
ograno compat file, no build deps, debian/rules looks horrid ...11:56
ograwhy cant people just use a proper build system instead of making up debian/rules by hand11:57
loologra: I actually committed an u-boot-tools package in the Debian git repo this morning12:04
ograoh, cool12:04
ograthis rules file is just painful12:05
ogralool, any ETA when that will be in debian (i need it asap so i'm pondering to add it as patch for ubuntu)12:09
=== loafh is now known as loafhead
apwGrueMaster, can you remember what failed in your testing of omap from natty master13:40
micahglool: what's the proper way to check if something is an arm build vs not arm?13:53
hrwmicahg: 'arm build' as 'build on arm' or as 'build for arm'?13:57
micahghrw: build on arm13:57
hrw'uname -m' may be but debian packagers will want to kill you for it probably13:58
micahgright, I was looking at DEB_BUILD_ARCH, but apparently, that's not the best way?13:59
hrwmicahg: why you need check?14:03
micahghrw: --enable-thumb2 fails the firefox build on non-armel builds14:04
hrwrules2:  ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),armel hppa ia64 sparc))14:05
hrwmicahg: so use DEB_TARGET_ARCH check14:05
hrwDEB_BUILD_ARCH = amd64 DEB_TARGET_ARCH = armel is 100% proper btw14:06
* micahg is getting DEB_TARGET_ARCH not supported on maverick14:06
hrwlet me check how gcc do that14:07
loolmicahg: It's uncommon to check the architecture of the buildd14:07
loolmicahg: Usually you test what you're building /for/14:07
loolDEB_HOST_ARCH is the Debian architecture of the machine the package will run on14:08
hrwrules.defs:  TARGET_VARS := $(shell dpkg-architecture -f -a$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH) 2>/dev/null)14:08
hrwrules.defs:DEB_TARGET_ARCH              ?= $(call vafilt,$(TARGET_VARS),DEB_HOST_ARCH)14:08
loolmicahg: It would also be best to test the GNU CPU or something similar rather than the Debian architecture name; for instance the Debian armhf port is very similar to armel, but wont be covered by your test14:08
hrwsorry - it is done by different way in gcc14:09
loolmicahg: Perhaps you could explain your specific problem?  I'm not sure I can comment on which var you should use, as you only asked about native builds but I might have missed when you explained what you're building14:10
loolhrw: The packages like gcc which have the concept of a target architecture are fairly rare14:10
micahglool: well, I need to add a build option to arm only for firefox14:10
loolmicahg: Right, that's a good example of a case where you'd test DEB_HOST_ARCH, and *not* DEB_BUILD_ARCH14:11
loolmicahg: The main difference is when cross-compiling; when cross-compiling, DEB_BUILD_ARCH might be amd64 while DEB_HOST_ARCH is still armel14:11
micahgah, so HOST_ARCH is the right one, ok, that's good to know for the future14:12
micahgthanks lool14:18
janimo_micahg, I think it's a simpler change to not check at all and let ff configure drop the option if it is not suitable for the current arch14:27
micahgjanimo: I tried with it on for amd64 and the build failed14:45
janimomicahg, did it pass march arm to gcc?14:47
loolmicahg: Just saw your firefox changes; would you mind if we discussed these for a sec?14:47
micahglool: actually, I'm about to catch a bug, can we chat in a few hours?14:48
loolmicahg: Sure; I will send you an email14:48
micahgjanimo: I have to check the build log14:48
janimolool, you mean the change in the latest upload or something else?14:48
micahglool: thanks14:48
looljanimo: Yes, the THUMB2 one14:48
janimolool, I suggested that one to micahg to fix the FTBFS. Tested on a panda before that.14:49
janimothe details may need to be done differently but I think that flag needs to be passed14:49
looljanimo: Yup; do you want to be Cc:ed?14:50
janimolool, sure14:50
loolHmm apt-cache showsrc janimo wont give me your email address14:50
janimojani at ubuntu.com14:50
* lool <- tired14:51
looljanimo: thanks14:51
ogralool, is there any ETA for the debian u-boot upload or do we need to add the package split as ubuntu patch to get it in this week ?14:59
ogra(i think you disconnected above when i asked before)14:59
loologra: I've contacted Clint this morning to ask him to review these changes; they will hit Debian NEW in any case, so that will probably take some time; however, it wouldn't be too bad to copy the NEW package in Ubuntu15:08
ogralool, do you get any notification you could forward if that happens ?15:09
ogra(i mean if it hits NEW, I'll care for teh sync requests etc)15:12
loologra: Unfortunately, one can't sync from NEW; if I'm doing the upload, I'll tell you once it's done15:54
GrueMasterMorning (barely).15:58
GrueMasterogra: rsalveti:  apw: The issues I saw with the previous omap kernel prior to the break was that it literally didn't boot.  I couldn't get any feedback past u-boot loading the kernel.  Not even output from earlyprintk.16:00
GrueMasterI'm installing the new kernel now.16:02
rsalvetiGrueMaster: yeah, I'll also try it here, and then try to fix it if it doesn't work16:10
GrueMasterHmm.  Currently, it appears to be stuck on installing the linux-headers package.16:11
apwinstalling things in general is slow i think if you have the older dpkg16:13
rsalvetidoesn't seems to boot, will now debug to see why16:13
GrueMasterLooks like I was getting a segfault loop of some sort.  Rebooting.16:13
apwrsalveti, thanks16:14
apwrsalveti, are u gettting any console output at all ?16:14
rsalvetiapw: nops16:15
apwrsalveti, that sound fun to debug16:15
rsalvetiapw: :-)16:16
ograsounds like an issue with the console driver16:16
ogrado you have a monitor attached or do you try purely with serial ?16:17
rsalvetihm, ok, got something with earlyprintk16:17
davidmfolks, the weather report for Dallas is cold next week Daytime 8.3C and nighttime -2.77  Colder then usual around here16:26
davidmFor some of you that is warmer then you are at but for us it's cold16:26
rsalvetiouch, very cold for me hehe16:28
rsalvetiit's around 30C everyday around here16:28
rsalvetigood to know16:28
GrueMasterI vote we relocate to Sao Paulo.16:29
rsalvetihehe :-)16:29
ograat least i wont catch a cold16:29
ograwe have constantly around -3°C here (day and night)16:30
rsalvetiogra: apw: GrueMaster: ok, did boot, you now need to use ttyO2 instead of ttyS2, like panda16:34
rsalvetibecause of the newer console driver16:34
rsalvetibut I'm now getting tons of mmc i/o errors16:35
rsalvetiprobably a different issue, more debugging16:35
GrueMasterI had tried that when I tried the older kernel.16:35
apwrsalveti, sounds good!16:35
rsalvetiapw: will test it more around here, and compare the config with linaro's one16:35
apwGrueMaster, the kernel he is testing is two -rc's newer than the one you tested before xmas16:35
GrueMasterI know.16:36
GrueMasterJust saying that I had tried both serial port settings.16:36
apwGrueMaster, good to know, as that means things have improved by osmosis16:38
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rsalvetiapw: ogra: GrueMaster: full maverick desktop up and running16:41
rsalvetirebooted and now I didn't get any i/o error16:41
* rsalveti trying again16:42
ograapw, so can we get omap3 back ?16:42
rsalvetino calltrace during the bootlog16:42
rsalvetiI believe this could be a good start16:42
rsalvetithen we can just improve over the time, with more testing and etc16:42
rsalvetiat least I believe it's good enough to get images16:43
apwrsalveti, did you say that you have booted this one successfully ?16:45
ograyes he did :)16:45
rsalvetiapw: yup, 2 times16:45
apwGrueMaster, does it boot for you too ?16:45
ograwho cares about GrueMaster :P16:45
rsalvetilet me know try with a normal beagle16:45
rsalvetitried with a beagle-xM16:45
GrueMasterI'm having other non-kernel related issues atm.  Will try again shortly.16:45
ograhe always manages to break even the super solid things ;)16:45
GrueMasterIt's my job, that's what I do.16:46
GrueMasterI was hell with my toys.16:46
apwogra, ok tehcnically i can get this renabled yes, so you are going to use this kernel not the linaro in your images, thats the decision16:48
apwand your team is going to sign up to keeping it tested and working16:49
ograand yes16:49
GrueMasterbring it, big guy.16:50
=== njpatel|away is now known as njpatel
GrueMasterrsalveti: Did your patch for the serial port error on XM ever get integrated into the maverick kernel?16:52
ograi think i saw some noise about it this week16:52
rsalvetiGrueMaster: it's commited already I believe16:52
rsalvetilet me check again16:52
ograyup, mail says "applied"16:54
GrueMasterok, haven't seen it in proposed yet.16:55
ogranot uploaded16:55
apwyeah -proposed is somewhat behind Fix Committed over this xmas perios16:55
rsalvetinot uploaded, it's commited at the master-next16:55
rsalvetiogra: apw: GrueMaster: ok, also working fine at my beagle c416:56
rsalvetiso it seems to be good enough16:56
apwogra, so we are saying beagle is the target for the omap kernel16:57
ograapw, XM16:57
rsalvetiapw: yep, xM will be our main use case16:57
rsalvetias it's now quite popular16:57
rsalvetiand faster than a normal beagle16:57
apwso the acceptance criteria for that omap kernel is 'works on Beagle XM'16:57
loafheadMADISON, Wis. - Madison police are looking for a burglar who gave back a bottle of tequila after the homeowner hit him in the head.17:04
loafheadwrong window ;)17:04
rsalvetiapw: the config seems fine comparing with the older one from maverick and with linaro's one17:27
apwrsalveti, thanks for the confirmation17:28
GrueMasterMy 8G Class 10 SD cards finally came in.  Woohoo!20:52
rsalvetiluck bastard20:53
armin768g class= nice, new class? :D20:58
ograclass 10 isnt that new20:59
ograrsalveti, do you need any? i can buy them at the discounter and bring you some to the rally20:59
rsalvetiogra: would be good to have, I have none around21:00
rsalvetiogra: how much it cost usually around there?21:00
ograi'll have to check, i'll just bring a few, if you dont want them (or they are to expensive) i'll take them back again21:00
rsalvetiogra: cool, would like at least 2 :-)21:01
rsalvetinp, just to know, here the problem is that I can't find them easily21:01
rsalvetior without spending too much money21:01
GrueMasterI bought 2 8G for just under $30.  Last cycle, they were $45 each.21:01
rsalvetinice, good price21:02

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