
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre
coz_hey all16:08
dakervish, thorwil i am applying today ツ16:09
thorwildaker: membership? when and where is the meeting?16:11
dakerthorwil, today #ubuntu-meeting at 20:00 GMT/UTC16:12
thorwili'll try to be there16:13
dakerok thanks ツ16:13
vishdaker: hey.. good luck. (i can't make it , it would be nearly 4 am for me :)19:07
vishdaker: i'v written the testimonial right?  i forgot the link..19:07
dakervish, no worries ツ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdnaneBelmadiaf19:08
knomehey kwwii :)20:32

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