
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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GanymedeHello, I was thinking of installing Ubuntu 10.04 for some of our researchers as computer nodes. I want to install server so they will be supported for 5 years and they won't have to be touched after I leave. However, sometimes the researchers might want a desktop with vnc4server so I would have to install ubuntu-desktop. Will installing ubuntu-desktop on an Ubuntu server transform it into Ubuntu Desktop so that it would only have 3 years03:55
Ganymede of support?03:55
Ganymedes/computer nodes/compute nodes/03:56
GanymedeHmm...I meant to ask in #ubuntu-server...04:03
didrocksgood morning08:04
pittiGood morning08:12
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TheMusoHey folks.08:22
TheMusoHow was your break?08:22
pittihey TheMuso, happy new year!08:23
TheMusopitti: You too.,08:23
pittivery relaxing indeed08:23
TheMusoGood to hear.08:24
didrockshey TheMuso! happy new year :)08:24
TheMusodidrocks: You too.08:24
pittiargh, bummer - I sent the meeting reminder without waiting for Seb's reminder-reminder again08:34
pittididrocks: do you want me to do bryceh's compiz merge, or do you have other stuff to upload?08:35
didrockspitti: are you deprecating seb then? :)08:35
didrockspitti: I have other pending stuff to upload08:36
pittididrocks: ok, I'll just commit it to the branch then08:37
pittibryceh: btw, you should have push rights, too08:37
pittiargh, he forgot the link, I'll comment on the MP08:38
didrocksright, and let me check the xorg hook as well08:39
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didrocksgood morning seb12809:22
pittibonjour seb12809:22
pittiseb128: quickly, remind me about the meeting reminder before you read mail09:22
seb128hey didrocks pitti09:26
seb128oh, meeting reminder reminder to remind, thanks pitti ;-)09:26
seb128hey rodrigo_09:50
rodrigo_hi seb12809:51
pittigood morning rodrigo_09:52
rodrigo_hi pitti09:52
rodrigo_dbarth__, I just got a notification about a weekly a11y call, where is that?10:02
dbarth__rodrigo_: hi10:04
dbarth__i'm trying to find api and setup a skype conf call10:04
rodrigo_dbarth__, he's not around irc, it seems10:04
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kklimondagood morning10:07
rodrigo_hey kklimonda10:09
kklimondahey rodrigo_, how was your christmas?10:10
rodrigo_kklimonda, lots of days off, so great, yours?10:10
kklimondarodrigo_: it was pretty good, a little too cold though and I've barely managed to go back for new year's eve :)10:11
kklimondaI've also managed to break my amazon account10:11
rodrigo_crazy partiing on new year's eve?10:12
rodrigo_pitti, I've just submitted g-c-c 2.91.4 to the gnome3 ppa, and this now works, as opposed to what we talked yesterday10:12
seb128mvo, hey10:12
rodrigo_pitti, seems it just needed a rebuild10:13
rodrigo_kklimonda, broke it? how?10:13
kklimondarodrigo_: meh, I was home at 5am ;)10:13
kklimondarodrigo_: I've managed to create two separate accounts with the single email address - one for the store, another for aws10:14
mvohey seb12810:14
seb128mvo, sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday but update-notifier doesn't work10:14
kklimondarodrigo_: now I'm trying to access s3 and I get weird errors - I've already managed to lock myself out of the aws account.. ;)10:14
pittirodrigo_: ah, nice10:14
seb128mvo, I see you rewrote everything I did, thanks for mentioning me in the changelog anyway :p10:15
mvoseb128: oh - thats bad - what specifically?10:15
seb128mvo, it does10:15
seb128** (update-notifier:4084): DEBUG: crashreport_check10:15
seb128but report no crash10:15
seb128where I've some in /var/crash10:15
seb128it doesn't react if I touch one as well10:15
mvoseb128: oh, odd. worked for me, let me try again.10:15
mvoseb128: and I did not quite change every line, just a few (not because of your code but because of my old crufty code that was there before)10:16
seb128mvo, well you did things I pondered doing, like adding a debug-misc rather than dropping those g_print ;-)10:17
seb128mvo, you are less lazy than me :p10:17
seb128hey huats10:17
huatshello seb12810:17
mvoseb128: lol10:17
seb128mvo, you replaced the g_spaw call by the one that let you send stdout to null as well which I was not sure was a win because of all the NULL arguments to set ;-)10:18
mvoseb128: yeah, the stdlog stuff is a bit dubious, it gives a pointer to a file descriptior that then needs reading, I was not sure if there are no leaks (fd leaks) if that does not get closed properly so I thought it would be better to use the _close_stdout flag of gspawn10:19
mvoand yes, NULL 10x times10:20
mvopython default args ftw!10:20
seb128mvo, hum10:21
seb128   if (!gtk_status_icon_is_embedded (ta->tray_icon) &&10:21
seb128       crashreports_found > 0 &&10:21
seb128       !system_crashes) {10:21
seb128      g_debug("unity handler");10:21
ubot2seb128: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:21
seb128ubot2, shut up you ;-)10:21
ubot2Factoid 'shut up you ;-)' not found10:21
seb128mvo, why the "!system_crashes"?10:22
mvoseb128: well, if we omit that the use may get greeted with a gksu window, but I guess what we actually should do is to modify run_apport so that it spawns a dialog if it needs gksu or tweak apport to ask politely about that10:23
seb128mvo, the patch the way I wrote it make the user crashes only to be reported10:23
mvoseb128: i.e. the user logs in, u-n runs 60s later and suddenly there is a gksu window out of the blue10:23
seb128mvo, well I added a similar "gtk_status_icon_is_embedded (ta->tray_icon)" in run_apport10:24
seb128in my version10:24
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seb128which leaded to have the user crashes reported10:24
seb128but the system ones ignored10:24
seb128your variant makes everything ignored when there is a system crash10:24
seb128which was what we had before already10:24
mvoseb128: did that work? I don't think the code is clever enough, once there is one system crash it will still not launch it10:25
seb128mvo, it did work, run_apport has a if, else10:25
seb128   if (check_system_crashes()) {10:25
seb128run with sudo10:25
seb128 10:25
seb128mvo, I did add a "if gtk_status_icon_is_embedded (ta->tray_icon)" in the first case10:26
seb128let me find my merge proposal, my local diff got overwriten when I pulled your update10:27
mvobut check_system_crashes() will return TRUE if there is any system crash10:27
seb128that just makes apport_run() to be called10:27
seb128then you can check if there is a systray and no-op the call10:27
mvoaha, I see now, indeed, my mistake10:27
seb128to avoid spawning gksu10:28
mvoI make up for this by adding a dialog "system crashes detected, do you want to report them", ok?10:28
mvothis way we get the best of both worlds, no gksu-in-your-face and still the ability to report it10:28
seb128see the second snippet10:28
seb128mvo, works for me, I was just lazy to do that ;-)10:29
mvoseb128: fair enough , I broke it, I fix it10:29
seb128mvo, that and you told me you wanted to redesign maybe update-notifier10:30
seb128still not sure if it should be ported to an appindicator10:30
seb128or the event handling should be splitted out or something10:30
mvoseb128: i want to get rid of it entirely and replace it by upstart-session scripts10:31
seb128well for now I guess the dialog will remove the need to figure what to do with the redesign10:31
mvoseb128: but I see that we need something in the meantime unitl we get that support10:31
seb128so yeah your dialog will fit the need until we get there10:32
mvook, sounds good, I add that then10:32
seb128mvo, do you know how likely we will ever get upstart session scripts?10:32
seb128did you talk to keybuk about it?10:32
mvoyes, he knows about it and I send him examples what is needed10:32
seb128I know that was on the roadmap and upstart seem to get work again but not sure how much10:33
mvolike events on file changes etc10:33
seb128it's just that things were stalled for a while10:33
mvoi know, I hope its getting better, no definite target dates though10:35
rodrigo_anyone has any idea where to look for my openssh key problem (askpass password never shows up)10:52
seb128rodrigo_, downgrade to gnome-keyring from natty?10:55
rodrigo_hmm, yes, trying that10:56
seb128rodrigo_, btw could you try to backport the g-c-c 3 preferred application code to natty?10:59
seb128we will need that if we don't update to GNOME310:59
seb128since glib changed the way the handlers work10:59
mvoseb128: hm, there is a problem, gtk_status_icon_is_embedded seems to return false if the icon is not visible, so it returns false on the gtk panel as well11:11
seb128mvo, why is the icon not visible?11:12
seb128mvo, well my patch was doing the check after "gtk_status_icon_set_visible(ta->tray_icon, TRUE);" for that reason11:14
seb128rodrigo_, time to change your password it seems ;-)11:15
seb128mvo, but you moved that to before the if for some reason11:15
mvoseb128: aha, it seems like the problem is that the initial crashreport_check thing needs to run in a timeout_add11:15
seb128mvo, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~seb128/update-notifier/unity-bug-reports/+merge/4404911:15
seb128mvo, well, my patch worked in both GNOME and unity sessions...11:16
seb128I tested it ;-)11:16
mvoseb128: odd, let me look further11:18
seb128mvo, well what you said is right11:18
seb128it's just that you moved the check before the icon is set to visible11:18
seb128if you put it back where it was in my merge request that should work11:19
rodrigo_seb128, ugh11:21
seb128rodrigo_, time to change your password it seems ;-)11:21
rodrigo_yes, already changed11:22
seb128rodrigo_, did you noticed you typed Tx4l4p4rt4 there twice?11:22
mvoseb128: no luck here, at least on the initial start11:22
rodrigo_I shouldn't blindly type it11:22
mvoseb128: maybe some sort of race11:22
seb128mvo, weird11:22
rodrigo_the power manager or screensaver from gnome3 just dims the screen to black and never undims it, so was trying to guess where to type the password, and I got it wrong11:23
mvoseb128: yep, the good old while (gtk_events_pending()) gtk_main_iteration(); fixes it11:23
seb128hum, k11:23
seb128way to add hacks to hacks11:24
seb128mvo, but do you still need a notification area if you do the dialog thing?11:25
mvoseb128: hacks> yeah, makes me a bit unhappy - but now you see why I want to get rid of it :)11:25
seb128mvo, let me know if you need testing11:27
seb128since I'm done with email catching up it should not take half a day today11:28
mvothat is actually a good point, let me make it just honor the autolaunch gconf key instead11:28
rodrigo_ok, hopefully last restart, brb11:29
mvoseb128: could you please give r611 a go? it will just autolaunch now (if the gconf key is set). see debian/changelog. avoids hack-after-hack and is consistent with the u-m autolaunch behavior11:38
mvoseb128: I go for lunch now11:38
mvoseb128: thanks for your patience with this, I think the result is much better now after this discussion and the code iterations :)11:39
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seb128mvo, trying!11:39
seb128mvo, getting there but not still not right...11:51
seb128if you have a system crash and cancel the submittion it doesn't ask if you want to report the user ones11:51
seb128well rather if you cancel the dialog that ask you if you want to report it11:51
seb128or the gksu prompt11:51
seb128otherwise it works, you get the dialog etc under unity11:52
seb128to reporting -> to report11:54
seb128mvo, ^11:54
seb128in the new string11:54
mvoseb128: thanks! I fix the system-cancel thing as well now12:17
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mvoseb128: r613 should fix the problems you outlined, if it looks ok I will upload today12:27
seb128mvo, ok, I just finished lunch, so grabbing some coffee and I will try that12:29
mvoseb128: thanks, no rush :)12:33
seb128mvo, still not13:06
seb128mvo, ignore me, seems to work13:10
seb128it just doesn't in the case when you deny the sudo authentification but that's a corner case13:10
mvoseb128: aha, indeed, good point13:11
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* rodrigo_ -> lunch13:24
didrockscyphermox: hey, around?13:36
cyphermoxdidrocks, what's up?13:36
didrockscyphermox: do you have any bug/plan to work on getting the animation in the network indicator?13:37
cyphermoxbug no, plans yes13:37
didrocksok, just wanted to ensure it was on track :)13:37
cyphermoxmy plan is to work on the animation and getting the icons back for signal strength *today*13:37
didrocksI was puzzled by a wifi signal getting to 0 the last few days depsite iwscan was telling me13:37
didrocksand finally, I found that was because the dhcp didn't get any more free ip to assign :/13:38
cyphermoxoh, right13:38
didrocksso wrong diagnostic, it's only with my gf's lucid box that I discovered what was wrong :)13:38
didrockstoday? nice! :)13:38
cyphermoxI just need to fix my right click first ;)13:38
didrocksno need for right click :p13:39
cyphermoxthat's what you'd think ;)13:39
didrockshehe :)13:39
cyphermox"menus are for restaurants"13:39
cyphermoxahh, unbroken :D13:42
mterryseb128, I noticed glade-3 wasn't in the desktop set.  Is that desired?13:49
seb128you should ask cjwatson if he can fix that13:50
mterryseb128, I can ask cjwatson13:50
mterryyup, ok13:50
seb128didrocks, the unity merge request you just did shows with conflicts13:50
seb128well the launchpad diff has conflicts markers, not sure if that's true or a launchpad bug13:50
seb128mterry, thanks13:50
didrocksseb128: oh? thanks for the notice. I branched yesterday evening, let's see if I can merge back13:50
didrocksseiflotfy: fixed and pushed, thanks13:55
didrocksoupss s/seiflotfy/seb128/13:58
didrocksstupid weechat completion :)  sorry seiflotfy13:58
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bcurtiswx_good morning14:58
rodrigo_hi bcurtiswx15:17
bcurtiswx_rodrigo_, hi :)15:18
seb128rodrigo_, btw did downgrading gnome-keyring fix your ssh issue?15:18
rodrigo_seb128, yes15:18
rodrigo_seb128, looking at fixing it in the g3 ppa15:18
seb128rodrigo_, did you see my question about the preferred application capplet backport btw?15:19
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, no, on the mailing list?15:19
seb128rodrigo_, no, on IRC earlier (or was it yesterday?)15:20
seb128rodrigo_, I was wondering if it would be easy to backport the gcc3 code to 2.32?15:20
seb128rodrigo_, since we updated glib and the handler system changed15:21
seb128we will need to backport the new code if we don't go for GNOME315:21
rodrigo_well, porting the panels should be easy, without the shell even15:21
rodrigo_there are already some GTK3isms in the code, so we'll need to see case by case15:21
rodrigo_but I don't think it should be a lot of work15:21
rodrigo_the preferred capplets also now uses gsettings15:22
rodrigo_is that a problem?15:22
seb128not sure15:22
seb128let's keep that on the side until we sort what we decide to do with GNOME315:23
rodrigo_also, it uses the GAppInfo stuff for browsers and mail readers15:23
rodrigo_so we'll need to make sure the browsers and mailers we ship support that15:23
seb128rodrigo_, well that's what we need anyway15:23
rodrigo_ah ok15:24
seb128since gvfs is using that15:24
seb128right now clicking on an url in a gtk application doesn't respect the default browser15:24
seb128since glib,gvfs use the new system15:24
seb128but the capplet write the old gconf key15:24
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rodrigo_about gnome3, gtk 3.0 should be released soon, so things should stabilize now15:27
rodrigo_it's delayed though, afaik it was expected in Dec15:27
seb128it was15:27
seb128it starts being a tight schedule15:28
rodrigo_seb128, have you seen any notice about the delay?15:28
seb128no, was there any?15:28
rodrigo_no, haven't seen any, that's why I ask15:28
* rodrigo_ asks15:29
rodrigo_<mclasen> rodrigo: will do a 2.99 very soon15:30
seb128rodrigo_, great15:43
Sarvattpitti: did you see they got you at the top here? http://www.flickr.com/photos/13825348@N03/sets/72157625280545063/ :)15:48
rodrigo_seb128, http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-December/msg00108.html15:48
pittiSarvatt: hah, thanks for digging these out15:49
pittiSarvatt: doesn't seem to have a record of our "Debian vs RedHat" Bowling, though :)15:49
seb128rodrigo_, thanks15:51
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bcurtiswx_how would I test in a build if "have_libindicate = 'yes' " is there an echo command in the build ? like $echo have_libindicate ?16:12
bcurtiswx_that i can add in to test the value at certain points ?16:13
seb128bcurtiswx_, if you still have the build dir read config.log16:13
seb128or search for have_libindicate in the config.log16:14
bcurtiswx_hmm, pattern not found at all16:15
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seb128bcurtiswx_, grep -i indicate config.log?16:16
bcurtiswx_seb128, i used vim and did a /have_lindicate16:16
bcurtiswx_well with a b16:16
bcurtiswx_seb128, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-
bcurtiswx_seb128, i believe that section is supposed to add a check for libindicate, but the config.log doesn't show have_libindicate at all16:18
seb128bcurtiswx_, grep -i indicate config.log16:18
seb128let me try16:18
bcurtiswx_seb128, ok i'll do that though the vim with the / search is the same16:19
bcurtiswx_seb128, hold on a sec16:19
seb128so it's on16:20
bcurtiswx_the # means to ignore ?16:20
seb128bcurtiswx_, well the value which is ='#' is ignored16:21
seb128the one which is '' will be used16:21
seb128so in your case HAVE_LIBINDICATE_TRUE=''16:22
bcurtiswx_seb128, OK16:22
seb128it's TRUE16:22
ronoc_dbarth, had a kernel paging error with unity, cannot start machine !16:23
ronoc_dbarth, trying to fsck right now16:23
dbarthronoc_: oops, nice one16:24
dbarthronoc_: is that with a stable kernel (ie indicating a hw problem), or a development version?16:24
ronoc_dbarth, i did the upgrade this morning, was rebooting a few times after lunch to try to get around compiz, seems to be working now16:25
ronoc_very very odd16:25
seb128bcurtiswx_, do you still have build issues?16:25
seb128bcurtiswx_, do you need some help with those?16:25
ronoc_i think i'm back in business16:26
bcurtiswx_seb128, yes I do.  as far as I can tell it's something not recognizing the indicator functions16:27
bcurtiswx_seb128, let me get you the build log that failed16:27
seb128bcurtiswx_, ok, let me try16:27
bcurtiswx_seb128, you'll need the GNOME3 PPA when building from my branch16:27
seb128oh right16:27
seb128well let me see if I see something wrong from the patch without building16:27
bcurtiswx_seb128, OK let me give you something to work with, one sec16:28
seb128bcurtiswx_, well I did checkout lp:~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-
seb128bcurtiswx_, what error do you get?16:28
bcurtiswx_seb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/550298/16:29
bcurtiswx_seb128,  <kenvandine> looked like the CFLAGS stuff wasn't getting set right16:29
bcurtiswx_seb128, but hes currently occupied16:29
kenvandineseb128, looked like the same problem he had yesterday16:30
kenvandinebut i didn't get to look at it yet16:30
jasoncwarnermorning everyone :)16:30
kenvandinehey jasoncwarner16:31
bcurtiswx_seb128, kenvandine, but i reverted the changes and edited the patches without messing with magic numbers16:31
didrockshey jasoncwarner16:31
rickspencer3kenvandine, hey! congrats on libgwibber, what's in this release?16:31
pittihey jasoncwarner16:31
pittioh, meeting time16:31
tremolux'morning jasoncwarner16:31
bcurtiswx_oh, darn16:31
kenvandinegir fixes, more gobject friendly and the new stream view widget16:32
jasoncwarnerpitti: sounds like a song :)16:32
bcurtiswx_seb128, all the patched sections in 20_libindicate.patch I went and verified they made it into the files16:32
bcurtiswx_they did16:32
pittibryceh, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter: meeting ping16:32
pittiChris Coulson seems to be offline16:32
* bcurtiswx_ steps out of the way16:33
didrockspitti: he's marked as being on holidays16:33
seb128bcurtiswx_, let me check during the meeting and update you after that16:33
seb128hey pitti16:33
seb128hey jasoncwarner16:33
seb128hey everybody16:33
rodrigo_pitti, o/16:33
jasoncwarnerAlright...first things first...happy new year!16:34
rodrigo_happy new year to all, yes :)16:34
didrockshappy new year o/16:34
kenvandinegonna be a great year!16:34
pittiis that the year of the Linux desktop, or the next one? :-)16:35
rodrigo_wasn't it 2010? :)16:35
jasoncwarnerOk...jumping right in ...[TOPIC] Unity16:35
didrockswell, I haven't done the last release maybe seb128?16:35
seb128didrocks, ?16:36
didrocksI saw drag and drop on the launcher landed as a christmas gift :)16:36
bcurtiswx_seb128, OK thx16:36
seb128oh right it did16:36
didrocksI didn't follow the rest of previous release, being on vacation. seb128 did it. Most of the team was on holidays the past two weeks as well and we will see on next Thursday release some little b16:38
didrocksbug fixes16:38
jasoncwarnerwell, seb128 and didrocks anything else? I know it has been some time :)16:38
seb128sorry I'm out of context16:38
didrocksalso probably a new compiz snapshot coming this week16:38
seb128was that the unity summary?16:38
seb128I just read all the congrats from the new year but didn't notice any topic ;-)16:39
kenvandineseb128, yes16:39
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seb128so new release got the dnd on the launcher back16:39
seb128the places support didn't get in it16:39
seb128we still have some race issues and stacking bugs affecting menus16:40
seb128well we did trade off the menu stacking issue against a crash on start in the unity session16:40
seb128crashes which doesn't- happen in the classic session with unity enable...16:40
seb128yeah for races16:40
seb128the new version got improved support for wm decorations and titles in the bar16:41
seb128there was some visual improvements as well I think16:41
seb128that's about it16:41
seb128then everybody was off for the end of year and the uk were still off yesterday16:41
jasoncwarnerany indication if we should expect stacking bug this week? and how about places landing...during Rally?16:42
didrocksjasoncwarner: seems we won't have it fixed this week16:42
didrocksplaces landing are due to alpha2, so probably after Rally we will have something16:42
seb128it's likely most of the work will wait next week16:42
seb128this week will probably be mostly catchup after break, especially for people who were still on holidays yesterday16:42
seb128we will probably not try to land an update just before everybody is travelling16:43
kenvandineseb128, that is always so much fun though16:43
didrockswell, Thursday's release at least, as everytime :)16:43
didrocksif not too late16:43
seb128well, it's up to didrocks and dx really, but I would think most work will happen next week16:43
* kenvandine ponders dbumenu gdbus upload friday :)16:43
jasoncwarnersounds good...16:43
seb128kenvandine, you don't have to be in a plane for 10 hours, I don't care if you want to spend your saturday fixing :p16:43
seb128kenvandine, you have no excuse and upload rights ;-)16:44
jasoncwarner[TOPIC] Software Center16:44
tremoluxso, summary is on the wiki for Software Center16:44
tremoluxrelease just before holiday included a much more nicely integrated purchases flow, plus further startup time improvements16:45
jasoncwarnertremolux: ok...I've got nothing more specific other than estimate on ratings and review servers being ready?16:46
jasoncwarnerAny indication?16:46
tremoluxjasoncwarner: yes, it should be this week16:46
tremoluxwe plan to have it up and ready for testing/dev during the rally16:46
* mterry writes ballot-stuffing bot16:47
tremoluxit's alpha16:47
jasoncwarnersaweet... :) very cool16:47
jasoncwarner[TOPIC] Kubuntu16:47
jasoncwarnerRiddell, you around for Kubuntu update?16:48
jasoncwarnerseems not..which leaves [TOPIC] AOB16:49
jasoncwarnerwe usually hit that one during eastern edition, but if bryceh is around we can get an update.16:50
mterrywell, it's on the wiki16:50
seb128it's for eastern now since all the xorg guys join that edition16:50
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seb128we don't have separate agendas for each editions16:51
jasoncwarnerI'll update page with eastern log later today.16:51
jasoncwarnerAny other business?16:51
jasoncwarnervery cool...remember to update wiki if you have not already.16:51
jasoncwarnerHappy new year and I guess we'll see each other in a less than a week! Assuming all of the US is not snowed in ;)16:52
seb128texas should be fine I guess ;-)16:52
jasoncwarnerwell, other than being Texas ;)16:52
seb128I was speaking for the weather ;-)16:52
* bcurtiswx_ <3 snow16:53
seb128though the weather forecast says it's going to freeze during the nights16:53
jasoncwarnerthanks everyone! [END MEETING]16:53
seb128thanks jasoncwarner!16:53
didrocksthanks jasoncwarner16:53
bcurtiswx_<---- the wx is short for weather  FYI16:53
tremoluxthx everybody, good day all16:54
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, interesting...16:54
seb128bcurtiswx_, do you get extra details if you make V=116:54
seb128in the empathy build dir16:54
bcurtiswx_the command "make V=1"16:55
bcurtiswx_seb128, no same errors no extra information16:56
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, yes the wx = weather.  I have my B.S. in Meteorology.. M.S. in Computational Sciences.. working on my PhD in Computational Sciences and Informatics17:01
* bcurtiswx_ <3 computer modeling17:02
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, my wife is a weather junky... i tease her that she should go back to school for another degree17:02
bcurtiswx_haha, we'll continue this later17:02
bcurtiswx_time for my lunch break17:03
kenvandineher psychology degree is pretty useless :)17:03
seb128bcurtiswx_, no really clue about the build issue, is the current ubuntu version building?17:08
seb128could be due to the --as-needed17:08
* kenvandine -> lunch17:26
dbarthbryceh: hey bryce; i'm a bit lost with the debug packages i should have to get the lines of code info in my backtrace17:32
seb128dbarth, debug package for what source?17:33
dbarthbryceh: i have libgl1-mesa-dri-dbgsym whereas i had libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg17:33
dbarthbut in neither case was i able to get line numbers17:33
dbarthdri drivers17:34
dbarthit's in libgl1-mesa-dri17:34
dbarthand my crasher is in /usr/lib/dri/r300_dri.so r300_texture_from_handle17:34
dbarthseb128: are those the right ones you think?17:46
seb128dbarth, try asking on #ubuntu-x17:46
dbarthah ok17:49
bcurtiswx_seb128, ubuntu builds fine without the patches18:04
bcurtiswx_seb128, empathy*18:04
bcurtiswx_seb128, well with --disable-webkit since we dont' have the latest webkit built correctly yet18:08
brycehhrm, LibreGraphics conference is same week as Budapest UDS :-( :-(18:15
bcurtiswx_hmm nautilus didn't have the gir 1.2 switch yet18:26
kenvandinethat was refreshing... time to dive back into to gir overrides for dee :)18:32
didrockstime to enjoy some dinner, see you tomorrow :)18:32
kenvandinegood night didrocks18:32
bcurtiswx_didrocks, enjoy good night18:32
didrocksbye kenvandine and bcurtiswx_18:32
bcurtiswx_rebooting to test nautilus rebuild18:35
pittigood night everyone19:05
kenvandinegood night pitti19:06
seb128'night pitti19:11
kenvandineseb128, my libgwibber build is dep wait for gir1.2-dee-0.5 which is in universe, can you promote that for me? or do i need an archive admin?19:12
seb128kenvandine, you need an archive admin but I'm one ;-)19:20
kenvandineoh, hehe :)19:20
kenvandineonce libgwibber builds there will be some binNEW too19:20
micahgdoesn't that need an MIR?19:20
seb128kenvandine, I will promote it, should take some 2 hours time for it to be published and start building though19:20
seb128kenvandine, ok, will do that as well19:20
seb128micahg, it's a binary of a source in main19:20
micahgseb128: ah, ok19:20
lamalexis there any way to get natty to stop opening links in firefox when it's not set as the default browser19:33
lamalexit's driving me nu19:33
seb128lamalex, edit /usr/share/applications/defaults.list19:35
seb128then run update-desktop-database19:35
seb128you want to change the http handler in there19:36
lamalex:\ not working19:40
seb128no way19:40
seb128what did you do exactly?19:40
lamalexsudo emacs /usr/share/applications/defaults.list, removed all instances of firefox.desktop, ran update-desktop-database19:41
lamalexclicked a link19:41
lamalexand it opened in firefox19:41
lamalexand I checked .local/share which has 1 entry for chrome as text/html19:42
seb128lamalex, you should have replaced firefox by your browser19:44
seb128if you don't set a default it will pick randomly one19:44
lamalexseb128, sorry, I did that19:44
lamalexi forgot to say that they were already like =firefox.desktop;google-chrome.desktop19:44
lamalexso I just removed firefox19:44
seb128lamalex, did you run sudo update-desktop-database on the directory?19:44
lamalexon the directory?19:45
seb128you edited the x-scheme-handler lines right?19:45
seb128sudo u-d-d /usr/share/applications19:45
lamalexyou didn't say to run it with a path, but i just did and still no change19:46
seb128the mimeinfo.cache19:46
seb128what line does it have for x-scheme-handler19:46
lamalexthat's my defaults.list19:46
seb128what about the .cache?19:47
seb128nothing in .local/share/applications?19:48
seb128grep x-scheme-handler .local/share/applications19:48
lamalexseb128, like I said there's only 1 entry in that file and it's chrome19:50
seb128ok, dunno then19:51
seb128it works for everybody else who tried19:51
lamalexis the bug fixed for setting it from the prefs?19:52
seb128no, the capplet doesn't handle the new system19:52
seb128but changes the defaults.list should do it19:53
seb128not sure why it doesn't work for you19:53
jasoncwarnermorning eastern edition folks....meeting time.21:59
* bryceh waves21:59
jasoncwarnerbryceh: TheMuso: robert_ancell RAOF22:00
jasoncwarneryou guys around?22:00
brycehis RAOF on vacation?22:00
jasoncwarnermorning, bryceh22:00
jasoncwarnerbryceh: I think you are right22:00
brycehheh, for a change ;-)22:00
TheMusoInternal server error...22:01
TheMusohrm worked second ime.22:01
jasoncwarnerTheMuso: refresh...the magic button!22:01
jasoncwarneralright...we'll see if robert_ancell is around in a bit, but lets get started22:01
jasoncwarnerfirst off, Happy New year!22:02
jasoncwarnerI hope everyone had a great break and new year.22:02
jasoncwarnerand I hope everyone is well rested for the rally!!!22:02
jasoncwarnerok...jumping straight in...22:02
jasoncwarnerplease be sure to update the wiki with your notes22:03
jasoncwarnerand [TOPIC] X.org22:03
jasoncwarnerbryceh: take it away?22:03
brycehwe're at a decision point on xserver 1.9 vs. 1.10.  RAOF and I just need to touch base and make sure we're in consensus22:04
brycehthere were some last minute bits and pieces that slipped in for 1.10, we need to make sure it's nothign too scary22:04
brycehwith that decided, probably next monday I guess, we'll start the mega merge of new X bits and pieces22:04
jasoncwarnerjust in time for the rally..perfect ;) you guys sure do know how to plan it!22:05
brycehnot a lot of stuff needing merged right at the moment but I think X.org will start pumping out driver releases and stuff in the coming month or two22:05
brycehX.org bugs - we're in surprisingly good shape22:06
brycehthat shows there are only 3 known bugs reported against natty that we need to do something about22:06
brycehone of which is just "merge new ati driver"22:06
brycehreally nice that we're staying atop the bugs this time through.  We'll see how long that lasts22:07
brycehthe most commonly reported issue is perhaps worth a bit of discussion22:07
brycehit's not really an X bug, but people think it is22:07
brycehwhen you make a USB LiveCD (for testing), you can create a persistent thingee, to store docs and stuff22:07
brycehpeople think that this means they can also install updated drivers, such as -nvidia and -fglrx22:08
brycehhowever, those types of drivers require changes to files outside the persistent storage area, which apparently are writable but don't persist across boot22:08
brycehso installing -nvida or -fglrx on a USB Live environment is *not* supported22:08
jasoncwarneris that a widespread expectation?22:09
brycehwe've gotten more bug reports filed about that than all other natty X.org bug reports combined, I'd estimate22:09
jasoncwarnerseems education might be the safest route on that one for now unless it is rather trivial to conjure up a solution to that22:09
brycehmy thinking is perhaps we could have Jockey detect if it's running in a LiveCD environment and not offer to install drivers22:09
brycehI think that would prevent the issue for 99% of the time22:10
jasoncwarnerwell, then they wouldn't get to test Unity or something ...right? maybe just a warning dialog that says 'this will not persist past this session...'22:10
Sarvattthose drivers require a reboot to work22:10
brycehwell, for -nvidia and -fglrx you *have* to reboot for the drivers to get loaded22:10
* kenvandine is just excited to be able to run unity in virtualbox :)22:11
brycehok, enough on that topic22:11
jasoncwarnerkenvandine: indeed!22:11
brycehlast bit, I've been working on major improvements to the apport hook for xorg22:11
brycehand am working with the compiz/dx team to share efforts with them, which I hope will help in diagnosing unity/compiz driver-ish bugs22:12
jasoncwarneroh, nice22:12
brycehjasoncwarner, ok I think that's everything for X.22:12
jasoncwarnerGreat, thanks bryceh22:12
jasoncwarner[TOPIC] AOB?22:12
jasoncwarneralright then!22:13
jasoncwarneragain, don't forget to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2011-01-04 with your notes for the week.22:14
jasoncwarnerand, robert_ancell, happy new year!22:14
TheMusoI'll ask on the platform list, but is there anybody here who gets into Dallas around 15:10 or so on Sunday afternoon?22:14
jasoncwarnerTheMuso: let me check my itin22:14
* TheMuso arrives into Dallas then and would like to hook up for transport to the hotel.22:14
jasoncwarner[END MEETING]22:16
jasoncwarnerTheMuso: it looks like I get in @ 1655 on sunday.22:16
TheMusoah ok22:16
TheMusoI'll ask on the platform/dx lists then, thanks.22:17
robert_ancelljasoncwarner, cheers!22:19
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