
jk-morning kernelonauts00:04
jjohansenmorning jk00:06
lucmovePlease help. What is wrong with the kernel headers? I can't build VMWare modules.03:22
lucmoveon Maverick03:22
lucmoveLinux 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 01:41:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux03:23
ohsixit's been a while since i tried to buuld vmwares modules; but something changed regarding iommu stuff03:27
lucmoveregarding what?03:27
ohsixiommu stuff.03:28
lucmovenever heard of it03:29
ohsixsomething diverged from what their shim did in the kernel03:29
lucmoveThe directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match03:29
lucmoveyour running kernel (version 2.6.35-24-generic).  Even if the module were to03:29
lucmovecompile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.03:29
ohsixah, that's different from what happened last time i tried, then03:32
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* apw looks blearily out at the world, "and it was dark"08:31
* amitk turns on the light in apw's office08:36
* lag shines a light and is taken aback to see apw still has his sleeping blindfold on 08:36
lagPipped 08:36
lagapw: What do you know about APIC?08:37
jk-hey apw, lag & amitk08:38
lagMorning jk- :)08:38
apwmorning all08:38
apwlag some, what you want to know08:39
lagWhy my Dad's computer went pop when I installed Ubuntu08:39
amitkjk-: hiya08:39
lagNot a good thing when introducing it as the best thing since sliced bread08:40
lagapw: bug 69712108:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 697121 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic - not syncing: IO-APIC + timer doesn't work! Boot with apic=debug and send a report. Then try booting with the 'noapic' option (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69712108:40
akheron"the best thing since sliced bread" so true :D08:44
=== smb` is now known as smb
apwlag, what sort of machine is it?08:50
lagDesktop - HP IIRC08:50
apwdoesn't seem to be any machine info, i believe the machine booted from a livecd ok ?08:51
apwso could we get some machine info from it?08:52
smbmourning everybody08:52
apwlag, as we installed generic, does the CD kernel boot?08:52
apwmorning smb08:53
* smb definitely mourns on unity. Seems to be a new behaviour evry boot08:53
apwsmb, yeah its currently a BOA08:54
jk-BOA, eh?08:54
* diwic was guessing on "Bag Of Asbest"08:54
jk-you crazy brits with your bags of things08:54
apwi think its mostly me :)08:55
jk-I like to make grossly inaccurate assumptions on small sample sizes08:55
smbThree slightly different entries in applications to manage files "file browser", "file management" and "file manager" and none to change the date and time. \o/08:55
jk-click on the clock maybe?08:56
jk-or do some other gesture to the clock? :)08:56
jk-hold it upside-down and shake it, etch-a-sketch style08:56
smbThat *would* be the common thing, except that it is there but not clickable08:56
lagapw: All machine info is available from the other bug08:57
apwclock basically has no controls ... can't even get european/military time option, or indeed the date displayed08:57
apwlag then the bug should say so :)08:57
lagapw: The other bug is mentioned in the description 08:57
lagapw: No, it didn't boot from the LiveCD okay08:58
lagMorning smb08:58
smblag, morning08:58
apwas for the fact that chromium being my default browser and it starting firefox for everything ... BOA indeed08:58
smband apw jk-  and whoelse is up complaining thing morning. :)08:58
apwplus we have 3 whole days to get something we can use on the road before i have to scratch this heap to hardy08:59
smbapw, Hardy?08:59
apwsmb, dapper perhaps ?08:59
smbI am actually happy enough with Lucid09:00
smbDapper might give you some slight problems as most of the "modern" network devices would not work09:00
apwsmb, heh indeed09:00
apwlag, so no from that, no specific ideas off the top of my head, smb has some knowledge of apics09:01
smbThough I must admit the boot screen looks actually neater to me. :-O09:01
smbapw, lag Not got that far in the backlog09:01
smbwhat are we talking about09:01
smbfound it09:02
apwsmb, boto screen in natty ?09:02
smbapw speaks in riddles this morning09:03
lagsmb, apw: I understand it can be a BOIS issue, but there are no BIOS updates - kernel still shouldn't panic09:03
smblag, I think cking will run screaming if you mention HP laptops to him09:03
lagsmb: It's not a laptop :)09:04
smbHP desktop? Even worse. :-P09:04
lagI ran the FWTS on it, all checked out fine09:04
ckingdon't mention BIOS to me so early in the morning09:04
apwsmb, you said you liked the boot screen, i was wondering which one, was it natty's ?09:05
lagcking: Help me damn it! ;)09:05
ckinglag, I came in a bit late on the discussion. Wassup?09:06
apwlag, well sometimes we have no choice when we have no idea what to do with the heap the bios has left09:06
smbapw, I said something about a boot screen?09:06
smbMust have been gnarl and now hiding09:06
apw<smb> Though I must admit the boot screen looks actually neater to me. :-O09:06
lagapw: Windows works flawlessly - and that's all these people see (and say)09:06
smbapw, Oh ah, there I was referencing to Dapper09:06
lagcking: bug 69712109:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 697121 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic - not syncing: IO-APIC + timer doesn't work! Boot with apic=debug and send a report. Then try booting with the 'noapic' option (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69712109:07
smbI obviously need more coffee09:07
apwlag, indeed they probabally do ... and though its a valid point, it is utterly unhelpful to us09:07
apwif you supply the machine specific part of the OS with a machine is somewhat more likely to work09:07
lagapw, smb, cking, amitk, jk-: http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w80/ljkenny/Tilly-1.jpg09:08
apwlag, had a baby ?09:08
lagapw: Yes09:09
lagapw: Tilly!09:09
lagShe's asleep on my lap currently :)09:09
apwheh that or get married huh ?09:09
ckingapw, a puppy will put of a baby request for 18 months09:09
lagI made my choice 09:09
apwcking, indeed09:09
lagcking: Bingo!09:09
apwcking, yeah this way he has 12 months to get the marriage in09:10
lagSo not getting married :)09:10
lagThe puppy is to keep my company during the day09:11
smbapw, But back to that bug. As the installer boots, upstream probably broke something in between09:11
lagChrist knows what we're going to do for sprints though!09:11
apwlag, did the installer work ?09:11
lagapw: No09:11
apwlag, her problem :)09:11
apwlag, you don't come to sprints any more anyhow09:11
lagapw: Only with noacpi and the internal card reader un-socketed 09:12
ckingwhat did apic=debug produce?09:12
lagapw: Not true - only missing one09:12
smblag, Then that description in the bug is heavily misleading09:12
lagcking: Same result 09:12
lagcking: Read the bug dammit ;)09:12
apwsmb, i know ... hopeless :)09:12
amitklag: cute, how does she get along with the reptiles?09:12
ckingoh ya09:12
lagamitk: We have a two intermediary door rule09:13
smbapw, I have no clue about the versions in natty... but is 2.6.35-23 not a bit old?09:15
* smb thinks we need to educate this Lee guy about proper bug report information09:16
ckingsomebody has a broken BIOS and/or APIC/cascaded ExtINTA config :-) 09:17
apwsmb -security for maverick09:18
smbapw, Yeah, I could have guessed after you added the Maverick tag09:19
smbJust not clear at all from the rest of the info09:19
smbNor whether Lucid had worked09:19
smbOr anything else useful09:19
apwlag, yeah we might want to try an lucid live CD and see if that boots ok09:19
smbAnd it would be good to have dmesg (even with noapic), dmidecode and maybe acpidump too09:21
ckinglag, hrm, with apic=debug you should see quite a bit of APIC debug, so perhaps the kernel param "loglevel" needs to be set to print more info09:21
lagapw: I tried - same result09:21
lagcking: Perhaps09:21
apwlag, heh well it would help if you recorded some of your history then09:21
apwsave us all asking you the same things over and over09:22
lagI can't do anything at the moment though, as the machine is in Essex09:22
ckingthe debug will then dump out pin settings and we can then figure out how broken the BIOS config is :-)09:22
smbcking, Could be it explodes before getting that far09:22
ckingsmb, the panic message comes at the end of the APIC config, and the code dumps out the config settings before this panic message09:23
* smb wonders whether this hw could have multiple nodes/apics or so09:23
ckingyep, dumping the APIC tables is useful too. So including output from acpidump could be instructive09:24
ckingapic=debug show_lapic=all may be useful too09:24
ckingjust my 2 cents worth09:25
ckingwhere was I...?09:25
* cking goes back to checking email09:26
smbIt was so quiet and peaceful yesterday, when UK was on holiday... ;-P09:26
lagcking: I'll have to give it a bash when I go back home09:30
ckingwith a hammer?09:30
lag cking: Do you think bug 695274 could be related (when I use 'noapic')09:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 695274 in linux (Ubuntu) "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.35/net/sched/sch_generic.c:258 dev_watchdog+0x1fd/0x210() (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69527409:30
czrubot2, hmm. I think there was just a commit in linuses tree about this09:36
ubot2czr: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:36
czrbleh :-).09:36
czrah no. not that one.09:36
ckinglag, perhaps acpi_skip_timer_override may help, I've seen this required for some HP laptops09:46
lagcking: It may well do, but I have no way of testing that ATM, as the computer is in Essex09:47
ckingsure, just throwing in some ideas09:50
hrwcan someone help me with bug 682681?10:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 682681 in linux (Ubuntu) "allow to build linux-source package only (affects: 1) (heat: 124)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68268110:53
apwhrw, i thought we already had support for early builds like that10:57
apwhrw, via the stage stuff?10:58
hrwapw: this is similar. I just noticed that I need to update patch in bug to show what I need11:00
hrwapw: the idea is "provide PPA with cross toolchain backports" and I need a way to get linux-2.6.37-source package without any other packages built11:01
apwhrw, i am confused as to why the stage1 is not needing the same thing11:01
apwas the purpose of stage1 is to generate "what you need to boot strap the compilers"11:02
hrwok, let me then explain11:02
apwwhich sounds exactly what you are doing11:02
hrwstage1 support allows me to generate linux-libc-dev package but also generates few others which I just do not care about. BACKPORT patch adds a way to build linux-source only (will follow with patch to generate linux-VER-source instead of linux-source).11:03
hrwresults of stage1 build are not available to user during my cross-toolchain builds because I use just one package from it (linux-libc-dev) which I mangle to linux-libc-dev-armel-cross one (available later for user)11:04
hrwBACKPORT build will result in only linux-VER-source package which will be put in PPA and then used by me to build linux-libc-dev-armel-cross for cross toolchain backport11:05
apwhrw, well it sounds like it should be a DEB_STAGE to me, perhaps "sourceonly" ?11:05
hrwif I would have to support maverick+ I would not need this but I have to cover lucid ;(11:06
apwthough how are you setting 'BACKPORT' anyhow? 11:06
hrwapw: source package pushed into PPA will have BACKPORT=true hardcoded11:06
apwso why can't you just hardcode the do_xxx options11:07
hrwright ;)11:07
hrwapw: I prepared such patches for gcc/eglibc/binutils and then made one also for linux - but you have right - it can be just kept locally11:08
apwit sounds like you have to patch *.mk anyhow to add backports so you can just hardcode the do_'s ... so its not obvious how useful having the change in tree is ...11:09
apwbut if you think its easier to maintain if we carry some option, i think DEB_STAGE=sourceonly or similar might make more sense than a new variable11:09
apwas DEB_STAGE already modifies the package sets we pop out11:10
* apw has to admit he has been thinking about making many of the do_ variables automatically set from the control file contents at build time11:11
apwas they have to match11:11
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ograapw, what about the omap3 kernels, i would like to enable omap3 builds this week and iirc we're waiting for a kernel team decision12:58
* apw__ waves13:04
smbfrom the waves? :)13:05
apw__heh not far off it indeed13:06
* apw__ notes just how quiet it is today13:19
* smb notes just how quiet it was yesterday. :-P13:25
apwogra, i think your testing rejected the kernels from master branch as unbootable13:32
ograhuh ?13:45
ograwhen was that ?13:45
ograall i know is that we extensively tested the linaro kernels before the holidays13:46
ograand that they were good13:46
apwogra, right, and noone is stepping up to support those as i understand it13:46
ograso we need to revert to the maverick state13:46
apwthere is no direction that we want to support arm omap3 at all currently13:47
ograi.e. to a supported set13:47
ograthere is 13:47
apwogra, from where13:47
ograomap3 has the biggest community13:47
ograwe dont want to lose them13:47
apwthat is desire, not direction though13:47
ograits the only way to get enough developers to work with us13:47
ograomap3 was never "officially supported"13:48
apwwell that community could be served with linaro kernel then isn't it ?13:48
ograso i dont get why we need to change behavior now13:48
apwogra, cause we lost all of our arm engineers ?13:48
ograthey will use linaro hwpacks 13:48
ogranot ubuntu images13:48
apwthen why do we even need ubuntu images, if they are using hwpacks from linaro ?13:49
ogralosing omap3 would be the worst that could happen for the arm project13:49
ogralinaro users will use linaro hwpacks13:49
ogranot ubuntu images13:49
ograso the one big community we can have (amd have supported up to now with "unsupported images") will be lost 13:50
ograwe will lose all desktop and userspace testing then13:50
ogranot to talk about the other flavours, it took us several releases to have something for the kubuntu and xubuntu communities13:51
ograso they can work on their stuff on affordable HW13:51
apwogra, thats all very accurate i am sure, but the reality is we currently don't have resourece to support another kernel13:51
ogranatty was supposed to be the first release to offer them prebuilt images (based on omap3 from us and based on imx51 from a community project)13:52
ograwe dont have the resources to just re-enable the maverick status in the kernel package ?13:52
ograsorry but i dont get that13:52
apwdo you know that the maverick kernel works in natty ?13:53
ograi'm talking about the packaging 13:53
ogranot the tree13:53
apwogra, you mean enabling the omap build in the master branch of natty ?13:53
ograwhat would have happened if i hadnt offered to switch to linaro kernels ?13:53
ograyes, thats what i mean13:54
apwogra, likely you'd have no kernels at all for omap3 ...13:54
ograhuh ?13:54
apwbut ... i tried enabling omap3 at the end of last year13:54
apwand you tested it and rejected it13:54
ograhuh ?13:54
ogracan you please point me to any conversation about that ?13:54
ograall we tested was linaro packages13:54
apwat end end of last year (2010) i asked you to test some kernels i made from natty master13:55
apwand GrueMaster reported that it was no good13:55
apwi can make you some more from todays tip if that helps13:55
ograthat might help though i dont want to waste your time, let me talk to GrueMaster first13:56
apwogra, but i have no h/w to test/debug them so i am relaiant on smeone to test13:56
apwcirtainly if omap3 is coming for free out of master we are more able to support you in this endevour13:56
ograright, i dont see any difference to maverick here 13:57
ograthe linaro thing was an experiment to make your life easier13:57
apwogra, well we dropped omap3 from master on your request13:58
ograso i'm a bit sad to see resistance to revert to the former state ... though if there are technical blockers in the mainline tree (which surprises me since it worked before) the arm team should make sure to sort them for you13:58
ograbecause i didnt want to have two kernels in main 13:59
apwogra, and thats how we eneded up here13:59
ograi know13:59
ograwith the thought that i wanted to put load off the kernel teams sholders13:59
apwsforshee, yo ... welcome14:10
tgardnerapw, echo "do_tools=false dpkg-buildpackage -aarmel -nc -uc -us"|schroot -c maverick-amd6414:22
=== smb` is now known as smb
apwbouncy smagoun 14:50
apwbouncy smb 14:50
smagounwas that a threat or a proposition? :)14:51
apwsmagoun, heh, the threat was to IRC for being soooo annoying and picking the wrong nick ... :)14:51
smband using anything start sm when you hit tab. :)14:57
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apwsforshee, do you know about the team meeting today at 17:00UTC ?15:07
apwsforshee, its in #ubuntu-meeting in about 1:50 from now15:10
rsalvetiapw: how are you building the omap 3 package? can you point me the config file you're using?15:13
rsalvetiapw: then I can help trying to identify why it's not booting on my omap 3 hardware15:14
rsalvetisince last time GrueMaster tested it basically didn't boot15:14
apwrsalveti, the one i am trying to test i am building out of the natty master branch, i'll get the config up onto pastebin or something15:14
rsalvetiapw: cool, thanks15:14
apwrsalveti, yeah that was my memory, 'no good' but no real details as to any issues15:15
ogratheoretically the code shouldnt have changed to much15:16
ograso if the config is identical to maverick it should technically work15:16
rsalvetinot exactly15:16
apwogra, indeed, though the config of the kernel overall has gone through the wringer15:16
rsalvetibut I can also compare with linaro's config15:16
apwso its entirly possible things got lost, plus a bunch of omap patches dropped out as they collided15:17
ograah, so omap might inherit some x86 setting it burps on15:17
apwindeed so15:17
apwrsalveti, i'll have latest images to test and the config together and up in a few15:18
rsalvetiapw: thanks15:18
apwrsalveti, does linaro have a .37 config even thought?15:19
rsalvetiapw: I'm just cloning their tree, but they are using .37 already, so the config should be working fine for them15:19
apwrsalveti, http://people.canonical.com/~apw/omap3-natty/15:26
apwogra, ok latest omap3 kernels are at the URL above ^^15:26
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rsalvetiapw: thanks, will give it a try15:30
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bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting15:31
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting15:31
tgardnerapw, have you seen bug #693042 ?15:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 693042 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel Panic while booting Natty installer kernel (2.6.37-10-generic) on amd64 ISO (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69304215:41
apwtgardner, /me looks15:43
apwtgardner, thats on an old kernel, but interesting its just -server ... will ask them to test the latest15:44
apwtgardner, actually that appears to be init exiting15:46
apwso that may not be a kernel issue, we did get updates to upstart too around then15:46
tgardnerapw, ack. ara was hassling bladernr about it15:47
bladernrtgardner, apw may be, that was back in mid-dec.  if updates to everything have rolled into new ISOs since then it may not be an issue any longer...those issues were during netbooting15:48
bladernrwe're ggetting ready to start ISO testing again this week, so I'll see if there are still issues15:49
tgardnerbladernr, cool. hassle us on IRC if the issue persists15:49
apwbladernr, yeah, it looks like we swizzled into userspace in the initramfs and then the init in there just exited ... not sure who would be to blame there15:49
bladernrI blame fader15:49
bladernrhrmmm... or JFo, he's too far away to do anything to me right now15:50
bladernrI'll update it as soon as I know something... hopefully today or tomorrow depending on what I get roped into15:50
apwbladernr, yeah let us know, we are bound to forget15:51
apwtgardner, thanks15:51
tgardnerapw, delegation is my specialty15:52
JFobladernr, sorry, was looking at the other computer screen :-)16:07
bladernrJFo:  nevermind... we got it sorted16:08
smosersmb, around ?16:08
bladernrJanC:  don't need you no how ;-)16:08
JFobladernr, cool16:08
bladernrerrr... JFo not JanC 16:08
smbsmoser, yep16:08
smbsmoser, Oh, guess I forgot the server meeting16:08
smoseri'm gonna launch a cluster compute instance to verify that it doesn't have ephemeral disks attached, then let you poke around if you have some time (and yeah, server meeting also)16:09
smoser(i plan to leave it up for only 1 hour)16:09
smbsmoser, You probably assume I know what you want me to do... Though with the end of year erasure this is kind of optimistic. You'd best remind me of what I should look for. Also, with the server team meeting up and the kernel team meeting following right after I am not sure there will be much poking time16:12
smosersmb, yeah, i would fill you in.16:12
smosersmb, would you rather i wait till after those 2 ?16:13
smoseri'll send you a mail16:13
smbsmoser, That would be good. After those I should be less disctracted.16:14
smosersmb, for later, http://pad.daviey.com/Y6LhDy2gMd . please take a read, and ping me when you have some time.  i'll launch 2 instances (one amazon/centos, one natty) and open a bug from the natty, then give you access.16:23
smbsmoser, k, will do16:26
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bjf## Kernel team meeting in 30 minutes16:31
* tgardner is sure jjohansen is going to report progress on ecryptfs during the kernel team meeting in 3 minutes.16:58
jjohansentgardner: yep :)16:58
bjf## Meeting starting now16:59
bdmurrayIt seems to me that kernel bugs regarding package installation issues, tagged apport-package, shouldn't be tagged needs-upstream-testing17:28
tgardnerbdmurray, doesn't seem reasonable, does it?17:29
bdmurraytgardner: nope, not really17:30
tgardneris that a tag that apport applies?17:30
tgardneror something one of JFo's scripts did?17:31
apwi think it happens in the apport hooks actually17:31
bdmurraytgardner: which for the kernel is a part of the apport package.  I could likely fix it.17:31
tgardnerbdmurray, yeah, packaging problems definitely don't need upstream testing :)17:32
JFoyeah, I want to get some time at platform to look at the apport hook17:32
JFothere is much to be done there17:33
bjfapw, don't think it's apport, i think its our arsenal scripts17:33
bjfbdmurray, tgardner, JFo  ^17:33
JFoI'm sure those need adjustment as well17:33
bdmurraybjf: well bug 696149 has both tags and hasn't be arsenal'ed17:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 696149 in linux (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic 2.6.35-22.35 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69614917:33
JFocan we look at both during the rally?17:33
JFoor is our time filled already?17:33
apwbjf, it is likely both, but i am pretty sure we put it on in apport after asking if they have tested upstream17:33
smbsmoser, ok so meetings are done for today. So it is the devices not showing up problem to be looked at?17:33
apwJFo, yes we should, we should get it on agenda17:34
tgardnerapw, done17:34
JFothanks tgardner 17:35
smosersmb, yeah. let me start some instances.17:41
bdmurraythere are some comments in bug 539467 indicating that isn't fixed17:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 539467 in pm-utils-powersave-policy (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 6 other projects) "SATA link power management causes disk errors and corruption (affects: 23) (heat: 150)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53946717:42
smbhm, I thought the fix was to remove the script that enables pm for the disk controller. which was done... I thought. Though it has been some time17:45
apwsmb, the fix for PM was only done in lucid17:45
apwand the kernel was slated to be fixed in maverick17:45
apwbut an upstream change17:45
apwsmb, i suspect we now need a maverick nom so we can separate that from natty17:46
smbapw, Something on link powermanagement or that magic thing for via controllers and wd disks?17:46
smbhm, yes sounds like a sensible approach for maverick at least17:47
apwsmb, i have not seens the specifics of the fix only see it mentioned, and that was why there was no fix for pm-utils-*17:47
smband then "fix" pm-utils again17:47
apwsmb, ok done17:48
apwsmb, ok commentary added as to why i've done what i've done17:51
apwsmb, are you looking after that one?17:51
smbapw, not really actively until now at least...17:51
apwJFo, does kernel-key work yet?  will they appear on the list ?17:51
jjohansenapw: did you hit an issue with the AA compatibility patches not applying?17:52
apwjjohansen, not that i've noticed so far17:52
jjohansenapw: okay, if you do let me know17:52
apwjjohansen, i have three patches by the looks of things17:53
* jjohansen needs to fix them for
apwsorry 417:53
apw    UBUNTU: SAUCE: AppArmor: Fix unpack of network tables.17:53
jjohansenyeah that sounds right17:53
apw    AppArmor: compatibility patch for v5 interface17:53
apw    AppArmor: compatibility patch for v5 network controll17:53
apw    UBUNTU: SAUCE: AppArmor: Allow dfa backward compatibility with broken usersp17:53
apwjjohansen, they apply ok to 37-rc817:54
jjohansenapw: yeah interesting /me needs to look into why they are working on .37 and failing on .36.217:54
smosersmb, ok. so i'm going to launch instances17:57
smosersorry for delay17:57
smbsmoser, no worries.17:58
apwjjohansen, they have been rebased through each -rc so perhaps they got fixed by that as they went17:59
jjohansenapw: yeah that is my assumption17:59
tgardnerapw, rebased against Linus tip and am rerunning stress on Urbana. Still up after 55 minutes.17:59
apwthough its supprising that .2 has anything big17:59
apwtgardner, so thats between -rc8 and tip has helped for you ?18:00
tgardnerapw, seems to have. absense of evidence (and all that) ...18:00
jjohansenapw: it doesn't, its a small fix but enough to cause the out of tree compatibility patches to fail18:00
apwtgardner, modulo not knowing how reproducible it is18:00
tgardnerapw, yep. there were a couple of core mem fixes since -rc818:00
tgardnerthough I didn't look very close18:01
apwthere is a 'wrong VM_BUG_ON()' which might be the trigger18:01
tgardnerthats what I was thinking about18:01
apwtgardner, though that sounds like its hard to hit, but stress is stressy18:02
tgardnerapw, I'll run it through 3 more cycles of 3600 seconds each.18:03
apwtgardner, thanks ... 18:04
smosersmb, ok. 2 hosts are available at the etherpad url i gave.18:05
smoserroot@ec2-174-129-48-53.compute-1.amazonaws.com and ubuntu@ec2-184-73-133-219.compute-1.amazonaws.com18:05
smbsmoser, ok see it18:06
* apw watches smoser's credit card glow warmer18:16
smosersmb, ok. i'm pretty sure you're off the hook here. i'll give amazon another couple bucks to test my theory.18:17
smbsmoser, So what would be that theory?18:17
apwsmoser, we could do with an OSD for how fast money is being extracted from one ... like the brightness indicator18:18
smbjust need to look at the pad 18:18
smoseryeah. --block-device-mapping is not getting set on register. so i'll launch an instance with 18:18
smoser  --block-device-mapping sdb=ephemeral0 --block-device-mapping sdc=ephemeral118:18
smoserand see if that gets us the devices.  definitely as things are right now we're not asking amazon to attach block devices, so they wont.18:19
smbsmoser, Sounds quite reasonable. Looks like another magic part I need to know more about (instance data queries). Btw, do you know a api-tools command that would return the instance types usable for a given ami?18:25
smoseri dont thikn you can iterate availalbe instance type18:26
smoserheres the rules though:18:26
smbsmoser, Well I mostly guessed from the description page18:27
smoser - instance-store can run all except t1.micro and cc1.* and cg1.*18:27
smoser - ebs can run all except cc1.* and cg1.*18:27
smoser - hvm can only run cc1.* and cg1.*18:27
smbAh, had not yet seen the cc and cg types18:28
smoser(note, that hvm is ebs root, but is a different virtualization-type)18:28
smoserthose are the cluster-compute instances that we just added support for18:28
smoserthey're hvm (full virtualization)18:28
smbWould need to add those to some little script I started18:29
=== bjf changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Maverick Kernel Version: 2.6.35 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - January-18 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
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Sarvattapw: it's called byobu :)18:33
smosersmb, ubuntu@ec2-184-73-137-83.compute-1.amazonaws.com and you can now see the devices (that instance was launched with --block-device-mapping sdb=ephemeral0 --block-device-mapping sdc=ephemeral118:33
smoseri will change the registration of hvm instances to have that by default.18:33
smbsmoser, Ah right. So WYRIWYG and luckily not a kernel problem18:34
smosersmb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/550339/ is my hacky script that sits atop other hacky scripts.18:34
smosersmb, right.18:35
smosertomorrows build will have sane default block device mappings for hvm18:35
smbsmoser, ec2 seems to consist of too much hackyness some days...18:36
smoseri'm gonna kill those instances unless you want them...18:36
smoseroh, there is hackyness, part of my job is to make people not need to know the hackyness18:36
smoser"just works"18:37
smosersorry for wasting your time. 18:37
smbsmoser, not needing them further. been off. no problem. maybe some time of next week we might spend on relaying which part of hack is needed where and where to find it18:38
smbwhat I would like to have would be some simple way to define a set of types to start up for coverage tests18:39
smoserwell the hack we need on hvm instances is due to bug 68487518:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 684875 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "Patch to Natty 2.6.37-virtual breaks non-EC2 users (affects: 1) (heat: 126)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68487518:39
smbyeah, I should take time tomorrow to actually prepare that revert for natty to go in18:40
smbapw, When are you planning to do that final upload?18:40
smbat least before ralley18:41
apwsmb, i am intending to upload late tommorrow or early thursday morning18:41
apwdepending on what linus does, so yes, that its through the AAs before i get on the plane18:41
smbThat sounds like enough time.18:41
clukHi, I am running Lucid on a Dell E6410 and am affected by the 'blank screen on boot' bug #561802.18:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 561802 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "[i915] blank screen on Latitude E6410 (NOT E6510) (affects: 63) (heat: 337)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56180218:51
clukI would really like to help fixing this issue but I would need some developer support. :) Could one of you tell me where to ask for help?18:53
apwcluk, what graphics h/w does this machine have?19:00
cluk00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)19:00
clukI am getting the blank screen with all the latest lucid, lts-backport-maverick and lts-backport-natty kernels.19:01
clukEven drm-intel-next as of yesterday is the same.19:02
clukI tried bisecting on drm-intel-next as I have one older kernel build from that repo which does not show this behaviour.19:04
jjohansencluk: commit b599c0bca1e08a89a7fc4305bc84f4be30ada368 is the bad one for me19:07
jjohansencluk: I haven't chased my blank screen issue beyond that yet19:08
* manjo getting lunch will be back soon19:11
clukjjohansen: I found c48c43e422c1404fd72c57d1d21a6f6d01e18900 to be good, while b4ce0f85159f77f208a62930f67b4e548576a5a3 was bad.19:12
clukbut reverting that commit on drm-intel-next head still booted to a blank screen.19:13
clukFrom all I read and tried I would guess that this is a kind of race or timing problem.19:14
clukEven those kernels that 'work' sometimes wakeup from suspend with a blank screen.19:15
jjohansencluk: possibly, like I said I didn't chase it any farther on the machine I have experiencing problems yet19:18
clukjjohansen: anything I can do to help fixing this? I could spend some time on this issue this week. :)19:37
jjohansencluk: hrmmm, I haven't thought to much about it yet.  My initial reaction was find the bad commits, but it seems to be more than that19:39
jjohansencluk: chasing down the race would be great, but it seems a bit much to ask19:41
clukjjohansen: aehm. I could try if anyone could give me some hints, perhaps. :)19:46
jjohansencluk: hehe, well that is the problem I am not sure where to start on the race19:47
jjohansencluk: actually my first pass would be to see just how repeatable the problem is, does it fail 50% of the time, on boot etc.  What of suspend, maybe its 100% there19:48
jjohansenThis could give some different paths to look at, or maybe its just multiple problems19:49
jjohansencluk: chasing from there gets a little more ugly, I would probably start looking at the code and poking in a few debug statement/counters19:50
jjohansenbut then /me isn't very familiar with the drm stack so /me isn't sure of the best way to approach it19:51
clukjjohansen: I never got a working screen with a normally non-working kernel and vice versa here.19:51
jjohansencluk: hrmm, can you go back further and get a working screen?19:52
clukjjohansen: what does further mean here? :) I got a working kernel from c48c43e422c1404fd72c57d1d21a6f6d01e18900 almost all others are failing. Only older 2.6.32 versions are working too.19:54
jjohansencluk: so c48c43e422c1404fd72c57d1d21a6f6d01e18900 gives you a working screen?19:55
clukI can tell you the bad commit for those too, if you like. 19:55
clukjjohansen: yes.19:55
jjohansenand if you step forward 1 it breaks19:55
jjohansenie b4ce0f85159f77f208a62930f67b4e548576a5a319:56
clukno, not exactly. It breaks with: b4ce0f85159f77f208a62930f67b4e548576a5a319:57
clukand I can go 1 rev back and there it works too.19:57
jjohansenah okay, sorry I don't have intel-drm-next infront of me19:57
clukBut reverting b4ce0f85159f77f208a62930f67b4e548576a5a3 on head does not fix it. :(19:58
jjohansencluk: right but other later commits my also be causing problems19:59
clukhe he. yes.19:59
jjohansencluk: have you tried head, with all changes to intel drm reverted?20:00
clukjjohansen: do you mean: head of Linus' repo with all drm intel changes up to the working one reverted?20:03
jjohansencluk: yep20:04
jjohansentrying to isolate intel drm changes from changes to the rest of the kernel20:04
jjohansenperhaps there is something else in the rest of the kernel causing issues20:04
clukjjohansen, no, did not try that.20:05
jjohansenits worth a try20:05
clukah ok. Reverting all drm intel related changes means 'reverting the merge commits from drm-intel-next / drm-intel-fixes'? Or is there an easier way?20:07
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jjohansencluk: in this case I think the revet of the merge should do it20:14
* jjohansen lunches20:16
hallynapw: (notice you listed in udev contributors :)  do you know why our udev package doesn't do scsi_wait_scan at startup, while debian's does?22:16
apwhallyn, likely cause we don't want to wait for all the disks?22:17
apwwe only care to wait till the one which represents / arrives, the rest can arrive as an when they fancy22:17
hallynhm, unfortunately that's not always true :)22:22
hallynnow, the only case I know of where it's not (so far) involves multipath, and that's what I'm trying to figure out -22:22
hallynshould I just do scsi-wait_scan in the initramfs script shipped with multipath, or should we do it in udev22:23
apwhallyn, i suspect that use case is not 'supported'22:23
apwi think we should poke scott22:23
apwand see what he thinks22:23
hallynwhich scott?22:23
hallynapw: do you mean multipath not supported?22:26
apwhallyn, keybuk22:29
apwhallyn, as in never thought about and therefore not supported in the current design22:30
apwprobabally as an interim doing a wait in initramfs will likely do the trick22:30
apwits not sure how one can know how many paths to wait for, i guess it depends if new paths can be added as the paths come up22:30
apwif so, then there should be no need22:31
hallynapw: ok, thanks.  22:32
clukjjohansen, I talked to the guys at #intel-gfx about the blank screen issue and jbarnes pointed me to the patch in 22:39
clukwhich fixed the issue.22:39
clukI tested this patch on top of drm-intel-next head and on top of the bad commit mentioned earlier.22:40
clukBoth cases seem to work correct with this patch.22:40
jjohansencluk: interesting I'll have to give that a try22:46
jjohansencluk: thanks22:46
clukjjohansen, the patch has just been committed to the drm-intel-fixes branch. as 369581028e2528122cc109abacf11766ae231f0122:55
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yigalI patched the Maverick kernel which alters a few files in drivers/input/mouse it went well and now I'm able to the touchscreen on my device, Viliv S5.  Now I want to alter a few files in drivers/input/net/wireless to get the wireless up and running but I would prefer to not have compile the kernel all over again, is there a way to use the original src and recompile the kernel faster than before?  I'm using a z530 and it takes23:12
jjohansenyigal: you can do partial compiles23:13
yigalI thought this would be possible, I'm just not sure how23:13
jjohansenyigal: I assume your using the ubuntu build system?  doing fakeroot debian/rules ?23:14
yigalnot exactly old Debian way make-kpkg23:14
jjohansenhrmm, I've actually never used that23:15
yigalbut it uses debian/rules and I used fakeroot23:15
yigaljust not from git23:15
jjohansenlook in debian/stamps/23:15
jjohansenthere should be some build stamp files23:15
jjohansenif you remove the build stamp files, it will run through the build again, but make will detect the .o files23:16
yigalso I can make $xconfig etc., and then go through what I normally what I would have done?23:16
yigaloldconfig,menuconfig etc.23:17
jjohansenyou should be able to23:17
jjohansenthe important part is to not clean out the .o files23:18
yigaljjohansen: if i'm patching a certain driver should I delete that driver23:18
yigalfrom the original build23:18
jjohansenyigal: it doesn't hurt to delete its .o files, but it really shouldn't be necessary23:18
jjohansenmake should detect the .c files have been updated and recompile those23:19
yigalvery smart23:19
yigalgood to know23:19
yigalI don't expect it to work smoothly but if it does, that would be great!23:19
yigalthank you23:19
jjohansenwell there are times that it doesn't work because the make file is missing some dependency but it usually works23:20
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clukOk, thanks for your help and bye for now!23:25

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