
tgm4883hmm 11 minutes00:19
tgm4883yes they do btw00:19
bludI'm having problems with my playback. For some reason it plays the video back at like 2x speed03:47
bludlong story short, supposedly I need to reset my settings by doing mysql < mc.sql03:48
bludbut when i do it says access denied for root03:48
bludso.. where can i find or set my mysql password? Apparently the mythbuntu install set it03:48
superm1blud, your default mysql password for the 'mythtv' mysql user is your standard user password04:00
rhpot1991superm1: since when do we do that, I thought it was random generated still04:23
superm1oh sorry you're right04:26
superm1the mysql root password is04:26
superm1the standard user password04:26
superm1the mysql mythtv user password is the random one04:27
rhpot1991yep thought so04:27
tyce_anyone using one of the new mac minis as a frontend?06:11
superm1have they been hacked?07:08
tyce_mac mini, not appleTV07:47
MoMoi have installed mythbuntu on top of an existing ubuntu 10.10 install.  my question is, when watching tv is there a way to fill the screen.  in other words when running mythbuntu, the ubuntu task bar on top and bottom are seen08:31
pravinI have a TV capture card installed in my computer, I installed MeTV  and tried to watch TV in ubuntu but i was unable to because MeTV does not recognize my tv tuner card. This is what I get on lspci command http://paste.ubuntu.com/550222/ plz help13:42
Zinn[paste.ubuntu.com] Ubuntu Pastebin13:43
MoMoi have installed mythbuntu on top of an existing ubuntu 10.10 install.  my question is, when watching tv is there a way to fill the screen.  in other words when running mythbuntu, the ubuntu task bar on top and bottom are seen15:01
patdk-wkheh, you must be running mythfrontend in a window then, instead of fullscreen15:23
MoMohow to i change that15:37
mrandMoMo, there is a setting in one of the  frontend setup screens as I recall.15:51

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