
=== paulproteus_ is now known as paulproteus
mikedep333rhpot1991, oh, thanks!01:16
mikedep333bahh, $50 for a one time update: http://www.amazon.com/Garmin-n%C3%BCMaps-Onetime-Navigator-America/dp/B0026MTATW/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1294103771&sr=8-201:17
mikedep333only 3/5 stars01:17
mikedep333$73 for a lifetime update, with only 4 /5 stars: http://www.amazon.com/Garmin-n%C3%BCMaps-Lifetime-America-Updates/dp/B001PKTFM8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1294103771&sr=8-101:17
jthan_andrew: Victorinox money clip w/ knife andw hat not built in. I recently broke my money clip and haven't replaced it yet. I thought that was fitting for a scout02:54
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ChinnoDogThat is so cool seeing all my files go into tar on one screen and see them dumped out a few seconds later on my other screen04:12
=== DJAshnar is now known as SamuraiAlba
SamuraiAlbamornin, lamalex11:56
SamuraiAlbaHow is Maine?11:56
ChinnoDogom nom sheetz breakfast sandwich13:47
jedijfnom fail, watery oatmeal13:48
jedijftrade ya13:48
ChinnoDogI like my oatmeal watery. But, then I cook it extra long so it congeals correctly14:02
waltmanIt's easy to fix watery oatmeal -- just cook it a little longer so some more water boils off.14:09
ChinnoDogThat happens too but first the oatmeal turns to glue, which is good if there is a lot of water because it becomes thicker, but bad if you didn't use enough water14:11
ChinnoDogmy oatmeal: one packet, add extra water, cook until polymerized14:12
ChinnoDogthen, add splash of milk14:12
andrewThis sounds too much like science14:12
ChinnoDogIt is! It also conserves oatmeal, and calories.14:13
jedijfChinnoDog: sometimes I just think you are soooo odd14:14
waltmanChinnoDog: Hint: you don't get to lecture the rest of the channel about the proper way to prepare oatmeal if your first ingredient is "one packet".14:15
jedijfeven though, I too, am a packet guy14:15
jedijfwaltman: oatmeal alert - best oatmeal in philly - coventry deli - 20th& market14:16
waltmanI will on rare occasions make instant, but it's much better if you cook real rolled oats.14:16
jedijfi once, stopped for oatmeal, got towed, and didn't care - that's how good it is14:16
ChinnoDogI don't eat instant anymore. For awhile Quaker was making packets that had uncooked oats in it. I bought those because it was easier (and more portable) than mixing flavorings into uncooked and measuring out14:17
ChinnoDogIf you have a recipe to duplicate the flavorings in uncooked oats, I am interested in that!14:17
waltmanI use sugar-in-the-raw.  It's got enough flavor that I don't feel the need to add anything else.14:17
ChinnoDogThat isn't enough. WhenI was a kid I was never able to add enough stuff to the unflavored packets in my oatmeal variety pack to make them palettable14:19
=== toggles_ is now known as toggles
lamalexSamuraiAlba, pretty nice14:40
lamalexI'm a little homesick but that's expected14:40
ChinnoDoglamalex: what are you doing in Maine?14:53
ChinnoDogI must be.. behind. You moved to Maine?14:56
ChinnoDoglamalex: when did that happen?15:14
lamalexa week ago15:14
ChinnoDogDo you know anyone else up there?15:15
jedijfyou're behind, so go with he knows pleia215:19
ChinnoDogpleia2 does not live in Maine15:20
andrewDidn't she used to live in maine?15:32
ChinnoDogKnowing someone that used to live where you are doesn't count. :-p15:33
lamalexChinnoDog, no not really15:35
lamalexI'm pretty much on my own15:35
lamalexit was kind of a dumb decision15:35
andrewGo on15:36
erstazianyone know a free cellphone carrier lookup service?16:03
ChinnoDogYou mean to identify carrier based on number?16:04
waltmanlamalex: Why did you move to Maine?16:06
erstaziChinnoDog: correct.16:07
lamalexwaltman, no reason16:10
ChinnoDoglamalex: Where specifically do you live?16:20
waltmanIn a log cabin somewhere deep in the north woods, I bet.16:22
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
lamalexno, Portland16:39
lamalexalthough I've been looking at land out towards the mountains16:39
lamalexit's pretty cheap16:39
mikedep333hey lamalex16:48
mikedep333I hope you're finding portland nice and bike friendly.16:50
lamalexwrong portland16:52
lamalexthere are still lots of bike lanes and stuff up here16:52
lamalexjust also snow and ice16:52
mikedep333as opposed to freezing rain16:53
waltmanAre you finding it cold and snowy? :)16:53
lamalexwaltman, not yet, it hasn't been any worse than philly16:53
mikedep333it was snowy a week ago!16:53
lamalexwe're getting snow again this weekend though16:53
lamalexit was in the 50s over the weekend16:53
mikedep333it's 40' today16:53
mikedep333wow, a freenode channel where we can use fahrenheit!16:54
mikedep333ok, lunchtime16:55
waltmanWait, so 50F, that's 10C, right?17:11
* waltman ducks17:12
mikedep333exactly 10C17:24
mikedep33332F = 0C17:24
mikedep333+18F = +10C17:25
pleia2that's not how it works17:25
pleia2oh, I see what you are saying17:25
mikedep333I thought 1.8F = 1.0C17:25
pleia2I thought you were adding something17:25
andrewjust use w|a like i did17:26
mikedep33350 = 32 + 1817:26
mikedep33332 being the freezing in F17:26
mikedep333and if you add 18F, which is the same as added 10C17:27
mikedep33368F = 20C = room temperature17:27
mikedep333*same as adding 10C17:27
=== DJAshnar is now known as SamuraiAlba
andrewpleia2: I hear they discontinue calendars every december17:36
pleia2the calendars end, they don't discontinue :P17:38
pleia2they'd been releasing Disney Days calendars since at least 1997, I've had one every year since then17:38
pleia2none for 2011 :(17:38
andrewyou don't have a W&G calendar?17:38
pleia2I have a W&G wall calendar, not a daily one17:39
pleia2and I only have the wall calendar because it was shipped to me by a company in the UK for promoting some of their new products, they're usually stupid expensive to get here17:39
SamuraiAlbaNetgear - Used for skeet shooting.18:08
mikedep333SamuraiAlba, yup, nice blue target18:09
mikedep333although their cheap plastic consumer products deserve more to be used as a target than their blue metal products18:10
andrewI have one of their blue metal things... apparently the power adapter isn't covered under the lifetime hardware warranty18:12
waltmanpleia2: I picked up a lovely WWF penguin-a-month calendar at Borders last week for 50% off :)18:12
andrewsuggestions as to where to get a 12VDC 1Amp adaptor for a reasonable cost?18:13
waltmanRadio Shack?  Microcenter?18:13
waltmanHome Depot?18:13
andrewHome Depot would have them?18:15
waltmanI confess I don't even know what it is. :)18:15
waltmanBut Lowes and Home Depot both stock lots of electrical stuff.18:16
pleia2I don't actually have a very good place to put a wall calendar18:16
waltmanoh, THAT'S what it is.18:17
waltmandoubtful on the depot.18:17
SamuraiAlbaI have a WPN824 v118:18
waltmanpossible on microcenter18:18
SamuraiAlbaDang thing reboots whenever the phone rings or the microwave is used, and then DHCP craps out18:18
ChinnoDogAre you sure that the outlet it is plugged into is properly grounded?18:20
andrewtested on multiple outlets, and with an identical (working) adapter18:21
ChinnoDogHow cheap do you want to be? http://www.sciplus.com/index.cfm/go/front.tagged/tag/DC18:28
ChinnoDogOh. None of those adapters meet your specs18:29
andrewIdeally something that works...18:29
andrewmost i've found are about $20 (product + shipping)18:29
ChinnoDogWait, your router uses 12 watts? 12v @ 1A seems like a lot...18:31
andrewit's a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683312220318:33
mikedep333andrew, I may have one18:34
mikedep333there are adjustable adapters18:34
mikedep333ChinnoDog, that's the absolute max, but yeah18:34
mikedep333as in the TDP, including power spikes18:34
ChinnoDogoh. I thought we were talking about something much smaller than that.18:35
mikedep333andrew, good news. I have Linksys 12V 1A adapter. I think it's a spare18:36
mikedep333looks like the standard size plug18:37
mikedep333yeah, it fits in my netgear switch which takes 12V 1.2A18:38
andrewNow I have to remember where you are located, I was thinking for a moment that I was in #plug, but I'm not.18:39
mikedep333can anyone suggest any videos for my youtube playlist?18:58
mikedep333"Silly Portrayals of Hacking"18:59
mikedep333nm, found this19:03
ChinnoDogIs Android on a tablet just like Android on a cell phone, only bigger?19:58
andrewIs iPad just like iPhone, only bigger?19:58
waltmanpretty much, yeah19:59
waltmanI mean, it's the same OS, but apps can do more with the increased screen real estate.20:00
waltmanit's an iOS world, we just live in it.20:00
andrewlast I checked, Android hasn't been designed to optimally take advantage of tablets20:00
waltmanspeaking of which, the Apple App Store goes live on Thursday.20:00
andrew(and actually limits screen size if you want to official market)20:01
andrewwaltman: so.. what linux has had for years, apple will finally get?20:01
waltmanlinux has an app store?20:02
andrewIn concept, assuming that it's  like a repository system20:02
waltmanonly at a high level20:03
waltmanI have to admit that the iPhone app store, for being an evil corporate monopoly and all that, is actually quite nice.20:04
ChinnoDogAn Ubuntu app store would be awesome20:04
waltmanit would20:04
pleia2that's what the software center is20:04
pleia2there are paid applications in it20:05
ChinnoDogThere are?  I never go in there. lol20:05
* ChinnoDog goes to look20:05
waltmanand...is it awesome?20:05
pleia2in addition to all the free ones20:05
pleia2waltman: it is!20:05
* waltman also confesses he runs debian, not ubuntu :(20:06
pleia2I think there are only 3 paid apps at the moment20:06
ChinnoDogThis app store is not awesome. WEhre are the paid apps?20:06
waltmanbut hey, you've got to start somewhere!20:06
pleia2ChinnoDog: there isn't a different between paid and free in the interface, there are like 20,000 free and 3 paid ;)20:07
ChinnoDogOh. So, they have a repo but then you have to license it to use it?20:08
pleia2actually, there should be a "for purchase" section20:08
pleia2brukkon is a paid app20:08
pleia2and fluendo20:08
ChinnoDogOh. The software center in 10.10 on my desktop has a For Purchase. The one on my laptop in 10.04 is not as organized.20:09
pleia2I don't think 10.04 has any paid apps20:09
pleia210.10 is when they added it to the software center20:09
ChinnoDogWell, that is interesting. I don't think it is well known or popular enough to get any developers to scrable to put anything in it though20:10
pleia2you're an ubuntu developer and didn't know about it..?20:10
ChinnoDogAt least, nothing that didn't already exist as a paid app for linux.20:10
pleia2I think that would be unusual, it's been talked about a lot20:10
pleia2planet, news, articles20:10
ChinnoDogI never have a reason to open software center!20:10
ChinnoDogI didn't even know what it looked like.20:11
ChinnoDogI always install from command line, synaptic, or ubuntu-tweak20:11
pleia2but you're saying you wished something existed and it does, I figured you would have at least looked to see if it existed before you complained ;)20:11
ChinnoDogThe Ubuntu implementation of the "app store" is not the same as iPhone / Android, but not because of its functionality. On those platforms you have to go through the store to get pretty much everything.  IN this case, it is a part of the OS that new users see and others may never see.20:13
ChinnoDogI have not published any apps, but I think the allure of iPhone app store and Android market for developers is that you can publish something and people will find it, because it will be shoved in front of them the instant they search for it or something like it.20:14
ChinnoDogIn Ubuntu (and linuxes in general) it is not nearly as easy to accidentally discover a useful application. You have to go on a hunt.20:15
waltmanI think the allure of the app store for many iphone developers is that they'll make some money off of their app.20:16
ChinnoDogRight, but that will not happen unless 95% of the people out there are exposed to your app20:17
waltmanWell, they're different sorts of apps.  Most things I use on Linux can't be summed up with 3 or 4 screenshots.20:17
waltmanthey're by their nature much more visual20:18
ChinnoDogShareware would work well in Ubuntu because it is easy to add/remove it whenever you wish, and apt will clean up after it20:18
waltmanand they've got a professional marketing staff making sure the front page is all shiny20:19
ChinnoDogUnlike a certain other operationg system...20:19
* SamuraiAlba hides his 9 windows 7 home premium licenses...20:22
andrewAt 9, wouldn't it be easier to manage if you had pro instead of home?20:29
andrewThat reminds me20:30
andrewbts3685|1ps: ping me when you get a chance20:30
SamuraiAlbaHey.5 at GFs20:33
SamuraiAlba5 at GFs20:33
SamuraiAlba3 at grammies20:33
SamuraiAlbaand a spare license to go on GFs sisters PC20:33
SamuraiAlbaWent legit :O20:34
waltmanI don't know you people anymore!20:34
SamuraiAlbaI run Ubuntu 10.10 on my lappie and desk20:34
pleia2ChinnoDog: I think you'll find yourself a very unusual Ubuntu user who doesn't know about the software center, it's what all new users use to get applications20:35
pleia2synaptic is pretty much gone, most new users won't touch the command line20:35
andrewI'm wating for the day: < ChinnoDog > I just installed Ubuntu xx.xx and I can't find Synaptic. How an I supposed to install new software other than using the command line?20:36
andrewI admit I'm still clinging to synaptic (well, mostly the command line)20:38
andrewBut honestly, I just opened USC, searched for 'svn' and Bazaar is the top result20:38
ChinnoDogThere is always aptitude!20:38
ChinnoDogAlthough, that is not part of the default install anymore...20:39
andrewaptitude & vim-full20:39
SamuraiAlbaok... How do I run multisystem as root?20:52
waltmanwhat does synaptic give you that aptitude doesn't?20:57
deejoean s?20:58
ssweenya gtk gui?20:58
deejoeyeah, that20:58
waltmanOh, I was thinking it was a command-line app.20:58
SamuraiAlbagtk gui20:59
andrewWhat do you mean by "run multisystem as root"?20:59
deejoessweeny: thanks for the "gtk" qualifier.  I've started to get a little  . . . hurt . . . with the idea that ncurses interfaces are somehow not considered "graphical" simply because the are character-addressable rather than pixel-addressable20:59
SamuraiAlbaEn Francais21:00
ssweenydeejoe: i spend enough of my time buried in ncurses interfaces to appreciate them21:00
MutantTurkeyanyone know if a good usb debugging tool?21:03
andrewI prefer canned air21:04
andrewWe are talking about getting bugs out of USB, right?21:05
DJAshnarHow do I login as ROOT in Ubuntu 10.10?21:14
MutantTurkeyDJAshnar: use su21:15
DJAshnarhow do I use it?21:15
ChinnoDogsudo su -21:15
MutantTurkeyyep, or su if you know the root password21:15
DJAshnarthe app multisystem says not root21:16
MutantTurkeyi am getting quite angry at my new android phone, the usb isn't working anymore after the samsung update, i tested on two linux boxes and now i'm giving up home, i reset it but that didn't work :|21:16
MutantTurkeyssweeny: nothing wrong with ncurses.21:17
DJAshnartrying to run that app as root21:18
DJAshnarMutantTurkey,  which phone is it? and what carrier?21:22
MutantTurkeyDJAshnar: at&t Samsung GalaxyS Captivate21:22
DJAshnarIs AT&T a GSM carrier?21:23
MutantTurkeyi have no idea what gsm is21:23
DJAshnarnm.  Found they are.  Return your fone21:24
ChinnoDogYes, AT&T is GSM21:24
DJAshnarBuy a Nokia N90021:24
DJAshnarDebian deriviative :)21:24
DJAshnarBest phone I have seen.  Android is a pale shadow21:24
ChinnoDogThe answer to "how do I fix this?" should rarely be "stop using it"21:24
andrewbut... does it have angry birds?21:24
MutantTurkeyAndroid OS is brutally crappy.21:24
DJAshnarno AB21:25
andrewMutantTurkey: compared to?21:25
MutantTurkeyandrew: linux21:25
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey: did you look online to see if the update killed/crippled the USB for anyone else?21:25
DJAshnarAndroid sucks rotten goat compared to it.21:25
MutantTurkeyChinnoDog: yeah i've been doing some googleing around.21:25
andrewMutantTurkey: Mind being a bit more specific on that response?  I don't know of anyone who runs vanilla linux on their phone.21:26
DJAshnarthere u go :)21:26
MutantTurkeyandrew: lol21:26
MutantTurkeythe only output i get from dmesg is like this http://pastebin.com/t61eLH8621:27
mikedep333MutantTurkey, you updated your captivate from samsung's website?21:27
mikedep333and it said the update was for the AT&T model?21:27
mikedep333DJAshnar, the N900 does not do AT&T's 3G frequencies21:27
mikedep333he'd only be on 2G21:28
MutantTurkeymikedep333: the only update it did was from the little dialog box under settins21:28
MutantTurkeyi figured that would be safe ._,21:28
mikedep333otherwise, I would have bought one for myself on AT&T21:28
mikedep333MutantTurkey, and it updated?21:28
mikedep333like, a big update?21:28
mikedep333took minutes?21:28
MutantTurkeyit had to reboot and then went to a little update screen and then booted regularly21:28
MutantTurkeythen a few days later i tried to add more music to my phone and the usb wasn't working21:28
mikedep333MutantTurkey, I wouldn't put it beyond AT&T to put some sort of DRM on their USB connection. After all, they don't allow sideloading of apps.21:29
mikedep333what are you using to connect your phone?21:29
mikedep333what software are you using on linux?21:29
MutantTurkeymikedep333: the regular usb cable21:30
mikedep333what software on linux?21:30
MutantTurkeymikedep333: no software21:30
mikedep333that may be the problem21:30
MutantTurkeyArch Linux box, i just use the command line21:30
mikedep333what happened before?21:30
MutantTurkeywell before it would recognize it21:30
mikedep333the phone prompted you to enable usb storage?21:31
MutantTurkeythen i did21:31
MutantTurkeyi plugged, linux registered, android prompted, mounted  androided ( i belive, i only did it twice)21:31
mikedep333they may have made an incompatible update. after all, the only official recognized platform is linux (and maybe OS X), but let's see what we can do21:31
MutantTurkey:| i also tried enabling usb debugging, rebooting the phone, all the good stuff, tried two different linux boxes as well.21:32
mikedep333you could install the android SDK. It may help you with mass storage. I've only ever used it for the android debugger (ADB) which is very powerful21:32
MutantTurkeyi have that installed21:32
MutantTurkeyadb didn't find any phones21:33
mikedep333did you update?21:33
mikedep333it has an updater built in21:33
mikedep333and you may have to kill the old adb server or whatever21:33
mikedep333and run it as root21:33
MutantTurkeylet me re upgrade21:33
MutantTurkeyup to date21:34
mikedep333what's the daemon called?21:34
mikedep333that loads when you run the adb21:34
mikedep333often I have to run adb as root or with sudo21:34
mikedep333to make the daemon run21:34
MutantTurkeyokay i'll try that21:35
mikedep333hold on, let me switch to my linux box21:35
MutantTurkeydaemon started successfully21:35
DJAshnarok... know any chants to the old gods?21:35
MutantTurkeyshark bait OOO HA HA21:36
* DJAshnar chants for MutantTurkey21:36
DJAshnarPh'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!  Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!  Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!21:36
MutantTurkeystarts tribal dance21:36
MutantTurkey Phkaaka Phkaaka Phkaaka Chai Chai Raha'hueni Chai Phkaaka Phkaaka Phkaaka Raha'hueni21:37
* mikedep333_ starts booting his android tablet21:38
MutantTurkey(: thanks bro21:38
DJAshnarCat just jumped on the lappy...21:38
mikedep333_oh, right, it's not USB powered21:39
mikedep333_like 1-2 mins21:39
DJAshnarI want a Nook Color.  Rooted.  With the Kindle Reader app...21:40
=== DJAshnar is now known as SamuraiAlba
mikedep333_hmm, looks like it froze/crashed21:41
SamuraiAlbaBT brought sexy back for pentesting21:41
ChinnoDogI'm going to be content reading ebooks on my Evo. Cheap ebook readers are B&W only and have management overhead, color e-ink isn't available and color tablets/readers have the same display tech as my phone anyway.21:42
mikedep333_hmm, ok, I'll just use my phone21:42
mikedep333_which is much more real supported product21:42
ChinnoDogSo, soon as an android phone is released with a large color e-ink display, I'll be there.21:43
mikedep333_DJAshnar, don't forget about the archos 7021:43
mikedep333_it's getting amazing reviews on amazon21:43
mikedep333_hmm, I thought amazon was selling it21:44
mikedep333_it's like all 4 or 5 star reviews. and most of the 4 star reviews are by non-techies and/or before the december firmware update21:45
SamuraiAlbathis multisystem app is gonna make me kick a kitten21:45
mikedep333_sigh, what's the adb command to list connected devices?21:47
mikedep333_nm "adb devices"21:47
mikedep333_I think adb runs as the daemon21:49
MutantTurkeyit does21:50
mikedep333_hold on, updating to my SDK tools rev821:51
mikedep333_hold on, updating to my SDK tools rev821:51
mikedep333_hmm, did my adb get deleted?21:53
mikedep333_yeah, it looks like they removed the adb21:55
MutantTurkeyi give up :|21:55
mikedep333_I have to install the "platform-tools"21:57
mikedep333_which I'm doing now21:57
mikedep333_well, regardless21:59
mikedep333_you're using the sdk revision 821:59
mikedep333_which has the android 2.3 stuff21:59
mikedep333_install the platform-tools package21:59
mikedep333_go to the platform-tools folder21:59
mikedep333_run: sudo ./adb kill-server22:00
mikedep333_then: sudo ./adb devices22:00
MutantTurkeyi have adb currently22:00
MutantTurkeyadb devices returns empty22:00
SamuraiAlbaok... I wanna set fire to my lappy22:03
SamuraiAlbaor the creator of this app.22:03
SamuraiAlbaWhat OTHER app can I use to make a MULTIPLE ISO USB drive?22:03
mikedep333MutantTurkey, I think my phone isn't working properly22:06
mikedep333I have an acer with a custom ROM22:06
MutantTurkeyMine is also22:06
MutantTurkeyi have no custom rom though :/22:06
mikedep333acer never supported it very well anyway22:07
mikedep333MutantTurkey, I hate to ask, but do you have any windows systems to test your phone with?22:10
mikedep333you might be able to use bluetooth too22:11
mikedep333or a card reader if you're using a microSD card22:11
MutantTurkeynah i dont22:12
MutantTurkeymy mom has a work laptop i might be able to use22:12
MutantTurkeyi'll have to call her and ask her to bring it over22:12
mikedep333hold on22:12
mikedep333my tablet is working without its battery in it22:12
mikedep333_my tablet is detected now under linux22:15
MutantTurkeyi think i'll try and reset it22:15
mikedep333_USB storage works22:15
MutantTurkeywhat firmware are you using?22:15
mikedep333_MutantTurkey, I am using android 2.222:16
MutantTurkeyoh shucks22:16
mikedep333_but my tablet is a witstech A81E22:16
mikedep333_it's only sold to people in the US through importers22:16
mikedep333_but the important thing is22:16
mikedep333_the adb should be picking up your phone22:16
mikedep333_it should give the device an ID22:17
mikedep333_when you run sudo ./adb devices22:17
mikedep333_after running sudo ./adb kill-server22:17
mikedep333_with USB debugging enabled22:17
MutantTurkeyi don't think adb will do anything22:18
MutantTurkeybecause the kernel isn't detecting it properly22:18
mikedep333_what's it outputting?22:18
MutantTurkeyadb devices22:18
MutantTurkeygives nothing22:18
mikedep333_after you ran adb kill-server?22:18
MutantTurkeydmesg gives unable to enumerate USB devices blah blah blah22:18
mikedep333_as sudo both?22:18
mikedep333_I get unable to enumerate device too22:19
mikedep333_that may have been from before22:19
MutantTurkeyi've gotta go eat dinner22:19
mikedep333_these kernel time messages22:19
mikedep333_I'll be eating dinner soon too22:19
MutantTurkeyi'll hit you up later tonight22:19
mikedep333_I'll be around.22:20
mikedep333_MutantTurkey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/550415/22:26
mikedep333_there's my output22:26
mikedep333_w/ USB debugging enabled22:26
andrewHave you gotten the bugs out of your USB yet?22:34
mikedep333andrew, with my phone, no. with my tablet, yes22:41
mikedep333I don't feel like messing with my phone because I am probably going to upgrade to cyanogenMod (the kick ass FOSS "distro" of android) in a week or two.22:44
lamalexjthan, I'm building a new bike22:58
lamalexit's looking AWESOME22:58
pleia2is it pink?22:58
waltmandoes it have SNOW TIRES?23:00
waltmanI should make some dinner.23:02
erstazipleia2: are you still in Cali?23:05
waltmanShe's in virtual Cali23:05
erstaziBeckySanderlin`x: shorthand for California23:05
BeckySanderlin`xvirtual Cali?23:05
waltmanshe's really in a holodeck in JonathanD's basement23:05
pleia2erstazi: yep23:05
erstazipleia2: how is it? I miss Northern Cali. Souther Cali, not so much.23:06
pleia2erstazi: I am a bit jealous of your snow, but I really do love it here23:06
waltmanit's cool and damp, much like JonathanD's basement :)23:06
pleia2first time living in a city too, it's very novel to have a coffee shop in the same building as where I live23:07
erstazipleia2: no you are not. We, in Erie, got 38" in 24 hours.23:07
waltmanI'm jealous of the chipotle across the street :)23:07
waltmana chipotle that sells beer!23:08
lamalexI wish I had paid more attention in my operating systems and C class where they taught us how to do hex23:08
pleia2I like 38" in 24 hours!23:08
waltmanlamalex: It would help much with your hex bolts!23:08
lamalexoh damn, really?23:08
lamalexsee, if I had paid attention I would have known that23:09
waltmanHow can you get a CS degree and not know how to do hex?23:09
waltmanwhat did they teach you at Temple?23:09
lamalexI can do hex23:09
lamalexjust not well23:09
waltmanwhat's there to know?23:10
lamalexlike I was trying to figure out if I could bit shift 0xff00ff into 0xff000023:10
lamalexright so that's probably why I couldn't figure it out23:10
lamalexbut the fact that I didn't know that bummed me out23:10
lamalexI could do two shifts though right23:10
lamalexshift 0xff00ff into 0xff00 and then 0xff00 into 0xff000023:11
waltmanyou could also do 0xff00ff & 0xffff0023:11
waltmanor 0xff00ff & 0xff000023:12
lamalexright that's why I said no the first time23:12
lamalexlong story short no pleia2 it's not pink but it's red23:12
lamalexapparently I'm not as bad with hex as I thought, but just am not /comfortable/ around it23:13
lamalexjthan, pay attention in class23:13
lamalexgood advice23:13
pleia2red is acceptable23:13
lamalexotherwise you'll end up like me, with a sweet job but ALONE23:13
lamalexbald, depressed23:14
waltmanonce you get some road salt caked on it, it'll look pink anyway23:14
mikedep333lamalex, did you state why you moved to portland? I thought Canonical's only US ofice is in Boston.23:14
lamalexmikedep333 yah i work from home23:14
lamalexi move for no reason23:14
mikedep333that's very rational23:14
lamalexyah, I'm realizing that23:15
lamalexit sounded like a good idea at the time23:15
mikedep333famous last words23:15
waltmanIt's good to be around other people sometimes.23:15
waltmanWell, I suppose you can take the train down to Boston if you need to visit the home office.23:16
mikedep333yeah, one reason why I accepted this job in the Philly burbs is that my Dad lives here still, and I have a lot of my HS friends here23:16
lamalexI traded numbers with someone today, so hopefully I'll have a friend soon23:16
waltmanis she hot?23:16
lamalexbabe and a hal23:16
lamalexand even better, she has a friend who rides bikes23:17
lamalexso once I meet him, I'm set23:17
lamalexhm #ubuntu-us-me is invite only23:17
mikedep333the ubuntu community has no policy for or against that?23:17
waltmanyou need to get in with the local computer/bike geek community there.23:17
mikedep333maybe they've had disruptive users come in and are locking it down temporarily23:18
mikedep333when I hung out in #reactos, they sometimes locked down the channel for important meetings23:18
mikedep333ReactOS btw: http://www.reactos.org/en/index.html23:19
mikedep333it's basically a GPL clone of windows23:19
mikedep333they wouldn't exist if it were not for wine's libraries that they can directly import, and being able to base their native implementations of off wine's windows to unix translations (for lack of a better word)23:20
mikedep333they use other open source projects' code too23:20
mikedep333I think just like microsoft, they used BSD network code and network CLI utilities23:21
erstazitrying to find the best merchant for authorize.net23:22
erstazifinding someone lower than 2.19% is daunting.23:22
jedijfMutantTurkey: look up - usb is listed in top bar when connected, then you can choose how to mount it23:43
jedijfMutantTurkey: you can also set that in settings, to happen automagically at connection23:44
jedijfa little counter-intuitive; like 2 steps, but once you know the secret23:44
jedijfand to use sdk, have to turn on usb debugging23:44
jedijfthat's thru settings as well ^^^^23:45

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