
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
micheilwith upstart, I've noticed that each time my program crashes (with respawn on) that both my log files are truncated, anyone know anything about what could be causing this?17:43
SpamapSmicheil: does the program manage the log file?18:38
root_opApperantly this was the right channel.22:48
root_opRight, so I'm trying to select a new init process since I'm feeling like trying something new. Besides sysinit-v's serializing method is pretty much obsolete and darn slow.22:49
root_opAt the moment I'm pending between systemd, launchd and Upstart.22:49
root_opI've read pros and cons on each and every one of them. I've come to that systemd and launchd handles events through sockets, whereas Upstart doesn't. But still can.22:50
root_oplaunchd has several integrated event methods like a built in FAM and a cron-ish method.22:51
root_opAre there any pros with Upstart rather than any of the other ones?22:51
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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