
=== j1mc is now known as j1mc|afk
charlie-tcaGood morning14:38
charlie-tcacody-somerville: Can you approve my message sitting in the xubuntu-users mailing list awaiting approval?18:26
charlie-tcamr_pouit: menu still needs work in Natty? Applications -> Science -> gnumeric  seems wrong. It is also under office... This is the live cd, too.19:19
mr_pouitnot sure. You can report that upstream though19:22
charlie-tcano, gnome, right19:22
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: no, against garcon on bugzilla.xfcE.org19:34
mr_pouitI don't know why gnumeric is in both, but it shouldn't afaik19:34
charlie-tcareally? That's where the menu comes from now?19:34
charlie-tcaI will do that.19:34
charlie-tcaThanks 19:34
micahgmr_pouit: FTR, if you're bumping a build-dep, that's not a no-change rebuild22:07
mr_pouitit is, because soyuz doesn't allow binnmus =]22:16
mr_pouitbut I've no choice, otherwise on ppc and armel it would pick the old version22:17
mr_pouitbut the focus of lp isn't really for ubuntu *developers* anyway =(22:18
micahgmr_pouit: I'm not saying don't rebuild, I'm just saying, you should use dch -i for those, not dch -R and make sure the version is ubuntuX22:18
mr_pouitno, because I want them to be synced22:18
mr_pouitthis is a temporary thing, until the buildd lag is solved22:19
micahgmr_pouit: that's an incorrect version then, needing to sync is a different issue22:19
mr_pouitI made no source change, except the one needed to workaround lp missing features22:19
micahgmr_pouit: I'll be happy to file the sync requests when Debian's ready for xfce 4.822:19
mr_pouitit's fine to keep buildX, because it's fine to sync the next revision22:20
micahgmr_pouit: buildX means nothing in the build changed except the changelog22:20
mr_pouitthe ones with real source changes have ubuntuX22:20
mr_pouitmicahg: buildX means it can be autosynced22:20
micahgmr_pouit: yes, because there were no package changes22:21
mr_pouitand for the buildX I made no packaging change…22:21
micahgbumping a build-dep is a packaging change, I should've mentioned this in -motu so others could agree/disagree22:22
mr_pouitno it's not22:23
mr_pouitit's a workaround for lp uselessness22:23
mr_pouit(it's not a change I want to keep)22:24
mr_pouitgive me the gb command like in debian and this change will disappear22:24
mr_pouitbut feel free to raise that on -motu if you want22:24
* micahg is unfamiliar with gb22:24
mr_pouitit's to make a give back, and you can specify a minimum b-dep to wait for (e.g. xfce4-panel-dev >= 4.7.7)22:27
mr_pouitlp doesn't allow that, and the only workaround is to change the b-dep in the source…22:27
micahgit's only set up that way since there are no assumed changes in a buildX22:31
micahgmr_pouit: there is something in ubuntu-archive-tools to give back22:32
mr_pouitis it something like syncpackage, that we're not supposed to use?22:36
micahgno, I think we can use this, it just triggers a retry of whatever you ask for, it has many options22:37
micahgoh, it's in ubuntu-dev-tools, called ubuntu-build22:38
mr_pouitnope, there's no option to do that22:44
mr_pouitretry only works if it previously failed to build (which you can do from the LP ui as well)22:44
micahgthere's no no source change rebuild en masse option22:45
micahgbug 24559422:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245594 in Launchpad itself "Rebuilds of binary packages without source changes" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24559422:46
mr_pouitopened for more than 2 years22:48
mr_pouitlow priority22:49
mr_pouitwhen I say lp main focus isn't ubuntu developers, nobody believes me ;-)22:49
micahgno, I believe you, but I believe we should try to work within the system while pushing for improvements, we can probably bring this up at the next UDS22:50
micahgmr_pouit: and as I said, I'm happy to help with the grunt work of getting these packages sync'd later22:50
mr_pouitI'm not sure the grunt work will come soon though (it will be uploaded to debian only after squeeze)22:52
mr_pouitbut hopefully, it was the last abi break for the panel22:52
micahgmr_pouit: I'm not going anywhere :)22:53
* micahg hopes squeeze will be released soon22:54
mr_pouitand about lp, the most knownledgable motu is wgrant afaik22:54
micahgmr_pouit: he's now paid to hack on it :)22:54
mr_pouitah, nice (or too bad :p)22:54
cody-somervillemr_pouit, I believe you ;)22:55
mr_pouitconsidering he added the 3.0 (quilt/native) support by himself ;-)22:55
mr_pouitcody-somerville: huhuhu22:55
emgentcody-somerville: around ?23:20
cody-somervilleemgent, yup23:20
emgentcan i pm you ?23:20
cody-somervilleemgent, yup23:20

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