
coz_hey all01:06
didrocksgood morning08:20
mptCimi! Let me know when you're around, I'd like to start playing with font styles in the theme09:11
mpthi ronoc09:11
ronochey mpt09:11
ronocdavidbarth, I have computer woes still, its either natty or my hardware, can't figure it out as it's very random, going to wipe my partition this morning and try a fresh install09:12
njpateldidrocks, ronoc can't log into a session (upgraded to natty), gdm just hangs for him sometimes....any ideas? Maybe the capabilities check?09:24
ronocnjpatel, working now, (needed to tick 'accept invalid ssl certificates')09:25
njpatelah, of course09:25
ronocnjpatel, didrocks , I can sometimes login using desktop classic but standard desktop ain't working for me09:26
didrocksronoc: which version of compiz do you have?09:26
ronocdidrocks, not on my distribution right now, give me one sec and I will fetch another machine so that we can continue this converstation with natty open in front of me09:27
didrocksronoc: sure09:27
ronocdidrocks, the funny thing is desktop classic works but the straight desktop does not, the usual symptom is being to get to the desktop except no panel or launcher are running09:43
ronocdidrocks, the compiz version is
didrocksronoc: are you sure about your settings? can you try unity --reset?09:45
ronocdidrocks, sure09:46
ronocdidrocks, what settings ? just did the unity reset, everything reset itself, will try to login to normal desktop09:49
didrocksronoc: ok, that should set the default settings for both your ubuntu desktop session and the classic session, let's see how it goes09:51
ronocdidrocks, okay that seems to have fixed it09:51
ronocdidrocks, thx :)09:51
ronocdidrocks, I think yesterday I was playing with ccsm and i disabled the unity plugin and renabled , i think this is what did it in09:52
ronocalso had disk issues09:52
didrocksronoc: cool! yeah, probably, we will need further testing and making some tweak to avoid the user shooting on his feets09:52
ronocdidrocks, yeah i was just trying to increase my number of work spaces09:54
ronocdidrocks, thx for all the help, i thought i was going to have to wipe and reinstall09:54
kamstrupseb128: any possibility we can have a compiz-dbg package in main? We get a lot of crashers inside compiz and it would be most useful...10:27
seb128kamstrup, what is wrong with the dbgsym binaries?10:28
kamstrupseb128: in the maverick cycle i had the dbgsym repo enabled and it gave me unbearable amounts of headache ...10:33
ronoc_narrucbrb, session restart10:34
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kvalokamstrup: should I include vala files in dist (ie .tar.gz). automake wants to do that, but I'm hesitent10:43
dbarth__smspillaz: hey dude, you were on the gconf bug i saw earlier10:44
MacSlowDoes doing a "bzr branch lp:<foobar>" crash for anybody here too?10:44
kamstrupkvalo: i'd do so...10:45
APIMacSlow, python 2.7?10:45
kvalokamstrup: ok, I'll do that then10:45
APIMacSlow, this error https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/693880?10:46
MacSlowAPI, python 2.7 yes... but not that error... hold on I'm pasting it...10:47
MacSlowAPI, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/55057410:49
APIMacSlow, is the same error10:49
APIthe bug description is somewhat misleading10:49
APItake a look to the output on the bug10:50
APIMacSlow, the error is this:10:50
API"readline() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)"10:50
APIand your output also have that10:50
MacSlowAPI, ah... yeah10:50
APIMacSlow, in my case, while the bug is not solved10:51
APII just edited /usr/bin/bzr10:51
APIin order to use an older python10:51
APIthe first line of the script:10:51
MacSlowAPI, I guess I do the same then10:52
APIis a hack, but works for me10:52
MacSlowjust odd that only on two of my three natty boxes this happens10:52
MacSlowehm... ignore that10:52
MacSlowAPI, thanks btw11:05
APIMacSlow, you are welcome11:06
ronocdidrocks, unity doesn't like my dual monitor setup11:14
ronoceither crashes compiz11:14
ronocor makes the display unusable11:14
ronocneed a crash course in xrandr - cause --auto isn't fixing it :)11:15
didrocksronoc: there are multiple dual monitor setup issues in compiz + unity, right. But it shouldn't crash11:15
didrocksronoc: I think njpatel and smspillaz are the best person to discuss about it :)11:15
njpatelronoc, as there isn't auto adjustment yet, when you set the new display setup, just do compiz --replace & from a terminal11:16
gordi'm using unity on a dual monitor right now :)11:16
ronocdidrocks, well it hangs or something, very difficult to debug, i'll get by for now, but i'll sue if my neck hurts at the end of the day :)11:16
didrocksronoc: hehe11:16
didrocksronoc: That will surely be easier to debug during the Rally11:17
ronocnjpatel, ah so now I have a desktop which is across both monitor and laptop screen,11:17
ronocnjpatel, i can't see the launcher properly11:17
ronocits on the laptop screen which is too small for the screen projected on it11:17
ronocnjpatel, whats the name of the binary to start the monitor settings gui ?11:18
seb128ronoc, ^11:19
ronocnjpatel, seb128 : bingo, sorted thx!11:20
njpatelronoc, the panel will stretch, but the rest should still work (I'm using it in dual-display now)11:29
ronocnjpatel, all good now, I just needed to use your compiz --replace & trick from above and it auto adjusted things properly, nice one11:30
njpatelyeah, hopefully the autoadjustment will land soon11:31
ronocgood stuff11:34
ronocnew forwind podcast -> forwind.net/podcasts/111:34
ronocprevious -> /011:34
smspillazdbarth: yeah I'm working on it11:43
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kamstrupsmspillaz: after reinstalling compiz and unity packages I now get a different trace... Attached to bug #69758712:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 697587 in Unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in CompRegion::CompRegion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69758712:15
smspillazkamstrup: ok12:19
smspillazkamstrup: those are really weird crashes12:20
smspillazkamstrup: maybe try purging everything first, you might have some leftover stuff12:21
smspillazwere the packages recently updated?12:21
spikebi check the progress of unity on compiz about once a week using a daily build and yet to have a crash. :)12:21
smspillazthat's the thing with compiz, there seem to be very few who get crashes, and those few get lots of them12:21
kamstrupHmmm, I can't figure out how to get the dbgsym packages... My /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddebs.list contains the line "deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com natty main restricted universe multiverse" which I thought should be enough12:29
kamstrup(keys imported and apt-get updated of course)12:29
kamstrupmeh, now I have them... odd12:30
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kamstrupmove along nothing to see here12:30
kamstrupsmspillaz: i now have the original crash back... I added a trace with dbgsyms to bug #69758712:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 697587 in Unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in CompRegion::CompRegion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69758712:39
kamstrupsmspillaz: hehe... so there's a class called "PrivateRegion"... ;-)12:41
kamstrupAnd I see lots of stuff which could potentially segfault in CompRegion::CompRegion (const CompRegion &c) line 4812:42
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kamstrupis git+ssh://git.compiz.org/git/users/dbo/compiz-with-glib-mainloop still out main compiz branch? It doesn't look to be compatible with the dbgsym packages I have even though the last change in that branch is back from Dec. 5th12:55
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coz_hey all13:05
smspillazkamstrup: I just did a change to that branch13:06
smspillazkamstrup: a rather big one actually13:06
smspillazcould be enough to break the abi13:06
kamstrupsmspillaz: that last comit I see is 78a5ebd15ac4b34b14ab07e95941364a09c187f313:07
smspillazthe latest is aa8edad38222309aee7aaf486d9f0881e37dcdb113:08
kamstrupwtf is going on with my git repo here then!?! :-)13:08
smspillazkamstrup: which branch are you using?13:09
smspillazkamstrup: glibmm-experimental or master13:09
smspillazyou should be using the former13:09
kamstrupsmspillaz:  git+ssh://git.compiz.org/git/users/dbo/compiz-with-glib-mainloop13:09
smspillazkamstrup: git checkout glibmm-experimental13:09
kamstrupsmspillaz: ah... so we have swicthed branches? I missed the memo...13:09
smspillazwell I was going to merge it into master13:10
smspillazbut I want to maintain both the C and C++ version for now13:10
smspillazbut I think glibmm-experimental is going to be the one that goes into core master13:10
didrockskamstrup: in any case, it won't be compatible with the system dbgsym as we have distro-patch…13:10
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ronocseb128, playlists have landed in rb -> http://git.gnome.org/browse/rhythmbox/commit/?id=d06dcc113:21
ronocback shortly lunch13:21
seb128ronoc, great13:21
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dbarthkamstrup: what's the end of the story wrt to the dbgsym packages btw?13:49
dbarthkamstrup: i'm having similar issues with x packages13:49
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kamstrupdbarth: i have them installed now. And they do seem to work, but I am crossing my fingers once I start upgrading...13:59
dbarthso the dbgsym packages, right? not the -dbg ones14:06
seb128dbarth, what with dbgsyms?14:09
MacSlowhey iainfarrell14:15
iainfarrellMacSlow: hello there14:17
ronocseb128, just testing amarok with the new registration process, I was under the impression that looking up a desktop file should only involve the name of the desktop file and not the full path14:41
seb128you mean?14:42
ronocseb128, i am attempting to lookup amarok.desktop but it can't find anything although there is an amarok.desktop in /usr/share/applications/kde4/14:42
kvalokamstrup: sorry, but a really long one again: https://code.launchpad.net/~kvalo/indicator-network/settings-vala-convert/+merge/4524414:42
ronochyperair, all good with the name change in the desktop file ?14:43
ronocseb128, did you understand what I was asking there ?14:43
seb128ronoc, that directory is not a standard xdg one14:43
dbarth_hmm didrocks, smspillaz: is this one really fix-released in ubuntu?14:43
dbarth_or is that more of that gconf bug?14:43
didrocksdbarth_: "this" ?14:44
dbarth_i'm looking for the gconf bug id btw14:44
ronocseb128, right so how do I handle amarok then?14:44
dbarth_sorry, forgot the link ;)14:44
didrocksdbarth_: we are speaking about it for the past 3 days :)14:44
didrocksdbarth_: there is a workaround now in natty package14:44
didrocksas a distro-patch14:44
didrocksbut it makes the menu not appearing under some conditions14:44
didrocksso smspillaz will look at the proper solution14:45
seb128ronoc, why don't they install a desktop entry in the standard xdg dir?14:45
ronocseb128, I don't know :)14:45
ronocagateau, ^14:45
* agateau reads backlok14:46
ronocagateau, thx14:46
ronocthe amarok desktop file cannot be loaded by a system desktop file lookup because its not in a standard xdg lib14:46
agateauall of kde is in /usr/share/applications/kde414:47
ronocyeah, why is this ?14:47
agateauprobably a remaining of the kde3 to kde4 transition14:47
agateauwhen kde3 versions were in /usr/share/applications and kde4 in /u/s/a/kde414:47
ronoci need to be able to get hands on that desktop file inorder to let the app register14:47
agateauScottK probably knows about this14:48
ronocagateau, makes sense14:48
agateau(ScottK: the reason for the kde4/ dir I mean)14:48
agateauronoc: maybe there is a way to add a dir to the standard xdg dirs?14:49
agateaudidrocks would know this I am sure14:49
seb128agateau, ronoc: well you can tweak XDG_DATA_DIR I guess14:50
didrocksagateau: not sure we want to add the kde4 dir to the GNOME session14:50
lamalexapps that keep their menus should be reported as bugs right?14:50
seb128lamalex, what do you mean? keep their menus? which one?14:50
agateaudidrocks: of course you want, kde apps love you!14:50
didrocksagateau: apparently, you don't share your desktop files and put them in a dedicated directory! </kidding> :)14:51
seb128ronoc, is amarok in the GNOME menus?14:51
agateaudidrocks: :)14:51
seb128ronoc, seems the KDE guys just don't want amarok to be used under GNOME14:52
ronocseb128, don't know running unity and cant find anything :)14:53
seb128ronoc, try running alacarte14:53
seb128see if it's listed in there14:53
ronocseb128, yes it is14:54
spikebany idea when the dash comes back? i miss it :)14:54
seb128ronoc, grep -i amarok /usr/share/applications/*14:55
seb128ronoc, does it find anything?14:55
ronocseb128, yeah its in the cache14:57
ronocseb128, usr/share/applications/desktop.en_GB.utf8.cache:[kde4/amarok]14:57
kamstrupkvalo: i'm on it14:57
ronocthe lookup must not be using the cache14:57
seb128ronoc, if you remove the cache is it still listed by alacarte?14:58
dbarth_didrocks: is the corresponding menu issue tracked independently? there are bugs for menu and panel items not appearing, but i thought that was separate14:58
kamstrupkvalo: wow, Andrew is most productive! :-D14:58
Amaranthseb128: doesn't applications.menu add /usr/share/applications/kde4/ ?14:59
didrocksdbarth_: normally, once the workaround removed and the crash issue correctly fix, we should not see anymore the menu issue14:59
seb128Amaranth, no14:59
seb128Amaranth, grep kde in /etc/xdg/menus -> nothing15:00
kvalokamstrup: he is. and using vala for settings app is really good imho.15:00
Amaranthah, perhaps we recursively look through the dir15:00
ronocseb128, yep it is15:00
kamstrupkvalo: I take it you've been test running this yourself?15:00
seb128ronoc, seems buggy15:00
* Amaranth tries to find that bit in gnome-menus15:00
kvalokamstrup: it doesn't do anything else than opens some windows15:00
seb128ronoc, gmenu-simple-editor lists it as well?15:00
Amaranthseb128: it should, they both use gnome-menus15:01
kamstrupkvalo: ok15:01
kvalokamstrup: but yes, I have been testing it a bit myself. now I start adding backend code to it15:01
seb128Amaranth, hum, are subdir supposed to be read?15:01
Amaranthseb128: pretty sure, yes15:01
seb128ronoc, what glib api do you use to find the .desktops?15:02
Amaranthseb128: the spec doesn't say for sure either way iirc but everyone does it15:02
ronocseb128, gmenu-simple-editor does aswell15:03
seb128well anyway seems gmenus read the subdir then15:03
seb128but the api you are using doesn't15:03
ronocseb128, http://www.valadoc.org/gio-unix-2.0/GLib.DesktopAppInfo.html15:05
ronocseb128, must be the scenario alright15:05
Amaranthronoc: you mean g_desktop_app_info_lookup_get_default_for_uri_scheme?15:07
hyperairronoc: turns out the desktop file Name field was a bug.15:07
hyperairronoc: it does a pkg-config check and sets the Name accordingly. i didn't include that dep in build-deps, so all i did was add that dep15:08
hyperairronoc: is it urgent enough to require an upload immediately or can i wait for the next release?15:08
ronocAmaranth, I'm using vala15:08
ronochyperair, release on the 12th is fine15:08
hyperairronoc: alright then15:09
lamalexseb128, monodevelop15:09
lamalexkeeps its appmenu rather than putting it on the panel15:09
seb128check open indicator-appmenu and appmenu-gtk bugs15:12
didrockslamalex: we have a distro patch for monodevelop and eclipse IIRC for that, because otherwise it tries to export it and it's never drawn15:14
didrocksso for both, there should aready be a bug about it15:15
spikebis libreoffice going to be patched this cycle for menus?15:15
didrocksdepends if someone wants to tackle it :)15:16
spikebmy sister hopes somebody does hehe15:16
hyperairooh tedg's back.15:17
hyperairtedg: did you see those memleak patches?15:17
spikebi would tackle it, but i am no developer15:17
tedghyperair, Not yet... still catching up on e-mail...15:17
hyperairtedg: okay, take your time.15:18
tedghyperair, Which project?15:18
hyperairtedg: dbusmenu, indicator-applet, and indicator-messages, i think15:18
tedghyperair, Oh, wow.  Cool!15:18
ronocvala bug definitely15:19
hyperairtedg: but don't apply the dbusmenu patch just yet, the latest version seems to cause some hard to debug memory corruption issues, so i'm redoing it15:19
hyperairtedg: it's mostly stuff that you get from dbus as a client that you don't free, but dbus expects you to free. the surprising bit is why only *i* seem to be seeing these memory leaks.15:20
Amaranthronoc: vala doesn't seem to have a way for you to use the function I mentioned15:20
hyperairtedg: oh there's a libindicate patch and no indicator-applet one15:21
tedghyperair, Do you think we should do these for Maverick?  I mean, that most of the dbus stuff is changing with the port to GDBus.15:21
hyperairtedg: what's GDBus?15:22
tedghyperair, The new dbus bindings that are in GIO vs. the external lib dbus-glib.15:22
lamalexmorning tedg15:22
ronocAmaranth, no it doesn't but it should search the child directories of any xdg data dir15:22
hyperairtedg: there hasn't been much noise about memleaks in the indicators15:22
hyperairtedg: if the dbus stuff is going to be changing, then i suppose we should just drop the patches15:23
ronocAmaranth, quoting the glib api for the g_desktop_app_info constructor "GIO is looking for a desktop file with this name in the applications subdirectories of the XDG data directories "15:23
tedgMorning lamalex15:23
tedghyperair, Well, if they're causing memleaks I think they'd be candidates for SRU, no?15:23
dbarth_ah tedg, lamalex: good morning15:24
dbarth_there are a couple of new/undecided bugs in the appmenu and indicator inbox15:25
hyperairtedg: thing is, nobody except me seems to be facing it, even for long running systems. i suppose we could do an SRU, but the problem is that my patches don't completely fix the memleaks, and i'm still seeing some severe ones i can't track down15:25
dbarth_could you have a pass at those to now were we stand here?15:25
hyperairtedg: i could give you a massif log, but i can't figure out what's leaking what15:25
lamalexmorning dbarth_15:26
tedghyperair, I realize, memleaks are like that.  Makes the SRU process harder though :-/15:30
seb128tedg, well obvious leak fixes are easy to sru15:31
tedgseb128, That's the problem, they're not obvious.15:31
seb128tedg, we just need some users to run the new version for a while and confirm it doesn't crash15:31
seb128tedg, well usually a leak fix is a one liner to free things which you forgot to free15:31
tedgseb128, I thought an SRU could only be confirmed by someone who could recreate the bug originally?15:31
seb128tedg, if that's implies rewrite of code it's harder to sru indeed15:32
tedgIf that's the case, we'll have to be extra careful that hyperair's house doesn't get hit by lightening :)15:32
seb128tedg, well for cases not easy to get confirmations we are usually fine with several users confirming the fix doesn't create any issue15:32
seb128like the fix seems right from a code review and users don't get a new crash is ok15:32
tedgOkay, cool.15:33
tedgThanks seb128!15:33
kamstrupkvalo: done :-) i'm glad that most of it where deletions :-)15:33
seb128tedg, you're welcome15:33
tedgdbarth_, Was that link for me?15:33
kamstruptedg: hey! happy new year :-)15:33
tedgHappy new year kamstrup!15:33
dbarth_tedg: yeah, you and lamalex15:33
tedgdbarth_, Okay, looking now.15:34
seb128tedg, it's basically me who subscribed your team or assigned it to a stack of appmenu issues15:34
tedgkamstrup, Hey, you might know.  I thought there was a ZG data provider for Firefox.  Do you know where that went?15:34
seb128tedg, that's what we discussed before the holidays, someone needs to deal with appmenu issues15:34
tedgseb128, Hmm, I don't love you anymore :)15:34
seb128like you did like me before? ;-)15:35
dbarth_DBO: hey dude, when you're there: can you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/691651?15:35
seb128you tried to make me dry texan wine, I know since that you don't like me :p15:35
seb128dry -> drink15:35
tedgCareful seb128, you're coming to Texas.  We don't have laws here :)15:35
dbarth_dbarth_: i'm wondering who should try and fix that between you and neil15:36
seb128no laws but guns? ;-)15:36
tedgLaw of the jungle only.15:36
DBOdbarth_, sure no problem15:36
dbarth_oh, you're there; hi ;)15:36
DBOrule #1 of ayatana, do not speak until spoken to :P15:37
dbarth_DBO never sleeps, he just pretends to15:37
kvalokamstrup: thanks a lot!15:37
DBOdbarth_, bamf will signal the information15:38
DBOwill make the signaling possible, thank you :)15:38
dbarth_so? up to neil to use it, right?15:38
DBOi have to make sure the info is available to neil15:39
DBObut yes15:39
hyperairtedg: http://people.ubuntu.com/~hyperair/massif-output15:43
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hyperairtedg: this is one which i've spent a whole week staring at before giving up and waiting for you to return to the internet. =p15:43
hyperairtedg: i suspect it's leaking dbusmenu_menuitem objects, but i can't be sure15:44
apwdoes anyone have any idea when the stacking order issues with unity are going to be sorted out15:46
apwas not being able to see any menus is getting a little old15:46
dbarth_DBO: hmm ;) assigning to you and then hand over to him once bamf shares all what it should in its signal15:47
DBOdbarth_, fair enough :)15:47
apwoh and the screen saver appearing _under_ my background so i don't know its there is also getting old15:47
hyperairtedg: when will stuff be ported over to GDBus?15:47
kamstruptedg: i think it's in lp:zeitgeist-datasources or something...15:58
kamstruptedg: sorry... that was lp:zeitgeist-dataproviders16:00
kamstrupthere is one for chrome as well I think16:00
kamstruptedg: but beware that I don't know if it respect pr0n mode yet ;-)16:00
tedgkamstrup, Ah, cool.  Perhaps I should harass kenvandine about packaging it?  I'm scared to compile XUL stuff :)16:00
* dbarth_ restarts with a new xorg-edgers mesa; wish me luck16:01
tedgkamstrup, Heh, those would be some interesting ZG queries... ;)16:01
kenvandinetedg, ugh... please don't ask :)16:04
evaluatetedg, hi. My name is Cristian, you replied to my mail here: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana-dev/msg00052.html16:04
spikebhaha kenvandine16:04
tedgkenvandine, Oh, I thought you were working on those data providers, no?16:04
kenvandinei messed with that during UDS... distcheck didn't work and i fixed a bunch of it16:04
tedgevaluate, Howdy!16:04
evaluatetedg, I'd like to mention one more thing that's broken, that is underscores in the menu items.16:04
tedgevaluate, Yeah, we assume that they're mnemonics.  You need to use "__" for underscore.16:05
evaluatetedg, hmm.16:06
evaluatetedg, would that mean that mnemonics are allowed in menus? that's pretty awkward...16:07
evaluateI mean, a user has to click the icon to open up the menu, doesn't he? what sense does it make to create a shortcut for a menu that is opened with a mouse click anyway?16:08
tedgevaluate, Usually you can hit those character to move quickly through the menu.16:11
evaluatetedg, btw, if this is implemented, that it's not implemented correctly, because if I actually try to use an underscore in a menu, the letter that is preceded by the underscore doesn't get underlined or anything (there is no visual hint that that letter is the shortcut)16:12
tedgevaluate, Hmm, that's odd.16:17
lamalexevaluate, i tedg, that might be a unity panel rendering bug?16:20
tedglamalex, No, the menus are still rendered by GTK.16:20
dbarththere are bugs about that i've seen16:20
lamalexah right16:20
dbarthevaluate: could you file a bug for that16:21
evaluatetedg, also, is there any reason why you wouldn't allow formatting on text in the menus?16:21
dbarthlp should find some matches and see if there are existing bugs that cover your problem16:21
evaluatedbarth, I can file a bug against the fact that the underscores are not rendered properly (as in, they are not rendered as underscores) if you want16:22
evaluatedbarth, I'm not going to file a bug against underscores not being rendered as mnemonics, because that is utterly useless IMHO16:23
evaluateand it's also against the logic that GTK normally uses. I now have to make an extra function that will replace all underscores with "__" just to have the appindicator menu rendered correctly, that is counter-productive...16:24
evaluatebtw, why can't you just use "gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic" to let users create menu items with mnemonics and leave the normal menu items with underscores alone?16:33
tedgevaluate, We can, we just haven't yet. :)16:45
lamalexsounds like a bitesizable patch16:54
lamalexer, bug16:54
ronocagateau, got to the bottom of the desktop file loading, one sec17:00
ronocagateau, the desktop file name that the mpris root interface returns should be kde4-amarok so as the lookup knows to look in /kde4/....17:11
ronocI will point this bug towards to you if you don't mind ?17:12
ronocagateau, ^17:12
agateauronoc: ok, will have a look at it (please remind me next week if I forget)17:17
agateauronoc: I am off now17:17
ronocagateau, grand will mail17:18
ronocenjoy the evening17:18
ircbogtedg, bratsche: Hi! I'm on the SWT team and we are interested in looking at what we need to do to get Eclipse menus to show up in the application menu.17:21
tedgircbog, Sweet, that'd be great.17:21
tedgircbog, You guys are using GTK, correct?17:22
ircbogthat is correct - and we are creating all of the menus by hand (i.e. we don't make use of GtkUIManager)17:22
tedgircbog, Hmm, that shouldn't pose an issue at first blush.17:23
tedgircbog, I'm not sure what the issue is though, perhaps how you're putting them into the window we're not detecting them properly?17:23
tedgircbog, We watch the window and trying to find the menus that are associated with it.17:23
ircbogWe put them inside of a vbox17:24
ircbogwhich is inside of the GtkWindow17:24
tedgHmm, bratsche, you around?  ^17:25
ircbogHow do you extract the menus from the window?17:25
tedgircbog, We load a GTK module that watches things like new windows being created and looks at the object tree.17:25
tedgircbog, I'm guessing that code is somehow not finding your menus.17:26
tedgircbog, http://launchpad.net/appmenu-gtk is the code that does it.17:26
bratscheHey ircbog17:26
bratscheYeah, I never looked into Eclipse to try to understand what was going on in there.17:27
ircbogLet me take a look at the appmenu-gtk code.17:28
bratscheircbog: If you have any questions about it, let me know.17:29
bratscheircbog: Also, there is a patch in gtk+ in Ubuntu that appmenu-gtk depends upon.17:29
jonoDBO, what major piece is expected to land next?17:32
jonodash, places?17:32
DBOjono, I would expect dash next17:32
jonoDBO, cool - any idea when that is likely to land?17:33
DBOnope :)17:33
* spikeb sighs17:35
ircbogbratsche: Looked at the code and tried a simple snippet on our end. We believe the problem stems from the fact that the code iterates through the widget tree once (when a window is initially realized). In  a SWT app, the menu is not available at that time, hence we don't show up.17:41
bratscheircbog: It iterates through the widget tree, but it also watches for insertions and parent changes.17:42
* bratsche pulls up the code17:43
bratscheircbog: Do you insert the menubar into the window very late in the process?  Like after the window has already been shown?17:46
bratscheircbog: Eh.. seems like if that were the case it should be caught by toplevel_notify_cb()17:48
ircbogbratsche: it depends on the app. In our simple example, it fails if we realize the window before we insert the menu but works if insert the menu first.17:49
bratscheOh, hmm.17:49
bratscheircbog: Do you have a pretty simple test program that demonstrates this which you could send me?17:49
ircbogbratsche: it looks like the code expects a notify signal. Are we expected to send that out?17:49
bratscheNo.. when your menubar is added to the window then I should get a notify.17:50
bratscheircbog: Is your example program something you can share with me?17:51
ircbogbratsche: of course. Is the SWT code OK for you? (It's a very simple app with one menu item + one hack to stop realizing the shell before the menu is added)18:04
bratscheI'm not familiar with SWT.. I guess I can get all the packages I need to build it with "apt-get build-dep eclipse" ?18:05
ircbogbratsche: Let me see if I can find a C code equivalent for you18:08
bratscheircbog: It's not important, as long as I can build it easily.18:08
bratscheIf it's important for it to be in C, I can rewrite it.  But I doubt it matters much.18:09
ircbogbratsche: OK. This is the snippet code:  http://pastebin.com/Gy7810w918:19
ircbogbratsche: If you have an Eclipse lying around, you can get SWT code by following these steps:18:21
bratscheI'm going to have to run get some lunch first I think.18:22
bratscheI'll be back pretty soon.18:22
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
cyphermoxtedg, ping21:32
tedgHowdy cyphermox21:32
cyphermoxhowdy :)21:33
cyphermoxtedg, at UDS we talked about grids in menus for indicators. has this been started at all? Would it allow me to do something like having a custom widget kind of like a GtkImageMenuItem but with two icons?21:33
tedgcyphermox, Yes it would.  No I haven't started it yet. :(21:34
tedgThe GDBus stuff has taken much longer than expected.21:34
cyphermoxtedg, fair enough21:34
tedgMy current goals are to get GDBus finished this week, land it next week, and then start on new widgets.21:34
cyphermoxtedg, is it something I could help out with ? ;)21:34
cyphermoxe.g. next week21:34
tedgcyphermox, Sure, definitely!21:35
cyphermoxI started looking at least at libappindicator code and it's how I managed to figure out what I was really doing wrong with the icons21:35
tedgcyphermox, Heh, the code is always the authoritive source :)21:36
cyphermoxI think I had been trying to set always-show-images but to the custom widget, which didn't work21:36
cyphermoxtedg, also, in case, do you know how I could get the unity panel and launcher to be forced to redraw? I've been trying a number of things and limiting their size to the primary monitor works fine if unity starts, but breaks on size change21:39
=== jbicha1 is now known as jbicha
tedgcyphermox, Nope, but we might be able to ask DBO or jaytaoko.21:40
DBOyou call NeedRedraw on the object21:40
cyphermoxhmm... I did try this. :/21:41
tedgDBO, I think he wants externally, not with code.21:41
cyphermoxmaybe I was doing something else wrong21:41
tedgThis wouldn't be inside Unity, no?21:41
DBOthats why I was getting weirded out by your issue cyphermox, it doesn't yet make sense to me21:41
cyphermoxDBO, I'll look again, I'll rip out the timeout crap I had there, can't hurt21:42
cyphermoxI had a feeling it was because the size wasn't done changing by the time I did NeedRedraw21:42
cyphermoxtedg, yes, it's in src/unityshell.cpp21:43
jaytaokocyphermox: do you have a branch available somewhere I can take a look at?21:46
cyphermoxjaytaoko, yup, https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/unity/multimonitor21:47
DBOi am going to make a quick run to the store21:47
DBOwe is out of drinks :)21:47
DBOmmm wrong channel for that, but meh, all the same people21:48
=== DBO is now known as Jason|Store
cyphermoxbtw, if anybody is interested, I have a merge request pending with the manpages for unity and unity-panel-service, including a french translations --> https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/unity/manpages/+merge/4467621:59
=== Jason|Store is now known as Jason
=== Jason is now known as DBO
Ryan_hello everyone23:41
Ryan_I just downloaded and installed ubuntu 10.10 for netbooks but i think it is still loading into Gnome instead of Unity. I can23:55
Ryan_I can't seem to log into or pull up unity23:55

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