
mkanatpoolie: Guessing based on RHEL4 -> RHEL5, I'd guess that RHEL5 will stay relevant for about a year and a half.00:19
pooliehi there00:20
poolieiow roughly the same timeline, or perhaps a bit later than we may need to support 3.x00:21
mkanatpoolie: Yeah, and RHEL6 has
mkanatpoolie: So, I imagine you're still catching up from vacation and all. Will you be able to take a look at the loggerhead work at any point?00:37
poolieoh, hi00:37
pooliewow, nine reviews00:39
pooliemkanat, you should ask jam too, as he's patch pilot this week00:39
mkanatpoolie: Okay.00:39
pooliehi spiv!00:42
spivHi :)00:42
pooliewelcome back00:44
mkanatpoolie: The specific review that I'm waiting on is https://code.launchpad.net/~mkanat/loggerhead/raw-prefix/+merge/4468200:46
poolieyeah, just reading it00:46
mkanatpoolie: Okay. :-)00:47
poolieto be precise, i'm just asking for a second review from someone who's handled this issue elsewhere00:47
poolieit looks good to me00:47
mkanatpoolie: Okay.00:47
mkanatpoolie: I've also handle this issue elsewhere, FWIW.00:47
mkanatpoolie: How does authentication work for loggerhead for private branches on launchpad, do you know?00:48
mkanatpoolie: The LP version of this may need some special magic.00:48
pooliei know you're familiar with it00:49
poolies/it/xss elsewhere00:49
pooliei don't know much about how it works in detail00:49
mkanatNot just XSS, but almost this specific issue, of serving untrusted content.00:50
pooliewe had a big internal thread about xss in general, so i just thought i'd let those people comment if they want to00:50
mkanatOkay. :-)00:50
poolieyou're right it may need to be updated if this is deployed00:50
pooliemkanat, i replied01:04
pooliecan i help with anything else?01:05
mkanatpoolie: Awesome, thanks. That should be it for now.01:07
lifelessmkanat: private branches have oauth triggered01:57
mkanatlifeless: All right. And how is that persisted?01:57
lifelessmkanat: well, not oauth, but auth in general01:57
mkanatlifeless: Like HTTP Auth?01:57
lifelessmkanat: cookies. It seems to be pretty bustified just now.01:57
mkanatlifeless: Okay.01:57
mkanatWe'll have to do something special for that, then.01:57
lifelessI'd just use the timelimitedtoken table01:58
lifelessits meant to be pretty generic01:58
mkanatIs that in LP?01:58
mkanatOkay. Yeah, that's what I'd use. I don't think codebrowse has access to that, though, no? Or I'd just get one via the API?01:59
lifelessthe way it works is this:01:59
lifeless - we advertise a url on the appservers01:59
lifeless - requests to said url:01:59
lifeless    - add a token01:59
poolielifeless, do you mean you give a positive or a negative value to the manual "feed to pqm" step?02:00
lifeless    - generate a redirect to the content-domain with the token as a query parameter02:00
lifelesspoolie: manually feeding allows user control and approval-before-landing.02:00
pooliebecause you can say status=approved, comment='approved conditional on fixing X'?02:01
lifelessmkanat: the 'content-domain' is a wild-card domain so that no user supplied content can attack each other or lp cookies.02:01
lifelesspoolie: yes02:01
poolieis that any better than saying status=needreview, vote=approved, comment='ok to land when you do x'?02:01
lifelesspoolie: yes, in several ways02:01
lifelesspoolie: firstly the approver is the reviewer not the lander; secondly the mp gets out of the to-review queue.02:02
mkanatlifeless: But loggerhead is not a part of launchpad, so I'm not quite sure what you're advising me to do.02:02
lifelessmkanat: the one deployed at bazaar.launchpad.net is02:02
lifelessmkanat: its an appserver in the general sense02:02
mkanatlifeless: Okay.02:03
mkanatlifeless: And so it can use the LP APIs and so forth and generate a token?02:03
lifelesswe may need more api glue etc to let loggerhead issue a token, but thats doable.02:03
mkanatlifeless: Okay. I've already got the domain system in place in loggerhead itself.02:04
mkanatlifeless: I just need to check and validate a token for private branches.02:04
lifelessmkanat: so each branch gets its own domain ?02:04
mkanatlifeless: Yeah.02:05
poolieso, getting it out of the queue, if you want, is equally well accomplished by setting it to wip02:07
pooliei don't see how the identity of the approver makes the process less blocking02:07
lifelessyou asked how it was better02:08
poolieis this better?02:09
poolieon the one hand you have02:09
poolieA says "I'm marking the approved (but not really approved)"02:09
lifelessthats not what I'm saying02:09
poolieand in the other case, B says "I'm marking this approved because A said it was ok when I did X and I've now done it"02:09
lifelessI'm saying 'approved but consider X or Y'02:10
lifelesswhich is approved02:10
lifelessbut maybe not time to land it02:10
poolieah, so not conditionally approved, but02:10
poolieapproved, with comments02:10
mkanatlifeless: Where in the API would I look to generate myself a token?02:10
lifelessmkanat: tokens aren't exposed in the API yet02:10
lifelessmkanat: this is the glue needed that I mentioned02:10
mkanatlifeless: Ahh, okay.02:10
lifelesswould you care to file a bug requesting the ability to hand out tokens ?02:11
spivpoolie: marking as vote: approve, status: WIP also tends to hide a branch, whereas currently +activereviews gives a fairly good indication of branches that are close to landing.02:12
mkanatlifeless: Sure.02:12
lifelessmkanat: thanks!02:12
pooliespiv, true, but...02:12
spivI think that's more an issue with Launchpad than PQM vs. Tarmac though.02:12
pooliei think the ui is just lacking a bucket for "needs piloting, not review per se"02:13
lifelessI think it would be nice for a reviewer to be able to land something trivially02:13
lifelessI don't like the idea of being unable to clearly say 'this is ok now' without causing it to land.02:14
poolieagree on both points02:14
lifelesslanding, like deploying, is something I think human action on adds value02:14
poolieand vote=approve, status=unchanged doesn't quite feel like it captures the second02:14
mkanatlifeless: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/69748502:15
poolieit's close, but there's a distinction between "my opinion is this is ok" and "i'm concluding the discussion: this is ok"02:15
poolieistm the real fix for that is either adding a 'queued' state, or a 'merge' button02:15
poolieand/or perhaps revisiting the relation between votes and states02:15
lifelessthe queued state has been ripped out02:16
lifelessa new implementation is ticking along slowly AIUI02:16
pooliei think going to tarmac is a step towards this?02:16
pooliefor example, it would make it more rewarding for me, or spiv, or whoever, to add a queue db and ui to launchpad02:16
lifelessI think putting the new implementation in is a step torwards having tarmac02:17
lifelessanyhow, I was simply expressing an opinion02:17
lifelessI doubt I'll be landing anything in bzr in the short term02:17
pooliei'm glad you read it02:18
poolieand i appreciate your opinion02:18
spivIs it easy to teach tarmac to look for a comment saying "tarmac: ok" or something, not just checking the status?  That might work around the conflation of status==approved and "robot should merge it" that lifeless is talking about.02:19
lifelessthere are plugins to do that AIUI02:19
lifelessthat sort of thing anyhow02:20
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lifelessmkanat: I've triaged it to high02:28
mkanatlifeless: Awesome, thank you.02:28
lifelessmkanat: in the new work structure we'll have two teams working on high bugs, it will get got to within a year :(02:29
mkanatlifeless: Hahaha, wow, okay.02:29
lifelesswe have a massive backlog we're trying to sort out02:29
mkanatpoolie: That will limit the rollout of /raw/ on LP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^02:29
lifelessthere are a few options02:29
mkanatI could just deny access to /raw/ on private branches until it's ready.02:30
lifelessif there are stakeholder requests for this, we can make it semi-first-among-equals02:30
lifelessmkanat could do the patch to lp02:30
lifelesswe can let the teams know its there and see if anyone cherry picks it as an interesting thing within the high bucket.02:30
mkanatlifeless: I'd be happy to write the patch, but that would revolve around contracting emails.02:30
mkanat(Not emails.)02:30
lifelessI realise that02:33
lifelesswhat I've done is all I can sensibly within our current constraints02:33
mkanatlifeless: Yeah, I know. :-) I appreciate it. :-)02:33
mathrickbtw, has anyone in position to fix it noticed the saily PPA build failures with bzr-svn?02:43
pooliemkanat, i guess if you just merge all your stuff to one branch suitable for use on lp that would be good for now03:16
mkanatpoolie: Okay.05:25
vilahi all !08:12
* fullermd waves at vila.08:23
fullermdSeems like a year has passed since last I saw you around   ;p08:25
pooliehi vila08:27
pooliei'm going now though08:27
vilapoolie: take care !08:28
vilafullermd: same here, on the other hand, that's one less before we can just relax and enjoy the show :D08:28
vila. o O (Nothing beats black humor to start the day... )08:29
fullermdWait.  There's going to be a time when we can relax?08:29
vilahmm, I hope "black humor" has the same meaning in English than in French...08:29
vilaOh yes we can ! Bugs can't affect ghosts :)08:29
fullermdI'm saddened at your lack of imagination   :(08:30
fullermdI KNOW my clients would never let a little thing like my death stop them from hounding me.08:30
fullermdOr their death, for that matter.  I took out a good half dozen before I realized how futile it was...08:31
vilanah, you got it all wrong, ghosts CAN trigger bugs, it only works one way... Think about the potential for fun..08:32
fullermdOh, I know; we already have a bunch of those files I think  :p08:32
fullermdAnd filed, too.08:34
vilasee ?08:35
vilaNow think about looking at those poor souls running in circles searching for a way to reproduce these oh-so-funny bugs :)08:36
viladecades of fun !08:36
vilanot mentioning leaks (of all kinds :)08:36
fullermdBut you can't even let anybody know.  Launchpad logins don't work from the afterlife.  You'll have to file a bug about tha.... crud.08:37
vilareally ? I thought 'ether' in ethernet was afterlife related...08:39
vilaOtherwise, I'm sure that with all these new wireless protocols...08:40
fullermdI think it means that trying to debug problems in ethernet makes you drowsy.08:41
vilaright, this just means the latency increases, shouldn't be too hard to address08:43
fullermdHeaven has too many dropped packets, and hell has hellacious latency.08:44
vilatsk, heaven, you're sooo optimisitic...08:50
fullermdWhat, with this angelic face?  Where else would I end up?08:52
fullermdAlrighty, I just blew an hour sorting video clips.  Must be time for bed.08:53
vilabed ?08:54
fullermdYeah, it's this thing that's sorta like sitting in front of the computer, except with less fans and more horizontality.08:56
xanalogicasleep is a poor substitute for caffeine.09:21
matkorHi ! How can I resolve this:   Conflict adding file foo.OTHER.  Moved existing file to foo.OTHER.moved.10:54
matkorI just want current version of foo to be commited.10:54
matkorbzr resolve foo gives: foo is not conflicted10:56
quicksilverbzr rm foo.OTHER.moved10:57
quicksilverbzr resolve foo.OTHER.moved10:57
quicksilverbut having .OTHER files hanging around sounds broken to me10:57
quicksilversounds like someone accidentally added some conflict files10:57
vilamatkor: quicksilver is right, you were already in trouble with foo.OTHER already present (that's the one in conflict now by the way, not foo, foo *was* in conflict somehow in the past)11:09
matkorquicksilver, vila. Ah great thanks.11:11
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* bialix looking for jam14:21
bialixwho can help me with lp:bzr-merge-into plugin?14:21
bialixit refuses to work for me14:21
maxbIsn't that the one which was never updated to work with 2a?14:27
bialixI'm using pre-2a formats14:29
bialixbut maybe it does not work with new bzr14:29
bialixmaxb: thanks14:29
bialixit's not big deal to do everything manually14:31
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psusione thing that annoys me about bzr is that when you look at a merge commit, it shows a bunch of modifications as if you did them, instead of them coming in because of the merge.  Is there a way to fix that?16:31
maxbIt's not clear what you mean. To me, the fact that the commit is a merge commit fully explains that the changes it introduced involved a merge16:36
rjekIt documents who did the merge, and no information about the constituant changes is lost.  I see no problem.16:43
glyphpsusi: Yeah, I can't see what you mean by that either.  It definitely does not look like "you did them"; there are fields in the metadata for each revision describing the author and committer, and you can look to see who did the changes.16:43
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psusiglyph: see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~psusi/ubuntu/natty/e2fsprogs/merge/revision/4517:04
psusiit shows files added, removed, and modified17:04
psusibut I didn't touch them17:04
psusithe only file I touched was debian/changelog17:05
maxbpsusi: But, you performed a merge which caused all those files to be modified in that branch17:08
psusisure, but I did not modify them in that commit17:08
maxbThat's a very fine semantic difference, which starts to break down as soon as any amount of intra-file merging occurs17:09
psusigit understands the difference and the diff only shows parts you had to modify to complete the merge... the fact that the upstream branch modified a bunch of files is covered by the commits in the upstream branch history, not by the merge commit17:10
maxbHow do you ask git for such a diff?17:11
psusigit log -p or --stat17:11
psusionly any parts YOU actually changed are shown... changes pulled in by the merge are not... which makes sense since they are already documented in other commits17:13
glyphThere's something to be said for that17:14
glyphmy understanding is that git immediately commits the merge, conflict markers and all17:14
glyphand then you effectively have to merge again once you've sorted out the mess17:14
psusino... you commit once you have sorted out any conflicts17:14
jamey_ukMy boss is thinking of switching us from svn to git, but I think git looks overly-complex (no experience with it yet). I like bzr; would git be a pain and is bzr a lot less hassle?17:14
glyphjamey_uk: _I_ think so :)17:14
psusibut if there were no conflicts, then the log shows no files modified, and the diff is empty17:15
glyphjamey_uk: #git might have a different idea17:15
jamey_ukyeah, going to have to ask in there in a second :)17:15
glyphpsusi: sounds like an interesting feature.  bzr could probably have a logging mode where it did that by examining diffs.17:15
psusijamey_uk: bzr seems to aim more at being user friendly/easier to understand... I've been using both lately and for the most part, find them equivalent... but there's a few things, like this issue, that I prefer about git17:16
jamey_ukwhy is it better that it commits immediately in this case?17:18
psusithe other day I was very thrilled with git because I found a commit in linus's kernel tree and was describing to an ubuntu developer that it obsoletes a patch they had been carrying.  Within seconds I was able to point him to the commit so he could review it, and ask git to verify what upstream release it made it into, and that it was present in the Ubuntu tree17:18
psusijamey_uk: it doesn't... what I like better about merges in git is that it doesn't make all of the ( possibly hundreds ) of changes you are merging appear to be one massive patch applied by the merge17:19
jamey_ukwell, merging is a new concept for me to be honest... so this is going slightly above my head17:20
jamey_ukso when you do a large merge with bzr it does it all as one patch, and git does lots of small patches?17:21
mgzwhat psusi is on about sounds like a ui nitpick to me, unless what glyph said is right (which it may be)17:22
mgzmerging in any dvcs is a way of preserving the individual changes in another branch without flattening them into one big patch17:23
jamey_ukI'm trying to join #git to get opinion from the other side but FreeNode is telling me: "#git :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services". Yet I registered recently and I am identified :/17:26
mgzjamey_uk: any luck yet? try #freenode if not.17:32
jamey_ukmgz, yeah no luck, going to ask in #freenode now, thanks17:33
maxbpsusi: I don't suppose you know *how* git calculates what to display in that case? I'm having trouble thinking of any way it can separate the two concepts without an intermediate commit.17:33
mgzwell, I guess that's at least one thing bzr has going for it. "Can join IRC channel"17:33
mgzjamey_uk: quite a few people actually use bzr clients against svn servers at their work, so there's a fair bit on experience on the mailing list about that.17:43
mgzit's a way to get your feet wet without doing a big switch.17:43
mgzbut starting with a new little project is probably better for actually learning stuff like developing in feature branches and more distributed workflows.17:44
jamey_ukyeah I'm thinking of converting our repo to bzr, playing around with making a new feature and such. Although, #git just pointed me to http://whygitisbetterthanx.com/ and the 'cheap local branching' does look good, I'm trying to thoroughly understand the difference. Seems to me just to be bzr branches into a new directory, which is a clone of the original branch, whereas git keeps it as one directory. Is this correct?17:48
maxbbzr-svn is pretty amazing, but can get awfully slow if used against one-repository-for-the-entire-company's-code svn repositories.17:48
maxbAlso, bzr-svn's representation of files being moved or renamed in svn is rather suboptimal17:49
maxbBy which I mean if you try to merge such changes, it's pain and mess17:49
jamey_ukwhy would one use bzr-svn? to get used to bzr's commands whilst still using the same svn repos?17:49
maxbTo get some of the benefits of bzr before the entire team will switch17:51
maxbAlso to actually do a conversion17:51
jamey_ukah right17:51
glyphjamey_uk: bzr can do cheap local branching too17:51
maxbThe thing about git's "Cheap local branching" is that git makes it particularly easy to manage multiple branches within a single repository and working tree17:51
jamey_ukah really? I was just told it's a lot more painful when doing lots of branching17:52
maxbbzr can do much the same, but it's not quite as elegant17:52
glyphjamey_uk: it's just that bzr starts with a default model which is easy to understand and lets you optimize it once you understand what's going on, whereas git starts with a model that's a mess and hard to understand but super fast17:52
jamey_ukah, akin to *nix versus osx17:52
jamey_ukin a sense17:52
glyphjamey_uk: 'bzr init-repo --no-trees .'17:52
glyphthen bzr will put all of the revisions into a bucket in '.'17:52
maxb"Cheap local branching" workflows are possible with bzr, either by setting up a bzr repository, branches, and checkout manually, or by using the bzr-colo plugin for helpful UI additions17:53
glyphand you can make hundreds of little branches, which are all directories, without copying the whole history17:53
jamey_ukahh, when I fired up bzr-explorer the main thing I didn't understand was when I was creating a new repo, I couldn't get my head around what the different types of repo actually meant17:54
mgzI still prefer the shared repo approach, which performs well and is hard to screw up with, it's only when you get something the size of the kernel you can't use that any more.17:54
jamey_ukI guess I just don't fully understand the concepts for bzr repos17:54
mgzactually having a seperate dir for each branch means it's clear what a branch is and where you're working.17:54
jamey_ukyeah I quite like that aspect17:55
glyphmgz: why doesn't that work?17:55
jamey_ukif I convince my boss for us to try-and-then-switch to bzr, do you think there'll be things he'd complain about that git does better?17:55
glyphmgz: with somethign the size of the kernel, I mean17:55
maxbOne day, bzr will have true git-like branching. It's been hypothesized for a long time17:55
jamey_uksome context: small web dev team, main repo has ~5000 commit history, 3 people working and frequently need to branch the code but currently don't bother (too much of a headache)17:56
maxbjamey_uk: The one thing that git has that bzr can't touch is speed. git is blazingly fast. bzr is "usually fast enough"17:56
maxbOf course, git is also heinously confusing unless you study its philosophy, whereas bzr is quite friendly :-)17:57
jamey_ukah, that might be what sways my boss. what about web-based tools for browsing bzr vs git repos? it's not that important, but something we're interested in having17:57
mgzglyph: mostly because having more than one working tree blows the cache, though also people like not having to do full recompiles when switching branches in the same dir.17:57
maxbThat's the main trade-off as I see it17:57
jamey_ukyeah, it's the 'heinously confusing' aspect of git that makes me want to shove it away with at ten-foot pole and run into the loving arms of bzr17:58
mgzglyph: there's precisely one project I have on my dir where any of that actually applies, but people make choices based on what the big boys do.17:58
maxbjamey_uk: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/changes <-- this is the Bazaar web viewer. It's called Loggerhead17:59
mgzfor something the size jamey is talking about, none of this really matters, git or a single on-disk tree wouldn't be a useful speed increase.18:00
jamey_ukso I wouldn't really notice a difference in speed between the two doing regular commit, push, pull stuff? the repo's probably less than a few hundred meg18:01
maxbI reckon you could notice the difference, but it wouldn't be sufficiently great to cause concern18:02
jamey_ukwhat are the equivalents to gitorious for bzr?18:03
maxbuh, remind me what gitorious is?18:03
mgzhaving some big binary things versioned might make a difference on spinning rust, having to create megabytes of jpegs can take a little time.18:03
jamey_ukit looks like a nice hosting/backup solution for git repos18:03
jamey_ukmgz, spinning rust?18:04
mgzdisk, sorry.18:04
mgzgenerally, you can just push a bzr repo to your server, and use whatever normal file backup mechanism you have.18:05
maxbI would have to say that Bazaar lacks anything similar to Gitorious18:06
maxbThese questions are ones I'm confronting trying to introduce Bazaar at my organization too18:06
mgzif you want third party hosted things, there are some options but fancy bzr access (or fancy git access) for commercial will generally mean paying someone.18:06
maxbI specifically don't want a hosted solution.18:07
mgzlaunchpad provides a similar offer to git hosting sites.18:07
maxbUnfortunately it fails to provide a self-deployable offering18:07
mgzcan you download the github infra?18:08
mathrickjamey_uk: spinning rust is magnetic, rotating media (ie. HD), with all their poor access time characteristics, as opposed to SSD and other truly random access solutions18:08
maxbTo be an ideal solution for me, Bazaar really needs what would essentially be the Launchpad Code feature extracted into a standalone deployable18:08
jamey_ukyeah, that would be very useful18:09
jamey_ukthanks very much for your help, I'm still undecided so might just try out both18:09
mgzis that mostly the web front end?18:09
mgzor does it include other things maxb?18:09
mathrickpsusi: try bzr log -n0 to see sub-commits in bzr merges18:09
mgzmatherick, I don't know an easy way to see what changed during the merge itself, unless it happened to be from the last rev anyway18:10
maxbmgz: Key other things are the ability to rename and delete branches, manage branch statuses, etc.18:11
mgzthen diff -r 6.1.1..7 works18:11
mathrickmgz: good question, doesn't comparing the merge revision with the last revision merged in do what you want?18:12
mgznot if it's from a few revisions back, because the common parent isn't the rev you care about18:13
mathrickI don't get what you mean/18:13
mgzI think maxb actually has a better grasp on this than I do, but basically...18:13
mathrickif what's from a few revs back?18:14
mathrickalso, what psusi says makes sense, and it'd probably be possible to introduce a new revision specifier, something like mergerev:1234, to ask for that18:15
mgzthe same command would be diff -r3.24.1..19 or whatever, which would give you the difference between rev 3 and rev 19, where you actually want the (unrelated to merge branch) 18 as one parent.18:15
mathrickalthough the exact UI implications need to be thought out18:15
mgzI agree some ui to do this would be useful.18:15
mathrickmgz: I still don't think I understand what you mean about rev 1818:16
mathrickwhy'd you want r18 if it's unrelated?18:16
mgzwell, what changed between rev 3 (which the feature branch is from) and rev 19 includes all the changes from 4..18 - which you don't want in your diff right?18:17
mathrickmgz: but that's not what psusi wanted. He was asking (AIUI) to be able to see what conflict resolution changes he made in order to be able to merge fully18:17
mgzso we have three parents. 3, common to both, 3.24.1 from the feature branch, and 18, from trunk.18:18
mathrickwhich should be bzr diff -r 123..<last rev merged in with 123>, assuming 123 is the merge rev18:18
mgzwell, that's backwards, but yes... *only* if the feature branch originated at r 12218:20
mgzotherwise you get all the other changes since then, because those are also differences between the branches.18:20
mathrickno, I don't think you get what I mean18:20
mathrickI have a branch here18:20
mgztry it and see.18:20
mathrickrevno: 15 [merge]18:20
mathrickwhich merges in revno: 12.1.118:21
mathrickbzr diff -r 15..12.1.1 gives me a diff of what I did to resolve conflicts18:21
mathrickactually, it should be the opposite order18:21
mathrickbut you get what I mean18:21
mgzdoes that branch have non-reverted changes at 13 and 14?18:23
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mgzbecause if I do `bzr diff -r93.2.1..103 lp:testtools` that includes the trunk changes since branching.18:23
mathrickI see, it lists the changes from 13 and 14 too, you're right18:23
mathrickthat's indeed a problem18:24
mathrickwhat's really needed is -n for diff, the way it already works for log18:25
mathrickpsusi: that deserves to be put in a bug on launchpad18:26
mathrickbtw, for all the people discussing git-vs-bzr, there's https://launchpad.net/bzr-colo18:34
mathrickwhich is basically in-place branches git-style, just built on top of today's bzr18:34
mgzwhich I'd claim it git's usability with bzr's speed, but... that's not entirely fair.18:35
glyphmgz: yeah, that's kinda how I feel about it :)18:35
mgzgit's hard to use in lots of other ways too, apart from its branch layout.18:35
glyphcolocated branches do have one nice usability feature which bzr lacks though18:36
mgzand bzr doesn't need plugins to be slow!18:36
glyphwhich is a way to synchronize a big pile of unrelated development all at once18:36
mgzyeah, there are certainly circumstances where you plain just need them.18:36
mathrickbut once _you actually understand the concept and benefits of colocated branches_, bzr-colo works just fine18:37
mgzpeople with super-fancy editors also seem to require one working tree for all branches as well.18:37
mathrickI'd argue that bzr's approach is about 100x easier for people to grasp at the beginning18:37
mathrickmgz: you mean like eclipse? Why? Because it gets confused about "workspaces" and "projects" or something?18:38
mathrickbut wouldn't replacing files behinds its back confuse it even more?18:38
mgzI think it had problems yeah, there were threads on the list about it at any rate.18:38
mathrickthe eclipse / MSVC way of writing code is annoying as hell18:39
mathrickbecause you can't just have files, you need projects and what not18:39
mathrickand it's supremely useless for browsing code you're not working on18:40
mathrickanyway, bzr-colo gives you in-place branches and works well18:40
mathrickwhich is something to keep in mind next time git people come in asking18:41
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
psusimgz: actually, jamey pretty much nailed it... bzr does squash all of the merged commits into one big patch18:49
psusiit tells you that they came from another merge, but the diff makes it look like one big patch18:49
mgzpsusi: no, that's not actually what it *does*, but it may well be how it gets presented to you18:50
psusimgz: right18:50
mgzanyway, as mathrick suggested: <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+filebug>18:51
mgzincluding examples of what the git command does vs. where you had the problem with bzr would be helpful I'm sure18:52
mgzeg, you linked a loggerhead page, so it could probably also be targetted to loggerhead as well.18:53
psusimaxb: no, I don't know how git does it, but I would imagine it does the auto merge and then the diff is taken against that... at least that is what the output looks like18:53
psusihrm... ok18:54
maxbpsusi: in which case... bzr squashes no more than git does. git just has a pretty rendering mode18:54
psusiI suppose18:55
mathrickpsusi: you don't need to give technical details of what git does19:00
mathrickjust explain what it gives _you_ as the user19:01
mathrickthinking how best to do it is something for later19:01
* mathrick wishes people would learn to give good bug reports, which specifically does NOT include guessing what the receiver might want to hear or do. Just give the relevant information and describe the problem / shortcoming accurately as it affects you19:03
mathrickpsusi: good, could you also add a comment with an example output of git vs. what bzr says in the same situation? That will make it slightly clearer what you mean19:07
psusimathrick: ok19:36
psusimathrick: how's that?19:46
mathrickpsusi: the best way of presenting command output is to paste it verbatim instead of paraphrasing, but yeah, that's good enough19:49
mathricknow there's a record in the bug tracker, someone has a chance of looking at it properly19:50
mathrickthough, hmm, actually bzr log -p seems to do exactly what you want I think19:51
psusiin the example I listed, log -p shows +bar in b... if you add --include-merges, it is shown in both r2 and r1.1.119:52
psusibecause of this, reviewing the merge commit for non trivial marges is impossible since the diff is the sum of all changes on the other branch, plus any local changes you had to make during the merge, if any.19:56
psusithis might be a more concrete example.  say you have a variable that is used in several places, and on another branch, they add another reference to that variable.  In the mean time, you rename the variable.  When you do the merge, it will add the new refernece to the old variable name, which you will then need to rename to the new name to get the code to compile.19:58
psusiwith git the diff for your merge will only show the one line change where you rename the reference added in the other branch19:58
psusiwith bzr, you see ALL changes done on the remote branch19:58
mathrickI know, I was just trying to see if log -p didn't do that already, since it seems to for _some_ situations, but not all, oddly19:59
psusihrm... where is a situation where it does do that?19:59
mathrickpsusi: my local branch here which has a rather simple conflict-resolving merge20:00
psusiI wonder what the difference is between that and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~psusi/ubuntu/natty/e2fsprogs/merge/revision/45, which was a simple merge with the only conflict being debian/changelog20:01
mathrickit's rather odd, I get exactly what I'd expect to in that conflict-resolving merge, but in a simple merge with _no_ changes, I get a bunch of junk from the merged revisions output20:02
mathrick*no conflicts20:02
=== luks_ is now known as luks
zyga-efikaShould the lp: alias work out of the box with bzrlib.branch.Branch.open() ?22:11
zyga-efikain other words: how do I get  Branch for lp:foo ?22:11
mgzenable plugins?22:23
zyga-efikalet me see22:24
zyga-efikado I need bzrlib.initialize() around this?22:24
mgz(that may change, but is currently true)22:24
zyga-efika.hmm, I got NotBranchError22:26
zyga-efikaoh sorr22:26
zyga-efikait's sensitive to trailing slash22:26
zyga-efikastill odd22:27
mgza, what exactly failed for you there?22:27
spivopen_containing() rather than open() will probably make it work with trailing slashes.  It returns a tuple of (branch, rest_of_path) rather than just the branch though.22:28
* mgz bows to spiv22:28
* spiv waves back22:31
zyga-efikahow can I get a Revision instance from a branch given a revno?22:34
zyga-efikaI need to inspect something for a particular revision, it's likely embedde in the properties22:34
zyga-efikathe time of commit22:34
spivrevid = branch.get_rev_id(revno)22:37
spivrev = branch.repository.get_revision(revid)22:37
zyga-efikait's on the repository object22:37
spiv(Or branch.dotted_revno_to_revision_id if you have a dotted revno)22:38
zyga-efikathanks, let me check this out now22:38
zyga-efikaspiv: is the revision.timestamp the time of commit?22:42
pooliezyga-efika, yes22:43
pooliehi all22:43
zyga-efikapoolie: thanks22:43
spivHi poolie22:44
pooliehi spiv23:48
pooliespiv, i was thinking about topics for the sprint23:48
pooliei'm keen to just let people hack together, especially with jelmer full time from monday23:48
pooliewas thinking of either finishing named branches, or finishing novfs23:51
maxbnamed branches == colocated branches?23:54
poolieother options are to say that finishing work already in progress, or finishing high bugs, is best23:55
maxbcolocated branches would remove one of the bzr-points from http://whygitisbetterthanx.com/ :-)23:58

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