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ftawgrant, ping13:54
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=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: jcsackett | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
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verterokjelmer: around?19:15
verterokI'm having some problems while trying to import a git branch, the lp branch is: https://code.launchpad.net/~verterok/boto/trunk-git19:16
verterokand I'm getting this error: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/61677251/verterok-boto-trunk-git.log19:16
verterokany ideas? should I file a bug? :)19:16
jcsacketthi verotek, sorry i didn't see your question earlier.19:30
jcsackettabentley, do you know anything about a code import difficulties, or who might be best to ask?19:30
jcsackettverterok, sorry. i mistyped your name above.19:31
abentleyjcsackett, you could ask jelmer.  It doesn't look specific to launchpad.19:31
verterokjcsackett: hi, np :)19:31
verterokjcsackett: looks like a bug in dulwich/bzr-git...I'm getting the same failure locally :(19:32
jcsackettverterok: ah. i'm not sure then. i see you already pinged jelmer.19:32
verterokjcsackett: yes, I'll talk with him about how to workaround this. thanks!19:33
jcsackettverterok: no problem. sorry i wasn't exactly a help. :-)19:33
abentleyverterok, I get the same issue with bzr-git tip.19:37
verterokabentley: yeap, it's a wrong utc offset: --700 instead of -0700 :/19:38
abentleyverterok, please file a bug on bzr-git and Launchpad.  (The launchpad fix will need the bzr-git fix).19:40
verterokabentley: ok19:40
verterokabentley: done, thanks for trying it locally. the bug is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dulwich/+bug/69782819:45
abentleyverterok, thanks.19:47
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njinHello, is LP down?20:37
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dobeyhow do i get a ~vcs-imports branch updated to point to the correct upstream repo? like for something that moved from svn to hg?22:14
bjsniderthat is listed as a build failure, but i can't see a reason22:20
bjsniderin fact it looks like it explicitly says it succeeded22:20
wgrantdobey: Import branches can't be changed from one type to another, so you'll need to create a new hg one.22:22
wgrantbjsnider: Look at the end of the log.22:23
wgrantOur automated build log filter detected the problem(s) above that will22:23
wgrantlikely cause your package to segfault on architectures where the size of22:23
wgranta pointer is greater than the size of an integer, such as ia64 and amd64.22:23
dobeywgrant: and how do i make it be trunk, and how do i make some reasonable team (which i am probably not a member of) be the owner?22:24
wgrantdobey: It's not clear what "reasonable team" means.22:25
dobeyerr, by "be trunk" i guess i mean "be the development target"22:25
wgrantdobey: You need to contact the project owner or an admin for that.22:25
BlitzmerkerHi, I tried to download the development source of gnome-media-player, but I there is a problem connecting to the Launchpad server22:42
spivBlitzmerker: how did you try downloading it, and what problem did you see?22:46
spivOh, I see.22:46
spivIt's another one of these branches that is stacked on itself :(22:46
spivthumper (or any other lp-code person): ~gnome-media-player-development/gnome-media-player/0.2 appears to be stacked on itself.22:48
thumpernot helpful I know22:48
thumperthe LP branch page doesn't think it is stacked on itself22:50
spivhpss call:   'Branch.get_stacked_on_url', '~gnome-media-player-development/gnome-media-player/0.2/'22:52
spivresult:   ('ok', '/~gnome-media-player-development/gnome-media-player/0.2')22:52
spivInteresting that LP thinks differently, but I suppose LP gets its info updated by the branch scanner, which presumably can't open a self-stacked branch.22:52
thumperspiv: probably22:53
thumperwe should set it back to what it was22:53
thumperthen make it unstacked22:53
spivI wonder how it got in that state in the first place.  A branch rename maybe?22:53
thumperwell... maybe?22:53
wgrantIt's normally a branch or person rename.22:53
spivLP doesn't currently rewrite the stacked_on field when a branch is renamed, IIRC?22:53
spiv(Or alternatively, LP ought to be using the immutable branch ID and then dynamically rewriting that to the current name when reporting it to bzr or http clients)22:56
spivThat would innoculate against person and branch renames.  The rewrite-upon-rename solution would need to touch every branch a person owns as part of a person rename which is probably undesirable.22:57
pooliethat would be nice22:58
thumperspiv: patches accepted :-)23:51

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