
jferhi has anyone used an ipod touch with banshee02:11
nisshhjfer, no, i havent, but it should work fine02:17
nisshhif not, fall back to rhythmbox02:17
jferok banshee won't transcode my ogg files for ipod02:22
nisshhjfer, ogg doesnt work on ipod's does it?02:22
nisshhi thought ipods only liked MP3's02:22
bradmnisshh: correct02:23
jferyes but i thought that banshee had the ability to transode for the device connected02:23
bradmnisshh: last time I tried messing with my new ipod touch with linux it wouldn't sync, something about the latest firmware02:23
nisshhjfer, i dont know02:23
nisshhbradm, yeah, its a dark place i hope to never have to visit :)02:24
jferi think that i am missing some packages that allow this to happen02:24
nisshhjfer, yeah, possibly02:24
nisshhjfer, Google :)02:24
jferi already have02:24
jferbut i will give rhythmbox a go first02:25
nisshhjfer, oh wait, i remember02:25
nisshhjfer, Banshee has a plugin for ipods/iphone/etc02:26
nisshhjust enable it02:26
iflemarhythmbox will need to be set to mp3 aac etc. and extra packages are required... install sound juicer i think cover that cant remember.... outa here02:26
nisshhjfer, what iflema just said :)02:27
head_victimGday sagaci 03:24
sagacihow are you03:25
head_victimNice and warm, just finished mowing, yourself?03:25
sagacinot too bad03:34
nisshhhey sagaci03:50
sagacinisshh: i'm getting along with the c++ thing, bought two books and went through a chapter yesterday04:21
nisshhsagaci, nice, you got the K&R book?04:22
sagacinah, deitel, how to program04:22
nisshhah right04:22
sagacipacked with exercises, much better than the dummies book04:22
nisshhget the K&R book, its for C, but its still relevant04:22
nisshhlet me find the link04:22
sagacibut a bit more expensive04:23
nisshhsagaci, here: http://www.computer-books.us/c_5.php04:23
nisshhthats a free download for a pdf04:23
nisshhits not THE K&R book04:23
nisshhbut its similar04:23
nisshhwritten in the same way04:24
sagaciyeah, have you done much in C04:25
nisshhnot really04:25
nisshhbut im up to chapter 4 in that PDF04:26
nisshhand ive written a few very simple C programs04:26
nisshhi just dabble basically04:26
nisshhim mostly a Python programmer04:26
nisshhsagaci, ^^04:26
sagaciconverters etc04:27
nisshhno, i dont even know what a converter is :)04:27
nisshhhow sad is that :)04:28
sagacisorry, i just mean convert input from the user into other values04:28
sagacitemperatures, distance, etc04:28
nisshhoh right04:31
=== quail_linux is now known as quail
sagacinisshh: do you use an ide04:37
nisshhsagaci, nope, im a vim dude! :)04:38
nisshhvim is awesome04:39
sagacifair enough, each to their own04:41
=== oracle_ is now known as oracle
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
Blank__wow, people take their real name seriously around here don't they09:06
elkymost people don't change it from the default. additionally, most people's accounts are named the same as them.09:11
sagaciwho's boden matthews - sounds familiar but what's his screenname10:37
sagacinisshh: ping10:41
linux_directionhi room : )11:34
nisshhsagaci, hmmmmm?12:59
nisshhsagaci, if you wanted me for something, now is a good time, im heading to bed in a minute13:01
sagacinisshh: have you been doing an classroom tutes for this channel13:05
sagacijust saw it on the wiki, that's all13:06
nisshhsagaci, yeah, thats happening, its still in the planning stage though :)13:08
sagacifair enough13:09
redroorequest info re brisbane ubuntu group13:52

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