
brobostigonafternoonings all.13:15
brobostigonnoswaith dda markjones19:57
markjonesohai ianto20:02
brobostigonevening ianto :)20:02
iantoGood evening brobostigon20:03
markjonesbusy on here tonight20:03
iantomarkjones: Did the Bangor Scholarship today for Welsh20:04
iantoWasn't that hard to be fair but I can't guarantee that I did well ;)20:04
* markjones is now trying to find work20:06
markjonesthere is -nothing- in Sheffield20:06
* markjones prods ianto: when does he want the next Ubuntu Cymru meeting/20:13
* ianto is easy going but overworked atm, just name a time that suits others20:20
markjonesok, will email out on Monday once I'm back in Yorkshire20:22
markjonesit might be that we have an actual meet up in Caerdydd during Half Term, should that be better20:23
iantoHalf Term is from 21st - 25th Feb?20:26
iantoBUt yeah a get together souns fun20:28
* brobostigon will need tosave some money.20:29
markjonesdunno when half term is, all I know is that my mum's birthday is on the 25th Feb20:29
iantoCool, in the same month as mine (6th Feb)20:30
iantomy gf is awesome20:53
markjonesshe is pretty awesome as a friend too20:54
iantoShe typed that... -_-20:54
markjonesshwmae Mr__T20:55
iantoONe simply cannot leave the room anymore20:56
brobostigonianto: otherwise your irc client gets highjacked, by acts of GF.20:57
* brobostigon lol's @ chris's facebook wall.20:58
brobostigonhelo Mr__T21:03
brobostigonnos da, sleep well all.23:36

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