
robert_ancellrodrigo_, awake?01:15
kieppie1hi guys. I have what seems to be a bug on my system; my desktop icons & fonts are tiny, and I don't seem able to reset it. any ideas, please?02:33
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* korben greets all07:09
pittiGood morning08:00
didrocksgood morning08:20
pittibonjour didrocks08:22
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti :)08:22
pittididrocks: you currently claim the #1 for the remaining work to do for alpha-208:59
didrocksnot sure it's a nice #1 position :)08:59
didrocksthere are the oneconf WI? let's see what else08:59
pittididrocks: do you want to go over them with me and see whether we can postpone/drop some stuff, and check if anything is blocked?09:00
didrockspitti: let me have a look first09:00
didrockspitti: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team-alpha-2.html is empty for me ?09:00
pittididrocks: ah, I think that's noise from the time when we had james_w's merged project support, hang on09:01
pittiurgh, I think that's in the DB even09:02
didrocksurgh :/09:02
pittiplease ignore them for now09:02
didrockspitti: other-dx-n-2d-experience-fallback (3 items): I'll be able to finish that today if I can get focus on it09:03
pittiright, these seem easy09:03
pittididrocks: the dialog appears in the live session09:03
didrockspackageselection-desktop-n-bringing-desktop-and-netbook-image-closer: I would say postpone. Let's discuss at the Rally, but evo express in 2.32 isn't good for default09:03
pittiso unless that's special magic in caper, it ought to work for installs, too09:03
didrockspitti: yes, I've added it without marking it as DONE09:03
pittididrocks: ok, so DROP09:03
pittididrocks: apport hook> there's a pending branch from bryceh to make it use the X.org hook09:04
pittiso that should be on track09:04
didrocksyeah + adding some small things09:04
didrocksbut it's a 2 hours work09:04
didrocksget some plugins to be linked statically09:04
didrocks-> wait on compiz dx expert09:05
didrockswork on nautilus to get it not move when locking unlocking the launcher09:05
pittishould this be reassigned?09:05
didrockspitti: no, I still need to do some work and they have a WI for that too09:05
pittididrocks: and is that still even an issue with 0.9?09:05
didrocks-> not sure who put that. If it's me, I don't know what it means :)09:05
didrockspitti: yeah, it's still slow to load09:05
didrocksoh yeah, I added it09:05
didrocks(the nautilus)09:06
pittididrocks: the way I understand it we have the opposite problem09:06
didrocksI misread and saw gnome-panel09:06
pittididrocks: when you show the launcher, nautilus desktop background doesn't move09:06
pittii. e. the unity launcher covers your icons09:06
didrockspitti: it's basically https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/68464909:06
pittiI manually moved them for that09:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 684649 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Nautilus desktop icons should never be under the launcher (affects: 7) (dups: 4) (heat: 184)" [High,Triaged]09:06
pittididrocks: ah, correct09:06
didrocksI planned to work on that in the plane09:06
pittididrocks: how about we link that bug to the spec instead and drop it from the WB? it'll still be tracked as a WI09:06
didrockssure, will do09:07
pittiI'll do that09:07
didrocksthanks :)09:07
didrocksfinish /opt work regarding the decisions above -> waiting on the DMB, in any case, that can even be done in the freeze period09:07
didrocks(there is a WI for the DMB)09:07
pittiok, moving to BLOCKED09:08
didrocksthen oneconf -> I need to work with nessita for some points. and that's mainly 2 days at the Rally09:08
didrocksapart from "some improvements/performance tweak to oneconf USC" -> these, I have the idea how to achieve it, will do it on the plane as well09:08
pittididrocks: /opt> what's still to be decided there?09:08
pittiI thought we exhaustively discussed it in the TB meetings09:09
pittididrocks: oneconf> as we are on track in the overall cycle (http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team.html) we could move it to beta09:09
pittibut if you want to keep it for a2, that's fine for me09:10
pittiI mainly want to ensure that you don't explode09:10
didrockspitti: on /opt, there are still some decision on Quickly to decide what the special submitubuntu command will do. Nothing in the toolchain build-dep or whatever09:10
pittididrocks: so, in summary, are you comfortable with your current WIs, or do you need help with something?09:10
didrockspitti: also, what needs to be symlinks and such09:10
didrockspitti: oneconf> I would prefer doing as much work as possible during the sprint, will reconsider the WI just after09:11
pittididrocks: sounds like a plan09:11
pittididrocks: easier there to directly work with Naty indeed09:11
didrocksIn a nutshell, it's fine, thanks :) I'm more fixing bugs in unity than rushing on my WI those days09:11
pittididrocks: yes, that was my concern; stuff like that nautilus bug could easily be moved post-alpha209:12
pittiand in fact it just did now, I think the bug isn't milestoned09:12
didrocksright, it's not09:13
didrocksI'll milestone it for A209:13
* pitti moves to beta09:13
pittiah, ok09:13
pittididrocks: well, you can still fix it by beta, but it won't be an a2 blocker09:13
pittierm, "by a2"09:13
didrockspitti: is there a way to show it as an alpha2 target still?09:13
didrockswithout being a blocker?09:13
pittididrocks: conceptually, a WI should be targetted at the deadline09:14
pittididrocks: you can set it as "in progress"09:14
pittididrocks: but as I said, feel free to move to a2 if you prefer09:14
didrockspitti: no, that's fine, I've it opened in a tab as "in progress" :)09:15
pittididrocks: ok, thanks for the heads-up! I'm much less scared now09:15
didrockspitti: thanks for the notice, I'll finish the session work today09:15
didrockswhich is basically converting the failsafe session to the new session (one hack less \o/) and check the guest session :)09:16
didrocksmvo: hey, FYI, you have now com.canonical.Unity. Just check if there is a owner to know if the panel (and not the service) is running09:17
mvodidrocks: cool, is that in natty already? if so I change the code right away09:21
mvohey seb12809:21
seb128hey mvo09:22
didrocksmvo: yes, it is :)09:22
seb128what is in natty?09:22
didrockssalut seb12809:22
seb128lut didrocks09:22
didrocksseb128: a way to check if unity (the panel) is running09:22
seb128oh ok09:24
seb128pitti, did you mean to drop that nautilus locking w-i?09:31
seb128"- [didrocks] work on nautilus to get it not move when locking unlocking the launcher: TODO"09:31
didrocksseb128: we discussed here with pitti before you joined. It's not dropped, just set to beta (but I still plan to work on that on the plane)09:31
didrocksseb128: pitti added the associated bug09:32
pittiseb128: I linked to the existing bug instead09:32
pittiunfortunately that's not included in teh LP mail09:32
pittiseb128: bonjour09:32
seb128hey pitti09:32
seb128I gues you discussed staying on classic evo as well?09:33
seb128could be nice to add some rational in the whiteboard for people not on IRC but following the specs09:33
geserdoes somebody know how much longer it will take till libvala-0.10-dev has vanished from the archive (NBS)? There are still some build-dependencies left but some other packages are also in depwait on libvala-dev (currently provided by two packages and the buildds can't resolve it). Or should those package get changed to build-depend on libvala-0.12-dev?10:03
pittigeser: I can remove them if necessary10:03
pittigeser: but stuff like e. g. rhythmbox b-deps on it without an alternative10:04
pittilibvala-0.10-dev, valac-0.1010:04
geserpitti: do you know if packages build-depend on libvala-dev will build with libvala-0.12-dev without changes?10:04
pittiI don't know10:04
seb128depends, some do some will required patches to the source10:05
pitti-- natty/universe i386 deps on libvala-0.10-0:10:05
pittithese are the only two binary rdepends10:05
pittithat's the most useful list of things to fix10:06
geserok, will try. Is it preferred to build-depend on libvala-dev or use libvala-0.12-dev (perhaps with | libvala-dev)?10:07
pittiif it works with both 0.10 and 0.12, my gut feeling is "libvala-dev"10:09
geserlast time I looked at one package it needed at least an update of the .pc file to use10:10
pittiah, then it should be versioned10:13
didrockshum, the guest session seems broken, let's look at the gdm patch if something changed10:46
geserdidrocks: just curious, could you reproduce my gnome-panel issue in your vm?10:57
didrocksgeser: sorry, I didn't have the time to come to it, trying to fix other things first10:57
didrockspitti: I'm working on the gdm guest session. Is there any reason why you exec /etc/gdm/Xsession "$@" rather than setting gnome-session in /usr/share/xsessions/guest-restricted.desktop for instance?11:08
pittididrocks: there was one, let me check the bzr history11:09
didrockspitti: I checked without any success (apart from my recent change but it can be done my wisely) :/11:09
pittididrocks: ^ you mean that?11:10
didrockspitti: right, and the wrapper content11:10
pittididrocks: well, why wouldn't I run the gdm session?11:10
pittiwithout it, you don't get /etc/X11/Xsession.d/, locale setting, etc.11:10
pittididrocks: ah, you mean gdm already does that before11:11
didrockspitti: /usr/share/xsessions/guest-restricted.desktop isn't ru by gdm? and this one is sourcing /etc/X11/Xsession.d/11:11
pittididrocks: right, that might simply be a thinko of mine11:11
didrockspitti: ok, I will give it a try then11:11
pittididrocks: back then I might have thought "let's not hardcode gnome-session"11:12
pittiso that you can change the default11:12
pittibut I'm not stuck to it11:12
didrockspitti: now (in lucid) that I give the current GDMSESSION to gdm and decide which file session to execute based on that, I think we can do it adding other session desktop files11:13
didrockspitti: ok, I'll have a look to rewrap that then, the fridge is arriving first. Thanks! :)11:13
pittia bed, a fridge, what about your internet?11:14
didrockspitti: they started to send the new dsl boxes yesterday, but they have a backlog of three weeks. So that + building the phone line. I have little hope before the rally11:16
pittididrocks: well, as long as your free connection holds up..11:16
didrocksmore or less, today it seems to not be very kind with me (I'm disconnected a lot)11:17
seb128could update-manager be any slower?11:19
seb128ok, I've 329 updates listed11:20
seb128but it takes over 15 seconds to display the context menu when right clicking11:20
seb128with some 10 seconds of compiz marking it as not responding11:20
seb128that's on a recent and fast box11:21
chrisccoulsonhey seb128!11:24
chrisccoulsonhappy new year :)11:24
seb128hey chrisccoulson, happy new year!11:24
seb128how are you?11:24
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm good thanks, how are you? did you enjoy your time off?11:25
seb128I'm fine thanks11:25
seb128yes, very much, 2 weeks away from the computer11:26
seb128which made me realize that I really needed those ;-)11:26
seb128nice to be back now though11:26
seb128what about you?11:26
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's good to get a break :)11:26
chrisccoulsoni've had a fairly busy couple of weeks going to visit people11:26
seb128did you manage to not work?11:28
seb128seems you did the firefox update but otherwise?11:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, i didn't really do any work other than that11:28
seb128great ;-)11:28
chrisccoulsoni checked e-mails occasionally just to make sure there weren't any big problems ;)11:28
mvoseb128: hum? right click takes a long time? the initial cache calculation does, but he right click should be there instalntly11:31
seb128mvo, 15 seconds on a i5 ssd config11:31
seb128before displaying the menu11:31
mvoseb128: so its all there ready and you right click and it takes that long? and then you get unselect all, unselect none?11:32
seb128mvo, yes, it takes some 20 seconds to load11:34
seb128then everything is displayed, I can click on entry, read the changelog etc11:34
seb128but the first right click takes some 15 seconds11:34
seb128then "uncheck all" takes less than 1 second11:34
seb128checking all takes some 6 seconds11:34
mvothat is pretty odd11:35
seb128but I don't get the delay again11:35
mvoseb128: could you ping me again after lunch? its really a odd bug, I wonder if something outside of u-m might trigger it as I don't remember that code chaning in a while11:38
seb128mvo, it's probably not a new bug, it's just likely that people don't have 300 updates every day11:39
seb128mvo, ok, will do11:39
mvoseb128: I have a test box here with 1000 updates and its instant (after the initial setup). could you comment out line 476in UpdateManager.py (num_updates = self.cache.installCount )and replace wiht num_updates = 27 and see if that changes anything ?11:43
mvoseb128: I have a suspicion about the problem :)11:43
seb128mvo, now it's instant11:46
seb128mvo, but go for lunch we can discuss that later11:46
mvoseb128: thanks!11:46
didrockspitti: ok, it was working well with the direct call to gnome-session and different desktop file. But I just saw that you are using /usr/share/gdm/guest-session/Xsession for apparmor/gdm-guest-session.11:54
bigonpitti: could you please merge the last gdk-pixbuf from debian? (asking you as you did the last upload)11:54
pittididrocks: right, we need the wrapper; so the wrapper should call gnome-session?11:54
didrockspitti: yeah, and I'll add a switch to the wrapper then11:55
didrocksas we need different args for gnome-session11:55
pittibigon: ah, too bad; in our previous pacakge we used clean-la.mk from cdbs to at least drop all the dependencies from the .la file11:55
pittibigon: is it an issue for natty as well?11:55
pittiseb128: meh, apport chroot python bustage again, fixing12:01
bigonpitti: well the .la is not shipped in natty, so I guess it still is12:04
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pittibigon: we have shipped the cleaned variant for quite some time, though12:05
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bigonbut some rdep are still shipping .la file that have references to this one12:06
pittibigon: anyway, I'm happy to merge it soon; we'll watch out for build failures due to this12:06
pittibigon: ah, bug 66576812:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 665768 in gdk-pixbuf (Debian) (and 1 other project) "libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.la missing from packages (affects: 3) (heat: 22)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66576812:08
pittibigon: btw, kenvandine added a patch to set _gir_PACKAGES in the GIR, to fix vapigen12:09
pittibigon: that sounds interesting for Debian as well, did he talk to you about this?12:09
bigonnothing on the BTS, Ive maybe missed something on irc12:11
bigonany rational for this patch?12:11
pittiI don't know beyond that changelog entry12:12
pittikenvandine: ^ did you forward it to upstream/Debian?12:12
seb128pitti, don't put the .la back12:12
pittiseb128: I don't want to12:12
seb128we fixed the few other .la still listing it12:12
seb128it's not needed in ubuntu12:12
pittiseb128: so we can close this bug then? thanks12:12
bigonpitti: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=635364 something here12:13
ubot2Gnome bug 635364 in general "Add C include and exported packages information to GIR" [Normal,Unconfirmed]12:13
bigonlooks like the patches are not the same12:15
pittibigon: our patch is12:15
pitti+GdkPixbuf_2_0_gir_PACKAGES = gdk-pixbuf-2.012:15
pittiwhich looks close12:15
bigon+GdkPixbuf_2_0_gir_EXPORT_PACKAGES = gdk-pixbuf-2.012:15
pittiI'm not sure about the difference of these two, could be enough12:15
pittikenvandine: ^ ?12:16
bigonseb128: I'm not happy with putting .la file back, in debian there were a crapload of other .la file referencing it12:16
granjerohi is there a way to block right click over the desktop and panels?12:17
pittiseb128: do you know who would be a good person for backporting the patch for bug 494096 to lucid-proposed?12:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 494096 in metacity (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Clicking the title of a window is bringing a window underneath it into focus (affects: 63) (dups: 9) (heat: 294)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49409612:19
pittiseb128: I guess somewhere between you, me, and perhaps Chris?12:19
seb128didrocks or chrisccoulson?12:20
seb128chrisccoulson has a lucid install for sure12:20
pittichrisccoulson: oh, you are back! happy new year!12:20
didrocksI don't have a lucid install here (well, I have it on a computer in a box)12:20
* pitti raises shields around didrocks, looking at his WIs12:21
seb128ok, then chrisccoulson12:21
pittichrisccoulson: would you have time to look into bug 494096? there's a patch, but it needs to be tested (it does't have a good test case) and uploaded12:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 494096 in metacity (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Clicking the title of a window is bringing a window underneath it into focus (affects: 63) (dups: 9) (heat: 294)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49409612:21
seb128brb session restart12:22
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, happy new year to you too :)12:30
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can take a look at that in a bit12:30
pittichrisccoulson: did you have some nice holidays?12:30
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, not too bad thanks, although it was quite busy12:30
chrisccoulsonhow about you?12:30
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pittichrisccoulson: very relaxing here; lots of family and friends, and playing Descent :)12:31
chrisccoulsonnice :)12:31
pittichrisccoulson: busy> did you work much?12:31
chrisccoulsonpitti - i didn't work much except for doing the firefox beta 8 upload12:31
chrisccoulsonbut we spent a lot of time visiting family and friends12:31
didrockseverything is ok now with the guest session, except that apparmor prevents the unity plugins to load…12:33
didrockshum, maybe it's because I have a local unity installation12:33
didrockshey chrisccoulson! Happy new year :)12:33
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks, happy new year :)12:33
bigonpitti: do you have a script or something that display the state of .la in ubuntu (like http://release.debian.org/~aba/la/current.txt ?)12:37
didrockshum no, not that, it seems related to the fact it can't set a local schema to gconf12:37
pittibigon: I don't think we have12:38
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pittiwb seb12813:01
pittiseb128: btw, using gtk2.0/gi with apport is a lot less broken than I feared13:01
seb128so should be easy to do if we need or want?13:01
pittiseb128: some methods aren't available, such as Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(), and connect_signals(), but by and large it works13:02
pittiseb128: I'm currently fixing trunk to work with both13:02
pittiso I'll drop the Gtk.require_version() call, and we can control it with dependencies13:02
pittiseb128: we already have gir-gtk-2.0 due to the gnome-applets dependency anyway13:02
pittiseb128: apport is the easiest one to get to work with 2.013:03
seb128the question was just to know if it was working enough for apport13:03
pittibut I hope language-selector will work, too13:03
pittiit's missing all the annotation fixes that went into gtk3, so these require workarounds13:03
seb128we could probably revert to the pygtk version otherwise?13:03
pittiseb128: we could, but I'd rather avoid that if possible13:04
seb128ok, done with restarts for a bit13:09
seb128pitti, let's see what we decide to do with gtk3 then we can see what we do with the rdepends13:09
pittidoing grouped radio buttons with gtk2/gi is crash-land and a nuisance, though :-(13:10
pittigtk_radio_button_join_group() isn't available in gtk2 :-(13:14
seb128could we put another langpack on the CD if we drop gtk3?13:15
pittiI suppose13:15
seb128well it's a cost benefit discussion then13:15
pittia bit hard to say, as removing gtk3 removes half of the desktop due to the canberra dependency13:15
seb128space against work to port those backward13:15
seb128pitti, that was fixed 2 days ago?13:15
seb128with a bit of salt in the middle of the cost benefit due to the theming issue13:16
pittiseb128: ah, just mousetweaks left13:16
seb128but ideally we will need a gtk3 theme anyway, would it only be for the GNOME3 ppa builds13:16
pittimousetweaks depends on both 2.0 and 3.013:16
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rodrigo_are we going to use at-spi or at-spi2 for natty?13:17
pittiseb128: should save us about 2.8 MB13:18
pittiseb128: that's dropping libcanberra-gtk3-0 gtk3-engines-murrine gir1.2-gtk-3.0 libgtk3.0-0 libgtk3.0-bin13:18
pittiseb128: seems the GTK3 stack isn't half as big as I feared13:18
seb128rodrigo_, dunno, does it impact on other things we are doing?13:19
seb128pitti, seems it's not worth the effort to drop it then if we get a decent theme13:19
rodrigo_seb128, yes, the unity a11y work13:19
seb128rodrigo_, oh, you work on that now?13:19
rodrigo_seb128, yes13:19
rodrigo_seb128, jason assigned it to me the week before the holidays13:20
seb128oh ok, I didn't follow that13:20
seb128you should check with TheMuso13:20
pittiseb128: so, radio buttons are officially busted with gtk2.0/gi, there is no way to group them13:20
rodrigo_seb128, right, sorry, my fault, should have told you13:20
seb128he said at-spi2 still had speed issues IIRC13:20
seb128rodrigo_, so how much time do you still have for other work?13:20
seb128pitti, you should just put this work on hold until we sort the GTK3 question13:21
rodrigo_seb128, 50% I think13:21
pittiseb128: *nod*13:21
seb128rodrigo_, ok, thanks13:21
rodrigo_seb128, just this week I'm doing almost 10% only, because I need to study the unity code13:21
rodrigo_seb128, but once I'm up to speed (end of this week), should have more time13:21
rodrigo_also, there's a a11y expert already working on it, so hopefully my involvement should be short13:22
rodrigo_seb128, what do you want me to work on?13:22
pittiseb128: time for lunch then :)13:22
seb128pitti, enjoy!13:22
rodrigo_right, lunch time here also :-)13:23
seb128rodrigo_, nothing specifically, I'm just trying to see where we are going, what needs to be done and who is available to do work13:23
seb128like how active we should be on the GNOME3 ppa, who is working on it, etc13:23
rodrigo_seb128, I'm still working on it, just this week a bit slow13:24
seb128no worry, it's just to know how to dispatch tasks13:24
seb128rodrigo_, enjoy your lunch ;-)13:24
seb128hey mterry13:24
rodrigo_seb128, feel free to send me tasks, if I can't I'll let you know, but I should have time for other tasks13:25
rodrigo_but yes, lunch now, bbl13:25
seb128rodrigo_, ok!13:27
mterryseb128, hello!13:30
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mterryseb128, are there Desktop things that need doing?13:41
seb128mterry, nothing special, basically updating or merging things which are not green on http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html13:41
seb128well we don't care much about the yellow ones13:42
seb128but everything orange or red could be updated13:42
seb128so feel free to pick on those13:43
seb128mterry, someone will need to update the preferred capplet to the GNOME3 version as well13:44
seb128or rather "the 2.32 code to use the GNOME3 handler system" rather13:44
seb128which is basically copying what they did for GNOME3 if we stay on 2.32 for natty which seems likely13:45
mterryseb128, I see.  Is anyone working on that?13:52
mterryI could look into it13:52
seb128mterry, no13:52
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seb128mterry, if you want to that would be welcome13:52
mterryseb128, sure, put me down for that13:53
seb128mterry, ok, great, thanks13:53
mterryseb128, we'll decide at rally whether we stick with 2.32 for natty?  Seems like we will at this rate13:53
mterryseb128, you meant the schema handler code from GNOME3, right?13:54
mterryWhich is affecting us because we updated glib...  I see13:55
seb128mterry, sorry, compiz,unity crash14:00
seb128mterry, right, the new handler system for the default browser, email client, etc14:00
mterryseb128, yup, cool14:00
seb128mterry, speaking about 2.32 against 3 we will discuss it, but I'm pretty sorted on staying on what we have14:01
seb128mterry, there is still lot of work on GNOME3, we don't have a GTK3 theme and it's not clear we will have a nice one this cycle, GTK3 already got a one month delay compared to the original schedule which said decembre14:02
seb128mterry, it seems lot of work and risky for no real benefit, especially that they still argue about what the 2d session will be14:02
mterryseb128, sure.  About the theme, what we'll end up using for that?  We have some stuff like apport that are gtk3 now14:04
seb128mterry, that's an open question as well to discuss at the same time14:04
seb128we might just want to back out gtk314:04
seb128only apport language-selector and aptdaemon are using gtk3 at the moment14:05
geserseb128: do you (as an archive admin) prefer a bug to move gir1.2-soup-2.4 to main (src: libsoup2.4 (main)) or can you do it directly? (libgdata is in depwait on gir1.2-soup-2.4)14:05
seb128geser, I can do it now14:05
mterryThat seems easier than not.  I wish py-gi worked better with gtk2, then it would be almost a one-line change14:05
seb128mterry, well I still think we need a gtk3 theme14:06
seb128would it be only for those using the GNOME3 ppa14:06
seb128we need to sync with dx and design on that though14:06
seb128geser, done14:08
seb128thank you for pointing it14:09
pittimterry: I got apport working 90% with gtk2/gi; we just need to fix the introspectability of gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget; if we go this direction, that shoudln't be too hard14:09
seb128mterry, do you want to pick that task as well?14:11
seb128well maybe let's wait on the decision for gtk3 on the CD14:11
cyphermoxpitti, use any special way to generate the tarball for ubuntu-mono ?14:12
seb128if we want to keep it we need to solve at least the theme issue14:12
pitticyphermox: no idea, I never touched that14:13
cyphermoxbzr bd tries to do get-orig-source and fails... I created the tarball manually now, but I was wondering if there was a "magic" way ;)14:13
cyphermoxoh ok14:13
mterryseb128, should d-conf be in the desktop-set?  I can ping cjwatson if so14:13
pitticyphermox: oh, just for the current one? apt-get source doesn't work? I thought it tries that first14:13
cyphermoxwell, I'm doing changes to it14:13
* mterry is thinking not being in core-dev is great for finding desktop-set holes. :)14:13
seb128mterry, yes14:15
seb128hehe, indeed14:15
didrocksok, apparmor profile fixed \o/14:18
seb128cyphermox, bzr bd should do the right thing, there is no upstream tarball, it's just built from bzr14:18
seb128didrocks, great, what was it?14:18
didrocksseb128: compiz is trying to create /etc/compizconfig/config and if apparmor deny it, it won't read it14:19
didrocksso fallback to the ini backend14:19
didrockstemporary workaround is to allow write in apparmor, then ACL deny and libcompizconfig is happy14:19
seb128didrocks, why does it try to create a config in a dir which is a system one?14:19
didrocksthen, I'll have a look why libcompizconfig is behaving like that14:20
seb128didrocks, great work ;-)14:20
didrocksseb128: well, I had some help from jdstrand for knowing where to look :)14:20
geserI'm looking at the depwait on gnome-system-tools (which was easy to fix) but got stuck when trying to build the package. The error I got is: /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so: undefined reference to symbol 'atk_object_set_name' ;; /usr/bin/ld: note: 'atk_object_set_name' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/libatk-1.0.so so try adding it to the linker command line14:30
cyphermoxseb128, I don't know, it would just give up.. not the biggest deal though, I created a tarball and I'm about to push a branch and merge request14:31
kenvandinepitti, bigon: I think either way works, but not sure which is more correct14:31
geserI'm a little bit confused as it complains about a lib and not an object file14:31
pittikenvandine: ah, thanks; so if that gnome bz patch gets applied, we can drop our's?14:32
pittigeser: looks like it's missing an -latk1.0 ?14:33
kenvandinei think if you use the --c-include we need to do something to allow uninstalled14:33
pittigeser: i. e. a pkgconfig check for "atk"?14:33
geserpitti: the lib (gtk2.0) or gnome-system-utils?14:34
pittigeser: whatever you are trying to build14:34
geserpitti: the complete linker call and error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/550656/14:34
pittihm, it does have -latk-1.014:35
pittiso I'm not sure what's wrong here14:35
pittiperhaps it needs to go in front of the -lgtk bit14:36
bcurtiswx_good morning :)14:37
seb128hey bcurtiswx_14:41
bcurtiswx_hi seb128 :)14:42
bcurtiswx_anyone here successfully add a PPA to their pbuilder-dist ?14:46
bcurtiswx_im using --othermirror but it doesn't seem like it's working14:46
seb128geser, try putting the latk before the lgtk just to see14:49
bcurtiswx_for example http://paste.ubuntu.com/550660/14:49
geserseb128: no difference, also tried using -l... instead /usr/lib/lib... (just to be sure)14:50
seb128bcurtiswx_, sorry but I don't use pbuilder with a ppa so dunno14:51
geserwhat makes a difference is -Wl,--add-needed14:51
seb128geser, let's wait for doko to reply then14:51
bcurtiswx_seb128, np, thx tho :)14:51
GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin, I've started a new 'project' that involves both gdm and language-selector. Wonder if you want to sponsor also the merge proposals that will come as a result of that, or if you would prefer that someone else does it.15:06
GunnarHjpitti: It's https://launchpad.net/bugs/69333715:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 693337 in language-selector (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Menus for choosing language should have one option per available translation (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,In progress]15:06
bcurtiswx_seb128, whats the CA file ubuntu uses?15:20
* bcurtiswx_ pokes kenvandine ^^15:20
bcurtiswx_empathy wants a --with-ca-file15:20
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, prod15:21
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, dunno15:21
seb128bcurtiswx_, check what debian did?15:22
bcurtiswx_seb128, i remember adding it before but idk why its not there anymore15:22
bcurtiswx_lemme check15:22
bcurtiswx_cassidy, what ca file were you using before adding the option --with-ca-file= ?15:23
pittiGunnarHj: I'm happy to look at them, please subscribe me15:28
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
bcurtiswx_seb128, its the ca-certificates package.  how do I find out where the files are installed to ?15:34
seb128Laney, dpkg -L ca-certificates15:34
bcurtiswx_seb128, i think you meant me ;)15:35
seb128bcurtiswx_, yes15:35
seb128Laney, sorry15:35
seb128do we have any mono hacker around who want to have a look at bug #596727?15:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 596727 in sysinfo (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "sysinfo crashes when I click on "system": GConf.NoSuchKeyException: Key '/apps/sysinfo/window_width' not found in GConf (affects: 41) (dups: 8) (heat: 213)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59672715:37
seb128the title is misleading, the crash is in the comments though15:37
seb128System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object15:37
seb128  at Sysinfo.SystemInfo.Xorg () [0x00000]15:37
seb128  at Sysinfo.Sysinfo.on_notebook1_switch_page (System.Object o, Gtk.SwitchPageArgs e) [0x00000]15:37
seb128that's the crash15:37
bratscheAnyone happen to know why clicking URLs is launching Firefox instead of my configured app (Chromium)?15:38
bratscheIs this happening to anyone else?15:39
seb128bratsche, didn't we have that discussion before?15:39
seb128bratsche, edit /usr/share/applications/defaults.list15:39
bratscheYesterday I was asking about Unity stuff.15:39
seb128bratsche, edit /usr/share/applications/defaults.list, change the handler15:39
bratscheseb128: Thanks.15:39
micahgbug 67012815:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 670128 in xdg-utils (Fedora) (and 4 other projects) "gnome-open uses firefox while it's not the preferred browser (affects: 12) (dups: 2) (heat: 76)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67012815:40
seb128bratsche, then run sudo update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications15:40
bcurtiswx_cassidy, is it /usr/share/ca-certificates ?15:43
bratscheseb128: Great, thanks!15:44
seb128bcurtiswx_, did you check what debian has in its rules?15:44
bcurtiswx_seb128, im searching but i guess idk where to search.. i feel like I should know this tho15:45
bcurtiswx_seb128, the debian configure.ac file has /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt15:47
seb128bcurtiswx_, http://packages.qa.debian.org/e/empathy.html15:49
seb128dget http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/e/empathy/empathy_2.91.4.3-1.dsc15:49
bcurtiswx_aww, i killed seb again:(15:49
highvoltageyou bastard!15:50
bcurtiswx_should we call him sebby for short ?15:51
davmor2bcurtiswx: no call him by his full name dead sebby15:52
GunnarHjpitti: Great! You are now subscribed.15:52
GunnarHjEven if it's no hurry (I haven't started with the gdm side yet), your comments on l-s so far would of course be appreciated, so I know that I'm on the right track.15:52
bcurtiswx_aww darn, and i had another good one too15:52
bcurtiswx_seb128, the debian rules file doesn't have the --with-ca-file option in there16:08
seb128bcurtiswx_, well it default to be smart if there is no option given no?16:09
bcurtiswx_seb128, when i build on pbuilder it says it doesn't know what ca file to use.. and says i need to say either --with-ca-file=path or --without-ca-file and i specified the one I had known from last time and pbuilder still doesn't see that file (/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt)16:10
bcurtiswx_so i assume I need another16:11
seb128bcurtiswx_, is that file installed in the pbuilder?16:15
bcurtiswx_seb128, no16:16
seb128ok, that's your issue I guess16:16
bcurtiswx_seb128, if pbuilder doesn't see it, should I make it a dep in empathy so it will be installed in the future ?16:17
seb128bcurtiswx_, you should probably add it to the build-depends yes16:19
rickspencer3pitti, I see that we are down to 695mb on the cd, nice16:25
rickspencer3did we put French back on the CD?16:26
pittirickspencer3: tomorrow's i386 daily will have French again; too little space on amd64 for languages, that just has Spanish and Portugese16:26
pittixulrunner might still go away, then we'd have space for more16:26
rickspencer3that would be nice16:27
pittiand on the rally I want to talk people into dropping python 2.6 support16:27
rickspencer3was there anything besides desktopcouch that had to come off?16:27
pittiwhich would buy us another 10 MB, aka 1 language16:27
rickspencer3do Python programs know what version of Python they depend on?16:27
pittirickspencer3: not yet; so far we managed that through libraries, some perlsectomy, changelog reduction, and SVG/PNG compression16:27
pittirickspencer3: the python packages do16:27
rickspencer3I see16:28
rickspencer3so packages that require Python 2.6 could simply install it from the repos16:28
rickspencer3I notice that my programs when I run them:16:28
rickspencer3ptyhon foo.py16:28
rickspencer3a lot of them break with 2.716:28
pittirickspencer3: the primary thing here is python-foo libraries which currently ship a 2.6 and 2.7 module16:29
pitti$ du -hs /usr/lib/python2.6/16:29
rickspencer3well, a lot of programs break because of library versions, indeed16:29
pitti$ du -hs /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/16:29
rickspencer3but also some other stuff, like how I miport16:29
pittithat one16:29
pittithat's only separate libs, not python2.6 itself16:29
rickspencer3that's 3 languages!16:30
pittirickspencer3: that's uncompressed, though16:30
pitti$ tar c /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ | gzip -9 | wc -c16:30
rickspencer3anyway, this is great news that we fit on a CD again16:30
pittithat's roughly the potential CD space saving16:30
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, empathy still fails in pbuilder like it did on my local machine due to not seeing the indicator functions.  What do I need to do to find out why it's not seeing them?16:31
seb128bcurtiswx_, do you still have gcc-4.4 installed?16:32
seb128bcurtiswx_, you could try to build with that16:33
seb128rickspencer3, we will discuss dropping gtk3 from the CD for this cycle as well, which might win some extra space16:33
bcurtiswx_seb128, gcc | 4:4.5.1-1ubuntu3 |         natty | amd64, i38616:33
seb128bcurtiswx_, gcc-4.416:33
bcurtiswx_seb128, OK i hope downgrading won't break too many things16:34
seb128bcurtiswx_, no need to downgrade, you can install both16:34
rickspencer3seb128, well, interesting16:34
seb128bcurtiswx_, then export CC=gcc-4.416:34
seb128in the rules16:34
seb128bcurtiswx_, CC=gcc-4.4 and CXX=gcc-4.4...16:35
pittirickspencer3: "some" is about 2.5 MB, though; the gtk3 stack is quite small in the end16:35
pittinot to be sneezed at, of course16:35
pittiit migth be the difference to make French fit or not :)16:35
seb128rickspencer3, we will need a new theme for GTK3 if we want to use it and it seems if we don't take GNOME3 very few things can use it16:35
seb128pitti, well not "in the end", that's because we didn't go for any real application16:36
rickspencer3that's I want to get French on soon ... so that other things have to prove they are more important than French if they grow or try to sneak on the CD16:36
seb128pitti, otherwise we would have got a second webkit etc on the CD16:36
pittirickspencer3: tres bien16:36
rickspencer3France est tres important!16:36
pittiviva la France!16:36
seb128vive la France!16:37
pittiseb128: it's the spirit that counts, not the spelling! :-P16:37
* pitti hugs seb128 and didrocks16:37
* bcurtiswx_ hides here in the USA Capitol16:38
* didrocks hugs pitti back (carefully, without giving him his cold :))16:38
mterryseb128, we have some sort of ongoing gconf->gsettings bridge?  Or the other way around?16:38
* seb128 hugs pitti16:38
seb128mterry, you mean?16:39
mterryseb128, I just thought I remember talk about something that would keep gconf & gsettings in sync (at least one of the ways -- either gsettings got changes to gconf or gconf got changes to gsettings).  Did I dream that?16:39
seb128mterry, gnome-settings-daemon in GNOME3 writes back in gconf16:40
seb128mterry, but that's not something we should need in natty?16:40
seb128pitti, I'm still not convince btw that german should be ranked before french :p16:40
mterryseb128, I see.  Yeah, was just trying to figure out what needed to happen for my schema handling backport.  Sounds like I should write to both16:41
pittiseb128: if it's any consolation, amd64 doesn't have German either16:41
seb128pitti, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_languages_by_number_of_native_speakers suggests that if you count real speakers we are over the german count ;-)16:41
seb128pitti, not really a consolation, how come that amd64 has that difference?16:42
seb128mterry, or just write to gconf16:42
mterryseb128, sure, at a bare minimum gconf16:42
bcurtiswx_seb128, same problem with gcc-4.416:42
seb128mterry, well, why does it use gsettings or gconf for?16:42
didrocksseb128: yeah, French people were starting a thread last cycle on the french forum on that16:42
seb128bcurtiswx_, can you copy the build log somewhere?16:42
pittiseb128: it has always been bigger, that's nothing new; I guess the binaries are a tad bigger due to 64 bit data types16:42
mterryseb128, new gcc uses gsettings for keeping terminal/mobility/visual settings16:42
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bcurtiswx_seb128, sure16:42
mterryseb128, mail and web go through glib16:43
pittiseb128: and amd64 might have some additional 32 bit compat packages16:43
seb128mterry, can't we just backport the browser email code?16:43
seb128pitti, ok, right16:43
and471kamstrup, ping16:43
bcurtiswx_seb128, e-mailed it to ya @ubuntu16:44
mterryseb128, yes we can16:44
mterryseb128, it was easier to copy and paste the whole thing if I could, which is why I was asking about the gconf bridge16:45
seb128bcurtiswx_, ok16:46
seb128mterry, right, whatever is easier for you, I don't think we need to write in gsettings though16:47
seb128bcurtiswx_, ok, gcc-4.4 is used, dunno then it would need debugging16:49
seb128I can't really say without building but I don't want to mess with GNOME3 on this box before travelling16:49
bcurtiswx_seb128, vbox ?16:50
seb128right, well I've enough to do to not spend an hour to set a vbox and download all the build-depends16:51
bcurtiswx_seb128, np.  just threw it out there16:52
seb128well I would just use a pbuilder in fact16:52
seb128I might have a go to it later on if kenvandine doesn't16:52
bcurtiswx_I'm sorry I don't have the smarts to figure this out on my own16:53
seb128those are non trivial so no worry16:58
seb128it's just weird because the symbol comes from sources in the same binary and not other libraries though16:58
seb128kenvandine, did you have any clue about the empathy build issue?16:58
kenvandinenot off hand17:00
kenvandinei am planning on setting up a vm for gnome317:00
kenvandinehopefully today, so i can take a swing at it17:01
seb128ok, great17:01
kenvandinenow that unity works in vbox, i am hoping shell will too :)17:04
bcurtiswx_unity+gnome3PPA though = :( with unity17:04
* bcurtiswx_ ---> Lunch BBS17:05
* kenvandine -> lunch17:06
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and471kamstrup, ping17:19
seb128mvo, btw about this update-manager slow issue do you want a bug?17:20
mvoseb128: please17:21
mvoseb128: sorry, I looked into it, but I have no clue, I know what triggers it, but I don't know why it takes so long, it should really be available right away17:21
seb128mvo, bug #69776117:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 697761 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "the context menu opening can be really slow (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69776117:26
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mvothanks seb12817:30
seb128mvo, thanks ;-)17:30
seb128mvo, do you need me to keep my box not updated for debugging purposes or not?18:06
kamstrupand471: pong18:10
and471kamstrup, hi I am Andrew, I am doing the network settings gui stuff :)18:10
kamstrupand471: yeah kvalo told me you where Andrew :-)18:11
kamstrupand471: awesome work18:11
and471kamstrup, thankyou18:12
and471kamstrup, I just saw your merge request and wanted to go over the points, is this okay?18:12
kamstrupand471: sure18:12
and471so for the first point I have added18:12
and471        /// Highlight it18:13
and471sorry no I haven't18:13
and471I added18:13
and471        bool is_gtk_builder = (this.builder is Gtk.Builder);18:13
and471        assert(is_gtk_builder);18:13
and471is this what you expected?18:13
kamstrupand471: that's fine18:13
kamstrupand471: or just assert (this.builder is Gtk.Builder); ?18:14
kamstrupnever mind. that's details18:14
and471kamstrup, yeah sure, I just thought giving it a name is easier to read18:14
and471kamstrup, the ccode stuff is so gtkbuilder can autoconnect the signals to callbacks, I have now added a comment explaining this, is that solved?18:14
kamstrupand471: yup, sounds good18:15
and471kamstrup, the connection and device fields have been converted to properties18:15
and471kamstrup, sorry I am learning vala and when I look back I don't don't why I didn't use them in the first place :)18:15
kamstrupand471: if you're just learning vala now, then it's pretty impressive :-)18:16
and471hehe thanks18:16
and471kamstrup, about the utils copyright stuff, basically what I did was take the c code from clutter-color.c in the clutter GIT tree and port it to vala18:16
and471kamstrup, I have now added the copyright header from the clutter-color.c to the utils.vala file18:17
and471and said it is from clutter-color.c18:17
kamstrupand471: the point here is that we want to uniformly have (C) Canonical on all files18:17
and471is this enough? I don't really know much about legal things :)18:17
kamstrupand471: and if it's (C) Clutter team, that may be a problem18:17
kamstrupand471: so it's really a judgement call by you18:18
cyphermoxcould someone please review https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/ubuntu-mono/secure-icons/+merge/45268? I'd like it to be upload asap since I'll need the new icons from it for nm-applet :)18:18
kamstrupand471: if you believe that the port is independent enough to give you full copyrights, it's fine to just mention that it was ported from clutter, and it's your choice to transfer the copyright to Canonical18:18
kamstrupotoh, if it's mostly copy paste we need to figure something out18:19
and471yeah it is, I just changed it to be in vala18:19
and471it is all GPL so I hope it won't be that much of a problem18:19
kamstrupand471: but it's no biggie, I think kvalo talked to someone on the unity team, and we have similar code somewhere in unity we can replace it with18:19
and471ok cool18:19
kamstrupand471: so leave that bit as is, and we'll see what kvalo says18:20
and471and then for those custom widgets I added comments18:20
and471kamstrup, so I think that is it?18:20
kamstrupand471: yup, we nailed all of the points18:20
and471kamstrup, well my router is being a pain at the moment, but I think I pushed the changes to my branch18:21
and471kamstrup, when I get http access I will update the merge request so kalle can merge that into his branch18:21
kamstrupand471: ok, awesome, we can prolly land it tomorrow then18:21
and471kamstrup, anyway nice meeting you and thanks for the prompt reply :)18:21
kamstrupand471: super, i'll just update the merge rq with the conclusion so far18:23
and471cool thanks18:23
pittigood night everyone18:35
geserhow do I push a change for a lp:~ubuntu-desktop branch back to LP so I can open a merge proposal for it?18:42
seb128geser, just push it to lp:~geser...18:43
seb128geser, well somewhere where you have commit access then you can do a merge proposal18:44
geserI'm trying to figure out what I should replace the "..." with that works18:44
Amaranthgeser: replace ~ubuntu-desktop with ~geser18:44
Amaranthotherwise leave the rest of the path the same18:44
geserhmm, the second time it seemed to have worked18:46
geseror not18:47
geserseemed to have worked the first time, bzr seems to confuse me18:49
mvoseb128: just update it, should be fine18:53
geseranyone free to review/sponsor/merge https://code.launchpad.net/~geser/gnome-system-tools/fix-add-needed-linking/+merge/4527818:56
milanbvgeser: what's the bug?18:58
milanbvI'm gst's maintainer, and I generally like avoiding downstream patches ;-)18:59
gesermilanbv: no bugnumber (yet), one issue was that "cracklib2-dev" is now "libcrack2-dev" and the other a fix for linking with --add-needed19:00
milanbvgeser: the first issue is OK with me since that's Debian/Ubuntu specific19:00
gesermilanbv: see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~geser/gnome-system-tools/fix-add-needed-linking/revision/58 for the patch for the other issue19:01
milanbvbut what's the second one?19:01
milanbvsounds weird you need to pass e-map.a before libs19:01
geserI don't fully understand it myself19:02
milanbvat any rate 1) it should go upstream if it's really needed19:02
milanbvand 2) time_admin_DEPENDENCIES should be reordered for consistency19:02
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gesermilanbv: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/550656/ for the error I got when trying to build in Ubuntu natty19:02
mterryAhhh...  /me finally squishes the bug preventing Help->Contents from working in GNOME19:03
milanbvgeser: is that from a clean source tree?19:03
gesermilanbv: I took the packaged version from Ubuntu natty (to fix issue 1) and run into this when I tried to build the "fixed" package in my pbuilder19:04
milanbvreally looks like some lib wasn't rebuilt correctly19:04
milanbvif e-map.c is using an old version of GTK, passing it in the end will fail19:04
milanbvand passing it before will work because it's overridden by other libs19:04
milanbvgeser: but maybe you had tried to build it before that?19:05
geserwhat you mean with "before that"?19:05
milanbvwhat you did with the patch19:05
milanbvchanging the order of vars19:06
milanbvthis kind of error usually comes from a lib version mismatch19:07
geserI first fixed only issue 1 (cracklib2-dev) and tried building that and got this error, so had to fix it too19:07
milanbvhere, the ATK which has been used to build GTK+ isn't the one that is passed to the linker19:07
milanbv(and API changes occurred in the meantime)19:07
milanbvgeser: OK, so please try with a clean source package19:07
geserI updated my natty pbuilder and it's a clean minimal chroot19:10
geserso both libgtk and libatk got fetched from the archive19:11
geseror could this issue also be in the debs in the Ubuntu archive?19:12
cyphermoxkenvandine, you there?19:13
kenvandinehey cyphermox19:13
milanbvgeser: still doesn't work?19:13
milanbvit could be in the archives19:13
cyphermoxkenvandine, can I bug you to review https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/ubuntu-mono/secure-icons/+merge/45268 ?19:14
gesermilanbv: didn't try again, will try it out in a few minutes and let you know19:15
kenvandinecyphermox, will do19:15
milanbvgeser: there seems to be a mix of /usr/lib/libatk-1.0.so and -latk-1.019:16
milanbvwhich in the context of pbuilder will fail if your system isn't using the same versions19:16
cyphermoxkenvandine, thanks. sorry for bugging, but I need to have at least some icons available before uploading a new nm-applet with a bunch of fixes ;)19:16
kenvandinei look forward to having the icons :)19:16
cyphermoxand animations ;)19:17
kenvandinehum... so postinst? instead of at build time?19:17
cyphermoxyeah, suggested by sladen to composite them at install time19:17
kenvandineok, i guess it keeps the size down :)19:17
cyphermoxyeah, mostly that's the point19:17
cyphermoxplus I'm just reusing those icons putting them together to make a new one19:18
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milanbvgeser: I've found the problem19:23
milanbvdbus deps explicitly add -L to the commandline, and this brings in GTK+ from /usr/lib19:23
milanbvsorry gtg19:24
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aquariusfta, ping?21:15
ftaaquarius, pong21:15
aquariusfta, heya: I'm running chromium from the dev PPA, and it doesn't seem to support the <video> element at all? Is that known?21:16
ftaaquarius, known issue, coming from our system libvpx21:16
aquariusfta, this is where you say: don't run the dev version :)21:16
aquariusfta, ah, OK; any idea of when it might be fixed? No hassle, just curious :)21:17
ftaaquarius, either when someone sync libvpx from debian/experimental, or if i stop using this system lib.21:17
aquariusfta, ah, ok, gotcha21:18
micahgfta: someone opened an update request, but didn't request a sync, I'll fix it up later21:21
ftamicahg, that won't solve the problem completely, think lucid/maverick..21:22
ftawell, maybe it will, as i auto-backport this lib in the ppa21:22
ftawe'll see21:23
gesermilanbv: inside the pbuilder is only one version of libatk1.0-0 and libgtk2.0-0 (through the build-dependencies) installed, so shouldnboth /usr/lib/libatk-1.0.so and21:46
gesermilanbv: inside the pbuilder is only one version of libatk1.0-0 and libgtk2.0-0 (through the build-dependencies) installed, so shouldn't both /usr/lib/libatk-1.0.so and -latk-1.0 point to the same .so file?21:46
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rodrigo_TheMuso, tremolux: ping21:53
TheMusorodrigo_: pong21:54
rodrigo_TheMuso, I talked with tremolux before to have a call on Friday about the a11y work on unity, is that ok?21:55
TheMusoHrm ok.21:55
TheMusothat should be fine.21:55
rodrigo_what time is ok for you?21:55
rodrigo_well, I'll send a mail and we decide on the mail, ok?21:56
TheMusosounds good21:58
* Amaranth curses banshee21:59
tremoluxcool, thanks rodrigo_, TheMuso22:12
* cyphermox -> eod22:19
milanbvgeser: yes, but the problem is that for some weird reason, dbus pulls libs from /usr/lib that shouldn't be used in pbuilder22:38
milanbvmaybe libdbus should also be pbuilder-specific22:38
ebroderhey all - i'm looking into changing g-s-d to default to a cloned mode instead of extended when a monitor is hotplugged. we talked about this at uds, but we didn't really do a good job of generalizing the behavior for more than 1 or 2 monitors. anybody have thoughts on what exactly should be done, say, if there are two monitors configured and a 3rd gets hotplugged?22:41
gesermilanbv: I know that I don't understand much about linking, so I've problems to understand which libs got pulled in that shouldn't and why they make problems22:42
geserI'll try later (or tomorrow) how a PPA build without the 2nd change goes22:43
alecuebroder, +1 on cloned instead of extended. It's really troublesome when giving presentations, because no presentation software (that I've tried) has good support for multimonitors right now22:43
ebroderright now the behavior is that g-s-d lays out each of the new outputs to the right of the existing layout, removes any outputs that are now disconnected, and shifts to the left as necessary to avoid holes in the layout22:44
alecuebroder, as for a 3rd monitor... perhaps using the current setting would be a reasonable default? (ie: cloned if it was 2 screens cloned, extended if 2 screens extended)22:44
alecuebroder, that sounds like a nice arrangement.22:44
ebroderalecu: that still doesn't generalize well. what if i have two outputs that are cloned, one that's extended, and i then hotplug a fourth monitor?22:45
alecuebroder, what about including that as a gconf setting? that way we would be able to set it as needed.22:45
ebroderalecu: yeah, i'd like to do that22:45
ebroderi guess clone-by-default could mean clone-the-primary-output-by-default?22:45
milanbvgeser: yeah, a clean rebuild is definitely the first thing to try22:45
milanbvsecond is to check libdbus22:46
milanbvbut let's say we'll deal with that tomorrow :-)22:46
milanbvgood night!22:46
gesergood night milanbv22:46
alecuebroder, the checkbox in "Monitor Preferences" says "Same image in all monitors"...22:46
alecuebroder, so I don't understand how that 4 monitor scenario could happen (other than manual fiddling)22:47
ebroderalecu: i think that may be a bit deceptive. i think bryceh or RAOF said that that dialog can only ever deal with 2 monitors22:47
alecuoh, ok.22:47
alecuebroder, well... if that checkbox state was saved between plugs/unplugs, then I would be a happy presentation-giver22:48
ftais the sound indicator currently broken in natty? or is it just me?22:49
alecuI mean the "Same image in all monitors" checkbox in the current dialog.22:49
alecuebroder, also, that setting should be shown on the menu on the icon that's shown in the indicator panel when "show monitors in panel" is checked.22:51
alecuin fact, those are the two things that bug me when I'm using a projector, and I always forget to add bugs for them :-)22:51
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=== Jason is now known as DBO
brycehyeah, the gnome monitor capplet was designed assuming no more than 2 monitors23:04
brycehanything more than that, you're going to be constructing xrandr commandlines to get what you want23:05
micahgthere are arandr and grandr in universe23:06
ebroderbryceh: right, i'm more interested in fighting with the g-s-d plugin than the capplet23:06
ebroderlooking at the spec again, defaulting to cloning the primary output seems like the most reasonable thing23:12
ebroderoh, hmm. i mis-characterized the current code. it doesn't actually look like it will preserve the current layout at all - it'll just reset everything to extend23:16
ebroderwhich seems even worse23:16
brycehebroder, hmm23:26
brycehebroder, seems like it's defaulted to mirror when I've played with it23:26
ebroderbryceh: X does that when the server starts, but if you hotplug a monitor once the server's running, g-s-d's xrandr plugin determines the config23:27
ebroder(auto_configure_outputs in plugins/xrandr/gsd-xrandr-manager.c)23:28
brycehebroder, ahh23:28
ebroderbryceh: i suspect that the difference between those two is part of why people are convinced that linux's multi-monitor handling is random23:29
brycehheh you could be right23:29

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