
dpmgood morning all!08:04
dpmgood morning andrejz, good morning TLE!08:36
TLEgood morning08:36
dpmaskhl_, askhl: hi, good morning. I forgot to mention it the other day, but I think it would be cool to announce your PPA with the ubuntu-translator-tools on the ubuntu-translators mailing list to get people to test it and give you feedback. What do you think?09:06
dpmhi happyaron, did your team have the chance to review the provided ubuntu-docs translations? I'm just trying to find out if there is anything left to do before the next Maverick language pack update on the 10th of March (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/MaverickLanguagePackReleaseSchedule)10:39
happyarondpm: not yet, students are taking their end term exams this week and next, will be reviewed soon after someone of them start winter holiday.10:48
dpmhappyaron, no worries, there is still time until March. Just to take a load off my mind, and since it concerns Simplified Chinese translations, would you mind keeping track of it, and shortly before the next langpack tell me if there is anything that needs to be done?10:49
happyarondpm: I'll have an eye on it, and will ping you if there is something to be done, thanks :)10:51
dpmhappyaron, cool, thank you :)10:52
dpmthanks TLE for the excellent reply on the translators list. Incidentally, I'm also writing a reply just now, in which I'll include the list of priorities sorted by user feedback. In any case, in the meantime, here is the link:11:20
TLEdpm: thanks (putting the link in a tomboy note this time). This thread sort of got me thinking though11:42
TLEI know from myself, that I was also previously somewhat unjustly unsatisfied with the fact that "nothing is being done to improve the tools", I know that some has been before and now also Khaled11:44
TLEmaybe this could be alliviated with information11:45
dpmI'm trying to add some of this info to my reply, but I'm all ears for any suggestions. I also think this is an issue: many people don't see all the work behind the scenes. I should perhaps write a blog post11:47
TLEI know that there are these bigger and very comprehensive reports sent out once or twice a year about lp development progress in total, but maybe we should suppelemt this with a status update say every or every other month11:47
TLEit could just be en email to the list, stating "During the last (two) months the developers of launchpad translations have done the following ... If you wish to get involved, these 2 jobs ..... are up for graps. Contact ... for more information"11:49
TLEso as to serve the dual purpose of small updates to make the development progress visible, and possibly do a little recruiting11:50
TLEthe only problem is that it will have to be done by someone with intimate knowledge of the development progress, which probably means either you or some of the devs (sorry I don't actually know whether you code on lp) and you all probably already have enough on your plates11:52
andrejz@TLE: +111:53
dpmTLE, in any case, that's a very good idea. I'll see Danilo next week and we can sit down and discuss this. Note though, that upcoming changes in the Launchpad development strategy might prove this (micro-updates on progress) to be more challenging from now on. There will no longer be a Rosetta team, there will be squads working on features all over Launchpad. It was announced on the launchpad-users mailing list and on the LP blog, but as no transl11:53
dpmator has commented on this, I thing that went mostly unnoticed. I shall send an e-mail with a summary.11:53
dpmactually, I believe I forwarded the announcement to the translators list, but it might have been a bit technical for people not involved in LP development11:55
dpmIn any case, here's the blog post, if anyone has any questions, I'll try to answer to the best of my knowledge:11:56
TLEI missed that, gotta go now, we'll talk later11:58
dpmsure, see you!11:59

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