
bigcalmWhich /etc/ files tells you what version of ubuntu is installed?00:08
bigcalmlsb-release ?00:10
howefieldlsb_release will tell00:10
bigcalmParents' server is running 9.04. Wondering if I attempt a remote distupgrade or not00:11
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bigcalmWould be happier if it were on an LTS00:11
jacobwis it lsb-release?00:11
bigcalmOn 10.04: # ls /etc/lsb*00:12
bigcalm/etc/lsb-base-logging.sh  /etc/lsb-release00:12
bigcalmOn 9.04: $ ls /etc/lsb*00:12
bigcalm/etc/lsb-base-logging.sh  /etc/lsb-release00:12
bigcalmIgnore me00:12
jacobwyeah it is, i've just checked, was thinking about /etc/debian_version00:13
bigcalmDoh, there is the command lsb_release00:13
bigcalmThat's what was confusing me00:13
ali1234hackers in my vps :(00:19
Azelphurit's more likely than you think :(00:21
ali1234someone decided to convert their website to e107 and it got exploited by a bot00:22
ali1234then the bot owner installed rapidshare leech and downloaded 50GB in 2 days00:23
ali1234it normally seems about 500MB traffic per month :/00:26
Azelphurthat's quiet :o00:27
AzelphurMy dedi has used 1.1TB this month00:27
ali1234yeah, it only has some crummy websites on it, it's not actually mine - just get called when something goes wrong00:27
ali1234"why are we getting charged for extra bandwidth?"00:27
Azelphurhehe :)00:28
JohnThomsonHi, anyone here wanting to help the Linux community in possibly a very major way, please contact me about volunteer work, data mining, in exchange for free website hosting and email hosting. Basically, we are trying to convert the UK Government and, ultimately, the uk population, to Ubuntu, or at least, Linux. Email me at "mail@johnthomson.me.uk"00:42
ali1234JohnThomson: data mining?00:54
ali1234... and we're back in business01:10
ali1234i wonder how long it will take mr website designer guy to notice his login doesn't work any more01:11
dwatkinsOne million seconds.01:12
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lazarus_hoping i may have fixed my bsod issue05:19
kaushalGood Morning Everyone05:50
kaushalCan someone recommend any good apps for 10.10 ?05:56
BigRedSkaushal: what sort of apps?06:01
kaushalfor desktop use ?06:01
BigRedSto do what with, though? I can reccomend Claws-mail, vim, terminator and openarena if you like...06:02
MartijnVdSsure, but what do you want to do with them?06:02
BigRedSbut it's likely that none of them are what you're after06:02
MartijnVdSthere isn't one (set of) "the best app(s)"06:04
MartijnVdSit really depends on what you want to do, and how you like to do things06:04
kaushalMartijnVdS: like thunderbird06:06
kaushalif there is a new message there is a pop up06:07
MartijnVdSkaushal: I prefer gmail/gcalendar06:07
kaushalis there a way to calculate CIDR from Netmask ?06:41
BigRedSyeah, given the network address - they both define the same thing06:42
BigRedSthere's a bunch of websites about with js things for doing it or, I think, ipcalc is in the repos06:42
BigRedSit's certainly in debian's06:42
MartijnVdSipcalc and ip6calc06:46
MartijnVdSip6calc does v4 and v606:46
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
BigRedSThat said, ipcalc is one of those things I try to not let on that I'm using06:50
BigRedSjust to give the impression of that little bit more competence :)06:50
MartijnVdSBigRedS: "I do it in my head *stabs at ipcalc*"07:11
BigRedShaha, almost exactly! Used to be a running joke when I shared an office with a cisco wizzkid07:12
BigRedSSeriously now, Apache, absence of a log file shouldn't cause you to not start07:20
BigRedSespecially at 07:2007:20
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
czajkowskiBigRedS: not a good start to your day then07:37
macoczajkowski: i went to a ceili!07:40
czajkowskimaco: oh fun07:42
macoczajkowski: i got a bunch of my family to go along too and we learned 4 dances07:43
czajkowskisiege of Ennis?07:58
macosiege of carrick, two hand hornpipe, haymaker's jig, and keel row07:58
* TheOpenSourcerer ponders the "two hand hornpipe"...08:05
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: !family ;P08:07
BigRedSczajkowski: ach, it's not so bad08:17
BigRedSat least it was so early nobody noticed :)08:17
kaushaldaubers: Good Morning08:37
daubersStill not found someone with a hot wire cutter :(08:38
screen-xmorning :)08:55
andylockranrecommendation for moving imap folders around an imap tree?08:56
screen-xandylockran: within a single user account?08:58
screen-xif so, a normal mail client should do..09:00
andylockranscreen-x: yeah09:00
andylockranscreen-x: yeah, it does a mailbox rename, rather than a move.. which is good09:03
andylockranbut ideally like to do it via a CLI so I know it's been done. rather than trusting the mail client too much.09:03
screen-xandylockran: just been experimenting with the cyrus imap store, manipulating folders directly doesn't work, probably need to rebuild indexes with cyradm after moving stuff around.09:08
hoovermornin all09:23
hoover-5 C here this morning *shudder*09:25
BigRedS-5? Positively tropical 8 or so09:25
hooverNice.. in the uk? temps not expected to rise here until Friday or so09:26
hoover(germany btw)09:26
screen-x+6 gere09:30
screen-xerr here09:30
screen-xHeh, my parcel arrived at UPS Cardiff at 19:28 yesterday, it then arrived at UPS Cardiff at 04:39 this morning..09:32
JamesTaitMoooooooornin' all!09:38
screen-x\o JamesTait09:38
hooverscreen-x: Looks like it had a good night out in Cardiff ;-)09:40
czajkowskinperry: ping09:57
kazadehehe, just closed my first bug as "Wont fix" - seems evil somehow09:57
czajkowskikazade: I'm sure folks will agree on it and comment with such :)09:58
kazadeczajkowski, indeed :)09:59
bigcalmMorning peeps10:01
bigcalmAnybody know when cron.daily is run?10:03
screen-xbigcalm: 25 6    * * *   root    test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )10:04
czajkowskikazade: is a it fun bug or just a impossible to fix or just you really do not want to fix it10:04
bigcalmscreen-x: ta. Where did you find that?10:04
kazadeczajkowski, no it is actually a "really not our problem" bug10:04
czajkowskikazade: ah fair enough10:05
shaunoI wonder how it populates those; mine's a few hours off that, so I assume they're not hardcoded10:05
krimzon2mine are different too10:06
shaunonever thought of that, but that's clever :)10:06
screen-xgood idea, especially for VMs..10:07
screen-xI've just checked three lucid boxes, and they all have 25 6    * * * for cron.daily, there is nothing in the pre or post inst scripts to randomise it.. 25 6 * * * is also in the crontab in the cron package (for lucid)10:13
popeymine is 6:0510:13
popeybut mine started life as ubuntu dapper10:13
shaunomine's 4:25, but I don't recall changing it10:14
screen-xshauno: lucid?10:14
shauno(had to check, I'm bad with names)10:14
shaunoaltho I supose there's every chance bitfolk poke it as part of their rollout (which would be perfectly sensible)10:16
screen-xahh ha10:16
* screen-x checks bitfolk vps10:16
screen-xnope, still 25 6 * * *10:16
AlanBellbytemark certainly do, they have some stuff to jiggle the clocks too I think10:17
bigcalmI wonder why my job didn't run then10:30
bigcalmIs it because I didn't include the full path to the command being used?10:31
czajkowskifeck need to get some Ubuntu Cds10:32
MooDooczajkowski: best get burning :p10:33
AlanBellwe have an allocation of CDs as a loco somewhere10:34
hooverI'm still having issues with random freezes / crashes in 10.10 on amd64 and intel...10:34
MooDooAlanBell: it would be nice to split the allocation around the country for ease of postage10:35
MooDoofor events and stuff10:35
awilkinsMight even be nice to start doing USB sticks10:35
awilkinsOr SD Cards10:35
AlanBellwe should probably figure out what events we want to use them at in each cycle10:35
MooDooawilkins: to expensive i think10:35
awilkinsThe small ones are probably nearly as cheap as media now10:35
AlanBellthis is a Daviey question i think10:36
czajkowskiawilkins: USB are too expensive, we've asked10:36
awilkinsAh well :-)10:36
AlanBellczajkowski: is this for fosdem or the plugfest or something else?10:36
czajkowskiMooDoo: what we do in Ireland is one person gets them, as that's the easiest way for the shipment to come and he then sends out packages, or people collect them off him and spread them out elsewhere10:36
awilkinsI just do myself one anyway - much faster than optical media10:36
czajkowskiAlanBell: BETT next week, just sent request to Canonical for them10:36
AlanBellok, that generally uses up quite a few boxes10:37
awilkinsThe LiveCDs are _not_ optimal - the drive heads seek way too much, there should be something that works out the order the files are accessed in the stream and optimizes for it10:37
czajkowskiawilkins: just asked for a small enough number10:37
czajkowskiAlanBell: just asked for a small enough number10:37
awilkinsOr just dump the whole image into RAM and use it from there10:37
andylockranureadahead for CDs ?10:37
popeyawilkins: thats a boot-time option already10:38
popeyunless it's been removed10:38
MooDoodo we have a lightscribe lable for ubuntu cd's i might do a few of them.10:38
popeymaybe not, knoppix has it10:39
shaunosounds like 'toram' is meant to work, per bug 2549610:47
lubotu3Launchpad bug 25496 in casper (Baltix) "Unable to boot Ubuntu using TORAM=yes (copy livecd to RAM)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2549610:47
KrisDouglasHello everyone11:08
bigcalmWill I get any post today? Place your bets!11:17
screen-xbigcalm: yes!11:19
gordwhy wouldn't you?11:19
screen-xbut it will probably be a takeaway menu :(11:19
bigcalmgord: lazy postmen11:19
bigcalmscreen-x: damn, that would be likely11:19
gordah, i have similar problems11:19
bigcalmI'm considering cancling my graze.com subscription11:20
hooverhey biggie11:20
gordwoo the scott pilgrim vs the world: the game soundtrack was on ubuntu one, i love ubuntu one more every day -_-11:20
bigcalmHi Hoovie11:20
bigcalmGF's brother gave me SPvsTW on Blu-Ray yesterday as a delayed xmas present11:21
bigcalmExcited to be able to watch it again11:21
gordwasn't too impressed with the movie, but i looooove the books and the game11:21
BigRedSthat film confused the hell out of me11:21
bigcalmNot read the books or played the game11:22
screen-xDJones: see gords line11:22
MooDooDJones: scott pilgrim vs the world11:22
gordyeah it'll do that, it has weird pacing. in the books the events depicted in the film happen over months, possibly years. in the movie its all crammed into two weeks or so11:22
gordits weird11:22
BigRedSYeah, did seem all rather hectic11:22
bigcalmAnd I thought that Canadian relationships just happened quickly11:23
screen-xBigRedS: problem is, that films dipicting life at normal speed are rather boring.11:23
BigRedSscreen-x: Napoleon Dynamyte comes to mind :)11:26
screen-xhaven't seen that one..11:27
BigRedSIt's a film in which almost nothing at all happens11:28
davmor2morning all11:28
kaushalplease suggest/guide me about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-January/238026.html ?11:30
terranNapoleon Dynamite is excellent11:31
SuperMattok, anyone want to tell me what I might be doing wrong: I have set my preferred browser to be firefox, but whenever I load a URL in gwibber, it tries to open in my last preferred browser - chromium11:43
SuperMattin fact, I double click an html file on my desktop, that goes to chromium too11:44
BigRedSwhat does11:44
BigRedSls -l /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser11:44
SuperMattso how is it getting my default browser so wrong?11:44
SuperMattI see11:45
BigRedS'cause that's another of the places you can set teh default :)11:45
SuperMattseems a little silly to have it in two places but not update both11:45
BigRedSthat should be a symlink to whatever executable you want to run as a browser11:45
BigRedSI gather one was the fashion, then the other became it, and nobody quite standardised on which one to follow11:46
BigRedSthat's the wonderful thing about standards, there's so many to choose from :)11:46
screen-xI presume System > Preferences > Preferred Apps sets a gconf key?11:46
mattti couldn't tell if i loved or hated SPvsTW11:46
screen-xmattt: sounds like an overall "meh"11:47
gordmaybe you are capable of emotions that are somewhere in the middle of "love" and "hate"11:47
matttgord: :/11:47
* mattt stares at gord11:47
screen-xmattt: in a loving or hating way?11:47
matttscreen-x: :P11:48
SuperMattBigRedS: didn't work11:51
SuperMattI've even rebooted my pc11:52
SuperMattah, there's also gnome-www-browser11:52
kaushalChecking in again for the query ?11:53
SuperMattand changing gnome-www-browser didn't work >.<11:53
BigRedSSuperMatt: apt-get remove chromium   ? In all honestly, that was the first thing I tried when 10.10 clobbered my preference, so I don't know what it actually did11:54
SuperMattI guess I could11:54
BigRedSit might be worth waiting around to see if anyone more patient came across it11:58
SuperMattwell I've managed to hack it to work12:05
BigRedSln -s /usr/bin/chromium-browser /usr/bin/firefox-bin  ? :)12:05
SuperMattI removed chromium as you said and it fixed it12:08
SuperMattbut I really wanted things to open in ff412:08
SuperMattI had to play with it to get that working :P12:08
alejandraczajkowski, ping12:24
czajkowskialejandra: pong12:26
alejandraczajkowski, hello! could you do me a fave and check planet for me?12:27
davmor2czajkowski: prod12:28
alejandraczajkowski, just published a fix, want to see if works for you :)12:28
czajkowskialejandra: ohhhhh :D12:29
alejandraczajkowski, :)12:29
czajkowskialejandra: you my dear rock! Planet is now readable again :D12:29
czajkowskidavmor2: *stabs*12:29
alejandraczajkowski, yay!12:30
czajkowskino more text over on chrommium :D12:30
MooDooczajkowski: poke prod and stab :p12:30
BigRedSThat's a nice contrast in sentiment there12:30
davmor2czajkowski: you know by stabs you mean *hugs* right?12:30
MooDoodavmor2: she doesn't do hugs so shhhhhhhh12:31
czajkowskialejandra: nicely done! Thanks12:31
alejandraczajkowski: happy it worked, looked awful!!12:31
davmor2MooDoo: good day me old mukka12:31
AlanBellyay \o/12:31
MooDoodavmor2: hello matey.12:32
AlanBellalejandra: what was the problem with it?12:32
czajkowskialejandra: yes just a tad :)12:32
czajkowskialejandra: did you have a good Christmas?12:32
alejandraczajkowski, altho there is the matter of a bunch of girls wrestling a pig to the floor... buy hey!12:32
popeygood old jdub12:33
MooDooi hate that photo....12:33
alejandraczajkowski, yes brilliant, too much food and booze... but got away to a nice place in Wales for a while too, which was nice. Did you have a brilliant time? Was your evil journey back justified? :)12:33
popeyMooDoo: I'd never seen it before12:34
popeyMooDoo: why?12:34
czajkowskialejandra: there is still some posts going outside past the border, but not sure if that's their post being too wide ? like Fabien Tassin post and Martin Pitt posts there today as an example12:34
MooDoopopey: i just get drawn to the poor pigs face lol12:34
alejandraAllanBell: Was a line of code... let me check for you and can give you exact details... one sec12:34
czajkowskialejandra: it was indeed Wales is soooo nice!12:34
j0nrHappy new year all12:36
screen-xgood to hear some positive comments about Wales :)12:38
alejandraAlanBell: It turns out the problem was caused by text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; Take out this line and the problem will be fixed. Basically, the optimisation causes a miscalculation on the font width/kerning on sizes <20px12:39
AlanBellis that specific to the Ubuntu font?12:39
czajkowskialejandra: http://twitpic.com/3n89dq/full12:43
alejandraczajkowski, thanks, will check that out...12:44
terranSpeaking of Ubuntu font, check out the font on the signs at the train station in Kings Langley http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs677.snc4/61750_442205016949_785146949_5060446_5959572_n.jpg12:44
alejandraczajkowski, saw one of the graphics also expands beyond the bubble...12:44
alejandraAlanBell, not sure if just Ubuntu font...12:45
czajkowskialejandra: aye12:45
czajkowskialejandra: but the main thing, the font being fixed is great.12:45
alejandraczajkowski, i know, hooray!12:46
alejandraczajkowski, AlanBell: off to lunch, will ask more and let you guys know about those bits12:46
czajkowskialejandra: Thank you12:46
alejandraczajkowski, no problem! :)12:47
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=== njpatel|lunch is now known as njpatel_
daubersscreen-x: Talking of Wales, it's more than likely that the missus and me will be over that way in the first weekend in february. Since we have to pass Cardiff both there and back, could pop in and say hello12:55
screen-xdaubers: cool :)12:56
screen-xdo you know whenish?12:56
screen-xwe are in Cardiff that weekend..12:57
daubersIt'll be the weekend of 5/6th feb. Idea of staying in a hotel (probably in Swansea) Saturday night and then coming back this way sometime Sunday. Supposedly meeting Swansea peeps Saturday afternoon12:57
czajkowskicardiff is so pretty, home of torchwood, though i keep meaning to go there and be sober to see more of the place12:58
popeyisnt that fosdem weekend?12:58
czajkowskipopey: you going ?12:58
screen-xdaubers: Sunday afternon/eve would be good12:58
daubersscreen-x: Cool, I'll let my calender (Kat) know, and she'll prod me to sort something out a bit closer to the time :)12:59
davmor2czajkowski: Captain Jack isn't real, he doesn't abide in a fountain in Cardiff honest ;)13:02
AlanBelldavmor2: next you will be saying that the prezzies didn't really come from Santa13:02
davmor2AlanBell: Oh no Santa's real :)13:04
czajkowskidavmor2: there is only one reason I watched strictly come dancing christmas special was to see him dance!13:05
czajkowskioh my :D13:05
davmor2czajkowski: pervert ;)13:06
davmor2and then admitting it publically :D13:06
* Dave2 realizes which channel this is, deletes what he was going to say.13:07
davmor2Dave2: I should thinks so this isn't the LR channel you know13:08
* MooDoo watches SCD but only coz he watches his new future wife on it :)13:08
PendulumMooDoo: who is your future wife?13:09
MooDooPendulum: Flavia ;)13:09
popeyMooDoo: the coffee?13:09
AlanBellone of our friends used to be Anton's regular dance partner13:09
davmor2MooDoo: I'm awaiting the sound of the whack you're about to receive from your current wife13:09
AlanBelland good morning Pendulum13:10
PendulumHi AlanBell13:10
PendulumI used to train with one of the former Strictly pros13:11
Dave2popey: that's what I was thinking too13:11
Dave2(Speaking of which, I'm about to fall asleep on the keyboard.)13:11
czajkowskidavmor2: you're not in lrl to make the comment13:13
brobostigonafternoonings all.13:15
brobostigonafternoonings BigRedS13:20
DJonesHmmh, Dodgy news headline on el reg, Doctor who to marry Doctor Who's daughter13:22
AlanBellso does this mean that on upgrade to Natty OpenOffice.org will be uninstalled and LibreOffice will be installed? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032298.html13:22
czajkowskiAlanBell: I thougt that was the plan13:23
AlanBellI thought the original plan was to have both in the repos and LO would be default for new installs13:24
AlanBellthis means, I think, that Oracle OpenOffice.org won't be available at all on Ubuntu13:25
czajkowskiAlanBell: you free tonight to do some work for the april event ?13:27
popeyapril event13:27
AlanBellsure czajkowski13:28
czajkowskipopey: aye teacher event13:29
czajkowskiJan - April I am fully booked with events!13:29
andylockranAlanBell: looks like it13:29
BigRedSWhen you speak of 64-bit vs 32-bit, you're talking about what? the bitness? That sounds wrong, and 'width' sounds a bit overly-literal, to the point of innacuracy13:29
MartijnVdSBigRedS: cpu architecture :)13:30
MartijnVdSbus width maybe.. instruction word length13:30
popeydata word length13:30
MartijnVdSor that13:30
BigRedSthe sentence is "the problem is not with the <bitness?> of the system""13:30
czajkowskiAlanBell: great what time suits?13:30
BigRedSmmm, data word length works13:31
MartijnVdSTime suits.. that's what the Doctor wears ;)13:31
* popey fills in an invoice13:31
BigRedSactually, maybe it doesn't :)13:31
czajkowskiAlanBell: what days next week are you going to BETT ?13:31
czajkowskialso is anyone in here going to BETT ?13:31
czajkowskiwe can have a mini meet up13:31
BigRedSis that the educashun computer thingywotsit?13:32
BigRedStoday is not a wordy day for me13:32
czajkowskiBigRedS: in English, Yes13:32
AlanBellczajkowski: after 8 should be fine for tonight, or maybe earlier if kids are behaving13:32
* brobostigon looks up BETT13:32
czajkowskiAlanBell: don't get off the train till 7:30 so after 8 is good for me13:32
* czajkowski needs to buy a car soon before she cracks up 13:33
BigRedSI might be in London for some of it, but not at the conference itself13:33
czajkowskitrain ticket went up :s13:33
AlanBellI am going on Thursday 13th (with a little speaking part)13:33
* popey tickles AlanBells little speaking part13:33
* popey puts it in a circus13:33
popey /nick dave213:33
AlanBelloi, that tickles13:33
AlanBellczajkowski: I might go up another day too, which would be best?13:34
czajkowskiAlanBell: I've no idea never been. we're not taking a stand either13:39
AlanBelloh, no stand, I thought there was one13:39
AlanBellIt is quite a busy event, or has been in the past13:40
czajkowskiAlanBell: we decided against it13:40
czajkowskiMark is there I think on the Friday but in london on the wednesday.13:40
AlanBelltotally understand that, they are fearsomely expensive13:41
czajkowskiAlanBell: on the phone to Anne13:46
bigcalmAlanBell: LOL14:07
AlanBellyou have to wonder what it is that Oracle thought they were buying14:11
czajkowskiI don't think even they know14:11
daubersAlanBell: Java was probably their main target, and the rest of Suns IP14:13
daubersAlthough they've managed to burn their bridges with Java really14:13
directhexdaubers, it's about controlling the ecosystem. oracle customers have always been java users (e.g. jnitiator as the VM for oracle financials) - relying on sun was always a risk14:17
=== seeker_ is now known as seeker
* hoover 's playing with VirtualBox 4.0 ATM14:41
hooverI hope they don't fsck that up, too14:41
dwatkinsI've been using vmware instead of virtualbox for a few weeks, and am impressed with the desktop integration of vmware14:51
* daubers just uses kvm these days14:52
* BigRedS hasn't used imaginary hardware for quite a while14:52
dwatkinsI need to have multiple versions of server software available, and can't just keep them all running in case I need one, so virtual machines seem the best way.14:53
BigRedSAh, I need to get all my multiple versions of server software down to not-that-many different versions...14:55
daubersI use it to test various upgrades before rolling them out to various servers :)14:55
* awilkins looks and goes oooOOooooo at Vbox 414:56
awilkinsI'm suspicious ; is this new "reorganisation" an attempt to monetize it (more) by Oracle ....14:57
dwatkinsOracle is a business.... I imagine everything they do is to make money.14:59
dwatkinsI did get a free t-shirt from them once, though.14:59
shaunovbox worries me, because it's far too easy to recommend to people (free & cross-platform), but I simply don't trust the current ownership15:00
dwatkinsHow about KVM, shauno?15:01
shaunothat's a bit less cross-platform15:01
BigRedSdwatkins: and I was so proud of my free MS t-shirt...15:01
dwatkinsI imagine vmware is also questionable in terms of their motives.15:01
shaunoI think they're a bit more transparent.  they're obviously trying to monetise it, and we can see exactly where/how15:02
gordhonestly, i don't get why everyone seems to think oracle are evil15:07
dwatkinsgord: I don't, but I do know that their software can be very convuluted.15:08
gordwell yeah if they start making the ex sun properties suck then the market will decide to not use them, no big deal15:09
shaunoevil isn't my problem.  I mean.  I use a mac at home.  I'm down with evil.  It's unpredictable that worries me.15:11
benniehey all15:38
popeyhi bennie15:43
benniehey popey15:44
benniedid you ever get a o2 jogler during the big rush to pick them up?15:44
popeyi did15:44
benniedoes it work with a stylus bu any chance?15:45
popeynot tried15:46
bigcalmThat an ipad magic wand thing?15:46
benniehmm, i was thinking to trying to pick one up to use to write some notes up on the cheap.15:47
bigcalmYou'd want to remove the metal stand then15:47
bigcalmOr you could do what I do and just use it as an alarm clock using the web app I wrote ;)15:48
bennienot a problem, just a pet project i just thought of.15:48
MezSuggestions for Hosted Bug Tracker software?15:49
BigRedSas in, a bug tracker on somebody else's hardware?15:49
bennieha, i already use three alarms. I had thought of retasking my old eee 701 with a touch screen addon, but that wouldn't be ideal.15:49
MezBigRedS: as in a bug tracker we don't have to manage for security updates, etc etc. But is for us.15:50
MezBigRedS: Think Google Apps stylee15:50
BigRedSyeah, that's what I was thinking. In that case, I've no idea.15:50
BigRedSI've just been helping a customer for whom 'hosted' means 'hosted on our server, by us'15:51
BigRedSI'd guess people on here would suggest Launchpad mostly, though :)15:51
MezYeah - LP is overkill.15:52
gordbennie, ... get a notepad and a pen15:52
BigRedSgithub has one in it's pay-for packaged, wonder if bitbucket or gitorious do same?15:53
MezBigRedS: Fogbugz would be nice - but over-expensive for our needs.15:53
BigRedSMez: google code is very google apps stylee :)15:54
BigRedSbut, really, I shouldn't be suggesting these since I've never used them15:54
benniegord: whilst sound advice, i was hoping to have something i could index. with my papers and load on to my kindel  not to worry15:54
gordbennie, a notebook also makes a pretty good kindle ;)15:55
bigcalmDid some serious reading time with the kindle last night15:57
kazadeCan you still buy Jogglers? I looked a while back and couldn't find one..15:57
screen-xkazade: no15:57
bigcalmkazade: not from o215:57
benniegord, again true, but not for the number of books i carry around with me.15:57
MezBigRedS: yeah - but not private.16:00
andylockranbad spelling16:04
AlanBellwow, stroppy children are now deleting my programs on the Sky+ box as an act of revenge for being told off!16:09
* DJones wonders at the stupidity of a business sending out a letter with "The purpose of this letter is to confirm your address and contact details, if you do _not_ receive it, please contact us to update your details"16:10
bigcalmAlanBell: time to set a pin on the box16:10
AlanBellbigcalm: there is a pin, I don't know what it is16:10
davmor2AlanBell: You obviously need to show them whose boss,  take away every eletrical gadget and no tv16:10
DJonesAlanBell: Always used to be the last 4 digits of your sky card number16:11
bigcalmI keep disabling the pin on the v+ box, and it keeps reactivating itself. Silly 123416:11
AlanBellyeah, it changed, I need to plug it in to a phone line and go through the recovery procedure16:11
AlanBellunless the kids do it first16:11
bigcalmTime to put them up for addoption16:12
AlanBellyou can't sell them on ebay16:12
BigRedSGumtree'll probably let you sell 'em there, though16:12
AlanBelldon't think you can on etsy either, although you should16:12
BigRedSwont get the money you would've on ebay back in the day16:12
seekerHow old are they?16:12
DJonesYou might be able to sell them on craiglist16:14
seekerTell them that if they don't behave, popey will come and get them16:15
AlanBellthey have met popey, I don't think that will scare them much16:16
czajkowskiAlanBell: your kids deleted stuff after being told off...... I'd remove the tv swifty and anything they got for xmas!16:16
AlanBellczajkowski is strict16:16
PendulumAlanBell: that's probably what would have happened to me as a kid.16:16
bigcalmIt's been a while so I can't remember - does getting a flu jab knock you about? Contemplating walking to the doctor's later16:16
bigcalmPendulum: oh, that happened to me16:17
seekerbigcalm: I had an achy arm for a day or two16:17
Pendulum(of course my parents only get the US version of freeview anyway so there was no chance of us deleting stuff off the box ;) )16:17
czajkowskiAlanBell: kids should not be allowed do that, it's just simple, and it's not that I'm strict, there is just no way my parents would tolerate me doing that16:17
bigcalmHad my bbc micro removed several times16:17
Pendulumczajkowski: +116:17
AlanBellczajkowski: she is in trouble, certainly16:17
czajkowskiAlanBell: if we mis behaved we lost out on something, which was usually horse riding so no way would we16:18
brobostigonbigcalm: :(16:18
czajkowskior I'd have to wash the car and hoover and not get money for doing it as punishment16:18
bigcalmbrobostigon: I was addicted to it16:18
AlanBelljust so funny the way she walked up and told me she had deleted the Wallace and Grommit I had recorded16:18
brobostigonbigcalm: it was good.16:18
PendulumAlanBell: sounds like she's almost looking for the discipline16:18
Pendulumlike, that's an attention-seeking thing16:19
czajkowskiAlanBell: dear gods man! if that's not rubbing it in I don't know what is16:19
seekerAlanBell: Sounds like you've got a juvenile delinquent there16:19
DJonesAlanBell: Sounds like a definate case of "Deleting the childrens tv/food/staying up" priviliges & replacing with a non-politically correct spanking16:19
AlanBellseeker: or the next George Washington16:20
bigcalmThat was a myth16:20
czajkowskiDJones: indeed16:20
bigcalmHe didn't say it16:20
bigcalmPolicatal spin by a news paper16:20
AlanBellno doubt16:20
czajkowskiAlanBell: it's not that I'm strict, it's just that I'm more strict than you, but I suspect many people are :)16:25
bigcalmHeh, aww16:26
popeyThats "bed with no supper" territory where I come from16:26
czajkowskiPendulum: +116:26
AlanBellinterestingly enough she failed to actually delete it16:26
czajkowskidear tab completion please stop confusing me16:26
czajkowskiAlanBell: NOT THE POINT!16:26
AlanBellshe is having some time in her room to think about things16:26
BigRedSAh, I'd have had something related as punishment normally. Can't quite think what here, perhaps just a ban on watching $popularShow for a bit16:26
bigcalmI would have got a damn good hiding as well16:26
czajkowskiAlanBell: is that where her toys are16:27
popeyAlanBell: does she have materials to construct a rope ladder?16:27
MooDooJimmy is only two but we've started using the "Naughty Step" :)16:27
popeyyup, we use naughty stair too16:27
popeyworks well16:27
popeyone minute for each year of their age16:27
MooDooyes it's working for us, exept we can't help but laughing when he goes and sits on it himself lol16:28
brobostigontaking away my spectrum would have worked when i was young,16:28
Pendulumwe were sent to the bathrooms for timeouts (obviously dangerous things were not out and were locked away from us)16:28
* AlanBell is 3516:28
* MooDoo is 3816:28
* popey starts the clock16:28
* popey doesn't expect to see AlanBell for another 35 mins16:28
* bigcalm doesn't feel so young any more16:28
czajkowskitaking away my horse riding from me was enough to smack manners on me, plus we also have the church thing to put manners/scare us16:29
seekerpopey: You've been watching supernanny?16:29
popeymy wife is qualified16:29
DJonesPendulum: Hope the household had another bathroom, or some punishments could have been quite short in case of emergency16:30
AlanBellczajkowski: my lot seem to like church which is a bit of a disappointment16:30
PendulumDJones: yep16:30
popeyshe teaches childcare16:30
czajkowskiCharlotte Church doesn;t count AlanBell16:30
seekerpopey: Ah, k16:30
czajkowskitherealpopey is really nice16:30
czajkowskibut kids do well to obey her :)16:30
popeywhy yes, yes she is nice :)16:30
Pendulummy parents would also one-by-one remove things from my room. down to including my furniture (other than bed). Once did get to the point where I was going into my parents to get clothes every day. Although that was for not keeping my room clean16:30
AlanBellthings get difficult when a child is quite capable of going into a 3-4 hour raging tantrum16:30
MooDooAlanBell: my son went tochurch the other day for the first time16:31
czajkowskiAlanBell: I beg to differ, outside  in the garden, knock yerelf out there16:31
popeyI'd be looking at the root cause of the rage16:31
Pendulumpopey: I was about to say that16:31
popeyand divert to other things16:31
popey"hey look, shiny!"16:31
czajkowskiwe also had the wooden spoon in our house16:32
czajkowskiI could run fast!16:32
MooDooczajkowski: scholl slippers in mine.16:32
AlanBellnot my style16:33
MooDoobig wodden things16:33
Pendulumdefinitely got the garden punishment. Including in the snow16:33
popeyyeah, I'm not a smacking type16:33
AlanBellgarden has been used16:33
AlanBell"you will be sleeping with the chickens"16:33
popeywith a hose?16:33
bigcalmIf it was good enough for us then it's good enough for them...16:33
DJonesCupboard under the stairs?16:33
MooDooDJones: doesn't that take you to narnia?16:34
MooDooah no wrong cupboard16:34
DJonesMooDoo: Nah, thats the bedroom cupboard16:34
czajkowskiAlanBell: it may not be yours, but you need to find something and I turned out ok :) it was also not an every day thing, more waved about to scare the shit out of us, and there is no way I eould ever pull a tantrum for 2 hrs let alone 2 mins16:34
* bigcalm gets distracted by his Tardis spinning16:34
czajkowskithe sister used to fake dead for hours on the floor  and the parents would just walk oever16:34
hippychicki was thinking more harry potter...16:34
bigcalmHehehe :D16:34
DJonesActually, cupboard under the stairs isn't a good idea when its got the electricity meter & fuses in it16:34
MooDooczajkowski: my sister used to hold her breath16:35
czajkowskiMooDoo: I tend to laugh at kids when they do that16:36
MooDooczajkowski: yea we leave them to it, when they faint they naturally start to breath again16:37
czajkowskiMooDoo: exactly but kids don't know that16:38
AlanBellMooDoo: at least that is a quiet form of protest16:38
czajkowskiAlanBell: do they behave at school ?16:38
MooDooczajkowski: i'm at work, time for an experiment ;)16:38
AlanBellczajkowski: pretty much, yes16:38
czajkowskiAlanBell: well that's not really good, manners for strangers... but not for ye16:39
MooDooczajkowski: my son would be nice if we stopped him watching the wiggles or peppa pig :)16:40
czajkowskiI do like peppa pig16:40
czajkowskior whats the one in the garden...16:41
* TheOpenSourcerer believes in the birch and the strop.16:41
MooDooin the night garden?16:41
MooDoowith the ninky nonk and pinky ponk?16:41
MooDooiggle piggle and the whohars?16:41
czajkowskiI like that one16:41
czajkowski*cough* when I see it of course16:41
seekerI was smacked if I did something really wrong16:41
MooDooczajkowski: it's nuts :D16:41
seekerSoon stopped me doing it16:41
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: what now ?16:42
MooDooczajkowski: if you like that, and think it's strange, watch Yo Gabba Gabba!16:42
TheOpenSourcererBeating them to within an inch of being visible ;-)16:42
MooDooTheOpenSourcerer: i've got to be careful doing that, i'm 6'6 and jimmy is expected to be bigger than me one day ;)16:42
* DJones checks MooDoo's ident to see if waffle has pinched the nick16:42
* MooDoo looks around and whistles :D16:43
TheOpenSourcererHa MooDoo I'm sure my eldest son (10) will be significantly taller and stronger that I in a few years.16:43
MooDooTheOpenSourcerer: what goes around comes around :D16:43
TheOpenSourcererHmm - maybe I should be buying him beer instead then...16:44
MooDoobesides, when england beats ireland at the rugby i'll get my beatings from czajkowski :)16:44
TheOpenSourcererMe too.16:44
popeySomeone I know does something I consider very scary.. verging on child abuse.16:44
popeyHe gets told if the kids have been bad during the day, when he gets home from work16:45
popeyif they have, he yanks them from their beds and smacks them16:45
TheOpenSourcererHmm - that's a bit old-school isn't it popey16:45
popeythe kids will have no clue why as they dont relate punishment "now" to misdemeanor "then"16:46
popeyhe's younger than me!16:46
czajkowskipopey: bit bad alright, child has no context what  he's done to get that16:46
TheOpenSourcererMy Dad used to do that to us, but he's 83 and so has a decent excuse16:46
AlanBellnot conducive to a quiet evening either16:46
czajkowskiMooDoo: oi cheeky go look at the past stats for games won recently!16:46
DJonesAs somebody who doesn't have kids, but has dogs, that would seem useless, if the punishment isn't there & then, its two different things as far as the dog is concerned16:46
popeyhence "abuse"16:46
* czajkowski is really looking forward to an Ubuntu evnet that doesn't have a talk/presenation/demo/geekery associated with it 16:47
MooDooczajkowski: er er :)16:47
popeyczajkowski: \o/16:47
popeythere will be geekery16:47
popeypeople will be tweeting :)16:47
TheOpenSourcererczajkowski: I was planning a short presentation on something tedious and boring.16:47
czajkowskipopey: oh there will be but secodary to the match and drink and just casual chatting and putting face to names16:47
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: I was planning a long presentation on something tedious and boring16:47
czajkowskiwonder does the pub ave wifi...16:47
czajkowskipopey: TheOpenSourcerer ye'll be both on ignore that day misters!16:47
popeywhen is it again?16:48
czajkowskiyou signed up for it16:48
czajkowskiMarch 19th16:48
popeyooo thats near paddy day16:48
popeyhmm, sophie has a ballet exam the next day16:49
czajkowskibut ye don't have paddys day here!16:49
popeywhich means I will be "stay at home dad" on sunday16:49
TheOpenSourcererczajkowski: Not many peeps...16:49
czajkowskiso that will be mine :D16:49
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: no not yet and for some too close to commit to16:49
shaunoeverywhere has paddy's day.  any excuse is a good excuse :)16:49
popeyadded to calendar16:49
TheOpenSourcererI have booked the day out from Mrs TheOpenSourcerer16:50
popeyi have added to the shared calendar16:50
popeywhich in effect means I am going when/if I get approval16:50
* MooDoo looks for clapham junction on the tube map16:51
czajkowskiFree wifi in pub!16:51
BigRedSooh. Clapham's down in teh wilderness16:51
czajkowskiClapham was picked due to good train access16:51
BigRedSI've always known the south to be mostly devoid of good public transport16:52
popeyhave we got room booked for the 19th?16:52
BigRedSbut, thinking about it, that's a very london-centric view :)16:52
MooDooczajkowski: got to get there from st pancras16:52
shaunothis may possibly be the strangest turnout they've had for a game16:52
popeyMooDoo: you coming out to play!?16:52
MooDoopopey: yes i am :D16:52
MooDoogot my pass and everything16:52
czajkowskipopey: nope not a room booked just rang, but come early and grab tables or they may be opening the function room to book a table and platter16:53
czajkowskiMooDoo: change from might be to are attending :D16:53
czajkowskishauno: I cant get home to watch the match and I want to meet more people, seems like a good way to combine both really16:54
dutchiewonder if i can be bothered to wander down from ox16:54
BigRedSI might well be there, assuming a complete indiference to rugby is permitted16:55
BigRedSI do like beer, though16:55
czajkowskidutchie: no reason not to16:55
dutchieactually, term will have finished16:55
dutchieso i will be in worceste16:55
czajkowskiBigRedS: of course, all about the beer chat food and just meeting people16:55
popeyczajkowski: looking forward to it16:55
MooDooczajkowski: done!16:55
czajkowskiI dont relaly mind the result!  but I do like to watch a game with folks! and something different :D16:55
MooDoohmmm ubuntu or england top is now the decision ;)16:56
BigRedSAh, I might end up having my birthday celebrations then, we shall see. This is the downside to outsourcing birthday celebration organisation...16:56
dutchiedunno if i can justify coming all the way from worcs just for an afternoon in the pub16:58
BigRedSdutchie: 'just' ?16:58
MooDoodutchie: i'm coming from nottingham16:59
bigcalmdutchie: I thought you'd abandoned WR?16:59
dutchiebigcalm: only in term time17:00
dutchiewith 8 week terms, i spend more time here than in ox :)17:00
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
kvarleyFor somebody to run an application developed in ruby within ubuntu what packages do they need installed?17:06
bigcalmI wish all of my clients' server had sudo installed. Would make my life so much simpler17:06
gordkvarley, i would guess the "roby" package17:09
daubers!info ruby17:13
lubotu3ruby (source: ruby-defaults): An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 4.5 (maverick), package size 21 kB, installed size 120 kB17:13
BigRedSkvarley: ruby, and particularly its frameworks, can be *very* picky about versions17:13
popeyon ubuntu17:13
BigRedSI don't think I've ever found anything that just happens to work with whatever version's in a repository17:14
popeyread that17:14
BigRedSalways ends up with something incredibly specific in /opt17:14
BigRedSpopey: really, the 'on ubuntu' bit is immaterial. Most ruby stuff seems to only work on the developer's machine without daft amounts of hassle17:15
popeyyou get my point17:15
BigRedSi've farted about for ages on rpmish machines, again ending up just downloading the specific point-release of everything into /opt17:16
BigRedSbut yea17:16
BigRedS(just didn't like the potential impression that it's ubuntu's fault, until you read the blog post)17:16
gordattempted to run some ruby stuff before, but always given up17:16
* kvarley will stick to python/java, thanks anway17:17
BigRedSirritatingly, PHP seems the most fire-and-forget17:18
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: popey AlanBell ye going to http://digitalsurrey.co.uk/events/DigitalSurreyJanuaryDigitalSurreyEvents_000.php17:18
BigRedSapt-get install libapache2-php5 && give-to-customer17:18
kvarleyI want to learn a c but can't find tutorials relating to ubuntu that run it natively17:18
directhexBigRedS, for all its flaws, php does a good job at cross-version compatibility17:18
shaunoreminds me, I tried installing a diaspora node locally the other night.  what a faff that turned out to be17:19
BigRedSdirecthex: yeah, you can well see why it's so incredibly popular. And its flaws are receding. Especially flaws that admins need to be aware of17:19
directhexit's an inherently "bad" language, developed more by accident and beer than by design, but there are great things built with it17:19
shaunobetween ruby, redis, mongodb, and whatever other buzzwords it requires, it adds just overr 1Gb to a stock ubuntu-server install.  for a webapp :/17:21
BigRedSshauno: apt-get install buzzword-full ? :)17:21
popeyczajkowski: hadn't planned to17:22
shaunowhen they start pulling in gtk as dependencies you start to wonder17:22
BigRedSgtk? whatever for?17:22
czajkowskigonna stick my name down on the list, tis fully booked :(17:22
popeyyeah, i will too17:23
shaunoBigRedS: I dread to think17:23
=== jamey_uk_ is now known as jamey_uk
shaunoappears mongodb uses xulrunner, which seems to be most the stranger dependencies.  pango, gtk, glade, x11 .. on a server17:26
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
directhexand people call mono bloated...17:30
shaunoand here I thought the trend towards buying slices of clouds instead of expensive boxes would lead away from that17:36
BigRedSshauno: I'm pretty sure I've had mongodb installed without all that crap17:36
BigRedSi did it from the mongo repo, I don't know if that would satisfy the right dependencies, should do17:36
BigRedSnot hard to modify the provides: if it does17:37
nigelbAlanBell: Did you see http://theashes.spreadshirt.com/ ?17:38
BigRedSnigelb: haah!17:38
MartijnVdSashes to ashes17:38
nigelbShe actually did go to Australia.17:39
MartijnVdSany other sports trophies/cups with nicknames?17:39
MartijnVdS(create twitter account.. :))17:39
shaunothis is via mongo's repo too17:40
BigRedShmm, wonder what I did then17:40
shaunoif it was something I was actually going to use, I'd probably go looking to see if it's possible to build xulrunner sans X17:42
TheOpenSourcererczajkowski: Yes.17:46
bigcalmHow do you count the number of files in a dir?18:16
dutchiels | wc -l18:17
bigcalmls -l18:18
bigcalmls will use more than one column18:18
dutchienot if you pipe it18:18
bigcalmOh yes :)18:19
mgdmpopey: when you signed up to bit.ly pro, did it take a while to get back to you? Or did you get into the beta thing?18:59
bigcalmI wrote my own instead of signing up to another service19:01
mgdmI'm considering that too, now19:01
bigcalmI've partly written it19:01
bigcalmCare to collabirate?19:01
bigcalmSymfony 1.4 and Doctrine19:02
mgdmI know little about either, but I've been intending to learn19:03
bigcalmCool, I'll add you to SVN if you're really interested19:03
=== heeed_ is now known as heeed
zleapwhere does windows store files waiting to be copied to a cd-r19:32
zleapwe have files that have already been burned but it keeps saying files waioting to be burned to cd19:32
bigcalmzleap: this is a linux channel, you should ask in ##windows19:33
jacobw^ useful19:36
kazadeevening daubers19:40
daubersGetting used to Unity is odd19:40
kazadethat's because it sucks ;)19:41
daubersI find myself using workspaces a lot more often...19:41
dauberskazade: I actually prefer it to normal gnome now19:41
kazadeyou don't use dual monitors I assume ;)19:41
daubersAlthough being able to make the left hand bar a bit thinner would be nice19:41
dauberskazade: At work I do... but defo not running Alpha stuff there :)19:41
kazadeI'm more interested in the work Elementary is doing19:41
kazadeso far Canonical's response to concerns about the global menu is "la la la I can't hear you" :p19:42
kazadewell, I guess technically they said they'd do "something"19:42
kazadefor dual monitors19:42
daubersOh, not seen much of that really19:43
kazadeI follow (and attempt to contribute) on the Ayatana mailing list19:44
daubersAhhhh... fair enough19:44
kazadeI can't recall a single non-Canonical idea ever gain any traction, even if it's obviously superior19:44
kazadesome guy listed really good arguments the other day why having the dock on the right (or at least the option) would be much more usable19:45
daubersI'm not very good at UI design stuff, so tend to leave that to people who might have a clue :) (i.e. not me)19:45
daubersI'd kinda assumed the dock would get some position options at some point19:45
kazadeI don't think it will19:45
kazadelike notify-osd19:45
kazadeI'm putting my faith in Gnome shell and Elementary. Elementary actually seem to care about usability19:46
daubersI dunno, I imagine it will eventually. Obviously priority will be to make it work properly first19:46
daubersgnome shell was interesting, but was a bit of a pain to work with19:46
daubersWhen i toyed with it anyway19:47
kazadeyeah, it seems to have improved a lot recently19:47
brobostigoni certainly find the workspace manegement easier and quicker to deal in gnome-shell.19:47
kazadeTake a look at the elementary projects, like Postler, Marlin, WingPanel, Dexter...19:47
kazadethey are really thinking about usability, while Canonical mess around with a non-discoverable global menu and moving window controls around (can you tell I'm losing faith?)19:48
brobostigonkazade: do you have a linkto their site, my search for elementary projects has retuned everything but software releated subjects,19:49
daubersI intend to give unity a go for a release or two, see where it goes and then form a proper opinion whether it fits in my daily workflow19:49
daubersrather than base it on unfinished stuff :)19:49
kazadebrobostigon, OMG!Ubuntu! tend to have the best coverage: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/07/postler-elementary%E2%80%99s-new-mail-client/19:50
jacobwi prefer the dock on left, because it is like the margin of page19:50
brobostigonkazade: i will subscribe to their rss.19:50
mgdmI dislike that website purely because of their name19:50
kazadebrobostigon, main site: http://www.elementary-project.com/19:51
jacobwperhaps some people prefer the dock on left because it makes more sense to a mind used to reading left to right19:51
brobostigonkazade: thank you.19:52
kazadebrobostigon, one final one: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/meet-dexter-elementarys-new-address-book-app/19:53
brobostigonkazade: thank you..19:53
rox33I took this 1 minute log: http://pastebin.com/zFege3eH     with the following command "echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/block_dump". What i am investigating is the constant HDD access noises, i think it is related to the jbd2 writes19:55
kazaderight I'm off to write myself a CV, have a good evening all19:56
rox33I read it is related to ext4 but i dont know if access this frequent is normal or if I need the benefit of ext4 at the cost of that19:57
AlexJ_I would like to add programs for load during startup, but add them in the command line.19:58
SuperMattis there any way in unity to stop everything from opening maximised? (10.10)20:01
kvarleyAlexJ_: The default tool "gnome-session-properties" is GUI based and can add most applications to the startup. Why do you want to add them from command line?20:03
AlexJ_kvarley: I find knowledge of the command line useful :)20:04
kvarleyAlexJ_: I haven't tried this but this article explains how to do it on Ubuntu, not sure if it still works but it's worth a try. http://www.reviewsaurus.com/blogging-tips/statup-program-load-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/20:05
AlexJ_kvarley: thank you20:06
AlanBellczajkowski: things are running way behind schedule here20:09
czajkowskiAlanBell: like wise dont worry can just ring ya tomorrow20:10
czajkowskitis just to touch base over eventbrite stuff20:10
czajkowskinot at all urgen20:10
AlexJ_I was just wondering, is there a booth at CES?20:10
AlanBellok, great20:10
AlexJ_*Ubuntu booth*20:10
AlanBellCES is in America isn't it?20:11
AlexJ_I'm not sure20:11
AlanBellI shouldn't think there would be one20:11
AlanBellbut there might well be OEMs showing off Ubuntu on devices20:11
MartijnVdSLas Vegas tends to be in the USA20:11
AlexJ_is there any such thing as an open-source event?20:12
popeymgdm: yeah, a few days20:12
AlexJ_like ces, but for open source software20:12
AlanBellfosdem I guess20:12
popeyooo, shallow grave on film4 tonight20:13
MartijnVdSAlexJ_: fosdem.20:13
AlexJ_popey: I was asking because I wanted to visit an Ubuntu event/booth :D20:14
popeywe may have one this year at ..20:15
popeyAlanBell: whats the linux expo called now?20:15
MartijnVdSoggcamp? 8-)20:15
* AlexJ_ runs around the room, wants a ticket :p20:15
popeyoggcamp is free :)20:17
kvarleypopey: Is that the thing hosted in liverpool?20:17
MartijnVdSif people bother to host it again... ;)20:17
popeyit was in liverpool last year20:17
kvarleypopey =)20:17
popeyhighly unlikely it will be this year20:17
AlexJ_MartijnVdS: why, what happened last time?20:17
AlexJ_popey: aww, why not?20:18
* AlexJ_ must have missed something20:18
popeyAlexJ_: see http://oggcamp.org/20:18
popeyit probably wont be in liverpool because only one of the 9 or so people organising it lives there20:18
dutchieaka "it will be in hampshire"20:19
popeyor germany20:20
MartijnVdSMiddle of Scotland.20:20
dutchieplease don't have it in germany20:20
AlexJ_popey: are there any video coverages of last year?20:21
MartijnVdSI love how "middle of nowhere" on google maps shows the Isle of Wight ;)20:21
popeysome, yes20:21
jacobwIoW is awesome20:22
MartijnVdSjacobw: but, according to Google, "middle of nowhere" :)20:22
nigelbpopey: Hey, will you have time to help with a user days session this cycle :)20:26
oceanhi guys. I recently bot a hp 64 bit laptop which uses ATI mobility readon HD 5470 graphics(switchable with intel HD GMA) and installed ubuntu 10.10 and the instalation was flawless. when i restarted i got a massage that the ATM/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics card is available. i installed the driver and on next restart the computer screen went blank. i had to reinstall ubuntu and since then i havent installed this driver. can anyone tell me which graphics20:27
ocean could be this machine using without this driver. do i need this driver for the best perfomance? is there anyway to make this machine switchable between 2 cards as windows do?20:27
czajkowskiAnyone going to FOSDEM please add your info to the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fosdem/201120:27
popeynigelb: if I can20:28
nigelbpopey: want me to put you down as a probably instructor?20:28
ali1234ocean: fglrx drivers are notoriously bad, sorry20:28
popeynigelb: depends what subject20:29
macoocean: fglrx is the proprietary ati driver. there's also an open source one, simply called "ati". the open one should be able to handle 2D on any ati card and 3D on quite a decent chunk of them. fglrx does 3D on the remainder.20:29
popeynigelb: and when it is20:29
ali1234i've heard of those laptops that have switchable graphics to save power, never heard of a linux driver for them though20:29
nigelbpopey: subject --> any user oriented subject, date --> 29th of jan weekend20:29
ali1234if your intel GMA is not GMA500 then the drivers for that are really good, probably better than ATI20:29
ali1234if it's GMA500 then you are screwed, cos that's only intel in name20:30
jacobwATI suck20:30
popeynigelb: ok20:30
oceanmaco, rhanks.which driver do u recomend? how do i know which driver is on my machine20:30
MartijnVdSfor ATI? the free one20:30
MartijnVdSfor nvidia? depends on what you want to do, but stick with the free one as long as possible20:30
MartijnVdSIntel? Only one choice :)20:30
macoocean: if you look for LoadModule in /var/log/Xorg.0.log it should tell you what driver is in use20:31
ali1234keep the driver you have until you find something that doesn't work with it20:31
MartijnVdSali1234: exactly20:31
nigelbpopey: talk to me or lyz when you're ready with a topic :-)20:32
* awilkins is quietly relaxed after drinking 1/2 pint of pop-your-head-off 8.2% cider20:42
czajkowskiawilkins: oh which one?20:43
awilkinsWestons 188020:43
czajkowskipopey: thank you!20:59
popeyczajkowski: did you have an etherpad page with a list of uk events this year?21:00
czajkowskipopey: aye21:01
czajkowskipopey: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/2011plan21:01
* czajkowski goes back to watching V21:03
Morgannapoodles, that is all21:03
popeypoodles indeed!21:04
MartijnVdSoodles of poodles21:05
AlexJ_aah!, my menu has disappeared, http://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/screenshots/scaled/Xubuntu%2010.10/13.gif how can i get it back?21:05
YorvykAlexJ_, right click on the panel21:08
Yorvykand then click things, the name of which I can't remember :)21:10
YorvykI'm just launch Xubuntu to see what to do and stalling for time :)21:10
YorvykAlexJ_, Add New Items21:12
AlexJ_Yorvyk: sorry, which 1 do i add?21:13
YorvykAlanBell, the last one. Xfce4 Menu21:14
YorvykI mean AlexJ_21:14
AlexJ_Yorvyk: thank you21:17
oceanhi guys, i am not able to connect to wifi with my hp laptop dv6-3150sa where its alright with the wired connection. enable wireless has been ticked. can any one help where to start21:17
oceani use ubuntu 10.1021:18
YorvykAlexJ_, np21:18
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
oceanguys my ubuntu 10.10 (hp laptop) is not showing the wireless network to trying to connect to it. can any one help thanks22:16
bigcalmocean: is wifi enabled?22:17
bigcalmDo you have any other wifi devices that are able to connect to the network?22:17
bigcalmIs the wifi network set to hide its SSID?22:18
bigcalmIn a terminal, does the wifi interface show up with /sbin/ifconfig22:18
oceanbigcalm, thanks for the reply. the blue white lcd is on and blue tooth icon has come up.i presume wireless network is switched on22:19
brobostigonocean: and can you scan via commandline, "iwlist scan"22:19
oceanbrobostigon, does it need sudo infront?22:20
brobostigonocean: think so, yes.22:20
zleapanyone here in the chippenham area ?22:20
bigcalmocean: no, you can run it as a user22:20
bigcalmzleap: I have no idea, my nope wasn't intended for you22:20
zleapi just realised that22:21
zleapits me not concentrating22:21
oceanbigcalm, brobostigon pls find the pastebin http://pastebin.ca/203911222:21
bigcalmSo it's found the card22:22
brobostigonocean: do you see our wifi ap inthe scanned list, ?22:22
oceanbrobostigon,  thats the output which it has given me. sorry  idon understand by wifi ap22:23
bigcalmAccess Point I think22:23
brobostigonocean: yes, access point, the device you connect to,22:24
oceanno, it is not showing any acees points.22:24
AlanBellocean: try "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up"22:24
AlanBellthen scan again22:24
oceanAlanBell, SIOCSIFFLAGS: Device or resource busy thats the output22:25
AlanBellocean: try "dmsg|grep Radio"22:26
* AlanBell expects to see something like iwl3945: Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch22:27
brobostigondmesg | grep radio22:27
AlanBellwhich means it is turned off in hardware somehow22:27
oceanAlanBell, brobostigon [   11.631146] Registered led device: rt2800pci-phy0::radio22:28
oceani am using 64 bit, the 32 bit 10.10 is working fine on my older laptop :-(22:29
AlanBellok, not that then22:30
AlanBellocean: take a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313922:30
AlanBellif you have the rt2800pci card then it seems others have been hitting issue with it22:31
AlanBellsounds like a real mess to me22:32
AlanBellincidentally when reading threads on the forum start at the end and work backwards, often the initial 'solution' is entirely the wrong thing to do22:33
oceanAlanBell, to be honest i don understand anything whats mentioned over there :-( , does it mean that i am going to have trouble with mobile broadband as well22:35
AlanBellno, just wifi22:35
AlanBellor any trouble you have with mobile broadband will be unrelated to the wifi issues22:36
oceanAlanBell, i was just asking about mobile broadband.would u mind just telling me whats the problem with this device and ubuntu?22:38
AlanBellbug 65359322:39
lubotu3Launchpad bug 653593 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wireless rt3090sta/rt2860sta/rt2800pci problems" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65359322:39
AlanBellocean: sorry, what is the question relating to mobile broadband?22:39
oceani was just querying if this doesnt work, the mobile BB could be affected as well?22:40
AlanBellmobile broadband is totally different to wifi22:41
oceanAlanBell, thanks. is there any simple fix for it for me to try?22:41
oceani am am not skilled with commands22:41
AlanBellocean: can you just do lspci and paste here just the one line relating to the wifi card, it will say something like "RaLink RT2800" or similar in it22:43
oceanAlanBell, RaLink RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe22:44
AlanBellok, well you might want to subscribe to bug 653593 and click the "does this bug affect you" bit at the top22:45
lubotu3Launchpad bug 653593 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wireless rt3090sta/rt2860sta/rt2800pci problems" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65359322:45
pr0ph3thi all22:47
pr0ph3tcan somebody tell me if this patch file is ok or if the first part needs to be deleted or something please? http://git.iksaif.net/?p=acpi4asus.git;a=patch;h=7d220c2c2cd249763698db7483fb0e1e7a420f43;hp=b3c89998fae5a0aa447667a1b48256ac00d8b18c22:47
ali1234you can't directly apply git diffs22:50
ali1234so that patch file won't apply22:50
ali1234so it's not OK22:50
pr0ph3tali1234, thank you very much22:50
pr0ph3tI can not find the right file because I am not sure what I should be looking for22:51
pr0ph3tcan you give me a little help please?22:52
ali1234you won't find "the right file" - you have to use git22:52
pr0ph3tThis is the address where what I thought the patch was: http://git.iksaif.net/?p=acpi4asus.git;a=commitdiff;h=7d220c2c2cd249763698db7483fb0e1e7a420f43;hp=b3c89998fae5a0aa447667a1b48256ac00d8b18c#patch122:53
AlanBellpr0ph3t: what are you trying to achieve?22:54
ali1234add that repository to your local git and then you can cherry pick the patch22:54
pr0ph3tI am following a guide to recompile the kernel in my ubuntu 10.10 64bit so to patch to include support for my in-built 3g modem22:54
bigcalmCan't it be added as a module?22:55
ali1234you still need to patch the kernel even if it is a module if the module author didn't include an out-of-tree makefile22:55
ali1234which vendors almost never do when dumping code22:56
bigcalmI left kernel building behind with gentoo many years ago ;)22:56
* Nafallo built a kernel last time in December ;-)22:57
pr0ph3tI used to do it with slack and others22:57
mgdmI did LFS a few years ago22:57
mgdmthat was an education ;)22:57
pr0ph3tbut I do not know how to patch it or even what exactly a patch is22:57
ali1234there is pretty much no reason at all to compile your own kernel if you're not working on a new driver or platform22:57
bigcalmmgdm: did it age you?22:57
ali1234pr0ph3t: show me the guide22:58
ali1234and i will tell you how to do it properly :)22:58
pr0ph3tali1234, http://www.question-defense.com/2010/09/26/how-to-recompile-your-ubuntu-10-10-kernel-for-patching-or-to-add-support-for-a-specific-device22:58
pr0ph3tthanks :)22:58
ali1234oh, so you don't have a specific guide for this hardware?22:58
mgdmbigcalm: ... let's just say that Qt didn't compile very quickly on a Celeron 60022:59
pr0ph3tali1234, sadly not22:59
ali1234i recommend in this case you don't follow that guide, use this guide instead: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile22:59
bigcalmYes, the days of leaving things to compile over night23:00
ali1234specifically, follow the "use git" step23:00
ali1234then build your own pristine kernel (ie identical to what ubuntu ships)23:00
mgdmbigcalm: aye - these days, I seriously CBA for anything that I don't care a heck of a lot about23:00
ali1234when you get that working i can assist you further23:00
mgdmbigcalm: which, these days, basically means PHP + exts23:00
ali1234if you get stuck just ask, if i'm still awake i'll try to assist23:00
popeywindows 8 will support arm23:00
pr0ph3toki, thanks sir23:00
mgdmpopey: just reading that - not surprised23:00
bigcalmThe embedders choice?23:01
mgdmwell, Id' have been surprised this time last year, but with all the chat about ARM notebooks etc23:01
ali1234and tablets23:01
ali1234expect windows 8 to be a walled-garden, like everything else23:01
gordi keep hearing that windows is gonna start supporting arm, but that sounds crazy23:03
ali1234pr0ph3t: after you clone the ubuntu git make sure to check out the tag corresponding to your current kernel version23:03
mgdmOoo, Jonathan Coulton on Spotify23:03
gordi mean, windows without all the x86 applications you use on it is essentially useless23:03
ali1234pr0ph3t: the advantage to using git here is that it will make it easier for you to keep in line with kernel updates, also the driver you want is stored in git so getting it will be easier23:03
pr0ph3tali1234, ok I am working on it right now23:04
mgdmgord: I shudder to think what kind of insane emulation layer they might come up with ;)23:04
ali1234mgdm: .net23:04
mgdm.net isn't everything23:04
AlanBellgord: sounds like windows CE23:04
ali1234it's a VM, which is just a fancy name for an emulator23:05
ali1234it just happens to be an emulator for an architecture that doesn't physically exist...23:05
gordstill no gingerbread for gord :(23:07
czajkowskigord: bake some ?23:08
gordczajkowski, android ;)23:08
czajkowskigord: context is a wonderful thing23:08
pr0ph3tali1234, if you're still there I cloned it23:32
ali12341 sec23:32
pr0ph3tali1234, am I looking at importing a patch now?23:33
ali1234better to make sure you can actually build the kernel first23:34
ali1234enter the git repo and do "git checkout -b mybranch Ubuntu-2.6.35-24.42"23:34
ali1234then continue following the kernel building guide and make sure you can get a deb file with the kernel23:35
pr0ph3tswitched to a new branch23:35
ali1234hmm that git patch you're looking at... it might be in mainline already23:36
brobostigonnos da, sleep well all.23:36
pr0ph3tI did the fakeroot debian/rules clean with no errors23:36
pr0ph3tand it isn't23:37
pr0ph3tI even tried natty but no luck23:37
pr0ph3tit's three months old I think that patch?23:37
ali1234actually it is23:38
ali1234it's even in the current ubuntu kernel23:38
ali1234and i can prove it23:38
ali1234in your ubuntu kernel repo type "git show 67d9228"23:38
pr0ph3tnot found23:39
ali1234why do i have it...23:39
pr0ph3tsays: fatal: ambiguous argument '67d9228': unknown revision or path not in the working23:40
pr0ph3tUse '--' to separate paths from revisions23:40
ali1234well, ok, carry on building the kernel for now, i'll look into this23:41

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