
shadowchaserhello all once again I come to the forum for help with unbuntu can any one help?00:06
reya276How can I fix my update manager so that it stops telling me that my repositories are out of sync?01:10
maxolasersquad_hsudo aptitude update ?01:30
maxolasersquad_hreya276: ^^01:31
reya276no it keeps failing01:31
maxolasersquad_hIf that doesn't do it, post the exact error message.01:31
reya276let me pastebin  the output one sec01:31
maxolasersquad_hTry to browse to http://extras.ubuntu.com/01:34
maxolasersquad_hAlso, see if you can get to http://ppa.launchpad.net/01:36
maxolasersquad_hMy guess is that you either have a DNS or routing issue with your ISP.01:37
maxolasersquad_hCould be a firewall or host issue as well.01:37
reya276I can get to the first URL and the second one too01:38
reya276they both work from the browser01:39
maxolasersquad_hCan you view http://ppa.launchpad.net/am-monkeyd/nautilus-elementary-ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg01:39
maxolasersquad_hOpen up Synaptic and then click on Settings->Preferences.01:42
maxolasersquad_hMake sure, in the Network tab, you have "Direction connection to the internet" clicked.01:42
reya276yes that is setup that way01:43
maxolasersquad_hSomething weird is happening.  Apt is reporting that it cannot resolve ppa.ubuntu.com and cannot resolve extras.ubuntu.com01:44
maxolasersquad_hBut Ubuntu can clearly resolve them, as you have demonstrated.01:44
reya276How about where it says "Reloading outdated package information"? in the general tab. right now is set to Always Ask01:45
maxolasersquad_hThat's how mine is set as well.01:46
reya276see now I got this error01:48
reya276W: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'archive.canonical.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)01:48
maxolasersquad_hAre you getting the errors with ppa.ubuntu.com and extras.ubuntu.com this time?01:49
reya276is like they are different errors, if its not the extras then is the archive01:49
reya276no this time is the archive.canonical.com01:50
maxolasersquad_hIt could just be that those servers are having issues then.01:50
maxolasersquad_hIt may not be anything to be concerned about on your end.01:50
reya276no now I got a different error of a PPA I just added and I know that it is working correctly01:51
reya276Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'ppa.launchpad.net:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)01:51
reya276is like somehow they change all the time, so something has got to be wrong01:52
reya276and is not my ISP because I can access all sites everywhere01:53
maxolasersquad_hI believe it is a problem with the servers hosting ppa.ubuntu.com 01:53
reya276let me check my wireless router firewall01:53
maxolasersquad_hThey are only responding sporadically to your requests.01:54
maxolasersquad_hI'm not sure how they are setup, but if it's colocationed, the ones you are hitting could be getting taxed right now, and you are only able to get in sporadically.01:55
maxolasersquad_hTry again tomorrow and see if you still have the problem.01:59
maxolasersquad_hYou could also try using another DNS provider, such as OpenDNS or Google's DNS.02:00
reya276how can I get my DSN address02:00
reya276the one from my ISP?02:00
maxolasersquad_hYou are using a router, right?02:00
maxolasersquad_hYou should be able to set your DNS in your router settings.02:01
maxolasersquad_hGoogle has and
reya276well right now is in dynamic02:01
maxolasersquad_hThere should be a way to manually specify your DNS servers.02:02
reya276there is but I don't know what those are02:03
maxolasersquad_hWhat is your make/model of your router?02:03
reya276I let the ISP provide them automatically through my Wireless router02:04
reya276Belkin N router02:04
reya276I tried doing ifconfig but got nothing back02:04
reya276I should be able to get a DNS from an IP address right02:05
maxolasersquad_hIn your web browser, go to
reya276oh I know how to get to the router admin as I'm in there right now02:09
reya276I got my ip address which is
reya276but I can't get the DNS for it02:10
maxolasersquad_hThere's not place to manually configure your DNS?02:11
maxolasersquad_hOn my Zyxel it is in the LAN section.02:12
reya276yes there is02:13
reya276but I don't know what the DNS is, I only know what the IP address is02:13
maxolasersquad_hOk, put them there.02:13
maxolasersquad_hThe DNS should be and
reya276but I don't know the DNS02:14
maxolasersquad_hThere's usually a place to put a primary and a secondary DNS server.02:14
reya276I'm trying to figure out what they are from my IP address02:14
maxolasersquad_hCan you post a screenshot of the configuration screen.02:14
Chloricevening guys02:21
Chloricits been like a monath02:21
Chlorichey itnet and roaxsoax02:23
reya276ah ok I got what you were saying, I used the and and it works02:23
reya276so now let me try and update02:23
reya276yeap no errors at all02:24
maxolasersquad_hISP DNS FTL!02:24
reya276cool, thanks02:25
reya276oh one thing, I was able to add the repository for the krita 2.3 but it says it will install Mysql-server-core-5.1 for a graphics program?02:26
reya276will this slowdown my PC?02:34
reya276ok this is weird I install Krita 2.3 but I don't see an entry in the Applications Menu02:38
reya276hey what do I need to install so that I can get the look of KDE Default theme cause Krita looks horrible03:00
reya276oh and that DNS fix made my internet access faster wow03:00
maxolasersquad_hreya276: I'm glad to hear that Google's DNS is giving you faster browsing.04:05
maxolasersquad_hISPs have a pretty strong reputation of providing horrible DNS servers.04:05
reya276hey how can I get the Krita to look the same as in KDE but in Gnome04:06
reya276Krita looks horrible for some reason04:07
reya276like I'm missing the QT4 widgets or something04:07
maxolasersquad_hI don't know.04:12
reya276for some reason it feels like is missing something like the theme looks all weird, maybe I'm missing a pacakge(s) or something04:13
maxolasersquad_hThe only KDE app I run is KolourPaint, and it looks fine in Gnome.04:13
reya276like it does not look like this http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_D1EpnOVJuA8/TJ8sbzChNtI/AAAAAAAADMo/dmJ9bO6q6LE/s1600/krita02.png04:14
maxolasersquad_hKolourPaint is giving me the Gnome decorations.04:15
maxolasersquad_hThe minimize/maximize, etc. buttons are on the top-left.  Everything else looks like a regular KDE app.04:15
reya276right at work it looks like that too but not here04:17
maxolasersquad_hgidimanunaki: What does the gidi part mean in your handle?04:40
gidimanunakiWell, the gidim part loosely translates to "ghost" or "spirit".04:40
maxolasersquad_hGotcha.  Cool.04:41
gidimanunakiThe rest is easily guessed, but does not translate to "lost native tribe".04:41
maxolasersquad_hI'm familiar with the Anunaki deal.04:41
gidimanunakiPretty rare. Not many people take an interest in old Sumerian.04:42
reya276see it looks weird http://img205.imageshack.us/i/ubuntukrita23.png/04:42
maxolasersquad_hIt ties in with a lot of mythology, Judaism, muslim, conspiracy theories, greys, etc.04:43
maxolasersquad_hI find such things fun and interesting, and read up on those subjects from time to time.04:48
gidimanunakiI can out-geek you there. I've been reading up on this for a few days: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuth_-yllion#Myriad_system04:50
maxolasersquad_hIsn't one of those powers supposed to be a googleplex?04:52
gidimanunakiEventually. But I was sticking to the -yllions.04:53
maxolasersquad_hOr whatever number Google is named after.04:54
gidimanunakiGoogolplex is 10^(10^100)04:54
maxolasersquad_hMy two claims to nerddem is being able to recite pi to 20 decimal places, powers of two up to 2^12 off memory.04:56
gidimanunakiJust 2^12?04:57
maxolasersquad_hThough, being able to count by powers of two has actual practical application.04:57
gidimanunakiI only ever memorized Pi to 10 places.04:57
gidimanunakiI used to count by powers of 2 or 10 or random others when I was a kid. It was my form of fun.04:57
maxolasersquad_hAfter 4096 I have to start actually calculating the numbers.  2^12 will get you where you need to 95% of the time.04:58
gidimanunaki8192, 16384,32768,65536,131072,262144,524288,1048576,2097152... I forget. I used to know further much faster.04:59
maxolasersquad_hI'm always surprised at how few programmers immediately know the significance of 32767.05:00
gidimanunaki4194304,8388608,16777216,33554432... okay, that's it.05:00
gidimanunakiIt's the end of 32-bit?05:00
maxolasersquad_hIt is hex FF in decimal05:03
maxolasersquad_hEr, FFFF05:03
maxolasersquad_hWhich is why, in so many languages, it is the limit of what a variable can hold.05:04
gidimanunakiIt's hard to reconcile binary with a myriad system though.05:10
maxolasersquad_hI once read a book, like fifteen or more years ago (I'm 30) on how computers do complex math in binary.  It was pretty interesting, but way beyond anything I cared to commit to memory.05:12
maxolasersquad_hIt was pretty interesting though.  Doing powers and stuff is pretty easy if you know the tricks.05:12
gidimanunakiYeah, I've done math in binary.05:12
gidimanunakiBut that myriad system, what struck me as fascinating, was that each order of magnitude up is the square of the one below it.05:13
maxolasersquad_hWhat is the pattern?  I see that there are powers of 1-8, then after that there is pattern, but I cannot nail down exactly what it is.05:15
gidimanunakiI spend the last few days doing the powers, from 10^1 to 10^256.05:16
gidimanunakiThe pattern gets easier as you practice.05:16
gidimanunakiMake that 10^512.05:17
gidimanunakiYou just follow the pattern up. Myllion, ten myllion, hundred myllion, ten hundred myllion, myriad myllion... etc.05:19
gidimanunakiThen a myllion myllion is a byllion.05:19
maxolasersquad_hSo it's a naming convention for counting really large numbers?05:21
gidimanunakiYep. The best part being that each next one up is the square of the previous. So you can logically count much higher numbers with less words.05:21
gidimanunakiWell. Less new words.05:21
maxolasersquad_hI see05:22
gidimanunakiSince a standard Billion is 10^9, but that Byllion is 10^16.05:22
maxolasersquad_hWell, here's my latest obsession: http://www.openstreetmap.org/05:23
maxolasersquad_hI've been working on http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=30.39777&lon=-84.2194&zoom=15&layers=M for a few months now.05:25
gidimanunakiWow. That's nice.05:26
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reya276Morning Everyone14:21
reya276ok guys who wants to take on a Hard Drive issue this Morning?14:33
reya276KDE 4.5.1 is Amazing, true beauty on a screen14:34
reya276I installed that bad boy last night at home along with Krita and is short of just awesome14:35
reya276so no one wants to take on the challenge of getting this external HD working with Ubuntu15:04
reya276booh hoooh15:16
maxolasersquadreya276: I'll take on the HD if you will take on the invoice validation I'm working on. ;)15:19
reya276sounds like fun, what language are you using to build it15:19
maxolasersquadWe've been rewriting our inventory, invoicing, and billing system for about a year now.  It has to be ready by the end of February.15:42
reya276so you guys are using Oracle?15:46
reya276or Perl + SQL15:46
maxolasersquadOracle and PHP15:47
reya276good combination16:01
reya276how is the DB performance?16:01
maxolasersquadVery good.16:14
maxolasersquadPerformance-wise, I'm very happy with Oracle's database.16:15
RoAkSoAxwin 416:17
zoopstermhall119: you around?16:46
DammitJimhey guys, can someone recommend a good bluetooth headset?19:16
DammitJimI have the S9 from Motorola, but I'd like something more comfortable for the office19:16
ShawnRi wont use anything else19:37
maxolasersquadCan anyone recommend a good git gui aside from gitk or gitg?19:37
ShawnRDammitJim: ppl ask me why my phone sounds crappy when i use any other bt headset19:38
itnet7dantalizing: pm?19:47
reya276hey can one of you guys help me out real quick19:54
DammitJimI just bought the S30519:56
DammitJimShawnR, jawbone... model?19:56
dorganhello all20:05
dantalizing'sup dorgan 20:05
dorgan...how were your holidays20:06
dantalizingwe spent december in india, so my holidays were relaxed.... yours?20:06
dorganyeah mine were relaxed as well...I dont have any family down here....they all live in NY...and my wife just has her parents20:07
dorgani did have a google cr48 show up on my doorstep the day before christmas eve...so that was an early present20:07
dantalizingits too late to request one of those, right?20:08
dorgani dont think so20:09
dorgani dont think they've sent our 60,000 yet20:09
maxolasersquadI thought 12-21-2010 was the last day to request one.20:15
dantalizingi thought so too maxolasersquad 20:22
itnet7I haven't received one yet :-(20:23
itnet7I think the deadline to request is passed, but I have the link, let me see if it redirects you20:23
ShawnRDammitJim: i have the jawbone icon, it is the third jawbone i've had (i drive around town all day and use them EVERY DAY for work, all day long)20:27
DammitJimI'm sorry... I meant headphones?20:28
DammitJimis that 2 of them for stereo?20:28
itnet7I was just able to register my wife on the link for the Chrome netbook20:29
ShawnRah, headphones20:32
ShawnRin that case, I like my Motorola S9s20:32
ShawnRi have the older red ones, the newer ones boast "surround sound" virtualization stuffs (and are gray/black)20:32
DammitJimShawnR, I have those S9 but I only use them for running20:33
DammitJimmy ear openings are rather small and they hurt after using them longer than an hour20:33
DammitJimI've tried the different adapters that they come with20:33
DammitJimhave you heard anything about the S305s?20:34
ShawnRI use them for running, too20:36
ShawnRi have some like that (prior to S9s)20:36
ShawnRthose aren't so comfy either20:36
ShawnRare you looking for sit down listening?20:36
ShawnRnot cheap, but sound great! http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10151&catalogId=10551&langId=-1&productId=8198552921665095015 i use these for non-running (or non-lawn mowing)20:37
ShawnRthe DR-BT50 from sony20:37
ShawnRi think walmart has em for like $129 or so20:37
SpreadsheetWhat do you do for releases?21:50

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