
lamalexpleia2, is there any way to tell who is in #ubuntu-us-me and ask them to let me in?00:15
pleia2you can't get in?00:16
pleia2it's not +i, there are no bans00:16
pleia2you can message claydoh though, he's friendly :)00:16
pleia2oh wait, it redirects to #ubuntu-maine00:17
pleia2so if your client doesn't want to obey redirects, fail00:17
jedijflamalex: that's almost reason enough to head back to philly00:18
jedijfcan't get into ubuntu channel in maine00:19
MutantTurkeyokay guys i'm back00:21
lamalexpleia2, ah ok00:21
lamalexim in -maine00:21
MutantTurkeyjedijf: usb isn't lsted in the top bar :|00:22
jedijfunplug - replug - look00:22
MutantTurkeyit does know its being charged though00:23
jedijfbad cable00:23
MutantTurkeyyou think?00:23
MutantTurkeythese cables don't seem standard? is it lilike super double micro minature usb or something?00:23
MutantTurkeyi got lost with all the different usb types00:23
jedijfwhen i plug mine in , i get beep, then select usb mode00:24
jedijfcheck your usb settings00:24
jedijfmake sure debug is off00:24
MutantTurkeyoh debug off alright00:24
MutantTurkeydebug is off00:25
jedijfset to 'ask on connection'00:25
MutantTurkeynothing, just vibrates and starts harging it.00:25
jedijfunplug - replug - top panel should have little usb picture - like a pitchfork00:25
MutantTurkeysadly it doesn't. you might bbe right with the cable00:26
jedijfshame i am home or i would meet you at fran something pizza and let you try mine or i try yours on my laptop00:26
jedijfcan do tomorrow00:26
MutantTurkeyi'll let you know00:27
MutantTurkeyi think i am going down to the city00:27
mikedep333MutantTurkey, back00:29
mikedep333was reporting a bug to ReactOS, then having dinner00:29
MutantTurkeymikedep333: cool. jedijf thinks it might be the cable00:29
MutantTurkeyyou into reactOS? i took a look at it a few times.00:29
MutantTurkeyhow far are they?00:29
jedijfMutantTurkey: tail -f /var/log/messages and turn usb deb on - plug in00:30
mikedep333MutantTurkey, somewhat ar00:30
mikedep333*somewhat far00:30
MutantTurkeyjedijf: doesn't exist00:30
mikedep333they have lots of essential windows components in place00:30
mikedep333but they have lots of stubs00:30
MutantTurkeyhow large is the project?00:30
jedijfMutantTurkey: what doesn't exist00:30
mikedep333like 10 developers or so00:30
MutantTurkeythe log00:30
mikedep333probably a few less00:31
mikedep333again, they can import a lot o code from wine though00:31
MutantTurkeymikedep333: wow, what is the morale like? I can only imagine a bit hopeless00:31
mikedep333MutantTurkey, I stopped hanging out in their IRC channel and helping with other things like managing bug reports because I was disappointed in the progress00:32
mikedep333they said they had more developers at the time00:32
mikedep333but I think they may have had less00:32
MutantTurkeyoh |:00:32
mikedep333they did lose the genius Alex Ionescu00:32
mikedep333I think he's independently wealthy or something and worked for MS for a while and stuf00:32
MutantTurkeyoh wow.00:32
mikedep333he was a kernel hacker00:32
mikedep333and security expert00:32
MutantTurkeymy uncle worked at microsoft for quite a long time00:32
mikedep333he wrote an elevation of privileges exploit for windows for example00:33
MutantTurkeythen retired at 30ish and got bored with life so now he works 6 month projects and spends the rest of the time travelling around00:33
* mikedep333 puts MutantTurkey on the watch list00:33
mikedep333up until age 30 isn't "quite a long time" IMHO00:34
mikedep333that's like 8 years out of college00:34
MutantTurkeyi haven't talked to him in a while, we got in a large argument about how viable linux desktop was and that was it00:34
mikedep333I was in an IT internship program at my high school00:34
MutantTurkeynone of that at my highschool00:34
MutantTurkeyI don't even go there anymore lol. i go to the community college instead now00:35
mikedep333and one of the former prominent members ended up working for MS00:35
mikedep333so he was badmouthing linux00:36
MutantTurkeyi know a few kids who went there00:36
MutantTurkeybunch of jerks for hockey players00:36
mikedep333my friends' friend who was running linux is now working for MS00:36
mikedep333MutantTurkey, one reason why I went to LSCHS was to escape being bullied by jerks at public school00:37
mikedep333Program Leader: Colin McIntos00:37
MutantTurkeyhahaha well i never liked public school either, like i said I basically have a dual enrollement at my high school and college, but take all my classes at montco instead00:37
mikedep333MutantTurkey, yeah00:38
MutantTurkeyhaving break for two more weeks is nice00:38
jedijfhey, i'm alumni00:38
MutantTurkeyjedijf: lasalle?00:38
mikedep333jedijf, of LSCHS?00:38
jedijf'83 explorer here00:38
mikedep333'05 here00:38
jedijfrobert russell still lying around00:38
mikedep333oh yeah00:39
mikedep333last I met him he was trying to sell "gradebooks for windows" still00:39
jedijfhe was our computer/physics teacher00:39
jedijfpdp 11/34a00:39
mikedep333I had him for honors physics00:39
MutantTurkeysmall world eh?00:39
mikedep333maybe he left since 2005 though00:39
mikedep333Robert Russell00:40
mikedep333Anonymous in honor of Robert Russell00:40
jedijfi worked for him in the summer too, at computer camp00:40
mikedep333MutantTurkey, I like #ubuntu-us-pa because I meet people from the current town/area I'm in00:40
mikedep333jedijf, cool00:40
mikedep333jedijf, back in the mid or late 90's we added on a new wong00:41
mikedep333Peter Sigmund, the head IT person, told the school to put it 100mbit cat5 ethernet00:41
mikedep333Robert Russell however convinced the school to put it 10mbit cat400:41
mikedep333and because it's like in the building material or whatever they were unable to upgrade it as of 200500:42
mikedep333and keep in mind00:42
MutantTurkeymikedep333: plus you can ask about good places to eat ;)00:42
jedijfperspective; he and I were from the ONE acoustic coupler days......00:42
mikedep333all the teachers have roaming profiles on their individual laptops00:42
mikedep333MutantTurkey, yes, I'm in the mood for some good turkey00:42
MutantTurkeydefinitly avoid the willow grove area then :p00:43
mikedep333MutantTurkey, you saw my output? http://paste.ubuntu.com/550415/00:47
MutantTurkeyyeah that only happened to me once00:47
MutantTurkeyokay let me plug in before turning on and then have adb running00:48
MutantTurkeyyeah nothing, just same old "unable to enumerate USB device"00:51
mikedep333MutantTurkey, this is when it is useful to have windows system handy00:53
MutantTurkeyi know right.00:53
jedijfsoemthing for you two to aspire to ^^00:53
rmg51andrew: what did you do to PennBot?00:55
mikedep333jedijf, oh, you have an at&t captivate too01:00
MutantTurkeyjedijf: you do?01:00
mikedep333you did the update under settings > about?01:00
MutantTurkeyjedijf: ^^01:03
mikedep333it is the best android phone on AT&T01:03
jedijfmikedep333: since day one01:03
MutantTurkeybut did you do the update under settings > about01:03
jedijf2.1 update1?01:04
jedijfyeah i got that01:04
MutantTurkeyand your usb is still A-okay?01:04
mikedep333jedijf, there are often multiple updates01:04
mikedep333within android 2.1.1 or whatever01:04
mikedep333so please just go to settings > about > update now01:04
MutantTurkeyi did01:05
MutantTurkeynothing new?01:05
jedijfi have had one update - no problems - other than they took away the tether option after the update01:05
mikedep333jedijf, there may be a 2nd one available01:05
MutantTurkeyyeah i've got the only one update01:06
jedijfno updtes01:06
mikedep333jedijf, ok, good01:06
MutantTurkeyI was thinking about rooting it and doing the CM mods, any words of wisdom against that?01:06
MutantTurkeypeople seem all for it.01:06
jedijfi rooted - no mods01:06
jedijfjust to install what i want01:06
MutantTurkeyah right01:06
mikedep333yeah, but I don't know how AT&T will react01:06
MutantTurkeyyeah I don't know either and my mom got it for me for christmas so i didn't actually talk to anyone at the stores01:07
mikedep333I have an unlocked acer phone from europe that's out of warranty, and there's a nice recovery environment, so I had no hesitations using a custom rom01:07
jedijfhaven't had any problems01:07
jedijfi even tethered a ton when fios whas out for a week01:07
MutantTurkeyjedijf: I think it maybe the cable, i will havefta make a few calls but i might be able to get my hands  on new one01:08
jedijfwaited like 2 months to root though01:08
jedijfi bought 2 from china01:08
jedijfhad to shave them a little to make them work01:08
jedijfwow, that looks weird01:09
jedijfthat's why i said, maybe meet up at franc* and check it out01:10
MutantTurkeyyeah, i'm sitting around on break doing nothing so whenever works for you works for me if you don't mind driving up01:10
jedijfgnome and tethering work automagically too01:11
MutantTurkeydo you have unlimited data from AT&T? i've got crappy 2gb a month :|01:11
jedijfi drive by there every night on the way home - thurs will be no go - late meeting with insurance agent01:11
jedijfi have unlimited and unlimited 3g laptop card too01:11
jedijfin a $7 laptop01:12
jedijfgo figure01:12
MutantTurkey$7 laptop?01:12
jedijfibm x21 saved from recycling01:12
MutantTurkeyoh nice01:13
jedijfi have a few more01:13
MutantTurkeylooking to sell any?01:13
jedijflove them01:13
jedijfi give them away, when they work, plus any parts i have to add, like adapters and hd's01:13
jedijfadapters are like 10 bucks hd's (my 4-5 gig monsters) are like $701:14
jedijfi have lots of neat old ass stuff01:15
MutantTurkeyI've got a few older laptops laying around, but lack of battery life makes them pretty useless01:15
jedijfac ftw01:15
MutantTurkeyac ftw, except that they tend to have crappy power cables and adapters that break alot01:16
jedijfactually, the x21's have a very hackable battery pack/style01:16
jedijfi have great success with the ibm adapters and all their knockoffs01:17
MutantTurkeyI'd like to get my hands on a new stinkpad, i always liked them01:17
jedijfand many from that era use the ibm style adapters01:17
jedijflots of 600's e's and x's01:17
jedijfi have many ibms01:18
jedijfbut then again, i even like these compaq armada's 7700'ish 64 megs ram 233MHz running lupup and dsl01:19
jedijfmickey mouse adapters01:20
jedijf9lb laptops01:20
mikedep333jedijf, I could use one!01:22
mikedep333I have tons of spare parts I could trade you01:22
mikedep333let me see what I spare parts I listed in my email01:22
jedijfmikedep333: which do you like, or do you just want any01:22
mikedep333well, more like accessories01:22
jedijfi don't need accessorites01:22
mikedep333whatever's the best equipped01:22
mikedep333preferably small01:22
jedijfthat'd be the x2101:22
mikedep333let me google it01:22
jedijfi'll check my inventory01:23
mikedep333I have a ton of cables right now01:23
MutantTurkeyhaha i have like six or seven armadas01:23
jedijfi just got 10 new(old) in pristine condition01:23
MutantTurkeydo you say micky mouse adapters, because of the weird plugs right?01:24
jedijfwant to use for an ltsp demo setup01:24
jedijfMutantTurkey: yep - looks like mm silhoette01:24
MutantTurkeyI have an old toughbook that i'd like to get booted up01:24
jedijfi have tons of hd's if you need that01:25
MutantTurkeyit has an weird adapter i need to order i think01:25
mikedep333jedijf, I like messing around with LTSP01:25
MutantTurkeyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Toughbook-cf-m34_4.jpg pretty close to that look01:25
jedijfmikedep333: me too; can't figure out why i doesn't catch on more01:25
mikedep333jedijf, well, multimedia on it is slow01:26
jedijftv's are for multimedia - computers are for computing01:26
MutantTurkeyi have countless video cards that are completely useless now also01:26
jedijflike gaming consoles are for games01:26
MutantTurkeysince i got rid of almost all of my towers01:26
mikedep333jedijf, also, it's a huge hassle to get proprietary video drivers working on them01:26
mikedep333I'm moving into my new apartment in King of Prussia with FIOS01:27
mikedep333to get 25/25mbit internet alone, you have to spend $70/month w/ a 1 year contract01:27
mikedep333it's $10 or $15 more for no contract01:27
jedijfmikedep333: i haven't had any issues so far, maybe just lucky01:28
mikedep333so I'm probably going with a TV package bundled for like $100, and no contract01:28
mikedep333jedijf, you aren't using modern ATI and Nvidia graphics adapters01:28
mikedep333I presume01:28
jedijfwhat is this 'modern' you speak of01:28
mikedep333something along the lines of a geforce 6200 dedicated or higher01:28
jedijfwhy would i need that?01:29
mikedep333which many integrated graphics today are better than01:29
mikedep333jedijf, my users like to use the internet on computers for video01:29
mikedep333and for some very basic 3D at least01:29
mikedep333this won't be using LTSP, but my desktop has a 1440p monitor now, and no TV signal can deliver 1440p01:30
jthanlamalex: DUDE! Long time no see. I saw on fb and I'm pretty sure I even commented to ask what you were building, but I didn't get a response.01:30
jthanWhat kind of bike? Gimme details!01:31
jedijf00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)01:31
mikedep333jedijf, yeah, a GMA95001:31
jedijfin my netbook ^^^ compiz works in my dell 600001:31
mikedep333is that the ULV netbook version?01:31
mikedep333the netbook version of the 950 is far weaker than the laptop/desktop version01:31
mikedep333I learned that the hard way01:31
jthanjedijf: what's your deal? I have a 950 in my MC01:32
jedijfcompiz /may/ work in this netbook - i can't remember - works in my old tosh satellite too01:32
jthanlamalex: also - you heard of State Bicycle Co.? I kinda like their bikes.. Almost outgrowing my Track so I'm going to start looking soon.. Something on the cheap probably.01:32
mikedep333jedijf, it will run, it just won't go very smooth or handle lots of effects01:32
mikedep333my netbook has an ULV core 2 solo @1.4ghz and an ULV GMA4500MHD01:33
mikedep333so again, the intel GMA 4500 is underclocked01:33
mikedep333it can do 720P video though01:33
jedijfvideo / audio all frills01:34
jedijfhow's the ascii art look?01:35
jthanI could never get mine to work. But that was back in... 9.x? Maybe even Intrepid.01:35
jthanWas in Intrepid 8.10?01:35
* jthan can't think back that far01:35
jthanWould have to be. 8.04 was hardy. Can't ever forget my favorite release.01:35
jedijfyour macbook was just a fail01:35
jedijfall fail01:36
jthanYes I know my MacBook was just a fail.01:36
mikedep333my macbook has a Geforce 940001:36
jthanDebian, Gentoo, Ubuntu, openSUSE01:36
mikedep333it's pretty good01:36
mikedep333it's very fast for integrated01:36
jthanGentoo had the most stuff working I'd say01:36
jedijfafter 6 months01:36
jthanWireless was a dirty <choice word> no matter how you look at it01:36
jthanLol. 6 months of compiling, maybe.01:36
jthanprobably a year til it was usable.01:37
mikedep333jthan, I hate how apple uses the boradcom wi-fi01:37
jthanUgh. tell me about it.01:37
jthanjedijf: I learned more using Gentoo than I ever did using Ubuntu, so I can't say much.01:37
mikedep333although their 1st party driver supports newer chips like mine fairly well01:37
jedijfjthan: true01:37
jthanIf  bts3685|1ps would ever show his face... I owe him countless hours too01:38
jedijfor, more to the point, you learned more trying to use Gentoo than /suing/ Ubuntu01:38
mikedep333my dell d500 from 2003 (pentium-m 1.3 ghz) had an old 802.11g broadcom01:38
mikedep333it was terrible01:38
jthanLol.  On my Desktop Gentoo was very successful.01:38
mikedep333it also overheated on my bed01:38
jthanLol. Yeah. I honestly would never buy a computer with broadcom wireless if I knew I was going to put linux on it at this point.01:39
jthanI'd go for atheros or something DEFINITELY supported.01:39
mikedep333jthan, linux would be a lot more successful iff everyone used desktops01:39
jedijfbroadcom support ahs improved greatly01:39
jthanSadly, you're right.01:39
jedijffor a long while now01:39
mikedep333jthan, my netbook has intel w-fi, so hurray01:39
jthanWe had a guy (kid?) in here once that couldn't get his intel wireless working to save any of our lives01:39
jthanI don't think I ever used it01:39
mikedep333jthan, I've heard of some problems, but with the low bitrate aside, my intel wi-fi has always worked out of the box with ubuntu01:40
pleia2I fought with a new intel card (had to go with a 2.6.32 kernel) and a rektek last week01:40
mikedep333even on the live CD01:40
pleia2and neither were wifi :(01:40
jthanpleia2: that makes me sad01:41
jedijfpleia2: you have no luck with any nics01:41
jedijfwired or wireless01:41
pleia2it's true01:41
pleia2I am not meant to be online01:41
jthanthat's why you got a smart phone w/ SSH01:41
mikedep333jthan, and a physical keyboard preferably01:42
pleia2I'm on a train tethering through my phone right now01:42
pleia2the broadcom on my netbook works fine, not touching it01:42
pleia28.04 is lovely01:42
jedijfanother ubu event01:42
mikedep333pleia2, wow01:42
pleia2nah, going to ikea tonight01:42
jthanI LOVE Hardy. Still use it on my home server01:42
pleia2meeting mjoseph for dinner, then ikea!01:42
jthanGet me some meatballs01:42
jedijfikea has meatballs01:43
jthanjedijf: the best01:43
pleia2they are pretty tastey01:43
jedijfyes i know, saying no need for dinner first01:43
pleia2I am eating dinner at the goog01:43
jedijfand dingleberry sauce (or something)01:43
pleia2it's good (and free)01:43
jthanWhat can you get there?01:43
pleia2lots of things01:43
jedijfgoogle burgers and adnriod fries01:44
jthanWould I have been better off asking what you can't get?01:44
pleia2indian, chinese, mexican, american, italian, and then some specials01:44
pleia2they have other campus restaurants too, but guests cant go to those01:44
jthanStill sounds fun.01:46
pleia2it's more fun when it's not dark and we can go outside and play01:46
pleia2see the dinosaur and the android01:46
jedijfpleia2: while you're there ask them why i didn't get a cr-48 please01:47
pleia2I didn't get one either01:47
jthanMe neither :-(01:48
pleia2I did get to play with one at an ubuntu hour last week though01:48
jthanGoogle probably knows I'm not 18 though. :-P01:48
pleia2they are pretty slick01:48
jedijfi really thought they would be interested in me testing them in a distribution business; i should have sent a video01:48
pleia2google knows everything01:48
jthanI know.01:48
jedijfcr-48'ing at 60 mph01:49
jthan"this is the yoda van. I irc from the road. Say hi to pleia2 and others."01:50
ChinnoDogthis is probably a dumb question, but: I was remotely attached to my desktop when I was at work using nx. How do I attach to my session, which is still running, from my desktop now?03:14
ChinnoDogWhen I log into my desktop from my console I get a new session instead of the one I was running remotely03:18
jedijfChinnoDog: i don't use nx; but i will install and play with to assist you later tonight maybe- i like these challenges14:39
ChinnoDogChinnoDog: I don't think it is a question specific to nx since it is just a proxied X session. So, the real question is: If open an X session remotely, how do I open that X session when I am sitting at the console?14:50
ChinnoDogI didn't mean to talk to myself14:53
ChinnoDogI installed xubuntu onto a celery 466 with 128mb of RAM last night. The result was pretty horriffic.  I guess puppy is the only thing that will run on it now.15:00
jedijfChinnoDog: iirc that gets tricky with Xauth and magic cookies and stuffage---that's why i want to play...to remember...and talking to yourself is fine!15:13
mikedep333jedijf, I like NX a lot, however I just found out that teamviewer has a linux version.15:31
mikedep333teamviewer is awesome on windows at least15:31
mikedep333it's free for non-commercial use15:31
mikedep333and they handle connect you to hosts, working around firewalls/port-forwarding15:31
mikedep333oh, ChinnoDog , you have to "disconnect" from your old session, rather than closing the session.15:32
mikedep333then you should be able to resume the session15:33
mikedep333this works on the proprietary NX free edition15:33
mikedep333the two open source versions of NX tend to have trouble with this15:33
mikedep333no maverick packages for the "FreeNX Stable PPA", which has both FOSS NX servers, neatx & freenx15:34
ChinnoDogmikedep333: I am using the proprietary one. I did not close my previous session. I lost my connection to it just before I went home yesterday. When I got home I logged into my desktop and saw I was still logged in remotely and all my apps were running, but I had no way to open my remote session.15:37
mikedep333ChinnoDog, hmm, I thought you would be able to resume it if you lose the connection15:38
ChinnoDogI resumed the remote session from work today, but that doesn't help me open the remote session from the console at home.15:38
mikedep333typically it gives you a menu to chose to resume a session or start a new one15:39
mikedep333you mean you hvae a remote session15:39
mikedep333and you want to access it from the local machine15:39
mikedep333I always wished I could do that ;)15:39
mikedep333maybe you can do a loopback connection15:40
ChinnoDoglol. You want me to connect to my remote session using NX on the local machine?? that is silly15:40
mikedep333I really like how windows XP/2003 and later let you seemlessly switch between a session being local or remote (over RDP)15:40
mikedep333I think that while windows has enough integration between local and remote GDI, linux does not have integration like that for X15:41
mikedep333but hopefully I'm wrong!15:41
ChinnoDogYou can remotely access a linux box at a much more granular level. You can select individual GUI applications to run remotely. I simply don't know how to switch to my remote session from the workstation's console. The console sets up windows for whatever session I would like to connect to, remote or local.15:54
mikedep333ChinnoDog, yeah, I've done remote X or individual apps16:19
mikedep333my friend showed my GNU screen, which is awesome and I need to learn16:20
jedijfmikedep333: nothing to learn; just use; everyone gets nested screens in the beginning; that'spart of the learning process; once you get past that, you will be goodto go17:44
jedijfi even think now it scolds/warns you...something like, 'do you really want to start a screen inside a screen (dumbass implied)?17:45
waltmanA friend of mine uses nested screens all the time.  He just uses a different escape key for his "inner screens".17:50
ChinnoDogWhy would you do that?17:57
ChinnoDogDon't all screens appear in the screen list no matter what level you are at?17:57
ChinnoDogIf you had 10,000 screens to manage then using multiple levels would not make it any easier, right?17:58
ChinnoDogUsing a naming convention to identify them seems more prudent.18:11
jedijfyeah, well i kinda failed at that too, i name my screen irssi, then 'create' extra screens (which aren't irssi) so the naming convention is kinda fake/false18:35
* ssweeny usually has at least 10 screen sessions open at work and has to name them all to keep them straight18:43
jedijfengineers are more orderly than breadman18:46
JonathanDWhat about bread engineers.18:47
jedijfThere is a screen on: 3986.irssi(12/30/2010 01:14:53 PM)(Attached)18:47
jedijfthat holds irssi, pacs_bot and an empty terminal18:47
jedijfssweeny: not naming 10 sessions would be a fun day...connect ...no not that one...rd...and so on18:49
ssweenyoh yeah18:50
jedijfan exercise in linux process naming convention18:59
ChinnoDogscreen -dr world_domination19:05
jedijfevery once in a while i hear mention of a new screen software...but i ignore it19:13
jedijfnew is not always better19:13
ChinnoDogRe: logging in a remote session locally, I think this problem arises because the DISPLAY variable is checked at app launch time. I don't know that there is any way to ever change $DISPLAY while it is running. xpra may help me though.19:13
jedijfthe power of X windows is humbling19:15
ChinnoDogoh wow19:17
ChinnoDogWhere is PennBot?? I was going to imbue him with knowledge.19:18
pleia2I told andrew he could bring him back (I killed him last year for eating the server)19:19
pleia2it just goes crazy sometimes19:19
jedijfThe idea for Xpra was inspired after the original author's experience of attempting to use various NX technology based setups19:19
jedijfChinnoDog: ^^^ see, eventually you can be first fail and then /create/ something19:20
jedijfthankfully though, others have failed before us, then we just have to find them :D19:21
ChinnoDogluckily, I did19:21
ChinnoDogI will have to post a howto blog on seamless low bandwidth remote access19:21
jedijfChinnoDog: nah, not really...these things usually end up as awesome learning quests....then it's just the retention that fails19:22
jedijfblogs are good to remember stuff..19:22
jedijfmy hero is pleia2 ^^^^19:22
ChinnoDogpleia2: eating the server is punishable by death? Surely you could have just grounded him.19:23
ChinnoDogWhy does Ubuntu require 1gb of memory?23:58
ChinnoDogI'm currently using 529.2MB on this workstation, which was rebooted a little while ago23:59

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