
wrstwell natty worked for one boot forme :\00:43
chris4585"New to Unity but not Ubuntu is Shane Fagan, who adds a unity —replace command. Hey, it’s all about the little things. "00:51
chris4585this is awesome00:51
chris4585hey wrst00:51
wrsthey chris4585  i caught that one too00:52
wrstit would be great if i could get natty to boot!00:52
chris4585that sounds not good00:53
chris4585I'm gonna try natty alpha 2? I think at least, when it comes out on feb 3rd, a day before my birthday00:54
wrstcool well it was working good for me... just wish i could boot it back :)00:57
chris4585right now I'm pretty happy with my setup00:59
wrstwhat do you have going now chris4585 ?01:00
wrsti know your desktop rocks :)01:00
chris4585I have gnome-panel setup with window buttons, window title, and global menu, with a few icons on the panel itself and indicator applet session01:00
chris4585haha wrst thanks :)01:00
chris4585oh almost forgot the best part01:00
chris4585I have gnome-panel floating01:00
chris4585so maximized apps act like unity will act01:01
wrstnice very nice :)01:03
chris4585thanks :)01:04
chris4585how was your holiday?01:04
wrstit was good real good how about you?01:05
chris4585mine was pretty awesome, we've had company over for the past 2 weeks and had lots of fun01:05
chris4585updated screenie http://i.imgur.com/vzOBQ.png01:06
chris4585its amazing how resizing a dock can save space01:06
wrstnice :)01:07
wrsti used to tinker a lot but pretty much just stick with what i'm given now01:08
chris4585I hate it when that happens01:11
chris4585I like to tinker, its just what I like to do01:11
wrstnothing like a nice disconnect :)01:12
wrstevidently my natty issues are known per the info i am getting at #ubuntu+101:17
chris4585ah, maybe they can help01:17
wrstits a known issue atleast01:23
wrstchris4585: i must say i'm really really liking arch though01:34
chris4585wrst, thats awesome, I really want to try arch again soon01:41
chris4585I've missed it so01:41
chris4585I may put arch on my  tv computer, its still running 9.04 I think...01:42
chris4585hey if its not broke, why fix it though01:42
wrstyeah chris4585 its certainly not for everyone. but i really like it01:43
chris4585the thing I really liked about it was how easy it is to install stuff01:43
wrstyeah the AUR is pretty cool01:45
chris4585this is really cool http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/hq-real-time-earth-wallpaper-for-ubuntu-xplanetfx/01:48
wrstcool chris4585 i'm downloading01:50
chris4585I'm gonna give er' a try too01:51
chris4585this looks really high quality so far01:53
wrstwell duty calls i will try it later, good talking with you chris458501:54
chris4585alright wrst, later01:54
=== excid|mbp is now known as excid3|mbp
wrstmorning everyone12:51
cyberangermorning wrst14:29
wrsthow are you doing cyberanger ?14:37
cyberangerfairly well, heading back today14:46
cyberangerholiday over14:46
wrstwhere have you been cyberanger ?14:50
cyberangerMaryville, TN15:09
cyberangermy folks place15:21
wrstahh cool cyberanger16:03
wrstmorning electricus16:04
chibihogoshinohi wrst16:38
wrsthey chibihogoshino16:39
chibihogoshinohows it going16:40
Xpistosmoning all16:40
chibihogoshinohey Xpistos16:40
Xpistoschibihogoshino: how does16:40
chibihogoshinoXpistos: ?16:40
Xpistoslike how do16:41
Xpistoschibihogoshino: How does?16:41
XpistosI am very happy, I just figured out how to make Calc format in greenbar.16:41
chibihogoshinoXpistos: dunno what that is but nice16:42
Xpistosthe old daisy wheel printers that had green lines alternating to make printouts easier to read16:42
chibihogoshinoi dont feel to well16:42
wrstme either chibihogoshino  must be something going around16:43
chibihogoshinoi dont feel sick i just feel week .. like i worked out all day16:44
chibihogoshinofeel like i cant stand up some times16:48
wrstchibihogoshino: sounds like you should get that checked out16:50
chibihogoshinoyeah. i was thinking that but i dont have a doctor or insurance ..16:51
wrststill might be worht it17:00
wrsthello pace_t_zulu17:01
pace_t_zulusup wrst17:01
pace_t_zuluhow's it going today?17:01
wrstpretty well, me and natty still are fighting :)17:02
chibihogoshinowrst: look out for its tooth17:02
pace_t_zulustill kernel panics?17:02
wrstthat's what i thought pace_t_zulu and what it acted like but checked over in #ubuntu+1 and something to do with display/xorg stuff17:04
pace_t_zuluwrst: that would be a very relevant bug to help with17:04
wrstyeah its been reported don't reported and they are working on it so don't know if there is much more that i can do or not17:05
pace_t_zuluyou could verify that fixes work for you17:05
wrsti will certainly do that one :)17:06
pace_t_zuluwrst: that makes a difference17:29
pace_t_zulufixes don't always work across the board17:29
pace_t_zuluplus there is no better way to make sure natty will work for you17:29
chibihogoshinoany one getting snow ?20:42
Svpernova09They're not sure here, but doubtful atm.20:47
elijah-mbpwe got snow here earlier.  lots of huge flakes.  mostly gone now though.21:04
chibihogoshinoits snowing here .. kinda sticking21:24
elijah-mbpkids got sent home early frmo school, but it really didn't stick on the main roads or streets in town here at all.  ;)21:39
elijah-mbpi imagine that folks who live waaaay back on back roads probably do not like this kind of snow too much.21:40
pace_t_zuluwrst unity seems to be snappier in virtualbox today22:46
pace_t_zuluwrst is not here.... quite unusual22:46
chris4585pace_t_zulu, I may have to try it in virtualbox then22:59
pace_t_zuluchris4585: make sure you get virtualbox 4.023:00
pace_t_zuluthen you need to enable 3d graphics on your VM setting23:00
chris4585pace_t_zulu, I think I already have a ppa with the latest virtualbox23:00
pace_t_zuluchris4585: unity was not supported before vbox 4.023:00
chris4585ah thanks for the info23:00
chris4585I usually get the newest of any app anyway, I love ppas23:01
pace_t_zuluchris4585: i like the latest software as well23:01
chris4585pace_t_zulu, you may like this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/indicator-virtualbox-adds-quick-click-os-launching-to-your-panel/23:03
pace_t_zuluchris4585: nice... thanks for the link23:04
chris4585yeah np23:04

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