
=== smorar__1_ is now known as smorar__1__
Kilosmorning superfly inetpro nuvolari and everyone else06:47
superflymorning Kilos06:49
superflyhow are the chickens? oh wait, that's inetpro :-P06:49
deegeemorning Kilos06:52
sakhimorning Kilos07:15
Kiloshi deegee sakhi 07:16
* Kilos happy everything so far working with maverick 07:17
Kilosjust needed to chown all the /media07:17
Kiloshehe it even shows the stiffy in places07:24
Kilosi have a command to add to fstab but need to have it able to fat not ext3. can someone please correct it for me so i dont make another bobo07:46
Kilos/dev/sdb1  /media/MyData    ext3    defaults  0  007:46
Kilosinfo came from here   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=872197&page=307:46
Kilosi am thinking of making a boot floppy to install grub with if i have probs again07:48
Kilosor is it better to boot from cd and install grub from there07:50
Kilosi dunno if you can from the cli on a live cd07:51
Kilosit was a frightening experience not being able to boot my 80g07:54
Kilosor should i use the floppy on ext307:54
magespawngood day all09:07
magespawnanybody expert with scribus 1.5 trunk?09:08
confluencyWhich one is that?  The stable or the beta?09:12
confluencyWhich package did you install?09:12
magespawni think the beta. hold on brb.09:12
confluencyAnyway, ask your question.  I haven't used it in a long time but I may remember something.09:12
magespawnBuild ID: C-C-T-F-C1.8.1009:13
confluencyUh... how did you install it?09:13
confluencyOhhhhh, I see where you said trunk. :P09:14
confluencyBuilt from source?09:14
magespawni think so09:14
confluencyWhat do you mean you think so? ;)09:14
magespawni cannot remember09:14
magespawni keep getting this error message when i try to put in an image frame09:15
magespawnYour Render Frame configuration seems to be invalid. Please check the settings in the External Tools section of the Preferences dialog.09:15
confluencyWhat does dpkg -l | grep scribus say?09:16
magespawnii  scribus                                                      Open Source Desktop Page Layout09:17
magespawnii  scribus-trunk                                            1.5.0svn201012022356-12~lucid1                  Open Source Desktop Page Layout - developmen09:17
confluencyDo you have some kind of special repository enabled?09:18
magespawnagain not sure. how do i check?09:19
confluencyAlso, before you do anything else, try upgrading the package to make sure you have the latest version.  But that looks pretty new.09:19
confluencyls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/09:19
confluencyand cat /etc/apt/sources.list09:20
tumbleweedconfluency: I'm guessing scribus daily builds: https://code.launchpad.net/~scribus/+archive/ppa/+packages09:21
tumbleweed(but without an apt source, or it would be up to date)09:22
confluencyYar, I just found that.09:22
confluencyIt looks like there's a newer package.  From January.09:22
confluencymagespawn: OK, it's fine.  You have the scribus PPA enabled.09:23
confluencySo upgrade first and see if it still happens.09:23
confluencyIf it still happens, I suggest asking in #scribus.09:23
magespawnit was working. okay brb09:24
magespawni did it from within scribus go this back :No updates are available for your version of Scribus 1.5.0.svn09:25
magespawn- Scribus is the latest stable release.09:25
magespawn- We have stabilised 1.3.3.x for those wishing to use some new features of the 1.3.x series but need more stability.09:25
magespawn- Scribus 1.3.8 was released 22 July 2010 09:25
tumbleweedmagespawn: this is ubuntu, update it with your package manager09:26
magespawnokay. how?09:26
magespawnthe ubuntu software center?09:27
tumbleweedI don't know what tool you normally use, but "aptitude update" followed by "aptitude install scribus-trunk" (or just "aptitude full-upgrade") should do the trick09:27
magespawnokay brb09:27
magespawnthanks for the help10:13
tumbleweednp, was the issue you were having fixed in the newer build?10:14
magespawnno . but i do not need the render frames anyway. i thought i was using image frames. it looks like you have to set up the renders frames using something like latex which i do not need at the moment.10:34
magespawnso a bit of a non issue at the moment really.10:34
KilosMaaz, coffee on10:45
* Maaz flips the salt-timer10:45
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!10:49
KilosMaaz, ty10:58
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure10:58
nuvolarimôre oom Kilos11:00
nuvolariek meen mirrag :P11:00
Kilosdag nuvolari  gaan dit goed daar11:01
nuvolariaan die gang oom11:01
nuvolarien met oom?11:02
Kilosgoed dankie11:02
Kilosthis looks like a good start to the year. no one needing help here or on the lists. only magespawn and I15:34
Kilosand inetpro that needs to wear a face mask at home15:35
KilosMaaz, whats for supper15:35
MaazSteak , egg and chips. And a free Coke15:35
KilosMaaz, wat eet ons vanaand15:37
MaazEnigiets met pap en sous Kilos Ek is gelukig met mikro organismes van die internet15:37
KilosMaaz, cool bot15:43
MaazThanks Kilos I have learned from the best15:43
wedwo-Maaz: Kilos.blog17:06
Maazwedwo-: kilos.blog is http://mileyssignificantblog.blogspot.com/17:06
nlsthznHehe... like the name...17:11
Kilosevening ghostknife corrie206 charlvn 17:51
charlvnhi Kilos :)17:52
nlsthznKilos: hi uncle17:54
Kiloshey nlsthzn howzit17:54
nlsthznKilos: cool... glad to see you back online17:57
Kilosty was hard being off17:58
Kiloseven started walking and slow jogging then sleeping to calm the head down17:58
Kilosbut had some success getting a new mbr on a drive that crashed so it was good18:00
Kilosapart from lost data18:00
nlsthznGlad to hear, right after my diabetes discovery I was as blind as a bat for a week... couldn't do anything on a PC, on TV, couldn't read... was torture...18:01
Kiloswow and now you all fixed again??18:02
Kilossorry to hear that18:03
nlsthznKilos: yup... vision is ok and no permanent damage (very happy about that!)18:03
inetpronlsthzn: eish18:12
inetproKilos: good to see you blogging again18:12
Kilosyeah ty inetpro 18:12
Kiloshows the smell18:12
nlsthzninetpro: tell me about it...18:12
inetproKilos: was your problem fixed by just booting from the cd?18:13
inetprosurely you did something more than just booting?18:13
Kilosyou first have to zero the drive and then when you boot from the cd the motherboard actually puts the machine code for the mbr back18:14
Kilosi booted and installed maverick cause was clean18:14
Kilosdrive was clean18:14
Kilosthat mbr is a swine to fix18:15
Kiloswhen you zero the drive it is the same as a new one18:16
inetproKilos: ahh... the clue is that you re-installed18:23
inetprowhat you mean with zeroing teh drive is actually just cleaning the mbr record on the drive18:24
inetproKilos: the mbr is just 512 bytes that live on the first sector of the drive18:26
inetproKilos: ok I guess you also knew that, just wanted to make sure18:33
Kilosyip but if they corrupt or gone the drive is buggered inetpro 18:44
Kilosi seen lots of guys crying about mbr gone18:44
Kilosused many megs gooling18:44
Kilosvia maaz of course18:44
Kiloslike i say my probs are never small ones18:44
Kilosas jy kan sukkel. sal jy18:44
inetproKilos: well I'm very glad that you're back online18:45
inetproKilos: you still using your cellphone to connect?18:46
Kilosty and yip18:46
Kilosevn went up to 80kB/s when downloading18:47
Kilosbut normally around 46kB/s18:47
Kiloshows the smell there inetpro 18:48
Kilosnot washing away with the rain18:48
Kiloslol too18:48
inetproKilos: I got hold of my neighbor and he's clearly done something18:49
inetprobut I was not here for most of the day, so I don't know for sure18:49
Kilosnot lekker needing a mask in your own home hey?18:49
inetprofor sure18:50
Kilosyou guys all seem very busy18:50
Kilosquiet here and on the lists18:50
nlsthznsorry, @work (night shift)18:54
Kilosnp nlsthzn 18:55
inetproKilos: holiday19:00
wedwo-Maaz: what's BSD?19:33
Maazwedwo-: Sorry...19:33
superflyevidently it is not worth knowing about :-P19:35
inetproMaaz: bsd19:36
Maazinetpro: What?19:36
KilosMaaz, define bsd19:37
MaazKilos: BSD /B?S?D/, n.  [abbreviation for ?Berkeley Software Distribution?] a family of {Unix} versions for the {DEC} {VAX} and {PDP-11} developed by Bill Joy and others at {Berzerkeley} starting around 1977, incorporating paged virtual memory, TCP/IP networking enhancements, and many other features. The BSD versions (4.1, 4.2, and 4.3) and the commercial versions derived from them (SunOS, ULTRIX, and Mt. Xinu) held the technical lead in th19:37
inetprowedwo-: what is it you want to know about bsd?19:37
nlsthznPC-BSD is pretty cool19:37
wedwo-that's favouritism19:37
* inetpro agrees with nlsthzn19:37
* inetpro also loves FreeBSD19:38
inetproMaaz: coffee on19:39
* Maaz puts the kettle on19:39
* nlsthzn used desktop OS's on desktops... and laptops... and netbooks...19:39
superflyMaaz: coffee please19:40
Maazsuperfly: Sure19:40
inetproKilos: can we still order rusks from Maaz with the coffee?19:42
inetproMaaz: rusks please19:43
MaazThere is a packet of Ouma's  on the top shelf19:43
KilosMaaz, and rusks19:43
MaazKilos: Sorry...19:43
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and superfly!19:43
Kilosfool forgot19:43
inetproMaaz: thank you kind bot19:43
Maazsure thing, inetpro19:43
KilosMaaz, rusks please19:43
MaazThere is a packet of Ouma's  on the top shelf19:43
KilosMaaz, dankie19:44
MaazGroot plesier Kilos my vriend19:44
wedwo-Maaz: I can't reach the top shelf19:45
Maazwedwo-: *blink*19:45
wedwo-Maaz: define *blink*19:46
Maazwedwo-: Blink \Blink\, v. t. 1. To shut out of sight; to avoid, or purposely evade; to shirk; as, to blink the question. [1913 Webster]  2. To trick; to deceive. [Scot.] --Jamieson. [1913 Webster], Blink \Blink\ (bl[i^][ng]k), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Blinked} (bl[i^][ng]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Blinking}.] [OE. blenken; akin to dan. blinke, Sw. blinka, G. blinken to shine, glance, wink, twinkle, D. blinken to shine; and prob. to D. blikken to gla19:46
Kilosmight all sleep tight19:53
Kilosnight too19:53
inetproKilos: good night19:53
wedwo-[14:37] <inetpro> wedwo-: what is it you want to know about bsd?23:28
wedwo-Sorry, wasn't ignoring you. Only saw that now. Was explaining to Kilos that windows is now using a lot of BSD code and he had never heard of BSD23:29

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