
=== UBUxUBU is now known as uBUXUBu
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CarlitoNoobis there a way to create a PXE network bootable floppy disk in Xubuntu?08:40
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monocianHello everyone. I have one question. Can I change xfce4-mixer to gnome-alsamixer ?14:02
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AbhiJitwhat advntge i loose if i go for xubuntu over ubuntu i.e gnome?16:07
BigGreenCanoeyou loose gnome, although xfce will use and run gnome apps16:12
BigGreenCanoepersonally, i prefer xfce over gnome.16:12
BigGreenCanoethe underlying system is the same, just setup for xfce as the window manager16:13
charlie-tcaYou don't loose any advantages, you gain if you are not using new hardware16:14
AbhiJitactually now i want my pc as fast as possble for offce wrk song and music. sometimes vedio editing16:14
charlie-tca-Have you looked at Ubuntustudio?16:14
AbhiJitcharlie-tca, its 1 and half yr old laptop16:15
charlie-tcaIt is designed for that16:15
charlie-tcaIf you need openoffice, Ubuntu has it by default. If you don't need it, Xubuntu does not install it16:15
AbhiJiti need it16:16
AbhiJitheyy but Ubuntustudio is more artist than office work?16:16
charlie-tcayes, ubuntustudio is designed for music and song work16:17
AbhiJitmy main concern is fast officework16:17
charlie-tcaThen they are about the same with openoffice16:18
AbhiJitthank you16:21
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tonycrete1991fhello, can I turn ubuntu in xubuntu?18:07
BigGreenCanoetonycreate1991: There is a page on the xubuntu website that tells you houw.  Wait one and I'll get it fir yo18:08
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels18:08
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »18:08
BigGreenCanoecharlie-tca: is there an xfce replacement for the gnome key-ring ?18:10
charlie-tcano, Xubuntu uses gnome-keyring18:10
BigGreenCanoeokay, that's what I thought. Thanks18:10
charlie-tcahowever, gnome-keyring does not mean it is gnome18:11
BigGreenCanoetrue, but when I went to remove gnome, it was flagged as well18:12
charlie-tcajust means the Xubuntu developers don't have to maintain a separate keyring18:12
BigGreenCanoeas was gnucash18:12
BigGreenCanoei agree with that.  no reason to duplicate apps.18:13
charlie-tcaThen you should follow the link above to purexfce, and add back the apps you need.18:13
BigGreenCanoei did.  it just took me by surprise when it happened.18:14
Hc96Hi! Do you guys know, which coding system is allowed for user full names in /etc/passwd?18:15
Hc96I'm having issues with utf-818:15
Hc96and the letter é18:16
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freeraider700mhz / 384mb ram / 10gb hd, läuft xubuntu da überhaupt sinnvoll drauf & wie sieht es mit wlan unterstützung aus muss ich für meine pcmcia karte manuell treiber nachinstallen ?18:54
charlie-tcaYes, it will work well with Xubuntu.18:55
charlie-tcaCan we use English here, please.18:55
charlie-tcaTry the desktop cd as a live environment to see if the wifi card works.18:56
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:57
knomecharlie-tca, what's the main server repository address?23:11
knomecharlie-tca, is it us.archive.ubuntu.com?23:12
knomecharlie-tca, the finnish mirror lacks 3 packages from the default xubuntu-desktop installation23:12
charlie-tcaNo, it's the server in UK. Let me look it up23:13
knomefound it23:14
knomeit's just archive.ubuntu.com23:14
charlie-tcaknome: I believe it is archive.ubuntu.com, isn't it?23:14
* charlie-tca hangs head again... too slow23:14
knomelibwv, libots, tango-icon-theme-common23:15
knomethose were missing23:15
knomethat was actually keeping me from installing xubuntu from the desktop cd as i selected the finnish server...23:15
knomeand the minimal cd as well23:15
knomethen i just installed the core23:15
knomeand logged into shell23:15
charlie-tcaSounds like the vinnl way ;-)23:17
Sysiknome: maverick?23:17
knomeSysi, yeah.23:17
The_Mavericki was wondering if there was any way to enable placing a picture from the web to my desktop via dragging.23:21
knomeactually, this laptop i'm installing xubuntu to, said it reached critical temperature (95C) and shut down. guess what was wrong? i tried to boot from usb, so the pc decided not to work...23:21
charlie-tcaforgot the sensors package?23:22
knomeno, i was trying to run the installator from usb...23:22
knomeand the pc definitely was not running @95C23:22
knomeso then i went to burn the desktop cd, which failed (due to the packages missing) and then the minimal cd, which also failed at first23:23
The_Mavericklol can anyone help with the dragging items from the internet to desktop issue?23:27
charlie-tcaThe_Maverick: I don't think you can set the background image using drag and drop23:27
dr4c4ncharlie-tca: i think he means just saving it to the desktop23:28
charlie-tcaCan you tell him how, dr4c4n23:28
The_Mavericklol i just want to take a picture and put it on my desktop.23:28
The_Maverickfrom the internet to the desktop by dragging it. i do this pretty often.23:29
dr4c4ncharlie-tca: I thought dragging would work, I think you can drag to the desktop folder using the file manager (thunar / nautilus)23:29
dr4c4nThe_Maverick: try that, try dragging to one of the file managers23:29
knomecharlie-tca, btw, is there a way to automate all the updates without any prompt from user?23:30
dr4c4nif that doesn't work.. one moment, I'm not sure if you're capable of doing that.. there's always right click / save image as23:30
freeraiderhow do i cahnge resolution ?23:30
Sysiknome: isn't there setting in update manager? at least you can use crontab23:30
The_Mavericklol thats a lot of time spent saving image.23:30
freeraiderjust installed xubuntu23:31
knomeSysi, maybe, i've just never done that so i really don't know...23:31
freeraiderand it's just a small resolution23:31
Sysicrontab isn't very hard23:31
charlie-tcaknome: using software sources, you can install all security updates automatically, and download all others automatically, but I don't think it will install them automatically23:31
knomejust a moment ago i got a soft lockup from kernel when the installation of packages was about to go towards configuring23:32
knomeSysi, no i mean, i know cron :P23:32
knomeSysi, but not the automated updates...23:32
dr4c4nThe_Maverick: Problem solved?23:32
charlie-tcathe reason being sometimes the user has to tell hit okay to continue23:32
xubuntu407 23:32
dr4c4nxubuntu407: you have much to say23:32
charlie-tcaYou can't have auto updates, if the user is not there to hit enter on the ones that require user intervention to continue23:32
knomecharlie-tca, except if you run some apt-command from commandline with the option -y (or sth, which just answers yes to anything...)23:33
The_Maverickdr4c4n no. no one mentioned if there was a way23:33
knomecharlie-tca,   -y  Assume Yes to all queries and do not prompt23:33
charlie-tcayeah, but I would not ever want to just assume yes23:33
charlie-tcaI tend to modify some of those files, myself23:33
freeraiderhow can i change resolution ?23:33
knomei would, if this is a pc for my friends' parents :P23:33
dr4c4nThe_Maverick: you can suggest that to the XFCE dev team to accept files like that either that or from firefox, which I think has it built in, just not working for xfce, for now, just right click the image and save as, so u do 2 clicks, but less moving of the mouse23:34
Sysifreeraider: we need more information, at least your gpu model23:34
charlie-tcadr4c4n and The_Maverick : you won't get automatic downloads because of security concerns. We want the user to okay the download file.23:35
freeraider. /etc/X11/xorg.conf isn't even there23:35
The_Maverickdr4c4n a bit unfortunate. guess that will suffice...23:35
charlie-tcathere is an option in firefox to auto download some file types, you can enable, thought.23:35
Sysifreeraider: not by default anymore23:35
The_Maverickgnome does it23:35
charlie-tcafreeraider: if the resolution is not in Display settings, you can add an /etc/X11/xorg.conf and it will get used23:36
charlie-tcaThe_Maverick: This is not gnome23:36
dr4c4ncharlie-tca: i like having that extra okay click too :) thanks for the info23:36
The_Maverickcharlie-tca yeah. this is a bit lacking in functionality. i appreciate the help though23:36
dr4c4nThe_Maverick: I find it faster than having to situate windows / move the mouse too much23:36
dr4c4nit's all a matter of preference23:37
Sysiif you like gnome more, use it23:37
charlie-tcaThe_Maverick: actually, this is more configurable, but the user is expected to set the configuration options themselves.23:37
The_Maverickso... there IS a way to do that?23:37
charlie-tcaFunctionality is there, you just have to work to get to it23:37
The_Maverickif there isnt... then that would mean that there isnt the functionality.23:38
charlie-tcaGo into firefox preferences and set it to autodownload that file type23:38
dr4c4nit's super secret23:38
dr4c4n(just kidding)23:38
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!23:38
charlie-tcaYou won't even have to touch the file...23:38
dr4c4ncharlie-tca: that's where I looked first, couldn't see that23:38
dr4c4nhi ShootEmUp23:39
ShootEmUpwhats up?23:39
Sysiclean desktop ♥23:39
charlie-tcaI run natty, with firefox 4.0b8, which is quite a change23:39
dr4c4nSysi: congrats23:39
ShootEmUpmy bad :)23:39
knomeSysi, so, you are suggesting to turn on the automatic security updates and then something like 'apt-get upgrade -y' in cron?23:39
charlie-tcaSysi: I keep thinking, someday... :-)23:40
Sysidr4c4n: not really, i'm just neurotic23:40
Sysiknome: not both propably23:40
knomeSysi, right23:40
dr4c4nsysi: my clean desktop occurs on new install after I've installed and tried so many things get broken lol and stuff's all over the place. it takes me a day to backup, sort, reload and find everything23:41
knomei don't see how they'd mess up each other though23:41
charlie-tcaShootEmUp:  help with the dragging items from the internet to desktop issue?23:41
ShootEmUpokay, like pics?23:42
charlie-tcaThe_Maverick: ^ ^23:42
ShootEmUpwhat do you meen by that?23:42
charlie-tcaThe_Maverick wants to know the answer23:43
charlie-tcaand ShootEmUp is good with answers23:43
ShootEmUpahh ok23:43
ShootEmUpIf its a picture, try right clicking and press "save as.."23:44
dr4c4ncharlie-tca: is there an ubottu available for download to see all available commands for it.. just curious23:44
dr4c4ncharlie-tca: prerequisite game to be played by new users, might be fun!23:44
dr4c4nor an irc channel just devoted to a bot like that23:44
charlie-tcadr4c4n: here they are... http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi23:45
charlie-tcathe channel is #ubottu23:45
The_Mavericklol thats the thing. i dont want to have to go through a page clicking save as on each picture. i could drag (throw) 5 pictures in the time it takes to do that. is there really no way?23:45
ShootEmUpI just want to see if the web browser can save the pics to your computer23:45
dr4c4nThe_Maverick: autodownload as charlie-tca mentioned?? it's in firefox prefs?23:46
dr4c4nI'll see if I can find it with u23:46
The_Maverickyes it can23:46
ShootEmUpsorry FF is not my area, I use crome23:46
The_Maverickdr4c4n autodownload is not the same thing as dragging a pic to the desktop.23:47
dr4c4nShootEmUp chrome preferences probably has something similar23:47
ShootEmUpI can just drag and drop23:48
dr4c4nThe_Maverick: write a script using wget to grab all the .ext tension of ur choice23:48
dr4c4nThe_Maverick: try chrome?23:48
freeraider. /etc/X11/xorg.conf so wherre is this file now on default ?23:49
The_Maverickdr4c4n it is in NO way the browser. i think it is just xfce. maybe i should just suggest implementing it.23:49
freeraideror should i just create one and put it there ?23:50
charlie-tcafreeraider: it is not anywhere by default. You can create it23:50
ShootEmUpfreeraider, nowhere. just make a blank23:50
freeraiderthen reboot ?23:52
ShootEmUpfreeraider, yes23:52
ShootEmUpThe_Maverick. seems like FF will not drag and drop for me23:53
The_Maverickshootemup but chrome will?23:53
ShootEmUpThe_Maverick, yes23:53
The_Maverickshootemup im using chromium, ff and ff4beta and none of them do.23:54
* charlie-tca knew ShootEmUp and The_Maverick needed to get together on that one... 23:54
ShootEmUp?.... seems to be a bug with xfce me thinks23:54
ShootEmUpGOOGLE TIME!23:54
charlie-tcawhat download manager is Ubuntu using to make that work?23:55
The_Maverickshootemup i have installed xubuntu three times prior and it never lets me do this.23:57
ShootEmUpThe_Maverick, looks like it is disabled in ubuntu... not sure why23:58
ShootEmUpsomething that might help23:59
The_Maverickshootemup i can do it in gnome, i could do it when i had xubuntu installed next to gnome, but when i get rid of i think the whole gnome essentials. "it cease to be"23:59

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