
msd18so i can install ubuntu on it00:00
kshawkeye1Is there any way to set up a DNS server that handles something like "kshawkeye.com" or something similar, or would I need to pay something like godaddy because they register it with some sort of list that I cant access? Whats the real use of BIND?00:00
nit-witmsd18, so gparted is not seeing the HD from a live cd?00:00
msd18no it wont but the disk util sees it00:00
msd18but disk util returns an error when i format it00:01
DimitreeHello, which File Systems are supported with Ubuntu? Is there a website where i can read about it?00:02
nit-witmsd18, take a screen shot of gparted and imagebin it and post the link.http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add00:02
yigalDimitree: what file system do you need supported?00:02
msd18nit-wit when i use the disk util the error i get is Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: In part_create_partition_table: device_file=/dev/sda, scheme=0 ped_device_get() failed00:03
NixGeekmsd18: probably a bad disk or the connection has probelsm, have you tried a diffrent port on the motherboard, a diffrent cable, or even just making sure the connections are snug?00:03
Dimitreeyigal JFS for example?00:03
nit-witmsd18, okay00:03
yigalDimitree: yes00:03
msd18its a laptop there is no other port00:03
linxehkshawkeye1: you need to get a registrar to add your DNS server IPs to the domain so it shows in whois etc. BIND is used (or a simialr DNS tool) by other DNS servers to resolve dns names in your domain to ips.00:03
kcorcoran__installing/configuring mythbuntu - failing to find channels.  any help appreicated?00:03
yigalDimitree: for instance for Btrfs one has to recompile00:03
yigalDimitree: this is the same system Meego uses00:03
Dimitreeyigal can i install it with the default desktop installer or do i have to manually create ext partitions and so on?00:04
linxehkshawkeye1: essentially, the TLD domain servers delegate to servers defined for each domain, which may in turn delegate to other servers. eventually a server is authoratitive for that domain or subdomain and will return IP addresses for queries on hosts in that domain.00:04
yigallinxeh: I'm very interested in I/OCR so if you have some interesting links for open source I/OCR I think in general I would appreciate them00:05
linxehyigal: well, tesseract is ok, but doesnt perform as well as the cutting edge commercial options. I'm afraid I have no links for you - the stuff I did isnt online00:05
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Nanohadoes anybody know if I can run resize2fs without running e2fsck first?00:05
linxehyigal: however, mono images (after processing/ thresholding, depeppering/noise reduction algorithms, deskewing) work best in most engines, and at 200dpi00:06
kshawkeye1linxeh: so how does something like godaddy make the DNS public? Because they have access to the whois list somehow? There is no way I can get a dns server that I want for free other than dyndns or something similar? I can't host it myself?00:06
linxehour belief was that most of the engines threshold incoming images if you give greyscale, so if you can do a better job you might as well00:06
Dimitreeyigal i guess my question is, can i select the FS from the installer, click the "use entire disk" and be done with it?00:06
linxehkshawkeye1: they provide information to NIC or whoever for that domain00:06
msd18nitwit imma imgbucket the ss00:07
JediMaster420is there a better chanel to get support for ubuntu netbook?00:08
linxehkshawkeye1: http://www.crazysquirrel.com/computing/general/how-dns-works.jspx - google has many such links (the wikipedia article is good too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System)00:08
yigalDimitree: I'm sorry I'm not sure00:08
yigallinxeh: yes exactly00:09
kshawkeye1linxeh: So there is no way to host a domain name for free from home and have it registered with the web? I have a ubuntu server all set up, and I'm using dyndns for my domain name, is that the best I can do for free?00:09
yigallinxeh: that is the problem00:09
linxehkshawkeye1: you have to have the whois for the dns pointing at your home IP address00:09
linxehkshawkeye1: or use dyndns, or setup your own dyndns type system on another internet connected host that defers to your home connection00:10
yigallinxeh: I've built the most recent teseract it's not bad00:10
yigallinxeh: just not great, and getting it where it needs to be, well that would take some time00:10
linxehkshawkeye1: you probably dont want to be hosting things on your home connection though - and with many ISPs you will be in breach of contract if you do00:10
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cedric_hello peeps00:11
cedric_i was wondering00:11
BlackDalekyigal, I don't know why this worked, but I opened the case, pulled out the wireless card. Then booted the computer without it, then shut it down. Then I replaced the wireless card and booted up again and it started working again.00:11
linxehyigal: I havent really used tesseract, can you provide it with dictionaries ?00:11
cedric_is it possible to kill a process after eg. a minute of execution?00:11
yigalBlackDalek: good to hear00:11
yigallinxeh: yes00:11
cedric_in the form of "runoneminute ./transferlogs", and it would kill the process transferlogs after 1 minute, in case it didn't end in time00:12
linxehhave you given it a biology biased dictionary ?00:12
BlackDalekyigal, now I will attempt to connect the new monitor and see if the wireless card goes dead again...00:12
yigalBlackDalek: good, this is usually the way of things, do it slowly :D00:12
yigalBlackDalek: and well and hopefully it might work00:12
DimitreeDo i have to manually setup partitions for JFS with the desktop installer?00:12
skullboyhow do i make ctrl alt l work00:13
first2noneHows it goin guys and girls00:14
yigalskullboy: what is crtl+alt+l?00:14
first2noneI need help to install ubuntu server edition via usb00:14
yigalskullboy: and in what context do you want it to do something00:14
kshawkeye1Thank you for your help linxeh00:14
nit-witfirst2none, what do you need to know00:14
skullboyyigal, it is spost to lock the pc00:15
Bilzhello. everytime i turn on my laptop, ubuntu 10.04, the panel icons in the top right kind of mess up, like battery icon might not show and some icons might be ontop of each other00:15
Unauthorisedis kssendmac supported when using the netboot images from 10.04?00:15
Bilzeverytime i have to run killall gnome-panel nad its back to nomral00:15
Bilzany ideas?00:15
yigalskullboy: right, are you using compiz?00:16
first2noneI got it onto the usb and its booted sorta00:16
UnauthorisedI can't seem to find any documentation saying yes or no definitively...00:16
first2noneIt keeps trying to get the files from a cd but i have it connected via usb00:16
skullboyyigal, ya just started useing it00:16
yigalskullboy: ok, that's one possibility00:16
calumafter a clean install of Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit, how do I stop two kernel versisons being added in grub? Is this supposed to happen?00:16
first2noneSo i need to somehow install it manually using the shell or some other way00:16
yigalskullboy: System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts00:16
nit-witfirst2none, could you explain how you know that.00:17
yigalskullboy: is lock screen in there?00:17
Unauthorisedanaconda of course supports kssendmac, but it's not send the X-... headers....00:17
skullboyyigal, no00:17
Unauthorisedfairly frustrating...00:17
yigalskullboy: ok well then there's your answer, jk00:17
AR_how do i flush my RAM00:17
yigalskullboy: you can add it if it sin't00:17
UnauthorisedAR_: reboot?00:17
skullboyyigal, ok what is the command00:17
AR_no i want uptime00:18
BlackDalekyigal, the wireless card went dead again.. I don't believe this is happening... how can a monitor kill a wireless card?00:18
kcorcoran__v0lksman:  you there?00:18
yigalskullboy: ok under destktop what commands do you have there?00:18
AR_ar@ar-desktop:~$ uptime00:18
AR_ 19:18:40 up 16 days, 21:12,  2 users,  load average: 0.96, 1.00, 0.9800:18
yigalBlackDalek: oh, you have no idea , :D00:18
yigalBlackDalek: but let's try the simple things00:18
yigalBlackDalek: are there any microphones on the monitor?00:19
yigalBlackDalek: what we know, is there are most likely audio out's on the monitor00:19
yigalBlackDalek: ?00:19
nit-wit1first2none, |tab00:19
skullboyyigal, all the ones in keyboard shortcuts say unknown action00:19
yigalskullboy: just define it?00:19
yigalskullboy: just find "Lock Screen"00:20
yigalclick on it00:20
yigaland ctrl+alt+l00:20
BlackDalekno mics as far as I know (monitor is an LG W2353V)00:20
yigalskullboy: does that work00:20
calumhow do I stop grub from showing multiple Linux kernels to boot with I only want one of them to show up00:20
supermaghi, how do i solve http://forum.excito.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2803   ?00:20
Unauthorisedcalum: remove them from the grub configuration00:21
first2nonenit-wit: I boot up, hit install and it goes thru find keyboard layout so on, then it trys to mount a cd00:21
BlackDalekyigal,  no mics as far as I know (monitor is an LG W2353V). There is a headphones port on the back.00:21
first2noneWhat? |tab?00:21
NixGeekcalum: remove the other kernels from synaptic00:21
adub__can i install an older version of gcc without interupting the one that is installed00:21
good_intentionsDoes anyone here know how to stream the video being played from kaffeine player?00:21
skullboyyigal, i need the command00:21
yigalBlackDalek: I see so no audio at all00:21
adub__i have an application that i believe is asking for an older version of gcc00:21
yigalskullboy: no just click in System->Pref.->Key00:21
calumoh so I don't have to edit menu.lst, cause I am unfamiliar with it and don't want to mess it up, thanks guys00:22
yigalboard scuts00:22
Unauthorisedadub__: you should be able to install it, it'll most likely install as gcc<version>00:22
yigaland click on the lock screen part00:22
yigalskullboy: is there an entry for that under Desktop?00:22
good_intentionsor is it possible to stream video over mplayer00:22
calumthanks for the help00:22
BlackDalekyigal, there are no speakers or audio on the monitor00:22
nit-witfirst2none, I haven't installed a sever can you boot a disc and just use the minimal install option00:23
skullboyyigal, no that is what im trying to tell you all the entrys in keyboard shortcuts are missing00:23
yigalBlackDalek: ya, I did a google search on it, not to say that's conclusive but I believe you00:23
first2noneI dont have a disk to use to install it00:23
first2noneSo I'm using a usb instead00:23
Unauthorisedis kssendmac supported when using the netboot images from 10.04?00:23
nit-witfirst2none, minimal install download is waht I mean00:23
NixGeekcalum: In newer versions of ubuntu,with grub 2, there is no menu.lst, it's mostly autoconfigured.00:23
avance0242Hey People do you know how to hijack a school server?00:23
Myrttiavance0242: no.00:24
yigalskullboy: what release of Ubuntu are you using?00:24
avance0242I'm running Jaunty Jackalou00:24
yigalavance0242: old school00:24
good_intentionsavance0242:forget ubuntu you dont need it00:24
skullboyyigal, 10.1000:24
yigalskullboy: ok00:24
avance0242I know LOL00:24
first2noneWhats that00:24
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
Unauthorisedis kssendmac supported when using the netboot images from 10.04?00:25
good_intentionsavance0242:buy a ski mask have a get away driver ready then storm your school kidnap you server an gtfo of there00:25
yigalskullboy: ok I think it might be time for ccsm, but 1st I have to download it and then I can help you00:25
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest64453
Shoggothcan someone help me with a gnome problem?00:26
NixGeek!details | Shoggoth00:26
ubottuShoggoth: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:26
yigalNixGeek: right on00:26
bnci'm problem in wireless conection my vostro 1510\dell00:26
JackyAlcinewow, ubottu's on its job. :D00:26
avance0242Help guys! I'm running on a thin client and have restricted access. do you guys know how to regain root?00:27
ShoggothNixGeek, ubottu: sure... no offence but I've found in the past that on real busy channels like this giving all the details up front just gets your message ignored00:27
Shoggothso... details are00:27
neil_di am using 9.10... the Applications->Accessories menu has disappeared... using System->Preferences->Main Menu... the Accessories entry in the Menus: list the font is Italic! ... how do I get it active again?00:27
Unauthorisedis kssendmac supported when using the netboot images from 10.04?00:27
tifflorcan someone help me to find out why I can't change the serial port speed with setserial on my gsm modem? I get the following errors for stty: stty: /dev/ttyUSB0: unable to perform all requested operations for the stty . And for setserial this one: and setserial -a /dev/ttyUSB2 Cannot get serial info: Invalid argumentsetserial -a /dev/ttyUSB2 Cannot get serial info: Invalid argument00:27
ShoggothIf I go to the "Places" menu and select any directory or drive instead of getting a file browser I get VLC instead00:27
NixGeekShoggoth: just fire away, also, ubottu is an irc bot, so there's really no use in addressing something to it.00:28
Nanohaokay.  I think I need to start over.  How can I install Ubuntu server with a LVM.  I can't seem to use Gparted to remove it.00:28
BlackDalekyigal, I'm going to pull the card again and reboot - see if it comes alive again.00:28
NixGeek!ubotu | Shoggoth00:29
ubottuShoggoth: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots00:29
yigalskullboy: ok the command you want to use is gnome-screenasaver-lock -l00:29
yigalBlackDalek: good00:29
ShoggothNixGeek: I think you missed the above so here it is again... If I go to the "Places" menu and select any directory or drive instead of getting a file browser I get VLC instead00:29
skullboyyigal, ya thx prob sloved00:29
yigalskullboy: what was it?00:29
skullboyyigal, i just put in a custom command in keybord shortcuts00:30
mbeierlj/join #gtkpod00:30
yigalskullboy: good, that's exactly what I wanted you to do00:30
yigalskullboy: I'm glad you were able to do it alone00:31
skullboyyigal, thx for the help 1 more problem my ubuntu software center wont start00:32
ShoggothNixGeek: I'm guessing that I have to adjust something in either the .gconf or .gcnof2 directory but I've never really spent (or had) the time to grok those00:32
NixGeekShoggoth: thanks for that, I did miss it, sorry.  I'd say the default file manager got changed to VLC.00:32
NixGeekShoggoth: sorry I'm taking so long, I have to look some things up to.  give me a second to figure out what you need to do00:33
ShoggothNixGeek: indeed... not sure how to change that... I'm an old school CLI guy and I don't really use GUIs for anything except a fancy terminal multiplex00:33
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=== Guest46651 is now known as earwigs
ShoggothNixGeek: no probs... take your time00:33
yigalskullboy: hmm, not sure what about apt-get on the commmand line?00:33
Unauthorisedis kssendmac supported when using the netboot images from 10.04?00:33
NixGeekShoggoth: can you open nautilus at all?  like alt+F2 and then type nautilus00:34
bcbc2Shoggoth: right-click desktop, create folder. Right-click folder, Open with, select File Browser, check 'remember...'00:34
skullboyyigal, all the apps will run except ubuntu software center ive been useing dpkg but how do i fix ubuntu software center00:34
ShoggothNixGeek: yeah that works fine00:35
ScojoHi, I am having trouble with nvidia9800GT on 10.04LTS 64b on only games using the recommd driver.  Screen will start to flicker and then sometimes close or crash my x86quad 8mb box within minutes.  No troubles on videos or flash.  Should I buy another graphics card?00:35
yigalskullboy: that's terrible00:35
=== fccf1 is now known as GeekSquid
yigalskullboy: try 'apt-get install -f'00:36
neil_di am using 9.10... the Applications->Accessories menu has disappeared... using System->Preferences->Main Menu... the Accessories entry in the Menus: list the font is Italic! ... how do I get it active again?00:36
NixGeekbcbc2: thank you, I was really a bit stuck  I'll remember that00:36
ShoggothNixGeek, bcbc2: bcb2's fix works... thanks00:36
ShoggothNixGeek, bcbc2: rather obvious really... oh well00:36
ShoggothNixGeek, bcbc2: thankyou both00:36
bcbc2NixGeek: Shoggoth: no prob. Someone else had the same prob the other day00:37
NixGeekShoggoth: Your welcome, but you really should be thanking bcbc2, he told you the right answer.00:37
ShoggothNixGeek: yeah it was probably me... I left a message in the channel for a few hours but didn't get a response :( ... probably due to my TZ00:37
skullboyyigal, its not a prob with the deb pkgs it is a prob with ubuntu software center00:37
skullboyyigal, software index**00:38
earwigssmuix vs xchat00:38
BlackDalekyigal, it never came back to life this time :( I guess it was just luck last time...00:39
NixGeek!enter | Shoggoth00:39
ubottuShoggoth: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:39
yigalBlackDalek: do the depmod00:39
yigalBlackDalek & skullboy I'm out later dudes00:40
=== Tcalp- is now known as Tcalp
BlackDalekyigal, ok thank you00:40
ducktypehow can i copy hidden and not hidden files without recursing from source to dest?00:40
earwigslooking for some pros and cons on irc clients, smuix vs xchat00:40
ner0xI'd really like to install ubuntu but I don't have a CD drive, any thoughts on how to install?00:41
h00k!best | earwigs00:42
ubottuearwigs: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:42
aeon-ltdner0x: usb00:42
earwigsner0x: boot from USB00:42
aeon-ltd!usb | ner0x00:42
ubottuner0x: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:42
ner0xaeon-ltd: I've done this before, my computer ignores it.00:43
grelleso....I had samba up and running 10 minutes ago. then I installed some packages (samba-tools, smbfs, winbind) and restarted the samba deamon (restart smbd). Now I can't access the shares any more. Any ideas??00:44
root_ok i restarted now i have no gui00:44
Nanoharoot_: startx   ?00:44
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earwigsroot_: O_O00:44
johntramp_hi.  amarok 1.4 used to suggest songs in my collection from last.fm.  are there any players these days which do anything similar?00:44
=== plustax is now known as ErnPeGe
h00kjohntramp_: there is a native lastfm application00:45
root_nanoha: tryed that and it gave me a black screen and a cursor00:45
johntramp_h00k: I don' t want to stream music, if that is what that does00:45
Nanohaoh god!  I just got done with that mess.00:45
h00kjohntramp_: ah, okay00:45
Nanohabad news for me, is that I ended up (currently ) reinstalling ubuntu server00:45
root_nanoha: tryed that and it gave me a black screen and a cursor00:45
johntramp_h00k: it would look at the suggested songs from my last.fm  profile and add them to my playlist if I had them00:46
dhessAnyone have a workaround for the remote cryptsetup/plymouth bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/59564800:46
lcbHello all. I'm using the registrar default name servers for my domain - i don't have a static ip address nor 2 ip(s) in order to host my name-servers.  do we/i need bind installed on ubuntu server for anything other than that (hosting my own name-servers)?00:46
KingpokeJohntramp amarok 1.4 was awesome! :(00:46
dhessit's a major show-stopper for anyone tyring to mount an encrypted /home or similar at boot00:46
Nanoharoot_: okay, try rebooting again.  See if it happens again.  By chance did you upgrade from something?00:46
johntramp_or am I still able to install amarok1.4 ?00:46
wytso i have windows and ubuntu on my computer. If im currently running ubuntu right now, how can i delete stuff on the windows side of my hard drive?00:47
root_nanoha: ya i did an upgrade00:47
KingpokeBanshee has a suggested artist plugin but its just not the same00:47
root_nanoha: now it gives me millions of gnome errors00:47
sharegood to see everybody helping each other ^00:47
eternalswdI just got a third usb 3.0 hard drive, so had to install a hub.  it's a lacie 4-port usb 3.0 hub.  I have a logitech dongle plugged in there that works fine.  Putting one of the hard drives on there and it's not visible.  lsusb does not list the drive and no record of it in dmesg.  any ideas why this is happening?00:47
Kingpokewyt sir are you completely sure you want to erase everything?00:47
Nanoharoot_: upgrade from what?00:48
KingpokeYou can just format the windows partition00:48
wytkingpoke, no i just want to delete a few things. i still want to keep windows00:48
aeon-ltdner0x: have you got windows installed?00:48
ScojoHi, I am having trouble with nvidia9800GT on 10.04LTS 64b on only games using the recommd driver.  Screen will start to flicker and then sometimes close or crash my x86quad 8mb box within minutes.  No troubles on videos or flash.  Should I buy another graphics card?00:48
KingpokeOh! Then dont format it lol00:48
wytlol yea00:48
vs-hsWhich filesystem do you recommend for a large storage partition?00:49
vs-hsUsed for a NAS00:49
KingpokeAll you have to do is mount the windows partition00:49
vs-hsAverage file is 8 GB00:49
wytmount it? then what?00:49
Jordan_Uvs-hs: ext400:49
earwigswyt: you should just be able to delete stuff.... i can open up my NTFS external HDD or my networked windows box and delete stuff from them00:50
vs-hsJordan_U: Yeah that's the best candidate at the moment :P00:50
wyti'm trying to delete stuff on it cuz it has a virus and wont let me do anything so i just need to go in and delete the thing that causing the problem00:50
KingpokeOk did you use wubi to install ubuntu from windows or did you use the cd?00:50
wyti used the cd00:50
KingpokeYes wyt i understand you I think I can help00:50
Kingpokeok now on the top menu in ubuntu you can see PLACES00:51
KingpokeClick on computer00:51
earwigsPURGE all the infected plages! .. no wait, ignore me.00:51
earwigsplaces/plague = plages00:52
Jordan_Ueternalswd: Wow, first consumer I've heard of with USB 3.0 hardware. Is this HUB usb 3.0 to 2.0?00:52
KingpokeOne of those should be the windows partition00:52
wyti got one that says hard disk: OS, file system, and generic multi-card00:53
earwigswyt: once you've fixed up your windows partition, you may want to look getting ESET Smart Security for your windows box.00:53
eternalswdJordan_U, full 3.0 with usb 2.0 backwards compatibility00:53
ducktypei don't have "/etc/init.d/apparmor" in ubuntu 10.1000:53
ducktypeit's normal? how can i restart apparmor?00:53
J_should i run ubuntu on flash or hard drive?00:54
=== mbvpixies78 is now known as Danny78
KingpokeDouble click on OS00:54
J_is there any cons?00:54
ledfeatheri cant make my computer boot from usb. i tried from windows, wubi00:54
eternalswdthe external hard disk can load via usb 3.0 or usb 2.0.  wondering if maybe it can't tell which to use.00:54
earwigsJ: speed?00:54
=== ErnPeGe is now known as plustax
ledfeatherit just goes straight into windows00:54
KingpokeJ Hard drive for sure00:54
KingpokeThe os should be mounted now wyt00:55
mijkhey, how do I force the live CD to use a screen resolution?00:55
eternalswdledfeather, have you got the boot order right in bios?00:55
SirVictoryIf using dm-crypt to encrypt a whole drive, should I make one partition that takes up the whole volume,  or format whole drive?00:55
NixGeekledfeather: change the boot order in bios00:55
Danny78Hi everyone.  I just logged out of Gnome on my linux box and the command line is stuck at ""checking battery..."  and it's a desktop.00:55
DimitreeHaving a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 live CD.I'm using USB stick and used unetbootin to create it (64bit version of 10.10).When booting it goes to the boot screen with the dots moving, then they stop moving and it freezes there.Any ideas?00:55
ledfeatheryeah. ive set it up to boot from removable media00:55
ledfeatherit just doesnt00:55
NanohaI had that happen00:55
NanohaDimitree:  I had that  happen00:55
sacarlsonducktype: I think it's sudo start apparmor00:56
Kingpokewyt IN other words on your desktop you should see a new hardrive00:56
eternalswdledfeather, you need to make sure it's set to boot first00:56
earwigsDimitree: sounds like corrupted sectors in your USB or ram00:56
Nanohahow big is the USB stick?00:56
=== Darko is now known as Dark0
DimitreeNanoha 1gb00:56
NanohaDimitree: that's TOO small.  Try 4 GB or larger00:56
wytlol sooooooo what does that mean?00:56
ducktypesacarlson:  Unknown job: apparmor!00:56
earwigsDimitree: or you're running out of space on ur USB.00:56
ledfeatherit is set to boot from removble first00:56
DimitreeNanoha but i'm using the LiveCD iso ?!00:56
sacarlsonducktype: ok let me look then00:56
earwigsDimitree: recomended mininum is 4gb, pretty sure it tells you that in the installation process.00:57
ducktypesacarlson: thank you, i'm lost :|00:57
NanohaDimitree: Yup, I had that problem with a 2GB stick.  I tried it on a 8GB, it worked perfect00:57
KingpokeIn there you should see the files from windows wyt... all you have to do is find your home or where you want to go00:57
wytright, i can see some stuff but not everything00:57
DimitreeNanoha is that new to 10.10? I installed older versions with Ubuntu with the same method with no problems?00:57
earwigswyt: purge, purge all them little nasties!00:57
mijkhey, how do I force the live CD to use a certain screen resolution?00:58
NanohaDimitree: I'm not sure if it's new or not, I just know that's my experiance00:58
Kingpokewhat folder are you looking for specifically?00:58
ducktypesacarlson: locate apparmor can't find nothing good to my eyes00:58
Dimitreeearwigs is that new to 10.10?00:59
sacarlsonducktype: I'm running 10.04 and I still see it as sudo  /etc/init.d/apparmor restart00:59
wytmy documents00:59
ledfeatheri got it to install wubi from the usb (inside winblows) and even tried to redownload and reset the usb stick from there00:59
ducktypesacarlson: i'm running 10.10 from rackspace preloaded images01:00
cyberjunk502hello i am new to ubuntu, i have dual boot with windows whenever i access the windows partition an icon gets placed on the desktop which i don't want any solutions01:00
KingpokeOk those suckers are there its just a matter of finding them let me look at my windows machine cause i cant remember where they are01:00
wytnevermind kingpoke01:00
wyti found it01:00
sacarlsonducktype: I guess you don't have it isntalled I see it as a package  sudo apt-get install apparmor01:00
KingpokeYou did? YAY! Im sorry but i havent used windows in over 6 years so i havent had that problem01:01
Kingpokewyt: You can also install clam-av and run a virus scan in those folders!01:01
ducktypesacarlson: much thanks :) strange that i have /etc/apparmor* also without the package01:02
cyberjunk502hello i am new to ubuntu, i have dual boot with windows whenever i access the windows partition an icon gets placed on the desktop which i don't want any solutions01:02
ledfeatherno one knows why its doing this?01:02
DimitreeOh... did i mention that i installed the 10.10 beta with the same USB stick and it worked?01:02
Scunizicyberjunk502: when mounted that is the link to the windows partition.  there is a way to eliminate that from happening but will also get rid of icons for usb sticks etc.. unfortunately someone else will have to guide you on how to eliminate it.01:03
Kingpokewyt: To be more precise you can use Clamtk its in the sofware center01:03
sharemijk: try System > Preferences > Monitors01:04
sacarlsonledfeather: you said you installed to usb stick with wubi?  that's not the utility needed to install a bootable system to usb01:05
sharemijk: don't forget you dont have graphic card drivers installed01:05
ledfeatherwhat could i do if my computer is set to boot removables first and it doesnt?01:05
mijkworks perfect in OS X01:05
ledfeatherno, i said i gave up and tried it in wubi01:05
sacarlson!usb | ledfeather01:05
ubottuledfeather: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:05
mijkI'm guessing I need to find out the vesa mode and boot up with: live vga=xxx01:05
sacarlsonledfeather: and watch out for the fake usb flash drives that say they have 2 gb and only have 100meg01:07
ledfeatherive remade the stick four times. ive re-ordered my boot sequence every way i can, and even disabled everything but the usb. it told me to insert 'proper' boot disks01:07
ledfeatherive used this one before01:07
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x01:08
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:08
sacarlsonledfeather: try reformat your flash drive and just copy the iso file to it just to verify it will hold the contents without coruption do a md5sum on the iso and see that it matches what it should.01:08
sacarlsonledfeather: if that works then install with instructions posted in the links above01:09
Scuniziwhy would a package be held back when doing a update/upgrade/dist-upgrade?01:11
sacarlsonledfeather: before you do that maybe try boot the usb flash on another system,  if that works maybe your bios won't boot usb,  then look at trying plop01:11
sacarlsonledfeather: http://www.plop.at/01:13
realubotIs this really all default bash commands: http://ss64.com/bash/01:13
NixGeekledfeather: it's a boot manager01:13
ledfeatherwhy would it even have the option to boot from removable if i cant?01:13
ledfeatherthats just lame01:13
ledfeatheralso, the iso fits fine01:13
agentbadi just installed ubuntu on a portable hard drive and can't get it to work01:13
agentbadanyone have experience with this01:14
sacarlsonledfeather: what did the md5sum off the usb flash come out to?01:14
aeon-ltdagentbad: should be the same as a usb install01:14
ledfeathershit i forgot to check01:14
h00kledfeather: Please keep the language family-friendly01:15
NixGeek!language | ledfeather01:15
ubottuledfeather: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:15
ledfeathershould i go sit in the corner?01:15
sacarlsonledfeather: that was the only resoon to try the operation was to verify the integrity of the usb flash drive,  if  you want you can use other methods like hwtest utility01:16
NixGeekledfeather: no, I had it typed out and was hitting enter as h00k's reply came up01:16
mijkwould this work to boot the live CD in 720p: live vga=13101:16
t4nkDHi -- I actually seem to be having more of a general PC issue that I'm not sure how to resolve. I have a machine that whenever I get into loading any kind of kernel(it seems) the computer just shuts off. This includes Unbuntu 8.01; when I try to "load ubuntu without installing" the system simply powers off. This also happened when trying to run SystemRestore utilities(a linux based hardware test suite) -- are there any usual things I01:16
t4nkDcheck that might be wrong with the hardware itself?01:16
ledfeatheri noticed other people with my computer are having similar issues, but i tried the fixes suggested to them and got nothing01:17
lkfngHi guys01:18
lkfnggreeting from kingston, jamaica01:18
aeon-ltdlkfng: hi01:18
lkfngHaving a problem with policykit dialog window after I authenticate01:19
Ny51bernany1 feel like helping a newbie?01:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:19
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sacarlsont4nkD: sounds like an acpi problem I think you can disable it from grub by adding acpi=off01:19
agentbadi installed from a live cd and used the 1st option to install along side existing OS01:19
Ny51bernI have ubuntu and Xp on a computer. if i want to delete ubuntu how can i keep xp? ( i dont have the windows disc)01:20
t4nkDscarlson: thanks I will try this01:20
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shareNy51bern: did you install Ubuntu inside Windows or in another partition?01:20
NixGeek!grub | Ny51bern01:20
ubottuNy51bern: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:20
schnuffle1bern:boot xp and rewrite therMBR01:20
Ny51bernits in another partition01:20
Ny51berni have grub2 right now, becuase i think i installed it with xp?01:21
schnuffle1grub is linux01:21
lkfngAnyone know how to fix a problem with policy kit dialog staying after authentication?01:21
NixGeekNy51bern: sorry, I thought that had something about lost windows boot loader when installing grub....01:21
t4nkDscarlson: Am I doing acpi=off, noacpi, nolacpi ??01:21
mogajwhen using sshfs to connect to remote server i am getting this error "read: Connection reset by peer"01:21
Ny51bernschnuffle1:  whats therMBR ?01:21
NixGeekNy51bern: you need to delete the ubuntu partition and then restore hte MBR and the windows boot loader01:22
Ny51bernNixGeek: how do i restore hte MBR and the windows boot loader01:22
nit-witNy51bern, master boot record01:22
schnuffle1bern. Master Boot Record. the part thats gets loaded when booting. It's the place where you install grub or the xp boot loader01:22
sharemogaj: is the server up? :p01:23
Ny51bernokay so how do i install the MBR and windows boot loader?01:23
Ny51bern(because grub will be deleted when i kill the ubuntu partiion..?..right?)01:23
lkfngAuthentication dialog window stays open after Authentication, does any one have a fix01:23
schnuffle1bern: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/bootcons_fixmbr.mspx?mfr=true01:23
mogaj@share : yes its up01:23
aeon-ltdNy51bern: yes if you did not have a separate /boot partition01:24
NixGeekNy51bern: look at this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-how-to-uninstall-grub/01:24
shareNy51bern: that way you onlyremove ubuntu entry, you dont delete the partiton01:24
nit-witNy51bern, is it XP and do you have a XO disc?01:24
mogaj@share : am able to open it in browser01:24
Ny51bernits XP, no disk01:24
lkfngPolicy Kit authentication dialog window stays open after Authentication, does any one have a fix?01:24
agentbadinstalled from a live cd and used the 1st option to install along side existing OS. using an old dell with no internal hard drive. it seems to crash or just go blank right after it starts loading.01:24
shareNy51bern: use can use gparted to delete ubuntu partition and then restore MBR (dunno how) and then edit windows boot loaded with ubuntu live cd01:24
nit-witNy51bern, you can use a bootloader called lilo from Linux01:24
Nanohahow can I completely remove a LVM and start over with my separate hard disks?01:25
Ny51bernhmm okay bunch of ppl saying diff things?01:25
h00k!windows | Ny51bern if you're looking for support with your Windows mbr01:25
ubottuNy51bern if you're looking for support with your Windows mbr: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents01:25
Ny51berni understand to delete the ubuntu partition with gparted from in ubuntu01:25
schnuffle1bern: have a look at the link01:25
shareNy51bern: you can also join ##windows01:25
lkfngAuthentication dialog window stays open after authentication, does any one have a fix?01:25
Ny51bernshare: just did01:26
JoeMofknDot_ubunanyone know how to fix no audio through optical cable but audio through headphone jack its an asus board01:26
agentbaddo i need anything special to install ubuntu 10.10 to a portable hard drive that has no OS on it but I want to keep the existing files?01:26
shareJoeMofknDot_ubun: http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt01:26
mkquistanyone know where the default wallpapers are kept in lucid?01:26
aeon-ltdmkquist: /usr/share somewhere i'd assume01:27
lkfngAuthentication dialog window stays open after Authentication, does any one have a fix?01:27
mogajwhen using sshfs to connect to remote server i am getting this error "read: Connection reset by peer"01:27
schnuffle1agednt: you need a partition tools that lets you edit the partition sizes01:27
sharemkquist: /usr/share/backgrounds/01:27
schnuffle1mogaj what does the server log tells you?01:28
mkquistshare: ty, got it01:28
mogajschnufflel : am using it first time ... how can i see server logs /01:28
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schnuffle1login your server and check the logs depending on the distri its /var/log/(syslog|auth.log|messages)01:29
sacarlsonschnuffle1: gparted can now edit partitions size01:30
lkfngdoes any one have a fix? Authentication dialog window stays open after Authentication,01:30
JoeMofknDot_ubun@share thank you been trying to fix for a while01:30
schnuffle1sacarlosn: haven't tried it so not shure if its secure already01:30
agentgasmaskmkquist: what was the problem?01:30
duryodhanhi .. how do I mount my windows partition in ubuntu 10.10 ?01:31
schnuffle1lkfng: can you give more details?01:31
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wasutton3what would be the best way to test the read write speed of a btrfs array?01:31
sacarlsonschnuffle1: I've only used it one time with ext3,  I'm not sure how well it works on ntfs yes01:31
schnuffle1odhan: mount -t cntfs3g /dev/windowspartition /mountpoint01:31
phiLi have a problem with ubuntu 10.10. When i try to open nautilus with an icon from the panel, it opens the VLC player and not nautilus. The path set for the nautilus starter is: file:///home/phil/01:32
phiLwhere do i set that file:/// opens with nautilus and not with vlc player?01:32
duryodhanschnuffle1: yes but I want to do it by default and not everytime I login01:32
duryodhanschnuffle1: what do I write in fstab01:33
sacarlsonduryodhan: you should see it under Places>some disk name01:33
jribphiL: open nautilus, right click on a directory -> open with01:33
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duryodhansacarlson: how do I make it mounted by default01:33
duryodhansacarlson: I have my music on there .. I don't want to keep mounting everytime I boot01:33
first2noneHows it goin everyone01:33
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wrd!offtopic | first2none01:34
ubottufirst2none: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:34
phiLahh thank you jrib :)01:34
jribphiL: yeah it's some weird bug, every couple of days I see that question01:34
duryodhanis there a disk manager or something where I can choose which partitions are mounted by default01:35
skilzhey i just found a english staffy01:35
sacarlsonduryodhan: well an entry in /etc/fstab would do it ,  you can try the Storage Device Manager if you want to change with a gui01:35
duryodhansacarlson: whats the Storage Device Manager ? where can I find it ?01:35
ross`how do i download the .exe for this http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/01:36
sacarlsonduryodhan: I think I installed it but it's under System>Admin>Storage Device Manager01:36
jrib!fstab | duryodhan01:36
ubottuduryodhan: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:36
mincompcan anyone help me answer a question?01:36
ross`without downloading the firefox plugin on that other website01:36
ross`i got that link off the netbook ubuntu website01:36
=== Pinako is now known as Perspicacious
mincompI'm trying to do a sudo apt-get upgrade01:36
mincompbut when i do that it takes me to a microsoft truetype fot upgrade in the terminal01:36
duryodhanjrib: I know fstab but I don't want to figure out the dmask,umask etc. It would be nicer for a gui to do it for me01:37
mincompand wants me to click "Ok"01:37
someone_hello everybody01:37
ner0xIf I wanted to find the .deb package file for my wireless, card. How would I go about it?01:37
ross`oh nevemind01:37
ross`i was looking in the wrong pace01:37
ner0xI'd like to download the package from my laptop and transfer it over.01:38
mogajI am using ubuntu 10.10 after connecting to server using connect server method ... how can i view those files in terminal ?01:38
Armageddondir ? lol01:38
someone_I have a question concerning Hardy Heron (8.04 LTS): Is there any chance that the mplayer packet will be updated to the latest version?01:38
duryodhananother question .. I just installed 10.10 but unfortunately used the desktop version. How can I switch to the netbook interface01:38
Armageddonmogaj, ls01:38
someone_Or even better: Where is the packet update process decribed? (I'm thinking of a page where the conditions under which a packet will be updated are described)01:39
ner0xArmageddon: You seem to be know a bit about ubuntu. How does this "Proprietary Software" find the wireless package and install?01:39
Armageddonsomeone_, apt-get install ubuntu-netbook01:40
jrib!sru | someone_01:40
ubottusomeone_: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates01:40
tripelbhi, ub10.04 my system monitor is showing 100% usage. I've been slow before but this is wow. I'm looking at htop and I dont know what I am seeing. I have xchat and 3 chrome windows open - ONLY. Help me please!01:40
younderactually dir works, it is in /usr/bin/dir01:40
ner0xyounder: Don't teach bad habits. :)01:40
younderNo, it was a shock to me too01:41
someone_jrib: thank you01:41
powertoweranyone know of ubuntu irc channel for Teamspeak2?01:41
Armageddonner0x, if you want to installl the driver for the wireless you should find it in System->Administration->Additional Drivers01:41
tripelbhi, ub10.04 my system monitor is showing 100% usage. I've been slow before but this is wow. I'm looking at htop and I dont know what I am seeing. I have xchat and 3 chrome windows open, all Yahoo Mail (I killed all the other windows and tabs.) - ONLY. Help me please!01:41
ner0xArmageddon: I would, but the only internet connect is the wireless card, no eth001:42
schnuffle1tripel: which process is eating up CPU?01:42
Armageddonner0x, get an ethernet cable for a moment01:42
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ner0xArmageddon: Not possible.01:42
Armageddonner0x, or find the driver package and download01:42
ner0xArmageddon: The latter is what I'd like to do, where is the package repository so I can look for it.01:43
Armageddonner0x, if you didn't update it, you won't find anything :)01:43
Armageddonner0x, again, you need an ethernet cable01:43
ner0xArmageddon: This is linux, it has to be possible to find the wireless driver package, get it to the computer, and install.01:43
Armageddonner0x, if you don't know the name of the package there is no way around it but to either search online for the wireless driver, or plugin an ethernet and let it do it manually01:44
Armageddonner0x, it is, find the driver01:44
ner0xArmageddon: Right, I asked where the packages are located. :)01:44
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:44
battlehandsAre there any sound gurus here?  I installed ubuntu on my desktop, and have no sound available.  I have not been through sound troubleshooting in ubuntu, and was looking for someone to guide me through it.01:44
Armageddonner0x, again, if you didn't not update your database, you won't have the files needed to search among them :)01:44
Armageddonner0x, find them on the website and download them manually but good luck finding the one you need01:45
ner0xArmageddon: I meant online URL.01:45
schnuffle1nerx: packages.ubuntu.com01:45
tripelbhelp me understand why my computer is using 100% as seen in the system monitor window. (chrome is frozen with only 3 yahoo mail tabs since I killed all the rest)01:45
Armageddonner0x, http://packages.ubuntu.com/01:45
=== Perspicacious is now known as Pinako
tripelbplease and thank you. oh and abracadabra too!01:46
Armageddontripelb, what's using all the cpu ?01:46
Armageddontripelb, check out the next tab of system monitor01:46
battlehandsAre there any sound gurus here?  I installed ubuntu on my desktop, and have no sound available.  I have not been through sound troubleshooting in ubuntu, and was looking for someone to guide me through it.01:46
ner0xIs it possible to eth0 <=> eth0 and use a connection through my laptop that does have wireless01:46
tripelbArmageddon, thanks for answering, how do I tell? OK, I have it on my panel. I'll open it up.01:46
Yooperso i'm trying to run a maptool server and it will run fine in windows but when i load up ubuntu i can't start it...anyone have any ideas01:46
tripelbArmageddon, chrome is like (varies from) 60-80%01:48
schnuffle1Yooper: window progs don't run under linux01:48
t4nkDHi, I have a liveCD from Ubuntu 8.01 and am trying to run on an AMD sempron -- I've tried acpi=off but, after linux kernel gets to 100% loaded, the computer simply shuts off -- could this be a hardware failure issue or is there another boot parameter I should try?01:48
Yooperits java based everything else in it runs fine01:48
Armageddontripelb, you got why :) close it01:48
Yooperand all my ports are forwarded01:48
t4nkDchattan: That's what I wrote on the front of it yeah01:48
sacarlsonner0x: That would work eth0<>eth0 yes,  you might need a cat5 cross cable or a switch that will auto correct the cross, some systems do auto cross internal in the nic01:48
Armageddontripelb, yes it is possible through iptables01:49
t4nkDchattan: I think, perhaps I meant 8.1001:49
chattant4nkD: why not install 10.10?01:49
Armageddont4nkD, you don't know which version you have ?01:49
tripelbI dont want to. I cant even copy text. Whaa! Chrome fails in some way often. I will look up iptables.01:49
tripelbI dont want to. I cant even copy text. Whaa! Chrome fails in some way often. I will look up iptables. Armageddon01:49
schnuffle1Yooper: what tells you the program when starting from console01:49
Armageddontripelb, okay01:50
t4nkDI happened to have an 8.10 CD burned and handy -- I'm trying to troubleshoot a machine that, for whatever reason, passes memtest and smartmon tests01:50
sacarlsont4nkD: you added the acpi=off to your grub kenel line?01:50
t4nkDYeah, acpi=off noacpi and nolacpi01:50
Yooperall i get is default.theme not found - using yq default theme.01:50
mogajArmageddon : i connected to remote server using "connect to server " option provided in ubuntu 10.10 ... after that  my remote server files are available in my system ... now how can i open the place where these files are mounted in terminal ?01:50
thekidt4nkD: it's quite possible that with acpi=off it's just overheating, it's especially a bad idea on notebooks01:50
t4nkDIt's a tower, overheating doesn't *seem* to be the issue01:51
t4nkDThough I haven't gone so far as to reapply thermal paste, the fan appears to be working in a usual manner01:51
tripelbArmageddon, This is too dense for me. I would like to learn more, everything seems too simple or too difficult. -- iptables is a user space application program that allows a system administrator to configure the tables provided by the Linux kernel firewall (implemented as different Netfilter modules) and the chains and rules it stores.01:52
Armageddontripelb, are you testing me ?01:52
thekidt4nkD: sorry i misunderstood the question... it's not overheating sorry01:52
Armageddontripelb, you wanted a solution, I gave you one01:52
t4nkDthekid: no problem, thanks for trying to help01:52
Armageddonthekid, exactly what I told him to close chromium01:53
Armageddont4nkD, close chromium, it will fix the problem01:53
Armageddont4nkD, it might be a little bug in chromium or its addons01:53
sacarlsont4nkD:  I burned up 2 $4000 parts (microwave amps) by not appling thermal paiste, I didn't know it was needed until I burned out the secound one01:53
t4nkDscarlson: Well, it's OEM and, was sealed before I opened it01:54
andykrisshello everyone.. first let me say happy new year to one and all01:54
t4nkDArmageddon: I'm not sure you meant @t4nkD01:54
andykrissis anyone in this room familiar with a game called quarter horse linux??01:55
joey_1Does anybody know how to configure Ubuntu and Eclipse to always use the Java SDK instead of the OpenJDK?01:55
Armageddonjoey_1, I think that's an eclipse question !01:55
andykrissi am trying to clone the drive but the cloned drive keeps asking for a password01:55
joey_1Armageddon: okay, I'll rephrase, does anybody know how to get Ubuntu to use JavaSDK by default? I'll try to configure eclipse separately...01:56
JosephUbuntucan anyone help me with my issue: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1032167901:56
sacarlsont4nkD: did you look at any bios setings?  maybe there is power off setting in there01:56
joey_1Even when I run .jar files it uses openJDK01:56
t4nkDscarlson: Yeah, I had reset the BIOS settings to fail-safe defaults and there's no temp shutdown setting active01:56
Nanohais the 10.10 version of ubuntu-server broken?01:57
sacarlsont4nkD: I have change power setings in one system so that it will auto turn on when power applied and auto restart on power failure01:57
thekidNanoha: broken in what context?01:58
t4nkDscarlson: I wasn't sure if there was some kind of weird, PCI conflict, but I'm not sure how to diagnose that, or, use boot params that could troubleshoot that.01:58
bawnhey, everybody, how do i change services that start up on boot like timidity and tor01:58
JosephUbuntuI really need help with my issue, i haven't received any help in three weeks: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1032167901:58
Nanohameaning that when the base installs that it dies upon trying to install the kernal-headers-pae (I th ink that's right)01:58
sacarlsont4nkD: those are just setable in the bios menu01:58
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JosephUbuntubawn: you use startup applications01:59
sacarlsont4nkD: it could be a power supply problem,  if voltage drops too low it will auto power off,  at boot time when system starts to draw more power I may shut down due to powersupply problem02:00
thekidJosephUbuntu: your init scripts are messed up most likely ( it doesn't start at boot, yet you can start it manually so there's nothing wrong with the X configuration ) , so the problem is somewhere in /etc/rc* ....02:00
joey_1JosephUbuntu: have you looked at /etc/default/grub to see what the default boot option is? What if it's really booting into recovery by default?02:00
JosephUbuntuah, thanks, but how do i fix the init things?02:00
JosephUbuntui'll check that out02:01
joey_1JosephUbuntu: if you edit /etc/default/grub, make sure to run sudo-update grub02:01
t4nkDsacarlson: yeah I had thought about that but had the feeling if it was that serious I wouldn't get to the boot select screens or get thru kernel load02:01
schnuffle1josep: have a look at /etc/inittab02:01
thekidJosephUbuntu: that's a good question , really hard to do, you have to paste a bunch of logs to pastebin.ca or something... not that simple to debug over irc02:01
JosephUbuntushould i post grub or something else?02:01
sacarlsont4nkD: ya most my power supply failures never got that far02:02
t4nkDsacarlson: same02:02
JosephUbuntui have the output for grub02:02
JosephUbuntuthe file thingy02:02
JosephUbuntuthat's grub02:02
itaylor57joey_1 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java02:03
JosephUbuntui can't find /etc/inittab02:03
JosephUbuntuthere's no such file02:03
schnuffle1joseph: check the line id:2:initdefault:02:03
joey_1thanks itaylor!02:03
t4nkDsacarlson: Also, wierdly it just powers off -- it doesn't hang or reboot02:03
LoshkiJosephUbuntu: /etc/inittab doesn't exist in Ubuntu...02:03
ae86-drifteranyone else having problems in 10.10 connectin to samba server from win 702:03
sacarlsont4nkD: if  you set it to reboot it will02:03
joey_1JosephUbunutu: I'm not an expert, but the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT seems to have a lot of extra options to it, possibly that could be related to the problem?02:03
JosephUbuntuschnuffle: in what file?02:03
sacarlsont4nkD: you can disable it in the bios02:04
schnuffle1level should be 302:04
lorbsis there any way to share a dvd-rom drive similarly to win7/os x?02:04
t4nkDsacarlson: yeah, maybe I can get some insight from messing with BIOS resets02:04
stevecamhow do i manage the max volume that ubuntu is allowed to go02:04
JosephUbuntuschnuffle, there is no such file02:04
joey_1JosephUbuntu: ie mine is only GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" do you have some sort of special video configuration?02:04
JosephUbuntui had messed around with plymouth02:04
JosephUbuntuit might be because of that02:04
itaylor57joey_1 you need to add universe repository and dowload the sun6 jdk and jre02:04
joey_1JosephUbuntu: addressing your security concerns: part of the idea of recovery mode (Single User Mode) is to be able to boot right into root to fix things when they break, so if it's going into recovery mode, my understanding is that it's perfectly normal to not have to enter the root password. (I'm I'm wrong, someone please feel free to correct me)02:05
Nanohahey, when ubuntu desktop 10.10 is loading, is there anyway I can see what is going on?02:05
Loshkischnuffle1: /etc/inittab doesn't exist in Ubuntu...02:05
JosephUbuntuah, thanks02:05
JosephUbuntushould i try changing the option to quiet splash?02:05
joey_1JosephUbuntu: try setting it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" at first, see if you can boot without the splash screen02:06
NixGeekJosephUbuntu, JosephUbuntu:  it is completly normal to not have to enter a password in recovery mode02:06
sacarlsonjoey_1: no that is correct there is no login to root on single user02:06
joey_1JosephUbuntu: then try quiet splash02:06
JosephUbuntuis it normal that grub is owned by me?02:06
JosephUbuntuand not root?02:06
mrrothanyone know of a nas that works simmilar to the drobo, but it open source / free02:06
itaylor57joey_1 this will show you how to configure eclipse https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipseIDE02:07
joey_1JosephUbuntu: no, don't think that's normal. you can probably edit it without root, but it should stop you when you try to save it...02:07
JosephUbuntui was just able to save it without anything02:07
schnuffle1mrroth: ifolder from novell02:07
JosephUbuntuand permissions says that it is owned by me02:07
joey_1Thanks again itaylor! I'll see if that does it...02:07
mrrothschnuffle1 were the link02:08
joey_1JosephUbuntu: that's odd for a file in /etc... unless you're logged in as root because it was booting into recovery mode? just a guess02:08
JosephUbuntuno, the other files in /etc/default are owned by root02:08
JosephUbuntui checked pulseaudio, and it is owned by root02:08
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schnuffle1mrroth: http://ifolder.novell.com/02:09
mrrothso that like drobo02:09
JosephUbuntuwell, i'll try restarting with the new config02:09
JosephUbuntusee ya in a bit02:09
mrrothoh k02:09
wytwhenever i try to download something in the software center it gets about half way then stops and tells me to check my internet connection...help?02:09
Nanohaokay, I need some serious help here.  I've got a server with a 2TB file system, via LVM, looks like I've mucked everything up to the point to where ubuntu-desktop won't boot off the live cd (can not mount /dev/loop0)  I guess I need to split apart and delete the lvm, but I can't find anyway to do that, only deleteing the logical volumes.02:10
tripelbwyt and did you check your internet connection?02:10
sacarlsonwyt: is it wifi?02:10
wytlol yes its fine02:10
wytyes im on wifi02:10
bawni want to change the startup services that happen before i log in, does anybody know a program or configuration file i can use to change stuff02:10
tripelbI'm of the 'is it plugged in" school. lol someone else will have to handle this. I suppose you could be dropping and reconnecting.02:11
sacarlsonwyt: wifi must be flaky02:11
wytits not the internet, the problem occurs at the same point every time02:11
wytand i using irc and it doesn show any probs witht the internet02:11
bawnthe startup applications app is useless for what i am trying to do02:11
sacarlsonwyt: try change repository mirror site then02:11
wytno idea what that means02:11
tripelboh. wyt, perhaps there is 1. a torrent 2. another site.  BTW I never have success with Synaptic. I only use terminal.02:12
sacarlsonwyt: synaptic repostitory02:12
Jordan_UNanoha: Did you ever have a working system?02:12
tripelbsacarlson, how do you change to a mirror?02:12
Nanohayes, yesterday before I upgraded to 10.1002:12
bawnwyt a repository is where the software comes from, and the mirror is the server that sends it to you02:12
Jordan_UNanoha: Ok. What happened when you tried to boot after upgrading to 10.10?02:13
mogaji dont have ssh access in remote server ... now can i use sshfs /02:13
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sacarlsonwyt: synaptic>settings>repository>download from>pick anther site02:13
Nanohathe first time, when the gui came back up, all I had was a black screen with a mouse cursor. ...02:13
wytwhen i try to do it in terminal it says failed to fetch stuff so it doesnt work02:13
JosephUbuntuoh wait02:13
JosephUbuntuafter i changed that thing in grub02:13
JosephUbuntuwas i supposed to run update-grub?02:13
Nanohaafter that, I loaded up the tty and ran the termainal command to try to upgrade, that made thigns worse02:13
Nanohato the point of my hostname process not working02:14
JosephUbuntuso that's why it booted badly02:14
sacarlsontripelb: each repository site is a mirror copy of ubuntu02:14
Nanohaearlier tonight I tried to install a fresh copy of 10.10, but I think the LVM I had got corrupted or something02:14
joey_1JosephUbuntu: yes, you have to run update-grub for changes to take effect...02:14
JosephUbuntui'll try that02:14
NanohaI just want to start completely over, fresh from scratch02:14
NanohaI've already lost all the data I had on the server (not happy)02:15
bawnJordan_U, where is the startup and shutdown config file(s)02:15
Jordan_UNanoha: I wouldn't assume you've lost all the data quite yet.02:15
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NanohaI tried to remove the LVM, deleted the logical partitions.  I'm pretty sure it's all gone02:16
Jordan_UNanoha: Why did you do that?02:16
Nanohabecause the system refused to install on the partition I had, said that I needed a root partition02:17
earthmeLonI am having a horrible time setting up BIND.  I would like to set up my server so that it does DNS lookups for my LAN.  I would also like to be able to use it to define hostnames for the LAN.  I would like to be able to setup  something like EXAMPLE pointing to
Jordan_UNanoha: That just meant that you hadn't specified which filesystem was supposed to be used as '/'.02:18
schnuffle1earth: use dnsmasq very easy to setup02:18
NanohaI tried.  I tried using /dev/sda102:18
Jordan_UNanoha: Just to confirm, you're sure you don't want to try recovering any data at this point?02:19
NanohaI would love to, if it's possible, but at this point, I'm not even sure where to begin02:19
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mzuverinkAnyone have a link to conky for dummys, or well you know what i mean, conky wizard does not seem to make a change to conkyrc, so im not sure what its poing ti.../ TTTThanks in advance02:19
bawnwhere are the startup and shutdown config file(s)02:19
Nanoharight now all I can do is try the install ubuntu option02:20
sacarlsonearthmeLon: I have my bind setup that way so that my web site is seen from inside the lan and outside from wan02:20
schnuffle1bawn: what do you want to do?02:20
Jordan_UNanoha: Did you actually create any filesystems after "deleting" the logical partitions containing the physical volumes for LVM?02:21
hiptobecubicHow does one add launchers to the unity interface bar on the left?02:21
NanohaJordan_U: no02:21
JosephUbuntuthe system boots up fine now02:22
JosephUbuntujust no splash02:22
wyti keep getting failed to fetch errors when trying to install software...any help?02:22
JosephUbuntubut i get to the login fine02:22
Jordan_UNanoha: Then you can probably use testdisk to recover the partition table, at which point the LVM should still be completely intact.02:22
JosephUbuntuso what do i do to get the splash back?02:22
NanohaJordan_U: okay, I'll try that02:23
joey_1JosephUbuntu: change the option to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" and see if it still boots fine02:23
JosephUbuntugot it02:23
joey_1JosephUbuntu: make sure to run sudo update-grub before rebooting02:23
JosephUbuntuand thanks for your help02:23
JosephUbuntuyep XD02:23
joey_1for sere :)02:23
NanohaJordan_U: um... how do I do that?02:23
NanohaJordan_U: is it "Check disk for defects"  ?02:24
cschneidWhat's the package I can't think of that provides a sendmail binary? I know several do, but is it postfix?02:24
naiadcan the cli install be run from a regular cd?  ( as in getting a minimial install but just using the cd for all it's packages )?02:24
ducktypei've created /etc/init/mytest.conf file but start mytest tells "unkown job name", someone know what i'm missing?02:24
schnuffle1postfix is a good choice02:24
cschneidschnuffle1: cool, I just need the sendmail tool, do I need the service running?  I assume no, but... dunno02:25
Jordan_UNanoha: No, the option you want is "Analyse current partition structure and search for lost partitions".02:25
ducktypecschneid: for something VERY simple msmtp has a sendmail compatible interface, just make a link sendmail > msmstp02:26
NanohaJordan_U: how/where do I find that?  Assuming I'm staring at the live cd inital menu02:26
cschneidducktype: making a note, apt-get already beat you to postfix :)02:26
sacarlsonnaiad: you can us a cd as an added repository if that's what you mean02:26
schnuffle1cscheid: just to send mailwith  the sendmail command, no02:26
cschneidschnuffle1: cool, thank you02:26
cschneidand.. back to work :)02:26
kannanhi, i have multiple postgresql versions (8.4 and 9.0) installed on ubuntu 10.10. i would like to start only the 9.0 version.02:27
naiadsacarlson, so still use the mini.iso but once booted put in a regular cd and add it as a repo? or can i do the entire minimial install off say the desktop iso?02:27
Jordan_UNanoha: Boot using the option "Try Ubuntu without installing", install testdisk via Applications > Ubuntu Software Center, then open a terminal and run "sudo testdisk".02:27
JosephUbuntuyay!  it works great!02:27
JosephUbuntuthanks for the help02:27
JosephUbuntui'll post the solution on ubuntu forums02:27
sacarlsonnaiad: yes again you would have to add the cd to your repo list02:27
bawnschnuffle1, i want to edit the startup scripts02:27
naiadsacarlson, thanks02:28
NanohaJordan_U: I don't remember seeing that option.  I've got the server flavor of 10.10 on a cd02:28
NanohaI'll check again thoguh02:28
Loshkibawn: what is the problem you're trying to solve?02:28
Jordan_UNanoha: It's possible to do this from the server CD, but much easier to do it from the Desktop CD.02:28
schnuffle1bawn: depends if it upstart /etc/init if sysv /etc/init.d02:28
NanohaJordan_U: I've got:  Install Ubuntu server, Install ubuntu enterprise cloud, check disk for defects, test memory, boot form first hard disk and rescue a broken system02:29
kannanlooking at the startup scripts, i see a /usr/share/postgresql-common/init.d-functions file with a get_versions() that returns both 8.4 and 9.0. is there a simple override/switch that i could use?02:29
NanohaI've tried to load the desktop CD, it just hangs and refuses to load after it tries to init loop002:29
ducktypeabout upstart: i've created "/etc/init/mytest.conf" file but "start mytest" tells "unkown job name", someone know what i'm missing?02:29
sacarlsonnaiad: I don't think the minimal install is suported from a desktop iso,  but you could after it's installed remove packages down to a minimal install02:29
israfilhello, i use Kubuntu Hardy Heron and my Laptop display on which i installed the nvidia driver stays dark. Can you help me?02:30
israfilcat /proc/acpi/video/NVID/LCD/brightness says: "levels:  80 13 7 13 20 30 45 60 80 100"  and  "current: 0"02:30
israfilbut i edited the brightness file and i wrote the value "100" in it, but nothing happens02:30
rootyI need help installing Ubuntu on CR-48 "google netbook" :(02:30
schnuffle1ducktype: sudo initctl reload-configuration02:30
KM0201rooty: doesn't it come w/ opensuse?02:30
israfili did "sudo /etc/init.d/laptop-mode start" and "sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart" after it02:31
rootychrome os02:31
wyti keep getting failed to fetch errors when trying to install software...help?02:31
KM0201oh ok02:31
ducktypecschneid: i use msmtp with php sites thath need to send mail from server where i don't want to installa super full featured MTA to just redirect mails to the "master MTA"02:31
israfilcan someone help me?02:31
cschneidducktype: yeah, I'll note it for later, sounds handy02:31
sacarlsonwyt: did you change repository yet?02:31
bawnthanks schnuffle102:31
Roastedhow can I convert a VIDEO_TS folder to an AVI?02:31
cschneidRoasted: grab handbrake?  I think it has a linux copy02:31
wytno, i didnt know which one to change it to02:31
dr4c4nRoasted: ffmpeg? / vlc combination?02:32
Roastedcschneid, mucho thanks. Ive heard of that.02:32
sacarlsonwyt: try japan02:32
israfilcan someone help me?02:32
cschneidsure enough.  I'm not positive it can do avi out, but I think it can02:32
LoshkiRoasted: dvdrip is a full-featured gui for turning dvds into avis....02:32
NanohaJordan_U: would I use the rescue a broken system, and then dump to a root termanal?02:32
dr4c4nisrafil: have you tried from nvidia-settings?02:32
sacarlsonwyt: university sites are normaly good02:33
RoastedLoshki, I'm not turning a "DVD" into an avi, unless a DVD = VIDEO_TS. Ijust have a VIDEO_TS I want to host on my web server but I'd rather host it as 1 file (AVI)02:33
cschneidRoasted: FYI - my mac copy of handbrake doesn't have AVI out, just MP4 and MKV02:33
Jordan_UNanoha: You can try that, it might fail though since I think that attempts a chroot (which would require your system's root to be mountable).02:33
ducktypeschnuffle1: seemd right but still the same errro02:33
Roastedcschneid, yeah, but that's Mac. :P02:33
NanohaJordan_U: yeah, that's the big problem I'm having.  i can't mount anything on the hard drives right now02:33
cschneid:) it's like a very pretty unix for my desktop, then all ubuntu, all the time on the server.02:33
LoshkiRoasted: yes, VIDEO_TS is pretty much synonymous with a DVD...02:34
sacarlsonwyt: it's sometime better to pick one on that's 12 hours time zone appart since they will be sleeping there02:34
Roastedcschneid, pretty maybe. functional? not so sure :P02:34
RoastedLoshki, k, I was not aware of that. Thanks!02:34
NanohaJordan_U: The only option I really have is to mount no root system, and I don't think that is what I need, right?02:34
bp0Roasted, what version do you have that can output AVI?02:34
Roastedbp0, what version of what02:34
israfildr4c4n: yes, it wors, but i don't know if i can edit it with nvidia-settings so that it looks normally02:34
cschneidRoasted: honestly, I spend most of my dev time inside a virtualbox running ubuntu as well.  I do like "polish" that paid software gives you.  But yeah, linux is good too. No need for fights :)02:34
Roastedbp0, I don't have it. Downloading it now, but trying DVDRip first.02:34
schnuffle1ducktype paste ownership and config02:35
bp0handbrake does not support AVI, afaik02:35
bp0at all02:35
dr4c4nisrafil: options should be in there to fix it up, u on lappy or desktop?02:35
Roastedcschneid, all it takes is a drag/drop of a theme to restore the lack of polish linux comes with. ;)02:35
bp0mp4 or theora02:35
wytit worked! thank you!02:35
bp0in mp4 or mkv container02:35
dr4c4nisrafil: i'm on a laptop w/ nvidia screen and usually do all my settings through nvidia settings and the on board brightness controls :)02:35
cschneidRoasted: quite possibly, it's been a while honestly.  Quite honestly, most of what I use is open source.  Macvim, chrome, etc.  Omnifocus is the big one that keeps me attached.02:36
Loshkibp0: agreed. Newest versions of Ubuntu handbrake only produce MP4 or MKV, just like the mac...02:36
Roastedcschneid, gotta love chrome :P02:36
gmmare any freenode staffers here?  I would like to set up a hostmask02:36
Loshkigmm: try on #freenode02:36
RoastedLoshki, have you used DVDRip for this purpose?02:36
gmmLoshki: thanks02:36
israfildr4c4n: i have got a laptop (samsung)02:37
LoshkiRoasted: I have. Do you need help getting it started?02:37
Jordan_UNanoha: Try a different LiveCD, grml is a good option (reliable and contains testdisk on the CD).02:37
KM0201Loshki: acidrip is another one(i happen to realy like it)02:37
RoastedLoshki, a bit... :)02:37
RoastedLoshki, if you have a moment02:37
dr4c4nisrafil: have you tryed using on keyboard functions for brightness?02:37
NanohaJordan_U: grml?  where do i find that?02:37
Aleiexi want to put Applet similar to places from kde in gnome02:38
Aleiexanyone know 1 item to do that?02:38
Jordan_UNanoha: http://grml.org/ , and we should continue the discussion in #grml if you decide to use that.02:38
LoshkiRoasted: ok, type dvdrip and get to the first screen: select File -> New Project and choose a project name and click 'Create Project'. Choose somewhere with plenty of disk space02:38
ducktypeschnuffle1: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 134 Jan  6 02:39 /etc/init/mytest.conf02:39
NanohaJordan_U: okay, I think I will try that since right now, I'm hitting a brick wall.02:39
cschneidJordan_U: grml == knoppix but designed for rescue & textmode only?02:39
RoastedLoshki, k, done.02:39
LoshkiRoasted: since you don't have an actual dvd disk, choose 'Choose dvd image directory' and navigate to the VIDEO_TS directory02:40
schnuffle1duck: paste content to http://paste.ubuntu.com/02:40
ducktypeschnuffle1: http://pastebin.com/tP7VyWuH02:41
RoastedLoshki, gotcha. should I copy or just encode since its already on my hdd?02:41
Aleiexi want to put Applet similar to places from kde in gnome02:41
Aleiex<Aleiex> anyone know 1 item to do that?02:41
israfildr4c4n: i tried it with laptop-mode-tools and it worked a few times. But now it does NOT02:41
israfildr4c4n: the keyboard functions do not work with linux02:41
bawni have a bland boot screen, the one that is plain text, how can i make it more graphical02:41
LoshkiRoasted: in theory you can just encode, but I've found it buggy, so I generally select 'copy data to harddisk'02:42
mogajhow can i delete a ssh known host entry02:42
RoastedLoshki, then what - rip tile tab? read DVD table of contents?02:42
dr4c4nisrafil: well i'm running a lenovo, and they do on mine02:42
dr4c4nisrafil: did you check ur specific laptop model02:42
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LoshkiRoasted: yes, it gets easier from this point on. Read the dvd contents and see which file has the content you want (usually the longest)02:43
israfildr4c4n: what should i check?02:43
sacarlsonmogaj: just delete the files in  ~./ssh   that match that system or just delete all of them if you have no keys in it02:43
RoastedLoshki, think I got it... its doing something now. thanks bro!02:43
bawnhow do i change my plymouth boot to look good02:44
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mogajsacarlson : its encrypted02:44
sacarlsonmogaj: ~./shh is encrypted?  then mount it02:44
LoshkiRoasted: check the clip & zoom page, click 'grab frame'02:45
dr4c4nisrafil: well first I would check to see if there are specific drivers for those keys on ur keyboard, search something like keyboard drivers Samsung model # or a specific setup like for gentoo for instance for your model number of laptop, just to see what drivers they use, there might be something there, other than that I'd totally save up your xconf, and try to change some of the values in nvidia-settings :) good luck02:45
sacarlsonmogaj: try just rename the dir ~./ssh to ./ssh2  and try again if you are losing something put it back02:45
schnuffle1duck: shure the eventtype exists?02:45
cablopthe last kernel has many hibernation issues02:45
LoshkiRoasted: oops, forgot to say 'rip selected title' on the table of contents page...02:46
cablopit is ignoring the fact i was hibernating the system!02:46
israfilok, thanks dr4c4n02:46
dr4c4nisrafil: don't thank me yet, till stuff gets workin ;)02:46
cablopwhen i restart it just assume it came from a bad shutdown, then detects the "software suspend data" and wipe it!02:46
cablopany idea in how to force it to use the data on the swap?02:47
dr4c4nisrafil: feel free to pm me, if there's more issues with that02:47
ducktypeschnuffle1: there is an upstart error log to see what goes wrong and why reload-conf skip it?02:47
RoastedLoshki, what's the advantage of hitting grab frame?02:47
schnuffle1duck: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Debugging02:48
ducktypeschnuffle1: :)02:48
tripelbchrome stalled AGAIN using all the memory. I closed all the tabs but one. still froz. does anyone else have that issue?  If not then it's something about my computer. Advice?  10.0402:48
sacarlsoncablop: is your swap partition big enuf for the memory you now have in your system?  it must be as big or biger then mem size to hybernate02:48
LoshkiRoasted: grab frame will populate the preview images and allow you to set crop/clip/zoom parameters. Unless you are doing something fancy, you can probably skip direct to the transcode tab02:49
cgcardonahello - how do I check a directories permissions?02:50
dr4c4nhi icesword02:50
schnuffle1cgcardona; ls -l02:51
BeyondSorahello people02:51
dr4c4ncgcardona: ls -la will list all attributes of all contained files and folders02:51
schnuffle1ls -l /path/to/dir02:51
cgcardonaschnuffle1: and dr4c4n thanks it worked02:51
vengeance_hey guys, i need help.  My touchpad on my toshiba satellite M645 has multitouch, but the mouse keeps flipping out every time two fingers hits it02:51
BeyondSoradid anyone notice the nm-applet 0.83 for natty still has the memory leak problem?02:51
ae86-drifteranyone else having problems in 10.10 connectin to samba server from win 702:53
camoHi, I'm having problems with my Mac keyboard. XKB keeps telling me to file a bug report02:55
wasutton3does anyone know how to bind the XF86Next key to one of my mouse buttons? i cannot seem to get it to work even though i think i have it correctly in my .xbindkeysrc02:56
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vengeance_its a synaptics multitouch touchpad, can anyone help?02:57
racinescan anyone link me to a tutorial on how to save work on a live cd? I put ubuntu on my USB and I would like to be able to save my work (its an 8Gb USB so it should be able to hold enough of what I want)02:58
neizracines: not sure of links, but that is called a "persistent" usb02:59
racinesmy friend has a USB with ubuntu live on it02:59
racinesand he isn't using persistance02:59
racinesi'm not sure how he did it as I don't have any contact with him right now02:59
neizracines: basically you partition the USB.  One part for the live OS and 1 part for the data you which you want to be persistant.. I'll search for a good tutorial02:59
Doinkleracines, install ubunto to usb and boot to usb from bios.03:00
racinesWell no no, I don't want persistance03:00
Doinkleyou just want the usb to be a storage area for ??03:00
racinesFor some reason the live option takes less time to load03:00
Doinklewell you can make the usb bootable(hence live) and store your data on the usb drive03:01
racineswait I don't understand what you mean03:05
wasutton3r00t4rd3d: i am actually writing a script right now so as to keep the settings and everything so that once its perfect, i can nuke it and just run the script and it works perfectly03:05
pr0ph3thi all03:05
r00t4rd3dwrite me one too03:05
pr0ph3tI have a problem with my mobile broadband, I can't connect even if the modem is recognised03:05
racinesare you saying if I run ubuntu in live mode, save a file, install a theme, restart the computer, boot back into live mode again, all the work will still be there?03:05
racinesor will it all be gone?03:05
r00t4rd3dacutally if I backed up my home folder I would have just about everything03:05
schnuffle1racine: it will be stored03:05
kazit will be gone03:06
racines......one person says it will be stored, another sais it will be gone03:06
kazlive cd right?03:06
linuxfreakerWill Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha 2 have kernel 2.6.37 released yesterday/03:06
racineswell live usb but yes03:06
kaznvm im hi03:06
racinesI used Unetbootin to make the live usb03:06
schnuffle1normally it will be lost but you can make it persistent03:06
camoracines as long as it's on a USB it should save. a boot CD should't be writeable03:06
crohakonHow do I list hardware information from the command line?03:06
schnuffle1racine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZQet3HNm_Y03:07
linuxfreakercrohakon: dmidecode03:07
racinesits on a USB, so if I install a theme the theme should still be there the next time I reboot?03:07
schnuffle1racine: yes03:07
kazit should, especially if its unetboot03:08
r00t4rd3dcrohakon, apt-get install sysinfo03:08
r00t4rd3dthen you can look at a gui of it all03:08
crohakonr00t4rd3d, I don't have X. Just command line, but thanks.03:08
ilyakracines: it will be gone03:08
racines..........ilyak I just had two people say it will be stored.03:09
pr0ph3tcrohakon, lshw03:09
r00t4rd3dcrohakon, my favs are lspci , lsusb03:09
racinesit's a USB installed with unetbootin, my themes and saved work will be gone if I reboot?03:09
kazdude theres no reason to put linux on a usb unless you need it to store small installationa nd small files03:10
schnuffle1racine:the normal ubuntu usb install willloose everything after reboot, but you can change that03:10
Kumar_Indracines, it wont disapear if you installed it accordingly..03:10
racines<kaz> it should, especially if its unetboot03:10
r00t4rd3dcrohakon, you on u-server ?03:10
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racinesI didn't install it on my USB, I just used unetbootin so it can be a live-usb03:11
kazlike i said no reason it shouldnt save03:11
bonjoyeeracines: if this is a liveusb created with unetbootin..you will loose all settings03:11
crohakonr00t4rd3d,  u-server?03:11
r00t4rd3dGuest40999, you know i could trick you into killing your install running irc as root ?03:11
r00t4rd3dubuntu server03:11
kazpz rac03:12
bonjoyeeracines: to be able to save these settings..created a liveusb with persistence,,,using startup disk creator..found on ubuntu03:12
racinesNo because persistance seems to have a longer load time than live03:12
ilyakracines: did you install it on a usb drive and create a persistance file ?03:12
racinesAlso my friend was able to do it without using persistance03:12
crohakonr00t4rd3d, yeah I have an ubuntu server just for messing around with... mostly just trying to learn as much about it as I can...03:13
racinesI'm not exactly sure how but he boots into live-mode with saved work, not sure how he did it though03:13
r00t4rd3dcrohakon, you can install X on that you know03:13
Jordan_Uracines: I recommend just doing a standard install rather than trying to setup persistance.03:13
DoinkleJordan_U, i tried to tell him. :/03:13
pr0ph3tcrohakon, also if you type lshw -html > file.html you'll have it all saved into a nice file which you can view with lynx (web browser for command line)03:13
racinesInstall on a USB??03:14
Jordan_Uracines: Yes.03:14
racinesI've tried that all ready, it failed to boot after I did it03:14
racinesmade a partition for "/", "/home" and "swap"03:14
Jordan_Uracines: What version of Ubuntu, and what happened when you tried to boot?03:14
crohakonpr0b13, I already did it that.. though, to a text file not html.03:14
racinesIt just wouldn't boot. Blank screen03:14
racinesBut back to the point03:14
racinesis persistance the only way?03:15
Jordan_Uracines: What version of Ubuntu?03:15
racinesI have live usb ubuntu 10.1003:15
bonjoyeeracines: where did u install the grub boot loader when doing the usb install?03:15
racinesis it possible to do it without persistance? as persistance seems to startup slower for me03:15
breadcrumbi once tried installing ubuntu to a usb drive. it worked, but was extremely slow reading/writing from the drive. took like 45 minutes just to install it03:15
pr0ph3tcrohakon, it's not the same thing, but up to you03:15
racinesUh I believe I put it on my "/" partition03:15
racinesbut really, I just want to know how to save data on LIVE mode, not persistance mode, because persistance mode seems to have a longer startup time than live03:16
Jordan_Uracines: Installing a bootloader to a partition doesn't make much sense (it's mostly a windows thing). The BIOS loads what's in the mbr, so that's where the bootloader should be installed (among other reasons).03:16
bonjoyeeracines: in that case u should have selected usb as the boot device..and not your regular hdd...03:16
Doinkleracines, you -DO- realize not all usb drives are the same.  some are slower than others.  possible you are basing your opinions on an older(or low quality) thumb drive?03:17
racinesWell I guess I have to stick with persistance mode03:17
r00t4rd3dsandisk extreme ftw !03:17
racinesHowever, unetbootin does not give me any "persistance" option03:17
racinesI guess I have to use the startup disk creator? or is there another option?03:18
nit-witracines, how big is the thumb03:18
schnuffle1racine: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence03:18
ilyakDoinkle makes a good point about the drives03:18
racinesits 8Gb03:19
nit-witracines, you could do a full install on one that size just make sure grub is put in its mbr03:19
AgentBlairhi i need to update my bios using some windows tool off HPs site, is it safe to do it in Virtualbox with XP in ubuntu?03:19
DoinkleAgentBlair, that wont work03:20
KM0201AgentBlair: NO!03:20
AgentBlairthat's what i thought03:20
AgentBlairso how can I flash it?03:20
DoinkleAgentBlair, there is absolutely no option via DOS or BIOS update?  win only???03:20
KM0201AgentBlair: do they have no alternative method?.. and why do you need to flash it?03:20
AgentBlairit's an .exe, HP doesnt have anything else03:20
Doinkleso what?  .exe works in dos too03:21
* KM0201 laughs..03:21
AgentBlairI need to flash it because there's a problem with the keyboard03:21
DoinkleKM0201, now now.. you were new too :P03:21
AgentBlairDOS works? ok03:21
KM0201Doinkle: logic says if he doesn't have Windows, he likely doesn't have DOS03:21
AgentBlairit doesn't list it though: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=ob-89406-1&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&os=2100&product=1842155&sw_lang=03:21
DoinkleAgentBlair, and the bios changelog says it fixes your issue??03:21
Jordan_UKM0201: FreeDOS is easy to obtain and use though.03:21
DoinkleKM0201, www.bootdisk.com is your friend :)03:21
KM0201true enough03:22
DoinkleJordan_U, no need. bootdisk.com has it03:22
AgentBlairno i guess not03:22
AgentBlairthat's the wrong one let me see03:22
AgentBlairah thanks03:22
R00teRhi folks, i've got ubuntu & i installed it on my pc so, how can i delete windows partition?03:23
AgentBlairthe keyboard keeps messing up, it's a software/bios problem03:23
* Doinkle notices AgentBlair came to #ubuntu for ...windows... support. :P03:23
AgentBlairbut im on ubuntu03:23
KM0201AgentBlair: are you sure a bios update fixes it?03:23
linuxfreakerWill Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha2 come with kernel 2.6.3703:23
travalerI can't delete a folder which I have set 777 permission on, what gives?03:23
travalerit says permission denied03:23
Doinkletravaler, sudo rm didnt work?03:23
Jordan_Ulinuxfreaker: #ubuntu+1 for 11.0403:23
travalerDoinkle I don't have sudo acess03:23
wisevoyagerracines: 2Gib is quite smart, :)03:24
Jordan_Utravaler: What command are you using and what error do you get?03:24
travalerJordan_U: rm -rf and rmdir both say Permission denied03:24
christopherI'm using 10.10 Netbook Edition, and I cannot get prism apps to stay in the launcher after a reboot, any ideas on how to fix that?03:24
R00teRany help please?03:24
AgentBlairapparently on a forum it says it fixes it03:24
Jordan_Utravaler: Do you have permissions to modify the directory containing the directory in question?03:25
AgentBlairi know this is last-resort stuff03:25
travalerJordan_U: yes I own it03:25
secretary_linuxR00teR: use fdisk or cfdisk03:25
r00t4rd3dR00teR, gparted03:25
travalerJordan_U I can happily create files delete files w/e03:25
travalerJordan_U also if I didn't have permission then chmod wouldn't execute03:26
bonjoyeetravaler: please post ls -l for the file/folder03:26
travalerbut chmod works just fine03:26
R00teRsecretary_linux, if i use fdisk then i need to modify grub?03:26
travalerbonjoyee drwxrwxrwx03:26
travaleraka 77703:26
R00teRr00t4rd3d, i'll search on google03:26
secretary_linuxR00teR: yes, if you have grub set up for windows03:26
shawnoh you mean over here03:26
FloodBot2shawn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:26
Danny78_How do I find the UUID of a Windows share?03:26
Danny78_I tried sudo blkid but what I want isn't listed03:27
R00teRoks i go to work now, thanks r00t4rd3d, secretary_linux03:27
Jordan_Utravaler: What filesystem?03:27
travalerJordan_U not sure, I assume ext303:28
r00t4rd3dyup . R00teR you can do apt-get install gparted in terminal to install03:28
R00teRno need to burn into a boot cd?03:28
Jordan_Utravaler: What is the output of "lsattr directory/"?03:28
travalerJordan_U bonjoyee Doinkle the folder is called Owner maybe this is special name?03:28
r00t4rd3das long as the windows partition isnt mounted03:28
travalerJordan_U: no output03:29
r00t4rd3dgparted will tell you03:29
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Danny78_I'm able to go to Places--> connect to server and access my Win music folder, but I want to add it to fstab so it mounts on boot up03:29
R00teRwell, good news03:29
R00teR:) very thank you03:29
bonjoyeetravaler: also what is the ls -l for the parent folder...of this file/folder03:29
r00t4rd3dvery welcome :D03:29
travalerbonjoyee 700 or rwx------03:30
Jordan_Utravaler: Sorry, "lsattr -d directory/"03:30
christopherI'm using 10.10 Netbook Edition, and I cannot get prism apps to stay in the launcher after a reboot, any ideas on how to fix that?03:30
Gustavahi all, having trouble putting an autorun script on a USB key. Worked in Lucid, in Maverick it says "error autorunning software" - any advice?03:30
bonjoyeetravaler: that could be it..can u delete a single file inside the folder?03:30
travalerJordan_U: - --- --- ---03:30
travalerbonjoyee: I can delete everything inside that folder, just not that particular folder, also I was able to remove all files within this folder03:31
R00teRwow, and is graphical03:31
R00teRi love this03:31
travalerJordan_U: after running that command ls -la tells me I don't have write permission, aka r-x03:32
bonjoyeetravaler: thats because of 700 permissions on the parent folder03:32
ZorinWhere can I get help with a Live USB with 10.10?03:32
travalerbonjoyee: yea I figure that out just now03:33
Jordan_Utravaler: lsattr doesn't modify anything, it just lists the attributes.03:33
MassStashubuntu.com told me how to make 10.10 usb boot drive03:33
MassStashworks fine03:33
travalerJordan_U:  yea nevermind im stupid, but still lsattr tells me - --- --- --- while ls -la tells me 777 permission03:33
MassStashis that all you're tryin to do?03:33
Danny78_Can anyone help me with referencing a Windows share in fstab?03:34
travalerJordan_U bonjoyee so whats happening here?03:34
Danny78_I'm not sure how to type the address03:34
bonjoyeeDanny78_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently03:35
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Danny78_bonjoyee:  thanks03:35
Jordan_Utravaler: Does the parent directory have the sticky bit set?03:36
travalerJordan_U: I don't know what that is03:36
wytsooo if i want to type in japanese, how would i go about doing that?03:36
Jordan_Utravaler: What is the output of "ls -ld /path/to/parent/"?03:37
travalerJordan_U: just looked it up, and no it is not03:38
trismwyt: System/Adminstration/Language Support, install the Japanese input methods, configure ibus in System/Preferences/Ibus Preferences, and select Anthy as the input method, then you can start it with control+space in a text area03:38
Nanohawyt: There is an app, I think it's SCIM that allows you to toggle between input modes03:38
wytthank you03:38
travalerJordan_U: its dr-x I don't understand03:39
christopherI'm using 10.10 Netbook Edition, and I cannot get prism apps to stay in the launcher after a reboot, any ideas on how to fix that?03:39
travalerJordan_U: thanks I got rid of it, I must remember this -d option, seems very handy, thanks03:40
Jordan_Utravaler: You're welcome. Was sticky bit the problem?03:40
travalerJordan_U: no it wasn't03:40
Jordan_Utravaler: What was the problem?03:40
Danny78_Can anyone recommend a new laptop that works well under Ubuntu?03:41
Danny78_I'm getting one for school03:41
doleybDanny78_: i'll tell you my acer aspire is pretty bad compatibility :(03:41
NanohaDanny78_: Just about every laptop I've used works good with Ubuntu...even netbooks03:41
travalerJordan_U: but somehow the parent director had dr-x which must have prevent the folder inside to gain drwx, anyways when I did a ls -la on the parent folder it showed up as 700, but ls -ld showed it as dr-x03:41
secretary_linuxDanny78_: HP pavilion dv5-2135dx. atheros wireless means you can run kismet03:42
travalerJordan_U: so I just chmod 700 on parent, then I could delete the folder inside, still a little strange though03:42
Danny78_Nanoha:  web cam and mic work ok?03:42
NanohaDanny78_: Currently, I'm using an Acer Aspire 5515...little cheapy from walmart, and it works good.  The only problem is that the Hard drive motor died on it, so I have to replace that.03:42
Jordan_UDanny78_: http://zareason.com/shop/Laptops/ http://www.system76.com/index.php?cPath=28 http://dell.com/ubuntu/03:42
Danny78_thanks much everyone!03:42
NanohaDanny78_: no problems there.  you just have to find the right software for webcam and stuff03:42
secretary_linuxJordan_U: unfortunately dell isn't shipping any ubuntu laptops right now, only a desktop03:42
fishsceneGreetings. I'm having a VERY difficult time trying to get a DHCP server running on Ubuntu03:42
fishsceneIt's almost as if dhcp3 is FUNDAMENTALLY broken.03:43
Jordan_UDanny78_: All those links are to companies that ship computers with Ubuntu pre-installed.03:43
r00t4rd3dback again fishscene03:43
fishscenelol yes03:43
Danny78_secretary_linux:  What's kismet?03:43
schnuffle1fishscene: I recommend dnsmasq easy to setup and combined with DNS if you need03:43
korisnikinstalled kubuntu on a6r laptop. sound was problem, solved, wireless a bit more complicated, but also solved. cant make microphone to run. any ideas?03:43
r00t4rd3dwhy exactly do you want to run a dhcp server ?03:43
r00t4rd3dim curious03:44
r00t4rd3dyou making a extra box a router or somthing ?03:44
fishsceneschnuffle1: Can it be tied into LTSP?03:44
Nanohar00t4rd3d: I'd love to run an dhcp server for my home network, but never could get it to work either, so I just used static IP's on all my machines.03:44
fishsceneNo, my router won't allow me to send DHCP flags for some services I would like to run.03:44
secretary_linuxDanny78_: from the manpage- Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system.  Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic.03:45
Danny78_Jordan_U:  awesome03:45
schnuffle1fish: I don't see why not03:45
fishsceneI'm taking a look at dnsmasq03:45
r00t4rd3dfishscene, what kinda router ?03:45
bonjoyeefishscene: ltsp uses a different dhcpd.conf...03:45
Danny78_secretary_linux:  that would be a very good thing for learning security03:45
r00t4rd3dmodel ?03:45
schnuffle1fishscene: but I would stick with integrated package then03:46
fishsceneI'm aware of custom firmware, however, instead of bypassing the problem here, I was wondering if someone could explain to me why 3 people following tutorials couldn't get this running.03:46
schnuffle1which tut?03:46
r00t4rd3dfishscene, www.dd-wrt.com is the best thing you can do to a linksys router03:46
fishscener00t4rd3d: Yea.03:47
r00t4rd3di have a pile of linksys routers and thats the first thing that get done. Flashed with ddwrt03:47
rigelhi, i'm trying to loop mount a drive image from a mac, and the uid= and umask= options dont seem to work03:47
rigelim wondering if im doing something wrong. the manpage only has an entry for hfs03:48
fishsceneCan dd-wrt function as a dns server as well?03:49
fishsceneJust out of curiosity, is there a "dhcp2" out there?03:50
r00t4rd3dalso has a built in dhcpd server03:50
fishsceneI don't remember the DHCP services being broken at all03:50
schnuffle1fishscene: what are the logs telling you?03:51
fishsceneIt tells me that the DHCP server isn't bound to a network adapter03:52
fishsceneEven though I clearly have defined everything and bound it to eth003:52
CaffeineHow should I schedule a job if cron is linked to some upstart thing... cron seems to be running, but it won't check in /etc/crontab... What are you using for scheduling jobs?03:52
doleybCaffeine: did you look at /etc/cron.d03:53
fishsceneLooks like my router and version is 100% compatible. So I'll give dd-wrt a spin until Ubuntu can fix dhcp303:53
jpapertowelscan i do a fakeraid install with a desktop-amd64 cd?03:53
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fiberHello... quick non-ubuntu question.  I am building a computer case and I need to have a SATA PCI card... are there any adapters so that the card will be parallel to the motherboard instead of sticking right now? I'm trying to make everything as slim as possible03:53
KM0201fiber: i'm curious how you would thin that would make that "more slim"... it would take up more room inside the case03:54
KM0201fiber: but to answer your question, i've yet to see a PCI adapter like that03:54
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fiberKM0201: I guess I could get a pci card whose actual board is at most 4 inches and shave off the excess metal for the pci slot03:55
fiberKM0201: for reference, do you remember what the adapter was called?03:56
KM0201fiber: "i've yet to see one" = I have never saw one03:56
fiberKM0201: oh, sorry... i misread that (long day!)03:56
share1337 nicks03:56
KM0201fiber: you realize they probably sell low profile cards if you look around03:56
Caffeinedoleyb: Ahh now it works, thanks!03:57
fiberKM0201: I'll keep that in mind... I'm just doing research now so I don't really know whats out there03:57
christopherI'm using 10.10 Netbook Edition, and I cannot get prism apps to stay in the launcher after a reboot, any ideas on how to fix that?03:57
NanohaJordan_U: I don't think the grml is going to work for me.03:58
Nach0zHey I've got a problem with MySQLi on my Ubuntu 10.04 server... when I try to apt-get install php5-mysqli , it returns saying that three dependencies are not met, and the package is broken. Is there another package that MySQLi is supposed to be isntalled through?03:58
r00t4rd3dnancho sudo apt-get -f install03:59
NanohaNach0z: try running dpkg --configure -a  I think that fixes broken packages.03:59
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Jordan_UNanoha: Indeed, it seems like linux in general doesn't like your hardware much.03:59
TiktalikCan you set up a lan to play games on with a windows 7 and xubuntu computer?03:59
NanohaJordan_U: It's been running fine for the past five years!  LOL03:59
wrektjethow do u toggle the pathway from icons/buttons to a line of text03:59
Jordan_UNanoha: So the last working release was 10.04?04:00
NanohaJordan_U: 9.04, but I don't have an image of that any more04:00
sharewhen next version comes out04:00
Tiktalik Can you set up a lan to play games on with a windows 7 and xubuntu computer?04:00
sharek and then october04:00
TiktalikOr will that totally not work?04:01
Nach0zr00t4rd3d : it still refuses to install. Nanoha : i can't run dpkg --configure on a package that isn't installed :/04:01
Jordan_UTiktalik: Setting up a LAN just requires a switch. Whether you can host a game server on Ubuntu depends on the game.04:02
NanohaJordan_U: Let me try downloading and installing a fresh copy of 10.04.  I think it was mentioned around 14:00 today that *.10 is the development version?04:02
Danny78_secretary_linux:  I'm really liking the HP Pavilion you recommended04:02
Danny78_especially the price04:03
Jordan_UNanoha: No, 10.10 is a stable release, just not a long term support release.04:03
r00t4rd3dNach0z, run synaptic package manager , goto Edit , Fix broken packages , try that04:03
Jordan_UNanoha: So the problems first started when you tried to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10?04:03
NanohaJordan_U: when I tried to upgrade from 9.04 to 10.10...I'm guessing that's what the upgrade command did04:04
christopher10.04 was LTS04:04
Borreguitohi.... help me.  my CMI8738 have problems04:04
TiktalikI meant wireless jordan.04:04
KM0201Nanoha: ugh.. 9.04 to 10.10..04:04
Jordan_UNanoha: You can't skip releases (exept from one LTS release to the next). So it would be 9.04 to 9.10, 9.10 to 10.04, then 10.04 to 10.10.04:04
Tiktalikshould have specified.04:04
Nach0zr00t4rd3d: it's a server. it doesn't have a GUI :/ unless there's a terminal version of synaptic that I don't know about?04:05
KM0201Tiktalik: are you saying your wireless device isn't working?04:05
TiktalikUh, no.04:05
christopherIf 9.04 was LTS, you can just got 10.04 LTS,then to 10.1004:05
Nanohahmm, interesting, cause after the upgrade and the reboot, I saw 10.10.  So how would I upgrade to 9.10?04:05
TiktalikJust wondering if it's possible to set up a wlan to play games on with one computer xubuntu and one windows 7.04:06
meaniefaceNach0z: you could use aptitude04:06
Jordan_UNanoha: Then you probably were actually using 10.04 previously, which would be good because 10.04 is still supported (9.04 is not).04:06
Jordan_UNanoha: Where did you see "10.10"?04:06
Nanohaokay.  Well, in another 20 minutes I'll see if a fresh 10.04 workds.04:07
NanohaJordan_U: I saw it at the boot up.  Welcome to Ubuntu!  I remember seeing 10.10 on the text screen04:07
alienf2hello irc chanel for wikileaks ?04:07
alienf2 :)04:08
kindofabuzzwhen using nautilus-connect-server i keep getting Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/firefox-4.0" (No such file or directory). why is it trying to use a version of FF I had installed and not Nautilus?04:08
BorreguitoWho does use C-Media Sound Card at Ubuntu 10.04??04:08
Danny78_so for kismet, is there anything other than atheros that works, or is it simply 802.11 b/g/n that allows kismet to work?04:08
Jordan_Ualienf2: This is not a channel for wikileaks, nor is it the place to find such a channel if it exists.04:09
ylmfosanyone here?04:09
kindofabuzzonly 1337 people, cool04:09
alienf2ok thanks04:09
kindofabuzzdamn it went up04:09
ylmfosi'm sorry  i'm new comer04:09
KM0201!l33t | kindofabuzz04:09
ubottukindofabuzz: 1337 i5 n1gh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.04:09
Tiktalikour 1337 is gone!04:09
kindofabuzzKM0201: no i was saying there 1337 people in the room. as in the count04:10
Nanohawow, people can actually understand that gibberish?!04:10
Danny78_do they make any laptops with particularly powerful wifi reception?04:10
KM0201kindofabuzz: uh, ok04:10
TiktalikAlmost there.04:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:10
KM0201Nanoha: they claim to.04:10
kindofabuzzKM0201: it's gone up by two now04:10
NanohaDanny78_: get a laptop with a N class wifi card04:10
kindofabuzzwhen using nautilus-connect-server i keep getting Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/firefox-4.0" (No such file or directory). why is it trying to use a version of FF I had installed and not Nautilus?04:10
Nach0zmeanieface : Thanks, that at least gave me some options and made it fix some stuff :)04:10
meaniefaceNach0z: no problem04:11
Danny78_Nanoha:  thanks...  I want AMD, so I'm avoiding some of the Ubuntu-shipped laptops.  N is newest?04:11
Nanohathat I know of, yes04:11
alienf2lxde vs xubuntu which is lighter ?04:11
TiktalikDude, I can understand ubottu's leet perfectly.04:11
TiktalikGo homestuck!04:12
alienf2 :)04:12
alienf2 8-)04:12
rigelis there some way to change the perms on a read-only filesystem?04:12
xanguaalienf2: lxde04:12
rigeli dont want to write, but i want to give my wife read access to this drive image04:13
Jordan_Urigel: Linux cannot write to journaled hfsplus.04:13
alienf2thanks xangua04:13
rigelJordan_U: it's a read-only image anyway04:13
rigeli just need to give her read access to it over the network04:13
rigelso that she can copy over files she wants to keep04:13
rigelbut i am a little scared to give her root04:14
gustavoldI've copied some data from an ext4 partition to an ext3 partition and the ocuped size on the destination is almost 3 times the size of the original... is this expected? Is this due to different parameters or filesystem differences?04:14
Nanoharigel: why not just set the permisions for her group to be read only (744) ?04:14
gustavoldcopied using rsync -a04:14
rigelNanoha: i apparently cant change perms on this loop-mounted hfs+ image04:14
l33td00dsomeone need help with l33t?04:15
rigelit's an image of her old mac04:15
chrono_hello guys, i am having some problems trying to compile linux 2.6.37 on Ubuntu maverick04:15
alienf2wubi does not work with Ubuntu 10.10 anyone know anything?    :p04:15
Nanoharigel: I think you need to tweak fstab to enable r/w on that drive04:15
rigelNanoha: i dont need r/w04:15
rigelits not in fstab. it's a drive image04:16
Jordan_Ualienf2: Wubi works as well with 10.10 as it does with any other version of Ubuntu. What problem are you having specifically?04:16
Danny78_are there any companies online that let you build an AMD laptop?04:16
Nanoharigel: it's an ISO?04:16
chrono_the error i found is: dpkg-gencontrol: error: package linux-image-2.6.37.custom not in control info04:16
rigelan .img, yes04:16
chrono_can anyone help me?04:16
zarqhey danny i belive asus has barebooks for sale04:16
NanohaDanny78_: check out Asus.  I think they do04:16
KM0201Danny78: i believe tigerdirect has a "build your own" laptop also.04:17
Danny78_Nanoha:  what a koikidink, most of the computers I've built are ASUS04:17
Nanoharigel: so you need to mount the .img file as a directory, then once inside, you should be able to set the permsssions accordingly04:17
rigelhere's the story. I got her to move to ubuntu with the new computer. i imaged her mac drive onto our main fileserver. i am mounting her hfs+ image loopback, and want to give her full access to read anything on the drive04:17
rigelit's mounted, but it's ro04:17
Danny78_KM0201:  Have you had good experieinces with Tiger Direct?  I only ask because I've never done business with them04:18
alienf2only works with 10.04 liters to 10.10 do not start   :)04:18
bluegoonHi guys04:18
KM0201Danny78: i've used tigerdirect for years(at least 10) and have probably placed every bit of 15-20k worth of orders from them, been very happy.04:18
bluegoonPackage sun-java6-jre is not available04:18
Danny78_Hi bluegoon04:18
aryr100can anyone tell the command line address for ubuntu keyserver (i.e gpg -keyserver #####)04:18
bluegoonDanny78, hey Danny, Package sun-java6-jre is not available, any ideas?04:18
KM0201Danny78: but the "build to order" laptops, are systemax laptops... . i dunno if tht changes your opinion or not.04:19
chrono_hello guys, i am having some problems trying to compile linux 2.6.37 on Ubuntu maverick04:19
chrono_the error i found is: dpkg-gencontrol: error: package linux-image-2.6.37.custom not in control info04:19
chrono_can anyone help me?04:19
Danny78_KM0201:  that sounds pretty bonafide.04:19
Nanoharigel: mount -o remount,rw / maybe?04:19
Jordan_UNanoha: He doesn't want write access.04:19
KM0201Danny78: yeah, they ar located in Illinois, and w/ me being in Indiana... if i order before noon, pay for 7 day shipping, i usually have it at my door the next day around 4:0004:19
Danny78_KM0201:  I'm sqeamish of that , yeah, because my HP Pavilion was a nightmare, so now I don't know who to trust04:19
Nanohai don't understand the problem then04:20
rigelNanoha: i was hoping there was a mount option that would let me set the uid/gid/umask on all the files on the image04:20
rigelbut i'm not having any luck with that04:20
bluegoonIs Sun Java 6 JRE available to ubuntu?04:20
bonjoyeebluegoon: enable the necessary repos...04:20
NanohaLike i said before, I would just set the permissions for the Everybody group to 404:20
bluegoonbonjoyee, on 10.10, where do I do that? :)04:20
rigelNanoha: it's a read-only filesystem04:21
rigelcan you even do that with loopback devices?04:21
bluegoonbonjoyee, you mean Software Sources?  Where is that option in 10.10?04:21
rigeli have always thought not04:21
Nanohaif it's a read only file system, and you don't want her to write,then I really don't understand what the issue is04:21
Jordan_Urigel: You can have writeable loopback devices, just not writeable journaled hfsplus (loopback or not).04:21
rigelshe cant read anything, so she cant see the files she wants to copy from her old drive04:22
bonjoyeebluegoon: im using debian this moment..but feel it should be the partner or multiverse04:22
Nanohawhat are the permssions on the files?04:22
bluegoonbonjoyee, ko04:22
rigelthey vary04:23
rigellike on any filesystem04:23
rigelJordan_U: any ideas?04:23
NanohaI was meaning anything obvious like a 700 or something04:23
Jordan_Urigel: Do you get any error message from mount when you try to use the uid= option? Can you try adding a bogus=nonsense option (to see if it's just silently discarding options it doesn't recognise)?04:23
Danny78_Sorry if I'm off topic a bit, but I am shopping for a Ubuntu laptop... question:  is 5400 RPM typical in laptop HDDs?04:23
rigelno, no error messages from uid= or gid=04:23
KM0201Danny78: in my experience, yes.04:23
rigelit threw an error with file_umask and dir_umask04:23
KM0201Danny78: do this... look at 4-5 models you'd like to try ubuntu on... then get on google, and google "HP xxxx ubuntu 10.10" and see what kind of hits you get04:24
Danny78_KM0201--  good idea, thanks, will do04:25
rigeli realize this isnt an ubuntu specific question, might there be another channel where i should try?04:25
KM0201Danny78: if you notice one w/ significant problems, then drop it from consideration04:25
Jordan_Urigel: ##linux maybe.04:25
KM0201Danny78: honestly, thats how i bought my acer laptop 5yrs ago... eneded up working out perfectly, right down to the patch fixes to fix my wireless(don't need them anymore)04:25
bonjoyeebluegoon: its in partner repo!04:27
bluegoonbonjoyee, thanks man, for some reason they disabled software sources in 10.10 ?04:28
bluegoonbonjoyee, got it working cheers :)04:28
bonjoyeebluegoon: hmm...but u can access that from synaptic/software center as well as the terminal..anyways glad i worked:)04:29
bluegoonbonjoyee, sweet :)04:30
christopherI'm using 10.10 Netbook Edition, and I cannot get prism apps to stay in the launcher after a reboot, any ideas on how to fix that?04:31
NanohaJordan_U:  I got that grml menu to load.  Now what option should I choose?04:32
inigowhat up peeps?!04:32
VOTalentnot much.04:33
VOTalentSo I'm trying to 86 windows in my studio and have been attempting to get Ubuntu working04:34
Tophi have 2 window managers installed, gnome and another,,, i don't have a manual login at boot so where do I choose between managers?04:34
inigoI just did a fresh install of ubuntu maverick ultimate edition 2.8 64 bit and it kicks major ass!!!!!!!!04:34
VOTalentinigo, same here04:34
inigoit was my first04:34
VOTalentBut I need to get the OSS drivers working for JACK04:35
inigoit's fully packed04:35
christopher@Toph I think you can choose to logout and switch then04:35
Tophchristopher,,, ok,, i'll try that04:35
Danny78_If I use Ubuntu on a laptop, am I safe for being able to share files and work with peoples' macs and wind machines?04:35
VOTalentthis is probably a stretch asking here, but does anyone here have a LynxTWO audio card working successfully with 10.10?04:36
inigoi say leave those windows machines alone04:36
VOTalentDanny, yes04:36
muhammadnkdoes anybody know how to i set files created by apache (via WebDAV) according to the LDAP user?04:37
christopher@Danny78 all of my home pc's and laptops are running 100% Ubuntu, and I share files with the work (windows) PC's all the time... works like a champ04:37
muhammadnksince the system itself is tied to the ldap.04:37
Danny78_VOTalent:  basically, I'm a therapist who needs to take notes and share with boss, colleagues, also doing marketing (FB, Go Daddy, Google Ad Space, et. al.)04:38
Danny78_christopher:  great, cause I'm sick of Windows04:38
VOTalentDanny78_, how would you typically share the files?04:38
VOTalentDanny78_, If you're just copying files to and from a shared server, you're set.04:39
alienf2ubuntu 11.00 ?04:39
alienf2 :)04:39
Danny78_VOTalent--  either through a web file-storage app or directly through Flash drive I suppose, or email of course04:39
KM0201Danny78: your best bet under those circumstances04:39
KM0201is to dual boot for a while04:39
VOTalentDanny78, You won't have any problems at all if that's the case.04:40
christopher@Danny78 ya... I'm much happier switching to linux, a lot of stress went out the door when windows was removed04:40
alienf2ubuntu 11.00 ?04:40
KM0201Danny78: get a laptop, or whatever you want, and dual boot, so if you run into an issue you can't immediately figure out, you have windows to fall back on... even if you only leave windows on a small partition... if you bring the laptop home, and immediately nuke windos for ubuntu, w/ your experience level... you'll have windows reinstalled within a week04:40
Danny78_KM0201:  dual boot is tempting, but I've had baaaad experiences with Windows not playing nice, even when it gets first dibs to the boot loader04:40
christopherAlso, I use a 16 Gig Thumb drive for most (almost all) my file transferring... works great04:41
KM0201Danny78: then honestly, you'e probably not set it up properly.. dual booting is quite easy04:41
* Ripper_Owens rocks the dual boot04:41
* KM0201 dual booted for a year before finally ridding myself of MS04:41
VOTalentDanny78, In my studio, I have Mac, Windows XP and Ubuntu.  You can do it without the dual boot04:41
VOTalentBut if you're really concerned, I'd just install the OS on a thumbdrive and get the tests out of the way04:42
Dark_Spyro_003Hi there. I hope this is the right place to ask: My Ubuntu machine (I'm using desktop 10.10) doesn't boot anymore once I place my ATI Radeon HD 4600 graphics card into the computer. It doesn't even show the splashscreen after I select to boot my Ubuntu system. Just some strange codes? I wonder if there's any way to fix that. The integrated graphics card isn't worth anything :|04:42
alienf2wubi for windows 7 ? start04:42
alienf2 :)04:42
Danny78_VOTalent:  I have win 7 desk, older Ubuntu 10.04 desk and a really old 500MHz that won't boot from cd04:43
Danny78_VOtalent:  What kind of studio?  programming?  arts?04:43
Blue1Danny78_: did you md5sum check it?04:43
a7i3n    04:43
VOTalentDanny78  I'm a voiceover talent04:44
Danny78_Blue1--  no but I should.  It's damn small linux04:44
Blue1Danny78_: i have 10.04 on a 733 mhz compaq deskpro with 384 meg o ram04:44
Danny78_Blue1:  It boots and says in a boxed window that there's a bootable cd in the drive, and then it hangs during bootup, just freezes  (has 256MB RAM, AMD K6204:45
Blue1Danny78_: are you doing the desktop install or the alternatate install?  256 m is pretty slim04:46
Danny78_I wrote on it "Mini ubuntu 10.04.1"04:46
Blue1Danny78_: that;s meaningless04:48
Danny78_Blue1:  it was supposed to be the most stripped down for old comps, from the Ubuntu site04:48
Blue1Danny78_: in my experience with the compaq, I had to do the alternate install04:48
Danny78_Blue1:  You think a 500MHz processor could handle it?04:49
Blue1Danny78_: I have never heard of mini ubuntu what is the url for it?04:49
Blue1Danny78_: yes04:49
Danny78_Blue1:  one sec04:49
Danny78_Blue1:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:50
Danny78_they're between 7 and 12 MB04:50
Blue1Danny78_: okay that's already using the alternate install (text based) which makes sense -- I'd md5sum that sucker04:51
Blue1Danny78_: and on a machine that old, you need to write (burn) the disc at the slowest speed -- 1X if possible04:51
Danny78_Blue1:  yeah, I reading into that cause it's been years, and yes I know that's really bad practice04:52
bluegoonOh man, wish I could get Minecraft working :(04:53
Blue1okay need a break bbl04:54
Danny78_a 12 MB OS ISO is astounding04:55
Suntzuhello guys...anyone in this room has set up a thin client?04:56
NanohaLOL DOS used to be that size04:56
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first2noneok i just installed ubuntu-sever edition and need help to install and setup ssh04:56
Danny78_On the 500 I'm using an expansion card to connect the drives (mobo has the older ribbon connectors)...  could that prevent boot up?04:56
xiambaxDoes anyone know of a good start on what kind of tablet i should get if im thinking about getting ubuntu running on it04:56
liny_manwhere is the 12MB OS ISO?04:57
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xiambaxI was looking at the inspiron duo04:57
xiambaxbut i dont like the thought of running atom04:57
Danny78_liny_man:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:57
first2noneI need help here: I just installed ubuntu-server edition and need help to install the ssh server and configure it so i can connect to it04:58
xiambaxaot-get install openssh04:58
first2nonethat for me?04:58
SuntzuI have 2 computers, a desktop with no display and a laptop...i want the laptop to be the display of the desktop pc...can you suggest a solution?04:58
shcherbakSuntzu: X over ssh04:59
NanohaSuntzu: you can use ssh to command the desktop from the laptop04:59
Suntzuexcellent...how can i do that?04:59
xiambaxSuntzu, vnc04:59
xiambaxor x over ssh like said04:59
xiambaxi use x over ssh on my mac to my linux box05:00
xiambaxworks fine05:00
Nanohait's been forever and a day since I've set it up.  i'd look at my config files, but... they're gone.05:00
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Suntzuhmmm, but you can use the sound of the server?05:00
NanohaThat i don't know.  but then again, I used my server partially as a media center to stream to my TV05:01
SuntzuCan u tell me where can I find info about doing that?The ubuntu documentation is not good enough for me...i'm a newbie in this05:02
Nanohaabout streaming?05:02
shcherbakSuntzu: make sure that ssh server is running, iptables are set and ssh to desktop with -X.05:02
first2noneCan someone help me to install the ssh server onto my ubuntu-server console and how to log into it05:02
SuntzuNANOHA: nop, about installing ssh and everything05:03
NanohaI thought ssh was already installed, but I guess if it's not, then sudo apt-get install ssh05:03
shcherbakSuntzu: to run whole gnome (or whatever) on laptop: switch to tty6 and run: xinit -- :1 vt8 and ssh -X <desktop> and startx.05:03
Danny78_Stupid question:  where is my cdrom in the filesystem?  dev?  which?05:04
NanohaDanny78_:  /dev/cdrom usually05:04
Danny78_is it just cdrom?05:04
Danny78_ah ok05:04
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shcherbakNanoha: openssh-server05:05
liny_manDanny78: type "moouunt" in the command prompt to see the location of all mounted systems, including you cd drive.05:05
MTughan_laptopI'm trying to use the CPU frequency applet on my GNOME desktop. It appears to grab the CPU speed correctly, but I can't change it. Some Google results turned up adding the SUID bit to /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector, but that didn't help, and running the command under sudo doesn't do anything.05:05
NanohaAH!  okay.  Told you it's been a loooooong time05:05
MTughan_laptopWhere do I go from here? Google can't seem to help me.05:06
Suntzushcherbak: thank you for your help....but I'm a newbie in that terminology...I think it's better that you suggest me a book to read so I can learn and not waste others time05:06
Danny78_how do I empty the cdrom?05:06
shcherbakSuntzu: you have used ssh before?05:06
Danny78_I must be missing a flag?05:06
Suntzuon the other hand, I don't know what happened to my laptop...usb ports don't work after upgrade :S05:07
NanohaSuntzu: sudo apt-get install openssh-server will install ssh for you as Shcherbak said05:07
liny_manDanny78: like reformat it? or unmount it?05:07
Suntzuscherbak: no, i'm just asking for guidance to install a client that works as the display of the server05:08
Danny78_liny_man:  erase and reformat05:08
first2noneCould someone plz help me to install ssh and explain to me how to login to it from my other computer?05:08
NanohaSuntzu: Then (since all I use is the terminal on the desktop), I use Putty to remote into the desktop and control it05:08
shcherbakSuntzu: lsusb, and lshw to see, plug something to usb and use dmesg.05:08
Suntzuscherbak: i don't want to buy a new monitor...so I just like the laptop to work as the monitor for my desktop05:09
Doinklefirst2none, sudo apt-get install ssh05:09
Danny78_liny_man:  I'm going to try and get mini Ubuntu working on an old comp05:09
first2noneDoinkle: Ty very  much05:09
shcherbakSuntzu: display of the server is very vast term.05:09
Doinklefirst2none, related:  http://principialabs.com/beginning-ssh-on-ubuntu/05:10
theamazingbeatHi, what is the best channel for openssh issues?05:10
Suntzuwell...What term you suggest me to use?I'm not good speaking english05:10
liny_manDanny78: try "Brasero" from the applications menu. its the default program for stuff like this. i dont know if it reformats CDs though.05:10
neizwhats the command to unmount a device? Resource at /media/xxxxx05:11
* KM0201 prefers Gnomebaker to Brasero05:11
shcherbakSuntzu: "X forwarding" is thing you should google.05:11
MTughan_laptopliny_man: Brasero can erase a rewritable disk, yes.05:11
Suntzuscherbak: thnk u...i'm on my way down05:11
Danny78_wait, is DSL more user-friendly than mini?  or I suppose I could add xfce after install...05:12
MTughan_laptopI'm trying to use the CPU frequency applet on my GNOME desktop. It appears to grab the CPU speed correctly, but I can't change it. Some Google results turned up adding the SUID bit to /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector, but that didn't help, and running the command under sudo doesn't do anything. What can I try next?05:12
ouyeshi all , I have a problem about the movie player05:12
evilbugwhat's a good contacts app that syncs with google?05:12
SuntzuNANOHA: this is what it says :05:12
Suntzuhub 1-0:1.0: hub_port_status failed (err = -32)05:12
Suntzu[ 5887.742240] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: port 2 reset error -11005:12
Suntzu[ 5887.742257] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_port_status failed (err = -32)05:12
Suntzu[ 5887.946237] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: port 2 reset error -11005:12
FloodBot2Suntzu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:12
Suntzu[ 5887.946252] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_port_status failed (err = -32)05:12
heywhatgives@Danny78_ : try slitaz05:13
ouyesI have installed smplayer, but when I try to play a HD movie, the pictures stops from time to time , what is wrong ?05:13
liny_manDanny78: im using a pda to connect, and was unable to catch your question. what was it?05:14
MTughan_laptopouyes: Could be many things. Could be that your hard drive can't read data off your drive fast enough. It could be that the CPU can't decode the video quite fast enough. It's likely a bottleneck somewhere though.05:14
Danny78_wait, is DSL more user-friendly than mini?  or I suppose I could add xfce after install..05:14
first2noneDoinkle: Ty I have now got it installed and am using putty and am in it now, really appreciate it :P05:14
Doinkleouyes, run system monitor while playing the movie and observe the graph05:14
Doinklefirst2none, np05:14
Danny78_liny_man:  that was the q05:14
shcherbakubottu tell me about smplayer05:15
liny_manDanny78: *Darn* small linux?05:15
Doinkle!smplayer | ouyes05:15
SuntzuNANOHA, this is what it says  105:15
Suntzuhub 1-0:1.0: hub_port_status failed (err = -32)05:15
Suntzu[ 5887.742240] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: port 2 reset error -11005:15
Suntzu[ 5887.742257] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_port_status failed (err = -32)05:15
FloodBot2Suntzu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:15
Suntzu[ 5887.946237] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: port 2 reset error -11005:15
Suntzu[ 5887.946252] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_port_status failed (err = -32)05:15
Danny78_liny_man:  yeah, though it's *darn* big compared to minime ubuntu05:16
MTughan_laptopSuntzu: Don't you remember doing this before? Paste your content up at the link FloodBot2 gave you, then give us the link.05:16
Suntzuhow it is supposed to be...I used the paste.ubuntu.com and didnt work05:16
ouyesMTecknology, Doinkle I have a t400, p7370 and ati 3470 video card,05:16
MTughan_laptopSuntzu: You have to give us the URL it gives you.05:16
KM0201Suntzu: paste it in the box at the pastebin, click paste, then give the link05:16
ouyesMTecknology, Doinkle is there a bottleneck?05:17
MTughan_laptopouyes: One, you're highlighting the wrong person.05:17
neizwhats the command to unmount a device? Resource at /media/xxxxx.  Trying to unmount to format and keep getting that drive is busy05:17
Danny78_heywhatgives:  I like what I see with Slitaz...  maybe it'll actually boot!!05:17
MTughan_laptopouyes: Two, do you know what the video file is encoded as?05:17
Suntzuok, again...nanoha, this is what it says...if anyone can help, be welcome http://paste.ubuntu.com/550952/05:17
StolenWhisperI seem to be having a problem with my installation of Ubuntu 10.10. When I boot into the operating system I am prompted with a gui login screen. Upon clicking my username and typing in the correct password the windows disappear but the background stays... shortly after the screen goes black and then flashes me back to the login screen. Safe mode works, ctrl+alt+f1 works as well for login. The recovery console works too. Is ther05:17
shcherbakouyes: use mplayer and see what -vo is loaded, what format do you play there?05:17
ouyesMTughan_laptop, shcherbak it is mkv05:18
theamazingbeatcan anyone furtherly help me with my openssh issue?05:18
MTughan_laptopouyes: MKV could be many different codecs. I'll assume something like H.264 though, that's likely. Is it encoded from a Blu-Ray disc?05:18
Doinkleouyes, you'll have to figure that out on your machine05:19
ouyesMTughan_laptop, shcherbak  .Stone.LIMITED.1080p.Bluray.x264-CBGB.mkv is the file name,05:19
shcherbakouyes: does vlc do same tricky things as smplayer?05:19
iceswordhi folks05:19
ouyesshcherbak, I do not have vlc05:19
Suntzuafter an upgrade, my usb ports stop working...can you help me please? they even dissapeared from the bios settings. This is what dmesg command says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/550952/05:19
Doinklefirst2none, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dns-server-setup-using-bind-in-ubuntu.html05:19
aubrey#join android05:20
Danny78_argh, Brasero won't let me erase the disc05:20
liny_mandsl is standalone OS, and takes very little getting used to. ubuntu minimal is just a bootablle install program that requires the internet. from what i read, it is also only cli.05:20
Suntzudsl rox!05:20
StolenWhisperI seem to be having a problem with my installation of Ubuntu 10.10. When I boot into the operating system I am prompted with a gui login screen. Upon clicking my username and typing in the correct password the windows disappear but the background stays... shortly after the screen goes black and then flashes me back to the login screen. Safe mode works, ctrl+alt+f1 works as well for login. The recovery console works too. Is ther05:20
first2noneCan someone help me to isntall a dns server?05:21
ouyesMTughan_laptop, shcherbak do I need to make some configuration with the smplayer to play the movie05:21
DoinkleSuntzu, have you tried Slitaz?05:21
liny_manDanny78: whats wrong with Brasero?05:21
MTughan_laptopouyes: Well, a 1080p H.264 encoded file is a lot of data to decode. It might be too much for the 2GHz processor you have, given that I don't think the radeon driver for your graphics card supports hardware decoding.05:21
Doinklefirst2none, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dns-server-setup-using-bind-in-ubuntu.html05:21
theamazingbeatOkay I am at a stump with my ssh key issue and I have tried everything! As you can read: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1659447. Can anyone further elabortate on what I should do next or tell me what I am doing wrong?05:21
Danny78_liny_man:  I'm trying to erase a cdrw so I can burn one of these tiny OSes we've been talking about05:22
first2noneDoinkle: lol you just got it all05:22
shcherbakStolenWhisper: from tty: sudo services gdm stop, then startx (or xinit -- :1 vt8)05:22
MTughan_laptopouyes: Try starting up System Monitor from System->Administration, then play the movie again in smplayer. See how the CPU responds.05:22
Doinklefirst2none, nah, just here to help05:22
iceswordso slow?!05:22
ouyesMTughan_laptop, ok  wait a few moments05:22
shcherbakStolenWhisper: do you have any log (/var/log) there?05:22
Suntzuusb problems...can anyone give assistance...pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?05:22
liny_manDanny78: whats the message shown when you try to reformat it?05:23
Danny78_In Brasers you can do "disc blanking but it is greyed out saying there's no disc. yet I see the disc elsewhere05:23
shcherbakSuntzu: lsusb, what does it?05:23
MTughan_laptopDanny78_: Is it a CD-RW or a CD-R?05:23
tiktalik_I created a new wireless network in xubuntu, how do I get rid of it/05:23
Ed_Moneycan anyone recommend an eBook reader for Ubuntu?05:24
liny_mandoo you have a cdr drive?05:24
tiktalik_Any clue?05:24
tiktalik_Wait, nvm it's gone.\05:25
Danny78_liny_man:  yeah, it's a little old though so maybe I should try buring it on the newer box05:25
StolenWhispershcherbak, i sucessfully stopped gdm and used startx, however now the system has locked up after showing the ubuntu desktop background with a single X crusor in the middle of the screen with nothing else.05:25
shcherbaktiktalik_: ifconfig, and interface with ad-hoc mode or master put down.05:25
Suntzushcherbak, this is what it says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/550955/05:25
=== mbvpixies78 is now known as Danny78
shcherbakStolenWhisper: try xinit -- :1 vt8 (check from tty for errors)05:26
liny_manDanny78: yes try burning it on the newer machine, and keep the burning speed low, so it will work better in old machines. as a side note, one of my older dik readers couldn't read a cd-rw disk.05:27
shcherbakSuntzu: plug enything to usb and run lsusb once more05:27
Danny78_liny-man another piece of hardware to put on the list05:27
MTughan_laptopI'm trying to use the CPU frequency applet on my GNOME desktop. It appears to grab the CPU speed correctly, but I can't change it. Some Google results turned up adding the SUID bit to /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector, but that didn't help, and running the command under sudo doesn't do anything. What can I try next?05:27
liny_manDanny78: always.05:27
Suntzushcherbak: it says the same thing05:28
StolenWhispershcherbak how do I "check from tty for errors"?05:29
nit-witMTughan_laptop, what about the cpu in the panel addons05:29
shcherbakStolenWhisper: swith to tty from where you run xinit05:29
MTughan_laptopnit-wit: What do you mean?05:29
shcherbakSuntzu: can you post dmesg link once more?05:30
nit-witright click the panel-add to panel the cpu icon it has a dropdown to set the speeed05:30
MTughan_laptopshcherbak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/550952/05:30
MTughan_laptopnit-wit: You mean the CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor?05:30
Danny78I get financial aid  ~$1000 specifically for a computer...  I'm wondering if I can get a laptop and throw in, oh, I don't know, a new HDD, mobo and CPU(not really new, just newer than 1998)05:31
nit-witMTughan_laptop, yes05:31
Ed_Moneycan anyone recommend an eBook reader for Ubuntu?05:31
MTughan_laptopnit-wit: That's the one I'm trying to troubleshoot now.05:31
christopher@Ed_Money what file format are you wanting to use most often/05:31
Ed_Moneychristopher: .mobi and kindle05:31
nit-witMTughan_laptop, no drop down righ or left click05:31
Suntzushcherbak: this is what dmesg says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/550958/05:31
cgcardonaI set ssh keys up on one computer and now on my other computer without the ssh keys my old password isn't working. How can I check my password?05:31
StolenWhispershcherbak, after booting into the repair console from the tty1, I went back into the tty1 and there are no errors posted.05:31
MTughan_laptopnit-wit: The left click gives me a list of frequencies and scaling governors.05:32
MTughan_laptopAlthough I just tried again and it's suddenly working, for whatever reason.05:32
nit-witMTughan_laptop, right what is it you want beyond that, is it not changing05:32
MTughan_laptopnit-wit: It wasn't, but it is now.05:32
nit-witMTughan_laptop, are you running maverick05:33
shcherbakSuntzu: Have a look http://hack2live.blogspot.com/2008/06/ubuntu-linux-restart-usb-to-reset-stuck.html05:33
MTughan_laptopnit-wit: Yes.05:33
shcherbakStolenWhisper: have you run xinit -- :1 vt8?05:33
christopher@Ed_Money : http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66546 has a link to software released by amazon for reading mobi/kindle on linux05:34
Suntzushcherbak: ok05:34
StolenWhispershcherbak yes05:34
nit-witMTughan_laptop, once in a while a couple of icons go south in my mavrick and just reloading them or running killall gnome-panel fixes it.05:34
StolenWhisperall that command did was boot me into what looks like the recovery console05:34
shcherbakStolenWhisper: did you get xterm?05:34
Ed_Moneychristopher: I had thought Amazon wasn't supporting Linux, despite Kindle running Linux. I'll check out that link05:34
MTughan_laptopnit-wit: All right, I'll remember that then.05:34
MTughan_laptopSimilar command to kill the Dashboard widgets in OS X.05:35
Danny78Is DSL self-booting?  It's a bunch of web filesystems so I have no clue which I need05:35
MTughan_laptopAlthough there you kill the Dock process, not gnome-panel. :P05:35
shcherbakStolenWhisper: good, so Xserver is apparently ok, from this new console run gedit (or whatever)05:35
nit-witMTughan_laptop, I'm not surprised, does the OS retsrt the docky panel05:35
MTughan_laptopIf I run "killall Dock"? Yeah, it restarts the Dock, which seems to have the Dashboard process forked out of it too.05:36
Danny78would initrd or syslinux self-boot?05:36
liny_manDanny78: the iso, when extracted and burned to a cd is bootable. i have done it.05:36
Danny78(dsl versions)05:36
StolenWhispershcherbak, gedit is working. I can't seem to login normally with my user account. I also checked to make sure the home directory is working properly. I am able to login through the Unbuntu-Desktop Safemode, Repair Console, and through tty1. However by simply clicking my name and typing in the correct password I get thrown back to the login screen.05:36
Danny78liny_man:  so it doesn't matter which I download?05:37
Daerethhey guys, hopefully an easy question.. i'm trying to enable bitmapped fonts on my ubuntu 10.10 install.. did my sudo dpkg-reconfigure fonconfig followed by sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config and i understand fontconfig-config should bring up a curses based program which i can go through menus and enable it but i dont get this, no menu no errors nothing?05:37
Ed_Moneychristopher: that link leads to a program that allows one to create Kindle books on Linux, not read books on Kindle05:37
MTughan_laptopnit-wit: Thanks for your help, I've got to run for the night.05:37
shcherbakStolenWhisper: what graphic driver do you use?05:38
StolenWhisperi am not sure, how do I check?05:38
nit-witMTughan_laptop, no problem05:38
christopher@Ed_Money you could also use claibre, it does Mobi, and can convert to just about any other format, synch to your reader... full library management05:38
GryllidaWhere does cron store logs?05:38
liny_manDanny78: the cd version? i would get the cd version if possible. i dont remember how i did it before.05:38
shcherbakStolenWhisper: jockey-text05:38
christopheryou can find that in the software center05:38
Danny78liny_man:  ok, I'll give it a try05:38
liny_manDanny78: good luck! :p05:39
Suntzushcherbak: i did as the post said...but the terminal says "fatal: module ehci_hcd not found"05:39
Danny78liny_man:  well, it's only bonus if I get this old man of a box back to life05:39
Ed_Moneychristopher: when I try to install calibre from Ubuntu Software Center, the install dies and says "Package dependencies cannot be resolved". What's the first step in resolving the package dependency?05:40
Danny78I've got 3 boxes connected with a KVM switch05:40
StolenWhispershcherbak, jockey-text responded with searching for available drivers..... and then returns me back to a prompt. I am logged in as sudo su root.05:40
christopher@Ed_Money Hmmm. ya got me there, I'll install it and see what happens05:40
ouyesEd_Money, try this : go to a terminal and sudo apt-get install calibre05:41
Dark_Spyro_003Hi there, if anyone knows what could cause "No init found. Try passing init =bootarg." when trying to boot using my ATI graphics card? Ubuntu (and the CD for that matter) only boot succesfully using my onboard gfx card.05:41
Suntzushcherbak: i did as the post said...but the terminal says "fatal: module ehci_hcd not found"05:42
Ed_Moneyouyes: when installing from the command line, I get the error "The following packages have unmet dependencies:05:42
Ed_Money  calibre: Depends: python-qt4 but it is not going to be installed05:42
Ed_MoneyE: Broken packages05:42
raviepic3hello people, is there a software like jing or jetscreenshot for ubuntu ? where i can take screenshot of a particular region, edit, upload...etc05:42
raviepic3hello people, is there a software like jing or jetscreenshot for ubuntu ? where i can take screenshot of a particular region, edit, upload...etc05:42
ouyesEd_Money, then and python-qt405:42
ouyesEd_Money, install python-qt405:43
ouyesEd_Money, see what happens05:43
first2nonehey what do i have to install so i can open tar files?05:43
liny_manfirst2none: nothing.05:44
Madpilotfirst2none, they should just work w/ the standard archive app05:44
Ed_Moneyouyes: good idea. that doesn't work either, it says "The following packages have unmet dependencies:" and then lists 9 packages all starting with libqt4-05:44
liny_manfirs2none go to the command prompt and type "tar". that should do the job.05:44
shcherbakSuntzu: missing module, one minute05:44
eremyjafirst2none, is it just a tar? or tar.gz/tar.bzip05:45
Suntzuthank you very much shcerbak...!!!05:45
shcherbakStolenWhisper: you do not need root to run it.05:45
MadpilotEd_Money, I've missed the full story, but if you're seeing "unmet dependencies" from "apt-get install..." there's something broken in your repositories list05:45
ouyesFiReSTaRT, sudo apt-get install unrar p7zip-full cabextract05:45
first2nonety :)05:45
first2nonewait wasnt for me lol05:45
StolenWhispershcherbak, is there something that was supposed to be returned there?05:45
Ed_MoneyMadpilot: how do I figure out what's broken and then fix it?05:45
Suntzufirst2none: i think you dont need aditional software to open them...05:46
shcherbakSuntzu: sudo modprobe -a ehci_hcd ???05:46
ouyesEd_Money,  go to package manager and mark python-at405:46
Madpilotubottu, tell Ed_Money about repos05:46
ubottuEd_Money, please see my private message05:46
ouyesEd_Money, qt405:46
Suntzushcherbak: ok05:46
christopher@Madpilot Ed is trying to install Calibre, but it won't install because of a broken libqt4 dependency, he tried from the software center and from the terminal05:46
ouyesEd_Money, it will prompt you all the dependencies05:47
blackchookcow on05:47
Danny78how do I slow the burn speed on a cdrw in Nero?  anyone?05:47
shcherbakStolenWhisper: yes list of driver to use, just stop it.05:47
Madpilotchristopher, install from a 3rd-party download, or is Calibre in repos?05:47
inigohello all!05:47
liny_manfirst2none: this code will extract a tar.gz file to te destop: "tar -xv example.tar.gz -C ~/Desktop"05:47
eremyjahow do i learn to use ubottu?05:47
Suntzushcherbak: it says the same05:47
christopherIts in repos05:47
Madpilotubottu, tell eremyja about yourself05:47
ubottueremyja, please see my private message05:47
Suntzuscherbak: warning, not found05:47
Danny78inigo:  hello!05:47
Madpiloteremyja, there you go :)05:47
inigo I just installed ubuntu 10.10 and the signal strenght applet dissapeared. how do i get it back?05:47
ouyesfirst2none, sudo apt-get install unrar p7zip-full cabextract05:48
first2noneOk well i'm rebooting now05:48
InumediaWhat's a good photo editing software for Ubuntu Lucid?05:48
Ed_Moneyouyes: it doesn't prompt for the dependencies, it just complains about not having the dependencies05:48
first2nonei did that ouyes05:48
eremyjai <3 you madpilot, thanks for the fast reply =>05:48
first2noneI'm trying it out onw :)05:48
Ed_Moneyshit, I guess I'm going to have to learn about reposotories05:48
ouyesEd_Money,  have you marked other packages at the same time?05:49
Danny78nero my hero erase this dastardly disc05:49
christopher@Ed_money i just got it installed from the software center with no problems (Using 10.10 netbook)05:49
MadpilotEd_Money, if all it does is complain, then yeah, your repos listing got broken somehow. Which version of Ubuntu?05:49
ouyesEd_Money, just mark python-qt405:49
ouyesEd_Money, then apply05:49
Ed_Moneyouyes: I marked only python-qt4, it didn't work05:49
ouyesEd_Money, and then apply05:49
Pigstealerubottu, tell Pigstealer about yourself05:49
ubottuPigstealer, please see my private message05:49
ouyesEd_Money, see what happens05:50
Danny78crap, it's writing at 4x...  hope that's slow enough05:50
Ed_MoneyMadPilot: version 10.0405:50
eyesuckanyone know how to have a command run when i start xchat to automatically msg nickserv to identify me?05:50
liny_manDanny78: it should be fine.05:50
shcherbakStevethepirate: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep LoadModule05:50
Dark_Spyro_003Hello everyone! If anyone knows what could cause "No init found. Try passing init =bootarg." when trying to boot using my ATI graphics card? Ubuntu (and the CD for that matter) only boot succesfully using my onboard gfx card. Thanks if ya can help me with this!05:51
first2noneTurns out it did do it earlier i just didnt notice05:51
Danny78lanyangyang:  hiya05:51
Dark_Spyro_003Eyesuck: go to xchat, networklist05:51
liny_manfirst2none: cool.05:51
n-iCeHi... when you close a shell and reopen a new one, and you press the up key, it shows the last thing you typed, how do I delete that historial?05:51
Dark_Spyro_003eyesuck : then go to 'Freenode', click Edit and type it in at nickserv password05:51
clarinetlanyangyang: Hi.05:52
clarinetlanyangyang, Do you speak Englilsh?05:52
shcherbakSuntzu: not certain what next, upgrade? what kernel you using? (uname -a)05:52
ouyes! lanyangyang  | ubuntu05:52
ajwillhi all, I was wondering, is there a linux distro for installing on a pen drive? (something like dsl)05:52
numbertoMy webcame stopped working in cheese after upgrading to Maverick05:52
n-iCeajwill: pentoo05:52
ouyes! ubuntu | lanyangyang05:52
ubottulanyangyang: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com05:52
Danny78I bet the neighors are pissed05:52
lanyangyangbye bye05:53
ajwilln-iCe: thats not ubuntu though, that's gentoo based05:53
numbertoMy webcame stopped working in cheese after upgrading to Maverick05:54
n-iCeajwill: ah, right, did not see you were asking for a ubuntu based05:54
n-iCeHi... when you close a shell and reopen a new one, and you press the up key, it shows the last thing you typed, how do I delete that historial?05:54
inigoI just installe ubuntu 10.10 and lost my signal strenght indicator applet. How do I retrieve it?05:54
ajwilln-iCe: why would you want to..? I find that very useful :)05:54
Suntzushcherbak: I was using the *.27...I tried everything and get nothing...so I decided to reinstall the OS, so it is version *.21 right now05:54
ouyesthere are chinese every where05:54
Stevezauhmm on ubuntu 10.10.. I plugged in a usb ir receiver.. played a bit then unplugged it.. Im not to sure if its related but now when i press the uparrow key on my keyboard it goes to take screenshot?? anyone know how to fix this?? i tried "gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard"05:55
Suntzushcherbak: my usb ports worked when I installed Ubuntu 10.04...after the upgrade, everything messed up...I tried many suggestions but nothing worked...so i decided to reinstall the OS...it didn't work either05:56
shcherbakSuntzu: is it laptop?05:57
Suntzushcherbak: yes05:57
Stevezaushcherbak no, its a media pc05:57
Danny78liny_man:  It didn't work...  same freeze on bootup after saying there's a bootable cd in the drive...05:58
shcherbakSuntzu: try livecd, most likely it is hardware issue05:58
Suntzushcherbak: it is 5 years old and I have used Ubuntu those 5 years...and everything was fine...until a week ago05:58
n-iCeajwill: because I need to05:58
liny_manDanny78: did you select dsl from th bootup sequence?05:58
linux_probehmm, 5yr old laptop ehh05:59
Suntzushcherbak: hmmm, I tried xubuntu live-cd...didn't work :(05:59
Danny78liny_man:  I tried slitaz...  now I'm burning DSL05:59
shcherbakSuntzu: other option is to use external usbhub (if you have serial port it may work)05:59
n-iCeHi... when you close a shell and reopen a new one, and you press the up key, it shows the last thing you typed, how do I delete that historial?05:59
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
liny_manDanny78: i never even heard of slitaz, so i am unable to help you there.06:00
Danny78liny_man:  well, we'll see if DSL does the trick06:00
denilen-iCe, try history -c06:01
Suntzushcherbak: nop...I have no way out....because the only thing I can use is the rj-45 port..so I think it would be a solution to send all my files to the desktop pc, via thin client...what do you think about it?06:01
=== arrty_ is now known as arrty
christopherI'm very new with Ubuntu and Linux06:02
shcherbakSuntzu: lan?06:02
christopherhow do I install .rpm06:02
Doinklen-iCe, in ~/ is a file called .bash_history.  gedit away ;)06:02
beav_35I am trying to connect to a Win7 computer using Ubuntu and I keep getting "session setup failed: SUCCESS - 0".  What does this mean?06:02
shcherbakchristopher: you do not06:02
Doinkleliny_man, slitaz is nice :)06:02
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)06:02
n-iCeDoinkle: yeah, got it, thanks06:03
liny_manDoinkle: what is slitaz?06:03
christopherAlright. I'm looking to practise installing a program and I figured I could try nmap06:03
shcherbakchristopher: what do you want to install?06:03
Dark_Spyro_003Hello everyone! If anyone knows what could cause "No init found. Try passing init =bootarg." when trying to boot using my ATI graphics card? Ubuntu (and the CD for that matter) only boot succesfully using my onboard gfx card. Thanks if ya can help me with this!06:03
Suntzushcherbak: well, the desktop pc has 2 network cards...so I thought it would be useful to connect the laptop to one of the cards06:03
m_join #webkit06:04
Doinkleliny_man, a 30Mb linux distro.  like dsl but better IMHO06:04
Danny__Doinkle:  Do you know any reason it wouldn't boot?06:04
ranjanHi , all , is there anyone who has installed sugarcrm on a server where apache is running as user nobody.06:04
DoinkleDanny__,    ???06:04
Danny__Doinkle:  I just tried installing slitaz but it won't boot06:05
DoinkleDanny__, no idea.  works fine for me06:05
Doinklei dont use it much tho06:05
shcherbakSuntzu: less hussle would be to scp everything.06:05
shcherbakchristopher: nmap is in repos06:05
christopherI'm sorry, I'm very new. What is repos?06:06
Doinklechristopher, software repositories06:06
Danny__christopher:  repos are just what we call software packages06:06
christophersudo etc etc?06:06
Doinkleif you are "new", nmap isnt the best thing to start with :/06:06
Suntzushcherbak: scp?06:06
shcherbakchristopher: sudo apt-get install nmap06:06
liny_manchristopher: sudo apt-get it.06:06
christopherSo I can install it by using the terminal?06:07
Danny__Doinkle:  what would you recommend starting with before nmap?06:07
shcherbakchristopher: yes.06:07
Madpilotchristopher, the stuff that gets installed when you invoke "sudo apt-get install..." comes from the repos06:07
DoinkleDanny__, in what context?06:07
christopherI understand now06:07
shcherbakSuntzu: ssh tool06:07
Danny__Doinkle:  security, ethical hacking06:07
shcherbakSuntzu: like cp, but over ssh06:07
tripelbhow do I get to use switcher if there is no room for it on the panel06:07
christopherIs there a tutorial for Ubuntu noobs that want to learn more?06:07
DoinkleDanny__, check out some of the distros geared toward that.  if you need examples let me know06:08
Madpilotchristopher, best thing to do is just poke around, hang out here and ask questions as they occur.06:08
shcherbakchristopher: yes, on ubuntu site06:08
christopherWill do, I hate annoying people though so just bear with me06:08
DoinkleDanny__, http://www.darknet.org.uk/2006/03/10-best-security-live-cd-distros-pen-test-forensics-recovery/06:08
christopherThanks guys06:08
Suntzushcherbak: ahhhh ok...well, i have not used ssh yet...so I have to do it...but at least I can see that it could work, isn't it?06:09
Doinklechristopher, youtube has a ton of video tutorials too.  worth checking out06:09
shcherbakchristopher: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Maverick06:09
christopherHave to admit, I'm liking it so far quite a lot. AH YOUTUBE! Why didn't I think of that. Youtube is the best tutor out there!06:09
christopherThanks a lot.06:09
Danny__Doinkle:  I tried Fedora 14 Security Spin and couldn't even get it connected to the net, and it ran really slow, otherwise I';; have to see what's out there06:10
shcherbakSuntzu: It is quite complex setup, but yes it will work.06:11
liny_manchristopher: yep, Youtube and Google will guide you in the ways of ubuntu. :p06:11
Nisstyre65christopher, this is a good site http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/doku.php06:11
dr0idI type cd /var/www/ after that I want to go into the koans folder, how do I do that? do I execute cd /var/www/koans ? or can I do something like cd /koans ?06:11
Nisstyre65I know it says not a newbie tutorial, but most of it is pretty self evident06:11
christopherGreat! I appreciate it. I'll check the links out now.06:12
dr0idanyone ?06:12
Dark_Spyro_003Has anyone succesfully installed a (new) dedicated graphics card into a computer running Ubuntu ?06:13
PryMaLdr0id: type ls that will tell you the dir and file listing06:13
Suntzushcherbak: well, I have to do it...one, because I have a lot of important files to rescue...two, because I want to use this laptop as the display of the desktop pc (x formarding, right?)06:13
dr0idPryMaL: but I want to go into the koans directory06:13
Danny__Doinkle:  I heard of BackTrack and wanted to check it out, but I just found Ubuntu and it works...  and I'm not sure how to dual boot linuix on linux06:13
DoinkleDark_Spyro_003, most stick with nvidia06:13
liny_mandr0id: whats ur question?06:13
DoinkleDanny__, why bother, just boot the live cd image.  no need to install most of them06:13
dr0idI want to go into /var/www/koans, not I first executed cd /var/www then what should I do ?06:14
dr0idshall I do cd /var/www/koans then? or can I do something like cd /koans too ?06:14
earwigsanyone else getting a nasty big memory leak when using empathy IM?06:14
guampacd koans06:14
Danny__Doinkle:  does the distro have good documentation?06:14
beav_35Anyone know why it keeps saying "session setup failed: SUCCESS - 0" when I try to use smbclient to connect to my Win7 box?06:14
Danny__if you're familiar with it that is06:14
liny_mandr0d they should both ork.06:14
DoinkleDanny__, hit the website relevant for that.  this channel isn't really for this type of topic.06:14
Dark_Spyro_003Doinkle: I realise that most people stick with Nvidia, I would too but I still had this card lying around.06:14
DoinkleDark_Spyro_003, what card?06:14
dr0idguampa: cool, that works here :P wasn't working yesterday in the laptop lol06:15
guampait always does06:15
guampaalso try to use the tab key for completion06:15
guampait speeds things up06:15
earwigsempathy IM - anyone else having a memory leak issue with it?06:15
Dark_Spyro_003Doinkle: It's an ATI Radeon HD 4600. LiveCD doesn't boot with it, and neither does my Ubuntu installation itself.06:15
DoinkleDark_Spyro_003, i mentioned nividia because many who come in here and ask your type of question usually leave with nvidia being the more stable choice06:15
mindlesscoderhey, where can i dl the SDL 2graphic library?06:16
InumediaWhat's a good photo editing program for Lucid?06:16
christopherOk I'll be back later. See you.06:16
Dark_Spyro_003mindlesscoder: Did you mean Simple DirectMedia Layer? http://www.libsdl.org/06:17
guampaInumedia: gimp06:17
liny_manInumedia: gimp.06:17
mindlesscodermedia, gimp06:17
MadpilotInumedia, gthumb for basic stuff, GIMP for heavy-duty editing06:17
InumediaDamn can't believe I completely forgot about Gimp06:17
mindlesscoderinkscape also06:17
DoinkleDark_Spyro_003, i found a web page on that card.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI06:17
ruby_on_tailsi am copy pasting gedit snippet xml files from one computer to other but even after pasting the xml files stay empty(previous version)06:17
ruby_on_tailswhat should i do to import them ?06:17
raviepic3mindlesscoder, @ me ?06:18
DoinkleDark_Spyro_003, my work pc has radeon but it just worked when i installed ubuntu on it06:18
mindlesscoderdark_spyro_003, how do i install the library to my gcc compiler...06:18
ruby_on_tailsi deleted the files and pasted new files but still the new files seem empty after being pasted in gnome2/gedit/snippets06:18
patcitoany idea how I can delete that log directory? it won't go away even as root https://skitch.com/gregmoreno/r89ek/ubuntu-running06:18
Danny__where can I go to find irc channels for security testing?06:18
liny_mangoodbye ya'll!06:19
Nisstyre65Danny__, ##security06:20
Dark_Spyro_003Doinkle: I've already visited that page and it was no help to me. The system stops at No init found. Try passing init =bootarg. the busybox screen, that is. Same for the installation CD and various linux liveCDs06:20
DoinkleDark_Spyro_003, ahh.  sorry i cant help :/06:20
Blue1patcito: never seen that06:21
Danny__Nisstyre65:  it's invite only unfortunately06:21
Dark_Spyro_003Doinkle: Thanks for trying anyway. The onboard card will do for now06:21
DoinkleDark_Spyro_003, give it another shot when natty is out06:22
Dark_Spyro_003Doinkle: Thanks, will do!06:22
mindlesscoderhey can anyone help/direct me on using/obtaining the sdl library06:25
evilbughow well would 10.10 run on a 2.8gHz p4, 256mb ram?06:26
Nisstyre65Danny__, no06:26
lokeshhai to06:26
Nisstyre65you have to register your nick06:26
Nisstyre65-Notice- {from NickServ} Danny__ is not registered.06:26
=== Danny__ is now known as Danny78
lokeshdo any know about NAT06:26
mindlesscoderevilbug, you should run a different flavor of ubuntu06:27
lokesh...can explain it06:27
mindlesscoderevilbug, like xubuntu or lubuntu... it will run much faster than ubuntu 10.1006:27
first2noneDark_Spyro_033: I had the same problem you are having and mine is a Radeon graphics card as well i end up just using the onboard06:27
evilbugmindlesscoder: this computer used to run xp sp2 so is 10.10 heavier than xp?06:27
first2noneevilbug: Hell no06:28
mindlesscoderevilbug, that's hard to say06:28
Doinkleevilbug, well yes and no.06:28
first2nonelol how is it?06:28
Doinkleevilbug, you can install ubuntu, then use LXDE instead of gnome if you wanted to.06:28
mindlesscoderfirst2none, how do you figure?06:28
Dark_Spyro_003mindlesscoder: That's what I'm doing aswell right now =P never had good luck with this ATI card anyway.06:28
mindlesscodersame... ati cards are AWALL on linux06:29
evilbugDoinkle: i was considering xubuntu.06:29
Danny78Nisstyre65:  sorry, I haven't used IRC in a while06:29
first2noneHmm idk to me ubuntu is 10x faster then xp i have on another harddrive they both have ran on the same computer with same specs06:29
Doinklesaying a modern OS being less intensive as a 10-year old OS isn't an accurate depiction06:29
mindlesscoderi agree06:29
mindlesscoderdon't listen to first2none06:29
mkquistis there an xbmc channel... i know off topic06:29
first2noneI see what you mean06:29
first2nonelol yea nvm hehe06:29
evilbugi was also considering installing ubuntu 8.06:29
mindlesscoder10.10... needs more ran to run a enjoyable environment06:29
arrtyhow can i update an install of 6.04 to 1006:30
Doinkleevilbug, check out crunchbang if you want current kernel with lightweight feel.. or x/lubuntu06:30
mindlesscoderanty, simply through update manager06:30
arrtyi had an old disk laying around and put it on a box... but edgy isn't supported anymore06:30
arrtydoesn't work06:30
Jordan_Uarrty: There was no 6.04, do you mean 6.06?06:30
Doinklearrty, it isn't worth it, but sudo apt-get dist-upgrade many times might do it06:31
evilbugDoinkle: cool, i'll go with xubuntu then.06:31
Danny78Which option in settings makes a noise when someone speaks to me directly?06:31
=== guampa is now known as guampafk
mindlesscoderyes won't updating it to 10.10 be kinda hard?? or time consuming?06:31
evilbugDoinkle: it's for someone not very computer savvy who needs an easy gui.06:31
Ohelighow well does the 11.4 alpha work?06:31
mindlesscoderevilbug, if you want something that might run better than ubuntu try lubuntu it's less intensive but still runs the same as (x)ubuntu06:32
DoinkleOhelig, i found it "unfinished".. it works but its not worth playing with yet06:32
Oheligwhat are the major changes in 11.4 besides adding Untiy which, in my opinion, is not much of an "upgrade"06:33
mindlesscoderthere is no 11.406:33
mindlesscoderis 10.10 worth the upgrade from 10.04????06:33
Chandrageethahi, which is the best tool for movie making for ubuntu 10.1006:33
Oheligwhat are the major changes in 11.4 alpha besides adding Untiy which, in my opinion, is not much of an "upgrade"06:33
mindlesscoderall i really do is surf web and devel....06:33
arrtyshould i go ubuntu for a staging server or something else?06:34
evilbugmindlesscoder: i'll go with xubuntu and see how that runs, if it's still slow then i'll go lxde.06:34
mindlesscoderevilbug, it's up to you06:34
evilbugthanks for the help, guys.06:34
arrtyits not a particularly fast box06:34
mindlesscoderevilbug, tell me how it works out though... i'm curious to see what 256 mb is06:34
Chandrageethahi, which is the best tool for movie making on ubuntu 10.1006:35
evilbugmindlesscoder: well i have xubuntu 10.10 running flawlessly on an eeepc.06:35
evilbugmindlesscoder: 1gb ram though :)06:35
kellyany games to download for ubuntu06:36
eremyjanight all06:36
buckyevilbug, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements06:36
Jamesuperfunwell linux isnt a gaming platform, its weaker than mac there. but try the software center there's some06:36
Chandrageetha hi, which is the best tool for movie making on ubuntu 10.1006:37
JamesuperfunCant promise they'll be great06:37
Doinklekelly, www.playdeb.com06:37
evilbugbucky: yeah, i know. still will try it though.06:37
mindlesscoderevilbug, nice... what's your focus on ur pcs? just setting up servers or somethign?06:37
bullgard4How to check on the command line if the X server is running?06:37
Oheligkelly, I find Tumiki Fighters and Liquid War to be fun games06:38
Jamesuperfunthat site is in japanese or something06:38
JackOfHeartshow to alow one command to run sudo without password ? i need to trestarting net fror jdownloader06:38
Oheligsudo... without password?06:38
Chandrageethahow can i update my gnu panel06:38
Oheligwhat is this witchcraft you speak of06:38
JackOfHeartsi need to run sudo withotu asking of password06:38
goddardhow hard is it to install ubuntu over the network using the net installer06:38
SwedeMikeJackOfHearts: if you google for <sudo without password> you will see lots of articles about how to configure it.06:38
evilbugmindlesscoder: my girlfriend has an old computer and i'm trying to get it back up without using windows. she keeps getting viruses and things on it.06:39
evilbugmindlesscoder: i figured linux should be more efficient.06:39
Oheligremove your account's password is the only way I assume06:39
JackOfHeartspff SwedeMike im  using "im to lay to use debian distro" so im asking on irc instead of googling06:39
buckyChandrageetha, you need movie editing?06:39
Oheligotherwise, trying to sudo without a password is like trying to open a lock with a bowling pin06:40
mindlesscoderthat's not a fair analogy if you can actually do the latter06:41
Oheligquestion! I assume that for the ps3 iso files of ubuntu, the ps3 must still have the "Install Other OS" option?06:42
israfilhello, i use kubuntu hardy heron and have installed the proprietary nvidia driver. After it everything was good but after i rebooted the system the display remains dark. What can i do?06:43
xanguaOhelig: ps3 no longer supports that06:43
Oheligi know06:43
raviepic3_people, when i try to connect to my server which has ssh up and running with port 22 open, i get an error "ssh: connect to host 192.168.x.xx port 22: Connection refused"06:48
ox3aHow can i customize Ubuntu from installed system?06:49
JackOfHeartsfast questioon i got bash script  : its  sudo /marcusdavidus/.neo/linnet -r  than i want it to w8 than run the same command with -p how to breake it ? imtotally bash n00b06:49
raviepic3_ i am trying to connect using username and password06:49
raviepic3people, when i try to connect to my server which has ssh up and running with port 22 open, i get an error "ssh: connect to host 192.168.x.xx port 22: Connection refused" i am trying to connect using username and password06:51
mysteriousdarrenany news on a ubuntu tablet?06:51
zetheroois there any software maintaining that needs to occur with Ubuntu  for the system to continue to run smoothly over time?06:51
raviepic3can anybody help me with this ssh issue ?06:52
almoxarifehow do I restore the desktop icons without logging out?06:52
TuxNoBuxcan someone help me with this error i get in mint 9 isadora xfce x64 Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/eglibc/libc6-dev_2.11.1-0ubuntu7.2_amd64.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]06:53
sacarlsonraviepic3: does that user password exist on the ssh host you try to login to?06:53
zetherooI have always been under the impression that Ubuntu (and more generally, Linux) was not in need of maintaining, at least not in the way Windowz needs it. However I have found that after leaving my system on for longer than a day almost always demands a reboot to get things running smoothly again ...06:54
raviepic3sacarlson, yes it does06:54
almoxarifeTuxNoBux: the folder is not there, as you have it06:54
JackOfHeartsso srlsy guys? i winn not read 200 page bash manuals to just make script to run 2 comands06:54
almoxarifeTuxNoBux: 404, no such place06:54
sacarlsonraviepic3: what do the /var/log/auth.log file say on that ssh host?06:54
raviepic3sacarlson, even if it dosent will it say port 22: connection refused ?06:54
raviepic3sacarlson, i do not have access to the server yet06:54
sacarlsonraviepic3: no it should ask for password unless you have it set to only accept keys06:55
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:55
raviepic3sacarlson, exactly, and i am sure it is not set to accept only keys06:55
atpa8ahow can i make an init script to run earlier then another one?06:55
sacarlsonraviepic3: it would also be that iptables has port 22 filetered06:55
raviepic3sacarlson, how do i proceed ?06:56
Jpapertowelsi'm having an issue creating my ext4 partition on fakeraid... I get "The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of Serial ATA RAID isw_iiieehdb_OS (stripe) failed." using the mini.iso 10.10 (and 11.04)06:56
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)06:56
raviepic3sacarlson, other people in same network are able to connect to same server with port 2206:56
TuxNoBuxim kinda new to this version do you know were the folder is06:56
sacarlsonraviepic3: you need access to the remote host to find the problem06:56
raviepic3sacarlson, shoudl i install ssh server in my machine for this ?06:57
zetherooI have also noticed in more recent times that application which worked very well previously have become fraught with issues, Skype and Flash to name a couple ...06:57
raviepic3or ssh client alone is enough ?06:57
raviepic3sounds like a stupid question though06:57
sacarlsonraviepic3: other people where on the local lan?  it could be you don't have port 22 forwarded to that server from wan06:57
raviepic3sacarlson, yes local lan06:57
almoxarifehow do I restart the gnome session?06:58
sacarlsonraviepic3: no you don't need ssh server on your clients side06:58
ledfeatheri can only disable my touchpad temporaraly06:58
raviepic3sacarlson, whats the way to see that my ip is getting blocked by server on port 22 ?06:58
sacarlsonraviepic3: sounds like a route problem on your host net not setup to accept port 22 from wan06:58
Jpapertowelspartman: could not stat /dev/mapper/isw_blahblah_OS1 --- No such file or directory06:59
sacarlsonraviepic3: you need to see sudo iptables -l on the host and the router that it hooks through to access wan06:59
sacarlsonraviepic3: I assume you don't filter port 22 on your client side07:00
raviepic3how do i check that ?07:00
ledfeatherhow can i perminantly turn off the touchpad (without a hammer)07:00
raviepic3i am able to ssh into my own machine07:00
sacarlsonraviepic3: sudo iptable -l07:00
zetherooanyone know anything about maintaining the Ubuntu OS?07:01
raviepic3using ssh username@myip.com07:01
sacarlsonraviepic3: sudo iptables -L07:01
raviepic3and it gets into07:01
raviepic3output of sudo iptables --list http://pastebin.com/HURdbbsM07:01
sacarlsonraviepic3: you can filter so that local will work even with wan07:01
sacarlsonraviepic3: looks open07:02
raviepic3sacarlson, sorry i didnt get that, you saying my system is blocked for port 22 right now ?07:02
sacarlsonraviepic3: problem must be on host side07:02
raviepic3how do i ping the ip with a particular port number to see its replying me back ?07:02
raviepic3sacarlson, ^07:03
sacarlsonraviepic3: you sure that ssh is on port 22 at the host?  I never use port 2207:03
raviepic3i just did ssh username@serverip07:03
raviepic3and it gave me that port 22 error07:03
raviepic3usually port 22 is used for ftp right ?07:03
sacarlsonraviepic3: I"m not sure you can try scan System>admin>network tools> scan tab07:03
rethusi installed gdesklets, if i start it, i see an empty window, nothing else happend.07:04
rethusdid i need additional intalled packages?07:04
XyresicIs there anyone that can help a Ubuntu newbe with a dead gub problem? '-'07:04
sacarlsonraviepic3: no port 22 is the default for ssh  or sftp ,  but many (like me) don't use port 22 for security reasons07:04
almoxarifeXyresic: what kind of install?07:05
sacarlsonraviepic3: talk to your system admin to verify that port 22 is the port they use07:05
dio525iis there a way to have a panel or docky in gnome show the contents of a folder (say ~/Desktop)?07:05
XyresicUbuntu 10.1007:05
Kartagis!grub | Xyresic07:06
ubottuXyresic: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:06
almoxarifeXyresic: describe the grub issue?????07:06
XyresicWell, I didn't lose it with a windows install07:06
OrangePeelHow do I change mac adress with Ubuntu07:06
XyresicI was making a new partition in Window's diskmgmt and I think that broke grub '-'07:07
=== jack is now known as Guest6411
almoxarifeXyresic: did you do a wubi install?07:07
raviepic3sacarlson, yes 22 is the one07:07
XyresicBecause the next thing that happened was windows bluescreened after trying to make the partition and grub died07:07
XyresicNo, it wasn't wubi07:07
almoxarifeXyresic: can you access windows?07:08
XyresicWhen I booted from the live disk,  I somehow had /dev/sda1-6007:08
XyresicNo, I can't... grub goes into recovery mode07:08
XyresicAnd I don't have 60 partitions07:08
Jpapertowelsneed help with using fakeraid (software raid doesnt support grub boot from raid0)...anyone? wiki doesnt have answers07:08
Jordan_UXyresic: Sounds like a severely broken partition table.07:08
XyresicLike, a lot of the partitions repeated theself S:07:08
XyresicIs there a fix? D;?07:09
sacarlsonraviepic3: is there any other ports active on the server to verify that your ip is correct?07:09
Jordan_UXyresic: What is the output of "sudo parted -l"?07:09
almoxarifeXyresic: you had a working windows system before as your boot os?07:09
XyresicYea, I did07:09
XyresicWell, i had a working windows + ubuntu dual boot07:10
XyresicBut when I tried to ad a new partition from unallocated spaec on windows it died07:10
=== Guest6411 is now known as thx1138
Jordan_UJpapertowels: I think that grub2 actually does support booting from raid0.07:10
almoxarifeXyresic: I would suggest you first restore the MBR with a restore disk07:10
XyresicJordan_U: sec, lemme get onto the live disk again07:10
XyresicLike, with a Windows restore CD?07:11
almoxarifeXyresic: yeah07:11
thx1138how come my touchpad wont stay off?07:11
JpapertowelsJordan_U: every time i boot with software raid, my bios does not detect any bootable thing on my ssds07:11
Jpapertowelsalthough the installation appears to succeed without errors07:11
Jordan_UJpapertowels: How did you try to setup software RAID?07:12
tripelbhi where can I get to see a color card like they use in video so I can tell if my monitors colors are good?07:12
OrangePeelHow do I change mac adress with Ubuntu07:13
JpapertowelsJordan_U: mini.iso... 10.10 amd64... expert install uhh I created 2 raid partitions on each drive exactly the same, 1 for ext4 / and 1 for swap then went into software raid setup and turned them into raid devices in raid0 then continued on07:13
Jordan_UOrangePeel: System > Preferences > Network Connections.07:13
FlynsarmyAfter getting BD support on linux, is there a way (like anydvd on windows) to let you skip the unskippable garbage before the movie?07:14
raviepic3sacarlson, well yeah, a nmap scan gave me that 80,427,443,902, 5989 are open07:14
OrangePeelHow ?07:14
thx1138i really need to turn off the touchpad07:15
OrangePeelJordan_U, how07:15
OrangePeelafter i'm there07:15
Jordan_UJpapertowels: Can you run boot info script as explained here (from a liveCD): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?07:15
XyresicJordan_U: It gives a error, "can't have overlapping partitions"07:15
Danny78I still can't get my 500MHz to boot...  opened it up and switched cables around, checked jumpers.. starts to boot then freezes07:16
Jordan_UOrangePeel: Select "Auto eth0" (for ethernet) then "Edit connection".07:16
XyresicAlso something about unable to open /dev/sr0 read-wite07:16
JpapertowelsJordan_U: i dont have a live cd and it will take years to download one using 1 megabit adsl07:17
XyresicAnd a warning about the driver descriptor say the pysical block size is 512 bytes, but linux says it is 2048 bytes07:17
duron23which is the recomemded channel for kernel development discussion ?07:17
OrangePeelJordan_U, what would I change it too....07:17
Jordan_UOrangePeel: Why do you want to change it?07:18
OrangePeelSo I can be unbanned because some asshole used my name and trolled his ass off for 6 hours on my name, they think I'm him and Ked me07:18
OrangePeelsorry for language07:18
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:18
FloodBot2OrangePeel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:18
=== milligan_ is now known as milligan
psycho_oreos!cn| linux07:19
ubottulinux: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk07:19
OrangePeelthat's why07:19
thx1138no offense, but thats funny as hell07:19
OrangePeelme thx1138  ?07:20
sacarlsonraviepic3: ok that sounds like you got the right place then07:20
linuxzhao  康豪07:20
Jordan_UOrangePeel: Changing your mac address won't do anything for that, and trying to get around the ban using tricks rather than just talking to whoever banned you (like #ubuntu-ops for Ubuntu core channels) will only get you banned longer for trying to evade.07:20
OrangePeelI CAN"T Jordan_U07:20
linux康豪  ?07:20
OrangePeelthey won't respond to my emails07:20
OrangePeelthey reall ythink I'm this dude07:20
weehello everyone !I come from china~07:20
raviepic3sacarlson, you mean the server has blocked 22 for me ?07:20
OrangePeeland no07:20
linuxme too  i'm chinase07:21
OrangePeelIt has nothing to do with a network you're familiar too07:21
duron23which is the recomemded channel for kernel development discussion ?07:21
OrangePeelI can't*07:21
Jordan_UOrangePeel: That's unfortunate, but you won't get support for trying to evade a ban in this channel.07:21
OrangePeelYou're seriously missing the point07:22
OrangePeelJust think I'm some other young smuck trying to evade a ban07:22
thx1138can anyone tell me why i cant actually turn off the touchpad on my netbook? i tried through terminal, and it wouldnt stay off, and now it wont even go off for a second07:22
Jpapertowelswould it be acceptable to erase partition table using dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/isw_iiieehdb_OS07:23
linuxwhere it is?07:23
Jpapertowelsor is that an extremely bad idea with an ssd raid07:23
Jordan_UJpapertowels: Yes, if you're absolutely sure that you never want to access any data on that drive again (and that you have the correct device).07:23
Danny78A  minor victory!  my old comp detected a HDD I put in and is going to be able to format it07:23
Danny78checking for bad sectors first07:24
Danny78I might give Ubuntu mini another chance first07:24
thx1138no one knows?07:25
linuxi 'm a new for linux07:25
clarinetlinu, you Chinese?07:26
clarinetlinux, you Chinese?07:26
clarinetlinux, me too.07:26
linuxwhere are you ?07:26
=== daniel is now known as inside0ut
linuxi'm in beijing07:26
clarinetlinux, Beijing.07:26
clarinetlinux, that's nice.07:26
linuxnice too meet you !07:27
newbie2011how can i download the spanish firefox package? i dont see it in synaptic. do i need to add a different repository?07:27
linux你在哪啊 ?07:27
SwedeMike!cn | linux07:27
ubottulinux: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk07:27
thx1138also what is the actual program name of the "mouse" settings in 10.10 so i can replace it with "pointing devices"?07:28
linuxhow to use this program ?07:28
tripelbmy solution smpte color bars.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMPTE_color_bars --BUT when I made the color bars correct, with a good black and white and middle grey and the video colors looking good, not all the ubuntu text and window bars are too light. I dont understand.07:29
linuxxchat    ,  how to use it07:29
linuxmy god!07:29
thx1138linux i would say you're using it just fine07:29
marcusdavidusWarning: Suspicious file types found in /dev:07:30
marcusdavidus[08:26:47]          /dev/shm/pulse-shm-2652914100: data lololol rkhunter dont like pulse07:30
goddardhow hard is it to install ubuntu over the network using the net installer07:30
ox3aHow can i customize Ubuntu from installed system/Ubuntu?07:30
marcusdavidusox3a:  type in console sudo rm -rf /07:30
Jordan_U!danger | ox3a07:30
ubottuox3a: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!07:30
gobbegoddard: not so hard07:31
chipmonk_is it related to the fatal joke07:31
clarinetlinux, Hi.07:31
chipmonk_of ww207:31
ox3athanks OP07:31
linuxwhere  are you ?07:32
thx1138can someone please help me kill the touchpad on this stupid netbook (without a hammer??)07:32
chipmonk_trying to install clonezilla live on usb hd07:32
vakhi all07:32
linuxmay i know you?07:32
gobbethx1138: disable it from bios07:32
somethingintereshi all, got a bit of a problem. Ubuntu reports my "Filesystem root" is almost full. I had the same error today and removed a large number of stuff, even moving my files in /home to another drive and that left 2.8GB free. I'm now getting reports of only 384MB being free. Any ideas what's going on? I've already run Comp Janitor07:32
tripelbgoddard, it takes a very long time to download it all. it's not practical. what's your situation?07:32
ox3alinux, who?07:32
linuxlet's be firends07:32
vakwhen new kernel 2.6.37 is expected to appear in Ubuntu ?07:32
Jordan_U!ot | linux07:32
ubottulinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:32
Oheligvak, april07:33
Oheligin 11.407:33
clarinetlinux, ok.07:33
tripelbsomethinginteres, did you empty the trash?07:33
tripelbmaybe reboot07:33
vakOhelig: Oh, I see, thx07:33
=== root is now known as Guest96742
chipmonk_i vote for emptying trash07:33
somethinginterestripelb: trash is empty07:33
Oheligsomethinginteres, maybe your drive is actually filling up :|07:33
JackOfHeartsGuest96742:  srsly going in to irc from rot acoiunt?07:34
tripelbI must sleep. zzz07:34
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, which tool did you use to check your disk usage?07:34
gobbesomethinginteres: check that /var/cache/apt/archives is empty07:34
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: just a right click on the drive itself as well as disk usage analyzer07:35
FreezyFreakysomethinginteres, you should see what files have been modified recently.  Maybe that will give you a clue what's going on07:35
Jpapertowelsok i want to install ubuntu-desktop package but without openoffice and all those other programs but still have working sound, etc. whats the best way to do that?07:35
Oheliguninstall them after install07:36
Jpapertowelsgreat spend 8 hours downloading OO just to uninstall it lol :(07:36
Oheligit isn't that large07:36
Jpapertowelseat my dialup speed dsl07:36
ubuntu_ciao a tutti07:37
somethinginteresFreezyFreaky: how can I do that? gobbe: that seems to have a number of debs in it. Though the loss of 1GB+ space still seems odd but I'll remove everything in there. Thanks07:37
gobbeJackOfHearts: well, then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:37
gobbeJackOfHearts: aah, sorry :(07:37
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, hmm I personally would use command line tool `df -h' myself. There is another way to check which directory is using lots of space but I have to warn you that the tool is very hard drive intensive07:37
gobbeJpapertowels: well, then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:37
Jpapertowelsgobbe: thats what i'm using, im logged in and using su ready to apt-get07:38
Oheligsomethinginteres... are you, i don't know, downloading anything?07:38
gobbeJpapertowels: use dselect07:38
gobbeJpapertowels: or sudo tasksel07:38
somethinginteresOhelig: not at all, especially not after clearing the drive after the first warning today.07:38
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: will run that07:39
Oheligmayhaps it's a virus07:39
somethinginteresthe drive is a 1TB just FYI07:39
ledfeatherhow would i turn it (touchpad) off in bios07:39
Danny78JackofHearts:  Hi, hope all's well\07:40
ledfeatheralso = thx113807:40
gobbeledfeather: just browse it, there should be option for that07:40
somethinginteresgobbe: no adverse affects from removing the items in that folder?07:40
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, there's a tool known as `du -h --max-depth=1 /' which can be used to slowly find the place where lots of data is being used.. you might want to skip certain directories under rootfs like /proc, /dev, /mnt, /media, etc07:40
gobbeledfeather: or atleast i have had such option in every laptio i had in past 13 years07:40
gobbesomethinginteres: that's cache-temp for your package installs and updates07:41
Danny78Has anyone used a touch-pad laptop with Ubuntu?  Did you like having a touch-screen laptop?07:41
MAGIK_NINJAi need help transfering files from ubuntu to windows07:41
gobbesomethinginteres: so if there's lots of stuff you can delete them07:41
ledfeatherok, maybe im doing it wrong. how do i get to the bios07:41
Jordan_Usomethinginteres: How large is /var/log?07:41
theamazingbeatHi I am mounting a network drive, anyway I am editing fstab and I am following a guide, the guide says add this line: //<SERVERNAME>/<REMOTEPATH> /<LOCALMOUNTPOINT>/<LOCALPATH> cifs credentials=/home/<LOCALUSERNAME>/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0------What should I put in <LOCAMOUNTPOINT> and <LOCALPATH>?07:41
gobbeledfeather: depends, ususally pressing esc, delete, f12, f2 or something during bootup07:42
somethinginteresah I see from df -h that the / partition is only 10GB - not sure why my /home is 800GB ^-^07:42
gobbeledfeather: check from your laptops manual07:42
dvanstoneafter an install of 9.10 unable to get or install packages07:42
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, no there isn't, they are just a place to store downloaded debs and usually when installation/upgrade finishes the cache stays there. Deleting them, removing unwanted packages once they were installed and later changing mind will make the package managers download them07:42
Danny78Does anyone know if Ubuntu supports touchscreens?07:42
ledfeatherok. at f2 i know i cant get there. and esc only gets me to a boot selector07:42
gobbesomethinginteres: if you are using lvm you can reduce size of home and move it to /07:42
MAGIK_NINJAi keep getting an error message when i try to access my  hd07:42
dvanstoneDanny78 yes07:42
MAGIK_NINJAwho do i ask for help im very new to linux07:43
Jordan_UDanny78: It does, but like with any type of hardware some devices are better supported than others.07:43
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: OK thanks gobbe: sorry, not sure what lvm is07:43
Jpapertowelswell i finally got fakeraid to work apparently it fails if you already have a partition table on it when you boot the installer, when i dd'd through it and created a new table within the installer it successfully partitioned07:43
Oheligmagik, what does the error say07:43
gobbe!ask | MAGIK_NINJA07:43
ubottuMAGIK_NINJA: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:43
MAGIK_NINJAE:/ is not accessible.The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted.07:43
Danny78I take lots of notes, but I'm not sure if I'd like scribbling on a touch pad/screen07:43
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, stuff to do with RAID mainly imo is what lvm is07:43
somethinginteresgobbe: If it is something default then I'd probably be using it. Giving / more space definately seems the best move. I didn't realise the partition was so small07:43
MAGIK_NINJAit has very important files on it07:43
gobbesomethinginteres: what does sudo /sbin/lvdisplay say?07:43
Danny78maybe I can take one for a test spin, lol07:44
Oheligone of them uses FAT32 and the other uses NSFT?07:44
Oheligi think is what it means07:44
Jordan_UMAGIK_NINJA: What OS are you using?07:44
somethinginteresgobbe: getting a "not found" on that cmd07:44
MAGIK_NINJAwindows 707:44
MAGIK_NINJAand ubuntu07:44
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: you should ask it from #windows-channel then07:45
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, there's another thing you can do which may not be ideal is to re-tune the size of reserved space if its ext3/4 based. This will give you more space but may cause the fs to be more fragmented or easily fragmented07:45
Jordan_UMAGIK_NINJA: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. Try ##windows for windows support.07:45
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: there's no volumes with letters in ubuntu07:45
MAGIK_NINJAwell the problem is with ubuntu07:45
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: no it's not07:45
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: you are trying to access something from windows07:45
dvanstonecouldnt install xchat or ubuntu-extras there seems to be an issue w/ a microsoft font07:45
MAGIK_NINJAi saved the files to the hd using ubuntu, and now i cant access the drive without formating it in windows yess07:45
bobthemilkmanThat's a problem with windows.07:46
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: that's because windows doesn't support filesystem of ubuntu07:46
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: and it's windows issue then07:46
MAGIK_NINJAso is there a way to put them back using ubuntu?07:46
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: back where?07:46
MAGIK_NINJAi took the files from the hd with windows installed on it and put them on an empty hd, can i transfer files from the drive back to the main hd with windows?07:46
MAGIK_NINJAi did all this in ubuntu07:47
Oheligtry taking them off of the windows drive while on ubuntu07:47
fishsceneMagik: Only if you formatted the drive as ntfs or fat07:47
fadlihi axlin07:47
Jordan_UMAGIK_NINJA: Yes. You can copy files from your Ubuntu partition to your windows partition (While booted into Ubuntu).07:47
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: it is ext4 I believe,  I wouldn't like the extra fragmentation though07:47
XyresicUhm, sorta unrelated, but after destroying grub, I'm trying to get the windows mbr back, but the windows cd gets suck at the loading screen, anyone know why? '-'07:48
MAGIK_NINJAjordan_U i tried that, but in ubuntu i it doesnt show the drive with windows installed on it.07:48
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: you need to mount it to ubuntu07:48
Oheligmagik, you have 2 seperate drives? or 1 drive with 2 partitions07:48
Danny78Linux Live USB creator is so...  groovy07:48
Jordan_UXyresic: I can walk you through installing a windows style mbr from within Ubuntu.07:48
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, *nods* fair enough, I've never tried re-adjusting the size of reserved blocks but then again with ext4 one might be able to defragment it.. unlike ext3 which is what I've got my 1.5TB setup as has no online defragmenter07:49
XyresicThere's also that partiton problem I was hoping the windows live cd might catch though '-'07:49
curiousxHi all MAGIK_NINJA to read or write windows partitions you have to munt it firts07:49
curiousxwhit program called "ntfs-3g" you will be able to do that07:50
Jordan_UXyresic: Can you run "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" and pastebin the output? I seem to remember fdisk fixing this type of problem automatically to a certain extent before.07:50
XyresicI don't think I can pastebin though Jordan_U07:51
curiousxfor example ---> mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/<windows disk>07:51
JackOfHeartsXyresic: try rescuecd live linux distro it got ncie apps to help with partitons07:51
JackOfHearts expecially "testdisk"07:51
curiousxexcuse me for example ---> mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/<windows disk> /mnt07:51
JackOfHearts if testdisk dotn fix it nothing will07:51
Jordan_UXyresic: Why not? (By the way, I agree with JackOfHearts that testdisk will probably be able to fix this).07:52
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: so I just cleared the package cache and that got rid of 700MB of space and saved a document in LibreOffice and suddenly I have "3MB" of space left..  how strange07:52
XyresicNevermind, I made a mistake, I should be able to pastebin07:52
curiousxdid you read me MAGIK_NINJA ?07:52
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, the files aren't actually being deleted, are you deleting them from console or using file manager?07:52
thx1138i dont see an option in my bios for the touchpad... one for usb, sure07:53
MAGIK_NINJAok i have a 500 gb hd with windows 7 installed, and a secondary 150gb hd with nothing on it but my files music, movies, games, etc. i tried to install ubuntu 9.10 from a disk someone burned for me, it was scratched or something because it didnt work right, and then when i tried to load windows i got some kind of problem with GRUB, couldnt fix that withought reinstalling windows 7, so i took all my files from the 500 gb hd with win707:53
JackOfHeartsXyresic:  this diskis on samepc like this one ur on ? if yes just instakll testdisk is in repos07:53
XyresicNo, it's my laptop07:53
thx1138also: every time i restart my computer locks up07:53
MAGIK_NINJAjust barely running it from the disk, so then i reinstalled windows, and now when i try to access that 150 gb hd from windows it gives me the error message i wrote before07:53
MAGIK_NINJAdoes that cover it all?07:53
XyresicI'm running a live USB for the laptop07:54
thx1138im starting to get a little annoyed07:54
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: terminal. Directly after deletion the GUI and terminal report the space being free but yeah..07:54
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: clearly not..07:54
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: you need to boot to ubuntu to be able to copy those files07:54
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: there's no support in windows for ext-filesyste07:54
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, to me it sounds like they are being placed somewhere or there could be another reason that changes aren't being written directly07:55
MAGIK_NINJAgobbe: ok so how do i do that again? i cant find the 500gb hd with windows when im in ubuntu?07:55
MAGIK_NINJAsomething about mounting the drive?07:55
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: yes. you need to mount that drive to ubuntu07:55
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: should I maybe restart my machine?07:55
linuxok   remake you MBR07:55
MAGIK_NINJAgobbe: and how do i do that?07:56
Jordan_UMAGIK_NINJA: You should be able to find it by going to Places > Computer.07:56
AndIrc_8who would use ubuntu these days when you have windows 7?07:56
Jordan_UMAGIK_NINJA: (The "Places" menu is at the top left of the screen).07:56
linuxremake your MBR of HW07:56
MAGIK_NINJAjordan: thats where i looked but only like some sort of partition or backup part of it is there07:56
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: either way I'd love to be able to resize / b/c clearly 10GB is far too little space07:56
XyresicHow do you copy terminal text?07:56
nit-witMAGIK_NINJA, is the external a ext or NTFS07:56
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, restart would be the last resort I would try07:56
Jordan_U!ot | AndIrc_807:56
ubottuAndIrc_8: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:56
AndIrc_8whats ot07:56
curiousxMAGIK_NINJA: first you have to identify the device ---> sudo fdisk -l07:56
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: OK. I've no ideas myself. Very much a linux/ubuntu n00b so anything is new territory for me07:57
MAGIK_NINJAnit-wit: its not external, its a drive in the pc, and i think its ntfs07:57
Jordan_UAndIrc_8: This channel is only for Ubuntu support. Please take other discussions elsewhere.07:57
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, I do recall there's a tool inside repository that can show you how much each directory and their sub directory is taking up on hard disk. Something like treesize pro on windows if you have ever used it07:57
MAGIK_NINJAi cant remember what its called, but the large 500 gb drive is new and has small plugs with less needles, and the small one 150gb is an old drive that has the ribbon strips to connect it07:58
Jordan_Usomethinginteres: psycho_oreos: Applications > Accessories > Disk Usage Analizer in a standard Ubuntu install.07:58
nit-witMAGIK_NINJA, can you open a partitioner and find out, so it is not seen by W7 correct.07:58
XyresicJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/dKV6mddd07:58
curiousxMAGIK_NINJA: give us the out put of ---> sudo fdisk -l07:58
psycho_oreosJordan_U, hmm or bonobo iirc haven't tried disk usage analyser myself but bonobo might be just that07:58
somethinginteresJordan_U: running a scan now07:58
grehawhere can i find ubuntu one?07:59
grehain the menu07:59
MAGIK_NINJAnit-wit: its a WDC WD1600JB-00FUA0 ATA Device07:59
thx1138where should i be seeing my touchpad in the bios because unless ive gone blind i dont see it08:00
MAGIK_NINJAdoes that help?08:00
fishsceneSystem > Preferences > Ubuntu One08:00
nit-witMAGIK_NINJA, sre you in W708:00
r00t4rd3dfishscene, any luck with dhcp ?08:00
MAGIK_NINJAnit-wit: yes right now i am08:00
Jpapertowelswoah whats it mean when the ubuntu installer freezes at "debootstrap: gpgv: Good signature from "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>""08:00
grehait doesnt start :/08:00
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: well, again, you need to boot to ubuntu and mount the disk there, you cannot do anything with it from windows08:01
MAGIK_NINJAnit-wit: i only have wifi so i cant connect to the internet in ubuntu08:01
MAGIK_NINJAgobbe: im sorry if you already told me but i might have missed it, how do i mount the disk?08:01
psycho_oreos!mount| MAGIK_NINJA08:01
ubottuMAGIK_NINJA: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount08:01
XyresicSo uhm... where do you find testdisk?08:01
gobbeMAGIK_NINJA: read the mount-link you just got08:02
MAGIK_NINJAgobbe:ok thanks08:02
JackOfHeartsgeirha: querry08:02
nit-witMAGIK_NINJA, in the admin account open the disk manager and look to see if it shows if it does take a screen shot/snippet and imagebin it.http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add08:02
somethinginteresJordan_U psycho_oreos: few folder seem to have around 400MB in them e.g. /var/log08:03
somethinginteresJordan_U  psycho_oreos: and /lib/modules seems to have old kernels.. maybe?08:04
MAGIK_NINJAnit-wit: in windows, or ubuntu?08:04
nit-witMAGIK_NINJA, do you actually have a linux install?08:04
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, some of the files in /var/log can be deleted/compressed, just make sure that using the tool `file' to see if they are actually ASCII data08:04
JackOfHeartsMAGIK_NINJA:  or jus type sudo mkdir /media/whatnameuwant  sudo /mount /dev/sd* (name of disk) /media/nameofcatalogu make08:04
MAGIK_NINJAnit-wit i have ubuntu installed on the same drive as windows08:04
MAGIK_NINJAi installed it from in windows08:05
MAGIK_NINJAand when i boot it asks if i want to choose windows or ubuntu08:05
MAGIK_NINJAi have the newer verseion now08:05
nit-witMAGIK_NINJA, well your getting lots of hits here so to speak, so it seems others feel they have the answer08:05
Jpapertowelslol uhh in expert installer i used alt+f4 to read what was going on and now I can't get back to the ui08:05
MAGIK_NINJAwhen i saved the files i had 9.10 running off a disk in the dvd-drive08:05
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, yeah they would go by usually /lib/modules/`uname -r` for currently running kernel, older ones would also mean that older kernels may also be installed.. I would probably retain 2 failbacks apart from the main one08:05
MAGIK_NINJAwow im lost08:06
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: seems to be the current setup I've got .24, .23, and .2208:07
JackOfHeartsMAGIK_NINJA: with what i told u what to do read querry08:07
Jpapertowelsstuck on "Retrieving libpopt0..." what can i do08:07
curiousxMAGIK_NINJA: 9.10 is the version of ubuntu you are using ?08:07
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, seems like each would be taking alot then if you only have 3 kernels08:07
JackOfHeartsis depends on what ddrive u got files u want to mount08:07
MAGIK_NINJAjackofhearts. ok so im reading that link, it says somethign about accessing fiels on the mounted drive, but what i want to do is add files to the mounted drive, is taht possible?08:08
JackOfHeartsits ntfs?08:08
JackOfHearts come on querry /private chat/08:08
MAGIK_NINJAcuriousx- no 9.10 is what i was using when i screwed up windows and had to move my files in the first place, now i have the newest one i downloaded from teh site and installed on my drive next to windows08:08
curiousxmybe you might update to 11.04 or 10.10 and get the wireless card working08:08
maxime_hello i have install lamp server but php5 doesn t work on userdir :-s08:09
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.08:09
curiousxexcuseme i mean 10.0408:09
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: 409MB total for the 308:09
curiousxan error of tiping xD08:09
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, yeah so divide that 409 by 3 and you get something around 133MB per kernel module.. quite unusual, let me check mine08:10
nit-witMAGIK_NINJA, I can't really tell exactly what your problem is can you explain it succinctly. Are you booting both OS/ Is it you can't access the 150 gig drive?08:11
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: thanks for helping me out. If I'd known / was so small I'd've addressed this earlier08:11
cryptodira64 bit NON-adobe flash player for 10.04 / amd64 .... is there one?08:11
grehahelp please, my ubuntu software center, ubuntu one and banshee just dont start and do nothing08:11
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, mine averages around 90-100MB each (and I have 15 kernel versions including current one) so if you delete one or two you may only free up around a quarter of a CD size or less08:12
somethinginterespsycho_oreos: looks like the solution is going to be to resize "/" but that might not be possible, is that correct?08:13
psycho_oreossomethinginteres, well if you have linux on a single hard disk, you can08:13
gobbesomethinginteres: like i told you earlier, if you are using lvm's it is possible. and i asked you to run one command to see that are you08:13
somethinginteresgobbe: not sure if my msg to you got through earlier, I got a "command not found" on the command you asked me to run08:14
gobbesomethinginteres: ok, so you are not running lvm's then08:14
AndIrc__hello wad08:15
thomsonjust hello..08:15
AndIrc__just your face08:15
gobbe!ot | AndIrc__08:16
psycho_oreos!ot| AndIrc__08:16
ubottuAndIrc__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:16
grehahelp please, I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 and my ubuntu software center, ubuntu one and banshee just dont start and do nothing08:16
roccity__greha, can you start one of them from a terminal and see what the output is08:16
AndIrc__your problem is your os greha. get a better one08:16
greharoccity__, banshee gives a strange error08:17
grehaa long oen08:17
curiousxgreha: paste it08:17
roccity__greha can you pastebin it?08:17
roccity__greha, stupid question do you have all of your updates08:18
greharoccity__, yes just did them08:18
XyresicI can't find testdisk08:19
curiousxgreha: try runing ass root user08:19
roccity__greha, can you access .config/banshee-1 from a terminal?08:19
Jordan_UMAGIK_NINJA: Do not trust anything that JackOfHearts has told you to do in private messages. He has previously told people to do things which would whipte their entire drive.08:20
greharoot works, so as root i can access the folde08:20
gobbegreha: the folder should be owned by you, not root08:20
zipperheadhey guy anyone can help me my icons on dock keep moving even tho i right click on them and say lock itme08:20
gobbegreha: sudo chown greha -R ~/.*08:21
grehaill change08:21
roccity__greha, you need to change the permissions of the folder for your user08:21
zipperheadafter very reboot they move all over the doclk08:21
curiousxis a problem of permisions thats programs owns root08:21
grehaand for ubuntu one, and software center?08:21
grehahow can i start them interminal?08:21
curiousxroccity__: wons me xD08:21
gobbegreha: application->accessories08:21
cryptodira64 bit NON-adobe flash player for 10.04 / amd64 .... is there one?08:22
rwwcryptodira: none of the non-adobe Flash players, for 32-bit or 64-bit, are good.08:22
caferi installed bind9. but it listens port 953. not port 5308:22
rwwcryptodira: that said, look into gnash or swfdec08:22
caferhow can i change bind9 port to 5308:23
roccity__greha, chances are that the .config folders permission are what is holding those apps up08:23
cryptodirarww: thanks08:23
grehathanks roccity__08:24
=== Danny__ is now known as mbvpixies78
gobbecafer: it should listen also 53 by default08:24
Jpapertowelsok this is my third time trying to install using the mini.iso for 10.10, bugger always hangs in some random part of installing the operating system08:24
caferi think OS ubuntu listens 5308:24
roccity__greha, gobbe helped :) no prob08:24
caferbind9 listens 95308:25
zipperheadhey guy anyone can help me my icons on dock keep moving even tho i right click on them and say lock itme08:25
caferhow can check or debug this?  i have to use bind from port 5308:25
gobbecafer: listen-on port 53 to conf08:26
gobbecafer: listen-on port 53 { ip };08:26
gobbecafer: http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/networking_2ndEd/dns/ch10_15.htm for example08:26
Jpapertowelsodd the us.archive ubuntu mirror keeps disconnecting me in the middle of downloads08:27
gobbeJpapertowels: use other mirror?08:27
theamazingbeatokay i really messed up. i just need to know how do i set a home directory for a user in command line08:27
Jpapertowelsok canadian mirror it is then, maybe its friendlier08:28
a2c7u2u5the home directory is setted in passwd file08:28
=== root is now known as Guest61806
a2c7u2u5you have to change the correct line in /etc/passwd08:29
Guest61806can somebody teach me08:29
=== hekos is now known as Hekos
theamazingbeatokay well basically i need to access that file and change it back, somehow it got screwed up and not I am getting in command line: No Directory, logging in with HOME=/08:29
gobbetheamazingbeat: so what did you do?08:29
theamazingbeati am very newbie so i dont know how to do it08:29
gobbetheamazingbeat: move your home-directory to somewhere else?08:30
gobbetheamazingbeat: what does ls -l /home say?08:30
mugshothello there08:30
theamazingbeatI was messing with mounting with setting up a network drive and when i rebooted i got an error: could not update ICEauthority file08:30
theamazingbeatas well as another08:30
rethusi have install gnome-shell, and i love it from the first second. BUT it runs realy realy slow  on Maverick. Any Idea, what the Problem could be?08:30
augustlis it possible to create a bootable ubuntu server USB stick from OS X?08:30
mugshotanyone can help with setting up a matrox card driver on meerkat ?08:31
curiousxadios amigos... thak you for helping ubuntu comunity a hug from Argentina, good bye =)08:31
gobbeaugustl: yes, there's also howto in ubuntu.com for that08:31
theamazingbeatit has 2 lines08:31
gobbeaugustl: arggh..sorry, wrong guy08:31
augustlgobbe: it doesn't become bootable08:31
augustlah ok :)08:31
theamazingbeatone says alien-my user profile08:31
theamazingbeatanother says root08:31
bullgard4How to check on the command line if the X server is running?08:31
lahwranwhat is the name of the default power button that shows up in the upper-right corner? I deleted it from my panel, don't want to reset the panel, and can't find it again08:31
gobbeaugustl: nvm, i need coffee. i tried to write to you ;)08:31
gobbeaugustl: well, just do it without altering the iso, dd if=image.iso of=/dev/diskX bs=1m08:32
augustlthat won't boot will it?08:32
theamazingbeatbut here is the thing at the end of the line of root is the word: Ware-which is the remote username that the drive was located at, so i messed that up pretty bad08:32
gobbeaugustl: why wouldnt it?08:32
Guest61806what r u all talking about08:32
bullgard4lahwran: Indicator Applet Session08:32
gobbeaugustl: did you try to do it the way they say in ubuntu.com?08:33
Jordan_Uaugustl: gobbe: That would not make a bootable disk.08:33
augustlgobbe: isn't CD boot records different from other boot records?08:33
lahwranah just barely found that, bullgard408:33
augustlgobbe: yeah I followed the download page instructions08:33
rwwbullgard4: ps -A, and look for an 'Xorg' process08:33
augustlseems like it assumes I am to boot the usb stick on a mac though08:33
mugshoti just installed meerkat on my old pc, sounds great except the upper and lower panels do not show up!!08:33
Jordan_Uaugustl: gobbe: To be more precise, it would create a disk that was only bootable on EFI (intel mac) systems.08:33
augustlperhaps the usb stick is bootable on a mac, but I want to boot it on a PC08:33
lahwranbullgard4: I'd love it it didn't have the "click for user status" stuff ..08:33
augustlJordan_U: I see, thanks08:33
gobbeaugustl: yes, that's what happens if you do it with the way they have there, if you just push it to usb with dd it should work08:33
Jordan_Uaugustl: You're welcome.08:34
Jpapertowelsi am unable to turn on bootable flag for my /boot partition does that matter or no08:34
ni_theamazingbeat, paste the ls output08:34
lahwranJpapertowels: no08:34
augustlJordan_U: you happen to know how one can make bootable disks or usb sticks from CD images?08:34
lahwranJpapertowels: what does matter is that you install grub properly08:34
theamazingbeati am in the command line via Ctrl+Alt+F108:34
Jpapertowelslahwran: oh i don't see that happening anytime soon08:34
lahwranJpapertowels: ...08:35
augustlindeed, CD booting is different from other forms of booting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootable_cd08:35
Jordan_Uaugustl: I can make you an image of the Ubuntu minimal installer that you *could* dd to a usb stick from OSX.08:36
theamazingbeatdrw------- 30 alien alien 4096 2011-01-06 02:12 alien08:36
theamazingbeat-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2011-01-06 01:56 Ware08:36
theamazingbeatthere ya go ^08:36
mindlesscoderdoes anyone know any documents on ubuntu for development and runtime "library" files and what you would do with ones you dl and have to manually install/use???????08:36
theamazingbeatthat user Ware is a remote user and shouldnt be even on the end of the root line correct?08:36
augustlJordan_U: what tools would you use to do that?08:37
bullgard4rww: Is '~$ ps -A | grep Xorg' appropriate?08:37
augustlbtw, I need a ubuntu server image08:37
tarelerulzI have been using the two program said to turn your usb stick / sd card adapter into a bootble media and both failed08:37
Jordan_Uaugustl: grub-mkrescue (from within Ubuntu, building grub on OSX is very difficult if it's possible at all at the moment).08:37
rwwbullgard4: kinda. Sometimes that'll also return the grep process itself, sometimes it won't. So you'd have to keep that in mind.08:37
augustlwhy aren't normal disk images of ubuntu distributed? ><08:37
Jordan_Uaugustl: The minimal installer can install any flavor of Ubuntu.08:38
rwwbullgard4: (i.e., you'd either get one line with "Xorg" on it, or two lines, one with "Xorg" and one with "grep Xorg")08:38
theamazingbeatni_ i posted it if you didn't notice :)08:38
Jpapertowelsok installer stuck on "Retrieving bash..." seriously am i not allowed to install ubuntu on this computer08:38
augustlJordan_U: it's a netinstall I guess?08:38
bullgard4rww: No problem keeping this in mind. --  Thank you for your help.08:38
Jordan_Uaugustl: Yes.08:38
mugshotmy video card is matrox g400/450, i would like to know how to enable 3d acceleration as well08:38
FreezyFreakybullgard4, ps -ax |grep /usr/bin/X08:39
hellnestFreezyFreaky: hmm08:39
Jordan_Uaugustl: 1: Because it would require a bit more work to make the image bootable when dd'd to a hard drive and 2: Since this is Ubuntu, they'd much rather people used utilities that are harder to shoot yourself in the foot with like unetbootin instead of dd, so there's not much incentive to add this feature. Note that that's all conjecture on my part.08:40
FreezyFreakybullgard4, oops, ps ax |grep /usr/bin/X08:40
bullgard4FreezyFreaky: This returns: "Warning: bad ps syntax."08:40
FreezyFreakybullgard4, no -x08:40
FreezyFreakybullgard4, no -08:41
OrangePeelHow do I change my Mac Adress? do I have to be connected directly to the modem?08:41
Jpapertowelsso it seems my internet connection is unstable how can i resume "Installing the base system" after a disconnect? lol@skype thinking that guys ip was a phone #08:41
theamazingbeatdoes anyone have a solution on my issue?08:41
mindlesscoderhow do you search apt-get for files etc etc??08:41
ni_theamazingbeat, you said you wanted a user account ?08:41
clarinetOrangePeel, macchanger08:41
bullgard4FreezyFreaky: This returns no warning. --  Thank you.08:41
tarelerulz how many of you have used a USB stick to install Ubuntu?08:41
augustlJordan_U: would make sense to at least have ubuntu server as an .img08:41
gobbeJpapertowels: download the desktop image, much easier08:42
mbvpixies78I'm installing DOS 6.2...  hopefully after that I can get the cdrom to boot, lol08:42
gobbeJpapertowels: at least you are able to install it08:42
theamazingbeatmy system got corrupted when i was messing with setting up mapping a network drive08:42
gobbetarelerulz: havent used cd's in years...always with usb08:42
theamazingbeatI got the error message after i restarted: could not update ICEauthorityfile08:42
theamazingbeati resolved that08:42
mbvpixies78talk about bringing back memories...  I also have Windows 3.11 for Workgroups08:42
Jordan_Uaugustl: Probably would. File a bug report / feature request and they may add the feature.08:42
theamazingbeatbut now when i boot i get no GUI08:43
theamazingbeatjust my background08:43
mbvpixies78I should put those on CDs for posterity08:43
theamazingbeatwhen I go into a command line (Ctrl+alt+f1)08:43
theamazingbeatand i login it says, No directory, logging in with home08:43
OrangePeelDo I need to be connnected directly to the modem, I use a router08:43
tarelerulzI have an sdcard / converter that use USB and been trying to use it as install media and nothing has worked.  I have a Sony Viao .08:43
theamazingbeatlogging in with home=\08:43
mbvpixies78I'm just hoping this'll eventually get me to Ubuntu mini08:43
Jpapertowelsgobbe: i have the newest hardware in the world might it be better for me to try natty desktop installer instead?08:43
theamazingbeatand this is my ls -l /home08:44
augustlJordan_U: makes sense, thanks08:44
theamazingbeatdrw------- 30 alien alien 4096 2011-01-06 02:12 alien08:44
theamazingbeat-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2011-01-06 01:56 Ware08:44
Jordan_Utheamazingbeat: That problem is cause by using sudo with GUI applications instead of gksudo.08:44
theamazingbeatas you can see at the end of the root line there is the word Ware08:44
Jordan_Uaugustl: You're welcome.08:44
theamazingbeatwell that is the remote user with the remote drive that i was trying to map that i severely screwed my computer08:44
Jordan_Uaugustl: Would you like me to make you a dd'able image?08:45
theamazingbeatso what do i do /cry :P08:45
gobbeJpapertowels: natty is still under development08:45
mugshotcan anybody help with matrox video card g400/450, please ?08:45
gobbe!ask | mugshot08:45
ubottumugshot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:45
augustlJordan_U: that would be great08:46
tarelerulzanyone try a Sony viao ?  never had this much problem with anything and installing Linux(Ubuntu).08:46
Jpapertowelsgobbe: i can fakeraid install from desktop live cd yes?08:46
Jordan_Uaugustl: What version? (release number like 10.10 and 32 or 64 bit).08:46
augustl10.10, 64 bit08:47
gobbeJpapertowels: no, then download alternative installer08:47
ResQuetarelerulz thats a little bit vague. what version of ubuntu and what problems are you having08:47
Jpapertowelsgobbe: what if i were to boot into live cd then apt-get dmraid?08:47
mugshothow can I enable hardware acceleration for matrox g400/450 on meerkat?08:47
tarelerulz64 bit Ubuntu 10.10 desktop08:48
gobbeJpapertowels: i would say that it's not working08:48
gobbeJpapertowels: if you want software-raid you need to use alternative08:48
theamazingbeatso does anyone have an answer?08:48
tarelerulzthe lamest part is not only does it not work ,but to make the USB Strick / anything usb takes forever . it only 650 mb08:49
ni_theamazingbeat, have you tried the adduser command to set up a temporary user for gui08:50
TeslaTonyI'm trying to read an ISO, which seems to be UDF (it was made under windows 7). mount -o loop -t udf isn't working, so how can I read it?08:50
OrangePeelHow do I change my Mac Adress? do I have to be connected directly to the modem?08:50
theamazingbeatno how do i do thta08:50
mbvpixies78how far we'08:50
mbvpixies78ve come08:50
tarelerulzCan you install Ubuntu from a Wubi install ? can it partition / install real install08:50
ResQuetarelerulz what does not work?08:50
ResQuetarelerulz also i think it would be best if you tryed the 32bit version until you are a little more confident using ubuntu08:51
tarelerulzI cant get my sc card to work as install media at all.08:51
tomdOrangePeel: can you edit a config file?08:51
dcow90hey all08:51
ResQuecan you computer boot from an SC card?08:51
tarelerulzWell, the Ubuntu Logo comes up08:52
fooDoes anyone know any CLI tools that log an RSS feed? to html or text or something08:52
ResQuesounds like you are booting from it then, and there doesnt seem to be a problem with the bootloader if you see the ubuntu logo. but are you sure you are not just booting from the CD in your cd-rom drive?08:52
Jpapertowelscan i find a more up to date alternate cd for 10.10 amd64 than october anywhere?08:52
tomdOrangePeel: anyway, here is a simple how to  http://abz89.wordpress.com/2010/02/11/change-mac-address-on-ubuntu/08:53
augustlfoo: curl and awk, hehe08:53
tarelerulzI can't boot from a cd in my drive , I don't have one at all. The USB/ sd card thing is the only thing I have with Ubuntu on it08:53
ResQuetarelerulz i see that is a good start. so how did you get ubuntu onto the SD card?08:54
OrangePeelTom-B, do I have to be connected directly to the modem?08:54
fooaugustl: haha08:54
theamazingbeatokay no offense but this is kinda a big issue and you guys are just mumbling on about useless usb/sd cards?08:54
tomdOrangePeel: not to change the address. if your talking about access control from an isp, perhabs08:54
theamazingbeatand i am getting suppoprt like every 10 minutes08:54
tarelerulzI Used The two USB install creater program , the one in the iso and the one Ubuntu's site recommeds you get08:55
Myrttitheamazingbeat: volunteers help in what they can08:55
andrezanybody using faenza icons with docky in ubuntu 10.10 i cannot install docky helpers with faenza installed...08:55
andrezany help?08:55
ResQuetarelerulz ok that make sense. so what is the problem ubuntu doesnt start? it freeze on the logo. or the logo just stays loading and animated (the dots flashing) for a very long time08:56
bolt-workhow should I go about installing vmware player on 10.10?08:56
ni_theamazingbeat, it may not work as i am not sure on your situation, but to add a user to a system  type: sudo adduser name08:56
trukoshHi, can anyone with a 10.04LTS tell me what modinfo aacraid says in line "version"? 10.10 says:08:56
trukosh 1.1-5[26400]-ms08:56
Leman_Russis there a way to look at all the file on my hard drive, and check the size?08:57
bolt-workLeman_Russ: df -h08:57
OrangePeelhmm tomd thanks but couldn't find it helpful'08:57
gobbeLeman_Russ: cd / && sudo du -sh *08:58
gobbebolt-work: that shows partition size, not all files and their sizes08:58
tomdOrangePeel: why not? that is the answear to changing the mac08:58
Leman_RussAny GUI for this?  I want to be able to delete stuff at the same time08:58
OrangePeeltomd I could get to changing the mac adress through System > Preferances > Network Adress08:58
tomdyou can do it in udev too i thik08:58
tomdok, so what do you need?08:58
bolt-workgobbe: it shows used and unused space08:59
bolt-workgobbe: the size of all files on the drive equals used space (roughly)08:59
OrangePeelWhat should I change it too?08:59
gobbebolt-work: yes, but what i understood is that he wanted to find every file and it size08:59
Leman_RussI want something that can look at all the files, then delete the stuff I dont need.  Like some kind of advanced file manager08:59
bullgard4[GNOME 2.30.2] Panel > Properties > (Panel Properties) > Background > None (use system theme) is asserted. What is the filename of the background image in use?08:59
gobbebolt-work: your way is just summary, not file by file with size09:00
tomdOrangePeel: what ever you want I guess.... maybe i should ask why you want to change it09:00
PmaxI've some problem with my usb printer and ubuntu lucid...can someone help me?09:00
Jordan_Uaugustl: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/ubuntu_minimal_maverick_amd64_ddable.iso09:00
OrangePeelCan I PM you.09:00
OrangePeelI've already went over it with Jordan_U  and Ubuntu Ops09:00
axp2augustl: try System > Administration > Start Up isk Creator09:00
zetherooanyone know anything about maintaining the Ubuntu OS?09:01
augustlJordan_U: great, thans09:01
bolt-workgobbe: your way is just the size of the root directories one by one. if he wanted what you thought he wanted, he'd use ls -lR / or something, which is entirely useless09:01
dcow90I screwed up bad.. I was installing 10.10 earlier and had my partitions all set up for separate /boot /usr /tmp and /[root].  However, I forgot to change the location of the GRUB install to to my linux partition (I did NOT want it installed over my master boot record).  I hit continue before I realized.  So Ubuntu started installing.  Now this would have been fine and worked if I let the install complete.  However, I have had trouble in the p09:01
dcow90ast manually installing grub and getting it to work with rEFIt when using separate partitions for /boot etc..  So, I just waited until the installation finished installing GRUB in the wrong location (sda and not sda4).  I figured I would just restart then, boot to the CD and start over.  That's what I did but on restart I am NOT able to boot into anything.. including the CD.  I am using a MacBook 5.1 so I, obviously, am using EFI the respecti09:01
dcow90ve bootloader for whichever operating system I want.  Is anyone knowledgeable in using the EFI shell or able to help me figure out what I need to do to restore my system to booting capacity??09:01
FloodBot2dcow90: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:01
augustlaxp2: I'm not on Ubuntu now I'm afraid09:01
Jordan_Uaugustl: You're welcome.09:01
bolt-workgobbe: but why not listen to his response instead of arguing with me?09:01
Pmax I've some problem with my usb printer and ubuntu lucid...can someone help me?09:01
axp2sorry augustl: i wrote that response a while ago and forgot to press enter, then accidentally sent it just then!09:01
gobbebolt-work: well, that was what he wanted :)09:02
augustlJordan_U: 2 kbps :) Don't turn off your machine the next hour or so please ;)09:02
augustlaxp2: ah09:02
bolt-workgobbe: maybe what he asked for... what people ask for is rarely what they want09:02
gobbebolt-work: yes, that happens :-)09:02
Jordan_Uaugustl: Yea, now you see why I didn't offer to make a version of the full server iso :)09:02
Pmaxwho can help me?09:03
augustlPmax: ask your question, and we'll see09:03
augustl(for the record, I probably can't)09:04
augustlJordan_U: would make sense that this netinstall image you just made was distributed somewhere as well09:05
augustlor, at least _some_ kind of DD-able image should be on the mirrors09:05
PmaxUsb HP photosmart c3180 worked well until a week ago. After it disappeared from localhost and now when i try to install it again i can't select it becouse usb device don't appear.09:05
augustlbut anyway, I'll post a ticket09:05
Pmaxlsusb instead show me that printer is present09:06
motaka2when I run this: apt-get install php5-memcache it came to an error "Errors were encountered while processing:09:08
motaka2 /var/cache/apt/archives/libapache2-mod-php5_5.2.6.dfsg.1-3ubuntu4.6_i386.deb"  what should I do ?09:08
trukoshPlease, can anyone with 10.04 do a "modinfo aacraid|grep ^version" and send the answer to me?09:08
augustliirc someone maintained self-hosted img-s of ubuntu desktop 64bit. Anyone recall who/where?09:10
dcow90can anyone help me with an advanced issue?09:12
Us3r_Unfriendlyhi room09:13
Us3r_UnfriendlyI usually am the one to help ppl with problems but today I'm the one with a problem09:14
raviepic3what do you people use on your linux systems to quickly capture and upload screen shots ?09:14
=== Balsaq is now known as ubuxubu
xangua!imagebin | raviepic309:15
ubotturaviepic3: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.09:15
ubuxubufire away Us3r_Unfriendly09:15
chipmonk_how do i find address of a usb connected harddrive09:16
red2kicraviepic3: Dropbox? Many people use scripts that quickly take picture, optimizing png, then upload the picture to their own server with a provided link. Something like that.09:16
raviepic3xangua, i am talking about something like jing, which you can use to take screen shots of even seperate regions of screen09:16
red2kicchipmonk_: /media/09:16
=== dcow90 is now known as dcow
nunyais there some command that can add a quick line to a text file?09:17
nunyacat or something09:17
ni_theamazingbeat, it may not work as i am not sure on your situation, but to add a user to a system  type: sudo adduser name09:17
Us3r_UnfriendlyI have a friend at work that doesn't know that much about computers...well he had to reinstall his os.  He forgot to backup his pictures and music.  now he has a fresh install of xp on his machine without a backup of his old files.  I've tried with my linux machine to recover some of his files but the program "TestDisk" isn't pulling anything off from the previous install.  Anyone know if this works this way?09:17
rwwnunya: echo "some text" >> filename.txt09:17
rwwnunya: make sure you use two >>, not one >09:17
icerootnunya: cat foobar >> myfile09:17
nunyarww: thank you kindly09:17
icerootnunya: that will put "foobar at the end of the file09:17
icerootnunya: echo of course, not cat09:18
nunyaiceroot: thank you09:18
chipmonk_ooooook now haw do i find dev ids09:18
raviepic3red2kic, yeah something like that09:18
Us3r_Unfriendlynunya: you could use nano, vim, vi...ect09:18
Jordan_UUs3r_Unfriendly: Testdisk doesn't help when you actually reformat in addition to changing the partition table. Photorec (part of the same project as testdisk) may be able to recover some files that haven't been overwritten yet though.09:18
raviepic3except for i dont even need any optimising png09:18
Us3r_UnfriendlyJordan_U: i've tried both09:19
raviepic3just want to take picture of a particular region in my screen09:19
Jordan_UUs3r_Unfriendly: You selected the whole drive and set it to recover files from an extN filesystem?09:19
mactimeschipmonk_, sudo apt-get install hwinfo && hwinfo | less09:20
StaRetjiFolks, no matter what I do, I can't force screen resolution to 1024x768. Can someone help me out here? Thz09:20
augustlJordan_U: down to 900 bytes/sec, hehe09:20
Us3r_UnfriendlyStaRetji: xorg.conf09:20
Us3r_UnfriendlyJordan_U: i didn't select from a ext*...i did from NTFS09:20
StaRetjiUs3r_Unfriendly: nope, doesn't obey it. Weird ah?09:20
StaRetjiUs3r_Unfriendly: I'm now trying to use xrandr so I created /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45custom_xrandr-settings http://paste.ubuntu.com/550782/09:21
Jordan_UUs3r_Unfriendly: Sorry, I was thinking that it previously had Ubuntu for some reason.09:21
StaRetjiUs3r_Unfriendly: this doesn't work neither, but if I do sh /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45custom_xrandr-settings it will force 1024x76809:21
Us3r_UnfriendlyJordan_U: not your fault...i'm just getting frustrated a little bit...09:22
Us3r_UnfriendlyJordan_U: not at you, at my co-worker09:22
augustlJordan_U: and there the connection broke09:22
augustlI'll grab a coworkers machine and use the gnome util09:23
Jordan_Uaugustl: You should be able to continue the download with "wget -c".09:24
chipmonk_how long will this run09:24
augustleven if the download was initiated with something other than wget?09:24
Jordan_Uaugustl: I have a terrible connection, it's amazing that I stay connected to IRC through all of the dropped packets and short outages :(09:25
Jordan_Uaugustl: Yes.09:25
Jordan_Uaugustl: "wget -c http://jordanu.dyndns.org/ubuntu_minimal_maverick_amd64_ddable.iso -O /path/to/partial/download" To confirm that it worked correctly the md5sum should be 8d49e338f3df5673659ba4b2167421a3.09:27
Us3r_Unfriendlyi've seen also "DDrescue" and "NTFSundelete" cli programs too...has anyone used these before?09:27
rethuscairo-dock: is there a searchbar to search the whole applicationmenue?09:27
Jordan_UUs3r_Unfriendly: ddrescue is for hardware failures (I'm not familiar with NTFSundelete).09:28
augustlJordan_U: neat09:29
Us3r_UnfriendlyJordan_U: i've seen it used for recovery with one of it's flags but i don't know if it would recover data from a reinstall09:29
Jordan_UUs3r_Unfriendly: The purpose of ddrescue is to copy bits from a drive despite read errors. What you need is something that will interpret the bits to pull off the old files. They are two different goals and require a different type of utility.09:30
raviepic3xangua, red2kic like shutter for gnome, and kscreenshot for kde :)09:31
raviepic3one more question, i have a lan connection as well as a data card connection, bot are capable of connecting to internet, i want to use my datacard for internet and lan connection to perform just lan functions09:32
raviepic3how do i ?09:32
duron23Is there any way to add extra space between indicator applet icons ?09:32
rwwduron23: no09:33
Us3r_Unfriendlyduron23: on what?09:33
duron23Us3r_Unfriendly: I want to add extra space to clock applet09:33
Us3r_Unfriendlyduron23: on gnome-panel, cairo, ect....?09:34
iRabbitraviepic3: I'd say remove the DNS from the card you want on the private network09:34
duron23Us3r_Unfriendly: gnome-panel09:34
rwwUs3r_Unfriendly: "indicator applets" are a gnome-panel thing.09:34
duron23rww: they are available for awn too09:34
rwwhuh. same thing, or different thing with same name?09:34
duron23rww: hmmm09:35
Us3r_Unfriendlyduron23: are you asking if you can move applets around providing more space between them?09:35
duron23Us3r_Unfriendly: now, I can move them09:35
duron23Us3r_Unfriendly: *now = no09:35
duron23Us3r_Unfriendly: I want more space between my indicator applet icons by default09:36
rwwanyway, the the indicator applet stuff for gnome-panel that Canonical coded up isn't user-configurable, as far as I'm aware.09:36
duron23rww: how about notification applet then ?09:37
Us3r_Unfriendlyduron23: right click the applets (and the applets surrounding them) and uncheck "Lock to Panel"...left click and select move and move to where ever you want09:37
rwwduron23: the GNOME one? no idea. I don't think so, but I switched to KDE a while back, so I can't check.09:38
Us3r_Unfriendlyduron23: are you talking about "notify-osd"?  The black window that pops up when you get a message from empathy or a new song starts playing on rhythmbox?09:39
duron23actually I am theming gnome-panel, everything look fine with current setup, alignment goes wrong when some other icons come there, like activating bluetooth device09:39
Us3r_Unfriendlyduron23: also when right clicking the applet sometime you have to click a little bit to the left of it where it begins.  exp...if I want to move my network icon if I right click it I get the networking options ...not the option to move it09:41
r00t4rd3dUs3r_Unfriendly, I found a new distro for you www.doudoulinux.org09:42
duron23Us3r_Unfriendly: thanks for suggestion, but I know I can do those stuff, but I issue is little different, I guess I am not able to explain it properly09:42
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: is it redhat based or Debian based?09:42
Us3r_Unfriendlylol r00t4rd3d09:43
will___hey guys. compiz is sometimes slow if my GPU is set in a lower speed/power state before it revs up and is smooth again. this might be a bit specific but is there any way to force compiz to put the GPU in maximum power before doing any complex animations? or do i just have to run my GPU in full performance mode all the time?09:44
r00t4rd3d:D its linux for kids lol09:44
duron23r00t4rd3d: :D09:44
Misreclooks cool09:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: doudou might be too advanced for me09:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: is it pronounced "dooo dooo"?09:45
Gabican someone suggest me an not known freemail website ?09:45
Jordan_U!ot | r00t4rd3d Us3r_Unfriendly09:46
ubottur00t4rd3d Us3r_Unfriendly: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:46
MisrecGabi..google one?09:46
duron23Gabi: if it is not known, then how can somebody suggest you one (lol)09:46
Jordan_UGabi: That !offtopic appliest to you as well.09:46
MisrecGabi: http://email.about.com/od/freeemailreviews/tp/free_email.htm09:47
Adman65anyone recommend a good twitter client?09:48
Adman65or some relatively simple way to integrate twitter onto my desktop?09:48
duron23Adman65: Gwibber09:49
Us3r_UnfriendlyJordan_U: let me ask you...what exactly is Ubuntu related questions?  I suppose my question earlier wasn't Ubuntu related.09:49
duron23Adman65: or else you can use screenlet or adobe air widgets09:50
Us3r_UnfriendlyAdman65: gwibber is okay09:50
pantzirso I press&hold the back button in chromium to get the back menu, then when the menu dissapeared, the space it occupied is now stuck empty, it's showing my desktop background. What's the term for this occurance? can this be remedied without restart?09:50
hdeshevHi everyone09:50
Jordan_UUs3r_Unfriendly: An Ubuntu related support question is a question about how to use Ubuntu and the software that comes with it/ is available in the repositories.09:51
Adman65wasn't there some fancy thing ubuntu did to streamline the "social experience"09:52
nightcrowhiya guys, I have ubunt 10.04 and I would like to secure/encrypt one directry...can someone please point me in the best correct direction?09:52
pantzirAdman65,  empathy?09:52
duron23Adman65: it is Gwibber09:53
Us3r_UnfriendlyJordan_U: yeah I don't think this is the place for me anymore.  Thanks...I'll help local ppl out for now on09:53
paissadwhat must i install to have the 32 bits compatibility in my amd64 system ?09:53
mactimesnightcrow, You might want to take a look at GPG09:54
duron23paissad: ia32 packages09:54
duron23paissad: ia32-libs to be specific09:54
hdeshevnightcrow: I use TrueCrypt to create an encrypted volume that I mount in my home folder. Been a fan of the tool for a while.09:54
draczhi people. can anyone tell me the name of the suggestion mechanism/package for missing commands09:56
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cradamlolz at my life09:56
rumpe1dracz, apropos?09:56
draczwhen you type a missing command in the shell, it will suggest a deb package to install09:56
duron23dracz: apt ?09:56
rumpe1dracz, isn't this the default reaction?09:57
draczyes, it's installed by default09:57
rumpe1ah... i understand09:57
hdeshevdracz: and you want to get rid of it? I'd love that too :)09:57
duron23dracz: then is apt09:57
draczi'm just trying to figure out if i can install it on mac os09:57
draczi like it on ubuntu09:58
hdeshevI find it annoying09:58
tehbautI have an ill 500GB HDD with a 50GB HFS+ partition from my Mac that I need to DD to a new unformatted 1TB HDD... do I need to format the new HDD first?09:58
draczduron23: it must be something beside the standard apt tools09:58
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draczi believe in ubuntu there is a specific package for it09:59
cradami wish i could just get £50 super quick but i can't09:59
nightcrowmactimes: hdeshev: whats wrong with enfcs10:00
hdeshevnightcrow: never used enfcs or heard of it. I've used TrueCrypt forever on Windows and I was just glad it worked on Linux too10:01
mactimesnightcrow, You asked for options to encrypt a directory.  I gave you one.  What's wrong with GPG?10:01
nightcrowhdeshev: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption10:01
nightcrowmactimes: im just asking - not familiar with it is all10:02
AdmiralSnyderhi there10:02
augustlhow much space should the /boot partition have for ubuntu server 10.10?10:02
hdeshevI just have a folder that I symlink several settings folders into (browser profiles, IM chat logs, etc). I don't encrypt my entire home folder.10:02
mactimesnightcrow, I see.  Well, I use GPG from command line.  Can't tell about encfs, never used it.10:02
augustlor, what would the guided partitioner chose?10:02
nightcrowmactimes: i had three suggestions, TrueCrypt, encfs and GPG10:03
AdmiralSnyderi have a litle problem with my wubi. any hint on where to find the installer's sources?10:03
nightcrowmactimes: is it hard to use10:03
nightcrowi only use CLI10:03
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mactimesnightcrow, So go and try them, see how you feel about each one and pick your preferred alternative.10:03
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nightcrowdoes anyone else have any suggestions for encryption a folder in ubuntu?10:03
duron23dracz: I guess it is "command-not-found"10:03
nightcrowi will try them mactimes10:03
nightcrowthank you sir10:04
nightcrowmactimes: i see GPG requires a server of sort?10:04
hdeshevduron23: that seems to be it. Getting rid of command-not-found now :)10:04
duron23hdeshev: welcome :)10:04
mactimesnightcrow, I think you meant you only use GUI, correct?  GUI = Graphic User Interface | CLI = Command Line Interface10:05
nightcrowmactimes: no, i only use CLI10:05
nightcrowcommand line10:05
draczduron23: that's it! thanks a bunch!10:05
nightcrowdont have a gui - i ssh to all my servers10:05
duron23dracz: welcome :)10:05
draczhdeshev: crazy...10:05
mactimesnightcrow, Not really.  Only if you mean to share your public key for some reason.10:05
cradamNVIDIA GeForce 4 Go 420 with 32MB (4X APG) is this good in a tablet pc10:05
nightcrowmactimes: why would you assume i didnt know what CLI is? :)10:06
draczi think it should just install the missing commands without prompthing ;)10:06
Jordan_Uaugustl: The guided partitioner would choose not to use a separate /boot (it's only needed for exotic root filesystems and buggy BIOSs).10:06
nightcrowhiya Jordan_U10:06
Jordan_Unightcrow: Hi.10:06
will___does ubuntu by default create a seperate /home partition in the installer?10:06
hdeshevdracz: I don't like it since most of the time I don't want to install anything. And I can do an 'apt-cache search' when I want to10:06
duron23will___: no10:07
mactimesnightcrow, For no special reason.  Just seemed you got it wrong since you seem to be relatively new to the *nix environment due to the encryption question.10:07
will___duron23: thanks for clarifying. it's surprising, as a seperate /home partition has saved my bacon (and made my life easier) more than a few times10:07
nightcrowmactimes: true10:07
nightcrowim not entirely new, but im DEF not a guru10:07
banisterfiendwill___: bacon is a tiny testing library in ruby10:07
nightcrowi can find my way around linux10:07
nightcrowbut im always learning more10:08
duron23will___: but you can specify one, if you want, but its not default10:08
nightcrowand encryption simply isnt a thing that ive encountered at all10:08
cradamif i use wubi, what will my XP File System be called10:08
mactimesnightcrow, Since newcomers and TTY don't get along very well in the beginning you can see why I thought you got it wrong.10:08
nightcrowyes, of course10:08
cradamand do i have to mount it10:08
draczhdeshev: you might look into installing the package "sl"10:08
nightcrowtbh, ive never been a fan of the linux gui10:08
Jordan_Ucradam: It will be available in /host, mounted automatically.10:09
will___banisterfiend: you're thinking of beansOnToast. oh wait, sorry. that's a java library10:09
cradamJordan_U: thx10:09
Jordan_Ucradam: You're welcome.10:09
mactimesnightcrow, Well, CLI and GUI can be seen as complementary.10:09
banisterfiendwill___: im not thinking of anything, my mind is blank10:09
nightcrowmactimes: yup, i guess10:09
AdmiralSnyderso nobody here knows anything about wubi?10:10
duron23mactimes: I guess, yes10:10
iRabbitWhat about Wubi? other than don't use it10:10
mactimesnightcrow, CLI is much better for admin tasks, but sending an e-mail with attachments from the CLI and you'll see how boring that can get.10:10
nightcrowdoes anyone else have any suggestions for encryption a folder in ubuntu?10:10
Jordan_U!anyone | AdmiralSnyder10:10
ubottuAdmiralSnyder: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:10
nightcrowmactimes: hahaha - true!10:10
cradamdoes any1 know where i can get some mobile 333MHz 2Gb RAM10:10
cradam*GB not Gb10:11
AdmiralSnyderiRabbit: i want to look into it'10:11
iRabbitcradam: newegg.com10:11
AdmiralSnyders sources10:11
AdmiralSnyderthe wubi sources.10:11
nightcrowmactimes: for home i use OSX and Ubuntu but at work i never see the GUIs10:11
nightcrowall via putty10:11
AdmiralSnyderso i thought, i could ask here.10:11
duron23cradam: no mobile yet with 2gb RAM, but you will get many with 333MHZ processor10:11
iRabbitduron23: my bad10:12
Jordan_UAdmiralSnyder: https://code.launchpad.net/wubi10:12
mactimesnightcrow, I have the Macbuntu theme installed. =)  Feels very nice with compiz  and all of its effects.10:12
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cradamthx http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820178295&cm_re=333_ddr-_-20-178-295-_-Product iRabbit and duron2310:12
nightcrowmactimes: hmmm, interesting, ive not seen it10:12
AdmiralSnydermany thanks10:12
nightcrowhence the nick mactimes10:12
mactimesnightcrow, Not because of that, in fact.10:13
nightcrowi see10:13
mactimesnightcrow, Google for mactimes, all together, no spaces.10:13
taranWhat to do when giving print command the job stands submitted but never print?10:13
duron23cradam: you said mobile, So I thought you asking about mobile phone :)10:13
cradamsweet i was excpecting it codt way more than £2610:13
nightcrow!google mactimes10:13
iRabbittaran: HP Printer?10:13
nightcrowah, not google bot10:13
cradamduron23: no for my tablet comp http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/quickspecs/11755_na/11755_na.html10:14
glacemanhelo theree10:14
glacemangreetings ya'll10:14
duron23cradam: then google if your friend :)10:14
linuxfreakerI was running a NIC Hot-Add script on Ubuntu 10.10 VM and the script failed at the stage where in it checks the entries under /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules  for the MAC address [15:40] <linuxfreaker> The script was checking for the Mac address entry for the newly added NIC under this file but there wasn’t any entry! [15:41] <linuxfreaker> It was working in 9.10 [15:41] <linuxfreaker> I tried to run the same scrip10:14
nightcrowmactimes: ah, i didnt know they were called mactimes10:14
mactimesnightcrow, Modified Accessed Changed Times.10:15
nightcrowgot it now10:15
glacemananybody here can help me out redirecting some folders please ?10:15
iRabbitthats it, I'm switching to Debian10:15
nightcrowok, well GPG seems over complicated for what i want to do10:15
glacemani just got sick of windows, and installed ubuntu10:15
mactimesnightcrow, No, I don't work for MacDonald's =)10:15
nightcrowmactimes: hahaha, i figured that10:15
cradamis ubuntu the best OS for a Linux newb10:15
nightcrowcradam: yes :)10:16
glacemancradam: seems so so far10:16
duron23cradam: yep10:16
glacemanfor me :D10:16
iRabbitcradam: Gentoo is pretty dumbed down ;)10:16
glacemani got a little question here please10:16
cradamiRabbit: ill stick to what little i know and go with ubuntu10:16
iRabbitglaceman | !ask10:16
glacemani wanna redirect my documents folders to another partition10:16
glacemani have a partition called : data wish is mounted automatically on boot10:17
glacemanso i can see my folders inside10:17
hdeshevglaceman: symlink them?10:17
bitlinerhi...who is from rome?10:17
glacemanhow is that, what is that :P10:17
duron23glaceman: what the file system of the data partition ?10:17
duron23glaceman: the install ntfs-config10:17
Jordan_U!ot | bitliner10:17
ubottubitliner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:17
glacemansudo apt-get install ntfs-config ?? is that what u mean10:18
duron23glaceman: using ntfs-config you can auto-mount ntfs partitions10:18
duron23glaceman: yes10:18
glacemanit is mounted10:18
Jordan_Uglaceman: If it's already mounting automatically at boot then you don't need ntfs-config.10:18
glacemanmy ntfs partition is mounted10:18
cradamif i use wubi, will when i install stuff in ubu will it make the install file bigger or will i just run out of space10:18
Jordan_Ucradam: It will just run out of space.10:18
glacemani just want to redirect my document, music, picture, to data partition10:18
iRabbithow do I reset my password with CentOS 5.5 x64?10:19
duron23glaceman: there are multiple ways to do that10:19
Jordan_Ucradam: It's possible to rezise the file later, but it's very technical.10:19
Jordan_U!ot | iRabbit10:19
ubottuiRabbit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:19
glacemanhow duron2310:19
duron23glaceman: I have done the same, using tweak-ubuntu10:19
glacemanok i will try to install it10:19
linuxfreakerwas running a NIC Hot-Add script on Ubuntu 10.10 VM and the script failed at the stage where in it checks the entries under /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules  for the MAC address [15:40] <linuxfreaker> The script was checking for the Mac address entry for the newly added NIC under this file but there wasn’t any entry! [15:41] <linuxfreaker> It was working in 9.10 [15:41] <linuxfreaker> I tried to run the same script 10:19
duron23glaceman: using that you you can change the default location for this folders10:20
Jordan_U!cn | diqye10:20
ubottudiqye: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk10:20
AnchorI'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and my sound always mutes itself on startup. Is there any way to fix this?10:20
iRabbithow do I swap a degraded hard disk in RAID 5 with ubuntu?10:20
=== root is now known as Guest92764
glacemanduron23: is the package named tweak-ubuntu cause don't seem to find it10:21
duron23glaceman: using ppa10:21
glacemanim a real newb duron2310:21
imagine87Need some help please: My system will not boot at all after I did something wrong10:21
duron23glaceman: hang on a sec10:22
glacemanall i know is how to install app using sudo apt-get10:22
imagine87Could someone help with this?10:22
iRabbitimagine87: Did you -rf /root? :)10:22
Anchorimagine87: What's the wrong thing that you did/10:22
imagine87But I did change permissions on /var10:22
cradami never thought there was a word for Ah in chinnese as that isn't really a word in ours10:22
imagine87to root:username10:22
iRabbitimagine87: and its not booting?10:23
imagine87Among other things I think10:23
imagine87Yes, I am not sure exactly what I did10:23
imagine87Is there a way I can diagnose this?10:23
iRabbitimagine87: are you able to rescue boot the system?10:23
glacemananyone using irssi here ? how to make a pv conversation with someone10:24
imagine87iRabbit I am on another Linux install on the computer10:24
duron23glaceman: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa10:24
duron23sudo apt-get udpate10:24
duron23sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak10:24
Jordan_Uimagine87: As changing permissions can lead to security issues, and you're not sure what you even did, it's probably best to re-install.10:24
imagine87Is there a way I can boot from it or diagnose the problem?10:24
iRabbitimagine87: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-boot-ubuntu-linux-rescue-mode/10:24
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Guest92764guys. help me i cann't use my wifi...help me10:25
vittoriomi dite se questo mirc è adatto anche per scaricare10:25
glacemanduron23: how to make a pvt conversation with you, im using irssi10:25
will___glaceman: do you mean sending a message or creating some sort of brand new private channel with them? i only know about the former, dunno if you can do the latter10:25
glacemani wanna make a pvt converation10:25
gobbe!en | vittorio10:25
ubottuvittorio: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList10:25
_6502_hello. I added myself to a group using usermod and /etc/group entry is indeed correct. however if I type "groups" i don't see the new group as listed... is there a cache somewhere that I need to refresh ?10:25
earwigsGuest92764: have you ever been able to use your wifi through ubuntu?10:25
AnchorGuest92764: Tell me about your wifi card.10:26
gobbe_6502_: you need to logout/login to get them10:26
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:26
_6502_oh.. ok thanks10:26
iRabbitimagine87: same machine?10:26
glacemani use /j to join a channel, how to make a converation with someone10:26
Rufusglaceman /query nickname10:26
imagine87Yes I am on the same machine10:26
imagine87But a different partition10:26
duron23glaceman: I have sent pvt msg to you10:26
imagine87right now10:26
Guest92764Anchor, my wifi card realtek10:27
iRabbitimagine87: you're probably going to have to reinstall :(10:27
earwigsglaceman: /msg <nick> hi10:27
AnchorGuest92764: Has your card previously worked?10:27
iRabbitimagine87: and don't break it next time ;)10:27
glacemanthanks earwigs and Rufus10:28
earwigsglaceman: welcome10:28
Guest92764Anchor, not, since i use linux10:28
AnchorGuest92764: Alright. Let me take a look at something real quick and I may be able to get you a link to assist you.10:29
tehbautsuddenly my maverik livecd seems like it's taking forever to boot, but it wasn't like this 20 minutes ago10:29
bullgard4[GNOME 2.30.2] Panel > Properties > (Panel Properties) > Background > None (use system theme) is asserted. What is the filename of the background image in use?10:29
AnchorGuest92764: Open up the CLI and type lspci -n | grep 14e410:30
AnchorGuest92764: Tell me the output.10:30
nightcrowmactimes: too complicated10:30
ZolWhat happens if I move the file a symlink is linked to?10:31
Guest92764Anchor, Basic display modes:10:31
Guest92764-mmProduce machine-readable output (single -m for an obsolete format)10:31
Guest92764-tShow bus tree10:31
Guest92764Display options:10:31
Guest92764-vBe verbose (-vv for very verbose)10:31
Guest92764-kShow kernel drivers handling each device10:31
FloodBot4Guest92764: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:31
Guest92764-xShow hex-dump of the standard part of the config space10:31
Guest92764-xxxShow hex-dump of the whole config space (dangerous; root only)10:31
Jordan_UZol: The symlink will no longer work.10:31
Guest92764-s [[[[<domain>]:]<bus>]:][<slot>][.[<func>]]Show only devices in selected slots10:32
Guest92764-d [<vendor>]:[<device>]Show only devices with specified ID's10:32
Guest92764Other options:10:32
Guest92764-i <file>Use specified ID database instead of /usr/share/misc/pci.ids.gz10:32
FloodBot4Guest92764: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:32
Guest92764-p <file>Look up kernel modules in a given file instead of default modules.pcimap10:32
Guest92764-MEnable `bus mapping' mode (dangerous; root only)10:32
Guest92764PCI access options:10:32
DroidAgenthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates I don't have 10periodic but I do have 20auto-upgrades, will adding those lines to 20auto-upgrades have the same effect?10:32
iRabbitjust ssh into his stuff ;)10:32
ZolJordan_U: Ah, thanks! So I could use a symlink to a hard link in case I wanted to move around the original file (in the same file system/partition)?10:33
AnchoriRabbit: I'm not that good. Wanna walk me through it?10:33
tehbautok, my maverick livecd really isn't booting... I just get an eternal spinning disk after clicking on Try Ubuntu10:33
Jordan_UZol: What is your end goal?10:33
iRabbitAnchor: was a joke ;)10:34
tehbautany ideas what's going on?10:34
will___tehbaut: tried running the CD integrity test?10:34
Guest92764Anchor, help me10:34
AnchorGuest92764: Gotta get an emergency work call. give me a few minutes.10:34
tehbautwill___: nope, is that something I can do from the disk itself?10:34
tehbautit's odd because it's been booting just fine until now10:35
rwwZol: If you want to make a link and have it survive renaming, you need to use a hardlink, yes.10:35
will___tehbaut: should do, when it's booting up you should see it right there10:35
Guest92764Anchor, ok10:35
tehbautwhat could possibly have caused it to stop working now?10:35
iRabbitalright gents, this basement virgin is off to bed. keep it real10:35
will___tehbaut: http://static.howtoforge.com/images/the_perfect_desktop_ubuntu7.04/1.jpg <=== something like that. it COULD look different on the 10.10 live CDs10:35
ZolJordan_U: I have none - reading about the linux file system, currently about symbolic links. I just wondered if there was a way to have automatically up-to-date symbolic links that cross file systems, and even if you move the original file.10:35
tnmanybody knows how do i install make command?10:36
tehbautwill___: ah, yeah that menu is hidden now on 10.1010:36
will___tehbaut: okay, well if you can unhide it somehow then you should be able to find the test there10:36
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rumpe1tnm, apt-get install build-essential10:36
duron23tnm: I guess build essentials10:36
will___tehbaut: other than that, i can only advise you to try things like booting it in safe graphics mode, for example10:37
duron23tnm: sudo apt-get install make10:37
ZolSo I thought that if I make a hard link, that never moves, to a file that might move - I could create a symbolic link to that file and then move the original file to anywhere on that file system to maintain the link. That would work, right?10:37
Zolsymlink to the hard link.10:37
Jordan_UZol: Yes, that should work.10:38
ZolCool. :) Will test it. Thanks!10:38
AnchorGuest92764: Back. Alright did you type "lspci -n | grep 14e4" in CLI just as I have it here (minus the quotations)?10:38
will___tehbaut: so it's either an incompatibility with your hardware and ubuntu (in which case you need to fiddle with different boot options) or the CD is just bad, which will require either reburning one on a slower speed setting, or using better CDs... etc.10:38
tristan3199us1stupid yet simple question. anyone know where evolution stores its inbox, ect????  i want to uninstall it and use thunderbird-Shredder because evolution never could send any email, only receive, via hotmail...10:39
tehbautwill___: but that's just it... it's been booting just fine up until now... including 20 minutes ago... and I never removed it from the tray, so it's not like it acquired a scratch since then10:39
tehbautinstaller seems to work though, just not the trial10:40
gavin__Update for people that helped yesterday with regards to webcam on a 10.10 server with only CLI. I got it working thanks. Problem is that the program "motion" only serves locally and you have to specify allowimng remote connections.10:40
rumpe1tristan3199us1, $HOME/.evolution  (i guess)10:40
will___tehbaut: you could try using the CD in a different computer or a different CD in the same computer10:40
will___tehbaut: that'll help you diagnose the problem10:40
Jordan_UZol: Note that unlike symlinks, with hard links there is no "original" file. Either link to the file is the same, and the file on disk won't be deleted untill all hard links to it are unlinked (with rm).10:40
tehbautheh, now the trial is working... man, this makes no sense :P10:41
will___tehbaut: if it helps, i've always found liveCDs to be incredibly flakey10:41
will___tehbaut: i usually use USB sticks instead10:41
tristan3199us1thanks.. so i could probably search my fs for files containing evolution...10:41
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tehbautwill___: I would, but I can't get any USB sticks to boot on this machine for the life of me10:42
=== hax0r is now known as share
tehbautbeen able to do it before, but not lately10:42
Guest92764Anchor, i cann't type it on my terminal,what should i do??10:43
rumpe1tristan3199us1, they are in your home folder and hidden (.dirname) like any other user-specific profiles10:43
will___tehbaut: gotta love terrible, inconsistent BIOS menus for configuring boot orders10:43
ZolJordan_U: Ah - if I create a hard link - will I create a duplicate of the file or just a "fake file" that points to the other file using the inode number? Because I noticed that the file size for the hard link is the same. So I wondered whether it's just visual or actual duplication of data.10:43
tristan3199us1is there a way to put them into .thunderbird instead10:44
dwarderi'm occasionly paste my copy buffer to irc with my touchpad, how am i doing this?10:44
miron123Hi guys, i'm sorry but i need someone who can teach me about using DDOS from IRC I can pay via paypal.10:44
gobbe!ot | miron12310:44
ubottumiron123: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:44
rumpe1Zol, hardlinks doesnt duplicate data.... your create references to the same file in your filesystem. When each reference is deleted, the file is deleted.10:44
Jordan_UZol: Every file path is a hard link to a file. When you use ln (without -s for symlink) you are creating a second hard link to the same file.10:44
_brohow to switch my system tyo beautiful designe of interface!!!  when I press alt+tab then in that case I see 3D!!!!!   I saw it... some tiome this started itself... but not I see 2D old )))   Kubuntu do it itself...  I do not understend when it turn on 3D  and when 2D alt+tab   choosing10:44
L-----Dhi, I wondered if I can use 3 Monitors with new ATI/Nvidia cards10:45
will___dwarder: are you right clicking? some irc clients paste the clipboard when you do that10:45
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tehbautsomeone once linked me to an older usb ubuntu creator, but I've since lost the link10:45
AnchorGuest92764: How can you not type in the terminal?10:45
dwarderwill___: i'll just disable my touchpad to prevent this ...10:46
tristan3199us1no way to put them into thunderbird i take it.. thank you for your assistance.. im still new but im gettin it..10:46
AnchorGuest92764: Go to your network icons on the top menu and look to see what it says about wireless connections. The list from top to bottom should read Wired Network--Wireless Networks--VPN connections.10:46
L-----Dwhich cards are best supported, should I use Compiz10:46
Zol*nodnods* So it's just visual then. Thanks! (I wonder what happens if I would create a tar of a file with a hard link to it in the same dir. Then I would have a "duplicate"?)10:46
_broI found!! ))10:47
_brothanks for attantion10:47
gavin__has anyone got any exerience of these cheap Ebay USB temperature sensors and programs that will work in ubuntu to determine to temperature of a room?10:47
AnchorGuest92764: What I'm looking for is any text next to wireless networks, e.g. (Firmware missing) or something similar.10:47
IpSe_DiXiT hi, its quite a while since i dont open amule, today i did and run into a terminal it gives me this http://paste.ubuntu.com/551018/ output after crashing, any help?10:47
Jpapertowelshey does anyone know if there are performance differences between software raid and fakeraid?10:48
gobbeJpapertowels: if you are running modern fast cpu there's no performance differences10:48
icerootJpapertowels: both is 100%using the cpu10:48
gobbeJpapertowels: sorry, between software-raid and hardware-raid10:48
gobbeJpapertowels: what is fakeraid? you mean those cards which needs drivers?10:49
icerootJpapertowels: always use software-raid instead of fakeraid10:49
AnchorJpapertowels: http://www.lotusconnections.org/wordpress/index.php/2010/04/linux-fake-raid-vs-software-raid-3/10:49
Sebastian_I'm having a reproducable crash in XF86DRIQueryExtension from  /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1. I'm using the unchanged ubuntu packages. anyone interested?10:49
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tristan3199us1is that envelope on the top panel by the calendar part of evolution or can i change it to open thunderbird instead..10:51
rumpe1tristan3199us1, no... you have to use extra packages/utils10:51
bolt-workhow should I go about installing vmware player on 10.10?10:52
tristan3199us1what do i need?? do you know10:52
sfaerI had an issue with my gonme power manager, it was not installed correctly, I managed to fix it but my desktop is like from 1980, old fonts old icons, I cannot resize windows and when I open a terminal it is no even inside a window, Can anyone guide me about how to fix that10:52
rumpe1tristan3199us1, alltray e.g.10:52
gobbebolt-work: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Player10:53
tristan3199us1thank you rumpe110:53
tristan3199us1im off to do some poking around.. thanks again...10:53
Dwade09ok i had linuxmint 10 gnome installed, and i was going to put windows on my hard drive then reinstall linuxmint well my external usb that had windows crashed on me a minute ago and i formated my hdd already to ntfs is there anyway i can reset the hdd back to the original state it was in before i formated it?10:54
othmancan any one help me with vertualbox ?10:54
sfaeralso the desktop shortcuts does not work, it seems like gnome havent started properly, I also tried ubuntu-desktop reinstall10:54
Dwade09othman:  join #vbox10:55
AnchorDwade09: Unlikely. Unless you have some incredibly advanced technology not available on the commercial market. Government stuff e.g.10:55
Dwade09Anchor:  thank you10:56
AnchorDwade09: I wish I could be a better help.10:56
Jpapertowelsok before i end up using software raid can i get confirmation that grub can now boot when its on a raid0 stripe (back when i tried ubu8.04 it would not happen)10:57
Dwade09its cool thank you Anchor10:57
=== Korbit is now known as DJKorbit
Jordan_UJpapertowels: I'm 90% sure it can, and you can get complete confirmation by asking in #grub.10:57
walter_hello all10:58
Dwade09Anchor:  lucky i backed up home folder first.10:58
DJKorbitgood morning10:58
AnchorDwade09: Indeed.10:58
Dwade09Anchor:  i ask you something?10:59
AnchorDwade09: Sure.10:59
MauriceJHello everyone.  I am not sure where to even search on the net about this but I am frustrated about having to log in after leaving my computer for about a minute.  Where can I search about this or can somebody point me to where the settings for this would be? I'm using Ubuntu 10.04.  Thank you in advance!11:00
Dwade09Anchor:  im at the install and it shows /dev/sda1 fat 32 248gb then it shows my linuxmint /dev/sda2 ext 4 251gb on my hard drive.11:00
DJKorbiti'm involved in a portuguese linux distribution that was based in mandriva and now we'll switch to ubuntu11:00
walter_could anyone help me with this ? im quite new to this. thank you11:00
walter_E: Type 'c' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubuntu-ppa-beta-maverick.list11:00
walter_E: The list of sources could not be read.11:00
picardzHi, does anyone know working driver for pctv 340e se on kernel ?11:00
walter_Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem.11:00
walter_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.11:00
FloodBot4walter_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:00
Dwade09Anchor:  so does that mean it is still there?11:01
rwwvdagli: /join #freenode and ask there.11:01
DJKorbiti'm really new to ubuntu development so i'd like to know the best way to clone natty do be able to adapt natty to our needs11:01
DJKorbitcan you help me on that pleasE?11:01
share!pt | share11:01
ubottushare, please see my private message11:01
AnchorDwade09: Have you tried browsing through the folders to see if any files exist?11:01
malopei can't seem to get any version of ubuntu onto my compaq11:02
Dwade09Anchor:  i cd'd into it but said not there11:02
malopeit has an intel celeron 2.93 processor and 760MG of ram that i ran threw the mem test and checked out ok11:02
gobbewalter_: what did you do before that?11:02
malope10.10 locked up the machine11:02
AnchorDwade09: Yeah, doesn't exist. I don't know how to refresh it through. I'm new to Ubuntu.11:02
Dwade09Anchor:  bash: cd: /dev/sda2: No such file or directory11:02
malope10.04 installed without much problem but didn't boot all the way to desktop11:02
Dwade09thank you Anchor11:03
malopeand now 9.10 keeps looping the ubuntu loading screen11:03
malopeany ideass?11:03
earwigsmalope: whats the error you're getting?11:03
r00t4rd3dhow are you trying to install ? cd , usb , wubi ?11:03
earwigsmalope: are you trying to install from cd or usb?11:03
malopeand the cd's test ok11:03
malopewith the check11:03
FloodBot4malope: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:03
r00t4rd3dis windows on the machine already >11:04
Dwade09its cool Anchor  thank you for taking your time.11:04
malopeit was originally on another drive that was getting bad sectors...so i formatted the second and just want ubuntu on it11:04
earwigsmalope: is CD set to boot first in your bios?11:04
walter_gobbe:i was trying to install some updates. now i cannot access my update manager or anything11:04
malopeearwigs: yes i got threw the installs11:04
malopeearwigs: with booting from cd11:04
earwigsmalope: sounds like your computers hitting those bad sectors when the CD tries to unpack and rebooting each time it does.11:04
malopei have install ubuntu on many machines11:04
gobbewalter_: upload your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin.ubuntu.com11:05
dylan_noktumumm why isnt my sd card mounting or even being seen11:05
r00t4rd3dmalope can you load the live version of 10.1011:05
malopeearwigs:  i pulled that drive and put a good drive w/ no sectors in11:05
malopethe old bad drive was a samsung (doh) and the new drive is maxtor 160GB11:05
malopeold was 80GB11:05
earwigsmalope: ok this is getting complicated... so did you pull out the drive before or after the install?11:05
malopei pulled the primary drive out...made the good drive the primary ..only have 1 drive in there now it detects its i made the partitions but just won't boot any version to desktop11:06
malopelike i said 10.04 installed and so did 9.1011:06
dwarderlol terminal is my mirror application :)11:06
malopejust will not boot to desktop?11:06
simonpanyone know how /var/run/motd is generated? mine seems to be spitting out the kernel line over and over till /var/run/motd is 4Gb in size?11:06
earwigsmalope: so you can boot to the CD but not to desktop after its installed?11:07
walter_gobbe:just a sec11:07
malopeearwigs: correct11:07
malopeearwigs: could it just be gnome with problems with my video card?11:07
dwarderwhen i need a literal mirror, i'm firing up my black terminal, with my glossy display it looks like a mirror =)11:07
malopebut the install went so smooth11:07
malopei don't understand11:07
earwigsmalope: dont think so, if you had video card issues i imagine you would have discovered them when  you booted from the CD11:07
malopeyea...im sooo boggled11:08
malopeshould i try to install 9.04?11:08
earwigsmalope: can you start froms scratch and reinstall?11:08
malopei just did11:08
malopethe install goes very smooth...till the end with rebooting and taking the cd out before it reboots11:09
malopebut i've always seen issues with that11:09
malopeerror reading from sr0 blah blah blah11:09
malopeand then ok rebooting11:09
earwigsmalope: is your HDD set to raid in your bios?11:09
vdaglihow can I recover my old nickserv password?11:10
Sriramvdagli: Go to #freenode and ask them11:10
gobbevdagli: #freenode11:10
malopeearwigs: there is no raid11:11
Sriramvdalgi: Your welcome11:11
malopeearwigs: and it detects it as primary master11:11
earwigsmalope: yeah, i was wondering if that was the issue. Hrm, ok11:11
AnchorHas anyone upgraded to the kernel 2.6.37 yet?11:11
SriramAnchor: Nope11:11
SriramAnchor: Not me11:12
earwigsmalope: could be a power supply issue, remember having a similar issue many years sago11:12
AnchorSriram:Is there a pressing need to upgrade kernels as they come out?11:12
SriramAnchor, Nope, not that much11:12
arvuthello again11:12
simonpanyone know whch script generates /var/run/motd ?11:13
earwigsmalope: all i can suggest at this stage, from your description of the problem is go through a process of trail and error11:13
earwigsmalope: process of elimination i mean11:13
earwigsmalope: change 1 piece of hardware, if it doesnt fix it, put it back and change another11:13
malopeim burning 9.04 right now11:13
AnchorSriram: Thanks. I'm beginning to read more about the technical stuff on Ubuntu and I was wondering if the new kernel patched up the security issues that were mentioned on the release notes.11:13
earwigsmalope: rince and repeat until it works =/11:13
Jordan_Usimonp: "man motd.tail" explains the process.11:14
simonpthanks Jordan11:14
Jordan_Usimonp: You're welcome.11:15
ox3ai need some simple help customizing ubuntu11:15
Sriramox3a: LIke11:15
Sriramox3a: *Like11:15
ox3aSriram, It is manually and i have read help from ubuntu community .11:16
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Sriramox3a: Sorry didn't get you11:17
ox3aSriram, pm please?11:17
Dwade09i am sorry to bother you Anchor  thank you so much for all your help.11:17
arvutwhat have I done wrong when I get the errors "mount: mounting sys on /root/sys failed: no such file or directory" , "Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init." & "/bin/sh: error while loading shared lib..: libncurses.so.5, cannot open shared object file: no such file or dir"?11:17
AnchorDwade09: You're good. I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful.11:18
arvuti restored grub2 after windows rescue cd messed it up11:18
Dwade09you where plenty of help Anchor  no need.11:18
Jpapertowelsok when i use software raid it always makes swap device #1 and / device #2 is it supposed to do that it kind of annoys me since im used to swap being at the end of my disk11:19
arvutkernel is now in panic and then i get a whole lot of errors i dont understand..11:19
aciculaarvut: specified the wrong root file system, which typically is not the same as /root11:19
sacarlsonarvut: is this at boot?  if you mount after boot you need the directory to mount to so does /root/sys exist?11:19
ireezguys please help me11:19
ireezhow do you edit NetworkManager remotely viea terminal?11:20
aciculaireez: not unless you ask a question first ;)11:20
Dwade09Anchor:  this is the fun part is installing it and having it download packages as it installs. =p11:20
aciculaireez: depends, you can set static configuration in /etc/networks/interfaces11:20
arvutacicula: the root fs is my ext4 10.10 install. it worked fine before the grub got messed up11:21
aciculaireez: if you really want to set the same configuration as you would via nm-applet -> edit connection you have to edit the values in the gnome registry11:21
ireezacicula: the box uses ubuntu desktop11:21
aciculaireez: or just remotely start nm-applet and edit it that way, you can use ssh -X to forward11:21
aciculamay have to kill your local nm-applet for this to work and restart it when you are done11:22
ireezacicula: how to see the gui with nm-applet if i only sshed to the box?11:22
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AnchorI'm trying to find a way to backup my important files on an external hard drive at a set interval, is there a program that does that?11:23
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aciculaarvut: there is a root fs on the one hand  and there is a file system with a dirctory named root in the root of the fs, these are not the same things11:23
DJKorbiti'm using ubuntu natty and my nvidia is not working correctly11:23
DJKorbithow can i report this bug?11:23
aciculaireez: you can use gui forwarding with ssh, log back in and use the -X flag with ssh11:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:24
ireezacicula : i got this error (nm-applet:2551) : GTK-WARNING **: cannot open display:11:24
aciculaireez: how did you ssh in11:24
arvutsacarlson: yes, i cant boot any of the kernels from the grub2 menu. 2.6.32-25 and both return the same errors. no recovery modes work11:25
sacarlsonarvut: what method did you use to recover your grub2 mbr?11:25
aciculaAnchor: you can use crontab to execute tasks automatically, but its not very userfriendly11:25
ireezacicula since they replaced the NIC in the box i can't sign in remotely via my box. i have to get to their mikrotik and use its built in telnet11:26
arvutsacarlson: grub-install11:26
Anchoracicula: Is there a site or guide I can use as a reference? I'd like to do this even if it's not user-friendly.11:26
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Jordan_U!backup | Anchor11:27
ubottuAnchor: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:27
Dwade09Anchor:  there is man crontab once you have it installed.11:27
sacarlsonarvut: at what point what partition was mounted as root at that time?11:27
AnchorDwade09: thanks.11:27
AnchorJordan_U: Thanks.11:27
arvutgrub2 was on the windowsdrive before tho.. was told that it could be installed on the ubuntudrive (i use different hdd's instead of partitions)11:27
Jordan_UAnchor: You're welcome.11:27
aciculaAnchor: nothing specific comes to mind11:28
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arvutsacarlson: not sure tbh..11:28
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sacarlsonarvut: do you know what partition you have installed a working version of ubuntu?11:29
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aciculaireez: then you can only change settings remotly via editing the gnome-registry or by just setting some static configuration in /etc/networks/interfaces11:30
ireezokay, can you please tell me how to edit gnome-registry?11:30
AnchorJordan_U: Have you any experience with Drive imaging? This looks like, to me, the most comprehensive backup method. However, it does appear to pose some great risks.11:30
aciculaireez: not a clue11:30
sunitI am using ubuntu 8.04 LTS with only one user openbravo. When I am giving sudo su : I am getting error : - openbravo is not in sudoers list, this incident will be reported11:30
aciculaireez: actually if you just need networking going you can just directly set the network ip using ifconfig and dhclient11:31
ireezacicula: lol11:31
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duron23sunit: either use sudo11:32
duron23sunit: or su11:32
duron23sunit: not both in same line11:32
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duron23sunit: in ubuntu sudo is enough11:32
Guest16351I've a serious problem. For a year I have had 3 external USB hardrives plugged into my computer. 5 hours ago all were working. Now as of 1 hour ago the computer is saying that only 2 of them are there. it isn't just saying the 1 isn't mounted, it is not seeing it at all. I have unplugged & replugged it, on both sides several times, unplugged the power, let it sit & replugged it is. The drive spins up, but then does't talk with the PC11:32
=== v3d_ is now known as vdagli
arvutsacarlson: yeah, sdb1.. fdisk said i had "linux / swap" there tho and that i for some reason had two 4gb partitions with "external" and "linux" on sdb2 and sdb5 (my swap is 4gb and i only have 1..)11:33
ireezacicula it acctually confused me alot. the entries in the /etc/networking/interfaces is ignored. :(11:33
r00t4rd3d"Linux Wi-Fi Gets Easier with New Broadcom Driver"11:33
duron23Guest16351: try sudo fdisk -l11:34
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ox3ai need some simple help customizing ubuntu11:34
Guest16351duron23: Did it, & the drive doesn't show up, I also tried lsusb11:34
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sacarlsonarvut: well it can't be on sdb1 if the partition is swap, it must be on sdb1 or sdb2,  try mount each of those and look inside to find out witch one it is11:34
duron23Guest16351: it in another system if you have any around11:35
duron23Guest16351: *check it in another system if you have any around11:35
sacarlsonarvut: when you detect the files you would expect in a ubuntu install then follow the instructions http://paste.ubuntu.com/547404/11:35
Guest16351duron23: I do not other then virtualbox systems which if the parernt doesn't see it is useless to even try.11:35
playerwhat are you doing?11:35
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arvutsacarlson: sdb1 matches the size of the filesystem tho.. 56gb. sdb is a 60gb disk so either sdb2 or sdb5 is the real swap11:36
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sacarlsonarvut: don't go by size go by what you find inside it11:37
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playerxchat is wonderful!11:37
sacarlsonarvut: from a live cd simply mount and view what's inside with nautilus (the standard filemanager)11:38
Jpapertowelswhoa when i installed ubuntu via alternate cd its totally unthemed and looks like windows nt 3 whats up with this11:38
Guest16351duron23: any other suggestions?11:38
arvutsacarlson: yeah. done that, will doublecheck. (i prefer browsing with terminal tho)11:38
duron23Guest16351: nope, prob you hd failed :(11:39
gobbeJpapertowels: did you select packages by hand?11:39
gobbeJpapertowels: or installed everything?11:39
sacarlsonarvut: terminal is fine if you like that11:39
duron23Guest16351: not sure though11:39
arvutsacarlson: does it matter if i restored grub2 with a lucid cd? maybe that screwed it up..11:40
sacarlsonarvut: I don't think so,  it's still grub211:40
Jpapertowelsgobbe: naw it didn't even let me select packages11:40
arvuti did the original install with lucid. upgraded and all was fine until windows repair cd messed with the mbr on sda11:41
gobbeJpapertowels: hmmh. I have installed my laptop, few desktops etc from same media and they all have gnome-themes :)11:41
gobbeJpapertowels: which image you used for installation?11:41
sacarlsonarvut: look at the instructions I gave you http://paste.ubuntu.com/547404/  does that look like the method you used to recover?11:41
arvutand yeah, guides on the web said 9.04 and upwards i think11:41
Jpapertowelsgobbe: xubuntu-10.10-alternate-amd64.iso11:42
gobbeJpapertowels: oh. then you should ask it from #xubuntu11:42
Jpapertowelsgobbe: same thing happened with gnome iso though...maybe its because im not using any graphics drivers?11:42
gobbeJpapertowels: maybe11:43
arvutsacarlson: that would be it, yeah11:43
arvutsacarlson: second method iirc11:43
Guest16351duron23: harddrive or external usb motherboard?11:44
sacarlsonarvut: secound method?  you have /boot on another partition?11:44
bonjoyeeis it possible to rip discs(audio/vcd/dvd) directly with ffmpeg?11:47
arvutnumbers have suddenly changed in fdisk.. now there are two filesystemsized partitions and one swap flsgged as boot11:47
Guest16351I've a serious problem. For a year I have had 3 external USB hardrives plugged into my computer. 5 hours ago all were working. Now as of 1 hour ago the computer is saying that only 2 of them are there. it isn't just saying the 1 isn't mounted, it is not seeing it at all. I have unplugged & replugged it, on both sides several times, unplugged the power, let it sit & replugged it is. The drive spins up, but then does't talk with the PC, & l11:47
Guest16351susb & fdisk -l show that the system does not see it.11:47
sacarlsonarvut: one would be what you have booted from  usb flash or cd?11:48
bonjoyeeGuest16351: tried rebooting the computer?11:49
AnchorGuest16351: Can you try it on another computer to determine if it is working on any machine?11:49
malopei might just have to try a different distribution?11:49
malopeor redhat11:49
Guest16351bonfir89: no, but I have unplugged & replugged in all of the other drives & they are going off & coming back on perfectly normal11:49
malopefedora ftw?11:49
sacarlsonarvut: just mount the non swap disk and analize them11:49
Guest16351Oops wrong person11:49
Guest16351bonjoyee: no, but I have unplugged & replugged in all of the other drives & they are going off & coming back on perfectly normal11:50
arvutsacarlson: no, all are on sdb. 1 is linux swap/solaris (4gb), 2 is extended (56gb) and 5 is linux (also 56gb)11:50
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Guest16351Anchor: this is my only machine11:50
AnchorDo you have a friend you can check with?11:50
bonjoyeeGuest16351: if its possible try a reboot..11:50
sacarlsonarvut: just mount sdb2  and sdb5  cd inside and view what in them11:51
AnchorIt may be the drive itself.11:51
Guest16351bonjoyee: thanks I will try that in a few hours11:51
malopei've never tried kubuntu11:51
Jpapertowelshow would i go about removing the entire xubuntu-desktop package? apt-get autoremove xubuntu-desktop says it will only get rid of 1 pkg 45.1 kb11:52
malopeor xubuntu11:52
gobbeJpapertowels: it's meta-package, it cannot be removed. And this channel is only for ubuntu-support, xubuntu is supported at #xubuntu11:53
LitovÄîáðûé äåíü11:55
sacarlsonarvut: sudo mkdir /mnt1; sudo mkdir /mnt2; /sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt1 ;sudo mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt2  #and view them11:55
ne2kI have a strange problem with serial ports. I installed a OX16PCI954 quad 16950 UART PCI card (PCI 1415:9501) which was working fine for a while. After installing some updates and restarting, ttyS1, 2 and 3 still work, but 0 doesn't. it says "cannot open /dev/ttyS0: No such device". each time I try to access it, the kernel logs "ttyS0: LSR safety check engaged!" in dmesg. any ideas of how to fix this? kernel is 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP on x86_6411:55
zambacan i get zte mf636 working with network manager?11:56
Guest16351For a year I have had 3 external USB hardrives plugged into my computer. 5 hours ago all were working. Now as of 1 hour ago the computer is saying that only 2 of them are there. it isn't just saying the 1 isn't mounted, it is not seeing it at all. I have unplugged & replugged it, on both sides several times, unplugged the power, let it sit & replugged it is. The drive spins up, but then does't talk with the PC, and lsusb & fdisk -l does n11:56
Guest16351ot see it, & I do not have any other systems to test it on.11:56
gobbeGuest16351: well..it looks like your USB-drive is dead11:56
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ne2kGuest16351: sounds like a hardware failure11:57
AnchorGuest16351: Several people offered suggestions.11:57
bullgard4[GNOME 2.30.2] Panel > Properties > (Panel Properties) > Background > None (use system theme) is asserted. What is the filename of the background image in use?11:57
arvutsacarlson: sdb5 appears to be the correct fs11:57
arvutbut what is sdb2 then?11:57
Guest16351gobbe: Thanks ne2k: Thanks Anchor: Doesn't hurt to ask for second & third & fourth opinnions11:58
sacarlsonarvut: what's in it's ~/boot11:58
sacarlsonarvut: I think you must have /boot mounted from another partition,  is that posible?11:59
sacarlsonarvut: and what is in sdb2?11:59
sacarlsonarvut: oh there is no sdb212:00
Jpapertowelsis it normal for ubuntu to use 317 MB of RAM at idle with just a console?12:02
sacarlsonarvut: opps my line above mounted wrong partition you should have mounted sdb2 and viewed what's inside12:02
gobbeJpapertowels: yes12:02
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gobbeJpapertowels: it's not basicly used, but reserved12:02
rumpe1Jpapertowels, try "free && sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && free"12:03
Jpapertowelsgobbe: how can i get "used" ram?12:03
acegiak_hey guys, I'm out and have my eepc and decided it's time to upgrade to 10.10 UNR, don't have any external drives with my just my SSD and my internal SDcard (which has my win7 on it) how do we make this upgrade work12:03
Guest44994Yo! I got a freshly installed ubuntu (latest version) and the fans are running full speed, even though is isnt heated up or the processors arent running that much. How do I fix this?12:03
gobbeJpapertowels: calculate used - cached12:03
cradamthe throttling drivers aren't installed12:04
cradamthe throttling drivers aren't installed Guest4499412:04
sacarlsonacegiak_: I installed ubuntu on my eeepc with a usb flash disk12:04
Guest44994cradam: ok, so how do i fix this? I am sry but i quite don't understand what you mean.12:04
CaneToadI'm running 10.10 and I just can't stand it any more.....I am quite frequently getting into situations where the desktop is still responsive but the mouse can't select any menus or drag any windows...think it some kind of grab or something in X, but when it happens all I can do is shift-tab to move between windows and close things down and hope I have a shell window open and kill -9 -1....   ARRRRRRRGGGGHH12:05
cradamGuest44994: i dont know how you fix it and throttling a fan slows it down or speeds it up dependant on the temperature of the cpu12:05
tehbautI have a little dilemma... gparted crashes every time I open it, and I need to reformat a drive, but not sure how to do it manually, nor have any idea why gparted is crashing and how to fix it12:06
tehbautany ideas?12:06
Guest44994cradam: ok, ill google throttling drivers or something, lo. thx12:06
sacarlsonCaneToad: maybe not enuf memory?12:07
CaneToadsacarlson: this didn't used to happen with other versions of ubuntu12:07
rumpe1CaneToad, desktop-effects active?12:07
CaneToadrumpe1: no12:07
malopei find every version has something different going on with it somehow12:08
rumpe1CaneToad, maybe some useful informations in /var/log12:08
rumpe1 /Xorg.0.log?12:08
malopeso far 9.10 and 10.04 are my fav12:08
sacarlsonCaneToad: maybe just a mouse driver problem12:08
malopemost machines never have a problem...but some just won't load ubuntu12:08
malopethis is my last try with 9.10 then its fedora 13 time12:09
sacarlsonCaneToad: you have another mouse you can plug in to try?12:09
gabrielukhello guys,i need help.i know this is not the proper channel for this question,but as i love ubuntu,i feel that u guys could point me the proper irc channel that deals with viruses.bassically i have a facebook account wich has a virus on it!!!is that possible a facebook page infected?please help me telling me where to get help for this,as i googled a lot and i cannot find a solution.12:09
arvutsacarlson: you're correct. sdb2 does not exist12:09
CaneToadsacarlson: not the mouse....it is still functional when it happens12:09
CaneToadbut windows refuse to be moved12:09
rumpe1gabrieluk, that would be facebooks problem, not yours12:09
sacarlsonarvut: ok do that procedure with sdb5 mount point then12:10
BackieHey anyone know the easiest and quickest way to install use wayland or something instead of xorg ?12:10
guampagabrieluk: maybe ##security12:10
duron23gabrieluk: write to facebook support12:10
guampaiirc there was a fb chan too?12:10
sacarlsonCaneToad: you say it moves but you can't click,  can you see the click on the background if you drag does a box form?12:10
duron23Backie: wayland is still in development, there is no shortcut for it12:11
gabrieluku canno0t write to facebook,the contact us has been closed!omg!:(12:11
shadey_bit of an odd question.. but i've enabled the root account on my ubuntu system. I also have the 'service helper' scripts installed. now when i type 'service' followed by the start of a service_name, tab no longer works to complete. This works fine for all other accounts, or even when i sudo -s from a normal user.12:11
arvuthow do I ignore join/quit msgs in irssi? thought it was /ignore JOINS/QUITS but it has no effect.. (I've done it once before..)12:11
shadey_any idea why this doesn't work when directly logged in as root?12:11
sacarlsonCaneToad: I have a bad mouse that moves but can't click,  it's just a hardware thing12:11
bullgard4[GNOME 2.30.2] Panel > Properties > (Panel Properties) > Background > None (use system theme) ist angehakt. Wie lautet der Path des verwendeten Hintergrundbildes?12:11
Backieduron23, you know of any other xorg alts that I can quickly change to?12:11
CaneToadsacarlson: when I restart X, the mouse works perfectly12:11
guampagabrieluk: well don't die is just friggin fb, not the end of all life12:12
malopeubuntu screen with the loading progress bar just keeps coming on then off12:12
duron23Backie: as of now, no other options I guess12:12
malopeon then off12:12
malopesoooooo crappy12:12
arvutsacarlson: yeah, sdb5 is the correct fs, everything dir in it is there as it should12:12
duron23Backie: you can check in clutter irc12:12
gabrielukguampa,i cannot acess ##security,must be a member or somenthing12:12
tony_when i install some things, they'r enot in the menu. how do i find where they went?12:12
guampagabrieluk: have to register your nick perhaps12:12
malopetony: somethings are just ran in terminal12:13
sacarlsonarvut: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt2 /dev/sda #  where /mnt2 is where you now have sdb5 mounted12:13
tony_but i type the name in the terminal, nothing happens12:13
alessandro_hi anyone12:13
rumpe1gabrieluk, why not try #facebook?12:13
duron23tony_: restarting may bring those menus back12:13
alessandro_somebody know how to use Udl's on Ubuntu?12:13
tony_why do linux apps have to be so secretive/12:14
alessandro_I need connect my Db using udl's12:14
duron23tony_: else try /usr/share/applications12:14
aciculaimport pyparsing as pyp12:14
aciculaimport itertools12:14
aciculadef snort_parse(logfile): header = (pyp.Suppress("[**] [")12:14
FloodBot4acicula: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:14
acicula              + pyp.Combine(integer + ":" + integer + ":" + integer)12:14
tehbautI think I screwed up my HDD by using DD to copy data to it before it was formatted, and now every time I try to open it in GParted, GParted crashes... how can I fix the HDD now?12:14
MagoMarkosi need some help with the instaletion of ubuntu netbook on my acer aspire one 532h-282512:14
MagoMarkosI have windows 7 staarter on my pc and im booting from my flashdrive into ubuntu12:14
MagoMarkosthen when i go to instal and instal along another os i dont know what to do because it will get me until the part that says the user info and on the bottom it displays ready when you are but nothing else happens and the forward botton on that page just wont allow me to click it12:14
FloodBot4MagoMarkos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:14
arvutsacarlson: sacarlson i mounted it on /media/sdb5, does that matter? (created that dir before mounting ofcourse)12:14
gabrieluknoone is on #facebook :(12:14
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:14
MagoMarkosi need some help with the instaletion of ubuntu netbook on my acer aspire one 532h-282512:15
MagoMarkosI have windows 7 staarter on my pc and im booting from my flashdrive into ubuntu12:15
MagoMarkosthen when i go to instal and instal along another os i dont know what to do because it will get me until the part that says the user info and on the bottom it displays ready when you are but nothing else happens and the forward botton on that page just wont allow me to click it12:15
FloodBot4MagoMarkos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:15
arvutsacarlson: or should i umount and remount it at /mnt?12:15
gobbe!repeat | MagoMarkos12:15
ubottuMagoMarkos: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:15
MagoMarkossorry for repaeting i got an eror here lol12:16
sacarlsonarvut: yes: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/sdb5  /dev/sda # or remount,  I never did it this way12:16
cradamdoes any1 know what windows security button is?12:16
MagoMarkoscan anyone help me on that matter?12:16
cradamoops wrong channel12:16
duron23MagoMarkos: may be you don't have enough free space12:16
mrdirtfthaving problem with ubuntu 10.10...... i don't get notification when there's new email. help plz??12:16
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:16
MagoMarkoshow much do i need i have 40 Gb open for ubuntu12:16
Srirammrdirtft: What email client do you use?12:17
duron23MagoMarkos: is it un partitioned space ?12:17
tony_i can't find it anywhere. may as well refer to google for installing apps. gets tiring chasing down apps that apt installs12:17
MagoMarkosdo i need to unpartition it?12:17
malopei use 30GB for my / and a huge /home partition12:17
MagoMarkoshow is it supposed to be?12:17
malope30GB of apps is a lot12:17
MagoMarkosand how can i set it up correctly on the advanced partitioning tool if i need to12:17
arvutsacarlson: alright. ill try the mnt dir then. last time i fixed grub i did it by mounting via the places menu12:17
duron23MagoMarkos: I guess you need unpartitioned free space12:17
tehbauthow do I install hfsprogs? it's not showing up in Synaptic Package Manager?12:18
MagoMarkosok ill try that and see ill let you know12:18
duron23MagoMarkos: welcome12:18
mrdirtftSriram, Evolution12:18
arvutsacarlson: shouldnt make a difference tho aslong as i tell grub-install that /media/sdb5 is root dir12:18
sacarlsonarvut: ya I wouldn't think so but the umask may be different12:19
arvutsacarlson: umask?12:19
sacarlsonarvut: if this is the same as before then best make it different12:19
beetohi all12:19
mrdirtftSriram, http://tinyurl.com/26vzutr12:19
sacarlsonarvut: see man mount12:19
ne2kI have a strange problem with serial ports. I installed a OX16PCI954 quad 16950 UART PCI card (PCI 1415:9501) which was working fine for a while. After installing some updates and restarting, ttyS1, 2 and 3 still work, but 0 doesn't. it says "cannot open /dev/ttyS0: No such device". each time I try to access it, the kernel logs "ttyS0: LSR safety check engaged!" in dmesg. any ideas of how to fix this? kernel is 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP on x86_6412:20
mrdirtftSriram, Adding the evolution ppa to the software resources and updating apt-get solve the problem but how?12:20
sacarlsonarvut: if this is how you did it before best to try it a bit different12:20
sacarlsonarvut: you can see the umask is  with sudo mount ,  the stuf you see in (....) is part of the umask I guess12:22
bullgard4[GNOME 2.30.2] Panel > Properties > (Panel Properties) > Background > None (use system theme) is asserted. What is the filename of the background image in use?12:22
sacarlsonarvut: note  that we install mbr to sda  not sdb even though you have it installed on sdb12:23
SoyoGoood Morning12:24
nglI looking for some help about Ubuntu 10.10...12:24
Soyo!ask | ngl12:24
ubottungl: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:24
bullgard4ngl: Please put in this channel a specific question.12:24
sacarlsonne2k: unless your new kernel has drivers of features you now need I would return the default grub to boot the old kernel12:24
nglSo i have now dualboot with win.... i have installed Ubuntu trough windows.. and i have allow only 10gb "system space" what sould i do in need more now... but i cant uninstall windows...12:25
bastidrazorbullgard4: isn't that just a color in the panel if using system theme?12:25
ne2ksacarlson: well, yes, I'll do that, if nothing else to prove that it's the kernel change that's caused the problem12:25
Srirammrdirtft: no clue, on how to fix yet, Maybe re-installing the messaging indicator will do the trick12:25
bazhangngl expanding a wubi install?12:26
sacarlsonne2k: well that would add evidence that is is the kernel causing it if you try boot the old and it works again,  newer is not always better.12:26
arvutsacarlson: alright, so its (rw).. as in permissions?12:26
nglbazhang, yes12:26
bullgard4bastidrazor: I do not understand your question well. I am asking for a pathname and you are suggesting a color. How can a pathname be a color?12:27
sacarlsonarvut: try it reboot if it fails try again with the other mount point12:27
Sriramngl: Use the ubuntu install cd/ gparted live cd to increase partition size12:27
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=545519 ngl12:28
bastidrazorbullgard4: when selecting the system them i thought it used a solid color for the background.12:28
arvutsacarlson: tried mounting sdb2, it appearently does not exist according to mount. while fdisk says it does12:28
nglok, thanks for your time.. :)12:28
Sriramngl: Oh , sorry, wubi, ok12:28
bastidrazorbullgard4: but i see your question.. where that is located.12:28
bazhangngl, there is a tool on that link I sent you to do it12:29
rumpe1arvut, pastebin fdisk and output of mount-command12:29
sacarlsonarvut: maybe that's the problem,  maybe sdb2 has /boot in it but is corupt and needs fsck to get it to be mountable12:29
bullgard4bastidrazor: No, my computer displays a predominantly violet background with some stars on it.12:29
nglbazhang, ok thanks i will try it ;)12:29
sacarlsonarvut: do you remember when you installed (if you installed it) did /boot mount from another partition?12:29
WierdAARI'm trying to get my HP officejet g55 to work with simple scan (or anything really) but can't get it to recognize it. I have trying install the SANE drivers, but nothing so far. Please help12:30
Bipul`Can i able to see mine Windows Network files in Network folder?12:30
sacarlsonarvut: did you look in the ~/boot on your sdb5 partition to see if it has what you would expect in it?12:30
duron23Bipul`: if you have samba configured, yes12:31
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Gabiis there a certain command to duplicate a file , i want to have 2 index.php so i can keep the old one12:31
phox_yo! How do I update Java? I have the latest version of ubuntu, but not the latest version of java. Hehe.12:31
Bipul`samba?  without samba can't i ?12:31
duron23Gabi: use cp12:31
duron23Bipul`: I guess not12:31
sacarlsonarvut: my root partition umask looks like /dev/sdb1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)12:31
Gabiduron23 what the command ?12:31
arvutsacarlson: not sure what to expect in /boot tbh. and no, no other partition is mounted to /boot12:31
Sebastian_I'm having a reproducable crash in XF86DRIQueryExtension from /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1. I'm using the unchanged ubuntu packages. anyone interested? details: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26228812:32
bonjoyeephox_: see http://www.java.com/12:32
sacarlsonarvut: well I would expect it not to be empty that's for sure12:32
SriramWierdAAR, Have you checked the connection between printer to PC?12:32
sacarlsonarvut: if they mount to it at boot time then it will be empty,  if there is no boot partition it will have the kernel linux and grub files12:33
nunyais there some way to not see the bootloading when i start my computer?12:33
WierdAARSriram, And what would be the best way to do that? Other than physically checking the cables ?12:33
phox_bonjoyee: ok12:33
ne2kI've rebooted with the old kernel 2.6.35-23-generic #41-Ubuntu12:33
=== tim_ is now known as _tim_
bullgard4Bipul`: If you mean files that support files that support networking under Windows, mount the partition that includes the Windows networking and Nautilus should display the filenames in this partition, including the files for networking.12:33
SriramWierdAAR, You have physically checked the cables, right12:33
=== _tim_ is now known as __tim__
duron23Gabi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4188396&postcount=212:33
WierdAARSriram, Yes12:33
duron23Gabi: ignore that12:34
sacarlsonarvut: oh you can also check by looking at the ~/etc/fstab to see what they try to mount at boot12:34
SriramWierdAAR, See http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/officejet/officejet_g55.html might help you12:34
ne2kI've rebooted with the old kernel 2.6.35-23-generic #41-Ubuntu and the problem has gone away. Therefore I know the problem is with the new kernel (2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu). I would like to report this as a bug, but I'm not sure what information would best help the developers to solve the problem. what should I post?12:34
WierdAARSriram, "HPLIP Website is currently under maintenance. We will be back shortly." Should I just download and install ?12:35
SriramWierdAAR, Sorry http://sourceforge.net/projects/hplip/files/hplip/12:36
sacarlsonne2k: cool, set to default boot and report it as a bug12:36
SriramWierdAAR, Yes12:36
WierdAARSriram, Will try it out. Be back with result. Thanks!12:36
arvutsacarlson rumpel: http://pastebin.com/K6kkUtaX12:36
sacarlsonne2k: I guess to report bugs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs12:37
MagoMarkosI need help now I'm on the advanced partitioning tool i need help formating. I have a 160 Gb HDD partitioned as such: 12.9 GB sda1 (ntfs) (for recovery console from acer), 106.9MB (ntfs) (for some windows7 stuff), 105.1 GB sda3 (ntfs) (Windows7 Starter OS and Windows Files), and 41.9 GB Free Space. If I click Install now it gives me the error "No Root File System" "No root files system is12:38
MagoMarkosdefined. Please Correct this from the partitioning menu" and i am not able to keep going what can i do? How can I and should Iformat the free space to continue?12:38
SriramMagoMarkos, Advance Partitioning tool?12:39
sam-_-MagoMarkos, u have to set the partition as /12:39
SriramMagoMarkos, Gparted live?12:39
MagoMarkosim in the ubuntu oinstaller12:39
Sriramoh okay12:39
sacarlsonarvut: what about ~/boot ?12:39
MagoMarkosi booted from flash drive and cliced on instal along other OS12:39
MagoMarkosso i click on the free space and click on add12:40
sacarlsonarvut: look inside i mean  cd ??/boot ; ls12:40
arvutrebooting now.. hoping for the best12:40
duron23MagoMarkos: select / as mount point12:40
SriramMagoMarkos, Yes12:40
duron23MagoMarkos: and partition type to ext312:40
sacarlsonarvut: ok12:40
MagoMarkosprimary or logical?12:40
daedaluzis there any way to enable picture thumbnails in nautilus when uploading? hell, they are missin even in Gimp12:40
duron23MagoMarkos: Logical12:40
Sriramduron23: Ext4 is good, too, stable, now12:41
TimothyAhmm, anyone knows why ImageMagick performs slowly/poorly on Ubuntu when OpenMP is enabled?12:41
duron23MagoMarkos: yeah ext412:41
duron23Sriram: thanks for correcting12:41
Sriramduron23: Welcome12:41
TimothyAthis is when using the ubuntu package, but occurs as well if you compile it yourself12:41
MagoMarkosLocation of the new partition: Begining or End?12:41
ne2kwhy can't I actually just report a bug on lanuchpad any more? why do I have to use this flaming stupid desktop application?!12:42
duron23MagoMarkos: leave it on default12:42
phox_Why does firefox chrash constantly?! The processor isnt running much, i dont have alot of tabs open. Freshly installed OS, latest version12:42
sam-_-TimothyA, specs of your computer?12:42
MagoMarkoslets see what happends now12:42
Shell0xLogger nickserv identify xssfdp1212:42
sacarlsonne2k: I guess it was meant to make it easy and complete12:42
Sriramphox_: Paste your top output on paste.ubuntu.com12:43
rumpe1Shell0xLogger, fail :D12:43
TimothyAsam-_-: i assume you only need the cpu info, I don't know where to get the rest easily12:43
sacarlsonne2k: people tend not to provide the needed info or are too lazy,  whereas computers do it all for you12:43
sam-_-TimothyA, yes12:43
MagoMarkosshould i enable a swap portion?12:43
phox_sriram: and where do i find this top output?12:43
duron23phox_: do you have any plugins installed ?12:43
duron23MagoMarkos: yes12:43
arvutsacarlson: same problem I'm afraid.. will write a pastebin with the exact errors I get12:43
Sriramphox_: run top on your terminal12:43
MagoMarkoshow much MB?12:43
phox_duron23: nope. Barely anything installed on the computer.12:44
TimothyAwith OpenMP enabled in imagemagick, it takes several minutes to convert a single image12:44
sacarlsonarvut: look in the boot12:44
phox_sriram: okey12:44
TimothyAwithout it, several seconds12:44
TimothyAbut I would like to make use of the other cores as well12:44
duron23MagoMarkos: 1.5 * your RAM12:44
sacarlsonarvut: it apears there is no partiton for boot so it must be ok there12:45
MagoMarkosI have 2 GB RAM so i should put 3 GB Swap Area?12:45
duron23MagoMarkos: ok12:45
bullgard4ne2k: '~$ ubuntu-bug <package>' does no longer work?12:45
phox_sriram: i have tried like three times just to paste this, basiclyy had to force quit as many times. give me a minute12:45
TimothyAsam-_-: I still have plenty of memory left over12:45
WierdAARSriram, Ok. I don't know if you can help me with this. The install needs the gcc (C compiler), but even after I install it it says. "http://paste.ubuntu.com/551049/" Any idea what the problem could be ?12:46
ne2kbullgard4: no, it does work. I was talking about just going to a website and filing a bug, which seems rather more sensible to me. I guess it stops people putting in crap, as others have suggested12:46
sam-_-TimothyA, hugh interesting. don't know what the cause is.12:46
SriramWierdAAR, Give me a sec12:46
TimothyAsam-_-: I'm not the only one12:46
TimothyAI've replicated this issue on both dedicated servers and VPS's12:47
sam-_-TimothyA, what do you convert and how?12:47
TimothyAimages, and just simple resize/crop actions12:47
phox_sriram and duron23: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551050/12:47
TimothyAdoing it from the cli12:47
gobbeTimothyA: maybe it's somekind of issue with  your VPS's softwares12:47
gobbeTimothyA: that you not getting enough cpu-time12:47
sam-_-TimothyA, so jpegs?12:47
SriramWierdAAR: Can you paste the readme file?12:48
TimothyAsam-_-: yep12:48
MagoMarkosand now i wait for it to finish copying the files12:48
bullgard4ne2k: I disagree. '~$ ubuntu-bug <package>' is a convenient way to report errors and classify them at the same time.12:48
TimothyAgobbe: linode12:48
euthymosHi I get nasty carp-looking horrible fonts in any java program12:48
duron23MagoMarkos: yes12:48
Sriramphox_: One sec12:48
MagoMarkosim in the who are you page and the forward button is grey12:48
ne2kbullgard4: I'm not saying it's not convenient. I'm just saying that I would expect to be able to open a bug from a website /as well/12:48
WierdAARSriram, There was no readme. I can post the entire terminal process ?12:48
euthymosne2k: or an easy GUI12:48
duron23MagoMarkos: fill the details12:48
MagoMarkosi did12:49
MagoMarkosstill on copying files12:49
duron23MagoMarkos: once everything is ok, the button will enable12:49
gobbeMagoMarkos: yep, it takes while12:49
MagoMarkoslets see12:49
SriramWierdAAR, There should be some way to set the location of GCC, or somthing like that12:49
SriramWierdAAR: Okay12:49
WierdAARSriram, http://paste.ubuntu.com/551051/12:49
Sriramphox_: Not many processes12:49
bullgard4ne2k: Launchpad is a suitable _website_.12:50
MagoMarkosonce this finishes do i get a nice OS Selection sceen on the machine startup?12:50
Sriramphox_: Suspected a high CPU usage12:50
Sleeping_Foxirc does any1 knows of a mp3 player that can synch with ubuntu without rockbox ?12:50
duron23MagoMarkos: yes you will get, but how nice it is, you decide12:50
WierdAARSriram, I ran it the first time, and it gave the same error but with "8 dependencies required" and after apt-get install gcc there are only 7 dependecies even though it claims to be missing the same thing12:50
phox_sriram: Right? Yet firefox keeps not responding and stuff. Yeah i thought so too at first, but no no. Just random "not repsponding" and stuff12:50
MagoMarkoswhat do you mean?12:50
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!12:50
euthymosdoes anybody have my same problem with Java programs' fonts?12:51
Danielc1234Morning all..tried to run ./pear mage-setup and got a bunch of statements like,  : Function eregi() is deprecated in PEAR/Registry.php on line 772 PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 8192 in /home/mysite/public/downloader/pearlib/php/pearmage.php on line 424 ....Any ideas whats going on?12:51
sam-_-TimothyA, maybe it's not an ubuntu specific issue. have you tried asking here: ##imagemagick12:51
TimothyAhm, good idea12:51
SriramWierdAAR, Can you try the custom mode during installation12:51
TimothyAI didn't know they had an IRC channel12:51
Sleeping_Foxshoothemup: hello12:51
MagoMarkosduron23: what do you mean?12:51
TimothyA....and now the batteries of my mouse dies again *Sigh*12:51
WierdAARSriram, Sure. Give me a minute12:51
MagoMarkosYAY!!!!! im stuck again i think12:51
sam-_-TimothyA, i didn't either. it's unofficial. just 13 people12:52
duron23WierdAAR: do you have build-essentials installed ?12:52
Sriramphox_: I don't think I have the solution for this, you can try switching over to Chrome, much better "IMHO"12:52
duron23MagoMarkos: you will get a options to select the os12:52
MagoMarkosI filled the who are you page completley the compuer finished copying files and now it says Ready when you are... and the forward button is grey... what do i do now?12:52
WierdAARSriram, Custom install was basically the same http://paste.ubuntu.com/551052/12:53
ne2khttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/698099 reported12:53
phox_sriram: you know? I will. Screw firefox.12:53
WierdAARduron23, I think I have. Is the package just called "build-essentials" ?12:53
duron23WierdAAR: yeah something similar12:53
rumpe1WierdAAR, build-essential12:54
euthymosphox_, Sriram: better go Chromium12:54
WierdAARrumpe1, Thanks12:54
phox_euthymos: What do you mean? I just tried to apt-get "chrome", didnt work.12:54
SriramWierdAAR, Maybe there is a specific version of GCC needed12:54
euthymostry chromium-browser12:54
euthymosnever download Chrome package from Google website12:54
euthymosit's often broken and unmaintained12:55
Srirameuthymos: chromiun-browser is unstable v right?12:55
phox_euthymos: weird, but i think i got the synaptics working with the "-browser"12:55
MagoMarkosI filled the who are you page completley the compuer finished copying files and now it says Ready when you are... and the forward button is grey... what do i do now?12:55
WierdAARrumpe1, Sriram Hah. build-essentials filled one dependencie. Only 6 more to go. And the next is phyton-devel. I will try and get all dependancies manually. Back in a couple of minuts12:55
duron23MagoMarkos: can I get a screeshot of it ?12:55
Phylocktoday when i booted up my nautilus freezes each time i answer a dialog box, "move to trash", "replace"  etc, is this a known problem ??12:56
MagoMarkosa camera picture?12:56
sam-_-also the ppas are nice. https://launchpad.net/chromium-browser12:56
duron23MagoMarkos: sry, you are in isntaller you can't12:56
euthymosphox_: be careful I think "chromium" package is a GAME12:56
euthymosSriram: it's not unstable12:56
sam-_-euthymos, yes you are correct12:56
duron23MagoMarkos: can I know what are the details you filled ?12:57
phox_euthymos: yeah i googled it and understood that. Chrome is running much smoother than firefox now though, thx12:57
euthymosthe good is: "chromium-browser". Forget "chromium" (unless you like the game :P ) and packages from Google website12:57
duron23have you filled password field properly12:57
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MagoMarkosh/o ill upload a picture of the screen12:57
sam-_-Phylock, may be a problem with permissions12:57
euthymosphox_: I do think so, too. But I like FF extensions12:57
kopilohey I was wondering if there is an older version of wubi which could be used for installing ubuntu server?12:57
kopiloremote desktoping to a server and wishing to switch it over from a home windows install to something decent12:58
phox_euthymos: true dat12:59
MagoMarkosoh i cant use caps or spaces in the user ups12:59
rumpe1kopilo, i personally wouldnt use wubi for a server-install... it's the worst method for installing ubuntu :/13:00
sacarlsonphox_: euthymos: I was also having problems with ff crash on some sites with flash that never crashed with chrome,  I do love ff for extensions I can't live without13:00
duron23MagoMarkos: so the forward button is enabled now ?13:00
yealinItś so cold13:00
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Phylocksam-_-: when i delete a file and press delete in the dialog, nautilus freezes, after i start nautilus again the file is deleted. so its not a permissin problem on the files as i see it, could i be another place?13:01
euthymossacarlson: some of them have been ported, some have been not. Some have a good replacement. Better look at chrome extension website often.13:01
kopilorumpe1 I agree but do you have a better option?13:01
rumpe1kopilo, why not dual-boot?13:01
duron23Phylock: can you check the log13:01
duron23MagoMarkos: :) good13:02
kopilorumpe1 I am accessing the computer via a remote desktop13:02
euthymosoh I forgot. To have chromium in your language, install chromium-browser-l10n13:02
sam-_-Phylock, i can't tell but i think it's best to delete all nautilus related configuration files and see if it helps13:02
kopiloI have no physical access to the computer13:02
sacarlsoneuthymos: the main thing I need in ff is firewatir to interface ruby to firefox,  there is only for IE and firefox that I know but I'm sure the time will come13:02
kopilohow could I do that?13:02
MagoMarkosi wortew Mago Markos and didnt know that i couldnt use caps or spaces im instaling now WOOO13:02
MagoMarkoslets see what happends now13:02
euthymossacarlson: I see13:02
rumpe1kopilo, get physical access ^^13:02
kopilothat will cost... $5k in travel expenses :(13:03
WierdAARSriram, Well I fell stupid. hplip is part of the universe rep, so a simple apt-get install got it all working. So hplip is installed now. simple scan still won't recognize the scanner, and can't find any hplip "program".. So.. Any ideas?13:03
SriramWierdAAR: Can you launch hplip?13:03
MagoMarkosi fell NooBish13:04
rumpe1kopilo, server for which services?13:04
duron23MagoMarkos: why ?13:04
arunomiIm trying to recover my encrypt data. im using a ubuntu 10.10 live cd and this tutorial "http://www.kaijanmaki.net/2009/10/26/recovering-files-from-ecryptfs-encrypted-home/" byt i only get this error mess "Error mounting eCryptfs: [-2] No such file or directory" and my logg says "ubuntu mount.ecryptfs: could not resolve full path for source OldPrivate [-2]" help?13:04
WierdAARSriram, Not just as "hplip".. Maybe it's called something different, but I don't know what13:04
kopilorumpe1: web and icecast13:04
MagoMarkosi put spaces and caps on the user and that kept me stuck for two days in that screen lol13:04
euthymosthank you however guys, I'll look for a solution myself.13:04
rumpe1kopilo, why not rent a cheap vserver?13:04
Myrttikopilo: if you dont have physical access, wubi won't help anyway. to use ubuntu on the machine you need to choose it at boot13:05
duron23MagoMarkos: happens with everyone nps13:05
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MagoMarkosi started basically today lol13:05
MagoMarkosand im loving this os13:05
kopiloI will be trying to get the owner to install it but he has limited software skills13:05
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SriramWierdAAR: I thought that hplip was the printer managing software by HP for linux13:05
SriramWierdAAR, One sec13:05
MagoMarkoscan i acces my windows files from Ubuntu?13:05
duron23MagoMarkos: everyone who uses ubuntu, has same reactions13:05
kopiloMyrtti: I could change the windows mbr to have ubuntu as the first in the list?13:05
DarkStar1Sriram: it is13:05
kopiloMagoMarkos: yes13:05
duron23MagoMarkos: yes, you can13:05
f0rm4they im having a issue if someone can help13:06
WierdAARSriram, It could be. Maybe I'm just not using it right. I just don't know how to use it then13:06
duron23MagoMarkos: for auto mounting use ntfs-config13:06
MagoMarkosand that startup os selection screen is customizable?13:06
arunomiIm trying to recover my encrypt data. im using a ubuntu 10.10 live cd and this tutorial "http://www.kaijanmaki.net/2009/10/26/recovering-files-from-ecryptfs-encrypted-home/" byt i only get this error mess "Error mounting eCryptfs: [-2] No such file or directory" and my logg says "ubuntu mount.ecryptfs: could not resolve full path for source OldPrivate [-2]" help?13:06
f0rm4tim trying to change ports so i can connect to anther server13:06
duron23MagoMarkos: yes, but don't try that now13:06
kopiloMagoMarkos: that startup screen is called grub and yes it is13:06
WierdAARSriram, The site it copyrighted by HP, so it properly is13:06
MagoMarkosok how about later when i finish instaling?13:06
SriramDarkStar1, What is the package name to launch it13:07
MagoMarkosis it too hard?13:07
kopiloMagoMarkos: better to do it post install afaik13:07
SriramWierdAAR, There might be an entry in the applications menu13:07
arunomiIm trying to recover my encrypt data. im using a ubuntu 10.10 live cd and this tutorial "http://www.kaijanmaki.net/2009/10/26/recovering-files-from-ecryptfs-encrypted-home/" byt i only get this error mess "Error mounting eCryptfs: [-2] No such file or directory" and my logg says "ubuntu mount.ecryptfs: could not resolve full path for source OldPrivate [-2]" help?13:07
MagoMarkosyeah i cant do anything on that pc yet13:07
duron23arunomi: don't paste things over and over13:07
codebansheekopilo: have you considered using VirtualBox (or similar) and setting your server up as a VM?13:07
duron23arunomi: have patience13:08
WierdAARSriram, There isn't. I got something working. It seems to be mostly terminal based. I'll try poking around a bit13:08
bonjoyee!find mkisofs13:08
ubottuFound: genisoimage13:08
DarkStar1Sriram: I haven't installed that in over ttwo years but I believe you download it from the website.13:08
arunomithen help me get an sol13:08
kopilocodebanshee: I did but the "server" has only 512kb of ram, and still would have the vuranbility of windows xp home13:08
DarkStar1512kb RAM??13:09
duron23arunomi: someone will, if they have solutions13:09
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allganduPici, help13:09
SriramWierdAAR, Your printer is Officejet-4500-G510n-z right?13:09
WierdAARSriram, Officejet G55 .. Don't know what the full name is.13:09
berkesare there maximums (performance wise) for amount of files in a directory on an ext3 dir?13:10
yealinwhatś  ubuntu-dos13:10
Kre10shey.... I've got a question regarding the calculator app...13:10
duron23yealin: ubuntu documentaions - help files13:10
kopiloberkes: as long as you keep a drive under 90% full it shouldn't defragment13:10
Kre10sI put it into programming mode, and put in a binary number... how can I see the decimal form?13:10
kopiloI mean fragment13:10
CruelChow to add a local repo to Ubuntu 8.04?13:10
WierdAARSriram, It got a setup from hplip running, but it's claiming that no device in connected to USB..13:10
duron23Kre10s: select decimal13:11
mae_taehow do i fix this rndc: connect failed: connection refused?13:11
codebansheekopilo: surely you mean 512MB (you couldn't run XP with 512KB)13:11
duron23Kre10s: ;) simple13:11
Kre10swhen i change it back to decimal it shows the binary with a little 2 indicating base13:11
kopilocodebanshee: yes sorry MB13:11
CruelCI just want to update, know Yandex has a repo, but how to add it?13:11
berkeskopilo, but does it not matter how much files a directory contains? AFAIK the performance drops after a certain amount of files, 26K files or so?13:11
SriramWierdAAR: You said you found and installed a driver earlier, right?13:11
arunomibut there is people joining all the time so for me to get the fastest respons i need to repost my problem13:11
Kre10sduron23: in binary: 100010 and in decimal 10010_213:12
kopiloberkes: sorry not entirely sure.13:12
Kre10svery simple :P13:12
allganduneed help sum113:12
duron23Kre10s: press =13:12
lwizardlwhere would the setting be for enabling the use of headphones13:12
berkeskopilo, NP :) google to the rescue :)13:12
Kre10sI see!13:12
Kre10sindeed simple13:12
duron23Kre10s: :)13:12
bonjoyeelwizardl: alsamixer13:12
WierdAARSriram, Well.. The ubuntu documentation said the most printers/scanners that aren't supported by default usually is found in the SANE project (http://www.sane-project.org/) So I installed the sane packages, but that didn't work13:13
arunomiis there some one out there know how encfs works?13:13
lwizardlbonjoyee, I don't see an option in the alsamixer for the headphones? when i plug in my headphones the internal speakers still play13:13
WierdAARSriram, I have got this printer to work on a previous installation of ubuntu, so I know it can work.13:14
gobbearunomi: sure. and there is good documentation about it also in ubuntus communitysite13:14
berkeskopilo, FWIW: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/466521/how-many-files-in-a-directory-is-too-many is pretty conclusive :)13:14
CruelCPM me the command13:14
kopilothanks berkes13:14
arunomibut all docs on it dose not take up all the problems13:14
SriramWierdAAR, Did you download the driver specifically for that printer13:14
arunomiall i see is people that dont get it fixt13:15
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SriramWierdAAR, Because The printer isn't found here: http://bit.ly/dF35iR13:15
CruelCI want to fully update my Ubuntu, and know a repo. How to add that repo?13:15
WierdAARSriram, I only downloaded the SANE packages. As I understand that should contain multiply drivers13:15
gobbearunomi: well ask the question13:15
bonjoyeelwizardl: thats a totally different issue...but can u hear from the headphones?13:15
duron23CruelC: in what sense fully update ?13:15
SriramWierdAAR: No, I guess it contains only the scanner driver13:16
kopiloWierdAAR: /etc/atp/sources.ist13:16
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lwizardlbonjoyee, no I can not hear anything in the headphones13:16
CruelCso, can s1 PM me the command to add the repo?13:16
arunomiis the a page for encfs on ubuntu?13:16
duron23CruelC: use system > administrator > update manager13:16
Morbusg'day. i'm new to ubuntu. how do i show a list of packages that aptitude will upgrade IF I told it to actually upgrade? I know of aptitude full-upgrade, but i'm looking for something like "just show me what you'd do"13:16
WierdAARkopilo, you want a copy?13:16
kopiloopps I meant CruelC /etc/atp/sources.ist13:16
Sriramkopilo: How does sources.lst relate to this problem?13:16
kopiloSriram and WierdAAR sorry I read names wrong13:17
bonjoyeelwizardl: what is the audio device?..output of "lspci | grep -i audio"13:17
Sriramkopilo: It's okay13:17
WierdAARkopilo, Ok.13:17
lwizardl00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06)13:17
WierdAARSriram, Well.. Some sites claims that the hplip should contain drivers for g55.. But I can't seem to get it to work13:18
SriramWierdAAR: Do you have an alternate PC? To test the printer13:18
imagine87Does anyone here know how to use svnserve in deamon mode -d ?13:18
CruelCsriram, how to add a repo using terminal?13:18
SriramWierdAAR: Maybe its a recent H/W Problem13:18
kopiloCruelC: nano /etc/apt/sources.list13:19
CruelCrepo is mirror.yandex.ru13:19
SriramCruelC: sudo apt-get add repository13:19
Morbusi don't know about ubuntu upgrade's policy: will it ship out a new/upgraded version of PHP, or only if there's a security issue?13:19
kopiloCruelC: then refresh/update apt13:19
bonjoyeelwizardl: are u on the same computer that has the issue?13:20
SriramWierdAAR, There?13:20
lwizardlbonjoyee, yes this is directly from the laptop I am using and also trying to use headphones on13:20
pw-toxic__how can i copy a folder with hardlinking the containing files?13:21
WierdAARSriram, Well.. I got hplip running. It claims it have installed a driver for the printer, but nothing has happend.. I don't have an alternate pc so I can't be sure. Be the printer is on, and all the functions seems to work (copying ect)13:21
CruelCsays wrong command13:21
CruelCit's a fresh install of 80413:21
duron23CruelC: full please13:21
SriramWierdAAR: Try a reboot13:21
duron23CruelC: full command please13:21
CruelCDid reboot already13:22
bonjoyeelwizardl: please paste the output of "aplay -l" on http://pastebin.com13:22
WierdAARSriram, Will try.. back in 513:22
CruelCsudo apt-get add mirror.yandex.ru13:22
SriramCruelC: Oh sorry, wrong command , edit sources.list13:22
lwizardlbonjoyee, http://pastebin.ca/203950113:23
SriramCruelC: Can also try add-apt-repository13:23
duron23CruelC: what version is our ubuuntu ?13:23
vkcranyone has idea about multiseat ubuntu ?13:23
Sriramduron23 : He has 8.0413:23
MagoMarkoshow can i customize the OS Sytem selection screen?13:24
duron23Sriram: is it dapper ?13:24
kopilowhat was the codename for 8.04 again?13:24
Sriramduron23: No, heron13:24
gobbeMagoMarkos: how would u like to customize it13:24
codebansheevkcr: are you wanting to boot multiple clients from a single ubuntu install?13:24
CruelCediting is not for me. As it turned out that my only working Linux CD is U804, I installed it and am trying to update13:25
duron23Sriram: that location is incorrect13:25
MagoMarkoschange the order and some of the text it dysplays13:25
Sriramduron23: What location?13:25
duron23Sriram: mirror.yandex.ru13:25
Sriramduron: Sorry, Hardy Heron13:25
duron23Sriram: http://mirror.yandex.ru/ubuntu/dists/13:25
kopiloCurelC if you are trying to upgrade from 8.04 I would recommend trying to get a hold of the latest version of ubuntu or 9.1013:25
Sriramduron23: Mirror exists13:25
duron23Sriram: ok13:25
duron23Sriram: can't see hardy there13:26
MagoMarkoshey is there any way to also instal backtrack on my pc as a dual boot?13:26
Sriramduron23: But I can13:26
kopiloduron23: http://mirror.yandex.ru/ubuntu/dists/hardy/13:26
tetsuo55hello, i seem to have a problem with my network connections. according to chromium my network is dropping open sockets somewhere, Does anyone know how i can troubleshoot my network to find out where the packets are being dropped?13:26
gobbeMagoMarkos: yes, but this channel is not for backtrack13:26
MagoMarkosok thanks ill look it up13:27
duron23kopilo: Sriram : my mistake13:27
kopiloduron23: np. just was giving you a link13:27
MagoMarkoshey how do i modify the grub?13:27
kopilotetsuo55: netstat ?13:27
gobbeMagoMarkos: how would u like to customize it13:28
kopilotetsuo55: there is also traceroute13:28
MagoMarkoschange the names and the order13:28
SriramMagoMarkos: sudo text editor /etc/default/grub13:28
tetsuo55packet drops are random, can i automate it to collect data or something?13:28
bonjoyeelwizardl: what model laptop is this?13:28
WierdAARSriram, No luck.. Still nothing.. Simply Scan can't find the device and the hplip setup calims no devices is connected via usb13:28
kopilotetsuo55: though "dropping open sockets" sounds like a NAT or firewall issue :(13:28
MagoMarkoswhere do i run that?13:28
duron23MagoMarkos: you need to use burg13:28
gobbe!grub2 | MagoMarkos13:28
ubottuMagoMarkos: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:28
SriramWierdAAR; Wierd13:29
kopilotetsuo55: wireshark13:29
duron23MagoMarkos: you can use burg to customixe your grub screen13:29
MagoMarkosi have grub but i wanna chjange the names displayed13:29
kopiloit's bread and butter for trouble shooting networks13:29
MagoMarkoswhere can i get burg?13:29
WierdAARSriram, WTF.... It just found it..... I have NO idea why...13:29
duron23MagoMarkos: google it13:29
MagoMarkosoh ok  thanks13:30
SriramWierdAAR: How, where?13:30
lwizardlbonjoyee, ASUS K52F laptop13:30
MagoMarkosdo i run it from windows or linux?13:30
arunomiHow do i post a problem so i get a answer? I have posted my problem on UbuntuForum 2 times and 20 times here.13:30
duron23MagoMarkos: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/07/burg-boot-loader-installation-themeing-more-gets-even-easier-with-burg-manager-app/13:30
Sriramarunomi: What is your problem13:30
arunomii have read all i can find on google but no solv13:30
Sriram!ask | arunomi13:31
ubottuarunomi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:31
jribarunomi: it's not guaranteed that someone knows the answer, but you should just ask your question13:31
WierdAARSriram, Well.. I ran the hp-setup again just to be sure.. And it found the scanner.. And installed it.. And it works in simply scan as well now.. I moved it to a different usb port and it seem to be that.. Even though I know the usb port works fine with everything else13:31
SriramWiredAAR: Great!!!13:31
kopiloarunomi: by contacting the people directly invovled with development of the software invovled?13:31
CruelCSriram: :( so?13:31
WierdAARSriram, Yeah Really Great!! But I hate it when I don't find out what the problem was haha.. Thanks for all the help though!!13:32
arunomiwhy cant a command find a path that is there?13:32
CruelCis there simply no index?13:32
kopiloarunomi forum link please13:32
SriramCruelC: Sorry, didn't get you13:32
tetsuo55kopilo: ill try wireshark thanks13:32
CruelCIn mirror.yandex.ru13:32
kopilotetsuo55: no problems :) hope you find it13:32
jribarunomi: the less vague you are, the more likely someone can answer you (you're too vague)13:32
SriramCruelC, There is an index13:33
CruelCis there simply no index file in yandex's repo?13:33
CruelCthen what?13:33
CruelCif index _is_ there, what stops my 804?13:33
CruelCis it simply not 804-compatible?13:33
arunomiwhen i run chroot it cant find a file but the file is rigth there it should be and the $Path is nothing wrong with.13:34
kopiloCruelC you should be able to add the repos by doing something like this; # echo "deb http://mirror.yandex.ru/ubuntu hardy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list13:34
SriramCruelC: Give me a sec13:34
duron23kopilo: way to go :)13:34
kopiloduron23: thanks, hope I got that right though13:34
sha1sumI'm sure there's something out there but I wanted to ask around and see if I can get the name of a daemon I can install that will poll for resource usage such as RAM, CPU, HD RW, etc. at a set interval and log it so I can figure out if/when I need to up my rackspace specs... Anybody used something like this before?13:36
lwizardlbonjoyee, any ideas ?13:36
bonjoyeelwizardl: could this help ? http://www.korecky.org/?p=307&langswitch_lang=en13:36
CruelCgettin' a permission denial13:36
jribarunomi: you're still being too vague.  Just pastebin what you are doing and the full output.  We have no idea what you mean by "the file"13:36
kopilosudo echo "deb http://mirror.yandex.ru/ubuntu hardy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list13:36
kopilosudo make me a sandwhich13:37
jribkopilo: that won't work13:37
SriramCodeC: In sources.list change all the server names to that repo13:37
duron23CruelC: kopilo need to get the key13:37
rumpe1kopilo, sudo doesnt work with >>13:37
CruelCwith echo or not, denied13:37
* Soyo makes kopilo a sandwich13:37
kopilohehe thanks soyo13:37
crawlerhi.  i'm trying to incorperate into a bash script to change between monitors/resolutions.  what is the terminal command used by gnome-display-properties (System > Preferences >Display) to turn on and off an external monitor?13:37
duron23CruelC: prefix sudo that command13:37
jribcrawler: probably xrandr13:37
lwizardl bonjoyee not sure testing it though13:38
arunkumar413hi, i have java .bin file. how to install java?13:38
rumpe1CruelC,  sudo echo "deb http://mirror.yandex.ru/ubuntu hardy main" | tee  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yandex.list"13:38
CruelCso what the oogle is goin' on? permission denied13:38
jrib!java | arunkumar41313:38
ubottuarunkumar413: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.13:38
SriramCruelC: sudo text editor /etc/apt/sources.list13:38
duron23CruelC: sudo echo "deb http://mirror.yandex.ru/ubuntu hardy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list13:38
jribrumpe1: you need to sudo tee, not echo13:38
crawlerjrib, yes i'm looing into xrandr, but i'm having trouble trying to figure out the actual terminal command used..13:38
arvuti wrote all that by hand, see if you can make some sense out of it13:38
jribcrawler: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.213:38
lwdplmmhi news coming13:38
Sriramgwx: Hello13:38
crawlerjrib, thank you for your generic replies :/13:39
arunkumar413jrib: i downloaded it from another computer and would like to install it on my system13:39
kopilokey: http://mirror.yandex.ru/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Release.gpg ?13:39
jribcrawler: I can copy and paste the site if you prefer...13:39
rumpe1jrib, ur right :)13:39
CruelCSriram: whatever, still denied13:39
arvuton a N900 keyboard no less13:39
CruelCwhack it!13:39
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/13:39
crawlerjrib, if you can't answer the question, you should not even reply13:39
jribarunkumar413: use the instructions ubottu gave you13:39
jribcrawler: I did answer your question13:39
duron23CruelC: did you try  sudo echo "deb http://mirror.yandex.ru/ubuntu hardy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list ?13:39
CruelChow to use an external srclist then?13:39
arvutsacarlson: still here? have a look at this.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/551066/13:40
SriramCruelC: Try editing permissions for the file13:40
CruelCI need to slay this bullpoop!13:40
crawlerjrib, no you didn't but thank you anyway.  please leave me alone now13:40
DarkStar1Any recommendations for an alternate mail client to Evolution.. I need something similar to Apple's Mail client.13:40
arunomihttp://pastebin.com/rMWHzq9V here you have one problem im trying to encrypt a home dir from a live cd13:40
duron23DarkStar1: try thunderbird13:40
DarkStar1duron23: Thnaks13:40
SriramDarkStar1, THunderbird is amazing:)13:40
jribcrawler: just read the link if you're actually interested in the answer.  There's no point in /me/ reading the link and copying what it says when you can just do it13:40
tonysanlwdplmm: #ubuntu-cn or #ubuntu-tw would be a better place13:41
duron23Sriram: our liking match :)13:41
DarkStar1Sriram: With a name like that.... :D13:41
bullgard4[GNOME 2.30.2] Panel > Properties > (Panel Properties) > Background > None (use system theme) is asserted. What is the filename of the background image in use?13:41
kopiloDarkStar1: thunderbird + sunbird?13:41
arunkumar413jrib: you are not getting me. i have a this file "jre-6u23-linux-i586.bin". i want to install it on my ubuntu 10.10. plz help me13:41
jribarunkumar413: don't use it.  Use what ubottu said.13:41
crawlerjrib, i have read the wiki.  if you don't have a real respone, then juist shut the fuck up please13:41
duron23kopilo: that is much better choice for mail application13:41
DarkStar1kopilo: What is sunbird?? (or is that a joke?)13:41
duron23kopilo: calendar app I guess13:41
kopiloDarkStar1: sunbird is a calander app13:42
tonysanI cannot connect to my ubuntu desktop 10.04 via VNC after I rebooted... Any solution?13:42
duron23DarkStar1: calendar app I guess13:42
Sriramduron23: Don't know why but other "techies" prefer Gmail, just plain gmail13:42
CruelCwaste another CD to make a xub1010 livecd?13:42
jribcrawler: please watch your language in this channel.  The section http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.2#Using_xrandr_to_do_useful_things seems to give examples about turning monitors on and off.  Did that not work for you?13:42
bonjoyeearunkumar413: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml#selfextracting13:42
SriramCruelC: Try editing permissions for the file13:42
CruelCI have xub1010 dloaded13:42
DarkStar1kopilo: Ok.. Thanks13:42
arunkumar413jrib:my bandwidth is less. i cant download thats why i'm preferring this method13:42
kopiloI don't mind evolution but not too found of it myself13:42
duron23kopilo: same here13:42
SriramDarkStar: My name or thunderbird13:42
SriramDarkStar1: My name or thunderbird?13:43
DarkStar1Sriram: I thought sunbird was a joke :D13:43
=== lwdplmm is now known as adong
kopilonah, it's better than the extention for thunderbird imho13:43
earwigsone thing ive discovered with ubuntu, and im not sure how i feel about it is, ubuntu loves to let you multitask..... until you've pushed it to the bring of destruction and everything siezes up and runs so slow you have to force reset. =/13:43
earwigsi need to learn how to be better restrained13:43
kopiloearwigs: install a sensors-panel-app?13:44
SriramDarkStar1: Oh, okay. Because someone earlier here was kinda insulting my name, nm13:44
earwigskopilo: ill look into it13:44
duron23Sriram: you from india ?13:44
Sriramduron23: Yes13:44
duron23Sriram: where, I am from bangalore13:45
jribarunkumar413: the recommended way is to use the repositories.  I strongly suggest you do that.  If you want to ignore my advice, then just run the .bin file you downloaded (./file.bin in the directory it's in in the terminal (make sure it's executable)).  Make sure the .bin file is the correct one13:45
DarkStar1Sriram: Your name doesn't ring any bells anyways so I wouldn't know what it references13:45
earwigskopilo: is this what you're talking about http://sensors-applet.sourceforge.net/ ?13:45
duron23kopilo: n you ?13:45
Sriramduron23: Me too? where?13:45
duron23Sriram: great, me from sunkadakatte13:45
kopiloearwigs: I think so, looks like the package I use to install13:45
duron23kopilo: nice country, like to visit once :)13:45
bonjoyeetonysan: are u logged in?13:46
shi-tianlongi have this problem and it is driving me crazy, really crazy, my netbook has many encrypted partitions, the ones that are causing me the trouble are the swap and the system, because i unlocked the swap using a keyfile it is not resuming from hibernation... i tried a swapfile to only do the hibernation thing, but grub and initramfs are just plainly ignoring the settings...13:46
DarkStar1restarting comp. brb13:46
sunitI am using ubuntu 8.04 LTS with only one user openbravo. When I am giving sudo su : I am getting error : - openbravo is not in sudoers list, this incident will be reported13:46
sunitplease help me13:46
bonjoyeearunkumar413: did it help?13:46
SoyoDarkStar1: I call BS13:46
kopilosunit: sorry this is as much as I know about the sudoers file: http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/sudoers.man.html13:47
duron23sunit: use only sudo13:47
arunkumar413bonjoyee: yes, but having problem enabling and configuring it13:47
kopiloapparently you are meant to edit it with visudo but I never find it useful13:47
duron23sunit: don't use sudo su13:47
kopilothat too13:47
jribsunit: first of all, you shouldn't be issuing "sudo su".  You need to add your user to the "admin" group. You must have removed him from that group somehow accidentally.  To do this, reboot, choose "Recovery Mode", issue the command « sudo adduser openbravo admin », and reboot13:47
SoyoI rebooted once... I didn't come back for days13:47
adongit maybe a good place13:47
jrib!sudo > sunit13:48
ubottusunit, please see my private message13:48
siriusb_janyone could help me find out how to manage my hardware devices and drivers?13:49
Soyo!ask | siriusb_j13:49
ubottusiriusb_j: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:49
kopilosiriusb_j: sorry, you have to specify which drivers you are trying to get working13:50
siriusb_ji just want to list my devices and the driver it's device use13:50
kopilosudo apt-get install hardinfo ?13:50
bonjoyeesiriusb_j: sudo lspci -vk13:51
rumpe1siriusb_j, lshw13:51
sunitjrib, ubottu -- even sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat 6 prompts me for password. When I give password I got the same error as openbravo is not in sudoers list13:53
duron23sunit: you should give the current user password13:53
bonjoyeesunit: also that command seems wrong!13:54
sunitduron23 : I have given current user password13:54
pr0ph3thi all13:54
bonjoyeesunit: is should be like sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start/stop/restart13:54
pr0ph3tI have problems getting connected with my built-in 3g mobile broadband13:55
duron23sunit: you should look into sudoers13:55
nightcrowhiya, is there any way to install ubuntu via pxe using the .iso?13:55
sunityes. I have typed wrong. But I have the right command.13:55
shishirdwivedi20hey plz tell me the name of software which can cut mp3 files13:56
pr0ph3tI tried many things but I do not understand why I cannot get past the registering step, can somebody help me please13:56
bonjoyeesunit: what is output of "groups"?13:56
sunitduron23, I can't edit sudoers file13:56
rumpe1shishirdwivedi20, cutmp3 ^^13:56
arunkumar413jrib: installed the java but unable to enable and configure13:56
sunitbonjoyee : groups give output -- openbravo13:57
CruelCwhatever I try, Ubuntu (non-frugal) denies permission!13:57
bonjoyeesunit: there you are..u have messed up the groups...13:57
CruelCUb804 non-frugal denies permission.13:57
CruelCstraight installation13:57
SoyoCruelC: sudo?13:57
lukas__hi, how I can force package not to be updated?13:57
IdleOnearunkumar413: sudo update-alternatives --config java13:58
CruelCeven through sudo13:58
error21xubuntu 9.10 login error?13:58
lukas__like aptitude hold, but something that works system-wide13:58
sunitwhat shall I do ?13:58
lukas__'coz when i do aptitude hold package, update-manager ignores that13:58
IdleOne!pinning | lukas__13:58
CruelCeven with Sudo it denies permission to do anything!13:58
ubottulukas__: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto13:58
sunitbonjoyee : what shall I do ?13:58
robservas bia weir teh13:58
arunkumar413IdleOne:  error: no alternatives for java13:58
IdleOnearunkumar413: how did you install java?13:58
arunkumar413IdleOne: using .bin file13:59
luxurymodeHey guys. I have dual-boot of Ubuntu and Windows. Here and there, I, unfortunately, have to boot into Windows (I try not to use Windows for more than 5 minutes...don't want my house to explode). Windows and Ubuntu are on separate hard drives. I'd like to be able to access my linux drive in Windows. How can I do this?13:59
CruelCI am simply tired of permission rape.13:59
arunkumar413IdleOne: installed it in my home folder13:59
MyrttiIdleOne: the wrong way because of bandwidth issues13:59
lukas__IdleOne: i don't really understand how I can set that for a package that is manually installed - not from a repo13:59
IdleOnearunkumar413: why don't you use the method at http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc13:59
bonjoyeearunkumar413: did u follow that help...it has all the relevant commands u need to run13:59
rumpe1luxurymode, install ext-driver for windows (if your linux - partitions are ext)13:59
IdleOnelukas__: sorry, not sure how to help you in that case14:00
CruelCwell, I chose a non-journal FS (EXT2) in hope of avoiding permission rape (which NTFS and all later FS's are prone to do instead of functioning)14:00
IdleOneMyrtti: I see, thank you.14:00
bonjoyeesunit: reboot ubuntu in recovery mode....and add openbravo to admin group14:00
bullgard4[GNOME 2.30.2] Panel > Properties > (Panel Properties) > Background > None (use system theme) is asserted. What is the filename of the background image in use?14:00
CruelCso? =!!!= what to do?14:01
CruelCI am just enraged14:01
sunitbonjoyee : what are the steps ?14:01
luxurymoderumpe1, thanks. driver? i tried thius program called Ext2FSD which seemed to mount my linux drive but when I clicked it in windows it asked me to format before it could be viewed!14:01
CruelC!!!!!rage!!!!! my brain can't stand all this14:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:01
error21how can I login in xubuntu 9.10 normal ?14:01
CruelCubottu google Ubuntu 8.04 permission denied14:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:02
lukas__IdleOne, so i tried to lock the version using synaptic, but update-manager still ignores that14:02
Nepheriusomg op satus!!14:02
rumpe1luxurymode, don't know which driver/method is the best, don't use windows anymore. But you need a driver.14:02
bonjoyeesunit: reboot in recovery mode..then do "adduser openbravo admin"14:02
SoyoCruelC: Why are you using 8.04? You know we are on like 10.10 now right?14:03
b0nghitterhow do i make the system sto logging to syslog, and only to messages?14:03
luxurymoderumpe1, ok. just do a search for ext driver?14:03
sunitbonjoyee : then reboot ?14:03
CruelCSoyo: Just not to waste CD's14:03
SoyoCruelC: sudo apt-get upgrade?14:03
rumpe1luxurymode, yes14:03
CruelCSoyo: plus my PC can't make a bootable somewhy14:03
lukas__IdleOne, can I set a "distribution" version in a source package - so I would set my custom package to, let's say; -ubuntu-100 and that I would be more recent version so it wouldn't get downgraded?14:03
luxurymoderumpe1, http://www.fs-driver.org/ guess thats good14:03
DarkStar1Is it ok to ask questions in here about Apache?? the #Apache room only has 8 people in it14:04
bonjoyeesunit: wait a min...14:04
lukas__IdleOne, can't find that one in debian/ in src package directory14:04
SoyoDarkStar1: Yes14:04
luxurymodeanything for ext2 should work with ext3 since ext3 is just ext2 + journaling, right?14:04
bonjoyeesunit: whats the output of "cat /etc/group | grep ad"14:04
IdleOnelukas__: honestly I do not know but maybe the folks in #ubuntu-dev can help or maybe #ubuntu-packaging14:04
lukas__IdleOne: thanks14:04
DarkStar1Actually before I do that I should know if this is possible.14:04
diogo_79guys how to pass a file from server to server using command line14:04
diogo_79the servers are network locally14:05
IdleOnediogo_79: with command scp14:05
arunkumar413IdleOne: seems like i need to create a symbolic link14:05
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  it 'should'14:05
tetsuo55kopilo: it would seem that my client is recieving packets faster than it can process them, any ideas how to fix that?14:06
error21how to fix login in xubuntu9.1014:06
wasutton3i am trying to get my mx revolution to work properly (specifically making the buttons skip to next song, and previous song) does anyone have any suggestions? i cannot seem to get .xbindkeysrc to work properly14:06
luxurymodeDr_Willis, rumpe1 so do i just need the driver? bc right now that program i used does correctly identify the linux drive. has correct GB info and filesystem type, etc14:07
error21it is xorg.conf the problem?14:07
rumpe1luxurymode, determining filesystem-type is far easier than actually using it for read-write-purposes14:08
IdleOneerror21: you might try asking in #xubuntu also14:08
DarkStar1I have 2 virtual servers, each running Apache Tomcat. Is it possible to redirect subomain addresses to resolve to the servers? so for instance http://subdomain1.domainname.com resolves to Virtual server 1 and http://subdomain2.domainname.com resolves to 2.14:08
luxurymoderumpe1, yeah when i try to open windows says it doesnt recognize the file system14:08
error21ok thanks14:08
luxurymoderumpe1, i cant seem to find just the driver14:08
luxurymoderumpe1, all i see are programs14:08
guampawasutton3: mm using mx 1100 here (almost the same) but with compiz, keys work fine14:08
rumpe1luxurymode, some drivers only work with explorer -> network (or something like that)14:09
rumpe1luxurymode, read their instructions/READMEs...14:09
guampathe only thing i couldn't get detected by xev was the "hidden" button :(14:09
DarkStar1Was thinking of having Apache Auto redirect to the virtual servers14:09
sunitbonjoyee : I am getting output as adm:x:4:vehicles14:10
sunitshadow :x:42:14:10
DarkStar1what is the channel for Apache?14:11
luxurymoderumpe1, screw this.i'm done with windows. how do i just unmount this drive?14:11
rumpe1luxurymode, in windows? o.O14:11
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  umount command,  :)14:12
Dr_Willisor am i missing somthing.14:12
DarkStar1mount -u? (I think) I haven't manually unmounted for a while now... Good ol' point and click14:12
luxurymodei meant in windows14:12
kopilosudo umount <path>14:12
duron23DarkStar1: no just umount14:12
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  if you are using one of those ext2/3 tools in windows.. you use that tool to 'detatch' the filesystem.14:12
luxurymodeDr_Willis, thanks. trying to figure it out14:13
sunithello, bonjoyee14:13
DarkStar1luxurymode: Oh.. windows.. I believe you can use the admin tools in windows to unmount14:14
DarkStar1luxurymode: I think it's in Control panel=>Administrative services=>Hardware  Management...14:14
DarkStar1luxurymode: Or something along those lines14:14
bonjoyeesunit: ok then do..."adduser openbravo adm" in recovery mode14:14
kopiloIEC Drivers?14:14
kopiloIFS Driverws14:15
luxurymodeDarkStar1, thanks. yeah something like that14:15
sunithave you seen the output ?14:15
DarkStar1luxurymode: I used it once to unmount a drive in XP14:15
luxurymodeDarkStar1, i think i can just go to device manager by right-clicking my computer and just disabling that drive14:16
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  the only ext2/3 tool i used in widnows. You set it up with a drive letter in its controlpanel applet. and disabled it the same way14:16
sunitbonjoyee : thanks. After doing as you suggest , I shall contact you. Bye.14:18
ox3aat least Ubuntu customized14:18
luxurymodedamn it. i hav no idea what im doing. bc im pretty surwe windows cant actually do anything to this drive. but when i click to disable it warns me that it will cause the drive to stop working.14:18
luxurymodeman oh man. why did i ever allow windows to even know about this drive14:18
luxurymodedamn it14:18
luxurymodetheyre after me no0w14:18
luxurymodethis computer will self-destruct in 514:18
luxurymodecourtest of William Gates14:18
luxurymodearite, im kidding. but, seriously. what do i need to do?14:19
rumpe1ignore windows14:19
luxurymodejust forget about it, right? it cant even recognize the file system so it cant cause any harm14:20
luxurymodethough i have full faith in windows in ability to somehow do something14:20
feanor2can someone. recommend me GUI merge/diff tool? I tried meld but it's PoS14:20
rumpe1luxurymode, well.. it can... but if thats the case, its already too late ^^14:20
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  just shut down windows....14:21
KayAteChefI was altering my X11 xorg.conf through my nVidia X server settings application and now if I open vlc gdm restarts14:21
luxurymodeDr_Willis, whaddya mean?14:21
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  You were trying to repair a ext2/3 usb drive in windows?14:21
wrdfeanor2: if you like vim try gvimdiff ?14:21
luxurymodeDr_Willis, no. i wanted to be able to read my linux drive in windows.14:21
luxurymodeDr_Willis, so i mounted it in windows, but can't actually access it bc windows doesnt recognize the file system.14:22
KayAteChefluxurymode: just yank the drive14:22
luxurymodeDr_Willis, so i figured id either get it to work or unmount it.14:22
DarkStar1luxurymode: don't just disable the drive. use the admin tool to unmount14:22
frxstremhow can I remove only the first 21 bytes of a file in the command line?14:22
feanor2luxurymode, you need to have 128-bit inodes to mount it14:22
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  you do know that under windwos. You h ave to install a special tool to let windows see the drive properly?14:22
guampafrxstrem: man dd14:23
feanor2luxurymode, if you formatted it with default size, it won't mount14:23
frxstremguampa: oh, thanks :)14:23
AlbertoPI am trying to install 10.10 on my laptop (nvidia card), but the live CD boots to a black screen14:23
luxurymodeDr_Willis, yeah rumpe1 mentioned that i need the ext2 or 3 driver. but i cant find just the driver when i googled. all i see are programs that try to help do this, one of which im using already14:23
duron23there's no ext3 driver yet for windows i guess14:24
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  without that driver.. wiondows wont do anything.. except ask to format uit14:24
stygianhow do i stop the update manager from telling me to update a certain package all the time? i did a custom compile and made a package specifically for my purposes and i do not wish to have the distributions package version installed14:24
rumpe1duron23, the legend says there is :)14:24
Dr_Willistheres a bot factoid on the driuver14:24
AbhiJitrumpe1, :)14:24
duron23then can somebody point me there ?14:25
feanor2the driver should be ale to mount ext3, but with previous notion to inode size14:25
luxurymodeDr_Willis, ok. makes sense. wheres this driver?14:25
Dr_Willishttp://www.fs-driver.org/    googled for 'windows ext2' :)14:25
Dr_Willisluxurymode:   no idea how up to date that thing is.. last i checked it dident support win7 eitgher14:25
luxurymodeoh, yeah that where i went first too, but thought it was a program. also im in Win 7, dunno if it matters14:25
feanor2stygian, remove it from /var/cache/dpkg/status14:25
luxurymodeoh yeah what am i saying, it wouldnt even install....14:26
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  win7 - No idea .14:26
feanor2luxurymode, just backup drive contents and format it as NTFS14:26
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  you want the data ON the drive? or just want to erase it?14:26
luxurymodelol. didnt think this was that complicated. feanor2 why would i want to format it as NTFS? Dr_Willis i just want to access files that are this completely separate hard drive that I'm running Ubuntu on...14:27
tehbaut2how come I cannot apt-get install hfsprogs?14:27
wieshkaI have Ubuntu installed on ASUS EEE BOX 1501, the idea is to drop it somewhere in corner and control it remotely only. Without SSH & VNC access i would like to set/change some params via web interface. I have no problem with code up this interface via simple apache & php system(), but is there some much lighter solutions/any ready solutions for customizations.14:28
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  youneed to find some ext2/3 tool for windows thn. there are some 'stand alone' tools i recall 'ext2explorer' that Might work..14:28
duron23tehbaut2: did you tried it with sudo ?14:28
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  with winxp it wouldent b complex.. that ifs tool would give the drive a drive letter..14:28
tonysanI cannot connect to my ubuntu desktop 10.04 via VNC after I rebooted... Any solution?14:28
arunkumar413hi i now installed java,can anybody tell me how to enable java for google chrome on ubuntu 10.1014:28
luxurymodeDr_Willis, you mean explore2fs. looks ancient. i'll see if it installs14:28
tehbaut2duron23: I did it after doing judo -i14:29
bonjoyeetonysan: are u using vino vncserver?..u need to login into the desktop to be able to use it14:29
duron23tehbaut2: what is the error you are getting ?14:30
luxurymodeDr_Willis, the other tool gave it a letter...14:30
tehbaut2duron23: unable to locate package hfsprogs14:30
lukas__IdleOne, seems like there is a bug in update-manager - triaged for some 9 years :-)14:31
duron23tehbaut2: is universe repos enabled ?14:31
tehbaut2how do I check that?14:31
lukas__IdleOne, and dpkg --set-selections should be used instead of aptitude hold14:31
lukas__IdleOne, have got it a got yet though14:31
lukas__a go14:32
duron23tehbaut2: system - administrator - software sources14:32
kopiloaptitude search hfprogs; ?14:33
earwigsthat explains why i didnt think anything was happening in this room.... was scrolled up14:33
duron23tehbaut2: or system  > administrator > synaptic > settings > repositaries14:33
tehbaut2duron23: found it in synaptic package manager... it was not checked14:33
duron23tehbaut2: what ? universe repo ?14:33
IdleOnelukas__: happy you figured it out14:33
petohello, I installed apache2 and php and apache module php, problem is, that each php script works instead of index.php ....any a14:34
tehbaut2duron23: yeah, I guess not should be able to install right from synaptic package manager?14:34
arunkumar413i have  rpms of Libre Office can i install it on ubuntu14:34
tehbaut2now I*14:34
duron23tehbaut2: yes14:34
kopilodoes alien work on rpms?14:34
duron23arunkumar413: yes, using alien14:35
IdleOnearunkumar413: there are deb files available14:35
morgan_hi guy, do u know opening aplication for sms14:35
kopilothanks duron23 :D14:35
duron23kopilo: :D14:35
arunkumar413debes: i have downloaded rpms14:35
duron23arunkumar413: use alien then14:35
Dr_Willisarunkumar413:  find the debs...14:35
arunkumar413IdleOne: i have downloaded rpms.14:36
Dr_Willisarunkumar413:  dont use alien.. theres repos out for it also i think14:36
kopilomorgan_: I know of no mobile/cell management software which works with linux14:36
duron23morgan_: you can use multisync, hope so14:36
tehbaut2duron23: hmmm, nope still not seeing it in synaptic14:36
Dr_Willisarunkumar413:  if you want to risk trashing your system.. then try the rpms..14:36
Dwade09anyone in here have gfire working with their pidgin?14:36
duron23tehbaut2: you need to reload in synaptic14:36
morgan_i use to windows for it14:36
arunkumar413Dr_Willis: The libre office website has rpm only14:36
tehbaut2duron23: well at least it's working in apt get install now14:37
morgan_but now i use ubuntu14:37
IdleOnearunkumar413: if you insist on doing things the hard way.14:37
tehbaut2yeah I did reload in synaptic14:37
duron23tehbaut2: so able to install now ?14:37
IdleOnehttp://www.documentfoundation.org/download/ has links to unofficial debs.14:37
IdleOnebut they work14:37
tehbaut2duron23: yeah via command line I can now looks like14:38
arunkumar413IdleOne: also tell me how to configure java for google chrome14:38
Dr_Willisarunkumar413:  i saw some debs some where on a blog post ing last week.14:38
bonjoyeearunkumar413: why libreoffice?...if u have ubuntu..u must be having  openoffice already?14:38
kopiloshame libreaoffice and libreasource aren't realted14:38
IdleOnearunkumar413: I gave you the link for that earlier. you keep trying to do things the hard way and wrong way.14:38
IdleOneDr_Willis: http://www.muktware.com/news/21/2010/39214:38
IdleOnearunkumar413: http://www.muktware.com/news/21/2010/392 for installing libre office14:38
kopilobonjoyee: libreoffice is a fork of openoffice?14:39
duron23tehbaut2: close synaptic if it is open, else your terminal install will fail14:39
doriangreyHi there! trying to compile a program.. anyone want help?14:39
morgan_waw..its a big file14:39
shadyabhiWhile trying to "insmod a module" (webcam driver), I am getting this error nsmod: error inserting 'sn9c20x.ko': -1 Device or resource busy... What do I do?14:39
bonjoyeeIdleOne: same here..i gave him the link to configure java as well!14:39
bonjoyeekopilo: yes14:39
arunkumar413bonjoyee: simply i want to try.bcoz some developers of open office joined libre office14:40
IdleOnedoriangrey: what are you trying to compile and what errors are you getting?14:40
dardani need help with my nvidia geforce gt 320M, i dont get any sound from HDMI? plz help14:40
Myrtti!language | tone14:40
ubottutone: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:40
duron23dardan: from where did you installed the drivers ?14:41
dardanfrom the ubuntu hardware drivers14:41
doriangreyIdleOne,  i am trying to compile swiftweasel  on ubuntu 10.10 amd 6414:42
tehbaut2duron23: well I did close synaptic but I'm still getting an error, I just can't make out exactly what it is14:42
IdleOnedardan: check the sounds prefs and make certain the correct device is selected for output and not muted14:42
tehbaut2maybe related to dependency issues?14:42
dardani have done that14:42
dardanthe hdmi output and everything14:42
somethingintereshow long shoud it normally take to alter partitions on a 1TB drive? 4+ hours so far and now it's claiming 9hrs 30min more at least. This seems odd to me. The filesystem is ext414:42
dardanit is not muted14:42
duron23tehbaut2: I neeed to know the error14:42
IdleOnesomethinginteres: I formated my 1TB a few days ago it took 13hrs14:43
doriangreyIdleOne, i dowloaded an extracted the .tar.gz and i am following a tutorial on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo  it say to run a command ./configure   but i get no such file14:43
tehbaut2looks like dependency issues with linux-image-... and linux-generic14:43
ugaritis need to run full hardware diagnostics on a server, what do you recommend?14:43
kopilotehbaut2: maybe try adding the launchpad repo (I still think that one is unofficial)14:43
ugaritI need to run full hardware diagnostics on a server, what do you recommend?14:43
doriangreyIdleOne, if i run make or make install also i get error14:43
IdleOnedoriangrey: did you cd to the dir where the tar.gz extracted to?14:43
phnomdardan: I have to do run speaker-test for all channels on my g210m before getting sound to play on hdmi, have you tried that?14:44
dardancan anybody help me with the hdmi sound problem?14:44
somethinginteresIdleOne: OK thanks, I wish I'd know it'd take this long. Oh well.14:44
doriangreyIdleOne, yes i did14:44
dardanno havent14:44
IdleOnedoriangrey: also. type sudo apt-get install build-essential14:44
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dardanhow do i do that?14:44
somethinginteresOut of curiosity  what size do people use for their root partition as a rule of thumb?14:44
tehbaut2kopilo: how do I add a repo to apt get?14:44
Myrttisomethinginteres: depends on what directories are excluded from it ;-)14:45
arunkumar413IdleOne: that doesn't work as i have rpms14:45
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doriangreyIdleOne,  shall i get into the directory to run that command?14:45
IdleOnedoriangrey: you can if you want to but not needed14:45
tehbaut2I'm just used to using the GUI if possible14:45
kopilotehbaut2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu14:45
IdleOnedoriangrey: build-essential will install gcc compiler and other tools needed14:45
phnomdardan: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1030238214:45
doriangreyIdleOne,  i did14:45
IdleOnedoriangrey: ok, now cd to the extracted dir. and run ./configure14:46
arunkumar413IdleOne: what happens if if unpack the rpms and try to execute14:47
doriangreyIdleOne, bash: ./configure: No such file or directory14:47
duron23arunkumar413: software may not work properly14:47
IdleOnedoriangrey: there should be a README file in that directory, see what it says14:47
IdleOnearunkumar413: they won't work. I am sorry but I can not help you.14:48
MagoMarkosHi where can i find a Burg manager compatible with my ubuntu netbook machine?14:48
ugaritI need to run full hardware diagnostics on a server, what do you recommend?14:48
doriangreyIdleOne, there is make subdirectoris how to scan all for such file?14:48
arunkumar413IdleOne: ok,thanks14:48
kopilougarit: a screwdriver? umm14:48
duron23MagoMarkos: which version are you using14:49
MeinleinHi all - I am having an intermittent boot hang issue - I am fairly experienced - I've been living with this issue since 9.04 and I'm now on 10.10 (fresh install) with the same issue.  It does not happen on the live disc.  Am I in the correct channel?14:49
MagoMarkoswhere can i find that14:49
MagoMarkosi guess 10.1014:49
kopiloMeinlein: you are14:49
avishaving trouble with fax machine networked.  faxed letter to Canada and UK.  may have to sue my VOIP14:49
nishttal2how can I install the mysql-devel package in ubuntu14:49
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doriangreyIdleOne, there is no such file apparently14:49
duron23MagoMarkos: there is not saperate version for netbook and pc, 10.10 same as per software installation is concerned14:49
IdleOnedoriangrey: where did you download the file?14:50
kopiloMeinlein: However I'm not able to answer your question, got fed up with ubuntu desktop due to lack of QA14:50
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Meinleinkopilo - thank you - what do you use then?14:50
MagoMarkosand where can i get burg manager that works cause i get an error14:50
doriangreyIdleOne, from wich site u mean?14:50
IdleOnedoriangrey: yes, I want to get it and try14:51
duron23MagoMarkos: what is the error ?14:51
MagoMarkosdependency is not satisfiable: buc (>=0.5.2)14:51
duron23MagoMarkos: how did you installed it ?14:51
=== sandeep is now known as Guest55693
MagoMarkosi havent14:51
MagoMarkosim trying14:51
MagoMarkosbut idk how14:51
doriangreyIdleOne, http://sourceforge.net/projects/swiftweasel/files/Swiftweasel%203.5._/3.5.6%20%28tar.gz%29/14:52
duron23MagoMarkos: I guess you will be better with burg support14:52
doriangreythe first one on the list14:52
IdleOnedoriangrey: k, gimme a minute14:52
MagoMarkosis that a different channel14:52
Bipul`burg support?14:52
duron23MagoMarkos: I need to know what is the command you are trying to install14:52
MagoMarkosim new in ubuntu BTW14:52
Bipul`duron23,  what's wrong with ubuntu10.10 ?14:52
Bipul`tell me14:53
duron23Bipul`: sry I didn't get your question14:53
azizLIGHTSwhy should i chown /var/www to apache?14:53
kopiloMeinlein: I sent you a whisper so not to disturb the channel :)14:53
_________xDslax00 :(??14:54
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kopiloMeinlein: of course you should report the error14:54
MagoMarkoshow do i open comand14:55
azadis here for solving problems??????????????????????????????14:55
schnuffle1azad: yes14:55
kopiloMagoMarkos: applications -> accessories -> terminal (should give you something like command prompt)14:56
dardanno HDMI-sound in NVIDIA GeForce 320M help plz? pm me!14:56
Sriramkopilo: It is a command prompt14:56
azadany one can help me???????????????????????????????????14:56
tehbaut2I am having no luck adding this launchpad repo14:56
Myrttiazad: you actually need to ASK a question first14:57
Sriramazad: What seems to be the problem14:57
r00t4rd3dand slow down on the ???????14:57
Sriram!ask > azad14:57
ubottuazad, please see my private message14:57
kopiloSriram: I found M$ command prompt more difficult to use than terminal14:57
pankajis there a way to enhance 3d games graphics i linux14:57
pankaji have good hardware14:57
pankajbut open arena is lagging14:57
pankajin ubuntu linux14:57
azadi installed ubuntu 10.1014:57
pankajme too14:57
Myrttipankaj: please keep your question to one line, it's difficult to keep track of it.14:57
azadand after update14:57
kopilopankaj which video card?14:57
pankaji am using xfce session14:58
duron23pankaj: have you installed nvidia drivers ?14:58
azadnetwork manager disabled14:58
Myrtti!enter | pankaj, azad14:58
ubottupankaj, azad: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:58
pankajintel 250 mb14:58
duron23pankaj: sry graphics card drivers14:58
azadand disabled any adsl conection els14:58
doriangreynew question, i am watching on a external plugged monitor youtube but when i put full screen the video the full screen video come to the main pc monitor and not to the external plugged monitor.. anyone know how to move it to the external monitor?14:58
azadpppoe ant other dont work14:58
kopilopankaj: the video card is an intel?14:58
pankaji am using non proprietary open gl driver14:58
azadwat can  idoooooooooooooooooooo14:58
pankajyea kopilo14:58
=== d45mon is now known as d34mon
djznjust had a huge FSCK check with errors, and where is the LOG ?14:58
researcher1where can I get support for Netowrk printer/IP printers in Ubuntu?14:59
pankajin linux14:59
r00t4rd3dpankaj, onboard intel video is really not considered "good"14:59
tehbaut2hmmm, hfsprogs has magically appeared despite the install errors.... odd14:59
kopilopankaj: I suggest http://www.gmabooster.com/14:59
pankaji know that14:59
pankajbut that's what i get with a dell laptop14:59
kopilonot sure if intell does binary drivers for linux14:59
pankajok kopilo thanks14:59
pankaji will check that out14:59
kopilopankaj np14:59
ttrubuntuhi all, i am using UDE 10.04 but the systems doesn't respond after running for arbitrary amount of time. No KB, no mouse.15:00
=== Dink_ is now known as Dink
BluesKajazad, wifi or ethernet ?15:00
ttrubuntuPlease help me15:00
pankaji am finally windows freeeeee \m/15:00
Sriramttrubuntu: Yes, what seems to be your problem15:00
pankaji can do everything in ubuntu 10.1015:00
kopilograts pankaj ;)15:00
pankajdon't have to go back to windows for anything15:00
Sriram!ask > ttrubuntu15:00
ubottuttrubuntu, please see my private message15:00
pankaji am a free mannnnn15:00
ttrubuntuSriram: PC stops abruptyl15:00
Myrttipankaj: please keep the chatter elsewhere, this is a huge channel and we'd like to keep it to support issues only15:01
Sriramttrubuntu: Sorry, more elaborate15:01
BluesKajazad, in the terminal: sudo dhclient15:01
shaggy2installing an app on ubtuntu 10.10 get this error E: Unable to locate package libmd5-perl I think it's known by something else now but I can not find out whats it's now known as15:01
pankajubuntu ^:)^15:01
Sriramttrubuntu: Freezes?15:01
=== astra05|afk is now known as astra05
lukethedukeshaggy2: what does "apt-cache search md5-perl" say?15:01
Sriramttrubuntu, Then?15:02
akshatj!ot | pankaj15:02
ubottupankaj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:02
Sriram!guidelines > Sriram15:03
ubottuSriram, please see my private message15:03
pankaji love ubuntu15:03
Srirampankaj: We all do, lol15:03
=== petr is now known as _bro
kopiloluketheduke: no package for 10.10 yet http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libmd5-perl :(15:03
dw-good gui sendmail queue manager /15:04
Sriramttrubuntu: There?15:04
IdleOnedoriangrey: still there?15:05
ttrubuntuSriram: confused. how to ask question15:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:05
Sriramttrubuntu : PM please15:05
ttrubuntucan i ask my original q?15:05
ttrubuntuPM means?15:05
doriangreyIdleOne, yes15:05
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:05
shaggy2lukeetheduke: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551100/15:06
IdleOnedoriangrey: ok so you have ~/Desktop/swiftweasel correct?15:06
shaggy2luketheduke: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551100/15:06
Sriramttrubuntu: GO ahead15:06
lukethedukeshaggy2: as kopilo said, it seems there's no package for 10.10 yet15:06
Sriram*ttrubuntu: Go ahead15:06
doriangreyIdleOne, no i put into a directory doriangrey@ubuntu:/usr/local/src/swiftweasel$15:06
ttrubuntuSriram: The PC hangs itself after running for sometime15:07
ttrubuntuSriram: No particular app or time15:07
duron23ttrubuntu: did you checked you pc for over heating ?15:07
lukethedukettrubuntu: that doesn't happen on other operating systems?15:07
Sriramttrubuntu: What programs do you have generally running?15:07
duron23ttrubuntu: also do a memtest15:07
ttrubuntuyes. it doesn't in WIN15:07
IdleOnedoriangrey: here is what you do: sudo ln -s /usr/local/src/swiftweasel/swiftweasel /usr/bin15:08
ttrubuntuMy usual prog are: FF, Empathy, Evince, Rhythmbox,15:08
Sriramttrubuntu: Like duron23 said, do a memtest15:08
jnevesanyone knows how to change the limit rule that ufw generates?15:08
Sriramttrubuntu: FF?15:08
lukethedukettrubuntu: boot into ubuntu, do lsmod. it will show all system drivers that are currently loaded. then use google to check if anybody is complaining about similar problems with any of these drivers.15:08
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.515:08
c3lIm having problem getting ibus running in urxvt, it works fine in all other desktop programs, incl the gnome terminal, however not urxvt. I have set https://gist.github.com/767951 , what could the issue be?15:08
ttrubuntuFF: Firefox15:08
IdleOnedoriangrey: then you can run it from terminal by issuing: swiftweasel15:09
Sriramttrubuntu: Do you have a huge music collection?15:09
ttrubuntuSriram & others: sometime I run Xine also15:09
lukethedukettrubuntu: (by "do lsmod" I mean open a terminal and run lsmod)15:09
duron23luketheduke: good sol for ttrubuntu15:09
shaggy2luketheduke: so libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl means nothing in that apt-cache search15:09
ttrubuntuSriram: have 150 mp3s15:09
doriangreyIdleOne, so was not possible to compile it?15:10
duron23ttrubuntu: check your system log as well15:10
Sriramttrubuntu: Maybe switching over to chrome will fix your issue15:10
ttrubuntuduro23: how do i ckeck?15:10
BluesKajazad, I asked earlier if you were on wifi or ethernet , which is it ?15:10
lukethedukeshaggy2: that might be it, try it, but I don't think it's likely15:10
ttrubuntuSriram: Problem came with Chrome also15:11
Sriramttrubuntu: Oh15:11
duron23ttrubuntu: system > administrator > log file viewer15:11
shaggy2luketheduke: ok thanks I'll let you know who I go15:11
IdleOnedoriangrey: there was no need to compile it :)15:11
mibluketheduke: there's also libdigest-md5-file-perl15:11
ttrubuntuwhat do i view there?15:11
corp769just logged in, what's all going on?15:11
ttrubuntuduron23: what do i view there?15:11
lukethedukeshaggy2: I have to go, sorry, but I'm sure people in here will help you15:11
duron23ttrubuntu: see for any error, at the time your system hanged15:11
djznjust had a huge FSCK check with errors, and where is the LOG ?15:12
Sriramttrubuntu: Can you paste relevant log on paste.ubuntu.com, please?15:12
doriangreyIdleOne, thank you very much.. did u got my second question?15:12
azadsorry  in tis new situation i confused     i  have ubuntu 10.10  and network manager worked first  but after i update it   network manager  disabled and other net connection disabled too  like  pppoe and  wicd ok?     pankja15:12
histodjzn: /var/log/15:12
azadand i cant resolve it?15:12
schnuffle1grey: /var/log/syslog maybe15:12
ttrubuntuok. i will paste15:12
djznhisto: where exactly15:12
wasutton3-Kirai cannot seem to get my sis900 network card to be recognized in ubuntu maverick. i have tried modprobe sis900, but to no avail. It does not show up with ifconfig15:12
doriangreyIdleOne, new question, i am watching on a external plugged monitor youtube but when i put full screen the video the full screen video come to the main pc monitor and not to the external plugged monitor.. anyone know how to move it to the external monitor?15:13
corp769azad: are you saying you are using both network manager and wicd at the same time?15:13
azadafter that i install wicd15:13
djznschnuffle1: not one line of fsck in sight15:13
IdleOnedoriangrey: I am experience a large amount of lag at the moment. Happy to help.15:13
histodjzn: did you runt he fsck yourself?15:13
doriangreyIdleOne,  thank you again15:14
djznno, the system did15:14
histodjzn: /var/log/apport.log ??  or /var/log/fsck15:14
corp769just don't use both of them at the same time15:14
histodjzn: yeah /var/log/fsck/*15:14
djznhisto: files are empty15:15
wasutton3-Kiradoes anyone know why its not showing up at all?15:15
=== athlonxp_ is now known as was77
histodjzn: let me check something else15:15
duron23wasutton3-Kira: does it show in lsmod ?15:15
wasutton3-Kiraduron23: yes, the sis900 module shows in lsmod15:16
duron23wasutton3-Kira: try ifconfig -a15:16
azadcorp: wat can i now???/15:16
histodjzn: looks like the log files get overwritten on the next clean boot15:16
djznhisto: that was smart, must I tell... lol15:17
linkercan we install two ubuntu versions at a time in computer...if not y?15:17
histodjzn: yeah seems like a bug to me15:17
azadi remove  network manager but yet connection dont work?///////////////15:17
histolinker: yes15:17
histolinker: don't know why you'd want to do that but yes15:17
AlbertoPany idea of how I can boot the live CD without having a black screen?15:17
linkerhisto,can we insatll two15:18
AlbertoPI have a nvidia video card15:18
F3RR1Sliker, yes15:18
histolinker: yes15:18
duron23AlbertoP: which card and which version ?15:18
corp769ok... well which one do you want to use?15:18
wasutton3-Kiraduron23: ok that pulls it up as eth115:18
AlbertoPduron23: ubuntu 10.10, nvidia quadro mobile (I think 300)15:18
linkerhisto, is there any precautions  to do it15:18
duron23wasutton3-Kira: problem solved ?15:18
histolinker: i'd read some howtos on dualbooting linux distros15:19
wasutton3-Kiraduron23: kinda, it still doesnt have a network connection15:19
AlbertoPduron23: sorry.... just checked15:19
duron23AlbertoP: I guess noveau does not support for your card yet15:19
linkerhisto, can u give me the link15:19
AlbertoPduron23: NVS 3100M15:19
AlbertoPduron23: any workaround?15:19
duron23AlbertoP: you boole with nomode15:20
glacemanduron23: hi there15:20
AlbertoPduron23: ok, thanks15:20
duron23glaceman: hi15:20
BIGBAMBUwhat is java embedded frame15:21
ra2011hi all15:21
BIGBAMBUhow can disabke it15:21
duron23BIGBAMBU: is it from web browser ?15:22
BIGBAMBUwhen go on the sithe that hawe applet15:23
BluesKajazad, Ill ask a 3rd time , are yu connecting by wifi or wired to your router/modem ?15:23
duron23guess you don't have jave installed15:23
BIGBAMBUjava embedded frame show15:23
duron23BIGBAMBU: which browser are you using ?15:23
ra2011guys, I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 with nvidia 96.43.19 driver and I can't get compiz to work. any tips?15:23
duron23BIGBAMBU: in address bar type about:config15:24
BluesKajoh well, BBL15:24
wasutton3-Kiraduron23: any ideas? it doesnt seem to pull an inet address at all15:24
histora2011: did you use system > admin > additional drivers?15:24
duron23BIGBAMBU: and see if you can see anything about java there15:24
duron23wasutton3-Kira: do you see it in you network manager ?15:24
Sonicce canal e?15:25
wasutton3-Kiraduron23: i am running command line only, saves on system resources15:25
Sonicce limba?15:25
Sonictot engleza?15:25
FloodBot4Sonic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:25
ra2011when I try it it shows nothing...15:25
okaycoolhi. If I select NTFS-3G from here http://d.pr/2rng to format my pendrive while on a Mac, can Ubuntu latest version read it?15:25
histo!nvidia | ra201115:25
ubottura2011: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:25
duron23wasutton3-Kira: then try ifup eth115:26
histookaycool: yes15:26
nokxhow can I solve this? ==>  The testparm samba's command return error level 115:26
Unknown0BCHello, anyone here ever compiled java application/Midlet for a mobile device on Ubuntu ?15:26
okaycoolhisto: thank you for confirming :)15:26
BIGBAMBUi see but nothing to abaut15:26
BIGBAMBUonly simple javascript.enabled;true15:26
BIGBAMBUand some other15:26
wasutton3-Kiraduron23: i get "Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1."15:26
duron23wasutton3-Kira: or this sudo dhclient -r  eth115:27
ra2011ubottu: thanks I will look in there15:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:27
duron23wasutton3-Kira: then dhclient eth115:27
Bipul`How can i find Launcher properties?15:27
ra2011histo: nvidia 96.43.129 driver15:27
nokx!bot samba15:27
Sonicinfo chanserv15:27
nokxthe bot doesnt know about samba15:27
wasutton3-Kiraduron23: that works, now how do i get the configuration to stick between reboots?15:27
nokxoh crap15:27
Myrtti!samba | nokx15:27
ubottunokx: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:27
histora2011: what do you mean you can't get compiz to work?15:28
duron23wasutton3-Kira: It will I guess15:28
Myrttinokx: you just did it wrong ;-)15:28
duron23BIGBAMBU: install sun java pluin for ff15:28
duron23BIGBAMBU: *plugin15:28
BIGBAMBUi tink thad hawe15:28
BIGBAMBUwhy i can see15:28
Weazelhey guys, it drivers me crazy, everytime i watch youtube my screen dims after about 2-3minutes, why doesn't ubuntu notice activity when using flash ?15:29
ra2011histo: all the special visual effects doesn't work... such as desktop cube15:29
BIGBAMBUall java contenute15:29
nokxMyrtti: Is that all about samba?15:29
wasutton3-Kiraduron23: nope, did not stick15:29
histora2011: well you have to enable that15:29
BIGBAMBUi can see applet and all other15:29
duron23BIGBAMBU: can you paste the output of about:plugins to ubuntu.pastebin.com15:29
nokxguys, I need to share folders on ubuntu15:29
BIGBAMBUbut when i see a separate form called javascript.enabled;true appare15:29
nokxbut the testparm doesn't work15:29
histora2011: you need compizconfig-settings-manager to do that.  If you enalbe the extra effects under system > preferences > appeareance. You will only get wobbly windows.15:30
ra2011histo: I already did this in the compiz config15:30
duron23nokx: install samba15:30
nokxduron23: I've installed15:30
BIGBAMBUbut when i see a separate form called javaenbeddedframe appare15:30
duron23nokx: or config it15:30
nokxI need a tutorial15:30
histora2011: are wobbly windows working?15:30
nokxduron23: isn't there gui to setting up?15:30
wyclifnokx: dropbox might be a simpler solution for you15:31
duron23nokx: I guess system > administrator > share folders15:31
BIGBAMBUthe right name of the popup frame is javaenbeddedframe15:31
Weazelany1 ?15:31
histora2011: or any of the compiz effects?15:31
duron23BIGBAMBU: can I see the screen shot of it ?15:31
ra2011histo: this is the point... when I try to enable extra effects the system tries to probe my card and then says that it cannot find anything...15:31
Braber01Hi question, I'm having trouble with Ibus, I have the Japanese Language set up, however I can only get the higrina to show up and can't get the katakana to show up at all.15:32
wasutton3-Kiraok, now that i have networking working, i am looking to use xmbc on this computer, what would be the best way to go about this without using a massive amount of resources?15:32
Weazelhey guys, it drivers me crazy, everytime i watch youtube my screen dims after about 2-3minutes, is there anything that i can do so ubuntu notice activity when using flash ? <--15:32
nokxduron23: I didn't see share folders15:32
BIGBAMBUhow i can shoe u duron2315:32
histora2011: does glxinfo | grep render   show direct rendering: yes?15:32
duron23BIGBAMBU: take a screenshot and send the file15:32
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.15:32
aeon-ltdBIGBAMBU: see above15:32
ra2011histo: yep15:32
frogballsWeazel, CANGE POWER SETTINGS and screen saver15:33
histora2011: that's odd. what type of nvidia card do you have?15:33
duron23nokx: ok, try shares-admin15:33
duron23nokx: with sudo shares-admin15:33
Weazelfrogballs: but i do want my screensaver and i do want my power settings as they are, i just want it to know when i'm full screening in youtube15:33
ra2011histo: this one: GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!15:33
nokxduron23: yeah15:33
nokxduron23: I see the gui15:34
histora2011: let me look something up15:34
duron23nokx: rest you are on your own, or other will try to help you15:34
ra2011histo: ok15:34
DciteWeazel: Move your mouse around when in youtube, else turn up the settings a little, since gnome checks activity with movement or key presses. Flash can't be detected normally.15:34
Braber01I have I-Bus set up to use Japanese however it will only show Higrina, Katakana or Kanji Will not show up at all when I press space15:34
juknokx: nautilus?15:34
frogballsWeazel, if u move your mouse once in awhile it will stay on15:35
jukBraber01: check it out in ibus perfs15:35
histora2011: idd you download the driver from nvidia?15:35
WeazelDcite: yea well thats what i do so far, but its really a bugger if i wanna just lay back and watch smt :/15:35
juknokx: i use nautilus for gui access to shared files15:35
nokxI cant, juk15:35
SangyaraThats nice.. instant directions, google earth.. you dont need GPS any more.. thats nice15:35
pankajwhich session is better to play games on ubuntu15:35
ra2011histo: Yes, I got it there15:36
pankajxfce or ubuntu 10.1015:36
nokxit doesn't show on nautilus ==> sharing folder15:36
DciteWeazel: Then you'll change to get a wilress mouse, or extend the time to something like 10 to 15 minute?15:36
AndIrcyou need gps for turn by turn15:36
frogballsWeazel, i had to change all power settings to never to make it stop15:36
pankajXfce session Vs Ubuntu session15:36
pankajis there a difference15:36
gobbepankaj: doesnt matter15:36
histora2011: i'm not sure why it's not working. I'd try asking in the #compiz rooms. Or searching for a bug. It is an older card.15:36
pankajok thanks15:36
SonicMUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie15:36
SonicMUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie15:36
SonicMUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie15:36
SonicMUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie MUie15:36
FloodBot4Sonic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:36
Sangyarayes, buy now we all got a gps...15:37
AndIrccompiz more like suckiz15:37
Sonicce tare e :)15:37
DciteWeazel: Thouhg I'm not sure how yet.. you could potentially have a script which toggels between watching videos which increases your timeouts and normla mode?15:37
juknokx: hit alt-f2, nautilus sftp://my.ip.address15:37
Sangyarahows that...15:37
pankajyea i can't get the desktop cube working15:37
pankaji have all drivers installed15:37
WeazelDcite: frogballs prob is i'm at work with this laptop, and i want it to lock up every 30 sec, so no one checks my computer if i'm away from it and forgot to lock it, and sometime i'm alone and want to watch some youtube, so i was looking for a solution where i can keep the settings as it is, and can watch youtube without the need to move or press anything while i watch smt15:37
pankajand compiz active15:37
pankajchecked the enable cube15:37
Sangyarainstant directions.. i like it a lot...15:38
nokxJuk, ok15:38
pankajbut i can't have a desktop cube running15:38
wasutton3-Kirawhat is the lowest resource using gui i can use to autolaunch XMBC?15:38
duron23juk: he is asking about share folder, not accessing shared folder15:38
WeazelDcite: thats sounds like a fair workaround, but i have no knowledge with scripting i'm afraid :/15:38
Sangyarayou.. never knew...15:38
nokxi can sharing folder15:38
frogballsthe is a panel add on for that Weazel15:38
nokxbut it was shared entire folders15:38
Braber01juk: I'm using the right input method the about for anthy says it will convert romanji to higrina, then to Katakana then to Kanji by pressing the spacebar.15:38
jukduron23: oh15:38
nokxi want to share only sub-folder15:39
Weazelfrogballs: what does the panel do exactly ? or direct me to the name i'll google it (thx)15:39
DciteWeazel: I need to find a way to edit gnome settngs live from the command line first.. can't be that hard after that is found out.15:39
SonicPULA FUCK15:39
ra2011histo: thanks a lot... It's and older card... I got this one http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-96.43.19-driver.html15:39
FloodBot4Sonic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:39
duron23nokx: go with solution I gave15:39
nokxi made your solution, duron2315:39
Sangyaraiv got gps.. but not google earth.. what whould the.. terminator do...15:39
frogballsWeazel, if u right click on the panel options appear, one of them will give u one click to screen protect u15:39
gobbe!ot | Sonic15:39
ubottuSonic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:39
duron23nokx: so it worked ?15:39
nokxand it has been sharing entire folder15:39
DJones!language > Sonic15:39
ubottuSonic, please see my private message15:39
Sangyaralost here.. hello...15:40
duron23nokx: then select only the folder you want to share15:40
nokxduron23: give me a tutorial link15:40
nokxyeah, duron2315:40
Weazelfrogballs:   ahh u mean a lock button ? i have that, case is i often forget to press it, if i get too distracted @ work, so i made that 30 sec timeout15:40
duron23nokx: I don't have :(15:40
frogballsWeazel, when u rt click on the panel and read the options u will quicklt understand15:40
Dcitefrogballs: Weazel Do you mean a lock screen button?15:41
gobbe!ot | Sangyara15:41
ubottuSangyara: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:41
Braber01!laguage | AndIrc15:41
Sangyarayeah.. sai nang... all over the place...15:41
frogballsyea but if i have to illl boot buntu now to better explain15:41
DciteSangyara: Please ask a question which we mght be able to answer?15:41
frogballsdcite ..yes15:41
AndIrcill question you15:42
Dcitefrogballs: I think Weazel's original intention is to have the auto lock due to some degree of possible forgetfulness to click such a button.15:42
Sangyarawell.. atleest we now know ower positions...15:42
Sonicprv or fck you15:43
frogballsbooting into ubuntu...15:43
Braber01!language | Sonic15:43
ubottuSonic: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:43
juk!ops | Sonic15:43
ubottuSonic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!15:43
AndIrcfuck that15:43
KGBWolfis it possibel to run 3 monitors with 2 video card nvidia and displaylink and be able to drag windows across all 3???15:43
SonicNowbody /15:43
Weazeland since the lack of a flash activity detection within gnome, Dcite's idea for a script to toggle the power settings might be the better solution15:43
FloodBot4Sonic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:43
Weazelfrogballs: thanks :D15:43
Myrtti!ro | Sonic15:43
ubottuSonic: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro15:43
Braber01!language | AndIrc15:44
ubottuAndIrc: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:44
duron23KGBWolf: I guess yes, if they are sli'd15:44
Semtexhey guys what do you do when ubuntu crashes? is there an alt+ctrl+delete for linux?15:44
AndIrcholy fuck what was that gibbrish15:44
KGBWolfduron23 no sli displaylink is a USB video card and ncidia is a PCIE card15:44
Sangyarathe hardwere15:44
nokxguys, thank u15:44
shubbarcan i use dyndns to ssh to my home server?15:44
duron23nokx: welcome :)15:44
nokxI think that is working15:44
nokxI'll test15:45
nokxI'm gonna test15:45
juknokx: ok15:45
duron23KGBWolf: ooh I missed displaylink there15:45
gobbeshubbar: yes u can15:45
technikfreakhey anybody on hte ces?15:45
liny_mansymtex: if just a program crashes, you can use alt+f2 and then typing xkill.15:45
Sangyaratheats where it hit me.. new stuff intant directions...15:45
Dciteshubbar: As long as dyndns provides a valid dns result you should be able to ssh just fine?15:46
Sangyaraim thinking this mini pc.. 7 inch with the softwere...15:46
gobbe!ot | Sangyara15:46
ubottuSangyara: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:46
Semtexliny_man:  I mean if the os crashes. I just had a .docx file crash open office which crashed ubuntu.15:46
Sangyarafor cominiacation15:46
Semtexubntu wouldnt respond at all15:46
KGBWolfduron23 is it possible?15:46
shubbargobbe, i tried it but got my home adsl web page15:47
duron23KGBWolf: not sure mate15:47
slipstreameri got a problem15:47
zs1otbhi guys, oops I have a sudden problem. Firefox 3.6.13 installed on 10.04 and suddenly it is using much more resources as expected.... any ideas why this would be? It is running at 95 to 100%.15:47
gobbeshubbar: with ssh? how did u do that15:47
slipstreameranyone now a program to slipstream drivers to a xp cd15:47
Dciteshubbar: Is it forwarded from your adsl router to your ssh computer via port 22?15:47
Sangyaraquess what else15:47
gobbeshubbar: maybe your adsl is doing nat15:47
slipstreamerin ubuntu15:47
aeon-ltdzs1otb: flash? java?15:47
Sangyarahard..something wewre...15:47
nokxjuk: thank thank thank u, BUT we still have a trouble15:47
duron23zs1otb: check you plugins, addons15:47
Semtexshubbar, if dyndns wont work no-ip will cos thats what I am using15:47
nokxI cant write sharing folder15:48
Semtexfor ssh#15:48
MyrttiSangyara: please try to keep your stuff to one line, it's hard to keep up with you15:48
DciteSangyara: Please use longer sentence instead of using enter as punctuation.15:48
gobbeSangyara: stop that15:48
Visuexzs1otb, firefox is a resource hog anyway but your addons are probably the cause if it just started recently15:48
duron23slipstreamer: nlite15:48
AndIrcflash is for assholes15:48
nokxI put write flag on folder15:48
aeon-ltdAndIrc: please no wars here15:48
MyrttiAndIrc: please vehave15:48
slipstreamerthats a windows program duron15:48
Myrttibehave, even15:48
VisuexAndIrc, watch your language15:48
AndIrcyou behave flash sucks15:48
duron23slipstreamer: try it with wine :)15:48
Sangyarathat was the thing with twitter.. right??15:49
liny_mansemtex: then you press the power button. i have never actualy seen ubuntu itself crash. just the apps running.15:49
slipstreameri try it already ):15:49
Sangyarainstant something15:49
VisuexAndIrc, only mac fanboys claim flash sucks so we know your type15:49
duron23slipstreamer: no go :(15:49
shubbargobbe, just put the address in my browser, and yes my adsl is doing nat15:49
Sangyaramy a ss15:49
Weazelfrogballs:  wb15:49
MyrttiSangyara: please, keep it to one line15:49
ner0xHow can I change the key commands in gnome?15:49
frogballsty Weazel15:49
Sangyarayou, sorry?15:49
gobbeshubbar: well then you need to do portforward or something15:49
AndIrcyet i'm on an Android tablet how did that happen?15:49
Sangyarai what...15:49
MyrttiAndIrc: did you have Ubuntu related question?15:50
VisuexSangyara, you have been warned enough stop breaking rules15:50
AndIrcyes why does flash suck so much15:50
rozzahi all15:50
slipstreamerme yes15:50
MyrttiAndIrc: this isn't social channel, this is for Ubuntu support. If you have nothing to ask or you're not helping others, please take the chitchat elsewhere15:50
rumpe1AndIrc, ask adobe15:50
jukAndIrc: why you use it?15:50
Sangyaragive me your e mail adress15:50
VisuexAndIrc, so what...you could have a macbook or something...I am an android fan and I have a palm pre (not by choice though but still)15:50
nokxjuk, on permission guide of folder, it said: it isn't possible to determined  the permissions this folder15:50
VisuexMyrtti, exactly15:51
Sangyaraill send you a.. flick...15:51
pedro3005any idea when ubuntu will have python 2.7 as the standard version?15:51
frogballshttp://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/03/howto-disable-screen-saver-while-flash.html                weazel15:51
pedro3005it's been a while...15:51
Myrtti!offtopic | Sangyara15:51
ubottuSangyara: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:51
AndIrcYet I have a Asus eee how did that happen?15:51
Weazelfrogballs: checking it right away thx15:51
Visuexpedro3005, there isnt any way to tell15:51
rozzaok i have a question can u arp replay a wpa encryped wifi15:51
jukAndIrc: didn't you say flash for ***15:51
Sangyarafrom china15:51
zs1otb<Visuex>I have removed most of the addons, there are only three addons left. sufcanyon, wot and the seo tools15:51
VisuexAndIrc, no one cares15:51
gobbe!ot | AndIrc15:51
ubottuAndIrc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:52
aeon-ltd!ru | silim15:52
ubottusilim: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:52
MyrttiSangyara: last warning, please stop the offtopic.15:52
pedro3005Visuex, can I at least install 2.7 from the repositories?15:52
Sangyaraand a gps to... free postage15:52
zs1otbyes and it started about three day ago with chowing up the resources15:52
slipstreameranyone can help me15:52
Visuexsearch synaptics or software center and see what version it has15:52
duron23pedro3005: yes you can15:52
akshatj!ot > Sangyara15:52
ubottuSangyara, please see my private message15:52
AndIrcwoah what the fuck ubotto has some serious moon language issues15:52
KM0201zs1otb: are you sure its not the website causing it?   do you have the same prob w/ other browsers?15:52
BluesKaj!ask | slipstreamer15:52
ubottuslipstreamer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:52
=== tadej_ is now known as Tadej_laptop
rozzadose anyone here know how to arp replay a wpa ap15:53
shubbargobbe, is it possible to access two pc behind the nat with dyndns? they will have the same ip, may be except if i use different ports15:53
slipstreamerokay i want slipstream sata drivers to a xp cd15:53
Weazelfrogballs: thats definitely a start, thanks a lot15:53
slipstreamerin ubuntu15:53
gobbeshubbar: then it is15:53
* frogballs waves to Weazel 15:53
Sangyarathank you ubottu!15:53
Weazelfrogballs: i'll see how it goes, scared from the fact that advertisments can cancel the timeout though but i'll see :D15:53
Sangyarayou people are like the sun.. to me...15:53
zs1otbI only use firefox, and it is not the website itself as it goes for all sites I access. And it is running 100%, that is why I enquired if a mchine could not perhaps be infested with some kind of virus15:54
* frogballs does the froggy polka....15:54
rozzadose anyone here know how to arp replay a wpa ap with backtrack which is ubuntu15:54
DciteWeazel: Looking at that links, it detects for a running flash library.15:54
frogballsgood luck Weazel  !15:54
rumpe1shubbar, yes... if you forward the queries from one one of the pcs to the other15:54
WeazelDcite: which could be a flash advertisment no ?15:54
Semtexrozza have you not tryed the backtrack irc channel?15:54
VisuexMyrtti, did you get rid of those people?15:54
tambugot an IR receiver hooked up I'm trying to find a way to display ir codes to test some stuff. Any suggestions?15:55
DciteWeazel: True.. I'm not sure if that can be gottten around.15:55
KM0201zs1otb: what is the website, if you dont mind me asking?15:55
Weazelfrogballs: thx15:55
MyrttiVisuex: I'm looking at it still.15:55
rozzasorry i dident see it thank you for telling me there is one15:55
WeazelDcite: smt had been said in the comments there, but not sure what it does ><15:55
rumpe1rozza, backtrack isn't ubuntu15:55
BluesKaj!ot | slipstreamer15:55
ubottuslipstreamer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:55
zs1otbat this stage it is www.emotormag.co.za or www.wkap.co.za or even facebook itself15:55
rapc0dwhy if i plugin the power charge, my netbook always sleep automatic...15:55
rapc0dim using ubuntu 10.0415:56
ner0xHow can I move the tabs of a console to the bottom of the term?15:56
nokxjuk, I cant write on folder15:56
duron23tambu: input-utils15:56
frogballsWeazel, or install a vmware player and install xp inside ou ubuntu machine15:56
nokxwhat is happening?15:56
rapc0dhow to fix it ? thx..15:57
rumpe1nokx, check permissions15:57
nokxhow can I do that?15:57
slipstreamerbut thats the problemen15:57
slipstreamerin windows its easy to do ith15:57
slipstreamerbut i need a programm for ubuntu15:57
rumpe1nokx, ls -la /dir/to/folder15:57
nokxslipstreamer: yeah15:57
Weazelfrogballs: kinda drastic for just watching youtube, but maybe i just have to get used to touch smt to not dim it15:57
nokxon windows is easier15:57
Weazeli'll just wait til gnome does smt about it15:57
Weazelcan't win them all15:57
frogballsi know15:57
ArachonI just read about using euaclyptus to set up a private cloud server with ubuntu server... I was just wondering, what would you use such a thing for?15:58
DciteWeazel: They first comment might be useable, but I have no idea..., you could awalys detect how much cpu is being used by flash and only block the screen saver is flash is running & cpu is high usage?15:58
duron23tambu: install input-utils15:58
rapc0dwhy if i plugin the power charge, my netbook alway sleep automatic...15:58
nokxdrwxr-xr-x  3 jose jose 4096 2011-01-06 13:43 .15:58
nokxdrwxr-xr-x 81 jose jose 4096 2011-01-06 13:3315:58
rapc0dim using ubuntu 10.0415:59
tambuduron23: trying that now.. whats weird.. is lircd is not running I stopped it.. but my ubuntu is still responding to the remote for example vol up/down15:59
KM0201zs1otb: well i don't do facebook, but the two links you just sent me, caused barely a blip on system monitor and my system resources, I've got both open in Firefox and Chrome, w/o issue...  what version of firefox?15:59
duron23tambu: :D15:59
none_13hi all... wha must i add to grub.cfg for set splash image in booting?15:59
WeazelDcite: being an only gui noob i have no idea how to even check that ><15:59
nokxdid you see my permissions?15:59
WeazelDcite: hey but i have a pretty decent theme going on ! XD15:59
Weazelits ok, i give, i'll just wait for future fixes or smt16:00
Weazelmoving the mouse it is16:00
DciteWeazel: Great, atleast something went right with your experience.16:00
tambuduron23: any idea what the name of the tools are once they are installed?16:00
Weazeloh yea, don't get me wrong, i'm using ubuntu for a looong time now, and will never change it on my work laptop16:00
rozzacan find backtrack server for some reason16:00
Bipul`i want to install VirtualBox may i know few Virtual Box packages name?16:00
zs1otb3.6.13 and it is just since about 3 days ago. I even re-installed firefox from the ubuntuzilla ppa... Yes that is waht I experienced as well only about a blip on those websites16:00
Weazeljust sorry i switched to 10.10 from 9.0416:00
juknokx: what are you doing?16:00
Weazelsince my toshset is not working now (modem broadband)16:00
aeon-ltd!virtualbox | Bipul`16:00
ubottuBipul`: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox16:00
BluesKaj!backtrack | rozza16:01
ubotturozza: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition16:01
frogballsWEAZEL 1004 is awesome16:01
nokxwhat am I doing? I'm trying to change the permissions to I can write on folder16:01
Weazelfrogballs: yea but it broke toshset16:01
duron23tambu: input-events, input-kbd16:01
juknokx: no you were talking about sharing folder right?16:01
Weazelfrogballs: which means i can't use my sim modem internet everywhere using ubuntu16:01
nokxyeahm juk16:02
nokxjuk: yeah16:02
Weazelfound a fix, and it didn't work for me, since i have no idea how to compile stuff16:02
rozzacould someone tell me the channal for backtrack because ive looked and cant find it16:02
DJones!bt4 | rozza16:02
Picirozza: #backtrack-linux16:02
nokxthanks to you and duron23 I can see the folders on the network16:02
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:02
nokxBUT i cant write on sharing folder16:02
duron23nokx: welcome :)16:03
juknokx: so, i don't see the link between file perms and sharing16:03
rozzathanks guys16:03
nokxsome guys told me to change my permission of folder16:03
Visuexnokz you may need root to write on it16:03
duron23nokx: you access those file from where ?16:03
frogballsare opposed to buying a inexpensive wireless dongle Weazel16:03
rapc0dsomebody can help me ? why if i plugin the charge , my netbook always sleep automatic...16:04
duron23nokx: it may be related to accounts issue16:04
nokxyeah, duron2316:04
nokxI'm trying to change permisson of folder UT16:04
FaiLicanfrogballs: do you know any good inexpencive dongles that work with aircrack?16:04
duron23nokx: ok16:04
duron23tambu: you issue fixed ?16:04
FaiLicanmy internal network card is crap16:04
liny_manrapc0d: have you cheked your power settings?16:04
frogballsno FaiLican i dont know aircrack16:04
tambuduron23: no input-utils doesn't appear to be outputting the ir hex codes16:05
rapc0dliny_man: yes...16:05
duron23tambu: what is the command you are trying ?16:05
tambuinput-events -t 1000016:05
rapc0di dont know why ? but if i use 10.1016:05
Weazelfrogballs: Wifi works, i have a built in sim modem, and a sim card i get with free internet in it, so for places i don't have Wifi, i can just use it, prob is it doesn't work anymore since 9.04 since the toshiba-acpi driver thingie had a modification made there, and got reverted since 9.10 and up, so when i hit the command to activate it "sudo toshset -3g on" i get an error -- "required kernel toshiba support not enabled"16:05
Weazelwooo didn't realize i wrote so much16:05
duron23I guess its a wrong command16:05
rapc0dis done, but the problem is, when i plug out, the same like above...16:06
frogballsWeazel, hmmmm16:06
nokxduron23: can I do that by right mouse clicking ?16:06
tambuduron23: it just sits there if i press a button on the remote that is mapped to a function like volume it doesn't do anything but if I press one that isn't I get stuff like "^[[5~"16:06
BluesKajWeazel, here's asimple tutorial that works for compiling most apps,  http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/60462-how-compile.html16:06
duron23tambu: I had used it long back, wait a minute let me find out16:06
tambuduron23: I'm wondering what is controling the IR receiver right now if I don't have lircd running16:06
Weazelfrogballs: i have a copy for the fix, in a step by step form and i kinda think i followed it to the latter but something went wrong, and i have no idea how to debug my wrong ways coz i'm a total noob16:07
Weazelsec let me pastebin the fix thingie16:07
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Sangyaranot my problems.. i have.. other...16:07
frogballsWeazel, reset all to default and start again16:07
Weazelfrogballs: no idea how to revert to default after doing what it asked me to do16:07
duron23tambu: did you installed gnome-lirc-properties ?16:07
tambuduron23: nope.. should I?16:08
Weazelfrogballs: here i followed #13 and #14 -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/toshset/+bug/64489816:08
ulfenKi need help with wireless network acer aspire one (AR5001 CHipset), anyone?16:08
frogballsWeazel, possibly a switch on back of modem16:08
duron23guess not16:08
VisuexBluesKaj, there should be a good easy to compile process like launchpad or getdeb but more widely used so newbies dont feel so scared about using linux16:08
Weazelfrogballs: the switch is made by a command, and then i can just use network manager to connect to it, without doing toshset -3g on i see it there but can't use it16:08
frogballsWeazel, one switch is power one is reset16:08
frogballso ok16:09
DenSchubHmm, when I try to boot from 10.10-Disc (To install ubuntu), I get screens like that: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16811560/IMAG0122.jpg16:09
DenSchubThat are some "screen-parts" of my installed Win 7 oO16:09
DenSchubThat's the system: https://gist.github.com/8042cbc279a5fcc74d7716:09
BluesKajVisuex, yeah I tried to find one , but as usual lately google-linux gets hijacked by irrelavancies16:09
duron23tambu: try this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch/Testing/CheckingMTDevice, hope it will help you16:10
frogballsWeazel, was the modem provided by your isp16:10
Sangyaranow back.. to the Miloshevic Bosnia problem..16:10
Weazelfrogballs: nop it came with the laptop16:10
Visuexfrogballs, arent modems always provided by an ISP...routers maybe not but modems must be I think16:10
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duron23tambu: also try this to see if any lirc related services are still running sudo service --help16:11
Weazelfrogballs: and its built in inside the laptop itself, under the battery16:11
frogballswho is your isp...some will provide it if u do the install16:11
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duron23tambu: sry this sudo service --status-all16:11
VisuexWeazel are you talking about your wifi receiver?16:11
frogballsoh ok Weazel16:11
frogballsi see16:11
Weazelfrogballs: the isp is depended on the sim card i use16:11
nokxdrwxrwxr-x  3 jose sambashare ==> are these permissions good?16:11
nokxcan I write those permissions?16:12
WeazelVisuex: its not a Wifi reciever, its a modem broadband16:12
tambuduron23: am I looking for a specific service?16:12
frogballswhat model toshiba16:12
Weazelits Toshiba Tecra  R10RW16:12
Weazelheh already wrote it,, i had a feeling this was the next q16:12
tinohello, i am using dmidecode to find info about memory type, but i get <OUT OF SPEC> outpot instead DDR or DDR216:12
duron23tambu: you can paste the output to ubuntu.pastebin.com16:12
frogballsebay maybe16:13
tinowhat should i do to find memory type ?16:13
tinohello, i am using dmidecode to find info about memory type, but i get <OUT OF SPEC> outpot instead DDR or DDR216:13
tinohello, i am using dmidecode to find info about memory type, but i get <OUT OF SPEC> outpot instead DDR or DDR216:13
tinowhat should i do to find memory type ?16:13
FloodBot4tino: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:13
tambuduron23, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/RbKc01xt16:13
quiescensthat seemed.. harsher than it used to be for 3 lines16:14
SpecIt's totally cool the floodbot floods MORE than the person who was "flooding". Neat trick there.16:14
crawlerhi.  what is the terminal command equivalent to the F5 (refresh) key??16:15
Speccrawler: What are you trying to refresh? o.O16:15
duron23tambu: no sure what is causing the issue, did you reboot you machine checked ?16:15
crawlerspec, the nautilus desktop16:16
DenSchubAgain: My Monitor looks like http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16811560/IMAG0122.jpg when I try to boot from 10.10-Disc to install Ubuntu. System: https://gist.github.com/8042cbc279a5fcc74d7716:16
crawlerSpec: the nautilus desktop16:16
Weazelfrogballs: well i think i'll be heading home, work time is way over16:16
Speccrawler: I don't really know what you mean by refresh. with F5. on a command line.16:16
tambuduron23: yes this is the weirdest ir receiver.. ever.. I'm trying to mimic it with my harmony remote.. but no matter how many times I try to learn the ir commands.. the receiver never seems to receive them16:16
Weazelfrogballs: thx for ur help16:16
frogballsok Weazel16:16
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ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:17
ra2011histo: do you have any news?16:17
duron23tambu: hmm, I am out of ideas :(16:17
tambuduron23 no worries thanks for trying :)16:17
=== root is now known as Guest48500
* frogballs orders Weazel a new g7316:17
duron23tambu: welcome :_16:17
crawlerSpec, well in my script, i use sed to change the icon in a .desktop file, but the icon doesn't update until i press F5.  so i'm looking for the terminal equivalent to F5 so i can incorperate it into my script16:17
crawlerSpec, so for example click on your desktop and press F5, you'll see the icons flash.  that is what i'm trying to do from the terminal16:18
KGBWolfis ultimate edition supported by this channel?16:18
MyrttiKGBWolf: no16:19
duron23tambu: I guess ir_kbd_i2c module could be the cause for you volume problem16:19
Spechah, well, nautilus doesn't like SIGHUP :p16:19
nokxO comando testparm do Samba retornou erro 1: Loaded smb config files from --parameter-name=usershare allow guests lp_load: refreshing parameters from --parameter-name=usershare allow guests  params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "--parameter-name=usershare allow guests": No such file or directory Error loading services.16:19
nokxwhat is it going on?16:20
nokxit's boring16:20
crawlerSpec, SIGHUP?16:20
daacan u help me with command dmidecode, it shows <OUT OF SPEC> in some fields I would like to know16:21
xanguaKGBWolf: no, is not16:22
SoftarPaulAre anyone in here using GNUsound?16:22
daacan u help me with command dmidecode, it shows <OUT OF SPEC> in some fields I would like to know16:23
SoftarPaulBecause when I run "/home/simon/Desktop/gnusound-0.7.5/configure && make && make modules" it answers "No suitable drivers16:23
DenSchubnobody an idea to solve my install-problem? :(16:23
Gaian_Hello, I'm new here - I just want to ask for some help: I deleted files inside the ~/.gnome2/keyrings/ and now when the computer starts I get a frozen desktop16:24
none_13any grub2 tutorials for set boot pictures?16:24
kubanchow do i change icons in notifcation area for bluetooth16:24
juknokx: type in terminal: scp file_to_upload_write_file_test me@remote:~/16:24
duron23none_13: use burg16:25
SoftarPaulAnyone with knowledge about "No suitable drivers" Don't get what I'm doing wrong16:25
frogballsGaian_, use recovery16:25
duron23kubanc: you need to edit the theme16:25
Gaian_frogballs: how? :P16:25
bonjoyeeSoftarPaul: first cd /home/simon/Desktop/gnusound-0.7.5/16:25
kubancduron23, the theme for bluetooth or gnome-theme in gconf-editor?16:25
Gaian_OH you mean recovery mode?16:25
frogballsGaian_, have u backed up all files16:25
bonjoyeeSoftarPaul: then do ./configure && make && make modules16:26
duron23kubanc: gnome-theme16:26
=== rickh is now known as Guest62675
halvori'm a bit lost with an usb wifi dongle installation... :S16:26
Gaian_frogballs: the second header that says (recovery mode) starts some stuff in black screen and stucks at someplace16:26
halvorit was working properly16:27
SoftarPaulbonjoyee: Still get No suitable drivers16:27
frogballsu cn do repairs off live cd16:27
SoftarPaulfile drivers*16:27
halvorthen i started fooling around with the "compat" things16:27
By_The_Way(its me) That issue is a nother level from us here...  Serbian Ortodox Christians Fanatics...?! (From Albania and Turkey??) Wer not Christians.. they think we are something like that.. We (my self) are professionals..16:27
By_The_Way(its me) That issue is a nother level from us here...  Serbian Ortodox Christians Fanatics...?! (From Albania and Turkey??) Wer not Christians.. they think we are something like that.. We (my self) are professionals..16:27
SoftarPaul"No suitable file drivers found"16:27
FloodBot4By_The_Way: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:27
frogballsGaian_, did u back up important files16:27
=== Guest62675 is now known as rickh
Gaian_frogballs: I can copy the deleted files from the live CD ?16:27
none_13burg? what is it?16:27
Gaian_there are no important files16:27
nokxjuk: ssh: Could not resolve hostname smb: Name or service not known16:27
halvorlsusb lists the dongle, but i can't use it to connect to any network (network manager is doesn't show anything)16:28
duron23ok, cya friends, taking off for now16:28
kubancduron23, for blueman bluetooth applet i need to change the icon that is in notification area in gnome-theme?16:28
juknokx: you replaced ofcourse `me` and `remote` right?16:28
frogballsok Gaian_ if u have no important files and repair doesnt u can try recovery or reinstall16:29
SoftarPaulCan anyone help me solve my problem?16:29
nokxoh no16:29
juknokx: ah16:29
nokxI ve replaced upload_file_xxx to real name and path of file16:29
nokxI ve forgot16:29
bonjoyeeSoftarPaul: try those steps individually..and then see at what step  u get that error16:29
juknokx: ah16:29
KranixI suddenly can16:30
Gaian_frogballs: recovery mode stucks at a line and says: Attached SCSI removable disk16:30
SoftarPaulbonjoyee: Wha steps?16:30
KranixI suddenly can't start my Ubuntu 10.10 desktop...16:30
Gaian_frogballs: it's a laptop with no usbs attacked - no usb mouses either16:30
edbianKranix: Why not?16:30
bonjoyeeSoftarPaul: ./configure , make , make modules16:30
KranixIt says "failed command: READ DMA" and other things, then repeats itself.16:30
nokxjuk: i didn't about correct syntax to right side16:30
nokxI'm green in linux stuff16:31
juknokx: what?16:31
juknokx: ah16:31
frogballswhich version of buntu Gaian_16:31
SoftarPaulbonjoyee: I ran "./configure" and I got the error16:32
nokxjuk: is it right? ==> scp smb://pclciente/ut2004/204unrel.part01.rar jose@JOSE-LAPTOP ~/16:32
Gaian_frogballs: 10.1016:32
bonjoyeeSoftarPaul: please paste the output of ./configure on http://pastebin.com16:32
edbianKranix: DMA (direct memory management) allows devices besides the processor to write to main memory.  Check ur ram.  It should be something that works (how old is the computer? )16:32
SoftarPaulbonjoyee: How to copy the output?16:33
KranixNot very old, I think it has 4GB.16:33
edbianKranix: knew enough.  Are you running a 64 bit kernel?16:33
juknokx: i'm not sure, with smp:// give it a try16:33
bonjoyeeSoftarPaul: are u using the desktop version of ubuntu?16:33
frogballsgain ant weird stuff happening with desktop icons16:33
edbianKranix: When did it stop working (what possible causes were there) ?16:33
Gaian_frogballs: note I was trying to disable keyring stuff because whenever the laptop opened - it was asking for the keyring password so it could connect to the wireless network16:33
KranixIt stopped working minutes ago.16:34
nokxjuk, the same error16:34
nokxssh: Could not resolve hostname smp: Name or service not known16:34
SoftarPaulbonjoyee: Yes. Here's the output: http://pastebin.com/2qd5KDJj16:34
edbianKranix: Check ur ram.  Do you know how to do that?16:34
frogballsGaian_, do u recall what u did16:34
KranixI was trying to play Egoboo, then it said "Input signal out of Range" so I had to shut down.16:34
KranixWhen I booted again, it said that.16:34
edbianKranix: check ur ram (please don't make me say that again)16:34
nokxjuk: if I use the nautilus on ubuntu side it does work16:34
shcherbaknokx: are they both linux machines?16:35
Gaian_frogballs: I just browsed into ~/.gnome2/keyrings/ and deleted the files inside16:35
nokxbut I need to be on windows and to copy linux folder16:35
Gaian_fropgballs: following that guy: http://davestechsupport.com/blog/2009/01/16/how-to-remove-ubuntus-password-keyring/16:35
guntbert!u | frogballs16:35
ubottufrogballs: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.16:35
KranixI don't know how to do that.16:35
nokxshcherbak: no16:35
gladiatorhi. im using 10.10 and the system gets non responsive after a while. when i leave it locked before going to work16:35
nokxone is linux and another is xp16:35
shcherbaknokx: oh16:35
frogballsbite me guntbert16:35
nokxon windows I cant write on linux folders by networking16:35
SoftarPaulbonjoyee: The output: http://pastebin.com/2qd5KDJj16:36
IdleOnefrogballs: please be civil16:36
=== mohammad_ is now known as Guest40470
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:36
edbianKranix: If you boot and press shift you'll get dropped to the grub menu which has an option to check the ram.  it's called memtest+16:36
gladiatorthe system never recovers and the downloads have all stopped as well. and i have to reboot.. i am using the inhibitor applet. but still get this problem .. any ideas?16:36
frogballsmind your own business16:36
IdleOne!guidelines > frogballs16:36
ubottufrogballs, please see my private message16:36
juknokx: i don't get it, are you trying to use ubuntu to move file from xp to some other machine?16:36
edbianKranix: You have to hold shift before the Ubuntu stuff shows up.16:36
AlagosGood evening. I have a question. When I press the key combination win+W or win+A there are the same effects. How can I delete win+A combination and where from it appear?16:36
frogballssee mine16:36
IdleOne!codeofconduct > frogballs16:36
edbianYou hold shift to get to the grub menu right??16:36
nokxI'm windows machine and I try to write files on linux machine16:37
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .16:37
frogballsmy conuct is fine16:37
Gaian_please don't mind frogballs - hei's trying to help me out.16:37
KranixRunning it now.16:37
xanguaAlagos: you can configure compiz plugins with compiz setting manager, yu can fint it in the software center16:37
IdleOnefrogballs: your attitude is not.16:37
juknokx: you on the XP?16:37
frogballsthe are jerks Gaian_16:37
nokxyeah, juk16:37
nokxI'm on windows xp16:37
juknokx: you on your own16:37
Gaian_frogballs: please don't mind them. can you help me out?16:38
IdleOneGaian_: don't tell people to ignore channel ops16:38
bonjoyeeSoftarPaul: yes..looking into it..also do you specifically need gnusound?..theres also audacity that does a similar job16:38
frogballsi am trying but they are interupting me16:38
nokxjuk:  The first step was given, I got see the linux  folder sharing on network.  BUT I need to write on it16:38
Gaian_IdleOne: I politely said not to mind. Don't be so harsh - he's trying to help me.16:39
nokxfrom windows xp16:39
SoftarPaulbonjoyee: Oh, it doesn't work? Well, I probably can use audacity instead. I want to do a remix of a song. Any tips of programs?16:39
frogballs!codeofconduct > idleone16:39
ubottuidleone, please see my private message16:39
IdleOneGaian_: I understand that he is trying to help. his attitude towards other users is not acceptable. IF you wish him to continue helping you he will need to follow our guidelines or I will remove him16:39
SoftarPaulSomething like the Windows FL-studio16:39
brokkenarrowhi all16:40
Gaian_I will just leave and start searching forums. Finding answers in IRC is hard.16:40
edbianSoftarPaul: I've never used that.  I don't know anything about remixing audio.  I suggest audacity16:40
frogballs!codeofconduct > guntbert16:40
ubottuguntbert, please see my private message16:40
edbianbrokkenarrow: hello16:40
bonjoyeeSoftarPaul: audacity does a good job at that..try it..16:40
halvorso nobody can help me out?16:41
halvorwith the wifi issue16:41
edbianhalvor: what's the problem16:41
SoftarPaulediban and bonjoyee: Thanks. I maybe come back later with the result!16:41
halvoredbian: it's an usb wifi dongle16:41
edbianhalvor: o god16:41
edbianhalvor: alright lets see here.  Do wifi networks show up in the nm-applet in the gnome panel?16:41
halvoredbian: it was working fine, but it got messed up at once, tried compat drivers16:42
halvoredbian: yeah, i managed to fix the built in realtek wifi, but the dongle is missing... lsusb shows it16:42
AdvoWorki have ubuntu 10.04 and im trying to view a quicktime movie, i have mplayer, but i just see a blank screen. any ideas please?16:42
edbianhalvor: o good.  There's hope.  So it stopped working because you switched the drivers? You have switched them back but not completely?16:43
olskolircwhy is #sh invite only how do I get in there?16:43
bonjoyeeSoftarPaul: for issue with the compile ..check if libaudiofile is installed on your machine16:43
xanguaAdvoWork: if you wish to see it with the defailt movie player install ubuntu-restricted-extras16:43
xangua!register | olskolirc16:43
ubottuolskolirc: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:43
edbianhalvor: First question.  Did you restart the machine recently?16:43
jukAdvoWork: corrupted movie, most likely16:43
halvoredbian: i don't really know. i've compiled/installed every driver in the compat16:44
usr13advowork try xine16:44
olskolircmy nick is registered16:44
edbianhalvor: Why did you try to switch the drivers if it was working?16:44
AdvoWorkxangua, i already have the ubuntu-restricted-extras16:44
halvoredbian: sure... i'm strugling with this thing since christmas :)16:44
halvoredbian: it wasn't working properly after a while16:44
edbianhalvor: ok.  Does the device show up in lspci?16:45
halvoredbian: then i had none of the two working16:45
edbianhalvor: the two?16:45
halvoredbian: no, only in lsusb16:45
halvoredbian: yeah, i have a builz in and the usb dongle (now i'm connected via the built in)16:45
edbianhalvor: U must understand this is all very confusing.  Why do you need two?16:46
halvoredbian: got it in lspci!!16:46
edbianhalvor: Which one is in lspci?16:46
halvoredbian: the dongle has a removable antenna16:46
halvoredbian: i have both, sorry, the dongle was just listed at the beginning of the list16:47
halvoredbian: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0cf3:1006 Atheros Communications, Inc. TP-Link TL-WN422G (the dongle)16:47
edbianhalvor: so they both show up in lspci.  The internal card works completely but the dongle does not16:47
halvoredbian: exactly16:47
edbianhalvor: Well that means all we have to do is get the correct module for the usb dongle16:47
halvoredbian: how could i do that?16:48
edbianhalvor: Well I'm going to begin by googling WN422G to get the name of the module.  Then we're going to try to insert it any of them that I can get a name for.  If you don't have them then we get to figure out which package they might be in.  I'll be back in a second16:49
halvoredbian: you mean the firmware?16:50
edbianhalvor: No I mean the module.  It's software that basically fits into the kernel.  It's like a driver in windows16:50
edbianDo you know the chipset of the dongle?16:50
edbianhalvor: ^^16:51
edbianhalvor: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k_htc#Component_modules16:51
DenSchubok, I manged it to boot the live-cd16:51
DenSchubnow I get the following gparted-error: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/16811560/ubu1.png -.-16:51
tucemiuxis there a guru that can help me?  I just installed the updates, rebooted my machine, now it sends me to a login prompt, i hit alt-F7 and the last message I see is "Home directory /etc/timidity not ours"16:51
j-invariantHow do I get foomatic-rip-hplib?16:52
halvoredbian: oh, i've been to this site before16:52
halvoredbian: how can i "enable these options in your kernel config"?16:52
edbianhalvor: I'll just start guessing modules.   there are only a couple for atheros cards16:52
edbianhalvor: Lemme read it.16:52
halvoredbian: okkei16:52
nesvj-invariant: Have you tried running "sudo apt-get install foomatic-rip-hplip" in a terminal?16:53
j-invariantnesv: why would I do that?16:53
nesvtucemiux: Could you please be a little more descriptive?16:53
Dwade09 everytime i boot up i get hard disk uuid is not ready for mount and gives the uuid number and says press s for skip or m for manual recovery how do i fix this16:53
nesvj-invariant: Because you asked how to "get" that package.16:53
edbianhalvor: That's for people compiling their own kernel.  We don't need to do this becuase the Ubuntu developers already did it for us.16:54
nesvj-invariant: Are you looking to install it, or get the source code?16:54
andaiHi. What's the WINE channel?16:54
bonjoyeehalvor: edbian: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsTP-Link16:54
nits_hunterDwade09: means there is a prob with ur /etc/fstab file16:54
Gneaandai: #winehq16:54
System_Default_0andai: #winehq16:54
Dwade09nits_hunter,  how i fix this?16:54
nits_hunterDwade09: sudo blkid gives the list of UUID's16:54
edbianhalvor: Let's just try to insert that module and see what happens. sudo modprobe ath9k_htc16:54
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Pici!zh | allen_16:55
ubottuallen_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk16:55
nits_hunterDwade09:  check the UUID's from sudo blkid against gksudo gedit /etc/fstab and correct them as required :)16:55
tucemiuxnesv,  I just installed the updates, I rebooted my machine, after I rebooted my machine it goes into console mode instead of GUI,  it's use the first terminal(alt-F1), I cant manually startx16:55
edbianhalvor: I'm reading that site as well from bonjoyee16:55
nits_hunterDwade09: do u understand or do u want me to put it down step-wise?16:56
andaiUSB Midi Keyboard! How do i make it produce sound?16:56
halvoredbian: modprobe did nothing yet apart from asking for my password16:56
Dwade09nits_hunter,  i got it thank you . but i do have a issue with my fstab16:56
nesvtucemiux: Can you log in to the terminal, on TTY0 (Alt-F1)? What are the permissions of the /etc/timidity folder that it's complaining about?16:56
halvoredbian: what about /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules16:57
nits_hunterDwade09: if u fix the UUID's in fstab u shouldnt get that error, btw is it a different prob u have with fstab?16:57
Dwade09nits_hunter,  http://pastebin.com/nM15yEP4 is my fstab and i do not have /dev/sda516:57
edbianhalvor: If it returns with no errors then that means it 'worked' look at the network applet again16:57
tucemiuxnesv,  theyre owned by root16:57
nits_hunterDwade09: hang on please checking it out16:57
scudybeefhii,im using ubuntu 10.10,,and im having lots of probs,,lots of programs refuse to open,including google earth,sopcast player,open office,wine,,others,,im quite new to all this,,i can open terminals and copy paste into it,,but have no idea what the commands are.16:58
nesvtucemiux: Okay. Next, could you please run "grep $USER /etc/passwd" ?16:58
halvoredbian: modprobe does nothing, no errors, but it's stuck16:58
nits_hunterDwade09: /dev/sda5 is the swap area correct?16:58
Dwade09nits_hunter,  i did have /dev/sda5 but i got rid of it and redone it to just sda with 7.5gb for swap16:58
Dwade09not anymore nits_hunter16:58
edbianhalvor: What do you mean it's stuck?16:58
Dwade09nits_hunter,  its now /dev/sda216:59
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=== Misrec is now known as jape
=== jape is now known as Misrec
System_Default_0scudybeef: High five! I was having issues with Ubuntu 10.10 like you. Don't worry Ubuntu 10.10 has a lot of bugs it is still young.16:59
nits_hunterDwade09: please paste the following in a pastebin please, sudo fdisk -l  , sudo blkid and cat /etc/fstab16:59
* ^Phantom^ is rather furious16:59
nesvtucemiux: ...and could you please post the output?16:59
kannanhow do i know my terminal id.. ?16:59
halvoredbian: after i type in my password, nothing happen ... not even a prompt16:59
^Phantom^I just got done installing Ubuntu, and now I have to start all over from the beginning.16:59
edbianhalvor: ctrl + c16:59
edbianhalvor: It should come back immediately17:00
nesvtucemiux: Feel free to send it to me via private chat if you do not want to put it in this channel.17:00
tucemiuxnesv,  tucemiux:x:1000:1000:tucemiux,,,:/home/tucemiux:/bin/bash17:00
lightbricko1Is there an IRC channel for GameConqueror?17:00
^Phantom^I accidentally forgot to change one thing, and now I'm stuck permanently with some cryptic string in my terminal.17:00
tucemiuxnesv, nothing wrong there17:00
Gneaandai: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Midi/HardwareSynthesisSetup17:00
scudybeefwouldi just be better rolling back to 10.04,,this is infuriating not being able to use anything17:00
andaiGnea: nvm it *just works*17:00
halvoredbian: okkei, got the prompt... what about editing /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules ?17:00
^Phantom^Please tell me I can fix that without reinstalling the entire damn OS?17:01
kannanguys.. can you tell me how to figure out my terminal id?17:01
edbianhalvor: I have no idea about that file.  Sometimes we really shouldn't need to edit that to get the dongle up and running17:01
System_Default_0scudybeef: Yeah, I know how does that feel. Roll back to the prevous version of Ubuntu you were using. But save your files first.17:01
nesvtucemiux: DId the updates finish properly, that you know of? Could you try running them again from the console? "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"17:01
Bipul`can i install more then 1 OS in Vbox17:01
halvoredbian: it's adviced on linuxwireless.org... i give it a try :) thanks for your help!17:01
System_Default_0scudybeef: previous*17:01
^Phantom^I forgot to make that say phantom-desktop instead of phantom-3q452q-3q2prqj34-rq217:01
Dwade09nits_hunter, http://pastebin.com/1vb0qB2m , http://pastebin.com/HdfJUMf2 , http://pastebin.com/EwMnizj017:01
halvoredbian: i'll come back and tell you how it went17:02
aliboHello, I use a static ip setup(in /etc/networks/interfaces) today I added my domain to /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts and now /etc/resolv.conf does not contain my nameserver but the line "search kaist.ac.kr" and I cannot resolve domainnames.17:02
edbianhalvor: I want you to take the dongle out, turn the computer off.  Put the dongle back in and boot.  Then if wireless isn't working try again to modprobe ath9k_htc17:02
scudybeefcan i roll back from the system,or do i need to make a new USB with 10.04 on it?17:02
edbianhalvor: sure, good luck!17:02
tucemiuxnesv, the updates finished completely, I got a prompt asking me if I wanted to reboot now or later, i clicked on later,  after a few minutes I rebooted now I cant boot up to GUI mode17:02
aliboDoes anybody know how to get it back the nameserver set in the interfaces file?17:02
^Phantom^well, there goes another two fucking hours of my day17:02
System_Default_0scudybeef: Did you install Ubuntu 10.10 from a LiveCD or an USB?17:03
nits_hunterDwade09:  u receiving the personal messages i am sending u?17:03
Kranixmemtest finished.17:03
Kranix"Pass complete, no errors, press Esc to exit"17:03
Dwade09yes nits_hunter  there now17:03
^Phantom^I had to tether my system to my phone, and I get shoddy 3G coverage where this computer is situated, so I had to sit through a big-ass download process at 2G speeds D:17:03
edbianKranix: you still can't boot?17:03
System_Default_0scudybeef: So, you have to install the previous version from the USB.17:03
cgcardonashouldn't "wget -r http://domain.name" fetch the entire directory structure from domain.name?17:03
KranixI'll try if I can now.17:04
IdleOne!language | ^Phantom^17:04
ubottu^Phantom^: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:04
scudybeefok,,,thx for advice17:04
^Phantom^I can't find any way to change that god-awful awp9tawtuqa0wtr920 shit in my terminal.17:04
^Phantom^It looks like my keyboard barfed in the terminal window D:17:04
System_Default_0scudybeef: You're welcome.17:04
tucemiuxnesv, the problem is with X server, I cant boot up using failsafe mode17:04
goltoofwhats the hebrew keyboard layout listed as?  or do i need to get it elsewhere?17:04
KranixSame issue as before.17:04
edbianKranix: What is the exact error?  I'm going to google it17:05
KranixI'll try taking some excerpts from it.17:05
edbianKranix: sure17:05
goltoofnevermind... Israel17:06
^Phantom^how do you fix the barf in the damn terminal?17:06
cgcardonaomg I luv wget17:06
goltoofcgcardona:  it loves you back17:06
seruhi who have version 0105 64 bits on linux ?17:06
Myrttiseru: er, what?17:07
KranixSuddenly went to the "your disk drives are being checked for errors" screen.17:07
KranixLooks like the boot was succesful now.17:07
nits_huntercgcardona: i love wget too :D17:07
^Phantom^How do I fix the barfed keyboard shit in my terminal?  phantom@phantom-EL427AA-ABA-SR1711NX-NA610  <--- it looks like the terminal barfed D:17:07
edbianKranix: If you boot enough times it automatically checks them.  Let it run.  I googled dma error and a lot of stuff about hdds came up17:07
nesvtucemiux: I found this, maybe it will help? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/timidity/+bug/53173317:07
edbian^Phantom^: reset17:07
seruversion 0105 not works on ubuntu 64 bits17:07
edbian^Phantom^: type 'reset' in the terminal17:07
halvoredbian: aaah!! modprobe now didn't stuck17:08
edbianhalvor: good17:08
Cube``hey guys, KDENLIVE has BIG audio issues on 9.10, but not a single problem on 9.04. HOW COME!?!?!?!17:08
^Phantom^it's still there17:08
edbianhalvor: but did it work?17:08
KranixLooks like my issue is solved now, I'll come back if I begin having issues again.17:08
edbian^Phantom^: That's the name of a folder you're in17:08
edbianKranix: mmm, good?17:08
^Phantom^that's the COMPUTER NAME17:08
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halvoredbian: no... nothing happened. iwconfig shows only one card17:08
^Phantom^it's supposed to say phantom@phantom-desktop17:08
^Phantom^I forgot to set that when I installed17:08
edbianhalvor: do you  have anything useful in the output of dmesg?17:08
^Phantom^And I can't see how to change it ANYWHERE17:08
edbian^Phantom^: have a look a the hostname command17:09
seruelo [r4]17:09
tucemiuxnesv,  thanks for the reply, at first I thought it was timidity as well, it's actually the nvidia drivers got hosed after the updates, I managed to get the default drivers and blacklisted nvidia, I have low quality GUI on my box, now to fix nvidia broken drivers17:09
bonjoyee^Phantom^: change it in /etc/hostname also in /etc/hosts then reboot17:09
halvoredbian: ndiswrapper couldn't prepare driver17:09
edbianhalvor: ndiswrapper is hard to use.  It lets you use the windows drivers.  Do you have the windows drivers?17:09
halvoredbian: ath9k_hif_usb: probe of 2-1:1.0 failed with error -2217:10
tucemiuxnesv, I suspect I wont be the only one with this bug, here's the fix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165887417:10
Myrttiseru: version 0105 of what?17:10
^Phantom^I am confused, will re-install17:10
halvoredbian: i did... maybe i should remove everithing ndiswrapper related17:10
edbianhalvor: Yeah that's the linux driver (linux calls them modules) you have to use the windows drivers with ndiswrapper17:10
bonjoyee^Phantom^: reinstall not needed...just try what i said17:10
edbianhalvor: I don't suggest using ndiswrapper.  I don't think you need it becuase you had the card working without it before17:10
^Phantom^I don't know where to find those two things ; _ ;17:11
nits_hunter^Phantom^: gksudo gedit /etc/hostname17:11
DJones!hostname | ^Phantom^ This should have a link that will help you17:11
ubottu^Phantom^ This should have a link that will help you: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.17:11
^Phantom^It's been so long since I had an ubuntu machine, I forgot a bunch of the stuff I needed to know.17:11
bonjoyee^Phantom^: sudo nano /etc/hostname then sudo nano /etc/hosts17:12
pc600Old Behavior: The Right to Use license is not available for technology packages and all features on Cisco ISR G2 platforms.17:12
pc600New Behavior: The Right to Use license is available for technology packages and all features on Cisco ISR G2 platforms, except for the HSEC feature. Use the license accept end user agreement command in global configuration mode to configure a one-time acceptance of the Cisco End User License Agreement (EULA) for all Cisco IOS software packages and features.17:12
pc600wrong channel17:12
bonjoyee^Phantom^: then reboot17:12
^Phantom^bonjoyee, thank you so much17:14
^Phantom^You just saved me two hours of install time.17:14
bonjoyee^Phantom^: :)17:14
^Phantom^I'll reboot and see if it fixes the jibberish barf-looking thing.17:15
Dwade09nits_hunter,  i wrote those down so if it happens again i will know what to do. thank you again nits_hunter .17:15
System_Default_0See you later o-)17:15
nits_hunterDwade09:  no problemo :)17:15
nesvtucemiux: Oh, wow...that's quite the fix. It has to do with the NVidia drivers, eh?17:16
^Phantom^You are a life-saver!17:16
jukhow to fetch package's change log, like update-manager shows17:17
^Phantom^Thank you a million!17:17
tucemiuxnesv, yes, now I have a GUI,  now im attempting to activate the nvidia drivers17:17
^Phantom^It's not all jibberjabberish anymore.17:17
bonjoyee^Phantom^: make sure the hostname is same in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts!:)17:18
^Phantom^Double-checked. :D17:18
bonjoyee^Phantom^: great..:)17:18
nesvtucemiux: Awesome. I'm glad you got it fixed enough to a usable state.17:18
=== Korbit is now known as DJKorbit
=== RobotTux is now known as RobotCow
edbianAnybody need help?17:20
DJKorbiti need17:20
bonjoyeeedbian: :-D17:20
DJKorbiti'm using natty alpha-1 and a lot of things are broken since my last update17:20
DJKorbitwhere can i report such bugs?17:20
edbianbonjoyee: :)17:21
histoDJKorbit: natty discussion is in #ubuntu+117:21
crawlerjuk: you can try aptitude changelog <packagename>17:21
DJKorbithisto, thanks very much17:21
Guest96345is VIM editor having content folding ability or not?17:21
nesvGuest96345: Yes - but it's not enabled by default.17:22
nesvGuest96345: It is something you have to set in your ~/.vimrc file.17:22
Guest96345@nesv, how to enable it?17:22
crawlerhi there.  what is the terminal command equivalent to reloading/refreshing the nautilus desktop? in other words, when i focus on a nautilus window, what happens internally when F5 is pressed?17:23
Pht32I am running ubuntu 64-bit version 11.04 and I am running Q4Wine for the first time. It is asking me to point it to my wine libs but they are not in the usual place "/usr/lib/wine"  Can anyone help me with this?17:23
edbiancrawler: Well you'd have to look at the source code to know that.  It probably makes some calls similar to ls (I'm not sure if it actually makes kernel calls or if it calls ls or if there is something that both ls and nautilus F5 use)17:24
bonjoyeePht32: try ldd /usr/bin/wine17:25
edbiancrawler: What is the ultimate goal here?17:25
anfabhi guys, i have an ubuntu ec2 instance and i currently login using the ssh ppk file saved on my machine..i'd like to instead login with a username and password without the ssh keys..17:26
nesvGuest96345: Give me a second, I will quickly look it up.17:26
Pht32bonjoyee, http://q4wine.brezblock.org.ua/media/images/shots/winepath.png17:26
Guest96345@nesv, I'm waiting.17:26
bonjoyeePht32: run that command..and see where the libs are!17:26
bonjoyeePht32: ldd /usr/bin/wine17:27
nesvGuest96345: Okay, it's not a single-liner.17:27
Aishiteru`##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! Aishiteru` koltroll Sledjockey SamuraiAlba AntonioBlob anfab bbartek wedwo- manalive remote marfx000__ Drone4four pascalaldo StrangeCharm goshawk bfiller s17:27
crawleredbian:  well, i'm making a bash script that does many things, one of which uses sed to search within a .desktop file to change the icon.  it works all well, but the icon doesn't refresh until i use f517:27
meuc56##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! meuc56 switch10_ brettsonian lazarus_ koltroll Sledjockey SamuraiAlba AntonioBlob anfab bbartek wedwo- manalive remote marfx000__ Drone4four pascalaldo Strang17:28
meuc56##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! humanbean PEBMAC benkevan kaziem cpf_ FunnyLookinHat lightbricko1 sdelic rbanffy bobhica ka1ser squints fastfwd Varox AndrewMC R1cI-I RudyValencia ddboline ni17:28
meuc56##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! carabobo gladiator kubanc lukus __william Calinou rickh qubozik guntbert blowers Afrix Worldspice_Will Shaun__ edbian bonjoyee ish10 dyess002 halvors2 Gnea bl17:28
FloodBot4meuc56: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:28
edbiancrawler: Ahhh, so you wanna force that right away...17:28
edbiancrawler: yeah, the real problem is that there is no API for nautilus (that I know of)17:29
crawleredbian: yea, it would complete my script :-)  i tried a couple of methods, on was xrefresh (doesn't seem to work at all) the other used gconftool-2 to toggle the showing of the nautilus desktop (which crashed nautius).  so yea, i'll need to find another way to do this.  i posted in nautilus' IRC channel, but no reply yet17:30
jukcrawler: thanks, way to do it with apt-get/cache?17:31
edbiancrawler: there is an API for C and python!  http://projects.gnome.org/nautilus-python/17:31
edbiancrawler: http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&safe=off&q=nautilus+api&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=83f87efc6f926f1317:31
edbiancrawler: I suggest you switch your script to python (probably will make the whole thing easier)17:31
manbrahsssssssssssss hisssssssssssssss17:32
nits_hunterwondering if there is a solution to the system hanging except for a hard-reboot, when ctrl+alt+REISUB doesn't work17:32
ArachonCan anyone tell me where I can find the latest drivers for an Intel GPU?17:32
crawleredbian: ahh, well i don't know if i have the time to learn python, i'm just barely starting to learn bash..but thanks for pointing me in the right direction17:33
edbiancrawler: sure.  have fun learning!17:33
edbianedbian: I think python is the easiest language to learn17:33
crawlerwill do :-)17:33
shifnixok, is there a way to change what application the Mail icon in the Indicator Applet uses?17:34
gobbeshifnix: yes there is17:34
shifnixgobbe: k, how?17:34
gobbeshifnix: system -> preferences -> preferred applications17:35
shifnixgobbe: i tried that17:35
shifnixwhen i click on Mail in the indicator applet icon, it opens evolution17:35
crawleredbian, this looks promising: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106330017:36
gobbeshifnix: hmmh. interesting17:37
gobbeshifnix: let me see17:37
shifnixArachon: wat's the question again17:37
edbiancrawler: Yes it does.17:37
edbiancrawler: sending the F5 signal is a good idea17:38
Arachonshifinx: I'm trying to find the latest Intel GPU drivers17:38
crawleredbian: yes, i guess now the only problem is somehow bringing focus to nautilus17:38
Arachonpreferably in a way so that I can install them with a package manager, rather than having to download a tarball17:38
shifnixArachon: are you having video issues?17:39
edbianArachon: search intel in synaptic17:39
anuronJust set up a new box running lts server. it has two interfaces, both connected to one network. now i got connections coming in on each interface, how can i tell the routing to use the same interface for outgoing traffic as it went in?17:39
bonjoyeeshifnix: see /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications17:39
anuronnow i got two gateways but that obviously doesnt work17:39
* crawler pokes around with Show Desktop applet..17:39
jeorhi. if root is disabled by default in ubuntu.. how do i add my user as sudo?17:40
edbianjeor: using visudo (or sudo nano /etc/sudoers)17:41
edbianjeor: You edit the file using sudo17:41
jeoredbian: do I have to be root to do that?17:41
bonjoyeeshifnix: make required changes there...17:41
edbianjeor: sudo gives you root priv for 1 command17:41
jeoredbian: but I am currently not in /etc/sudoers... so How can I use "sudo"??17:41
shifnixbonjoyee: am looking..17:41
Arachonshifnix: I have, trying to get Braid to work, it whines about drivers17:41
edbianjeor: There is at least one user that can (or ur screwed)17:41
shifnixincidentally, can i make the compiz expose-like feature show just the windows on my current virtual desktop?17:41
Arachonedbian: I have, but I've read that there's supposed to be more, a "xf86-video-intel" package that I can't find17:41
jeoredbian: all I know is root is disabled by default17:42
mads-How do I ask a web server which software (apache or whatever) it's running from the command line?17:42
edbianArachon: What are your software sources like?17:42
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:42
edbianjeor: You use sudo instead of su (or root)17:42
scristopherps aux | grep www17:42
coltragon!join #backtrack17:43
federico nick17:43
jukjeor: mount your pc to another, edit from there17:43
jeoredbian: I get error when try sudo17:43
jeornot in sudoers17:43
edbianscristopher: ed        5545  0.0  0.1   3596   732 pts/1    S+   11:41   0:00 grep www17:43
shifnixbonjoyee: interesting. should i edit the Evolution entry or make a new one?17:43
ryno1Anyone familiar with nVidia17:43
edbianjeor: You can probably read it without sudo gedit /etc/sudoers17:43
scristopheri get apache when i do that17:43
bonjoyeeshifnix: as you wish;)17:44
coltragonIs there a command to get a channel list for this server?17:44
edbianscristopher: I am not running apache so all I get is that command seeing itself running17:44
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:44
shifnixcoltragon: yeah, but freenode has thousands of channels17:44
mads-scristopher, how do I then ask www.microsoft.com what they are running?17:44
shifnixit'll take a LONG time to load the entire channel list17:44
juk!nvidia | ryno1:17:44
ubotturyno1:: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:44
coltragonoh ill use irc search than17:44
coltragonTo find a backtrack channel on freenode ;p17:44
shifnixbonjoyee: what happens if i add an entry? will it add a menu item?17:44
Arachonedbian: How do you mean? Like the source URLs?17:45
bonjoyeeshifnix: yes...17:45
bonjoyeeshifnix: may have to logout though..not sure..17:45
edbianArachon: System -> Admin -> software sources   (it's the gui for the repo URLs)17:45
Arachonedbian: I've got er... The normal ones I guess, and the addons for EasyPeasy... Should I type them all out?17:46
bonjoyeeshifnix: for the change to take effect..17:46
douglanyone know of a way to make 10.10/compiz config have mouse trails?17:46
shifnixbonjoyee: ya, i'll see17:46
edbianArachon: I forgot what your problem was17:46
edbianArachon: oh sorry, pastebin it17:46
* coltragon fails at using linux17:47
rynohello, im trying to config dual display using vga cable, when i type sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx it says "Reading package lists... Done17:47
rynoBuilding dependency tree17:47
rynoReading state information... Done17:47
rynoPackage nvidia-glx is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:47
rynoThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or17:47
FloodBot4ryno: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:47
rynois only available from another source17:47
=== nokx is now known as novato_br
jukhow fast do ubuntu mirror servers sync with official one?17:47
douglryno, did you find those instructions on a howto somewhere?17:48
rynodougl: no17:48
momelodgreetings channel.  My NetworkManager indicator on the gnome panel says "no network devices available" but I am connected to the internet..  why doesnt the networkmanager see my interfaces?17:48
crawleredbian: got it!! wmctrl -k on xsendkeycode 71 1 xsendkeycode 71 0  (focus the desktop, press F5, release F5) thanks again for your input, i could not have done it without you17:49
rynodougl: apt-get install nvidia-glx doesn't work17:49
douglryno, I just did nvidia/dual display config on 10.10 and as I recall something changed = sec17:49
dido_bassavforb` da ...17:49
vforb`ai idvaite v nashta mreja e17:49
dido_bassasa si ibe17:49
dido_bassanikoi nema ra razbere17:49
dido_bassavlez v bg kanala17:49
vforb`znam be17:49
vforb`tei e nai qko17:49
glacemanhi there17:49
edbiancrawler: haha, I didn't do anything!  good job :)17:49
douglryno, sec checking what I did17:49
Arachonedbian: http://pastebin.com/cXAEhU7i17:49
ubottuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently17:49
glacemananybody masters well the kubuntu environement around ?17:50
rynodougl: thanx17:50
ArachonWhat I wanted to do was getting the intel driver package without having to download a tarball17:50
glacemani need to identify my internal wireless network card so i can download a driver for it17:50
edbianglaceman: sudo lspci17:50
bonjoyeemomelod: have u defined the configuration in /etc/network/interfaces?17:51
shifnixoh shit...compiz crashed17:51
=== derick_ is now known as Guest34486
glacemanthank you edbian17:51
the_drowHello I have Line6 tuneport UX1. It for some reason does not work. It used to work after I followed the instructions here (http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-a-line6-guitarport-or-toneport-ux1-or-gx.ht) but after I restarted it now doesn't17:51
=== Guest34486 is now known as derick__
blowbacksnitnix: language17:51
blowbackOMG you got me saying it too!!17:51
mads-How do I ask a web server which software (apache or whatever) it's running from the command line?17:51
momelodbonjoyee, no i have not.  there is only an entry in there for my 'lo' device17:51
shifnixlol snitnix?17:51
the_drowI am getting faild to connect to output device: failed to connect to stream: output too large17:52
blowbackbad typo17:52
jukmads-: nmap, zenmap17:52
shifnixcan i restart compiz without restarting x?17:52
douglryno, I cannot remember exactly what I did but try apt-get nvidia-common and see what else it wants to install as I recall I did not do nvidia-glx this time round17:52
enriquemhey guys, i need a little help. I am spawning off some scripts in terminal, and they require me to leave them open. is there any way i can run these scripts and then close the terminal without it terminating the script?17:52
bonjoyeemomelod: ok..how are you connected to internet then? ethernet? wifi?17:52
douglryno, err - the full command line "apt-get install nvidia-common"17:53
shifnixguess that's a yes17:53
KWCl0##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! KWCl0 Pinako mim [WF]Bauldrick piglit Drone4four enriquem fsharpmajor dextro_ derick__ Biolunar patholio nicki sp00fz brishu the_drow VCoolio glaceman vforb`17:53
KWCl0##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! shubbar shifnix macbuntu histo Samual-Laptop githogori Arachon lazarus_ Sledjockey bbartek wedwo- remote marfx000__ pascalaldo goshawk bfiller stjohnmedrano 17:53
KWCl0##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! fastfwd Varox AndrewMC R1cI-I RudyValencia nicoulaj_ Dwade09 icontrolthesun DrHouse|Aribeth younder Craig_Dem chull grumete erUSUL cyphorious nesv Jamesuperf17:53
FloodBot4KWCl0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:53
momelodi did have network-indicator-applet installed.  but want to use NetworkManager instead b/c of the vpn support.  So i uninstalled network-indicator-applet..17:53
rynodougl: says its already the newest version17:53
blowbackwow, annoying17:53
the_drowso no one knows? :(17:53
shifnixthat was special17:54
Craig_DemI'm not even American >_>17:54
the_drowGuess I'll ask at stackexchange17:54
bonjoyeemomelod: those are two different things...17:54
douglryno, sounds like you got the drivers installed... what does "nvidia-settings" do for you?17:54
dextro_rm -v $(cat bad.txt | grep 'world/' | sed "s#\\\r##")17:54
dextro_rm: cannot remove `world/3/11/c.3.4l.dat\r': No such file or directory17:54
momelodbonjoyee, yes, they are both network management utilities.  i cant run them at the same time, so i uninstalled the indicator applet17:55
shifnixok, so the scale window switcher in Compiz - how can i make it only show windows of my current desktop? i'm finding nothing in the compiz settings17:55
jukmads-: no it detects OS17:55
rynodougl: im lost, this worked on my other tv17:55
abhijeethi guys.. here is one problem .. each time I am connecting the HDMI I have to change the sound output device.. can the set so that when ever i connect the HDMI cable the output device automatically changed to respective HDMI O/p device.17:55
rynodougl: set to manually installed17:55
douglryno, still does - I have tv upstairs display 1 and monitor down here display 017:55
bonjoyeemomelod: you can run those together..the applet just monitors the traffic/interfaces...while Network manager configures them17:56
douglryno, hmm17:56
rynodougl: it doesn't even recognize the 2nd monitor17:56
SledjockeySound problem fix: Set to analog and digital output. It works for docking stations as well.17:56
douglryno, nvidia-settings does not see another display connected?17:56
rynodougl: when i hit detect display i can hear a clicking noise through the tv but it doesn't show it connected17:57
bonjoyeemomelod: check if network-manager is running...else try reinstalling Network manager17:57
coltragonMan this linux is nice17:57
abhijeetSledjockey, I can only see the analog devices there is no digital output17:57
coltragoni just type apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird17:57
coltragonand it will download thunderbird17:57
Soyocoltragon: deff17:57
rynodougl: no17:57
mads-coltragon, then try to watch a DVD...17:57
coltragonmads, why would that be so hard?17:58
douglryno, hmm - I dunno then... I think we needs some help from the friendly folks in here who have more experience than you and I17:58
SledjockeyCheck System->Pref->Sound->Hardware and change profile.17:58
douglWhat do you say folks - can anyone think of the problem with ryno's display?17:58
SledjockeyShould be Digital Stereo and Analog Stereo17:58
shifnixcoltragon: have you checked out the application manager?17:58
shifnixunder the ubuntu system menu17:59
abhijeetSledjockey, there are only Analog profile..17:59
coltragonshifnix, no where can i find it.17:59
douglryno, 10.10 ubuntu correct?17:59
shifnixtop left corner...bottom menu item17:59
shifnixeven easier than using CLI17:59
coltragonim in backtrack17:59
SledjockeyYou need to do a search to reinstall the sound drivers.... Then make the change. I can't remember the term commands offhand. I always google it.17:59
coltragonnot ubuntu17:59
douglryno, what kind of nvidia card do you have?17:59
abhijeetSledjockey, ok17:59
scristophermads are you trying to find out what a remote server is running as a webserver?17:59
klinehi  all18:00
MournsForTreesHello. A question: in the character map program a lot of scripts are displayed at the left panel, like egyptian hieroglyphs, but many of those appear only as squares with numbers. Is that because the font doesn't have them or am I missing some package or something?18:00
sliptteesHi all18:00
rynodougl: no, 11.0418:00
jukscristopher: yes and he left18:00
rynodougl: nvidia geforce 315018:00
AscavasaionI have an old AMD Duron 1300MHz, 384Mb RAM.  I installed Ubuntu 8.04.  It has an AGP Riva TNT/64 32Mb graphics card, and I added in another AGP/PCI 4Mb SiS graphics card.  I have a 17" monitor plugged into the RIVA card, and a 14" monitor plugged into the SiS card.  The computer boots using the 17", but the 14" gets no signal and the light on the monitor remains orange.  Any ideas please?18:00
shifnixcoltragon: ah sorry...being #ubuntu i just assumed :P18:00
SoyoMournsForTrees: Not all fonts fill up every possiblilty.18:00
sliptteessomeone can help with totem, play on full screen video, on window cut video. =[18:01
Soyoin fact most do not18:01
sliptteesryno: try # ubuntu+1 for 11.0418:01
rynodougl: correction nvidia 715018:01
MournsForTreesOh, OK. Thanks! I thought there was some error there. :)18:01
SoyoAscavasaion: upgrade to 10.10 for beginners18:01
coltragonshifnix, i found it. Was under the same as in ubuntu18:01
douglI thot 11.04 was not released until april of 2011? am I wrong = this is not how it works? -> how can I tell what ubuntu I am using?18:01
klineii  need   help  plz18:02
AscavasaionSoyo: Can that old machine run 10.10?18:02
yasecAscavasaion think it has something to do with the refresh rate of your gfx card, the 14" can't handle it. not sure how to change it though18:02
sliptteesHello, please help with totem, play on full screen video, on window cut video. =[18:02
SoyoI am running 10.04 on less than that, should be fine18:02
bonjoyeedougl: lsb_release -a18:02
MournsForTreesIs there a particular font that has all/many of those scripts?18:02
AscavasaionSoyo: thank you.18:02
douglbonjoyee, thanks18:02
glacemananybody able to help please finding a driver ( im using kubuntu) driver needed: ralink RT309018:02
rynodougl: i do have 10.10 my bad18:03
bencahillokay, here's a question :) could i (probably through ssh) emulate key strokes on a certain tty (to control fbi, frame buffer image viewer)?18:03
klineis there   someoan tohelp mee??18:03
douglryno, ok - I would not suggest getting ahead of the crowd - are you new to linux? how much exp do you have?18:03
Soyo!ask | kline18:04
ubottukline: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:04
=== VOTalent is now known as KG72
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
KG72hey guys18:04
rynodougl: not much, stated using about 4 months ago18:04
glacemanwireless network card driver im using kubuntu, ralink rt3090 please18:04
klineFATAL: Unknown capture source type '88w8335' in source '88w8335,wlan0,test,'18:04
sliptteesThe video player "totem", just open video in full screen when I open the video window in the video cuts18:04
r00t4rd3dkline #kismet18:05
r00t4rd3dalso , the kismet in the repo is older then dirt18:05
coltragonI might be a noob, but i accidently changed my theme. Now whatever i do(changing theme, changing colors), these yellow and blue icons stay18:05
KG72I've installed 10.10 amd64, installed OSS to get my LynxTWO audio card working and can't seem to find the source to get the Jack OSS driver built.  Is this driver part of a package anywhere?18:05
glacemanwlan driver needed, ralink rt3090 (kubuntu)18:05
r00t4rd3dget the source from the kismet site and compile it fresh18:05
r00t4rd3dglaceman, usb ?18:06
rynodougl: i can't remember how I got my other tv working, this is frustrating18:06
glacemanno internal one r00t4rd3d18:06
zero_Rohit ?18:07
sliptteesThe video player "totem", just open video in full screen when I open the video window in the video cuts. Pleas Help18:07
glacemani have a lg x130 internal card is ralink rt309018:07
rohitshindeis there any alternative package in ubuntu for Proxifier?18:07
r00t4rd3dglaceman, http://www.ralinktech.com/support.php?s=218:07
glacemanthanks r00t4rd3d18:07
=== david is now known as Guest56959
glacemani will have a look there18:08
r00t4rd3dur gonna have to compile it18:08
douglryno, linux is/can be frustrating - I know what you mean... what kind of tv/secondary display do you have?18:08
douglryno, what kind of cable?18:08
VCooliocoltragon: gtk theme and icon theme are two different things; hit 'customize' in appearance manager18:08
Coded1im running 10.10 with the radeon FOSS driver(it's a radeon 9250 RV280) I plugged in my old CRT tv via s-video and I am able to set it as a seperate monitor (different resolution than my 17" CRT VGA monitor) but when I play video on it via totem or VLC it will work until I resize / fullscreen the video then it just goes all black, anyone know why?18:08
KG72Where can I find the OSS driver for Jack?18:09
rohitshindeI want Proxifier for Ubuntu ??????18:09
sliptteesThe video player "totem", just open video in full screen when I open the video window in the video cuts. Please Help.18:09
coltragonKG72, google ;)18:09
KG72coltragon, I have.... all damn week18:09
zero_rohitshinde: Seems like nobody is paying attention to you.18:09
SledjockeyTotem does that for me all the time....  I use MPlayer and it always works.18:09
douglryno, for years no I have had tv as secondary display and after I install the nvidia drivers is was just a few clicks in nvidia-setting to get it config'd...18:10
bonjoyeeglaceman: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149012318:10
rohitshinde@zero: no probs, i ll wait18:10
shifnixbonjoyee: so, with adding thunderbird, can i make it use a custom icon?18:10
bencahillhey, could I use expect to send live keyboard input from another computer?18:10
douglryno, I am hoping someone reading our chat will feel sorry for us an point us at what we are missing18:10
zero_are zopnar kadhi tu..18:10
rynodougl: tv is a hitachi crt flat screen, and im using a vga/s-video adapter18:10
r00t4rd3dglaceman, PM18:10
rohitshinde@zero_ aka mang18:11
KG72The adapter is the problem18:11
KG72It can't pole the hardware18:11
coltragonThunder downloading message 312 of 852218:11
bencahillKG72: pole? :D18:11
rynodougl: haha hopefully!18:11
douglryno, and your hatachi was detected thru a svideo adapter - am doubting this?18:11
jukglaceman: https://launchpad.net/~markus-tisoft/+archive/rt3090/+files/rt3090-dkms_2.3.1.3-0ubuntu0~ppa1_all.deb ?18:11
coltragonDoes anyone know some drivers for a Logitech G15 keyboard?18:12
bencahillcoltragon: lol, that can take a while :)18:12
glacemanyes juk18:12
glacemanjuk: yes18:12
bonjoyeeshifnix: not sure..18:12
glacemani got ur link18:12
glacemani will see it18:12
glacemanthank u very much18:12
jukglaceman: ok18:12
bonjoyeeshifnix: ?18:12
Coded1sounds like a lot of people are having problems with CRT-TV's today eh?18:13
jukglaceman: also http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/12993587/dir//com/dkms-rt3090-
KG72One of my friends had the same problem with his adapter and had to manually configure it18:13
shifnixbonjoyee: i'm ocd about my icons :P18:13
r00t4rd3dglaceman, https://launchpad.net/~markus-tisoft/+archive/rt3090/+files/rt3090-dkms_2.3.1.7-0ubuntu0%7Eppa2_all.deb18:13
r00t4rd3dsomeone has it built already18:13
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)18:13
KG72Manually ... back to days of 1999.18:13
douglI did not think you could get any display detection thru s-video, but it has been many years since I did s-video between PC and TV18:13
coltragonbencahill, it's quite a popular keyboard. I would expect to find drivers for it easily18:13
sliptteesThe video player "totem", just open video in full screen when I open the video window in the video cuts. Please Help.18:13
coltragonbencahill, but i didn't :P18:13
douglI did not think you could get any display detection thru s-video, but it has been many years since I did s-video between PC and TV ryno18:14
bencahillcoltragon: I was replying to "Thunder downloading message 312 of 8522" :)18:14
Coded1slipttees, does it work when its not full screen?  what kind of graphics adapter are you using? ATI/Nvidia?18:14
rynodougl: well when i click detect display i can hear audio clicking noises through the tv speakers but it doesn't detect the tv. also i tried the RCA cable too (red, yellow, red cable)18:15
sliptteesCoded1: work only full screen, no work in windows mode.18:15
sliptteescut video Coded118:15
rynodougl: same result18:15
coltragonbencahill, oh yes it isnt finished yet18:15
coltragonbencahill. won't be in the next hour probably18:15
douglryno, what is the highest resolution you can get from the hatachi? Do you have a model number?18:16
sliptteesCoded1: sis671/77118:16
Coded1Running VLC from terminal on main monitor works fine, moving it to secondary (s-video / CRT-TV) works fine, sending it full screen gives this >>> [????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 42.0 failed with error code 8:18:17
Coded1 BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)18:17
* bonjoyee feeling sleepy18:18
* dougl dcc's pillow to bonjoyee 18:18
bonjoyeedougl: thanks:)18:19
sliptteesCoded1: well Done...18:19
rynodougl: model number 43FDX01B, cannot find resolution18:19
douglWill nvidia-settings properly detect display thru a s-video connection to tv?18:20
r00t4rd3done way to find out18:20
Dantixhi, I'm using putty to access ubuntu and when run vipw in edit mode I'can use the keyboard arrow keys, because they prints letters like A B C D, how can I resolve this?18:20
goltoofi got an update error, little orange triangle icon that won't go away, says update info outdated ... when i check updates: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551188/18:20
coltragonCan anyone help me out here, i accidently set a different theme. Now everything is yellow-and blue. I can set a different theme, but the icons stay yellow and blue18:21
coltragonWhich is very ugly18:21
ZykoticK9Dantix, install vim.  vim-tiny that comes with Ubuntu is terrible - and gives the A B C D stuff.18:21
Coded1slipttees, well done?  what did I do :)18:21
r00t4rd3d!panelreset | coltragon18:21
ubottucoltragon: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:21
DantixZykoticK9: thanks18:22
slipttees+or- slow, but work :-)18:22
r00t4rd3dtry that first coltragon18:22
r00t4rd3dit should set your desktop back to default18:22
Coded1ya but ... what did you do to get it to work/18:22
coltragonThe !panelreset even is not found, and gfconfool does not exist it syas18:24
coltragonThis has to do with the fact that i am on a different ubuntu distro i assume18:24
PeterSymonds-##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! PeterSymonds- brokkenarrow genii-around Road_hin_gale AgentBlair ueihttam ollie_a PhilK sloopy lamik Gnea bluenemo le0 frxstrem pLk theclaw awe tripps Da18:24
ollie_aanybody know how to configure a webcam? new to Ubuntu, thanks.18:24
shifnixollie_a: to do what?18:24
douglryno, does it have hdmi or vga inputs = I wanna just say get a cable that is compatible with both video card and tv - eliminate the adapter and rule that out...18:24
shifnixa lot of USB webcams are supported by default18:24
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.18:24
shifnixyou just need software to use them18:24
ZykoticK9coltragon, it's gconftool - perhaps just typo on irc?18:24
goltoofcoltragon, prefs > appearance > theme > customize >  have you played around here?  you can have different themes with different icons18:24
Pinakosuch as cheese18:24
Gnea!webcam | ollie_a18:24
derick__the language selector says that some packages are not installed, but when I choose install, it says 'cant install, fix broken packages first'18:24
ollie_ashifnix, work with empathy18:25
ubottuollie_a: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:25
stixi have problems with broken packs18:25
ollie_aCheers,, Gnea18:25
Pinakoi heard that a particular dairy product works great with webcams.18:25
shifnixollie_a: ah, for video chat?18:25
douglryno, I know you said it worked sometime before but we dont know if the computer made a lucky guess or what18:25
rynodougl: i bought the adapter because the tv had no vga input18:25
goltoofupdate error, little orange triangle icon that won't go away, says update info outdated ... when i check updates: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551188/18:25
Gneadoes empathy even support video chat?18:25
shifnixis there a skype for linux?18:25
rynodougl: when it worked it was with my lcd using vga/vga18:25
shifnixi'd recommend trying that, or use tinychat.com, which just requires flash18:25
Pinakoit... doesn't work great, i heard18:25
theclawwhat do I have to do so that my SSH private key gets unlocked when logging in?18:25
Pinakotinychat works with my netbook, with flash and camera.18:25
GneaVoice and video call using SIP, XMPP and Google Talk.18:25
ZykoticK9shifnix, add the partner repository - then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype"18:25
rynodougl: i wanna use my CRT tv using vga/rca18:26
r1vermanyes try sudo apt-get install skype18:26
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »18:26
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:26
=== christian is now known as Guest9653
technikfreakhey does for ubuntu exisitng a light calender software? i mean not sooo big like outlook18:27
douglryno, you know what you could do... I dont understand " when it worked it was with my lcd using vga/vga" means you had 2 vga displays?18:27
glacemanim having troubles installing a .deb18:27
glacemanit's a driver for my wlan18:27
=== Road_hin_gale is now known as Roadrunner
ZykoticK9glaceman, next time - put your question all on one line.  What error are you getting?18:28
Fuzzhey guys, does anyone have an idea about how to run a VPN software (like Hotspot Shield)on ubuntu ?18:28
glacemanbad link18:28
Scuniziglaceman: sudo chmod +x <file name> .. then just double click it in the gui18:28
goltoofupdate error, little orange triangle icon that won't go away, says update info outdated ... when i check updates: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551188/18:28
glacemanrt3090-dkms depends on dkms; however: Package dkms is not installed.18:28
glacemandpkg: error processing rt3090-dkms (--install)18:28
rynodougl: no i was using my LCD tv connecting to my laptop with a double-end vga cable (my LCD has a vga input)18:29
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gobbegoltoof: one of your ppas is outdated, check it from there or remove it18:29
ZykoticK9glaceman, "sudo apt-get install dkms" then try again18:29
glacemanhe following packages have unmet dependencies: dkms: Depends: linux-headers but it is not installable18:30
FuzzImma chargin mah lazer18:31
douglryno, so you never had the vga-svideo adapeter working? ...18:31
rynodougl: nope18:31
glacemanThe following packages have unmet dependencies: dkms: Depends: linux-headers but it is not installable18:32
glacemanE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)18:32
gobbeglaceman: so have you run sudo apt-get -f install ?18:32
r00t4rd3dglaceman, https://launchpad.net/~markus-tisoft/+archive/rt3090/+files/rt3090-dkms_2.3.1.7-0ubuntu0%7Eppa2_all.deb18:32
r00t4rd3dtry that one , its newer18:32
douglryno, I made a vga-svideo adapter once and it never worked - I thot I did something wrong... ended up getting a nvidia 5200 with all the input/outputs up to a svideo connection... every tv since I make sure has all the inputs...18:33
glacemangobbe: i tried sudo apt-get -f install18:33
gobbeglaceman: and what happened?18:33
goltoofwhat is yobbobandana?  what might get messed up if i purge it?18:34
rynodougl: im trying to set this up for my father who has a hard time sitting at a desk for a long period of time with his bad neck18:34
douglryno, are you ready to buy a new tv yet - lol... seriously... these days you are selling yourself short if you don't have a computer attached to your tv in some fashion...18:34
bencahilldoes anyone have any idea about sending remote key strokes?18:34
r00t4rd3dgoltoof, a game18:34
younderI can't get my chromium browser to work! I type one character and it exits. Do you know why?18:34
douglmedia server/xbox config what ever there is internet content tha t needs to be watched from a couch on a big screen.18:35
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rynodougl: I rock an LCD TV at my house, i would never use a CRT, but my dad is old fashioned and likes his 42" CRT18:35
goltoofr00t4rd3d:  orly?  wonder how that got there :/18:35
goltoofis there a simple command to purge a ppa?18:35
r00t4rd3dyour mother probably was playing it.18:35
goltoofr00t4rd3d:  roflesauce18:35
Weedyanyone using pidgin notice there are no account menus under the account menu?18:36
younderI just ran bastille18:36
KG72Is there a Jack audio source package for Ubuntu?18:36
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KG72I need to compile the oss driver18:36
douglryno, the problem with that is the hatachi is gonna kill his eyes... the resolution is not there for the application you are trying for, so even when we do get things worked out he will buy another tv eventually - or suffer severe eye strain18:36
younderI can't get my chromium browser to work! I type one character and it exits. Do you know why?18:36
younderI just ran bastille18:36
StavaHow do I change the icon of an application (the one used by docky)?18:37
douglryno, the screen on the hatachi is 4:3 not 16:9?18:37
goltoofyounder:  is the character you're typing Alt+F4 ?18:37
goltoofStava:  rightclick > properties > emblems18:38
rynodougl: yes18:38
Stavagoltoof, what do i right click on?18:38
bencahillgoltoof: lolol!18:38
SnowmanX11Question, which is the best applications for downloading from FTP and torrent (with GUI)?18:39
StavaSnowikku, I prefer FileZilla, but nautilus works as well18:39
StavaSnowmanX11, *18:39
ScuniziSnowmanX11: never ask for the best.. it's subjective.. however Filezilla18:39
ZykoticK9younder, try starting Chromium from a terminal (so you can see the output/error messages) - chromium-browser18:39
goltoofStava: guess i misread you a little.. that's just to change icon for file/folder.. not app, i don't think18:40
genii-aroundSnowmanX11: fatrat is pretty good18:40
r00t4rd3dyounder have you tried reinstalling it ?18:40
goltoofyounder:  keep in mind chromium less stable than chrome18:40
r00t4rd3dchoose reinstall when the software center pops up18:40
r00t4rd3doh nvm18:40
ZykoticK9r00t4rd3d, chrome != chromium18:41
KG72who here can I talk with about Jack / Audio setups?18:42
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SnowmanX11genii-around: thanks18:43
genii-aroundSnowmanX11: You're welcome18:43
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rynodougl: i give up, thanks for your help18:45
douglryno, yes - I dunno what to suggest... last ditch effort reboot the machine with only the hatachi hookd up and see if you get text/post info.18:46
LVollumOh, wow, lots of people. Hey, may I ask a quick question about installing? Just run into a bit of a problem.18:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:46
douglLVollum, just ask18:46
rynodougl: already tried that lol18:46
douglryno, and did you get the post info?18:47
kn100I have two ubuntu powered devices I want to transfer data between18:47
douglor just black screen ryno18:47
LVollumWell, alright then! It's got to the point where it says 'Waiting for you,' and the screen where I enter my login information, but the Forward button is greyed out. I've entered and re-entered everything, and I'm not sure what to do to get it to light up.18:47
kn100can anyone link me to something that would tell me how to do this via a specifically open port?18:47
goltoofkn100:  ubuntuone?18:47
rynodougl: im sorry what do you mean? i just meant I tried rebooting with the tv hooked up18:47
goltoofkn100:  you're looking to sync files?18:47
kn100goltoof, it's over 200gb of data, so uploading it to ubuntu one and downloading it on my other machine would take a while18:47
rynodougl: tv was blank18:47
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goltoofkn100: for sure.. ftp, or scp18:48
kn100goltoof, I'm looking for a way to share files between them over the router18:48
douglryno, if no display on that (PC with only the hatachi hooked up) then the adapter is bad18:48
rynodougl: im using a laptop18:48
kn100goltoof, I've got no idea on where to start though, I've opened a port on the router18:48
kn100how do I connect the machines?18:48
douglryno, lol - kinda hard to disconnect primary display on that but...18:49
goltoofkn100: never done that b4..18:49
thekidWhich package contains "autoconf.h" for building a module? kernel source,headers,package are installed yet I get the following error: /home/thekid/vpnclient/linuxcniapi.c:14: fatal error: linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory18:49
DaGeek247kn100are they both connected to the same router18:49
douglwhen you power PC up you should get the boot splash screen on both the displays (and mem check and cmos stuff/options) if not then bad cable/ adapter18:50
wildc4rdevening all18:50
douglwhen you power PC up you should get the boot splash screen on both the displays (and mem check and cmos stuff/options) if not then bad cable/ adapter ryno18:50
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goltoofkn100: you should see the other pc on the network if they're connected to the same router and configed18:50
kn100goltoof, they're both connected to the router wirelessly18:51
DaGeek247kn100: i can walk you through connecting them.18:51
kn100DaGeek247, that would absolutely rock18:51
nenadhello .. any AC players here?18:51
DaGeek247kn100 private message me18:51
nenadassault cube?18:51
KG72never heard of it, sorry18:52
nenadzhx anyway18:52
LVollumOh! Hah, there we go! Had a capital in my username.18:54
MusigregI got just one question: Do you know why grub would return to itself after i choose to boot Win7?18:55
bo7amnyi installed libreoffice via ppa and it removes openoffice and wont start and i cant install openoffice again it give a me an error , plz help18:56
ScuniziMusigreg: it's a conspiracy18:56
bastidrazorkn100: you could do this with scp, install openssh-server on both boxes then you18:56
bastidrazorkn100: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH  will help you18:56
goltoofkn100:  he's looking to see the other pc on the network, in nautilus18:57
bo7amnyany idea how can i get openoffice back?18:57
goltoofbastidrazor:  he's looking to see the other pc on the network, in nautilus18:57
running_rabbit07Musigreg, can you give us some background? When did you install Ubuntu? WHich version of Ubuntu?18:58
running_rabbit07Before installing Ubuntu, did you create the Windows repair disk? Musigreg18:58
bastidrazorgoltoof: installing openssh-server will enable him to do that too.  Places > Connect to Server > SSH  then fill in the appropriate information and Add bookmark. that will bring up the box with a single click on the bookmark name in Places.. kn10018:59
running_rabbit07Does anyone know how to get rid of the join/quit messages when using Pidgin?18:59
kn100bastidrazor, does installing it require any configuration afterwards?18:59
SandCubehow to access my machine by http://servername/ instead of without using dns?19:00
BoronCarbideI am having a problem while trying to use a ./configure script it just says: gcc is unable to create an executable file.19:00
BoronCarbide I have gcc installed and build-essential and have tried reinstalling both.....19:00
buggermeNew to ubuntu. Can someone point me to where I can find info on getting my ACER AL1917 monitor working properly!!19:00
dewwSandCube: /etc/hosts file19:00
running_rabbit07buggerme: have you installed drivers/19:00
bastidrazorkn100: you need to know the internal IP's of each and the dialog is self explanatory19:00
buggermeCan't find them19:00
goltoofbo7amny: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org19:01
ycashey there. i got a prob concerning the openvpn gui client in gnome; i cannot connect to it, although my config should be right (running it manually works via /etc/init.d...). Do you have any hints?19:01
kn100bastidrazor, sure19:01
kozakHi All,  is there something specific that I need to do to compile ubuntu kernel for corei319:01
SandCubedeww: my /etc/hosts looks like this http://pastebin.com/PN15B9Qy19:01
bo7amnyya i now it give an error19:01
GL_hi everyone, is there anyway to make a child process aware of its parent?19:01
zetrtui got this error with sudo19:01
zetrtusudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting19:01
running_rabbit07buggerme: Have looked in the menus at System> Administration> Hardware Drivers, or System> Admin> Additional Drivers(Ubuntu 10.10)19:01
zetrtuwhat to do ?19:01
dewwSandCube: ok just follow the examples there. you make those changes on the computer where you just want to type http://servername19:02
dewwSandCube: so if you have 100 of those, that 100 changes19:02
zetrtuhello anyone there19:02
zetrtuthis means what ? sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting19:03
running_rabbit07zetrtu: what command are your trying to run?19:03
buggermerunning_rabbit07: I don't have System> Administration> Hardware19:03
zetrtusudo su -19:03
bo7amnythis is the error i get when i do "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org" :19:03
bo7amnyt install openoffice.org19:03
bo7amny<ycas> hey there. i got a prob concerning the openvpn gui client in gnome; i cannot connect to it, although my config should be right (running it manually works via /etc/init.d...). Do you have any hints?19:03
bo7amny<kn100> bastidrazor, sure19:03
FloodBot1bo7amny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:03
bo7amny<kozak> Hi All,  is there something specific that I need to do to compile ubuntu kernel for corei319:03
bo7amny<SandCube> deww: my /etc/hosts looks like this http://pastebin.com/PN15B9Qy19:03
zetrtusudo su - running_rabbit0719:03
goltoofzetrtu: sudo visudo19:03
SandCubedeww: gotcha. Is there any way to do it automatic recognized on any network I connect the machine? (thats why I did not want to use dns)19:03
zetrtusame error goltoof19:04
goltoofzetrtu:  ya i wouldn't even know the next step  :P19:04
zetrtuno pblm19:04
running_rabbit07You can't use sudo su until you create the su login, please go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo to find out how to do so zetrtu19:04
zetrtuanyone  else ?19:04
BoronCarbideI am having a problem while trying to use a ./configure script it just says: gcc is unable to create an executable file.19:05
douglzetrtu, "sudo bash"19:05
running_rabbit07buggerme: you don't have sys> admin> additional drivers either? are you using xubuntu?19:05
kozakI am trying to compile a generic kernel . I have Lucid but have been doing regular upgrades... I think now it is more like Maverick over lucid. how can I know if I have maverick/Lucid?19:06
zetrtusudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1006, should be 019:06
zetrtusudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting19:06
douglzetrtu, so I guess figering this out is the right thing to do?19:06
running_rabbit07zetrtu: do not change those numbers19:07
* dougl googles "no valid sudoers sources found, quitting"19:07
running_rabbit07you will kill the system19:07
gobbekozak: lsb_release -a19:07
zetrtuwhat number ? running_rabbit0719:07
guntbertzetrtu: and for the future use sudo -i    instead of sudo su -  :-)19:07
running_rabbit07the UID permissions19:08
buggermerunning_rabbit07: I do have sys> admin> additional drivers, but it say I'm not using any proprietor y drivers.19:08
* dougl listens to running_rabbit07 19:08
zetrtui don't know even where is it running_rabbit0719:08
gobbebo7amny: what version you are running?19:09
running_rabbit07zetrtu: check out the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo it explains everything19:09
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kozakgobbe, thank you19:09
kozakgobbe, I have this in my home PC will check this later today!19:10
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kozakAny specific config to be set for corei3 while compiling the kernel?19:10
gobbebo7amny: upload your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin.ubuntu.com19:10
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ycask; vpn is running. thx :)19:11
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bo7amnygobbe, http://paste.ubuntu.com/551199/19:11
gobbebo7amny: you have installed openoffice with ppa?19:12
bo7amnyno i intalled libreoffice with ppa and its removed openoffice , gobbe19:13
gobbeok, it also messed up something :)19:13
bo7amnygobbe, and now i cant install oo.o back19:14
gobbebo7amny: how did you remove openoffice?19:14
gobbebo7amny: did you remove also ppa-links?19:14
bo7amnyno it was removed atomaticly when i installd libreoffice19:15
AscavasaionI installed an old PCI Video capture/TV/FM radio card into my computer and the network card disappeared.  I presume that there is an IRQ conflict?  How do I remedy this?19:15
the_eye_nautilus canot mound samba share & hight cpu load when I mount with smb://ip19:15
goltoofbo7amny:  sudo apt-get remove --purge openoffice.org  first, if you haven't already19:15
pouetpouethi, i want to have dedicated dns with network-manager though using wifi and dhcp, can't find solutions on the web19:16
goltoofbo7amny:  or openoffice*19:16
bo7amnyi did it nothing was removed19:16
bo7amnyya now it is removing somthing19:17
bo7amnydone , should i try to install it now19:18
thomasfustonAloha, i got a question, i want  mysql,mongodb stop being start on boot, i used the command "update-rc.d mongodb remove" but after a reboot it still starting the mongodb/mysql service19:18
nit-witbo7amny, I just did the same thing, by addiing the libreoffice ppa, it also needed a sudo apt-get install libreoffice to pull all the correct associated packages to make it work.19:18
ignarpsuse update-rc.d mongodb disable19:18
ignarpsmysql is probably a seperate start script though19:19
bo7amnynit-wit, i did that before and i have it installed but it wont start at all19:19
thomasfustonignarps: thx so far19:19
goltoofbo7amny:  still getting same errors?19:20
nit-witbo7amny, you did what19:20
bo7amnynit-wit, "sudo apt-get install libreoffice"19:20
goltoofbo7amny:  before or after sudo apt-get install openoffice.org   ?19:21
ignarpsthomasfuston, He mea iki19:21
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bo7amnyok can some one give me the ppa of openoffice for ubuntu 10.0419:21
nit-witbo7amny, it may be as goltoof is suggesting I think that OO was not cleaned out, this may be keeping dependencies. I used the ubuntu tweak sources to do this.19:21
xanguabo7amny: there is not, openeoffice is already in repositories19:22
nit-witbo7amny, when you ran the apt-get is this when OO was reomved and libreofice was installed19:22
bo7amnyno it was replaced by libreoffice19:22
nit-witbo7amny, which one do you want?19:23
rusty149bo7amny: what error messages are you getting?19:23
goltoofuninstall OO and libreoffice, then reinstall OO19:23
bo7amnyi want the openoffice 2.3 ppa for ubuntu 10.0419:23
buggermerunning_rabbit07: There is also no list of potential drivers in System > Administration > Additional Drivers.19:24
bo7amnygoltoof, i tryed that not working19:24
WierdAARHow do I disable the system-wide spell checking? It's driving me nuts..19:24
bo7amnyrusty149, http://paste.ubuntu.com/551198/19:24
goltoofbo7amny:  switch to google docs :p19:24
goltoofbo7amny:  that's what i did anyway19:24
bo7amnygoltoof, i preffer a desktop app :)19:25
nit-witbo7amny, do you mean OO 3 219:26
goltoofbo7amny:  i gotcha, in the end it's all a matter of preference19:26
bo7amnyya sorry 3.219:26
purpzeyCan someone tell me how to remove a program with all the associated data so that I can reinstall it completely clean?19:26
rusty149bo7amny: try just installing the packages you want e.g: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-calc19:26
douglpurpzey, what program?19:27
bo7amnyi tryed that as well19:27
goltoofpurpzey:  what program?  typically sudo-apt get remove program19:27
sergio91ptpurpzey: sudo apt-get purge19:27
rusty149or for everything try: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org*19:27
quiqueanyone know how I force a 32bit program to look in /usr/lib32?19:27
ZykoticK9purpzey, FYI if the program in question uses your home folder with a .foo type folder - no uninstalling will remove that, you'd need to do it manually.19:28
bo7amnyany one have the openoffice 3.2 ppa for ubuntu 10.04 ,plz ?19:28
h-deeHi...the subtitle files can't seem to load up when playing movie in stock Movie Player. Anyone knows how to resolve this? Tried everything.19:28
nit-witbo7amny, OO is a problem at times in removing if you don't know how to do it. So in installing libreoffice OO probably was not removed correctly. You need to remove every package of both from synaptic, then the OO file in home then reinstall OO, as goltoof has suggested in removing purging it all.19:29
rusty149bo7amny: openoffice.org is a metapackage19:29
ZykoticK9quique, are you having issues with 32bit libs on a 64bit OS?  if so, are you familiar with the 'getlibs' script?  Makes 32bit lib install much easier.  It's a script you can find in the ubuntu forum.19:29
goltoofbo7amny:  a start   http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/773-upgrade-to-openofficeorg-32-final-in-ubuntu-karmic-koala-via-ppa-launchpad19:29
sergio91ptbo7amny: Can't you simply purge everything related to openoffice and libreoffice first (and delete related ppa's)19:29
sergio91ptand after that try to make a clean install19:29
quiqueZykoticK9: no i'm not19:30
quiquedo you have a link?19:30
goltoofsergio91pt:  we've discussed that quite a few times already19:30
bo7amnythank u all i will try that and come back again :)19:30
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ZykoticK9quique, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479019:30
goltoofgood luck19:30
sergio91ptgoltoof: my bad19:30
nit-witOO is a strange beast at times the OO file from home is left even when purged, and can mess with a reinstalation.19:30
=== Guest22120 is now known as jacks__
birdman007What music player is a really good one19:30
goltoofsergio91pt:  it is weird that it wouldn't work doing that  :/19:31
jacks__got a problem with gnome-language-selector http://fpaste.org/uwDD/19:31
nit-witbirdman007, what do you want from the player19:31
h-deebirdman007: try Audacious, if you're from Windows background, and used to Winamp19:31
rusty149birdman007: clementine or rhythmbox19:31
h-deeHi...the subtitle files can't seem to load up when playing movie in stock Movie Player. Anyone knows how to resolve this? Tried everything.19:31
DaGeek247birdman007: not satisfied with ubuntu default player/organizer rythmbox?19:32
Myrttipatience, h-dee19:32
nit-with-dee, you might try smplayer the front end for the other Mplayer19:32
rusty149h-dee: Are they in a seperate file?19:32
birdman007i'm use to using itunes19:32
thomcIs there a way to stop ubuntu updating certain packages in a repo when you run apt-get update?19:33
goltoofh-dee:  have you selected for it to display the subtitles?  after making sure the file is in the same dir as the movie?19:33
h-deenit-wit: rusty149: I'm using MPlayer to do the job, but just want to know why others are able to load up such files in default Movie Player, but I'm not.19:33
=== Hekos is now known as hekos
goltoofh-dee:  view > subtitles > select subtitles19:33
h-deegoltoof: I tried everything buddy.19:33
guntbert!pin | thomc19:33
ubottuthomc: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:33
nit-with-dee, is it actuall totem19:33
sergio91ptthomc: you gan go to synaptic and lock the package I think19:33
quiqueZykoticK9: it looks like getlibs19:34
DaGeek247birdman007: i dont think that is for ubuntu. :p check out rythmbox from Applications>Sound and Video19:34
quiquejust installs19:34
quiquethe libs19:34
goltoofh-dee:  i hate sub files, sometimes they're out of sync with the audio.. wish they'd just keep it all in one file somehow19:34
h-deegoltoof: Totem is the stock Movie Player I think. If yes, I'm talking about that only.19:34
quiqueit doesn't make it use them19:34
=== hekos is now known as Hekos
goltoofh-dee:  right, totem = mplayer19:34
nit-with-dee, is it movie player or Mplayer your using19:34
h-deegoltoof: actually I've tried all .ssa, .srt, .sub No one shows up.19:34
jacks__got a problem with gnome-language-selector http://fpaste.org/uwDD/19:35
rusty149h-dee: Go to Help > About to be sure of program name.19:35
h-deenit-wit: I'm able to get the files work with MPlayer, but the Movie Player which came by default with Ubuntu installation don't load such files.19:35
ZykoticK9quique, to for 32bit you could try running the app like "linux32 ls" replace ls with whatever you are actually running.19:35
rusty149h-dee: What is the file extension?19:35
h-deerusty149: Its Totem.19:35
h-deerusty149: Tried srt, ssa, sub. All failed to show up.19:36
nit-with-dee, for subtitles I use vlc or smplayer which is a front end for Mplayer. Totem in my maverick set up is noe called movie player19:36
ZykoticK9h-dee, i use mplayer for almost everything (i have for years), i think Totem is poor in quality - and seems to cause a lot of issues.19:36
rusty149h-dee: OK, but what is the format and extension of the file you are loading? Or have you got multiple files?19:37
brontoeeeZykoticK9, its a mistery why totem is bundled by default, is it about licensing?19:37
cyberlordhey , all operations for package installation return me this: E: Invalid operation package_name19:37
h-deenitwit: ZykoticK9: I use MPlayer for that, but just curious to know why Totem didn't showed up subs when other people using the same app can use such files without facing any such issues (checked via Ubuntu forums)19:37
ZykoticK9brontoeee, ? i have no idea - i don't make the decisions ;)19:37
rusty149Totem is awesome btw, that is why it is default19:37
h-deerusty149: I tried .srt, .ssa, .sub files.19:38
quiqueZykoticK9: i tried that already, and it didn't work19:38
cyberlordmy update manager doesn't work too19:38
goltoofh-dee:  tried purgin/reinstalling?19:38
ZykoticK9quique, sorry don't know then.  Best of luck.19:39
h-deegoltoof: I reinstalled whole ubuntu 2 days back (corrupted some system files), but still the same problem.19:39
rusty149h-dee: Totem Movie Player will automatically load and display subtitles for a video if it finds a subtitle file with the same name as the video being played, and the extension asc, txt, sub, srt, smi, ssa or ass.19:39
goltoofh-dee:  yeah but remove --purge totem/mplayer  then reinstall19:39
h-deerusty149: Exactly! And what's what ain't happening at all.19:40
goltoofh-dee:  right, sub file must be same name as movie file name19:40
goltoofi think :s19:40
h-deegoltoof: I know that. Thanks. I'll try re-installing that app again.19:40
linux50hi everyone.19:42
halvorhei hei19:43
marysolHi, I'm looking for a way to look at TVshows on the TV site such as Global.ca.  Does someone have a solution ? I've tried Kafeine and TED, but nothing seems to work... Thanks !19:43
linux50Has anyone successfully configured address book with exchange 2010?19:43
h-deegoltoof: rusty149: nit-wit: Thanks for the help and suggestions, I'll see if anything's possible, or got to throw it away. Cya!19:43
goltoofh-dee:  good luck19:43
rusty149h-dee: Try the command line option19:43
Bangsakhallo all19:44
bcurtiswxso when reinstalling.. i should keep the .ssh and .gnupg folders.. right?19:44
nit-with-dhow do you know they are loading these files and in what context, your working in a assumptive mode.19:45
halvoris there a way that my wifi problems (that i've created) could be solved by reinstalling the latest kernel which supports my wifi chips?19:45
prezes_hello everybody19:46
goltoofaptitude -vvvvvv moo19:46
rusty149halvor: Depends on alot of thing but yes.19:46
nit-with-dhow, sorry meant for the other h-dee19:47
paddy_I am trying to sync my iPad with rhythmbox but my music is in flac and it seems rhythmbox wants to copy it in flac, how do i fix, it wont let me sync as there would not be enough space with flac encoding.19:47
halvorrusty149: so i should try doing so19:47
halvorrusty149: how could i do that? sudo apt-get --reinstall what?19:47
rusty149halvor: start with: sudo lspci   and telling pasting the output here, http://goo.gl/ixcN919:48
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
=== miniuser is now known as phantom0fthe0per
brontoeeepaddy_, use something that reconverts to lossy format ? like aac or whatever is supported in ipads19:53
lesshastecan rhythmbox (or anything else) stream video do a dlna tv?19:53
breadcrumbquiet in here..19:54
brontoeeelesshaste, maybe vlc19:54
paddy_I am trying to sync my iPad with rhythmbox but my music is in flac and it seems rhythmbox wants to copy it in flac, how do i fix, it wont let me sync as there would not be enough space with flac encoding.19:54
lesshastebrontoeee: oh!?19:55
LosyramHi there !19:55
=== phantom0fthe0per is now known as miniuser
lesshasteOer: :(19:55
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LosyramI want to look at TV shows on sites such as Global.ca... Is it possible ?19:56
j-invariantHow do I get the cups filter foomatic-rip-hplib?19:56
OerMediaTomb should so serve dnla19:56
breadcrumbLosyram what format are the videos on that site?19:57
boshheadIs there are PPA for flash 10.2 32-bit? I see a 64-bit PPA, but no 32-bit one...19:57
erUSUL!find foomatic19:58
ubottuFound: foomatic-db, foomatic-db-compressed-ppds, foomatic-db-engine, foomatic-filters, foomatic-db-gutenprint19:58
Losyrambreadcrumb :How do I know?19:58
erUSULj-invariant: intall this ^19:58
erUSUL!find hplip19:58
ubottuFound: hplip, hplip-cups, hplip-data, hplip-dbg, hplip-doc19:58
breadcrumbLosyram, can you give me an example of a video you're trying to watch? paste the site address19:58
j-invariant!find hplib19:59
ubottuFile hplib found in libphp-phplayersmenu, mahara, obm-core, php-cache19:59
brontoeeepaddy_, foobar2000 is known to work under wine, and i'am pretty sure you can find plugin for anything really19:59
Losyrambreadcrumb : http://www.globaltv.com/bones/video/behind+the+scenes/david+boreanaz+bones/video.html?v=1721460591&p=1&s=dd#bones/video20:00
m4xxi have to run ntpdate daily right now it's off by 22 minutes, why might my machine not be keeping time properly?20:00
halvorhey, can anyone tell me how can i reinstall the latest kernel?20:00
erUSULm4xx: low motherboard battery? you duial boot with windows and it messes up the clock ?20:00
paddy_brontoeee I managed to do previously20:00
sergio91ptboshhead: there's no need for one, you can install it from the partners repo20:00
breadcrumbLosyram, looks like it's just a FlashVideo, you need  Adobe Flash Player20:01
Oerhalvor you should download and compile it yourself www.kernel.org20:01
m4xxit's a brand new mobo20:01
m4xxso i dont think it's the battery20:01
erUSULm4xx: dual boot?20:01
breadcrumb!flashplayer | Losyram20:01
ubottuLosyram: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:01
Besogonm4xx, there is something wrong with motherboard20:01
boshheadsergio91pt: but my system is up to date, i have the partners repo enabled, and i'm running flash 10.1 ... where is flash 10.2?20:01
m4xxyes i do dual boot, but haven't booted into windows in a few days20:01
Losyrambreadcrumb : Could it be so simple ? Do you know wich version I should install for ubuntu 10.10 ? http://get.adobe.com/fr/flashplayer/20:03
erUSULm4xx: something weird in « dmesg | grep -Ei '(clock|time)' » ? a line similar to this rtc_cmos 00:02: setting system clock to 2011-01-06 17:45:23 UTC (1294335923)20:04
Losyramubottu : I'm looking at your links, thanks20:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:04
sergio91ptboshhead: you can always download the generic linux plugin: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html20:05
JemtHi. I suppose the database holding information about .deb packages available though apt-get, may take up a little space. How do I clear this database? I can always perform 'apt-get update' when I want it back20:05
boshheadsergio91pt: yeah, i'd like to avoid doing that. i want a proper package. someone bothered to make one for 64-bit, i'm just confused as to why there doesn't seem to be one for 32-bit20:05
m4xxerUSUL: [    1.106290] rtc_cmos 00:04: setting system clock to 2010-12-27 13:28:54 UTC (1293456534)20:06
erUSULm4xx: and it matchs with the time you booted the computer ? ( taking into account that this time is utc )20:06
thomcMy brightness function keys aren't working. The notification bubble comes up but the bar doesn't move.20:07
sergio91ptboshhead: I think it's because till recently there was no official x64 binaries (not sure)20:07
prezes_hello everybody20:07
m4xxthat's the whole output20:07
marine1what is the best way to transfer files from a internal hard drive to external20:07
marine1is it just plug and go??20:07
Bipul`sudo apt-get build-essential ruby ? is it correct command to install ruby20:08
marine1then drag and drop20:08
j-invariantso how do I get foomatic-rip-hplip?20:08
martinramehi, in Ubuntu Server 10.04 I've installed Apache2, and I doesn't starts at boot. If I do sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start it runs20:08
sergio91ptboshhead: anyway its a closed-source (single) binary file, when the repo gets updated you'll get the "official" flash 10.2 (porbably won't happen while its in beta status)20:08
marine1or do I need to format the new external drive create partations20:08
Oermarine1 just plug it in, an Icon should appear on your desktop20:08
marine1Oer: then hwat20:08
marine1Oer: *what20:09
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marine1Oer: do I have to format the new drive??20:09
Oermarine1, just open it, and you should see the folders, else you need ntfs drivers20:09
marine1Oer: this is for linux not windows20:09
marine1Oer: gparted20:10
Oermarine1, if you do not need ntfs, format ext3/ext4 with Gparted20:10
marine1Oer: basically I want to do a fresh install on my current harddrive but it ws never properly formated20:10
SandCubehow to access my machine on LAN by http://servername/ instead of without using dns?20:10
Oermarine1 i see, backup your data and start a fresh install ;-)20:11
boshheadSandCube: add an entry in /etc/hosts20:11
marine1Oer: I don't want to lose all of my files,etc so I want to purchase an external transfer all of my files over. Then refomat the current hd then transfer everything back20:11
BoronCarbideld: crtbegin.o: No such file: No such file or directory is the error I get when trying to compile things, also says gcc cannot create executables have tried reinstalling just about everything relevant....20:12
SandCubeboshhead: I tried it, but no luck. How to do it? I want access by http://sandcube-vm/20:12
marine1Oer: i can't back it up on the same hd because it was never seperated by home / root20:12
cpu_samuraihello everyone20:12
Oermarine1, yes you can copy 1:120:12
marine1Oer: how do I do that20:13
Jordan_Umarine1: You don't need to have /home on a separate partition to preserve /home with a re-install.20:13
smwhello cpu_samurai20:13
SandCubeboshhead: also I just want to cofigure the server, not the clients20:13
boshheadSandCube: what does the line in /etc/hosts say?  You should have a line that says: <tab> sandcube-vm20:13
martinramehi, in Ubuntu Server 10.04 I've installed Apache2, and I doesn't starts at boot. If I do sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start it runs ok.20:13
SandCubeboshhead: on the server or clients?20:14
martinramedoes anyong faced the same problem?20:14
boshheadSandCube: well that's impossible. you either need to use DNS, or each machine is going to need a host entry for that named machine.20:14
Oermarine1,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem20:14
marine1Jordan_U: yes I know but the root home have never been seperated it's all under dev/sda20:14
boshheadSandCube: on the clients20:14
Jordan_Umarine1: http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/1093664654/no-need-to-complicate-your-life20:15
SandCubeboshhead: is there any way to do it only on server side?20:15
boshheadSandCube: when a computer tries to resolve a name, it first looks in /etc/hosts, if nothing is there, it tries DNS. So, you need to do one of those two things.20:15
cpu_samuraicouldnt jordan just resize his current partition, create a new 2nd partition and then copy the data over?20:15
boshheadSandCube: not as far as i'm aware20:15
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marine1Jordan_U: OK but what does that have to do with preserving my data on a fresh install20:16
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BoronCarbideld: crtbegin.o: No such file: No such file or directory is the error I get when trying to compile things, also says gcc cannot create executables have tried reinstalling just about everything relevant....20:17
glacemanhey guys20:17
glaceman]need some help over here20:17
glacemantrying to install a rt3090 driver (wlan)20:17
glacemani receive an error20:17
WhiteDawn!ask | glaceman20:17
Jordan_Umarine1: http://askubuntu.com/questions/247/whats-your-recommendation-on-drive-partitioning-schemes-for-a-desktop-and-home-s/3603#360320:17
ubottuglaceman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:17
Oermarine1, if it is all under sda , i would make a package list of installed apps > " terminal: sudo dpkg --get-selections > installed-applications.txt " and reinstall20:17
CPU_Samuraiwell if you resize current partition to make space for a new 2ndary partition aka d: or sutch, then copy the data over to it.. so when you re-install you will only be formatting the c: thus leaving the data on the new d: alone20:17
glacemanError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: (i686)20:17
glacemanConsult the make.log in the build directory20:17
glaceman/var/lib/dkms/rt3090/ for more information.20:17
glacemanInstalling initial module20:17
glacemanError! Could not locate rt3090sta.ko for module rt3090 in the DKMS tree.20:17
FloodBot1glaceman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:17
glacemanYou must run a dkms build for kernel (i686) first.20:17
marine1Oer: what is the command to show current parttions20:18
tom3phello, how do I 'apt-get -d'  for hardy target when I'm on a Lucid system?20:18
Oermarine1 fdisk -l20:18
sanjoyhi all20:18
glacemanneed some expert around please20:19
glacemantroubles installing a driver20:19
AscavasaionHow do I know what speed my network card is connected at? 10/100/1000 Mb/s?20:20
sanjoyhow will i change the format of video file or audio file20:20
KM0201glaceman: just ask your question, if someone can help, they will answer20:20
glacemani can't ask20:20
marine1Oer: fdisk -l20:20
glacemani got an error20:20
glacemanit's a couple of lines20:20
glacemancan't paste, kinda flooding20:20
KM0201glaceman: then ask, and use the pastebin...20:20
glacemanwhat's the pastebin ?20:20
gobbepastebin.ubuntu.com for example20:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:20
KM0201glaceman: the one thats linked in the topic you read when you came to the room20:20
BoronCarbidecan someone please help my c++ compiler is fucked20:21
agonare here any programmers here?20:21
glacemancan't i just talk in PM please to someone20:21
glacemannewbie here20:21
vnhi, I'm trying to get BackupExec Agent running and I get this /opt/VRTSralus/bin/beremote: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:21
KM0201glaceman: can't you just talk here?.. you're expecting someone to PM you, why don't you just do like everyone else, and ask here. .and if someone wants to PM you, they will20:21
agonI need help to developing a Wordlist Algorithim. I've done this for numbers. Now I have problem to do this with alphabets20:21
vnwhat package should I use?20:22
glacemanok here it is : some guys here gave me a .deb package for my wlan network card (driver)20:22
glacemani recive an error while installing20:22
agonanybody who can help me?20:22
glacemanCould not locate rt3090sta.ko for module rt3090 in the DKMS tree20:23
gobbe!anybody | agon20:23
ubottuagon: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:23
glacemanYou must run a dkms build for kernel (i686) first.20:23
sanjoyhow will i convert video files20:23
chrisknowlesglaceman: are you trying to solve the 10.10 wireless problem?20:23
gobbeglaceman: which wireless adapter you are trying to get working and which version you are running?20:23
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BoronCarbideld: crtbegin.o: No such file: No such file or directory is the error I get when trying to compile things, also says gcc cannot create executables have tried reinstalling just about everything relevant....20:23
glacemanim running backtrack 4...network card ralink rt309020:23
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gobbeglaceman: like i told you earlier, this channel is for ubuntu, not for backtrack20:24
KM0201glaceman: if you have a backtrack problem, you need to seek help from #backtrack20:24
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
BoronCarbidecan anyone even hear me?20:24
glacemanyeah but theres no one on the backtrack channel :S20:24
agonhere is my code for the numbers (c#):20:24
agonpublic static int MakeList(long max, string output, long min)20:24
agon        {20:24
agon            long currentNumber = (long)(Math.Pow(10, min - 1)) - 1;20:24
agon            try20:24
agon            {20:24
agon                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(output))20:24
agon                {20:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:24
FloodBot1agon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:24
sanjoy how will i convert video files?20:24
KM0201glaceman: then i would suggest using something more mainstream20:24
gobbeglaceman: well, we cannot help with that20:24
CPU_SamuraiBoron did you compile your OBj file and have it in the dir20:24
glacemancmon no one knows how to install a damn driver :S20:25
BoronCarbideCPU_Samurai, whay is an OBj  file, i dont usually compile from source.. I have a ./configure file20:25
gobbeglaceman: you could also try general linux-channel20:25
glacemanoh thakns gobbe20:25
KM0201glaceman: you need to seek out backtrack help, this is #ubuntu20:25
glacemani will give it a try20:25
Oer!backtrack | glaceman20:25
ubottuglaceman: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition20:25
chrisknowlesquestion:  Has anyone successfully overcome the 10.10 Wireless issue and kept 10.10 running with the rt2870 driver?20:25
sanjoy how will i convert video files?20:26
sanjoy how will i convert video files?20:26
CPU_Samuraiok, sorry im used to programming from scratch,  obviously the file is missing, check the source files and verify that that 1 file is there20:26
agonsanjoy with ffmpeg20:26
chrisknowlesagon: did you have to install the new driver from RALink?20:26
BoronCarbideCPU_Samurai, http://pastebin.com/MhZj161v20:26
agonit just worked fine20:26
agoni had nothin to install20:27
chrisknowlesagon: wow, you are truly blessed ...20:27
CPU_Samurai1 sec20:27
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:27
agondid this just work for me?20:27
_jukisry :D20:28
sriso I'm suffering from some package dep hell20:28
chrisknowlesagon:  For whatever reason, my Buffalo N adapter (usb) would not work with the default driver in 10.10 (known issue on the forums) but none of the directions ever got me completely up and running ...20:28
qoelqastHello, is there someone who can help me with Xorg? [Not sure if it's a problem]20:28
BoronCarbideCPU_Samurai, take your time, I have searched all over and tried reinstalling all my gcc type stuff and I do have build essential and g++ installed too...20:29
agonsry chris knowles20:29
agonI have no clue how to help you20:29
chrisknowlesagon: no worries, 10.04 LTS on CD is a wonderful thing20:29
sriI need to remove libwnck-devel, but it is depending on libxes-dev which seems to be coming perhpas from a ppa?20:29
sriI removed all my ppas, but I still can't get it to remove20:29
marine1Oer: can I put all files in one area to copy20:29
qoelqastIs there someone who can help me with Xorg startup errors?20:30
CPU_Samurailooking over code now.... checking 1 more thing20:30
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:30
sriI have above avg knowledge in dpkg, so if there are experts around le tmeknow20:30
gobbe!ask | qoelqast20:30
ubottuqoelqast: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:30
qoelqastI got: error setting MTRR when trying to load X, there's only X installed20:31
Oermarine1, like this > http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8915051&postcount=720:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:31
j-invariantwhen I try to print something I just get pages of text (postcript or something) :(20:31
genii-around!it > darkman_20:31
ubottudarkman_, please see my private message20:31
CPU_Samuraiwho had the crtbegin error??20:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:32
marine1Oer: i ran that in the terminal20:32
marine1Oer: How do I now if it saved it.20:33
marine1Oer: or where is it saved to??20:33
qoelqastI got: error setting MTRR when trying to load X, there's only X installed. What does this mean/how to fix?20:33
j-invariantAnyone know how to fix it: Printing does pages of text instead of the image20:33
Oermarine1, it is saved in your home folder20:33
Oerit is just the list, not the packages nor the data20:34
marine1Oer:  i see now what about all my flies that are on my HD??20:34
pioloxdcc list20:34
marine1Oer: Types of Backup which one Folder??20:35
younderWhy won't my music play? Default setting?20:35
qoelqastI got: error setting MTRR when trying to load X, there's only X installed. What does this mean/how to fix?20:36
marine1Oer:  i see now what about all my flies that are on my HD??20:36
Jordan_Upiolo: This is not a file sharing channel (or network). Do you have an Ubuntu support question?20:36
Oermarine1, yes, all the current installed packages20:36
marine1Oer: yes bro but what about all my music videos etc??20:37
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younderI get to utube and then nothing. endless circling dots.. Why?20:37
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Oermarine1, backup your /home/  to the external hdd20:37
qoelqastI got: error setting MTRR when trying to load X, there's only X installed. What does this mean/how to fix?20:38
marine1Oer: that is what I asked earlier20:38
Oerthen the package list, an do reinstall20:38
younderWhat download includes MP3 etc?20:38
j-invariantI can't even get a printer working I feel like a total idiot :(20:38
marine1Oer: now I have a new external hdd use gparted then just drag my home folder there20:38
Oermarine1, yups20:39
marine1Oer: so bascially the external is sort of like a folder20:39
marine1Oer: just drag and drop20:39
marine1Oer: is that right??20:40
j-invariantDoes anyone understand this problem: When printing I don't get pictures but random text instaed (it looks like postscript or something)20:40
qoelqastI got: error setting MTRR when trying to load X, there's only X installed. What does this mean/how to fix?20:40
tajpan_22hello everybody20:40
younderok restricted-extras20:40
Nanohaj-invariant: Sounds like a driver issue to me.  Is the correct printer driver installed?20:41
tajpan_22can someone help me with irssi please?20:41
Oermarine1, drag & drop works, if you have sufficient diskspace on the external, of course20:41
NanohaJordan_U: Good afternoon!20:41
younderFailed to fetch http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/ffmpeg-extra/libavutil-extra-50_0.6-2ubuntu3_i386.deb Could not connect to no.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111: Connection refused)20:42
marine1Oer: yes 1TB20:42
younderwhat's that?20:42
gobbeyounder: your mirror is broken20:42
marine1Oer: the reason why I'm doing a fresh install i upgraded via update manager to 9.10 and now I have multiple problems20:42
j-invariantNanoha: I changed the driver and I think itw orks now!!! thank you20:42
youndergobbe, my what?20:43
gobbeyounder: norway mirror, use sweden or something20:43
Nanohaj-invariant: YAY!  I had a good solution for once!! LOL20:43
youndergobbe, ahh20:43
marine1Oer: One of them is speaker sound the other is movie player not being able to play yputube videos from inside the program and my system froze up on me like 3 to 4 times already20:43
youndergobbe, I seriously doubt it20:44
qoelqastI got: error setting MTRR when trying to load X, there's only X installed. What does this mean/how to fix?20:44
youndergobbe, It all seems to happen after I used bastille20:44
marine1Oer: and now that I look at it i have been using ubuntu since the 7. series and never reallt partitioned my harddrive correctly20:45
gobbeyounder: ok, then you firewalled outgoing connections or something20:45
Oermarine1 you really need a fresh install, take your time :-)20:46
marine1Oer: if I do fresh install should i reformat the entire hdd then reinstall packages then drag all of my files back to the reformatted harddrive20:46
marine1Oer: in other words seperate root/swp and home folders20:47
Oermarine1, let ubuntu 'use entire HDD' and it will set properly20:47
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marine1Oer: so I don't have to manually seperate root/home/swap20:49
qoelqastI got: error setting MTRR when trying to load X, there's only X installed. What does this mean/how to fix?20:50
Oermarine1, yes, ubuntu calculates the right sizes and format-type etc20:50
marine1Oer: you know i think I did that in the past and it never seperated anything but lumped it all together in dev/sda20:51
=== MatthewDS is now known as bus
=== bus is now known as MatthewDS
BrixSatwhat permissions should have /var/www so that www-data user and proftpd user can write and read and execute?20:51
marine1Oer: what is the command for seeing dev/sda20:51
ignarpsmarine1, if you don't know you want a specific filesystem layout you want for a system.  Then use the defaults.20:52
lesshasteI want to print to an HP printer on my local network. In windows I just add a networked printer. In ubuntu it asks me to specify the network printer "Host"20:52
ignarpshow do you want to see sda ? ls ? dd, fdisk ?20:52
lesshastewhat should that be?20:52
arizalordhow do i get extended desktop option for multiple displays with different resolution in Xubuntu??20:52
marine1ignarps: will what partations i have so far20:52
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ignarpsmarine1, that question does not make sense.20:53
mtrakeris it posible speak with empathy in irc chanels?20:53
tajpan_22 /script load script.pl20:53
marine1ignarps: that wasn't a question. see what ios on dev/ssda20:53
marine1ignarps: *is20:53
ignarpsI guess I don't understand what you are trying to do.  Do you want to see the partition table of sda ? or mount it to see what files are on it20:54
marine1Oer: so I should be straight then. Save home to external then freshh install then just reload my apps20:54
qoelqastbryceh: cat /proc/mtrr gives outpu: base=0x000000000 (     0MB),size=     128MB, count=1:write-back etc20:55
cschneidCan somebody recommend an FTP server that can be driven off a username file (ie, not unix accounts, but a db or plaintext file instead)?20:55
astroboyIs there a way to see every explicitly installed packages?20:56
ignarpscschneid, proftpd will do this20:56
marine1Oer: will a fresh install overwrite that saved file for my apps20:56
ignarpsastra05, dpkg --list20:56
Oermarine1, yes i hope so20:56
Oerfresh install will wipe your entire drive marine120:56
cschneidignarps: cool, I'll dive into it.  Basically need the "Shared hosting" environment for ftp, where I can autocreate a directory, and give somebody ftp access.20:57
Oerso if you saved your /home/ you will find it there20:57
marine1oer beautiful20:58
marine1Oer: beautiflu20:58
breadcrumb!es | jaime20:58
ubottujaime: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:58
ignarpscschneid, yeah proftp even has a ton of plugin/modules for it.   I am sure you will be able to do what you want with it20:58
Andycasim using ssh to connecto to remote machine, how do I launch a gui program on remote machine display? I have tried firefox --display=:0 but that does not work (it works when I use it on local machine, but on ssh it says cannot open display)20:59
cschneidignarps: awesome, thanks for the help20:59
erUSULAndycas: you have to enable the user to open programs in the local Xserver20:59
marine1Oer: just thinking out load maybe i can just write out my current installed apps and when I do the fresh install it will install the latest and greatest versions??20:59
ignarpsuse ssh -X hostname to connect to the remote server20:59
erUSULAndycas: xhost +SI:localuser:usernametogiveaccesstogoeshere21:00
qoelqastI got: error setting MTRR when trying to load X, there's only X installed. What does this mean/how to fix?21:00
ignarpsthen you check for $DISPLAY to have the localhost:10.0 etc.  then x apps should launch21:00
ignarpsunless they turned off X redirection in the sshd_config file21:00
Oermarine1, update gives the latest automatic21:00
marine1Oer:  oh ok21:00
AndycaserUSUL, thanks, I will try this21:00
tame_lx_techevenin all21:01
marine1Oer: so reload apps then update??21:01
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ignarpsAndycas, read what I wrote above21:01
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ignarpsAndycas, it was for your ssh X question21:01
guntbertignarps: you are telling him how to get a remot app disply on the local display - I assumed he wanted it to display on the remote...21:01
astroboySo there is no way of listing the packages that were selected explicitely, not pulled in as dependencies?21:01
ignarpsoh I misunderstood you21:01
erUSULignarps: he asked how to launch a program in the *remote display*21:01
ignarpsah reminds me the days of xcrowbar21:02
tame_lx_technormally thats 'export DISPLAY=:0'21:02
Oermarine1, i would reinstall all versions tru synaptic21:02
shomonhi, I've got a laptop running linux which doesn't boot. It puts me on a console with a lot of errors, and it doesn't manage to mount anything.21:02
marine1oer yes that is what I was thinking21:03
genii-aroundastroboy: sudo dpkg --get-selections21:03
shomonany idea where to start with diagnosing it?21:03
astroboygenii-around: thanks21:04
shomonit says "unable to handle kernel paging request" at the top of this bunch of errors.21:04
ignarpsshomon, do you see the grub screen ?21:04
KM0201shomon: well, i'd start by googling the errors.. what version of ubuntu?21:04
shomonnot sure, what is that? It's the latest nds 10.04?21:04
astroboygenii-around: Actually that thing lists packages that were pulled as dependencies21:05
marine1Oer: yes bro so once fresh install is done then reload apps or just go thur synaptic??21:05
shomonoops yes lts, ignarps21:05
shomonit seems to be a root terminal with a few commands in it21:05
shomonlike wget etc21:05
shomonbut I'll see what some more of the errors are...21:06
marine1Oer: i know the command sudo dpkg --set-selections < myPackages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade will reinstall packages but how do I know when to do that??21:06
shomonah, It's busybox21:07
AndycaserUSUL, "xhost +" did the trick temporarily, but I can't seem to get it working with access control on21:08
shomonKM0201 it's 10.04 I think, busybox is calling it ubutu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu1121:08
qoelqastI got: error setting MTRR when trying to load X, there's only X installed. What does this mean/how to fix?21:09
Oermarine1, you use it in terminal, or use the list as refference for package choosing in synaptic21:09
KM0201shomon: yeah, those busybox errors are hard to troubleshoot.21:09
shomon:) ah so it's not just me21:09
shomonwell lots to read, but I want to know just if it's software and fixable or a job for the laptop shop21:09
marine1Oer: yes so after the frsh install is done the use the command in the terminal?21:10
marine1Oer: right?21:10
KM0201shomon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146827721:10
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marine1Oer: it's probably easier to do it in the terminal21:10
KM0201shomon: was that an upgrade, or a clean install?21:10
marine1Oer: then it will get latest vrsions21:11
jedi6185so i need a bit of help on installing ubuntu21:11
jedi6185anybody mind assisting?21:11
KM0201jedi6185: whats the problem?21:11
jedi6185well i installed it the first time21:11
fox__just checking this channel, see you guys later...21:11
shomonthanks! just having a gander21:11
jedi6185and had a problem with the video21:11
jedi6185so figured maybe i f'd up the install so i did it again21:11
shomonKM0201: it was a clean install21:11
marine1Oer: once last thing i would like to back-up all of my ff settings,bookmarks passwords and sites?21:12
jedi6185so far the video looks fine... but it wont startup... its stuck at the startup screen with the cursor doing the wait thing21:12
Oermarine1, if you haven't done this before,i recconment manual install tru synaptic21:12
guntbert!enter | jedi618521:12
ubottujedi6185: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:12
KM0201jedi6185: do you get a grub menu21:12
jedi6185no km i dont21:12
marine1Oer: that's fine21:13
Oermarine1, bookmarks yes, passwords no21:13
marine1Oer: isn't there a setting in the ff folders for passwords21:13
marine1Oer: profile migration21:15
shomonKM0201: is there a way to get to some kind of boot log if it didn't mount a volume?21:15
shomonthe problem I think is that a lot of this error has scrolled off the screen21:15
shomonso I can't get back with shift pgup21:15
shomonI have made a boot disk and tried that but although it is set to boot from cd first, it gives the exact same error message21:16
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alzamabarHi does anyone know how to assign always the same IP to a VM Ubuntu which uses NAT (Share hosts IP address)?21:16
guntbertalzamabar: that depends on the virtualization product21:17
alzamabarguntbert: I'm using VMware Workstation21:17
shopliftershomon, have you looked into /var/log/messages ?21:18
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marine1Oer: this is what i'm working with: /dev/sda1   *           1       18662   149902483+  83  Linux21:18
marine1/dev/sda2           18663       19457     6385837+   5  Extended21:18
marine1/dev/sda5           18663       19457     6385806   82  Linux swap / Solaris21:18
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guntbertalzamabar: I don't know, but you could ask in #vmware21:18
shomonno, there is nothing on var, but "lock"21:19
younderwell sound works! If justUtube would..21:19
shomonthe full error message I am getting at the top is ""BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 00fc0000""21:20
pipegeekhow possible is it right now to get maverick running on a macbook air (without virtualization)?  I've been googling for a while and there don't seem to be too many people  who've pulled it off.21:20
marine1Oer: ???21:20
BoronCarbideI cant compile any programs it just says that gcc cant compile executables tried reinstalling ...... and rebooting...21:20
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guntbertBoronCarbide: this is not windows - rebooting will usually not help at all - can you !pastebin one try?21:22
bug2000How do you do the run? [normally I've used Alt+F2, but it doesn't seem to work]21:22
younderrebooting often works or me..21:23
Danny78hi everyone21:23
Jordan_Upipegeek: Best way to find out is to try to boot from a liveCD/USB and see how it works. If the live system works then installation should go fine.21:23
BoronCarbideguntbert, its related to crtbegin.o but I do have the file...21:24
younderTake leave of the pleasantries and state your problem.21:24
marine1Oer: thanks for the help21:24
pipegeekJordan_U: difficult seeing as how I haven't purchased one yet ;)21:24
gn00beyhi, ubuntu just overwrote my windows partition21:24
Danny78younder:  was that aimed at me?21:24
gn00beyhere's a transcript of what i did:21:24
guntbertBoronCarbide: no, please use a pastebin to show us the command and output when you try to compile it21:24
gn00beypretty bad21:24
Travis-42computer is moving at a snail's pace, but according to everything only 40% of cpu in use. how can I figure out why so slow?21:25
Danny78younder:  lol, I'm waiting for a computer to boot up so I can state my problem clearly if that's ok with you21:25
guntbert!who | younder21:25
ubottuyounder: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:25
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BoronCarbideguntbert, http://pastebin.com/MhZj161v21:26
guntbertGuest88415: don't irc as root21:26
younderI know..21:26
javilajoin/ #yarolinux21:26
odigemкакая прога предлагает искать кодеки? ну когда открываеш неизвестный формат в плеере21:27
Jordan_Upipegeek: Indeed :) Macs tend to have a lot of hardware without great linux support though.21:27
pipegeekyeah, that was my feeling21:27
younderodigem, english please21:27
pipegeekI'm easily tempted by shiny21:27
shopliftershomon, if you can't find it there, I feel you will need more "specialized" help. Sorry.21:28
qoelqastI got: error setting MTRR when trying to load X, there's only X installed. What does this mean/how to fix?21:28
Jordan_U!ru | odigem21:28
ubottuodigem: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:28
younderI happen to speak russian but I am reasonably sure 99% don't21:28
alberto_pensadorme included :)21:28
WillowRabbitok, so I've been trying to install WoW via Wine, but having some serious problems21:28
guntbertBoronCarbide: what are you trying to compile? that is rarely needed.21:29
PhoenixSTFwow via wine... goog luck m821:29
BoronCarbideguntbert, yea im over it I gotta run, but thanks21:29
PhoenixSTFWillowRabbit, try instaling winetricks, they might help21:29
shomonshoplifter, thanks I'm seeking someone who might know all the kernel page request error codes off by heart21:30
ish10hey guys what is the command to run netcat such that it will print ascii lines from a file to a socket21:30
Lantchipshmm I thought WoW via Wine was trouble free ?21:30
Lantchipshave u checked wines homepage ?21:30
Danny78What can I do to get the proper resolution to display after reboots using xorg.conf?21:31
LantchipsWillowRabbit http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2054921:31
shoplifterI googled this, you might want to try it: Set rc_logger="YES" in /etc/rc.conf to have the boot sequence logged21:32
shoplifterto /var/log/rc.log21:32
hariykeyboardcan anyone direct me to any links about or does anyone have any recommendations about what root directories are worth backing up?21:34
shoplifteror maybe in ubuntu it is in /etc/modules21:35
agentgasmaskHi. What config files should I backup so I can restore an OpenVPN setup?21:36
guntbert!who > shoplifter21:36
ubottushoplifter, please see my private message21:36
agentgasmaskAKA, what config files should I restore to restore an OpenVPN setup?21:36
agentgasmask!who > agentgasmask21:37
ubottuagentgasmask, please see my private message21:37
atpa8awhat's the deal with ubuntu assigning the hostname to
tasHow to cd to downloads folder?21:38
KM0201tas: cd /home/username/Downloads   ?21:39
tasKM0201, let me try that21:39
delacusing x11vnc ja xtightvncviewer over slow 3G connection. How to make it faster?21:39
Scunizidelac: 4g21:39
delacScunizi: lol21:39
tasKM0201, doesn't work... says wrong hash thingy21:39
agentgasmaskdelac: Did you try lowering the colors to 16?21:40
delacagentgasmask: -depth ?21:40
agentgasmaskdelac: Let me check...21:40
KM0201tas: did you type it properly?..21:40
agentgasmaskdelac: I know that you can do it from the "F8" options menu...21:40
tasKM0201, oh, I missed the 's' in downloads. thanks!21:40
Lantchipstas use tab21:40
tasLantchips, tab?21:41
shomondoes anyone know where to start diagnosing a 10.04 axer laptop that won't boot? I am in busybox, how do I find out the problem?21:41
guntbert!tab | tas21:41
ubottutas: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:41
cgcardonamy httpd.conf file in /etc/apache2/ is blank by default. Should it be?21:41
tasguntbert, u can use that for nicks only..21:42
delacagentgasmask: do what?21:42
Lantchipsno in the terminal :P21:42
guntberttas: no, it works in the terminal too21:42
nicofsi need help connecting to the internet via console. i can activate the interface via ifconfig, list available networks via iwlist. after connection with iwconfig, i run dhclient. and don't get an ip... please help...21:42
Lantchipstas like type cd Dow and tab it should give you Downloads21:42
tasLantchips, guntbert oh thanks :D21:42
tasok so I am stuck, how do I get the make setup.tar.gz command done? XD21:43
rumpe1tas, 1) tar xzvf setup.tar.gz21:43
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guntberttas: what are you trying to do?21:44
ignarpsshomon, does your system boot okay off of the install CD?  Usually when I get dropped into busybox it is because my initramfs doesn't have the correct driver or maybe md support21:44
ignarpsshomon, is this a fresh install or upgrade?21:44
agentgasmaskdelac: I don't see the command line flag in tightvncviewer, but it is -LowColourLevel 0 in xvnc4viewer21:44
tasguntbert, trying to install theme I downloaded .tar.gz it got instructions from where I downloaded it...21:44
shomonignarps: no it doesn't boot21:44
guntberttas: sorry, no idea about themes here21:45
ignarpsshomon, how did you put the OS on your laptop then if the install ISO does not boot?21:45
shomonwell, now it doesn't. It just one day didn't boot again21:45
Lantchipstas untar it to ~./theme ?21:46
ignarpstry hooking up an external usb cd drive and see if it will boot from that21:46
tasLantchips, how?21:46
LantchipsWhich I had Ubuntu on this PC :(21:46
ignarpssounds like failing hardware if it used to boot and now doesn't21:46
Lantchipstas wait I will see if I can find a good guide for you21:46
shomonoh well... thanks ignarps21:46
delacagentgasmask: well, i'll see about that, but here's my current setting (the script I use to connect). any other ideas?      http://paste.ubuntu.com/551242/21:46
tasLantchips, ok thanks.21:46
shomondo you think I'll be able to diagnose what is wrong hardware wise?21:46
willchanwho knows about WebDataServiceConsumer21:47
Lantchipstas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl-tmGfQrzs :) Think this should work21:47
ignarpsdepends how good your troubleshooting and problem isolation skills are21:47
willchanoops, wrong channel :P21:47
ignarpstry to think of tests to rule out good hardware vs bad hardware21:47
shomonignarps: any idea where to start? maybe some linux kernel docs somewhere?21:48
ignarpsshomon, your thinking too deep.21:48
ignarpsshomon, test to see your cd drive works first then try to boot of an external cd drive21:48
shomonok. well as far as I can tell it's an identical boot whether the ubuntu disc is in or not21:49
ignarpsif you can not boot from the ubuntu install CD and it used to work.  Then something is broken.21:49
shomonit recognises an external usb drive though21:49
agentgasmaskdelac: Looks like your more advanced than me... I would say give xvnc4viewer a try, for what it's worth. Good luck!21:49
shomonif I plug one in... maybe I could get a bootable thing on there?21:49
Lantchipstas Something like that you were wondering ?21:49
ignarpsshomon, that sounds like you are not actually booting off of the cd-rom then.   You have to either select a custom boot order on bootup.  Or change your bios to boot from the cdrom21:50
gribouilleI've downloaded a package with 'apt-get --download-only source'. what is the command to build the package ?21:50
shomonI did. it gives me an option to do that at boot21:50
shomonI went through all of the options after it didn't boot once21:50
tasLantchips, I think so, I am watching it, give me a moment please.21:50
shomonfrom the cd I mean.21:50
ignarpsshomon, okay so it "does boot from cdrom"  you said it didn't21:51
ignarpsshomon, so back to the first question.  Is this a new install or upgrade ?21:51
shomonno, it doesn't! sorry for confusion there21:51
ignarpsshomon, first step is to get your cdrom to boot the install iso then.21:51
shomonno, it won't boot from cdrom, so because it didn't I went through all the boot order options that there were (it wasn't that clear which one was the cd)21:51
ignarpsshomon, the reason I say this. Is that kernel should detect and support most hardware.   ruling out a kernel config problem with the OS on your HD21:52
ajwillhi all, I have a question, I have a 80GB hard drive (small I know) and I have it dual booting winxp and ubuntu 10.10, when I click on my partition for windows XP, it has various different names when it mounts, I'd like it if it had a constant name, and mounted at startup, so I can link certain programs (like rhythm box to my itunes folder) between ubuntu and XP, how would I do this?21:52
shomonthe other options just gave a couple of lines of error as expected, but cd and hard drive boot was identical...21:53
Weedyajwill: so name it21:53
ajwillWeedy: but how, it wont let me, and I have no idea how to have it mount at startup21:53
ignarpsshomon, do you have any other bootable cd's to test?  Maybe your cd is bad21:53
Weedydisk utility or something21:53
shomonno, it loads up okay on this box here, as a package disk with ubuntu stuff in it.21:53
shomonso I'm pretty sure it is okay.21:54
ajwillWeedy: okay so disk utility, how would I name it?21:54
tasLantchips, I think thats it, let me try doing it now :D21:54
ignarpsthen sounds like something hardware wise is broken on your laptop21:54
Lantchipstas Good luck :)21:54
shomonignarps: I just tried another one just in case21:54
Weedyajwill: ... the label button21:54
shomonah! now it works!21:55
shomonthanks ignarps, looks like I'm a step forward now... the cd was the problem!21:55
ajwillWeedy: and changing the label wont corrupt any data or anything?21:55
Weedyit's just a label21:55
ignarpsshomon, anytime.  Remember to practice problem isolation when troubleshooting stuff.21:55
ignarpsshomon, break the problem down into smaller pieces.  don't get stuck on the big scary errors :)21:56
shomonexcellent tecnique!21:56
shomontechnique even...21:56
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ajwillWeedy, okay now, how would I get it set up to mount at startup?21:56
ideamanCan anyone tell me a good PCI Wifi Card for that is linux compatible out of the box?21:57
Weedyajwill: i dunno, mine mounts on startup21:58
DarkStar1is there a GUI configuration tool I can use to configure Apache?21:58
ignarpsajwill, you could add it to mount from /etc/fstab21:58
ajwillignarps: okay, how would I do that?21:58
vadimkiselevDarkStar1 try search in google 'gui apache configuration utilite'21:59
ignarpsajwill, did you put a LABEL on it ?22:00
ajwillignarps: yes I did, it's labeled WINXP22:01
mongyDarkStar1, its best to learn from shell.22:01
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
intraderHappy New Year, all. I want to solve a problem that started with 10.10 - the cooling fans of my laptop are always on. How can I solve this.22:01
mongyDarkStar1, there are nice guides on howtoforge.org on apache/lamp etc22:01
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest53828
ignarpsLABEL=WINXP /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 022:02
ignarpsadd something like that to /etc/fstab.  change /media/windows to what you want22:02
ajwillignarps: my windows partition is a fat32 format22:03
ignarpsyou also have to manually create the mount point22:03
DarkStar1mongy: Thanks22:03
ignarpsLABEL=WINXP /media/windows vfat defaults,user,dmask=027,fmask=137 0 022:04
ajwillignarps: does it matter where in the fstab file I put it? or can I just create a new line at the end of the file and do it there?22:04
ignarpsThis is from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab btw22:04
ignarpsat the end of the line is fine.22:05
ignarpsend of the file rather22:05
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Nanohais anybody in here really good with LVM's?22:06
ajwillignarps: thanks! :) got that fixed!22:07
ignarpsajwill, anytime22:08
DirjelI'm trying to upgrade to 10.10 using the alternate install disk, but it's stuck at "Unpacking ttf-indic-fonts-core".  The22:08
Dirjelterminal part of the GUI is open, and it shows a EULA for using Microsoft's fonts22:08
ajwillnow that that's out of the way, I have another problem, sometimes when I boot, compiz fusion doesnt load properly, and I have no title bar on my windows... thus no way of moving, minimizing, closing, other than some shortcuts I have memorized that dont always work, how can I make sure compiz boots properly?22:08
DirjelI can't get past that22:08
DarkStar1ajwill: compiz --replace22:09
Dirjelajwill, that happens to me sometimes too.  Dunno' how to fix it, but I just alt+f2 compiz22:09
soreauajwill: Which version of ubuntu?22:09
ignarpsajwill, I live with the compiz not working on boot issue as well.  I install "compiz fusion icon" and then I can right click the icon and say reload window manager22:10
ajwillsoreau 10.10 maverik desktop right from the ubuntu.org website and installed via a pendrive created with universal pendrive creator22:10
ajwillignarps: I do that too but it gets annoying having to do that every boot... it'd be nice to have it automatically fix it at boot22:10
=== david is now known as Guest6476
soreauajwill: Try starting compiz, closing all open windows, then go to sys>prefs>startup applications>Options tab and click Remember Currently Running Application button22:11
pasqualeciao a tutti22:11
spid3rn3twhat format is this file 1275.c22:12
ajwillokay, once moment while I leave to do that...22:12
=== Guest6476 is now known as DaveD0101
spid3rn3twhat format is this file 1275.c22:12
soreauspid3rn3t: .c files are usually text files containing source code. Try ##c22:13
spid3rn3tok let my try22:13
DirjelAnybody know what I need to do to get past this EULA screen?22:13
soreauDirjel: Which one?22:13
wbcI am currently using http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6790197 this guide to compile mplayer with ffmpeg-mt, so I can enable multithreading in (s)mplayer. Where may I find the mplayer source code?22:14
DirjelI'm trying to upgrade to 10.10 using the alternate install disk, but it's stuck at "Unpacking ttf-indic-fonts-core".22:14
DirjelThe terminal part of the GUI is open, and it shows a EULA for using Microsoft's fonts22:14
WXZI did something, and now when I press ctrl + + I get some weird results22:14
WXZI've had this problem before, I forgot how to fix it22:15
breadcrumbhow do you make a persistant install on a usb flash drive22:15
DirjelDon't know what to do.  I'd screencap it, but I'm in the middle of my upgrade, and when I printscreen, it says "png is not22:15
soreauwbc: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/mplayer <-- look toward the right of the page22:15
santiHello! Some time ago I updated to Ubuntu 10.10 and now Nautilus has an aweful style (its grey and looks a bit like windows). I want to change it to the Ambiance theme but I can't find where to change, could anybody help me please?22:16
aLemmerIs UFW fine for servers?22:16
soreauDirjel: Try Page Down? Arrow Down? Enter? Space?22:16
aLemmersanti: system > preferences.22:16
spid3rn3tnooo not working soreau22:16
Dirjelsoreau: Hahaha, thanks.  Arrow down worked.22:16
soreauspid3rn3t: ??22:16
soreau! work | spid3rn3t22:16
ubottuspid3rn3t: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.22:16
soreauDirjel: cool22:17
santiaLemmer: I changed it there already, but Nautilus doesn't change his style22:17
CaneToadI find linux desktop incredibly unreliable...it hangs up all the time.  For example, right now, I can shift-tab between applications, and the mouse works just fine except I am unable to drag any windows or click anything, and if I plug the mouse into another computer, it works just fine.  This happens almost every day.  What can I do to diagnose?22:17
WXZmy numpad isn't working like it's supposed to22:17
ajwillsoreau: didnt work, I did that, logged out and back in, compiz wasnt working22:17
WXZwhen I press ctrl + + for example, it doesn't increase font size22:17
Lantchipsajwill Have u installed something like advanced compiz or something to ?22:18
spid3rn3tbecause i musing exploitdb files and i do no how to use this22:18
spid3rn3tfile forMAT22:18
soreauajwill: Try installing simple-ccsm then in sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects, select None then set to Custom22:19
ajwillLantchips: nope, only compiz and fusion icon, and I just added an extra plugins package22:19
dextro_[mc@anubis server10]$ /bin/tar cf world$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).tar.xz world22:19
dextro_[mc@anubis server10]$22:19
WXZctrl + plus acts as a mouse click for some reason22:19
soreauspid3rn3t: You can use 'file' to see what type it is.22:19
dextro_oops, that tar give the error: /bin/tar: world: file changed as we read it22:19
WXZyeah, I turned my numpad into a mouse... how do I change it?22:19
dextro_does that mean it stoped, or finished?22:19
Lantchipsajwill because i had that problem when I installed the simple compiz and then it tried to stop the advanced compiz and when I stopped the advanced one I think I got it working like normal22:19
ajwillsoreau: okay installed simple-ccsm...22:20
soreauWXZ: sys>prefs>keyboard>Mouse Keys22:20
WXZsoreau: thanks22:20
CaneToadI have a situation on the linux desktop where if I click and drag on ANY window or on the desktop itself, the drag highlights in my gnome terminal window, and all other mouse input is unresponsive in the desktop and other applications.22:21
CaneToadI presume it is a grab22:21
CaneToadwhat's the best way to get out of it?22:21
ajwillokay I tried that... gunna reboot and see if it works :)22:21
DarkStar1I just saw a reference to phpmyadmin on the system (whilst trying to locate httpd.conf) how do I access phpmyadmin?22:21
soreauCaneToad: Close the terminal?22:23
CaneToadsoreau: did that, everything is still locked up with the mouse22:23
soreauCaneToad: Is it behaving as if a modifier key is pressed? (ie. ctl, alt, shift, etc)22:24
rumpe1CaneToad, are there window-controls? (close,min,max)?22:24
CaneToadsoreau: no22:24
CaneToadrumpe1: yes22:24
ajwillokay that may have worked!22:25
ajwillbut now that that's worked, another problem has arisen22:25
ajwillthe WINXP partition I mounted earlier22:25
wbc2Novice ubuntu user needs help getting Mplayer set up with VAAPI (Intel video output)!22:25
ajwillits mounting at startup22:25
ajwillhowever in places22:26
soreau! enter | ajwill22:26
ubottuajwill: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:26
CaneToadsoreau/rumpe1, I have an xev window open now, and if I move the mouse over it or do anything on it, it reports NO EVENTS AT ALL22:26
ajwillubottu: okay22:26
System_Default_0ajwill: He's a bot.22:26
soreauCaneToad: Have you tried replugging the mouse?22:26
CaneToadsoreau: and the mouse works fine plugged in elsewhere22:26
CaneToadthere's nothing in dmesg about any trouble22:26
soreauCaneToad: Does this still happen after reboot?22:27
CaneToadno, nor if I restart X22:27
ajwillokay, again in one line, I got that partition mounting at startup, but under the "Places" menu, there's two WINXP options, one takes me to the mounted partition, the other says it cannot mount it, how would I get rid of the second option?22:27
soreauCaneToad: What makes it start?22:27
CaneToadsoreau: but this happens almost every day or second day...drives me bananas22:27
CaneToadsoreau: I think it is related to grabs initiated by pop up menus22:27
soreauajwill: Do you happen to have two entries in /etc/fstab for winxp?22:27
CaneToadsoreau: I don't have a consistent way to start it happening yet22:27
dand3hhello friends, is there a list somewhere of all software included with ubuntu?22:28
shcherbakajwill: fdisk -l, how many xp is there?22:28
bs-pupilHi, I am connecting my PC through WiFi and sharing its connection to my other non-wifi PC via ethernet22:28
soreaudand3h: synaptic package manager22:28
System_Default_0ajwill: Possibly the second partition is "System Reserved" There are boot configuration and other stuff of your Windows XP.22:28
bs-pupilIs there a way to tunnel all connections from the other PC through SSH?22:28
ajwillshcherbak: only one xp22:28
System_Default_0ajwill: So, I won't recommend you to get rid of that partition.22:29
ajwillsoreau: nope, only one22:29
shcherbakajwill: have you mounted xp manually?22:29
dand3hsoreau: I am just downloading ubuntu now, I just was wondering if there was some list22:29
ajwillshcherbak: yes, I ran "mount /dev/sda1 /media/WINXP"22:29
KM0201dand3h: there's really not a whole lot of "programs" installed by default... but the software center has a lot that can be installed22:29
CaneToadsoreau: I am not sure if this is related, but something changed in X to bring on this problem in the emacs editor, and I suspect a number of other applications might be affected   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs23/+bug/56991422:30
shcherbakajwill: can you cd to /media/WINXP and ls?22:30
goddardim trying to setup a mail server but no mail is getting out22:30
ignarpsbs-pupil, look up how to use ssh -D22:30
ignarpsbs-pupil, it will let you use another machine as a socks proxy22:31
ajwillshcherbak: okay, just my windows XP files, program files, documents and settings, etc22:31
dand3hThank you sir, Now please , I have another question, does the Java DK work with linux? Can I still program in Java and c++? Sorry for noob question!22:31
shcherbakajwill: what is second fat/ntfs in fdisk -l?22:31
bs-pupilignarps, I know that. But I want to transparently - for all programs - set that proxy.22:31
bs-pupilas in, system wide22:31
bs-pupil(I can do it in OS X, wondering how to do it in Ubunut)22:31
rumpe1dand3h, yes22:31
CaneToadsoreau: anyway....brb because I need to restart X....22:31
PsPhaKeR_How can I give write permissions?22:32
dand3hrumpe1: Thank you very much. I hope you have nice life22:32
shcherbakPsPhaKeR_: chmod22:32
ignarpsbs-pupil, Settings -> Preferences -> Network and specify your proxy22:32
ajwillshcherbak: there are none, fdisk -l only shows my one windows partition, its in the places menu (top left by default) that there's two WINXP's22:32
dand3hThanks very much all.22:32
System_Default_0dand3h: Try #friendly-coders22:32
bs-pupilignarps, thanks! might be what I want, will try22:32
PsPhaKeR_How can I give write permissions to a particular fol22:33
wbc2Novice ubuntu user needs help getting Mplayer set up with VAAPI (Intel video output)!22:33
intraderI don't understand, my load average is:'1.17 1.12 1.21 2/342 10797'; low cpu usage (around 4%), the cooling fans of my laptop are always on. What should I try to solve this problem?22:33
shcherbakajwill: god knows, check fstab, it may be result of remounting, what happen if you logout/login?22:33
goddardim trying to setup a mail server but no mail is getting out22:33
rumpe1ajwill, open nauilus,delete by rightclick22:33
Weedyintrader: i/o wait skews loadavg allot22:34
shcherbakPsPhaKeR_: chmod 755 /path/to/folder22:34
ignarpsgoddard, you need to describe your problem better22:34
ajwillshcherbak: already have, its not remounting, and I've logged in/out about 3 times in the past 20 mins and it's persisted22:34
shcherbakPsPhaKeR_: *do NOT change any permission outside of home*22:35
intraderWeedy, can you explain?22:35
wbc2Novice ubuntu user needs help getting (S)Mplayer set up with VAAPI (Intel video output)!22:35
Weedythe i/o wait has a larger impact on load avg then cpu usage22:36
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: is this for something in /var/www ??22:36
goddardignarps i was using http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/ this tutorial and it doesn't work now22:36
PsPhaKeR_ok, also when I turn the computer on it gives me alot of options to boot from. They are something like Ubuntu, Ubuntu, memtest, memtest, etc.. When I first installed Ubuntu it did not do this. Can I get rid of it?22:36
PsPhaKeR_Scunizi: /usr/local/ps3dev22:36
goerIs there a recommended app that will split video files into say 10 minute segments so they can be posted on Youtube etc?22:36
ignarpsgoddard, wow that is a huge list of apps you are trying to implement.  maybe start smaller :)22:37
shcherbakajwill: i my guess nautilus is responsible, what if you umount xp?22:37
ignarpsgoddard, but you need to be more concise as to what exactly is not working.  We can not guess22:37
soreauajwill: Try opening nautilus (the file browser) and do ctrl+b to open the bookmarks. Do you see the entries there?22:37
goddardignarps im un sure how to debug to give you more info22:37
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: and what does that file/folder do?  If it's from something that you downloaded and installed you probably used sudo to install.. and may not have needed to.22:37
ignarpsgoddard, well I don't know how to help you then22:38
ajwillsoreau: nope neither of them are there...22:38
ajwillshcherbak: okay gunna try that22:38
PsPhaKeR_It is a file I made through the terminal (sudo mkdir ps3dev). I am installing the ps3 toolchain. It will store my compiler stuff.22:38
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: the new menu on boot is Grub and it looks like you had a kernel update at some point.. the most current kernel is the top one.. good to keep 2.. when you get 3 you can remove the oldest through synaptic package manager22:39
soreauajwill: Do you see them on the left pane in the file browser? Can you right click there?22:39
goddardignarps i can tell you whats in the log files22:39
ignarpsgoddard, make a pastebin with your details.22:39
PsPhaKeR_Scunizi: can I have it autoboot the top one?22:39
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: perhaps it's better located in /home where you don't have to compromise the security of your machine.22:39
ignarps!work | goddard22:39
ubottugoddard: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.22:39
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: it will auto boot from the top one.. ie.. should after a few seconds.22:39
ajwillsoreau: I do, okay...22:39
shcherbakgoer: ffmpeg to split videos22:40
shcherbakgoer: or mancoder http://www.misterhowto.com/index.php?category=Computers&subcategory=Video&article=trim_or_split_with_mencoder22:40
goershcherbak: thnx. Will it o auto/batch, as I need to do many videos?22:40
PsPhaKeR_Also, when I boot my computer up it takes about 3-4 minutes to launch into Ubuntu (in the 3-4 minutes the screen stays black and flashs some text, then dissapears, then goes into Ubuntu22:41
ajwillsoreau: yes I can22:41
PsPhaKeR_Also it has to be in usr/local/ps3dev22:41
goershcherbak:thnx friend22:41
shcherbakgoer: look at link, i guess yes22:41
shcherbakgoer: thanks22:41
soreauajwill: Can you try to remove the faulty entry?22:41
bs-pupilignarps, it seems it works for my pc with the wifi connection, but all connections from the PC I share internet with seem to go directly into the net22:42
ajwillsoreau: it says only root can unmount it22:42
PsPhaKeR_Also that chmod does not grant write permissions22:42
wbc2Novice ubuntu user needs help getting (S)Mplayer set up with VAAPI (Intel video output)!22:42
intraderI am looking at `cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM/temperature`; it is low 47C. Trip_points are 94C; or this ic converted incorrectly?.I don't understand, my load average is:'1.17 1.12 1.21 2/342 10797'; low cpu usage (around 4%), the cooling fans of my laptop are always on. What should I try to solve this problem?22:42
Rothamhey... On lucid is it easy to upgrade from python 2.65 to 2.66?22:43
soreauajwill: Ok, pastebin the output of 'mount' from your terminal to ubuntu.pastebin.com22:43
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: 3-4 minutes is a different issue.. just means something isn't setup right.. do a full update with .. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ... and see if that helps at all.. permissions are done with .. sudo chown <your_user_name>:root /location/of/file  .. that will make you part owner I believe.22:43
ignarpsbs-pupil, I don't understand. one would direct while the other uses the proxy on the other machine22:44
goer<shcherbak>checked i out. I need a gui as mencoder is terminal I think22:44
PsPhaKeR_ok, will see22:44
ajwilloh I have to go... I'll have to fix this when I get back from band practice tonight, thanks for your help everyone!!22:44
bs-pupilignarps, I want to transparently route all traffic from the other PC through the proxy.22:45
bs-pupilwhereas "other machine" is really a console.22:45
PsPhaKeR_Scunizi: I did that thing in the terminal, (the update one) and now what?22:45
intraderRe, python question, synaptic should do it - mine is showing 2.6.6 as installed by 10.1022:46
ignarpsbs-pupil, using ssh -D to setup a socks proxy should do most things.  to pass everything you would have to setup the other console box to do nat22:46
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: did it update a lot? did it ask for a reboot? if not then you won't be able to tell until the next reboot if it did anything.. typing dmesg > /home/Desktop/dmesg.txt will output a lot of info on the boot process to look for errors.22:47
mongyI ran out of *22:47
DrGrovGood evening22:47
ignarpsgood morning22:47
DrGrovWould need some brainstorming help. Thinking about getting myself a Thinkpad X40 for a cheap price.22:47
DrGrovShould I run Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Edition or perhaps even 10.10 with KDE ?22:48
PsPhaKeR_bash: no such file or directory22:48
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: sorry .. dmesg > /home/<username>/Desktop/dmesg.txt22:49
DrGrovWhich one would be better for the X40?22:49
OerDrGrov, is it in this list ? http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/release/10.10/laptops/22:50
DrGrovOer: Yes, it is. My cousin has used Ubuntu 9.04 on it. So pretty sure 10.10 works as well22:51
DrGrovOer: But of course double checking now.22:51
PsPhaKeR_Wow, just looked at that file... I don't get one bit of it :| Can I paste it to github and show it to you?22:51
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: ok..22:51
intraderWeedy, would you mind explaining how the i/o would skew the load average?22:51
Ryu_KurisuDrGrov: Should you would like too choose between a light/medium weight OS or Heavyweight OS? :P22:51
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: or pastebin.com22:51
ignarpsintrader, load is more of a dummy light22:51
DrGrovOer: It is not on that list but usually IBM Thinkpads are well supported.22:52
ignarpsintrader, you can not look at load alone to figure out where your resources are being used22:52
DrGrovRyu_Kurisu: That is the question actually. I will be using it for my studies on a daily basis.22:52
PsPhaKeR_Scinizi:          https://gist.github.com/69cc79a7a8668909363f22:52
Weedyintrader: the loadavg calculation considers it more important22:52
DrGrovRyu_Kurisu: So it would not need to be too heavy but I would prefer surely something nice like KDE, GNOME or XFCE on it.22:52
WeedyDrGrov: get XFCE22:53
intraderignarps, I am looking using top and the CPU load is rarely above 4%22:53
Weedyif it's not shiney enough get gnome22:53
DrGrovWeedy: Why would you suggest XFCE?22:53
Weedybut starting with kde sucks if you change your mind22:53
OerDrGrov, i google on the specs, lightweight desktop like weedy says or netbook like you suggested22:54
ignarpswhat does wa show ?22:54
WeedyXFCE is lightweight22:54
Weedymy netbook runs netbookremix22:54
intraderWeedy, thanks for info.22:54
Oertry them both live :-)22:54
Weedygnomeshell sucks :/22:54
shcherbakDrGrov: On Ubuntu you have comfort of trying and desktop/window manager, from Xmonad to latest Kde, with no effort.22:54
Ryu_KurisuWeedy: Not anymore I've heard...it's mediumweight like gnome...22:54
Weedymutter is a crashy SOB22:54
aLemmerXFCE falls far behind many other lightweight WMs, though.22:54
aLemmerIn terms of resource usage.22:55
* Weedy put on his hardcore hat22:55
Ryu_KurisuWeedy: DrGrov: You might like Lubuntu :)22:55
Weedyhardcore would be twm22:55
goddardwhat is a zombie process22:55
ignarpsintrader, you can also run. "vmstat 5"  and look at the last 4 colums .  User System idle Wait time.22:55
DrGrovshcherbak: Yes that is what I am doing on my desktop computer. But this would be for my IBM Thinkpad X40 which I am about to trade in for.22:55
Weedyi've used twm22:55
shcherbakAwesome above all!22:55
Weedynot bad once skinned22:55
DrGrovFluxbox I really love, have had it for several years on my old hardware before I got myself the HP xw9300 Workstation.22:56
ignarpsgoddard, you can google that question22:56
goddardignarps i just irced it instead :D22:56
DrGrovHow is Netbook Remix actually working out, Weedy ?22:56
Weedycrashy as fuck :/22:57
scottie_I am a new user trying to find help regarding "problem loading page" errors.22:57
Weedymutter restarts atleast 4-5 times a day22:57
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: that list is what most every machine goes through to boot.. I can't tell anything by the list.. but someone should be able to parse most of it for you.. sorry.22:57
shcherbakWeedy: dont wake up ops...22:57
scottie_Anyone have any ideas? I'm trying to secure my Belking router, but get errors every time I click on a link from their help page.22:58
goddardscottie_ dont use there help page22:58
PsPhaKeR_but something would be better if i could auto-boot the first choice in the list when you boot up22:58
scottie_How do I do it?22:58
goddardscottie_ move your mouse away and avoid clicking23:00
scottie_it's nowhere near...23:00
realubotIs there any drawback using Mutt instead of Evolution in Ubuntu? Is there any important feature that Mutt is missing?23:00
intraderThe `top` list is showing something called 'beam' using 5%. What is 'beam'?23:00
DrGrovWeedy: So then better to go for standard 10.10 and configure it from there?23:00
=== |pLr| is now known as pLr
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: it does autoboot the first choice if you don;t select anything23:01
wrdrealubot: i personally think mutt is a bit crummy if you want to use pop servers, you have to setup a mail server + fetchmail for it to beworking fast (2 yrs ago)23:01
WeedyDrGrov: i'm still running it23:01
Weedyit's shiney23:01
DrGrovWeedy: Ok, good.23:02
DrGrovI will give 10.10 a go tomorrow if I get the X40 by then.23:02
DrGrovI hope the little monster machine will deliver23:02
alberto_hi everyon23:02
ignarpsDrGrov, be bold.  Install 11.0423:02
WeedyDrGrov: i want a X60t23:03
realubotwrd: That doesn't sound good.23:03
=== Otacon22_ is now known as Otacon22
alberto_I found out that the oldest versions of Ubuntu works faster than the last one, is it just me?23:04
goltoofalberto_:  probly because of all the features you're not getting?23:05
scottie_I have 10.10 and I think it's slow.23:05
DrGrovignarps: Sure, could install basically anything bleeding edge since I will still not need to use it for about a week or so.23:05
DrGrovWeedy: I hope the 200 eur I will trade in for for the X40 is not too much.23:05
alberto_goltoof, what do you mean?23:05
ScuniziPsPhaKeR_: you should file a bug about the boot time and attach the dmesg report.. 10.10 is suppose to be a faster booting system.23:06
wrdrealubot: well I've got 6k messages on my pop account ... mutt wants to download all of em23:06
PsPhaKeR_Well, thanks for now.23:06
goddardmy postfix master config file has a content_filter=23:06
wrdrealubot: but you can keep the mailserver local.23:06
goddardthis is giving an error23:06
intraderPlease anyone, what is the 'beam' application? I can't find information about it; is uses 3 to 6% of cpu23:07
goltoofalberto_:  i think someone else would need to elaborate.. but there are numerous factors involved.. the system you're running, what services you need/don't need..  ie, there are a lot of things enabled by default that you could turn off and make it run even faster than older revs.. can't think of any examples though23:07
scottie_Anyone know how to go about securing a network? I can't do it through the links on my router's help page.23:07
goltoofalberto_:  i run 10.10 and it's bangin!  but i got a bangin system though..23:07
goddardscottie_ usually you go to the yours ip address and login23:07
realubotwrd: The Mutt homepage says it has pop support: http://www.mutt.org/#features23:08
goltoofintrader:  apt-cache search beam23:08
induz and Now i want to install Xp as guest OS...I have 200 MB for XP of 1 Gb total...what should be my storage settings??? i am going to include screen shot after this23:08
alberto_I asked it because it seemed so strange. I removed everything i didn't need, but still older revs work faster. I didn't know if it was just me, or something normal23:09
scottie_Thanks goddard. If it's the ip address I looked up, it gave me the "problem loading page" error, too. But I'll check it out again.23:09
intradergoltoof, why is it executing as search?23:09
p_resinduz: Are you using VirtualBox or something?23:10
realubotwrd: "For "once in a while" remote access mutt's built-in support for POP/ IMAP is nice, but for frequent/ high volume POP access MRA like fetchmail are recommended."23:10
ignarpsalberto_, works faster is a loaded statement.  faster at what ?  and what metrics do you have to compare. Or is it just perceived faster to you ?23:10
induz VB23:10
induzp_res, Vbox23:10
p_resinduz: I hope you don't mean 200MB for allocated ram?23:10
goltoofintrader:  that's one way to look for a package, but i'm not finding a "beam" application23:11
realubotwrd: What does "one in a while mean"? One a day, week, month?23:11
scottie_ignarps- I just switched from windows to 10.10 and it's noticeably slower.23:11
induzi mean 200 MB for allocate RAM23:11
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
precubcralquien por aqui ?23:11
alberto_less CPU and RAM used, as an example. I still have 512ram and it's such a pain23:11
goltoof!es | precubcr23:11
ubottuprecubcr: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:11
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest55659
p_resinduz: That's not much, even for Win XP guest. I have several XP guests on my system. I also only have 1GB total ram but usually allocate at least 384MB to XP.23:11
intradergoltoof, 'How to use apt-cache' tells me 'This command is not to be used by common users.'23:12
ignarpsscottie_, again what is slower?23:12
goltoofintrader:  lol.... ok23:12
goltoofintrader:  just type  "apt-cache search [string]23:12
smallfoot-why isnt Linux kernel 2.6.37 available for Maverick 10.10 in the kernel ppa?23:12
scottie_It definitely takes longer to load pages when browsing.23:12
ignarpsalberto_, yeah for lack of ram you would have to turn off a lot of services like readahead and other apps that expect people to have lots of ram23:12
induzok I am going to allocate 350 MB RAM for Xp23:13
precubcri am new in ubuntu23:13
p_resinduz: If you plan to not do anything else whilst running the VM, allocate 512MB.23:13
goltoofintrader:  [string] being the keyword to search for, beam23:13
p_resinduz: Use 384MB.23:13
induz384 MB final23:13
precubcri have a lilt better machine23:13
p_resinduz: ;-)23:13
precubcri have a 4 gb o ram23:13
psyt7hi! I'm trying to get ipv6 working in Ubuntu. thought it was turned on by default, but cannot access pages like http://www.v6.facebook.com etc. ipv6 works in win7 (on my other partition) but not in ubuntu.23:13
goltoofscottie_:  i don't see the use in you griping about things being slow, if you have something specific to address, that's more what this room is for23:14
induzbut I have 80GB HD on which my Ubuntu also run...how much should i allocate to XP?23:14
intradergoltoof, I am thoroughly confused - I am looking at why 'beam' is using 5% of cpu23:14
p_resinduz: Just the default 10GB and it will expand as required.23:14
induzhow can i allocate 10GB to Xp?23:15
scottie_I was answering alberto's comment because I have the same version and he thought it was slow. I'm not griping. I am trying to figure out why I get so many "problem loading page". Just got ubuntu. Trying to figure it out. I like it so far despite the learning curve.23:15
p_resinduz: When you setup the machine, you will get this option presented to you on screen.23:15
ignarpsintrader, do you have erlang-base installed ?23:15
alberto_what would you guys suggest for a 512mb ram machine? I can't decide between crunchbang/xfce/lxde/ecc, i just don't know what is better (not too heavy, not too minimal)23:15
goltoofintrader:   are you in terminal23:16
aLemmeralberto: try IceVM.23:16
jospamshow do i set up a static ip using network tools?23:16
aLemmeralberto: I mean "IceWM."23:16
p_resalberto_: What is wrong the vanilla Ubuntu?23:16
induzI go to VB--Setting-->storage-->SATA controller and IDE controller??23:16
intradergoltoof, I got top running23:16
guampaalberto_: the less minimal is xfce23:17
p_resinduz: System > Base memory.23:17
jospamsI am trying to add DNS servers, should I separate them by commas?23:17
wrdrealubot: well opening my 6k mailbox takes about half an hour (900mb)23:17
p_resalberto_: Keep in mind XFCE uses almost the same amount of ram as GNOME these days anyway.23:17
wrdrealubot: if you delete your mails on your pop account regulary it shouldn't be a problem ..23:17
induzmemory is done to 384MB..now the storage23:17
sapsanPeople, who knows how to remove Artist X from system?23:17
ignarpsI love thunderbird 3 for mail on linux23:18
jospamsthere is no fucking documentation for half the shit on ubuntu23:18
ignarpsevolution is a pos23:18
* breadcrumb slaps ignarps around a bit with a large trout23:18
negevhi can i deleted /var/cache/apt/archives/* without breaking anything?23:18
wrdrealubot: you can try it yourself start mutt hit 'c' and enter your mail account details (pop://username@server)23:18
wrdrealubot: and then have a look yourself23:18
M0nk3Eecan someone tell me if i am running ubuntu 9.10 and am fully updated what kernel should i be running, whats the easiest way of finding out what the latest available is?23:18
p_resinduz: If you have the VM already setup then your storage settings should be set already.23:18
intraderignarps,  how do I find out if I have erlang installed, I don't recall installing it. - I did find that 'beam' could be related to erlang23:18
ignarpsjospams, there is tons of documentation.  example ?23:18
jospamsignarps, network tools23:19
jospamsignarps, I am trying to setup a static ip23:19
alberto_i can't work with vanilla ubuntu because i have to use the swap too early, everything slows down, and the CPU isn't in a better position. That's why i need something "less-heavy", but still not too minimal23:19
delacany way to configure tightvncserver not to require password? I'm trying to use tightvncserver instead of x11vnc in this script http://paste.ubuntu.com/551242/23:19
sapsanDoes anybody knows how to remove Artist X?23:19
ignarpsjospams, okay and you want to do that with a gui or cli ?23:19
p_resalberto_: I have no idea what you mean by that post?!?23:19
jospamsignarps, gui23:19
p_resinduz: I can't open my browser atm.23:20
WeedyM0nk3Ee: sudo apt-get update && lsb_release -a && uname -a && sudo apt-get upgrade23:20
jospamsignarps, the dns servers box makes no sense23:20
Jordan_Ualberto_: Try lubuntu.23:20
breadcrumbinduz, you can't resize a disk once you've made it. delete it and make a new one and set the size you want.23:20
jospamsignarps, i have the primary and secondary dns address23:20
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induzhere is the Hard disk screenshot http://i.imgur.com/9uk92.png23:21
alberto_p_res, you asked what was wrong with vanilla ubuntu23:21
shcherbakalberto_: swapoff, metacity --replace, use xfce23:21
jospamsignarps, should I separate them with commas23:21
p_resalberto_: I did. But that post made no sense.23:21
induzshould i create a new HD or use the xisiting one23:21
ignarpsjospams, I just looked and the tooltip says to seperate them with commas23:21
p_resinduz: I'd suggest start setting up a new machine from scratch.23:21
jospamsok let me try that23:22
alberto_i'm sorry, i don't always make correct english sentences23:22
jospamsignarps, is the address local address or internet address23:22
ignarpsjospams, hover your mouse over the input box.  it will give a desc on what it wants23:22
p_resalberto_: ;-)23:22
jospamsi guess its local address23:22
ignarpsjospams, I don't understand the question23:23
induzp_res, I am setting up a new machine of VB...should i creat a new HD of 10Gb or use exisiting HD??23:23
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p_resinduz: New hdd.23:23
p_ressapsan: Don't use caps.23:23
rumpe1sapsan, TRY CAPS-LOCK23:23
intraderignarps,  i looked in synaptinc and it shows that erlang-base is instlaled. Maybe that is running 'beam'23:24
induzok, Its working now as i have created a new HD23:24
induzof 10 GB23:24
Weedyanyone using the pidgin ppa notice there are no account menus under the account menu?23:24
p_resinduz: Great!23:24
trismintrader: the beam (and erlang) packages are used by desktop couch, which is a database system used by some of the apps (such as tomboy, evolution and gwibber before maverick), because it can be then synced with ubuntu one...I usually uninstall it myself because it does take a bunch of cpu time23:24
shcherbaksapsan: artist x23:24
wrdWeedy: everything here actually23:24
realubotwrd: Yeah, but the Mutt homepage says No SSL after POP. Does it lack of encryption?23:24
ignarpsintrader, that is what I got from this.  apt-file search beam | grep '\/beam$'23:24
induzXp is loading files on VB now thanksa guys23:24
calumI am having sound problems in Mupen64plus. I am using default configuration but the sound is not smooth, it is all choppy23:25
ignarpsintrader, apt-file is not installed by default.  you have to add it23:25
p_resinduz: Cheers. Glad you got it working. I'm doing the same thing as we speak.23:25
Weedywrd: i do have an account menu, it just doesn't work like it's supposed to23:25
jospamsignarps, after i select method: manual, click add, enter address will it be my local address or ip address23:25
p_resinduz: I'm currently installing the Service Pack 3.23:25
kaddi_hi is there a way to determine the installed programs on a non-booted install? LIke from a live-cd or something?23:25
wrdWeedy: manage accounts | enable accounts?23:25
induzits asking me to format the HD as NTFS23:25
jospamsignarps, sorry for confusion early on23:25
p_resinduz: Yep. Do that.23:25
M0nk3EeWeedy: it says i'm running 2.6.31-22-386 which is the latest then for 9.10... will 2.6.35 make it to 9.10 or because 9.10 is the stable release it will freeze there?23:25
induzsp3 means u r almost done23:25
alberto_another problem that i found, is that everytime i turn on my computer it doesn't work at the first time. A black screen stops everything right after the boot choice, and i have to manually shut down and turn on again. Than everything works perfectly. It happens everyday, and nobody in the italian forum gave me an answer.23:26
induzp_res, I am new to Ubuntu23:26
ignarpsjospams, ip address23:26
Weedyi thought .32 was for 9.1023:26
p_resinduz: We're all new at some point mate. ;-)23:26
Weedywrd: they account's work, but now i need an option from the menu23:26
sapsanrumpe1 Right now it doesn't work CAPS LOCK23:26
KM0201kaddi_: why is this a concern? just curious23:26
ignarpskaddi_, boot the system then do chroot /mnt.  you can then run any commands like the system is up23:26
rwwM0nk3Ee: linux-image-generic is frozen at 2.6.31 for 9.10.23:26
induzp_res, actually i wanted to use MS Words 2007... and It gave me headache on wine so i have decided to use VB23:27
rumpe1sapsan, o.O23:27
Weedyrww: what is running .32?23:27
intraderignarps, I do use ubuntu-one; is that using beam?23:27
rwwWeedy: 10.0423:27
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.23:27
M0nk3EeWeedy: / rww thanks23:27
goltoofoh snap23:27
rwwWeedy: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image-generic23:27
induzmost of the work from school are on XP23:27
ignarpsintrader, no idea on that.  Sorry23:27
p_resinduz: I use several XP VM's. But I only setup one and then clone the vdi using the vboxmanage clonevdi tool.23:27
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kaddi_KM0201: my system died and I have an almost complete image of the dead drive, I would like to get a list of what I used to have installed from the image so that I won't spend three weeks trying to remmeber what I had installed23:27
crash1hd_trying to update telepathy-butterfly to its latest version I have insalled the ppa but I still cant see it in the spm23:27
starfishblubinduz is correct most schools use xp23:27
goltoofintrader:  have you tried killing the process?23:27
ignarpsjospams, I don't know your network information.  sorry23:28
goltoofgoltoof:  kill it, see if it messes anything up23:28
KM0201kaddi_: so you want to know installed "packages" not installed programs23:28
wrdWeedy: sorry not getting you23:28
calumMy sound is all crackly and choppy in Mupen64plus on the default config. Has anyone got the same issue?23:28
intradergoltoof, I will kill it see what happens?23:28
sapsanrumpe1 What do you mean?23:28
goltoofintrader:  sometimes another app will have another process running along side it23:28
jospamswhat is search domains?23:28
starfishblubWhats the difference between a package and a program installer23:28
goltoofintrader:  yes, kill it23:28
jospamsignarps, what is search domains?23:28
rumpe1sapsan, what is "artist x"?23:28
shcherbakkaddi_: kaddi_ you can dd drive23:28
kaddi_KM0201: yes, that's what I meant (to type) but obviously I said something different?23:28
induzwhere can i find that tool p_res ??23:29
ignarpsjospams, domain suffix search order23:29
KM0201kaddi_: you said programs23:29
p_resinduz: It's installed with VirtualBox.23:29
shcherbaksapsan: yeah, what is it?23:29
DarkStar1starfishblub: a program installer does something. A Package contains some thing(s)23:29
kaddi_shcherbak: i have as full an image as I can get with ddrescue..23:29
p_resinduz: Has to be used on command-line.23:29
rumpe1starfishblub, a package is something, your package-manager can handle23:29
starfishblubWhat is the format of a file installer in ubuntu23:29
ignarpsjospams, if you don't know what domain suffix search order is.  You probably don't need to use it23:29
goltoofintrader:  think if there's anything else you installed that might require some weird thing like that23:30
sapsanrumpe1 It is new version of ubuntu http://www.artistx.org/site2/23:30
jospamsignarps, what would I type for google to be my search domain23:30
ignarpsstarcoder, ubuntu uses debian based packages.  .deb files.23:30
DarkStar1jospams: a suffix being the .<format/type> at the end of a name such as .exe]23:30
ignarpsjospams, it has nothing to do with web search.  leave it blank23:30
p_resinduz: Just type "vboxmanage clonevdi ~/sourcevdi /destinationvdi"23:30
starfishblubHow do I make one?23:30
kaddi_KM0201: sorry about that, I meant to say packages23:30
p_resinduz: And change the source and destination text to suit your system of course.23:31
intradergoltoof, done that - cpu load went down by 5%-  The only thing is that erlang-base is reported as installed23:31
shcherbakkaddi_: ls /bin/ /usr/bin/ /sbin/ or ls -lR /* | grep -rwx23:31
ignarpsjospams, if you want to learn what it really is.  google. "domain suffix search order"23:31
starfishblubHow to I put my compiled programs in a package for install?23:31
KM0201kaddi_: there's a command you can run, and it will print a list of packages to a file on your desktop.23:31
shcherbakkaddi_: */usr/sbin/*23:31
alberto_ another problem that i found, is that everytime i turn on my computer it doesn't work at the first time. A black screen stops everything right after the boot choice, and i have to manually shut down and turn on again. Than everything works perfectly. It happens everyday, and nobody in the italian forum gave me an answer.23:31
KM0201but i'm not sure if it works in CLI23:31
ignarpsstarfishblub, google how to create a debian package23:32
goltoofintrader:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/erlang-inets/filelist23:32
KM0201kaddi_: see above23:32
rumpe1sapsan, overwrite grub-bootloader with the bootloader of any other system and format your ubuntu-partitions23:32
kaddi_KM0201: thanks checking it now23:32
induzp_res, its little complicated for me now23:32
p_resinduz: Stick to what you're comfortable with for now.23:33
KM0201kaddi_: that actualy looks pretty eays... i just tried the first part(to make the list) and it works.... i guess the only issue is getting the list from the borked hard drive, to the "virgin" hard drive23:34
p_resDesp: Hi.23:34
intradergoltoof, I will uninstall erlang - probably auto installed by something23:34
goltoofintrader: erlang is a prog language23:34
sapsanrumpe1 you mean to download another version?23:34
goltoofintrader:  don't think uninstalling it will help, maybe, but probly not the best approach23:35
CitizenwarriorJust replaced my 3GB of RAM with 4GB of RAM and on boot if I F2 into my system the bios shows 4GB of RAM but my Ubuntu 10.04  2.6.32-27-generic only shos 3.0GiB of Memory under system monitor... I have rebooted a few times... Whats Up?23:35
goltoofintrader:  see this  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66492323:35
induzI see two partitions on My Xp [1] is 10229 Mb and other is[2] 8Mb..why so?23:35
Desphow can I create a swap partition after installing ubuntu 10.10 beside win7 ? I have shrunk the partition but gparted says that I can only have 4 prim partitions23:36
p_resinduz: Not too sure, probably ignore it if it is only 8MB. Not worth the trouble.23:36
ignarpsDesp, create an extended part or make a file bases swap file23:36
induzp_res, How can i start internet on guest Machine...will it be automatic settings or i have to setup the NIC card?23:36
rumpe1sapsan, you wanted to delete it ...  or is it running in live-mode? (directly from dvd)23:36
DarkStar1Citizenwarrior: Is it 32/64 bit ubuntu?23:36
rumpe1Citizenwarrior, that's why23:37
intradergoltoof, yes, can it propagate from one machine to another. I installed in another machine on the same net.23:37
kaddi_KM0201: the challenge is getting this to work for a non booted partition..23:37
Despok ignarps I will try to23:37
KM0201kaddi_: oh.. yeah i dont think you're gonna have any luck there.. the system can't boot at all? even recovery mode?23:37
goltoofintrader:  o_0   doubt it23:37
ignarpsDesp, if you don't think you  will actually need to use the swap space.   A file bases on is easy to setup23:37
p_resinduz: Should do it automatically after you install the Guest Additions.23:37
sapsanrumpe1 no, it is already installed on HD23:37
Citizenwarriorrumpel, DarkStar1, Is 32bit limited in what it can see?23:37
induzp_res, do u think USB are going to work on guest Xp via VBox?23:38
kaddi_KM0201: nope it's in an eternal bootloop saying sectors are bad when I try23:38
rumpe1sapsan, anything else on your HD?23:38
p_resinduz: Should do. It does on mine.23:38
rumpe1sapsan, i mean... any other operating system?23:38
DarkStar132 bits can only address 4GB of memory. but a system won't reflect the full 4Gb for reasons (and I'm not sure I correct about this) of reserving some part of it or something along a similar note23:38
intradergoltoof, I try uninstalling it with synaptic and after reboot see it 'beam' comes back.23:38
goltoofintrader:  worth a shot :/23:38
KM0201kaddi_: could you boot a live CD, chmod the drive, and run that command?23:38
induzp_res, it would be good if it does it on its own.23:38
sapsanrumpe1 no, absolutely no!23:39
p_resinduz: Yes it does. But you have to install Guest Additions.23:39
kaddi_KM0201: I have a full image on an external drive here atm23:39
rumpe1sapsan, then you can also delete it by installing any other system in its place23:39
induzhow can i install gues adds on?23:39
Despignarps, I have 4 GB RAM kind fare23:39
CitizenwarriorDarkStar1 bummer... so was that a wast of cash or will I see any improvement23:39
induzp_res, How?23:39
kaddi_KM0201: the sys partition has been mounted to /media/sys.. do you think I can do it this way?23:39
rumpe1induz, usually theres an enty in the menu on the top23:39
ignarpsDesp, that doesn't tell me if you plan on using swap :)23:39
rumpe1induz, on the top while vm is running23:40
DarkStar1Citizenwarrior: Or you could update to 64bit OS..23:40
p_resinduz: When booted into you VM, at the top of the VB window select Devices > Install Guest Additions.23:40
induzrume1, ok23:40
Despyes I do ignarps but the hard way :)23:40
induzp_res, good i will do that23:40
CitizenwarriorI would have to upgrade hardware, and the cash isn't there23:40
goltoofp_res:  dangit p_res,, i just finished typing that :P23:40
induzits still loading Xp23:40
kaddi_KM0201: how would I proceed with that? force mount the different partitions onto /bin /usr and such?23:40
DarkStar1I hardly doubt that.. Unles you're using pre 2002 hardware23:40
rumpe1Citizenwarrior, do you need 4GB? ... for most tasks you don't need so much...23:41
induzis Vb is better than wine??23:41
DarkStar1Citizenwarrior: I hardly doubt that.. Unles you're using pre 2002 hardware23:41
goltoofinduz:  depends on the app, how much resource you need etc23:41
goltoofinduz:  i use xp vm exclusively for all microsoft junk23:41
p_resinduz: For some things yes. It really depends what you're doing in WINE and VB.23:41
induzI just want to finish my scholl work mostly on Office 200723:41
goltoofinduz:  why?  why not open office?  or google docs?23:42
p_resinduz: Tell your school to install Linux!23:42
DarkStar1guys correct me if I'm wrong here but wasn't Pentium 3 the last 32bit CPU?23:42
CitizenwarriorDarkStar1 I was going to do some Virtual Box stuff23:42
sapsanrumpe1, no, I can't, I tried to install wndows XP, it says error occured check your disk F, which is my HD23:42
DarkStar1or was the P$ also 32?23:42
CNLiberalDarkStar1:  Is that Tison?23:42
p_resDarkStar1: Noi.23:42
induzp_res, i used wine but most of my formatted .doc file were destorted on Wine23:42
BlaDe^my laptop died a minute ago and I rebooted and it said it couldn't load most of the applets23:42
rumpe1sapsan, then check your HD and/or your install-media23:42
BlaDe^time/date for example is missing.. how can I fix it ?23:42
p_resinduz: Can't help you mate. I avoid MSOffice at all costs.23:43
calumHi. A thread for my choppy sound problem in Mupen64plus suggested to use Alsa. I am confused as to how to use Alsa with Mupen64Plus instead of pulseaudio23:43
induzp_res, I use OO but when i get something from school, its all[format] gone23:43
xim_goltoof, i tend to think openoffice has a lot of really annoying issues.....but the same is true for each edition of word that microsoft makes worse and worse every two years23:43
p_resinduz: Yeah that can happen.23:43
shcherbakBlaDe^: gnome-panel --replace, what effect?23:43
sapsanrumpe1 what media? Even my teacher can't fix this23:43
DarkStar1Citizenwarrior: Virtualising, How many VMs you plan on spawning, and what OS'es you plan on running23:43
BlaDe^reset to default - thanks shcherbak23:43
rumpe1induz, perhaps you can suggest your school, to save in an older word-format ... that solves sometimes formating problems23:43
shcherbakBlaDe^: welcome23:44
xim_why can nvidia-settings NEVER save the stupid config file?  even when ran with sudo?  but gksudo gedit can save over it??23:44
induzp_res, I spent 3 hrs ith my teacher and got everything on .doc file when i start that file on OO..most of the bullets are gone and words were haywire23:44
goltoofxim_:  lol... it gets a little better, but every innovative thing they come up with, ie, online collaboration, has already been available from oo/google docs for years23:44
DarkStar1Citizenwarrior: It depends on what you want to do on your host OS.23:44
rumpe1sapsan, your xp-install-media. Or download a bootCD with HD-check-utils23:44
p_resI generally have a personal rule. Use OO for OO docs and MSOffice for MSOffice docs. Then you can't go wrong.23:44
wbc2Novice ubuntu user needs help getting (S)Mplayer set up with VAAPI (Intel video output)!23:44
wbc2Novice ubuntu user needs help getting Mplayer set up with VAAPI (Intel video output)!23:44
CitizenwarriorDarkStar1 is there a command to get my system to return if it is 32/64... VB of Windows for testing and a few other projects23:45
ignarpsDarkStar1, the P4 was 32bit23:45
induzp_res, thats a good rule, i will follow that now on23:45
KM0201xim_: it always works for me... when ran w/ gksudo, i save it and it saves my config23:45
kaddi_KM0201: how would I do the chmod thing?23:45
goltoofxim_:  bottom line is they don't want their format to get along with anyone else..23:45
ignarpsDarkStar1, well the early ones where 32bit23:45
dosydoo1234can anyone prove help on wine application23:45
rumpe1Citizenwarrior, return to what?23:45
DarkStar1Citizenwarrior: If your Host OS is windows and you plan on spawning multiple windows OS VMs then...... I'd say good luck23:45
dosydoo1234is this the right place ?23:45
KM0201kaddi_: honestly, i'm really not 100% sure23:45
xim_goltoof, agreed. booo23:45
dosydoo1234or should i go elswhere ?23:45
induzrumpe1, school is not going to change23:45
xim_KM0201, gksudo nvidia-settings...duh23:45
KM0201but basically its a way of accessing the drive, and running commands like you were using that linux os23:45
kaddi_KM0201: could you give me some buzzowrds for google? I'm not having much luck finding anything23:45
KM0201xim_: i know, i'm saying it works fine, to save the config(or does for me anyway23:46
calumshould there be any issues running mupen64 plus emulator in 64 bit ubuntu? My sound is really bad / choppy23:46
DarkStar1ignarps: aahhh I don't remember much of that ERA because I was mostly AMD23:46
CitizenwarriorDarkStar1 No I am running Ubuntu 10.04, want to VB a window in it... I don't have any windows boxs23:46
xim_KM0201, no i was saying why didnt i try that, but i just did and it still say unable to open X config file23:46
goltoofinduz:  do what i did.. drop out.  everything i need to know for work i got online23:46
shcherbakkaddi_: what do you do? try to use ls to gather info of failed system, also copy logs.23:46
kleopatraHello i know that on port 34944 a server runs, how can i stop it?23:46
rumpe1Citizenwarrior, VB=virtual "boxes"?23:46
KM0201xim_: dunno, works fine for me...23:46
ignarpsDarkStar1, intel was trying to make the itanium with HP the ia-64.  amd made amd64 and beat them to it with a better design23:46
p_resinduz: What a stupid thing to say. <rolls eyes>23:47
sapsanrumpe1, you mean search in internet?23:47
DarkStar1Citizenwarrior: Ifit's just that you hardly need more than the 3GB. unless you plan on running some silly resource hogging games in your windows VM23:47
KM0201kaddi_: i think i'm actually thinkin gof chroot23:47
DarkStar1ignarps: Aahh.. I remember that now. :)23:47
p_resgoltoof: What a stupid thing to say. <rolls eyes>23:47
CitizenwarriorDarkStar1 Ok thanks for your time23:47
dosydoo1234sorry guys need help in confugriing wine, i have a program and it works but the graphs dont work, anyone know how i can find which dlls i need to override ? or is there a separate wine channel ? thanks23:47
ignarpsDarkStar1, yeah HP still tries to push those chips.   Even though the compiler was proved to be almost impossible to create23:47
p_resdosydoo1234: join wine irc.23:48
kaddi_shcherbak: hard drive died, I did a complete image of the drive with dd_rescue. I have reinstalled on a new hard drive from which I'm currently running. I would like to have the new system the way the old one was. I have copied back my user account data and now would like to gather from that image, somehow the list of installed packages as to install the same packages onto the new installation.23:48
rumpe1sapsan, no... you would have less problems, if they would save their MSoffice-docs in an older format... like Word97 e.g.23:48
DarkStar1Citizenwarrior: also I think uname -a should provide some info as to whether it's 32/64 bit23:48
DarkStar1Citizenwarrior: Or is it uname -v23:48
p_resdosydoo1234: If there is a wine channel!23:48
kaddi_shcherbak: I used the opportunity to also change partition sizes and reinstall the windows which is why I did not just play back the image, besides there's a lot of holes in it so I'm not sure I would have gotten a working system anyways23:49
ignarpsCitizenwarrior, or check.  cat /proc/cpuinfo23:49
goltoofp_res:  results vary with that one.. my situation doesn't require me too, though i should. dropping 150k on a degree is way stupid for me at this point23:49
goltoofanyway.. offtopic23:49
ignarpsCitizenwarrior, it depends if you need to find out if your kernel is 64 bit or your cpu is 64 bit capable23:49
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p_resgoltoof: I just thought it was a dumb thing to suggest, that's all.23:49
DarkStar1ignarps: lol.. :D The architecture itself was wank if I remember correctly so much so it kept failing benchmarks badly when compared with the AMD23:50
goltoofp_res:  man sarcasm23:50
xim_goltoof, 150k??? are you on the 10 year plan?23:50
p_resgoltoof: Yes, off topic, moving on...23:50
kaddi_KM0201, shcherbak I'm assuming chroot is something I would not wnat to run from my current install but rathre from a livecd? Or could I just change the chroot for one instalnce of terminal and run dpkg in there?23:50
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ignarpsDarkStar1, yeah that was due to the compiler having to make all multithreaded decisions.   The compilers they had at the time could not do it23:50
DarkStar1ignarps: but that didn't bother me.. It was the power draw of those chips.. They did run hot on my friends machines23:50
zubhi. I'd like to rebuild a kernel module so that it matches my running (ubuntu) kernel. What's the correct way to do it? I do apt-get source linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic, then just took config from /boot/config-2.6.35-24-generic, then build the module - but I just get (in dmesg): no symbol version for module_layout when I try to load it23:50
xim_sorry encouraging ot discussion23:50
Citizenwarriorignarps It would be nice to see what the CPU is23:51
zubI wonder why do I get that when the kernel config is the same (I hope)23:51
KM0201kaddi_: i don't think it would really matter23:51
ecinxwhat's a good program for me to type ' ,hello ' and have it to perform { Hello, $} and put me in the dollar sign?23:51
p_resinduz: My SP3 install just finished. Rebooting now and will then use this vdi as a template to implement for vdi's using vdiclone.23:51
ignarpsCitizenwarrior, then you want the output of 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'23:51
zubDoes apt-get source also apply patches, or am I supposed to apply them myself somehow?23:51
goltoofecinx:  php?23:51
induzp_res, why u use so many XP clones??23:51
Citizenwarriorignarps thank-you23:51
calumI have tried several configurations but mupen64plus sound is still so choppy, what is up?23:51
ecinxi don't know php23:52
p_resinduz: Different stuff. Development, testing, etc.23:52
induzp_res, mine is still loading Xp23:52
cerealpirateI have successfully pulled instanton (which is just a launcher) and have it running on ubuntu and I am having trouble getting icons to appear. All of the links work but there is just blank tiles with the names....I have tried editing the .desktops and have tinkered with the other config files but to avail............... anyone wanna take a stab at it ???23:52
ecinxkind of like  macro program, I really want it for teX23:52
goltoofecinx: just about any programming language can do that, choose a languag23:52
DarkStar1Citizenwarrior: Yeah ignarps is a better solution.. Forgot about that command :D23:52
induzp_res, r u a s/w tester?23:52
p_resinduz: Dabble in some development and testing, yes.23:52
induzp_res, good23:53
ecinxwhat i want to do exactly is type ,br and put me betweeen a pair of braces, and type,4 and put me between a pair of dollar signs23:53
CitizenwarriorDarkStar1 It's cool if none of us ever forgot anything then we wouldn't need to chat here23:53
induzp_res,  i am trying to get into HelpDeskSupport23:53
xim_thats what you have to do when you learn everything for you job on the internet23:53
goltoofecinx:  not at all an ubuntu issue.. try #bash or #latex   if it exists23:54
DarkStar1Ok guys I need your opinion on how to solve my problem. and bear in mind I'm not a web head. Newto the whole web admin arena23:54
p_resinduz: Don't get me wrong, apart from gaming I don't really use Windows a lot these days. I use it in VM because as much as I hate Windows, XP runs nicely in VirtualBox. Probably the best operating system for virtualization I reckon.23:54
DarkStar1Citizenwarrior: We'd still have to chat. We of course come here to learn also23:54
induzp_res, Its good to know XP runs good on VB23:54
DarkStar1Anyways here goes with my issue..23:54
p_resinduz: It does!23:55
goltoofp_res: same,  excluding the new apps that will only work on 723:55
shcherbakkaddi_: silly me, you there?23:55
p_resgoltoof: Then I avoid them. Simple.23:55
kaddi_shcherbak: yes23:55
induzp_res, we had hrad time on school running server 2003 on VM last year i dont know why that NIC was not working23:55
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p_resinduz: Yeah I've never used Windows Server so I wouldn't know.23:56
kaddi_shcherbak: still reading man chroot and trying on deciding whether it's realy worth it.. :p23:56
shcherbakkaddi_: you want to have list of programs, right?23:56
kaddi_shcherbak: yeah, or packages23:56
shcherbakkaddi_: man is answear!23:56
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Despignarps, sorry man I am creating the file23:57
DarkStar1Two tomcats running on two different virtual servers (both servers are hosted at a provider 1&1 in this case). They run similar webapp services for different dept but are under different domain. I have been tasked with consolidating them under 1 domain name so that both apps will be resolved to a subdomain on the chosen one.23:57
ignarpsDesp, I was not waiting on anything :)23:57
ks07hey, Im trying to setup a redirect on lighttpd, but I know nothing about regex xD... Can anyone tell me how to match everything on the web server minus an entire directory and its contents ?23:58
DespI know , sorry for highlighting your name :)23:58
induzp_res, is that 384 MB going to affect My ubuntu if i am not using VB[running]23:58
goltoofinduz:  nope23:58
p_resinduz: No, only whilst you have a VM running.23:58
barf_barfburning an .iso to a dvd -r do i use TAO or SAO write mode?23:59
p_resMine's done. Now to clone a couple...23:59
shcherbakkaddi_: /usr/share/doc/ most of programs write there23:59
DarkStar1I have fired off an e-mail to 1&1 to ask if they can configure their DNS to resolve this issue for me but not heard anything as of yet. Googling suggests that I maybe able to run Apache on one of the servers and do some reverse proxying so that the request is redirected to the right virtual server.23:59

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