=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-zzz | ||
d3jake | I've encountered this error while trying to commit my project to a bzr repository hosted by sourceforge.net. http://pastebin.com/ahW8U8Ve This leads me to think that my bzr version is too new to work properly, is this a correct analysis? | 04:50 |
AfC | d3jake: no, it means that for whatever reason the data on the server is in a *really* old format. If you can upgrade the server branches you'll fix the problem | 04:51 |
d3jake | AfC, Unless a change was made to bzr's format breaking backwards compatibility within the last three-four months, I don't see why this error would be happening. I was able to make commits without issues using a not-too-distantly-old version of bzr to the same repository. | 04:53 |
AfC | It's not the Bazaar version. I can't tell you what the error is, but it is doing a conversion to something (WAY) older than 2a, and so you're exposing yourself to trouble. Upgrade the server branch & repository if it's yours. And if it's not yours, ask them to. There's no reason, none, to not be using 2a | 04:54 |
d3jake | Ohh, okay. So the problem is likely on sourceforge.net's end as they are the one's hosting the repository? | 04:55 |
AfC | "hosting" is just disk space | 04:55 |
AfC | whose project is it? | 04:55 |
AfC | yours or !yours? | 04:55 |
AfC | and, | 04:55 |
AfC | do you have SSH access to the server? | 04:55 |
d3jake | The project is mine. And no. | 04:55 |
AfC | hm. | 04:55 |
AfC | Well, others can correct me if I'm wrong, but all you need to do is `bzr upgrade` the (branch and the) repository | 04:56 |
AfC | I can't recall if you can do that over bzr+ssh. You might be able to, actually. | 04:57 |
AfC | failing that, | 04:57 |
AfC | you can bzr upgrade locally to 2a | 04:57 |
AfC | (actually, it sounds like you have already) | 04:57 |
AfC | and just overwrite completely what's up there. | 04:57 |
d3jake | So, open a console, go into the root directory of my project, and type "bzr upgrade", and then some sort of command to force the changes onto the server somehow? | 04:57 |
AfC | I'll let others take it from here; there are a few web pages out there on the topic I'm sure | 04:58 |
AfC | but short answer, yes | 04:58 |
d3jake | Okay, cool | 04:58 |
d3jake | Thank you for your help :) | 04:58 |
AfC | bzr info | 04:59 |
AfC | will guide you on your way | 04:59 |
AfC | and read the help for upgrade | 04:59 |
d3jake | Does it mean anything if bzr info tells me that my project is a standalone tree, and in format 2a? Does this mean that I need to upgrade the repo? | 05:00 |
AfC | d3jake: your local tree? | 05:09 |
AfC | If it says that, then you're fine locally (and is the case as evidenced by the strange error you got) | 05:09 |
AfC | d3jake: if it says that for the remote tree, you are finished | 05:10 |
d3jake | AfC: Yes, it is my local tree. | 05:10 |
d3jake | I'm wading through trying to see if I can et the remote tree fixed, but I'm nearing the time when I should shove off for the evening... | 05:10 |
AfC | so just do | 05:11 |
AfC | $ bzr upgrade bzr+ssh://path/to/remote/tree | 05:11 |
AfC | that'll work, or not | 05:11 |
AfC | failing that, just remove it and upload a new one | 05:11 |
d3jake | Remove it? As in delete the remote tree, and then reupload? | 05:11 |
d3jake | Wouldn't I loose all of my revision history? | 05:12 |
d3jake | Ah well, I need to bail. Thank you for your help. | 05:16 |
AfC | If you've got conflicts, can you use `meld` to sort it out? | 05:59 |
AfC | (ie, "yes", but what's a good idiom?) | 05:59 |
spiv | AfC: not sure, but I'd be interested to hear if you find one! | 06:12 |
AfC | spiv: ie, `bzr diff --using=meld` is vaguely a step in the right direction; | 06:12 |
AfC | it seems like | 06:12 |
AfC | $ meld path/to/file.OTHER path/to/file.THIS | 06:12 |
AfC | is about right, but still, it's a bit fidgety | 06:13 |
TimMiao | hello everyone, could anyone please tell me where can I set the proxy for bzr? to add a new line "http_proxy = http://some.proxy.address:port/" in bazaar.conf file doesn't work for me. Thanks! | 06:59 |
=== frakturfreak_ is now known as frakturfreak | ||
vila | hi all ! | 08:18 |
fullermd | Eh? Again? Didn't you just say that yesterday? | 08:20 |
spiv | fullermd: it's like the days just keep coming and ocming! | 08:54 |
spiv | TimMiao: set it as an environment variable | 08:54 |
fullermd | spiv: I know! I'm _sure_ I never authorized that! | 09:05 |
vila | . o O (Did I just saw this groundhog *again* ?) | 09:48 |
Peng | Groundhog? Does that mean I get six more weeks of insomnia? :D | 09:50 |
spiv | Peng: you could always transform that into six weeks of late-night Bill Murray movie watching! | 09:54 |
vila | I love this movie but... six weeks... wow :) | 09:56 |
quicksilver | my daughter was born on groundhog day. | 09:57 |
fullermd | Did she see her shadow on the way out? | 09:57 |
=== Ursinha-zzz is now known as Ursinha | ||
svaksha | hi, while checking out code I get "bzr: ERROR: extra argument to command checkout". How do I solve it? TIA. | 12:37 |
beuno | svaksha, what command are you running | 12:40 |
svaksha | beuno: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/developers/bzr.php <-- trying to get the source | 12:41 |
svaksha | bzr co bzr branch http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/srv/bzr/gnue | 12:41 |
beuno | right | 12:41 |
beuno | so you don't need the first part, "bzr co" | 12:41 |
beuno | just: bzr branch http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/srv/bzr/gnue | 12:41 |
svaksha | beuno: still throws this error, bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/srv/bzr/gnue/". | 12:42 |
* svaksha tried it with sudo too | 12:43 | |
beuno | svaksha, FWIW, that page has it wrong | 12:44 |
beuno | not sure if it can be reported | 12:44 |
beuno | http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/srv/bzr/gnue 404s | 12:44 |
svaksha | beuno: yes, but i dont know how else to get the source | 12:44 |
beuno | and bzr co bzr branch is from | 12:44 |
beuno | svaksha, try: bzr branch http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/r/gnue/ | 12:45 |
* svaksha has been trying different brz permutations with no luck | 12:45 | |
svaksha | s/brz/bzr | 12:45 |
beuno | no, the url in that page is wrong | 12:45 |
svaksha | beuno: that worked, thanks :) | 12:46 |
beuno | cool, np | 12:46 |
svaksha | beuno: fwiw, I reported the error in their irc channel. So thanks! | 12:51 |
vila | jelmer: ping | 13:00 |
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann_ | ||
jelmer | vila: hi | 13:48 |
vila | jelmer: hi there | 13:48 |
vila | jelmer: saw my pm ? | 13:48 |
jelmer | vila: no, thanks for the reminder | 13:49 |
frathgeber | ?nested | 13:52 |
vila | jelmer: did you get failure reports from pqm ? | 14:05 |
vila | jelmer: if yes, can you try feed-pqm my submission about 321320-isolate-doc-tests ? | 14:10 |
jelmer | vila: yep, I did get (strange) failure emails | 14:14 |
vila | jelmer: don't resubmit mine ! Just got mails | 14:15 |
vila | jelmer: what kind of strangeness ? | 14:18 |
jelmer | vila: I don't remember actually, I'll retry. | 14:29 |
vila | jelmer: already failed right ? | 14:33 |
vila | jelmer: meh, misread the page.. again... | 14:34 |
vila | jelmer: or not ? | 14:41 |
vila | jelmer: you sent 2 requests ? | 14:41 |
jelmer | yeah | 14:58 |
vila | jelmer: got mail for the first one ? | 14:59 |
jelmer | Yeah - PQM test failure. | 14:59 |
jelmer | Ran 0 tests in 0.000s | 14:59 |
jelmer | And empty output files attached | 15:00 |
jelmer | merge http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/daily-ppa http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev | 15:00 |
vila | ha, I feel less alone :-/ | 15:01 |
mgz | ...committing is broken again? | 15:06 |
mgz | that's not good, last thing to land was by me,,, | 15:06 |
vila | mgz: don't be so paranoid :) | 15:08 |
vila | . o O (Or how would we get you...) | 15:08 |
vila | mgz: I looked at it, but saw nothing wrong | 15:08 |
vila | mgz: my pqmlike setup is fine with my patch too :-( | 15:09 |
mgz | maybe it's not my fault and the pqm box just ate too much over xmas and hasn't recovered | 15:09 |
vila | well, nothing has landed since... unless you count failed submissions, pqm is on diet :) | 15:12 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
vila | mgz, jelmer: sounds like the pqm *host* have been upgraded to lucid while we still run in a hardy chroot and there are.... unknown issues :( | 15:35 |
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
fullermd | See what happens when you use adjectives instead of version numbers? :p | 15:36 |
jelmer | vila: ah | 15:38 |
vila | jelmer: and stop queuing (s) my submissions, email (e) them instead when using feed-pqm:D | 15:42 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch | ||
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch | ||
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno | ||
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha | ||
Phoenixz | A co-worker committed a change, pushed it, and I pulled it.. the commit is rubbish and should NOT be committed... How can I remove or revert this entire commit, and redistribute it? | 19:00 |
knighthawk | I'm confused I just tried to commit to my central repo and it gave me a message saying that "No WorkingTree exists" I thought I didn't need a working tree for a central repo | 19:01 |
jelmer | Phoenixz: you can commit the revert of that commit, e.g. "bzr revert -r -2 && bzr ci -m 'revert broken commit'" | 19:02 |
knighthawk | Phoenixz, can you just revert your copy then commit it? | 19:02 |
jelmer | knighthawk: you shouldn't need a workingtree indeed - how are you committing to the central repo? | 19:02 |
knighthawk | jelmer, 'bzr commit -m "update repo" sftp://path to repo' | 19:03 |
jelmer | knighthawk: That will try to do a commit in that location | 19:04 |
jelmer | knighthawk: You probably want to commit in your local branch. | 19:04 |
jelmer | if your local branch is bound to the central branch the changes will automatically be pushed to the central branch. alternatively they can be pushed manually | 19:04 |
jelmer | so you probably want: | 19:04 |
jelmer | "bzr bind sftp://path to repo; bzr commit -m 'update repo'" | 19:05 |
jelmer | bzr ci -m 'update repo' && bzr push sftp://path-to-repo | 19:05 |
knighthawk | if I run bzr info It has the central branch set up for push branch and submit branch | 19:05 |
jelmer | knighthawk: in that case you wouldn't need an argument for "bzr push", but you'd still need to run it if the branch is not bound | 19:06 |
knighthawk | but I would like to commit on my local as well. Right now I'm more concerned about getting my team up to speed on BZR so we can all use it. | 19:06 |
jelmer | knighthawk: if you run "bzr ci -m 'foo'" without any other arguments it will commit to your local branch | 19:07 |
jelmer | knighthawk: if you've bound the branch to another branch it will automatically push the new commit there as well (hence the "bzr bind" command I mentioned earlier) | 19:07 |
jelmer | knighthawk: you don't have a bound branch from what I can tell, so you'll need to bind it manually. | 19:07 |
knighthawk | jelmer thanks. I'll try the bound then see if that works. | 19:16 |
knighthawk | bzr: ERROR: sftp://repos.grdev.com/opt/bzr-repos/grws/.bzr/ is not a local path. | 19:19 |
knighthawk | when I try to commit after the bind. | 19:19 |
knighthawk | bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "/opt/bzr-repos.grws": [Errno 13] Permission denied | 19:22 |
knighthawk | when I try to push | 19:22 |
knighthawk | I want to remove a file from my working tree but don't want to remove it from my file system. I *should* have set up bzr ignore before it got picked up by my working tree but I didn't. | 19:24 |
knighthawk | now how do I remove it without using bzr remove. or is there a way to tell bzr remove to leave the file on my filesystem? | 19:25 |
knighthawk | just found the --keep option. Thanks | 19:25 |
jelmer | knighthawk: when you commit you shouldn't specify the remote repository | 19:31 |
achiang | hello, is there a way to completely revert a commit, the same way you would say, "git reset --hard HEAD^" ? the git command erases the -1 commit from history, forever as if it never existed | 19:33 |
achiang | bzr merge . --revision -1..-2 kinda gets me close | 19:33 |
achiang | but i still see the -1 commit in my log | 19:33 |
james_w | achiang, bzr uncommit | 19:35 |
achiang | ah! | 19:35 |
* achiang goes to read the man page | 19:35 | |
achiang | james_w: perfect, thank you | 19:36 |
knighthawk | jelmer, thanks I think that's what I was doing wrong. | 19:36 |
james_w | achiang, you'll want a bzr revert as well to match reset --hard | 19:37 |
achiang | james_w: yeah, i just discovered that | 19:37 |
mgz | bug 700000! | 20:26 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 700000 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed with IndexError in _build_view(): list index out of range (dup-of: 631415)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/700000 | 20:26 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 631415 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed with IndexError in _build_view()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/631415 | 20:26 |
mgz | ...is a dupe. | 20:26 |
Peng | Well, better luck with 800000. | 20:46 |
jelmer | hehe | 21:10 |
jelmer | mgz: I managed to get 600000 IIRC :-) | 21:10 |
jelmer | bug 600000 | 21:10 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 600000 in hitchhiker (Ubuntu) "missing dependency on Bazaar" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/600000 | 21:11 |
jelmer | yup :) | 21:11 |
mgz | go jelmer :) | 21:11 |
jelmer | my greatest accomplishment of 2009 :-P | 21:11 |
mgz | had a look at apache-bzr source. | 21:11 |
mgz | nice idea. | 21:12 |
jelmer | mgz: the code does indeed need some more work :-) | 21:12 |
mgz | ...that... wasn't the implication >_< | 21:13 |
jelmer | :) | 21:13 |
jelmer | There was a reason the announcement said it was a PoC :-) | 21:14 |
mgz | avoids the wsgi mess and confusion neatly at any rate. | 21:17 |
knighthawk | I'm trying to remember the syntax to include the user name and password in the URL. | 22:42 |
knighthawk | something like sftp://username:passwd@example.com | 22:42 |
knighthawk | only that doesn't seem to be working, and I can't think of anything else. | 22:42 |
bob2 | don't do that for sftp | 22:43 |
bob2 | sftp://user@example.com/ does work, though | 22:43 |
bob2 | er "don't put passwords in there for sftp" | 22:43 |
knighthawk | I've got members of my team using Windows. and I have no idea how to tell eclipse what password to use without putting it in the path. | 22:44 |
bob2 | nah, use ssh keys | 22:44 |
knighthawk | perhaps in bzr I can tell it the passwd then eclipse wouldn't have to know but again. Don't know how to do that in windows. | 22:44 |
knighthawk | hmmm that sounds like a good solution actually. | 22:45 |
Phoenixz | A coworker of mine added, comitted, and pushed files into a repo that should not be there.. I pulled those files, and now I'm stuck with them. I want these files not only out of the WT, I want them out of the repo, I want that commit gone (the files are copyrighted, the repo is open source).. How can I undo / revert / remove this commit? | 23:23 |
maxb | bzr uncommit | 23:23 |
knighthawk | okay I'm confused again. I just did a commit to a central repos of revision 7. However whenever other members of my team try to update they just get revision 6 what am I doing wrong. | 23:24 |
maxb | thats not much info to go on but the logical assumption would be that you've only committed locally | 23:25 |
bob2 | Phoenixz: exporting and importing are your only options afaik | 23:33 |
Phoenixz | bob2: ok.. On a non-copyright issue then, is it possible to "uncommit" or unmerge those things away? | 23:35 |
Phoenixz | bob2: like, remove commit 34... 34 will still be there in the repo, but at least won't affect files.. ? | 23:35 |
bob2 | yes, 'bzr rm' :) | 23:35 |
Phoenixz | bob2: bzr rm is on file level.. there isn't anything like that on commit level? | 23:36 |
bob2 | kinda | 23:36 |
Phoenixz | bob2: kinda... ? as in? | 23:43 |
bob2 | as in I'm not sure what the point is - bzr rm leaves stuff in the rev history the same way as bzr revert would | 23:44 |
maxb | Phoenixz: the important question is: is the problem commit the last commit in the branch? | 23:47 |
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