
gnomeloggerRiddell: /usr/share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/kresources_shared_akonadi.mo00:08
gnomeloggerRiddell: libkdepim4 4:4.5.93-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa100:09
gnomeloggerRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/0101-pulse-Disable-xlib-in-pulse.-libpulse-now-uses-xcb-o.patch sort of changelog: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/changelog00:16
EagleScreenI ma wtaching a *.install file as reference01:04
EagleScreenit only has the target files to be installed01:04
gnomeloggerRiddell: did you fall asleep?01:04
Riddellgnomelogger: I'm busy packaging!01:04
RiddellI also don't care much about computer games01:04
gnomeloggerRiddell: you should for that one :D01:04
EagleScreenI ma curious how Debian/Ubuntu knows the origin file to copy01:05
RiddellEagleScreen: make install is run01:05
Riddellthat installs the files into debian/tmp01:05
gnomeloggerwell actually dh_install I believe01:06
Riddelland the .install file tell debhelper which .deb to put it into01:06
Riddellby coping the file from debian/tmp to debian/<package>/ which gets made into the .deb01:06
EagleScreenthe current make install installs all in /usr/local/share........, will dh_install install them in /usr/share instead?01:07
Riddellcmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr01:07
Riddellthat's how it's configured01:07
Riddellthen after `make` the packaging runs  `DESTDIR=debian/tmp make install` and the files get installed into debian/tmp/usr/...01:08
EagleScreento know which files must I include in the .deb, I ma using the 'make install' output, am I doing it well?01:08
Riddellthen dh_install copies to debian/<package>/usr/... which gets made into the .deb01:09
EagleScreen* to know which files to write in the .install01:09
RiddellEagleScreen: does the package make more than one .deb file?01:09
EagleScreenI want it to do it (binary and debugging symbols) I am working in packaging KDE4 verison of Kdbg01:10
Riddelldh_install --list-missing01:11
Riddellthat might help01:11
Riddellshould give you a list of files that need to be added to .install files01:11
EagleScreenI got this:01:12
EagleScreen$ dh_install --list-missing01:12
EagleScreendh_install: kdbg missing files (), aborting01:12
Riddellwell that'll only work if the source package has been built01:13
Riddellif you want to install all files you should be able to just put "usr/" into the .install file01:13
Riddellthat'll copy the whole directory01:13
EagleScreenand is it good? I don't see any reason to not copy some files01:14
Riddellyes, I expect it's what you want01:14
EagleScreenok, thanks01:15
Riddellif you only make one .deb package then you don't need a .install file at all, it'll just put all the files into the package.  but you have a dbg package that might not be the case01:15
EagleScreenI understand01:16
EagleScreendo you recommend some argument to run lintian with?01:21
RiddellI just run it as "lintian"01:22
* gnomelogger also meant to por the list missing foo -.-01:23
gnomeloggerso much todo01:23
EagleScreenI can't create a natty enviroment with pbuilder, I get this: http://pastebin.ca/203996901:26
EagleScreen(I am running Debian testing right now)01:26
yofelEagleScreen: make sure you have '--keyring' '/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg' in your DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS for ubuntu pbuilders01:28
yofelEagleScreen: here's how I do it for debian, like 69f http://paste.ubuntu.com/551331/01:29
yofel*line 69f01:29
EagleScreencan it go in .pbuilderrc?01:29
yofel(that's my pbuilderrc btw.)01:30
* yofel is off to bed, good night01:30
gnomeloggerthat sould not be  needed unless you override the default rc01:31
Riddell4.5.95 uploaded to natty01:31
Riddellwill do maverick tomorrow morning 01:31
EagleScreenI have this: http://pastebin.ca/2039980 and the error is still here01:38
EagleScreenyofel: any idea?01:40
EagleScreenyofel: the right option is "--keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg" look at the '='02:52
stalcupRiddell: ScottK https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+packages05:09
ScottKstalcup: We need someone to test them then.05:28
ScottKRiddell: I don't see an upload for kde4libs (4.5.95 on natty).  I'm not going to do it though in case you didn't upload it on purpose (do check bzr though as I found one small thing after I uploaded to the PPA).05:34
valorieit there no way to tell muon to just update everything which needs updating?07:11
valorieI am not gonna do them one by one07:11
valorieeh, I'll just do it with apt-get07:29
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
ulyssesI have an error during the upgrade from KDE 4.6 RC1 to RC2 in Natty09:49
ulysses /var/cache/apt/archives/kdewallpapers_4%3a4.5.95-0ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack):09:50
ulysses trying to overwrite '/usr/share/wallpapers/Ethais/metadata.desktop', which is also in package kdebase-workspace-wallpapers 4:4.5.90-0ubuntu109:50
shadeslayerRiddell: wheee09:54
shadeslayerRiddell: i found web browsing to be faster in general09:54
shadeslayerafiestas: it would be nice to get a option to turn off bluetooth in bluedevil10:06
hrwbug 69977310:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 699773 in kdeartwork (Ubuntu) " trying to overwrite '/usr/share/wallpapers/Ethais/metadata.desktop', which is also in package kdebase-workspace-wallpapers 4:4.5.90-0ubuntu1 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69977310:36
ulysseshm, I can confirm it10:36
hrwadded report from dpkg --force-overwrite -i10:37
yofelulysses: huh?10:37
yofelI fixed that yesterday...10:37
ulyssesI updated today10:37
ulyssesan aóhour ago10:38
hrwI just updated my system10:38
yofelRiddell: you did not merge my kdeartwork branch before uploading...10:38
hrwheh... I love how plymouth disbehaves on my computers ;D10:40
Riddellyofel: oh foo sorry10:41
afiestasshadeslayer: master has it11:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayerafiestas: kewl thanks :D11:48
TroubleOoooh yea, that is looking good!12:27
Troublekdm : Depends: libkworkspace4 (= 4:4.5.95-0ubuntu1~maverick~ppa2) but 4:4.5.95-0ubuntu1~maverick~ppa3 is to be installed12:33
RiddellTrouble: amd64 or i386?12:35
TroubleAlso... kdm : Depends: kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugins (= 4:4.5.95-0ubuntu1~maverick~ppa2) but 4:4.5.95-0ubuntu1~maverick~ppa3 is to be installed12:35
markeywhere is apachelogger?12:36
markeyI need to kill him a bit12:36
markeyjust a bit12:36
markeyhe posted a pic on Facebook12:37
markeyfrom me12:37
markeygood thing that is says "Mark Shuttleworth"12:37
markeyI'm totally resembling him12:37
RiddellTrouble: https://private-ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages  says kdm has 4:4.5.95-0ubuntu1~maverick~ppa312:38
skfinHow do you kill him a bit? Like you stab him with knife but just a bit?12:38
markeyaxe murdering, I think12:38
markeyah, he is hiding as gnomelogger12:39
skfinmarkey: That is killing him properly, not a bit12:39
ulyssesgnome?:o traitor!12:39
markeyskfin: also fine12:39
TroubleRiddell: Hmmmm yes I see! Let me see if I can work out what is going wrong12:41
TroubleI wonder if it's to do with this error from apt-get update that has suddenly appeared: "W: Bizarre Error - File size is not what the server reported 87850 78089"12:41
TroubleRiddell: It's okay now! Sorry to have bothered you :)12:46
* Trouble kicks LaunchPad12:47
yofelI see that error too rather frequently with the ninjas PPA, wonder what's wrong with apt..12:47
yofelor launchpad, right..12:47
* Trouble kicks apt-get for good measure12:47
daithefluhi guys, I wonder if someone knows how to use KServices with PyKDE4 ? I'd like to make a plugin-based app12:48
* jussi kicks Trouble...12:49
* Trouble gives jussi some trouble12:49
* jussi kicks Trouble... OUT! 12:50
jussiTrouble: are you asking for trouble? 12:51
* yofel had a knockout script for xchat once to do that for a limited time ^^12:51
* Trouble cracks up12:51
jussidaitheflu: Im sorry to be so inattentive to your question, I just dont know the answer12:51
TroubleMy first name is Justin...#12:51
TroubleJustin Trouble :D12:51
jussinow that is a complete dad joke :P12:51
TroubleJust-in Trouble (for the slow people)12:51
yofelyou indeed have a troublesome name ^^12:51
daitheflujussi: no worries :)12:52
TroubleMy real surname isn't actually Trouble btw ;-)12:52
jussiTrouble: you know what we do with troublemakers here... :D12:52
* jussi gets out the banhammer :P 12:52
markeyRiddell: K3B is borked in Maverick with RC1 updates12:56
yofelmarkey: what happened?12:56
markeyRiddell: says: "Unable to fixate disk. cdrecord has no permission to open the device."12:56
markeya HAL issue?12:56
Troublelol banhammer :D12:57
markeyRiddell: http://pastebin.com/9RegQyTA12:57
markeydebug output from K3B12:57
* jussi drags Trouble to #kubuntu-offtopic - shh, theres workers in here!!! :D12:58
TroubleI would never have guessed there was somewhere for offtopic Kubuntu chat from the way apachelogger goes on and on in here ;-p13:00
* jussi waves in the sabdfl's direction13:03
* yofel does an update test for 4.5.5 in the meanwhile13:04
Riddellmarkey: yeah, try installing hal13:05
Riddellwe need to talk to upstream about that13:05
Riddelldaitheflu: I'm afraid pykde guru sime isn't around currently (he's had a baby), probably best to e-mail the kdebindings list or the pyqt list13:06
yofelstalcup: kdeutils 4.5.5 is missing13:06
daithefluRiddell: thanks for the advice, I'll try the mailing-lists13:07
markeyRiddell: how to install HAL?13:09
markeymaybe I should run K3B with sudo?13:10
yofelsudo apt-get install hal if it's missing13:10
* yofel wonders if ppa.launchpad.net will ever have mirrors...13:11
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
yofelhey Quintasan13:13
Quintasanyofel: \o13:13
QuintasanWhat's with sip?13:13
markeyyofel: thx13:14
Quintasanyofel: POX mailed me that there are stil some problems with sip, I will probably get everthing sorted out today13:16
yofelok, I'm on an off today and will be gone for a while later, just ping me when sip works13:17
yofelgrr, keyboard-configuration in natty is annoying13:17
QuintasanCan't we remove this stuff?13:18
QuintasanI can't even figure out what it does13:18
=== gnomelogger is now known as markeylogger
markeyloggermy head files like someone played football with it13:21
Quintasanmarkeylogger: Ain't that because you got drunk?13:22
yofelmarkeylogger: any plans to update phonon-backend-gst in natty? I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/551474/13:26
yofelvlc backend works fine at least13:27
=== markeylogger is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggeryofel: make a snapshot :P13:27
yofelhm, _Groo_ had daily builds I think, maybe I'll test that later13:28
apacheloggerphonon 4.4.4 comes out the day KDE 4.6 final is getting tagged13:28
apachelogger(someting 19 or so)13:28
yofelah, cool13:28
ulyssesKDE 4.6 will be tagged at 19th january13:29
Quintasanblame apachelogger for every breakage as we usually do and we will be fine ;)13:32
apacheloggertalkign about that13:34
apacheloggerit would be very cool if project neon could become usable at some point13:34
apacheloggerevery day that it is not published and advertised and used is a wasted one13:34
yofelapachelogger: sure thing, wanna fix0r bug 109114 while waiting?13:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 109114 in Bazaar "[master] bzr holds whole files in memory; raises MemoryError on large files" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10911413:41
apacheloggerso bzr is blocking again?13:42
yofelsure, it's blocking kdelibs, kdebase, kdepim and something else13:42
apacheloggersee, here is the thing, if you guys had a blog you could start some public ranting, pissing the bzr devs off and thus getting this fixed13:42
yofelapachelogger: see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon/RecipeStatus13:42
yofelah, and qt13:43
* yofel gets something to eat, bbl13:43
* apachelogger needs to work on the ubuntu contact book stuff13:44
apacheloggeroi vey13:44
apacheloggeralso a UDS essentials lists in order, so no one shall forget their bathingsuite no more13:45
apacheloggerMamarok: can you please stop markey from always wanting skype sessions :P13:48
Quintasan|Droidyofel: how do fix this kdm bug?13:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: !!!13:49
Quintasan|Droidapachelogger: piiiing13:49
Quintasan|Droidapachelogger: did u update to rc2?13:49
* apachelogger shows Quintasan|Droid a nakkid picture of kubotu and hopes to scare him away13:49
apacheloggerQuintasan|Droid: no, jr did13:49
apacheloggerdid he break something?13:50
* apachelogger cant read quite well today13:50
Quintasan|DroidDunno, kdm mumbles something about ethias dir no being available13:50
apacheloggerQuintasan|Droid: only on what is yet available on 10.1013:50
apacheloggeryeah, that hought to be fixed in natty and a fix for 10.10 coming today jr said13:50
apacheloggerQuintasan|Droid: just edit your kdmrc13:50
Quintasan|DroidI has natty lol13:50
apacheloggerthen possibly his fix was insufficient *shrug*13:51
yofelQuintasan|Droid: switch to horus theme or instal kdebase-workspace-wallpapers and kdewallpapers13:52
yofelethais was cut into pieces13:52
* apachelogger looks at his inbox, sees a couple of bug report labels lighting up and decides to not read mails today13:53
Quintasan|Droidyofel: where do I change this?13:53
Quintasan|DroidI need path since my terminal is somehow split13:53
apacheloggerthere is stuff like "Applications with phonon-vlc crashes at startup"13:54
Quintasan|DroidLike the prompt starts on the right side of the screen and ends at the left13:54
apacheloggerof which I am sure is either fixed or only affecting opensuse13:54
yofelQuintasan|Droid: set 'Theme' in /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc, now I need to find out what the path was...13:55
yofelgrr, both my upgraded pcs are off :S13:55
apacheloggersame as ethias13:56
apacheloggerjust with horos13:56
yofelQuintasan|Droid: just look yourself what the new theme is called in /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes/13:56
apachelogger/usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes/horos I believe13:56
yofelyeah, can't remember the exact name13:56
apacheloggerMamarok: btw, according to golem phonon is an audio backend, whereas xine is a video backend13:57
yofelyep, horos13:57
apacheloggerI love them very much13:57
apacheloggerI only read their crap every once in a while, and yet they manage to always have news to piss me off big time13:58
Quintasanhurp durp13:59
Quintasanyofel: thanks13:59
Riddellroar, kdebase-workspace artwork is going to kill me14:07
ScottKRiddell: kdebase is currently depwait on an updated kde-sv-dev-latest, but it's not been updated.  Should we update kde-sc-dev-latest or bump down the build-dep version in kdebase?14:08
Riddellyes meta-kde should get uploaded14:09
RiddellI'm just stressing at kdebase-workspace just now14:09
ScottKOK.  I can take care of that.14:11
84XABIUT3hello all.. does someone know when this workaround will be used? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/604122 i need to put some files on my sd-card..14:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 604122 in linux (Ubuntu) "mmc0: Got command interrupt 0x00030000 even though no command operation was in progress." [Undecided,Confirmed]14:19
84XABIUT3or where is a workaround-kernel which is easy to install?14:21
ScottK84XABIUT3: Help is in #ubuntu or #kubuntu.14:21
84XABIUT3ok, thanks14:22
84XABIUT3ScottK: do you know the solution? i asked, but since now, no one answered.. and i'm a bit in a hurry :s14:24
ScottK84XABIUT3: No.  I haven't had that problem.14:25
Quintasan84XABIUT3: You'd better ask in #ubuntu-kernel14:27
Quintasan84XABIUT3: and you need to be veeeeery patient to get answer there14:27
84XABIUT3damn :14:27
84XABIUT3why isn't it workarounded by CONFIG_MMC_RICOH_MMC=n ?!?14:28
apacheloggerwe do not know, as Quintasan indicated #ubuntu-kernel is where kernel matters are discussed14:29
Quintasan84XABIUT3: We're just making Kubuntu,not kernel14:30
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1212588 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/muon/CMakeLists.txt Somehow the adding of the icons directory to CMakeLists.txt got undone...14:31
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you get my ping a couple of days ago RE checking symbol changes in kde4libs/pimlibs for 4.5.95?  Do you think you'll be able to look at it?14:34
ScottKhttp://pastebin.com/yw84BitX is kde4libs in case you missed it.14:35
JontheEchidnaScottK: nope, I hadn't gotten that ping. I can take a look at it14:36
ScottKJontheEchidna: Thanks.  I can't seem to find my pimlibs diff, but it's in the archive now, so you can look at the build logs there.14:36
ScottKJontheEchidna: Please wait until after kde4libs finishes on armel and powerpc to upload an update if you come up with one.14:37
QuintasanDesktop effects are really smooth now!14:54
ScottKRiddell: Reading https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-qa/2011-January/001379.html I'm left wondering if we shouldn't set reboot required for full KDE SC version updates?15:32
markeyRiddell: 15:36
markey"hal is already the newest version."15:36
markeyit was installed...15:36
ScottKmarkey: I think the thing that was causing k3b to fail even when hal was installed is fixed in rc215:38
ScottKIf not, I suspect afiestas is the person to talk to.15:38
afiestasI'm not :p15:39
apacheloggerScottK: we should15:40
apacheloggeralso I have a bug about that somewhere15:40
markeyScottK: ah, cool15:41
apacheloggerScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/37982015:41
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list.index(x): x not in list (https://launchpad.net/bugs/379820)15:41
apacheloggernice that it timed out15:41
apacheloggerlove it15:41
markeyScottK: is RC2 in backports now?15:42
ScottKNo idea.  I've just been following Natty.15:42
ScottKIt's uploaded there, but still building.15:42
RiddellScottK: hmm, I'm not sure what the problem is for that ubuntu-qa person, the upgrade should be ABI compatible15:42
Riddellhaving a "log out" notifier wouldn't be a bad idea though15:43
apacheloggerRiddell: desktop file foobar15:43
Riddellwhat's changed in the desktop file?15:43
apacheloggerI dunno15:44
apacheloggerat any rate a log out would solve the problem15:44
apacheloggercould also be that an interface in kded changed and kate used the old one or somesuch15:44
Riddellyay, the maverick upgrade to 4.5.95 worked!15:44
ScottKapachelogger: All of which shouldn't happen in a point release.15:44
apacheloggerwithout backtrace it is hard to tell what exactly went wrong15:44
ScottKI've got one lucid machine here still on 4.4.2.  I'll see if I can replicate it on upgrade over the weekend.15:46
apacheloggerScottK: well, kate shouldnt crash either ;)15:46
* apachelogger pours himself a glass of baileys15:46
apacheloggerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/676663 still needs lucid verification15:47
Mamarokapachelogger: well, that will be hard, just decline :)15:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 676663 in kdenetwork (Ubuntu Lucid) "Kopete ICQ plugin broken due to login server change" [Medium,Fix committed]15:47
Mamarokapachelogger: about Golem: WTF?15:47
apacheloggerMamarok: that is so difficult with his puppy eyes and snoring ;)15:48
yuriy_workFWIW: there is a really annoying scrolling bug in 4.6 beta on Maverick (using fglrx).  Only the top and bottom couple of lines seem to scroll in konsole and akregator15:50
ScottKLook slike a git snapshot of k3b might be worth trying.15:52
ScottKyuriy_work: We're on RC2 now.  Still a problem?15:52
ScottKapachelogger: Actually it doesn't.  Just mark it fixed released.  In lucid it got rolled in with the 4.4.5 update.15:53
ScottKBe sure to remove the verification-needed tag too15:53
Riddellblamo! for asdf in kdeaccessibility kdeadmin kdeartwork kdebase kdebase-runtime kdebase-workspace kdebindings kdeedu kdegames kdegraphics kde4libs kdemultimedia kdenetwork kdepimlibs kdeplasma-addons kdesdk kdetoys kdeutils kdewebdev oxygen-icons; do echo ${asdf}; copy-package.py -s maverick -p kubuntu-ninjas -b --to-suite=maverick --to-ppa=kubuntu-ppa --to-ppa-name=beta ${asdf} -y; done15:54
Riddelloh hmm, probably didn't want kdebindings in there15:54
apacheloggerScottK: it is already at verification-done anyway15:54
apacheloggerRiddell: intersting variable name :P15:54
ScottKHe favors that one15:55
ScottKProbably somehow tied to his use of emacs.15:55
apacheloggernot for long, as we will remove the emacs along with the pyth0nr15:55
Riddellcontrary to rumour emacs key bindings aren't four random keys :)15:56
apacheloggerunless emacs gets rewritten in java15:56
* Riddell rewrites apachelogger in lisp15:56
apacheloggerRiddell:  only semi-random? :P15:56
apacheloggercommon lisp plz15:56
* apachelogger likes erlang :D15:57
yuriy_workScottK: haven't updated yet. i figured the status in here meant it wasn't ready15:58
apacheloggersince I am not very motivated to do anything ... anything anyone wants me to work on?15:59
* apachelogger could probably do the vlc SRU to fix phonon-vlc crashes15:59
apacheloggerMamarok: http://www.golem.de/1101/80445.html16:00
yuriy_workactually i'm running RC1, and don't see RC2 in beta repo yet. and this is happening in konqueror as well, just not as consistently16:00
apachelogger"Wenn die entsprechende Magnet-URI im Webbrowser Konqueror aufgerufen wird, wird der Videostrom per Ktorrent-Dbus an das Audiobackend Phonon und das Videobackend Xine übertragen. "16:00
ScottKapachelogger: Would you be willing to chat with k3b upstream and see if they plan a bugfix release soon?  Looking at their git log it seems they've accumulated a fair number of bug fixes, including one or two changes that may relate to the hal transition.16:02
Riddellcould you sort out my mortgage too please?16:02
Riddelloh and pack my bags for dallas, that would be handy16:03
ScottKRiddell: Are you planning on covering the release meeting or would you rather I did it so you can keep wrestling with packages?16:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: oi! i have no sound16:03
apacheloggerI rather chat with upstream :P16:03
RiddellScottK: oh aye, thanks for reminding me.  I can do it16:03
apacheloggerScottK: OTOH k3b upstream is release lazy16:03
apacheloggerone always has to force him into releaseing stuff :P16:03
Riddellyuriy_work: are you on maverick?16:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: that is very forutnate16:04
ScottKapachelogger: There's a task for you then.16:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: means more work gets done16:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: also, please get your bloggy blog aggregated on all the planets on planet earth and rant about bzr blocking neon and stuff16:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: my interwebz is all sorts of fail .... i finally got it working after a days work16:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: they fixed a mem bug 16:04
shadeslayeryofel: ^^16:04
shadeslayerfrom what i can remember16:05
Mamarokapachelogger: that jt guy at Golem is really an idiot. He basically translated from whilo's blog: http://whilos.blogsite.org/?p=157 and what he didn't understand he just made up, how stupid is that!16:05
Mamarokand it is always him, they should fire that idiot16:05
apacheloggerthat is golem right there16:05
apacheloggermaybe I should write a letter to the BBC16:05
yuriy_workRiddell: yes16:05
Riddellyuriy_work: RC 2 is about to appear in the beta PPA, are you able to test?16:06
yuriy_workRiddell: yeah16:06
* shadeslayer is still operating @ 20KBps16:07
shadeslayerflipping ISP madness16:07
shadeslayerstuff is down all over New Delhi ... 16:07
apacheloggerScottK: did I not fix the hal issues?16:08
shadeslayertook me a day to just upgrade to RC2!!! 16:08
* apachelogger seems to remember backporting something from upstream16:08
ScottKapachelogger: No idea, but I thought that's what markey was whining about.16:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: that is what you get for living on the north pole16:08
ScottKapachelogger: I think he's on the east pole.16:08
shadeslayerheh :P16:08
apacheloggereast pole then16:08
apacheloggerScottK: markey is always whining about smth :P16:09
apacheloggerScottK: more likely is that someone did not backport my k3b fix16:09
apacheloggeras I only applied it in natty16:09
shadeslayerapparently theyre upgrading infrastructure and im supposed to be getting a bandwidth upgrade16:09
Riddellhe was moaning that someone put a picture of him on facebook earlier16:09
apacheloggerthe strangest thing!16:09
apacheloggersomeone apparently hacked my facebook account16:09
apacheloggerand put pictures of markey online16:09
apacheloggervery weird16:09
Riddellthe cads16:09
apacheloggerkubotu: google cads16:10
kubotuResults for cads: 1. CADS: Help for Skiers Knees: http://www.cads.com/ | 2. Center for Advanced Defense Studies | Innovation for Peace: http://www.c4ads.org/ | 3. Cad | Define Cad at Dictionary.com: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cad16:10
Riddellnope, none of them16:10
apacheloggerstupid google16:10
Riddellkubotu: google cad16:10
kubotuResults for cad: 1. Ctrl-Alt-Del Comic: http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/ | 2. Computer-aided design - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer-aided_design | 3. Atlanta CAD Services, Inc. Training in Norcross, Georgia, United ...: http://www.training-classes.com/providers/00/07/724_atlanta_cad_services_inc_.php16:10
Riddellnope, none of them, google isn't posh and english enough16:10
shadeslayerits like ive gone back to the era of dialup16:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: you had faster webs at the east pole?16:11
apacheloggerstrange enough16:12
shadeslayerand then my ISP went : "oh lets upgrade and screw everyone else"16:12
shadeslayerso here i am16:12
shadeslayergetting screwed by Airtel16:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: go do the blogging, blogging is esay on the bandwith16:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah .... blogilo is downloading at 10KBps16:12
shadeslayerand someone16:12
apacheloggerintarwebs over air is bound to be slower than over cable16:12
shadeslayerplz2fix kdm16:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: not when your operating on N band WiFi16:13
apacheloggerof course you at the east pole have all sorts of deserts I suppose16:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah16:13
apacheloggeryou have only local intarwebs?16:13
shadeslayerlawl ^^16:13
shadeslayerpretty much ... 16:14
apacheloggeras surely you still need cablez to get to the rest of the worlds pr0n16:14
apacheloggerScottK: well, I am resonable confident that k3b in natty does not exhibit those hal problems16:14
shadeslayersee even kronos is timing out :P16:14
apacheloggerif only someone could backport it16:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: I do not16:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: you do not what? :P16:14
apacheloggerpeople here time out and change nicks and stuff so often that I turned that off16:14
* Trouble gives apachelogger a hug16:15
* apachelogger feels troubled now16:15
markeywasn't it a bit risky to do the whole HAL nuking in Maverick?16:20
shadeslayerno HAL in maverick? 0_o16:20
Riddellmarkey: well if you have hal installed then it's another issue, something with KDE Platform 4.6 and K3b interaction16:21
Riddellthere's nothing that removes hal in maverick for people16:22
markeywas just wondering, because "upower" was missing here, and half of my ThinkPad stopped working...16:22
markeyno power management, no sound...16:22
Riddellmarkey: yeah I fixed that, added it as a dependency now16:22
markeyah cool16:22
shadeslayerno sound here either :(16:22
markeyshadeslayer: I know the fix16:22
Riddellyour feedback is made use of :)16:22
markeyshadeslayer: delete all of the KMix config files16:23
shadeslayeri pressed caps16:23
markeyand restart KDE16:23
markeythen it works again16:23
RiddellScottK: do I remember right you were asking mvo to get the distupgrade tool to remove hal?16:23
shadeslayerthat comes on 0_o16:23
shadeslayermarkey: whcih files?16:23
ScottKRiddell: IIRC yes.16:23
RiddellScottK: any response?16:23
shadeslayeroh my 16:24
markeyshadeslayer: rm -rf $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kmix rm $HOME/.kde/share/config/kmixrc16:24
RiddellScottK: on the seeds, it seems best to make a new seed collection for kubuntu-mobile16:24
shadeslayerturning on caps also turns on screen log16:24
ScottKRiddell: OK.16:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: Kubuntu is full of magic16:24
shadeslayermarkey: thanks...16:24
shadeslayernow to reboot16:24
ScottKshadeslayer: All you need to do is restart your KDE session.  Reboot isn't needed.16:25
Riddellyuriy_work: RC 2 in beta now, go go testing!16:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: magic?16:28
shadeslayernothing helped16:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: pressing caps turns on my scroll lock16:29
shadeslayerKDM is broken16:29
shadeslayermake that : KDM is *still* broken16:29
shadeslayerhttp://i.imgur.com/N1kNn.png <<16:29
apacheloggerdo not press caps16:29
shadeslayerstuff keeps crashing ^_^16:30
shadeslayerOH ..16:30
apacheloggerface it16:30
apacheloggeryour system is fckd16:30
* apachelogger ponders upgrading to natty16:30
shadeslayerthere is a bug reported against the dpkg for the caps lock key issue i think16:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: dont... im going back to maverick16:30
shadeslayerjust need to zsync 10.1016:31
apacheloggerclearly it needs work then :P16:31
* apachelogger finds it odd that a developer downgrades instead of fixing things :P16:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: i could ... but i haz no bandwidth to fix this 16:31
shadeslayerfor eg16:31
apacheloggerif you did not live at the east pole...16:32
shadeslayerin order to fix KDM bug i think i have to install kdebase-workspace-wallpapers16:32
shadeslayerwhich is 60MB ... on a 15-20 KBps connection :P16:32
Riddellshadeslayer: actually that should be fixed in the latest version16:32
RiddellI moved the ethais kdm theme back to the kdm package16:32
shadeslayerRiddell: completely updated system16:32
Riddellyou could also just change the setting to horos16:32
markeyapachelogger: so, how would you like to die? I could do the axe murdering thing, or come when you sleep, and inject some poison16:32
shadeslayerfrom main archives16:32
markeyyour choice :D16:32
shadeslayermarkey: why are you killing apachelogger? 16:32
apacheloggermarkey: latter16:33
apacheloggerformer makes a mess16:33
markeyapachelogger: when is it convenient for you? could come tomorrow night16:33
shadeslayermarkey: wait for me too 16:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: someone hacked my facebook and uploaded nakkid pix of markey16:33
Riddellinject some poison method means you can't donate your organs, that's very selfish16:33
apacheloggermarkey: I would prefer dying in my own bed16:33
markeyshadeslayer: alright, we can put photos of dead apachelogger on Facebook then16:33
shadeslayermarkey: well ... im killing him because my phonon gstreamer thingy went kaput16:33
apacheloggerRiddell: well, if markey chops my liver in 4 parts that is not gonna help either16:34
markeyand write: "Julias Assange is dead. Here is the proof!"16:34
markeyshadeslayer: yep, another good reason16:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: something for you : http://www.engadget.com/2011/01/06/speakal-doctor-who-tardis-speaker-prototype-hands-on/16:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: what?16:34
apacheloggerpgst kaput?16:34
apacheloggerdont mess with me16:34
shadeslayerno sound16:34
shadeslayerY U STEAL MY SOUND16:34
apacheloggermore like your pulseaudio is dead16:34
markeyargs, Amarok collection is totally borked. I'm playing Genesis, but they seem to have a female singer now16:34
markeysounds a lot like Bjork16:35
shadeslayercannot open mixer: No such file or directory16:35
markeyshadeslayer: fail16:35
apacheloggermarkey: happens to me a lot16:35
apacheloggerdid not quit emanage to pinpoint the cause though16:35
markeyapachelogger: that's because of the LSD that you smoke16:35
apacheloggerI think for me it is related to external disk loosing connection while amarok is doing a scan16:36
apacheloggermarkey: leave my addictions out of this16:36
markeynah, what I have here is a recent regression, Ralf borked something last night16:36
markeyI blame the Ralf "Scanner Man" Engels. from the evil kingdom of Nokia16:36
shadeslayermarkey: why did you let apachelogger click a photo of you when you were sleeping? :P16:36
markeyhe makes our kode kaput!16:36
markeyshadeslayer: erm. I did not do that16:37
markeyit was my very nice GF16:37
* markey strangles Mamarok16:37
apacheloggerI keep telling you16:37
apacheloggerneither Mamarok nor I had anything to do with this16:37
apacheloggermaybe it was aaron16:37
apacheloggersomeone must have entered the house while you were sleeping16:37
apacheloggertook the picture16:37
markeyAarron! that bastard! I always suspected that he comes here at night...16:37
apacheloggerthen hacked my faceookz and uploaded it16:37
ScottKProbably that's the reason for his new code update service16:38
shadeslayersynchrotron!! :D16:38
MamarokScottK: you mean the one he didn't invent himself?16:39
shadeslayerthe synchrotron mail on plasma devel is awesome16:39
ScottKMamarok: Yes.  That one.16:39
yuriy_workRC2 installed without complaints16:39
apacheloggerMamarok: he did not?16:39
apacheloggerdid he steal it from nokia?16:39
markeyapachelogger: see priv msg16:40
markeynakkid photos 16:40
Mamarokapachelogger: well, there are a few ideas he got from others, like GHNS and such16:40
markeyMamarok: like, all of them?16:40
markeyhe put them in the tumbler16:40
markeyand pressed Play16:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: also i need to install Vista for some school stuff ... so need to repartition etc16:40
markeybut anyway, it's good that this finally comes to reality16:40
Mamarokamongst those others are Amarok developers Ian and Mark16:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: vbox?16:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: tired and failed ....16:41
apacheloggermarkey: there were no nakkid pix16:41
shadeslayeralso .... steam! :P16:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: wah?16:41
shadeslayerhttp://paste.kde.org/1964 << systemsettings crash :P16:42
shadeslayermy install is completely broken16:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: i can haz customSendRequest in KIO_HTTP?16:43
shadeslayeroh wait ... didnt check with new webkit 16:44
yuriy_workhey, the upgrade fixed GTK apps being unthemed :)16:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: wah?16:45
yuriy_workRC2 seems to be working great so far :) i'll shout if i see the scrolling bug again16:46
apacheloggermarkey: did you see moby's sunset pix from today on facebook?16:46
apacheloggerjolly nice 16:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you know how one can delete pix on facebook?: I cannot find the button to remove markey's pic16:47
ScottKapachelogger: It's not present on the mobile web interface if that's what you're using.  You have to use the full site.16:48
apacheloggeroh noes16:48
apacheloggerI cannot use the full site16:48
apacheloggerit does not work 16:48
apacheloggerI think my ISP is doing something nasty to it16:48
apacheloggertoo bad, cant remove the picture then ...16:49
ScottKapachelogger: You could PM markey your facebook password and let him do it.16:49
markeyapachelogger: we should really have a Skype session this night. only this time, you fall asleep16:49
markeyon the keyboard16:49
markeyand you set up a web cam16:49
apacheloggerScottK: it is bad enough that aaron got my password16:50
apacheloggermarkey: no16:50
markeyoh yes!16:50
apacheloggerI am going to consum vast amounts of sleeping medication tonight16:50
apacheloggerand fix my sleep schedule16:50
markeyI thought you do that every night16:50
apacheloggerit is all messed up16:50
apacheloggermarkey: no16:50
ScottKmarkey: Only if alcohol is considered "sleeping medication"16:51
apacheloggerNightrose: ping16:51
Nightroseapachelogger: really quick16:51
Nightroseneed to run16:51
apacheloggerNightrose: where does one put debug guide how to sort of things?16:52
apacheloggertechbase or community?16:52
apacheloggertechbase I presume16:52
_Groo_hi/2 all16:52
_Groo_apachelogger: koffice 2.3.0 is mostly done and tested, can i send the debian and diff to you by mail? i can only upload stuff this weekend16:52
Nightroseyea probably techbase16:52
apacheloggerNightrose: in particular a page on how to sqeeze more debug output out of phonon16:52
apacheloggerNightrose: kthx :)16:52
apachelogger_Groo_: no, I am doing upstream stuff right now16:53
apacheloggerMamarok: pingy16:53
_Groo_apachelogger: can anyone get this task? or should i try do it myself this weekend? will any of you be around to assist me?16:53
_Groo_apachelogger: i also plan to help with some rc2 packages16:54
* apachelogger is always around16:54
* apachelogger is also always drunk16:54
* apachelogger consequently almost never is able to assist with anything16:54
_Groo_apachelogger: i know but i need you to be in a semi conscient state so you can review my work :D16:54
apachelogger_Groo_: rc2 ought to be done I hear, except for some 10.10 fixes16:54
_Groo_apachelogger: yeah im seeing the wiki now? is it in ninjas only? i can update and test the packages16:55
apacheloggerprobably ninjas16:55
_Groo_apachelogger: why the shrug? :P16:56
apacheloggerbecause I dunno16:56
* apachelogger is currently as much involved with kubuntu development as mark the dictator himself16:57
_Groo_apachelogger: doing phonon work?16:57
apacheloggerand working on my actoring 16:57
_Groo_Nightrose: oh Nightrose btw i have done a recipe some time ago, and amarok is now built everyday, if thats interests yiou guys and gals :D16:57
_Groo_apachelogger: you are not try  to restart your singing career are you?16:58
apacheloggerthese days you need to be an alround entertaininer16:58
apacheloggersinging, acting, dancing, all at once16:58
apacheloggeralso you need to be blazing hot and stuff16:59
_Groo_apachelogger: yeah why did you go with open source in the first place... now you need to entertain for food!16:59
apacheloggerI dunno16:59
apacheloggerfoolish me16:59
_Groo_apachelogger: my brain monkey exporting is going well, i dont know where to spend money anymore :D16:59
_Groo_apachelogger: its sustainable too... i just leave some pregnant monkeys till they "hatch" before i kill them... leave some to reproduce, repeat, profit17:00
_Groo_apachelogger: and theres a special market for baby monkey brains too... like some gourmet specials17:01
kronosshadeslayer: hmmm.... my internet connection sucks big time..17:02
apacheloggerkronos: shadeslayers too17:02
_Groo_Nightrose: is amarok able to recognize phonon-gst analyzer now? or still in the works?17:02
apacheloggersupposedly I now need to do akunambol myself17:02
apacheloggerthen again ruphy is MIA anyway so cannot nag me ^^17:02
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
Riddell_Groo_: koffice 2.3.0 is in backports but needs a build-dep fix to make it compile17:04
_Groo_Riddell: well mine is done and tested17:04
kronosapachelogger: released liblikeback ??17:04
_Groo_Riddell: also did it for maverick, i can send you the debian and diff files if you want17:04
Riddell_Groo_: ok17:04
_Groo_Riddell: unfortunatelly im at work and i cant upload it to launchpad myself17:05
_Groo_Riddell: if the lp guys did a web upload it would make me a happy camper17:05
apacheloggerkronos: sort of 17:06
apacheloggerI habe a tarball for it17:06
ScottK_Groo_: Debian has also done
Riddellgroovy, RC 2 installs and runs from beta PPA17:12
Riddellruns very slowly, but that's remote X sessions for you17:12
Riddelltime to announce17:12
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-lunch
_Groo_Riddell: who do you trust, apachelogger hubber trainned unoficial minions (me) or the debian devels?17:14
Riddellumm, are you testing my loyalties? :)17:16
_Groo_Riddell: it wasnt really a question :P17:16
Riddelllast time I looked we had a delta between us and debian anyway, it's not a sync17:16
_Groo_Riddell: let me put it this way.. its harder to yell at them...17:16
Mamarokapachelogger: pong17:18
_Groo_Riddell: k, testing it, last one wasnt that smooth to begin with :P17:18
Riddell_Groo_: you're testing RC 2 on maverick?17:18
_Groo_Riddell: yep17:19
Riddellgreat, do a reboot after it's installed so you get KDM restarted and make sure it's happy17:19
Riddellnow, 4.5.5, what's the crack?17:19
_Groo_Riddell: the problem last time was with lack of kdenetworks, and akonadi being too old, since im testing latest kmail2 also17:20
MamarokRiddell: I guess it should not try to remove 20 packages, right? http://pastebin.com/HYdQdLPe17:20
Riddell_Groo_: kdenetwork is updated now17:21
RiddellMamarok: ideally not...17:21
_Groo_Riddell: yeah everything appears to be ok now, im upgrading17:21
_Groo_Riddell: btw i do nightly builds of ktorrent 1.1.x the next version, but i named the libktorrent as 1, should i bump it to three? since im seeing libtorrent 1.0.3 is called libktorrent217:22
RiddellMamarok: sigh, what happens if you just install kdebase-workspace-bin?17:22
Riddell_Groo_: if the ABI has changed it should get a package version number change yes17:23
MamarokRiddell: "The following packages have unmet dependencies:17:23
Mamarok kdebase-workspace-bin : Depends: plasma-desktop (= 4:4.5.95-0ubuntu1~maverick~ppa4) but it is not going to be installed or17:23
Mamarok                                  plasma-netbook (= 4:4.5.95-0ubuntu1~maverick~ppa4) but it is not going to be installed17:23
MamarokE: Broken packages17:23
_Groo_Riddell: but wont it brake rc2? since kget compiles with it i believe17:24
_Groo_Riddell: anyway ill make some tests and see how it goes17:25
apacheloggerMamarok: where do you want me to put phonon debug stuff on techbase17:25
RiddellMamarok: i386 and amd64?17:25
ScottKamd64 I'd guess17:25
Mamarokapachelogger: moment17:29
Mamarokapachelogger: somewhere here I would say: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Architecture/KDE4/Phonon17:30
MamarokRiddell: yes, always amd6417:31
Mamarokas usual *sigh*17:31
* Riddell fires up an amd64 ec2 machine17:36
apacheloggerMamarok: not some page dedidcated to debugging?17:37
apacheloggerMamarok: I was thinking something within the realm of http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging17:38
apacheloggerso it can be easily found17:38
=== cmagina-lunch is now known as cmagina
RiddellMamarok: all going smooth on the test machine17:40
RiddellMamarok: what does  apt-get install plasma-desktop  give you?17:41
Mamarokapachelogger: usually the Tutorials are general articles, but you can link to specific project pages from there17:48
MamarokRiddell: sorry, was afk17:48
Mamarokplasma-desktop : Depends: plasma-widgets-workspace (= 4:4.5.95-0ubuntu1~maverick~ppa4) but it is not going to be installed17:49
MamarokE: Broken packages17:49
apacheloggerMamarok: ok17:49
MamarokRiddell: which in turn depends on plasma-dataengines-workspace, which in turn depends on libkcalcore4 and libkcalutils4 where is requested but is installed17:52
RiddellMamarok: apt-cache policy libkcalcore4  ?17:53
MamarokRiddell: http://pastebin.com/FdKSwk8d17:54
RiddellMamarok: apt-get update; apt-cache policy libkcalcore4  ?17:54
Mamarokah, now it changed to candidate
RiddellMamarok: phew, how's the dist-upgrade now then?17:55
Mamarokworks fine now, I just started it17:56
Mamarokseems it was a tad late to come in17:56
RiddellMamarok: anything removed?17:56
yofelRiddell: I looked at 4.5.5 before, updates fine - except that stalcup forgot to upload kdeutils18:05
* droidslayer clicks the "Install Now" Button of doom18:07
yofeldroidslayer: what was that about bzr btw.?18:08
droidslayeryofel: I currently have no OS18:08
yofelpoor droidslayer ^^18:09
Riddellyofel: and lots of the packages have the wrong version numbers18:10
Riddellyofel: kdeadmin is very wrong18:10
droidslayeryofel: natty got nasty.. stuff was not working.. needed to repartition... etc so nuked everything18:10
yofelRiddell: not much todo there - you uploaded 4.5.85 to updates once remember?18:10
Riddellyofel: I did?  nothing in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa/+packages?start=75&batch=7518:11
Riddelloh hi sheytan 18:11
Riddellinfact most of 4.5.4 seems to be missing from kubuntu-ppa/ppa18:12
yofelstalcup uploaded several 4.5.4 packages to ppa by mistake yesterday and removed them later..18:12
yofelerr. 4.5.518:12
Riddellah, that'll be why18:12
sheytanRiddell hey :)18:12
QuintasanRiddell: Is Nepomuk still crashing for you?18:13
Riddellsheytan: do you still have the html of the cdimage page?18:13
RiddellQuintasan: yes18:13
droidslayerWhy is this stuck on 0 %18:13
sheytanRiddell let me take a look18:13
QuintasanFU Nepomuk18:14
ulyssesQuintasan: noooo, FU bcmwl18:15
droidslayerHehehe 18:15
Riddellyofel: hmm, messy, I'm not sure what to do18:15
Quintasanwth is bcmwl?18:15
Quintasanulysses: ^18:15
ulyssesBroadcom wireless driver:\18:15
_Groo_ulysses: works fine here (tm)18:15
ulysseslatest upgrade is broken, it removed the old module but can't build the new one...18:16
ScottKulysses: Works great for me too.18:16
sheytanRiddell yes, give me your email :)18:16
Riddellyofel: I'm tempted to upload everything to staging with 4:4.5.5-0ubuntu1ppa1 (except keep admin with it's messy number)18:16
_Groo_but im not using 2.6.3718:16
Riddellsheytan: jriddell@ubuntu.com18:16
ScottKshadeslayer: New kdepim 4.6 beta.18:16
yofelRiddell: give me a sec, I'm searching my apt history for the old admin versions...18:16
Riddellwill these upstream releases never end?!18:16
yofelRiddell: there, from apt history: ksystemlog:amd64 (4.5.4-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1, 4.5.85really4.5.4-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa2)18:17
ScottKRiddell: Please 0ubuntu1~ppa1 so 0ubuntu1 can go to -updates18:17
sheytanRiddell out. let me know when it be alive18:17
RiddellScottK: too late for that18:17
apacheloggerRiddell: want me to throw in phonon and 4 backends? :P18:17
ulysses_Groo_: I use 2.6.37:(18:17
ScottKRiddell: Why?18:17
* apachelogger could also release liblikeback18:17
RiddellScottK: some of it already got uploaded with 4:4.5.5-0ubuntu118:18
apacheloggerwe just concluded that the new phonongst is rock stable18:18
kronosapachelogger: i did a git snapshot for liblikeback back then .. its in my ppa.. if it helps ..18:18
apacheloggernot even rapid tack switching in amarok brings it down18:18
_Groo_apachelogger: like phonon vlc was/is rock stable?18:18
apacheloggerand that brings almost all backends to their knees ^^18:18
_Groo_apachelogger: who are we? ;)18:18
apacheloggerthe phononos18:18
apacheloggerI like that18:19
yofelRiddell: found it now https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=admin&field.status_filter=superseded&field.series_filter=maverick18:19
RiddellScottK: but since 4.5.5 isn't going near natty we can just bump the number again if it goes into maverick-updates, so 4:4.5.5-0ubuntu1ppa1 in the PPAs and 4:4.5.5-0ubuntu2 in maverick-updates18:19
_Groo_apachelogger: well amarok from yesterday git still deosnt know shit about gst analyzer ;)18:19
apacheloggerthat is not my fault18:19
_Groo_apachelogger: and vlc still thinks video is a luxury and that what you really need is a pretty equalizer18:19
ScottKRiddell: OK.18:19
_Groo_apachelogger: yeah i know XD18:19
apacheloggeramarok does so dirty shit to phonon I find it rather better that it does not use the eq18:19
apacheloggersurely it would find a way to break it18:20
Riddellyofel: right you are, I did screw up :(18:20
apachelogger_Groo_: that is dragon really18:20
_Groo_apachelogger: break it is the nature way of saying your code needs more testing and hammering18:20
apacheloggerwe know why though :P18:20
apacheloggeralso jim beam said he will look into it18:20
_Groo_apachelogger: well it worked before last patch that changed equalizer behaviour18:20
_Groo_apachelogger: and dont get me started with pulseaudio 18:21
* _Groo_ ducks18:21
apacheloggerthe audiodataoutput impl block video or somesuch18:21
apacheloggersandsmark made it :P18:21
_Groo_apachelogger: well its works fine, only phonon crashes on exit ;)18:22
_Groo_apachelogger: and im not gonna be eviscerated again in PA chat channel18:22
_Groo_apachelogger: do you have the correct patches? i could apply them to 0.9.22 and see if that solves it18:23
apacheloggernow where did I upload18:23
apachelogger_Groo_: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/58394201/0509-x11-Partially-convert-to-XCB.patch and http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/0101-pulse-Disable-xlib-in-pulse.-libpulse-now-uses-xcb-o.patch18:24
apacheloggerI have a feeling that former should be in our package already considering the patch is from may18:24
_Groo_apachelogger: am i gonna regret this?18:24
_Groo_apachelogger: k, im gonna apply them against 0.9.22 stable18:26
yofel_Groo_: you had phonon backend daily builds right?18:26
_Groo_yofel: yeah, but my last git pull is from 26 dec... gst is from yesterday18:26
sheytanRiddell you were disscusing with ofirk the KDE server case for our new kubuntu web page, right?18:27
apachelogger_Groo_: the latter is for vlc18:27
_Groo_yofel: i did packages for phonon, gst,xine,mplayer,vlc18:27
yofel_Groo_: can you give me the ppa? I want to test gst18:27
_Groo_yofel: its local18:27
_Groo_yofel: i didnt upload to my ppa yet18:27
_Groo_yofel: apachelogger was telling me about this this week, that i need to spread the love18:28
yofelah, ping me if you have something shareable :)18:28
_Groo_yofel: i have, but only tomorrow, ill make a new ppa branch and upload there18:28
yofelsure, thanks18:28
_Groo_yofel: after we can start to see if i can get some recipes, so we have daily phono destruction derby18:28
Riddellsheytan: yes, I had some ideas to automate the updates to the server so we don't have to ask sysadmins to do it18:29
_Groo_yofel: i didnt upload it yet cause i cant upload from work (proxy), and the LP gods dont want to add web upload :P18:29
Riddellsheytan: I want to ask the sysadmins at the meeting I'm going to next week18:29
sheytanRiddell, ok, nice :)18:29
yofel_Groo_: get yourself a server and upload over ssh :P (or does that stop at the proxy too?18:30
_Groo_yofel: stop at the proxy18:30
_Groo_yofel: i kinda "workaround" company policies... and kinda run my own proxy to burlate NTLM 18:31
_Groo_yofel: so i can do http/s but no ssh/ftp18:31
_Groo_Riddell: did my koffice packages where usefull?18:32
_Groo_Riddell: where my koffice packages useful? best enlighs18:32
_Groo_english ahhhhhhhhhh18:32
droidslayeryofel: ssh is disabled at my uni as well... only http traffic :p18:32
_Groo_die keyboard die18:32
* droidslayer gives _Groo_ a shotgun18:33
ScottK_Groo_: Isn't that what coffee is for (killing keyboards)?18:33
_Groo_i could workaround even more, but ill prolly light the datacenter lights if i do even more "workarounds"18:33
_Groo_ScottK: mine doesnt drown anymore.. the little fella actually LIKES coffee18:33
droidslayerHahaha :-P18:33
ScottK_Groo_: Set up a remote system running sshd on port 80.18:33
Riddell_Groo_: yes it will be, doing 4.5.5 first, then koffice18:33
_Groo_ScottK: cant... firewall guys already eat my liver once for doing that18:34
_Groo_Riddell: k18:34
_Groo_ScottK: my original workaound was ssh as proxy via port 8018:34
_Groo_ScottK: 2 days later i had a call from our firewall guys18:34
ScottKI suppose you'd get caught on 53 as well.18:35
_Groo_ScottK: they said they was seeing strange behaviour... i was "astonished" and promised to look at it (im from it security LOL ;))18:35
_Groo_ScottK: its QOS monitored.. i cant do any protocols or it will warn them :P18:35
droidslayer_Groo_: your in our intrawebz eh :-P18:35
ulyssesKDE people still live in 2010, they say in the announcement that KDE 4.5.5 released on 7th January, 201018:35
_Groo_ulysses: prove them wrong ;)18:36
_Groo_droidslayer: soemthing like that ;)18:36
_Groo_so what i do now is that i run a small vm with smoothwall, and redirect my trafic locally to myself, and then pass it to NTLM..18:37
_Groo_NTLM is so shitty that is filter cant distinguish my trafic from normal one but cant filter it either, so i have acess to the entire internet...18:37
_Groo_gonna restart X wioth new kde, brb18:41
* Riddell holds breath18:43
Quintasanyofel: we're in shit until we get new dh_python3 sync'd from Debian18:44
yofelQuintasan: how's the state on that?18:44
QuintasanNot sure18:45
apacheloggeryofel: considering you do neon you should have access to phonon nightlies, no?18:47
yofelapachelogger: so far only phonon main, I forgot you took out the backends...18:48
Quintasanoh god18:48
QuintasanI forgot about it too18:48
* yofel fights keyboard-configuration in the meanwhile18:49
yofelwhy it thinks settings United States and Afghanistan as preferred layouts for my German keyboard is a mystery for me18:49
QuintasanRiddell: ping18:49
Riddellhi Quintasan 18:49
QuintasanRiddell: Can you import http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/python3-defaults.html ?18:49
Riddell_Groo_: all good or crash and burn?18:50
_Groo_Riddell: upgrade to rc2 worked fine18:50
_Groo_didnt explode so far18:50
_Groo_i didnt test kmail2 yet, but "normal" kde, plasma, etc is working fine18:50
_Groo_akonadi is working aok too18:50
_Groo_btw PLS PLS PLS FOR THE USERS SAKE, disable filewatched by default in the desktop file!! its not ready for end use, PLS PLS PLS18:51
yofelif you mean nepomukfilewatch then +118:51
_Groo_yofel: yeah thats the one, i always disable it18:51
yofelI can't enable nepomuk on my notebook thanks to that18:52
RiddellQuintasan: can you file a sync bug?  the sync script needs it18:52
yofeltakes almost all my HDD I/O for almost half an hour after login :S18:52
_Groo_yofel: until trueg releases a funcional one with applet control and powerdevil integration it cant be used safely18:52
RiddellScottK: am I ok to sync that python3-defaults?18:52
_Groo_yofel: same... but mine is hours, since i have a 500GB home18:52
QuintasanRiddell: bug #69997418:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 699974 in Ubuntu "Sync request for python3-defaults from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69997418:52
_Groo_yofel: he was suposed to only index folders from the nepomuk config, but it doesnt work that way18:52
_Groo_yofel: the way its implements he WATCHES those folders but he looks for changes in the entire TREE!!!!!18:53
_Groo_so if i have a folder like /home/groo/pdf to watch, hes going to index the entire /home/groo AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH18:53
RiddellQuintasan: unstable should read experimental there presumably?18:53
QuintasanRiddell: just changed it18:54
yofelyeah, that's what I assumed too - not good if you have a kernel and kde trunk checkout in $HOME/src :S18:54
QuintasanWell, Nepomuk still crashes here18:54
_Groo_yofel: i have all my packages in /home/groo/dev.. amarok, kde, etc etc...18:55
_Groo_Quintasan: did you clean .kde/share/apps/nepomuk? it has problems with locks sometimes18:55
yofelwell, I've got more too, but those are the ones that probably make up half of the file count ^^18:55
_Groo_Quintasan: if you run nepomukstorage by hand, what does it say?18:55
yofelok, keyboard settings fixed \o/18:56
RiddellQuintasan: python3-defaults current has an ubuntu version, you need to say why it's ok to get rid of whatever the delta is18:56
RiddellQuintasan: you could also just ask doko to confirm it's ok18:56
Quintasan_Groo_: it says nothing because such command doesnt exist18:58
ximionapachelogger: hi :) Anything left to do for debconf-kde?18:58
apacheloggerstalcup should get me a building confirmation ^^18:59
* apachelogger is going to bed in a bit18:59
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 2011 same procedure as every year: 2 releases and many hugs | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | KDE PIM 4.6 beta 4 to be packaged | alpha 2 bugs http://goo.gl/yGhJd
droidslayerRiddell: upstream is just pounding us....19:02
Riddelldroidslayer: too right19:02
Quintasandroidslayer: I didn't give you my poking stick for nothing?19:03
* droidslayer pokes KDE upstream in the eye19:04
Riddellwhere's bulldog when kdepim is needing packaged?19:04
ScottKRiddell: From experimental, I believe it's OK.19:06
Quintasandroidslayer: poke bulldog so we get kdepimz19:06
_Groo_btw who developed qt graphics system KCM?19:07
droidslayer_Groo_: apachelogger 19:07
_Groo_was it apachelogger ? dont remember19:07
_Groo_apachelogger: whats the latest version i have .2 installed19:07
* apachelogger should release gity19:09
apacheloggerhas improved handling shit I think19:09
_Groo_apachelogger: but from your blog, i got 0.2, is that the latest? or is there a new one?19:10
apacheloggerdunno 19:10
apacheloggercheck kde-apps19:10
_Groo_apachelogger: since 4.7 already is using raster as default im happy, but i like to have yours in case i need to change it19:11
_Groo_apachelogger: url?19:11
markeyapachelogger: Skype!19:11
markeyand web cam19:11
markeyyou know that you cannot resist.19:11
markeyyou can try, it will fail19:12
markeyI can show you certain photos that will keep you awake19:12
* apachelogger will be out in a bit19:12
markeyinvolving Riddell and Mark S.19:12
_Groo_apachelogger: 1.2 is latest19:13
_Groo_apachelogger: i think thats the one i have, aparently the shitty developer forgot to add a easy way to see what version is installed ;P19:13
_Groo_apachelogger: would it kill you to add the version in the settings window?19:14
apacheloggeror the shitty user does not know how to look for it19:14
_Groo_apachelogger: enlighten the shitty user :D users are always to blame!19:14
ScottKRiddell: Don't sync python3-defaults yet.  Waiting for doko (see #ubuntu-devel)19:15
_Groo_apachelogger: yeah i have 1.2.0 :)19:15
apachelogger1.2 also has that19:17
apachelogger1.1 also had it19:17
apachelogger1.0 also had it19:17
_Groo_apachelogger: i know :D 19:17
_Groo_apachelogger: its a kde default thingy :D19:17
* _Groo_ is a shitty user also19:17
ximionapachelogger: Ok, I'll wait then :P19:17
_Groo_apachelogger: but i never miss an oportunity to piss you off ehehehe19:18
_Groo_so who do i have to kill for kubuntu 11.04 disable filewatcher by default?19:19
ScottKYou could probably get a few people to volunteer to change that if you got apachelogger.19:21
ScottKnixternal: Can haz powerpc?19:26
_Groo_ScottK: to disable it its just a change in a desktop file19:36
_Groo_ScottK: you mean reasons to disable it?19:37
ScottK_Groo_: You were offering to kill someone to get it disabled and based on apachelogger's recent phonon work I suspect he'd be popular.19:37
_Groo_ScottK: i wont kill apachelogger , hes one of my source of amusement19:38
_Groo_ScottK: i could kill yofel but he voted for disabling filewatch too19:38
_Groo_ScottK: maybe jontheechidna?19:39
yofelnope, I'll miss muon19:39
ScottKNo.  Everyone likes him. That'll get you nowhere.19:39
_Groo_ScottK: its not being popular but usefull19:39
_Groo_ScottK: i could kill myself but it kinda defeats the purpose19:40
ScottKYou've got to decide on your priorities.19:40
_Groo_ScottK: can i kill someone from other teams? PA developer would be a very popular pick19:40
ScottKSure.  We wouldn't have to worry about SystemD anymore either.19:41
shadeslayeranyone taking up KDEPIM 4.6?19:41
shadeslayerif not ... i can ... but ill need a server because of ISP issues :S19:41
_Groo_shadeslayer: isnt kdepim 4.6 in experimental already?19:43
shadeslayer_Groo_: yes .. but thats a old beta19:43
_Groo_shadeslayer: ah, then go for it :D im ansious to test/screw my data with latest version :)19:43
_Groo_anxious 19:44
yofelthe only one that ever did pim was bulldog iirc, and he's MIA19:44
shadeslayeryofel: i did the first beta iirc19:44
droidslayerMy new night lamp http://www.imgur.com/1tYdT.jpg19:46
_Groo_i could do it on my system but im not gonna do it on a friday night, i have allods to play! XD19:46
_Groo_droidslayer: lol cool19:46
shadeslayer_Groo_: :P19:46
shadeslayer_Groo_: i just plugged my pendrive into my phone charger ^_^19:47
_Groo_shadeslayer: so you are downloading the internet to your usb drive ? XD19:47
shadeslayerheh :P19:48
_Groo_shadeslayer: old joke19:48
_Groo_shadeslayer: wheres the source for latest kdepim beta? i might build it on my machine19:52
shadeslayer_Groo_: sekret ktown server19:52
_Groo_shadeslayer: url pls?19:53
shadeslayerits sekret .... operates over sftp :>19:53
shadeslayerso if you intend to package it ... poke Riddell19:53
_Groo_shadeslayer: i have access to ninja19:53
shadeslayerno .. not that .... its on KTown19:54
_Groo_shadeslayer: well since i dont know whats that, i shouldnt be able to get it anyway XD19:54
shadeslayer_Groo_: you could just download them from git19:54
shadeslayeror svn19:54
shadeslayeror whatever they use19:54
shadeslayer_Groo_: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/kdepim19:55
shadeslayeron that note... i cannot access ktown because my ssh keys are on my external HD .. which is not being mounted :/19:56
_Groo_shadeslayer: k let me check19:57
_Groo_shadeslayer: the latest i can see in the mirror (that uses http) is 4.5.93, the one we have in experimental. http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/kde/unstable/kdepim/4.5.93/19:58
shadeslayer4.5.94 looks latest there to me19:59
_Groo_shadeslayer: k found it in http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/kde/unstable/kdepim/4.5.94/src/19:59
_Groo_can you confirm that .94 is the latest?19:59
shadeslayerlooks like it to me20:00
_Groo_shadeslayer: k20:00
_Groo_shadeslayer: downloading20:00
shadeslayer_Groo_: http://imagebin.ca/view/q_ZDolzr.html20:00
_Groo_stupid question, with apt-get source can i download only the diff/debian and not the source?20:01
ScottK_Groo_: No.20:03
_Groo_ScottK: k20:03
ScottK_Groo_: You could wget it via an lp url.20:04
_Groo_ScottK: shadeslayer k im starting to change stuff around for .9420:04
_Groo_ScottK: yeah thats the non lazy approach20:04
shadeslayeri do hate my system fonts right now20:06
shadeslayerbrb after reboot20:06
ScottK_Groo_: pull-lp-source could probably be adapted to do what you asked.20:08
_Groo_ScottK: does it work over http?20:08
sheytanHey guys20:20
sheytani'm trying to boot kubuntu from usb, but it shows me that damn crc32c.ko no such device error20:21
sheytanwhat the hell is this thing? :D20:21
* droidslayer notes something went horribly wrong with his external hard disk20:40
yofelas long as mount doesn't give errors about bad superblocks on a XFS disk you should be fine20:41
droidslayerWell...  Windows says it wants to format it and kubuntu can't see the partition20:43
droidslayerSo downloading test disk20:43
droidslayerMy GTG20:44
droidslayerMy GPG keys were in there20:44
yofeldroidslayer: what does fdisk say?20:45
droidslayeryofel: just shows /dev/sdc1 :-)..20:46
droidslayerWhich is the wd software partition 20:46
droidslayerIts quite possible that usb creator tried to install the ISO onto my external hd20:51
shadeslayerso testdisk on a 1TB partition is going to take alot of time :P20:54
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/1986/20:55
shadeslayer( i just hope to get my keys back, the rest of the stuff doesnt matter to me :/)20:56
Trouble`Has anyone tried to work out unmet package dependancies after a couple of glasses of wine? ;-D21:06
Trouble`My advice is don't try it!21:07
shadeslayeryofel: i haz backup of gpg keys on my phone \o/21:14
shadeslayermight lose the ssh keys tho :(21:15
yofelheh :D21:15
shadeslayeryofel: yeah .... apparently i was trying out a GPG Android app a few weeks back and copied them over21:15
yofelhm, reporting a broken blur effect should go against kwin right?21:16
mgraesslinyofel: against the driver21:16
macoScottK: ping? im in ellicott city21:17
yofelhm, I wonder if it's natty X if both nvidia and intel don't work anymore21:17
yofeldoes anyone here with natty have working blur?21:18
shadeslayeryofel: i did ... using nvidia21:19
shadeslayerbut now no more natty :P21:19
shadeslayeryofel: try the xorg edgers ppa perhaps?21:20
JontheEchidnablur works here with intel, so it could be card-specific: http://i.imgur.com/SbZn3.png21:20
sheytanKubuntu sucks!21:20
shadeslayersheytan: 0_o21:21
sheytani'm evil :D21:22
sheytanmeheheheeh :D21:22
sheytanjust kidding :D21:22
sheytanshadeslayer ^ :D21:22
yofelhm wait....21:22
yofelkmenu and panel blur the background fine21:23
yofelit's only the window borders that don't blur the background if they're set to semi-translucent21:23
markeyapachelogger: if you get a FB friendship request from "Jenny Gerdes", please accept21:27
markeythis is purely for sexual reasons21:27
markeynothing important21:27
JontheEchidnayofel: I'd say it's probably the window decoration not telling kwin to blur behind it21:30
yofelmgrasslin went missing ./21:32
JontheEchidnawhich decoration is that, anyway?21:33
yofeldefault, so oxygen+kwin21:34
yofelI only enabled the kwin translucency plugin for window decorations21:35
sheytanyofel blur works with "oxygen transparent" which should be a part of 4.6 :)21:35
yofelsheytan: where's that supposed to be? workspace appearance -> window decorations?21:41
ScottKmaco: Pong.  Was in the car when you called.21:41
sheytanyofel ->apps appearance->style?21:41
ScottKnow back to work.21:41
sheytanor oxygen-settings21:41
macoScottK: well the phone covered it :)21:42
macoim gonna go get sushi with katie from linuxchix as she also lives around here21:42
RiddellHeavy Snow and 1 degrees max temperature in Dallas!21:49
macoRiddell: its 0 here21:49
Riddellwhat's the point of going to Texas if it's not sunny and warm!21:50
macoit wasnt sunny and warm when we went there for uds either21:50
highvoltage0 is warm compared to quebec!21:50
macoafaict, texas is a lie21:50
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
RiddellQuintasan: does that mean you can package the new sip now?21:59
QuintasanRiddell: Probably, POX said there are still few issues with the packaging, I will attempt to fix them now21:59
stikonasHello, after I've installed KDE 4.6 RC2 on maverick ssh-add stopped working. It seems that SSH_AGENT_PID and  SSH_AUTH_SOCK shell variables are not created22:03
stikonasany ideas how to fix this?22:03
Quintasanstikonas: this is a known issue, I know only a workaround for now if it satisfies you22:04
stikonasworkaround would be useful, since I do not want to enter passphrase every time I run svn up on KDE svn repository22:05
Quintasanstikonas: ssh-agent22:06
Quintasanstikonas: it spews out someting like SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-NHyzS2sada8/agent.29308; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;22:06
Quintasanstikonas: just copy and paste the whole output to terminal22:06
Quintasanthen ssh-agent should work on the same terminal22:06
stikonasyes, this is better then nothing22:07
nixternalScottK: still need ppc?22:09
ScottKnixternal: Yes. Please.22:10
nixternalfiring it up now22:10
ScottKGonna see if libreoffice builds on power.22:10
nixternalok, who pulled the power on my ppc box? some lil sneaker, i am guessing one of my dogs, has hijacked the power cable. little turd22:12
nixternaldon't know what it is, but they love pulling the cable on that box. probably because it is the only one not up in the air22:13
nixternali found a white power cord. that has to be from a mac22:14
nixternalok, firing it up for real this time22:15
nixternalScottK: it is up and running, waiting for you to abuse it!22:16
ScottKCool.  Now I just need to remember where I wrote down how to access it.22:16
nixternalScottK: that is what ~/.ssh/config is for :p22:17
ScottKSo I'm discovering.  Thanks.22:17
stalcupyofel: would you mind doing utils?22:20
* stalcup has an 18 hour day today22:20
Riddell4.5.5 is looking good other than utils22:21
stalcupIf anyone could do utils I would be greatly motivated to do lucid too22:21
yofelcan do, but need to fix something else here first22:29
geneirosHi everyone...22:32
geneiroscan anyone help me....i installed today kubuntu 10.10 and try to update using ppa:kubuntu-ppa and it gives me a huge amount of dependencies error...22:34
Riddellgeneiros: that needs 4.5.5 copied over22:36
Riddellwhich is waiting on kdeutils22:36
Riddellbut maybe I should just do it22:36
yofelbetter copy it, I'm having grub issues here which need more immediate attention22:37
Riddellcopying it over, should be fixed soon geneiros 22:37
geneirosin some computers it updated well...22:38
geneirosbecause i update to 4.5.4 before22:38
geneirosill wait...22:38
Riddellgeneiros: how about now?23:02
geneirosi'll try...23:03
ZoraelI'm getting dbus errors and failed session startup after the latest batch of maverick updates (includes 4.4.95 packages). Known issue?23:04
geneirosno...it is the same23:04
Zoraelkdm.log says "klauncher(pid) kdemain: No DBUS session-bus found. Check if you have started the DBUS server.", "kdeinit4: Communication error with launcher. Exiting!", and I get thrown to the greeter.23:05
Riddellgeneiros: can you pastebin the output?23:05
geneirosyes of course23:05
RiddellZorael: I've not seen that23:05
* Riddell throws kdeutils 4.5.5 into kubuntu-ppa/ppa23:06
geneirosRiddell: paste all the output to here?23:09
geneirosit is a lot...23:10
Riddellgeneiros: paste.kde.org23:12
Riddellpaste it at paste.kde.org23:12
Riddellsorry I need to go23:14
Riddellbut pastebin the output and hopefully someone else will look at it23:14
yofelI'll try to update to ppa in a chroot23:14
Riddellthanks yofel 23:14
Riddellif it's all good kick someone to announce on the website23:15
RiddellI'm going to snowey Texas23:15
yofelhave a nice trip ^^23:15
geneirosnice trip23:15
geneirosthe output is at here:23:16
geneiroscan someone see this23:19
yofelI see it, and just confirmed it23:19
Bodiaapt-get ?23:19
geneirosno aptitude23:20
geneiroswith apt-get it doesnt show the dependencies errors just that it wont update the packages...23:21
yofelodd, kdelibs seems to be missing...23:21
geneirosi dont understand but it seems that the repository only have the 4.5.5 packages23:22
yofelkdelibs *is* missing23:22
geneirosall the libs?23:23
geneirosoh i see...23:23
yofelthe whole source package, let me try to copy it23:23
yofelThe following source cannot be copied:23:24
yofel    kde4libs 4:4.5.5-0ubuntu1.1 in maverick (binaries conflicting with the existing ones)23:24
yofelookaaay, let's upload as 1.1ppa123:24
yofellet's hope this works..23:28
ZoraelNote to self: adding scripts to ~/.kde/env/ that exit with errors will in turn make startkde (that sources those scripts) also exit with errors.23:33
yofelfooey [PPA kubuntu-ppa] [ubuntu/maverick] kde4libs 4:4.5.5-0ubuntu1.1ppa1(Accepted)23:34
yofelgeneiros: with some luck this should work in about an hour23:34
geneirosi'll wait...23:35
yofelthat's about how long it takes for kdelibs to be built and published23:35
geneirosthis problem started today...23:38
geneirosdidnt anyone noticed this?23:39
geneiroswith computers with 4.5.4 the update was ok...23:39
yofelgeneiros: it was known - and actually started yesterday evening, we just couldn't fix it faster23:39
yofelsorry for the inconvenience23:41
geneirosdont apologise...23:41
geneiroshum...i think it is wrong writen...23:42
geneirosi'm from portugal :)23:42
yofelit's apologize ;)23:43
geneirosi have another strange thing23:43
geneirosi installed samba and kdenetwork-filesharing...23:44
geneirosand when i open samba from system settings it displays everything disabled...23:44
geneirosi have to open systemsettings with sudo systemsettings to manage samba23:44
stalcupThanks yofel 23:58
yofelthank Riddell, he did utils23:59

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