
achianglooks like debugfs isn't enabled in my Kconfig, which ureadahead needs00:06
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topfs2does anyone know a good sample application for GLES, i.e. an application that is supposed to run well on ubuntu already and is in repositories?07:08
ogralool, u-boot 2010.12-1ubuntu1 uploaded10:37
hrwogra: how goes flash-kernel/efikamx merge?10:45
loologra: cool10:54
ograhrw, in the works11:08
ogragetting images has higher prio atm11:08
ograasac, mind to approve u-boot-tools in the u-boot MIR ? a u-boot with the split has been uploaded and built (waiting in binary new now)11:35
asacogra: i am late and out for 2h now (errands for travel etc.)11:37
asaci will look after if you remind me again ;)11:37
ograasac, ok, i commented on the bug too11:39
ograi'll take care for binary NEWing it meanwhile11:39
apwogra, did the kernle make last nights image ok?11:48
ograapw, we cant build images atm due to uboot-mkimage breakage11:49
ograso i dont know if it would have made it11:49
ograi will take care of that on monday once we have sorted the image issues11:50
apwogra, i note d-i failed to build for armel, i assume it related11:50
ograapw, looks like it didnt fail but is dep-wait11:51
apwogra, yeah sorry, in dep-wait11:51
ogradue to u-boot ;)11:51
ograReading state information...11:51
ograE: Package 'u-boot' has no installation candidate11:51
ograapt-get failed.11:51
ograPackage installation failed11:51
ografrom the log11:51
ograhmm, crap we will have top revert all the dependency changes that u-boot introduced11:52
ogra(since the package is actually called u-boot-tools)11:52
rsalvetibut I believe there's also a dummy uboot-mkimage package11:55
rsalvetididn't check if the dependencies are correct yet11:55
ograrsalveti, doesnt help11:55
ograneither is in main yet11:55
ografirst i need to get it de-NEWed11:56
ograthen to main11:56
ograbut i dont think hdstrand is up yet11:56
ograhe is archive admin of the day11:56
loologra: Yes, the rdeps and rbdeps need to be transitioned11:59
loolI had sent patches to do this, but they need to be updated for u-boot -> u-boot-tools12:00
ogralool, well, if u-boot stays out of main and the transitional package gets in that should suffice for a quick fix12:00
ograunless you dropped uboot-mkimage from all deps (which i dont belive)12:01
ograhmm, you dropped it from d-i, i see12:01
rsalvetijasper should be fine12:02
rsalvetiu-boot | uboot-mkimage12:02
ograbut d-i wont be12:03
* ogra branches d-i 12:03
loolNo it's not fine12:03
loolI mean, not from sbuild's perspective for sure12:04
loolSo basically, it should be u-boot-tools | uboot-mkimage12:04
ograit will k12:10
ograit will be possible to build images12:12
ograwhich is our main concern atm12:12
ograjasper changes completely next week anyway12:14
loologra: you want ot update flash-kernel as well12:16
ograah, thanks12:16
ograwell, it only suggests uboot-mkimage12:17
loologra: No, flash-kernel-installer apt-installs u-boot and then falls back to uboot-mkimage12:25
ograoh, ok12:25
ogralool, hmm, did you forget to commit the flash-kernel-installer change ?12:36
ograinstall_mkimage() {12:36
ogra        if ! apt-install uboot-mkimage; then12:36
ogra                error "apt-install uboot-mkimage failed"12:36
ogra        fi12:36
ograthats all i can find in the source12:36
ograand grep returns no code for u-boot12:37
ubot2Debian bug 607614 in flash-kernel "uboot-mkimage -> u-boot" [Minor,Open]12:39
loolI thought I had uploaded that to Ubuntu as well12:39
loologra: Actually, I failed to finish the implementation in Ubuntu12:40
loolI did create a install_mkimage() function, but didn't update it for uboot-mkimage -> u-boot12:40
ograwell, so we are fine for the moment12:41
ograif its in debian i will pull it in with the merge12:41
loolyou're merging flash-kernel?12:41
ograi have that pending since before vacation12:41
ograplanned to do that on monday12:41
ogra(actually i planned to do it this week, but now u-boot got in my way and images are more important)12:42
ograi have a half merged branch ready, just needs some touching up12:42
ogralool, why do you ask ?12:43
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loologra: Just out of curiosity13:36
rsalvetiogra: u-boot should be fine now13:37
rsalvetihopefully we'll be able to generate images over the weekend13:37
ograrsalveti, yep, all sorted13:47
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jhobbsfor vexpress, has the http://www.linux-arm.org/git?p=u-boot-armdev.git;a=summary tree been superseded by the linaro u-boot git tree?18:04
mattwaddeljhobbs: for vexpress, the linaro u-boot tree is the same as the main stream u-boot. I believe that is just a forward port of the code in www.linux-arm.org18:08
GrueMasterogra: were you going to manually push an image build prior to the sprint?19:00
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ograGrueMaster, tomights omap4 should build, i didnt bother a manual build yet19:00
GrueMasterok, thought I'd check.19:01
topfs2do people use maverick or natty for omap4?19:01
topfs2I am currently running maverick but I've heard whispers that natty should have much intereting stuff, but sgx and such needs to work for my project :)19:02
ograwe dont have sgx packages for natty yet19:03
ograso stick with maverick19:03
ograGrueMaster, if it fails i'll trigger a build on sunday, i'll arrive tomorrow evening already so i have the whole sunday19:03
topfs2ogra: ok, thanks :)19:03
ndecogra: if I am correct, you should be able to grab the graphics packages from tiomap-dev/omap-trunk PPA. they should work with natty kernel...19:11
ndecnot 100% sure, though ;-)19:12
ograndec, thats publically accessible ?19:12
ndecogra: sure19:12
ogratopfs2, ^^^19:12
ndecogra: http://groups.google.com/group/pandaboard/browse_thread/thread/291bf9cbd8c36d1519:13
topfs2might try that out then19:16
ZotanHas anyone used the instructions at http://42.pl/u/2u8U to rebuild the stock ubuntu maverick kernel? I can build the linux-linaro kernel but am struggling to rebuild the stock ubuntu one21:28
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