
ShaneMMorning all.07:43
ebelOur LoCo banner arrived18:47
czajkowskiglad it arrived :D19:01
mokmeisterhope you've got a better place for it than the floor! ;)19:05
ebelit's in a wardrome19:19
ebel*wardrobe now :)19:19
airurandoevening all21:11
airurandodraft team report for December 2010 is no up.21:12
airurandofeel free to add, edit, modify, correct as necessary.21:12
airurando*now up21:14
ShaneMczajkowski: Well done on getting you're talk accepted :)22:30
ryanoGot a new HP printer, it was quite difficult to set up but against all odds somehow I managed it :)23:09

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