
pleia2the one thing that a leader gains us is accountability, making sure things are getting done00:03
pleia2I *think* the plan is to turn UWN into bi-weekly and have an issue out a little over a week from now, but sitting here today I don't know who is going to make it happen00:05
pleia2I can pitch in from time to time like with this last issue00:05
pleia2I also mentioned on my blog that I think we want to document how to do "bite size" contributions, drive by summary writing and the like00:06
nhandlerpleia2: I sort of envisioned that the person assigned to be the publisher for a certain week would sort of handle checking up on people to make sure the sections get done. This is a big job for one person to handle full-time, but I think it is manageable for rotating people00:11
pleia2mostly I was addressing the chicken and egg problem, who makes sure we have a publisher issue, and who handles what we do if a publisher doesn't step forward00:12
nhandlerpleia2: bite size contributions and drive by stuff are nice, but things go a lot faster if there is a group of people the publisher can go to when stuff needs doing. i.e. When we were trying to find people to proof the issue, it would be a lot easier having a list of people on the wiki who have volunteered to serve as proof readers for that issue (maybe have all the jobs on a rotating schedule)00:12
pleia2november and december were an interesting example of no one being in charge and nothing getting done00:13
pleia2(well, fridge chugged along, but not UWN)00:13
pleia2and yeah, having a group of people a publisher can go to would be good, my bite-size idea is for creating these groups00:14
nhandlerpleia2: I think that was mainly due to confusion from the team as to what is going on.00:14
pleia2yeah, that was certainly part of it (I was afraid of stepping on toes)00:15
nhandlerpleia2: So what do you think about expanding the idea about rotating positions to the other jobs? People could obviously sign up for multiple slots, but it makes people accountable for getting the tasks done00:15
pleia2I think that could work00:15
nhandlerpleia2: My big reason for not getting more involved with UWN was that I couldn't commit myself to working on a section every weekend. I have no issue helping every now and then, but full-time is a huge commitment00:17
nhandlerI have a feeling other people are probably in similar positions00:17
pleia2yeah, me too00:17

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