
reya276Is there an application that I can use in Ubuntu to create a windows usb installer?01:51
mianosmI extended an ntfs drive (one physical drive, with 990 gigs of data on it, and extended it out the other 10) in server 2008, is there anyway that I can mount that volume in ubuntu? parted is only seeing the one parition and there is no fslabal or flags. :(11:42
maxolasersquad_hmianosm: I'd post back in about an hour and a half when more people are online.11:49
maxolasersquadIt looks like there's an official LibreOffice PPA, ppa:libreoffice/ppa13:25
maxolasersquadIt looks like you have to get rid of OO to install the official LibreOffice packages, and I still had a bunch of warning during install, but once installed it looks much better than the one on the ODF website.13:50
tiemonsterI'm just going to wait until Google buys Oracle14:15
maxolasersquadtiemonster: If Google buys Wal Mart, then we can be sure the apocalypse is night.14:35
tiemonsterwho would want Walmart? ewe.14:36
maxolasersquadOr, perhaps a merger between Microsoft, Wal Mart and Monsanto.14:37
maxolasersquadThey could call themselves MonRoMart.14:38
maxolasersquadThen we'd just need Target, Apple and Cascadian Farms to merge so that we could pretend we have choice in the marketplace.14:43
BartDevHello everyone17:15
BartDevI created my own Certificate Authority so that I can generate internal SSL certificates for application testing, now is it possible for me to create DNS zones for these certificates such as test.weapps.net or something like that17:17
mhall119BartDev: each SSL certificate you issue will have a FQDN in its common name (I think)17:28
mhall119as long as that matches the FQDN of the host, and as long as the certificate is signed by one your browser trusts, you should be good to go17:28
BartDevmhall119, ok I understand. Now is there a way in BIND for me to create a Zone such as webdev18:10
BartDevmhall119, and then create a subdomain called myapp.webdev and call it from the browser such as https://myapp.webdev18:12
BartDevsince is internally it should be possible right18:12
BartDevit is weird because if I enter localhost it takes me to http://localhost but when I enter webdev it does http://www.webdev.com18:14
BartDevwhich it should not since I created a BIND zone18:15
BartDevdo I need to add that somewhere else18:15
BartDevoh I figured it out, you have to just add it to the host addresses18:19
=== jamalta_ is now known as jamalta
tiemonsterBartDev: or fully qualify the domain: http://webdev/18:35
DammitJimis it possible for a webserver to not close an http connection?19:19
DammitJimwhere would I see what's going on in terms of connections and queues on apache?19:20
mianosm1lsof -i19:21
mianosm1DammitJim: 19:21
DammitJimlsof -i thanks!19:21
mianosm1or maybe: $sudo lsof -i | grep ESTABLISHED19:22
mianosm1actually, sudo lsof -i | grep -i apache*19:22
reya276oh my god check this out funny as hell watch the whole thing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL7yD-0pqZg19:23
mianosm1if you stop the webserver the connection will most likely take a moment to die off.19:23
mianosm1reya276: 11 million views from a video posted back in June... ;)19:23
mianosm1Yes, that video is hilarious.19:26
maxolasersquadIs that the one where the customer wants the iPhone regardless.19:26
maxolasersquadNote: NSF19:26
maxolasersquadBut it is pretty funny.19:26
mianosm1DammitJim: was that the information you were looking for?19:28
reya276oh epic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHO8l-Bd1O4&feature=related19:40
DammitJimbut now I found out that this server is running IIS... what a crock of something19:51
mianosm1IIS on linux?19:52
DammitJimno lol19:52
DammitJimanother server19:52

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