
ChinnoDogHey, it is 19 minutes past meeting time01:49
jthanbetter late than never!01:49
ChinnoDogwe haz meeting!01:50
jthanSO Meeting:01:50
ChinnoDogNo events or anything lately01:50
ChinnoDogWe should have one of those01:50
jthanLet's plan one?01:50
jedijfmotion to close01:50
ChinnoDogBut we just got started!01:50
jthanBut there's nothing to meet about01:51
jedijfmotion to not start01:51
ChinnoDognext release party isn't for... awhile. What else can we do?01:51
jedijflebanon installfest01:52
jthanALLENTOWN/BETHLEHEM/EASTON installfest01:52
ChinnoDogYou want to come to Lebanon?01:52
jthanEveryone near me is UBUNTU ILLTERATE01:52
jthanHelp spread the word.01:52
jedijfi don't care about anything..i am going to shmoo01:52
ChinnoDogMe and freelancer319 are the only ones near Lebanon, and he isn't here to represent himself.01:53
jedijfmaybe he needs an install so he can be here01:53
ChinnoDogYou can be the one to let him know he should install Ubuntu some time.01:53
jedijflife gets in the way...he has the kidz and all that01:54
jedijflike kejava01:54
ChinnoDogWhat other kinds of events can we plan?01:54
jthanI miss kevin :-(01:54
jthanSuch a good guy01:54
ChinnoDogWhere did he go?01:54
jedijffamily zone01:55
jthanYeah. Two kids.. a wife01:55
jedijfit's like hell with children01:55
ChinnoDogI would ask PennBot about his whereabouts but PennBot is sick this week.01:55
pleia2http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ has lots of upcoming events for other teams, inspiration01:55
jedijfshouldn't you be eating clearance sushi or something01:55
ChinnoDogsome of these are evenin English01:56
jedijfactually...i really like the idea of the Ubuntu hours that someone on the west coast has been doing01:58
ChinnoDogUbuntu UK is going to watch Rugby and drink beer. That sounds fun. :(01:58
jedijfand have been thinking to incorporate them in my business/social life01:58
ChinnoDogWhat happens at Ubuntu hour?01:59
jedijfdude, you are so uptight01:59
jedijfhang out for an hour01:59
jedijftalk about ubuntu - the weather - the ales01:59
ChinnoDogOk, I've met everyone here, so that might be an ok idea, but what about someone new? Why would they want to hang out with us? :-p02:00
jedijfeach other02:00
ChinnoDogs/everyone/most regulars02:00
jedijfwell obviously, before we met, we had never met....so what made that first time happen?02:00
ChinnoDogSo they can be noobs together?  haha. This is the dissapointment of open source in my world. Events are more about the people having them than about the event itself.02:01
ChinnoDogidk. What was the first event I went to?02:01
jedijfevents, real events, are tough as heck...need a crew...crew can only be established after little meetings to determine common goals02:02
jthanChinnoDog: I'd come to ubu hour02:02
jthanAnd you haven't met me02:02
rmg51everyone to jedijf's for a party :-D02:02
ChinnoDogWhat are our common goals then?02:03
jedijfdetermine that after meeting02:03
jthanTo make you show up somewhere that I am02:03
ChinnoDogPartying is obviously a common goal since release parties are regularly attended most of the time.02:03
rmg51trying to get together02:03
jthanSince you skipped geeknic02:03
* jthan isn't kidding02:04
jedijfi say ubu hours are easy - events need 3 or more to pull off02:04
ChinnoDogWhat other common goals are there besides staring at each other across glasses of beer and plates of oreo cake?02:04
jthanTalk about stuff02:04
rmg51bring stuffed toys and talk about them02:05
jedijfyou know if we did ubu hours, i think stuff would grow out of them02:06
jthanMe too02:06
ChinnoDogThings like "lets hang out more". But, what can we do that is Ubuntu related?02:07
rmg51it might make it easier to plan other events02:07
jedijfthe chef at drakes, just told me his ubu disk won't work anymore...so i have to drop off another; when was the last drakes event?02:07
jthanUBUNTU HOUR has UBUNTU in its name02:07
jedijfso wherever we have gone, for whatever reason, we have always attracted the interest of outsiders02:07
jedijfthe manager at manayunk diner wants me to make a laptop for his grandson...etc02:08
rmg51last Drakes was 11/2/0802:08
ChinnoDogI like Manayunk diner.02:08
jedijfrandom patrons at drakes wondering what the heck we were doing there...etc02:08
ChinnoDogI think I was only at Drakes that once when ssweeny came for the release party.02:09
ChinnoDog(That was Drakes, right?)02:09
jedijfthe only bad thing about manayunk was we lose that 'hey, what's going over there' factor02:09
jedijfChinnoDog: yes02:09
rmg51and now with the enclosure there is more room02:09
ChinnoDogbut what about the "hey, whats going on up there" factor?02:09
jedijfyeah, that's nice02:09
jedijfpatio enclosure and awesome tiki torches and flat screen at drakes02:10
rmg51the outside is now under glass02:10
jedijftiki spring summer'ish02:10
jedijfthanks to that car that hit the wall02:10
jedijfdid the same at kitchen bar, too02:10
ChinnoDogA car hit the wall?02:10
jedijfyeah - took it down02:11
ChinnoDogpleia2: when will you be in town next?02:11
pleia2don't know02:11
jedijfthere we go...depend on the person 3000 miles away, for our events02:12
ChinnoDogNot depending, but seeing if there are convenient dates02:12
ChinnoDogWhere is lamalex? I was going to ask him too.02:12
jedijfif we have enough of them i'm sure some will be convenient02:12
jedijfheck, bts was back and we didn't do dick....before i knew it, he was back in louisiana02:13
ChinnoDogbts3685|1ps: are you ever coming back?02:13
jthanNo :-(02:13
jedijfsee above02:13
ChinnoDogWhen was that?02:13
jthanHe's not even on IRC ever02:13
jedijfbefore xmas02:13
rmg51jedijf: and I have an Ubuntu Hour at every PACS meeting02:13
jedijfor 302:13
jedijfhe was like a ninja, i couldn't even get to buy him mozzarella sticks02:14
rmg51I'm talking about the time in the Cafe02:14
ChinnoDogHow many people do we need to get the space at Manayunk?02:18
jedijfone who eats 200 or 250 worth of food-can't remember02:18
ChinnoDogSo, jthan?02:18
jthanWhat about me?02:19
ChinnoDogYou are responsible for eating all the food.02:19
pleia2don't worry, ChinnoDog is paying02:19
ChinnoDogI saw that one coming.02:20
ChinnoDogDo you think we would be loud and obnoxious if we played games up there?02:20
ChinnoDog"you" refers to anyone that is awake02:20
rmg51or get kicked out02:21
jedijfwe could do whatever up there02:21
ChinnoDogWe don't want to get kicked out!02:21
ChinnoDogBut, we could plan to play some games.02:21
jedijfapril will be here soon enough, so manayunk diner release party02:22
ChinnoDogPreferably something that will go easy on all those innocent unsuspecting craptops.02:22
ChinnoDogThat is in 5 months02:22
jedijfChinnoDog: is game mc02:22
jedijfsay 302:22
jedijfits jan02:22
jedijfcalendar challenged?02:22
ChinnoDogapparently. lol. Ok, 3.5 months!02:23
jedijfprice is right rules...i win02:23
ChinnoDogAny interest in something before then?02:23
jedijfi have con end of jan...feb is short...march is one month before02:24
jedijfmaybe an ubu hour or two02:24
jedijfi am thinking one in jersey, and one in springfield pa02:24
rmg51which Springfield?02:25
ChinnoDogThe problem with meetings close to Philly is that it is difficult for people to attend that don't live in Philly.02:26
jedijfspringfield diner, baltimore pike02:26
jedijfand thorwback's bar and grill delran,nj02:27
ChinnoDogFor maximum exposure jthan's neighborhood is actually good because it is only 90 minutes from Harrisburg since it is straight up 78.02:27
jedijfwell you guys do soemthing02:27
jedijfwe do cover different demographics02:27
jedijfand honestly, we love you and all, but we have the population02:28
ChinnoDogYou need to start delivering bread to more of PA. :-)02:28
* ChinnoDog would like to order an oreo cake for his office in Lebanon02:28
jedijfi go to pottstown now, how close is that?02:29
ChinnoDogjedijf: Is northwest Philly too far away from you? I don't know where you are traveling from exactly or what the logistics are.02:29
ChinnoDogPottstown is less than an hour from here02:29
ChinnoDogthat is very doable02:29
jedijfi grew up in nw philly02:29
jedijfwe used to do weekly meeting in germantown, that's nw philly02:30
jedijfandrew came to an event in nw philly02:30
jedijfweekly changed to monthly, then they moved, and it changed to nonely02:30
ChinnoDoggoogle says Germantown is east o fScranton02:31
jedijfgoogle is wrong02:31
rmg51sounds about right02:31
ChinnoDogPottstown is a good location for me if it is for everyone else02:31
ChinnoDogbut, idk where we would go02:31
ChinnoDogpleia2: ideas?02:31
ChinnoDogsince you lived there...02:31
jedijfgermantown is a neighborhood in philly - near mt airy and chestnut hill02:31
pleia2ChinnoDog: Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania02:32
jedijfi grew up in west oak lane----nw philadelphia02:32
ChinnoDogPottstown will save jthan some gas02:32
pleia2pottstown is not beautiful, but there is a diner with wifi on 72402:33
jedijfi have to see them anyway02:33
jedijfis that the pottstown diner?02:33
pleia2nah, pottstown diner is in pottstown proper, this is more like kenilworth (other side of the river)02:34
ChinnoDogjedijf: want to scope it out for us?02:34
jedijfi just checked....we could do zoto's too02:35
ChinnoDogrmg51: do you have a place in mind?02:35
jedijfthat's close to jthan ...02:35
rmg51just put it out there02:35
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all, and FACON FOR THE HEATHENS!02:36
ChinnoDogKoP wouldn't be bad. Zoto's is ok but 90 min from here.  Its... up there.02:36
jedijfwe could do zombie or limerick02:36
jedijfzombie is collegeville, same guy opeing springfield02:37
pleia2limerick has better noms02:38
* SamuraiAlba is using Puppy Linux02:38
ChinnoDoghi SamuraiAlba. We were discussing possible locations for an event.02:39
SamuraiAlbaSicklerville, NJ?02:39
jedijfwinslow family restaurant02:39
jedijfwhitman diner02:40
SamuraiAlbaPeters :)02:40
ChinnoDogjedijf: make this easy on us?  (ok, me?)  Keep it further west rather than east?02:41
* SamuraiAlba noms the raviolis02:41
* ChinnoDog votes for Pottstown or KoP neighborhoods02:43
jedijfChinnoDog: are you lebanon - what happened to denver02:43
ChinnoDogI live in Denver02:43
ChinnoDogI work in Lebanon02:43
jthanI don't live near any of you02:43
ChinnoDogYou aren't that far, jthan02:43
ChinnoDogIt will take you less time to get to any of these locations than it will take me.02:43
andrewexactly, it's not like I wasn't in your area yesterday or anything02:44
jedijfwhat is doe called now02:44
jedijfis doe mtn still there02:44
jedijfwe could have a ski event02:45
jthanandrew: you were way north of me02:45
jthanjedijf: that doesn't sound very inclusive02:45
andrewjedijf: Bear Creek02:45
jthannot "way north" but.. definitely north02:45
andrewjthan: You should have joined us skiing02:45
jthanI wasn't invited.02:45
jedijfi used to night ski at doe02:46
jedijfshort ride02:46
ChinnoDogI have never skiied but that could be fun.02:46
ChinnoDog+1 for skiing02:47
jthanas he falls and breaks his face02:47
jedijfdpkg --configure -a will fix his face02:47
jedijfhave to incorporate linux into event02:48
andrewjedijf: So go to Blue and hack their RFID system02:48
andrewI mean...02:48
ChinnoDogskiing while using ubuntu02:48
ChinnoDogSkiing while chatting on IRC!02:48
jedijfandrew: what is rfid02:48
jedijfthe lift tickets?02:49
andrewjedijf: yes02:49
jedijfcool, and not cool02:49
andrewlift tickets are all rfid, they are tracking you02:49
jedijfwe used to (stupidly) hit the closed trails at night---now we'd be busted02:49
SamuraiAlbaPuppy is nice, Jedijf02:49
andrewI was able to see a full list of every scan (aka, lift ride) I took yesterday just by asking02:49
SamuraiAlbaInstaload of apps when all is in ram02:49
andrewjedijf: they only scan at the base of the lifts02:49
jedijfSamuraiAlba: you are correct - ChinnoDog should have tried02:49
jedijfSamuraiAlba: you did a 5? lupup correct?02:50
ChinnoDogYou were missing the point. The system was for a noob and I wanted her to have an Ubuntu flavor or I couldn't support her.02:50
ChinnoDogAnyway, this meeting has fizzled, so I am declaring it over. I am interested in skiing or and event in Pottstown / KoP though.02:51
jedijfubuntu hours are my goal - easy - portable - doable - inclusive02:52
ChinnoDoghaha. Win95 would have run well on it.  There probably aren't any viruses left on the net to infect it.02:52
ChinnoDogIf we are going to KoP we need a place02:58
ChinnoDogjedijf: do you have occasion to go to KoP in your travels?02:59
jedijfyes, of course02:59
MutantTurkeyKoP has that mall02:59
jedijfthat whole area02:59
ChinnoDogsuggestions for venue?03:00
jedijfruth's chris03:00
pleia2Fox and Hound03:00
jedijfi was thinking steak03:00
ChinnoDogKeep it affordable...03:00
ChinnoDogUnless you are paying03:01
jedijfpleia2's right...or chammps or bahama breeze03:01
ChinnoDogIn which case, I'll have a steak too.03:01
jthanWhat is Ginos?03:02
jedijfgiant Ubuntu hour03:02
jthanburgers and chicken?03:02
jedijfginos is an old hamburger chain, that is attempting a comeback03:02
jthanFind me a hardees and lets go there03:02
jthan<3 that stuff03:03
pleia2all they talk about in #plug anymore is ginos03:03
ChinnoDogandrew: yuck to ginos or to hardees?03:03
jedijfis that a hardees on the south side of 309 a little south of q-town where the speed limit drops?03:04
andrewginos could be better03:04
andrewand i haven't been to hardees in years03:04
jthanjedijf: dude... that was like before I was born!03:04
jthanthere is only one or two in PA now03:04
jthanOne is on Paxton St. in Harrisburg03:04
jthanThe other is also way out west03:04
jthanor maybe there's only one.03:04
jedijfwow, i am old03:05
jedijfbut i remember my food spots03:05
ChinnoDogAny more the only time I ever go to Hardees is when there is one at a turnpike plaza and I am ready to eat my arm off.03:05
jedijfturnpike is not whatever it's called03:05
jedijfturnpike is fake everything03:05
jedijfroy rogers nathans03:05
jedijfmarriott bs03:06
ChinnoDogRoy Rogers too, but I remember going to those before they were confined to turnpike plazas03:06
jthanEw. Roy rogers and nathans are both gross03:06
andrewjedijf: The money turnpike food demands is anything but fake03:06
jedijfjthan: they are not---the rest stop incarnations are03:06
jthanjedijf: all I have to base my opinion off of03:06
jedijfthere is a legit roy's on route 9 in beachwood - *baingin'*03:06
MutantTurkeyhere you go sir, that one hamburger will be $703:06
andrewMutantTurkey: that's what you'll get at ginos03:07
jthanOKAY who likes Five Guys?03:07
MutantTurkeyjthan: walked by there today03:07
MutantTurkeyi was tempted, but out of money03:07
pleia2jthan: meeee03:07
jthanpleia2: THANK YOU!03:07
MutantTurkey I hear it is excellent03:07
andrewme too03:07
jthanI think so.03:07
jedijfandrew: i did a johnnies in delaware on 202 - had a delaware destroyer - it was pretty good03:07
jedijf2 dogs - mac n cheese - onions on steak roll03:08
MutantTurkeyLee's Hoagies is a pretty good place, bit expensive03:08
jthanThere is a food truck that resides on drexels campus.. Offers a sandwich called "Jimmy's Sister"03:08
jthanIt's like.. a steak roll with fries, chicken fingers, mozz sticks, cheese... some other stuff... all on the bun03:08
jedijfhad them both03:08
jthanIs the other one just called "jimmy?"03:09
pleia2oh no, don't talk about hoagies :(03:09
MutantTurkeyjthan: wheres that at?03:09
jedijfthe sandwich and the sister03:09
* pleia2 diiiies03:09
jthanjedijf: you like?03:09
MutantTurkeylets talk about Za instead!03:09
pleia2I am going to come visit and eat all your turkey hoagies03:09
andrewjedijf: Have you been to Jimmy John's Pip'n Hot yet?03:09
jthanNoo. Not talking about Za03:09
andrewza... reason?03:09
jedijfandrew: no03:09
MutantTurkeyno za :[03:10
jedijfandrew: what about mac kenzies? that'd be a good ubu hour spot03:10
andrewjedijf: agreed03:10
jedijfwe could do the deck at longwood in the spring too03:10
ChinnoDogIt isn't spring03:11
jthanNot yet03:11
andrewjedijf: Closest (to most people) McKenzie's is in Malvern03:11
andrew(Which is no problem for me...)03:11
jedijfthat upscale diner in malvern is nice03:11
jedijftoo small though03:12
jedijfwe could do paoli diner03:12
pleia2McKenzie's, yummers!!03:12
jthancome on03:12
jthanmove up toward hatfield/lansdale03:12
pleia2they have teh nom beers <303:12
andrewjedijf: which upscale diner? "classic dinner"?03:12
andrewor some other?03:12
jedijfclassic diner03:12
jedijfacross from the old happy days03:12
andrewjedijf: That's next door to my barber03:12
jedijfnear a boat store iirc03:13
jedijfacross from the staples03:13
andrewyep, that's the one, right next door to my barber03:13
andrewand across the street from PCage03:14
MutantTurkeyRed Lion Diner ftw.03:14
jedijfwe could do lancers too03:14
jedijfwarminster west03:14
MutantTurkeylancers is good, 24 hours :)03:14
ChinnoDogUbuntu hour at 2am03:14
andrewbrb, ice cream03:15
jthanICE CREAM03:15
ChinnoDogWe can finish it with breakfast03:15
MutantTurkeyChinnoDog: this place is pretty dead around 2am but i'm down :p03:15
MutantTurkeyso no skiing?03:15
jedijfok i am up for hours starting in feb....will try to move them around to incorporate all - anyone else can jump in too - just announce and go03:15
jthanFair enough.03:16
jthanI'm headed to bed. Haven't gotten more than 4 or 5 consecutive hours of slep this week03:16
jthanNIght all03:16
MutantTurkeyjthan: night03:16
jedijftalk to the places and let them know - tell them 5 to 10 people - shoot for tues-wed -thurs when they'd be happy to have you/anyone03:17
MutantTurkeypublic transportation access is a plus03:17
jedijfi'm out too03:17
MutantTurkey:[ everyone goes to bed03:18
* MutantTurkey reads reddit03:18
pleia2nah, I'll be up for hours :)03:18
MutantTurkey:p actually i think i'll go to bed. I'm trying to get on a decent sleep schedule at least a week or two before my semester starts03:19
pleia2:[ everyone goes to bed03:20
waltmanMutantTurkey: since when do students go to bed before 10:30?03:26
waltmanif you're a college student, you're just heading out at this hour!03:26
MutantTurkeywaltman: yeah not today :/03:26
andrewI don't even go to bed then03:26
waltmanMutantTurkey: weak.03:26
MutantTurkeyi know.03:26
andrew1 am is quite early03:26
MutantTurkeyi spent all day in philly and now i am extremely tired.03:26
waltmanI spend all day every day in philly.03:27
waltmankids these days...03:27
MutantTurkeyI spend all day err day03:27
MutantTurkeykids these days who don't have cars and have to walk everywhere03:27
MutantTurkey!xkcd 28 hour day03:27
MutantTurkey@xkcd 28 hour day03:28
MutantTurkeyy u no have xkcd module PennBot?03:28
MutantTurkeyPennBot? :[03:28
andrewMutantTurkey: because you haven't written him one03:28
andrewalso, he's sleeping03:28
MutantTurkeyandrew: archlinux has one :p03:28
MutantTurkeysupybot right?03:28
MutantTurkeyyeah Phrik from #archlinux has an xkcd03:29
MutantTurkeyits probably just a google i'm feeling luck search with site:xkcd.com or sometihng03:30
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
InHisNameMawnin' y'all14:28
ChinnoDoghi lamalex15:05
lamalexhi ChinnoDog15:06
ChinnoDoglamalex: when will you be in town next?15:13
ChinnoDog10:13  ChinnoDog lamalex: when will you be in town next?15:36
lamalexChinnoDog, Presidents' day weekend15:36
ChinnoDogPresidents day is a floater holiday for me this year. hrm.15:45
SamuraiAlbaI like pi15:48
JonathanDmistyped /7315:50
JonathanDGood morning.15:51
SamuraiAlbaVerizon is poo16:13
* SamuraiAlba might have to go to T-Mobile for the N90016:13
ChinnoDogAnyone use this? http://www.smestorage.com/16:54
ChinnoDogIt purports to give you all manner of cloud storage access by allowing you to mount the remote drives.16:55
ChinnoDogThey offer free accounts with 1gb bandwidth limit per month17:00
andreware they like dropbox?17:05
waltman1gb wouldn't be enough bandwidth for remote backups, which would be my main interest in it17:06
ChinnoDogIf you pay for the app you can connect up to 10 cloud providers with unlimited bandwidth.17:07
* waltman is (re)installing eclipse :(17:08
ChinnoDogHey, my Box.net account was auto upgraded to 5gb. sweet17:18
ChinnoDogBut, SMEStorage will also let me connect to skydrive. I could have 25gb.17:18
ChinnoDogThat is enough to install Ubuntu onto.17:19
pleia2so is 5G17:32
andrewfor a second (actually, a few, I was confused) I thought you were trying to one-up 4G17:37
ChinnoDogTHey do have an iPhone and Android app. You can access your massive amounts of cloud storage from your phone.17:39
jedijfwhat's a cloud landfill called?17:39
andrewjedijf: overcast17:40
jedijfdoh, cloudfill17:40
ChinnoDogI'm describing cloud storage filled with garbage as overcast from now on.17:41
jedijfChinnoDog: how invested in  ubu hours are you? i want to offer a purchasing group i work with the opportunity to host them17:46
jedijf400 independent rest - pizza - bar/grills17:46
ChinnoDogIf by "invested" you are asking if I will show up, yes I will show up.17:47
jedijfcheck them out at http://ddv.me   <--my build or17:48
jedijfhttp://dinedelval.com/   <--their build17:50
pleia2it's 39F here today, is it acceptable for me to say it's chilly?17:52
andrewTHat's one degree off from shorts weather17:53
pleia2well you're weird17:53
jedijfwhere's my phone?17:54
ChinnoDogI run through the snow in shorts17:54
* jedijf needs a leash17:55
pleia2me too, half the reason I started using google voice for my main number is so I get an email when someone leaves a voicemail17:55
pleia2my phone is always on walkabout17:55
ChinnoDogYour phone needs to cry like a baby soon as you are more than 8ft from it.17:55
* ChinnoDog ponders how to implement that17:56
jedijfproximity is builtin --- get on it17:56
jedijfgreat app idea17:56
ChinnoDogCould use bt signal power if you are carrying a headset in your pocket.17:56
ChinnoDogIt could listen for the sound of your voice but that could majorly drain your battery.17:57
jedijfkids at parx casino could use that app too17:57
ChinnoDogFor a more low tech approach it could chirp now and then and listen for the echo to see if is in a pocket, out in the open, or covered by your hand.17:59
ChinnoDogIt could also check GPS / wifi to see if is moving, but that is more crude and assumes you are always traveling with the phone.18:01
pleia2if I misplace my phone when I'm out and about I have a more serious problem ;)18:02
pleia2I'm talking about at home, sitting in its fabric case somewhere around the condo18:02
pleia2and I don't talk all day (thank goodness)18:03
ChinnoDogWhat exactly do you want it to tell you then? Do you want to know when it is far away or do you want to be able to call out to it?18:04
pleia2neither, this is all your idea :) I'm perfectly happy with my phone being away from me18:05
pleia2the leash was a joke18:05
pleia2goog voice emailing me works out well, I hate answering my phone18:06
JonathanDI love google voice18:06
JonathanDI love not having to listen to VMs18:07
jedijfi like both...gvoice and the leash app idea18:08
JonathanDI enjoy losing my phone.18:09
JonathanDI'd rather not find it if I do.18:09
pleia2mine is actually on my desk this morning18:09
JonathanDI left mine at home18:09
JonathanDI think it fell behind the bed.18:09
rhpot1991I love not having to pay for calls18:11
SamuraiAlbaAny word on the gathering?18:12
ChinnoDogIt hasn't even been 24hrs18:37
ChinnoDoglamalex: what dates will you be here around President's day?18:37
SamuraiAlbaJust curious :)18:40
ChinnoDogI could eat some gummi bears19:12
lamalexChinnoDog, 16 - 21 i think19:18
ChinnoDoglamalex: will you attend an Ubuntu Hour?20:11
lamalexidk what's what20:11
ChinnoDogidk if I know either. haha. Will you go to an event if we have one while you are here?20:12
ChinnoDogrehi BeckySanderlin`x20:35

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