
cyberangerso who's here for the meeting?00:52
cyberangerchibihogoshino: ping01:01
cyberangerDan9186: ping01:01
cyberangerelectricus: ping01:01
cyberangerelijah-mbp: ping01:01
chibihogoshinoim here01:01
cyberangerJuzzy: ping01:01
cyberangerSvpernova09: ping01:02
cyberangerWorldspice_Will: ping01:02
cyberangerwrst: ping01:02
cyberangerchibihogoshino: well, in that case, huh, small meeting I guess01:02
cyberangerelijah-mbp: here for the meeting?01:02
elijah-mbpmeeting time!01:03
elijah-mbpi'm watching tv and sitting on my butt on the couch - so yeah, we can have a meeting :)01:03
cyberangerthree, can we get a fourth01:03
elijah-mbpi could count for two?  :)01:03
elijah-mbp*is a big guy*01:03
chibihogoshinolog in a few more times01:03
* cyberanger waits for elijah-mbp_ to join, so I can count him twice01:04
chibihogoshinois three people enough ?01:05
cyberangerwell, hang on, lemme see if one of the other leaders is floating on xmpp01:05
cyberangerwell, yes, it is enough01:05
cyberangerthe adgenda is small, and I've not heard from west tn today01:05
cyberangernetritious is running a little behind01:06
chibihogoshinoyou wanna wait ?01:07
cyberangerjust a little, jfenn2199 is also able, he's allways a bit behind, work ends as the meeting begins01:09
cyberangeris that an issue for either of you?01:09
cyberangerall I had really is an email announcement01:09
chibihogoshinoany thing big ?01:10
cyberangereh, not as big as it should have been01:10
cyberangerI should have been able to say we're offical loco now01:10
cyberangerbut hopefully I can say that next month01:11
chibihogoshinowhy not this month ?01:11
cyberangerwell, I'll be applying this month01:12
cyberangerbut our next meeting after that is next month01:12
chibihogoshinoirc or irl ?01:12
cyberangerto get approved, irc, loco council01:13
chibihogoshinosome one els came in from knoxville .. i forget what the nick was tho..01:14
cyberangeroh, you mean for a meetup, gotcha01:14
cyberangerirl, if doable01:15
cyberangerit's gotten to be a PITA for me, and linuxman410 can't travel as easily as me01:15
chibihogoshinoi dont know if they are going to join or not but they do use linux01:15
chibihogoshinopita ?01:15
cyberangerpain in the arse01:15
cyberangerso idk, kinda pisses me off that I can't get up to knoxville or down to chattanooga as easily01:16
cyberangeras I did01:16
chibihogoshinonot having a car sucks01:16
cyberangerhell, I'd goto memphis and did goto nashville for a release party01:16
cyberangeror to run an installfest01:17
chibihogoshinothat would be cool01:17
cyberangerhad plans to head to some of the lugs01:17
cyberangeryeah, the installfest was easy, was gonna trick out a laptop for it01:18
chibihogoshinowhat was it going to get01:18
cyberangerupgrade the hdd, setup a netboot, have minimal install (netboot) cd's for older machines01:19
cyberangerhost a local mirror on it, with dns spoofing too01:19
chibihogoshinospoofing what01:19
cyberangerso do the install here, and update at home, without changing a setting01:19
cyberangerspoof archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com01:20
cyberangerand setup a local mirror01:20
cyberangerthus the installed machines go home, and pull updates from legitimate sources still01:20
cyberanger(a local mirror is still a legitimate source, gpg verified, secure apt designs, I tried very hard to insure this design)01:21
chibihogoshinohow large would that be01:21
jfenn2199Evening all01:21
cyberangernot too large, if I only focused on packages needed for the install01:22
cyberangerok, hold that though01:22
MootBotMeeting started at 19:22. The chair is cyberanger.01:22
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]01:22
cyberangerwow, I remembered that, barely01:22
cyberanger[topic] New Year Plans01:22
MootBotNew Topic:  New Year Plans01:22
cyberangerevening jfenn219901:22
cyberangerelijah-mbp: still around?01:23
netritiouswhat did I miss01:24
jfenn2199Nothing at all01:24
cyberangerwe were waiting a little, both of you showed up about the same time (I have three announcements, really could be summed up in an email)01:25
cyberangeris there anything you both would like to metion01:26
netritiouswell we can still call it a meeting :D01:26
cyberangersince jfenn2199 is on a deadline01:26
cyberangerplans in west tn?01:26
netritiouspossibly a meetup the 3rd week this month01:26
jfenn2199Right now I've been in survival mode but should be back full swing by 2nd week of feb01:27
cyberangerjfenn2199: glad to hear it, I know you've uh, well taken a beating01:27
netritiousmeant to have one last month but Krimas had me caught up with family01:27
cyberangerwell, I suspended stuff that was ideal for the same reasons last month myself01:28
cyberangerwhat's the plan01:28
netritiouswhere's pace_t_zulu?01:28
cyberangerand we need to have this on the wiki and email list btw01:28
chris4585birthday dinner01:28
netritiousah that's right01:28
cyberangerhe nearly forgot01:28
netritioushow's it hangin' chris4585?01:29
cyberangerreason I ask, we're going to the loco council this month (or so goes my plan, don't intend to have it get sidelined again)01:29
chris4585netritious, can't complain01:30
chris4585is the meeting already over?01:30
cyberangerand right now, for events in the works, all I can say is we're sending somebody to help with chattacon for the 3rd year (me) to help run computergaming (xubuntu)01:30
netritiouscool chris4585...then life is good :)01:30
cyberangernot yet over01:30
jfenn2199I'm down for a meetup anywhere I know we usually meet in my neck of the woods but if you want closer to home netritious I'm down01:31
cyberangernetritious: so what's the date and place01:31
netritiousSat Jan 22 3:30pm @ Memphis Pizza Café on Madison01:32
cyberangerif you can let me know before the 12th, it'd help our application01:32
cyberangernvr mind, it's already set ;-)01:32
netritiousMPC in midtown is fine01:33
cyberangerare you doing it monthly, every third week01:33
cyberangerthis case 4th saturday01:33
jfenn2199well if we want that for a time and regular venue I can always ablige (8 min walk)01:34
netritiousit's just that my calendar is clear on that Sat01:34
cyberangernetritious: can we turn that into a recurring event?01:34
netritiouswe could except I don't/can't commit to that...we (my wife and daughter) have been doing family stuff on weekends for the past few months...01:36
netritiousnot sure that is going to change with Krimas gone exactly01:36
elijah-mbpfamily time is important.01:36
cyberangerwell, it's an ubuntu hour if it's recurring weekly or every other week01:37
cyberangerbut I do understand family01:37
netritiousyeah...my wifes family is spread out a bit with lots of bdays, anniversaries, blah blah...it seems to be never ending, except for Sat Jan 22 lol01:37
cyberangerI don't think ubuntu hours are realistic for many in our loco01:38
cyberangereasier for college towns with active members in college and such01:38
jfenn2199Haha would it work to set it tentatively I'll know if I can maintain hosting by feb01:38
cyberangerwell, my plan if we can get it to happen, is each region declares a meetup in our meeting01:39
jfenn2199That location is around the corner from me and I carry out at least once every month so I could just as easily sit and converse01:39
netritiousjfenn2199: sure, I mean you are co-poc and live 8 minutes away :D01:39
netritiousmore lik 2 min lol01:39
cyberangerso if you can do that in febuary, announce it in febuary's meeting, and the list too01:39
cyberangeridk if that's realistic or not, but I'd like to have meeting reports, ideally with pictures01:40
netritiousbrb in 501:40
jfenn2199You know what 1 sat a month (3rd) week I can commit to01:40
cyberangerif that's the saturday that works for you, and can become an event each time, shoot for it01:41
cyberangerand that helps me with one more nice thing to add to our application01:41
jfenn2199Alright well that's set for this region01:41
cyberangerI don't want you sitting alone bored either though, thus once a month doesn't have to be the same day each month01:42
cyberangerand btw, your currnet meetup is the 4th saturday01:42
jfenn2199Well I can always muster up people for MPC01:43
jfenn2199And maybe bring the good word of ubuntu to more people01:43
cyberangerso, 22nd (4th saturday) and the 19th (3rd sat.) or 26th?01:44
netritiousI took a couple of pictures at the last meeting but no matter how much tweaking I did they still looked horrible, with barely a notice of the people in it01:44
netritiouswe were sitting beside a window on a bright sunny day :/01:44
cyberangernetritious: eh, that's ok, we just ought to be having writeups (I guess our blog would be ideal, the wiki equally ideal)01:45
netritiousregardless of which Sat it is in the month,  have Jan 22 open lol01:45
cyberangerso the 4th saturday each month, starting with Jan 22nd01:45
cyberangerfor memphis (again, you two are the powerhouse atm, wow)01:46
jfenn2199Works by me and impromptu as the case may be01:46
jfenn2199Hey when Memphis is on its on!!01:47
netritiouslet's make it the 3rd sat, even though this one is in the 4th...can do?01:47
cyberangerit'd take me 4 days either way, jfenn2199 ?01:47
jfenn2199Ok works01:47
cyberanger(and a good pair of boots)01:47
cyberangerand I'm working on an installfest kit, gonna give it a dry run at chattacon (more private testing than public, to get the gaming rigs up)01:48
netritiousso every month, 3rd Sat, but this month 4th Sat is good? just double-checking01:48
cyberangerplan to howto that and get some install fests going, or at least have the ability01:48
netritiousand trying to confuse everyone lol01:48
jfenn2199Yep that's it01:48
netritiousk cool01:49
jfenn2199Since that's it for west.... for mootbot?01:49
cyberangerso, installfest kit, this month applying to be an approved loco (so any documentations that is of use, send them my way)01:49
cyberangerI'm heading to chattacon again, on behalf of the loco01:50
* cyberanger makes note, document this time01:50
netritiousI plan on demo'ing some GNU Goodness at the meetup01:50
jfenn2199Send me a msg later tonight to remind me to check for the presentation netritious and I worked on which I presented to the city we can include that as well (even though it didn't become offical we still had it)01:51
cyberangerI'd like to get with #cooklug still, hiking boots isn't helpful (man, if I still had my stable job, not that I don't love my freelance work, but stable pay)01:51
netritioushave you heard about that on the news jfenn2199?01:51
cyberangerI think that covers what I have, work with lugs, run events monthly at least (ideally) and a yearly event (chattacon) and our application01:52
cyberangeranything else?01:52
jfenn2199No but I spend 15 hours a day at work or on a bike or bus01:52
netritiousit was on channel 5 last week how the council has to vote on the initiative, but the scope has changed since you spoke with the city though01:52
netritiousyeah they are trying to go all thin client01:53
cyberangerchibihogoshino: do you have anything you'd like to add?01:53
chibihogoshinonot really..01:53
cyberangernetritious: ?01:54
netritious"...a central server used to consolidate all of the existing workstations and servers.." something like that...can't remember verbatim but that's close01:54
netritiousI'm good cyberanger01:54
cyberangerjfenn2199: ?01:54
jfenn2199I think we've covered it all01:55
cyberangerok, netritious can you get west tn up to date (if it's not) on documentation of it's meetings and shoot me a link of it, by say the 11th?01:55
cyberangeror jfenn2199 ?01:55
netritiouswe've only had the one in Sept? Oct? something like that...it wasn't cold outside yet01:56
jfenn2199The one I missed at mpc was sept01:56
cyberangerand I can cite it in our application?01:57
cyberangerand older ones too?01:57
cyberangerok, on our wiki?01:57
jfenn2199Info on those were on the forums01:57
netritiousDan9186, Svpernova09, Genphlux, "Rick," and myself were there01:57
jfenn2199But I need to bolt gotta get to my bus stop01:57
cyberangerok, then i'll close the meeting and let everyone talk and bolt01:58
MootBotMeeting finished at 19:58.01:58
cyberanger(that might have been our quickest meeting)01:58
jfenn2199Take it easy all maybe back on later01:59
netritiousspeaking of bolting...g2g jam...will swing by here sometime this weekend01:59
cyberangerthank you both on joining in01:59
* cyberanger wonders why goodbyes are much shorter now02:00
chibihogoshinoi guess people are doing allot more now02:02
cyberangeryeah, myself included02:05
cyberangermy case, looking for another stable job02:05
chibihogoshinogood luck02:05
cyberanger^ for anyone wanting to join in on the loco meeting ^02:05
cyberangerit will be held in #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net.02:06
cyberangerchibihogoshino: thanks02:06
wrstcyberanger a late pong02:42
* wrst heads back to his home server02:50
linuxman410anyone here03:18
linuxman410wrst u here03:18
linuxman410cyberanger u here03:19
linuxman410_cyberanger how r u03:27
wrsthey linuxman410_03:28
cyberangerpretty good03:28
linuxman410_wrst how r u sorry i missed meeting harddrive failed03:28
wrstoh no linuxman410_ that sounds not good03:28
linuxman410_it is a sata drive so i have to save my money to get one03:29
linuxman410_have u ever tried lubuntu03:30
wrsthmm yes i have tried ita long time ago lin... oh03:38
cyberangerwrst: yep03:57
cyberangersame answer, even quicker to send it, but little point03:58
cyberangerhe's so quick to leave03:58
jfenn2199Hello again all04:48
cyberangerhey jfenn219905:46
jfenn2199How goes?05:46
cyberangernot bad05:49
jfenn2199That's good05:52
wrstmorning chibihogoshino hows it going?13:20
chibihogoshinoi want toast but have no butter13:21
wrstyeah we have a little snow here nothign to make any trouble13:21
wrstha ha13:21
chibihogoshinohows your day starting ?13:21
wrstpretty good chibihogoshino how about you?13:21
chibihogoshinosame old,  same old..13:22
chibihogoshinolook for work13:22
wrsti feel for you there, not a good tiem for that as you well know13:24
chibihogoshinoonly reason i want one right now is, i want ice cream and hot chocolate13:25
wrsthmm ice cream!13:26
chibihogoshinoits not the best dinner but its soo good i cant help it13:27
chibihogoshinoas long as it stays above freezing i dont mind winter13:28
wrstlooks like you may not like winter today :)13:29
chibihogoshinoits 35 here13:30
chibihogoshinoif it started snowing im going to punch it13:30
wrstground is slowly getting white here :)13:31
chibihogoshinoso far here nothing13:32
Svpernova09Missed the meeting last night >.< Was out doing a run to atoka to pickup a ms pac man machine16:28
wrstms pacman :)16:31
wrsthello lengau16:49
lengauHi wrst16:49
wrsthow are things going lengau ?16:49
lengauPretty well, and yourself?16:50
wrstdoing well its a nice snowy friday here16:52
lengauNo snow for us in Murfreesboro yet.16:58
wrstjust enough to see it falling here really lengau17:04
wrsthello pace_t_zulu17:56
pace_t_zulusup wrst17:56
wrstnot much just trying to get friday under my belt17:56
wrsthow about you?17:56
pace_t_zulupretty much the same17:57
wrsti am thinking about joining the titans in their search for a quarterback this weekend  pace_t_zulu17:59
=== pace_t_zulu changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-tn to: Next Meeting Feb 3rd at 8 PM EDT/7 PM CDT | Welcome to the Ubuntu Tennessee Team IRC Channel | Members add your info http://tr.im/nogt | Ask about our Wiki Jams
pace_t_zului'm glad they're embarking on that search17:59
wrstme too18:00
wrsti really would have loved to have seen it work out18:00
wrsthe has talent but i fear not the desire18:00
pace_t_zuluyea, its a shame18:01
pace_t_zuluhe got plenty of money for his trouble18:01
wrstoh yes18:02
wrsthello chris458518:11
chris4585hey wrst18:13
chris4585just tried ubuntu alpha and it was a battle, I guess I'll wait until beta again18:14
wrsttroubles chris4585 ?18:14
chris4585not really, alpha seems to be a mess and not usable at all18:18
chris4585even worse I didn't see much done to unity18:22
wrstwhen i can boot it i can do ok with it... did you download alpah1 or the daily?18:22
chris4585alpha1 and updated18:22
chris4585is there a difference if you're up to date?18:23
wrstno shouldn't be18:23
wrstit actually performed well for me save the booting issues18:23
chris4585does clicking on the ubuntu logo launch /usr/share/applications ?18:24
chris4585or does it actually do something?18:24
wrstno just opens the folder up but that is a work in progress18:24
pace_t_zululaunches /usr/share/applications right now... i'm sure that will change18:24
wrstyes i have read taht officially chris4585 , pace_t_zulu but dont' have it handy18:25
wrsti think maybe from jono18:25
wrstnetritious: welcome !19:08
netritioushowdy wrst19:16
wrstday going well netritious ?19:17
netritiousnot to shabby wrst...yourself?19:17
wrstdoing well netritious just killing the rest of a friday :)19:19
netritiousnice :)19:19
wrstyes very and watching the snow fall... but not stick19:20
netritiousno snow here yet19:20
wrstlots falling but none sticking maybe sledding is in my future :)19:21
* wrst is getting to use ubuntu at work for a while20:19
pace_t_zulunetwork manager indicator applet has landed in natty http://i55.tinypic.com/r1fv5l.jpg20:32
wrsthas it not been there pace_t_zulu ?20:45
cyberangerhas it gotten stable20:52
cyberangerno kernel panic and weekly reinastall20:53
wrstha ha not for me cyberanger  :\20:53
cyberangerI was considering giving it a try20:55
* cyberanger convinces wrst's ubuntu install that there is such a thing as the number two, kernel goes into a panic20:57
wrstwell might work on your hardware when it boots for me cyberanger its really pretty good20:57
pace_t_zuluwrst: network manager was still in the old notification area... hadn't been ported to the new indicator framework20:57
cyberangerwrst: well, gnome did too, openbox just felt snappier20:58
cyberangerbut I will be giving unity a try, at some point20:59
cyberangerI've got to if I keep installing ubuntu for others21:03
wrstahh gotcha pace_t_zulu21:03
wrstcyberanger: i think unity has promise but i really don't look to this release being something that's going to make me think i gotta have it21:03
pace_t_zuluwrst: i agree about unity... this release isn't about make or break... it is a step in the right direction toward a more modern gui21:05
wrstyeah and i really won't push 11.04 or dont think i will to anyone other than with the "classic" desktop but they might really pull it out too21:08
pace_t_zuluwrst: they are making good progress so far... but it don't think it will be all that in 11.0421:33
pace_t_zulumore like 11.10 or 12.04 LTS21:34
wrstagreed and they are making very good progress21:35
cyberangerthing is, I've had sucess pushing the oddballs more21:57
cyberangernetbook simplicity21:58
cyberangerbut they work, unlike current unity builds21:58
cyberangergetting rid of xorg will be intresting21:59
cyberangerI've done that here21:59
cyberangerjust not using wayland either22:00
cyberanger11.10 will be intresting22:14
cyberangersee how much changes22:14
wrstoh pace_t_zulu happy birthday23:26
pace_t_zuluwrst: ty23:26
wrstwho says facebook isn't useful23:27
wrstwell if I'm going to sell all my info out to a great satan might as well be facebook :)23:35
* cyberanger says facebook isn't useful23:38
wrstcyberanger: why? :P23:40
cyberangerI shall cite a previous statement....23:41
cyberanger18:35:49           wrst | well if I'm going to sell all my info out to a great satan might as well be facebook :)23:41
wrstha ha cyberanger23:45

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