
induzp_res, thats good to know...Thas why i was not allocating more memory to VB's gues OS00:00
BlaDe^shcherbak:  hmm remember you told me gnome-panel --replace ?00:00
ignarpsDarkStar1, I don't understand exactly what you mean by resolve to a subdomain on the chosen one00:00
p_resinduz: Yeah I generally don't run anything else whilst using a VM.00:00
BlaDe^that gave some assertation errors, when i closed terminal my applets all died again00:00
p_resOnly irc!00:00
goltoofinduz: check the requirements of the apps you want to run, not sure about mso but some require more memory00:00
kaddi_shcherbak: are those names identical to the ones of the packages? or would I have to match them to the package in question?00:00
avance0242Hey Guys, Do you know how to gain administrator access on a network with just a thin client?00:00
ignarpsDarkStar1, this is more of an architecture question then an ubuntu os one00:01
DarkStar1ignarps: basically each web app runs on it's own VM with it's own domain name. I need to consolidate them under one domain00:01
goltoofDarkStar1:  check  #httpd00:01
rumpe1BlaDe^,  use "gnome-panel --replace & disown"00:01
DarkStar1goltoof: I asked but got nowhere.00:01
usr_hello, anyone can tell me how can  I install pydev in eclipe on ubuntu 10.10. I have been reading some websites with suggestions but it seems that such info is not up to date00:01
goltoofDarkStar1:  why have a web app run on a VM??  sounds horrible00:02
induzgoltoof, thnaks for suggestions i will check before installing anything on Vbox00:02
DarkStar1goltoof: Well a virtual server.00:02
rumpe1BlaDe^, then you can close the terminal00:02
=== Hekos is now known as hekos
DarkStar1goltoof: but in any case it's an inherited problem which I have to manage pending redevelopment00:03
BlaDe^that worked and restored my originals, rumpe1  which is great00:03
BlaDe^but it also said: Unable to open desktop file /home/martin/Desktop/gnome-terminal.desktop for panel launcher: No such file or directory00:03
BlaDe^is that an issue?00:03
dosydoo1234tried winehq but not a friendly bunch in there, 120 people in the room and no one talks to each other00:03
=== charles is now known as Guest88582
ignarpsDarkStar1, there is multiple way to tackle that.  But that question is more of an overall design question. not about ubuntu OS00:04
dosydoo1234does anyone here have any experience with wine ?00:04
ryan_is there a way to zoom out the screen slightly on the Nvidia drivers? the bottom of my screen(taskbar) is almost hidden00:04
ignarpsDarkStar1, modproxy mod jk are used for java web apps.  You could look down that route00:04
ryan_the proprietary ones i mean not nouveau00:04
shcherbakkaddi_: and this /var/lib/dpkg/status00:04
ks07ryan, cant you adjust monitor settings (like the physical monitor buttons)?00:05
rumpe1BlaDe^, doesnt sound dramatic00:05
shcherbakkaddi_: scroll down to ready script http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135684100:05
DarkStar1ignarps: Ye I know. but I need an opinion as to a way of quickly resolving this. It was suggested that I use apache to re-direct to the right servers, but anther person said that was overly complicated00:05
p_resinduz: Where is your install up to?00:05
GravCan anyone who used minitube tell me if time slider should work with it?00:05
ignarpsDarkStar1, mod rewrite is pretty easy to use in apache if that is all you need00:05
luxurymodeanyone know if theres a way to have a different wallpaper on each of my monitors?00:05
alanmHi all, does anyone know what I cant start urbanterror on my pc when it gives following error "Initializing OpenGL display00:06
DarkStar1ignarps: but do you know if having the providers configure their DNS server to resolve the naming on our behalf would be easier?00:06
alanm...setting mode 3: 640 48000:06
alanmSDL_SetVideoMode failed: Couldn't find matching GLX visual00:06
trenchluxurymode: everything is posible in linux00:06
naiadanyone know if there is an easy way to get tiling plugin installed on ubunt 10.10 for compiz?00:06
alanmhowever, other 3d games work without problem (tremulous)00:06
trenchluxurymode: the sky is the limit :P00:06
KM0201luxurymode: only way i could do figure out how to do it, is create an image that has the two wallpapers i want side by side, and use that "one image".. for my wallpaper00:06
kleopatrawell netstat -tulp gives me the pid so i could kick it but is there no other way? i know what application is running (gearman) but im looking for something like gearman stop00:06
ignarpsDarkStar1, again I don't know the exact issue and what the needs are.  Is it easier to do etc... is all relative.  What is easy for me may not be easy for someone else00:07
luxurymodeKM0201: cool. yeah i want cheat sheets as my wallpaper ;)00:07
DarkStar1ignarps: I only started reading about Apache today. Never had to use it before. but can you give me a quick brief of what that mod does??00:07
KM0201luxurymode: :)00:07
RealOptyi wanna make backups of my dvd collection00:07
ryan_ks07: i can't really alter the screen physically by very much00:07
kaddi_shcherbak: awesome! Thanks! :)00:07
RealOptyany suggestions on this?00:07
p_resRealOpty: k9copy.00:07
luxurymodeKM0201: what should i install that'll let me edit images, etc? need to make these two jpgs one image..00:07
DarkStar1ignarps: mind if I explain it to yo in private chat?00:07
luxurymodeKM0201: gimp?00:07
KM0201luxurymode: it was actually pretty easy, just make sure you make the "width" the same resolution as the width of the two displays00:08
hariykeyboardwhich should I backup. /usr or /var?  which ones more important?00:08
RealOptyp_res, some reason it keeps crashing on me when i start it up00:08
ignarpsDarkStar1, not sure I want to go down the road of PM support in a channel with 1400 people00:08
ks07ryan_: I dont know then, I dont see anything to do it in nvidia settings here :S00:08
p_resRealOpty: Or AcidRip00:08
ignarpsDarkStar1, I do have a real job too :)00:08
KM0201luxurymode: yeah, i used gimp, then created a new image(25xx by 1024)... then copy/pasted the images i wanted, into that image, and moved them into place..00:08
DarkStar1ignarps: I just need your opinion dude. For that I need you to understand the problem00:08
shcherbakkaddi_: Now I will spend some time to getting more familiar with apt, such incompetence of mine.00:08
KM0201luxurymode: you do it right, you won't even be able to tell.00:08
ignarpsDarkStar1, okay you can pm me and I will see00:09
DarkStar1ignarps: but I understand00:09
RealOptyp_res, that one always errors :(00:09
p_resRealOpty: Then you have other issues.00:09
RealOptythats what she said00:09
ignarpsI am mainly here to give back to ubuntu a bit. seeing I use them so much00:09
p_resI use AcidRip personally, with no dramas.00:09
RealOptywanna pastebin ur config?00:10
kaddi_shcherbak: I think I'll have to do the chroot thing too, just to know what happens once you do it.. :) Thanks for the many alternatives though :)00:10
p_resRealOpty: What config? Just installed it and run it.00:10
ryan_ks07: yeah it's weird because when i was using an ATi card you could sort of move the screen about in Catalyst.00:10
yxz97what-s the recomended disk size for ubuntu 10.10 desktop edition?00:12
luxurymodeKM0201: awesome00:12
luxurymodeKM0201: sudo apt-get gimp?00:12
alanmFIXED IT00:12
KM0201luxurymode: um, its either gimp or thegimp00:12
trenchyxz97: how much do you want to use?00:12
KM0201luxurymode: and you need to sudo apt-get install00:12
EdgEyHello, what is the best way of installing a newer kernel on 10.10? Is it possible to install just one package from natty? I need 2.6.37 for my DVB tuner (without using patches and stuff)00:12
yxz97humm lol00:13
yxz97is not a really thoughfull answer00:13
trenchyxz97: it all depends on what you are gone use your computer to00:13
=== Sean is now known as Guest76945
Guest76945Could someone help me on installing a Lexmark Printer????00:13
yxz97trench: programming00:13
rwwyxz97: 15GB, per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements00:13
luxurymodeKM0201: so if one monitor is 1600 X 900 and the other is 1920 X 1080, what would i want to set it as?00:13
yxz97Ok I give it, 20GB so is fine00:14
yxz97in a virtual machine00:14
KM0201luxurymode: hmm that will be a little more complex, my two displays ar ethe same size.00:14
rwwyxz97: 20GB is plenty. I've used 5GB for a VM and had it still work.00:14
luxurymodeKM0201: yeah mine should be too. accidentally bought the wrong 2nd one and was too lazy to return ;)00:14
trenchyxz97: 30 giga should do it for alot of space00:14
Gnea!caps | Guest7694500:14
ubottuGuest76945: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:14
rwwubottu: tell Guest76945 about repeat00:14
ubottuGuest76945, please see my private message00:14
KM0201!root | guest 7694500:14
ubottuguest 76945: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:14
KM0201luxurymode: lol00:15
yxz97I selected dinamically expand hard drive, if I need more space I hope I can make it bigger00:15
yxz97else, damn it!!!00:15
luxurymodeKM0201: oh man im a total gimp noob. dont even know how to open an image00:15
nsdI have a machine with Ubuntu 10.04.1 server that the framebuffer quit working (using the RCA out jack from the video card) when I tried to set up a minimalist X desktop, specifically after trying to install the NVIDIA driver (the card is a GeForce 4 MX). I tried disabling the driver over ssh using jockey-text (I installed it with jockey-gtk) but I still get nothing on the display. Looking in dmesg I saw some messages from vga16fb where it trie00:16
nsdd to initialized but quit, so I blacklisted the module, and now I see only uvesafb messing with the framebuffer. Currently, the only thing that works is plymouth: when the machine gets to where the console would appear, the screen merely flickers and turns black, with a dark maroon border.00:16
trenchyxz97: you can always play with gparted live cd00:16
Gnealuxurymode: if all else fails, click on 'file'00:16
KM0201luxurymode: lol00:16
yxz97Yeah but its inside a virtual machine00:16
yxz97I should need first grow the size of the virtual disk and later, grow the size "internally" ..00:16
KM0201luxurymode: if you do it right, it will look like this(but yours won't, cuz your displays have two different resolutions00:17
induznow Its installed p_00:18
KM0201hmm, well maybe not00:18
luxurymodeKM0201: i opened both, how do i merge them?00:18
induzp_res its done now00:18
yxz97Guest76945: what's the problem?00:18
Adder_Blackis there a GUI for Conky?00:19
KM0201luxurymode: it takes practice w/ gimp....  http://imagebin.org/13138600:19
luxurymodeindy fan much00:19
induzhow can i make guest Xp bigger on Vbox00:20
KM0201luxurymode: love em :)  i've got a lot more of colts players, thats just my current one.. i still miss harrison00:20
razieliyo #c00:20
luxurymodeindy is the shiznit00:20
luxurymodei love hearing manning make play calls00:20
spaghettifierIs this the place to ask for ubuntu help?00:20
razieliyoit is00:21
luxurymodethe place00:21
spaghettifierfor some reason my computer is unable to open jpg files00:21
razieliyoI love python, really00:21
razieliyospaghettifier, install gqview00:21
luxurymodespaghettifier: how did you try opening them?00:21
spaghettifieri tried using feh00:21
spaghettifierand I tried clicking on them with whatever is the default00:21
spaghettifierneither worked00:21
luxurymodeinstall gqview, what razieliyo said00:21
spaghettifieralright, thanks00:21
trenchKM0201: i had a friend who never put together two images as one but he had diffrent pictures, but can't remember what he did00:22
KM0201trench: that was the only way i could figure out how to do it... certainly not claiming thats the only way00:22
luxurymodei cant figure out how to merge the pics00:22
KM0201luxurymode: i sent you a PM00:22
induzhow can i full display of Xp guest OS on Vbox??00:22
spaghettifierstrange, it didn't work00:23
octalskyhi all00:23
octalskyany one work with Opnet00:23
jasonodosydoo1234 I have experience with Wine.00:23
spaghettifierluxurymode: gqview didn't work.00:24
pmocekHow should I troubleshoot corruption in my ecryptfs filesystem?  On Ubuntu 10.4, I set up encrypted home dir with auto-mount upon login using the Ubuntu i386 alt installer.  No problem for months of heavy usage, then misc errors led me to find corrupted gconfd configuration files (control characters strewn about) and kernel error messages (samples at <http://paste.ubuntu.com/551314/>).  These messages are logged when I read from the filesystem (only some p00:24
pmocekarts) but are not logged when I'm not accessing the filesystem.  I've tried booting into an older kernel (I'm using 2.6.32-27), booting from a 10.10 live disc  & mounting the encrypted fs, skimmed the ecryptfs FAQ, searched the Web for the error messages & relevant keywords, mailed the ecryptfs-users list, and mailed a local Linux users list.00:24
FloodBot1pmocek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:24
smallfoot-ubuntu says im using 11.04 natty narwal, but im suing 10.10 maverick00:25
smallfoot-why ubuntu lie to me?00:25
spaghettifierluxurymode: never mind, somehow my folder of about 20-30 images got corrupted00:25
aeon-ltdsmallfoot-: what does uname -a say?00:25
razieliyois 11.04 out?00:25
trench10 :P00:26
rwwsmallfoot-: Assuming you mean what I think you mean, there's a bug in 10.10's documentation package.00:26
rwwrazieliyo: no, it isn't 2011/04 yet.00:26
ignarpsyou can test the alpha release. 11.04 will be out april 201100:26
aeon-ltdrazieliyo: no, for future reference (this holds consisten so far) 11 = 2011 0.4 = 4th month00:26
w1n5ton0Can somebody help me?00:26
w1n5ton0When I log in as root the wifi applet is gone00:26
w1n5ton0I can't connect to the internet to repair packages00:26
razieliyow1n5ton0, /etc/init.d/network-manager start00:27
razieliyotry that00:27
rwww1n5ton0: Setting a root password and logging in as root is not supported in this channel, and any problems you encounter as a result aren't either.00:27
dogmeatis there a net addition of ubuntu, where i can download a smaller cd, and have it install from the web?00:27
dogmeatim looking for a server amd64 version00:27
rww!mini | dogmeat00:27
ubottudogmeat: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:27
razieliyoby the way, I didn't know versions meant that00:27
razieliyothe year and the month00:27
roccity_dogmeat, there is a server addition and a mini iso image that will pull packages from a mirror00:28
induzhow can i inrease the size of Xp screen on Vbox?00:28
w1n5ton0Job is already running: network-manager00:28
Gnea!vbox | induz00:28
ubottuinduz: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:28
roccity_dogmeat, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:28
KM0201induz: you gotta install guest additions00:29
rumpe1induz, install guest-additions00:29
DarkStar1ignarps: thanks you again.. You've been the best help so far00:29
KM0201induz: you have to install that on the GUEST, not the Host.00:29
razieliyow1n5ton0, nm-applet00:29
razieliyow1n5ton0, but you should listen rww00:30
DarkStar1now If you will all excuse me. I need to go poison the sewers :)00:30
cp2_4evaWhats up all.  I have a question about installing ubuntu as a dualboot with windows. I already installed windows and made extra partitions. (ext2, ext3 for other Linux distros) it's now asking me to specify a root file system. How do I do that particularly? I'm a newb sorry00:30
w1n5ton0An instance of nm-applet is already running00:30
induzKM0201, I have alreday installed Xp as gues00:30
razieliyow1n5ton0, you're f*ckd00:30
ignarpsDarkStar1, you are welcome.  Glad I could give back to the community00:30
DarkStar1cp2_4eva: it's basically asking you to specify where you want your C:\ drive00:30
w1n5ton0I'm trying to fix nautilus00:30
rwww1n5ton0: Again, your issue is not supported in this channel. The correct answer to your question as far as we're concerned is "don't log in as root then".00:30
KM0201induz: i understand that.. you have to install guest additions on the guest, in order to increase the screen size00:31
w1n5ton0I can't log in as anyone BUT root00:31
razieliyow1n5ton0, what happens to your nautilus?00:31
rwww1n5ton0: Why?00:31
w1n5ton0It says cannot find .nautilus or something00:31
w1n5ton0lemme check again00:31
induzKM0201, How can i get that?00:31
DarkStar1cp2_4eva: Oh filesystem... it's asking you to choose the format of your filesystem... so chose either ext3 or 400:31
razieliyosudo aptitude install nautilus?00:31
KM0201induz: do you have XP open now?00:31
w1n5ton0I try to log in an get the following:00:32
kaddi_shcherbak: could I take up your time one more time? I'm going through the chroot steps now, just so I've done it once. And everything works fine until I try to write the output to a file. Then it tells me it's a read-only file system and stops. Do you have an idea what the issue might be?00:32
induzKM0201, yes Xp is running on Vb00:32
KM0201induz: go to .. i think its devices menu/install guest additions... if its not the devices menu, its one of the menus00:32
w1n5ton0Could not update ICEauthority file /home/user/.ICEauthority00:32
tekkhey guys, i've recently build both vlc and ffmpeg from source just how I like them, is there an easy way now to create a .deb of them that will also pack together all of the dependencies?00:33
induzKM0201, I have installed guest addition now what?/00:34
razieliyow1n5ton0, maybe you're not the owner of that file00:34
w1n5ton0Then is says There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)00:34
KM0201induz: after it installs, reboot the guest... then adjust your window size, click machine, and "adjust window size"00:34
KM0201induz: but make sure it installs.00:34
rwww1n5ton0: See the second and third posts in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94975000:34
razieliyothat should be common issues00:35
w1n5ton0And finally: Nautilus could not create the following required folders:/home/user/Desktop, /home/user/.nautilus00:35
induzKM0201, I adjusted window size to full screen but still Xp is a bit smaller and lots of space is free on sides00:35
KM0201induz: did you listen to a word i said?00:35
rwww1n5ton0: ah. did you run "sudo nautilus" or "sudo startx" at some point? that's what usually causes that much permissions mess.00:36
w1n5ton0Before running Nautilus, please create these folders, or set permissions such that Nautilus can create them.00:36
w1n5ton0I use ecryptfs00:36
w1n5ton0My stupid brother turned off the password login requirement00:36
induzKM0201, yes I rebooted also00:36
razieliyokill him00:37
KM0201induz: did guest additions install?00:37
w1n5ton0I think my home folder in not being decrypted properly00:37
rwww1n5ton0: hrm, different issue from above, then. *ponders*00:37
scottie_Ubuntu. I can't get it to play dvds through my external dvd player. Any ideas?00:37
KM0201induz: it doesn't install in 3 freaking seconds, so you likely got impatient and didn't install it00:37
induzKM0201, yes...now I pulled the corner[re-size] the Xp and its Ok now00:37
w1n5ton0How do I start ubuntu in cli?00:37
KM0201induz: ok00:37
w1n5ton0I have an idea00:37
w1n5ton0I need to start in command line00:38
razieliyow1n5ton0, you can do alt+ctrl+F100:38
intradergoltoof, unistalling with complete removal turned a lot of entries in synaptic red - what does that mean?00:38
pr0ph3thi all00:38
w1n5ton0I'll try that00:38
induzKM0201,  now my USB drive is not getting recognised??00:38
razieliyow1n5ton0, from F1 to F6 you have ttys00:38
razieliyoF7 is the X system00:38
KM0201induz: depending on which versin of Vbox you installed, it may not have USB support... did you investigate this at all before you installed?00:39
pr0ph3thow do I check the status of the rf switches?00:39
aeon-ltdintrader: red usually stands for packages marked for complete removal00:39
induzits VB 3.2.1200:40
b0nghitterhow do i make the system stop logging to /var/log/syslog, and only to messages?00:40
b0nghitterwihtout killing rsyslogd00:40
induzKM0201,  its Vbox 3.2.1200:40
kaddi_shcherbak: nvm, looks like i've managed to locate the bad sectors and that's what was causing the issues00:40
KM0201induz: ok, so you downloaded the version from virtualbox.org?00:40
induzkm..i guess yes00:41
induzKM0201, i updated the ubuntu too just few hrs back00:41
intraderaeon-ltd, thanks, is it safe?00:41
KM0201induz: is the usb drive showing up on your desktop(ubuntu)00:42
razieliyois virtualbox some kind of os emulator?00:42
induzKM0201,  yes i can see that USB on Ubuntu00:42
KM0201razieliyo: sort of...00:43
=== breadcrumb_ is now known as breadcrumb
razieliyoI see00:43
w1n5ton0so startx won't work00:44
nit-witrazieliyo, this might help, not sure I use it so  haven't read this link.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VirtualBox00:44
aeon-ltdintrader: if those pkgs aren't depended on and if you don't use them00:44
razieliyonit-wit, I just went to their official webpage00:45
nit-witrazieliyo, cool it is a interesting thang there are other types of virtual machines.00:46
potipheraDoes anyone here know how to fix GRUB 2 so an encrypted filesystem is recognized?  After updating my kernels, I've been getting an error saying that the lvm device name doesn't begin with /dev/mapper, and I can't enter the GRUB menu to select a different kernel because it gives me a udevadm error.00:46
razieliyoI really never liked virtual machines00:46
ignarpspotiphera, first step would be to boot of a rescue cd00:47
barf_barfhow can i clone an sd card into an img?00:47
razieliyow1n5ton0, congratulations hahaha00:47
w1n5ton0Thank you thank you00:47
potipheraignarps, what do you mean by a rescue CD?  I am using a live CD right now.00:47
ignarpsbarf_barf, use dd00:47
razieliyobarf_barf, or mkisofs?00:47
ignarpspotiphera, sorry I have not used enrypted volumes with grub00:48
nit-witpotiphera, whats the problem I just signed on and missed the backstory00:48
razieliyow1n5ton0, it's great to find out the solution00:48
razieliyow1n5ton0, what did you do at least?00:48
nit-witpotiphera, I get it the encryption sorry00:48
w1n5ton0logged into cli00:49
intraderaeon-ltd, thanks, I will go ahead with the uninstall to see if 'beam' disappears.00:49
razieliyow1n5ton0, linux power00:49
potipheraYeah, I have a forum thread that goes into more detail here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163120300:49
w1n5ton0Mounted my home folder manually00:49
w1n5ton0Then started xwindow and changed the password setings00:49
CaneToadI have an Imation Disk Stakka, and when I plug it into 2.6.35-23 box, while it remains plugged in I get reported over and over in dmesg:  usb 2-5.2: new low speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 13, usb 2-5.2: USB disconnect, address 13, and then it goes to address 13, 14, 15 and so on, never stops....any way to solve this?00:49
induzwhy my USB drive is not getting recog on Vbox with Xp as guest00:49
razieliyonot complicated00:49
potipheraI think the problem may be caused by having several different kernels installed, like the preempt00:50
aeon-ltdintrader: good luck i suppose00:50
potipheraand I am open to removing them all except for the generic, if I can find out how to do that from a live CD.00:50
Scuniziinduz: vbox support for usb is only available in the PUL version on their site with the additional package listed there.. even then you'll have to read the docs to get your user to access that feature.. not hard though.00:51
induzScunizi, what is PUL version??00:51
ignarpspotiphera, you should be able to have as many kernels as you like.  Do you have your filesystem mounted from the live cd?00:52
potipheraignarp, not at the moment, but I can mount it, just a minute.00:52
ignarpspotiphera, I don't think having too many kernels is the issue.  but once mounted you can do this.  chroot /mnt00:53
ignarpspotiphera, you can then run commands like the system was booted up normally.  ie use apt-get to add/remove stuff00:53
Scuniziinduz: the one direct from their site00:53
potipheraYeah, I was able to get that far the other day00:55
potipheraand I tried update-grub, reinstalling GRUB, and update-initramfs00:55
breadcrumbcan you connect to and control Ubuntu remotely with the Windows RDP client? or do you have to use something like ultravnc?00:55
potipherabut none of those worked.00:55
ignarpsbreadcrumb, you have to use something like vnc00:58
roccity_potiphera, are you trying to reinstall grub from a live cd?00:58
PsPhaKeR1I have another question :)00:58
potipheraThe problem occurred previously after a kernel update, and what seemed to cause it was that GRUB still had the old kernel selected as the default, so I just selected a different kernel in the menu, and then used startupmanager to change the default, but now I can't enter the GRUB menu when starting because of an error saying "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured."00:59
PsPhaKeR1When I try and launch an executable... it says "There is no application installed for executable files" It is not an Windows executable btw00:59
potipheraroccity_, yeah, I might be, if that is what will work00:59
potipheraalthough I did reinstall GRUB already after a chroot to my encrypted filesystem (mounted with exactly the same hexadecimal name as it is given in GRUB normally), and that didn't work.01:00
roccity_potiphera, how many partitions do you have?01:00
PsPhaKeR1When I try and launch an executable... it says "There is no  application installed for executable files" It is not an  Windows executable btw01:01
dogmeathow do i install packages from command line? is it apt-get/apt-cache search and so on?01:01
potipheraroccity_, on that hard drive there are three listed.01:01
PsPhaKeR1What application do I install for executable files?01:02
potipheraOne is the boot partition, one is the encrypted partition (which takes up most of the hard drive), and the other has the same size as the encrypted partition?01:02
induzScunizi, I am on thier website vb.org but i dont see any updates for me01:02
w1n5ton0And after all this network manager suddenly starts working01:02
induzHow can i get Vbox 4.101:02
PsPhaKeR1induz: just go and download it from Ubuntu Software Center01:03
roccity_potiphera, ok from a live cd you need to mount all of them. I followed this today to reinstall grub https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub01:03
roccity_potiphera, just scroll to the part about reinstalling grub01:04
Steve973hi.  what causes an ethernet device to take a number like eth3 when my other adapter is eth0?01:04
PsPhaKeR1When I try and launch an executable... it says "There is no  application installed for executable files" It is not an  Windows executable btw01:04
ignarpsPsPhaKeR1, file <filename>   what is the output of that?01:04
ignarpsfrom the terminal01:05
PsPhaKeR1Could not display "/home/jarid/Desktop/unself"01:05
PsPhaKeR1There is no application installed for executable files01:05
ScuniziPsPhaKeR1: how are you trying to launch the executable? and what is the file name of the executable?01:05
PsPhaKeR1how else?01:06
ScuniziPsPhaKeR1: what's the file name?01:06
PsPhaKeR1It is a programmer tool01:06
cyberjunk502i have installed nvidia drivers and every time i reboot it changes back to 800 X 600 resolution help me01:06
xim_PsPhaKeR1, open a terminal and run it with sh /home/jarid/Desktop/unself01:06
kovid_i have installed openSSH, how can i create and remote users to connect?01:06
ScuniziPsPhaKeR1: from cli cd to the directory containing that program and try ./<program name>01:06
xim_or that01:07
cyberjunk502i have installed nvidia drivers and every time i reboot it changes back to 800 X 600 resolution help me01:07
PsPhaKeR1bash: ./unself: Permission denied01:07
DasEiPsPhaKeR1: sudo chmod +x unself01:07
daxtguys what are the voice changer softwares in ubuntu ?01:07
DasEiPsPhaKeR1: then retry sh or ./01:08
PsPhaKeR1what do you mean by sh?01:08
SanityInAnarchySo, upgrading some _old_ hardware to 10.04. Is i586 still supported there? Because the kernel just reboots. No screen, nothing. Grub is apparently working enough to launch memtest...01:08
DasEiPsPhaKeR1: depending on what the tool does, maybe have to sudo it, too01:08
DasEiPsPhaKeR1: see above comment01:08
cyberjunk502i have installed nvidia drivers and every time i reboot it changes back to 800 X 600 resolution any solution01:09
potipheraroccity_, I followed the instructions for reinstalling Grub through chroot yesterday, and the only difference is that I didn't mount the other partition besides the boot and the encrypted root partition (I am not sure what the purpose of that one is, or where I should be mounting it to)01:09
potipherabut wait, I just noticed something else as well.01:09
DasEiSanityInAnarchy: yes, specs ?01:09
DasEicyberjunk502: sudo nvidia-settings, set and save there01:10
daxtany voice changer software for ubuntu PLEASE ?01:10
induzPsPhaKeR1, is it going to affect my Xp on Vbox 3.1.1201:10
aeon-ltddaxt: you mean a live voice changer?, audacity can change your voice but not dynamically01:11
daxti need a live voice changer01:11
DasEiSanityInAnarchy:more specs on htat box you want to set up ?01:12
Dark_Spyro_003daxt: Try searching for "morphvox"01:12
apuloI need to type in English, Spanish, and Japanese at different times.  I have UIM/SCIM set up right now to allow switching between JP/EN. I was given a small USB Spanish keyboard to make typing accent marks and Spanish characters quicker.  How can I configure/add Spanish keyboard support to my SCIM setup?01:13
daxtmorphvox isnt open source :(01:13
potipheraThe other day I followed the instructions in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1567147 saying to update-initramfs to get rid of the Grub error telling me "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured."  But update-initramfs gave me an error saying "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab -".  Now I noticed that when I installed lvm2 on this live CD to mount my encrypted partition, it te01:13
cyberjunk502DasEi: i have done it but doesn't work01:13
induzPsPhaKeR1, what is VirtualBOx OSE??01:14
DasEicyberjunk502: did you save  your setting (must be run as root) ?01:14
DasEiinduz: a reduced clone , available from standard repo01:15
Dark_Spyro_003daxt: Audacity seems to be the alternative01:15
cyberjunk502DasEi: yes i have done it as root01:15
daxtbut does it change live ?01:15
induzDasEi, I have already Vbox 3.2.12 installed and Xp is running on it01:16
Dark_Spyro_003daxt: I have no clue, I don't use such software myself01:16
cyberjunk502DasEi: any other solution01:16
induzHow can i upgrade from 3.2.12 Vbox to 401:16
DasEiinduz: first remove existing one, then re-check repo, then get 4, had to do same here01:16
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DasEicyberjunk502: you can also set it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:17
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:17
rslifkahey guys, what rewrites fstab on boot?01:18
DasEirslifka: nothing01:18
induzDasEi, on thier website they say To install VirtualBox, do01:18
induzsudo apt-get update01:18
induzsudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.001:18
rslifkausing the 10.04 LTS EC2 image, and after I reboot, the fstab is changed back01:18
induzbut when i do the above command it says coulnot find packages01:19
rslifkanot really sure how it's getting changed01:19
daxtaudacity also does not do live processing either :(01:19
DasEiinduz: no, you first uninstall your 3xx, then add the right repo, then just sudo apt-install VirtualBox (case-sensitiv!!)01:19
DasEiinduz: need help in the repo ? uninstall is on VB's homepage, FAQ01:20
DasEirslifka: you speak of the live cd ?01:21
centHOGGdaxt: interesting... use any windows sw for that?01:21
kovid_how can i enable vnc access?01:21
rslifkaDasEi: the official ubuntu AMI for EC201:21
paq7512is there a ubuntu disc that will allow you to install more programs? or is that the dvd?01:21
* centHOGG really into vstees once01:21
DasEipaq7512: the dvd contains more, but common is to use the web01:22
rumpe1paq7512, dvd or... better... any /var/cache/apt/archive-directory from any other ubuntu with the same version01:22
potipheradaxt: For live processing, try Pure Data.  If it's hard to understand, you can try posting at http://puredata.hurleur.com/01:22
rwwmost of the extra bulk on the DVD is 1) language packs, and 2) a usable repository a la alternate CD01:22
induzDasEi, i dont see uninstall on FAQ??01:23
daxtpotiphera thanks01:23
DasEiinduz: did you install from the repo ?01:23
rumpe1induz, have you installed the .deb?  Look in your ṕackage-manager and deinstall it from there01:23
paq7512is var like system32?01:24
rumpe1paq7512, look "man hier" in terminal... there is every directory with explanation01:24
KM0201induz: virtualbox 4.0 is very very buggy, i wouldnt install that unless you have an exact reason to01:24
Dark_Spyro_003equivoc: Hiya!01:24
rumpe1paq7512, /var   This directory contains files which may change in size, such as spool and log files.01:25
kovid_ok, i have vnc setup, but i dont see how to require ssh? where can i enable that option?01:25
itaylor57KM0201: o/ indy fan huh01:25
SanityInAnarchyDasEi: Not sure. Sorry to disappear, I just discovered something interesting -- PAE reboots, but I don't need PAE. Non-PAE doesn't reboot01:25
barf_barfI'm using dd to backup my hd , do i use the root of it /dev/sd or /dev/sdb1 ?01:25
induzKM0201, I started un-installing the 3.2.1201:25
KM0201itaylor57: lol, of course... how did you figure that out?01:25
equivoci've got a boot problem since last update on my 10.10 box: "No init found. Try passing init=..."01:25
KM0201induz: whyy?01:25
Dark_Spyro_003equivoc: Did you have any hardware changes?01:25
madjoe1hi! how can I connect my Android phone to use an internet connection via pass-through from my Ubuntu Karmic?01:25
rumpe1barf_barf, both is possible... depends, if you want a backup of your complete HD or just form the partition01:26
equivocjust the update01:26
DasEibarf_barf: whole hd ? /dev/sdb01:26
rumpe1barf_barf, whole HD includes grub-bootloader and partition-table01:26
equivocwith a usb-ubuntu i get: http://pastebin.com/YX7B7sjs01:26
itaylor57KM0201: esp01:26
induzKM0201, my USB was not working.. someone said update it and version 4 is available so i was trying to install version 401:26
madjoe1does anybody know anything about Android vs. Ubuntu vs. pass-through?01:26
equivocbut the drive i not mounted01:26
barf_barfrumpe1: I need both of those il use sd01:26
KM0201induz: version 4 is EXTREMELY buggy.. you shouldn't need to upgrade to version 4 to get usb to work...01:26
induzKM0201, I dont know what to do now..may be i have to go back for 3.2.1201:26
Dark_Spyro_003equivoc: Try using a livecd or other bootable medium to boot that up and run fsck on your system's filesystem01:26
herclshello, just installed ubuntu 10.10 on an amilo pro laptop and I have some display issues, the default resolution is 1600x1200 but is visible only the 3/4 of the screen and every other resolution I tried sosn't seem to work01:27
induzKM0201,  now its gone01:27
KM0201induz: thats what i would do, no way i woud install 4.001:27
equivocDark_Spyro_003: yes, i did this01:27
DasEiKM0201: pm you ?01:27
equivocDark_Spyro_003: http://pastebin.com/YX7B7sjs01:27
rumpe1barf_barf, dont forget to set bs=01:27
KM0201DasEi: sure if you want01:27
induzKM0201, I will re-install Vbox 3.2.12 and then Xp again01:27
rumpe1barf_barf, with bs big enough01:27
KM0201induz: you shouldn't need to install xp again, i'm assuming you saved your hard drive01:27
KM0201*virtual drive01:28
barf_barfrumpe1: I was usin this sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=sdb1.dd01:28
barf_barfrumpe1: bs isntead of if?01:28
rumpe1barf_barf, that will take a long time, if you don't add bs=5k  (e.g.)01:28
induzKM0201,  i have not saved anything01:28
rumpe1barf_barf, no... it's an additional parameter01:28
KM0201induz: jeez man.. stop what you're doing.01:29
kovid_ok, i have vnc setup, but i dont see how to require ssh? where can i enable that option?01:29
induzKM0201, i will do it tomorrow01:29
Dark_Spyro_003equivoc: Have you tried mounting and dismounting the filesystem?01:29
induzKM0201, thanks a lot01:29
equivocDark_Spyro_003: no, should I?01:29
KM0201induz: thats fine.. but you shouldnt need to reinstall.. but if you don't want to mess w it anymore, i understand01:29
DasEikovid_: for ssh have to install it, if hasn't as dependency01:30
Dark_Spyro_003equivoc: Try to mount, unmount, and then do the fsck01:30
equivocDark_Spyro_003: ok01:30
kovid_DasEi, i have installed ssh and i can connect to ssh, but all the tutorials i am reading for VNC over SSH refer to an advanced tab in Remote Desktop, but i dont have an advanced tab... (running 10.10 32bit01:31
DasEikovid_: I have good experiences with tight or  ultravnc01:32
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DatzHi, I was wondering where support for ubuntu netbook was01:32
herclshello, just installed ubuntu 10.10 on an fujitsu amilo pro laptop and I have some display issues, the default resolution is 1600x1200 but I can only see the 3/4 of the screen and every other resolution I tried sosn't seem to work, If I'm not mistaken has ati grafics01:33
rumpe1Datz, just ask01:33
DasEikovid_: xtightvncviewer & server01:33
equivocDark_Spyro_003: "mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1" stalls01:33
herclsany ideas?01:33
DatzIs there a 64bit netbook edition, I don't see a torrent option for it. Also, when I try and download the netbook edition, I get ~ 7KB/s. servers slow for this version?01:34
kovid_DasEi, thanks01:34
Dark_Spyro_003equivoc: I have no clue what is wrong then :| I'm sorry01:34
rumpe1Datz, possibly much traffic... does your netbook have 64bit?01:34
equivocDark_Spyro_003: np, thank you01:34
potipheraI think I am going to go chroot and downgrade Grub to the old version, but thanks, everyone.  If anyone knows about encrypted filesystems and Grub errors, feel free to post in my forum thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163120301:34
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Datzrumpe1: well, it's my laptop, and yes.01:35
Dark_Spyro_003equivoc: maybe one more thing, which graphics card do you use? After one of my PCs updated to 10.10 I noticed it didn't work anymore with the dedicated graphics card in it01:35
Dark_Spyro_003equivoc: with the same problems01:35
rumpe1Datz, the netbook-edition isn't very different from the usual desktop-edition... i would recommend 64bit-desktop01:36
w1n5ton0How do I generate my ecryptfs key?01:36
Datzrumpe1: well basically I want to try Unity01:36
equivocDark_Spyro_003: 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation ION VGA (rev b1)01:36
LeifIs there anything I can do to prevent my monitor configuration from getting screwed up whenever I load a full screen game?01:36
rumpe1Datz, you can also try it with the desktop-edition... just install it later01:37
Datzrumpe1: ok, that's what I'll do. I was just hoping the netbook edition install was a bit lighter01:37
Dark_Spyro_003equivoc: Probably isn't that then... Wish you luck in finding a solution though!01:37
equivocaye :)01:38
evilenkoi need help, how can i download multiple files from a site with wget. Now it downloads one by one, how can i do that it will download many files at once, mp3 files?01:40
LeifAlong those same lines, does anyone know how to get flash to open up in the correct monitor?01:40
Leiffull screen I mean01:40
=== onlyplayragz_ is now known as onlyplayragz
evilenkoi need help, how can i download multiple files from a site with wget. Now it downloads one by one, how can i do that it will download many files at once, mp3 files?01:43
wrdevilenko: start multiple wget processes?01:43
wrd!repeat |evil01:43
ubottuevil: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:43
evilenkoi want to download from the same site ?01:44
evilenkomany files att once01:44
boldfilterI was telling someone about linux and opensource software and he suggested how does an open source system secure. How does ubuntu fight off hack attacks and manage security?01:44
rumpe1evilenko, wget -r -l1 --no-parent -nH -nd -P/tmp -A".mp3" http://example.com/mp3s01:44
evilenkookey and that will download all the mp3 files? at once? not one by one?01:45
savhi, is it possible to install gtk+3 library from an official repository in ubuntu 10.10?01:45
rumpe1boldfilter, with updates and verified package-sources01:45
boldfilterCant someone easily hack an open source operating system?01:46
rumpe1evilenko, test it01:46
rumpe1boldfilter, depends, how stupid the admin is01:46
rumpe1as on every system01:46
razieliyolinux is too pretty to hack it01:46
centHOGGboldfilter: by being less than 1% of the desktop OS01:46
boldfilterSo theres really no security?01:47
rumpe1boldfilter, if the admin allows ssh-connection for user root, password 12345, then it will be hacked pretty fast01:47
rumpe1boldfilter, what do you mean?01:47
razieliyoI think he means to modify the code01:47
evilenkorumpe1: its doing something01:47
rumpe1boldfilter, there are many factors which influence security01:48
evilenkoit seems like its download one by one01:48
boldfilterLike get inside your computer get credit card information01:48
KM0201sorry bout that fellers01:48
rumpe1boldfilter, and the most vulnerable element is still the user01:48
andyman99008Hi guys, I was wondering if I need to get some anti virus protection with ubuntu?01:48
boldfilterSo the only defense is the root password?01:48
razieliyoandyman99008, no, you havent01:48
razieliyomaybe some firewall configuration01:48
rumpe1andyman99008, no01:49
w1n5ton0anyone play minecraft?01:49
razieliyow1n5ton0, me01:49
ubuntu4shaneandyman99008: you don't need it for Linux, however if you wanted to protect your usb stick or something when you stick it in a windows computer then yes. :)01:49
rumpe1boldfilter, ubuntu doesnt has a root account per default01:49
razieliyoI bought it by 10 euros01:49
razieliyonow, every updates free01:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:49
andyman99008Ok thank01:49
w1n5ton0Well bought is a strong word in my case01:49
boldfilterCould someone get into my computer if they wanted?01:50
razieliyoboldfilter, usually, not01:50
rumpe1boldfilter, into a usual installation fresh from the start? highly unlikely01:50
w1n5ton0I'm "evaluating" it01:50
ubuntu4shaneboldfilter: it would be a lot of work, and a hacker would REALLY have to want to get in01:50
andyman99008Are there any good guides to getting started with ubuntu? I mean for terminal commands and stuff01:50
boldfilterWhat would stop hom01:50
razieliyow1n5ton0, evaluating buying it?01:50
rumpe1boldfilter, no physical access :)01:50
IdleOne!manual | andyman9900801:51
ubottuandyman99008: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:51
razieliyow1n5ton0, now it costs 20, bleh01:51
itaylor57boldfilter: the only safe computer is locked in a safe and not connected to anything01:51
boldfilterSo the way linux is built protects it?01:51
ubuntu4shaneandyman99008: any command you want to learn how to use, you just type:  man commandname01:51
razieliyoboldfilter, don't worry, be happy, you can find yourself safe with linux I think01:51
ubuntu4shaneandyman99008: man ls  is an example01:51
boldfilterI have to explain to someone why its safe, I could care less01:52
razieliyoboldfilter, you can find lots of documentation about that on the internet01:52
andyman99008Ubuntu is awesome btw, why the hell did I not switch ages ago01:52
boldfilterEverythings free btw01:53
ubuntu4shane!language | andyman9900801:53
ubottuandyman99008: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:53
Gerwinandyman99008: Because you where on the wrong side of the Force.01:53
razieliyoandyman99008, go on with what you just need at the moment01:53
boldfilterubuntu is linux, im reading a book on unix. Is unix and linux basically the same thing01:54
JosesordoHi all01:54
JosesordoSomeone know a good program to add Widgets to my desktop, a cute one..??01:54
r00t4rd3dJosesordo, screenlets01:55
r00t4rd3din synaptic package manager01:56
Braber01I'm having some trouble with i-bus, and the Japnese input method, I know I have the right one set up... but I can only get anthy to write in romanji and higrina,01:56
r00t4rd3dboldfilter, linux is a unix clone01:56
Braber01Every time I try to convert to Katakana or Kanji I can't get anything but the Higrinina01:56
cntrationalhow do I turn the terminal bell on?01:57
razieliyoterminal bell01:57
cntrationalyes, the terminal bell01:57
trismBraber01: you get kanji by hitting space after typing some hiragana, I don't know why you can't select katakana01:57
itaylor57Braber01: I would ask my daughter but she is studdying in Australia for her masters in japanese01:57
Braber01trism, I've tried hitting space, and nothing has changed.01:57
razieliyocntrational, beep?01:58
Ograws@Everyone: Help me with an Ubuntu install01:58
RogueboyHello, I recently installed Ubuntu and am having difficulties with my wireless connection, says I'm connected no pages load and Im using WPA01:58
cntrationalrazieliyo: yes, there is no system beep. >_>01:58
razieliyocntrational, you can find beep program on repositories01:59
ubuntu4shaneOgraws: if you state the question/problem, someone who knows will probably respond01:59
razieliyocntrational, sudo aptitude install beep01:59
Ograws@RougeBoy: OMG I'm experiencing the same problems01:59
cntrationalrazieliyo: yeah, already installed01:59
MyrttiOgraws: it would actually help us to help you if you'd really tell more about the problems you've got01:59
razieliyocntrational, so...01:59
cntrationalyes, how do I use it with the terminal? >_>01:59
Ograws@Myrtti: I have sda know what they are?01:59
Braber01わ there we go that's the partacle wa, which isn't written like that when used as a particle, I've tried pressing space serval times to get it to change, it wouldn't any ideas?02:00
ecinxHow do I print a PDF? I'm able to print from kate and test page02:00
cntrationalBraber01: type ha.02:00
trismBraber01: you need to type は02:01
Ograws@Myrtti: Hello you there?02:01
KM0201ecinx: open it up w/ evince(or whatever KDE equivalent) file/print  ?02:01
razieliyocntrational, it seems it doesn't work for me too02:01
cntrationalrazieliyo: oh02:01
ubuntu4shaneecinx: are you in KDE?  You should be able to open the document with okular and hit file print02:01
razieliyocntrational, beep -f 300 -l 1000002:01
ecinxyes i'm on kde, it doesn't work with okular02:01
cntrationaloh, that works02:01
MyrttiOgraws: address your questions to the whole channel and someone will answer. I'm going to bed. Nitenite sweeties02:01
ubuntu4shane!who | ecinx02:01
ubottuecinx: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:01
cntrationalrazieliyo: but how do I use it with the terminal?02:02
Ograws@Myrtti: Okay good nite02:02
ubuntu4shaneecinx: can you be a little more specific about what doesn't work on okular?02:02
razieliyobeep -f frequency -l time02:02
razieliyoany  more questions, man beep02:02
ubuntu4shaneecinx: also you may find a little more help at #kubuntu as they are they kde pros02:02
Braber01trisim, thanks but that still doesn't fix my problem about how ---- wait is it because i'm using 10.04 netbook edtion?02:02
ecinxubuntu4shane:  i hit file and print02:02
Ograws@Everyone: Why isn't the option to ''install side by side'' not there while installing ubuntu?02:03
Rogueboyis anyone able to assist me; I'm having difficulty with my wireless, says I'm connected but no pages load02:03
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: What is your other OS?02:03
ubuntu4shaneecinx: and what happens?  it send to the printer? or nothing?  is there anything in the printer queue?02:03
cntrationalrazieliyo: I mean, how do I use it as the terminal bell and make it beep when someone hilights me on irssi02:03
Ograws@Dark_Spyro_003: Windows 702:03
ecinxubuntu4shane: nothing on printque or anything02:03
cntrationalrazieliyo: sorry if I wasn't clear02:03
andyman99008Rogueboy: have you entered the correct DNS?02:03
razieliyocntrational, you were, but I really don't know how to do that, sorry!02:03
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: Using the 10.10 liveCD ?02:04
ecinxubuntu4shane:  I see all my jobs that successfuly printed02:04
cntrationalrazieliyo: oh, okay02:04
trismBraber01: I've never used the netbook edition, couldn't say.02:04
Rogueboy@anyman99008 it was autofind02:04
razieliyocntrational, did you google?02:04
ubuntu4shaneecinx: when you hit file -> print  do you select the printer?  There should be a box to specify what printer you are printing to.02:04
Ograws@Dark_Spyro_003: Yes 10.1002:04
ecinxubuntu4shane: it's at the correct printer by default02:04
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: Well I wouldn't have a clue, installed it here yesterday side-by-side with my Windows 7. Is Windows' Bootmg on the same partition as the installation?02:05
ubuntu4shaneecinx: hmm, that is odd, I would check in #kubuntu  I've been tinkering with KDE, but I'm by no means a kde expert, that should print though, mind does.02:05
ubuntu4shaneecinx: and I have a default install, nothing super fancy.02:05
Ograws@Dark_Spyro_003: Don't think so I am trying to install Ubuntu on E:02:05
kovid_DasEi, i finally got that VNC over SSH working using the default remote desktop in ubuntu. looks like i just needed to create a tunnel in putty on windows. thanks!02:05
ubuntu4shaneecinx: type: /join #kubuntu           to get to the kubuntu channel02:05
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: Have you tried to configure the partitioning yourself? (advanced)02:06
ecinxubuntu4shane: I already asked there no one active knows02:06
DasEikovid  nice to hear02:06
razieliyoOgraws, it's not as hard as it should sound02:06
Ograws@Dark_Spyro_003: Don't know how to do that you mind walking me through plz?02:06
ubuntu4shaneecinx: I guess if I had clicked over there I would have figured that out! :)02:06
trismBraber01: you should be able to just select latin/hiragana/katakana from the floating language bar, or configure hotkeys with /usr/lib/ibus-anthy/ibus-setup-anthy02:07
ecinxubuntu4shane: that's okay02:07
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: Your E: disk is a blank partition or free space, right?02:07
Ograws@razieliyo: I am trying to delete E: and make it C; so that Windows and Ubuntu is side by side02:07
glimaanyone know how to call the login manager setting dialog by hand again?02:07
Rogueboy@anyman9908 so I'm in the network area, do I go to create new wireless Network? or can I just select mine that's already found?02:07
Ograws@Dark_Spyro_003: It has nothing in it and no I havn't made it free space02:07
ubuntu4shaneecinx: sorry, wish I could be of more help, just don't know that much about KDE,  you can install adobe acrobat reader if you would like and then print pdf02:07
ubuntu4shaneecinx: also pdf files can be printed with command line using: lpr file.pdf02:08
ubuntu4shaneecinx: I'm 99% sure that automagically prints on default printer02:08
dogmeatmust iptables be enabled (/etc/init.d/iptables start) somewhere, or can i just write rules and they work?02:08
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: You could just shrink the E: partition by 1GB, use that as swap, then set the E: itself as the system disk (/) and use a filesystem like ext4 on it, if you mean to install ubuntu onto the E: drive that is02:09
razieliyoOgraws, forget about letters when you're in linux02:09
ecinxubuntu4shane:  i noticed in kate i put print pages 1-2 and it prints all02:09
Ograws@Dark_Spyro_002: Sounds hard to do is it done on Windows or during installing Ubuntu?02:09
ubuntu4shaneecinx: sounds like perhaps the printer needs a different driver, what type of printer is it?02:10
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: You can do this during linux installation and it is really straightforward. Do you by any chance have a laptop with you to keep contact if you need help?02:10
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Ograws@razieliyo: What do I call them then?02:10
Braber01I just found out about a bug in anthy (m17) apperently I can use the function keys to switch to Katkana but it's not working :(02:10
ecinxthe driver din't match02:10
ecinxit's brother 4040CDN02:10
ubuntu4shaneecinx: hmm, you probably need to re-setup the printer then02:10
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: The hard drives get names like sda and sdb, and the partitions on their turn would be sda1, sda2, sdb1, sdb2, ...02:10
OgrawsNo I have an iMac and my PC is upstairs02:10
razieliyoOgraws, well, linux uses just a root filesystem02:11
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razieliyoyou can make partitions for each directory in the filesystem02:11
ubuntu4shaneecinx: I'm also not very familiar with Brother printers, I only do HP, as they opened their drivers to Linux, or released them or something like that02:11
razieliyofor example, home, usr, etc02:11
Ograws@razielyo: Which one do i choose ''/'' ''/home''?02:11
ecinxHP's home printers suck02:11
razieliyoOgraws, now that you're starting, choose /02:12
razieliyowhen it asks you about mounting point02:12
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: you'd put the / on the partition you want to install the ubuntu system on02:12
razieliyothen, you should be watching your windows partition02:12
Ograws@razieliyo: Yeah thats what it says over those options, thanks Dark_Spyro_00302:12
ecinxtheir business line may be another story though02:12
razieliyoyou can select a mounting point to mount your windows partition02:12
Phong_hi guys, does anyone know if there is yahoo messenger for ubuntu?02:13
Ograws@Dark_Spyro_003: Which sda is windows I have 4?02:13
razieliyofor example, /windows or /media/windows or /mnt/windows or whatever you want02:13
Josesordor00t4rd3d, thanks :D02:13
trismBraber01: that could be your problem, I don't use the m17n anthy02:13
Phong_i want to use yahoo msg for ubuntu, does anyone know how?02:13
Ograws@razieilyo: I see /dos02:13
glimadoes anyone know how to call the login manager setting dialog by hand again?02:13
razieliyoOgraws, that should work02:13
ubuntu4shanePhong_: either empathy or pidgin will work with yahoo02:13
rumpe1Phong_, does it have to be yahoo-msg?02:13
Ograws@Dark_Spyro_003: I mean which one would be E:02:14
Braber01trism: the regular anthy wan't an option for me...02:14
razieliyoOgraws, do you see any NTFS partition?02:14
trismBraber01: did you install the Japanese input methods in System/Administration/Language Support?02:14
razieliyothat is your windows partition02:14
razieliyoif you have more partitions, they maybe ntfs too02:14
Ograws@razieliyo: Yes all 4 SDAs are in NTFS format02:14
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Braber01trism: no i did not could you walk me through that in a PM please?02:15
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razieliyoso, Ograws, you have 4 win partitions?02:15
ubuntu4shanePhong_: in either you will need to setup your account and then put in the username and password, pretty easy, I use it regularly02:15
Ograws@razieliyo: lol yes how do I change that?02:15
Phong_ubuntu4shane, is it trustful with empathy?02:15
razieliyowell, do you really want to delete them?02:15
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws : The only way I know to figure it out is to look at the sizes of the different partitions, if they're not the same size02:15
Ograws@razieliyo: No well maybe to of them that are called :D and have less than 1Gb of memory in them02:16
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ubuntu4shanePhong_: yes, I believe so, I have used it for a long time, I use pidgin nowdays, but used empathy too with yahoo, never had a problem with either.02:16
razieliyoOgraws, delete them all02:16
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razieliyoOgraws, anyway, if you want to use windows and ubuntu, I think you should install windows first02:16
Ograws@raziliyo: All partitons? Even C: with Windows02:16
trismBraber01: it is really simple, just run System/Administration/Language Support, click Install/Remove Languages, scroll down to Japanese, and check all the boxes (Translations, Input Methods, Extra Fonts), and click apply02:17
razieliyowell, if you have already installed windows, you don't have to02:17
xio2is anybody else having issues connecting to aim with empathy? I'm on ubuntu 10.04 and get "disconnected authentication failed."02:17
razieliyoyou can identify your windows partition by the size02:17
razieliyodo you remember how much size had your win partition?02:17
Braber01trism: thank you now the thins isn't responding, I wasted to much time playing final fantasy, Tatics Advanced today :(02:17
Ograws@razieliyo: about 40Gb out of 80Gb (the rest is for ubuntu and some for free space)02:18
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: I'd say to abort ubuntu installation, then look at the different partition sizes and note them down in windows, then start the ubuntu install again and by the size you can tell which drive letter is which partition02:18
trismBraber01: after that in System/Preferences/Ibus Preferences, on the Input Method tab, there should be a new Anthy option with a crown next to it02:18
Ograws@Dark_Spyro_003: I thought u were gone! SDA 3 is the same size as my E: where i wanna put linux on02:18
razieliyowell, I'm leaving02:19
razieliyogood nite02:19
Ograws@razieliyo: BYE Thanks for the help02:19
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: you should put all other partitions to "unused" and then put SDA3 to format to ext4 and mount it to /    -   then you might want to use one or both of the very small (less than 1GB) partitions and use them as "SWAP"02:19
theLEdoes anyone know why GtkEntryCompletion doesn't work when I use gtk_entry_set_text(...) to set the Entry's text? I'm trying to begin pre-population and suggestion listing for the user and I can't seem to get it to work.02:19
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: And sorry for my late reply =P02:19
Ograws@Dark-Spyro_003: What is SWAP for?02:20
Ograws@Dark_Spyro_003: Its okay ;-)02:20
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: it's like the windows swapfile on disk02:20
DasEi!swap | Ograws02:20
ubottuOgraws: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info02:20
Ograws@Dark_Spyro_003: Don't even know what swapfile is lol mor einfo plz02:20
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: Virtual RAM space on the hard drive02:21
OgrawsI have to go bye02:21
trismBraber01: if it really isn't responding, you might just need to: sudo apt-get install ibus-anthy, the m17n anthy is probably part of ibus-m17n02:21
Dark_Spyro_003Ograws: Allright, bye02:21
OgrawsSorry its 2am in the morning02:21
jacob__nick jaboc02:21
xio2is anybody connecting to AIM with empathy on ubuntu 10.04 at the moment?02:21
Braber01trism: how can I install the japan language support stuff from the command line?02:23
lizhihello all!02:24
Dark_Spyro_003lizhi: Hello!02:25
trismBraber01: the command line program: check-language-support -l ja; will show you the packages you still need to install, and you can sudo apt-get install them02:25
lizhiuse nginx for proxy,if i use outside network ip address ,the nginx tell 504 error.02:26
nit-witcode, why are you posting a link02:26
trismBraber01: mostly you should just need language-support-input-ja or just ibus-anthy02:26
trismBraber01: but having the fonts and translations are useful too02:26
pr0ph3thi all02:27
squigleis there a building a ubuntu kernel howto (trying to patch a kernel bug)02:27
kapolonihi, i had a nvidia card with nvidia drivers installed on my ubuntu 10.04 machine, i now removed the nvidia card and inserted ati card, how can i tell ubuntu to use the opensource ati drivers for it? beacuse when i try to run glxgears it say it doesnt have gl support...02:27
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rwwsquigle: There's a bunch of stuff under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel that might be handy.02:28
squiglethx rww02:28
barf_barfhow can i move a file over 4gb to as fat 32 part ?02:30
Dark_Spyro_003barf_barf: You don't02:31
rwwbarf_barf: you can't. FAT32 filesystems aren't capable of holding files greater than 4GB.02:31
rwwbarf_barf: You could try the 'split' command to split one into several under-4GB files, but that might get messy.02:31
barf_barfrww: can i move the file in parts and re-assemble on the fat 32 part ?02:32
Dark_Spyro_003barf_barf: Alternatively you can format the filesystem to one that does hold files that large02:32
rwwbarf_barf: no, because then the reassembled file would be over 4GB, and you can't have files over 4GB...02:32
pr0ph3twhen I do rfkills list all I get just the bluetooth and the wifi, but I should get the 3G modem as well, anyone know how I can activate rfswitches for that as well?02:33
lipinskiAnyone that can help with an odd Mouse Problem?  It stops allowing me to click on occasion.02:34
hanzhaqhey, i posted a question here: http://askubuntu.com/q/20405/847802:34
lipinskiI have to right click on a terminal to get my mouse to work again on all windows.02:35
lipinskiVery strange02:35
rwwhanzhaq: doesn't surprise me. gnome-panel is rather bad at vertical panel layouts :(02:36
barf_barfanyone know of a WBFS tool to convert iso's for wii?02:36
rwwas are indicator applets :(02:36
Chottislipinski: Is this a persistent problem? Does it happen after reboot?02:36
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lipinskiChottis: Today was the first time ever.  I rebooted and that cleared it up.  Now it returned.02:36
lipinskiI Went most of today without any problem.  But, then once it starts, I can't get out of it.02:37
rww!pm | hanzhaq02:37
ubottuhanzhaq: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:37
rwwhanzhaq: and no, I don't think there is a way to drag it out. I don't have GNOME handy to test it though, so I could be wrong.02:38
hanzhaqrww: so there is no way to drag the calender panel out?02:38
Chottislipinski: What applications have you been running today?02:38
barf_barf!wbfs | barf_barf02:38
Chottislipinski: Is it still a problem after unplugging the mouse and plugging it in again?02:39
lipinskihanzhaq: On your task bar, is there a button for that application?  If so, can you right click, select move, then move the window with arrow keys?02:39
lipinskiChottis: usual stuff - Firefox, Eclipse, Evolution Mail02:39
lipinskiChottis: I'll try unplugging the mouse02:39
hanzhaqlipinski: no, the cal panel is activated after clicking Clock panel02:40
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lipinskiChottis: unplugging the mouse no help.02:40
lipinskiI think it's something with X11.  Like once a window is active, I can't switch to another.  I have to right click on the Active window, then I can select a different window.  About 5 sec later, same thing.02:41
Tachhello everyone02:41
lipinskiRight now - I wasn't able to move this chat window, or select my Firefox window.  I then had to right click on this chat window, and not select anything from the dialog.  Then mouse was normal for a few sec.02:42
craigbass1976I haven't been in fstab for a while I guess, it looks like gibberish.  I need to mount /dev/sdc1, an ntfs partition, to /blah at boot.02:42
hanzhaqso any solution to my question http://askubuntu.com/q/20405/8478 ?02:42
DasEicraigbass1976: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/fstab02:43
TachQuestion, how do I copy the log from the synaptic changes applied window?02:43
DaGeek247hanzhack: ask it in here for us.02:43
craigbass1976DasEi, what are those?02:43
Chottislipinski: I'm not really sure how to help. Did you run Update Manager recently (Past week maybe)? Maybe it's an update causing the problem.02:43
DasEicraigbass1976: spills an url of your fstab to look at here02:43
bearblackMy power off symbol doesn't show the menu. it just seems to be static. when i hover over it highlights but only brings up the menu next to it related to chat accounts02:43
lipinskiChottis: I updated to Meerkat a few weeks ago.  But, I was fine for a while.  Just started today...  I initially thought Compiz, but I have that off02:44
hanzhaqoh, i found a solution: remove the panel and add it again will get the cal panel in the screen02:44
DaGeek247hanzhack: ok.02:44
bearblackok i just deleted the panel02:44
bearblackbut i can't see option to readd it02:44
lipinskiRight now, I can't even select anything.  I'm stuck in this chat window.  I can't close, minimize, select a different window/app, nothing.02:44
lipinskiAlt-Tab works, though02:45
bearblackum ok i readded it but everything is gone?02:45
hanzhaqbut all my preference setting is lost. i have to reset the locations...02:45
bearblackhow did you do that02:45
lipinskiChottis: Actually, come to think of it, last time I corrected this problem, I logged out but did not reboot.02:45
TMN_hi could someone help me with switchable graphics on ubuntu? I have ATI discrete/ATI onboard graphics combo on my laptop. The problem seems to be that both are turned on while in ubuntu (generating heat/battery drain etc) but only the discrete one is ever working. I wanna kill the onboard one and just use the onboard one. I tried http://asusm51ta-with-linux.blogspot.com/ to no avail.02:45
TMN_long line is long02:46
craigbass1976DasEi, It's really only this: UUID=accc748f-6a4b-4fba-b40f-2c62406a692e that's throwing me for a loop.  Back when I was a wee lad, I used to just put in something that looked like /dev/sdc102:46
pr0ph3twhen I do rfkills list all I get just the bluetooth and the wifi, but I should get the 3G modem as well, anyone know how I can activate rfswitches for that as well?02:46
Dark_Spyro_003TMN_: have you tried disabling the onboard card in your BIOS settings, instead of setting it to autodetect?02:46
rww!uuid | craigbass197602:46
ubottucraigbass1976: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)02:46
DasEicraigbass1976: both works , its a uuid02:46
rwwcraigbass1976: (you can still use /dev/sdxn notation if you'd like)02:46
Chottislipinski: What kind of mouse is it? USB? Bluetooth?02:46
TMN_Dark_Spyro_003: yes. there is no setting in the bios02:46
bearblacki need to re add teh panel objects from default install02:46
DasEicraigbass1976: sudo blkid for a list02:47
Chottislipinski: Have you tried a different mouse?02:47
craigbass1976DasEi, do I even want to know the rationale?  Is this something legit, or another one of those "buttons on the left" things.  ;)02:47
Dark_Spyro_003TMN_: do you get any image using the dedicated card?02:47
DasEicraigbass1976: that strings nowadays stand for the old /dev/whatever02:47
swazzythose ubuntu have any media player like real player that lets you click and down load videos?02:47
rtdoswhat is gnome shell 2.31.5 ? is it the gnome desktop or something else ?02:47
TMN_Dark_Spyro_003: i'm not sure what you mean. could you clarify?02:47
lipinskiActually, I think I may have just solved the problem.  I had a USB headset connected.  Once I disconnected it, Mr. mouse started working again.  Still odd, I have been using this headset for a while now...  Maybe today was the first time since Meerkat upgrade, though02:48
DasEicraigbass1976: it is, as a unique identifier is found, even if you swap drives,  a /dev/.. won't do it there02:48
TMN_Dark_Spyro_003: it seems to me like onboard one is doing the work in ubuntu02:48
Random832craigbass1976: because scsi [and sata/usb] connections don't have the letter hardcoded by how they are plugged in, the letter part of /dev/sdxn might change02:48
Random832craigbass1976: the uuid is stable02:48
bearblackaccording to the help i need to re add my main menu bar correct?>02:48
Dark_Spyro_003TMN_ is your computer screen plugged into the VGA/DVI/other port of the onboard card or of the dedicated card?02:48
lipinskiDasEi: Isn't the UUID more like a MAC - unique to that piece of HW?  So, more reliable than /dev/sdX as that could potentially move around on boot.02:49
Chottislipinksi: Glad to hear it. I was running out of ideas...02:49
Random832lipinski: it's actually set when you format the drive - more like the serial number on windows02:49
DasEiYupp, just said so ^02:49
TMN_Dark_Spyro_003: oh it's a laptop, so... vga output seems to work but i haven't tried the hdmi one02:49
Random832[in fact, for FAT/NTFS partitions, the serial number is used instead of a uuid, though it's still called UUID=foo]02:49
craigbass1976DasEi, so this: UUID="4A80FF4380FF3453" /bigdrive       ntfs    errors=remount-ro 0       1                 should work?02:49
TMN_not sure which one is which!02:49
lipinskiChottis: appreciate the help....02:49
Dark_Spyro_003TMN_ : Sorry, I'm not familiar with how the switching between graphics cards in laptops work.02:50
DasEicraigbass1976: yess, but don't forget the options (aka user,exe or desired)02:50
bearblackWhat is the command to give me back my main menu bar with all the stuff from install?02:50
TMN_Dark_Spyro_003: I see. thanks anyway02:50
Random832so does linux still not have user mapping for ntfs?02:50
bonjoyee!panelreset | bearblack02:50
ubottubearblack: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:50
Random832or permission mappign for that matter, ntfs has exec permission bits02:50
DasEiRandom832: user mapping ? attributes are not ntfs02:51
Random832DasEi: by 'user mapping' i meant so that the windows account is used as the owner for whatever linux account02:51
Random832ntfs _has_ owners and permissions02:51
DasEiRandom832: no, the linux-way is still not found on ntfs02:51
bearblackbonjoyee, i did as you said and now i have no panels visible?02:52
bonjoyeebearblack: try logging out and login again02:53
DasEiRandom832: you can set permissions on the dir you mount an ntfs to, but files on ntfs won't hold the linux ermissions02:53
bearblackcommand for that is?02:53
bonjoyeebearblack: ctrl+alt+del02:53
DasEibearblack: sudo service gdm restart02:54
bearblackah. i forgot about that02:54
resixianunr is nice, but can i view >1 app at a time somehow?02:55
hanzhaqmy solution does not work, see my update here: http://askubuntu.com/q/20405/847802:55
rww!ot | r00t4rd3d02:58
ubottur00t4rd3d: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:58
NextractHey All, I have a toshiba qosmio with the GeForce 250M GFX Card, when i try to boot or install 10.10 i get a garbled screen it wont display anything and then just hangs02:59
Nextractany ideas?02:59
israfilhello. I have Kubuntu Hardy Heron. hello, i have two defect packages, libgcc1 and gcc-4.2. How can i repare them? "sudo apt-get -f install" and "sudo apt-get remove gcc-4.2 libgcc1" don't work03:01
r00t4rd3drww i dont see how thats not ontopic , its totally ubuntu related. Cant get forum support here ?03:01
rtdoswhat is gnome shell 2.31.5 ? is it the gnome desktop or something else ?03:01
cschneidok, cron that I want to fire every friday at noon: #m,h,dom,mon,dow should be - 0,12,*,*,5  (probably should look up when DOW starts)03:01
rwwr00t4rd3d: no03:01
israfilcan you help me?03:01
barf_barfcan some one help me with installing this on hardy http://pastebin.com/yqsJ3HDP03:01
youndersure get a copy of ubuntu user mag03:03
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younderthen install03:03
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bonjoyeeisrafil: manually download those packages from the kubuntu mirror and try installing them with dpkg -i03:03
younderDownloading from the net is perilous03:04
israfilbonjoyee: ok i'll try03:04
younderEven with the disc I still had to download 235 Mb03:04
levi_hey all. cant get my usb mic to work03:05
levi_when i plug it in03:05
levi_well its working in audacity but not skype03:05
bonjoyeebarf_barf: do a "sudo apt-get update" and try again..03:06
bullgard4Is it correct to say that Firebug is a Firefox add-on?03:07
barf_barfbonjoyee: same error as before03:08
bonjoyeebarf_barf: is this "wiithon" from official ubuntu repos or some other 3rd party ones?03:09
barf_barfbonjoyee: 3rd party03:09
TMN_time to try again!03:10
TMN_hi could someone help me with switchable graphics on ubuntu? I have ATI discrete/ATI onboard graphics combo on my laptop. The problem seems to be that both are turned on while in ubuntu (generating heat/battery drain etc) but only the discrete one is ever working. I wanna kill the onboard one and just use the onboard one. I tried http://asusm51ta-with-linux.blogspot.com/ to no avail.03:10
younderscriptable graphics?03:10
bonjoyeebarf_barf: it has unmet dependencies..make sure you have added the correct release name for the repo in your sources.list03:11
younderdid you look at TK03:11
barf_barfbonjoyee: it only has karamic not hardy :(03:12
barf_barfget 404 with hardy03:12
younder10.10 rules03:13
BlueBomberYes, it does indeed rule.03:13
bonjoyee1TMN_: check if the bios has any options?03:14
TMN_bonjoyee1: yeah i did. no option03:14
bearblackPlease Specify a name for the new set. I chose Irrlicht project and have installed Irrlicht from ubuntu synaptic package manager. what do i input as new set?03:15
saladin1980quick easy question i hope >  example loaded skype and pidgen.. it has to have skype running but it has its icon still in systray.. is there a way to hide items in there?03:15
barf_barfwhat file size limit does NTFS have?03:15
Cairodoes anyone know if there is a way i can make a symlink that will work on a windows computer?03:15
saladin1980running 10.10 desktop03:15
god_nick gh03:16
god_nick haha03:16
FloodBot2god_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:16
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saladin1980quick easy question i hope >  example loaded skype and pidgen.. it has to have skype running but it has its icon still in systray.. is there a way to hide items in there?  running 10.1003:17
Cairodoes anyone know if there is a way i can make a symlink that will work on a windows computer?03:17
GunniCairo it's called a shortcut03:18
Gunnibut i belive windows also has some "links"03:18
Cairoshotcuts dont owrk03:19
HHabibsaladin1980: Skype 2.1?03:19
Cairoit needs to be a symlink03:19
Xeon3Dwell links from linux don't work on windows and vice versa iirc. :P03:19
saladin1980well i am asking in general mainly but skype the latest03:19
saladin1980HHabib ^^03:20
Cairowell i was wondering if it was posssible to code one03:20
Cairoor something03:20
Cairomaybe i could do it with WINE03:20
HHabibsaladin1980: I do not think it is possible to do that in Skype I just checked it for you.03:20
rwwCairo: I doubt it'.03:20
Xeon3DCairo, but you want to create a link in linux that will only be usable when u're back in windows?03:21
Xeon3Dor a link that's both usable in Linux and Windows?03:21
saladin1980HHabib yea that is y i asked is there a program or somthing i can add to 10.10 to hide systray icons that is all i want bc i want to put in background03:21
Cairoonly usable in windows03:21
HHabibsaladin1980: I never heard of a program that does this.03:22
CairoXeon3D: Windows only03:22
saladin1980HHabib that is y am asking everyone:)  bc nvr know of someone might have an idea:)03:22
saladin1980quick easy question i hope >  example loaded skype and pidgen.. it has to have skype running but it has its icon still in systray.. is there a way to hide items in there?03:22
Xeon3DCairo, I haven't heard of a prog to do that sorry.03:23
bonjoyee1saladin1980: all systray icons or just skype?03:23
saladin1980i want to hide certian ones:)03:23
saladin1980bc example just put up pidgen uses skype but i don't want to see skype only the pidgon icon in systray bonjoyee103:24
spydonHow do I turn off the terminal bell sounds from the terminal=03:24
sacarlsonCairo: there are third party software that enable windows to read ext3 and ext4 so you could put your links in standard way with that03:24
bonjoyee1saladin1980: then u will have to see if those apps have options to show/hide icons...pidgin has that option03:24
saladin1980yea butnot the program that i want to hide has one:) LOL  bonjoyee1  :)03:25
Xeon3Dsaladin1980: sadly gnome hasn't got that option yet, but there's a brainstorm idea about it, so you could leave your feedback there and maybe it'll help get it implemented.03:27
saladin1980yea i just dunno how to state it to make sense:) LOL03:28
Xeon3Dsaladin1980 - http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/4060/03:29
Xeon3DCairo: Kfile (for kde) has an extra plugins package that seems able to work with Windows shortcut files...03:30
r00t4rd3dspydon, open a terminal  , Edit , Profile Preferences , uncheck Terminal Bell03:30
spydonr00t4rd3d: I don't run gnome, but the sollution was "modprobe -r pcspkr"03:31
r00t4rd3dsetterm -bfreq 003:32
r00t4rd3dshould work too and you can add that to your bashrc03:32
spydonYeah, but I just want it to be temporary disabled03:32
r00t4rd3dsetterm -bfreq 003:33
spydonThat might work, but so did "modprobe -r pcspkr" so I can sleep peacefully now ;)03:33
spydonThanks for helping :)03:33
=== wwwyzzerdd is now known as Icky
martin_is there a GUI to configure the ssh server service (activate it)?03:34
axp2martin_: not sure if ther eis a specific one, but you could try wemin03:35
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.03:35
axp2or not ;-) thanks rww03:35
RypervencheWhen I install a deb package using dpkg, where is the deb then stored on my computer? The system needs the deb on the computer to uninstall it, right?03:37
martin_then how do I add sshd to run by default?03:37
r00t4rd3dsudo /etc/init.d/ssh start03:37
r00t4rd3dsudo /etc/init.d/sshd start03:38
rwwjust ssh, I think03:38
r00t4rd3dit should start by defualt03:38
r00t4rd3dafter you install it03:38
random28384hey guys. is it possible to authorise yourself to copy files from hdd to flash drive using live cd?03:38
BlueBomberYes, I've done that.03:39
bullgard4random28384: yes.03:39
martin_ah, yes, it is already running... this is simple than I though it was.03:39
BlueBomberI booted into a liveCD and used it as a rescue CD to get files off the hard drive.  In fact there are liveCD spins dedicated to those sorts of tasks.03:39
* martin_ used to use gentoo03:40
r00t4rd3dmartin test by opening a terminal , ssh
random28384can you help me out with what command authorise me to view folders03:40
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martin_random28384: already done and working, thanks.03:40
martin_random28384: you must have read permission to view folders03:41
r00t4rd3drandom28384, dirty method in  a terminal gksudo nautilus03:41
BlueBomberrandom28384: "View folders"?  You mean view the contents of the directories, right?  If so:  man ls03:41
random28384is there anyway to set a fake user and log in using mac password?03:41
jmylesSo the powerPC version is too big to fit on a CD?  What's the conventional solution here?03:42
random28384yes view them so they can be copied03:42
DaGeek247random: gksudo nautilus is best.03:43
DaGeek247i runs ubuntus file manager as root.03:43
r00t4rd3dcareful what you do thought when you run nautilus as root , 1 mistake and reinstall time03:43
Stevezaucan anyone point me to a website that explains how to configure ion2 based system with xorg.conf? Im using 11.04 (i need the latest kernel for drivers) and when running gfx intensive apps like mythtv my org process is going to 90-100% cpu usage.03:44
DaevolHey, how do I tell Firefox not to use bitmapped fonts?03:44
r00t4rd3dStevethepirate, for 11.04 support #ubuntu-103:44
Daevolthey look ugly, but I need 'em enabled system-wide because I use Dina for Terminal03:44
Stevezauah k03:45
r00t4rd3dwait thats not it03:45
Stevezaudidnt think it was03:45
Jinxed-Anyone know of a way to download viddler video in ubuntu?03:45
bullgard4r00t4rd3d: #ubuntu-1 ?03:45
r00t4rd3dthats it03:46
NanohaI need some help.  Just got a fresh install of 10.04 desktop installed, but for some reason my I don't have internet access03:47
BlackWebHey just wondering, has anyone found a program that allows you to manage a apple Ipod03:47
BlackWebNanoha if you go to terminal then does it give you a anything if you do ifconfig03:48
XxGhOsTxXJust installed backtrack4 any tipss03:48
NanohaI don't have network connectivity to my laptop to the desktop either.  There are to NIC's, one is my public IP assigned from my ISP, the other is my internal network (
NanohaBlackWeb: yes03:48
r00t4rd3dblack do you just want to mount/sync it ?03:48
rwwXxGhOsTxX: #backtrack-linux for Backtrack support and discussion, not here.03:48
BlackWebwant to add songs an stuff like that03:49
BlackWebhavent found a program that would work yet03:49
martin_Nonaha: disable ipv6? (http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu-1004.html)03:49
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jmylesAnybody have a sense of what to do about the powerpc version being too big to fit on a cd?03:49
bearblacknevermind. i got irrlicht to run03:50
r00t4rd3djmyles, or a usb stick03:50
DaevolDoes Firefox on Ubuntu have its own font settings somewhere? I want to disable bitmapped fonts03:50
Daevolbut keep them for Terminal03:50
r00t4rd3dyes in the options03:51
BlackWebNanoh, I know that I tried installing 10.4 on my labtop and ran into the same problem it worked sometimes to connect to the internet and sometimes not03:51
BlackWebi ended up going back to 8.1003:51
r00t4rd3dDaevol, Edit , Preferences , Content , Fonts03:51
NanohaI've got a copy of my interfaces file.  how do I post it here for you all to see... to make sure I got it configured correctly?03:51
mactimesHi all.  I'm trying to setup MIT Kerberos as per these instructions: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/570.  From the server itself, I'm able to kinit and krb5-rsh starts fine.  From the client side, I'm getting kinit to issue a ticket OK, but when I try to krb5-rsh from a station to a host (in this case, the server itself), I'm getting "Unknown Host".  Could someone provide me some assistance on this problem? nslookup, ping and dig03:52
mactimesare getting me proper responses from the client side.03:52
FloodBot2mactimes: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:52
Daevolr00t4rd3d: that only lets me set defaults03:52
Daevolif a site specifies "Helvetica,Arial,Sans", I get a crappy bitmapped Helvetica instead of my nice antialiased Arial.03:52
BlackWeb< /home/python/Desktop/Test.pl03:52
DaevolSo I want to tell Firefox specifically not to use bitmap fonts, which isn't in the Preferences03:53
mactimesSomeone should get FloodBot2 to identify the difference between "whole problem explanation" from using Enter as punctuation. =)03:53
r00t4rd3dDaevol, same place but click advanced , uncheck let sites choose fonts etc...03:53
BlackWebNanoha try sticking the path of the text file with < in front of it03:53
DaevolBut, I want them to choose fonts03:53
DaevolI just want to restrict the possibilities a little03:53
mactimesBtw, client side is Ubuntu 10.10, up-to-date.03:54
DaevolHold on, I may be able to specificially enable Dina (my Terminal favorite) and disable all other bitmap fonts03:54
Daevolthat would kind of work03:54
Nanohahere is my interfaces conf:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/551359/  I03:55
Nanoham disabling ipv6 now03:55
random28384what is the command to view and switch between disks ( paritions )03:58
zachariaubuntu for amd athlon II which version to download03:59
KM0201zacharia: how much ram do you have?03:59
Doinklezacharia, x or lubuntu03:59
bullgard4random28384: You as a beginner do not switxh between disks or partitions. Rather, use Nautilus, and Nautilus will enable you to view all files.03:59
mactimesrandom28384, to view partitions, you can use 'sudo fdisk -l'.  I don't know what you mean exactly by 'swtich between disks (partitions)'.03:59
KM0201Doinkle: thats kind of misleading03:59
zacharia1 gb03:59
DoinkleKM0201, yes i suppose it is04:00
KM0201zacharia: if you have 1gig of ram, i'd download the normal 32bit Ubuntu... or 32bit Lubuntu04:00
NanohaI'm back.  Still no luck04:01
Daevolit WORKED! I've got Dina without bastardized Helvetica.04:02
NanohaI'm finally recieving irc on my laptop again.04:02
Nanohastill no luck with my desktop04:03
Nanohaipv6 is disabled according to the text on that weblink above04:03
Nanohais there any comment on my interfaces file?  did I do it correctly?04:07
wookienz_hi all,04:07
spvenskohi, what is the name of the ubuntu iso that installs a VERY basic ubuntu? (No X.org, etc)04:08
KM0201spvensko: i believe thats the server install04:08
spvenskoKM0201, ty04:08
wookienz_hi, I am having issues with my on board NIC. I have a GA mobo, 770TA-UD3. The nic doesnt seem to be working. tried ifup and won, bios disabled restart. Even removed the module and recomplied from source. It did work for a short period then stopped working again. While it did work  it was incrediably slow. Anyone got any ideas on where to start to trouble shoot?04:09
jrib!minimal | spvensko04:09
ubottuspvensko: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:09
spvenskoty jrib :)04:09
Nanohais there a terminal command that i can use to reconfigure my network?04:09
wookienz_Nanoha: to do what?04:09
NanohaIt's like ubuntu sees my network cards, but.... doesn't use them04:10
wookienz_Nanoha: yes im having a similar issue. You know about ifconfig eth0 up/down commands/04:10
Nanohaum.. not really04:11
wookienz_at the CLI issue "ifconfig -a" it will tell you what nics are installed.04:11
karma_policei have dualboot vista and ubuntu on single hdd.. what command shows what partition either is located on.. sda or sdb etc... ?04:11
=== wookienz_ is now known as wookienz
Nanohawookienz: I see both my NIC's, eth0 and eth104:12
Nanohaip's are as I've assigned them04:12
Nanohaand.. it looks like they are UP04:12
wookienzNanoha: so they show up but dont work when you plug a cable into them?04:17
zachariaubuntu which version for mother board Asus M2N68-AM PLUS with AMD athlon II multicore processer 2.9 ghz04:18
zachariaubuntu which version for mother board Asus M2N68-AM PLUS with AMD athlon II multicore processer 2.9 ghz04:19
zachariaubuntu which version for mother board Asus M2N68-AM PLUS with AMD athlon II multicore processer 2.9 ghz04:19
wookienz!flood  | zacharia04:20
ubottuzacharia: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:20
zachariaubuntu which version for mother board Asus M2N68-AM PLUS with AMD athlon II multicore processer 2.9 ghz04:21
zachariaubuntu which version for mother board Asus M2N68-AM PLUS with AMD athlon II multicore processer 2.9 ghz04:21
wookienz!spam | zacharia04:21
DILi am using 32 bit04:21
zachariaubuntu which version for mother board Asus M2N68-AM PLUS with AMD athlon II multicore processer 2.9 ghz04:22
dewwzacharia: dude, stop04:22
DILi am using 32 bit } zacharia04:22
zachariahai dil from where to download04:22
capletonHi, I can't seem to get pulseaudio to work with mpd (but it is working with VLC).  I think it may be a problem with my /etc/mpd.conf   Could anyone help?04:22
zachariawich version please give the download link04:23
DILIgoogle |zacharia04:24
DIL!google |zacharia04:24
ubottuzacharia: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.04:24
zachariaubuntu 64 amd or wich iso04:24
breadcrumbzacharia if you don't know, you should just go with the 32-bit04:25
_Dan_did a Ubuntu bot just scold you for telling someone to google it?04:25
_Dan_sorry, im new here...04:25
DILyes it did04:25
_Dan_OK I guess I wasnt so confused after all.  First time on Ubuntu IRC chat u see.04:26
_Dan_well, I guess I learned not to tell someone to "google It" lest I get scolded by a Ubuntu bot too.04:27
_Dan_so thats good.04:28
b0tzIm getting an error while trying to copy a large (34Gig vmware guest OS folder) onto my external HD in ubuntu, about 5gigs it gives me Error copying file, the error is "Error splicing file: File too large", anyone have a fix?04:28
dewwb0tz: what filesystem is the external drive using?04:28
jribb0tz: what filesystem?04:28
b0tzin properties it says msdos, im guessing thats ntfs?04:28
dewwfat32, which wont support files that large04:29
breadcrumbif the external drive is formatted FAT32,  you can't move files that are 4GB+ onto it04:29
b0tzIt says msdos for filesystem in the properties04:29
dewwyeah that's most likely fat32/vfat04:29
_Dan_probably not ntfs, but fat32.04:29
wookienzi need some modprobe help with a difficult onboard NIC.04:30
wookienzany takers?04:30
_Dan_google it?04:32
_Dan_no im jk.04:32
Oheligor ask it here?04:32
_Dan_whats the question?04:32
Doinkle!ask | Ohelig04:32
ubottuOhelig: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:32
buckywookienz, what kind of nic?04:32
=== pyramid is now known as ribot
premis there any proper driver available for intel hm55 chipset in any ubuntu backports..?04:33
_Dan_wow, that bot sure is helpful.  A minute ago it reminded us not to tell people to google it.04:33
premi bought a new laptop with that chipset and ubuntu ended up in a black screen04:33
Oheligso, I just installed 11.04 alpha, knowing it wouldn't be fully supported, but I noticed 2 things immediately. 1: I don't know how to switch from Unity to GNOME, and 2: There is now a "proxy" user on the login screen04:33
OheligI really only need help with #104:34
jrib!11.04 | Ohelig04:34
ubottuOhelig: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.04:34
chris_bsddoes ubuntu 10.10 work with the latest vanilla kernel 2.6.37?04:35
drebel1please forgive me but i am new to irc but i have some questions about ubuntu04:35
Braber01I have tired everything to get Anthy to convert higrina to kanji and Katakana I have installed the language packs what can i do?04:36
drebel1i have been playing with the live cd and want to switch from windows to ubuntu  i have so much music and pictures whats the best way to transfer it04:38
_Dan_external mass storage device.04:38
r00t4rd3dor burn it to a dvd04:39
_Dan_since you need to back up all your data first.04:39
_Dan_right or a dvd.04:39
ribotwhy do you need to transfer it drebel104:39
_Dan_my data'd take a stack of dvds.:D04:39
breadcrumbdvds are so 200404:39
izinucsI have a dual boot kubuntu/ubuntu system.. kubuntu being primary atm.. the ubuntu side had been there for some time and has always worked well.. now when I try to boot into it now I get the busybox prompt.. any help to fix it would be appriciated04:39
Stevezauhmm how do i add a driver to the ubuntu minimal install?? i cant find info anywhere04:39
_Dan_LOL indeed i hate optical drives.04:40
breadcrumbyou can find 1-2TB external drives for less than 100 bucks04:40
drebel1i only have one pc and dnont want to lose everything when i install a new os04:40
breadcrumbno excuse not to have one :P04:40
_SKiTZOwhy doesnt screen number 2 contain any background image, desktop icons or panels in my 3-screen non-xinerama configuration?04:40
izinucsbreadcrumb: that coupled with a simplenet device and you have an easy nas :)04:40
_SKiTZOalso right-clicking the background doesnt pop up anything04:40
_SKiTZObut i get the lasso-rectangle when i click and drag...04:41
r00t4rd3dsounds like its not configured right04:41
r00t4rd3dnvidia ?04:41
drebel1what about my itunes library i no longer have a ipod but would like to keep all that music as well04:41
_SKiTZOr00t4rd3d: two displaylink devices and one nvidia04:41
Braber01I'm having problems with anthy converting higrina into kanji or higrina can somebody help me?04:42
_SKiTZOits the second displaylink device that doesnt have any stash04:42
_Dan_can't youstilljust cpy your music library even though you may have had itunes organizing it?04:42
_Dan_(sorry my spacebar barely works on this machine)04:43
drebel1i havent tried to honest with you04:43
OheligRhytmbox music player works with i[   ] devices04:43
Oheligplus, you can copy all of your music off of your iPod04:44
r00t4rd3d_SKiTZO, have you installed the X Driver for displaylink device04:44
drebel1okay so i should replace my ipod then04:44
_Dan_yeah, well if you set itunes to keep your files organized which IMO you shold not do, then it will be in a crazy comnfiguration,but i think that rythymbox or banshee or whatever should have no problems handling the wierd sorting or tags.04:44
Oheligwhat do you mean by "replace"04:44
geeknikGood evening. =)04:44
capletonI'm having problems getting mpd to use pulseaudio, could someone help?   I've configured mpd.conf for pulseaudio, but mpd is still using alsa as far as i can tell.  Any ideas?04:45
_Dan_i love the multi directional sync with open source itunes alternatives.  That always bugged the hell out of me about itunes.04:45
r00t4rd3d_SKiTZO, open Synaptic Package Manager and search displaylink04:45
r00t4rd3dthere is a x driver for them04:45
r00t4rd3dnot sure beyond that04:45
geeknikJust did an apt-get upgrade (Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha) and towards the end, I see "start: Job failed to start" right after "Setting up apport (1.17-0ubuntu2) ..." Any ideas? =)04:45
r00t4rd3dgeeknik, 11.01 support in #ubuntu+104:46
drebel1my other question is i have a android phone and intrested learning dev stuff for my phone will odin work or would everything have to be done thru command04:46
eosshello i am ina conf file how do i go to a specific line in the conf?04:46
eossim in it thru terminal04:46
geeknikok, thanks. =)04:46
_SKiTZOr00t4rd3d: yes04:47
_SKiTZOit was in repos, i was amazed04:47
_SKiTZOdidnt even have to compile anything :P04:47
histohaving a brain fart. I need to install a package using a command line tool and it's dependacies?04:47
histodpkg -i isn't pulling dependancies04:47
_Dan_i usuall use gedit for conf fiels. not sure there.04:47
_SKiTZOr00t4rd3d: one of the devices works flawlessly04:47
Stevezauthis shouldnt be this hard :|04:48
trismhisto: gdebi will install a package.deb and its deps04:48
_SKiTZOi am thinking this is more of a gnome problem hm..04:48
KM0201_Dan_: not really supposed to do that i don't hink (but i do it to..lol)04:48
histotrism: isnt' gdebi a gui program?04:48
trismhisto: or apt-get -f install04:48
Stevezausurely someone else out there has had to add a network driver to the minimal install04:48
trismhisto: there is a command line version included: sudo gdebi package.deb04:48
bearblackmore dead fish in michigan04:48
bearblacki am going to report this to ubuntu04:48
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bearblackthe linux community needs to understand that animals are dying in masses04:48
histotrism: definately don't want gdebi too many dependacies04:49
_Dan_oh my bad. then I gues I wot bringit up here again.  I didnt mean to offer incorrect guidance. Is there a short answer why or I will just have to look into it?04:49
histotrism: apt-get -f install after the install should pull the depends correct?04:49
KM0201bearblack: ?04:49
trismhisto: then just run apt-get -f install after installing with dpkg -i04:49
eosswhy is ubuntu so non-intuitive?04:49
eossor linux in general04:49
histotrism: yeah that's what I thought ty04:49
eossevery tut i follow i get errors04:49
eossevery one of em04:49
_Dan_because you learned on Windows?04:49
izinucseoss: depends on what you're doing..04:49
bearblackKM0201, over the past week all around the world thousands of animals are dying04:50
dewwthere are a lot of older guides out too04:50
bearblackmostly fish and birds04:50
geeknikbearblack: speaking of which, have you seen this google map? http://otf.me/Bm604:50
LxndrI am attempting to RDP from my ubuntu computer at home into my work computer. Is that possible using ubuntu? Sadly, no other remote connection is supported by my workplace.04:50
bearblack5,000 black birds died minutes before new years even in arkansas. they just fell at teh sky04:50
_Dan_good point deww!  follow new gides!04:50
histoLxndr: yes04:50
_Dan_things get outdated fast.04:50
KM0201bearblack: quite the tragedy, but how does this relate to Ubuntu, i guess is my question?04:50
histoLxndr: make sre the port is forwarded at work. THen just applications > internet > remote desktop or temrinal services it's called04:50
bearblackbecause tux is a bird04:51
_SKiTZObearblack: it was probably jesus04:51
_Dan_lol @ tux is bird. :D04:51
bearblack2 million fish died in maryland04:51
bearblackfor example04:51
geeknik_SKiTZO: zombies get hungry. ;)04:51
izinucsbearblack: stop04:51
rww!ot | bearblack04:51
Lxndrhisto: thank you!04:51
ubottubearblack: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:51
r00t4rd3d_SKiTZO, http://blogg.noonday.se/2010/01/28/linux-usb-video-adapter/04:51
r00t4rd3dthat may help , i believe you need to properly config you xorg.conf04:51
eossWTF man  setting up provixy page "So lets jump to line 661( how the fuck do i get to line 661) ...well we know what we want, and in my case its this:...."04:51
eosswhat a fucking great description04:52
histoLxndr: if all else fails check out teamviwer.com it will work through firewalls and nat etc... and it's free04:52
histo!ohmy | eoss04:52
ubottueoss: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.04:52
chris_bsdbearblack: go openbsd. their mascot is a fish04:52
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_SKiTZOr00t4rd3d: that is the exact guide I used :) but thanks anyways04:53
Atomosmy netbook has been having serious issues such as locking up on shutdown, and the touchpad not staying off. now it wont boot into the ubuntu I installed, or let me reinstall it04:54
nit-witAtomos, what model04:54
KM0201Atomos: won't let you reinstall? that sounds hardware related04:54
user_they, how can i otbain vmlinux? i have only the vmlinuz file, and i am using a slow netbook so building the kernel is little problomatic04:54
ezrafreei have transmission-daemon running on my server, what do i need to install to connect to it from my computer at home? i tried searching for "transmission-gui" and "transmission-remote-gui" but nothing is coming up...04:54
Atomosthe new asus dual core netbook im not sure the model number04:55
Atomosive only had it like a day04:55
nit-witAtomos, any other OS on it04:55
Atomossadly no.04:55
IvozHi there, I just updated ubuntu 10.10 and now nautilus looks like its from a really old version? All the icons/theme in it looks old?04:55
asfHello everyone04:55
AtomosI was confident enough in my ability to stick linux on it that I killed windows04:56
izinucsIvoz: did you do a full update after the upgrade? sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:56
rusiviAtomos: Patronizing question, did you md5sum the iso you burned to CD/USB before you installed Ubuntu on your netbook?04:56
nit-witAtomos, how experienced are you with linux.:)04:56
r00t4rd3d_SKiTZO, http://mulchman.org/blog/?p=21  scroll down and look at his xorg.conf  , I think you need to add another monitor in "Server Layout"04:56
turned1111atmos: can ur netbook boot from anything?04:56
Atomosim actually pretty experiencerd. im just not very technical04:57
Atomosive ran linux for like ten years04:57
rusiviAtomos: If your responding to my question it's a yes or no answer.04:57
nit-witAtomos, so it is not booting a thumb or cd04:57
Ivozizinucs: ran all those, appears no new updates. Any idea what I would google?04:57
r00t4rd3d_SKiTZO, pastebin your xorg.conf file. Not sure I can help but its worth a look.04:57
turned1111atomosL can it boot from anything04:58
Atomosno, I forgot to checksum it but I got it from the ubuntu site and never had an issue doing so before04:58
r00t4rd3dmaybe someone else can look and know more about04:58
izinucsIvoz: I'd search the www.ubuntuforums.org for possible answers first.04:58
Ivozizinucs: yeah, what to search for04:58
Atomosit will boot the stick but then it will not actually run it04:58
izinucsIvoz: or "10.10 upgrade borked nautilus" :)04:58
rusiviAtomos: Despite your downloading direct from Ubuntu website, it's still a good idea to md5sum it just to rule out the obvious/simple :D04:58
nit-witAtomos, do you know the per-session boot key prompt out of te bios04:58
turned1111atomos: have you tried the stick on other computers? maybe the prob isnt the pc04:59
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Atomosit will boot the stick up. like it will get me the eval screen but then it wont do anything once I click one of the options04:59
Ivozizinucs: does http://imgur.com/INi0A look right to you?04:59
battlehandsIm having some trouble setting up Ubuntu One.  Is there anyone that can help?05:00
izinucsAtomos: just a shot in the dark here.. but on the screen with options hit F6 and change the kernel line .. before quiet splash add pci=nomsi .. then hit enter.05:00
Atomosso after I tell it to boot from the usb hit f6?05:01
Nesto1000Help running Crysis. I have installed Crysis on Ubuntu 10.10 through wine, but when I try to play the game it says "No CD/DVD-ROM drive found" How can I fix this?05:01
nit-witAtomos, if you boot the thumb and immediatly hold the shift key down you will get the early try or install...esc screen are you going there05:01
IvozNesto1000: I don't think Wine would be designed to run Crysis very well at all?05:01
izinucsIvoz: yep.. looks like mine.. there are themes and icon sets that may change all that.. I've just never explored them.05:02
IvozNesto1000: install a no-cd patch? :P05:02
Nesto1000Ivoz, It shows on the wine website that it can be run05:02
Ed_Moneyhow can I delete all empty files through the command line?05:02
Nesto1000and idk if there's a no cd patch05:02
nit-witizinucs, it may be that or nomodeset it is hard to read the description.05:02
izinucsAtomos: after you boot to the usb and get the main menu that's when05:02
izinucsnit-wit: yep05:03
Ivozizinucs: I swear it didn't look as 'outdated' as that before... maybe I'm wrong... at least had better icons...05:03
izinucsIvoz: I agree..05:03
izinucsIvoz: I'm using clearlooks right now.. I couldn't take the stock dark theme anymore on this laptop05:04
r00t4rd3dNesto1000, read the comments here http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=588005:04
r00t4rd3dNesto1000, from the directions "Install the game and use a Crack on it "05:05
r00t4rd3dat the bottom05:05
izinucsnit-wit: I run kubuntu 10.04 on my desktop with another install of ubuntu 10.10 (dual boot) that suddenly decided to go to busybox on startup (the ubuntu side).. any idea how to fix that?05:06
IvozNesto1000: http://m0001.gamecopyworld.com/games/pc_crysis.shtml05:06
r00t4rd3di was just gonna paste that05:06
r00t4rd3din PM05:07
Atomosnope, is the same deal with the shift and f6 deal. it will get to the thing that says for best performance plug your machine in05:07
Atomosand then nothing05:07
battlehandscan anyone here help me setup ubuntu one?05:07
Nesto1000I'll see if that works r00t4rd3d05:07
AtomosBUT it will run the live CD apparently05:07
nit-witizinucs, any grub update in 10.0405:08
r00t4rd3dNesto1000, #winehq for more help if you need it.05:08
izinucsnit-wit: well.. the original error was a bad uuid for sdb3 but I verified that.. then did an update-grub on the kubuntu side.. that's when I started getting the busy box prompt05:09
Nesto1000ah didn't know that they had one   ^.^05:09
Atomosnitwit does that give you any other ideas whats going on, if I say it will run the live eval, but once I get past the "preparing to install" thing that says I should plug in, it doesnt do anything05:11
Atomosthe stick doesnt blink and it doesnt load05:11
battlehandshow do I setup ubuntu one?05:12
Atomosbattlehands, click on it, and it will walk you through05:12
bastidrazorubottu: tell battlehands about ubuntuone05:12
ubottubattlehands, please see my private message05:12
ZykoticK9battlehands, System / Preferences / Ubuntu One05:13
battlehandsthank you05:13
Goliathdoes xmms2 include all of xmms features?05:13
Goliathor should i get both05:13
izinucsGoliath: xmms is no longer maintained.. xmms2 is05:14
ZykoticK9Goliath, xmms2 is VERY different then xmms05:14
ZykoticK9Goliath, Audacious is similar to the old xmms05:14
Goliathi need to connect to a shoutcast server05:14
Goliathand add change the playlist05:15
Goliathwhat software to use?05:15
izinucsnit-wit: any idea?05:15
Ivozit appears I might be having problem similar to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1487318 any ideas?05:16
izinucsIvoz: great thread.. and lots of answers there :/ .. keep looking05:17
michael9196hey guys; im having a problem isntalling Ubuntu dual booting with Windows; i gets through the Ubuntu installation but when i reboot it doesnt finds it; and then when i go to Windows; the partition where i installed it is empty; i have tried a couple of times. with 32bit and 64bit. Any ideas?05:18
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nit-witizinucs, you might run the boot script and paste bion it.05:19
nit-witizinucs, hold on I will link you05:20
mobius2michael9196,  in my own experience Linux is much easier to add AFTER  a Windows instance05:20
nit-witizinucs, can be run from  Kubuntu.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/05:20
ae86-driftertext based IRC client in ubuntu 10.10 repo ??05:20
izinucsnit-wit: ok.. brb05:21
mobius2I seem to remember a setting which allowed me to use multiple applications with the same audio card in linux.05:21
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mobius2under normal scenario if one application is using the sound card i.e. a youtube video,  then  some other application like vlc media player would not have sound05:21
michael9196mobius2, im trying install Ubuntu with Windows 7 already installed.05:21
ae86-drifteranyone know of a good text based IRC client in ubuntu 10.10 repo ??05:22
mobius2but I recently fixed that... I just cant remember how i did it ^^05:22
izinucsae86-drifter: irssi05:22
qiaojiae86-drifter: try irssi05:22
mobius2michael9196,  you will have to forgive me,  my experience with Windows ceased with the XP kernel05:22
eosswhat is ubuntu debian?05:22
mobius2eoss,  I think you are correct05:22
KM0201eoss: ubuntu is based on debian.05:22
ae86-drifterThe following NEW packages will be installed:   irssi, thanks05:22
Ivozmichael9196: have you made a seperate partition for ubuntu to intsall itself on?05:23
eossso when instructions say for debian machines do this05:23
eossi do that?05:23
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »05:23
michael9196im trying to quit Windows; but my PC wont let me :(05:23
Ivozmichael9196: you probably shouldn't be able to see anything in the partition from windows, as it should be ext405:23
ZykoticK9eoss, if there aren't ubuntu specific instructions - debian instructions will ususally work ;)05:23
KM0201eoss: not necessarily... i said ubuntu was based on debian, not "IS" debian.. there are quite a few differences between the two OS's.05:23
mobius2michael9196,  I suggest you roll back to a stable copy of windows xp,  then once you have it perfectly configured,  install ubuntu from a cd05:24
izinucsthey are still very much connected05:24
KM0201eoss: what are you trying to do?05:24
Atomosis there a place I can get ubuntu 10.04 still?05:24
mobius2ubuntu installs perfectly from underneath XP05:24
KM0201Atomos: of course, ubuntu.com05:24
eossim trying to run privoxy but im getting a fatal error05:24
ZykoticK9Atomos, the main ubuntu site still has 10.04 it is the current LTS05:24
eosscannot setgid() insufficient permissions05:24
eossmaybe i should sudo05:25
mobius2eoss,  is that Privoxy instance related to a tor node?05:25
Atomosis the netbook version on there? I cant find it and it keeps giving me 10.105:25
bastidrazorAtomos: http://releases.ubuntu.com/05:25
eossno i didnt set up tor05:25
ZykoticK9bighino, !list doesn't work here05:25
KM0201Atomos: then you're not paying attention  :)05:25
IvozI'm running ubuntu 10.10 fine under windows 7 atm05:25
mobius2Ivoz,  how did you install?05:25
mobius2was linux added after?05:25
IvozI made sure I left a partition for it while in installing windows 7 though05:25
mobius2Ivoz,  ^^ kay05:25
michael9196Ivoz, not even how much space is taken from that partition?05:26
luxurymodehey all. ran sudo-apt get update and got this http://pastie.org/1436354 at the end. is it a problem. what do i do?05:26
Ivozmichael9196: could you rephrase that? doesn't make sense to me05:26
eossi typed the command to start privoxy and nothing happened..just gave me a new line to type another command at now05:27
mobius2Ivoz,  in my own experience the Ubuntu installer is quite efficient,  I do not run anything beyond windows xp,  and even that's done in emulation....  but I would be surprised if the windows 7 boot loader was much different from the xp one05:27
ZykoticK9luxurymode, it is if you want to use whatever PPA is missing the key05:27
luxurymodeZykoticK9: right so only affects PPA05:27
mobius2Ivoz,  I say so because we were discussing the installing of windows post hoc *nix05:27
ZykoticK9luxurymode, correct - apt should work fine, except for that particular PPA05:28
Goliathhow can i connect with ssh to a server and use a password?05:28
luxurymodeZykoticK9: thanks. dont even know why i have that05:28
mobius2Goliath,   putty!05:28
luxurymodeZykoticK9: how do i just remove the package?05:28
Goliathmobius2: no putty05:28
Goliathjust ssh05:28
edbianGoliath: in a term: ssh user@computer05:28
Goliathwhats the option for password05:28
Ivozmobius2: latest 10.10 installer confused me more than others I think. But one of its default options ended up working fine... didn't even mess up the two-step loader for my 'version' of windows ;)05:28
Goliathedbian: what if this needs a password for login05:28
edbianGoliath: The password thing is a setting on the server.05:28
Goliathedbian: how do i tell it which password to use?05:29
ZykoticK9luxurymode, it's not a package issue - it's a PPA issue - either remove the PPA or add it's key, or add it correctly next time.05:29
mobius2the very nature of SSL means that typed passwords are not needed05:29
KM0201luxurymode: what is that ppa for?05:29
mobius2it's certificate based05:29
luxurymodeZykoticK9: how do i remove ppa or add its key? ;)05:29
Scunizinit-wit: izinucs = scunizi I'm on my kubuntu machine now.. here's the paste..http://pastebin.ca/204007905:29
edbianGoliath: That's not something you choose. The server either requires password or RSA keys05:30
nit-witScunizi, paste it agian the link isn't working05:30
edbianGoliath: It should ask you for the password when you try to log in05:30
Ivozanyone have any idea why nautilius' theme/icons seems to have shat itself after I updated ubuntu?05:30
eossyou know how mozilla has a go back button, is there a shortcut in linux to press that05:30
Scunizinit-wit: http://pastebin.ca/204007905:30
eossin windows its backspace05:30
edbianGoliath: You're logging in to a user name that's on the server.  So you have to know a user and password on that server to log into it via ssh05:30
luxurymodeKM0201: no idea.. lol05:30
michael9196ivoz, i install a Ubuntu in a partition; in windows; that partition will look like its empty?05:31
mobius2eoss,  are you referring to the nautilus file browser nav back button?05:31
edbianmichael9196: windows won't even see it05:31
KM0201luxurymode: well then i would just remove it from my soruce list and uninstall it05:31
Ivozmichael9196: yes, because it won't recognise the ext4 filesystem05:31
KM0201luxurymode: but you can probably look at your source list, and figure out what it is.05:31
luxurymodeopen source.list and remove?05:31
KM0201luxurymode: unless you want a GUI to do it...05:31
luxurymodehow do i pull up the list again?05:32
nit-witSchoentoon, thanks I typed it hold on05:32
KM0201luxurymode: right click your menu, click edit menu, go down to "administration" highlight it on the left... on the right, put a check next to Software sources05:32
KM0201luxurymode: then close the menu editor, and go to sys/admin/software sources05:32
nit-witScunizi, last message was for you above05:32
luxurymodei mean just text of list from a terminal?05:32
KM0201luxurymode: if you just want a list of text..... gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:33
Ivozi.e: it doesn't look like http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_D1EpnOVJuA8/TJITiRXkJiI/AAAAAAAADEo/4UECRcuKihg/s1600/nautilus01.png anymore05:33
Goliathedbian: its a shoutcast server05:33
michael9196Ivoz, well the thing is that when i install Ubuntu; and restart the computer; it gives me the option of installing Ubuntu; but when i select it; it doesnt find it.05:33
Scunizinit-wit: ??  which one.. the one you typed to Schoe...05:33
michael9196it gives me the option of runnugn Ubuntu** excuse me.05:33
luxurymodeKM0201: ah right. thanks05:33
arvuthey and good morning 2 all you problemsolvers, here's a problem for ya to start your thinkingmachines with; http://paste.ubuntu.com/55106605:33
edbianGoliath: That shouldn't make a difference.  As long as it is also an ssh server05:33
Ivozmichael9196: that sounds like you're trying to install it twice05:33
KM0201michael9196: so you install successfully, but when you try boot it, it won't let you?05:34
luxurymodeKM0201: dont see anything about ppa in sources.list05:34
KM0201luxurymode: are you looking at sources.list?05:34
michael9196thats right; it gives me the option to boot it; but when i select it it doesnt finds it.05:34
mbvpixies78What can I do to troubleshoot an inoperable mouse?  (the mouse works fine as its attached to a KVM switch)05:34
KM0201!pastebin | luxurymode  ... paste your sources list.. its gotta be there05:34
ubottuluxurymode  ... paste your sources list.. its gotta be there: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:34
luxurymodeKM0201: didnt i just say that..? ;)05:34
mobius2arvut,  dependency issue? / fail hard drive ? :P?05:35
KM0201luxurymode: well, i didn't know if you were using the GUI tool05:35
nit-witScunizi, several problems I will open a dialogue05:35
luxurymodeKM0201: http://pastie.org/143637805:35
mbvpixies78I'm trying to get the mouse to work in Xubuntu 1005:35
luxurymodeKM0201: maybe its gone bc i just ran a sudo apt-get autoremove?05:36
Ivozmichael9196: you take out the boot media once you've intsalled, right?05:36
arvutsome background on why I can't get ubuntu to boot (none of the kernels work, not even recoverymode).. I fixed the MBR after messing it up with windows recovery cd (xp), got grub back where it should be but now 10.10 wont boot (it did before i messed things up)05:36
KM0201luxurymode: eh.. possible.. or it might be that skype repo(but i don't recall that happening w/ skype)05:36
mbvpixies78could it be a driver issue?05:36
KM0201luxurymode: try running apt-get update again, see if you still get the issue.05:36
luxurymodeKM0201: k05:36
mobius2arvut,  it sounds like your hard drive is failing05:37
mbvpixies78any way to tell if it's the mouse's port on the box other than keep trying different distros?05:37
luxurymodeKM0201: same error05:37
mobius2arvut,  but thats a shot in the dark05:37
eossok so why isnt privoxy proxying me its set up its pointing at my local host...05:37
KM0201luxurymode: well the only thing there that it could be, is skype05:37
eossi go see my ip addres and its the same05:38
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arvutits not, i can still read it with the livecd. installed grub2 on both sdb and sda (ubuntu is on sdb5) and sda1 is windows05:38
mobius2eoss,  you edited the master config file for  what ever  proxy service you are using?05:38
eossi thought privoxy is my proxy service05:38
michael9196Ivoz, boot media? the only thing i remove is the Live CD. when it finishs installing it asks me for a restart. when it restarts and i select the Ubuntu Boot option it doesnt boot.05:38
mobius2arvut,  will the drive boot to either windows or linux?05:38
eossand none of what u say is in the ubntu privoxy dociumentation or the getting started in privoxy website05:38
mobius2arvut,  or is it only addressable as a logical volume05:39
eossif im using another proxy service why do i need privoxy?05:39
JamesScottSomersI have a quick question, any help is appreciated:  I never had this problem with Windows XP but I am now dual-booting Windows 7 on my new computer.  I don't want to change any Windows settings because it is for work.  What I want to do is run a Windows executable on the Windows partition, but before I do I have to flag it as "executable" which it is not letting me do.  I am assuming the reason why is because of settings on Windows end although th05:39
JamesScottSomersat is surprising as well.  My question is is there is a mount configuration or something similar I can do to run my executables on my Windows 7 drive.  TYVM05:39
mbvpixies78The computer on which the mouse doesn't work has one of those really old ports, before PS/2, but I have a PS/2 port as well.  I tried the com port with an adapter and also switched to com 2 by moving the plug on the motherboard, still no mouse functioning...05:39
mobius2eoss,  privoxy is not a proxy05:39
KM0201luxurymode: hmm, no, thats not it... cuz i just added it to my repo list, and it updated w/o error05:39
shadow42085I am trying to do a SAN install of ubuntu 10.10 and I am getting an error05:39
mobius2eoss,  but it helps some proxies work05:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:39
arvutmobius2: sda is only windows, sdb is only ubuntu05:39
mobius2eoss,  and therefore many people confuse the two programs05:39
mobius2arvut,  I am asking you if either windows or ubuntu will boot normally at this point in time05:40
luxurymodeKM0201: hmm05:40
mobius2arvut,  on the suspect drive i mean05:40
mbvpixies78is there anything besides xorg.conf that has to do with the mouse in Ubuntu?05:40
shadow42085I am trying to do a SAN install of ubuntu 10.10 and I am getting an error here http://paste.ubuntu.com/551389/05:41
dewwJamesScottSomers: are you trying to run windows executables in ubuntu?05:41
michael9196Ivoz, boot media? the only thing i remove is the Live CD. when it finishs installing it asks me for a restart. when it restarts and i select the Ubuntu Boot option it doesnt boot.05:41
JamesScottSomersusing Wine05:41
shadow42085jamessudo apt-get install wine05:41
shadow42085jamesScottSomers sudo apt-get install wine05:41
Ivozmichael9196: ahhh, i probably can't help you then, sorry, not enough technical knowledge05:42
mbvpixies78Is there anything I can do from the command line to troubleshoot my mouse?05:42
JamesScottSomers"The file '/media/Gateway/file.exe' is not marked as executable."05:42
eossok mobius how do i dl tor on ubuntu 10.10 is the repos updated yet05:42
mobius2mbvpixies78,   type  dmseg at terminal05:42
edbianmbvpixies78: What is the problem?  Mouse doesn't work with a kvm?05:42
michael9196Ivoz, thanks for your time anyway :) take care.05:42
mobius2eoss,  it's actually quite simple05:43
mbvpixies78edbian:  the mouse works fine on Win and Ubuntu, but not the old computer with Xubuntu05:43
edbianmbvpixies78: Oh then I have no idea.  I thought it was a kvm thing05:43
paq7512do you all know how to save changes to nvidia settings - ie Fan Speed at startup?05:43
eossdo tell05:43
mobius2eoss,  have you isntalled the vidalia bundle?05:43
eossno i just installed provoxy by itself05:44
mobius2eoss,  then do    sudo apt-get install vidalia05:44
eosslol error05:45
mobius2eoss,  that is not the final step though ^^  so don't be  what is my ip'in  jus yet05:45
eossunable to lock the administration directory05:45
mobius2eoss,  are you running the update man in some other window?05:45
mbvpixies78How do I get a GNU tty in Xubuntu?05:45
mobius2update manager05:45
eossi had synaptic open05:45
mobius2eoss,  go head and close it05:45
mobius2close all administrative applications05:45
mbvpixies78thought it was <something>+F1-405:46
mobius2plus all tardy  zillions of terminal boxxes :P05:46
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eossok did that just overright my old privoxy?05:46
mobius2then from a terminal do   sudo apt-get install vidalia05:46
mobius2eoss,  no05:46
mobius2eoss,  but you do not need to worry aboutt hat05:46
mactimesmbvpixies78, ctrl+alt+F<1-7>05:47
eossdo i still need to dl tor?05:47
dewwJamesScottSomers: you can try chmod +x /path/to/exe, but i am personally not familiar with wine or what it requires05:47
eossor is vidalia tor05:47
eossok its finished setting up05:47
mobius2vidalia is a bundle kit to make  tor more simple05:47
=== earwigs_ is now known as earwigs
mobius2eoss,   you need to answer YES to the vidalia management question05:48
mactimesmbvpixies78, ctrl+alt+<F1-F6>  You can try ctrl+alt+F7 or F8 to come back to X05:48
eossyep i did that05:48
mobius2you DO want to allow vidalia to drive tor05:48
mbvpixies78mactimes:  thanks05:48
mactimesmbvpixies78, You're welcome.05:48
mbvpixies78In my mind this can't be hardware---  I tried 3 different ways of connecting the mouse to the old comp05:49
eosswell it asked me a question but i dunno if that was it, i just hit Y05:49
JamesScottSomersthx.  It is still not letting me change the permission using Nautilus but I was able to get it going using wine from the command line should have tried it sooner maybe.  TYVM.05:49
mobius2eoss,  that was not it05:50
mobius2eoss,  if you install properly,  then  upon installation a blue text box will ask you if you wish to allow vidalia bundle to  drive the tor instance05:50
mobius2you should select yes05:50
eossnothing came up05:51
avinashhmhi guys, i am not able to shutdown my ubuntu laptop .. when i do sudo halt, it gets stuck in the dots moving .. they just keep moving .. doesn't get shutdown any hints ..05:51
mbvpixies78Isn't the default root password "root" ?05:51
eosslast line was lsconfig deferred processing now taking place05:51
mobius2eoss,  check your applications list for the vidalia instance05:51
eossyea its there05:51
eossviladia was unable to start tor05:52
mobius2one second05:52
eosscheck settings to ensure correct name and location of your tor executable is specified05:52
eosswhy is everything a puzzle to install in linux05:53
shadow42085ok I ready for an install over next work using gpx how do I go about it?05:53
mobius2eoss,  in truth, it is only puzzling because it is the first time you have done it05:53
eosswell in windows i dl it click it and it runs05:53
mobius2eoss,  in my own experience in linux once something is configured it rarely needs to be messed with05:53
eossin linux there are about 30 steps to take05:53
mobius2eoss,  I agree ^^05:54
eossso are we stuck now mobius?05:54
eossi think i must dl tor?05:54
mobius2eoss,  I beleive much of it has to do with the decentralized nature of the open source collective05:54
mobius2eoss,  yes05:54
eossim not sure how my linux box can just dl things from command line..where is it connecting to anyway05:55
mobius2eoss,  it is connecting to the ubuntu project's repository server farm05:55
paq7512how great would Ubuntu be if it were the only Linux OS?05:55
eosscan anyone put shit in that farm?05:55
mobius2be very cautious when saying that fast05:55
eosslike can i put things in it05:56
mobius2eoss,  no  only certain developers and folks05:56
eosshopefully no NSA agents05:56
HaarHow in hell do i get my headphones to work >.>05:56
ZykoticK9paq7512, actually that would be a bad thing.  diversity in the computer ecosystem is important!  monoculture is a bad thing.05:56
eossok so how do i dl tor the repository isnt set up for it yet in 10.10 ubuntu05:57
mobius2eoss,  the very nature of open source software precludes secrecy ,  so NSA agents are more than welcome in my book. Open source code is impossible to taint with spyware, because someone will always find it and fix it05:57
eossthats good news then05:57
ZykoticK9mobius2, ask the openbsd people if they agree with that statement right now </ot>05:58
mobius2eoss,  when compared to a project for instance like windows,  they have a huge dev team I'm sure,  but it pales in comparison to  the dev team we have05:58
avinashhmhi guys, i think i messed with init.d/rc .. added few things there .. after that i amn't able to shutdown or make n/w up .. any way to recover .. any help pls ..05:58
mobius2and by "we" I mean the rest of the world05:59
mobius2sudo cat dev null?05:59
nit-witHaar, I know wrong key05:59
eossmobius2: i found a page that told me to do this, should i do it  echo "deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org experimental-lucid main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list06:00
HaarHmm, how exactly would i get ubuntu to work w/ my headphones. Im assuming it would work with speakers because it does on my laptop06:00
HaarBut speakers seem to be a nogo06:01
cryptodiraHaar: what kind of laptop ?06:01
HaarAn old one in ohio, lol im trying to get the headphones to work with my desktop as i have no speakers xD06:02
mobius2eoss,  this might help you06:02
cryptodiraHaar: my headphones work, but not the laptop speakers..... check all your sound options that the 'mute' button is NOT engaged06:03
Stevezauis there a 2.5.37 deb for 10.10?? is that where i should check backports??06:03
mobius2thats a download for a browser bundle of tor. you dont even have to install software06:03
arvutmobius2: sorry for my sudden AFK'ness. windows boots fine from grub2, on both drives (as I installed it on both drives MBR's) ubuntu doesnt boot at all. but i can see all the kernels *.32-25 and *.35-2206:03
HaarThats all good, They just dont seem to work, I know theyre not broken because they work perfect on my xp partition06:03
arvutmobius2: and as i mentioned, i do not have windows installed on the ubuntu drive, its on sda while sdb is ubuntu with swap06:04
Stevezausorry 2.6.37 i mean06:04
ZykoticK9Haar, are these regular headphone or USB headphones?06:04
eossmobius2: thats a windows executable file06:04
eosswhy would i need that06:04
mobius2eoss,  forgive me06:05
cryptodiraHaar: you might try this page:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=64+bit+flash&titlesearch=Titles06:05
mobius2there is also a linux version on that page06:05
HaarIf it helps, It's a Mic-Headphone combo that's NOT USB headphones, Zykotick906:05
r00t4rd3dmics not working ?06:05
eosstheres 7000 versions06:05
ZykoticK9Haar, what sort of sound card are you using?  lspci | grep -i audio06:06
shareWhat is the "Me Menu"?06:07
HaarI wouldnt even begin to know how to tell you xD06:07
ZykoticK9share, menu introduced in Lucid, top right corner - with your name and the ability to set status / etc06:08
ArachonI've got a quick question before heading off to work, I'm using the 10.4 Ubuntu Netbook Remix (or more specifically, EasyPeasy), and the Ubuntu Software Center does not seem to be the same version as found in 10.10, is there a way to update it?06:08
shareZykoticK9: hm I think I removed that06:08
ZykoticK9Arachon, EasyPeasy isn't supported here.  But I don't know of a way to update it no.06:10
ArachonZykoticK9: Ok, I thought since EasyPeasy is essentially just a remix of 10.4 UNR, this place would be just as good as any to ask, but I'll look around a bit more then06:11
mobius2eoss,  that page explains a bit more why privoxy and tor need each other06:11
eossok ty06:11
shareZykoticK9: http://blog.ubuntu-tweak.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/ubuntu-tweak-058-05.png :P06:12
shareI did sudo apt-get remove indicator-me indicator-messages06:12
Goliathhow can i connect to an icecast2 server and manage its playlist?06:12
mobius2eoss,  and as far as the weirdness when switching to linux,  I strongly suggest installing as much as possible on the terminal. obviously you will not alwayas be able to do that asnd the gui will save you. But all the basics like untarring  archives and  assembling programs from source,  which seem complex but are truly just simple tasks will become childs play06:13
mobius2thats the key06:13
eossok thx06:13
eossappreciate the help06:13
DarkStar1tomcat runs on 8080 by default right?06:14
linux_probe8080 is standard for tomcat06:15
linux_probeassuming "ubuntu" didnt change it06:15
linux_probeseems they're in love with trying to be leet pioneers06:15
linux_probeand keep shooting themselves int he foot06:15
DarkStar1I'm installing it on a Cent OS machine atm06:15
bearblacki downloaded that torr stuff but it has no settings that i need to adjust. yet not work?06:16
bazhang!ot > linux_probe06:16
ubottulinux_probe, please see my private message06:16
shareWhat is this for "show imput method menu in the context menu"06:16
shareand Show Unicode Control Character06:16
linux_probehow was that offtopic06:16
linux_probeas it was a reply to DarkStar106:16
ZykoticK9linux_probe, support only in this channel06:16
eossone last question when downloading stuff manually is there a particular place i should extract things to..should i extract to root or home or whatever06:16
r00t4rd3dor desktop06:17
r00t4rd3dwhich is in your home06:17
bearblackok i am installing a firewall. hopefully i can add tor control port and it will work06:17
linux_probedidnt see that part <DarkStar1> I'm installing it on a Cent OS machine atm06:17
sanplease help guys karmic is working fine in my pc but neither 10.04 nor 10.10 is working in my pc is it a compatibility issue?06:18
BluefeverHey, I kinda needed to remember something. So I needed some notepad that would stay on my desktop. I know theres tomboy notes, but I was thinking of something that would stay on the desktop so I would see it constantly, like when I started the computer. Is there some application such as this, anyone?06:18
r00t4rd3dbearblack, ubuntu comes with firewall06:18
r00t4rd3dwhat you want is the control app06:18
bearblackufw gui?06:18
r00t4rd3dsudo apt-get gufw06:18
sharebearblack: or firestarter06:18
r00t4rd3dsudo apt-get install gufw06:18
r00t4rd3dthen in system , admin , firewall pref06:18
r00t4rd3derr firewall config06:19
san10.04 not geting started even if i upgrade or make a fresh install06:19
r00t4rd3derror messages ?06:19
bearblacktorr is still crying06:19
r00t4rd3dbear #tor might be useful06:20
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r00t4rd3dwhat is tor error ?06:20
shareWhat is "Imput Method menu" and "Unicode Control Charachter menu"?06:21
r00t4rd3din what app ?06:22
Guest2452eoss,  did you add the tor sources to your source libs?06:22
sharer00t4rd3d: Ubuntu Tweak06:22
Guest2452click systems administration  software sources06:22
eosswell i dled the tar.gz and i right click and extracted it to my home folder06:22
r00t4rd3doh , not sure06:22
sharer00t4rd3d: it's related with Menu Settings06:23
Guest2452add the following to your kernel sources06:23
eossnow im trying to find the file i need so vidalia can use it06:23
Guest2452deb     http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org lucid main06:23
shareeoss: you want to use Tor?06:23
shareeoss: are you using Lucid?06:24
DatzHi, is there an up to date guide for installing Unity on ubuntu desktop?06:24
eosslucid i dunno wat it is06:24
archhello all..06:24
shareeoss: which Ubuntu version are you using06:24
Stevezautrying to install kernel 2.6.37 from ubuntuupdates but it does not have kernel ppa for 10.10?? is that normal?06:24
Guest2452eoss, paste this source to the list after clicking add source06:24
Guest2452deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org Karmic main06:24
* arvut feels abandoned :( how can I fix this ubuntu install?06:25
ZykoticK9Datz, if you are using 10.10, "sudo apt-get install unity" then from the GDM login screen select Netbook06:25
Guest2452if you get an error then you will need a gpg key,  which i have06:25
shareeoss: it's Maverick06:25
shareeoss: wait a sec06:25
DatzZykoticK9: thanks, that's easy enough :)06:25
archcan any 1 tell me how to install file .tar.gz ??06:25
sharearch: that is an archive like .rar..06:26
ZykoticK9arch, tar.gz is a compressed file - usually source code (but not always)06:26
Atomosok so I have a bootable usb.. made in ubuntu and it says: vesamenu.c32 is not a com32r image06:26
Atomoswhat the heck06:26
Guest2452eoss,  you will definitely need to type this at your terminal06:26
Guest2452gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 886DDD8906:26
Guest2452gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add -06:26
Guest2452apt-get update06:26
Guest2452apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb06:26
FloodBot2Guest2452: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:26
eossthis impossible06:27
shareeoss: wait im gonna help you.06:27
archhmm...so i must to ekstract that file first ?06:27
Atomosok so I have a bootable usb.. made in ubuntu and it says: vesamenu.c32 is not a com32r image06:27
ZykoticK9arch, to extract "tar zxvf file.tar.gz" should work06:27
ZykoticK9!repeat > Atomos06:28
ubottuAtomos, please see my private message06:28
Datzor just right click extract from GUI arch06:28
arvutarch: maybe if you could tell us what program you're trying to install, and did you know what you were downloading in the first place?06:28
ZykoticK9Datz, or that :)  arch06:28
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claydfrom the command line how do i see what processor is in a system?06:29
r00t4rd3dAtomos, use unetbootin to make your usb http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/06:29
ZykoticK9clayd, cat /proc/cpuinfo06:30
Atomosdoes that work for mac?06:30
archok thanks ^^..then how about command in terminal ? cause i still confuse,, :P06:30
claydthank you06:30
r00t4rd3dor pendrivelinux.com universal usb creator06:30
Datzarch: see what ZykoticK9 said for in terminal06:30
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Atomosim getting ready to ask jack daniels for help. this netbook is killing me06:31
r00t4rd3dAtomos, another work around is "type "help" on the BOOT prompt, and when you get the help menu, just hit enter. The system will now boot!"06:31
mbvpixies78If this is what you do for a USB mouse:  http://mandrivausers.org/index.php?/topic/34920-mouse-wont-work-solved/  what do you do for a PS/2 mouse?06:31
archdatz : ok..06:32
ZykoticK9mbvpixies78, are you the one with the KVM switch?  Does the mouse work plugged directly in?06:32
mbvpixies78Zykotick9:  it works fine in Ubuntu on another comp.  It'll be a bit before I can try it on the one in question06:33
ZykoticK9mbvpixies78, see if the one that it's working on has an xorg.conf file and is specifying the mouse in some manner - then perhaps copy that to the non-working one.  Best of luck.06:34
mbvpixies78Zykotick9:  good idea...  will see06:34
shadow42085I need to start inetd but I can't use bsdopen what do I put in it's place06:37
mbvpixies78Zykotick9:  no good...  that computer has resolution problems and a very sparse xorg.conf file.  I need a primer on xorg.conf, for the mouse and the res06:37
r00t4rd3dshadow42085, curious why you need an ident server ?06:37
ZykoticK9mbvpixies78, sorry... don't have a link for that one.  That's a big topic.06:38
r00t4rd3dshadow42085, you can install xinetd from synaptic package manager06:39
shadow42085r00trd3d I am installing ubuntu using gpxe06:39
r3inthis is getting annoying06:40
shadow42085already installed06:40
shadow42085r00trd3d already installed06:41
r00t4rd3dshadow42085, ^^06:41
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asfdhi, I have a quick question06:42
r00t4rd3di have a long answer06:42
shadow42085r00trd3d I have only floppy access dead scsi drive and unaccessabile cd-rom on a raid pci card06:42
asfdhaha ok06:42
asfdwhat will happen if I install a new version of grub-pc06:42
asfdim updating from 10.04 to 10.1006:43
r00t4rd3dit might screw up everything and not allow you to boot any os06:43
r00t4rd3dasfd, best to do a fresh install06:44
r00t4rd3d10.4 to 10.10 is not that risky but it could still break stuff06:45
r00t4rd3dyou can always edit the grub.conf to fix any problems that arise06:45
ZykoticK9asfd, i personally do agree with r00t4rd3d - i hate upgrades from one version to the next, seems to cause a lot of issues.  But it's not required, you can update if you want.06:45
r00t4rd3dif you handy at command line editing if fail boot06:45
mbvpixies78awesome--  found a section on xorg.conf in "Running Linux"06:45
asfdok, so its best that I go with the package maintainers version?06:46
tehbaut2how do I make the output scrollback of the terminal longer?06:47
DatzHi, I just installed Unity on ubuntu 10.10 64bit.  when I choose unity at the logon, there are problems displaying the unity toolbar and items. It is transparent unless clicked, where it momentarily flashes the toolbar.  Is there something more I can try?06:47
r00t4rd3dtehbaut,  goto Edit , Profile Preferences , Scrolling , and incread scrollback lines06:48
r00t4rd3dor check unlimited06:48
ZykoticK9Datz, what graphics card are you using?06:48
ZykoticK9Datz, i haven't had any issues with Unity on Nvidia or Intel...06:49
shadow42085i got a connention timed out what the hell06:49
tehbaut2r00t4rd3d: got it, thanks06:49
tehbaut2unlimited, nice :)06:49
magn3tsHow can I check if root is enabled?06:49
r00t4rd3dby default there is no root password set06:50
magn3tsAnd additionally, how can I see why jbd2 is running so much in iotop. It's concerning me06:50
DatzZykoticK9: its a mobil ATI X140006:50
nit-witmagn3ts, what do you mean06:50
tehbaut2now back to fussing with DD to copy this dying drive06:50
DatzZykoticK9: I have not installed any drivers.06:50
ZykoticK9Datz, ATI - sorry I can't help with that.  Best of luck.06:50
magn3tsr00t4rd3d, I know, but my auth.log says stuff is executing specifically byr oot06:50
magn3tsor is that just sudo?06:50
DatzZykoticK9: ok06:50
nit-witmagn3ts, anything root needs a sudo06:51
ZykoticK9magn3ts, whey something is run with "sudo" it means it's being run with the root account06:51
magn3tsok but login as root is just disabled?06:51
r00t4rd3dmag pm06:51
ZykoticK9magn3ts, correct06:51
magn3tsok thanks06:52
magn3tsok so what is jbd2 doing? Can I see that?06:52
tehbaut2any idea what would cause a drive to randomly unmount from its /dev/sdh and remount itself as /dev/sdi during a DD copy session?06:52
nit-witmagn3ts, it is always disabled06:52
taporso I disconnected & reconnected hdmi coming out of my pc (pc > hdmi > dvi > lcd) and now the screen is blank, anything i can do to get the screen back w/o restarting? ctrl-alt-f# don't display either, but I have ssh06:53
soreautapor: Which graphics driver?06:53
taporgeneric i think, amd 780g06:53
taporerr wait that's nvidie gforce 8200 chipset not amd06:54
r00t4rd3droot isnt disabled per say , just there is no password set to that account06:54
taporsoreau, how can i check via shell? i have ssh06:56
arvutI need someone to tell me where I go from here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551066 Grub2 is working on both disks (sda and sdb, sda is winxp only and sdb is ubuntu only)06:56
r00t4rd3dand thats what happens when you upgrade06:57
ZykoticK9tapor, to see your graphics card from terminal "lspci | grep -i vga"06:57
fubadahi, i am in the middle of setting up an atom dual core 1.8ghz box that is my htpc and nas. what would you recommend ubuntu-server or ubuntu-desktop?06:58
fubadai do need xorg for xbmc06:58
taporVGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C77 [GeForce 8200] (rev a206:58
AurigaCan anyone tell me how to unmount a busy mount point?06:58
Aurigaumount -f isn't working.06:58
ZykoticK9fubada, if you need xorg - then install desktop06:58
taporAuriga,  maybe try     fuser /mount/point06:59
taporto find who using ti06:59
xnitehello people of #Ubuntu06:59
xnitei need help06:59
mbvpixies78I'm trying to run "Xorg -configure" but it says server already active--  how can I have a command line without xterm?06:59
r00t4rd3darvut, pretty sure you need to install grub on your windows partition06:59
AurigaOh this is the MS equivalent of tskill?06:59
mactimesDoes anyone know any application for monitoring notebook battery in a terminal, like htop or iotop?06:59
taporAuriga, no, it will tell you which process is using /mount/point07:00
ZykoticK9mbvpixies78, my xorg notes at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file07:00
fubadadoes anyone know if i need xorg for xbmc07:00
AurigaNo I need it to keep the process running.07:00
arvutr00t4rd3d: I have it on both sda and sdb, both drives work when I try booting from then with bios setting, and I can boot windows just fine from both07:00
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mbvpixies78ZykoticK9:  much thanks!07:00
AurigaKilling the process will stop what I am trying to do.07:01
AurigaWhich may or may not have other obsticles anyway.07:01
r00t4rd3darvut, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26167807:01
AurigaSo in short, I need to unmount a busy mount point while still keeping the process running as you would under Windows.07:02
mactimes!askk | xnite07:02
mactimes!ask | xnite07:02
Auriga[I'm trying to move away from it...]07:02
ubottuxnite: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:02
taporAuriga, the process can run but it has to stop using the files on /mount/point07:03
arvutr00t4rd3d: its ubuntu kernels *.32-25 and *.35-22 that doesnt work, they worked before mbr got messed up by windows rescue disk (had to correct some stuff with it)07:03
AurigaTapor how would you go about doing that?07:03
taporwhat process is it?07:03
r00t4rd3dyou probably need to edit your grub.conf file07:03
r00t4rd3dand make it point to the right locations07:03
taporAuriga, are u sure that the process using the /mount/point?07:04
gaboohi everyone07:04
AurigaYes for sure.07:04
r00t4rd3darvut, http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2007/05/ubuntu-how-to-edit-grub-boot-parameters.html07:04
AurigaI am trying to install an old game from an iso onto a netbook.07:04
AurigaEver played Riven?07:04
AurigaThe installer starts but it's a five disc game.07:05
r00t4rd3dAuriga, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=14007:05
r00t4rd3d"Riven installs and runs perfectly."07:05
AurigaNot over here...07:05
AurigaAhhh that is from disc.07:06
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r00t4rd3dselect minimal install07:06
AurigaI created iso files.07:06
r00t4rd3dAuriga, read that page i linked to you07:06
r00t4rd3dtells you how to do the 5 cd install07:06
AurigaYeah I see step one.07:06
AurigaBut I am now curious as to how to do this.07:07
AurigaI'm sure it will happen for another classic I find.07:07
m_tadeuis there a way to get mails from hotmail via POP or IMAP?07:07
xanguam_tadeu: hotmail only supports pop07:08
nit-witarvut, do you have sdb first in the bios07:08
arvutr00t4rd3d: as I suspected, will look into the grub.conf then. sda used to be the mbr drive and indeed grub works there now too, but these problems came after I restored grub2 with the lucid cd, the install is a lucid that I upgraded to maverick without problems07:08
arvutnit-wit: yeah, both sda and sdb boots fine with bios settings07:09
fubadai want to install to my ssd, but the installer is seeing it as /dev/sde! does it matter? Typically i'm used to sda07:09
fubadai have 4 other drives07:09
fubadanon ssd07:09
rethushow can i port my passwords from kwallet to gnome-keyring?07:09
taporm_tadeu, this is a maybe but search for android friendly servers and try to use those?07:09
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arvutits when I choose the kernel from the grub2 menu that these errors happen, same on all kernels and no change when changing first boot device in bios07:10
sara2010any one help me07:10
israfilhello, can you help me? http://dpaste.com/295116/07:10
fubadahow can i force my SSD to be /dev/sdA07:11
m_tadeutapor: please explain....what android friendly servers?07:11
fubadaand not /dev/sde07:11
fubadaat install07:11
ZykoticK9fubada, you'd need to attach it to the first SATA port07:11
spicemasterhello i forgot my password how can i retrive ?07:12
israfilcould someone help me, please? http://dpaste.com/295116/07:12
fubadaZykoticK9, the ssd is attached to mobo, the disks are onto a pci-e card07:12
spicemasterin grub what command i use to edit the line07:12
fubadahow is it not the first07:12
ZykoticK9fubada, sda = 1st drive, sdb = 2nd, etc.07:12
nit-witIsrafel, did you update or upgarde the hardy07:12
fubadaZykoticK9, pci-e gets priority over onboard sata?07:12
ZykoticK9fubada, not much you can do then07:12
fubadaall my hdd's are ona pci-e card, the ssd is on sata1 on mobo07:13
israfili did not upgrade to another distro but i updated software as it was advised by hardy07:13
fubadaits coming up as /dev/sde07:13
nit-witIsrafel, so lucid was the last install07:13
sara2010some one remove panel ...07:14
wolfricI'm looking through the init.d file for a daemon. I'm wondering if i wanted to change a default parameter to be used when it starts, can/should i modify it here?07:14
sara2010how i can add the panel07:14
sara2010any one help me07:14
FloodBot2sara2010: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:14
ZykoticK9!password | spicemaster07:14
ubottuspicemaster: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords07:14
taporm_tadeu, like I remember seeing something like android.imap.yahoo.com for example07:14
nit-witsara2010, right click area add panel07:14
israfilnit-wit: yes, i installed windows, then Hardy on one partition, then Lucid on another partition07:14
youndertube blade runner07:15
m_tadeutapor: I see what you mean...gonna search for it....thanx07:15
nit-witIsrafel, so what will boot as of now07:15
israfilnit-wit: i do not understand07:15
younderweell chromium is not working07:15
sara2010nit-wit,  i add indicator applet panel07:15
nit-witIsrafel, boot= what OS can you start, is Hardy a wubi07:16
youndernor netscape07:16
sara2010but  there is not wireless and eth  option in bar07:16
younderprobaly a setting with bastille07:16
sara2010i want to change wireless router07:16
xanguasara2010: add notification area07:16
israfilnit-wit: both Hardy and Lucid are NOT Wubi. I could boot both Lucid and Hardy before what i did07:16
nit-witsara2010, you need notification icon07:16
fubadaanyway to force device name assigmnet? ubuntu-server saw my ssd as /dev/sda, ubuntu-minimal is labelling it /dev/sde, I am installing my OS to it and I want sda07:17
nit-witIsrafel, so back what is bootable now is windows? is hardy?is lucid?07:17
israfilnit-wit: now are windows and Lucid bootable. I am online with Lucid now07:18
=== test_ is now known as sara2010
nit-witIsrafel, okay so what did you do just the update in hardy, did you see a grub update in there?07:19
sara2010sorry nit-wit  i got dc07:19
younderHow do I find what my DNS server is?07:19
m_tadeuwow...amazing enough I'm getting mails from hotmail with a simple pop account :)07:19
=== hekos is now known as Hekos
nit-witsara2010, add the notification icon07:19
israfilnit-wit: i updated grub in Lucid with "sudo update-grub". Do you mean that? I can see all kernels at the boot menu07:19
taporm_tadeu, pop.live.com ?07:20
ZykoticK9younder, to see what's being used "cat /etc/resolv.conf"07:20
m_tadeutapor: pop3.live.com, in deed07:20
sara2010nit-wit,  thanks07:20
sara2010nit-wit,  thanks alot07:20
nit-witisrafil, I was wondering if in the updates in hardy was one maybe a grub update. Hardy is grub-legacy Lucid is grub207:21
taporm_tadeu, i remember a few years back there were all sorts of "web imitating" plugins for thunderbird to get ur mail. hope this sticks07:21
xanguayounder: right clic in the network icon> about Or  info07:21
nit-witsara2010, no problem07:21
CaneToaddeary me accessing NTFS filesystems in ubuntu is slow...is that because it is a user-space filesystem?07:21
israfilnit-wit: i think i use the grub207:21
israfili'll try to deinstall the nvidia driver. Thanks nit-wit.07:22
m_tadeutapor: I think they got tired of messing up the webmail in order to mess up plugins :)07:22
nit-witisrafil, alright07:22
taporm_tadeu, I remember I couldn't even get pop/imap server addresses for my MSN premium, I either had to use Outlook or  webmail, it was sad07:24
m_tadeutapor: they had a tweaked implementation of POP, which did not conform to the standard, so you'd have to use outlook07:25
m_tadeuand it's downloading long deleted messages :( have to delete them all again07:27
shadow42085I can't seam to get gpxe to talk to my laptop07:28
mactimesHi.  I'm not sure if this is off-topic, since I'm running that on Ubuntu, hopefully someone will be able to help, but is there a way I can have the output of 'yacpi -p -l -d 10 -b' in the hardstatus string for GNU/screen?07:32
SwedeMikemactimes: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/560 might help?07:33
mactimesSwedeMike: I really stink at configuring screen.  Last time I tried, I screwed it up.  Had a friend of mine to do it for me, but he's currently not available.07:35
mactimesSwedeMike: My current screen hardstatus string is this, please let me know if you can help:07:36
battlehandsis there a way to have all the windows that are open displayed on a panel on the desktop?07:36
mactimeshardstatus string '%{=b}%{G} Screen(s): %{b}%w %=(%{r}%u%{-})  %{kG}%c:%s  %D, %d/%M/%Y'07:36
SwedeMikemactimes: no I can't.07:37
mactimesSwedeMike: Oh, ok, thank you anyways. =)07:37
hellyeahi have sony vaio vpcf136fx/b and my touch pad doesnt work i cannot use thşs pls help me07:38
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wolfrichttp://pastebin.com/QxahqZXN could someone take a look at this for a quick second and see if i've got something wrong? Just modified the output of an init.d script and it doesn't seem to work07:41
wolfrici've shown if i run it manually it works though07:41
AbhishI tried to resize a panel in Plasma (Kubuntu) and now Plasma Desktop is not responsive. Rebooted, and it has not corrected.07:44
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Josesordohi all07:49
JosesordoI did a mistake with 05_debian_theme file at /etc/grub.d .. I need to copy a original one pls.. someone can send me or something?07:49
hellyeahmy touch pad doesnt work pls help07:50
rethushow can i port my passwords from kwallet to gnome-keyring?07:51
taporso I disconnected & reconnected hdmi coming out of my pc (pc > hdmi > dvi > lcd) and now the screen is blank, anything i can do to get the screen back w/o restarting? ctrl-alt-f# don't display either, but I have ssh07:52
shaiDoes anyone know where the official support is for inotify? Ie. where should I ask my question regarding inotify/incrontab?07:52
arunkumar413hi, i installed a open office extension called sun weblog publisher. But i cant see any menu item in the menu bar.07:55
coldfrontI just plugged in dual monitors on my box and I seem to be having trouble, I have one monitor main and the other extended. It seems like the extended monitor overlaps onto the main one I can't seem to fix this issue. (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9412790/IMG_20110107_023303.jpg) I'm using my i5 clarkdale for the graphics intel hd i think it is.07:56
frogballsi would press f5 as soon as you boot up07:56
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
miststlkrwhere do I find the icon files for indicators applets?  I'd like to change one07:58
battlehandsis there a way to have all the windows that are open displayed on a panel on the desktop?07:58
duron23miststlkr: it depends on the theme07:58
Dwade09_ when i boot up i get an error occured while trying to mount /media hit s to skip or m for manual recovery how i fix this07:59
miststlkrduron23: default 10.04 theme; mono?07:59
duron23miststlkr: generally in /usr/share/themes/<themename>/status/07:59
miststlkrduron23: more accurately, the app doesn't have a mono icon and I am trying to make one...07:59
xanguabattlehands: as in multiple virtual desktops¿ right clic in the window list applets (top left) and edit the preferences08:00
duron23battlehands: yes, using window list applets properties08:00
battlehandsI dont need virtual windows...08:01
battlehandsFor example.  if I have firefox, and xchat, and some game, ect... can I have a list of those open apps/documents on a panel?08:01
era878guys what's an easy way to wipe free space?08:01
duron23battlehands: check here /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark/status08:01
xanguabattlehands: did ypu remove window list¿¿ add it again08:02
duron23battlehands: you need to make icons for every size in that folder08:02
upslahello can anybody solve my problem?08:02
xanguaduron23: you wanna talk with  miststlkr ......08:02
eossshould have chatzilla erased all the older stuff08:02
battlehandsduron23, is that a terminal command?08:02
era878anybody know a program to wipe free space?08:03
miststlkrbattlehands: no, he was aiming that at m08:03
duron23battlehands: naviagte with file browser08:03
battlehandsxangua, Im not sure about the window list... I still have all 4 virtual windows... is that what you are talking about?08:03
battlehandsduron23, ok, thanks08:03
xanguaduron23: fail...08:03
upslahello can anybody help me ?????08:03
frogballshow would we know08:04
coldfrontupsla ask your question and if someone can help you they will08:04
xanguabattlehands: like i said, right clic in the extreme left of window list and edid properties08:04
upslai have trouble in connecting usb modem08:04
duron23battlehands: sry ignore the last two suggestions08:04
duron23miststlkr: check here /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark/status08:04
miststlkrduron23: got it.   giving it a shot now.  thanks08:05
maltronHi all, I installed ubuntu 10.10 and can't get network access anymore.  The network cable is running through a cicso ip phone, and when I remove the phone DHCP works and all's well.  However both Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows XP work fine.  Any ideas?08:05
battlehandsSorry for being a complete noob, but where is the /usr directory?08:05
upslahelp me08:06
frogballsmalope, is it fully updated08:06
duron23battlehands: you can right click windows list applet and preferences > show windows from all workspaces08:06
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frogballsmaltron, has it fully updated08:06
duron23upsla: just ask mention your issue, don't ask to ask08:07
frogballsooops cant-not online srry08:07
era878anybody know a program to wipe free space?08:07
battlehandsduron23, thats exactly what I was looking for.  Thank you!08:07
battlehandsI didnt realize you were trying to get my to add something to my panel..08:07
duron23battlehands: your welcome :)08:07
miststlkrduron23: that didn't do it.  I'll tinker a bit more.   Thanks for trying08:08
maltronfrogballs, the OS?  Yeah, the OS is fully loaded, we get a network connection, but then I plug the phone in and it won't work (pc connects to phone, phone connects to wall socket).08:08
battlehandsduron23, what is the list of apps that can be added to panel called?08:08
tasHow to change background of the logon screen?08:08
coldfrontupsla is it a usb cable modem, adsl cable modem?08:08
maltronfrogballs: This problem only occurs with ubuntu 10.10 - 10.04 is fine, as is windows.08:08
upslacold front:it is adsl usb modem08:09
MeatMcBadasscan anyone help me with a non ubuntu related compile question. I'm trying to get my flags set right for a build and wondered what I've got wrong here make -j3 ARCH=arm -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mcpu=cortex-a808:09
duron23battlehands: can't get your question08:09
MeatMcBadassnvm found it :p08:09
duron23battlehands: i guess its called window list applest08:09
frogballsmalope, driver issue have you ever used ndswrapper08:09
battlehandsduron23, when I right click on a panel and select "add to panel" does that list of apps have a name?08:09
coldfrontupsla have you read this https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/modems-adsl-usb.html08:09
frogballsjust an idea i may be off08:09
battlehandspanel applets list or something,...08:09
maltronfrogballs: I tried manually setting the ip address, gateway, netmask and dns and it reported a connection, but in fact I couldn't ping anything, let alone get google on firefox.08:09
duron23battlehands: oh, i don't know what's the name of it, I guess panel properties08:10
frogballsmalope, yeah i am no help on this one08:10
battlehandsok, thanks08:10
duron23battlehands: can be :)08:10
era878battlehands: its called gnome panel applets08:10
coldfrontupsla https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem08:10
upslacoldfront: hey i tried the help posted there and got the modem to get detected. but i cannot connect to internet.08:11
battlehandsera878, thanks08:12
maltronfrogballs: oh yeah, and yes, the system is up to date, latest system update with kernel and everything.08:13
duron23era878: thanks for the info, good to know that :)08:13
coldfrontupsla no idea i don't have that kind of setup08:13
frogballsmaltron, i wonder if it would connect if u ran ubuntu 1010 inside windows08:13
maltronfrogballs: you mean as a virtual machine?08:14
xangua!cn | wfl08:14
ubottuwfl: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk08:14
frogballsmaltron, yes or even wubi or live cd08:14
duron23upsla: I guess you need tha AT command to connect08:14
duron23upsla: which you get from your service provider08:15
maltronfrogballs: well, the installer (off a cd) didn't detect the network, but I'm running 10.04 off a usb stick and it's fine.  Oh, by the way, it's the AMD-64 version in both cases.08:15
maltronfrogballs: Although Windows was 32 bit08:15
monkhow do get round svn: OPTIONS of 'https://ngale.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ngale/trunk': SSL handshake failed: Secure connection truncated (https://ngale.svn.sourceforge.net)?08:15
duron23monk: what are your trying to do with svn ?08:16
frogballsmaltron, i used to have wireless issues with some dostros but evertime i am inside windows no issue08:16
duron23monk: uploading the code ?08:16
upsladuron23:i  don't know. i am a newbie to linux08:16
Myrttiwfl: English, please.08:16
monkduron23, i want the svn version of nightinggale08:16
duron23monk: so you are downloading the code, hmm let me check08:17
monki can see the file list in fatterfox, but term moans about connection08:17
frogballsmaltron, different issue but it seems like windows drivers can help sometimes08:17
era878upsla: you have the isp: Bharti Broadband unless you are using a proxy08:17
SwedeMike!cn | wfl08:17
ubottuwfl: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk08:17
monkduron23, thanks08:17
maltronfrogballs: I can isolate the problem to this: the connection only occurs on ubuntu 10.10, and only when the phone is connected.  Surely the phone has something to do with it, but I can't for the life of me work out what.  I thought it was because I didn't use the right hostname, but that doesn't matter evidently as 1) I changed it back, 2) I'm using the wrong one off 10.04 on the USB.08:17
miststlkrduron23: for what it's worth, I'm a fool... it was a KDE program, so I need to change the file in /usr/share/icons/default.kde4/22x22/apps08:18
maltronfrogballs: I think I see - perhaps it's the ethernet driver, you think?08:18
frogballsmaltron, well that is my best guess08:18
frogballsmaltron, or try some sort of phone update08:19
maltronfrogballs: thanks.  Doesn't seem like there's going to be any easy fix, as it's probably a rare setup.08:19
frogballsyeah prolly08:19
upslaera878: is that a problem?08:19
ajahi`ve download bluepad the part for the phone is consist of BluePad.jad  BluePad.jar  MANIFEST.MF how to install it?08:19
duron23monk: do you have svn installed on your machine ?08:19
monkduron23, yup08:19
duron23miststlkr: anyway got your issue resolved ?08:20
maltronfrogballs: Hmm, maybe, although I don't really think I can do that.  IT here (I'm at a university, and I'm new) don't seem to be all that flexible.08:20
era878upsla, it shouldn't be08:20
miststlkrduron23: not positive yet, working on those images now.08:20
duron23monk: what is the command you are trying ?08:20
upslaera878: my isp is airtel08:20
duron23miststlkr: good luck :)08:20
maltronfrogballs: I'd submit a bug report but I don't know yet that it's a bug, or just a support issue!08:20
monkduron23, svn co https://ngale.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ngale ngale08:21
maltronfrogballs: anyway, thanks for your help.08:21
era878upsla, are you using a proxy?08:21
miststlkrduron23: thanks. I'll keep tinkering.. that's half the fun.08:21
duron23upsla: hey airtel, you from india ? I am from bangalore08:21
frogballsok malt08:21
duron23miststlkr: yeah, it is :)08:21
frogballsyw maltron08:21
era878upsla, nvm Bharti Broadband and airtel are the same thing08:21
upsladuron23:i think u can useful.08:21
upslaera878: i know that08:22
duron23monk: can you paste the entire error in ubuntu.pastebin.com ?08:22
duron23upsla: is your modem detected by ubuntu ?08:22
monkduron23, it was the entire error,08:23
duron23upsla: haaa, its just the at commnad issue08:23
monkduron23, its cool, seems to be playing now :)08:23
upslasuron23:the light on steadily.08:23
duron23upsla: hang on a sec08:23
monkthanks anyway duron2308:23
duron23monk: great, have fun :)08:23
upsladuron23:i am newbie can explain ?08:23
sharejust a question: is possible to install a virtualmachine inside a virtualmachine?08:24
its-me-againhi are there any media apps that can sync to my samsung android phome.   rhythem cant adn i cant find plugins.08:24
awesome_guesthey doods how do I get rid of this "keyring unlock" thing08:24
awesome_guestit's annoying08:24
shareawesome_guest: system administration passwords08:24
awesome_guestor rather, gnome-keyring08:25
AdvoWorkis it possible to play rtsp files within firefox? i can play them in totem, but I want it in the browser really08:25
its-me-again* rhytmbox08:25
era878awesome_guest, system > preferences > passwords and encryption keys08:26
upsladuron23: r u there ?.08:26
awesome_guestshare: removing seahorse should do it?  there are better ways to generate SSH keys, right?08:26
duron23upsla: follow this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/setting-up-dial-up-connection-in-ubuntu.html  from Configuring a Dial-Up Connection using gnome-ppp08:26
xanguaAdvoWork: try mozplugger: sudo apt-get install mozplugger ; and restart firefox08:26
upsladuron23:i will try it.08:26
duron23upsla: you are from where ?08:26
era878share: http://tipotheday.com/2007/09/28/backtrack-virtual-machine-inside-a-virtual-machine/08:26
* its-me-again wants to be able to install media to his androide phone 08:27
duron23upsla: cbe ?08:27
xanguaawesome_guest: maybe banshee ¿08:27
xanguaitsmegb: maybe banshee *08:27
frogballsahare ramallocation may be an issue08:27
rethuswhat is imap+ on evolution?08:27
awesome_guestwow an itunes clone.. that's going out the window :)08:27
duron23its-me-again: even songbird is good08:27
frogballsshare i think ram allocation may be an issue08:28
its-me-againduron23: ok may try that i thought Rhytmbox could do it but then again i cant fidn a plugin08:28
AdvoWorkxangua, tried that just, same problem, i try and open the rtsp url and it just gives me the option for totem08:28
duron23frogballs: then I guess share can try memtest08:29
sharefrogballs: ye:P tks era878 ill check08:29
coldfront3rd post down08:29
coldfrontabout syncing android08:29
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elkngare there "ubuntu CD" version with fluxbox or with similar small desktop?08:30
awesome_guestshare: do you think seahorse is actually necessary?08:30
awesome_guestI may as well get rid of it08:30
xangua!lubuntu | elkng08:30
xanguaand !xubutu08:30
ubottuelkng: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.08:30
upsladuron23: hey ur link says about dial up modem. In my computer that doesn't show up.08:30
shareawesome_guest: i dont know man08:30
duron23upsla: where are you from ?08:31
Dwade09i get  this error when i reboot or start my computer error occured while trying to mount /media hit s to skip or m for manual recovery how i fix this?08:31
shareawesome_guest: you can blank the keyring password08:31
era878duron23: tip click on upsla's name and click on who is to get ip information and location08:31
duron23upsla: and which make is your modem ?08:31
sharethats the easiest way08:31
hdeshevHello everyone08:31
duron23upsla: and the modem08:32
upsladuron23:modem ??08:32
coldfrontits-me-again: is that what your looking for?08:32
awesome_guestyeah I'll try that.. seahorse actually looks useful08:32
shareisnt keyring to protect saved passwords  in ubuntu?08:32
Andycasis there a simple ssh tunneling guide which describes how to tunnel a local port to something else? Like would be accessible outside from
shareawesome_guest: just blank the password ;)08:33
awesome_guestI'm going to do rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring08:33
axp2Dwade09: do you have more than one drive in your computer?08:33
shareawesome_guest: you are using automatic login in ubuntu arent you08:33
hdeshevCan anyone recommend a good password manager app? I need something that both stores my passwords and auto-types in a browser window.08:33
Dwade09axp2,  no i have my main hdd08:33
upsladuron23: r u there ?08:33
awesome_guestI did reset my password using the root console too08:33
awesome_guestI guess it failed to catch that08:34
rethuswhere is the systemtray in gnome? In kde, i've found all programms in dbus left beside my clock08:34
duron23upsla: I need to know you modem model08:34
glacemanhi everyone :D08:34
xanguahdeshev: what browser¿08:34
AdvoWorkxangua, any other ideas?08:34
glacemanneed help no sound ..ubuntu 10.1008:34
duron23glaceman: hi08:34
Dwade09axp2,  any ideas?08:34
upsladuron23:beetel 100 cx08:34
glacemanhi duron2308:34
hdeshevxangua: I don't want a browser extension. I wanted a separate app.08:34
axp2Dwade09: can you do 'cat /etc/fstab' in a terminal and paste the output?08:34
glacemani just installed ubuntu latest version duron2308:34
hdeshevI use Google Chrome if it makes any difference08:34
duron23glaceman: good, so you wireless working fine now08:35
Dwade09axp2,  want me to pm it to you?08:35
glacemanyes it does08:35
glacemanbut now i have no more sound08:35
duron23glaceman: as I said :)08:35
awesome_guestshare: thanks for help08:35
axp2Dwade09: just use paste.ubuntu.com then others can help too08:35
hdeshevHmm nice. I've used KeePass on Windows, and I just found KeePassX: http://www.keepassx.org/08:35
duron23glaceman: do you check sound preperties , and set it to correct output device ?08:36
Dwade09axp2,  do not mind the # in the front i was going to test that see if it would stop the error on reboot http://pastebin.com/W7Xe93hq08:36
rethuswhere is the systemtray in gnome? In kde, i've found all programms in dbus left beside my clock08:36
Dwade09axp2,  never got around to the reboot just yet08:36
xanguarethus: add> notification area ¿08:36
hdeshevrethus: besides the notification area on your panel, you may need to add an indicator panel08:37
hdeshevSome apps seem to use the notification area while others the indicator panel on my machine. Weird...08:37
axp2Dwade09: looking now08:37
axp2Dwade09: i assume you have a cd/dvd drive?08:38
rethusxangua: the notification-app i have, but pidgin or other programms are not shown there08:38
Dwade09and 4 usb slots axp208:39
xanguarethus: in pidgin: edit>preferences and enable notification icon08:39
axp2backup your fstab (sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old) first and then replace the line with the hash on the front with this: /dev/scd0     /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0   008:39
rethushdeshev: indicator-panel... mhh. think about how its named in german.... maybe you can give me a hint, which icon is infront of it in the applet-dialoge08:39
axp2actually, before doing that, check that /media/cdrom0 exists by doing 'ls /media'08:40
Dwade09axp2,  nothing shows up doing /media08:40
rethusxangua: it is enabled. works like a charm on kde08:40
axp2ls /media08:40
tasHow to change logon background??08:40
Dwade09axp2,  nothing08:40
xanguarethus: then you don't have the notification area added in the panel08:41
axp2can you 'cd /media' ?08:41
Dwade09tas there are plenty of how to's on the ubuntu forums on how to change the logon screen08:41
rethusxangua: before, my pidgin-icon was in tray (on kde) right click on it, show me my options-menu for pidgin... i search to get it simlar on gnome08:41
Dwade09yes axp.08:41
Dwade09yes axp208:41
era878tas: try this, http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-change-login-screen-in-ubuntu-10-1010-049-04/08:41
Dwade09i done that axp2  but still nothing08:42
xanguarethus: right clic in the panel> add> notification area08:42
hdeshevrethus: my pidgin uses the notification area08:42
axp2but you can cd to it?08:42
hdeshevI have no idea what's the German name for the indicator panel :D08:42
rethusxangua: there is a mail-symbol on top, in this are mails and below a little pidgin-entry08:42
yulerwhat tools can I use to determine GUI responsiveness?  My system seems to drag.   CPU usage in system monitor cranks up when viewing, and xload shows cyclical spikes.  I'm using 10.10, packages updated today08:42
axp2ok 'sudo mkdir /media/cdrom0'08:42
fubadais this how I create my raid array>08:42
fubadamdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=raid10 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd08:42
hdeshevbut that's the panel with the ugly mail envelope and the keyboard layout indicator08:42
Dwade09axp2,  done08:43
rethushdeshev: so let me use another example: skype.08:43
rethuswhere can i ffound skype-icon in tray?08:43
crawlerhi.  my laptop is connected to a tv via VGA cable.  when i close the lid (to put it to sleep) and open it again (wake up) it goes into dual monitor mode.  how can i prevent this?  i would like it to default to "Mirror" mode.08:44
rethusdid this work on your system?08:44
hdeshevFunny. Skype uses the notification area too. And I don't remember tweaking it in any way08:44
axp2now 'sudo ln -s /media/cdrom0 cdrom' (from within /media)08:44
Dwade09crawler,  instead of making the laptop go to sleep or what not when you close the lid why not set it to do nothing when the lid is closed?08:45
rethushdeshev: i have open my skype, but no icon in notification-area08:45
Dwade09axp2,  done.08:45
axp2ok, now change your fstab like i sad above08:46
Dwade09axp2,  i have cdrom and crdom0 in /media08:46
axp2backup your fstab (sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old) first and then replace the line with the hash on the front with this: /dev/scd0     /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0   008:46
crawlerDwade09: because i want it to go to sleep when i'm done using it?08:46
Dwade09axp2,  http://pastebin.com/9n1FDKBF08:48
Dwade09sorry crawler  was just asking.08:48
hdeshevSo, rethus, you have the notification area panel added to the gnome panel, right?08:49
axp2Dwade09: sorry my mistake, change /dev/scd0 to /dev/sr008:49
hdeshevtry quitting skype and running it again. maybe it will get its icon in there this time08:49
Dwade09axp2,  done and done.08:49
Dwade09axp2,  reboot?08:49
tristan3199us1last  few days i have had problems with... ok, so say you click system, that menu that pops down.. or that menu when you right click on something.. well sometimes those windows hang around and block my view.. i can click thru the "black hole" and if i drag a window it stays behind it.. whats going on here08:49
random_needhelpcan a folder permission be overwritten in ubuntu?08:50
axp2no just try 'sudo mount -a'08:50
hdeshevOther than that, I have no ideas. It just works for me -- both for Skype and Pidgin: http://imgur.com/ijr0k08:50
Dwade09axp2,  done, it went to a new line08:50
axp2that means it worked, so hopefully you shuldn't get that message on reboot now08:51
axp2not sure if something else is causing it, but suggest coming back and asking again if it happens again on reboot08:51
Dwade09axp2,  i will reboot now as updates are done and i will let you know.08:51
axp2np. good luck08:51
hdeshevGuys, what's a simple and fast image editor for Linux? I had to fire up the Gimp just to crop a screenshot, which sucks.08:52
crawlergThumb can crop easily08:52
Dwade09axp2,  thank you its fixed.08:53
Maahesalso if you ever need to do mass edits or renaming, resizing,etc. Check out imagemagick08:53
Andycashow to forward a remote 80 port to my local machine's port 8080 thorugh ssh?08:53
duron23hdeshev: shotwell has simple image editor built in08:53
axp2no problem, make sure your cd drive still works!08:54
random_needhelpis it possible to make a DIR readable if been locked by a diffrent OS?08:54
xanguahdeshev: pinta http://pinta-project.com/08:55
eoseanHello! I'm in a bit of a problem. I just installed Ubuntu Netbook Edition... but now I'm stuck. I edited the dual-booting menu in Windows 7 to wait 0 seconds. That leaves me in a loop-hole of Windows7 considering Ubuntu as default, and Ubuntu's GRUB taking me to Windows 7 booter which returns me to GRUB...08:55
hdeshevHah, I didn't know shotwell could do that. Not very nice with me having to "import" the image08:55
Dwade09axp2,  i have no cd's right now.08:55
hdeshevcrawler, xangua, I'll check gthumb and pinta out. thanks!08:55
rwwAndycas: are the ssh server and web server running on the same machine?08:55
axp2Dwade09: cool, it should be fine anyway08:55
Andycasrww, yes08:55
fubadahow do I tell when mdadm --create finishes?08:56
rwwAndycas: I believe it's "ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 username@sshserver"08:56
ThomasBerendsanybody got experience with using a wii remote + sensor bar for a 'mouse' on Ubuntu ?08:57
tristan3199us1i need help and dont know how to explain my problem. but i have "left over menus" not clearing off the screen.. usually just once a day or so. and it obstucts my view. how do i fix this..08:57
Andycasrww, i tried running that on my windows machine (thorugh plink.exe) but it says connection refused. I don't know where sshd keeps its logs on maybe i could get some clue from there08:57
Dwade09axp2,  as soon as i get a cd or dvd wait, i got some blank cd's would that work?08:57
Andycasrww, I can do normal ssh to it though08:57
spvenskohi, if i want an application to run on start-up, what file do i need to add it to? (ie xinitrc)08:57
rwwAndycas: I've had trouble doing similar stuff with PuTTY. I think the problem ended up being Windows Firewall.08:57
tristan3199us1anybody able to help me..08:57
djszapiwhy does a system need separate daemon starts if upstart can handle them ?08:57
rww(I'm not familiar with plink)08:58
rumpel__spvensko, /etc/rc.local e.g.08:58
ThomasBerendsspvensko: right click on the applicationsmenu, then choose 'edit menu' -or something like that, i have the dutch ubuntu :$-, there you can check which piece of code you need to start the application08:58
duron23spvensko: you can add it using system > preferences > startup applications08:58
Dwade09axp2,  it auto mounts the blank cd's08:58
Andycasrww, plink uses same cli like ssh on linux. I'll try using putty08:58
ForgeAusis ubuntu going to go to rolling release any time soon?08:59
rumpel__ForgeAus, no08:59
djszapiForgeAus: that would be RUbuntu08:59
ForgeAusis there any rolling release based on ubuntu?08:59
rumpel__djszapi, *g*08:59
xanguaForgeAus: no08:59
rumpel__ForgeAus, not for ubuntu, but for debian08:59
xanguaForgeAus: sidux is based on debian09:00
rwwForgeAus: If you think about it, rolling release based off non-rolling release wouldn't make much sense ;)09:00
BODMAShi all\09:00
djszapirww: you are wrong09:00
Dwade09thank you so much axp2  for all your help .09:00
djszapithere are already half-rolling models...09:00
Andycasrww, wait, if my sshd is running on different port (not default 22) shouldn't i specify that somewhere?09:00
djszapifor instance chakra...09:00
rwwdjszapi: Not an uncommon occurance. What did I do this time?09:00
rwwAndycas: throw a -p 1234 (for example) in there09:00
rumpel__Andycas, client: ssh -p nondefaultport user@host09:01
ForgeAusrww, I don't know its just upgrades and distro upgrades are too often with release cycle, I love ubuntu but keeping up to date is big downloads makes it hard09:01
hdeshevNice! pinta seems to be exactly what I want. I didn't know it ran on Windows too.09:01
ForgeAusrolling would keep stuff that isn't changed and only update new stuff right?09:01
djszapiForgeAus: establish a new distro -> RUbuntu09:01
xikeI'm on Xchat09:01
BODMASis there any terminal programme that works on linux like hyperterm on windows?09:01
ForgeAusI would need a pretty much new OS each time09:01
yulerWhat tools can I use to determine system responsiveness?  My system seems to drag.   System Monitor | CPU usage cranks up when viewing, and xorg shows cyclical spikes.  Using 10.10 with updated kernel, current nvidia driver09:01
Andycasrumpe1, rww - nice it worked heh09:01
ForgeAusBODMAS uh you mean like telnet?09:01
djszapi<djszapi> why does a system need separate daemon starts if upstart can handle them ?09:02
rwwAndycas: woot :)09:02
random_needhelpcan you change permission of a DIR that you are not the owner of?09:02
rumpel__random_needhelp, root can09:02
djszapirandom_needhelp: that would be silly design.09:03
tristan3199us1please help me... i have these annoying pieces of menus hanging around, getting in the way.. whys this happening..09:03
rwwdjszapi: Umm. The only thing I'm seeing on Google for "rubuntu" is some Ruby LiveCD. Do you have a link about it?09:03
ForgeAushmmm ubuntu doesnt let take ownership?09:03
rumpel__ForgeAus, it does09:03
ForgeAusrww it links me to russia ubuntu flavour lol09:03
random_needhelphow can i do this@ rumple__09:03
rumpel__rww, it was a joke, i guess ^^09:03
djszapirww: *giggles* - it was a joke and new idea with no doing any google research.09:03
ForgeAusrumple then maybe that instead09:03
rumpel__random_needhelp, sudo chown myusername:myusername directory (e.g.)09:04
ForgeAusoh I see ther ruby one09:04
djszapianybody with upstart skills here ?09:04
rwwdjszapi: Meh.09:04
random_needhelpIts a mac OSX . i want to do data recovery before i give it to apple for repair09:04
rwwdjszapi: and I'm not sure what Chakra, a partially-rolling distro based off a rolling distro has to do with me saying that a rolling distro based off a release distro isn't feasible :\09:05
djszapirww: I took a presentation about it in Finland, if you are interested in that, check that out.09:06
Pr0nhow do i use this ubuntu09:06
tristan3199us1nobody knows how to help me i take it... tell me to go away if you dont know so i dont bug... i get menus that stick on the screen and wont go away... its blocking my view.. should i post a pastebin link or something.. its never been more than one at a time.. it only has happened the last few days.09:06
Pr0ni installed it now got black screen on my laptop09:06
Pr0nwhere has my windows gone09:06
db_loconewbie here :0  has anyone experience installing VMWare in a clean version of ubuntu 10?09:07
BODMAS is there any terminal programme that works on linux like hyperterm on windows?09:07
xanguatristan3199us1: using what videocard¿ installd drivers for it¿09:07
rumpel__tristan3199us1, menues? or windows? you could try "xkill" in terminal and then klick on the window09:07
random_needhelpSUDO NAULIUS WORKED. thanks09:07
red2kicPr0n: The virus have been removed. Hip hip hooray!09:07
tristan3199us1im using a netbook.. and menus..09:07
rumpel__BODMAS, whats hyperterm?09:07
glacemansound working but only available through headphones any help please09:07
xanguared2kic: don't feed the troll09:07
rumpel__uh uh .. sudo nautilus... :/09:07
Pr0nhow do i get my porn and stuff off windows09:08
Pr0nonto this ubuntu thing09:08
xanguarumpel__: yeah, bad idea...then he left...09:08
rumpel__xangua, i wish him luck ^^09:08
xangua!ops | Pr0n09:08
ubottuPr0n: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!09:08
glacemansound working but only available through headphones any help  please09:08
rethushdeshev: so i 'll send a screenshot of my notification-panel09:08
tristan3199us1rumpel_: i tried xkill but it seems like it invisible to the system or something.. my mouse goes under it..09:08
rwwPr0n: #ubuntu is family-friendly. Your porn is not. I'll thank you to use more generic terms in your support questions.09:08
tristan3199us1is there a way to refresh whatever needs refreshed..09:08
rumpel__tristan3199us1, hmm.. perhaps "metacity --replace & disown"09:09
djszapinobody knows upstart here lol =)09:09
Pr0nhow do i get my felatio videos off windows then onto ubuntu09:09
glacemanhow to get my sound workin on my internal speaker09:09
glacemanit only work through headphones09:09
db_locodoes anyone know why i can open binary files in Ubuntu?09:09
tristan3199us1i recently turned on metacity composting with ubuntu tweak.. could that be why... i dont know what it is...09:09
rumpel__db_loco, open how? btw.. you can open binary files on every system... somehow09:10
djszapidb_loco: vi09:10
rumpel__tristan3199us1, maybe09:10
Pr0nanyone know how to get my porn videos onto ubuntu09:10
djszapidb_loco: or just run it, depends on your purpose.09:10
Pr0ni need to watch it09:10
glacemanany help please around :S09:10
djszapiPr0n: what is the problem ?09:11
glacemanmy sound card is workin, but only throught my headphone, im using a laptop i need the sound on the internal speakers09:11
djszapiporn video does not distinguish to other data files..09:11
db_locoI'm installing VMWare and the file .sh which has the cript, when I run it, Ubuntu tells me that it can't detect the character encoding.  Then says make sure u r not trying to open a binary file :s09:11
rethushdeshev: http://uppix.net/7/d/8/8a92b208969ef6589d13dfd5a2584.jpg09:11
rethusis this the notification-panel ?`09:11
tristan3199us1what is metacity anyways..09:12
xanguarethus: no09:12
tristan3199us1should i google09:12
djszapitristan3199us1: google09:12
xanguatristan3199us1: the window borders..09:12
hdeshevrethus: that looks like the windows switcher09:12
glacemansound working but only available through headphones any help  please09:12
tristan3199us1does it handle the menu edges too..09:12
rwwtristan3199us1: Metacity is a "window manager", which is what positions windows on the screen and draws borders, titlebars, etc.09:12
rethusxangua: can u send an icon of the dialoge, which in front of notiffication-panel?09:13
awesome_guestso should i upgrade to 9.10, or does it suck09:13
red2kicawesome_guest: Your preference.09:13
root32432im looking for a linux expert09:14
rwwtristan3199us1: and in my experience, metacity with compositing enabled is rather unreliable and laggy on netbooks :\09:14
root32432for sex09:14
glacemanwhy the sound is only working when i plug my headphones ?09:14
xanguarethus: notification are is the one in the left of your top panel, sorry09:14
rethusxangua: if i remove this "benachrichtigungsanzeige" "German fopr notification" this (and the colume-controll and the clipboard-icon disapear09:14
tristan3199us1well i turned off metacity from ubuntu tweak, now that annoying black hole is gone.. must of been it... thanks guys..09:14
root32432must be young and woman09:14
tristan3199us1rww: i think your right09:14
tristan3199us1rww: what would you want it for...09:14
banisterfiend``tristan3199us1: it's spelt "you're" you moron09:14
awesome_guesti am not looking for an opinion09:14
frogballsawesome_guest, try 10.04 is nice09:14
rwwbanisterfiend``: Don't be mean, please.09:14
glacemani need help here please anyone09:14
rethushow can i reset all panelsettings i done?09:14
rethusis there a way to get them back to default?09:15
rwwtristan3199us1: It's useful for some systems as a lightweight compositor. Just doesn't tend to work well on the intel chipsets that netbooks tend to come with.09:15
xangua!panels | rethus09:15
ubotturethus: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:15
rethuswithout the questionmarks pn start and end?09:15
glacemanaudio only working with the audio jack, not the internal speaker (using laptop)09:15
tristan3199us1rww: thanks so much... banisterfiend: dont be a turd..         thanks again... goodnight..09:16
erle-update broke evince09:16
bays_threewhat's a good software package to record video from a webcam with?09:17
rethusxangua: thanks, now i see the icons09:17
tristan3199us1bays_three: cheese??09:17
enyonecan you help me?09:17
rethusbut a question about this... in upper-left of my panel, u see the network-symbol, easystroke and screenlet... may the problem before, that the pannelapplet to small to show even the pidgin-symbol?09:18
xanguatristan3199us1: indeed, but not good D:09:18
bays_threetristan3199us1: thanks, i'll have a try09:18
xanguano one can if you leave D:09:18
ajahso far i wasn`t able to find good guide for setting remote control via bluetooth and sell phone, can someone point me something , my phone is sony erricsson09:19
db_locoqtn:  if I want to reply to someone in this chat and have their names appear automatically (i.e. not have to type it) how do i do it?09:19
rwwdb_loco: type the first bit of their name and then press the tab key09:19
rwwdb_loco: e.g., I'm pressing "db" and then tab for these messages09:19
db_locorww, cool thanks!09:20
rethuswhere can i change autostart apps in gnome?09:20
jussihow do I grep for a certain string, within all the files in a certain directory?09:20
rwwrethus: I think it's System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications09:20
red2kicrethus: System -->09:20
xanguarethus: system>preferences>start up09:20
rwwjussi: grep -R "string" path/to/directory/09:20
rethusk, thanks ... gnome is realy new for me, have to search everything. before i used kde, but cause they doesn't have realy pulseaudio get clean working, i'd like to change to gnome09:21
rwwironically, I'm using KDE ;)09:22
glacemanmy sound is not working throught my speaker, i have to put headphones any help please09:24
rethusrww: kde "was" realy fine. But i think its needs from now a long long time to get on the state, usability and stables like on 3.509:25
rethusand cause gnome use gnome-shell from april 2011, i think kde will loose more and more... if they don't dturn arround 180°09:25
rwwrethus: it works fine for me, but I long ago decided that desktop environments are 90% a matter of opinion :)09:25
brontosaurusrexrethus, yes, and good step from *buntu series would be clean uninstall of kubuntu-desktop.09:26
rethusrww: works well for me too. a long time, but each upgrade be afraid that i spend hours cause something not work isn't something for me anymore09:27
rethusWM should only work09:27
glacemanany way to list audio drivers ?09:27
rwwrethus: ah. I use Debian testing, so not much in the way of upgrades to worry about at this point in the release cycle ;)09:27
rethusexample: after upgrade to 10.10, kde use phonon and don't can handle sound anymore... after startup, all lines are mutet... after i unmute, sound is scratchy... so i every time have to select mic2 to mic1 and back to mic2 then it works09:28
red2kicNo kubuntu-desktop  -- What an entirely different experience. :)09:28
rumpel__glaceman, lsmod09:28
glacemanrumpel__: i can get sound throught my headphones only (audio jack)09:29
BODMASrumpel...hyper terminal is a terminal program that comes with windows to  conect via the COMport of your computer to connect to a cisco switch09:29
glacemanmy internal laptop speaker i have no sound09:29
JosesordoHi all, a question09:29
brontosaurusrexi did actually notice that heavy-duty stuff (like autodesk smoke) comes with kde based redhats09:29
brontosaurusrexthats probably kde 3.5 ?09:29
BODMASim looking for one that can work with ubuntu09:29
ajahso far i wasn`t able to find good guide for setting remote control via bluetooth and sell phone, can someone point me something , my phone is sony erricsson09:29
rethusthats not the "easy, only working way", thats why i change. I still like KDE and realy Plasma-desktop. But hey.. linux is linux, caus its Linux ;) so everyone can choose the best for himself... we all a Family09:29
BODMASor any similar programme09:29
JosesordoThere is some different if I use propietary ATI drivers Vs default ones on Ubuntu 10.04??.. Im using ATI Radeon HD 260009:30
frogballsyes Josesordo09:31
rethushow can i configure the "notification panel" ?09:31
p_resrethus: Right click on it.09:31
rethusmaybe show only the important symbols, or show 2 lines09:31
rethusp_res: if i rightclick, i got always the options of the iconified programm09:31
rumpel__BODMAS, perhaps this helps: http://www.vanemery.com/Linux/Serial/serial-console.html09:32
p_resrethus: Yeah I don't know about deeper configuration. I don't use it myself.09:32
rethushow you manage your open programms in tray?09:32
Josesordofrogballs, thanks..then I will install propietary ones.. :D09:32
rumpel__BODMAS, should work on ubuntu as well... except the different tty-configs for upstart09:33
p_resrethus: What's to manage? They're open in front of my eyes.09:33
rumpel__BODMAS, ah... this seems to be more suitable.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto09:34
rethus:) p_res: i often need skype or pidgin to set my userstatus, or something like that09:34
p_resrethus: I prefer to go via the actual application itself.09:34
frogballsJosesordo, in my case the ati driver gives me more option to fine tune my graphics09:34
p_resrethus: TBH I find it useless.09:34
rethusah, k. i realy like, that programms in tray instead of window-opener in panel...09:35
battlehandsI have no sound when my default selected SB X-Fi Analog Stereo is selected for Audio Output in my Sound Preferences.  When I select USB Headset Analog Stereo it plays through one of my headsets.  Why am I not getting sound from the headphone jack of my sound card?09:35
p_resrethus: Each to their own I guess. lol09:35
thedukehi guys09:36
frogballsJosesordo, the downside is ubuntu cannot update the proprietary driver09:36
rethusyes, but only if i ask how other people do, i learn to optimize my working-style ;) thanks for your info how you do it09:36
thedukeis there any dynamic gnome firewall manager out there? with dynamic I mean the way most windows firewalls work - by showing a popup when a unidentified connection is attempted and giving you the option to approve or deny it09:37
xanguarethus: all programs in tray¿¿09:37
rethusxangua: no, just this one who running constatnly... pidgin, skype, ant-phone and so on09:38
xangua!info alltray09:38
rumpel__theduke, whats the point in that?09:38
ubottualltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 58 kB, installed size 256 kB09:38
xanguayou can try alltray -app or it was  app -alltray ¿¿ can't remeber09:38
glacemanhow can i know what is my sound driver ?09:38
battlehandsI have no sound when my default selected SB X-Fi Analog Stereo is selected for Audio Output in my Sound Preferences.  When I select USB Headset Analog Stereo it plays through one of my headsets.  Why am I not getting sound from the headphone jack of my sound card?09:38
rethuscan i group the windows in the windo-panel by programms?09:39
glacemanbattlehands: i got the opposite problem09:39
glacemani only got sound through my audio jack09:39
glacemannot on my internal speakers :s09:39
battlehandsglaceman, I have no idea how to fix this...09:39
rethusfound it09:39
battlehandsand I have been through the ubuntu sound trouble shooting.09:39
rumpel__theduke, usually you really don't need a (software)firewall09:39
glacemanhow can i know what driver do i need09:39
battlehandsI also reformatted about 10 minutes ago09:39
glacemanmaybe tryin to reinstall it09:39
rethusgood to know to click on the three dots in panel to open context-dialoge09:40
battlehandsstill the same problem09:40
glacemanhow to know what audio driver i need ?09:40
glacemani know my card is a realtek09:40
battlehandsjust go to hardware manager09:40
rumpel__glaceman, lspci for chipset, then google09:40
battlehandsglaceman, System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers09:41
r00t4rd3dglaceman, most likely its already installed09:41
theosanyone knows if there are any free ubuntu shell accounts?09:41
glacemanit is installed cause i have sound on my headphones09:42
r00t4rd3dGoto System , Preferences , Sound , Hardware Tab , and see if any devices are listed under Devices to Configure09:42
xanguatheos: ubuntu shell accounts¿¿09:42
theosxangua, erm shell accounts with ubuntu as the os09:42
battlehandsr00t4rd3d, I did that, and I have both my sound card output and my headset to configure.09:42
rumpel__theos, there are free shell provider out there... not necessarily with ubuntu but with other linux/bsd-distributions09:43
magik-I'm going to cry ;( - Windows 7 can access my public samba share. no problem... but the privateshare.. when i enter username/password it says I can't access. please help.. too many hours wasted.09:43
glacemanbattlehands:  i can see a hardware there09:43
battlehandsglaceman, me too09:43
r00t4rd3dwhats listed there guys ?09:43
theosrumpel__, yea i didnt like the freebsd one :| so was looking for linux or debian based shells09:43
glacemanr00t4rd3d:  interanl audio09:43
glacemani have 3 profile modes09:44
rumpel__theos, http://shells.red-pill.eu/09:44
glacemananalog stereo input, output, and duplex09:44
theosthanks rumpel__09:44
r00t4rd3dglaceman, whats your problem ?09:44
battlehandsSB X-FI 1 Output / 1 Input - Analog Stereo Duplex, USB Headset 1 Output / 1 Input - Analog Stereo Output + Analog Mono Input09:44
glacemanr00t4rd3d: i have sound only via my headphones09:44
=== wema|off is now known as wemaflo
glacemannot my internal laptop speakers09:44
r00t4rd3deven if you unplug the headphones ?09:45
sharehow can I make Oracle VM VirtualBox to recognize my USB drive?09:45
battlehandsI have the same problem09:45
sharei installed Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.0.0-69151.vbox-extpack09:45
glacemani just installed ubuntu 10.10, sound was working fine on backtrack 409:45
rumpel__share, which one have you installed? OSE?09:45
sharerumpel__: no09:45
rumpel__share, good09:45
r00t4rd3dok both of you , goto System , Administration , Synaptic Package Manager09:45
sharerumpel__: i know ose doesnt support usb :P09:46
r00t4rd3dsearch for gnome alsamixer and install it09:46
rumpel__share, some people don't :)  ... frequent problem09:46
sharerumpel__: so now what i do09:46
rumpel__share, add the usb-devices in the configuration of virtualbox09:46
shareoh i need to add them..09:46
elvensingot a question09:47
mactimesHey, folks!  I'm running 10.10, but I've downgraded Grub to the legacy version, since I find it easier for me to handle the multiple OS boot I have.  I want to create another entry in grub configuration for me to start the system without GUI.  If I just copy the normal boot configuration entry, what parameter(s) should I add to it so that I can start the system in text-mode olny?09:47
glacemandone r00t4rd3d09:47
elvensincan tell me which channel to join for issues with a sound?09:47
pravinhello, whenever i am trying to install software from ubuntu software centre, I get the msg "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." and the software just won't install. what should i do09:47
battlehandsr00t4rd3d, done09:47
r00t4rd3dok , goto Application , Sound/Video , Gnome Alsamixer09:48
elvensinroot was to me?09:48
magik-Common windows7 / samba experts ;)09:48
sharerumpel__: do you know what I can do with different Network adaptersin WM09:48
battlehandsr00t4rd3d,  done09:48
r00t4rd3delvensin, no09:48
r00t4rd3dmake sure all the sliders are turned up and nothing muted09:49
freeman_alphacan someone help me change access only on a DIR so i can copy and paste?09:49
glacemanr00t4rd3d: done09:49
r00t4rd3danything now ?09:49
r00t4rd3dunplug your headphone to test09:49
glaceman r00t4rd3d :nope09:49
battlehandsr00t4rd3d, nothing09:50
eddeboyssh dosn't work :P when i try to connect i just get a warning message...09:50
elvensinseems glaceman has same issue as me09:50
r00t4rd3dare you both on the same type laptop ?09:50
glacemanr00t4rd3d: maybe reinstalling the driver might help ?09:50
glacemanim using an lg x13009:50
rumpel__share, sorry, but i'm no expert for usb+vbox ... i use it very seldom for windows and usually without any usb-devices09:50
battlehandsim on my desktop09:51
elvensintoshiba L645d s403709:51
freeman_alphawhat CHMOD command makes the entire DIR under my control? owner cannot be changer from permission tab.09:51
r00t4rd3dtry selecting different profiles in System , Preferences , Sound , Hardware tab and hit test speakers09:51
rumpel__mactimes, maybe this helps: http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=964376909:51
elvensinheadphones nothing, internal speakers work fine09:52
SwedeMikefreeman_alpha: chmod changes permissions, chown changes owner.09:52
rumpel__mactimes, i would guess you just add "text" as kernel parameter09:52
mactimesrumpe1, Thank you, I'll take a look at that!09:52
glacemanr00t4rd3d: how can i know my audio driver ,  maybe reinstalling it ??09:52
freeman_alpha@swdemike thanks!09:52
pravinhello, whenever i am trying to install software from ubuntu software centre, I get the msg "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." and the software just won't install. what should i do09:53
rumpel__freeman_alpha, sudo chown username:username directoryname09:53
morsing'morning - My wireless icon has disappeared under my user (only), what could have caused that?09:53
mactimesrumpel__, Thanks, I've found somthing I'm about to test which is more like what I'm looking for here, if you want to take a look too: http://caulfield.info/emmet/2008/03/add-a-textonly-runlevel-to-ubu.html09:54
rumpel__pravin, i would try refreshing the package-source-lists09:54
rumpel__pravin, like with sudo apt-get update09:54
ziggyfishI have a legacy Classic ASP that I would like to migrate to Linux (this is the only Windows server we still have), is there are way to run ASP applications on Linux?09:54
pravinrumpel__ i have done it several times09:55
elvensin@r00t i have tried multiple things to fix and none worked09:55
pravinsudo apt-get update09:55
battlehandsr00t4rd3d, I tried all the profiles... none worked09:55
r00t4rd3dthats weird. I dont see how your headphones work but not your speakers :/ they both run off the same device09:55
pravindid yet again but to no avail09:56
glacemanr00t4rd3d: exactly :S09:56
r00t4rd3dim missing something here09:56
rumpel__pravin, same problem, several solutions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133949009:56
battlehandsI have had this issue for about a month now.09:56
elvensin@root mine is opposite of his09:57
r00t4rd3dglaceman, ur on laptop ? is there a FN+F* key to increase your volume?09:57
glacemanand it works09:57
glacemanso as FN + mute works09:57
elvensinspeakers work, but headphones do not09:58
pravinrumpel__ , thanx09:58
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glacemanthe microphone is working fine also r00t4rd3d09:58
r00t4rd3dim clueless09:59
battlehandsr00t4rd3d, thanks for the help, but I need to get to bed09:59
battlehandsalmost 4 am here09:59
elvensin@root wanna try and tackle mine?09:59
r00t4rd3d4:59am herer :D09:59
r00t4rd3delvensin, i dont have much hope seeing how i could help 2 people with the same problem as you :/10:00
upsladuron23:hi  ru there?10:00
testHi. I've got a problem with firef fox. It crashes every 10 sce. What is 'interesting' is that it only behave that way on freshly created user account, on those that I already use it works flawlessly. When I create another user the result is the same - crashes. Any Idea what may cause this?10:00
r00t4rd3dtest run firefox in a terminal and watch for error10:01
Benkinoobyhi, i want to install linux 10.10 from an existing 10.04 linux. i need to modify grub. how do i find out, whether i am using grub or grub2? and what files do i need to modify in the different cases?10:01
testr00t4rd3d: Will do. Need to switch users. Brb10:01
Benkinoobyok, forget about the files. how do i find out what grub i am using (without rebooting)?10:02
r00t4rd3dBenkinooby, http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2007/05/ubuntu-how-to-edit-grub-boot-parameters.html10:02
neurochromeok just found out that sound-juicer - and almost every other ripper on linux sucks... there are gaps between mp3 tracks on a mixed cd.  is there anything similar to EAC for linux?10:02
elvensin@r00t the issue im having only has to deal with the Headphone jack not being recognized10:02
elvensineverything else works10:02
soreauBenkinooby: Cant you just dist-upgrade? Why do you think you need to do anything with grub?10:02
BODMAStanx rumpel_10:03
BODMASthe link really worked10:03
BODMAStanx so much10:04
m4rtinhi, I'm trying to the correct wildcard to use with cp to include hidden files and folders, can someone help, please?10:04
rumpel__BODMAS, wonderful :)10:04
sacarlsonsoreau: grub-install --version10:04
morsingm4rtin: .* ?10:04
testr00t4rd3d: Terminal reports nothing. Only firefox asks for sending the crash raport.10:04
soreauneurochrome: If you create an mp3 disk, it will likely have spaces between10:04
m4rtinmorsing: and that will include files not starting with . as well?10:04
m4rtinmorsing: (sorry if that's a stupid question)10:04
sam_samcan i set tty1 on my machine as another display for a machine connected through ssh ?10:05
r00t4rd3dtest does the crash reporter list an error ?10:05
soreausacarlson: Benkinooby is asking, not me10:05
testr00t4rd3d: No.10:05
rumpel__sam_sam, yes10:05
sacarlsonsoreau: ya I saw that sorry Benkinooby grub-install --version10:05
morsingm4rtin: If they don't start with . they're not hidden10:05
neurochromesoreau, to clarify I ripped a cd to mp3 and when I play those mp3s back there are gaps between tracks10:05
testtest: But it must be bound to ubuntu settings since it works on other users.10:05
sam_samrumpel__: can u tell me how ?10:05
neurochromesoreau, I have not burned the mp3s to disc10:06
rumpel__sam_sam, search for "tty rungetty auto login bashrc"10:06
m4rtinmorsing: yes, but if I give cp the .* argument, will that include hidden *and* non-hidden files?10:06
soreauneurochrome: What are you using to play the mp3s?10:06
Benkinoobysoreau, i want to keep my 10.04 which i strongy modified and i want to test 10.10 that#s why i want a separate install10:06
sam_samrumpel__: ty :)10:06
neurochromesoreau, totem, rhythmbox, vlc10:06
Benkinoobysacarlson, soreau thank you both for your help!10:06
soreauBenkinooby: So you just want to add 10.10 on a separate partition?10:07
rumpel__sam_sam, that's, if you want to start the ssh-terminal on startup10:07
morsingm4rtin: Sorry, no it won't10:07
neurochromeBenkinooby, install to a seperate partition and the installer will sort out grub10:07
Benkinoobysoreau, yes10:07
Benkinoobyneurochrome, what do you mean by "sort out"?10:08
sam_samrumpel__:not on startup .. i just want to test when needed?10:08
neurochromeBenkinooby, I mean it does it for you, updates grub10:08
rumpel__sam_sam, then it's far easier ^^10:08
soreauBenkinooby: neurochrome is right then, just install 10.10 and it will automagically configure grub for you with 10.04 and other detected OS installs bootable10:08
rumpel__sam_sam, switch to tty1, log in, start ssh10:08
sam_samrumpel__:rungetty ?10:08
sam_samhmm i want GUI10:08
neurochromeBenkinooby, just choose to install grub and it will detect the other os (10.04)10:08
m4rtinmorsing: thought not :P is there a wildcard that will match both?10:08
sam_samrumpel__:hehe i knew that10:08
shareis possible to connect to a vpn and then connect to another vpn? or i need to use virtual machine?10:09
morsingm4rtin: No :)10:09
Benkinoobyneurochrome, soreau ok. thank you. i have grub on an extra partition, so it seems reasonable, that 10.10 will overwrite my current grub with grub2 from 10.1010:09
m4rtinmorsing: haha, ok, thanks :)10:09
neurochromeBenkinooby, it is very easy... I suggest cloning your existing disk just as a backup for future use, always wise to have a backup10:09
soreauBenkinooby: grub2 is the default in 10.04 as well10:09
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:09
Benkinooby@box:~$ grub-install --version10:09
Benkinoobygrub-install (GNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu9)10:09
Benkinooby neurochrome soreau so i that case i have grub and neet to edit menu.lst ?10:09
rumpel__sam_sam, hmm... you need gui? ... then start e.g. another x-server with "startx -- :1" ... hm..10:09
testAnyone knows but that affects specyfic user and causes firefox to crash ?10:10
neurochromeBenkinooby, no, no need to update, AFAIK that IS grub 2 ;)10:10
sam_samrumpel__: i want to start X11 or whatever is needed to get a GUI for that machine10:10
soreauBenkinooby: No, just install 10.10 and get the partitioning right and it will automatically do the bootloader stuff for you10:10
Benkinoobyneurochrome, although it says GNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu9?10:10
neurochromeBenkinooby, yeah10:10
Benkinoobyneurochrome, XD10:10
sam_samwhat does that argument ":1" means ?10:10
glacemanoups lol10:10
soreauBenkinooby: 1.98 us grub210:10
mactimesrumpel__: You got it right, just needed to add "text" to the end of the line.  Thank you very much! =)10:10
rumpel__sam_sam, you can get GUIs with several methods... like Xforwarding for ssh10:10
magik-Samba is not allowing me to connect to my private share from windows 7 .. i can get on to the guest share fine... create_connection_server_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED - please help10:11
neurochromeBenkinooby, it is version 1.98 of grub210:11
sam_samrumpel__:let me try ...10:11
Benkinoobysoreau, i don't worry about the grub to be installed. i want to know what grub i have installed right now, to modify it correctly, to boot from the partition with the cd imange. neurochrome and you allready verfied that i have grub2 so my question is answered. thank both of you for your time and patience. you helped me a lot.10:12
rumpel__sam_sam, :1 is Xserver 1 ... when you have already running Xserver 0 (which is default)10:12
taswhere does ubuntu store wallpapers?10:12
neurochromeBenkinooby, like I said, just do the install of the OS to another partition, then choose to install grub where you want it and the installer looks for your other odler OS and does it all for you10:12
neurochromeBenkinooby, fair enough10:12
soreauBenkinooby: Curious, why/how are you booting the cd image from hard drive?10:13
taswhere does ubuntu store wallpapers?10:13
neurochromeBenkinooby, yeah, why not boot an actual install?10:13
rumpel__sam_sam, on the new xserver you probably need to start "gnome-panel & disown" for gnome-panels10:13
Benkinoobysoreau, i use a netbook, so i don't have a cd drive and i neither have a pen drive at hand10:13
oCean_tas: /usr/share/backgrounds10:13
soreauBenkinooby: Ah, fun times then ;)10:13
tasoCean_, Thanks!10:14
Benkinoobysoreau, also i once tried with pendrive and it dind't work well neurochrome10:14
neurochromeBenkinooby, did you check for errors?10:14
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neurochromesoreau, is there no way to mount loop an image at boot?10:14
Benkinoobyneurochrome, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux10:15
soreauBenkinooby: There is no reason it shouldnt work but you can test it more when you have a storage device10:15
soreauneurochrome: I dont see why not.. cant you make an fstab entry for it?10:15
Benkinoobyneurochrome, this is the site i follow, but the information about the grub modifications was not sufficient for me10:16
neurochromesoreau, Benkinooby I know it is possible to install the disc image to load from grub, but it seems pointless as it is only a live disc then, if you just want to toy with 10.10 then install to virtualbox10:17
tashow to unlock the root? I can't move pictures to backgrounds folder, cuz I dont have permission. and I don't want to move hundreds of pix one by one..10:17
neurochromewhat is the best ripper for linux?10:17
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FREEMAN_ALPHAim having problem using chown i cannot specifiy the folder "10:18
p_resneurochrome: adcde10:18
raviepic3people i have connected to my datacard as well my lan, both can connect to internet. now how can i specify the system to use datacard for internet and lan for just lan and not internet10:18
neurochromep_res, no gaps between mp3 tracks?10:18
soreauneurochrome: I think your players might be adding the space in between because they are mp3s10:18
neurochromesoreau, any way to check?10:18
soreauneurochrome: Play a series of wav or ogg files10:18
neurochromethat is bad if there an no players that avoid this10:18
p_resneurochrome: You can probably do that but I wouldn't know how to. Sorry.10:18
FREEMAN_ALPHAis there a super copy command that will not interfwe with any permission / ownder problems10:18
Benkinoobyneurochrome, my netbook is quite weak, so virtual box is not really an option. also my things like drivers and stuff can not be testet in a virtualbox.10:19
neurochromeBenkinooby, ah ok10:19
neurochromep_res, np cheers!10:19
shareWhy "use audio devices" is unchecked by default in user privileges?10:19
Benkinoobyneurochrome, i just read the wholes site... i think i will go with the "chroot"-way ... reminds me of good old gentoo (it was a mistake to use gentoo as first linux to play with)10:19
brontosaurusrexneurochrome, keywords are prolly: lame gapless ubuntu linux10:20
FREEMAN_ALPHAcan chown be used to change an entire parition that is mounted?10:20
soreauBenkinooby: This post seems useful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984710:21
tashow to unlock the root? I can't move pictures to backgrounds folder, cuz I dont have permission. and I don't want to move hundreds of pix one by one..10:21
FREEMAN_ALPHA@tas in terminal type sudo nautilus10:21
DJones!gksudo | FREEMAN_ALPHA Just for info, rather than using sudo for graphical app's, gksudo isn't recommended in Ubuntu10:23
ubottuFREEMAN_ALPHA Just for info, rather than using sudo for graphical app's, gksudo isn't recommended in Ubuntu: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:23
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Benkinoobysoreau, neurochrome the more i read about this topic, the less reasonable it seems to me to copy the image to an extra partition just to install the new system from that image. the chroot-way seems to be less resource and time consuming.10:24
FREEMAN_ALPHAgksudo sucks still!10:24
Benkinoobybecause it doesnt need that extra partition10:24
p_resFREEMAN_ALPHA: What's the problem with gksu?10:26
p_resIt's the same as sudo in terminal.10:26
FREEMAN_ALPHAi can only access files. changin permission is been mees.10:26
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soreauBenkinooby: The link I gave shows how to use the iso from the same partition afaict10:27
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p_resIf you launch Nautikus with gksu it should prompt for password to have root priveledges.10:27
Tm_Tgksudo for us, and not root password but the user's10:28
p_resgksu and password is full priveledges.10:28
p_resSame as root.10:28
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:29
p_ressudo=gksu gksu=sudo10:30
bibornwhat is gksu??10:30
bullgard4graphical su10:30
p_resALT+F2 prompt. Then gksu and command.10:30
r00t4rd3dgksudo , allows graphical programs as root10:30
Benkinoobysoreau, i want to try the chroot way... or do you think using the iso is better/safer?10:31
bibornwhat is chroot either?10:31
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot10:31
none_13hi all... how remove appearence window when try to log in? and why it always come up?10:31
p_resnone_13: You mean use autologin?10:32
soreauBenkinooby: AFAICT, using the iso would be more sane10:32
bibornwhat appearance windows do u mean?/10:32
p_resJust enable autologin.10:32
bibornjuz untick the ask for password in user account10:32
r00t4rd3dSystem , Admin , Login Screen10:32
none_13ok thanks10:32
r00t4rd3dUnlock , check autologin10:32
Stevezauhmm, anyone got a ion gfx card here?? if you run nvidia-smi -a does it only show 1 gpu?10:33
brontosaurusrexStevezau, not on this machine but yes, on my eee10:33
Benkinoobysoreau, that's a good argument. on the other hand i want a minimal install. aiming for specialized solution with basic knowledge is a "time consuming" idea ;) i prefer fluxbox (in combination with kupfer) over gnome10:33
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bibornihave great problem:i downloaded a cursor theme and install it but it cannot run and all i see is just a common white cursor.any help??10:34
Benkinoobysoreau, so what i want is a minimal 10.10 on a new partitions10:34
Stevezaubrontosaurusrex what card have u got?10:34
neurochromebiborn, been this way for a while in ubuntu, it used to work10:34
brontosaurusrexStevezau, whatever ion is in the asus 1005 eee10:35
FREEMAN_ALPHAin the live cd, is the default user root?10:35
soreauBenkinooby: Go with xubuntu then (or they might have a variation with lxde)10:35
p_resneurochrome: No it hasn't. I'm using black theme right now.10:35
p_resFREEMAN_ALPHA: No.10:35
Stevezaubrontosaurusrex ah ok.. im just curious as i thought it would of shown all the cores10:35
bibornp_res do u refering to my prob??10:35
bibornthen did u soolved it?10:36
FREEMAN_ALPHA@P-res, who is the default user so i know who to use CHOWN command on10:36
p_resThere's a black theme installed by default that you can use.10:36
p_resI never installed it.10:36
neurochromep_res, strange, it hasn't worked for me for a while now, 2-3 releases10:36
shareIs there a manual explaining options in 'User Advanced Settings'?10:36
shareUser Privileges10:36
p_resneurochrome: Don't know why?!?10:37
bibornso strange10:37
Benkinoobysoreau, ther is a lxde variant called lubuntu but i don't think it officially supported. there is also an inofficial fluxbuntu. to be honest, i want to do as much as possible on my own for the sake of experience10:38
joeoshawai have ktorrent installed and i have magnet links importing from firefox but authentication keeps failing i have no peers10:38
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Dostumi am sorry but i cant seem to find help about MBR problems i am having, any suggestions where or how to find the right topic ?10:38
soreauBenkinooby: In that case, you might be interested in Arch, Gentoo of Slack10:39
p_resbiborn: I've been using the default black cursors for years now.10:39
joeoshawai have all the ports on accept for ktorrent10:39
bibornmy dell netbook inspiron 1011 has been installed with ubuntu netbook 10.10 but the graphic card driver have some problem..how??10:39
neurochromesoreau, Benkinooby I recommend Arch10:39
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joeoshawai would say if you want to get down and dirty slackware is your best bet it is lean and a good place to start10:40
joeoshawamy first install was slackware with enlightenment10:40
Benkinoobysoreau, i am but i don't want to miss the great support of ubuntu, which i, as you might have noticed, still need. i really made some horrible experiecnes with gentoo and i want to be comfortable with linux befor having a second look at it. i also heard about arch linux and i will turn to it later. one pro for ubuntu is, that it is supported by my university10:40
p_resGotta run people. Cheers for now. :-)10:40
lestathow do i tell apt-get to overwrite the config file when installing ?10:40
lestatby default10:40
Benkinoobyneurochrome, soreau i know that gentoo, arch and slack are know for the minimalistic approach, but i don't think i am still not experienced enought to mess with them (i only have that netbook and really need it)10:41
joeoshawacan anyone help getting magnet links working in ktorrent10:41
Sriramlestat : You can completely uninstall the package (including config files and cache) apt-get auroremovce10:42
Sriram*lestat: apt-get autoremove10:42
joeoshawaktorrent is the only one i want to use10:42
soreauBenkinooby: Yes, ubuntu is great but they customize and patch things to work a certain way. Its more of a point-n-click distro than do-it-yourself10:42
bibornmy dell netbook inspiron 1011 has been installed with ubuntu netbook 10.10 but the graphic card driver have some problem..how??10:42
joeoshawathe rest hog cpu and ram10:42
shareI just added myself to vboxusers and now oracle virtualbox recognizes usb devices :)10:43
joeoshawai get no peers with magnet links but the same torrent dled runs fine10:44
Sriramlestat: Or when uninstalling with something in a package manager(synaptic) then there is an option to remove config files10:44
soreaubiborn: What card is it?10:44
bibornintel graphic on intel atom10:45
Sriramlestat: There?10:46
Benkinoobysoreau, as soon as gnome is removed it pretty much resembles debian (ofc there are still differences). atm i use fluxbox and use the console/vim more and more. but you are right.  i often get to feel that ubuntu is not meant to be "minimal". anyone of you has exerience with chrunchbang? i am quite used to the debian/ubuntu way so learning a new system (like gentoo/portage) would again take time...10:46
soreaubiborn: What is the problem you are having?10:48
Sriramlestat: What config file are you talking about BTW?10:48
crawlery way to disable the VGA port (where my secondary monitor is plugged in) at login?  i would like to manually enable the port only when needed.10:48
crawlerany way to*10:49
bibornsoreau: well, i cannot select the extra option n normal option from system>preferences>appearance10:50
upslaHello everybody. I have trouble connecting my usm Adsl modem. Can you help me.10:50
lestatSriram: no i want that for example if default apache config has changed, to upgrade it without asking10:50
upslahelp me10:51
soreaubiborn: Can you pastebin the output of compiz --replace from your terminal to ubuntu.pastebin.com ?10:51
upslahelp me10:51
BluefeverHey, I keep getting this on firefox associated with using, and attemting to edit my bookmarks, but I have no idea what caused it or how I should go about fixing it. http://imgur.com/YFDsB10:51
soreau! help | upsla10:51
ubottuupsla: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:51
upslatrouble in connecting my usb Adsl modem10:52
Sriramlestat: You should see if your text editor has an autosave option then10:52
jereCould someone help me get filesharing work between ubuntu 10.04 and windows 7???10:52
DostumNew Note 410:52
DostumAsking Ubuntu chat,10:52
Dostumi have 2 hdd's, disk1 had XP & disk2 windows7 installed.10:52
Dostumi installed Ubuntu 10,10 earlier but xp wasn't functioning properly (before Ubuntu) so i formated Disk1 & reinstalled XP & then Ubuntu 10.10 did not touch windows 7. all went ok and i am very happy with Ubuntu & also XP runing ok now.10:52
DostumThe problem is when i start the pc i don't see windows 7 anymore. i fallowed few leads from internet that i had to fix the MBR which i did (with windows DVD) but i still cant see it at the boot up.10:52
FloodBot2Dostum: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:52
upslaubottu:trouble in connecting my usb Adsl modem10:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:52
Bipul`any one know 0level to start for finding bugs in ubuntu10:52
bibornsoreau: how to pastebin the compiz??im newbie sorry so much10:53
Sriramupsla: Okay, a little more detail please10:53
lestatSriram: i'm not sure how your suggestion is related to my question10:54
lestatSriram: if default apache2.conf has been changed by ubuntu, and there is an update on apache2, i don't want to be asked for overwriting the file or not10:54
Sriramlestat: Sorry, how can it be changed by ubuntu10:55
Bluefeverany ideas?10:55
jereCould someone help me get filesharing work between ubuntu 10.04 and windows 7???10:56
wookienzguys, having issues with a realtek card onboard NIC. Have tried to download drivers direct from realtek but juist cant get the interface to work. Has worked previously but all of a sudden has stopped.10:56
crawlerhi.  is there any way to disable the VGA port (where my secondary monitor is plugged in) at login?  i would like to manually enable the port only when needed.  here is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/EwVwm9Wq (ubuntu 9.10)10:57
Jibadeehais it my installation of Ubuntu or does the  'about me' preference not work when you click on it - just does nothing10:58
soreauupsla: After you plug in the modem, does the output of dmesg in your terminal show anything? Does lsusb list it?10:58
rethuswhats the defaul programm to manave certificates10:58
rethusphp or gpg10:59
soreaubiborn: 1) Open a terminal 2) Type compiz --replace 3) Press enter 4) Open a web browser 5) navigate to ubuntu.pastebin.com 6) copy/paste the terminal output to the browser 7) Hit send 8) Post the link it gives you back here11:00
red2kicjere: Dropbox? :o11:00
=== rocket16 is now known as YouKay
upslasoreau: the modem light is on steadily and lusb lists it.11:01
* CripperZ @@ looks around.11:01
soreauupsla: Can you show the line from lsusb here?11:01
bibornsoreau:sorry but im using my mate's pc now..later i'll let u know ok..11:02
upslasoreau:sorry i am chatting from windows. i have dual boot system.11:02
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soreauupsla: Can you just show the 8 digits in the format xxxx:xxxx ?11:02
upslasoreau :what 8 digits?. i am newbie to linux.11:03
soreauupsla: Look at the output of lsusb. You will see your device as well as 8 digits in the format 1234:567811:04
upslai told u. i am chatting from windows. i cannot do that11:04
upslasoreau:i told u. i am chatting from windows. i cannot do that11:04
soreauupsla: We cant really help you too much then. You probably need to google and read11:05
upslasoreau:k. thank u.11:06
aaafwhy are packages like dnsutils always hold back during an apt-get upgrade?11:06
upslai have beetel 100 cx usb adsl modem. i have trouble connecting it to internet.11:10
martinhackshi, is there a way to store / restore ubuntu's configurations / preferences?11:10
red2kicaaaf: Because you probably explicitly told them not to pull in new packages. Packages will be held back for certain reasons (such as the mandatory to pull in new additional packages).11:10
red2kicaaaf: "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"  Me think.11:11
coz_sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade would do the trick11:11
martinhacksI failed to install ubuntu on a larger partition and now the only solution I have is to install ubuntu on a larger partition, therefore I'd like to keep all my settings11:12
aaafred2kic, i did not explicitly hold them back (perhaps implicit but i don't know how)11:12
aaafred2kic i always do apt-get dist-upgrade if packages are hold back11:12
aaafred2kic is aptitude full-upgrade better?11:12
rumpe2martinhacks, backup /etc and /home... there should be all your necessary configs11:13
red2kicaaaf: There are no differences. I'm not familiar with apt-get, only aptitude.11:13
martinhackscan I then "paste" them back?11:13
rumpe2martinhacks, /home yes. /etc also, if you install the same ubuntu-version11:13
red2kicaaaf: See the above (from coz_).  Try that.11:13
martinhacksthanks rumpe2!11:13
martinhackswill do11:13
upslabeetel 100cx usb modem problem .any body help ?11:13
rumpe2martinhacks, often you don't need /etc, except if you have changed daemon-settings (sudoers, special fstab-entries, etc.)11:14
arvuthow is this possible?11:14
martinhackswell I got zeitgeist running11:14
martinhacksdunno if it changed anything in /etc11:14
lestatSriram: when i said "by ubuntu" i meant upstream, by those who create the ubuntu packages11:14
rumpe2martinhacks, i would also recommend a separate /home-partition... that makes it easier, when you later again make a fresh install (for a dist-upgrade e.g.)11:14
lestatcreate and mantain11:14
aaafred2kic, coz_ thanks :-)11:14
coz_aaaf,  did that work?11:15
martinhackshmm never thought of it, that's clever11:15
martinhacksthanks rumpe211:15
rumpe2martinhacks, if you don't know, back it up and when you later recognize, that you had some special configs, you can paste the specific /etc-files back11:15
sacarlsonarvut: that is all that is seen in your ubuntu 10.10 fstab file?  could that posibly boot?11:15
Sriramlestat: Sorry, not that experienced with apache11:15
elvensinok ill say this much i hate xubuntu11:16
roger21hi, where is set the PATH for root and other users ? i checked /etc/profile and /etc/environment that doesn't match11:16
martinhacksyep like compiz settings or sorts11:16
aaafcoz_ yes that's how i always did it (except i did it using to seperate statements). just wasn't sure whether thats correct11:16
OrmieI want the barcode font11:16
elvensinbut good question is there away to boot into gnome?11:16
OrmieWhere can i get it from11:16
arvutsacarlson: indeed, and no it doesnt boot11:16
coz_aaaf,  separate commands are fine  its just  with the &&  to combine ...somehow seems faster  :)11:16
elvensinso how can i go about going to normal ubuntu?11:17
rumpe2elvensin, install ubuntu-desktop11:18
rumpe2elvensin, then you can choose gnome/ubuntu-desktop in login-screen11:19
alpha_2231how can you force a device to mount as read andwrite.11:20
lestatSriram: well it happens all the time ...11:21
rethusdoes gnome has a programm like kgpg to manage certificates ?11:21
lestatbut nevermind ..11:21
francalguien sabe como se puede utilizar un gamepad de ps2 en ubuntu??11:21
mvanlerethus: gnome has this crappy program called seahorse to manage keys.11:21
lestatfranc: wrong language and/or channel11:21
gibranhey anyone knows hot to connect to the router for kubuntu? my friend uses it and it connects before now i cant to find any available connections11:22
rethuswhy crappy?11:22
mvanlerethus: well, i just think it's crappy.11:23
rethusbut not important... other question.. i use evolution as mail (switch from kmail), in seahorse i see my own keys, but in evolution there are no keys at all11:23
rethusin kmail i clcik on "change Key" and get a dialoge with all my keys... in evolution i get an empty list11:24
aaafhi i'm sending an http 404 status code together with the http location header but the the browser does not obay the location directive11:25
aaafdoes the location header only work with moved permanent/temporary?11:25
roger21why would my user's PATH doesn't match the /etc/environement PATH?11:26
roger21knowing he does not modif the PATH in his startup files11:26
alpha_2231how can i change read only file system?11:27
roger21alpha_2231, chmod11:27
FrenkHey, I wanted to outsource my web-server so I created a virtual machine. Now I do not want to install Webmin, phpmyadmin again. Is there a software I can use to manage (add domain/add database) the virtual machine from the host?11:28
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rumpe2alpha_2231, mount it writeable11:28
alpha_2231<roger21>   i did sudo chmod 770 but it gave me read only fiel system rerror. can you help me out11:29
Bipul`can i able to open pdf file in openofficeword processor11:29
roger21alpha_2231, are you trying to chmod /proc or /sys ?11:30
alpha_2231<roger21> CHMOD an MAC OSX folder to copy data onto external.11:31
mvanlerethus: not sure but you might need to create a key with the same email address you're using to compose your email.11:31
roger21alpha_2231, oh ok so the MAC OSX disk is not mounted as writable11:32
roger21check your /etc/fstab11:32
alpha_2231<roger21> is there a way around this? unmount and force it for mount writeable?11:33
^arky^Hi, How solve this error "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz"11:34
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roger21yes unmout it,  modify the options for this disk in /etc/fstab and mount it again11:34
fubadaugh i did a minimal install + openssh server11:34
fubadai can login via console as my only user11:34
=== MatthewV is now known as Guest56570
fubadabut not by ssh11:34
fubadaany obvious problems/11:35
Gnea^arky^: by providing more information on how the error occured11:35
alpha_2231<roger21> im unfirmilar with Fstab can you give me a command please.11:35
mvanle^arky^: is /usr/bin/ld a symlink ?11:35
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^arky^mvanle, /usr/bin/ld -> ld.bfd11:35
Gnea!fstab | alpha_223111:36
ubottualpha_2231: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:36
fubadaguys what do i need to ssh in after initial install? user cant login over ssh11:36
=== difi is now known as oysteinh
Gneafubada: you specified the correct username?11:36
alpha_2231<roger21> thank you very much! trying your method11:36
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Gneafubada: and it's not root?11:37
fubadai can login with this user on console11:37
fubadajust not with ssh11:37
fubadafresh boot11:37
Gneafubada: is sshd running?11:37
fubada192.168.1.190's password:11:37
fubadaPermission denied, please try again.11:37
FloodBot1fubada: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:37
mvanle^arky^: does ld.bfd exist ?11:37
Gneafubada: what command are you using to connect with?11:38
fubadassh user@host11:38
fubadasame pw11:38
Gneaneed to know the exact line, please11:39
upslabeetel 100 cx problem help?11:40
upslabeetel 100 cx problem help?11:40
upslabeetel 100 cx problem help?11:40
Gneaupsla: no.11:40
anebii created an init script and it works fine, but i want this script to be started before mysql, apache and solr. how can i do that?11:40
mvanlefubada: do you have sshd running ?11:40
upslaGnea: no ??11:40
anebior even just after mounting the /11:40
Gnea!repeat | upsla11:40
ubottuupsla: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:40
anebiany ideas?11:40
=== marius is now known as Guest2483
Gnea!ask > upsla11:41
ubottuupsla, please see my private message11:41
rethuswhats the newsreader simlar to kde akregator for gnome?11:41
elvensinwell hopefully what im doing works11:42
elvensinif it does couple people will get kudos11:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:42
upslabeetel 100 cx problem help?11:43
roger21where does the PATH varible is set for the users, it is not /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc and the /etc/envirment file doesn't match, any idea ?11:43
bazhangupsla, patience please11:43
=== sil3nc3 is now known as Guest4433
Gneaupsla: you're not asking correctly.11:43
banisterfiend``Gnea:  hello11:44
upslagnea: what ?11:44
Gneabanisterfiend``: you've been told.11:44
elvensinupsla try asking like this, issue your having, and version your running and model of computer11:44
Gneabanisterfiend``: er, hi11:44
mvanleroger21: user specific or system-wide ?11:44
banisterfiend``Gnea: shall we split?11:44
roger21mvanle, system wide11:44
Gneabanisterfiend``: pardon?11:45
banisterfiend``Gnea: let's get out of here, let's go get pissed in a park or something11:45
bazhang!ot > banisterfiend``11:45
ubottubanisterfiend``, please see my private message11:45
elvensinupsla: i asked about a certain problem and im being helped11:45
upslai have beetel 100 cx usb Adsl modem. trouble connecting to internet.I am running maverick meerkat.11:45
roger21mvanle, the user does not modify his path, and i can't find where it is set up11:45
Gneabanisterfiend``: you too may benefit from a whack of common sense11:45
banisterfiend``!ot > bazhang11:45
ubottubazhang, please see my private message11:45
elvensinubottu: some people just dont get it11:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:46
bazhangbanisterfiend``, take the chit chat elsewhere please11:46
banisterfiend``Gnea: i prefer something more erotic11:46
rethuswhats the newsreader simlar to kde akregator for gnome?11:46
Gneabanisterfiend``: feel free never to ask again11:46
raviepic3!seen stoxx11:47
ubottuI have no seen command11:47
CP-Elitterraviepic3, I don't remember seeing stoxx.11:47
CP-Egyptraviepic3, I don't remember seeing stoxx.11:47
CP-HMraviepic3, I don't remember seeing stoxx.11:47
CP-M1raviepic3, I don't remember seeing stoxx.11:47
raviepic3what the11:47
Gnea!adsl | upsla11:47
CP-ITCraviepic3, I don't remember seeing stoxx.11:47
ubottuupsla: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE11:47
alpha_2231<roger21> i am getting permission denied. i used the HFS+ command, can you help me further11:47
CP-HMeboxraviepic3, I don't remember seeing stoxx.11:47
niko!ops | check CP-* users11:48
ubottucheck CP-* users: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!11:48
g0thI just replaced my old sata-2 disc with a new one but ubuntu doesn recognize it. it shows up in bios11:48
rethuswhats the newsreader simlar to kde akregator for gnome?11:49
g0thit just shows the first disc11:49
rumpe2g0th, what do you mean with "doent recognize it"?11:49
bazhangrethus, pan?11:49
Gneag0th: how have you determined that linux doesn't see it?11:49
rethusbazhang: i don't know, thats why i'm asking11:49
rumpe2g0th, shows /where/?11:49
g0thin the installation i cant select the 2nd disc11:49
rethusisn't there a integration in evolution?11:49
bazhangrethus, apt-cache search newsreader11:49
g0thubuntu installation11:49
Gneag0th: oh, thought ubuntu was already installed. tried a different sata cable?11:50
bazhangrethus, not to my knowledge; thunderbird has some though11:50
roger21alpha_2231, can you past the line for that drive from /etc/fstab11:50
g0thit just shows`11:50
g0thscsi1 sde11:50
upslaubottu: i am using usb Adsl modem11:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:50
upslaubottu: i am using usb Adsl modem11:51
g0thGnea the cable is fine11:51
smwubottu is a bot11:51
bazhangupsla, thats a bot11:51
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.11:51
Gneag0th: then why doesn't linux see it?11:51
g0thyou tell me11:52
g0thit shows in bios11:52
upslagnea:can u help me ?11:52
GneaI'm not the one with an installation in front of me saying that there's no disk to install to, you're the only one that can answer that.11:52
rumpe2g0th, is it listed in "sudo fdisk -l"?11:53
anebiany ideas people?11:53
upslagnea:i have beetel 100 cx usb Adsl modem. trouble connecting to internet.I am running maverick meerkat.11:53
Gneaupsla: tried plugging it in?11:53
Gneag0th: so, try another sata cable.11:54
red2kic!seen red2kic11:54
ubottuI have no seen command11:54
bindig0th: can you see it in gparted?11:54
akdemoswo ! Is  anyone  here11:54
numbertoWhere I can get drivers for my Genius hs-04su headset?11:54
Gneaupsla: I don't understand 's', could you please speak english?11:54
Sriram_upsla: Changed the permissions yet?11:54
mvanleroger21: i dunno. should be /etc/bashrc if using bash.11:55
g0thit says no valid partiton table11:55
bindiwell, make one? :P11:55
Gneaupsla: does it show up with the lsusb command?11:55
akdemosseems great here11:55
g0thimean yes it shows up but with this warning11:55
Gneag0th: it's a brand new disk, of course it doesn't have a partition table11:55
upslagnea: yes11:55
Gneait's a blank disk, it hasn't been partitioned yet11:55
mvanleroger21: /etc/bashrc does source stuff in /etc/profile.d11:55
glacemanany way to change the desktop icon size ?11:56
Gneaupsla: could you please paste the output to a pastebin?11:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:56
jurgsterhi all11:56
mvanleroger21: /etc/bashrc does source stuff in /etc/profile.d11:56
glacemanis there any way guys to change the desktop icon size ?11:56
jurgsterrunning in to problems with gradual increase11:57
nakedwarriorIf I have mac osx is there a benefit to using ubuntu?11:57
popeynakedwarrior: freedom?11:57
glacemannakedwarrior: performance performance performance11:57
g0thso whz doesnt it show up_11:57
glacemannakedwarrior: just installed ubuntu today, and i allready love it11:57
Jordan_Unakedwarrior: It depends on what you want to do.11:57
Gneanakedwarrior: it mac osx not doing something you wanted it to do?11:57
nakedwarriorI like freedom11:58
mvanleglaceman: right-click, stretch icon ?11:58
nakedwarriorno it does it all, but I like unix/linux os's11:58
jurgsterinstalling updates, comes up now and then with problems and lately updated adobe flash for firefox all seemed well but flash dont work11:58
glacemanmvanle: i don;t wanna stetch them, i wanna redce their size11:58
Gneanakedwarrior: surely you realize that mac osx is based off of BSD11:58
mvanleglaceman: yeah but you can stretch smaller ?11:58
nakedwarriori do of course11:59
nakedwarriorthats why i like it11:59
g0thGnea: so far you are not helpful at all11:59
nakedwarriorI'm a unix guy, learned in the Navy11:59
jukhey everyone!11:59
Jordan_Ug0th: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?11:59
g0thI trz11:59
nakedwarriorguess Ubuntu is open source11:59
glacemanmvanle: where do i right click for that11:59
roger21mvanle, i got nothing in /etc/profile.d and nothing in /etc/bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc11:59
jurgsterso now have been looking for a means to try and clean my ubuntu install without formatting11:59
Gneag0th: if you're unwilling to attempt the suggestions I've made nor unwilling to answer my questions without an attitude, then why should I be?11:59
HailsemataryI want to bzr checkout only the debian directory of the packages, how can I do it12:00
g0thError: /dev/sdf: unrecognized disc label12:00
nakedwarriorIs there a fuskering program for Ubuntu?12:00
mvanleroger21: hmm. does the user have ~/.bash_profile ?12:00
nakedwarriorthat is a good question for me :-)12:00
Hailsematarywhen I write bzr branch lp:ubuntu/<package> it checks out the whole source12:00
g0thJordan_U: that's the only line related to the disc12:00
nakedwarriorI haven't found one for the mac12:00
HailsemataryI only want to checkout debian directory, is it possible?12:00
mvanleglaceman: i don't know.12:00
Gneanakedwarrior: a what program?12:00
Jordan_UHailsematary: I don't think it's possible to do that with bzr.12:01
g0thGnea: well you cant help me I work with someone else12:01
darkneoCould someone help me with my network setup? I've got a wireless internet connection, but I also want to set up my eth0 as a manual IP interface, but whenever I try it messes up the routing table and I can't use the internet12:01
mvanleglaceman: (i use gnome)12:01
nakedwarriorif you don't know its amazing for looking up photos12:01
GneaHailsematary: install Debian, then you can use Debian packages.12:01
HailsemataryJordan_U: is it a must to checkout the whole branch?12:01
roger21mvanle, sure the user have evrything but he doesn't modify the path (except adding ~/bin)12:01
glacemanmvanle: i can do it one by one clicking on each icon "Resize icon"12:01
Jordan_UHailsematary: You can download just the debian diff from http://packages.ubuntu.com12:01
mvanleglaceman: yeah. but sure where you can set a default.12:01
numbertodoes anybody knows why headphones are working and mic not on my headphone12:01
glacemannumberto: my headphones are working, my speakers are not :S12:02
Hailsematarynope, I don't want the debian diff, I want to look at patches dir, rules file etc. for packaging issues12:02
Jordan_UHailsematary: That's all in the debian diff.12:02
mvanleroger21: so you sure that all the user's ~/.bash* files don't have any other export PATH ?12:02
GneaHailsematary: use the apt-get source <packagename> command12:02
Jordan_UHailsematary: Everything that is not in the upstream tarball is in the debian diff.12:02
numbertoglaceman: ha ha, but really why could that be - it is a headset and it is bundeled12:02
HailsemataryJordan_U: is debian diff include the patches too?12:03
Jordan_UHailsematary: Yes.12:03
Hailsemataryok, thanks then mates ;)12:03
roger21mvanle, i greped it, there is nothing else than the thing about the local bin12:03
roger21i mean the ~/bin12:03
g0thJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/A1ipF7Tu12:03
elvensinapparently there is a bug with my computer yet still want to fix it12:04
g0thError: /dev/sdf: unrecognised disk label12:05
g0thwhat does this mean?12:05
Gneait means that Ubuntu sees your new disk12:05
mvanleroger21: yeah, but the problem with greping just ~/.bash* is that the bash files themselves can source other files. if you try removing/renaming all the user's ~/.bash* files, and then have him 'su - <user_id>', and then "echo $PATH" he'll have nothing. that would prove that one of the ~/.bash* files are calling another file somewhere.12:05
g0thGnea: I already told you, it does not show up in the installation12:06
g0thhow do I install ubuntu on that disc?12:06
Gneag0th: and yet, Ubuntu sees it. are you using 10.10 or 10.04?12:06
roger21mvanle, i'll try that12:07
g0thwell if it does not show up in the installation I call this "not seen"12:07
Gneaah, the broken one that everyone keeps complaining about12:07
* Gnea notes that 10.04 suffers much less from these problems12:07
g0thJordan_U: any idea what the message above means?12:07
Gneag0th: can you run the disk through gparted on the commandline?12:08
g0thit is not installed12:08
Gneaand yet, you just used the gparted command12:08
g0ththis is the kubuntu 10.10 installation disc I am running right now12:08
g0thno I did not12:08
roger21mvanle, yep he get another path, i must check those startup scripts deeper12:08
g0thI used parted12:08
Gneawhich is gparted12:09
Gneag0th: gparted == g parted == GNU Parted == parted12:09
g0thyou're wrong12:10
g0thI now installed gparted12:10
Gnea!info parted12:10
ubottuparted (source: parted): The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program. In component main, is standard. Version 2.3-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 72 kB, installed size 196 kB12:10
g0thg is not for "gnu"12:10
Gneaam I?12:10
g0thit is probably for gnome?12:10
mvanleroger21: yeah. if using bash, the order is after login: call ~/.bash_profile -> ~/.bashrc. and ~/.bashrc sources stuff in /etc/bashrc. there's a lot of calls made in /etc/bashrc ...12:11
Gnearight, because ubottu gives misleading information12:11
LjLGnea: he's right though, it's the Gnome Partition Editor12:11
Diamondcite!info gparted12:11
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.2-1ubuntu1.1 (maverick), package size 463 kB, installed size 1380 kB12:11
LjLoh, that was parted without the g12:12
LjLnevermind me12:12
roger21i don't have much actualy and i alredy cleared .profile, it has to be in .bashrc ;p12:12
GneaLjL: it's okay12:12
upslagnea:lsusb Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 003 Device 002: ID 046d:c019 Logitech, Inc. Optical Tilt Wheel Mouse Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0572:cb00 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc. ADSL Modem Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 001 Device 001: ID 12:13
g0thok I now created an msdos partition table12:13
g0thI am a bit surprised that ubuntu installation doesnt support this12:13
artypig78hey what's the command to delete everything in the system?12:13
artypig78is it: rm -rf /12:13
upslagnea: i have posted the lusb output.12:13
bazhangartypig78, why12:13
g0this msdos the right partition table?12:13
LjL!danger | artypig7812:13
Gneag0th: you're not using ubuntu installation, you're using kubuntu installation12:13
ubottuartypig78: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!12:13
* korben greets all12:13
g0thit is most probably exactly the same for partitioning functionality?12:13
kodez1is there a webdav application for linux? or a similar application in linux?12:14
artypig78bazhang: i would like to know for fun12:14
Gnea!kubuntu | g0th12:14
ubottug0th: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde12:14
upslaGnea:lsusb Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 003 Device 002: ID 046d:c019 Logitech, Inc. Optical Tilt Wheel Mouse Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0572:cb00 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc. ADSL Modem Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 001 Device 001: ID 12:14
bazhangartypig78, not a fun command, so please dont repeat again12:14
Gneaupsla: once was enough.12:14
darkneodoes anyone know if it's possible to use the internet connection sharing option in network manager, but manually set the local interfaces IP address?12:14
g0thagain stating the obvious and not helping12:14
upslaGnea:i chating from windows. i have dual boot system.12:15
g0thso far the _only_ help you gave me was to suggest using gparted (which you confused with parted)12:15
Gnea!attitude | g0th12:15
g0thbut it was enough to fix the issue in the end, so thanks12:15
ubottug0th: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:15
artypig78bazhang: sorry, but was it the right one?12:15
bazhangartypig78, dont ask again please12:15
lwdplmm_so many people12:15
g0thok, I guess you are right wrt attitude, sorry for that, but your way of dealing with me made me a bit angry12:15
Gneag0th: anger is not tolerated here.12:16
g0thanyway not angry anymore since I now have a partition table12:16
* teal says hello!12:16
=== guampabed is now known as guampa
g0thGnea: anger is a feeling12:16
g0thanyway thx and byed12:17
roger21mvanle, sadly enougth it is /etc/bash_cpompletion that screw things up anyway thanks for your help12:17
upslaGnea: r u there ?12:17
elvensinr00t you here?12:18
mvanleroger21: sweet.12:18
Gneaupsla: yes12:19
lwdplmm_power off .unlucky12:19
upslaGnea: did u see ,my post12:19
Gneaupsla: yes.12:20
upslaGnea: can u make out some thing from it?12:21
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
Gneaupsla: is there an ethernet jack on the modem?12:21
upslaGnea:no .only usb12:22
Gneaupsla: your modem is supported, but barely: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/AccessRunner12:23
lukethedukehello, I have a package conflict. I think. The update manager says that the package system is broken.12:23
Gneaupsla: it's up to you to test it out and make it work right at this point12:23
upslaGnea: any other option . i have tried already12:24
ethanolcan I mount a hfs+ drive in a way that allows me to write to it?12:24
Junkzhi, I'm trying to watch a youtube video with vlc, but I get an http_access error, what can I do? Thanks :)12:24
Gneaupsla: this might help too: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159760512:25
elvensinanyone know how to fix headphone jack on a Toshiba Satellite L645d?12:25
=== track is now known as Trackilizer
Gneaelvensin: hit it12:25
elvensin@gnea rofl12:26
Gneaelvensin: I'm serious12:26
elvensin@gnea didnt help12:26
jukelvensin: with hammer12:26
elvensinno thank you12:26
Gneanow it's funny12:26
Gneaelvensin: tried other pairs?12:27
evilenkohello, how do I use parallel in wget? I want it to download 100 mp3 at the same time from the same website12:27
Gneaelvensin: alsamixer might help too12:27
evilenkohello, how do I use parallel in wget? I want it to download 100 mp3 at the same time from the same website12:28
Gnea!repeat | evilenko12:28
ubottuevilenko: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:28
mrcreativitycan someone help me with virtualbox please?12:29
Junkzhi, I'm trying to watch a youtube video with vlc, but I get an http_access error error:HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found , what can I do? Thanks :)12:29
jukevilenko: wget http://website.com/100.mp3.tar.bz12:29
lukethedukeI have a package conflict: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551460/ - what do I do now?12:30
Gnea!vbox | mrcreativity12:30
ubottumrcreativity: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:31
mrcreativitywhy is it nonfree?12:31
mrcreativityi downloaded it and it installed fine12:31
Gneaso ask in #vbox12:32
mrcreativityyeah...good point12:32
jukluketheduke: did you try fix broken packages in recovery menu12:32
lukethedukejuk: yes12:32
lukethedukejuk: in synaptic12:32
upslaGnea:not suitable for me .12:32
sword_lesshello, everybody. i have trouble with ibus, the input method12:34
sword_lessis there anyone has interests about12:35
r00t4rd3dluke remove pidgin and reinstall12:35
Gneaupsla: don't know what else to suggest. you need the firmware. http://accessrunner.sourceforge.net/12:35
luketheduker00t4rd3d: how exactly?12:35
Gnea!ask | sword_less12:35
ubottusword_less: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:35
upslaGnea:i have firmware. so only it is detected in ubuntu12:36
luketheduker00t4rd3d: what do I have to do in synaptic so it does that and doesn't try to upgrad things in the meantime and runs into the same error?12:36
luketheduker00t4rd3d: do I mark pidgin for removel, or complete removal?12:37
sword_lesshere is the question: i cannot find any input method in the ibus preperences12:37
luketheduker00t4rd3d: it still wants to upgrade pidgin-data...12:38
luketheduker00t4rd3d: also I don't want to lose my pidgin config -.-12:38
TeuzHi everyone!12:38
r00t4rd3dluketheduke, in a terminal sudo apt-get -f install12:38
TeuzDo you know a tool to recover data burnt on a DVD?12:39
luketheduker00t4rd3d: why does it want to *install* finch when I want to *remove* pidgin...12:39
luketheduker00t4rd3d: I linked the results of that12:39
Err404NotFoundhow do i install http://pastebin.com/7u9AzMEh php extensions? i knew 2 so mentioned their packages, what about rest?12:39
luketheduker00t4rd3d: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551460/12:39
r00t4rd3dluketheduke, sudo apt-get autoremove12:40
luketheduker00t4rd3d: what does that do?12:41
r00t4rd3dluketheduke, sudo apt-get clean12:41
Junkzhi, I'm trying to watch a youtube video with vlc, but I get an http_access error error:HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found , what can I do? Thanks :)12:42
wookienzhi, i need some help with a on board NIC that wont work. realtek chipset.12:43
sword_lessI think I've lost all the input methods, the list menu "select an input method" at ibus ->preferences is blank.12:44
sword_lessI'v done sth: ''completely remove'' & remove the file /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules / im-ibus.so & "install" in package manager. but no fixed the problem12:45
NanohaI really  need help getting my fresh install of 10.04 desktop to connect to the internet12:45
wookienzNanoha: hi again, where you at now?12:46
jocrawfohello everyone, is there a place online where I can download the vpnc package for 10.1012:46
_Synergy_a few days ago someone posted a .sh script in here that shows all your hardrives, partitions, and mbr info, etc.  Does anyone know where I can find that script or something similar?12:46
NanohaI'm on my laptop, connected directly to my dsl modem.12:46
=== david is now known as s3r3n1t7
jocrawfoi ask  because my work setup corporate proxy settings somewhere and apt wont work off the network12:46
jocrawfohowever without vpnc i cannot get on the network12:46
Nanohathe desktop I have  has two NIC's, both configured with static ip's12:46
s3r3n1t7I'd like some suggestions on log file monitoring on a remote server, if that's possible12:47
kelvinellahi, how to play america's army in ubuntu?12:47
=== teal is now known as calc
NanohaI've looked at the syslog, it appears the NICs are enabled and active12:47
wookienzNanoha: have you set up a default route?12:48
=== calc is now known as Guest17582
NanohaI've also double checked the resolv.conf, it looks good to12:48
Nanohawookienz: how do I do that?12:48
jocrawfoi mean is there an ftp repo where i could download the package for vpnc?12:48
wookienz"route add default gw x.x.x.x"  x's being your gateway ip12:48
wookienzis your dekstop connected to the network?12:49
wookienzwith your laptop12:49
Nanohayes...supposidly, but...I can't connect (ping) betweent the two12:49
glacemananyone knows how to setup a virtual drive so i can mount .iso files ?12:49
jukjocrawfo: ftp.debian.org12:50
rethuswhere can i set "send mails later" or "sen mails directly" in evolution?12:50
wookienzso your dekstop is connected to a switch, with the laptop?12:50
jocrawfojuk, i just noticed it has dependencies that apt will not be able to download12:50
jocrawfoapt must use some system proxy setting12:50
wookienzglaceman: google mount -o loop12:50
Nanohathe laptop is connected wifi to an access point.  The access point is directly connected to my second nic ( to the desktop12:50
wookienzand the dsl is connected to the laptop12:50
jocrawfoi checked my network proxy settings that is normal, i also checked my proxy env variables but they are fine too, where else could the proxy be coming from?\12:50
jukjocrawfo: or ftp.ubuntu.com12:51
wookienzwhere is dsl physically plugged into?12:51
glacemanthanks u wookienz12:51
Nanohathe dsl is plugged into my laptop right now (overriding my wifi12:51
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wookienzlaptop windows or linux?12:53
wookienzglaceman: np12:53
emwookienz: linux.12:55
Nanohawookienz: yes, laptop is 10.10.  I'm in routes for my eth012:55
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:56
emwookienz: oh i thought that was the question you came here to ask :)12:56
jocrawfowhere does apt-get find the proxy settings to uae at the command line?12:57
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wookienzem: no more complicated than that!12:57
wookienzNanoha: can you ping from desktop to laptop12:58
Nanohawookienz: I entered the following in my routes:  (all assigned from my isp) what do i put for my metric?12:58
ibmerhello all12:59
Nanohawookienz: no, I can't12:59
ibmerjust a quick question, im new to ubuntu and linux overall. do i need to run any firewall and antivirus soft on my os ?12:59
s3r3n1t7I"m looking for a proper means of logging, preferably with the ability to send emails on conditions12:59
wookienzNanoha: simple stuff first. the laptop, router and desktop all on the same subnet?12:59
jocrawfosweet found it in /etc/apt/apt.conf13:00
Nanohawookienz: that's the complicated part.  the first nic is using the stuff i listed above, all assigned my by isp.  The second nic (for my internal network) is set on 192.168.1.*
wookienzare you trying to run a green and red interface type thing for firewalling?13:01
Nanohayeah.  There's going to be a firewall..I use Firestarter, once I get the main pc's networking working.  I've never had these problems before though.13:02
d3centedanybody here running "autofs" on lycid???13:02
=== jack is now known as Guest66322
rohitnikcoolhello to everyone13:03
wookienzyou need ot have a default route that tells the desktop where to find the gateway and thus outside subnet ip addresses.13:03
Nanohawookienz: I have to do it this way because I don't have a "router" with a wifi, only a wifi access point.13:03
s3r3n1t7Why would a process immediately pause when resumed with bg, but continue running when resumed with fg?13:03
wookienzthat being the case your default route should be poitning towards the laptop ip adress.13:03
rohitnikcooli am new to ubuntu , i am experiencing network problems on my ubuntu 10.0413:04
Nanohawookienz: okay, do I need to define anything for the "metric"?13:04
wookienzthen your laptop would have a default route poijting towards the ISP info...13:04
wookienzno can leVE METRIC,.13:04
somethinginteresrohitnikcool: what kind of problem?13:04
wookienzNanoha: leave metric13:04
rohitnikcoolmy network get disconnected after a while say 2-3 min after i start it.13:04
Nanohawookienz: do I need to define routes for my internal network as wel?13:05
josephPHhas anyone tried to transfer NTLDR and BOOT.INI to D: then install Ubuntu on C:? I have a weird Windows install. Windows resides on D: but the files for booting are on C:13:05
om26errohitnikcool, which type of internet connection are you using?13:05
josephPHI mean transfer manually, via Ubuntu Live, then have Grub 2 point to D: so Windows can boot too...13:05
wookienzno, as any internal ip requests will automatically go out the internal nic13:06
kaddi_in what repository do I find truecrypt? I've added partners and medibuntu and it's still not in the list13:06
kaddi_oh wait13:06
wookienzthe default gateway is there to find a way out of the network for anything not internal13:06
Guest66322apt is not unlocking13:06
kaddi_nope, still not there13:06
wookienzyou may need "route add default gw laptopip eth113:06
wookienzreplace laptopip and eth1 with your eth13:06
israfilhello. Since i installed an proprietary nvidia driver my display stays really dark. What can i do? The nvidia-xserver-settings don't work well for me. I use Kubuntu Hardy Heron.13:06
wookienzthis ensures that the route is associated with that nic.13:07
Guest66322could someone help me unlock apt13:07
wookienzyour two nics should be on diff subnets as well.13:07
josephPHHas anyone tried to manually transfer NTLDR and BOOT.INI to D: then install Ubuntu on C:? I have a weird Windows install. Windows resides on D:, but the files for booting are on C:. Anyone?13:07
wookienzNanoha: ie nic 1 is 192.168.1.x and nic2 is 192.168.2.x - make sure laptop is on same subnet as nic213:08
mecoI want to open an audio file in Rhythmbox instead of MEdia Player, but I don't know where the application is located.13:08
Nanohawookienz: I'm confused now.  LOL.  So I need to list all of my laptops IPs inthe routes for eth1?13:08
somethinginteresIsrafil: like can't see anything dark?13:08
glacemanjosephPH: what type of window are u running ?13:08
glacemanxp ?13:08
d3centedwhereis rhythmbox13:08
israfilsomethinginteres: i can see everything, but it is darker then normal13:08
Atlantic777d3cented: /usr/bin ?13:09
josephPHglaceman: Windows XP. I am thinking it should work. Grub just hands booting to NTLDR right, then the latter takes care of the rest. Have you tried this?13:09
Guest66322Need Help With Apt, it is locked up13:09
mecod3cented: ok!13:09
glacemanjosephPH: nope actually13:09
kaddi_is ubuntuupdates.org an official site by ubuntu? Or unaffialiated? Can their content be trusted? (Namely suggestions for PPA for specific utilities)13:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:09
Atlantic777Guest66322: error msg?13:09
glacemanjosephPH: what are you trying to do exactly ?13:09
Nanohawookienz: so since eth0 has a subnet of, that means that my eth1 should be the same and not
israfilsomethinginteres: http://dpaste.com/295151/13:10
wookienzNanoha: weird setup so im guessing here... nic2 which connects to access point - should have a default route with the ip of the laptop as the gw.13:10
josephPHglaceman: I want to install Ubuntu on C: but NTLDR and BOOT.INI are on it, while the rest of the Windows files are on D:. Basically, C: is nothting but an empty disk besides the 2 boot files13:10
jribkaddi_: no, click on "About" at the bottom of the page13:10
Guest66322Atlantic777: apt is locked, how can I unlock it13:10
wookienzNanoha: from DSL all the way to the desktop give me nic names adn ip adresses presently... i think we are talking in circles13:10
glacemanjust install it on C: , dosen't matter, but i must say u got a strange windows partitioning13:11
Atlantic777Guest66322: remove the lock file, it's somewhere in /var/lock if I remember well...13:11
Nanohawookienz: I think you have it backwards.  my laptop is suppsed to connect to the access point, to the eth1 and then hit the internet through eth013:11
induzwhat is better VBox 3.2.12 or 4 as i heard 4 is a lot buggy at this moment13:11
glacemanubuntu wont touch ur boot files exept the boot.ini13:11
kaddi_jrib so I'd better get info on PPAs from launchpad?13:11
induzi want to run Vista or Xp on it13:11
Guest66322Atlantic777: I was told removing the lock file can mess up & system, & when I did this last week I had to re-install my OS which I did, & now it happened again.13:11
josephPHglaceman: I know right! LOL! I just can't install Ubuntu on C:. HOw will Windows boot if there is no NTLDR and BOOT.INI?13:11
elvensin@root heres something interesting13:11
wookienzok so eth0 on laptop is dsl connection... eth1 is wireless connection?13:12
jukjosephPH: go for wubi13:12
glacemaninstall ubuntu from window, select C: partition, and that's it, it wont be formatted, don't worry about ur xp installation, it will dual boot13:12
Bipul`induz, which version of ubuntu you using at this moment13:12
josephPHglaceman: That is why I am asking if anybody here has tried just manually copying the 2 Windows boot files to another driev, have GRUB manage the rest.13:12
jribkaddi_: up to you.  If you like the site, it's probably fine and if in the end you are only using it for information and not installing software from it, I don't see how it would jeopardize your system13:12
Atlantic777Guest66322: ok... it's not something you should do at the day to day basis, but I did that several times without problems ;)13:12
glacemando something13:12
somethinginteresisrafil: laptop or desktop?13:12
jocrawfohey guys the system settings for apt proxies are stored in /etc/apt/apt.conf however is there an .apt/apt.conf or something that each user can use to override the system settings?13:12
glacemanjosephPH: delete ntldr and boot.ini, then grab urself a winxp2 cd, launch the recovery console, and repair ur installation, it should install ur files on D13:13
josephPHjuk: wubi?13:13
juk!wubi | josephPH:13:13
ubottujosephPH:: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe13:13
Guest66322Atlantic777: When I did it last week, it did not fix apt, it made apt demand that I install a package I did not want to install anymore & would not let me use apt unless I installed that app, yet every time I tried it would freeze & lock up apt.13:13
josephPHjuk: Thanks but I don't want Wubi.13:14
Nanohawookienz: DSL: connect to eth0 ( / gw:  Access point: eth1 ( / )13:14
Atlantic777Guest66322: can you give us error message?13:14
kaddi_jrib I would be adding repositories suggested by that site, so in a way I would be instlaling software (at least suggested by if not) from them.13:14
elvensinanyone know how to fix this> Conexant CX20585 no sound threw headphones13:14
israfilsomethinginteres: i have got a laptop13:14
josephPHglaceman: That could work... I have to find the cable for my DVD. I dont use it anymore. Hehehe...13:14
jukjosephPH: then you screwed13:14
Guest66322Atlantic777: No because that wa smy old system13:14
glacemanjosephPH: delete ur boot.ini and ntldr from c, restart ur computer, insert winxp cd, launch it, go to recovery console, type "fixboot" then "fixmbr" it should reinstall them to d13:14
wookienzNanoha: OK! so which on desktop is connecting to laptop and outside to internet?13:14
somethinginteresisrafil: Asus?13:14
glacemanjosephPH: OH :P13:14
israfilsomethinginteres: Samsung R53013:15
jribkaddi_: as long as the ppa is still hosted by launchpad then you are taking on the same risk as with any other ppa (which is actually a lot -_-)13:15
wookienznanoha: on/nic13:15
Nanohaglaceman: eth1 connects to the laptop13:15
josephPHjuk: Thanks man, I've been using Ubuntu/Kubuntu for 3 years now. I am not pretending I know everything. So a WUBI option is not exactly an option for me.13:15
Atlantic777Guest66322: sorry, I can say you nothing without error. :D13:15
Nanohawookienz: eth1 connects to the laptop13:15
Guest66322Atlantic777: I already re-installed my OS since then.13:15
d3centedohh man, i really could use help with "autofs" on lycid... it won't mount my files, it creates the folder but it always stays empty13:15
glacemanNanoha: i didn't undertstood what u said exactly13:15
Atlantic777Guest66322: could it be some broken packages which caused apt to lock up?13:15
Guest66322Atlantic777: But I can give you the current errror messsage13:15
wookienzok so eth1 on desktop must be on same subnet as laptop. ie subnet.13:16
Nanohaglaceman: sorry mistell13:16
glacemanNanoha: no problem13:16
Atlantic777Guest66322: ok, give me current then...13:16
jribd3cented: halevt works well for me13:16
Nanohawookienz: they are.
wookienzNanoha: then for your default route on eth1 on desktop your owuld add as gw.13:16
kaddi_jrib it's not a launchpad ppa but apparently from something called "hacktolive" which is why I'm asking13:16
Guest66322Atlantic777: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:16
erUSUL!cn | tone13:16
jribkaddi_: oh, no idea13:16
ubottutone: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk13:16
wookienzNanoha: "route add default gw eth113:16
josephPHglaceman: Thanks dude! I was hoping a simple copy would do it. Guess I'll have to do it the long way now.13:16
somethinginteresIsrafil: brightness is often an issue with laptops. It should be fixable. The brightness issue also present when running on A/C power?13:17
Atlantic777Guest66322: no apt's running? Software center, synaptic... ?13:17
glacemanjosephPH: anytime ;)13:17
israfilsomethinginteres: i fixed it in an older version. But now it does not work anymore. And yes, i am running mostly on AC power13:17
Guest66322Atlantic777: none of that running, remember I went through this last week13:17
Guest66322Atlantic777: but when I last removed lock, it caused that other problem which I cannot give you the error message to since I re-installed my OS since then13:18
wookienzNanoha: now you should be able to ping the laptop internal interface13:18
Guest66322Atlantic777: I spenbt 2 days in here last time last week13:18
Nanohawookienz: okay.  I'm doing this through the network manager gui.  So, do I need to use Routes for eth0?  It seems a bit redundant13:18
Atlantic777Guest66322: only idea I have is manual removing lock. And I can't remember any problems with doing that. :D Sorry...13:18
d3centedi see...13:19
FrenkI want to otain a SSL certificate but I  read that if it is password protected I need to enter the password each time a service is restarted. I have a monitoring solution (monit) which restarts the services if something happens. Is it very insecure to have a SSL-cert without password or is it easier to configure monit with the SSL-password?13:19
wookienzNanoha: eht0 on desktop or laptop?13:19
somethinginteresisrafil: something like this http://www.allquests.com/question/2344140/HOWTO-Fix-your-laptops-brightness-function-keys-operating-properly-in-804-Hardy.html13:19
Nanohawookienz: desktop13:20
wookienzNanoha: an get into CLI - much more fin and easier IMHO13:20
Guest66322Atlantic777: when I did that last week, it cause both apt & dpkg to demand I install a particular program & not allow me to remove, or add any other programs until then, & when I tried, then it would freeze apt again causing the lock problem again. & even cntrl C would not kill apt.13:20
NanohaI shoud be able to ping my access poitn ( but am getting destination host unreachable13:20
wookienzno routes for eth0 desktop needed yet. is that connected to anything?13:20
Goliathis there any way to link a custom address to http://myip:8000/listen.pls?13:20
jukjosephPH: you will have to reinstall windows13:21
Nanohawookienz: not yet.  that cable is plugged into my laptop right now13:21
Atlantic777Guest66322: ummm I had similar problem with portage caused by a permission issue13:21
induzBipul`, I am using karmic13:21
Guest66322juk: No one should ever have to reinstall windows! :p13:21
wookienztake eth0 down, so only the eth1 connected to wifi access point is up, will help issue. as long as the interfaces are on same ip you should be able to ping each other - with or without routes13:21
Guest66322Atlantic777: Nope not a permission error, it was a corrupted apt-get/dpkg install list error13:22
jukGuest66322: apparently josephPH does13:22
DciteGoliath: What do you mean by custom address?13:22
wookienzNanoha: ill be back in 10 minutes....13:22
Atlantic777Guest66322: what have you done to get this problem? Just normal installation of some packages?13:23
Nanohagr0gmint: okay, I'll be here13:23
Guest66322Atlantic777: could you tell me how to completely, manually remove apt & dpkg from my entire system, to purge apt & dpkg?13:23
Guest66322juk: But wouldn't they do better to just only use Linux? :p13:23
eikuHello. I’ve followed this help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes#GTT%20Incoherency%20Patch thinking it would solve freeze problems, but as it failed to recognize my screen resolution, I tried to reverse using ppa-purge. Now when I boot up ubuntu, I get a black screen. I have a live USB at hand that recognizes my screen resolution. How can I copy its X11 config to mine?13:23
Nanohadarn mistells!!!  lol13:23
Guest66322Atlantic777: yap, just apt-get upgrade caused it13:23
josephPHjuk: Nah, I don't think I wanna do that, but thanks. I think I will go for the Recovery Console option. If not, then screw Windows! As long as I get back Ubuntu. LOL! :)13:23
Atlantic777Guest66322: you could try reinstalling apt/dpkg from chroot with live cd.13:23
sre-suProcesses akondi_maildis, akondi_maildir, akondi_ical_re, akondi_contact, akondi_nepomuk are all running with CPU% 15 avg. What are these for? Is it safe to kill them?13:24
Atlantic777Guest66322: but I can't help you much with that, never had to do that...13:24
Guest66322Atlantic777: Thank you, that is what I wanted to know :D Now how do I do that?13:24
jukjosephPH: cool!13:24
Guest66322O Okay13:24
=== anomie is now known as Guest1206
somethinginteresisrafil: try this13:25
somethinginteresisrafil: http://mcgivrer.fr/samsung-r580-ubuntu-1004-and-brightness-contr13:25
glacemananyone knows why i got sound only on my headphones and not from the built-in speakers ?13:25
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!13:25
Atlantic777!chroot | Guest120613:26
ubottuGuest1206: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot13:26
Sergey_ITglaceman, try alsamixer13:27
glacemani did13:27
glacemanalso gnome alsamixer13:27
josephPHOk, so how about this: my entire /home dir is saved to another partition. Will 10.04 config files, e.g. .local, .gnome2, .gconf, work out of the box for 10.10 install?13:28
glacemanSergey_IT: i have read a lot of threads regarding this issue, but still not an easy fix13:28
israfilsomethinginteres: i tried the first link, but it did not work13:29
Sergey_ITglaceman, i do not have such problem13:29
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!13:29
dr0neI need help getting wifi to work!13:30
somethinginteresisrafil: make sure to revert to the backup for the first link - then try this, http://mcgivrer.fr/samsung-r580-ubuntu-1004-and-brightness-contr - seems closer to your model number13:30
glacemananyone knows a good backup manager ?13:30
popeyglaceman: deja-dup13:30
josephPHglaceman: Maybe it's related to the front-panel audio jack not working problem. I once had something like this.13:30
AbhiJit!backup | glaceman13:31
ubottuglaceman: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:31
glacemanthanks every113:32
upslaBeetel 100 CX USB Adsl modem. trouble connecting to internet .13:34
pavankumarlhello everyone13:34
inSanity_pavankumarl, hi13:35
AbhiJithi pavankumarl13:35
glacemani was a backtrack user, and liked the konsole....anything similar in ubuntu ?13:35
elvensinill try working on this more tomorrow13:36
glacemani dont always want to have to make sudo, or sudo bash everytime i open a new tab13:36
upslaAbhijit:Beetel 100 CX USB Adsl modem.Trouble connecting to internet. help13:36
pavankumarlWhen I restarted my system now it is showing root only 250mb left out, when I shut down in the morning it was fine, I opened disk analyzer but its not displaying everything, plz help13:36
AbhiJitupsla, i dont knoow13:36
jack_Atlantic777: Alright I unlocked my system, & it didn't do that perminate "install this program first" That it had done the other time, but the apt/dpkg freezing problem remained, no matter what program I try to install13:37
pavankumarlhello inSanity_, AbhiJit, josephPH13:37
eikuglaceman, I think konsole exists in kubuntu13:37
jack_Atlantic777: I will give you a pasteben13:37
AbhiJitupsla, see linmodems.org13:37
upslaAbhijit:Ok. Thanks.13:37
glacemaneiku: i used the konsole to check over networks, but all with admin priviledges13:37
glacemanany way to have a ubuntu console always in admin mode , even in a new tab ?13:37
pavankumarlhow to clear all logs and cache13:37
jack_Atlantic777: http://pastebin.com/teRFThy813:38
israfilsomethinginteres: what is there to read or download? i mean: http://mcgivrer.fr/samsung-r580-ubuntu-1004-and-brightness-contr13:38
Oprtzhi to all linux friends13:38
upslahello every one13:38
josephPHglaceman: enable root?13:38
zipperheadcan any one please help me , my panel icons are moving around by them self even if i lock them13:38
glacemanjosephPH:  how ?13:38
putradewaevery body can help me please13:39
pavankumarlmy sys folder in root is showing 1.1GB, is it abnormal13:39
dr0neA simple fix to ALL of your Ubuuntu problem..... WINDOWS 7!13:39
prince12=-OHELLO ALL13:40
glacemandr0ne: i'd rather see a community helping each others, and looking forward to build the best OS ever, than sticking to microsoft products13:40
dhanijeremyi've been using windows 7 & all i can say is, it sucks13:40
dr0neglaceman, yeah but win7 actually works13:40
dhanijeremynow i'm on ubuntu forever... :)13:40
glacemandr0ne: with a lot of bugs13:40
josephPHglaceman: I think it's in the Ubuntu forums somewhere. Have you tried gksudo gnome-terminal? I have tried this and it was always on root the whole time.13:40
prince12YES YOU ARE RIGHT dhanijeremy13:40
dr0neglaceman, it just works13:40
jrib!ot | dr0ne13:41
ubottudr0ne: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:41
prince12ubuntu is best13:41
mb543how do i retrieve my password for my nick?13:41
mb543i forget it13:41
jribdr0ne: we're not discussing windows vs ubuntu here, just ubuntu support13:41
wuzleanyone using a laptop with integrated intel 4500mhd graphics? Any issues? Does desktop effects (compiz) work well? Do I need something faster if I don't do gaming?13:41
Oprtzdhanijeremy:  i agree with you abt win7 but ubuntu need to write a programe for yahoo messenger and cam functionality to work like win713:41
luxurymodedr0ne: you kidding? average uptime of windows machine before it gets virused - 5 mins. avg uptime of linux machine - forever ;)13:41
glacemanjosephPH: what's the terminal name so i can download it ?13:41
mrcreativitywhy does my sc card open as read only?13:41
somethinginteresisafil: it's about editng your xorg.conf file  if you edit the file as described in the post your issue may be resolved. Are familiar with the terminal?13:41
upslaBeetel 100 CX problem . HELP13:41
dr0neluxurymode, simply not true13:41
glacemanjosephPH: what's the terminal name again please ?13:41
josephPHglaceman: default Ubuntu terminal is gnome-terminal IIRC.13:41
zipperheadcan any one please help me , my panel icons are moving around by them self even if i lock them13:42
dhanijeremywhy would anyone want a program to work like win7?13:42
jribdhanijeremy, luxurymode: let's move on please13:42
Inf0delms = privacy compromise13:42
upslacan any body help me . please.13:43
dr0neInf0del, I'm sure using windows is the least of your privacy concerns given all the other insecure ways in which your data is used and stored13:43
josephPHglaceman: you don't have to download. it should be there, unless you are not using gnome as DE, but another *buntu derivative.13:43
dhanijeremy1 thing i need from ubuntu is the ability to sync with android13:43
glacemanno it's ubuntu 10.1013:44
IdleOnedr0ne: Please stick to the topic in here, Ubuntu support. If you want to chat go to #ubuntu-offtopic13:44
josephPHglaceman: then it should be the same.13:44
IdleOneor that13:44
zipperheadcan any one please help me , my panel icons are moving around by them self even if i lock them13:44
jribIdleOne: heh, I had warned him earlier13:44
IdleOnejrib: no worries13:44
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!13:44
pavankumarlhow to clear log, var/log is showing 1GB of data13:45
pavankumarlhow to clear it13:45
jribdr0ne: do not abuse that factoid13:45
IdleOnedr0ne: that is the second time you call ops without and emergency13:45
dr0nepavankumarl, sudo rm-rf /var/log13:45
dr0nethat will get rid of /var/log13:45
jribpavankumarl: don't do that13:45
guampapavankumarl: don't do that13:45
pavankumarlmy root is 4.5 gb, now only 250mb is left out13:46
upslaBeetel 100 CX USB Adsl modem. trouble connecting to internet .13:46
upslaBeetel 100 CX USB Adsl modem. trouble connecting to internet .13:46
upslaBeetel 100 CX USB Adsl modem. trouble connecting to internet .13:46
FloodBot1upsla: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:46
upslaBeetel 100 CX USB Adsl modem. trouble connecting to internet .13:46
guampapavankumarl: look at the contents inside /var/log, there are usually log backups that over time can use some space13:47
ShootEmUpHas anyone seen Red-raven, Red_, or Black lately?13:48
datacrusherhello everyone! im having trouble connecting to a 3g modem using ubuntu 10.04. Iv wento to the ubuntu channel in my language, but the sugestion to simply update to 10.10 dont quite cover it, since im using 04 for its lts suport. How do i update / fix the supposed 3g issue with 10.04 without fully updating my system?13:48
guampapavankumarl: they end up in .0 , .1 or .gz ... all those can be deleted / moved to reclaim space13:48
Oprtzعمران خان13:49
FrenkI have postfix installed for sending e-mail. Does my reverse dns has to be mail.domain.com or can I just use domain.com?13:50
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guampapavankumarl: also run "sudo apt-get clean" , maybe the apt cache is using space too13:50
wookienzNanoha: back13:52
rohitnikcoolAny ubuntu software similar to total video converter13:52
Nanohawookienz: wb!13:52
guampawow, high ban rate13:53
wookienz5 hours wasted trying to find an answer to my NIC problem... all it needed was a full power off and cold boot! holy Sh#t13:53
Nanohawookienz: okay, now I have no networking avaialbe.  Let's start from scratch.  how can I clear all my network settings so we can start over?  I have an interfaces file if you wouldn't mind reviewing for me13:53
wookienznanoha: still using gui?13:54
somethinginteresrohitnikcool: mencoder13:54
gibran_hi anyone know where i can do video call from skype beta 2.?13:54
Nanohawookienz: we can use cli, if you guide me.  I'm a little compitent. LOL13:54
Oprtzhi anyone knows. how to use webcam with yahoo messenger in ubuntu 10.10 like we use in windows ? thanks13:55
glacemananyone using aircrack on ubuntu ?13:55
rohitnikcoolDoes anybody know a good software for converting songs and vids in other format13:55
skydromeapt-show-version works for already installed packages, is there an equivalent for non-install packages?13:55
josephPHgibran_: Video on Skype for Linux works.13:55
Oprtzrohitnikcool:  use Arista Transcoder for converting songs13:56
Bipul`Oprtz,  use gyachi13:56
Nanoharohitnikcool: mplayer can convert videos.  you can use your software center to find audio converters.  just type Convert in the search dialog13:56
somethinginteresrohitnikcool: mencoder is a good cmd line converter. What formats are you after?13:56
NanohaI'm sorry ,not mplayer ,mencoder.  Thanks!13:56
glacemananyone using aircrack-ng on ubuntu ?13:56
OprtzBipul`: will is work same like yahoo wuith webcam? thanks for ur information13:56
Bipul`Oprtz,  if you wants all Feature OF yahoo messanger clinet then i must advice you to use gyachi13:56
gibran_i downloaded skype from the software center and it has no video button13:56
somethinginteresrohitnikcool: Arista Transcoder is also good and is in the Ubuntu Software Centre. Or try handbrake (more advanced)13:57
OprtzBipul`:  thank u bussy13:57
Bipul`Oprtz,  yes it has all Feature that A simple Yahoo messanger have13:57
x_OHi I've problem with last ubuntu update there is "unrecogized option -nr" in X  server logs13:57
OprtzBipul`:  can i find it under  synaptic ?13:57
=== Cradam is now known as Sradam
Bipul`Oprtz,  if you have any Problem regading installation Fill FRee to ask13:57
=== Sradam is now known as Cradam
x_Owhere i could find place where X server is started?13:58
Bipul`yes search it with Gyachi13:58
pavankumarlhello, I checked var/log folder, I found ufw.log,msg.log,kern.log together account for 600mb of log data, shall I keep them or delete them?13:58
OprtzBipul`:  okie dude,13:58
josephPHgibran_:  It will work only if Linux is able to support your Webcam. On my setup, I have a cheap 3MP webcam that connects through USB. Works out of the box.13:58
somethinginteresisrafil: any luck?13:58
glacemananyone using aircrack with ubuntu please13:58
Bipul`Oprtz,  are you on 10.10 ?13:58
vovaа где есть русский канал по убунту?13:58
OprtzBipul`:  yes i am, and synaptic didn't find  gyachi13:59
IdleOne!ru | vova13:59
ubottuvova: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:59
pavankumarlbut I activated firewall to log only 2 days back, it accounts for 200mb13:59
Bipul`Oprtz,  Hold up a second13:59
OprtzBipul`:  okie13:59
pankajhey guys13:59
r00t4rd3dglaceman, ive used that and kismet.13:59
pankaji want to know if i can install nvdia graphic drivers on linux14:00
pankajfor a intel graphic card?14:00
josephPHpankaj: no14:00
Bipul`Oprtz,  http://blog.sudobits.com/2010/07/06/how-to-install-gyachi-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/14:00
pankajare there any good graphic drivers for ubuntu linux with intel graphic card14:00
OprtzBipul`:  okie great and thanks for ur help, i really apreciate that14:01
bartek_hi, i come to problem when installing enlightment e17, after installation my compiz do not start and "places" are broken14:01
Bipul`If would stil not work i have a text file to compile it if you know how to compile , but i have used in 10.0414:01
=== rocket16 is now known as YouKay
Bipul`i don't know about 10.1014:01
OprtzBipul`:  i dont know how to compile , iam a newbie in ubuntu syste,14:02
Oprtzbut i want to know ubuntu more14:02
Bipul`Oprtz,  Pm ME14:02
hay09I want to save all traffic that passes through a port in a log file14:02
rsvhow to install vmware in windows 7 and from where?14:02
ronr__Hi everyone. I have a media center computer running windows 7 and I want to migrate it to ubuntu. Are there any common guides on how to do it? I prefer not having to format my computer and keep most things there (like my firefox profile and so on).14:02
ShootEmUp/me welcomes all ubuntu users!14:03
WribbeHi all, anyone who knows why java renturn "text.txt" when i output scannerName.nextLine() and have defined the scanner as scannerName = new Scanner("text.txt"), both files are inte the same directory14:03
=== nick_ is now known as Guest97714
Wribbehow should I define the path?14:04
Cradam/me welcomes all ubuntu users14:04
somethinginteresronr__: you can install Ubuntu within windows to avoid having to partition14:05
hosomakihi all14:05
hosomakijust a question14:05
somethinginteresronr__: or having to delete anything14:05
hosomakiwhat is the best forensics kit for ubuntu14:05
ronr__somethinginteres: I want to get rid of the windows installation alltogether14:06
hosomakii'm using tsk and i'm satisfied but i'd like to know more about!14:06
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest41862
somethinginteresronr__: sorry, I'm a bit confused. You want to delete Windows but not format?14:07
ronr__somethinginteres: delete as in not have access to it. I don't mind deleting the windows directory, I just don't want to format the whole disk.14:08
Tadejsomethinginteres: why not format?14:08
vsairhow to cancel gdm of ubuntu?14:08
Tadejsorry I ment ronr__14:08
mvanlevsair: what do you mean cancel14:08
ronr__Tadej: because I have lots of data on the drive, and I have no way to back it up.14:09
Tadejronr__: I dont think you can run ubuntu on NTFS14:09
ronr__Tadej: oh, it can't read NTFS? only FAT?FAT32?14:09
Tadejronr__: you will have to move the data or at least resize data partition and make new one from available free space14:09
s3r3n1t7How can i check if a user has a password set?14:10
Tadejronr__: it can read it, but it cant run from it, as far as I know14:10
ronr__Tadej: can the file system be converted without formatting it?14:10
Tadeji dont think so14:10
mvanlevsair: in /etc/inittab change "id:5:initdefault:" to "id:3:initdefault:"14:11
Tadejbut you can use partition magic and resize NTFS (make it smaller)14:11
Tadejand install ubuntu on the rest of free space14:11
somethinginteresronr__:  that's a tricky one. I've never heard of that being done before. The only thing I could think of is shrinking the NTFS partition and giving the remaining space to Ubuntu. But there's a chance of data loss and without a backup method it's risky14:11
ronr__okay. now, if I run the installation and choose to format the disk afterall, are the installation default partitions good enough or should I change them?14:12
mvanles3r3n1t7: in /etc/passwd14:12
s3r3n1t7mvanle, can't see if it has a password there can i?14:12
somethinginteresronr__:  you should probably change them. Most people put their /home on a different partition to keep files if they need to upgrade/reinstall etc14:12
ronr__somethinginteres, Tadej: I can try backing it up on a different machine, I just imagine it'll take forever and then some.14:12
somethinginteresronr__: I'd say backup is the only real method14:13
Tadejronr__: but it is the best solution...14:13
xxiaohow do I remove a menu in Applications list, I installed wine, then 'remove --purge' it, but the menu stays14:13
kovid_how can i make it so my current user automatically logs in? i dont need to enter a password on bootup any more14:13
mvanles3r3n1t7: it might look like this "s3r3n1t7:x:500:500::/home/s3r3n1t7:/bin/bash". the 'x' mean there's a password set.14:13
ronr__I'll try to. Not sure how well it'd work on my home network.14:13
s3r3n1t7mvanle, that's a lot more helpful, didn't know that. Thanks14:13
ronr__other than the /home dir, should I set other dirs as well on a different partition?14:13
kovid_or, how can i make it so this machine automatically connects to a wireless network without a user logging in? i want to be able to ssh into it, but after i restart i have to log in before it will connect to a network14:14
s3r3n1t7mvanle, that leads me to my next question: Why would i have an sshd user login with password?14:14
somethinginteresronr__:  that should be fine just /, /home and swap14:14
ronr__or let's say this, I have a 320GB hard disk, how should I partition it to avoid future problems?14:14
pavankumarlI cleared cache 5 min before now again got notification that root folder is running out of memory, what should I do, how do I stop this unnecessary logging14:14
upslamode +b14:14
somethinginteresronr__: well swap needs to be 2x your RAM14:14
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mvanles3r3n1t7: because the ssh user is logging in the host without using a key.14:15
U-b-u-n-t-uI added a share folder in my home dir and I right clicked it and chose to share it with others on the network and I can see it from other computers on the network but when I try to access it, it asks for a password and I put in the password I added with  sudo smbpasswd -a myusername and it wont let me access it... why14:15
s3r3n1t7mvanle, but i have no user named sshd14:15
somethinginteresronr__: /home can be as big as you wish. I had my root partition as 10GB which was far too small so you should probably give that a fair amount of space14:15
ronr__are there any known problems running ubuntu on an atom/ion platform?14:15
ronr__somethinginteres: okay, should I give the root 20G? 50G?14:16
mvanles3r3n1t7: oh you mean "sshd" in /etc/passwd ... well, the /etc/passwd file contains information about user acounts. "sshd" is an account that is probably not a regular user. these types of accounts are created for system administration purposes eg. the sshd service runs as user "sshd". it's for security reasons.14:16
s3r3n1t7mvanle, that doesn't explain why it has a password set still ...14:17
somethinginteresronr__: based on my spending 9hrs last night having to give extra space to root I'd say 50GB to be safe it depends on how much you wanna install but yeah bigger is better to avoid annoyances later14:17
mvanles3r3n1t7: if it did not have a password, some guy can just log in as user "sshd" on your host.14:17
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s3r3n1t7mvanle, no he couldn't, since sshd is set to not allow passwordless logins14:17
s3r3n1t7mvanle, although that does sound like a sane theory14:18
s3r3n1t7mvanle, thank you.14:18
mvanles3r3n1t7: yeah but you're talking about "ssh" as a connection. i'm talking about "sshd" as a user.14:18
s3r3n1t7mvanle, ssh daemon won't allow any user to login without a password, including but not limited to the user sshd14:18
owneruseruhh... hello, is this place open for support?14:18
ronr__somethinginteres: okay, thanks for the help. I've never used ubuntu before (I use Fedora at work), hope it goes well. it's 'only' meant to be a media center though, so it'd mostly run VLC and maybe XMBC.14:18
s3r3n1t7owneruser, yup, go ahead 'n ask.14:19
mvanles3r3n1t7: oh right. yeah, but a local user could log in.14:19
ish10Hi need netcat help. I want to set the delay in something less than a second14:19
owneruserthanks... uhh14:19
somethinginteresronr__: no worries. There's a mediacentre specific flavour of ubuntu called mythbuntu you may want to use that?14:19
owneruserI think my webcam and mic are mixed up14:19
U-b-u-n-t-uI added a share folder in my home dir and I right clicked it and chose to share it with others on the network and I can see it from other computers on the network but when I try to access it, it asks for a password and I put in the password I added with  sudo smbpasswd -a myusername and it wont let me access it... any idea why14:19
somethinginteresronr__: http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mythbuntu.org%2F&ei=CiEnTeygM4bqvQOSkdzgBA&usg=AFQjCNEUFhJt0qQnPaD_LAIKS8mbELJssw14:20
mvanles3r3n1t7: (or somebody who is already logged in could change to user "sshd" with 'su - sshd')14:20
ownerusersound preferences just freezes the entire system14:20
MadCarburetorCan i have icons on my dekstop in Ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition?14:20
mvanles3r3n1t7: and then perhaps even delete /usr/sbin/sshd (or even worse, replace it with a trojan).14:21
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s3r3n1t7mvanle, hmm i suppose14:21
s3r3n1t7mvanle, that's probably true, yeah14:21
ronr__somethinginteres: I will look into it, thanks! do you know what the main differences are?14:22
eikuHow can I make my ~/.XCompose file available for the "root" user?14:22
SomelauwCan you use firefox from the shell?14:22
evilenkohello, It's there anyway that I can calculate how many files a website has?14:23
mvanleeiku: what, you mean the root user will use ~/.XCompose from another user ?14:23
evilenkoi dont want to download the files, just want to know how many files a website has14:23
mvanleSomelauw: no. firefox requires X11.14:23
bnut_looking for fstab help.  //  /video  cifs     ocharset=utf8,credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777  0  014:23
eikumvanle, I just want to have the same "compose key" settings as root as I have as single user14:24
bnut_that seems to lock the folder on the windows box14:24
mrrothwhat is the best ubuntu based nas?14:24
bnut_I don't want it to do that14:24
somethinginteresronr__: not in any great detail never used it myself it basically installs a program called "mythtv" by default and helps to set it up. It's Ubuntu especially for PVR but it is meant for standalone mediacentres so if you're going to use your PC for media and more (like me) regular Ubuntu is best. If it is just a PVR then mythbuntu might be worth a shot. Saves a lot of time I hear14:24
eikubut I don’t know where the config files are for root14:24
evilenkoi dont want to download the files, just want to know how many files a website has14:24
mvanleeiku: you could create a symlink in /root to the ~/.XCompose of the single user.14:24
eikuI have already copied it in /root14:25
evilenkofind out how many files a website has? with wget?14:25
eikubut it seems not to work14:25
SomelauwSo, what is the most shell like user interface that I can use firefox with?14:25
mvanleeiku: (but this is bad security practice. if somebody hacked your ~/.XCompose file, the root user will use it too).14:25
somethinginteresmrroth: Ubuntu Server would be the way to go though FreeNAS might be worth looking into (not Ubuntu based though)14:25
eiku(maybe I should have rebooted or something)14:25
ronr__somethinginteres: it seems it can be added at a later time to an existing ubuntu installation, so I may look into it later.14:25
eikumvanle, no problem here, I’m on a live session (liveUSB)14:25
somethinginteresronr__: yeah you can indeed14:25
eiku(so my idea of rebooting was stupid)14:26
ronr__somethinginteres: one last question if you don't mind. I have 4GB ram, should I get the 32bit or 64bit version? (in windows I have to use the 64bit)14:26
eikuSomelauw, did you mean launch firefox from a terminal?14:26
eikuSomelauw, or control it via the terminal?14:26
somethinginteresronr__: 64bit. A 32bit cant page 4gb14:27
SomelauwYes, but I also want to display it without having to start gnome.14:27
ronr__somethinginteres: great, that's what I downloaded.14:27
ArachonHullo, I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 and I don't seem to have the latest version of Ubuntu Software Center, how can I update it?14:27
SomelauwLaunch it from a terminal.14:27
ronr__somethinginteres: so thanks for all the help. I may come in later to bug you with more questions if I encounter any problems ;)14:27
eikuSomelauw, then the answer is no, not possible, but you can use w3m or links or lynx14:27
somethinginteresronr__: no problem. Hope it works out.14:28
ronr__thanks. have a great weekend!14:28
mvanlesomethinginteres: not to my knowledge. you need a X session to display firefox.14:28
U-b-u-n-t-uI added a share folder in my home dir and I right clicked it and chose to share it with others on the network and I can see it from other computers on the network but when I try to access it, it asks for a password and I put in the password I added with  sudo smbpasswd -a myusername and  I smbpasswd -e username it wont let me access it... why14:28
youmis there any way to load sound preferences from the terminal?14:28
ArachonHow depressing14:28
Arachonmt <.<14:28
Somelauweike, I also want to be able to display graphics and sound and such.14:29
SomelauwIt doesn't have to run from shell14:29
evilenkoGet a list of files on a website ?14:29
SomelauwBut I want an interface as shelllike as possible.14:29
youmoh, found it14:29
somethinginteresyoum: gnome-volume-control?14:29
SomelauwThat can handle grahpics and sounds and such.14:30
ArachonApologize for the spam, but... I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 and I don't seem to have the latest version of Ubuntu Software Center, how can I update it?14:30
yoummore like changing switching hardware14:30
somethinginteresArachon: what's your v. no?14:30
Arachonsomethinginteres: For Ubuntu or USC?14:30
somethinginteresArachon: both pls14:30
LunaVoraxHi there !14:31
eikuSomelauw, you can always launch firefox without gnome, just using an other desktop environment (like xfce or fluxbox), but you cannot launch firefox inside a terminal’s window or inside a TTY14:31
Arachonsomethinginteres: Ubuntu is 10.4 as mentioned, and USC is 2.0.714:31
youmdrat didn't work14:32
LunaVoraxI want to create multiple folders with a random number as a name (between 1000000000 and 9999999999) how can I do that in the command line14:32
youmwhenever I unmute the volume the entire system freezes forever14:32
zipperheadcan any one please help me , my panel icons are moving around by them self even if i lock them14:32
somethinginteresArachon: I'm running 10.10 so not sure but any SC updates should come through the update manager.. System---> Admin --> Update Manager14:32
eikuThough on a very old knoppix there was a game (frozen bubble) that ran in graphic mode without needing X, but I’ve seen that only once and never since14:32
evilenkohow do i get a list off all files in a website? dont want the files.. just a list of all the files on that website14:33
ArachonHave been running the update manager... I suppose it could be something related to EasyPeasy in that case. I'll head over to their IRC-channel instead14:33
youmand the webcam just shows blank when I fire it up14:33
youmgoogle search shows that they appear to have mixed up14:33
bazhang!seen bazhang14:33
ubottuI have no seen command14:33
marine1Oer: what up bro14:34
ne2kI have just got a new keyboard with multimedia buttons, which I love. However, there is also a suspend button, which I keep hitting by accident. what is the preferred way to disable this button? I don't want to disable suspend completely, just the button on the keyboard14:36
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Wynne2k, try re-mapping it using keyboard prefrences via system - prefrences14:38
Wynne2k, or dig it out with a knife, whatever makes you feel better14:38
bnut_what does it mean when folders are highlighted green using ls?14:39
josephPHWyn: #2 option should do it! LOL! :P14:39
ne2kWyn: what do you mean by "keyboard preferences"? There is "keyboard" and "keyboard shortcuts". Under keyboard shortcuts this key doesn't appear to be mentioned14:39
* Wyn thinks it is a good standby14:39
Wynne2k, shortcuts14:39
=== bnut_ is now known as bnut
marine1is there a way to transfer data between 2 hardrives on the same pc??14:40
Cradamwhy bazhang14:40
Braber01hi I'm having trouble with Anthy m17n, I can't seem to convert higringrina into kanji by pressing spacebar and I do have the laguage pack installed14:40
ne2kmarine1: rsync14:40
ne2kmarine1: or drag and drop if you prefer that sort of thing14:40
Ickymy power manager is no longer automatically starting when i turn on my computer, what gives?14:41
marine1ne2k: on the same machine14:41
IckyBraber01: higringrina. hilarious14:41
ne2kmarine1: cp?14:41
ne2kmarine1: explain your requirements more fully14:41
Braber01Icky, I can't spell veary well, the only words I know how to spell for sure are programming keywords.14:41
marine1ne2k: so the 2nd harddrive has to formatted to linux via gparted?14:41
ne2kWyn: there is no suspend action in keyboard shortcuts14:42
Laurencebcan someone explain how to set up ssh securely?14:42
josephPHbnut: Try to check file permissions. It should tell you what. It may have X bit set...14:42
Cradamwhy does wubi want to install 10.10?14:42
ne2kmarine1: it has to be formatted to something if you want to put files on it14:42
Laurenceb#   PasswordAuthentication yes14:42
Laurenceband so on in /etc/ssh14:42
marine1ne2k: yes14:42
Cradamwhy does wubi want to install 10.04?14:42
bnutjosephPH: ty14:42
Laurencebhow am i best configuring it?14:42
ne2kCradam: wubi is deprecated, afaik14:42
somethinginteresCradam: check your wubi version14:42
Mahjongghello everyone, booting halts with this error: udevtrigger main process (434) terminated with status 1. Can you help?14:43
somethinginteresne2k: nup it's still on the maverick cds etc14:43
Cradami got wubi straight from ubuntu's main site 10mins ago14:43
milamberArachon: why do you think you don't have the most up to date version of software center?14:43
Arachonmilamber: Mainly because it doesn't look like the one in 10.1014:43
Cradami got wubi straight from ubuntu's main site 10mins ago somethinginteres14:44
ArachonAnd according to Wiki, latest version is 3.0.714:44
somethinginteresWyn: http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9078805&postcount=2 might help14:44
marine1ne2k: yes the reason I'm asking is because my harddrive is starting to a funny noise when it first boots14:44
josephPHArachon: v10.04 right? I don't think it will get the one like in 10.10....14:44
marine1ne2k: is there a procdure I must do when I first install this 2nd harddrive??14:44
Cradamhow can i get wubi to install 10.10?14:44
milamberArachon: ok, it received a major overhaul btw 10.04 and 10.10, they are moving away from synaptic. i have an up to date system and i am running 2.0.7 also14:44
ne2kmarine1: partition and format it14:45
^Alitahi to all14:45
=== Hekos is now known as hekos
^Alitai'm trying to install 10.10 via pendrive14:45
somethinginteresCradam: so you got the latest wubi and it is trying to d/l 10.04? hmm the only time this happened to me was the wrong version. The latest is tough to find sometimes other than that, not sure14:45
Arachonmilamber: So essentially you're saying that I can't update USC independently?14:45
marine1ne2k: with a livecd or Gparted??14:45
^Alitabut the pc says: could not find kernel image14:45
^Alitawhat i have to write to the boot prompt?14:45
ne2kWyn: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9977121 this is the solution14:46
ne2kmarine1: well I'd do it with fdisk and mke3fs but it's up to you14:46
Cradamsomethinginteres, http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer thats where i got it from, do u know somewhere better14:46
youmunmuting keeps killing the computer14:46
milamberArachon: from the terminal:  sudo apt-get install <packagename>        will tell you if there is an updated version available in the repos (there is not for software-center in 10.04)14:46
kuukihow to refresh window in ubuntu14:47
milamber!info software-center lucid | Arachon14:48
ubottuArachon: software-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing applications. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.7 (lucid), package size 272 kB, installed size 1680 kB14:48
somethinginteresCradam: I think that's downloading an old version14:48
ArachonAh, and I can't run the Meerkat version on Lucid then?14:48
bnutjosephPH: it was w-world, I think  ;)14:48
Cradamsomethinginteres,  do u know where i can get a new 114:48
somethinginteresCradam: tracking it down for you14:49
Laurencebim trying that14:49
eikuI have corrupt graphic card drivers. How can I reinstall the correct ones? Anyone knows something about all those xserver-xorg-video-* packages, what they need to "work", etc?14:49
Laurencebetc/ssh$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart14:49
Laurencebsudo: /etc/init.d/ssh: command not found14:49
milamberArachon: not easily14:50
ArachonAh, ok14:50
milamberLaurenceb: sshd14:50
Laurencebsudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart14:50
Laurencebsudo: /etc/init.d/sshd: command not found14:50
josephPHbnut: yeah... lol14:50
Wynne2k, cool14:51
josephPHI think it's upstart now14:51
milamberLaurenceb: did you do: sudo apt-get install openssh-server   ?14:51
Laurencebi thought it was included14:51
milamberLaurenceb: what version of ubuntu?14:51
somethinginteresCradam: you can get wubi from the root of the CD14:51
milamber!info openssh-server lucid14:52
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 278 kB, installed size 760 kB14:52
Laurencebok, worked14:52
Laurencebso, i disabled password authentication.. how the heck am i supposed ot log in?14:52
marine1ne2k: should I use a livecd or Gparted?14:52
Cradami don't have a optical drive somethinginteres14:52
gobbeLaurenceb: using certificates14:52
ne2kmarine1: I'm really not seeing how these are mutually exclusive14:52
gobbeLaurenceb: or keys14:52
somethinginteresCradam: I can send it to you14:53
Laurencebhow do i set that up?14:53
marine1ne2k: O.K. good enough I just asking as to whe I install this 2nd haddrive what is the best procedure in setting it up.14:53
milamberLaurenceb: add your computer to the allowed list.14:53
rumpe1Laurenceb, with ssh-keygen. After that that execute "ssh-copy-id user@host" to copy it to the server. voila.14:54
Laurencebmilamber: how?14:54
milamberLaurenceb: but if you just got the install i don't think you could have disabled it yet. try: ssh localhost14:54
Laurenceb/etc/ssh/ssh_config: line 54: Bad configuration option: AllowUsers14:55
gobbeLaurenceb: that's option of sshd_config14:56
gobbeLaurenceb: not ssh_config14:56
milamberLaurenceb: in unix/linux environments you will find that many of the server programs end with a 'd' it stands for daemon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_%28computer_software%2914:57
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LaurencebRSA key fingerprint is: bah14:58
marine1ne2k: hey i get this error message when updating14:58
Laurencebso do i need that to login remotely?14:58
marine1ne2k: E: firefox: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 214:58
marine1E: firefox-3.0: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured14:58
marine1E: ubufox: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured14:58
aeon-ltdhi i've got a memory card reader (internal) is there a 'ls' type command or similar to poll all the memory cards plugged in14:58
ne2kmarine1: stop pasting14:58
milamberLaurenceb: yes, you need sshd  (openssh-server) to lot in remotely14:58
marine1ne2k: ok so what do you recommend14:58
ne2kaeon-ltd: if you use dmesg you will see recent kernel messages and it will show there if it recommended anything14:59
milamberaeon-ltd: sudo fdisk -l14:59
rumpe1aeon-ltd, lsusb14:59
Laurencebmilamber: can i login with putty?14:59
aeon-ltdthanks all14:59
milamberLaurenceb: if your ssh-server is configured correctly, then yes. putty is the most common ssh client program i've seen for windows14:59
gobbeLaurenceb: yes, but you need to create key in every computer where do you want to connect14:59
milamberLaurenceb: if you are connecting from another unixy computer, ssh is built in. just type ssh <hostname>15:00
gobbemilamber: well, i understood that he/she is trying to disable password logins15:00
marine1ne2k: ??15:01
Laurencebmilamber: ok, so i try to login with putty and it asks for username and password15:02
milambergobbe: ahh, i thought he was just trying to test his newly installed ssh-server :)15:02
ne2kmarine1: you seem to be asking about two completely separate things15:02
Laurencebi enter password and get acess denied15:02
aeon-ltdne2k: the kernel didn't reccommend anything, so i assume my memory card reader does not support sdhc cards15:02
Laurencebi am try to disable password logins as well15:02
xtcHI :)15:03
milamberLaurenceb: did you set putty up with the correct username? and have you modified the sshd_config file at all?15:03
Koheleth1Laurenceb: check CAPS aint on15:03
Laurencebto make it more secure15:03
rumpe1aeon-ltd, try "tail -f /var/log/messages" and plugoff/plugin the reader/card15:03
Laurencebi know, its nort15:03
Laurenceb- no capslock15:03
Laurencebsshd_config has been modified to allow me as the user15:03
Koheleth1Laurenceb: is it a fresh install?15:03
Koheleth1Laurenceb: maybe you messed the password up?15:04
marine1ne2k: well I asked you what is the best process for formatting the 2nd harddrive whether it's using gparted or a livecd15:04
Laurencebill try remving the modifications to sshd_config15:04
Bipul`can any one look at my problem why i am getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/551504/15:04
Koheleth1Laurenceb: reinstall try again!15:04
marine1ne2k: and the 2nd question arose when I tried to update my system via update manager15:04
milamberLaurenceb: just confirming, you were able to login using ssh localhost on the server itself?15:04
Laurencebmilamber: yes15:04
marine1ne2k: here is the pastbin link:http://paste.ubuntu.com/551503/15:05
Laurencebbut not from a WINDOWS MACHINE ON THE LAN15:05
Laurenceboops sorry capslock15:05
staff_nowahello how correct this error warning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such file or directory ?15:05
milamberLaurenceb: so you are logged in now?15:05
Laurencebim sitting at the ubuntu machine lol15:05
Laurencebso yes15:05
milamberLaurenceb: are you logged in from the win machine?15:06
Laurencebi was logged out of localhopst15:06
Laurencebwhen i tried the remote machine15:06
Koheleth1lau CAPS suck eh at times :)15:06
rohitnikcoolwhy does my internet connection gets disconnected after a while ,plz help me i am a newbie/15:07
Koheleth1rohitnikcool: happens to me, its your isp15:07
marine1ne2k: ???15:08
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rohitnikcoolKoheleth1: no its not the isp , it works great on windows platform15:08
milamberLaurenceb: you still w/ us?15:10
ne2kmarine1: if you have a working system already why would you boot a live disc to partition a disc?15:10
rohitnikcoolPlz anyone help me . My internet gets disconnected often.15:10
^Alitai've prepared an usb stick with ubuntu 10.10 from the iso image15:10
marine1ne2k: i saod originally a 2nd harddrive not my exisating one15:10
marine1ne2k: *said15:11
^Alitabut at the boot didn't find the configuration file and won't boot15:11
ne2kmarine1: you seem to be monumentally confused15:11
^Alitahow i can fix it?15:11
Laurencebgot it now thanks15:11
Laurencebwrong port15:11
Laurenceblan was giving weird issues15:11
Laurencebi was actually trying to log into another machine15:11
Laurencebthanks for the help guys15:12
marine1ne2k: i'm not i asked you about what is the best way to transfer files from one hard drive to another15:12
marine1ne2k: then how to format the 2nd harddrive'15:12
rohitnikcoolMy net gets disconnected after a while.Plzzzzzzzzzzz some one help me15:12
milamberLaurenceb: excellent :) on a side note - ssh is pretty secure. i wouldn't worry about passwordless logins. most people just put it on a different port. (i'd recommend something higher than the default nmap scan - it will keep you safe from most script kiddies)15:13
Kohelethrohitnikcool:  its prolly your isp playing with you I get it all I the time cuz I download a lot15:13
gobbe^Alita: how did you do the stick?15:13
^Alitawith universal usb installer under windows15:14
Kohelethrohitnikcool: complain to your isp for starters15:14
gobbe^Alita: did you format the disk?15:14
gobbe^Alita: ok. can you give excact error message you get15:14
Bipul`can any one look at my problem why i am getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/551504/15:14
kaiyin I use c-x 2 to split the window, how do scroll back in the other window? I know there is c-m-v for scroll forward.15:14
ne2kmarine1: like I said, you're confused. you don't format a drive, you format a partition on a disk15:14
marine1ne2k: let's move on to the 2nd issue did you look at my pastbin15:14
rohitnikcoolKoheleth: i thinks there is no issue of isp because i am using windows too and on it net works pretty good.15:15
ne2kmarine1: you seem to be labouring under the impression that it is my duty to help you15:15
Laurencebmilamber: so when i connect from putty i have to setup an RSA key, but to actually login its just asking for a password as before15:15
^AlitaERROR: no configuration file found - no default or ui configuration directive found15:15
Laurencebhow is that more secure15:15
marine1ne2k: i came here to get help not to you specifaclly15:15
Kohelethrohitnikcool: highly unlikly is a Ubuntu thing15:15
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:15
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:16
Laurencebthe rsa key is for encrypting the data?15:16
marine1ne2k: and since you answered one of my questions15:16
milamberLaurenceb: the first time you connect from any computer it will ask you to accept that key. then it will store it for future reference.15:16
Laurencebi see15:16
rohitnikcoolKoheleth: do u have any solution to this problem? if yes help15:16
Laurencebbut whats to stop someone brute forcing the password?15:16
Kohelethrohitnikcool: access your router for starters15:17
Bipul`can any one look at my problem why i am getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/551504/15:17
dragonkeeperis there a virtual machine that will allow more than 128mb of video memory ?15:17
Kohelethrohitnikcool: 192.168.*.* something15:17
milamberLaurenceb: password timeouts are pretty effective15:17
marine1ne2k: it' all good thanks for th intial help15:18
Kohelethrohitnikcool: read your router docs, who is your isp?15:18
^Alitagobbe, mow i'm trying to recreate the usb stick with unetbootin15:18
zipperheadanyone can help installed alternate version of desktop on my laptop and i get just black screen15:18
milamberLaurenceb: there is an option in the sshd to set failed attempts and the amount of time before a retry15:18
Laurencebi see15:19
gobbe^Alita: ok15:19
milamberBipul`: what version of ubuntu?15:20
Bipul`milamber,  10.1015:20
milamber!info libgtkhtml2-dev maverick | Bipul`15:21
ubottuBipul`: Package libgtkhtml2-dev does not exist in maverick15:21
gobbeBipul`: there is no such package available15:21
rohitnikcoolplz help me my internet stops working in ubuntu 10.04 after some time,there is no problem of isp15:21
Bipul`so how can i compile15:22
Bipul`i mean how can i use this libgtkhtm15:22
gobbeBipul`: usually you download sourcecodes and run configure and make15:22
Bipul`gobbe,  how?15:23
Kohelethrohitnikcool: have you accesed ypor router yet, Ubuntu is not the problem here15:23
gobbeBipul`: well, download the sourcecodes first, usually there's instructions15:24
rohitnikcoolKoheleth: no problem with the router15:24
milamberBipul`: i don't know what your use case is, but that package is available in 10.04 (i like the LTSs).15:24
Kohelethrohitnikcool:  not saying there is but can reconnect there15:24
Bipul`milamber,  yes package is available in 10.0415:24
Bipul`but not in 10.1015:24
Bipul`so what shud i do now15:24
milamber!compile | Bipul` otherwise you can always build from source15:25
ubottuBipul` otherwise you can always build from source: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:25
rohitnikcoolKoheleth: what do u mean by ur last post15:25
Kohelethrohitnikcool:  bet its your isp, either having probs cuz of weather or they are messing with you15:25
Kohelethrohitnikcool:  how you connect, wired or wifi?15:25
rohitnikcoolKoheleth: my dear friend it works on windows xp .15:25
milamberdragonkeeper: qemu is probably going to be your best bet15:26
Kohelethrohitnikcool:  just trying to help15:26
Kohelethrohitnikcool: what router you using15:26
rohitnikcoolKoheleth: i can understand15:26
Kohelethrohitnikcool: access it for starters15:27
hiexpomorning all15:27
hiexpomorning pure_hate15:28
pure_hatehola hiexpo15:28
Kohelethwhat a horrible nick15:28
Flynsarmyhow can i access a windows shared folder if it's got no password? ubuntu keeps asking for a password and if i leave it blank it brings the pw box up again15:29
hiexpowhere can i find documentation about different color outputs in the terminal ?15:29
DaGeek247Flynsarmy: how are you accessing the windows shared folder?15:30
FlynsarmyDaGeek247: smb://<ip>/c15:30
rethuswhy looks my dolphin like this: http://uppix.net/4/2/6/12452e4aca5e784e2728f182cb52d.jpg15:30
DaGeek247Flynsrmy: there is a better way than that. click Places, then click Network15:31
milamberhiexpo: can you be more specific? user defined? context based in an editor? what do you mean?15:31
ZykoticK9Flynsarmy, is c a real share, or is that the default administrative share on all drives?  that might make a difference, but i'm no expert in Windows interoperability.  Best of luck.15:31
FlynsarmyZykoticK9: it's the share name of the C drive. others include /m and /f15:32
FlynsarmyZykoticK9: they were owrking back when the account had a pw15:32
hiexpomilamber, what i mean is the output colors say i type in the terminal sudo apt-get update > than all links one color errors another etc15:32
Rny0Heya, I just installed ubuntu 10.10 and the nm-applet worked just fine but suddenly it doesn't appear in the panel anymore... if I start it via console it works just fine. it's also in autostart, but it doesn't seem to be started. any ideas?15:33
DaGeek247Fynsarmy: try accessingthe shared folder using nautilus15:33
vovaдайте ссылку на русский канал15:33
ZykoticK9!ru | vova15:33
ubottuvova: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:33
milamberhiexpo: not sure if that is easily done, but the best place to start looking would be: man gnome-terminal15:34
Rny0if there was an error while autostart was trying to start nm-applet, where would it be?15:34
Nanohaokay, still having trouble with my network connectivity.  i just don't get this.  Using ubuntu 10.04 desktop fresh install.15:34
hiexpomilamber, kk15:34
FlynsarmyDaGeek247: that's how i'm attemping to access it15:35
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:35
FlynsarmyDaGeek247: i entered smb://<ip>/c into the address bar15:35
DaGeek247Flynsarmy: from  Places>Network ?15:35
NanohaI've got a copy of my ifconfig and /etc/network/interfaces file ready for review15:35
malexDo both lucid and maverick support Debian source package v 3.0 (quilt) formats?15:36
netUserwhat is the equivalent cli command of "mobile broadband" section of network-manager ? I successfully used the internet from USB dongole and Network manager, now I want to do it where I don't have any GUI.15:36
NanohaI can't ping my own internal network.  I get Destination Host Unreachable15:36
FlynsarmyDaGeek247: only the machine i'm on is appearing on there. the other machine isn't.15:36
ne2ki de möschta Kanöle wöde no Engurisu geschpröka15:36
DaGeek247Flynsarmy: thats happened to me before. i was disconnected. is everything connected?15:37
FlynsarmyDaGeek247: yes. My machine through wifi to router, router through ethernet to the other machine. i'm pinging it atm15:38
milamberNanoha: do you have a firewall? what version of ubuntu?15:38
Nanohano fire wall.  Just ran sudo ufw disable.  Running 10.04 desktop15:39
milamberNanoha: is your lan behind a router?15:39
DaGeek247Flynsarmy: i dont know how to fix that.15:39
Nanohamilamber: my desktop (fresh install) is going to be the router15:40
administrator_có ai là người việt nam ko15:40
Nanohamilamber: I have two NICs, both with static IPs assigned to the cards15:40
milamberNanoha: pastebin you ifconfig15:40
administrator_please help me15:41
gobbe!ask | administrator_15:41
ubottuadministrator_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:41
DaGeek247Flynsarmy: do they both  have static ips?15:41
administrator_it  wine15:41
ZykoticK9administrator_, there is a #winehq channel for wine issue15:41
administrator_i can't install soft15:42
administrator_i don't understand15:43
Nanohamilamber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551516/15:43
gobbeNanoha: just add ip forward functin and there it is15:43
Nanohagobbe: how do I do that?15:43
gobbeNanoha: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router15:44
d3centedautofs in lycid --> problems15:44
gobbeNanoha: start from 4.5 or something, because you have already fucntional connections15:44
Nanohagobbe: ok.  scanning15:45
administrator_Software in Ubuntu needs to be "executable" (sometimes called "trusted"), both in the sense that the software is a program, and that it is marked as an "executable file" via file permissions.15:45
administrator_i don't understand15:45
gobbeadministrator_: +x flag15:45
ZykoticK9administrator_, right click on the file, properties, permissions tab, add check to "..executable.."15:46
gobbeadministrator_: sudo chmod +x <file>15:46
ZykoticK9gobbe, sudo NOT required!15:46
gobbeZykoticK9: not required in most cases15:46
gobbeZykoticK9: but it doesn't harm15:46
gobbeZykoticK9: i cannot say who owns files, so sudo is just safe15:47
ZykoticK9administrator_, if it's on a CDROM use "wine /media/PATH/PROGRAM.EXE"15:47
ZykoticK9gobbe, don't use sudo when it's not required!15:47
rohitnikcooli am having some internet problem can any one help me out15:47
gobbeZykoticK9: and why not15:47
ZykoticK9gobbe, because that will run things as root instead of a regular user15:47
Nanohagobbe: The problem is that I don't even have basic connectivity.  I get destination host unreachable on BOTH network cards (lan and internet)15:47
gobbeZykoticK9: i know that, but in this case theres no harm for it15:48
gobbeNanoha: aah, i thought that you just tried to fix routing...let me se again15:48
Nanohagobbe: I can't ping www.google.com, nor can I ping my laptop (
rohitnikcooli am having some internet problem can any one help me out15:48
compdocrohitnikcool, depends on the problem15:48
coz_rohitnikcool,  its best just to state the issue...this way someone with the skills in that area  can  speak with you15:49
rohitnikcoolmy net gets disconnected15:49
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:49
rsvi have broadcom wireless chipset in laptop. from where can i get the drivers?15:49
wart___hi folks.  i'd like to have a particular thread on an ubuntu forum e-mail me whenever people post to it.15:49
wart___for the life of me, i can't figure out how!15:49
Mahjongghow can I upgrade 9.10 to LTS ?15:49
gobbeNanoha: and you are sure that you did mappings to correct ones?15:49
Nanohagobbe: yes15:49
mbeierlmy google-fu is weak today.  are there known issues with intel graphics cards and i915 driver in maverick?  I keep getting random x hangs when changing monitors using xrandr15:50
gobbeNanoha: can you ping the gateway of your internet-connection?15:50
Nanohagobbe: no15:50
wart___i am subscribed and have instant email notification15:50
wart___but it only seems to send me an email every once in a blue moon15:50
gobbeNanoha: have you tried without mappings?15:50
ZykoticK9Mahjongg, personally I'd recommend fresh installing (but I have personal hatred of "upgrades")15:50
wart___and it doesn't send me every post!15:51
rohitnikcoolwhenever i start my interenet after 4-5 minutes it stops working.when i click on a link nothing happens. plz help15:51
Yuyohow can i install sun's jdk using apt-get in ubuntu 10.10? only openjdk is available15:51
MahjonggZykoticK9, I have upgraded several times in the past. Never had a problem...15:51
milamberMahjongg: 9.10 is not LTS15:51
ZykoticK9mbeierl, have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/64282515:51
Mahjonggmilamber, correct15:51
milamberMahjongg: my bad.15:51
Nanohagobbe: hold on.  i just switched my lan network cable to the internet card.  and now I can ping my internal network.  brb15:51
milamber!upgrade | Mahjongg15:51
ubottuMahjongg: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:51
rohitnikcoolwhenever i start my interenet after 4-5 minutes it stops working.when i click on a link nothing happens. plz help15:52
rohitnikcoolwhenever i start my interenet after 4-5 minutes it stops working.when i click on a link nothing happens. plzzzzzzzzzz help15:52
anonymousWhat is a good dvd ripping software for ubuntu? need to back up my collection to a media server in my house.15:52
sam-_-Mahjongg, i would reinstall but maybe it can be done via do-release-upgrade or sth. else15:52
gobbeanonymous: handbrake or dvdrip15:52
ZykoticK9anonymous, if you want mp4 files check out Handbrake15:52
mbeierlZykoticK9: thanks - will look at that - sounds promising15:52
nacor-eagleghostim new in xubuntu15:53
milamberanonymous: i highly recommend k9copy15:53
rohitnikcoolwhenever i start my interenet after 4-5 minutes it stops working.when i click on a link nothing happens. plzzzz help me15:53
mohadibany idea why xubuntu-desktop depends on wpa-supplicant?!15:53
gobbenacor-eagleghost: #xubuntu15:53
Flynsarmyhttp://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO_use_an_External_Player_for_media_playback This allows you to run external players based on specified conditions. Can someone show me the condition a bluray would have so I can make it use MPC or VLC or any fo the apps that actually WORK with blurays?15:53
gobbemohadib: #xubuntu is correct channel15:53
anonymousI have tried handbrake, dvdrip, k9copy they all fail part way through.15:53
sam-_-Mahjongg, you can also edit your sources.list but that might be really dirty15:53
mohadibgobbe: pff15:53
anonymousDoes anyone know of a way to use menencoder from mplayer to rip and reencode dvd's?15:54
rsvanyone used broadcom chipsets15:54
milamberanonymous: dvdrip is a windows program. if those all failed, i would go with there's probably a problem w/ the disk15:54
rsvfor wifi15:54
milamber!broadcom | rsv15:54
ubottursv: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:54
ZykoticK9milamber, dvd::rip aka dvdrip is NOT a windows program15:54
gobbedvdrip is great15:55
Yuyohow can i install sun's jdk using apt-get in ubuntu 10.10? only openjdk is available15:55
ZykoticK9Yuyo, just add partner repo15:55
rsvmilamber: i use bcm6x15:55
ZykoticK9!partner | Yuyo15:55
ubottuYuyo: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:55
anonymousNone of those would rip my dvd's so I figured it was the disc too, so I ripped the vob to my comp and now need a software to read them and reencode them.15:56
ZykoticK9Yuyo, after you add partner, don't forget to run "sudo apt-get update" then you'll find the sun-java-* stuff.15:56
Yuyooh, ok, thanks :)15:56
sam-_-anonymous, if the vob is still encrypted you will be out of luck i guess15:56
YuyoZykoticK9, is that the same as: http://www.clickonf5.org/linux/how-install-sun-java-ubuntu-1004-lts/7777 ? because it did that already, but haven't run update yet15:57
sam-_-anonymous, otherwise transcode, vlc, mencoder15:57
=== SmExX is now known as SmExX`Afk
ZykoticK9Yuyo, those directions seem to add partner for Lucid - are you using 10.04?15:57
Yuyonope, 10.1015:58
ZykoticK9Yuyo, if you haven't run update - then you haven't actually changed anything yet.  -- if you are using 10.10 - then use the directions ubottu gave, and not that sites.15:58
Yuyocan i undo what that site told me to do?15:59
ZykoticK9Yuyo, check your /etc/apt/sources.list for anything with "lucid" in the name, or "partner" for that matter.  Hopefully it will be there.16:00
jPuffhi i am on windows and i just downloaded 10.1016:00
YuyoZykoticK9, so just erase those?16:00
s3r3n1t7Is sshd compiled with tcp_wrappers by default? There is a simple check, however I cannot perform this as it would lock me out if so.16:00
ZykoticK9Yuyo, ya... but be careful only remove a lucid/partner line!16:00
YuyoZykoticK9, thanks :)16:02
sacarlsonanonymous: you must already have the restricted package installed,  I thought the k3b program did that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats16:02
ZykoticK9Yuyo, glad to help.  Did you get it working?16:02
Yuyoinstalling sun-java6-jdk as we speak :)16:03
Yuyofrom maverick/partner16:03
jPuffwhere is the ubuntu md5sum16:03
rsvwhen i try to install broadcom drivers i get a message saying modprobe:cant find ath_pci16:03
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:03
Cradamwhats the best font for irc?16:03
erUSUL!best | Cradam16:04
ubottuCradam: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:04
Cradamoops wrong chan16:04
erUSULCradam: i use; Deja Vu Mono16:04
rsvany idea from where i can get ath_pci modules?16:04
ubnoobHello all, I cant find a printer driver for epson workforce 520 (all in one), theirs nothing on the web- pls help16:04
s3r3n1t7Is sshd compiled with tcp_wrappers by default? There is a simple check, however I cannot perform this as it would lock me out if so.16:04
injiHi, while installing proftpd it also creates a user named "ftp", should i care due to security?16:04
DThoughts3r3n1t7: ldd /usr/sbin/sshd shows its linked to libwrap.so16:05
DThoughtso i would assume a yes16:05
evilenkohello how can i make a search engine for my website? its only going to index my mp3 files that Iḿ going to put up in the server16:06
DThoughtevilenko: write it, use google.16:06
FaiLicanHey, whats best manual proxyserver or automatic via URL to configure the proxy server?16:06
=== xbb_ is now known as xbb
ubnoob<evilenko>  whats your websete?16:08
ubnoobi want to check it out16:08
s3r3n1t7DThought, hmm, let's hope so then , thank you16:08
evilenkoi dont have it running16:08
evilenkothe songs is in my computer and im going to make the site in my computer and put ut out with apache16:08
GravIs there any app on ubuntu I can use for gpu fan speed controll ?16:09
christopher@Grav I'm posting a link to an answer that works but it is command line based because it works directly with the sensors through "lmsensors". However it was posted in 2002 so I don't know if anyone has made a gui frontend for it yet. If that's important to you I'd search Ubuntu forums. Here's the llink.16:10
Gravchristopher: ok, I'm gonna check it. I wanted to find something gui based though16:12
christopher@Grav I'm not big into overclocking personally, but there is  a pretty big section of the forums for that kind of stuff good luck16:13
=== SmExX`Afk is now known as SmExX
Gravchristopher: Will check it. I don't want to overclock too, just want to reduce fan speed, it's too loud:P16:15
rsvi get the error modprobe: could not find module ath_pci. how can i install ath_pci16:15
ZykoticK9rsv, you don't happen to be on a minimal cd are you?16:15
NanohaYAY!  Just wanted to let you all know I resolved my networking issue!  All I had to do was to switch the cables into the NICs! duh16:15
rsvno i dont have one16:15
ZykoticK9rsv, what version of ubuntu are you using?16:16
rsvZykoticK9: i am unable to figure out which package i have to install. i use ubuntu 1016:16
ZykoticK9rsv, 10.what?16:16
eikuI’ve just started to reinstall ubuntu on my laptop, using the plain vanilla installer.16:16
rsvZykoticK9: how to find out which ubuntu i am using?16:17
ZykoticK9rsv, lsb_release -a16:17
eikuDuring the partitionning, I’ve chosen to reduce the size of the windows partition, but "an error occurred" and now there is no "used" byte on the partition anymore16:17
ZykoticK9rsv, and it's the ethernet not wireless that your looking for correct?16:17
eikuWhat can I do?16:17
m4xxeiuk, restore from backup16:18
ZykoticK9rsv, have you tried "modprobe ath"?16:18
rsvZykoticK9: 10.04. how to install ath_pci. i have both wireless and ethernet. i want to enable wifi16:18
eikum4xx won’t this erase my linux?16:18
eikuI don’t have a backup CD but perhaps a backup partition on the hard disk16:18
eikuI don’t even know16:18
eikuanyway I have no CD drive16:18
m4xxdoes your windows partition still boot?16:19
rsvZykoticK9: i am trying to install broadcom wireless b43x. i cant load the drivers as it is looking for ath_pci16:19
eikuI’ve not tried yet16:19
Tink__89hm. New to this, where can I go to ask about a Flash prob with Ubuntu ?16:19
eikubut obviously it shouldn’t16:19
rsvZykoticK9: yes. the modules does not exist16:19
eikusave a miracle16:19
ZykoticK9rsv, oh sorry - i have a very similar issue with 10.04 on a minimal cd - can't get ethernet working on my eeepc 1005pe.16:19
wyclifTink__89: what is your problem with Flash?16:20
=== petr is now known as __bro__
Tink__89wyclif, well I'm using Chrome which should have Flash built in if I read correctly. So I did about:plugins but Flash isn't in there so couldn't follow Adobe's instructions. I've downloaded both APT for Ubuntu 9.04+ and .deb for Ubuntu 8.04+ .. Neither work, I'm just trying to watch YouTube lol16:21
eikuI hope at least reinstalling ubuntu will work16:21
FaiLicandoes ssh and vnc work as usual if I install Squid - proxy server?16:21
eikubecause this is _really_ not my day16:21
eikunot that I need windows much anyway16:22
m4xxdid you need anything on your windows partition?16:22
ZykoticK9Tink__89, easiest way to install a working flash is to install ubuntu-restricted-extras16:22
Nanohaeiku: I know where you're coming from.  The past two days weren't my day at all either!16:22
eikum4xx, not really, I use it to test my site with IE16:22
eikuand test my app on windows16:22
m4xxthen i would just format the whole drive16:22
wyclifTink__89: do you know how to install software via Synaptic? Open Synaptic and enter "Flash" in search. Look for the main Flash package and make sure it's checked. If not, install it.16:22
m4xxpartition it with w/e you want then re-install both16:22
m4xxi think you need to start with windows though16:23
eikubut if I had stayed in bed 1 hour longer this morning, I wouldn’t have had the series of misfortunes that led me there…16:23
m4xxunless you use two disks16:23
Tink__89ZykoticK9, I'm totally new to Ubuntu, only installed it yest. So I have no idea how to find that lols16:23
Tink__89wyclif, thanks I will give that a go :)16:23
christopherI agree... Format the entire drive, install windows, then install ubuntu leaving windows with very little room...16:23
m4xxi believe windows want's to be the first partition on the disk16:23
eikum4xx, the problem is, I have a lot of data on my /home16:23
m4xx*wants not wasn't16:23
wyclifTink__89: If you can wait a sec I can tell you what the exact package is16:23
christopherIf you install windows first grub works perfectly out of the box16:23
eikuand no sensible way to backup it16:23
Tink__89wyclif, it is checked =S16:24
eikubecause I use a UTF8 charset / ext4 and my external hard drive uses iso8859-1 / fat32. every time I’ve tried a global backup it has failed totally16:25
ZykoticK9Tink__89, flashplugin-nonfree is a more common option16:25
wyclifTink__89: flashplugin-installer?16:25
ZykoticK9Tink__89, ^ use wyclif's16:25
Tink__89wyclif, ok I will give that a go heh16:25
Tink__89wyclif, installed that, still missing it says16:27
ZykoticK9Tink__89, did you restart the browser?  also try another firefox.16:27
crawlerhi.  how can i *completely* disable my laptop's internal microphone?  muting it in the sound preferences does not have any effect whatsoever.16:28
Tink__89ZykoticK9, yeah I restarted it, and I'm using Chrome16:28
ZykoticK9Tink__89, i know, so test if flash is working in firefox16:28
Tink__89ZykoticK9, yes it works in Firefox, but I don't particularly like using Firefox, it's too slow lol.16:29
ZykoticK9Tink__89, then rather then using Google's proprietary Chrome consider using the open source Chromium (it's in the default repo)16:29
Tink__89ZykoticK9, I'm using Chromium Web Browser, got it from Synaptiks16:30
ZykoticK9Tink__89, then don't say you are using Chrome ('cause you aren't)16:30
Tink__89ZykoticK9, lol I didn't know there was a difference hehe16:31
christopherThere's a difference... big ones16:31
christophera lot of people think the names are interchangable...16:31
Felix00hi. Nor ubuntu installer nor windows detects my new SATA hdd. Bios does. Hdd is western digital caviar blue 500gb. I just bought and plugged now...16:31
Tink__89christopher, I didn't know there was two versions till just now lol.16:31
=== enigm4`away is now known as enigm4
christopheryup... it happens quite often16:32
Felix00is supposed to be de master drive, and the only hdd.16:32
somethinginteresFelix00: the drive needs to be formated to be detected afaik16:32
christopherTry GParted or Fdisk to fix the HD problem16:32
ZykoticK9Tink__89, this if from ActionParsnip (a regular here) - it removes all the APT installable flash versions and reinstalls only one http://paste.ubuntu.com/551530/16:32
Felix00Wrong somethinginteres16:33
Tink__89ZykoticK9, I take it I run that in Terminal ?16:33
ZykoticK9Tink__89, ya16:33
AnirbanHazrahow to upgrade from ubuntu 9.04 to ubuntu 9.10 ?16:34
Felix00the drive is partitioned and formatterd during both installs (should be)16:34
Tink__89ZykoticK9, at the end of that command I see a lot of "Could not get lock" ... Can't be good ?16:34
AnirbanHazrahow to upgrade from ubuntu 9.04 to ubuntu 9.10 using shell ?16:34
somethinginteresFelix00: OK then, well christopher's advice stands Gparted sohuld be of help (though it might be an idea to get the latest version - I used it the other day and had trouble before upgrading)16:34
ZykoticK9Tink__89, close any synaptic/update/usc windows16:34
xangua!upgrade | AnirbanHazra16:35
ubottuAnirbanHazra: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:35
ZykoticK9!eol | AnirbanHazra might need this too16:35
ubottuAnirbanHazra might need this too: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:35
Felix00cristopher, nope; the proper ubiquity does not identify my hdd. Gparted cant do anything.16:35
Tink__89ZykoticK9, still not working.. Wow.. lovin this OS =\16:36
vince__Hello community! I've got a small problem here: when I install new windows programs on wine, they don't show in the wine menu16:36
christopher@Felix00 Does the drive appear on your Bios settings?16:37
san_somone please help in my grub xp is not runnig error:invalid signature16:37
watsoncjI've got some binaries, and a few conf files that I'd like to turn into a deb. Is there a quick and easy way to do this?16:37
aeryioIs it possible to run x display ?16:37
san_i m running on karmic and xp16:37
san_recently i updated16:37
aeryioOn iphone16:37
san_grub got replaces16:37
san_but new in new grub xp doesnt boot16:38
san_it shows invalid signature16:38
san_please help16:38
aeryioWhat command to use to list ssh connexion on a particular pc ?16:39
san_please help me xp doesnt load from grub shows invalid signature16:39
bonjoyeesan_: can u boot ubuntu? what version of ubuntu?16:39
milkhey all. i've a wubu 10.10 install that i'd like to convert to a real partition. it there a way just to backup all files and settings so they can be easily restored, or am i best going down the route of cloning the (currently 'frugal') partition?16:39
aeryioI mean list the history of an ssh connexion16:39
san_bonjoyee: karmic koala 9.10 yes m runing on it right now16:40
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:40
san_no i dint install windows newly i just updated grub16:40
christopher@San_ this has been solved on the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126415116:41
eplaeryio: what do you mean by history of ssh connections?16:41
bonjoyeesan_: did you try sudo update-grub?16:41
bonjoyeeaeryio: chech /var/log/auth16:41
aeryioI crear ssh access to 3 users i want to see history of their ssh connexion on my pc16:43
bonjoyeeaeryio: it should be logged in /var/log/auth16:45
aeryioAn other question16:47
Chip13dont know somebody how to make proxy server?16:48
MrUnagiis there a cli way to cut jpegs down in size?16:49
aeryioI got x server on my ubuntu pc, from iphone terminal i try to run firefox for it dont display what to do ?16:49
frxstremMrUnagi: ImageMagick's convert program should be able to do that16:50
XanthomryrMrUnagi: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/resize/16:50
Cdhi don't understand how pulseaudio over network is supposed to work: I have ubuntu alpha running and i have a pulseaudio server on another pc. with pabrowse on ubuntu alpha i see the server but i have no idea how i get my audio stream to play there... i have read, the use of padevchooser is discouraged and the pulseaudio server doesn't show up automatically in the playback devices...16:50
bonjoyeeaeryio: not sure it works that way..16:51
xangua!natty | Cdh16:51
ubottuCdh: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.16:51
aeryioWhy ?16:51
bonjoyeeaeryio: not sure if x can be redirected to iphone!16:51
Cdhi have read that padevchooser is deprecated since 9.10... i just wanted to ask what the "new" way is to do this16:51
aeryioOr what have to do ?16:51
Chip13my num pad ist working dont know somebody what can halp16:52
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frxstremChip13: try to go to System -> Preferences -> Keyboard, then "Mouse Keys" and uncheck the checkbox if it is checked...16:53
frxstremthat is usually the problem16:53
Chip13thanks that works :)16:54
vince__is anyone using audacious + last.fm scrobbler plugin?16:55
andyman99008Hi, is it just me or is ubuntu extremely buggy/glitchy?16:56
ikoniait's you16:56
ikoniawhy don't you tell us your problems and we'll try to help16:57
frxstremandyman99008: it shouldn't be (unless you are using 11.04 alpha, of course)16:57
andyman99008Well, sometimes it randomly flashes. All open windows etc. flash constantly for a couple of seconds, then it stops16:57
ikoniaandyman99008: what video card do you have ?16:57
andyman99008also, when I try to drag and drop, letting go of the mouse button sometimes does not release it16:58
aeryioHello ?16:58
andyman99008I have an nvidia gt 230m16:58
clarity_hey, Im running an ubuntu image on an ec2 instance. I'm testing my server on it. In VM it supported around 28K conns and 28K requests/second16:58
clarity_in the instance it only supports about 1000 connections16:58
clarity_I have ulimit -n 99999916:58
ikoniaHmmm not sure on the support on that, andyman99008 are you using the hardware drivers tool to get the correct drivers ?16:58
clarity_could there be something else that's limiting it16:58
ikoniaclarity_: talk to amazon16:58
clarity_that's what everyone says16:59
andyman99008Hey guys, would the 64bit version of ubuntu be the reason for it acting buggy?16:59
ikoniaclarity_: then maybe you should do it16:59
ikoniaandyman99008: not really, please respond to my question about using the hardware drivers tool17:00
sam-_-clarity_, what has ulimit to do with that?17:00
andyman99008Sorry i didn't see, is that already installed?17:00
bonjoyeeandyman99008: don't think that could be a 64bit issue...did u try tweaking the mouse settings?17:01
clarity_sam-_- ulimit sets the number of filedescriptors you can have17:01
ikoniaandyman99008: go to the system -> administration -> hardware driversn menu, have you activated the nvidia display drivers in that tool ?17:01
andyman99008bonjoyee:  Yes, but that wasn't my main problem, just the overall bugginess is quite disturbing17:02
andyman99008ikonia:  yes I believe so, it prompted me when I first ran ubuntu17:02
ikoniaandyman99008: it is worth checking, launch that application and see17:02
andyman99008ikonia:  I don't have a hardware drivers menu, I have an option for additional drivers17:03
ikoniaandyman99008: that I believe is the correct option, use that17:03
andyman99008I click into that, it tells me this driver is activated and currently in use17:04
ikoniaandyman99008: ok, that's a good thing17:04
boobsbris there a way to set my dvd drive's retion to ZERO or ALL using regionset?17:04
jdeslauranyone use ubuntu for gaming?17:05
andyman99008ikonia:  Should I download the drivers directly from nvidia site?17:05
ikoniaandyman99008: no17:05
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rumpe1jdeslaur, yes... i like frozenbubble :>17:06
andyman99008Any other ideas?17:06
paddy_my disk suddenly filled up and i dont know where the file is, In disk usage analizer, it says that / is 30gb, whats wrong?17:07
boobsbris there a way to set my dvd drive's region to ZERO or ALL using regionset?17:07
frist44_i modified the readout of my terminal line, but now it only allows maybe 20 chars until it starts overwriting the beginning of the line, does anyone know what I should ch17:10
ikoniafrist44_: how did you modify it17:11
anon33_banshee is incredibly slow on 10.10, but it's the only thing that supports dragging music from a library to my android phone. are there any alternatives?17:11
frist44_profile file with PSq17:11
anon33_rhythmbox doesn't seem to be able to find my phone (with the plugin 'installed')17:11
ikoniafrist44_: what did you change PS1 to17:12
frist44_[\e[32;40m\T\e[0m] \u@\h [\e[36;40m\w\e[0m] $17:12
bonjoyeeanon33_: can u use the phone as a mass storage device?17:12
aeryioI can t find auth in var log17:13
anon33_bonjoyee: Yeah, it's detected. I'd just like for a graphical, easy to use interface (if you're going to suggest using a file manager)17:13
=== frist44_ is now known as frist44
boobsbris there a way to set my dvd drive's region to ZERO or ALL using regionset?17:13
aeryioFor ssh connexion history17:13
bonjoyeeaeryio: auth.log?17:14
bonjoyeeanon33_:  if u use the phone as a mass storage device..u can use rhythmbox to drag n drop as well..17:15
aeryioYeah i got auth.log but there is no indication about ssh connexion17:15
bonjoyeeaeryio: filter the entries starting with sshd17:15
anon33_bonjoyee: In my original request - rhythmbox doesn't seem to detect my phone (even with the plugin 'installed') - Do you know of a way to remedy this?17:16
aeryioMy question is very :  i simply want to grep ssh history17:16
aeryioHow to filter ?17:17
bonjoyeeanon33_: don't use the plugin...use the phone as a mass storage device..then open the its folder..and drag files from rhythmbox into it17:17
SandCubeI followed this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236093, but I cannot ping the zones I created form other machines on the LAN. I already put the DNS address on my client as secondary. how to fix it?17:17
bonjoyeeaeryio: cat /var/log/auth.log | grep sshd17:18
edbianaeryio: What do you mean ssh history?  Just who logged in at what time?17:18
anon33_bonjoyee: So you're saying drag from rhythmbox into the file manager?17:18
bonjoyeeanon33_: yes17:18
aeryioCorrect edbian17:18
edbianaeryio: what bonjoyee said17:19
anon33_bonjoyee: I'll try that. Thanks17:19
tekkkiehello IRC Council17:19
aeryioOk let me check17:19
edbiantekkkie: hi17:19
riktkingneed some help with ipod + ubuntu17:20
eikuHello again. There is a bug in the lucid default installer, that makes the layout you’ve chosen to be switched back to qwerty-us after some time. Because of that, I don’t know what password I’ve typed.17:20
riktkingany channels i can go to?17:20
eiku(I use the fr-bépo layout)17:20
carliukxhi to all!17:20
tekkkieHELP!!!!!!!!!     HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17:20
rohitnikcoolgood 3gp converter?17:20
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eikuIt’s really not my day ㅠㅠ17:21
sam-_-!ask > tekkkie17:21
ubottutekkkie, please see my private message17:21
Koheletheiku: look at azerty and work it out :)17:21
tekkkieUbuntu 10.10 Desktop   can not mount /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs17:21
rohitnikcoolany body knows a good 3gp converter17:21
daedaluzrohitnikcool: did you even bother to search in Software Center or Synaptic?17:21
carliukx??????? installing ubuntu to a virtualvox machine help! version 10.10 does not install..17:21
none_13hi all.... i have installed maya 2008.... but it launch only with sudo? has anyone same problems?17:22
bonjoyeecarliukx: why?17:22
none_13no warnings, nothing it wan't go launch without sudo :(17:22
theoshello! how can i enable /dev/tcp ?17:22
rohitnikcooldaedaluz: there are many but it would be a good advice from experienced people , i am new to ubuntu17:23
Kohelethrohitnikcool:  you sort your connect drop problem?17:23
daedaluzrohitnikcool: just install them all and see what works17:23
carliukxi run the installer and it goes al the way to installing the software then it says it cant be found17:23
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm17:24
rohitnikcoolKoheleth: yes17:24
bonjoyeecarliukx: what cannot be found?17:24
tekkkieHELP!!!!! HELP!!!!!!  I cannot install Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop because of this "can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs"17:24
Kohelethlol, guess not17:24
agentgasmaskHi. I'm trying to boot a Supermicro motherboard to a usb or usb-cdrom. The bios lists the devices in the boot menu, but they are not in the boot order, they look like they are sitting on the side. Does anyone have experiance with this?17:24
GeekSquidtekkkie: sounds like you have a bad copy of the disk, redownload, and reburn again17:25
sharehow do i find out the version of an application in terminal?17:25
sharewicd i.e17:25
GeekSquidshare: wicd --version17:25
IdleOneapt-cache policy package17:25
IdleOnealso works17:25
anon33_bonjoyee: That doesn't quite work. It copies the .mp3 files over directly, not the folder directories like Banshee (Artist -> Album -> .mp3 files)17:25
bonjoyeeshare: aptitude show wicd17:26
carliukxi forget what it says i need to go check it again and tell  you presiselly17:26
sharetks GeekSquid and bonjoyee17:26
Kohelethshare read the program docs, usually program --v or something like that17:26
carliukxthankx for your help!17:26
GeekSquidanon33_: having a android phone, the phone doesn't care where the files are, it will still sort them by Artist/Album17:26
bonjoyeeanon33_: yeah..but your phone should sort them if they are tagged..accordingly in the music player!17:27
agentgasmasknm, I got it. of course!17:27
pssalmananyone can help... i have a geovision camera card gv-800 series.... how to make it work on ubuntu17:28
rooti ned help17:30
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goetterwhat should i google for to set up samba to let me resolve hostnames without a static hosts file?17:31
riktkingneed some help with ipod + ubuntu, any way i can reset it?17:31
xanguaGuest72248: start with not being root ;)17:31
agentgasmaskwhat is an LVM? came up during the install of ubuntu server during the partitioning process. "guided use entire disk and setup LVM"?17:33
OkitainLVM is an advanced method of partitioning17:33
GeekSquidpssalman: seems like proprietary hardware.. their site says nothing about linux support, and I can't find anyone who has succeeded in making it work... Get a Hauppage17:33
frxstremriktking: I think you need iTunes to do that, which, unfortunately, does not work in Ubuntu...17:34
riktkingfrxstrem, thanks, looks like im gunna have to use wine or sommat!17:34
GeekSquidfrxstrem: quit telling lies, you can make an Ipod work with ubuntu ... and wine isn't necessarry... there is a ppa that has support for 4G ipods I just have to find it17:35
anon33_GeekSquid & bonjoyee: the Music folder's already pretty structured, I'd just like to keep it that way17:35
anon33_(and yes I keep my files tagged properly)17:36
riktkingfrxstrem, do u know any good managers for ipods on ubuntu?17:36
GeekSquidriktking: use this ppa, replace gtkpod with the one available here for your version of ubuntu https://launchpad.net/~pmcenery/+archive/unstable17:36
GeekSquidanon33_: so copy it directly from the music folder to the android17:37
t2hi, does any1 know how to make the desktop the same for all users on a local machine ?17:37
anon33_GeekSquid: My original request was to not use a file-manager for the process and instead some music application17:37
riktkingGeekSquid, thanks, i have a 5th gen ipod17:38
GeekSquidriktking: that ppa should work, it has worked for many before and people are really eating it up17:38
pssalmanGeekSquid, what is hauppage17:38
GeekSquidpssalman: hauppage makes video encode cards that work natively with linux17:39
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riktkingGeekSquid, im being thick, how do i add it?17:39
frxstremriktking: you have an iPod Classic, right?17:40
pssalmanGeekSquid, would it work with my gv-80017:40
riktkingfrxstrem, yeah i think so17:40
riktkingits a 5th gen17:40
frxstremI don't think that PPA will work...it seems to be only for iOS devices17:40
riktkingfrxstrem, iOS??? as in touch?? iphone/pad/touch17:41
GeekSquidfrxstrem: uh, what is an IPOD TOUCH, IOS device17:41
frxstremriktking: yes, iPhone, iPad, iTouch17:41
riktkingfrxstrem, GeekSquid think ill fire up the mrs's laptop and put itunes on it, she refuses to run anything but windows xp17:42
riktkingthanks for the help tho guys17:42
GeekSquidriktking: on the right hand side of that page you'll see View package Details link .. click it ... find libgpod for your version17:42
mneptokpeople refusing to run anything but XP are in for a rude awakening in the next few years.17:42
EnigmaticCodermneptok: why?17:43
riktkingmneptok, its on my mrs's netbook17:43
EnigmaticCodermneptok: no longer going to be supported?17:43
riktkingshe wont have it for long, will probs be getting a windows 7 laptop17:43
mneptokEnigmaticCoder: it's an EOL product. it will stop working as new hardware is released that does not have XP support from OEMs17:43
pssalmanGeekSquid, would it work with my gv-800???17:44
danielerehi there17:45
danielereanyone have any knowledge of me-tv or kaffeiene17:45
mneptokEnigmaticCoder: think about it. in 500 years will XP boot the latest computing device? no way. will it boot a netbook released tomorrow? probably. so sometime between tomorrow and 500 years WindowsXP will no longer be a viable platform. and it's probably closer to tomorrow than it is to 500 years.17:45
frogballsmsoft has threatenng to dump xp for years17:45
duron23mneptok: best example is running win 95 on current hardware lol17:46
danielereanyone know anything about me-tv or kaffeine for dvb-t with usb stick17:47
EnigmaticCodermneptok: That's true. Fortunately I primarily use Ubuntu, but I still use XP for games. To me, new Microsoft products have confusing user interfaces, but I was hoping I'd be able to keep XP around...17:47
kabjjCould you run XP on a 500 year old computer?17:47
rumpe1kabjj, depends on the computer ^^17:47
mneptokkabjj: yes, but it will be slow.17:47
kabjjHow about the top of the line 500 year old computer17:48
geekbriwindows 7, although not an operating i would choose to use as my primary, is not so terrible.  i think its worth dual booting.17:48
* mneptok plays Borderlands on a complex system of cast iron gears17:48
frogballsthe day they start making thing difficult for their xp customers is they msoft loses millions of ppl17:48
kabjjWhich would be what? a mahogany abacus?17:48
mvanlehello. i'm a newbie. how can i use linux to hack america ?17:48
GeekSquidpssalman: no, it is a different card .. see this http://hauppage.com/ ... I do not believe you will get the GV-800 to work with linux (i.e. NOT SUPPORTED)17:49
duron23mvanle: lol17:49
anonymous_usernafor real17:49
geekbrimvanle: nethack is the best for that.17:49
duron23geekbri: what is nethack ?17:49
EnigmaticCodera game, right?17:49
duron23geekbri: is it a irc channel ?17:50
FaiLicanI wounder that too17:50
mneptokmvanle: trolling #ubuntu is a dead-end career choice.17:50
geekbriEnigmaticCoder: Congratulations adventurer!17:50
FaiLicanhow do I insll nethack ?17:51
mvanlei dunno. apt-get-nethack-america17:51
KM0201FaiLican: its in the repositories17:51
GeekSquidmvanle: not a subject we speak of here, Hacking/Piracy is illegal, and comes with some very dire consequences... Whereas if you want to learn to program, there are lots of good books out there17:51
mvanleGeekSquid: back in the day there was talk about white and grey and black hackers.17:52
gobbe!ot | mvanle17:52
ubottumvanle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:52
frogballsubuntu is not about hacking people, its about helping people17:52
ikoniaThis conversation ends now please.17:52
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
mneptok- please17:53
geekbriabout helping people to find the amulet of yendor!17:53
wildc4rdevenin all17:54
mikunoshi guys is there a way to swich on the fan manually?17:54
GeekSquidwildc4rd: good evening, Is there something we can help you with?17:54
EnigmaticCoderIs there a command to list all commands and command line programs?17:55
bp0why does help talk so long to load17:55
anonymous_usernageekbri: lol17:55
bp0like 30 seconds17:55
mikunosany idea?17:55
smwEnigmaticCoder, why would you want that? lol17:55
duron23EnigmaticCoder: try help17:55
duron23EnigmaticCoder: ;)17:55
Marqeauxsudo apt-get autoremove mvanle did the trick! Heh heh...17:55
smwEnigmaticCoder, you can check every directory in your path17:55
anonymousAnyone know of a passive interface monitor?17:56
smwEnigmaticCoder, and then there are the built in bash ones17:56
duron23anonymous: what is that ?17:56
smwanonymous, to monitor what?17:56
smwanonymous, speed? connections?17:56
EnigmaticCoderMaybe I'll just use my old copy of linux in a nutshell :\17:56
itaylor57EnigmaticCoder: http://ss64.com/bash/17:56
EnigmaticCoderitaylor57: ty17:57
anonymousI need a piece of software to monitor a ethernet adapter.17:57
ajwillEnigmaticCoder: one thing you can do to see a majority is just ls /usr/bin then ls /bin, that'll give you a chunk but there's more elsewhere, you can also use apropos for looking for something you want, then to learn about each command use man [command]17:57
EnigmaticCoderitaylor57: that's what I'm looking for17:57
itaylor57EnigmaticCoder: np17:57
smwEnigmaticCoder, if you are trying to learn to use the command line, getting a list of every commadn would be crazy17:57
duron23anonymous: what about wireshark17:57
mikunoshow have I switch on the fan Manually?!17:57
a7i3nI have found the book: "Ubuntu Linux Toolbox" Wiley-Pub. the best for command line goodness...17:57
GeekSquidanonymous: another thought would be etherape, more of a visual representation of what is going on on your network17:58
smwanonymous, what about a ethernet adapter?17:58
ajwillhi all, I have a quick question, I'm wanting to speed my computer up, its fairly old and its getting annoying how slow it gets sometimes, should I upgrade ram, my video card, both, or something I dont know about? :P17:58
EnigmaticCodersmw: How did you go about learning the command line?17:58
anonymousDo those programs passivly monitor the adaptar? I want to still be able to use the device, but monitor the traffic and last i checked wireshark didnt do that.17:58
Quantum_Iona7i3n, Is the PDF available on line ?17:58
smwEnigmaticCoder, trial and error and practice17:59
rumpe1anonymous, wireshark IS passive17:59
lukethedukeanonymous: wireshark does exactly that.17:59
Quantum_IonEnigmaticCoder, If you know Unix you know Linux pretty much17:59
sam-_-_ajwill, the answer is: it depends17:59
a7i3niftop and iptraf are pretty good as well.17:59
duron23ajwill: I think upgrading processor is best option17:59
sam-_-_ajwill, tell us your computer specs, maybe?17:59
smwEnigmaticCoder, some parts of the advanced bash scripting guide may help. But you learn by seeing examples and making your own.17:59
Quantum_IonUnix for dummies you just need to know a few commands to move around the operating system17:59
ajwillokay well my computer specs: I dont know the processor, I believe I have a 60mb video card, and 700 some odd mb of ram18:00
smwEnigmaticCoder, the bottom line is you need time, google, and patience :-)18:00
duron23anonymous: yes, using wireshark you can do all of that18:00
psycho_oreosanonymous, wired can do it via promiscuous mode which can listen to packets not directly sent to the device MAC address itself, wireless can do both promiscuous and rfmon but they are specifically driver/chipset specific.18:00
Quantum_Ionand sometimes the commands in Unix/Linux can be applied to Windows command line usage too18:00
ajwilloh and an 80GB hard drive, the computer's a dell dimension 300018:00
duron23smw: very true18:00
GeekSquidajwill: are you running ubuntu?18:00
anonymoushm okay thank you duron23, GeekSquid, Rumpel, luketheduke smw, and psycho_oreos, ill check it out.18:01
a7i3nI don't know about a PDF you will have to check the publisher...18:01
ajwillGeekSquid: yes, I'm dualbooting ubuntu 10.10 maverik and windows xp, and I have a small knoppix on a pen drive18:01
azlonhow can i connect to another machine using VNC without having to enter the keyring passwd? i can ssh into it, but i cant VNC to it18:01
Quantum_Iona7i3n, Just google the book and put *.pdf in the title and see what comes up18:01
sam-_-_ajwill, cat /proc/cpuinfo |less           will tell you the name of your processor18:01
Quantum_IonSometimes that is how you can find a lot of computer books FREE online via Google18:02
a7i3nhehe you just answered your own question :)18:02
psycho_oreosanonymous, fyi promisc is very network dependent as well, you can't receive packets if the device for example you're connected to on wired is a switch, a hub will tell however18:02
ajwillsam-_-_: where would it say? in front of processor, it says 018:02
ResQuedoes 10.10 not come with gparted installed by default anymore? has it been replaced with another tool?18:03
ajwilloh found it I believe, Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.66GHz18:03
duron23ajwill: model name18:03
ner0xAny type of development suite for coding in ubuntu?18:03
anonymouspsycho_oreos im setting up a ubuntu server box as a media server/ personal web server and I want port monitoring.18:03
ResQuei thought older version of ubuntu had gparted installed by default. on the live cd18:03
sam-_-_ajwill, y that's it18:03
popeyResQue: it is on the live cd, gets removed on install AIUI18:03
ajwillokay, so out of those specs.. what should be upgraded to get my comp running better?18:03
duron23ajwill: how much RAM have you got ?18:03
GeekSquid!coding | ner0x lots of um here18:04
sam-_-_ajwill, upgrading such an old pc might be more expensive than buying a new one18:04
ubottuner0x lots of um here: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator18:04
ajwill700 some odd megs18:04
edbianner0x: eclipse, emacs, the terminal and gedit18:04
duron23ajwill: basically which program do you want to run faster ?18:04
KM0201ResQue: its on the live cd, just not on the actual install18:04
ajwillsam-_-_: not considering the fact that my next comp is gunna be a mac haha18:04
psycho_oreosanonymous, on a wired network I presume? well you can but promisc mode won't help much18:04
KM0201ajwill: with that little bit of ram, you might want to consider Lubuntu...18:04
sam-_-_ajwill, so then why do you want to upgrade?18:05
ajwillduron23: uhm, everything in general, I guess how to say it would I would like to just be able to do more things at once18:05
duron23ajwill: then consider adding more RAM18:05
ajwillbecause, my computer's painfully slow and money's really tight atm, so I would like to have a well-working computer up until I can get a mac18:05
anonymouspsycho_oreos problem I have with wireshark is it always tells me their are no interfaces that can be monitored, I was more looking for something that could be run from terminal.18:05
FaiLicanif I want to start a game in termianl mode I get18:05
duron23ajwill: and increasing your swam partition18:05
edbianajwill: If money is tight don't buy a mac.18:05
FaiLicaninclude in enviorment variable path18:05
ZykoticK9anonymous, start wireshark with "gksu wireshark" and you may have interfaces18:06
ajwilledbian: its only gunna be for a while until I can get a new job18:06
a7i3nBuy a thinkpad!!!18:06
duron23ajwill: if you want games to run faster, consider adding a good graphics card18:06
kubanc_anyone ever played singstar deluxe and had probles with sound ?18:06
edbianajwill: Oh i see18:06
psycho_oreosanonymous, you need to be root to have more access, from terminal there's tshark, there's tcpdump, etc18:06
a7i3nThinkpads run well under Ubuntu18:06
GeekSquida7i3n: no longer under that name ... they are Lenovo now18:06
mneumonicwhats the ubuntu gaming channel on IRC?18:07
KM0201ajwill: have you looked at Lubuntu?... it's a little easier on the resources than Ubuntu...18:07
azlonhow can i disable the stupid keyring? every time i try to vnc into my machine i have to enter the keyring password18:07
a7i3nStill called thinkpads Geeksquid... Love that name BTW18:07
ajwillduron23: I dont do like... any gaming at all, other than the ocasional online flash game, and my swap partition is about 4gb cuz I originally planned to upgrade my ram18:07
joelsjqlubuntu works great on 256Mb ram18:07
GeekSquida7i3n: IBM moved the brand to Lenovo in 2009 .. and I bought one, and I love it18:07
duron23ajwill: then just upgrade the ram for now18:08
andrewaxat this page, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ , I've seen that kernel 2.6.37 is just for natty18:08
a7i3nYes Geeksuid they are 733718:08
KM0201duron23: if money is tight, i doubt that is much of an option(he mentioned that)18:08
duron23ajwill: as KM0201 said consider using lubuntu18:08
andrewaxcan it be installed on lucid?18:08
mneumonicare there any plans to have lubuntu become an official part of the ubuntu derivatives?18:08
FaiLicando you guys know anywhere I can buy a laptop with not pre-installed windows?18:08
FaiLicana new laptop*18:08
duron23KM0201: he can try in amazon or ebay :)18:08
ajwillduron23: okay, and no thanks... I finally have ubuntu running everything I want :P I've started from scratch probably 20+ times in the past few months...18:08
bencahillHey guys, i'm getting some funny text rendering, any ideas? http://oi51.tinypic.com/2q9kzls.jpg18:08
ZykoticK9mneumonic, lubuntu needs to have some gui tools created before it could become "official"18:08
sam-_-_ajwill, if your money is tight then i wouldn't upgrade. no single upgrade will give you decent performance improvements18:09
sam-_-_ajwill, it's just too old18:09
KM0201duron23: very true...18:09
ajwillsam-_-_: so should I just cope with it until I can get a mac?18:09
joelsjqFaiLican: ggsdata if you live in sweden18:09
sam-_-_ajwill, that's what i would do18:10
itaylor57FaiLican: system7618:10
FaiLicanjoelsjq: okey ill check that18:10
sam-_-_ajwill, sorry to disappoint :-)18:10
KM0201FaiLican: i was gonna suggest system76 also... if you're in the US..18:10
FaiLicanitaylor57: ok18:10
GeekSquidbencahill: see this https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa18:10
mythrilis there anything that will open .sitx files in ubuntu?18:10
FaiLicanKM0201: no swe, ill try ggsdata18:10
ajwillnah not a dissapointment in the least, I got advice, which means i got what I came for!18:10
duron23ajwill: honestly yes18:10
KM0201oh ok.18:10
joelsjqmythril: bless hex editor :P18:10
andrewaxGeeksquid: on kernel ppa, 2.6.37 is just for NN?18:10
ajwillokay one last question, is ubuntu bootable on mac? cuz once I do get one, I'm not sure if I'll miss ubuntu or not, cuz I know I do REALLY like how customizable it is and compiz fusion and all that18:10
mythrilis there anything that will uncompress .sitx files in ubuntu?18:11
a7i3nIf you have an Intel based machine it will boot...18:11
andrewaxat macintel i guess what yes18:11
GeekSquidandrewax: look at that link I gave benchill18:11
edbianajwill: yes, Macs are the same architecture as PCs.  Ubuntu works on them.18:11
bencahillGeekSquid: isn't that for natty?18:11
ajwillawesome! thanks for all your help guys!18:11
a7i3nMacs are P.C's at this point in time.18:11
duron23bencahill: try upgrading your wine installation18:11
GeekSquidbencahill: there is a backport18:11
riktkingajwill, unless you are gettin an old mac??18:11
bencahillduron23: I'm getting some of the same in (native) openoffice.org18:12
ajwillriktking: nah, I plan on buying the new macbook air18:12
duron23bencahill: ooh18:12
a7i3nThere are PPC versions of Linux... not sure which are current however...18:12
riktkingajwill, then as everyone had said, its basicaly a pc now18:12
ajwillokay, great!18:12
GeekSquida7i3n: #ubuntu-powerpc for that18:13
DrPoOHi, Im getting a "System information disabled due to load higher than 1" message upon reboot. I have no idea what causes this. Any ideas?18:13
andrewaxthere was an ubuntu ppc version18:13
ajwillthanks for your help everyone, I guess I will just save that extra money and get a mac asap :)18:13
a7i3nI Ubuntu-PPC up to date Geeksquid?18:13
bencahillduron23: yeah :-018:13
ZykoticK9bencahill, you should consider switching to Libreoffice (it's in the repos now) as it's certainly the future18:13
bencahillZykoticK9: I thought it wasn't even stable yet?18:13
a7i3nThere is also a distro called Yellowdog, but last I checked it wasn't up to date...18:14
duron23bencahill: ZykoticK9 but he is getting that on other app too I guess18:14
ZykoticK9bencahill, technically you are correct, it's still beta18:14
glacemanduron23: GREETINGS DUDE !!!18:14
duron23glaceman: hey welcome back dude18:14
ZykoticK9duron23, i have no idea what bencahill issue even is - was just commending on the openoffice part18:14
GeekSquida7i3n: yellowdog was a distro for the PS2 .. and is not ubuntu based18:14
duron23ZykoticK9: just as I did for wine lol18:15
bencahillZykoticK9: openoffice is so slow (wouldn't think libre would be faster, but i may be wrong), msoffice 2k in wine is much much faster, and enough for my needs :)18:15
a7i3nI know that Geeksquid18:15
glacemananyone knows a messenger for ubuntu with video (camera) support18:15
duron23glaceman: what happened to your sound issue ?18:15
rumpe1glaceman, skype18:15
ZykoticK9glaceman, empathy with google talk have video18:15
a7i3nI've been using linux since Linux-PPC days. Used minix prior to that.18:15
GeekSquidglaceman: as does ekiga18:15
duron23man I love this irc channel18:16
pr0ph3thi all18:16
AbhiJitglaceman, skype empathy18:16
FaiLicanduron23: me218:16
pr0ph3tI'm having some problems with a couple of rfswitches that have not been implemented in the driver I am using, more specifically those for the 3g modem, for bluetooth and wifi all is good. Is there anyway I could set them up without recompiling the kernel and applying the patch?18:16
bonjoyeeglaceman: also theres the google audio/video plugin18:16
Cheluhi, how can i lose windows and all its files and everything related to it, AFTER i install ubuntu?18:16
sam-_-_a7i3n, what are the linux-ppc days?18:16
GeekSquidpr0ph3t: what hardware?18:16
edbianChelu: Delete that partition and remove the entry from grub18:17
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, asus laptop UL30A18:17
duron23Chelu: format that partition18:17
ZykoticK9Chelu, if you are SURE you only want Ubuntu just install it using Entire disk18:17
GeekSquidpr0ph3t: specifically the 3G modem18:17
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, there is a patch for it, yes the 3g modem18:17
mirthmani need help with serial connection. anyone good with it?18:17
a7i3nLinux-PPC was a Power PC distro for macintosh in the 90's sam...18:18
GeekSquidpr0ph3t: specifically the 3G modem hardware chip identifier18:18
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, but it hasn't been merged to mainline yet18:18
Cheluyou guys lost me. im a retard. complete noob. im in ubuntu now, can u tell me precisely? i already installed ubuntu18:18
duron23pr0ph3t: without patching I doubt that is possible18:18
sam-_-_mirthman, i may help but i'm not an expert18:18
sam-_-_a7i3n, ah. didn't know. thx18:18
buggerme_How do I get to recovery mode (boot without X)?18:18
a7i3nIt's really ancient history at this point sam :)18:18
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, the soft and HW switches18:19
AbhiJitChelu, go to gparted and delete win partition18:19
tekkhi guys, i've installed xubuntu with an encrypted full disk lvm... upon boot as expected it asks me for the encryption passphrase to decrypt the system... is there a way to make this operation automatic or via certificate rather than password... the machine is a server so I cannot be there to type in a password everytime i want to reboot... any ideas?18:19
bonjoyeeChelu: then u should probably keep windows for some days;)18:19
edbianChelu: Do you have gparted installed?18:19
AbhiJit!gparted | Chelu18:19
ubottuChelu: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:19
KM0201buggerme_: pick recovery mode from grub menu?18:19
edbianChelu: it's in System ->18:19
pr0ph3tduron23, thanks mate18:19
mirthmansam, can you PM me?18:19
glaceman_back got disconnected18:19
GeekSquidpr0ph3t: if I don't know who made the 3G modem (it wasn't asus- they don't make them) and the model of the 3g modem I cannot help you... please answer the question18:19
Chelui dont want windows.. well ill look after this gparted...18:20
Cheluhope it works18:20
glaceman_any messenger for ubuntu that support video, (for msn)18:20
duron23glaceman_: what happened to your sound issue18:20
buggerme_KM0201:  The grub menu is not visible18:20
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, it's Hawei18:20
ZykoticK9glaceman_, amsn18:20
DrPoOdoes anybody know what the  message "System information disabled due to load higher than 1"  means ? It appears upon login18:20
glaceman_duron23: nothing still the same, headphones only18:20
duron23pr0ph3t: you are welcome18:20
tekkanyone? :o18:20
KM0201buggerme_: start hitting the shit key after the bios screen... and you'll get grub.18:20
duron23glaceman_: hmm18:20
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, let me find exactly the code18:20
glaceman_ive seen a lot of threads on internet have such an issue, still hard to fix i guess18:21
rumpe1KM0201, which key? :D18:21
KM0201rumpe1: shift18:21
KM0201isn't it?18:21
KM0201rumpe1: lol, just saw my typo18:21
duron23glaceman_: you need to wait for next iteration of kernel/ubuntu18:21
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, it's Huawei EM77018:21
daedaluzhow do I change sh to point to /bin/bash instead of dash?18:21
glaceman_duron23: IF FIXED :S18:21
duron23glaceman_: what !!! how ?18:22
glaceman_IF FIXED in the next ubuntu version18:22
duron23glaceman_: sry, read incorrectly18:22
rumpe1daedaluz, sounds ... dangerous...18:22
chrisalexthomashi, I have an odd request, I installed jolicloud on a mini pc which sits under my tv, I Did this in the uk, where my brother had a keyboard and mouse, now I'm sitting in spain, with just a mouse and a macbook, I dont have a keyboard, the bios on the mini pc requires me to press f11 to select the usb boot device, so I'm screwed I think18:22
ZykoticK9rumpe1, +118:22
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chrisalexthomaswhat I would like to do, is from inside jolicloud, boot the usb key as if it was installing normally, is that possible?18:23
Guest65153hey people18:23
goetterwhat's the fastest way to make this go away? "zsh: command not found: testparm"18:23
pr0ph3tduron23, I have the kernel sources from git and the patch is a git diff in theory, but I am not sure how to download the actual patch to be honest18:23
chrisalexthomasI dont want to go and buy a keyboard if I can get away from it18:23
GeekSquidpr0ph3t: does the card work? I mean, are you able to connect to the internet from within ubuntu?18:24
chrisalexthomasI realise it's a weird thing to ask, but I was wondering can linux boot another linux from inside itself?18:24
duron23chrisalexthomas: I don't think you can get away with it without keyboard18:24
chrisalexthomasduron23: :( I was fairly sure of that anyway, I was hoping for someone to surprise me more than anything18:24
rumpe1chrisalexthomas, yes.. in a virtual machine18:24
chrisalexthomasrumpe1: ah, but it's not a virtual machine, it's a real machine18:25
chrisalexthomasor do you mean create a virtual machine which uses the hdd of the real pc as a disk18:25
chrisalexthomasthen boot the usb and install directly to the disk?18:25
duron23chrisalexthomas: this is my take on it, let see if anyone else has any other ideas, hope you see keep everyting going :)18:25
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, I can use it on windows yes, I can talk to it to a certain extent but rfkills list all only gives me the wifi and bluetooth so the 3g modem is off I guess?18:25
rumpe1chrisalexthomas, for example18:25
chrisalexthomasrumpe1: good idea, thanks for that18:25
carliukxhello again18:26
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, I can talk to it in ubuntu I mean, there is a git-diff patch that implements the two switches I need, but it hasn't been merged to mainline kernel yet18:26
theconartistits a very very common thing chrisalexthomas18:26
chrisalexthomastheconartist: ? sarcasm I suppose lol18:26
glickshey does anyone here run ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition?18:26
edbianglicks: i do18:27
edbianubuntu: clever name18:27
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FaiLicanglicks: ye18:27
glicksedbian, whats the dif from the regular edition?18:27
glicksjust the interface?18:27
edbianglicks: pretty much18:27
edbianglicks: of course that's a huge difference18:27
glickscan you run multiple programs?18:27
AbhiJitglick, yes18:27
edbianglicks: yep18:28
glicksis it better then running the regular edition on a netbook?18:28
ZykoticK9glick, personally I install desktop on my EEE Netbook then simply install Unity - so I can choose to use either on bootup18:28
glickscause right now i run regular edition 09.10 on my netbook18:28
carliukxim installing ubuntu 10.10 on virtual vox and need to solve a thing. im runing the install but wen i get to select and install software it fails any help please :)18:28
edbianglicks: it's opinion if it's better18:29
glicksZykoticK9, which one do you use more often? and why would you want to switch between them?18:30
GeekSquidpr0ph3t: I think you are waiting for that to be merged, you would have a huge learning curve to compile a new kernel, and that is beyond the scope of the help you can receive here. ... however you can try a newer kernel from ppa to see if it has been implemented into later kernels... see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas or just the kernel ppa here https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa18:30
gobbecarliukx: what kind of error do you get?18:30
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ZykoticK9glick, i've stopped using netbook - i find it too limited18:30
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chasishello, i have a laptop with a vga port, and a lcd with hdmi port, i bought a vga-hdmi cable, and ubuntu doesn't detect it, any help?18:30
diarchen22_glicks -> netbook is less greater18:30
glicksZykoticK9, netbooks themselves or the netbook OS18:31
duron23chasis: which is the video card ?18:31
AndyGraybealhow do i move the contents of a folder instead of the folder itself?  for example, i want to: sudo mv /home/andy/joomla/ /var/www  -- but i just want the contents of the joomla to end up in /var/www not like /var/www/joomla18:31
ZykoticK9glick, no i love my netbook - i'm talking about UNE18:31
glicksZykoticK9, in what way is it limiting?18:31
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, I am running 2.6.37 at the moment and sadly the patch hasn't been implemented, I have compiled a kernel already but I don't know how to apply the patch to it18:31
psycho_oreoschasis, usually the laptops have screen selection key on the keyboard.. something like Fn+F2 or something, have a look at your laptop's instruction manual18:31
bonjoyeeAndyGraybeal: mv /home/andy/joomla/18:32
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, I know it is patch p0 < file but I don't know which file :P18:32
GeekSquidAndyGraybeal: sudo mv -r /home/andy/joomla/* /var/www18:32
chrisalexthomasdoes anyone know if nvidia hdmi audio is supported?18:32
ZykoticK9glicks, i guess i just don't like the interface...  and it's becoming default for desktop version as of 11.0418:32
gobbeAndyGraybeal: sudo mv /home/andy/joomla/* /var/www18:32
chasisis integrated18:32
AndyGraybealGeekSquid: gobbe: badass thank yuo18:32
bonjoyeeAndyGraybeal: mv /home/andy/joomla/* /var/www18:32
GeekSquidgobbe: don't forget -r recursively18:32
AndyGraybealGeekSquid: thanks18:32
gobbeGeekSquid: there's no -r flag on mv18:32
glicksZykoticK9, you gotta be kidding me!?18:32
joelsjqchrisalexthomas: depends on the card18:32
glicksits becomming the default?18:32
chasisi have connected a monitor before, vga-vga and preference>monitors detect it18:33
ZykoticK9gobbe, there is no -r for mv18:33
gobbeZykoticK9: k know18:33
gobbeZykoticK9: that's what i told18:33
GeekSquidgobbe: you are right18:33
chrisalexthomasjoelsjq: ah ok, hmmm, it's a zotec zbox hd11 with nvidia ion218:33
chrisalexthomasjoelsjq: need anything more?18:33
duron23chrisalexthomas: install latest drivers from ppa and see18:34
ZykoticK9gobbe, sorry was suppose to be for GeekSquid18:34
carliukxit says instalation step failed. if i want to try to run again from menu. i do but keeps the same18:34
joelsjqthe card model would be helpful18:34
gobbeZykoticK9: np :)18:34
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, can you please help me apply the patch to the kernel sources I prepared? http://dev.iksaif.net/issues/108 this is where the patch should be18:34
BodsdaHi, I cant seem to find dontzap in the 10.10 repos, and cant find any mention of it in packages.ubuntu.com - does anyone know where to get it, or how to enable ctrl+alt+backspace ?18:34
gobbeBodsda: have you tried to google it?18:34
ZykoticK9!dontzap | Bodsda read it!18:34
ubottuBodsda read it!: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap18:35
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, I have git but I don't know how to download the patch18:35
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GeekSquidpr0ph3t: beyond me, and like I said beyond the scope for this room ... try #ubuntu-kernel18:35
pr0ph3tGeekSquid, will do thanks18:35
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Bodsdacheers ZykoticK918:36
chrisalexthomasjoelsjq: well, the box says intel atom d510, chipset: intel nm10 express, gpu: nvidia ion (sorry I said ion2 before) and it's all I know18:36
joelsjqcheck this thread, post 3:18:37
glickscan run ubuntu off the ram on a netbook to see if i like it, like a live cd on a desktop or laptop?18:38
chrisalexthomasweird, the box says ion, the hardware ion2, it's like they havent decided what to call it18:38
glicksmy netbook has no cdro18:38
AndyGraybealthanks guys, that worked like a charm.18:38
Bodsdaglicks: sure, use a usb drive - www.ubuntu.com has instructions for creating it18:38
psycho_oreosglicks, liveUSB its called18:38
gobbeglicks: usb18:38
glickscool, ill check it out, thanks guys/gals18:39
evilenkohow do I host my own DNS server in ubuntu 10.10? I want to host my own domain?18:39
joelsjqprobably ion2, ion might be the serie(or what you say in english, like sony ericsson xperia=18:40
NanohaI have a passport external hard drive.  Why when I plug it into my usb port does ubuntu not detect it?18:40
gobbeevilenko: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto18:40
psycho_oreosNanoha, it probably does not have partition, filesystem set18:40
KM0201Nanoha: is it turned on, and what filesystem is it?18:40
evilenkothx man18:40
ZykoticK9Nanoha, try typing dmesg just after plugging it in and see if the kernel sees anything18:40
gobbeNanoha: and lsusb18:40
Bodsdaevilenko: Nanoha make sure it is detected by running   'lsusb'18:40
Bodsdaevilenko: sorry for the ping18:40
lxcnoviceNanoha: are other drives like flash drives being mounted?18:41
FloodBot4somebody2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:41
Nanohalxcnovice: yes18:41
gobbe!ot | somebody218:41
ubottusomebody2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:41
GeekSquidNanoha: see if it shows up in System>Admin>disk Utility18:41
carliukxwen installing to virtualvox the installation step failed and it says to retry from the installing menu i do but keeps the same problem18:41
GeekSquidcarliukx: support for virtualbox in #vbox18:42
edbiancarliukx: Do you mean that installing virtualbox failed or installing an OS inside virtualbox failed?18:42
gobbecarliukx: what is the excact error-message you get18:42
Bodsdacarliukx: youll need to be more specific, what error, what versions, steps already taken etc etc.18:42
KM0201edbian: exactly what i was gonna say18:42
carliukxdo some one know what im doing wrong thanx!18:42
lxcnoviceNanoh: if it has been on a windoze machine and then not safely removed then it might be a reason18:43
joelsjqchrisalexthomas: you could do a lshw just to be sure18:43
joelsjqit should show up near the end(at least it did for my nvidia card)18:44
bosyak_hi all. What is better to use? Ubuntu 10.10 or LTS?18:44
duron23bosyak_: depends18:45
KM0201Nanoha: is that passport drive managed by some software app under Windows?  I recall someone else having that problem, and they had to format the drive to make it work under linux18:45
root_hi all guy18:45
Bodsdabosyak_: define better18:45
KM0201root_: pretty bad idea to use irc as root.18:45
duron23bosyak_: if you want latest stuff, 10.1018:45
NanohaKM0201: no.  linux has mounted it before just fine.  Just for right now it's not seeing it.18:45
ZykoticK9root_, IRCing as root is a bad idea18:45
NickyTI'm attempting to create a LIVE USB Ubuntu copy with persistence using the Ubuntu Live USB creator. I chose my options, made my drive, but when I restarted it said "SYSLINUX 3.63 Debian-2008 Copyright" boot:18:45
duron23bosyak_: if you want long support LTS18:45
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:45
GeekSquidroot_: Danger Danger Wil Robinson, logging into chat as Root makes you vunerable to attack18:45
bosyak_duron23, It's my "working" tool at home and at work. I'm developer.18:46
NickyTAttack away18:46
glicksNickyT, its not booting?18:46
NickyTit is not18:46
duron23bosyak_: hmm18:46
NickyTI created it so I could have persistence18:46
NickyTmaybe I should lower my settings18:46
NickyTI chose 4 GB of the 8 GB to be used for documents18:47
NickyTmaybe chose a lower setting?18:47
Psycho_Marioi just extracted a cpio archive of a system, which included a /proc. even as root, i cannot remove this directory. permission denied, its not mounted anywhere, how can i remove it?18:47
duron23bosyak_: are you ok with installing os every 6 months or so ?18:47
ZykoticK9NickyT, rather then persistence you might want to consider doing a true install onto the USB18:47
NickyTIs that possible?18:47
ZykoticK9NickyT, yes - just be sure you move Grub to the USB - it will default to your HD18:48
GeekSquid!persistance | NickyT18:48
NickyTWhat's grub?18:48
ZykoticK9NickyT, that's the boot loader18:48
GeekSquidNickyT:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:48
NickyTdo you know what I did wrong with the live Creator?18:48
bosyak_duron23, if I go with 10.10 I'll have to upgrade every 6 month?18:49
Nanohais lsusb supposed to just hang on the terminal?18:49
GeekSquidbosyak_: 10.10 is supported for 18 months18:49
glicksbosyak_, no you dont HAVE to update18:49
psycho_oreosNanoha, no, it sounds like there's something wrong with some connected device18:49
duron23bosyak_: there you go as GeekSquid said18:49
ZykoticK9glick, that's only partially correct.  You do need to update every 18 months.18:50
duron23bosyak_: it about the support choice than anything else18:50
NickyTSo you guys work for Ubuntu?18:50
carliukxok i boot the iso file in virtualvox it starts with the menu and i choose install ubuntu its v. 10.10 it starts the process it does everything good configure network, user, password,but wen it gets to select and install software it starts to doit and after a few minutes it says its failed to retry from the menu. i retry and im just stuck there18:50
BodsdaNickyT: nope18:50
pozicWhat do I need to send a fax on Ubuntu?18:50
glicksZykoticK9, yea, or you can run the last version which is 5 years18:50
GeekSquidNickyT: nope, we volunteer18:50
nirvana02hey hello all guys18:50
edbianpozic: I think there is fax sending software?  If you have a computer why not just send an email?18:50
NickyTHow should I attempt the install? Right from inside Ubuntu?18:51
duron23NickyT: everything  is based on community support ;)18:51
pozicedbian: the implied question was "which fax sending software?".18:51
ZykoticK9glicks, 5 years on the server version, 3 on desktop -- see !lts18:51
sam-_-_pozic, also there are online services to send fax. so you just need a web browser18:51
GeekSquidcarliukx: have you checked the iso for consistacy?18:51
edbianpozic: yeah, no clue18:51
GeekSquidNickyT: yes, but you will need a second pendrive18:52
carliukxyes i did check from the menu to check it and it says its ok18:52
NickyTyes I have one18:52
NickyTI'm trying it from the boot screen "Install Ubuntu"18:52
NickyTOr should I have done it inside18:52
NickyTafter it boots?18:52
glicksNickyT, are you installing netbook edition/18:52
NickyTI'm installing 10.418:52
pozicsam-_-_: you have to pay for those services (typically per month) and you have less control and less privacy.18:52
NickyTI don't know about a netbook edition18:53
ZykoticK9NickyT, sometime going to desktop and selecting the icon on desktop "install" works better then the "install ubuntu" from the first menu18:53
GeekSquidNickyT: either way, make sure when you get to the partitioning step to select the "blank" pendrive18:53
pozicsam-_-_: I think Windows95 could do it.18:53
NickyTgood idea18:53
glicksNickyT, oh, i thought you were installing on a netbook18:53
NickyTit is for a netbook yes18:53
carliukxi also wonder why my iso image does not give me the option to run ubuntu it just give me the option to install?18:53
Nesto1000I need help using Using FFmpeg and x264 to encode a video using CLI. I did everything on this forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 but I want to cut and deinterlace the video that I am encoding. How can I do that within the CLI?18:53
glicksNickyT, thers a netbook optimized version18:53
sam-_-_pozic, true. but ease of use :-). if you want privacy fax isn't the best idea in general18:53
NickyToh sweet18:53
glickstheres a link on the ubuntu main website18:54
NickyTis it called SUPEROS?18:54
GeekSquidcarliukx: what is the filename of the iso?18:54
ZykoticK9carliukx, what ISO did you download?  the Alternate perhaps?18:54
glicksno NickyT18:54
NickyTI'm using SuperOS18:54
NickyTbecause it saves time having to get all kinds of extras18:54
clarity_does ubuntu webscale?18:54
NickyTnow all I want to do is tell it to remmeber my wifi drivers & I'm set18:54
edbianclarity_: webscale?  is that a word?18:54
clarity_edbian: yeah18:54
pozicedbian: yes, it is a word, no nobody wants to hear it.18:54
edbianclarity_: What does that mean?18:54
clarity_does ubuntu run mongodb18:55
pozicclarity_ is playing the troll.18:55
wyclifpozic: have you looked at mgetty-fax?18:55
amasdamhas anyone managed to recover files from ext3?18:55
clarity_http://nosql.mypopescu.com/post/1016320617/mongodb-is-web-scale <- it's from this video18:55
ZykoticK9amasdam, good luck!  my general understanding is that it's not possible.18:55
pozicwyclif: I also have a Dell 3115CN (actual fax device).18:55
NickyTinstall beginning18:55
GeekSquidclarity_: simple answer, Yes, mongodb is available in the ubuntu repositories18:56
sam-_-_wyclif, lol i doubt he wants this one18:56
ben_qhello, how can I set my sound output to mono? Got only one speaker and vlc cannot downmix to mono apparently..18:56
carliukxyes it is the ubuntu10.10-alternate-1386 iso18:56
Bodsdaben_q: try running 'alsamixer' see if that can suffice18:56
wyclifsam-_-_: Probably not, but it was a shot in the dark18:56
ZykoticK9carliukx, alternate isn't a LiveCD18:56
sam-_-_wyclif, pozic have you tried gfax or efax-gtk18:56
Paddy_NIHey guys I am having some really annoying wireless issues with my mothers sony vaio vpcm12m1e netbook.  It connects to certain networks with no real pattern as to the properties of the wireless network18:56
RussiyaCan anyone tell me how to install Java runtime environment in 10.10?18:56
GeekSquidcarliukx: you might want to download the ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso18:56
Paddy_NIChipset is RaLink RT309018:56
wyclifpozic: sam-_-_: yes, I forgot all about gfax18:57
ZykoticK9Russiya, add the partner repo - sudo apt-get update - then you'll find the sun Java stuff.18:57
ZykoticK9!partner | Russiya18:57
ubottuRussiya: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »18:57
duron23Russiya: in synaptic try and search for sun java plugin18:57
carliukxso thats the one to install it to my virtual box???18:57
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ZykoticK9carliukx, alternate or Live should both work in VBox18:58
GeekSquidcarliukx: it will give you the option to try ubuntu, from there you can install it18:58
ZykoticK9GeekSquid, not from alternate it won't18:58
pozicsam-_-: is a fax modem the same as the modems that existed 13 years ago (33K6, 56K), etc.?18:58
GeekSquidZykoticK9: did I say anything about alternate?18:58
ZykoticK9GeekSquid, that's what ISO they have18:59
pozicsam-_-: can I somehow also directly connect the fax to the computer?18:59
sam-_-pozic, don't know but i would be surprised if anything had changed18:59
amasdamHas anyone managed to recover .iso files from EXT3?18:59
GeekSquidZykoticK9: look 15-20 lines up18:59
carliukxsee thats the thing it does not give me the option to try it it just letme install it but the insstall step fail18:59
ZykoticK9GeekSquid, "<carliukx> yes it is the ubuntu10.10-alternate-1386 iso"18:59
edbianpozic: I believe there are web services that let you send faxes for free but there is no way to recieve faxes for free.  I know the same is true for text messages19:00
BarkingFishGood evening guys!  Can someone here please tell me what the name of the package is on Ubuntu which allows you to set up your boot system, i.e select which partition or grub entry to boot?19:00
sam-_-pozic, don't know what you mean exactly but fax works via dialup. so not via your ethernet or wifi connection19:00
GeekSquidZykoticK9: (10:56:52 AM) GeekSquid: carliukx: you might want to download the ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso19:00
ZykoticK9!grub2 | BarkingFish19:00
ubottuBarkingFish: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:00
pozicsam-_-: gfax is a big failure.19:00
BarkingFishbrilliant. thanks ZykoticK919:01
carliukxi may try with the 10.10 desktop version like geeksquid sugested and see what happens19:01
sam-_-pozic, ok. i never sent a fax in my live :-)19:01
david717how would I add an auto run script in ubuntu without a GUI?19:01
david717should I just place it in /etc/init.d?19:01
=== breadcrumb is now known as awaycrumb
sam-_-david717, autorun when?19:02
david717at startup19:02
edbiandavid717: That's not enough.  Check out update-rc.d  (it's a program)19:02
carliukxthankx everyone for your help and patience!19:02
BarkingFishjust to check, is that a GUI system where you just tick stuff and click things, or is it for command line config?19:02
RussiyaOut of curiousity, anyone have problems with losing grub.cfg after updating to 10.10, with windows already installed on your computer?19:02
ef0aj2##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! ef0aj2 Fishscene biella ingenio Mraen DaZ krabador teddz EazYYzaE rtdos johzephine david717 zilla BarkingFish ReViVeR free_loader sam19:02
ef0aj2##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! Maahes sebner Jasonrj genii-around Bodsda lxcnovice derick__ patholio PeterEH jean-claude Abhinav1 w_wilkins MLHickey LouisJB glicks 19:02
ef0aj2##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! r3todd Quantum_Ion fsharpmajor FrankLv clarity_ joelsjq trijntje_netbook amb DrManhattan awe Robb__ mcb_ LjL KM0201 theconartist B-r019:02
FloodBot4ef0aj2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:02
david717Okay, great. Thanks, I'll look it up now19:03
RussiyaOr is it just me?19:03
wyclifwhy did it just get spammy in here?19:03
wyclifthat rarely happens in my experience19:03
Fishscenewyclif: spambots. But they have been taken care of.19:03
bencahillwyclif: I've seen it a few times19:04
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ZykoticK9wyclif, Fishscene bencahill please don't comment / talk about it - just ignore it and move on.19:04
Nesto1000Hi, can anyone help me? I am trying to encode a video using CLI and ffmpeg and x264. The thing is that I want to trim, deinterlace, and maybe resize the video... any help would be appreciated...19:04
FishsceneZykoticK9: I was answering in one line, his question so that we could move on.19:05
ZykoticK9Nesto1000, are you trying to create an MP4?19:05
sam-_-Nesto1000, man ffmpeg ?19:05
lxcnoviceRussiya: try package startupmgr19:05
soreauNesto1000: Try avidemux or the default installed in ubuntu now, pitivi movie editor19:05
GeekSquidNesto1000: you can see all the options for ffmpeg by typing man ffmpeg19:05
Russiyalxcnovice: Uh, how would I do that?19:05
quest88How can I get my python script to continue to run even when I logout?19:05
lxcnoviceRussiya: in synaptic package manager19:06
GeekSquidquest88: run it in screen19:06
ZykoticK9Nesto1000, FYI the default ffmpeg in ubuntu repo does NOT support AAC audio (important for MP4, not so much for MKV)19:06
Russiyalxcnovice: Ok, thanks19:06
Nesto1000ah ok thanks GeekSquid and sam-_-   I will see if i can figure anything out from there19:06
lxcnovicemight be called startupmngr even19:06
quest88GeekSquid: No screen - using server edition19:06
Nesto1000I don't have the defualt ffmpeg ZykoticK919:07
ZykoticK9quest88, screen19:07
GeekSquidguest88: screen is a CLI program which allows you to do what you want19:07
edbianquest88: python rules :)19:08
Nesto1000I updated my ffmpeg like this ZykoticK9 : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609519:08
quest88it's ok19:08
NickyTIs Ubuntu netbook edition going to have my wifi drivers built in?19:08
ZykoticK9Nesto1000, i was just pointing it out - but you obviously already knew.19:08
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Nesto1000Not really... I'm still pretty new to ubuntu and don't really know what I'm doing lol19:09
BodsdaNickyT: its very likely - but try the livecd first if your unsure19:09
NickyTYeah I'm downloading it now19:09
bencahillZykoticK9: I know, sorry :(19:09
NickyTis there a SuperOS version of Netbook edition?19:09
NickyTI really like how they put VLC & Chrome on it by default19:09
ZykoticK9NickyT, don't rely on wireless working out of the box, sometimes require driver installation (which means having an ethernet connection)19:10
NickyTI was able to install my wifi driver without any connection on SuperOS19:10
lxcnoviceNesto1000: have you added the mediubuntu repos?19:10
tekkwell as no one could help here i went and modified /etc/crypttab, now i've got a usb stick that i can use with a 4096 bit key to decrypt my drives on boot :D19:10
bp0quest88, nohup19:10
NickyTIt's just a hassle to do every time, that's why I prefer persistence19:10
quest88bp0: I tried nohup but it didn't work19:10
NickyTI'm just looking for the perfect OS right now19:10
NickyTtrying everything19:10
quest88"nohup python program.py &"19:10
quest88bp0: ^19:11
NickyTI've tried some XP live boots - NONE worked19:11
BodsdaNickyT: ive never had an ubuntu livecd fail on me19:11
quest88I used screen, it seems to be working19:11
bp0quest88, what do you mean didnt work?19:11
bp0alright, screen is better19:11
bp0but you said you didnt have it before19:12
quest88I logged out of ssh, logged back in and my process wasn't running anymore19:12
bencahillHey guys, my text is messed up, see here: (http://oi56.tinypic.com/lgr2w.jpg) any ideas?19:12
quest88yeah, I used screen and disconnected/reconnected ssh and it was still running19:12
intraderFloodBot1, how come I see #ubuntu, and #ubuntu-unregged19:12
GeekSquidquest88: screen is cool like that19:12
ner0xis there a development suite like KDevelop on ubuntu?19:12
bp0screen is also better because you can easily take it back19:12
bp0screen -r19:13
bencahillNickyT: ultimate boot cd for windows, I use it a lot (in addition to the gparted, ubuntu, gnome, and dsl livecds), and it's awesome19:13
quest88take it back?19:13
lxcnovicebencahill: looks to be theme related19:13
GeekSquidner0x: qdevelop is a qt4 version ... similar, but not exactly like Kdevelop19:14
bp0take control of it again19:14
bencahillintrader: #ubuntu rolls over to #ubuntu-unregged at levels of high volume, which requires proof of human before getting admitted to #ubuntu19:14
bp0like you just executed it19:14
NickyThow many GB?19:14
none_13howto change loginwindow bckground pinture?19:15
bencahilllxcnovice: gnome with the default ubuntu theme, it's 10.10, and i haven't changed anything...except it started happening after installing wine...19:15
lxcnovicebencahill: you could edit the image in the office theme template and black in those white boxes would look fairly decent then19:15
NickyTI wonder if 2 GB pendrive is enough for a persistence install.19:15
Nesto1000mediubuntu repos? don't think so lxcnovice19:16
bencahilllxcnovice: oh, has nothing to do with openoffice, it does it in other apps also, mainly wine apps, but this isn't a wine app...19:16
bp0bencahill, but its annoying because of some relatively recent change in freenode that doesnt send xchat the signal it needs when you have identified to nickserv19:16
GneaNickyT: yes, don't expect to save much to it19:16
bp0so you sometimes get put in there as you join your startup channels19:16
NickyTI have an extra SD card for that19:16
basilI got one doubt . can i ask ?19:16
NickyTI formatted it to NTFS for big files19:16
ZykoticK9!ask | basil19:17
ubottubasil: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:17
lxcnoviceNesto1000: go to http://medibuntu.org/ and enable the repositories via the "howto" .. then have a look through the packages19:17
brontoeeeNickyT, why not use sd for your /home then?19:17
basilI was trying to setup DRBD in ubunut 10.04 . but i'm unable to start it19:17
basilroot@master ~# service drbd  start19:17
basil * Starting DRBD resources                                                      Can not load the drbd module.19:17
gobbebasil: did you follow somekind of guide?19:17
basilthis one https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/drbd.html19:18
Nesto1000whats in it lxcnovice?19:18
NickyTbrontoeee when you say for my /home you mean the boot drive?19:18
Brack101So I used apt-get purge to remove a 500 MB package but it didn't free any space.  What's the deal?19:18
h00kBrack101: sudo apt-get autoclean19:18
gobbebasil: there might be somekind of clue in /var/log19:18
Brack101I did that too19:18
rumpe1Brack101, its still in the cache... try apt-get clean19:18
magicianlordBrack101: sudo apt-get clean all19:18
basillet me check19:18
lxcnovicebencahill: wine is usually beyond me but have you copied the ms fonts into a directory in your wine? I used to copy them from the fonts cache of a windoze machine19:19
brontoeeeNickyT, nope, thats your user data stuff, well just an idea ...., depends on what your requsted setup is supposed to do19:19
basilgobbe : nothing :(19:19
NickyTright, I thought you were suggesting it be a boot drive19:19
NickyTwhich doesn't work19:20
NickyTI just found out there's a version specific to my netbook19:20
gobbebasil: can you upload your drbd.conf to pastebin.ubuntu.com19:20
GneaBrack101: is another process using the file?19:20
milen8204how to remove a password-lock, when my screenserver is on ?19:20
Brack101Gnea: It's gone now I think19:20
intraderFloodBot1, thank you19:20
ZykoticK9milen8204, System / Preferences / Screensaver - uncheck lock screen19:20
GneaNickyT: you can't boot from the pendrive?19:20
NickyTI just did some research, I don't think Netbook edition is what I need19:21
brontoeeeGnea, from sd19:21
NickyTit doesn't come with all the extras that SuperOS has19:21
Gneabrontoeee: s/he said that they're booting from a pendrive, but saving files to an sd19:21
milen8204ZykoticK9, ohhhh i just saw it thn19:21
lxcnoviceNickyT: you can add whatever you want to it19:21
basilgobbe: here it is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/551580/19:21
brontoeeeGnea, ok19:21
NickyTright, but with persistence?19:21
cesiregarding grep, if I want to find a string that has a prefix of 1-6 chars and a dot beforre the actual string, For example "4567.searchstring" Which is the best way to grep  for it?19:21
NickyTI need to learn how to do that first19:22
NickyTI'm at 93% on my first attempt here19:22
NickyTalmost ready to test19:22
pozicWhich module provides /dev/modem?19:22
lxcnovicei have it on an eeepc and works great19:22
GneaNickyT: are you telling the bios to do the boot properly each and everytime?19:22
NickyTI'm attempting an install on a 8 GB USB19:22
gobbebasil: ok, let me see19:22
NickyTnono, it does it automatically of couse19:22
NickyTMy SSD fried19:22
NickyTso this is my workaround19:22
basilk , thanks19:22
glacemanhey guys !!!!19:22
NickyTyou know SSDs are garbage19:23
glacemanany way to take picture with my webcam in ubuntu please ?19:23
GneaNickyT: I have a netbook and if I want it to boot from usb, I have to go into the bios each time19:23
magicianlordis 11.04 going to have major improvements over 10.10?19:23
NickyTAre USB pen drives prone to the same wear and tear??19:23
magicianlordi use netbooks with ssds. they are good for that purpose. speedy with noatime19:23
NickyTWeird, why is that?19:23
NickyTCan't you change the priority to USB?19:23
Phong_how to check ubuntu version?19:23
glacemanany program to take a picture from my webcam ?19:23
Gneabut if the hdd was out, then yeah, it'd probably go right to it19:23
lxcnovicei would try disconnecting battery forst before writing it off19:23
rumpe1glaceman, cheese19:23
glacemanlolllllllllll rumpe119:23
NickyTAh I see19:23
gobbebasil: is it failing in both machines?19:23
ZykoticK9magicianlord, 11.04 will use Unity (netbook interface) as default on Desktop - for more question you might want to try #ubuntu+119:23
NickyTWell I'll give both editions a shot19:23
Gnea!info cheese | glaceman19:24
ubottuglaceman: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 61 kB, installed size 260 kB19:24
magicianlordthanks ZykoticK919:24
NickyTI love how tiny netbooks are19:24
NickyTit's so LITTLE!19:24
jefimenkohow do you set the niceness level of a startup service?19:24
NickyTwhat's a niceness level?19:24
lxcnoviceNickyT: you can put a SSD card in the slot and install on that19:24
GneaI've had good luck with the netbook remix edition19:24
basilgobbe: i tried on master only , let me check on slave19:24
Gneabut then I'm not using an SSD19:25
jefimenkoNickyT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nice_%28Unix%2919:25
basilgobbe:same error on slave too :(19:25
GneaNickyT: it refers to process priority19:25
jefimenkoit's like a process priority19:25
gobbebasil: hmmh...interesting. which version you are running of ubuntu?19:25
_Dan_Pure niceness!  Ii love linux terminology!19:26
jefimenkounder heavy load, the nice level of each process acts like a weight for how the CPU load is distributed19:26
ZykoticK9jefimenko, i'm not sure how to set nice on a service, but could you use "renice" and a script to set it?19:26
intraderAnyone, I have a problem with my Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop since installing 10.10. The fans are always running even with with  `top` reporting only cpu4%19:26
basilActually i'm not using vanilla ubuntu. But a distro called TurnkeyLinux based on ubuntu 10.0419:26
DaGeek247where is audacity chatroom?19:26
AscavasaionI installed Gnome through Kubuntu, then restarted with Gnome... I then went to synaptic and uninstalled KDE... It then asked me to stop KDM which I did and then it went to console and froze on "* Checking battery state"19:26
basilgobbe: Actually i'm not using vanilla ubuntu. But a distro called TurnkeyLinux based on ubuntu 10.0419:27
mobius2greetings ubuntu channel19:27
gobbebasil: ok. it might be somekind of issue there, i just installed drbd on 10.04 cluster yesterday without problems19:27
lxcnoviceintrader: do you have swap on there?19:27
ZykoticK9!puregnome | Ascavasaion19:27
ubottuAscavasaion: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome19:27
NickyTDo USB drives wear out the same way SSDs wear out?19:27
mobius2I am trying to use integrated ethernet adapter for a M811 ver. 3.1 motherboard in ubuntu19:27
ZykoticK9NickyT, yes19:27
AscavasaionZykoticK9: I will have a looksie.19:28
basilgobbe: oh , in that case it may the problem with that distro(turnkeyLinux)19:28
glacemandoes anybody knows why the built in chat (near the clock19:28
basilgobbe: Let me try on ubuntu server edition19:28
glacemanin ubuntu 10.10 never works19:28
basilgobbe: thanks for your time :)19:28
mobius2I am currently using b43-fwcutter  with a supported wifi card in order to get online,  but I am wanting to clear this issue up19:28
lxcnoviceNickyT: try formatting ext4 if you get a choice you get faster writes19:28
gobbebasil: np. it might be some issue also with network or something, i'll try also with my virtual-server19:29
ZykoticK9glaceman, have you added accounts to Empathy?19:29
glacemanyes of course19:29
glacemanmy msn ZykoticK919:29
glacemanit never opens19:29
NickyTI wouldn't even know where to find such a setting19:29
glacemanso i installed piding, but just sad taht a built in program dosen't work19:29
NickyTI already found a difference between live boot & persistent boot19:29
NickyTthis copy doesn't come up with the auto drive install for my wifi19:29
* KM0201 hates empathy19:29
NickyTI'm thinking Ububtu for netbooks is going to be better19:29
ZykoticK9glaceman, empathy needs to be running in order for the memenu to do anything - you do have it running?19:30
twoten_I've lost my volume control channel applet and the list doesn't include one to re add19:30
basilgobbe: ok , thanks. I used TurnkeyLinux only because it is light weight19:30
NickyTHow do I get do the wifi driver install screen?19:30
twoten_panel applet19:30
glacemanoh well i dont know19:30
ZykoticK9twoten_, indicator-applet19:30
glacemani just cliked on it19:30
KM0201twoten_: add "indicator applet"19:30
glacemanmade an account19:30
glacemanand know saying logging in forever19:30
lxcnoviceNickyT: you would see the little network manager icon at the top19:30
NickyTit would have an icon of a motherboard19:30
gobbebasil: you can install light server also, server install and press f4 in startup19:30
NickyTI would click it19:30
NickyTthere would be 2 drivers19:30
NickyTI pick the one that says STA19:31
NickyTand it worked19:31
FloodBot4NickyT: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:31
lxcnovicedoes it have wireless option?19:31
NickyTnow it's not coming up19:31
AdogIs there any network admin's in here that could help me out with a RAS VPN server19:31
mobius2NickyT you are setting up wifi in linux yes?19:31
ZykoticK9Adog, you might want to try the #ubuntu-server channel19:31
basilgobbe: Thanks for the tip . Let me try that with Server edition of ubuntu19:31
Adogokay thanks19:31
KM0201NickyT: i think there's a package you have to install, before activating the STA driver19:31
DaGeek247where is the audacity chatroom?19:31
LeifDoes anyone know what package the shutdown command is in? (For submitting a bug report)19:32
BodsdaLeif: you should already have it19:32
KM0201Leif: shutdown command?19:33
gobbeLeif: what bug it has?-)19:33
ventzI am looking for some help with a system that's authenticating against openldap, where users can log in, change their passwords, but not Change Shell19:33
pozicHow do I convince Ubuntu to send a fax to my modem? I don't have a /dev/modem device yet.19:33
induzHow can i install Virtual Box 3.2.1219:33
pozicBut I definitely have a modem in it.19:33
induzVbox 4 is buggy i heard19:33
induz i want to run Xp as guest19:33
KM0201induz: did you add the repository?19:33
induzKM0201, how can i add repo??19:34
gobbeinduz: what kind of bugs? I'v been using vbox4 for while without any problems19:34
KM0201induz: can i pm you, cuz you were getting a lot of bad info yesterday and thats the reason you're in the position you're in now.19:34
induzgobbe, I dont know someone told me about bugs19:34
lxcnoviceventz: you using mysql database?19:34
KM0201gobbe: there's quite a few problems w/ vbox 4.19:34
LeifKM0201,  When I type in ubuntu-bug, it yells at me claiming shutdown is not a package.19:34
induzKM0201, please19:34
gobbeKM0201: mightbe19:34
ventzlxcnovice: no.19:34
KM0201gobbe: go lurk in #vbox for a bit..19:35
ZykoticK9Leif, correct - i can't find what package provides "shutdown" sorry - best of luck.19:35
Leifgobbe, Well, actually it's related to resuming from a suspend, but I assumed they were in the same area19:35
gobbeKM0201: no need, my vbox is working perfectly19:35
LeifZykoticK9, Thank you anyway. :/19:35
gobbeKM0201: but i'm using version from virtualnbox.org, not OSE19:35
glacemanhave a little problem here19:35
glacemani have a resolution of 1024 x 60019:35
LeifBodsda, I'm not quite sure what you mean19:35
ZykoticK9Leif, actually suspend issues are most likely kernel related - but I'm not sure.19:35
KM0201gobbe: i'm talking about the version from vbox.org19:35
gobbeLeif: ok19:35
glacemani have a mini laptop, sometimes things dosen't even fit on the screen19:36
LeifZykoticK9, Oh really?  Cool, thanks.19:36
gobbeKM0201: ok, well....it's been working well for me so no need to go there ;)19:36
KM0201gobbe: :)  nothing wrong w/ that19:36
LeifZykoticK9, So, you think that changing to a different kernel may solve my problem?19:36
Leif(or rather, using a differently patched kernel)19:36
ZykoticK9Leif, ? maybe - would require testing ;)19:36
LeifZykoticK9, Mm..okay.  Oddly enough, the bug wasn't in 10.04, only 10.1019:37
leecHi all,  i'm going insane.  install of server 10.10 fails on HP DL36019:37
aleiexHi, my laptop compaq presario v3500 doesn't detect cd drive & hd drive. Any idea???19:37
ZykoticK9glaceman, hold ALT then you can click and drag windows around (on small screens)19:37
ventzlxcnovice: any ideas?19:37
leecseems after partition when install attempts to mount fs log is showing buffer I/O errors19:37
glacemanZykoticK9: im at the top most of my screen19:37
glacemanand it's still going down ( the window ) i can't see it all19:37
cbx333anyone formatted a USB stick/hdd for PS3 in linux??19:37
gobbeleec: have you tried with different installation media?19:37
ventzI keep getting 'Cannot change ID to root.' after i 'chsh' and auth against ldap19:38
ZykoticK9glaceman, so drag the window up - using ALT19:38
leecand then remounts as read-only and packages wont install (cuz of the read -only)19:38
glacemanwhy using alt, i can simply drag it to the top ? what''s the alt for19:38
glacemanbut still the window is long enough so i can't read it all of press the OK BUTTON19:38
leecdid install from CD burned from verified download19:38
ZykoticK9glaceman, so the top of the windows is beyond the top of the screen19:38
XVampireXAre there any other ipv6 tunnels other than tspc ?19:38
leecadn ran disk check before install19:38
glacemannow i understand ZykoticK919:39
leecso stumped19:39
glacemanthanks for the trick man19:39
leecim using a HP SmartArray 6i19:39
gobbeleec: are you sure that your hdd are working ok?19:39
leecdrivers seems to load fine19:39
glacemanZykoticK9: emphathy never logs in  :S19:39
gobbeleec: looks little bit hardware problem19:39
leecyeah HD are good - did an install of windows server 2008 on same box/disk and all went well19:40
ZykoticK9glaceman, ? you where using MSN right - sorry i don't use MS stuff.  Good luck.19:40
leecbut just cant run windowx19:40
leecand feel right19:40
leecreally want to run linux on this box19:40
glacemanwell my account is msn, but im trying to use emphathy, it keeps on spinning, but never show any contact list19:40
gobbeleec: have you tried 10.04?19:40
nicofsI need help connecting to a wlan network via console. i am connected (i used ifconfig & iwconfig), packages are sent and received, but shclient returns "No DHCPOFFERS received." - please help, i need internet...19:40
leecno i just dl the latests19:41
nicofssorry, dhclient19:41
gobbeleec: i would go 10.04 LTS with servers19:41
peggyok, running xubuntu for the first time19:41
peggyanything i try to install with apt is not found19:41
n0ti0nishi everyone19:41
prebenwhere do one report mirror repository errors19:41
Dark_Spyro_003my numpad stopped working in one of my accounts on ubuntu, how would I go about fixing this? I can't find anything related to it in keyboard preferences19:41
ZykoticK9peggy, try running "sudo apt-get update" then try again19:41
leecok gobbe  - let me give that a try19:41
leecis kernel different or something on 10.04?19:42
peggyZykoticK9, ok, trying19:42
ZykoticK9leec, kernel is different between all Ubuntu versions19:42
glacemanZykoticK9: i have sound only on my headphones, can't get it to work on my internal speakers :S19:42
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ZykoticK9glaceman, sorry man - i'm not good with audio issues...19:43
glacemanthanks anyway ZykoticK9  ;) appreciated ur help19:44
ZykoticK9glaceman, glad to help19:44
AscavasaionIs Ubuntu 9.04 a LTS release, and can I upgrade directly to 10.10?19:44
gobbeAscavasaion: no it's not19:45
ZykoticK9Ascavasaion, no - 10.04 is LTS19:45
gobbeAscavasaion: 8.04 and 10.0419:45
NickyT458I tried 10.10 and it didn't output my VGA properly onto my big screen.19:45
NickyT45810.4 was ok though.19:45
AscavasaionSo how do I go from 9.04 to the newest LTS release?19:45
jrib!upgrade > Ascavasaion19:46
ubottuAscavasaion, please see my private message19:46
ZykoticK9!eol > Ascavasaion19:46
frogballsfresh install is best / back up filees19:46
gobbeAscavasaion: by step by step19:46
gobbeAscavasaion: or fresh install, which is much better19:46
as-dfaqwfd##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! as-dfaqwfd adlai_ JAPHacake Hector mariusz_ frogballs jiga Prodego happyface Darwin4Ever dannyLopez jrib erkan^ Dark_Spyro_19:46
as-dfaqwfd##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! Brack101 FloodBot1 chiluk magicianlord kubanc schlaftier basil brianchidester Squidy_J Entmoot lostsource intrader Alexia_D19:46
as-dfaqwfd##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! beachbrake halvors1 MrUnagi frobisher Maahes sebner Jasonrj genii-around Bodsda derick__ patholio jean-claude Abhinav1 w_wi19:46
as-dfaqwfd##politics is a family friendly channel. We support the new Republican House of Representatives. Be sure to join today, during the congressional reading of the constitution, where we will comment on the political state of this nation. GOD BLESS JOHN BOEHNER, ERIC CANTOR AND THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! KM0201 theconartist B-r00t lighta chull r_a_f shentino BeKr SamuraiAlba MadViking kabjj paprna laknath_ bentob0x yacc goett19:46
FloodBot4as-dfaqwfd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:46
AscavasaionOkay, so I should download the whole new ISO for 10.04 rather?19:47
AscavasaionOr 10.10?19:47
jribAscavasaion: either way is fine19:47
shentinofloodbot and idoru got into a spam handling race19:47
erkan^what is up, as-dfaqwfd ?19:47
gobbeAscavasaion: i would do that19:47
frogballs1004 Ascavasaion19:47
AscavasaionYes, and then I cna reinstall it at any time, on other machines as well.19:48
Maahesyou could put a temporary autoban on sentences starting with ##politics19:48
AscavasaionThanks frogballs19:48
frogballsAscavasaion, 10.04 is awesome and long term19:48
MrUnagihow does crontab handle super user?19:48
Ascavasaionfrogballs: I have 10.04 64Bit... but I need this one for an old 32bit machine :(19:49
kusznirHi all: I would like to install ubuntu as a xen domU on a CentOS-based dom0.  I'm trying to follow the instructions from here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=630886  but I don't know what versions to specify for the kernel modules, etc. for maverick.  Where do I find that?19:49
Marchitosi was able to boot ubuntu using PXE, however how can i easily setup all the installation?19:49
frogballsAscavasaion, i have both 64bit ubuntu and 32 bit lubuntu19:49
Marchitosi don't want to download nothing via internet19:50
frogballsAscavasaion, what are the specs on the old machine19:50
AscavasaionSigh... I am capped per month... now I need to use a large chunk of it for this.19:50
Ascavasaionfrogballs: AMD Duron 1300MHz, 384Mb, 20Gb HDD19:50
NickyT458Thanks for the help guys!19:51
NickyT458Going to enjoy my Ubuntu persistence now19:51
frogballsAscavasaion, use lubuntu19:51
Cube``hey guys, i cant record my LINE IN, audacity has no signal on any device available!?!?19:51
Nesto1000Anyone here who knows how to CLI encode, care to help me out? I've managed to deinterlace, and resize the video, but I can't seem to find an option to decimate the video19:51
Ascavasaionfrogballs: lubuntu?19:51
atpa8aneed a hint people... how do i make slapd start before krb5-kdc?..19:51
robhudsonis there a recommended way to set up an ubuntu box that's just like one you already have set up and configured?19:52
frogballsAscavasaion, ubuntu will run slow on those specs lubuntu is ubuntu running ldxe-lighter anffaster19:52
ZykoticK9!clone | robhudson19:52
ubotturobhudson: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:52
ZykoticK9robhudson, and backup your home directory19:52
kieppiemorning all. I'm downloading MoonOS (yet another *ubuntu-derivative), but my browsers report linuxfreedom.com as a malicious site (both FF & google). Does anyone have any idea why? I'm having difficulty finding a cause or a report online19:52
Ascavasaionfrogballs: Thank you.19:53
robhudsonthanks ZykoticK919:53
purveshhow to install vlc player in terminal in ubuntu 10.10?19:53
intraderFloodBot4, what are those political messages19:53
frogballsAscavasaion, you are welcome19:53
ZykoticK9purvesh, "sudo apt-get install vlc" should work19:54
Scunizipurvesh: sudo apt-get install vlc19:54
purveshZykoticK9, Thank you for your reply19:54
Hectorhi folks! does anyone know how 2 install the Aiptek MyNote Graphic Tablet??19:55
aLemmerHey, my controller (Logitech F310) stopped working. I test that it is working by pressing the mode button to see if the mode LED light turns on, which it no longer does. Input isn't recognized by any application, either.19:55
aLemmerIt used to work.19:55
aLemmerJust fine.19:55
Cube``hey guys, i cant record my LINE IN, audacity has no signal on any device available!?!?19:56
Cube``hey guys, i cant record my LINE IN, audacity has no signal on any device available!?!?19:56
FloodBot4Cube``: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:56
ZykoticK9aLemmer, is this a joystick?  check /dev/input as see if there is a js0 listed.19:56
kieppieHector: just plug it in & see if the host picks up the USB device. I know all the wacom's work out-of--the-box19:56
kieppiemorning all. I'm downloading MoonOS (yet another *ubuntu-derivative), but my browsers report linuxfreedom.com as a malicious site (both FF & google). Does anyone have any idea why? I'm having difficulty finding a cause or a report online19:56
nicofsplease... i need help to connect to the internet... dhclient is not getting anything - even though it should...19:57
ZykoticK9kieppie, MoonOS is certainly not supported here - perhaps it's being reported as malicious because it is?19:57
wolfricI have a lot of crontabs running from root in /var/log/auth.log. If i become root and crontab -e there's nothing there.  The logs indicate whatever it is runs at 09,17 and 39 minutes every hour. there's nothing in /etc/cron.daily/ ... any ideas?19:57
cbeckAny policykit wonks here? We're trying to disable shutdown/restart for unpriveleged users.  While editing the configs in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions works, we'd much rather override those defaults somewhere else. /etc/polkit-1/localauthority and /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority don't seem to work as other flavors of linux say they should. Please advise.19:59
kieppiethanks ZykoticK9: my query is not so much relating to the OS itself, but the site (linuxfreedom.com) which is an aggregtor for Linux OS's, including Ubuntu & it's kin. I'd like to know why browsers & search engines are finding it to be malicious (& by all accounts that seems to be a miss-label), same as I would if distrowatch was reported as "malicious"19:59
pozicHow is an internal modem in a laptop usually listed?20:00
ZykoticK9kieppie, that's NOT an ubuntu issue though...  so your question is OT in this channel, perhaps you could ask in ##linux?20:00
wrdpozic: try lspci or lsusb, it depends on the hardware design20:00
kieppiepozic: yes. usually as a serial device20:00
kieppiethanks, ZykoticK9: I'll query the issue there. cheers20:01
pozicwrd: Lots of root hubs (no idea what they are) and known devices.20:01
kieppieZykoticK9: also install/try lshw (list hardware)20:01
pozicwrd, kieppie: http://paste.debian.net/104001/20:02
pozicwrd: can you see the modem in this list?20:02
ZykoticK9pozic, i think kieppie meant that lshw for you.20:02
kieppiepozic: wrd: also install/try lshw (list hardware)20:02
glacemanhow to register a nickname please20:03
goose84Can someone please tell me whats wrong with http://paste.ubuntu.com/551598/20:03
ZykoticK9!register | glaceman20:03
ubottuglaceman: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:03
pozickieppie: I already tried that.20:03
goose84it isnt excluding the 2 folders20:03
gobbegoose84: exclude is wrong20:03
kieppieZykoticK9: yea... sorry. fault in clipboard buffer20:03
pozicWhy doesn't this device simply shout to the OS that it is a modem at boot?20:03
goose84wrong? in what why?20:03
gobbegoose84: exclude is pattern-based20:04
pozicThen the OS can collect this information such that I don't have to guess.20:04
goose84how do you mean? I am new20:04
poseidonSo I'm setting up ubuntu for my eight year old sister.  I will be going back to uni soon.  Is tunneling X over ssh the best way for me to be able to remotely fix problems?20:04
poseidonAlso, any tips for setting it up for a kid?20:05
pozicZykoticK9: is it possible that it is the ISA bridge?20:05
pozicZykoticK9: or is a bridge just a bridge?20:05
erUSULposeidon: use edubuntu ( colorfull defaul theme etc ...) plain ssh should be enough for many problems20:05
wrdpozic: where is the output of lsusb ?20:05
Cube``hey guys, i cant record my LINE IN, audacity has no signal on any device available!?!?20:06
erUSULposeidon: you can install the edubuntu metapackages after install too20:06
pozicwrd: lsusb didn't contain anything useful.20:06
pozicwrd: it shows my Bluetooth, mouse and camera.20:06
froutoukrouanyone : after properly closing openvpn, i still see a lot of encrypted exchange going on in wireshark. any idea?20:06
wrdpozic: your pci bus doesn't seem to contain a modem20:06
pozicwrd: yet there are Windows drivers for it.20:06
krmXI cannot enable ipv4 forwarding even after uncommenting the appropriate line in /etc/sysctl.conf and rebooting20:06
xstation108i want install 10.10 64 bit as a dual boot what I want to know is where to set the boot tab so ubuntu boots and what partitions are essential here is the partition list http://pastebin.com/sBs7TGQ320:07
txomonhello does anyone know how to list all  the rooms in empathy?20:07
gobbegoose84: --exclude={/var/www/something/*,/var/www/other/*}20:07
ironfoot495Hello I have problem getting a mac os X to find a photosmart plus B209 wireless connection. Can someone help me with this??20:07
Hectorkieppie: the device is recognised and one can move around the mouse BUT: I have no clue (i'm relatively expierience with Ubuntu/Linux...) how edit my Linux so that i can realy USE the Tablet. By know i can't click/write or modify the mouse-motion.I somehow tried 2 edit the xorg.conf file (as described here:http://aiptektablet.sourceforge.net/xserver.html), but as i mentioned before am not thaat advance on Linux-Programming....can u help?20:07
gobbeironfoot495: this is channel for ubuntu, not for osx20:08
txomonxstation108:  do you have mac?20:08
erUSULironfoot495: ##apple #macosx ....20:08
xstation108txomon: no20:08
Hectorsoory 4 my english ;)20:08
txomonwhat OS do you have?20:08
ironfoot495thanks  erUSUL:20:08
intraderAnyone, I have a problem with my Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop since installing 10.10. The fans are always running even with with  `top` reporting only cpu4%20:08
glacemani have a silly question20:09
glacemanin Evolution, how can i minimize the application to the top20:09
marajais it possible to recover the file system of a logical partition??20:09
glacemani mean not on the taskbar, neither closed by the X button20:09
xstation108ok its a osx operating syatem but is a motherboard that supports mac i used the original OSX to install20:09
=== sanchaz-away is now known as sanchaz
txomonxstation108: that type of partitioning is for MAC. Don't erase any partition, they are all needed to boot your mac20:10
xstation108i want to use ubuntu as the boot partirtion20:10
glacemananyone knows a substitute for active sync for ubuntu ?20:10
Hectori have crunchbang linux20:10
xstation108My mac is dead20:10
w00tw00Hi, does anyone know how I can run a script when user connects to my openssh server?20:10
txomonxstation108: but you want just to have ubuntu?20:11
txomonyou want to erase it all?20:11
wrdw00tw00: what kind of script20:11
xstation108yes and recover the data on the other partition20:11
maraja glaceman: conduit?20:11
skaI have an admin user that I want to setup sudoers for to execute as the bob user:20:11
glacemanmaraja: what is conduit ?20:11
skaadministrator   ALL = (bob) NOPASSWD : OPT_BIN20:11
w00tw00wrd, I made small script what plays certain wav file.20:11
Rav3nSw0rdInstalling Ubuntu Server 10.10 on an ancient Dell Desktop, removed "quiet" from the installation options and computer stops at "[1.507269] ohci_hcd 0000:02:0a.1: irq 3, io mem 0xff1fd000" with exception of time, this has happened repeatedly. I have tried irqpoll to no avail... help please? (btw, message is from a picture taken using my camera... can't access it directly from the knowledge I have so... yea)20:12
skaThat sudoers entry does not work without a password.20:12
=== nosrepa is now known as aperson
skaAny Idea how I can get NOPASSWD to work ?>20:12
ubuntuserveris there an ebook available to learn ubuntu server for free20:12
maraja glaceman: I use conduit to sync my pendrive with my desktop20:12
gobbeska: ubuntuserver yes, ubuntu.com has one20:12
txomonxstation108: if u just want to recover your system, use ubuntu USB to boot, and create another partition in the spare space, I recommend u use a readable format for mac (hfs+)20:12
ubuntuserverThanks gobbe :)20:12
Flannelska: Have you followed the tidbit on this page? http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers20:12
txomonxstation108: then, just copy all your files there, and reinstall macos20:13
glacemanis there a shortcut key or something so i can move a window to another desktop ?20:13
maraja glaceman: you can search on sotware center20:13
glacemanfound it maraja thank you very much20:13
w00tw00wrd: It should be possible if i remember there was this program what banned ip addresses after too many tries :P20:13
txomonxstation108: i recommend20:14
xstation108txomon my keyboard is not woking ok i am in a live unbuntu at the moment I cannot boot from usb just now20:14
glacemanis there a shortcut key or something so i can move a window  to another desktop ?20:14
marajaPeople, I have a damaged logical partition. is it possible to recover the file system of that??20:14
xstation108just want to use free space to install ubuntu20:14
xstation108its not impotant that i cannot boot into osx20:15
ZykoticK9glaceman, not that i've ever heard of - but i'd love for someone to give you an answer (i'm interested too)20:15
skiingHello... Do anyone know why when I enter the badoo firefox is too slow?20:15
skaFlannel: yes I have.. tried to at least.20:16
glacemanany shortcut keys anyone for moving windows to other desktop ?20:16
xstation108i just need to know how to set boot partition and other essential partitions that may be needed20:16
ZykoticK9!repeat | glaceman20:16
ubottuglaceman: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:16
glacemanunderstood ubottu20:17
txomonxstation108: you are actually booting in live, that was what i meant20:17
xstation108yes i am in live now20:17
txomonxstation108: now go to Gparted20:17
FrenkHey, I need to execute chmod 775 /etc/hosts.deny every 1 minutes. How to solve that with cron?20:17
txomoncreate a partition big enough to contain your files20:17
xstation10810.10 64 bit i can install from here just need some directions20:17
txomon(I would create it at the end of the disc)20:17
wolfricwhats the diference between /etc/skel/.bashrc and /etc/bash.bashrc20:17
milamberglaceman: ctrl + shift + alt + <arrow>20:18
skaFlannel: it works. Somehow, I needed to log out of root to make it work. I was su - into root, and then su  - bob, didnt work.20:18
xstation108so one partition at the end of disk what else20:18
glacemanwonderful !!!! thanks milamber20:18
ZykoticK9milamber, very cool - thanks!20:18
wrdw00tw00: i mean you can force sshd to log authentication tries and read these text files?20:18
xstation108where does boot and / go20:18
magicianlordxstation108: i recently installed 10.10 64-bit20:18
magicianlordwith nvidia gpuetc20:18
Flannelska: you shouldn't be using su anyway.  We'd be using sudo.  You want bob to be able to do it without a password? or you want someone to be able to do it as bob?20:19
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:19
gobbeFrenk: eh...why you need to do that20:19
milamberglaceman, ZykoticK9: np20:19
txomonxstation108: and copy all the files there20:19
Frenkgobbe: DenyHosts is changing permissions on this file and cyrus (IMAP) cant read it so it rejects all conections20:19
xstation108what about boot partition and /?20:20
w00tw00wrd: But do you know, if there is any "nice" way to run a script20:20
KM0201indystorm: go colts!20:20
leecwell thanks!  version 10.04 TLS is installing!  woot woot thanks guys!20:20
w00tw00wrd: I dont want to recompile whole thing, also i'm too newbie for that anyway ;)20:20
gobbeFrenk: hmmh. why denyhosts changes permissions.....well, crontab could do that20:20
txomonbut i must rememberize you that if u install Ubuntu, then when you install mac os, it will overwrite the boot sector20:20
txomonso you will be in trouble20:21
goetterhey guys. my /proc/meminfo says I have no swap (Swap* fiels are 0k). I don't know how this happened but I'd like to fix it :(20:21
leecso FYI if installing on HP DL360 gG4 with smartarray 6i use 10.04 LTS20:21
Frenkgobbe:  dunno - but how to do that with crontab ;)20:21
xstation108no i will copy data and reinstall20:21
h00k!grubrepair | txomon20:21
ubottutxomon: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:21
goetterI have a 1gb linux-swap partition20:21
txomonthe best thing you can do is, create that partition at the end of the disc, copy there all your files20:22
xstation108but still MY baisc question what about boot and / partitions??20:22
txomoninstall macos and then ubuntu20:22
txomonh00k: if he can avoid doing that...20:22
daniel_is the xfce a ok version of linux20:22
h00kdaniel_: xfce is a Window manager20:22
h00k!xfce | daniel_20:22
ubottudaniel_: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:22
wrdw00tw00: read sshd_config about loglevels -> find out how to configure syslog in the correct way so it actually posts these logs. open the log for reading and block upon reading filter data based upon your rules, if rules apply run the script - done.20:23
xstation108i cannot install osx anymore need a new HD can you please please please tell me abiut boot and / partition20:23
daniel_i dont have enough ram for ubuntu20:23
txomonxstation108: ok20:23
txomonxstation108: how many space do you want to use with your ubuntu?20:23
Rav3nSw0rdInstalling Ubuntu Server 10.10 on an ancient Dell Desktop, removed "quiet" from the installation options and computer stops at "[1.507269] ohci_hcd 0000:02:0a.1: irq 3, io mem 0xff1fd000" with exception of time, this has happened repeatedly. I have tried irqpoll to no avail... help please? (btw, message is from a picture taken using my camera... can't access it directly from the knowledge I have so... yea)20:23
MrUnagihow does crontab handle super user requests20:23
gobbeMrUnagi: what do you mean with that?20:23
xstation108in total unallocated 232.75GB20:24
krmXgreetings and salutations20:24
daniel_i dont really know much about linux im only used to windows20:24
txomonxstation108: but, are you going to use the other space?20:24
xstation108what other space20:24
MrUnagigobbe: if i want crontab to remove contents of a directory that typically requires sudo to do so gobbe20:24
ZykoticK9daniel_, FYI Lubuntu is much lighter then Xubuntu20:24
xstation108no no leave that other space alone20:24
gobbeMrUnagi: well, do it from root's crontab20:25
txomonxstation108: I meant the one occupied by macos20:25
MrUnagigobbe: how do i get to it without being logged in as root20:25
krmXhas anyone succefuly enabled in ipv4 forwarding via sysctl.conf in lynx?20:25
xstation108no leave that alone20:25
txomoncreate 3 partitions with:20:26
gobbeMrUnagi: sudo crontab -e20:26
txomon1st one 70% of the space, naming it for /home20:26
MrUnagigobbe: wow i should have thought of that20:26
krmXxstation108, leave what alone?20:26
txomon30% of the space for /20:26
daniel_im thinkin of goin back to xp professional cos i dont reli know how to work linux properly20:26
gobbe!ot | daniel_20:26
ubottudaniel_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:26
txomonand at least the ram you have for swap (exchange area)20:27
xstation108txomon: can you say it in gb please20:27
MrUnagidaniel_: you have to start somewhere20:27
xstation108i start with 1 boot partition how big?20:27
txomonthe thing is, are you going to do a normal use with ubuntu?20:27
daniel_my laptop used be xp but i went to linux20:27
txomonI mean downloads internet  and that20:28
MrUnagidaniel_: good choice....windows is garbage20:28
txomonno server things nor those thing20:28
Okitaindaniel_: nobody knew a thing about linux on the first try.20:28
xstation108so boot partition say 200mb20:28
txomonno /boot20:28
MrUnagiOkitain: that is the truth...for me especially lol20:28
txomonjust 70% of the space to /home20:28
daniel_i know the windows crashed on it20:28
MrUnagidaniel_: what issues are you having?20:28
txomonand 30% to /20:28
xstation108txomon: so /boot will be 200mb20:28
daniel_when it use be windows it never use connect through wireless20:29
txomonno, /boot you dont have to define it20:29
intraderdaniel_, how can I help - I use dual boot with xp, and almost never use xp anymmore20:29
xstation108ok i hope so20:29
txomon,/boot is included in /20:29
daniel_sometimes it doesnt connect to the wireless20:29
txomonwhen you say / means => "allocate anything i havent defined there"20:29
MrUnagidaniel_: in ubuntu?20:30
daniel_no in xfce20:30
xstation108ok so tell me from the start in GBITS the size for each of the three partitionss20:30
txomonxstation108: ¬¬ i wanted to avoid maths xDD20:30
xstation108txomon so one partition with /20:30
xstation108ok next20:30
MrUnagidaniel_: and in windows too?20:30
txomon, /home better the first one20:31
txomonthen /20:31
txomonand then swap20:31
xstation108ok first /home that will be the biggert say 2 gigs20:31
glacemananyone knows how to sychronise windows mobile with ubuntu ?20:31
txomonxstation108: ok, wait a moment20:32
xstation108so /home then / then swap20:32
=== Tommy is now known as Lantchips
txomon165 Gb to /home20:32
txomonxstation108: how much ram do you have?20:32
xstation1083 gigs20:33
txomonso you have to put a partition for / that is everything but  3 Gb20:34
vamphi all. somebody help me install a TV tuner?20:34
rpaisleyI've gotten a new SSD Hard drive.  Old one used encryption, new one I don't want ot pay the 50% encryption penalty.  I mounted the old encrypted one under /target during rescue, and copied everything to the new one.  When it boots, it fails to do the crypt setup.  How do I turn that off?20:34
xstation108and swap i?20:35
resnoive got a question. im trying to output the date to a log. im doing $(date 'now') > file.log. But its not working20:35
quiescensrpaisley: if you were using LVM based full disk encryption, you should be able to edit /etc/crypttab20:36
ZykoticK9resno, "date 'now'" doesn't appear to be a valid command for date20:36
resnook, one sec. i must have copied it wrong20:36
txomonxstation108: ¿?20:36
xstation108so 165gb /home then / 70 gigs and 3 gigs for swap20:36
rpaisleyquienscens:  Thanks.  We'll see if it comes up this time!20:36
txomonxstation108: it is the format, i cant remember which is the name,20:36
resnoZykoticK9: echo $(date -d now) >  $ShortTerm thats what im donig20:36
txomonxstation108: I thing it is ... exchange space20:37
quiescensrpaisley: to my knowledge, you have to edit it, then update your boot stuff in some way20:37
rpaisleyquienscens:  I don't need to turn off cryptdisk and cryptdisk-early?20:37
txomonxstation108: or something like htat20:37
ZykoticK9resno, "date -d now" is the same as "date"20:37
xstation108unallocated 232.75GB20:37
milamberresno: from the command line: date > file.log works for me20:37
xstation108needs to be patition into three  165 gor /home then 70gb for / and 3gb for swap20:38
ZykoticK9resno, you certainly don't need the "echo" as milamber points out20:38
pozicIs http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/ltmodem/11c11040/ packaged?20:38
herteljtvamp: What kind of tuner?20:38
txomonxstation108: yep at least 3Gb for swap20:39
xstation108txomon: ok thankyou20:39
vampTechnisat AirStar TeleStick 220:39
txomonxstation108: thats the space of the disc that the system uses to hibernate and those things, so if you dont have at least the same as the ram...20:39
resnoZykoticK9: heh, i tried without echo and it failed, so i thought that would make it speak20:39
txomonxstation108: you will be in trouble20:39
resnoZykoticK9: milamber let me get my script on dpaste20:40
vampi found a link, but i'm a beginner ubuntu user, and i dont understand: http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-media/msg20715.html20:40
xstation108txomon: i was asking about boot because the EFI patition whaich is set to boot flag does not work anymore  http://pastebin.com/sBs7TGQ320:41
quiescensrpaisley: you should probably technically remove the cryptsetup package if you wanted to take that route20:41
resnohttp://dpaste.com/295672/ ZykoticK9 milamber this is it. its not outputting everything it needs to20:41
herteljtvamp: so you have the tuner installed an are now trying to connect to it?20:41
xstation108thats wehay i asked about /boot but as you said is coverd by / /20:41
txomonxstation108: you have to install grub20:41
txomonxstation108: dont forget it20:41
xstation108yes i know it will ask me where to installl20:42
txomonxstation108: jaja , no it is default, but do not disable its installation20:42
txomonxstation108: say hd020:42
txomonin the root20:42
txomonthat means20:42
vampyes, but the program not see20:42
trismresno: you need to append to the files with >> not > on the date and rsync lines20:42
xstation108root is /20:42
resnotrism: ah thanks20:43
txomonthat you can install it in a partition, or in the index of the HD20:43
=== mike_ is now known as Guest38146
xstation108well i rember where do I want to install grub I have a choice i think20:43
herteljtvamp: Have you looked on linuxtv.org?20:43
txomonxstation108: I think it just says sda or sda0 and those things20:43
vampherteljt: i plug the usb, but the system not seee the tuner. I try lsusb but nothing20:43
resnotrism: thanks that got it20:44
txomonxstation108: you have to use sda20:44
txomonwithout number20:44
ZykoticK9resno, for one thing - using > multiple times means only the last thing will be in the output file -- use >> to append.  Taking out your rsync lines leaves the date in the files.20:44
txomonor sdb or hd20:44
txomonbut remember, without number20:44
trismresno: well, you might want to overwrite on the date command, since you're then appending to another log later20:44
vampherteljt: yes, not supported device, but i found the link: http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-media/msg20715.html20:44
resnotrism: right, i got that20:44
txomonif you have 2 of them, that means you have a USB plugged in20:44
resnothanks ZykoticK920:44
vampherteljt: but i dont know what is20:45
txomonxstation108: I hope I helped20:45
xstation108at the moment I have sd1 the efi patition sda2 is the osx partition20:45
ZykoticK9resno, i was too slow - thank trism ;)20:45
xstation108no thats not true no usb20:45
m1chaelis sshd not enabled by default on a new install?20:45
resnoill thank both ZykoticK9 and trism :)20:45
erUSULm1chael: no20:45
ZykoticK9m1chael, not by default - it's not even installed20:45
xstation108RTAhe EFI is a 200mb boot partition for osx the sda2 size 250 gb is the osx partition20:46
herteljtvamp: Hmm, I don't think I'll be able to help. Have you posted on ubuntu forums?20:47
evilenkohello how do i get a new ip? in ubuntu?20:48
vampherteljt: yes the hungarian official ubuntu site20:48
evilenkohello how do i get a new ip? in ubuntu?20:49
xstation108txomon: these are my partitions just now http://pastebin.com/xBUJW3m420:49
ikoniaevilenko: when you ip expires your ISP will give you a new one20:49
txomonxstation108: have you runned the instalator?20:49
krmXhas anyone succefuly enabled in ipv4 forwarding via sysctl.conf in lynx?20:49
xstation108sde1 is the boot partion for osx sde2 is the osx pertition20:49
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
krmXI cannot get it to work even after restarting20:50
ikoniakrmX: lynx is nothing to do with ip forwarding, it's just a browser20:50
magicianlordlinks is good20:50
xstation108it will not boot its finished thats why i need grub20:50
xstation108but i need to know where to intall grub20:50
xstation108so that unbuntu can boot20:51
txomongrub is installed by the system installer20:51
ikonia!grub2 > xstation10820:51
ubottuxstation108, please see my private message20:51
krmXhas anyone managed to enabel ipvr4 forwarding in lynx 10.04.1 LTS?20:51
magicianlordfor what purpose20:51
ikoniakrmX: lynx is nothing to do with ipforwarding as I've just told you20:51
txomondont try to install it to the partitions ....20:51
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:51
ikoniakrmX: lynx is just a web broser20:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:52
xstation108ok thankyou i you have been very helpful20:52
bencahilldoes anyone know how file associations work with wine apps? they're not working correctly...20:53
brontos #redhat20:53
ikoniabencahill: the guys in €winehq may know20:53
bencahillbrontos: /join #redhat20:53
brontosbencahill, yeah.... got ahead of myself...20:53
bencahillbrontos: :)20:54
milamberevilenko: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43585120:54
bencahillikonia: kind of slow there right now :) I may try again in the morning (3pm here)20:54
BluesKajhow does one make the british pound sign on a US KB ?20:54
blackxoredhey guys20:54
bencahillBluesKaj: I'm sure there's a code for it (Ctrl + Shift + u)20:55
blackxoredthere's a better system monitor for the gnome-panel than the default20:55
bencahillBluesKaj: or just change your key mapping20:55
magicianlordblackxored: top20:55
magicianlordblackxored: conky20:55
MrUnagiwhen using the for loop command, how do you specifiy the current dir.......for i in ____?20:56
BluesKajbencahill, I only need it when I send money to my daughter in the UK  , which I hope is going to end soon >)20:56
blackxoredmagicianlord, for the gnome-panel, already have those ;) but is not like i'm on my desktop view all day I want it on the panel and I don't want an screenleet/widget20:57
blackxoredis there such a thing?20:57
bencahillBluesKaj: lol :)20:57
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, the default for ____ is the current directory20:57
MrUnagiso if i leave it blank20:57
MrUnagifor i in; do this?20:57
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, for i in * ; do ...20:57
MrUnagiok thanks20:57
bencahillZykoticK9: ^^ that made you look like a bot :D20:58
ZykoticK9bencahill, maybe I am ;)20:58
MatthewDSanyone want a pic of me?20:58
bencahill!ot | MatthewDS20:58
erUSULMrUnagi: you can do « for fo in ./* ; do [something with] "$f"; done » if you want20:58
ubottuMatthewDS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:58
ikoniaMatthewDS: this is an ubuntu support channel, please keep to that topic20:58
chris_bsdprintf("Hey, I'm a bot!\n");20:59
ikoniachris_bsd: that goes to you too20:59
MrUnagierUSUL: ZykoticK9 i dunno if i am doing it right i am trying to convert images20:59
pozicDoes Ubuntu have multi-arch support?20:59
ikoniapozic: in what respect ?21:00
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, can you pastebin your complete command?21:00
pozicMeaning I can install different userlands on one machine and simply switch to a different 32-bits kernel?21:00
chris_bsdikonia: sorry, this is my normal way of communication. will stay on topic though21:00
pozicAnd switch back to a 64 bits kernels.21:00
ZykoticK9pozic, no21:00
ikoniachris_bsd: please don't talk in code, the language for this channel is English, and I appreciate you sticking on topic21:00
ikoniapozic: no, it's not dynamic like that21:00
pozicikonia: I thought Debian was.21:01
krmXhas anyone managed to enabel ipvr4 forwarding in lynx 10.04.1 LTS?21:01
ikoniapozic: no21:01
MrUnagiZykoticK9: for i in *; do convert -resize 50% /jail/home/waynrdude/MyDropbox/Convert/Converted/$i.jpg21:01
krmXit works in debian, though21:01
chris_bsdwell, in some way, C is a subset of english.21:01
fanbetasticevening all :)21:01
wrdMrUnagi: that works only for non space separated files ...21:01
pozicikonia: then what is the multi-arch stuff in Debian?21:01
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, try "for f in *.jpg; do convert -resize 50% $f; done"21:01
ikoniachris_bsd: easy choice, talk in clear english, or don't talk - choose21:01
=== roaming is now known as INFURNO
pozicikonia: just to be able to run a 32 bits user land transparantly on a 64 bits kernel?21:02
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, careful - maybe make a backup first!21:02
MrUnagiZykoticK9: these are copites21:02
ikoniapozic: some 32bit programs will work, sure21:02
clarity_okay so im making a game server and it needs to webscale. Will it webscale if I make it in pypy, twisted and on ubuntu21:02
clarity_or... should I use redhat?21:02
milamberpozic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SupportedArchitectures21:02
clarity_oh yeah, and mongodb21:02
ikoniaclarity_: the distro has no relevence, it's the language you use to do it in21:02
ikoniaclarity_: use what ever distro you are comfortable developing on,21:03
MrUnagiconvert: missing an image filename `*.JPG' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2970.21:03
chris_bsdclarity_: i can't see so much difference21:03
MrUnagiprobably a problem with imagemagick ZykoticK921:03
chris_bsdclarity_: could you explain to me what webscaling is?21:03
fanbetasticyou guys know of a good monitor tool for ubuntu server? something weird is happening... i have apache2 and mysql installed... i'm running a smaller site and suddently the CPU usage is 100%21:03
fanbetasticneed to figure out whats causing this... somehow21:03
erUSULMrUnagi: put quotes in the $i or the command will fail with filenames with spaces21:03
ikoniafanbetastic: what application is taking up the cpu21:04
ikoniafrobisher: ok, is the server local to you ?21:04
erUSULMrUnagi: also convert needs an output filename if you want to convert inplace use mogrify21:04
=== pothos_ is now known as pothos
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, you need to specify a destination file as well.  "for f in *.jpg; do convert -resize 50% $f $f_resize; done" is an UGLY workaround21:04
MrUnagiZykoticK9: why is it ugly?21:05
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, it will give blah.jpg_resize -- use basename to do it properly21:05
erUSULMrUnagi: try this on a copy of the images « for f in /path/to/image/folder/* ; do mogrify --resize 50% "$f"; done »21:05
MrUnagierUSUL: ok21:05
krmXikonia, I mean lucid lynx, not lynx the CLI browser. thx for kicking me, though21:05
fanbetasticikonia: mysql - trying to read the apache log right now.... it takes forever just to load it up21:05
ikoniakrmX: right, so ip forwarding is set in the kernel, then you need an application such as iptables to actually manage the forwarding of traffic21:06
pozicikonia: the only way to transform a 64 bits system into a 32 bits system is a reinstall?21:06
ikonia!ics ~ krmX21:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:06
txomonanyone knows how to list rooms in empathy?21:06
ikonia!ics | krmX21:06
ubottukrmX: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:06
FloodBot4ikonia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:06
ZykoticK9erUSUL, that still seems to require a destination filename21:06
ikoniapozic: correct21:06
fanbetastici have a lot of "internal dummy connection" in my apache log... can that be part of the problem?21:06
MrUnagigetting close erUSUL i get mogrify: unable to open image `f$':  @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2498.21:06
txomonso any idea¿?21:06
pozicikonia: I did find out where my softmodem was hidden. Too bad there is no x86-64 version of some binary blob, though.21:07
ikoniafanbetastic: the guys in #mysql and #httpd are better for specific questions like that21:07
fanbetasticrgr thanks bro21:07
krmXikonia, I meant lucid lynx, not lynx the CLI browser21:07
YouArePwnedcan anyone recommend a good linux distro that supports a HD 6850 card with open source drivers21:07
bencahillkrmX: what is your question?21:07
ikoniafanbetastic: you may want to try killing apache and see if it calms mysql down21:07
ikoniakrmX: right, so ip forwarding is set in the kernel, then you need an application such as iptables to actually manage the forwarding of traffic21:07
ikonia!ics | krmX21:07
_Synergy_Ubuntu is incorrectly detecting my 2nd monitor as "DFP-0" with a max resolution of 640x480. Where do I begin troubleshooting?21:08
krmXI have iptables installed21:08
ikoniakrmX: you need to configure it21:08
ikoniakrmX: the link I sent to you will give you examples/suggestions how21:08
txomon_Synergy_: try to go to the screen config and change it21:08
bencahill_Synergy_: how is the monitor physically connected to the computer21:08
erUSULMrUnagi: works here as expected but i made a typo is -resize with only a dash no --resize21:08
glacemanhi guys21:09
_Synergy_txomon/bencahill the monitor is on the dvi port, nvidia-settings will not allow anything beyond 640x48021:09
chris_bsdhi, glaceman21:09
ZykoticK9erUSUL, ya with -resize works here too.21:09
glacemanis there a way ubuntu auto-mount my second partition at boot21:09
MrUnagierUSUL: I wonder what it is complaining about21:09
gobbeglaceman: yes21:09
gobbeglaceman: /etc/fstab21:09
milamber!automount | glaceman21:09
ubottuglaceman: Automount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and  more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs21:09
ikoniaglaceman: put it in /etc/fstab21:09
ZykoticK9glaceman, fstab21:09
chris_bsdgobbe: yeah fstab holds the partitions you want to have mounted21:10
glacemani have the fstab open now21:10
erUSULMrUnagi:  unable to open image `f$': <<<< is $f21:10
gobbechris_bsd: i dont want to mount anything ;)21:11
krmXbencahill, I cannot get to fwd traffic from a remote VPN subnet which is routed through the ppp0 interface21:11
erUSULyou made a typo21:11
chris_bsdgobbe: sorry was for glaceman21:11
glacemani have the fstab file open21:11
gobbechris_bsd: i thought so :)21:11
_Synergy_How do I get Ubuntu (or nvidia drivers) to redetect my monitors properly? Am I really going to have to deal with 10 hours of xorg.conf hell? is there no tool that will just detect properly?21:11
chris_bsdgobbe: ;-)21:12
kusznirI'm trying to install 10.10 i386 as a xen domU on a CentOS-based dom0 using debootstrap (base instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=630886).  I've obtained the updated scripts and removed all the --include= option.  Unfortunately, installation blows up with some pretty low-level failures in debootstrap.  For example, the chroot line fails with /var/lib/dpkg/status not containing the version for package dpkg.21:12
txomon_Synergy_: aaah21:12
kusznirI fixed that by hand, but then a bunch more stuff blew up.21:12
alienferxxxubuntu o lxde more ligt ?   thank   8-)21:12
txomon_Synergy_: go to system, and there21:12
ZykoticK9_Synergy_, nvidia-settings - X Server Display Configruation on left side - then there is a "Detect Displays" on the right21:12
txomon_Synergy_: Additional controlers21:12
txomon_Synergy_: do you have nvidia controlers activated?21:13
ikoniakrmX: have you configure the iptables rules to forward from that subnet ?21:13
_Synergy_txomon: I have the recommended nvidia driver installed, if thats what you mean (whats a controller?)21:13
txomonalmost the same21:13
erUSUL_Synergy_: the nvidia-settings tool is no use?21:14
txomon_Synergy_: ... try to activate the special effects21:14
_Synergy_Zykotick9: when I hit 'detect displays' on the nvidia settings tool nothing happens21:14
_Synergy_erUSUL: in the nvidia settings tool it just shows the monitor as "DFP-0" with a max resolution of 640x480 , which is incorrect21:15
MrUnagierUSUL: i think it is working one sec21:15
ZykoticK9_Synergy_, is nvidia-settings getting the correct name in the Model dropdown?21:16
_Synergy_Zykotick9, no it is calling the monitor "DFP-0" , whatever that means21:16
krmXyes, thusly iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -i ppp0 --source -j ACCEPT21:17
MrUnagierUSUL: thank you21:17
krmXbut to no avail21:17
ZykoticK9_Synergy_, mine shows "Samsung SyncMaster (DFP-0 on GPU-0)" and yours just shows "DFP-0"?  What sort of monitor is this?21:17
erUSULMrUnagi: no problem21:17
txomondoes anyone know how to list rooms in empathy?21:17
DarkMistпроверка связи??))21:18
TrickyJFriends EOM i am planning to buy new laptop I wann specially run UBUNTU on i've heard i seres process wont support Ubuntu or linux ? is it true ?21:18
ZykoticK9!ru | Dark_Spyro_00321:18
ubottuDark_Spyro_003: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:18
erUSULtxomon: /msg alis list *searchword*21:18
ZykoticK9!ru | DarkMist21:18
ubottuDarkMist: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:18
toolbearhello. say, i have a video file where the audio track is delayed/out of sync with the video track. what kind of software on linux can help me fix this?21:18
xanguatxomon: empathy is very limited for irc21:18
brilldoctorcan anyone please help me with setting up my printer (hp deskjet 3050) in ubuntu21:18
xanguadon't know how or even if you can txomon21:18
txomonxangua: any... recomendation¿?21:18
xanguatxomon: use xchat¿21:19
xanguaor the irc client you like21:19
txomonyes, but I want a multifunctional one21:19
xanguatxomon: pidgin then, kopete if you use kde21:19
txomondoes anyone know who makes the ubuntu default install ¿?21:20
brilldoctoranyone want to help me???21:20
txomoncos If this client is not good, it shouldnt be here21:20
txomon!help | brilldoctor21:20
ubottubrilldoctor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:21
=== petr is now known as soviet_russia
toolbearbrilldoctor: what's your problem?21:21
jon8_i did, 'apt-get install mysqltcl' a while back.. how do i figure out what version it is? or well better yet, how to find out what version is on the repositories21:22
d3centedanyone running autofs successfully on lycid?21:22
bastidrazorjon8_: apt-cache policy packagename21:22
brilldoctorHow do i install the drivers for my HP Deskjet 3050 so i can use it over wifi? i have tried adding it but there are no drivers21:22
milamberjon8_: what version of ubuntu?21:22
jon8_bastidrazor AWESOME!21:22
bastidrazorjon8_: :)21:23
jon8_milamber 10.10, bastidrazor answer is exactly what i wanted21:23
milamberjon8_: hokay21:23
jon8_thats exactly what i wanted21:23
Legolasanybody know if lenovo's D600 bluetooth remote keyboard/phone/media control is compatible with ubuntu 10.10? I just cant synchronize them21:23
jon8_tells installed version and the candidate21:23
brilldoctoranyone know where i can get drivers for a hp 3050 for ubuntu21:26
poseidonhmm, so I install ubunutu, but it never asked me for a root password21:26
KM0201brilldoctor: what kind of drivers21:26
KM0201!sudo | poseidon21:26
ubottuposeidon: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:26
brilldoctorprint / fax drivers21:26
KM0201!printer | brilldoctor21:27
ubottubrilldoctor: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows21:27
bastidrazorubottu: tell poseidon about root21:27
ubottuposeidon, please see my private message21:27
poseidonwow, a lot has changed since I've used ubuntu :)21:28
brilldoctori have tried to add it through system > admin > pinters but there are no drivers for it21:28
milamberbrilldoctor: that printer needs the newest drivers. google for hplip and install the newest package.21:29
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brilldoctori have it downloaded but i need to compile it and there is no documentation.  are there any prebuilt packages21:30
alainghi do you guys know of any good tutorial on how to learn to create a cron21:30
mongyalaing, google?21:31
alaingI want to create something that turns my server off everynight at a specific time21:31
mongyalaing, man cron21:31
ducktypehi i'm searching something more official than the "checkinstall" package to creade .deb from source, some hints?21:31
d3centedis there anybody who runs autofs on lucid 10.04??????21:31
Ryu_KurisuCron ;)21:31
alainggoogle does not seem to be my friend lately :P21:32
oceanhi guys, can any one help me in the right direction plsease. I have ubuntu 10.10 64 bit on my laptop with ATI readon HD 5470 graphics.(switchable with intel HD GMA). the problem is if i install fglrx propritary driver its deleting the GUI and ubuntu needs re installing.can any one help thanks21:32
ducktypei see src2pkg bug can't find src2deb21:32
brilldoctorhow do i compile hplip from source21:33
milamber!compile | brilldoctor21:33
ubottubrilldoctor: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:33
alaingi jsu twondered if you guys would have recommended a tutorial21:33
Ryu_Kurisu!packages | Ryu_Kurisu21:33
ubottuRyu_Kurisu, please see my private message21:33
brilldoctormilamber: thanks21:33
milamberalaing: start w/ man cron21:34
jimi_If I am connected via wifi to my network, and i plug a device into my eth0 ethernet port, my connections drop, and it tries to use eth0 as my network connection, even though i may be trying to bridge my wlan0 to eth0 for sharing a connection21:34
brilldoctoroh, turns out the one place i didnt look - the software centre (me beeing a noob)21:34
Ryu_Kurisualaing: man cron (in terminal) shows the manual of cron, used for time-based events in linux...21:34
milamber!cron | alaing21:35
ubottualaing: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm21:35
Gilosis there a graphical editor that automatically colorizes and formats files when you're working on them (sorta like notepad++ on windows)?21:35
mongyjimi_, disable 'connect automatically'21:35
Ryu_KurisuGilos: gedit is pretty good...21:35
milamberGilos: have you tried gedit?21:35
GeekSquidbrilldoctor: or right click on the network icon in panel and click edit connections, eth0 needs to be set to Shared to other computers21:35
FrenkHey in my syslog I have some strange entry, can anyone explain what it means? http://paste.ubuntu.com/551621/21:35
mongyjimi_, wired is preferred over wifi, so it takes over21:35
Ryu_KurisuYou can select which syntax to highlight Gilos :)21:36
GilosRyu_Kurisu, | milamber I'm using gedit right now, but it has no coloring.  Like I would like for it grey out comments in a config file etc.21:36
alaingI've just done man cron and having a read through it but I'm still a linux newbie21:36
DaGeek247Gilos: Gedit is what i have been using, and its perfect.21:36
GeekSquidFrenk: that isn't an error, it is just the kernel reporting to the syslog that it has made a connection21:36
davidfetter_vmwhow do i install postgresql 9.0.latest on 10.10?21:36
alaingthanks milamber21:37
mongyalaing, http://www.howtoforge.com/a-short-introduction-to-cron-jobs21:37
alaingwould I need to use php script to  shut it down?21:37
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erUSULFrenk: that's a line from the firewall rules21:37
Ryu_KurisuGilos: In gedit go to View>Highlight Mode21:37
alaingthanks mongy21:38
alaingmongy thank link appears to be broken21:38
{dante_zx}hi to all21:39
ZykoticK9alaing, mongy's link works here?21:39
FrenkerUSUL: thx21:39
bastidrazordavidfetter_vmw: you would need to find a ppa, preferably.21:39
alaingsorry i meant milamber the tech-geeks link does not work21:39
GeekSquiddavidfetter_vmw: postgresql 8.4.6 is the latest stable version that works natively with Maverick, if you really "Need" 9.0 you will have to find it in PPA or compile it yourself... Having the latest version isn't always the best bet21:39
mongyalaing, works here21:39
{dante_zx}how to make a vpn conection using a vpn server21:39
mongyobviously {)21:39
GilosRyu_Kurisu, thanks, that worked, I set it to do .ini for a conf file that I was working on and it did exactly as I wanted.21:39
milamberalaing: sorry. the first one should work. it's pretty decent21:39
sabgenton! bridge21:39
{dante_zx}how to make a vpn conection using a vpn server??21:39
alaingthanks guys let me have a read through that. w21:40
davidfetter_vmwGeekSquid, PPA?21:40
{dante_zx}y use ipcoop with adon zerina21:40
davidfetter_vmw<-- ubuntu n00b21:40
GeekSquid!vpn | {dante_zx}21:40
ubottu{dante_zx}: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN21:40
rww!msgthebot | sabgenton21:40
ubottusabgenton: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:40
GilosDaGeek247 | milamber thanks gedit configured correct as Ryu_Kurisu suggested works perfectly.21:40
GeekSquid!ppa | davidfetter_vmw21:40
ubottudavidfetter_vmw: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.21:40
ZykoticK9!ppa | davidfetter_vmw21:40
davidfetter_vmwhrm. launchpad.net's not loading :/21:40
sabgentonhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge is this outdated?21:41
GeekSquiddavidfetter_vmw: did you click the link? It works here21:41
davidfetter_vmwGeekSquid, could be the firewall, etc., here. :/21:41
sabgentonbasicly bridging is not suported in the networking file?21:42
sabgentonpre-up bridge bla bla is pritty manual21:42
GeekSquiddavidfetter_vmw: could be, what type of internet connection do you have, it is a secure https: connection some ISPs do not allow secure connections21:42
LantchipsCan I format a NTFS partition and put it together with my ubuntu partition ?21:42
sabgentonIs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge the offical way?21:43
davidfetter_vmwGeekSquid, i'm at work on a LAN. not sure what all they do here.21:43
erUSULLantchips: define "put it together"?21:43
GeekSquidLantchips: NTFS is windows, you can get rid of it, and format to EXT3 or EXT4, or resize the empty space... you'll have to do this from the LIVECD21:43
alaingwhat user would a cron job run if no one is logged in and just the username/password screen is on.21:43
alaingwould it need to be setup for root?21:44
ZykoticK9alaing, when you add a cron job it is tied to a user21:44
GeekSquiddavidfetter_vmw: talk to your work IT guys, they could be blocking you21:44
davidfetter_vmwthanks, GeekSquid, all. :)21:44
LantchipsGeeksquid ok so When I do this will it see both partitions as one instead ? Like one big partition or two seperate partitions ?21:44
{dante_de}y make this to work but in windows21:44
{dante_de}y want to make to my server21:44
GeekSquidLantchips: are you willing to get rid of windows?21:46
Tetsuo55hello, how can i change the rights for a file made by sudo so it can be accessed by a normal user?21:46
milamber!chmod | Tetsuo5521:47
ubottuTetsuo55: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:47
erUSULTetsuo55: sudo chmod +rw file21:47
LantchipsGeeksquid yea its my other PC :/ and I already have Ubuntu on one partition but I want that on the whole PC :) (I have Windows on the gaming PC)21:48
Ryu_KurisuerUSUL: He said "access" so chmod +r /path/to/file.etx21:48
Tetsuo55ok thanks21:48
erUSULRyu_Kurisu: could be. he should clarify what right he wants to grant21:48
Ryu_KurisuIndeed :)21:48
jimi_mongy, ok that makes sense. I will try that. I want to give dhcp out my ethernet, but bridged to my wifi... do you know a link for that?21:48
GeekSquidLantchips: if you delete the NTFS partition and Resize the Ubuntu partition to fill the drive you will have one big partition21:48
Ryu_KurisuTetsuo55: Do you want the user to have read AND write permissions? Or just read?21:49
NCS_Onehow can I get scroll and copy/paste on xterm?21:49
LantchipsGeekSquid so it will do that without any problems ? Havn't tried so I have no ide yet :) But ty.. I guess I will use Gparted for it ?21:49
Tetsuo55write too, as i need the low user to delete it later21:49
erUSULGeekSquid: Lantchips that only is possible if the ntfs partition is *after* the linux partition on the disk21:49
erUSULTetsuo55: the lower user will only be able to delete if it has writte permission on the directory. writte access to the file does not matter ...21:50
Ryu_KurisuNCS_One: Copy/Paste (from website to terminal line I presume) would be Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+V21:50
LantchipserUSUL how do i know if it is "after" ?  :P21:50
BarnabasLantchips, use gparted21:50
Tetsuo55ok ill use sudo to delete it then21:51
erUSULLantchips: see how the layout of the dis is in gparted21:51
Tetsuo55thanks for the explenations21:51
Ryu_KurisuNCS_One: And scrolling should be working by default in xterm I believe :)21:51
LantchipserUSUL ahh Windows is "infront" :/21:51
good_intentionsIs there an alternative to stream videos over internet without VLC21:51
Barnabasgood_intentions, mplayer?21:51
GeekSquidLantchips: gparted will do the job fine... but you'll have to do it from the LiveCD, as all partitions have to be unmounted to resize them... erUSUL, If he is removing the NTFS Partition he can move the linux partition to the front of the drive and expand to fill21:51
erUSULLantchips: then what you could do is format to ext4 and move home to it for example or use it as data storage mounted in /media/data or something21:51
mongyjimi_, you mean you want to make a bridged connection? 'br0' ?  you'd need to use interfaces file for that I thinik.21:52
NCS_OneRyu_Kurisu: not in irssi21:52
good_intentionsBarnabas, I dont think mplayer can stream videos over internet (as in serverside not watching)  unless Im mistaken21:52
LantchipsGeekSquid Thank you I will try that :) And erUSUL sorta that I didn't want to do :)21:52
Barnabasgood_intentions, arh serverside21:52
erUSULGeekSquid: afaik ( maybe that changed lately ) gparted can not move the beggining of a ext* partition meaning that you can resize "to the right" but not "to the left"21:52
jimi_mongy, would i bridge them? or just route it w/o a bridge?21:53
Ryu_KurisuNCS_One: But does the shortcuts work?21:53
Barnabasgood_intentions, for recording or for relaying21:53
good_intentionsgood_intentions, Just relaying it live21:53
erUSULGeekSquid: maybe you can move/copy the whole partition to the beggining of the disk and the resize it ... never tried doing that though21:53
Barnabasgood_intentions, have you looked at icecast?21:53
milambergood_intentions: check out the ffmpeg/ffserver options available: www.ffmpeg.org21:54
good_intentionsOkay thanks Ill check out icecast and ffmpeg21:54
Barnabasicecast is widely used21:54
rcmhey there21:54
NCS_OneRyu_Kurisu: ctrl-shift-c and ctrl-shift-v dont work21:54
GeekSquiderUSUL: I believe "move" will work, and I believe I have done it on multiple occasions, plan b would be to create a persistant home in the empty space21:54
good_intentionsBarnabas, does it need a special client or can any ol player view the stream21:55
erUSULGeekSquid: ok; i stand corrected then :) move + resize works Lantchips21:55
Barnabasgood_intentions, I think its mostly dependent on your config21:55
LantchipserUSUL okok :) thank you I will test it soon :)21:55
rcmdoes anyone know, how to have 2 websites accessible on a server? :) I put one of them online with lampserver, and I access it through the ip address, but I don't know how to make the another one accessible too, do I have to create a domain name?21:55
mongyjimi_, im not too versed on bridges to give an answer.. I m not sure what affect it would have on dhcp stuff.  http://wiki.openzaurus.org/HowTos/Bridging_with_Ubuntu  good read21:56
Barnabasgood_intentions, you should be able to relay to a regular mpeg4 stream21:56
NCS_OneRyu_Kurisu: to paste from browser to terminal I have to: ctrl-c then shift-insert21:56
good_intentionsBarnabas, Nice ill give it a try21:56
GeekSquiderUSUL: your resize idea is if the partition is mounted... ext3/4 only21:56
Ryu_KurisuNCS_One: I think it must be something irssi specific...21:56
NCS_OneRyu_Kurisu: from terminal to browser have no way21:56
NCS_OneRyu_Kurisu: the copy/paste thing doesnt work out of irssi also21:57
mrneeghello, im using an asus laptop but my webcam image is upside down :-(21:57
GraphicHSo I have a server running samba with a share that Ive been mounting to another machine running Ubuntu Desktop 10.10. I mount it by running smb://ServerIP/Name_of_Share/ It puts a nice little icon on the desktop however the name it gives it is stupid long and annoying: its Name_of_Share on ServerIP is there way of renaming it, right clicking yields nothing21:58
rcmanyone? :)21:58
GeekSquidmrneeg: the effects button has vertical flip ... In Cheese21:58
GraphicHAaronMT: congrats you pass21:59
AaronMTI need ubuntu 5.0421:59
mrneegGeekSquid:  what about skype21:59
erUSULAaronMT: what for o.0!21:59
AaronMTIt works?21:59
* GraphicH gives you star21:59
erUSUL!eol | AaronMT21:59
ubottuAaronMT: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:59
yeats!5.04 | AaronMT22:00
ubottuAaronMT: Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu.  End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details.22:00
ZykoticK9AaronMT, 5.04 is WAY too old to be using22:00
AaronMTWell it worked. So it's what I need.22:00
macoAaronMT: its in the ubuntu museum22:00
AaronMTFTP link?22:00
yeatsAaronMT: newer versions will work too :-)22:00
AaronMTSurely it's available for regression hunting anyhow22:00
macoAaronMT: but it probably wont work too well *now* ...or at least once it gets probably-quickly exploited due to not having updates in 4 years...22:00
ZykoticK9AaronMT, you be missing hundreds of security updates22:01
GeekSquidmrneeg: here's the fix http://radu.cotescu.com/2009/11/05/flipped-images-ubuntu-webcam/22:01
IdleOneAaronMT: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary/22:01
GraphicHanyway can anyone help with my original question?22:01
IdleOneAaronMT: you use at your own risk22:01
macoAaronMT: http://people.canonical.com/~kirkland/Museum/22:01
macoIdleOne: he wanted breezy not hoary22:02
macoIdleOne: er oh im wrong22:02
macoIdleOne: sorry22:02
FloodBot4maco: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:02
IdleOnehehe np22:02
erUSULmaco: and you flooded ... get up with your left foot? ;)22:03
Ryu_KurisuNCS_One: I can't think what the problem is...22:04
BitProcessorhi everybody22:04
GraphicHAnyone? All I want to do is rename an icon on the desktop, its a mounted share from samba22:04
goltoofhow can i obtain 2.6.35-23-generic-pae ?  it's not in /usr/src  but that's my version22:04
zeeblehello. if i try to do a network install of ubuntu using the minimal CD image, will it also try and install X?22:05
BitProcessoranyone here that knows how to mount apple shares in ubuntu ?22:05
erUSUL!info linux-source | goltoof22:05
ubottugoltoof: linux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)22:05
=== randy is now known as Guest19695
GraphicHzeeble: by X you mean XServer?22:05
goltooferUSUL:  o_0   not sure what to make of that information bud22:05
zeebleGraphicH: yes.22:06
GraphicHzeeble: Why not use server edition if youre worried about it?22:06
ZykoticK9zeeble, the minimal will NOT install X by default, FYI Alternate will.22:06
zeebleGraphicH: i just want a base install of ubuntu using the minimal 12/15MB iso. i will choose what i want to install later22:06
erUSULgoltoof: to get the linux kernel source you have to install that package22:06
zeebleGraphicH: but i dont want to download the whole server edition iso :)22:06
tucemiuxanyone knows how to reinstall grub to MBR ?22:06
ZykoticK9!grub2 | tucemiux22:06
ubottutucemiux: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:06
GraphicHzeeble: Ah ... well it probably will try to install XServer just thinking off the top of my head22:07
goltooferUSUL:  right, i'm just asking how. a simple command i hope22:07
=== wemaflo is now known as wema|off
botcityis mutter on my Ubuntu 10.shortcuts4 net-book essential ?22:07
zeebleGraphicH: okay.22:07
erUSUL!software | goltoof « sudo apt-get install linux-source »22:07
ubottugoltoof « sudo apt-get install linux-source »: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents22:07
BitProcessormounting AFP shares in linux : is it possible ?22:07
GraphicHzeeble: but you could just remomve it later, is the system to minimal to allow for it?22:07
goltooferUSUL:  kthx22:07
xanguabotcity: if you are using unity, yes; in 11.04 unity will use compiz22:07
erUSULgoltoof: yw22:08
{dante_de}how to use zerina22:08
zeebleGraphicH: its just that i want to do some base stuff in a virtual machine quickly .. and was wondering if i could just use the smaller image22:08
zeeblelet me actually start. i'll find out. if it works, good. if it doesnt, then maybe the server image22:08
GraphicHzeeble: Im sure if you do a google search you can probably find a stripped down version of ubuntu22:08
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
zeeblehm, true22:08
GraphicHzeeble: but it still may not be what you need22:09
ZykoticK9zeeble, minimal is very cool - i just recently got into it.22:09
botcityxangua:  yeah unity, i meant22:09
zeebleZykoticK9: does it force you to install X? or i can just do a base install first and then decide what i want later?22:09
tucemiuxZykoticK9, i just realized I tried installing to a partition instead of the MBR o_O  Im going to try reinstall grub again22:09
ZykoticK9zeeble, no - it minimal installs a command line only interface - you add EVERYTHING22:09
zeebleZykoticK9: awesome. that would be what i need. thanks :)22:10
nit-wittucemiux, was it a Ubuntu partition22:10
{dante_de}cineva de prin romnania?22:10
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro22:10
m1chaeli need to instal/enable sshd on a new install.. what's the proper way of doing this?22:10
ZykoticK9zeeble, FYI if you want to add gnome - use the package "gnome-desktop-environment" just "gnome" won't work22:11
erUSULm1chael: sudo apt-get intall openssh-server22:11
mongysudo apt-get install ssh22:11
erUSUL!sshd | m1chael22:11
ubottum1chael: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)22:11
tucemiuxnit-wit,  yes but it complained about using a partition instead of the MBR, I'm going to try it again in a a minute22:11
zeebleZykoticK9: that's just it. i dont want gnome ;) just the base install, and then maybe apache, and a few other packages22:11
botcityim having trouble finding out how to set up key short cuts in unity i found terminal thank god but would like to set up firefox22:12
GraphicHzeeble: also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD though you may have already seen that22:12
nit-wittucemiux, cool just making sure it wasn't a MS NTFS partition22:12
zeebleGraphicH: already started the install :)22:12
BitProcessoris there a way to connect to afp shares using ubuntu ?22:12
zeebleoh cool. this gives tasksel and allows me what to install22:12
{dante_de}y want to be a haker22:13
elderdryas#/msg nickserv drc 3dot1415922:13
GraphicHzeeble: nifty, what iso you using?22:13
zeebleGraphicH: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:13
Datzhi, I have a laptop with 10.10 installed.  there is a video out VGA connection in the back which I connect to a monitor. I want to be able to close the lid, and use the monitor, but in power options, there is only options to suspend.. bland screen etc.  How can I get around this?22:13
zeeblefrom there. the 15.6mb ubuntu 10.10 64 bit iso22:13
Femmewhich the command to release all ports in linux22:14
tucemiuxnit-wit,  yeah, this time it worked, let me reboot and see what happens22:14
Femmesay ?22:14
zeeblerelease all ports?22:14
GraphicHbotcity: what version do you have?22:14
nit-wittucemiux, cool22:14
zeeblethat doesnt make sense22:14
erUSULFemme: clarify what you mean22:14
zeebleelderdryas: reset your password yet?22:14
PudabudigadaHi, when I run sudo apt-get update I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551629/22:14
zeebleelderdryas: heh22:15
elderdryasnot heh...damn fool am I22:15
GraphicHPudabudigada: try sudo apt-get update22:15
ZykoticK9Pudabudigada, close all Synaptic / Update / U.S.C windows first22:15
FemmeI would like to know the command to release all ports in linux22:15
PudabudigadaThat doesn't work22:15
{dante_de}y want to be a hacker22:16
botcityGraphicH: net-book unity think its 11.0422:16
psycho_oreosPudabudigada, another process is using it or the lock file hasn't been removed from previous program and that could be because it crashed22:16
{dante_de}y want to be a hacker22:16
GraphicHPudabudigada: oops sorry was being silly22:16
bencahillFemme: what do you mean by "release"?22:16
erUSULFemme: the problem is i do nor know what "release all ports" is. what are you trying to do ?22:16
Pudabudigadanvm GraphicH22:16
GraphicHdante_de are you german Im guessing?22:16
goltoof{dante_de}:  not ubuntu related.. try #nmap22:16
p_resFemme: You mean disable the firewall so all ports are open?22:16
psycho_oreos!ot| {dante_de}22:16
ubottu{dante_de}: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:16
bencahill!ot | {dante_de}22:16
bencahillpsycho_oreos: beat me to it :)22:16
almoxarifebattery discharge icon status constantly indicates (estimating....) has a bug report been brought up about it?22:16
psycho_oreosbencahill, it happens :)22:16
GraphicHdante_de: its not 'y' its 'I'22:16
Pudabudigada{dante_de}, If you want to be a hacker, you'll need about 20 years22:17
GraphicHdante_de: haha yes this is true22:17
{dante_de}y have 26 years22:17
{dante_de}20 years???22:17
Femmemine is dedicated to the connection ports for irc blocked, they are 6667 and 700022:17
bencahillPudabudigada: oh man, I need another ~12 years!22:17
Femmep_res; yes22:18
prakritiis there any way to get drop shadows on text in gnome-terminal?22:18
SteveG{dante_de}: build your own linux from scratch... thatll get you a long ways toward being a 'hacker'22:18
prakritiit woudl be great for transparency22:18
goltoof{dante_de}:  as many have stated, you're off topic here.  but if you want to hack, you'll need to learn all the basics of linux system administration, navigatin, users/groups, networking etc, before you even consider programming, before you even consider hacking22:18
{dante_de}yes is true this22:18
Femmemine is dedicated to the connection ports for irc blocked, they are 6667 and 7000 erUSUL22:19
bencahillgoltoof: "navigatin" :D22:19
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{dante_de}but y not just beginer in that22:19
p_resFemme: Post back for command sudo ufw status22:19
awesome_guesthey doods has anyone successfully configured intel speedstep to work?22:19
goltoof!ot | {dante_de}22:19
ubottu{dante_de}: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:19
PudabudigadaStart like Linus, assembly code on a spectrum (or something like that)22:19
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bencahill{dante_de}: this is the ubuntu support channel, please do not post if you do not have a question/answer relating to that22:19
zeebledoesnt speedstep work out of the box?22:19
awesome_guestapparently not22:19
Femmep_res: not to understand anything dear22:19
zeeblei am installing in a virtual machine on a laptop :)22:20
grifo74hello i have a question i add a new user and this user is not a admin, i have a problem alwais a start this user they ask for the pass to acsses to wireless network22:20
awesome_guestlike.. I'm on a laptop, and this is pretty bad22:20
prakritihttp://mg.pov.lt/blog/gnome-terminal-text-effects.html   <--- like that22:20
zeebleand was hoping i could use speedstep22:20
perry__i need help uninstalling 10.4. i have windows 7 and i used wubi to install it. then i am going to install 10.1022:20
zeeblei can understand, awesome_guest22:20
goltoof{dante_de}:  you also need to learn how to follow the rules of irssi channels.. you don't want to upset any of the hackers here ;)22:20
p_resFemme: Type in terminal without quotes "sudo ufw status"22:20
awesome_guestit is possible, I THINK22:20
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{dante_de}upset hackers??:))22:20
{dante_de}hackers on mirc22:21
GraphicHdante_de: I would say coming to *this* channel and saying "y want to be a hacker" is not the best way impress your experience22:21
awesome_guesthow do you use /etc/modules to load a module?22:21
psycho_oreosawesome_guest, tried using cpufreq? like make it use cpufreq_performance instead of cpufreq_ondemand?22:21
{dante_de}yes just for fun22:21
bencahillawesome_guest: modprobe?22:21
erUSULawesome_guest: just add the module name to the file in its own line22:21
zeeblenot sure how to do that in gnome-terminal, prakriti .. but it is the default behaviour in some other terminals like term22:21
bencahillawesome_guest: man modprobe22:22
prakritizeeble, do you have any reccomendations?  is term good?22:22
Femme[root@unica ~]# sudo ufw status22:22
Femmesudo: ufw: command not found22:22
awesome_guestI see22:22
awesome_guestit would be really freaking helpful if they you know22:22
awesome_guestconfigured stuff for laptops lol22:22
psycho_oreosFemme, sudo /etc/init.d/ufw status22:22
bastidrazorgrifo74: possibly with the user that is in the admin account right click on nm-applet > edit connections > select the profile and then allow all users save then try again for the non-admin user22:22
p_resFemme: That's odd. "sudo apt-get install ufw"22:22
{dante_de}i want to make a comunity on my city22:22
GraphicHdante_de start a Linux User Group then22:23
zeebleprakriti: depends. i like eterm, and xterm. and usually, green on black background for easy view22:23
marvininanybody now the ubuntu comunity in guatemala22:23
bencahillFemme: are you running ubuntu?22:23
GraphicHdante_de or find your local one, you live in germany for goodness sakes22:23
psycho_oreosawesome_guest, there's like at least 500 different laptops out there, you're not hoping ubuntu to support each and every single one of them are you?22:23
Pudabudigada{dante_de},  Here: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html22:23
marvinini need help please22:23
zeebleit is not a case of ubuntu supporting it. it needs a kernel patch for the intel cpu type22:23
{dante_de}nice article22:24
bencahill{dante_de}: still !ot, please stop22:24
perry__i need help uninstalling ubuntu 10.4. i want to install 10.10 begause when i upgraded i got a kernel error22:24
psycho_oreosmarvinin, what's the cctld for guatemala?22:24
Femme[root@unica ~]# uname -a22:24
FemmeLinux unica.unicahost.com 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 03:33:56 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux22:24
awesome_guestI suppose you're right.. but the end result is that battery life is horrible on ubuntu22:24
zeebleperry__: you dont need to "uninstall". when youa re reinstalling, you can delete the earlier install22:24
grifo74thanks i go log out and try22:25
KM0201Femme: whats your question?.. thats 32bit if you're wanting to know that22:25
prakritiSetting up eterm (0.9.5-2ubuntu1) ...22:25
prakritieterm: command not found22:25
psycho_oreosFemme, I didn't ask for uname output, and from that output it seems like you're not using ubuntu or at east ubuntu kernel22:25
zeeblethat doesnt look like ubuntu to Femme .. looks like redhat, or centos22:25
GraphicHprakrit: its Eterm22:25
marvininhow i know for scanning mi network, i think so that my windows pc there are infected with conficker22:25
GraphicHhaha have to capitalize it22:25
prakritiGraphicH, tyvm22:25
zeebleapt-cache search <packagename>22:26
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marvinini want find it with zenmap22:26
PudabudigadaAnyway, can anyone help with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551629/22:26
bencahillpsycho_oreos, KM0201: I asked him if he was running ubuntu, because he didn't have ufw22:26
perry__i want to keep windows and it wont let me make another partition. (i have to keep windoes to keep ubuntu secret from my mom lol)22:26
KM0201bencahill: ah... well i'd say that answers that question... :)22:26
beachwood23Pudabudigada: have you tried logging out then back in?22:26
GraphicHperry_: haha just install ubuntu and say its Windows 822:26
Pudabudigadaperry__,  put it on a usb memory stick22:26
KM0201not to mention, he's root...22:26
psycho_oreosbencahill, ahh ok and somehow Femme pasted me that uname output22:26
bencahillKM0201: well, because this is the ubuntu support channel, not that that matters :P22:27
zeebleperry__: when you install, the ubuntu installer will allow you to delete/format the earlier partition where you had ubuntu 10.04 installed. you can remove, format, reinstall over the rpevious one22:27
KM0201bencahill:  :)22:27
bencahillpsycho_oreos: yeah, I think there's a language barrier, and he's using a translator...22:27
marvininim one with ubuntu22:27
prakritiwell crap,  eterm doesn't use real transparency22:28
GraphicHmarvin: language?22:28
PudabudigadaI'm serious, otherwise your mum will want to know what this 'GRUB' thing is22:28
KM0201perry__: you do realize when you boot, its going to show grub.. not a good way to hide it from your mom22:28
perry__i did but it wont let me install it inside windows or install it w/ out deleating it22:28
bencahillPudabudigada: :D22:28
marvininspanish, english22:28
GraphicHKM0201: he can make the grub menu not show up22:28
PudabudigadaAnd then you can essentially have your pc in your pocket.22:28
perry__she does.t watch it boot22:28
KM0201GraphicH: true, then he'll have to make sure he sets windows as default.22:28
GraphicHKM0201: and set windows as default boot22:28
=== Femme is now known as girl
botcityperry__:  yeah just get the cd distro that you want and reinstall over the ubuntu that you did not want22:28
KM0201perry__: doesn't matter, you'll still have to make sure windows default boots.22:29
=== girl is now known as linuxgirl
awesome_guestsudo modprobe acpi-cpufreq gives me "FATAL: Module acpi_cpufreq not found"22:29
psycho_oreosPudabudigada, have you read what I said?22:29
GraphicHgah IRC how you steal my productivity time22:29
SmkMnstrlol what is w this POS - there is no way to start an xterm from default GUI!22:29
zeebleor install virtualbox. works fine - windows/linux22:29
perry__ok thanks! and it does defaulf boot. :)22:29
psycho_oreosawesome_guest, its not acpi_cpufreq or acpi-cpufreq22:29
SmkMnstrluckily i enabled ssh serer22:29
intraderAnyone, I have a problem with my Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop since installing 10.10. The fans are always running even with with  `top` reporting only cpu4%22:29
SmkMnstrso i can ssh in and do service gdm stop22:29
KM0201zeeble: eh, that depends on the specs of the system.22:29
SmkMnstrplease make it so you can always start an xterm from xwindows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22:29
psycho_oreos!terminal| SmkMnstr22:30
ubottuSmkMnstr: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:30
marvininwindows is very bad22:30
Pudabudigadapsycho_oreos,  I worked that out, but I'm not sure what the solution may be.22:30
zeebleKM0201: hm, true22:30
dannyLopezhello I lost my password of my nick, how can I remember that?22:30
SmkMnstrthere is no applications bar22:30
awesome_guestpsycho_oreos: ok, could you please be more specific?22:30
SmkMnstrthere used to be an applications section on top bar22:30
SmkMnstrbut it just disappeared22:30
=== Guest4945 is now known as lshroom
SmkMnstrand now there is no way to start terminal22:30
rumpe1SmkMnstr, Alt-f2, "gnome-terminal"22:30
psycho_oreosPudabudigada, either find the offending process that's using it via lsof or fuser for example and kill it or remove the lock via sudo and try again22:30
beachwood23smkmnstr: alt-F222:30
PudabudigadaSmkMnstr,  ctel-alt-t22:30
zeebleif you are using gnome, i think Alt+F2 opens a run dialog - type gnome-terminal22:30
zeeblethere, even more nifty22:30
PudabudigadaIn GNOME22:31
SmkMnstrahh nice22:31
dannyLopezhello I lost my password of my nick, how can I remember that?22:31
SmkMnstralt-f2 is very helpful :)22:31
psycho_oreosawesome_guest, check via lsmod| grep cpufreq. The current cpufreq selected should be visible22:31
bastidrazordannyLopez: #freenode can help you.22:31
psycho_oreosdannyLopez, request for help in #freenode22:31
bazhangdannyLopez, irc nick? ask for reset in #freenode22:31
breadcrumbdannyLopez, try #freenode22:32
grifo74thaks very much it's work the others user now conect fine to internet22:32
awesome_guestpsycho_oreos: returns no output22:32
PudabudigadaAnd if you want your menu back, r click on the top panel click 'add to panel' and type 'menu' in the search bar.22:32
GraphicHOh anyone: Im using acpitemp with conky however CPU temp never changes from 40 C ... ever even under heavy load22:32
botcityintrader: have you googled your problem there may be a bug22:32
bastidrazorawesome_guest: i think you're looking for cpufrequtils package and the commands cpufreq-info and cpufreq-set22:32
psycho_oreosawesome_guest, you'll probably need to install it, let me check22:32
zeebleis that a laptop or a desktop system, GraphicH ?22:32
awesome_guestyeah I needed that22:33
GraphicHzeeble: Desktop, AMD Athlon 64 2 cores22:33
sechristAnybody know if I can install protobuf 2.3.0 on lucid (which comes with 2.2.0), without any issues?22:33
intraderbotcity, I have googled it, but did not notice a bug report.22:33
zeebleGraphicH: yeah. the cpu freq scaling thing is more visiblel in laptops. the fans just go crazy ..22:33
PudabudigadaSmkMnstr, if you want your menu back, r click on the top panel click 'add to panel' and type 'menu' in the search bar.22:33
intraderbotcity, is there a channel for bugs?22:34
GraphicHzeeble: wait so hows that have to do with the temp reported by apcitemp being 40 always?22:34
PudabudigadaSmkMnstr, Add 'custom menu'22:34
SmkMnstrok thats guys - ur the best!  gotta reboot now for a test22:34
awesome_guestinteresting.. so speedstep is working (my CPU is at 1GHz, instead of its nominal 2GHz), but my fan is still going22:34
zeeblegive it time ..22:35
GraphicHzeelbe: I've watched it22:35
zeebletype sensors in a console and see what you get22:35
GraphicHcool will do22:35
zeebleGraphicH: i'd be surprised if it got over 40-42C on a desktop22:35
zeebledesktops have more powerful fans and more air circulation22:35
yulerIs it normal for Ubuntu 10.10 (+ updates) to show 80% CPU (system monitor > resources) on a AMD 1600Mhz 1GB machine?  How do I test what is specifically causing that?22:36
botcityintrader: well that would be here ..22:36
braxtonHey, my sound won't work. When the user interface loads and prompts me for my password, sometimes it makes a sort of "Pt" sound a few times, then nothing. I was forced to manually unplug my computer multiple times due to a suspend glitch reoccurring. Does anyone know of a possible method to fix this?22:36
psycho_oreosnot necessarily, I average around 40 or so C with c2d @ 2.6GHz with side of case open22:36
zeebleuse top .. to find some runaway processes22:36
ZykoticK9yuler, in a terminal type "top" and see what's using the CPU22:36
zeeblewow, psycho_oreos22:36
psycho_oreoszeeble, mind you its summer here however22:36
zeeblewhere at, psycho_oreos?22:37
intraderbotcity, uhm... I have asked about this problem for a couple of months, and no help22:37
GraphicHzeeble: yeah Ive got a roomy case too and a big fan onit, I see 4 "core" temps listed 2 for each core http://paste.ubuntu.com/551638/22:37
psycho_oreoszeeble, .au22:37
braxtonI also have an hp pavilion dv7, and I've heard that it has problems with audio. Is there any package that I could reinstall that might fix this problem?22:37
zeeblethe new versions go crazy on my dell laptop at times.. but. i wouldnt notice it, cept in windows 7, everything is fine22:37
PudabudigadaMy problem related: 'top' says that root is running apt-get, which the update manager said was conflicting with it.22:38
zeeblethat looks cool enough, GraphicH22:38
braxtonI would really like to be able to hear things again.22:38
=== dannyLopez is now known as Z3R0
botcityintrader: dell is it a laptop22:38
plumhey guys22:38
plumi want to free some space from /dev/sdb2 and put it into /dev/sdb1...22:39
plumi can't seem to find out how to do this with gparted though22:39
plumcan someone help me?22:39
GeekSquidbraxton: someone has published a fix for the DV7, I believe upgrading alsa from source or ppa will fix your problem .. also remove pulseaudio22:39
Pudabudigadaplum You want to change your partitioning?22:39
lukethedukeplum: one, make a backup. don't even try without maing a backup.22:39
braxtonGeekSquid: That sounds fantastic! Can you give me the article URL, please?22:39
BossOfGamesi am trying to install ubuntu on my old dell22:39
GraphicHzeeble: well yeah it seems fine to me to but conky never reports anything over 40C *ever*, its never changed, is it averaging them?22:39
GeekSquidplum: you need to boot into the live cd in order to resize partitions22:39
plumPudabudigada: yeah22:39
BossOfGamescan you help me22:39
yulerZykoticK9: thanks.  xorg spikes to 55% when switched to the resources tab.  What's up with that?22:39
zeebleGraphicH: no idea. i always use lmsensors ..22:40
plumGeekSquid: i am in a live partition22:40
ZykoticK9braxton, remove PulseAudio might not be a good idea!22:40
plumlive cd *22:40
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
lukethedukeplum: two, you'll have to shrink your sdb2, and then enlarge sdb122:40
PudabudigadaHave you tried with a live cd?22:40
braxtonZykoticK9: Why is that?22:40
zeebleactually, had never heard of conky ..i'll install it this time22:40
BossOfGamesi have a old dell with a Pentium 422:40
intraderbotcity, yes the dell inspiron 8200 - a very good machine where I run xp and ubuntu. The xp running tomboty, and XAMPP never turns fan on except on some youtube sites22:40
ZykoticK9braxton, you'll loose Ubuntu sound for one!  No more volume control, system sounds, etc.22:40
GraphicHzeeble: conky is pretty nice and it seems to play well with 10, I think it had issues with earlier versions of ubuntu22:40
lukethedukeplum: please make a backup before trying anything. gparted likes to ruin partitioning.22:40
plumluketheduke: sdb2 doesn't show a shrink option22:40
StinkypantsI can't seem to get the Ubuntu installer to check (show i meet the requirements) that I have 2.6GB for it.  I am running windows xp, and i partitioned some space for ubuntu (ext2).  Any ideas?22:40
BossOfGameswhen i let it go to the gui, my monitors cannot handle it22:40
lukethedukeplum: resize?22:40
braxtonZykoticK9: :/22:41
* Quantum_Ion Dell's run Hot you can fry an egg off of em22:41
KM0201BossOfGames: what do you need help with?22:41
=== Z3R0 is now known as dannyLopez
intraderbotcity, there appears to be a bug reported - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/67515622:41
Pudabudigadaplum: does it have more than 5GB free?22:41
nit-witplum, do you have the swap off22:41
zeeblejust googled. there seems to be multiple reports of issues when people using the new ubuntu 2.6.35 version kernels22:41
braxtonZykoticK9: I can alter the volume using alsa in the terminal. As long as my sound works, I'm googd.22:41
BossOfGamesi am having issues installing22:41
zeebleabout the heat issue on some laptops22:41
plumnit-wit: i don't think i do22:41
plumPudabudigada: it does22:41
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nit-witplum, live cd correct22:41
BossOfGamesmy screen goes black and does nothing but hangs22:41
ZykoticK9braxton, ok - well just know what you're in for.22:41
nit-witplum, you have to turn the swap off22:41
braxtonAlright, thanks, ZykoticK922:41
zeebleturn swap off? why?22:42
Quantum_IonDell laptops will cook yah and shock yah22:42
zeebleQuantum_Ion: :(22:42
mrneeghey, any way to get nvidia cards working with optimus?22:42
* zeeble bought the cheapest dell 22:42
GraphicHzeeble: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551639/ thats my conky config, fun for the whole family22:42
Stinkypants>I can't seem to get the Ubuntu installer to check (show i meet the requirements) that I have 2.6GB for it. I am running windows xp, and i partitioned some space for ubuntu (ext2). Any ideas (i used partition magic, and i also created a linux swap partition)?22:42
plumthat worked nit-wit22:42
plumi now see the ability to resize/move22:42
Quantum_Ionzeeble, I don't know why Dell laptops run Hot they just do and some will shock you too22:42
bastidrazorGraphicH: there is an #conky channel22:42
PudabudigadaI get this with top in terminal: 1760 root      30  10  6656 2012 1696 R 33.0  0.4  33:20.10 apt-get22:42
zeebleGraphicH: thanks :)22:42
braxtonGeekSquid: I actually just found the problem... for some reason, alsamixer decided to set the master volume to zero.22:43
GraphicHbastidrazor: yeah Im just trying to convert him to conky is all haha22:43
nit-witzeeble, generally the swap has a lock on the OS22:43
plumluketheduke: i don't have much to lose on my partition i'm shrinking22:43
zeeblenit-wit: oh22:43
plumso i just hope it won't kill it22:43
plumbut what about the one growing22:43
bastidrazorGraphicH: oh, i must have misread. i thought you were having issues with conky.22:43
plumwill that one lose data?22:43
botcityintrader: do you know how to paste bin22:43
zeeblejust checked some screenshots of conky, GraphicH .. looks nice :)22:43
zeeblelike a big version of gkrellm22:44
intraderbotcity, I have saved the link somewhere22:44
GraphicHzeeble: I know right? let me take a screeny of my setup22:44
nit-witplum, thats the ticket always look for the locks on the partition, in gparted.22:44
zeebleGraphicH: :)22:44
zeebledamn, shouldnt have chosen xfs instead of ext422:45
intraderbotcity, ready in a firefox tab...22:46
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awesome_guesthey, anyone know what "acpi_osi=Linux" does?22:46
awesome_guestapparently that does something with the fan22:46
awesome_guestshould I ask in #ubuntu-dev?22:46
ZykoticK9awesome_guest, it fixes my brightness issue on my EEEPC for one ;)22:46
StinkypantsI can't install Ubuntu to a partition i created on my hard drive, anyone know why?22:47
GraphicHzeeble: whers a good place to put screenshots?22:47
botcityif you can bring up a terminal and paste lscpu  output...  cat /proc/cpuinfo  output... and lshw output....22:47
zeebleGraphicH: .. no idea. your flickr account? :P22:47
GraphicHbah flickr!22:48
zeebleor maybe just tinypic it22:48
GraphicHI has it not22:48
ZykoticK9!paste | GraphicH22:48
ubottuGraphicH: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:48
Stinkypantsi first tried to install with the space unallocated, failed. So i created the partition in EXT2 format, and it still cant install. (says it cant find the space (x mark for required 2.6GB) )22:48
plumluketheduke: is there a high risk of the partition i'm Growing, losing its data?22:48
bastidrazor!imagebin | rather22:48
ubotturather: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.22:48
PudabudigadaGraphicH, Try mediafire22:48
GraphicHzeeble: thats what my conky looks like http://oi54.tinypic.com/1zxle9l.jpg22:48
GraphicHthe square line is an artifact from capturing the image22:49
intraderbotcity, I changed GRUB CMDLINE LINUX_DEFAULT="quit splash acpi_osi=Linux" as suggeste about a month ago without a change in behavior22:49
GraphicHin the bottom left22:49
zeeblenice, GraphicH :)22:49
GraphicHzeeble: you can make it do crazier stuff with LAU scripting and theres all sorts of graphs and gradients built in22:50
intraderbotcity, sorry-correction:I changed GRUB CMDLINE LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux" as suggested about a month ago without a change in behavior22:50
GraphicHlua* damn22:50
GraphicHgah I have to get back to work though lol22:50
awesome_guesthey I don't have a /etc/default/grub file.. is it OK to just create one?22:51
StinkypantsGuess I won't find help here.... *Exits*22:51
awesome_guestor is there a new config file I should be looking at (9.10)22:51
lukethedukeplum: yes.22:52
GraphicHawesome_guest: what version of grub you running?22:52
awesome_guestI have no clue.. how do I find out?22:52
plumaw ma22:52
bastidrazorawesome_guest: 9.10 started using grub222:52
bastidrazor!grub2 | awesome_guest22:52
ubottuawesome_guest: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:52
awesome_guestalright thanks22:52
botcityintrader: if you can bring up a terminal and paste lscpu  output...  cat /proc/cpuinfo  output... and lshw output....22:53
plumwell here's hoping it will work22:53
GraphicHawesome_guest: 9.04 is your version though?22:53
awesome_guestnope 9.1022:53
TexouI installed ubuntu 10.10, but now I can boot in rescue mode, whereas in classical mode, I've a purple screen, the mouse, but not the desktop. Why? :( it's as if metacity or nautilus couldn't run. My card is an ati22:53
PudabudigadaMy output of 'top' is this, root is running apt-get http://img249.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1tl.png/22:53
* GraphicH shrugs22:53
GraphicHI have no idea why you dont have a deafult grub file22:53
Texouwith 9.04 it worked until an upgrade22:53
ohzieHey guys. I was going to add a script that I want to run at logon to my .bashrc, and before I did it i decided that I should probably check here to make sure there wasn't a more prefered method for startups?22:54
bastidrazorGraphicH: my screenshot of my laptop with conky in the bottom right.22:54
bastidrazorhttp://imagebin.org/131512 GraphicH22:54
awesome_guestlike.. grub2 is still configured via /etc/default/grub right22:54
zeebleare you using gnome or xfce, Pudabudigada?22:54
bastidrazorawesome_guest: no, read the links since many things have changed from grub to grub222:54
awesome_guestI don't even have that file22:54
plumok i gotta go guys22:54
plumcya later, thank you for the help22:54
ohzieTexou: you installed 10.10 fresh or you upgraded from 9.10 to 10.10?22:54
awesome_guestnice how end users have to deal with this haha22:54
Texouohzie: fresh, from a CD22:55
GraphicHbastidrazor: nice I should think about adding color but I kind of got a black and white thing going on with SlicknessBlack theme22:55
zeebleawesome_guest: /boot/grub/grub.cfg22:55
ohzieTexou: That's very strange. Can you check the CD for problems please?22:55
ohzieTexou: The only reason I suggest it is to rule it out.22:55
awesome_guestso it's /boot/grub/grubenv??22:55
ohzieTexou: Additionally in a terminal "sudo lshw" and pastebin it22:55
awesome_guestI don't have a grub.cfg file22:56
GraphicHawesome_guest: also nice that end users dont have to pay 300+ dollars for windows ;-)22:56
Texouok thanks22:56
NixGeekPudabudigada: it looks like your downloading something, are you doing an update or installing a program?22:56
Texouok I try this I come back later. Thanks22:56
ohzieTexou: I will not be able to help you troubleshoot your problem but these things will help other people troubleshoot your problem. Check the CD. Check the graphical driver that xorg is using as well.22:56
bastidrazorGraphicH: color is crazy easy to add.22:56
GraphicHawesome_guest: ok so youre looking for /etc/default/grub? but its not there and you've 100% verified this?22:57
m1chaelsudo apt-get install postgresql # this seems to want to install postgresql 8.4 .. i want 9.. what should i do?22:57
Texouohzie: ok thanks very much. I'll ask again when I'm back. With additional tests (lshw and others). How can I know driver used by xorg?22:57
GraphicHbastidrazor: I was thinking about doing a gradiant on the usage bars22:57
awesome_guestyou know what would be nice?  a centralized directory where people could discuss config options22:57
awesome_guestare there too many permutations for that to be feasible?22:57
bastidrazorGraphicH: http://pastebin.com/dk005LGs  .. i use a gradient on mine but up/down instead of left/right22:58
GraphicHawesome_guest: yes kind of but what are you trying to do exactly? Not just that you dont have default/grub22:58
ohzieTexou: I'm not sure in Lucid to be honest. It doesn't have an xorg.conf22:58
ohzieTexou: That's one of the things that makes me butthurt about lucid. I don't know if that was a choice by the ubuntu dev team or the xorg dev team though.22:58
intraderbotcity, fantastic stuff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551642/22:58
TexouI understand22:59
PudabudigadaNixGeek, Not now, I ran apt-get upgrade a little while ago22:59
awesome_guestGraphicH: essentially figure out how to fix ubuntu's default suboptimal configuration for my specific HW platform22:59
ohzieTexou: Good luck and godspeed22:59
GraphicHbastidrazor: what templating engine are they using? the text section seems to be very similar to stuff Ive seen with PyCUDA code templates22:59
awesome_guestnaturally they emphasize stability for all platforms over specific tweaks22:59
Pudabudigada'cause I couldn't use update manager22:59
Texouok thanks I check the CD. See you soon and thanks very much :) oh thanks22:59
bastidrazorGraphicH: i wrote that modeled off of the pre-Lua conky rc's23:00
zeeblewhat's weechat? lol23:00
lucasanyone worked with remmina? Don't know how to begin to configure23:00
GraphicHah crap wife23:00
awesome_guestGraphicH: I'm using grub2 (9.10) so it seems /etc/default/grub is deprecated23:00
wrdzeeble: an irc client23:00
zeeblewrd: yeah, just saw the name for the first time. looks nice :)23:00
zeeblemaybe it will be like irssi23:00
Pudabudigadazeeble, GNOME, but on a xubuntu installation23:00
NixGeekPudabudigada: if your sure, run "sudo kill 1760"23:01
zeeblePudabudigada: okay23:01
awesome_guestgrub2's /boot/grub/grub.cfg is not there for me either23:01
ZykoticK9awesome_guest, grub2 uses /etc/default/grub!23:01
bastidrazorawesome_guest: you would not manually edit the grub.cfg regardless. use the scripts in /etc/default/grub23:01
GeekSquidlucas: not really something you configure, something you use to connect to a remote host, which has been properly configured23:02
ForkkHey i'm having trouble with my sound, i'm not sure if it's the driver or what...23:02
rumpe1awesome_guest, perhaps the grub-config is on another partition?23:02
bastidrazorawesome_guest: if you would read the links i gave you earlier then this would be very clear.23:02
PudabudigadaNixGeek,  If this breaks something will a reboot fix it?23:02
awesome_guestls /etc/default.. don't see "grub"23:02
Jordan_Uawesome_guest: Then you have grub legacy installed.23:02
NixGeekPudabudigada: all it will do is kill apt-get, but yes a reboot will fix it.  it's just stopping a program23:02
rumpe1awesome_guest, is there only one linux-distribution installed?23:02
awesome_guestI have 3 kernels installed, using the most recent23:03
ForkkMy sound drops out for like a few seconds, then it comes back on and plays like all the sounds that it missed at once23:03
Pudabudigada'k I wondered 'cause it's been starting on boot.23:03
cradamcan my computer get any slower?23:03
lucasGeekSquid: I try to connect remotely to my desktop... What do I have to do on the desktop?23:03
GeekSquidlucas: enable remote desktop ... Ubuntu Desktop?23:04
GeekSquidlucas: System>Preferences>Remote Desktop23:04
Jordan_Uawesome_guest: What is the output of "grub-install --version"?23:05
lucasGeekSquid: trying right now... any preferred protocol you propose?23:05
wrdzeeble: it feels a bit different to irssi but it's nice as well. rather a matter of taste23:05
intraderFloodBot, sorry about mistake with awesome_guest - I said to ignore!23:05
zeeblewrd: yes, will try it out in a little while23:05
PudabudigadaNixGeek,  how do I stop root running apt-get on boot?23:06
GeekSquidlucas: It will automatically set it up for you .... is your desktop behind a firewall, that makes things more complicated???23:06
NixGeekPudabudigada: try restarting, it shouldn't be running23:06
xivenIs WebMin the quickest/best way to create admin and/or user accounts for SSH, [s]FTP,  maybe SSH Remote Desktop and/or email?23:06
ZykoticK9!webmin | xiven23:06
ubottuxiven: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.23:06
GeekSquidxvin: man adduser23:07
NixGeekPudabudigada: at boot anyways, Mabey it just got started and needed stopped.  sorry about 2 lines, I accidently hit enter...23:07
PudabudigadaBrb, I may have more problems >.<23:07
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intraderbotcity, studying the awesome output of lshw23:08
xivenOh, it's  a good thing I've never used it before then! Are there any successors?23:09
lucasGeekSquid: I disabled the fw because I had problems with Samba... I couldn't figure out which ports to open23:10
Ademanmy root partition errored and was remounted read only, I want to try remounting it read/write, I tried  sudo mount -o remount,rw /    and got back "mount: cannot remount block device /dev/sda6 read-write, is write-protected"23:10
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GeekSquidlucas: regardless, are you trying to remote into your desktop from outside your network i.e. work, starbucks?23:10
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botcityintrader: please tell me the output of the inactive ratio in cat /proc/zoneinfo you may as well paste another report23:11
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lucasGeekSquid: I am trying to do this on my local network... If I manage to do this, then I will try to do this from another23:12
GeekSquidLucas: make it easy on yourself ... install www.teamviewer.com ... they have clients for linux/windows/apple23:12
sacarlsonAdeman: I remember in my old ide disk there was a jumper on the disk to disable write,  but is that possible on your disk?23:12
helpmeplzzzzneed help with dns zones to add multiple domains for same nameservers.23:12
helpmeplzzzzanyway ideas guys?23:13
helpmeplzzzzim using nsd323:13
Fishscene1How the heck did I trigger the SPAM detection routine in this channel?23:13
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erUSULFishscene1: ask in #ubuntu-ops ?23:14
Ademansacarlson: no, especially since just a minute ago my drive was read write :-) in dmesg there's an ext3 error and then ubuntu remounted it read only (whatever, that seems better than just dropping it, but now I need to get it back)23:14
intraderbotcity, http://paste.ubuntu.com/551644/23:14
lucasGeekSquid: I 've already tried successfully with teamviewer. But the overall performance was really VEEERY sluggish. Now I have seen on a magazine that they praised remmina and just want to see if it's better23:14
sacarlsonAdeman: maybe boot a live cd and do an fsck on it23:15
zeebledamn, i kinda like it when the internet connection is as fast as this :)23:15
GeekSquidlucas: you will have to learn how to configure your router in order to get it to work outside your network, or, setup a tunnel.... sorry man I have to run, group conference in 3 min23:16
* zeeble needs a 20mbps connection at home too23:16
lucasGeekSquid: Thanks friend!!!!!23:16
* GeekSquid has a 20mbps connnection and it is still too slow23:16
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Ademansacarlson: yeah probably23:17
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zeeblei dont download much .. cept when doing a netinstall23:17
intraderSieben, acht - could not help it23:17
sacarlsonAdeman: I did find this sudo  mount -n -o remount, rw /23:18
GeekSquidzeeble: problem is I upload a lot, and backup servers here, I have a datacenter in Los Angeles, I haven't visited it in 2 years, for all I know the door hasn't been even been unlocked, I should really go in there with a vacuum23:18
SiebenHello intrader23:19
zeebleGeekSquid: oops23:19
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zeebleyour servers will thank you .. and the fan will run smoother23:19
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intraderSieben, hello!23:20
MagicJI need to get  a byte tpo the parallel port and have found example code in C - uses #include <asm/io.h> - where do I get this?23:20
nigamajigahow are ya23:20
mgjAnyone know an alternative to gnomba for ubuntu? Something to browse samba shares on the network.23:20
Ademansacarlson: that -n might be the key, thanks23:20
erUSULMagicJ: kernel headers ?23:20
SiebenI'm fine23:20
MagicJwhat do you mean erUSUL?23:21
erUSUL!find asm/io.h23:21
jangellI just installed Ubuntu 10.04 server on 7 different servers that all have two quad core xeon processors.  Nothing is running on the systems but they have high idle load averages about 0.40.  powertop reports a lot of "Load balancing tick" ..I see some bug reports out there.  Is there a fix for this?23:21
ubottuFile asm/io.h found in linux-headers-2.6.32-305, linux-headers-2.6.35-22, linux-headers-2.6.35-23, linux-headers-2.6.35-2423:21
zeeblemgj: komba223:21
mgjzeeble, thanks23:21
erUSULMagicJ: File asm/io.h found in linux-headers-2.6.32-305, linux-headers-2.6.35-22, ....23:21
MagicJI believe that I have the full system installed - but clearly not - erUSUL23:21
Ademansacarlson: no dice, thanks though, it looked right :-)23:21
erUSULMagicJ: « sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) »23:21
AdemanI need to clear that write protection flag that ubuntu *thinks* is on that partition (or it is on the partition for no good reason)23:21
intraderbotcity, did you get the /proc/soneinfo?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/551644/23:22
GeekSquidjangell: have you updated them?23:22
goose84Whats the best command to delete a large amount of folders and files as rm is taking age23:22
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:23
jangellGeekSquid: Yes.  I did a dist-upgrade and rebooted.  It looks like you almost need 2.6.35 for the fix.  2.6.32 is the latest for 10.04.23:23
goltoofgoose84:  rm -rd23:23
erUSULgoltoof: i do not now of anything better then rm23:23
sacarlsonAdeman: did you get Command not found?23:23
goltooferUSUL:  yeah me neither.. except nautilus gui :/23:24
goose84whats the d do?23:24
Ademansacarlson: nope, same error as before "mount: cannot remount block device /dev/sda6 read-write, is write-protected"23:24
erUSULgoltoof: nothing according to "man rm"23:24
mostyin ubuntu 10.10 when an X window becomes unresponsive, it is greyed out and seems to be killed by some process. what is that process and how can i stop it?23:24
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mgjgoltoof, BestBot does not appear to be online....?23:24
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erUSULgoltoof: that option does not exist ....23:25
botcityintrader: yeah cd  /proc/fan  and then type  ls  ..      for me .. there sould be nothing there!23:25
goose84rm is so slow would find be better?23:25
YetanotherxHi all. I'm trying to dualboot ubuntu on my macbook. I've downloaded the iso, and burned it to a CD. YEt when I load, it says "cannot mount /dev/loop0". any ideas?23:25
Ademanmosty: the greying out is an effect, compiz does it, I don't know anything about it being killed though (my windows will just sit there greyed out)23:25
erUSULgoltoof: do not think so. you can try both and benchmark23:25
MagicJerUSUL - it tells me I need to chose - i tried the most recent - it installed - still get gcc error asm/io.h - no such file or directory23:25
bastidrazorAdeman: that would indicate that the application is locked up.23:25
Ademanbastidrazor: right...23:26
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pablomhello to everyone! i was wondering if you can help me with some troubles i'm  having while ubuntu server installation23:26
mostybastidrazor, is something killing these "locked up" processes?23:26
intraderbotcity, 'no such file or directory'23:26
bastidrazormosty: killing them? no, finding out why they are locking up is the real question.23:27
sebastianJest tu jakiś polak?23:27
erUSUL!pl | sebastian23:27
ubottusebastian: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.23:27
botcityintrader: ok23:27
erUSULMagicJ: dunno; missing gcc option? ask in ##c23:27
bastidrazorAdeman: i need to read upwards more. i thought you were asking a question.23:27
MagicJerUSUL ty23:28
intraderbotcity, ls is empty for /proc/acpi/fan23:28
Ademanbastidrazor: ah, no problem :-)23:28
^self^whats the command to regenerate the grub menu list? i just did a kernel upgrade while having an external usb drive plugged in (which happens to be from another pc)and it detected the OS installed on that drive, but I don't want that OS coming up on the grub list23:29
bastidrazor^self^: sudo update-grub23:29
quidnuncCan anyone recommend a gpu stress test23:30
BernardVquidnunc: distributed.net or boinc? If you have cuda at least...23:31
intraderbotcity, `cat  /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM/temperature` -->temperature: 43C23:31
quidnuncBernardV: no cuda23:31
NixGeekquidnunc: mprime, it's the linux version of prime9523:31
cradamcan any1 tell me where to get drivers for a nvidia geforce 2 go23:31
BernardVNixGeek: It's not GPU23:31
MrUnagiwhy does 'for' not have a man pge23:31
botcityintrader: yeah erm .. good what is the state23:32
intraderbotcity, ---> ok23:32
quidnuncNixGeek: that is not a gpu stress test23:32
BernardVquidnunc: Then I don't know.. sorry23:32
botcityintrader: or trippoints23:32
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NixGeekBernardV: woops!  I thought he said cpu, I'm looking at 2 screens at once, and i've only had this setup for a week23:33
awesome_guestJordan_U: GNU Grub 0.97.  Sorry stepped out for a moment23:33
intraderbotcity, trip_points---> critical(55):      94C crlf passive (forced):<not set>23:33
BernardVNixGeek: Hehe.. congratz with the extra screen :)23:33
cradamcan any1 tell me where to get drivers for a nvidia geforce 2 go23:34
intraderbotcity, look pretty normal to me - why the fan?23:34
cradamcan any1 tell me where to get drivers for a nvidia geforce 2 go23:34
YetanotherxAnyone can help me...23:34
NixGeekBernardV: It's an old CRT monitor I had laying around.  I built this computer for christmas and my other computer only supports one monitor.  I'm thinking about getting another 21.5" led, like my current main monitor (well, really it's a tv)23:35
AdemanOne more time: During normal operation I received an ext3 error and ubuntu remounted my root partition as read only.  Typically I just reboot and all is well, however I'd like to resolve this without rebooting. I tried to remount with 'mount -n -o remount,rw /' but I get an error "mount: cannot remount block device /dev/sda6 read-write, is write-protected"  The drive won't be considered write-protected when I reboot. Does anyone know 23:35
ssfdre38when will ubuntu put PHP 5.3.5 on there servers for download23:35
dreamwalkAnyone wanna help a new install Plane shift from downloaded .bin file?23:35
mostycradam, isn't there a "get third party hardware drivers" icon bugging you when you login?23:35
Ademan!ask | dreamwalk23:35
ubottudreamwalk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:35
cradamcan any help me get drivers for my laptop23:36
dreamwalkany one wise with installing planeshift?23:36
nothingspecialYetanotherx: I`ve never seen that error........ did you checkn the disk?23:36
dreamwalkcradam, what drivers do you need?23:36
Yetanotherxnothingspecial: How do I do that?23:36
awesome_guestwould it be advisable to remove old kernels?23:37
nothingspecialmd5, the info is on the ubuntu web page ;23:37
bastidrazorawesome_guest: i normally keep two.. the current and thenext to latest. uninstalling them is the proper way to remove them.23:37
cradamdreamwalk, all of them23:37
dreamwalkcradam, what do you mean what error is it giving?23:38
stamet034hello room. is there a program for ubuntu that can edit PDF metadata?23:38
BernardVNixGeek: Currently on a netbook (1024*600) and an external 17" tft (1280*1024).. this is my garage PC (smoke room), normally a MacBookPro 1680x1050 and if @ home an tft with 1920*1200.. but if I would have to work with one monitor (like when on location on my laptop) I miss the extra monitor every second23:38
Yetanotherxnothingspecial: I did that before anything went wrong. :)23:38
YetanotherxThe ISO is fine.23:38
mostycradam, they are all installed for you when you install ubuntu23:39
Yetanotherxnothingspecial: I did.23:39
YetanotherxAnd it worked.23:39
YetanotherxIt matches.23:39
dreamwalkanyone play Planeshift?23:39
dreamwalkneeding install23:40
dreamwalkadvice.  sorry it's spaced like that23:40
cradamdreamwalk, theyre weren't any errors i just thought u needed drivers for the chipset and stuff23:40
mostycradam, nope. if it works, you're good to go23:40
dreamwalkcradam , if it's working fine, and the interent is good then no23:40
awesome_guestanyone familar with menu.lst?  I'd like to add the string "acpi_osi=Linux" somewhere, but I don't think "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT" was implemented with Grub 0.9723:40
cradamdreamwalk,  i also thought i needed drivers because it is very slow when software manager is installing or update manager is at work23:41
erUSULawesome_guest: in grub1 you add it in a line that looks like this « # defoptions=quiet splash »23:41
nothingspecialYetanotherx: Ooooh, Ijust scrolled up!!!23:41
diecastartsheya all .. just a small problem i am having .. i setup network and all that and working great ... but not the file i sent over .. i cannot decompress the file because not owner .. and the computer i used to send the file over to it .. cannot determen the ownership ectect23:42
erUSULawesome_guest: in /boot/grub/menu.lst23:42
mostycradam, that's because it's using your hard drive a lot23:42
dreamwalkcradam , sounds like a low computer... but the drivers shouldn't be an issue.23:42
nothingspecialYetanotherx: Macbook - don`t know23:42
diecastartsis there a command to change over the owner of the files?23:42
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dreamwalkcradam, i think it's just your hardware...like and old computer..23:42
diecastartscannot seem do it by the gui23:42
EvilPhoenixwhat's the keyring program called?23:42
BernardVdiecastarts: chown23:42
cradammosty, dreamwalk its a rubbish netbook, 488MB ram and a GHz processor23:43
rumpe1diecastarts, sudo chown newowner filename23:43
erUSUL!permissions > diecastarts23:43
ubottudiecastarts, please see my private message23:43
diecastartsso have to do that to every file?23:43
dreamwalkcradam, OH! did you make sure to get the Distrobution for netbooks?23:43
bastidrazorEvilPhoenix: gnome-keyring ?23:43
BernardVdiecastarts: Nope * will do ;)23:43
erUSULdiecastarts: like chmod it supports -R23:43
awesome_guestso I have defoptions=quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux23:43
Yetanotherxnothingspecial: back in a sec, rebooting and trying with USB23:43
cradamunity didnt work for some reason when i first booted23:43
rumpe1diecastarts, then chown -R newowner directory23:43
mostycradam, this is normal behaviour for a netbook, nothing to worry about23:43
diecastartscan you do that by folder?23:43
EvilPhoenixbastidrazor:  got a GUI equivalent?23:43
erUSULawesome_guest: yes; then run « sudo update-grub »23:44
BernardVAnd like erUSUL said -R for recursive...23:44
cradammosty,  is unity meant to work on first boot?23:44
diecastartsk thanks rumpe123:44
pablomhi... anyone can help me with eth0 on ubuntu server?23:44
dreamwalkcradam, then i'm affraid there isn't really much to do.. I mean, not that I can help with, I would get rid of some extra programs and such... you'll have to ask around here to find out how.23:44
mostycradam, no i meant that things slow down when running a software update23:44
erUSULawesome_guest: chow -R newuser:newgroup directory/23:44
cradamok thx bye23:44
dreamwalkcradam, mosty is right... i must have missed that.23:44
awesome_guestchow or chown?23:44
intraderbotcity, I must leave for a while - could you email me at aol dot com?23:45
martinZGRhi, i need help using ffmpeg or mencoder - i have an AVI DivX video and i want to make it H.264 320x240 mp4 for my mobile - i could use some help with that23:45
bastidrazorEvilPhoenix: i'm in 10.04 and it is Application > Accessories > Password and Key encryption23:45
awesome_guestcan I ask what that does?23:45
awesome_guestmake menu.lst readable?23:45
EvilPhoenixbastidrazor:  ah thanks23:45
erUSULmartinZGR: why not use arista or winff ? ( both gui with presets )23:45
ZykoticK9martinZGR, Handbrake.  ffmpeg has AAC disabled in Ubuntu.23:45
mostymartinZGR, try transmageddon - very easy to use23:45
erUSULawesome_guest: aplies the new defoptions to the kernel entries in the file23:46
botcityintrader: nothings jumping out at me  but if you keep googling .. you may find a solution maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84277523:46
=== david is now known as Guest96685
botcityintrader: it seems alot of dells suffer23:46
awesome_guesterUSUL: running that command, I get "chown: invalid user: `newuser:newgroup'"23:47
ZykoticK9awesome_guest, you need to replace newuser and newgroup with actual user/group names.23:47
nothingspecialmartinZGR: you need to make a script. #ffmpeg will help. Be patient. Nice guys.23:47
erUSULawesome_guest: well you have to put the actual new user you want to change the files to23:47
YetanotherxSo I make a USB drive, and I set it up using the commands the download page gave me. Yet it is still not bootable.23:47
erUSULawesome_guest: btw; if you do not want to change the group drop the ":newgroup" from the command line23:48
=== Redswiss is now known as redcode
awesome_guestadvisable to change owner to root, or no?23:49
cp24evahey all. I'm new. How do I find the software that i downloaded through synaptic?23:49
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redcodeHas someone got Deus Ex working in Wine?23:49
LeifDoes anyone know how to set up a 32 bit chroot in 10.10?23:49
Leif(I'm on a 64 bit os at the moment)23:49
awesome_guest"sudo chown root /boot/grub/menu.lst"23:49
milambercp24eva: can you be more specific? did you download a specific app you are looking for? or do you want to see all the software you have downloaded?23:50
mostyleif: there's an arch flag (iirc) to debootstrap23:50
cp24evaa specific app. I downloaded conky and can't find it.23:50
Leifmosty, Okay, although I'm not sure what difference that would make?  Is arch 32 bits by default?23:51
nothingspecialcp24eva: type conky in a terminal23:51
BernardVmartinZGR: I think something like this can work: ffmpeg -i input.avi -f h264 -vcodec libx264 -s 320x240 -r 25 output.ext23:51
Leifmosty, woops.23:51
Leifmosty, Never mind, I didn't realize arch stood for architecture.23:51
* Leif reads the man page23:51
mostyleif, no prob23:51
diecastartsthanks again all later23:51
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cp24evanothingspecial, is that it?23:52
nothingspecialcp24eva: yep23:52
cp24evanothing special, I dont see it23:52
* NixGeek thinks his 756k connection is really slow and wants fiber optic23:52
nothingspecialcp24eva: ?????23:53
cp24evanothingspecial, nevermind. in a different workspace23:53
humanbeanto register my nick I type the commands in the same place I type to chat?23:53
cp24evais there a way to do like Mac OS and make all the windows show up?23:53
aromanhey guys, how can I not show the networking panel notifier in Maverick?23:53
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:53
aromancp24eva, more specifically?23:54
redcodeThat expose feature, I think23:54
awesome_guestso... "sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic" is how to remove an old kernel, right?23:54
aromancp24eva, Compiz can do the same thing and more. I use it myself on a regular basis as a Mac and Linux dualbooter23:54
cp24evaaroman, like if I move the mouse to a corner of a screen and all the windows show up in equally laid out spaces23:55
nothingspecialawesome_guest: from where?23:55
aromancp24eva, yup, you can do EXACTLY that. sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager23:55
awesome_guestnothingspecial: uh, from the system?23:55
cradami have a problem with my unity23:55
CodeWarjust wanted to drop by and say great job .. I installed 10.04 netbook on my netbook that came wtih Windows 7 ..23:56
CodeWarmy quick analysis .. fonts look better.. saves more power .. runs faster (oh yes .. much faster)23:56
MrUnagihow can i do a for statement to mass rename a double extension.......i am confused........for dbl in *.JPG.jpg; do mv $dbl just moves the file.....how can i have the mv command rename it23:56
cp24evaaroman, thanks, i'll give it a shot.23:56
redcodeIn a nutshell, are games generally running with wine?23:56
bigpreshAm I right in expecting sound to Just Work with 10.10, on a laptop with an "Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio" audio device?  aplay -l shows no soundcards, as does Sound Preferences -> Hardware23:56
ubottuSteam can be run under Ubuntu by installing WINE and running the installer from http://www.steampowered.com/ as normal. Application support in WINE can be found in #winehq23:56
cradami have a problem with my unity its sayin a driver which is required for it is missing23:56
nothingspecialawesome_guest: do you want toremove an old kernel?23:56
aromancp24eva, no probs. If you have any questions about how to set it up, i'm happy to help :)23:57
milambercp24eva: wmtile might also be what you seek23:57
nothingspecialawesome_guest: Don`t bother23:57
mostycradam, can you paste the exact message?23:57
cp24evaaroman, it didn't open it up. it said: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)23:57
cp24evaE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?23:57
awesome_guestum, why?23:58
sacarlsonMrUnagi: you should check out pyrenamer http://www.infinicode.org/code/pyrenamer/23:58
cradamill have to log out then write it down then give it to you23:58
botcityCodeWar: i didnt even boot windows strait install from shop no windows ever saw the light of day23:58
MrUnagisacarlson: does that mean that with a for loop you cannot do it?23:58
cradami have a problem with my unity its sayin a driver which is required for it is missing mosty23:58
sacarlsonMrUnagi: it's a gui that can rename stuf like that23:58
aromancp24eva, Are you installing updates or new software?23:58
cradamill have to log out then write it down then give it to you mosty23:58
mostycradam, i know but i don't think anyone can help without more details23:58
MrUnagisacarlson: i was hoping for a cli option23:58
aromancp24eva, (You can't install two programs at once)23:59
cp24evaaroman, ah yes. lol.23:59
CodeWarbotcity, windows 7 starter edition was terrible I wish hw manufacturers stop shipping and charging for it23:59
mostycradam, try pasting it in google first, then ask here if you can't find anything23:59
cp24evaaroman, i'm doing an "apply change" and it's been taking a while.23:59
cradamok will get it, it dont say much though23:59
sacarlsonMrUnagi: then I guess a bash or ruby script?23:59
PsPhaKeR_For some reason, my panel on top where my user name i displayed is shown twice, for example... if my user name was bam,it would say X bam bam23:59
Xorohi guys23:59
greenhat_I have 2 NIC I've configured interfaces file and restart network. Server can access Internet fine but the computers connected to the internal NIC are using strange ips ? Dhcp not working for local net? Pls help.23:59
MrUnagisacarlson: wow...lol....that is painfully obvious, and i didnt even think that is the best option23:59

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