
karninight all!00:15
battlehandsis anyone here?05:13
battlehandsI need help setting up ubuntu05:14
jameshfor Ubuntu itself, you might be better off asking in #ubuntu05:14
battlehandsI meant ubuntu one06:56
battlehandsbut Im going through the FAQ atm06:56
battlehandsI need some help understanding ubuntu one... is anyone available?07:37
karnibattlehands: what do you need :)?07:38
battlehandswell... I dont understand how the file syncing works...07:39
karnibattlehands: general idea is that, if you have few computers set up with ubuntu one07:39
karnibattlehands: the moment you change a file on one computer, U1 sends it to the cloud, and the other computers will download that file07:40
karnibattlehands: it's called synchronization. ubuntu one keeps your files in sync.07:40
karnithe same goes for contacts sync, notes sync (Tomboy)07:40
battlehandsyeah, thats exactly how I understood it.07:40
battlehandswould you be willing to help me set that up?]07:41
karnithere's also stuff related to buying and streaming music.07:41
karnibattlehands: you just click your name in the upper right corner, click Ubuntu One07:41
karnibattlehands: and from there, it's a piece of cake. (if you're using 10.10 I assume)07:41
karnibattlehands: you have a 'Ubuntu One' folder in your home directory?07:41
battlehandsYes, I do.07:41
battlehandsand I am using 10.1007:42
karnibattlehands: then you're done :)07:42
karnibattlehands: once you place files in Ubuntu One, or right click any folder in home and select 'Sync with ubuntu one'07:42
karnibattlehands: they will start appearing on one.ubuntu.com/files07:42
battlehandsI am unable to sync my home folder, correcT?07:42
karnibattlehands: you can't, but you can select few folders to sync, for example.07:43
karnibattlehands: or select a folder with some configuration files, and point your programs there07:43
battlehandsso heres my question07:43
karni(that'd give you the feeling of syncing software settings)07:43
karniI think stipple also does that07:43
battlehandsif I sync "Documents" folder on my laptop, and save a file in that folder, will a "Documents" folder be created on my desktop?07:44
karnibattlehands: you probably already have a Documents folder on your desktop.07:45
battlehandsso how does the sync work in that situation?07:45
karnibattlehands: however, if you select a new folder and check 'synchronice with ubuntu one' , then it will create the folder07:45
battlehandsso... "Documents" folder on laptop = "Documents" folder on desktop?07:46
karnibattlehands: i'm not sure.. probably your Documents folder on the PC will start to synchronize ^ ^07:46
battlehandsas long as they are both synced?07:46
karnibattlehands: easiest way would be to07:46
battlehandsthat is excellent07:46
karnicheck 'synchronize with ubuntu one' on your laptop07:46
karniput a new file there07:46
battlehandscreate some file07:46
karniand check if it will .. yea07:46
battlehandssee if it shows on the desktop07:46
battlehandslet me do that real fast07:46
karnii'm here. i'm attending unbelivably boring lecture :/07:47
battlehandswhat subject?07:47
karnicomputer graphics (sounds quite general. and indeed it is)07:47
karnibattlehands: and imagine I have such a subject on 'networking and systems programming' specialisation07:48
battlehandslower level course?07:48
karnithat is, my major.07:48
karniengineering studies07:48
battlehandsim studying engineering also07:48
karnithat's unbelivably stupid. I shouldn't be learning that stuff, it's totally unrelated. And boring :/07:48
karnibattlehands: nice :)07:48
karnii'm 3rd year, but i'm a lil bit older (changed universities)07:49
karniok, back to Ubuntu One or we jump on priv07:49
battlehandsim running the test right now07:50
battlehandsok, so check this out07:50
battlehandsOn my laptop I created a folder within my Home folder called "thisisatest".  I then created a folder with the same name on my desktop computer.07:51
battlehandsI then synced the folder on my laptop to U1.07:51
karnino no no, sorry07:51
karnithat's not the way you work with *new* folders07:51
karniyou can remove it from your desktop. if you select07:51
karni'sync on u1' on your laptop, it will appear itself on your desktop :)07:51
battlehandsIm so new to this stuff07:52
karnibattlehands: I had doubts about Documents folder because I know07:52
karnibattlehands: it's there by default :)07:52
battlehandsIve been using Ubuntu for about 3 weeks07:52
karnibattlehands: sorry, my bad. I might have not been clear about that. just select 'sync on u1' on that folder on the laptop07:52
karnibattlehands: :)07:52
karnibattlehands: you're at good place to ask.07:52
battlehandsyeah, but it works that way with the Documents folder07:52
karnibattlehands: did a file appear on your laptop :)?07:53
battlehandsso it must be that if there is a folder on another machine with U1 loaded, then the folder will either be merged or replaced07:53
karniin the ~/Documents ?07:53
karnibattlehands: i think something of a 'merged' style07:53
battlehandsAm I required to have a U1 folder in my home folder?07:54
battlehandsor can I just sync the current folders that I have.07:54
karniduanedesign: interesting question. what happens if we select to sync a folder on one PC, and there's already the same named folder on another machine? it's a merge? how does this work07:54
karnibattlehands: the moment you set up Ubuntu One, you'll get that folder by default07:54
battlehandsam I required to keep it?07:55
karnibattlehands: if you remove the folder, currently, it will remove all the contents of ~/Ubuntu One folders on your computers07:55
karnibattlehands: so, unless you're not using the folder itself, you could try removing it. but i'm not 100% sure if it's a good idea.07:55
battlehandsok, so I can just leave it there but empty07:55
karniit's, in general, the 'main' place for U107:55
karniyea :)07:55
battlehandsI prefer to just sync the folders I have07:55
karniI understand07:56
battlehandsU1 is an incredibly useful feature of Ubuntu07:56
karniduanedesign: one more question. if a user prefers to sync custom folders only, is it safe to remove the ~/Ubuntu One folder ?07:56
karnibattlehands: indeed :) I'm happy you like it07:56
karnibattlehands: it's constantly being worked on by the developers07:56
battlehandswho is duanedesign ?07:56
karnibattlehands: he's one of the brainz we have here. together with rye, they are able to answer virtually any question.07:57
karnibut he's not around right now.07:57
battlehandswere you leaving him a message?07:57
karniyes, I left him a message. He'll reply later. Once I know, I'll be able to answer similar questions next time :)07:58
battlehandsI would like to help out if possible... though I don't know much yet.07:58
battlehandskarni, do I have to apply for such a position?07:58
karnibattlehands: what do you mean exactly? what kind of position?07:59
battlehandskarni, helping out with answering questions in this channel.07:59
karniif you want to help out people, there's nothing necessary apart from knowing your ways around and knowing how Ubuntu One works. ok, so08:00
karnibattlehands: torough lecture of wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne is a good idea :) it'll give you08:00
karnimuch info how U1 works (if you enter wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOn with an error ;) you'll get to some pages that are not linked from the wiki, but contain interesting info, too)08:01
karnihang around on the channel whenever you have time and feel like, and also observe other people. like mentioned, you can learn much from duanedesign and rye :) really much.08:01
battlehandscool, I will definitely do that08:02
battlehandsthanks so much for the help, karni08:02
karnibattlehands: one of useful links is the link from this channel topic08:02
karniknowing that stuff can help answering many questions08:02
karnibattlehands: you are most welcome :)08:02
karnibattlehands: you're always welcome here08:02
karnibattlehands: especially during that dang lecture xD08:03
karniwe can talk and kill time hahah08:03
battlehandsok, I will catch you later08:03
karnil8r mate!08:03
battlehandsIm off to read and play around08:03
battlehandskarni, still there?08:21
karnibattlehands: for a sec, yes08:21
karnibattlehands: sup mate :)?08:21
battlehandskarni, I tested the "merge" idea with the "documents" folder.08:21
karniaha :)08:21
battlehandsa PDF filed worked like a charm, but an odt file didnt...08:22
battlehandsI dont know all the details yet, but I will let you know what I find out.08:22
karnimaybe it's still working? type in the terminal: u1sdtool --status08:22
karnigreat, thanks :)08:22
karniu1sdtool gives you some info what's behind the scenes08:22
karnior: u1sdtool --waiting-content08:23
battlehandsyeah, its still in progress08:23
battlehandsso it works perfectly!!!08:23
karnibattlehands: probably that's it :)08:23
karnibattlehands: more interestingly -- what happens, if you decide to sync such a folder (existing on 2 computers), and there's a file named the same, but different content.08:23
karnibattlehands: i'll be back a bit later08:25
* karni is away for some time08:25
battlehandskarni, I know you are away, but I was thinking about what you said.08:26
battlehandsIf there were two files with the same name but different content, then you would be forced to rename one of them before putting it into a shared folder...08:26
alecuhello all12:36
facundobatistaHola alecu13:01
nessitaralsina: ping13:07
nessitastand up in 2' crowd13:58
alecu^ ralsina, mandel, dobey, CardinalFang, vds, thisfred13:58
nessitastill one minute left! :-P13:59
mandelbah, same thing, we can q already :)13:59
mandelis like going to the toilet, you do not want to wait til the last second in case the q is too long13:59
nessitamandel: you always have a toilet story to tell, right? ;-)14:00
nessitaralsina, dobey, CardinalFang, thisfred?14:00
mandelnessita: most of the time I do… the times I dont, I'm in the toilet14:01
nessita2 more to go!!! ralsina, dobey? :-)14:01
nessitaone more and the bets are closing!14:02
dobeyalthough, my status sucks14:02
* nessita misses the boss, but let's start anyways14:02
nessitavds: go!14:02
vdsDONE: continuing on developers RESP APIs14:02
vdsreviews: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/desktopcouch/move_testing_to_platform/+merge/4550114:02
vdsTODO: I forgot to add bugs for the REST APIs work so I'm going to do it this afternoon14:02
vdsBLOCKED: nope14:02
vdsmandel: go14:02
mandelDONE: Reyes Magos (yesterday)!Fixed bug 699749, bug 699743, bug 699757, bug 699766, bug 699818. Talked with a community member that is happy to package desktopcouch for windows.14:02
mandelTODO: Implement PortAdvertiser for Windows. Improve CouchDb batch to be used to start couchdb on windows.14:02
mandelBLOCKED: no14:02
ubot4`Launchpad bug 699749 in desktopcouch "Platform specific tests are not ignored (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69974914:02
dobeyi might as well just skip14:02
ubot4`Launchpad bug 699743 in desktopcouch "Testing infrastructure should be move to the platform module when it depends on the running system (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69974314:02
ubot4`Launchpad bug 699757 in desktopcouch "Batch to run the tests on windows is missing (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69975714:02
ubot4`Launchpad bug 699766 in desktopcouch "Import error when running tests on windows (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69976614:02
ubot4`Launchpad bug 699818 in desktopcouch "There is no implementation of the base directories utilities on windows (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69981814:02
* mandel looks at nessita14:02
nessitaDONE: bug #696782 (I still need reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/start-dc-on-backend/+merge/45448 and https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/replication-to-the-backend/+merge/45439), bug triaging14:02
nessitaTODO: bug #69277214:02
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:02
nessitaNEXT: alecu14:02
ubot4`Launchpad bug 696782 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Start DC service in backend to make that op asynch (affects: 1) (heat: 1089)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69678214:02
ubot4`Launchpad bug 692772 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Visual improvements (affects: 1) (heat: 255)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69277214:03
alecuDONE: endlessly discussed bug #650671 regarding "out of space" dialog. A vm to run natty (cause it crashes the lappy). started with twin bugs: #692730 & #69354514:03
alecuTODO: finish branch for twin bugs, get "out of space" branch merged. shop for underwear.14:03
alecuBLOCKED: yes, a lot. thank you for asking.14:03
* alecu says "it's thisfred turn now"14:03
ubot4`Launchpad bug 650671 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 5 other projects) "UbuntuOne "out of space" dialog is broken (affects: 12) (dups: 2) (heat: 48)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65067114:03
thisfredDONE: worked on upgrading server code to new desktopcouch TODO: finish that, transfer bindwood knowledge to jamesh BLOCKED no14:03
thisfredCardinalFang: á vous!14:03
CardinalFangMerci. DONE: some planning of API implementations (mostly playlist).  Desktopcouch nearly released.  Files discussion on android.14:04
CardinalFangTODO: Finish testing removal of a depencency for python-couchdb.  Release.14:04
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None14:04
nessitadobey: go!14:04
dobeyλ DONE: not much14:05
dobeyλ TODO: jury duty paperwork, bug pitti about backports14:05
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:05
nessitadobey: can you please include in your TODO list a release for u1client?14:05
dobeyyes, it is14:06
nessitaany comments?14:06
dobeybut have to deal with that pesky g-s-d issue14:06
nessitadobey: I think the gsd issue for natty can wait after this release. I need u1client released so I can package u1cp, which is high priority14:07
dobeyand does nobody understand what the SRU requirements are?14:07
nessitaideally I would like to have u1cp released before traveling14:07
nessitadobey: what do you mean?14:07
dobeystable releases have freezes imposed on them. adding a brand new gconf key is a new feature. (and also, should break string freeze, but the patch is using gconf wrong)14:08
nessitadobey: I think that ralsina is the one to deal with the release manager team14:10
nessitahe will be able (or not) to defend the patch14:10
dobeythat needs to be done BEFORE we shove it in the tree14:11
nessitadobey: anyways, since this gsd issue is very controversial, would you please release a natty package of u1client without the gsd fix? I think that task is orthogonal from the gsd issue14:11
mandelif you guys dont mind, Im going for lunch14:11
dobeyi don't care who does it14:11
nessitamandel: go ahead!14:11
* mandel -> lunch14:11
nessitaif there is no other issue other than gsd, eom!14:11
nessitadobey: ok, we'll ping ralsina about that when he comes in14:12
CardinalFangdobey, do you know much about the kind of court?14:17
dobeyCardinalFang: re: jury duty?14:18
dobeyCardinalFang: us district. i just got a summons last night, so gotta fill the form, and then i guess call next month to find out when exactly to go14:18
dobeyof course, i would prefer to just be disqualified from serving.14:19
CardinalFangdobey, Ah.  Okay.  Good luck.  Federal can take a while.  :\14:20
CardinalFangdobey, if it's a drug case, ask, "what if they guy's my dealer?!"  That might help.14:23
nessitathisfred: I'm short on reviews, would you like to review the 'second' part of the branch you reviewed yesterday? it adds UI support to the backend14:23
thisfrednessita: sure thing14:23
dobeysomehow, i don't think having my house raided is a good solution to that problem14:23
nessitathisfred: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/start-dc-on-backend/+merge/4544814:24
thisfreddobey: just tell them you think all drugs should be legal. You'll be excused :)14:24
thisfrednot having to do jury duty neatly offsets not being able to vote as a non-citizen. I'll take taxation without representation.14:27
dobeythisfred: move into DC. then you can get a double dose of taxation without representation :)14:39
thisfredyeah, gotta love their license plates14:39
ralsinagood morning14:42
thisfrednessita: after following the instructions, everything seems to install fine, but then it says in orange: There is no ubuntuone pairing record.14:53
nessitathisfred: and you do have an ubuntuone pairing record?14:53
thisfrednessita: I have no idea, but installing d-c should create one if it's not there right?14:54
thisfredu1 desktopcouch that is14:54
thisfrednessita: in futon I don't see one14:54
nessitathisfred: supposedly, but I think that is broken... or it was. dobey, installing dc-u1 will create the pairing record now? or is still 'broken'?14:54
dobeydesktopcouch is still broken14:55
thisfrednessita: ok, so then what else can I test, or is this enough?14:55
nessitathisfred: is it enough, unless you want torun the pairing code by hand on a terminal and then re open control panel14:56
nessitathisfred: the pairing code is located in the dc source tree, applications/plugins/ubuntuone14:56
thisfredI can do that.14:56
dobeywell ubuntuone_pairing14:58
thisfrednessita: it's also installed in /usr/lib/desktopcouch, so I ran it from there, that works15:01
thisfrednessita: I still don't agree that we need anything installed to replicate bookmarks or contacts15:01
thisfredall dbs except those that are explicitly excluded should be replicated15:01
thisfredpeople may have other apps that talk to contacts/bookmarks, that's the whole idea of desktopcouch15:02
dobeyi remember having this exact same argument before15:02
thisfredwell I didn't know this was the plan, but it's wrong. I mean I think it's great to have an option in the UI here to install bindwood and or evocouch, it's just that they have nothing to do with replication15:03
thisfredI'm 99.7% sure aquarius will agree with me15:03
dobeyno no15:03
dobeyi agree with you15:03
thisfredOh, I got that :)15:04
dobeyi'm just saying i had this same argument before, when making preferences15:04
dobeybecause it was supposed to be the "Applications" tab15:04
nessitathisfred: I have no formed opinion about this. But, if the user doesn't have the app that stored bookmarks or contacnts into DC, how the replication is going to happen?15:04
thisfreddesktopcouch service does the replication15:04
dobeybut i though "Services" was more apt, and putting "Evolution" or "Firefox" there seems wrong15:04
thisfrednot any of the apps15:04
aquariushang on, what will I agree with?15:05
thisfrednessita: there isn't just one app that uses contacts or bookmarks, ideally anything that uses contacts or bookmarks should be able to use that db15:05
nessitathisfred: but, what is DC gonna replicate? nothing! en empty DB15:05
thisfrednessita: well if the db is never created it won't be replicated15:06
nessitathisfred: right, but the user should have at least one of them ideally 'officially' supported by us15:06
nessitathisfred: you're not answering my question :-). Which app will  add useful info to the bookmarks/contacts db?15:06
thisfrednessita: strongly disagree. I mean I agree it would be nice if they did, but we DEFINITELY should not stop them from replicating if they don't15:06
nessitathisfred: I think from the control panel, yes, we should. DC may wanna provide a frontend to do what you're asking15:07
thisfrednessita: it's not important, it's the user's data and it should be on the desktop and replicated to the cloud. This is desktopcouch's promise15:07
nessitathisfred: u1cp is not a frontend for desktopcouch15:07
thisfrednessita: I'm not asking to do anything, I'm asking to NOT do something15:07
nessitathisfred: I understood that15:07
thisfredwe should not be excluding anything except where the user tells us to15:08
nessitathisfred: and we're not excluding anything unless the user tells us to15:08
thisfredok, then the UI is extremely confusing15:08
thisfredIt tells me it won't replicate stuff unless I install something. That is not the case15:09
thisfredIf I use funambol on my phone, the contacts will be replicated to my desktop15:09
thisfredeven if I don't use evolution15:09
nessitathisfred: ok, we may change the phrasing. The goal is 'u1cp will not let you manage your replication unless you have proper dependencies (for u1) installed)'15:09
thisfredwhich is neat, since JamesTait is building thunderbird integration15:10
thisfrednessita: why?15:10
JamesTaitHmmm? Someone uttered my name? :)15:10
thisfrednessita: either it does not manage replication at all, or it should be able to do it for all dbs15:10
nessitathisfred: by design, mostly15:10
thisfrednot just contacts and bookmarks15:10
thisfredthen the design is flawed :)15:10
dobeythisfred: actually, notes too15:10
nessitathisfred: I have no problem changing the UI (depending on the effort maybe not in this cycle), but I need that this decision is made in higher layers15:11
thisfredSince we have nowhere else to do it (easily) I vote we show a list of all dbs except _users and management, and let users check/uncheck at will15:11
thisfrednessita: I know, I'm not ranting at you :)15:11
dobeythisfred: yeah, the only problem with that is that desktopcouch db names are sometimes evil, and it doesn't have pretty names or translations for them15:12
nessitathisfred: what I do think is, I don't see the point of enabling bookmarks rep (think as a regular user) if the bookmarks will not be stored (by any program) into the bokkmarks db15:12
thisfredBut in that case I would remove all reference to replication, and just offer two buttons to install the apps15:12
thisfrednessita: the point is you don't know that it won't15:12
dobeyso seeing some_random_db_i_have_no_idea_what_it_might_be in the ui would be offputting15:12
thisfreddobey: no they're not15:13
nessitathisfred: can you rephrase that please?15:13
thisfreddobey: unless the user makes them so15:13
thisfreddobey: bookmarks, notes, contacts, all very informative names15:13
dobeythisfred: s/user/developer/15:13
thisfredfair enough, but I don't know many horrible examples15:13
thisfredgwibber_messages is clear enough15:14
thisfredto me15:14
dobeybut it doesn't use dc any more15:14
dobeythisfred: well, yes, but didsplaying that in a ui, sucks15:14
thisfrednessita: so, when someone doesn't have bindwood, doesn't mean that they haven't written their own bookmarks app, or installed another 3d party one15:15
dobeyalso, it's app-specific, which is sort of the anti-thesis of desktopcouch15:15
thisfredand even if they haven't, the point of replication is also to prevent data lock in15:15
thisfredthey always have *all* their data that is in our cloud on *all* their machines, unless they exclude dbs15:15
thisfredyeah, this really goes against the ideas behind it.15:16
thisfredIt sucks that I never get to go to UDSes15:16
nessitathisfred: right. But in that case, the user will manage his DC databases from outside U1 (very likely). The most common case will be non technical users that see the word 'bookmark' and they expect that all the magic happen on its own. I think we can promise 'bookmarks replication' without enforcing that (at least) there is an app that actually writes the data to the DC db15:16
thisfredbecause I would make them much more lively :P15:16
nessitawe can t*15:16
thisfrednessita: so, take out all references to replication, and just offer to install bindwood/tomboy/evocouch from there15:17
thisfredproblem solved15:17
nessitathisfred: well, and then, once those app are installed, would you offer to enable/disable a fixed set of replications?15:18
nessitaI think we need to offer that, for the fixed set of data that U1 advertised it supports15:19
thisfredI would love UI to check/uncheck *all* of a user's dbs for replication, but that is entirely separate15:19
nessitathisfred: yeah, that sounds like a UI for DC15:19
thisfredThere is NO fixed set of data that we support, we support any db the user cares to create15:19
* dobey wish the UI was moved to the apps15:19
dobey[] Sync with Ubuntu One15:19
nessitathisfred: do not think in DC, think only in U1,15:19
thisfredexcept dc has no UI15:20
thisfrednessita: yeah, still true15:20
dobeydc does have ui15:20
thisfreddobey: well not much :)15:20
nessitathisfred: so, if someone creates a 'my own personal dc database that no one knows about', u1 web ui will no know nothing about it15:20
dobeythisfred: yes, but it would be a trivial feat to add another tab to desktopcouch-pair to select which dbs to replicate, if one wanted15:21
nessitathisfred: I count that database as non-U1, even if is replicated by *desktopcouch* to all the user machines15:21
nessitanot by u115:21
thisfrednessita: well web ui is just one client of U1, so that's immaterial, it will still replicate, and a user still should be able to disable/enable that replication15:21
dobey'bookmarks' is not non-u115:21
thisfrednessita: *any* db will be replicated to U!15:22
thisfredthat is part of the service we offer15:22
nessitathisfred: to dc, not to U1, as far as I know (I know very little :-D))15:22
dobeyall dbs not specifically excluded anywya15:22
thisfrednessita: yes to U115:22
dobeynessita: to couchdb.one.ubuntu.com15:22
dobeyto "takes up your quota"15:22
dobeywhich is u1 :)15:22
thisfrednessita: the ideal is let people build their own web ui on top of that even15:22
nessitaI think is time to involve more managers on this one15:22
thisfred+1 :)15:23
nessitathisfred: right, I understand15:23
nessitadobey: I see, I didn't know that15:23
nessitathisfred: so, wanna start a thread on ubunet or chase aquarius or Chipaca?15:23
nessitathisfred: my branch matches the design spec, I may change it later when the discussion reaches a solution15:24
thisfredlet's see if either of them respond here soon, if not I'll kick off discussion15:24
nessitathisfred: in the mean time, I would like not to block my branch since that func is already in natty but working horrible since it blocks15:24
thisfrednessita: yeah, I won't be withholding approval based on this ;)15:25
joshuahoovernessita: sorry to side track you but question about udf selection...is that work done?15:25
nessitathisfred: thanks15:25
nessitajoshuahoover: yes sir15:25
nessitajoshuahoover: let me check the blueprint15:25
nessita(to see if is updated enough)15:25
nessitajoshuahoover: what was the burndown chart link again? :-D15:26
joshuahoovernessita: is it in the naty package or do we need another release? (i would check in naty but having a hard time getting a naty vm to run with latest updates)15:26
joshuahoovernessita: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntuone-team.html15:26
nessitajoshuahoover: is already on natty. What is not there yet is having U1CP opening from the menus, I'm blocked on a u1client release to do that15:26
nessitajoshuahoover: so, ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk in the terminal brings up all the magic15:27
joshuahoovernessita: ah, ok...good to know...hopefully i can help test yet today :)15:27
nessitathat would be awesome!15:27
tchernoboghello, I'm having some problems with non-utf8 paths and sync with the storage daemon15:29
tchernobogthis should be related to bug #696901, I'm told15:29
ubot4`tchernobog: Bug 696901 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/696901 is private15:29
nessitatchernobog: hi there15:29
nessitatchernobog: facundobatista is the one that replied to you15:30
nessitafacundobatista: ping15:30
ralsinadobey: could you reply to the comments in https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/restrain-out-of-space-dialog/+merge/45317 ? Maybe I am missing something?15:30
tchernobogfacundobatista: hello15:30
tchernobogI have tried looking for non-utf8 paths, but this does not seem to be the case15:31
dobeyralsina: in a minute, sure15:31
tchernobogthe character it fails on, \xc315:31
tchernobogis the first multibyte char of "ö"15:31
tchernobogbut that folder did sync in the past15:31
ralsinadobey, thanks!15:31
tchernobogand I can see an old version of it in the web interface of u115:31
facundobatistatchernobog, hello!15:35
facundobatistatchernobog, mmm... maybe we have a deeper issue, let me see15:36
facundobatistatchernobog, is that a regular folder under Ubuntu One?15:36
facundobatistatchernobog, I tried with a file and a directory, and got no errors15:38
facundobatistatchernobog, I would need your debug logs for further investigation15:39
facundobatistatchernobog, do you have them in debug or you want me to help you setting them?15:39
tchernoboglet me look if I can find the right commandline option15:40
tchernobogfacundobatista: too big for pastebin15:45
tchernobogdo you want me to keep it shorter? probably yes15:46
tchernobogfacundobatista: http://pastebin.com/Eb4Tf7ki15:49
facundobatistatchernobog, damn, I do the same but it doesn't break15:54
facundobatistatchernobog, it may be an issue with your metadata15:55
facundobatistatchernobog, wait a minute15:55
duanedesign_'lo all15:56
facundobatistatchernobog, what number you have in ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/vm/.version ?15:56
facundobatistaHola duanedesign_15:56
tchernobogfacundobatista: 6 (six)15:57
* duanedesign_ waves at facundobatista 15:57
facundobatistatchernobog, could you please run this script? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/551524/16:00
facundobatistatchernobog, it will show your syncdaemon's metadata to stdout16:01
facundobatistatchernobog, there we can see if something is wrong there16:01
thisfrednessita: dobey: inflammatory mail sent16:04
tchernobogfacundobatista: http://pastebin.com/Enrwf9Dm16:05
nessitathisfred: good! (?)16:05
dobeythisfred: molatov cocktails all around!16:05
thisfreddobey: shaken or stirred? :)16:05
dobeyshaken of course16:06
thisfreddash of nitro?16:06
dobeyugh, come on ftp.ubuntu.com16:07
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
dobeynessita: u1client 1.5.2 is now uploaded (but of course not yet built/published)16:30
nessitadobey: awesome, thanks16:31
dobeyralsina: replied to the merge, though not sure if you will like it. i still disapprove the branch and would like to propose an alternate branch to fix the bug, as soon as i get some lunch in me16:31
dobeyok, must get some lunch now. bbiab16:34
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
dobeynessita, alecu: what were the problems with webkitgtk + twisted + dbus/glib?17:16
alecudobey, 100% cpu usage in some thread17:21
ralsinadobey: I read your comment in the out-of-space-dialog branch17:22
alecudobey, #61704117:22
ralsinadobey: basically I said anothr bug because changing that to a static variable doesn't fix the problem, it just changes it to "I get 3000 dialogs one after the other". From a user's point of view, it's less of a solution than the current branch.17:23
dobeyalecu: ok, probably because of gtk+. not seeing that with desktopcouch though17:23
ralsinadobey: and coalescing the events is beyond the scope of the SRU we are trying to achieve17:23
ralsinaI would even be open to making alecu's branch's timeout not configurable to minimize the patch17:24
mandelis done for me for the week, catch u on monday!17:25
dobeyralsina: as I argued shortly with nessita this morning, I think adding a new gconf key is beyond what is acceptable for an SRU17:25
dobeycheers mandel17:25
alecumandel, have a nice weekend!17:25
mandellaters all :)17:26
ralsinadobey: I don't quite get that from the guideline, but it's arguable, yes. OTOH, I can propose the SRU and remove the gconf key if it's not ok. It's easier than pushing it twice for SRU17:26
dobeyralsina: well, new gconf key == new feature17:28
dobeyand stable is feature frozen.17:28
dobeyralsina: what do you mean by "pushing twice for sru"?17:29
ralsinafirst without the key and later on with it17:30
ralsinaI have not seen gconf key == feature before but hey, I'm the new guy ;-)17:30
dobeyi don't see why we would do it without and then with. i think it should just be without17:31
ralsinadobey: because it's useful. But as I said, I am open to doing without. OTOH, I want to try and see if it is accepted.17:32
ralsinadobey: useful because it gives a way to disable the dialog completely17:32
ralsinadobey: not really because you can change the timeout17:33
dobeyi think the only way that the dialog should ever be completely disabled is "stop using the file sync service"17:34
ralsinadobey: well, disagree with you there. I also think the dialog should be disabled if it's annoying the user.17:36
dobeyif it's annoying, then it's a bug. providing a feature to let the user say "don't show this ever again" isn't a fix. if there's any reason to disable the dialog completely, then the right fix is to not have the dialog at all, because it's the wrong solution to whatever the problem is, anyway. :)17:38
ralsinadobey: right. But... SRU, small patch, etc ;-)17:39
dobeyright. disabling it completely for everyone is a smaller patch than this. i think even the changes to fix the bug and not be annoying, are also a smaller patch17:42
ralsinadisabling it completely is not a good idea. If you have that smaller patch, propose it.17:44
dobeygive me a minute and i will :)17:46
ralsinaI have some kid problems, will be back in an hour, I suppose17:56
=== ralsina is now known as ralsina_away
dobeyChipaca: ping18:17
Chipacadobey: pong18:19
dobeyChipaca: is there a UX spec for the 'out of space' dialog anywhere? it was done last cycle while i was on rotation, so i'm not sure if there is or isn't18:20
Chipacadobey: it's mentioned in the file sync spec18:21
Chipacadobey: but I don't think there's a real ux spec for the dialog itself18:21
Chipacadobey: i could be wrong; i am unable to hold that whole spec in my mind18:21
dobeydo you remember or have readily available, the url for that spec?18:22
Chipacadobey: yes, give me a minute18:22
dobeyi'm wondering why we are popping up the out of space dialog, for shares that others have sent the user18:23
Chipacadobey: because if the other user is out of space, you can't add to it18:25
dobeyyes, but you can't buy them more space, either18:25
Chipacadobey: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/Doc?docid=0AU5sFuLRpCpBZGZra2pqY2pfMjY1ZjRodG5nZDg&hl=en (remove a/canonical.com if using your plain google account)18:26
dobeyonly thing that says about out of space is that rodrigo was working on it18:28
dobeyah maybe not18:29
dobeyof course, it also is somewhat antiquated, given the change to pricing/plans we made18:30
dobeyand it doesn't seem to mention the case of shares18:33
dobeyonly UDFS and the user's own account18:33
dobeyie, cases where 'upgrade' makes sense to do18:33
Chipacadobey: right18:39
=== ralsina_away is now known as ralsina
nessitaralsina: would you be able to review my branches or shall I ask someone else? I've read you have some child issues :-/18:58
dobeynessita: how do you monitor a specific signal with dbus-monitor?18:58
ralsinanessita: child is ok now. Refresh me in priority order and I'm on it in 5'18:59
nessitadobey: let me look my notes and I'll share18:59
nessitadobey: using something like dbus-monitor "type='signal',sender='com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon',interface='com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Status'"18:59
nessitayou can add filters such as18:59
nessitadbus-monitor "type='signal',sender='com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon',interface='com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Status',signal='SignalName'" or a very similar semantic19:00
nessitaralsina: first one https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/replication-to-the-backend/+merge/4543919:00
nessitaralsina: second: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/start-dc-on-backend/+merge/4544819:00
ralsinaThe first one I checked yesterday19:01
nessitaralsina: you did? maybe you forgot to vote?19:01
ralsinaI get nothing when calling replication_info with d-feet but I suppose that's ok too19:01
ralsinaI asked you about it nd got no response :-)19:02
nessitaralsina: well, the response is sent thru signals, d-feet will give you nothing19:02
ralsinanessita: ok19:02
nessitaralsina: replications_info (right now) returns a fixed list of ['bookmarks', 'contacts']19:02
nessitareturns in a signal, I mean19:03
ralsinaok, I'll read the code now, then19:03
ralsinaThis is the one you were discussing with thisfread this morning right? About how replication has nothing to do with installed apps?19:03
nessitaralsina: every dbus method returns nothing, all the info is sent in signals, as per the spec19:04
dobeyi guess the gsd-plugin/test-send-signal.py doesn't work so well19:04
nessitaralsina: yeah... he has some interesting points, but whatever we decide (see the thread on ubunet-discuss), requires a design change19:04
ralsinanessita: right19:04
nessitaralsina: this branch improves what we already have in place19:05
ralsinaso, according to the current spec this seems ok to me. I'll approve it.19:05
nessita(improves by providing async access to DC)19:05
ralsinaApproved the 2nd one, I had tried it this morning and forgot to vote it.19:08
nessitaralsina: awesome, thanks!19:09
dobeyalecu: ping19:10
alecuhi dobey19:10
dobeyalecu: gsd-plugin/test-send-signal.py doesn't seem to be woring for me. i'm running test-gst-plugin, but it's not doing anything, nor is test-send-signal printing any errors19:11
alecudobey, to use gsd-plugin/test-send-signal.py you need to shut down syncdaemon first.19:11
dobeyoh ok19:12
* nessita reboots after natty updates19:19
ralsinaAnyone has an important review? If not, I will just pick one from the queue...20:05
TrickyJHi friends20:16
TrickyJI got one question to ask can we access files stored in Ubuntu one in the form of a link ?20:16
TrickyJfor example i got this link after posting the image in ubuntu one folder http://ubuntuone.com/p/UXA/20:17
TrickyJIf i save a file can i get a link to access that file ?20:17
mongyTrickyJ, like, http://ubuntuone.com/p/UXA/SPM_A0016.jpg20:19
TrickyJmongy: I got this20:23
TrickyJbut how can i creat a text file link ? if i upload a text file and i want to access that file as a webpage wil it be possible ?20:24
beunoTrickyJ, yes, you need to make it public, though20:24
TrickyJHmmm ok20:24
TrickyJok for example i go to ubuntu one i logged in and now i click on file tab I am using web console ok. And under the file tab i created new file and saved some text in it now i want to access that using a weblink how can we do that ?20:26
mongyall I did for your link was 'save as'  make a note of the filename and tag it onto the public url20:26
TrickyJI am using webconsole20:26
mongysame applies20:27
mongyjust view the link yourself....20:27
mongythen right click in your browser, save as, get the name and append it to the link you wanna share20:27
mongy'http://ubuntuone.com/p/UXA/SPM_A0016.jpg' for example20:27
mongyif there is a magical way of doing it then im not sure, beuno will know more than anyone imsur20:28
mongyim sure*20:28
TrickyJlet me try20:28
beunoI don't quite understand20:29
beunoI don't know how webconsole works20:29
mongyall im saying is, append the filename of whatever you are sharing to the public link it makes....20:31
mongyTrickyJ, im guessing SPM_A0016.jpg is the name of the file you shared....20:32
TrickyJOh guys you know I apologies i made a misteak20:34
TrickyJi was talking about notes not files :( I want to creat a link for Notes not the files20:34
beunoI'm doubly confused now!  :)20:35
beunoyou can't sure notes20:35
TrickyJtry that log on to the website and check out for notes I doubt we cannot make a link for notes20:37
TrickyJwhat I wann do is i wann share few documents and i wann share it publically as a  note u know20:37
TrickyJas an article20:37
beunoright, so at the moment, the only way to do that is with public files20:37
beunomaybe you upload an HTML?20:38
TrickyJHmmmm u are right20:41
TrickyJHmmm actually that will be much of a hard work :(20:42
TrickyJlets see20:42
TrickyJand when i log on to UBUNU i am not able to activate or access my Ubuntu one feature in it :(20:43
TrickyJyou know guys I found a way out exactly the way i wann to20:47
TrickyJcheck out this i've just uploaded this20:48
TrickyJits with google docs :)20:48
TrickyJy can we do this feature with ubuntu one ?20:48
TrickyJWho are the programmers in this room for ubuntu one ?20:48
dobeyyou can't make public notes yet20:51
dobeyonly public files20:52
TrickyJhow can we get the source code for this application any idea ?20:53
TrickyJLike we have the directory for locoteams20:53
TrickyJCheck out20:53
dobeysource code for which application?20:54
TrickyJCheck out friends another document20:54
TrickyJSource code for ubuntu one20:54
TrickyJlets work on to make this feature work on our ubuntu one when google can do it y cant we20:54
dobeyyou mean the clients, or the web site?20:55
dobeythe server is not open source20:55
dobeythe clients that are shipped in ubuntu are all on launchpad though20:55
TrickyJis there any way where we can send this information til the creator of the Ubuntu one ?20:55
TrickyJHmmm... but this feature needs to be coded on to the server20:56
dobeyyou can file a bug against ubuntuone-servers asking for it if you want20:56
TrickyJHmmm... its not a bug though its a new feature we can say20:56
TrickyJor it is avaliable with the paid options we never knew20:56
TrickyJwe are using free 2 gb space20:56
dobeyit's not available at all yet20:57
ubot4`Launchpad bug 389535 in ubuntuone-servers "Google Docs Integration (affects: 2) (heat: 1)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:58
dobeyor you can click the "affects me too" at the top of that page20:59
dobeyralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/happier-quota-dialog/+merge/45551 is a bit bigger now, but still less than alecu's and handles shares and normal root21:00
* ralsina looks21:01
alecudobey, you didn't add "test-flood.py" :-)21:03
alecuwell, that's why it's less code!21:06
dobeyit's only a hundred lines though21:08
dobeyso even if i add it in, my branch will still be a few lines less than yours :)21:08
ralsinaStop trying to see who has the smaller *cough* code *cough* ;-)21:15
ralsinaI am approving it, alecu, can you do the 2nd review?21:15
TrickyJFriends EOM i am planning to buy new laptop I wann specially run UBUNTU on i've heard i seres process wont support Ubuntu or linux ? is it true ?21:16
dobeyTrickyJ: #ubuntu might be a better place to ask that21:17
TrickyJGuys you have uploaed the bug ??? for the same for those document thing ?21:17
alecuralsina, I need to run now, to shop for stuff for the trip. I can review it this night.21:17
alecubye all21:17
TrickyJOh ok dobey21:17
ralsinaalecu: that's great21:17
TrickyJalecu: byee21:17
dobeylater all21:44
ralsinaby dobey!21:47
ralsinaHave a nice weekend everyone!22:08

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