[07:13] good day === oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann [14:46] DBO: 3-5" of snow in dallas tomorrow :/ === raffaele is now known as Guest95446 [15:58] what's unity team email address [15:58] I want to repackage unity for Debian and I need this field correct [17:46] hey guys.. ok so ,, what about that eye sore icon in ccsm for unity plugin? [17:48] what that icon actually does is create a visual bug in ccsm [17:49] I see two ways of dealing with this... either remove it and put in the original icon or create a an entire set of icons based on the ubutu unity icon for that ...any opinions? [17:50] the problem with the second option is that there would have to be 2 sets of icons...one for 11.04 ccsm and one for classic gnome ccsm ... I dont know how easy that would be to switch depending on which desktop is being used [17:52] rather one for unity desktop and one for classic gonme desktop