[00:04] maxb: nope... and its committed, pusehd, and then pulled by me [00:53] has anyone seen a bzr-monotone plugin? i've not found anything, but asking incase [00:53] i could probably do it via git, but that sounds scary ;) [00:56] ah, lp:bzr-mtn - will investigate [00:57] wonder if i can get lp to email me if it gets updated [00:57] (aka, starts to exist) [01:03] kgoetz: you can subscribe to the branch :-) [01:03] jelmer: i hadn't noticed it had one - cheers :) === frakturfreak_ is now known as frakturfreak [12:24] does bazaar store branches git-style (link to the tip revision) of like hg (all commits are marked with the branch name) [12:26] To compress and archive a repository: are there expendable indexes which can be erased or a more compact repository format that can be used for a repository which will be archived and compressed? [12:27] * catphish has used way to many VCSs this week [12:28] Hmmmm. Maybe I can save space my removing the working tree. [12:29] catphish: just use bzr, and plugins for other vcs' ;) [12:29] lol [12:29] personally i'm afraid i will always use git, but i'm supporting a few others === oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann [12:37] catphish: Pointers to tips. [12:37] edakiri: Conceptually? Probably. But there's no implementation support AFAIK. [12:37] gdgd :) [12:38] Actually, I thought hg did too. [12:38] I thought mtn with its certs was the only major system that defined branches by marking revs. [12:39] Well, and darcs, but that's another story wholesale. [12:39] hg basically has something like bzr's "branch nicknames", except hg actually uses them to define what branch a revision is on [12:40] and there's no explicit tip pointer - just the last revision with a particular nick [12:44] i just got 2 completely opposite answers [12:47] huh? [12:49] catphish: bzr's branches are the pointer to tip revision model. bzr also has a concept called branch nick, where a string is embedded in each revision, but it's just informational (shown in log messages) [12:49] oh ok [12:49] that makes more sense, thanks [12:50] It's not quite clear to me why branch nick exists, but it is occasionally useful *if* people have been populating it suitably [13:04] I'm having trouble finding (in the documentation) how to change the parent [13:06] why would you want to change the parent of a commit? [13:06] i'm new to bazaar, but that sounds unwise [13:07] Evening [13:10] catphish: not of a commit. of a repository [13:11] ah [13:11] : [13:12] ) [13:20] edakiri: I'm afraid I still don't understand the question - repositories do not have parents [13:21] maxb: yes, i mean branch. The current case is a standalone repo. [13:24] removing the working tree in this case reduced the size by 1/5 [18:55] launchpad ate my bazaar branch :( [18:55] bzr branch lp:~mgedmin/gtimelog/app-indicator -> bzr: ERROR: RemoteRepository() is not compatible with RemoteRepository() different serializers [18:56] I _think_ what happened was I created a branch off trunk, pushed it to launchpad (which made it a stacked branch) [18:56] and then later I upgraded the trunk branch [18:56] and now this one is broken [18:56] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mgedmin/gtimelog/app-indicator/revision/148 gives me an Oops! [18:56] maybe I should talk in #launchpad and not here [19:27] Would anyone know how to create a diff of a file between it's current and the latest tagged (with any tag) version in bzr? [19:28] bzr help diff and bzr help revisions will probably help with that. [19:34] nothing on revisions [19:35] Guess I got it, though. bzr tags [19:35] bzr diff -r tag:TAGNAME filename.txt ? [19:35] yeah, I don't know the tagname - have to find it out [19:35] bzr tags shows them, so that works for me. thank you [19:48] is there a bzr equivalent of git describe? Meaning give me the name of the most recent tag? [19:51] bzr tags | head -1 ? [19:51] Er.. tail perhaps [19:52] Oh.. bzr tags --sort=time | tail -1 [19:52] That's getting awkward [19:52] Damnit, can we please have shell aliases in bazaar.conf now? [19:52] lasttag = tags --sort=time | tail -1 would be nice [19:52] psusi: there is an open bug about it, I plan on implementing a command like that [19:53] LeoNerd: cool, thanks [19:53] I have an ever-growing list of things I'd like ot put in aliases but I can't because they're full shell pipelines [19:54] bzr di | view "+setf diff" - [19:54] LeoNerd: why not put that in your shell aliases? [19:54] Because I want to type bzr viewdiff and not bzr-viewdiff [19:54] I played that game with CVS [19:55] I had a bin/cvs that simply tested if cvs-$1 was available, exec'ed that, or real cvs [19:55] LeoNerd: alternatively, perhaps a trivial bzr plugin that provides that command? [19:55] It's 2011, not 1970. I shouldn't have to resort to such hackery [19:55] there we go... [19:56] LeoNerd: so the tension is that we need bzr configs to work on windows too and its severely lacking in the shell dept [19:56] * jelmer waves to lifeless [19:56] I wouldn't mind a plugin tat didn't work on Window [19:56] A plugin that provides more flexible aliases [19:58] LeoNerd: The question is how much shell-like behaviour would you like to support? And which shell would you want to be compatible with? [19:59] Something I can easily play Lego^W unix with it [19:59] bzr di -rtag:`bzr latesttag`.. would be nice [19:59] bzr di -rafter:tag:`bzr latesttag`.. would be nicer still, but I don't believe after works yet [20:00] what the hell... I seem to have some broken tags... bzr tags shows ? for the revision [20:00] LeoNerd: we already have one extension language for bazaar, I would be wary of adding another, especially if it's a custom language. [20:01] psusi: those would be tags of revisions that are not in your currnet branch [20:01] they're not necessarily broken [20:01] well shoot.... how can I ignore those? it's putting a damper on my attempt to diff the wc against the last tag ;) [20:06] wth? bzr tags --sort=time is not putting them in a sane order either... I'm testing this on a copy of lp:ubuntu/e2fsprogs I had around and it's showing the tags all out of order [20:06] it sorts by the time of the revision that was tagged IIRC [20:07] thats correct [20:07] you probably want a debversion sort [20:10] actually I guess they are mostly in order... but for some reason it messes up at the end... goes from upstream-1.41.14 to 1.41.14-1, then back to 1.35-8ubuntu2, then up to 1.37-2sarge1, and finally ends with upstream-1.37, which it shows as ? [20:11] perhaps you could file a bug on bugs.launchpad.net/udd [20:51] thank you for bzr push :parent [23:13] bzr branch lp:~gtimelog-dev/gtimelog/packaging gtimelog-packaging [23:13] KeyError: 'Bazaar-NG Loom branch format 7\n' [23:13] my guess would be I'm missing some plugin (loom)?