
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: ping00:58
geneirosupdating now...01:25
geneirosthank you for all...01:25
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
stalcupthanks Riddell for doing utils02:00
stalcupi'll start on lucid tonight02:00
yofelok, now finally everything is built and updates fine - tested (I hope it works fine too...)02:01
stalcupmine tested fine too yofel and Riddell 02:17
stalcupand ScottK ^02:17
EagleScreenI have been working in packaging KDE4 version of Kdbg02:27
EagleScreenmy package works pretty well, but the Kdbg.desktop in KDE menu hasn't icon02:28
EagleScreenas like as in the old kde3 version package, I must to copy an xpm icon to debian/ folder, and install it in /usr/share/pixmaps02:29
stalcupEagleScreen: checkout opendesktop.org02:29
EagleScreenhow do I type that order in the debian/rules ?02:30
stalcupEagleScreen: or ask persia02:30
EagleScreenI already have the .desktop file, and also de icon file, I donn't know how to made the installation of the icon in debian/rules02:32
stalcuptake the icon, and kate icon and add your desktop filrs02:32
EagleScreenI think I must add to debian/rules something like this: binary-indep: install -m 644 debian/kdbg.xpm debian/tmp/usr/share/pixmaps02:35
EagleScreenor: binary-arch: dh_install debian/kdbg.xpm /usr/share/pixmaps02:36
stalcupno party people tonight?03:33
ScottKEagleScreen: Or if you have an install file, binarypackage.install with the contents something like debian/kdbg.xpm /usr/share/pixmaps that would also work.03:40
EagleScreenI already am on it ScottK, thank you very much03:41
EagleScreenbut I dont understand one thing ScottK03:41
ScottKWhat's that?03:41
EagleScreenthe source packages seems to have a uncompressed man (packagemane.1), but the ones in /usr/share/man/man1 are gzipped03:42
EagleScreenso must I copy it in an special way?03:42
ScottKList the man pages in binarypackagename.manpages and dh_installman (I think that's it's name) will do the magic.03:44
stalcupScottK: Just to make sure before I wastw 2 hours, we need to package 4.5.5 for lucid, right?03:44
ScottKstalcup: Typically we don't.  After release we figure if you want that KDE release you ought to just upgrade.03:45
ScottKBut if you wanted to update the backports PPA, that wouldn't be wrong.03:45
stalcupfor lucid?03:46
stalcupokay ScottK, will do03:46
stalcupand once i'm done, i'll do some backport stuff03:46
ScottKstalcup: When you did 4.5.5, did you check to see if there were any SRU or security fixes from -updates/security that weren't included in upstream 4.5.5?03:46
stalcupunless you would rather me do backports instead03:47
ScottKI think 4.5.5 for lucid is a very low priority.03:47
stalcupScottK: no, I has trying to figure out the whole ppa03:47
ScottKIt's your volunteering though, so up to you.03:47
stalcupok, any suggestions for backports?03:47
ScottKstalcup: It'd be good then to check updates/security for Maverick to see if there's anything that should be included in the 4.5.5 packages.03:48
stalcupokay, will do03:48
ScottKWhen I prepared 4.4.5 for lucid-proposed I found quite a number of fixes that weren't included.03:48
ScottKGotta run.03:48
stalcupno known bugs or security issues03:52
stalcupso far03:52
stalcupyofel: I feel rude for not introducing and stuff05:08
stalcupplease accept my appology05:08
stalcupRiddell, are we having a meeting anytime soon?05:12
stalcupRiddell: or can I apply for membership via mailing list?05:13
markeyRC2 works fine here :)05:52
markeyfirst reboot failed, it just hang05:53
markeybut second one worked05:53
valorieyup, working here also05:53
markeywow, the new Oxygen style engine for GTK looks great with the RC2 update :)06:54
markeybasically, almost native06:54
fenPad4.6 rc2 release?07:07
apacheloggerRiddell: l10n on 10.10 still overwrites libkdepim408:52
markeyapachelogger: the new GTK-Oxygen theme engine is awesome08:59
markeyfinally, Chromium looks like a proper Qt app08:59
markeyalmost no difference :)08:59
* apachelogger uses ambiance though :P09:00
markeywhat is that?09:00
apacheloggerme is now runnig gnome with kwin09:00
apacheloggervery sickish it looks09:00
markeyoh god09:00
markeyyou are teh crasies09:00
apacheloggermarkey: youbuntoos gtk theme09:00
markeyI'm still trying to install Android 2.3 on my HTC Desire...09:01
markeybeen trying that for weeks09:01
markeybut I am getting closer09:01
markeycracked the HTC security stuff today09:01
apacheloggerbut I am crazy09:02
* apachelogger now tries listening to Geräteüberhöhung.mp309:02
apacheloggerthat is my encoding-fckd-up test file ^^09:02
markeyyou need professional help. ideally from a hobby shrink like me09:02
markeyI can diagnose you09:03
markey"apachelogger is bat shit crazy."09:03
apacheloggerI did not even get to lie down on a couch!!!!~!09:03
valorieyou didn't sleep?09:04
apacheloggerQt Application(4725)/phonon (KDE plugin) Phonon::KioMediaStreamPrivate::_k_bytestreamResult: KIO Job error:  "The file or folder sftp://localhost/home/me/Geräteüberhöhung.mp3 does not exist."09:04
apacheloggervalorie: I slept with 2 drugs 09:04
valoriethat admission in black and white can get you arrested, you know09:05
apacheloggerit is the strangest thing09:05
markeyapachelogger: you should come visit us sometime, Myri has some funny happy-happy pills09:06
markeythat said, she does not give them out easily09:06
markeywhich is probably good :)09:06
valoriephonon doesn't like the ooooomlauts09:09
markeyvalorie: worksforme09:09
apacheloggervalorie: sure it does09:10
markeymake sure to set correct locale09:10
apacheloggerit does not in urls09:10
valorieactually, I haven't had a problem in Amarok for a long time09:10
apacheloggerwhich is mostly because I was not daring enough to change it to try encoding stuff on urls09:10
apacheloggeroy vey09:15
apacheloggermy new findPhonon is broken09:15
valoriemaybe because kpk is teh broke09:17
apacheloggerthat has nothing todo with kpk09:18
CIA-39[runtime] sitter * 1212850 * branches/KDE/4.6/kdebase/runtime/phonon/CMakeLists.txt Phonon does not life on gitorious anymore, change url to anongit.kde.org09:19
apacheloggerI think what is bogus09:20
* apachelogger does not like it though09:20
apacheloggerall fixed up09:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: since KDE is moving to git ... half our imports are going to break09:35
apacheloggercant be more than a days work to resolve09:45
apacheloggeresp since it is subsequent anyway09:45
shadeslayeryeah ... but each project moves at a different time .... 09:48
apacheloggerso it is 5 minutes every day for 10 days orso09:49
* apachelogger does not see the problem09:50
valorieI've noticed one annoying oddity with rc2 -- screen painting seems off10:04
valoriein konvi, sometimes the beginning of the line disappears before I hit return10:05
valoriesometimes the whole line10:05
valorieand in the browser (FF) the right and left halves of the screen seem to lose touch with one another10:06
valoriescrolling especially10:06
jussiwhat is the 4.6 standard plasma theme? air?10:33
shadeslayerjussi: yes10:48
jussishadeslayer: ahh, ok, it doesnt look very good imho, so I changed it :)10:53
yofel4.6 has a rather limited choice of plasma themes :S10:54
shadeslayerlikewise 10:54
jussishadeslayer: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/01/08/plasma-desktopdh2166.jpg10:54
yofeloxygen has improved though10:54
shadeslayeroxygen is better now yes10:54
shadeslayerbut ... plasma themes need a overhaul10:54
yofeltrunk had a nice one that I found yesterday in neon, forgot the name10:55
ulyssesthere is a theme called Androbit, it is developed by a Hungarian Debian user10:55
jussiulysses: thats reasonably nice, but the icons on that theme feel fat to me10:55
yofelthat does look cool, but window translucency without blur is crap :/10:55
ulyssesBlur is buggy for me10:56
jussioh, and the network icon on this theme is _soo_ much better10:56
yofelblur works fine here, *except* for the translucency plugin10:56
yofelheh, reminds me of the kde3 one10:56
shadeslayerjussi: nice icons ...10:57
jussiyofel: the current network icon sucks. its incredibly non recognisable10:58
yofelthe wireless icon is good, the wired one is crap10:58
yofelI already had to explain what it's supposed to represent to a few people...10:58
jussiyeah, still, its a little bettter than the one that when it was connected it looked like it was disconnected10:59
yofelsheytan: design some new network icons :P11:01
shadeslayersome icons need a rehaul ... others got a rehaul11:01
shadeslayerdammit ... still no data recovery11:01
shadeslayeryofel: any ideas on how to repair my filesystem?11:02
yofelfat? nope, if a windows recovery app can't do anything I can't either11:02
shadeslayerwell ... testdisk doesnt find my single FAT32 partition11:02
yofeland what happens if you mount it in linux?11:03
yofelfdisk did list it iirc11:03
shadeslayerthats just the WD Software partition11:05
shadeslayerif there is a way to force the partition to mount11:06
yofelcan you show me the output again? I think that partition spanned the whole drive11:06
shadeslayeri bet the partition table is fscked up11:06
shadeslayernice paste url :>11:07
yofel255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121515 cylinders11:07
yofelstart: 1 end: 12151511:08
shadeslayerhttp://paste.kde.org/2011/ << :P11:08
yofelshadeslayer: from the partition table sdb1 takes the whole disk11:08
shadeslayerlets try mount then11:11
shadeslayermount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,       missing codepage or helper program, or other error       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try       dmesg | tail  or so11:12
shadeslayerim pretty sure there was a command to fix that11:12
shadeslayermsft or something11:12
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayeryofel: bad superblock11:15
yofelnote: I don't know anything about trying to fix fat, if chkdsk fails I'm out of ideas11:15
shadeslayerjust tried fsck.vfat no luck11:17
shadeslayeryofel: i cant find a option to force a mount 11:18
shadeslayer[ 2294.534323] VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdb1.11:20
yofelare you sure that's fat?11:21
yofelI assumed it's fat from the partition type, but is that actually the case?11:21
shadeslayeri didnt format it when it arrived and at that time it used fat3211:22
shadeslayerif only there was a way to re write the partition table11:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerok starting a deeper search with testdisk11:27
QuintasanScottK: ping11:32
QuintasanRiddell: Actually, this is maddness, the dh_python magic somehow makes sip.so into sip.cpython-31mu.so11:43
sheytanyofel i'm not doing icons :)12:05
yofelyou could try, your other work is already great :P12:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: so phonon does not work with QML/QGraphics stuff, what does this mean for HTML5 videos rendered with QGWV ?13:12
shadeslayerno sound?13:12
apacheloggerthat someone should fix phonon?13:12
* shadeslayer tries13:13
shadeslayercant.... no kdelibs5-dev :/13:13
* shadeslayer starts writing blog13:13
apacheloggerphonon does not depend on kdelibs13:13
shadeslayers/kdelibs5-dev/libqt4-dev for my QGWV demo browser13:14
seaLneenabled the link on kde.org to kubuntu rc2 details13:40
BajKhey, I modified the kubuntu-logo.script for plymouth to support the ask-question method (it is similar to the ask-for-password but it shows the thing you entered rather than just bullets). How can I propose this patch or something? Because I definitly need this method on my machines14:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: poke .. around?14:08
apacheloggerand drunk14:08
* apachelogger just had 3 glasses of beileys for breakfast14:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: need a topic for kubuntu-mobile Cfp @ conf.kde.in14:09
shadeslayeroh rbelem you too14:10
shadeslayeri need a bigger SD card first :|14:10
* apachelogger is probably moving in march14:11
apacheloggerto the inner city14:11
rbelemshadeslayer, you could talk about installing it on mobile devices, like n900 and android devices, and how they can contribute14:12
shadeslayerwell sure14:13
shadeslayerneed a topic first tho :P14:13
shadeslayerand a bigger SD card to test on my desire :P14:13
rbelemshadeslayer, did you find a class 10?14:14
rbelemshadeslayer, Installing kubuntu-mobile on your smartphone :-D14:14
shadeslayerand nah14:15
shadeslayerneed something snappier14:15
rbelemhahaha :-D14:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: you are talking?14:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes! :P14:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: kubuntu mobile - bringing a desktop OS to the mobile market14:15
apacheloggeryou could talk a lot about challanges and stuff14:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: 45 mins should do it imp14:16
apacheloggerthen show plasma-mobile without gles acceleartoin14:16
apacheloggerand with14:16
apacheloggerconsidering I get it to work at some point14:16
apacheloggerand make it look like we did all sorts of work to make plasma-mobile the fastest ;)14:17
apacheloggerwhich should be obvious from showing without gles and with gles14:17
rbelemapachelogger, nice topic name :-D14:17
apacheloggerand quite honestly I for one think that actually forming the gles stuff into deployable form is the greater effort there anyway14:17
apacheloggerwith closed source drivers and whatnot14:17
rbelemapachelogger, the latest plasma-mobile version in natty is faster14:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh, you can also rant a bit about that14:18
apacheloggerrbelem: did you get it to work with our kernel?14:18
apacheloggeror with meego?14:18
rbelemapachelogger, meego14:18
* apachelogger is all busy with phonon shit right now14:18
apacheloggerrbelem: our kernel starts but then X fails, so I suppose we need some natty foobar for the kernel14:18
apacheloggerdidnt investigate why X fails though14:19
* rbelem is busy with fileshare stuff14:19
shadeslayeroh i have a idea14:19
shadeslayermaybe i can upgrade that lucid chroot to natty14:19
shadeslayerand get it to work on my phone14:19
rbelemapachelogger, hum... is the sgx driver being build?14:20
rbelemapachelogger, i dont know how sgx drivers are used by X14:22
apacheloggernot at all :P14:24
apacheloggernot on omap3 AFAIK14:25
apacheloggeromap4 has x drivers14:25
rbelemapachelogger, was shadeslayer that made that fileshare mockup?14:27
rbelemsheytan, 14:27
apacheloggersheytan yes14:28
apacheloggersheytan: btw, any progress on phonon page? ;)14:28
rbelemsheytan, i would like to make some changes to the mockup and add afiestas to the discussion14:31
sheytanapachelogger nope :) Need to finde more time.14:31
sheytanrbelem which mock?14:31
rbelemshadeslayer, we are planning to make one fileshare kcm, that will have samba, webdav and bluetooth14:32
rbelemops sheytan ^14:32
rbelemshadeslayer, sorry :-(14:32
apacheloggerrbelem: I hope that is not going to be too crowded14:32
=== shadeslayer is now known as kshadeslayer
rbelemhahah :-D14:32
kshadeslayerhappy now? :P14:32
rbelemhahahaah :-D14:32
sheytanrbelem yeah, this is a good idea.  A simple sharing kcm is a MUST! :D14:33
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: much better14:33
rbelemmuch better now14:33
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: you could also come up with something original14:33
apacheloggerlike sdfoi114:33
apacheloggerlike our dictator14:33
kshadeslayerapachelogger: original?14:33
* apachelogger does to the day not remember his nick14:33
kshadeslayerplasma mobile on android is original14:33
rbelemsheytan, we need to remove some items from that mockup, like cdrom share, and add bluetooth and webdav14:35
sheytanrbelem sure, what's webdav?14:35
rbelemsheytan, a fileshare via http14:36
rbelemsheytan, using apache or lighttp14:36
afiestasrbelem: sorry for the discordination :/14:36
rbelemafiestas, np :-D14:36
sheytanrbelem but please, please add "internet sharing"14:36
sheytani will use this very often14:36
rbelemsheytan, internet sharing is possible only with connman14:36
sheytanrbelem can't you write a daemon or something like this?14:37
rbelemsheytan, but maybe that could another kcm14:37
sheytanor jsut a GUI14:37
sheytanthere must be a way to write a gui for internet sharing :P14:37
rbelemsheytan, we can work to add connman support14:38
rbelemsheytan, but that will time a little time :-)14:38
sheytanrbelem please do :)14:38
sheytanwithout  a gui for that, it's useless for most users :P14:38
rbelemsheytan, that's true14:39
rbelemafiestas, bluedevil has support for bluetooth networking?14:39
stalcuppingaroo apachelogger 14:41
apacheloggerstalcup: ooragnip14:41
stalcupapachelogger: see pm please :)14:41
kshadeslayerwhat would be the extension of a .ssh file?14:42
rbelemafiestas, another question in advance :-) what bluetooth fileshare need in kcm fileshare?14:43
rbelemafiestas, one more, can we make kcm fileshare accept plugins?14:44
apacheloggerTm_T: ping14:47
apacheloggersheytan: ping14:48
sheytanapachelogger pong14:48
afiestasrbelem: BlueDevil should not been the responsable of stablish the connection, but NetworkManagement (or conman) is14:50
afiestaswill is already working on that, so in theory we should be able to have something working for the next release of "kde networkmanagement" 14:50
rbelemafiestas, are connman or networkmanager responsible for running org.bluez.NetworkServer?14:53
afiestasyes, all of these interfaces need a persistend process14:53
afiestasafter discuss about that in the solid sprint, we decided that NetworkManagement was the responsable (and after seeing how nm-applet does it)14:54
rbelemafiestas, do you know if currently this feature already works?14:54
afiestasgare go (Kamoso hacking session with apol) brb14:54
Xand3rhere i am apachelogger14:59
apacheloggerXand3r: sheytan, sheytan: Xand3r14:59
apacheloggerXand3r: sheytan is my most favorite designer, who can help you make a thrilling UI15:00
sheytanXand3r yo :D15:00
apacheloggersheytan: Xand3r wants to make kopete more lovely15:00
apacheloggerXand3r: I showed sheytan your mocks15:00
apacheloggerXand3r: what what?15:00
kshadeslayerXand3r: kopete is fugly :P15:00
sheytankshadeslayer http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/4494/mmm3.png  http://img573.imageshack.us/img573/8695/mmm2.png what's so bad? :D (kool name btw) :D15:01
apacheloggersheytan: the bad thing there is that your chat window does not look like it belongs to the contact list at all :P15:02
apacheloggersheytan: whats the chat theme though15:02
apacheloggerlooks like I could like it too15:02
apacheloggerin orange of course15:03
apacheloggerotherwise it looks odd in my youbunttoo :D :D15:03
kshadeslayerapachelogger: what happened to your KDE? :O15:03
kshadeslayerwhy is all orange15:03
apacheloggerthrown away15:03
sheytanapachelogger it's one from Adium (os x messanger), it has lots of colors :D15:03
apacheloggerlennart made me switch to gnome15:03
apacheloggersheytan: plz send15:03
apacheloggerif it got organe I am all in love15:03
Xand3rso sheytan what i have to do?15:03
sheytanXand3r: apachelogger said you want to bring kopete concact list and chat window into one window, right?15:04
sheytanapachelogger http://www.adiumxtras.com/index.php?a=xtras&xtra_id=138515:04
* apachelogger notes that this should ultimately be optional as users are bound to go whining btw15:05
apacheloggersheytan: thx15:05
sheytanXand3r for me it's a bad idea, cause this will take too much screen space. I like small stuff, but if you wish to make that, i can make some mockups for ya15:05
apacheloggerXand3r, sheytan: I want a workign prototype by may ;)15:05
apacheloggerrock on15:05
sheytanapachelogger, Xand3r well, lets turn kopete into something liek adium :D15:05
sheytanwith all themes support15:06
Xand3rsheytan: yea you can do that but what will i lern if you do the work15:06
sheytanXand3r i cann only GIMP some images for you, am not a dev :)15:06
Xand3ryou do that in gimp?15:07
sheytanor qtcreator :D15:07
apacheloggerDO NOT TURN KOPETE INTO AN IDE!!!15:08
apacheloggerI am serious15:08
apacheloggerI will have to kill markey :P15:08
apacheloggerXand3r: development ui thing15:09
apacheloggerlike kdevelop15:09
sheytanapachelogger why markey? :D15:09
ScottKQuintasan: encoding the Python3 version in the .so name is by design.  It avoids needing separate installation directories for each version like we need with Pyhon(2).15:09
apacheloggersheytan: cause markey wants to murder me15:09
sheytandon't kill him, who will wirte amarok? :D15:09
ScottKQuintasan: Pong, btw.15:09
apacheloggersheytan: Nightrose15:09
kshadeslayeris it possible that i regenrate my private publick key pair using my passphrase?15:09
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: sure15:09
sheytanwell, Xand3r and apachelogger: what i will do, are some mockups of how i would like to kopete looks like15:10
kshadeslayerhow do i specify a custom host ... like shadeslayer@kubuntu instead of shadeslayer@saphira?15:10
Xand3rso sheytan make a mockup, i want to see something amazing15:10
sheytanXand3r hopefully i'll start tomorrow :)15:10
apacheloggerXand3r: you make some code for the mockup and that too must be amazing :P15:10
sheytana party in 3h today :D15:10
apacheloggerhe has time to party15:11
apacheloggerand I am stuck with stinky old gstreamer15:11
kshadeslayerapachelogger: how :P15:11
sheytanapachelogger btw, why gstreamer?15:11
sheytanand not vlc15:11
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: ask lord google15:11
sheytanor something15:11
kshadeslayerapachelogger: been at it for over an hour15:11
apacheloggersheytan: cause gstreamer is currently more broken15:11
sheytangoogle <3!15:11
apacheloggeralso the part that is broken in phonon's vlc I do not know stuff about15:11
rbelemsheytan, could you help me with samba fileshare property gui? :-)15:11
sheytanapachelogger so it's better to bring broken stuff into kubuntu? :D15:11
apacheloggerso I would have ot read up first15:11
apacheloggersheytan: they are both broken right now15:12
sheytanrbelem already did one15:12
rbelemsheytan, i will send the .ui file to you15:12
rbelemsheytan, oh!15:12
rbelemsheytan, cool :-)15:12
sheytanrbelem, sure, but i will start tomorrow too :)15:12
apacheloggerand I am not responsible for the breakage in either15:12
apacheloggerwhich makes the whole thing more horrible15:12
rbelemsheytan, oki :-)15:12
sheytanapachelogger well, please don't make my kubuntu stop playing music, after i upgrade to 11.04 :D15:12
* apachelogger is fixing the inability of others to a) read documentation and b) QA their shit15:12
apacheloggerit will just stop playing videos :P15:13
sheytanif you do, i come to Germany :D15:13
apacheloggergood luck finding me in germany 15:13
sheytanaren'tt you there? :D15:13
Xand3rnope 15:13
Xand3ri think15:14
sheytannot so far away :D15:14
* apachelogger is hiding in markey's bed right now15:14
apacheloggerso good luck finding me in austria :P15:14
sheytanapachelogger hopefully without markey? :D15:14
Xand3rthan its swizerland15:14
sheytanmy unkle is going to  swizerland next week :D15:15
sheytanI come with him :D15:15
Xand3rapachelogger: there is no escape15:15
apacheloggergood luck with finding me in one of the cheese hole thingies15:16
* sheytan evil laugh :D15:16
apacheloggerthere are a billion billion here in switzerland15:16
ScottKapachelogger: If it becomes clear your doom is inescapable, please make sure someone with a YouTube account is taking a video.15:16
sheytanapachelogger give me your IP and i'll tell you where and who you are :D15:16
Xand3rwe can simply call markey and ask15:16
markeysheytan: is it OK that we resize your Splash a bit? it's HUGE15:17
markeyon a netbook, it would take up the whole screen15:17
rbelemsheytan, if you need help i come from brazil15:17
sheytanmarkey you mean the size or the file weight?15:17
sheytanrbelem sure :D15:17
markeywe have already reduced file size15:17
ScottKsheytan: He's somewhere cold and mountainous.  Unfortunately in Austria that doesn't narrow it down much.15:18
markeyI want to make it 20% smaller, or so15:18
sheytanmarkey if you do, it will look bad :P15:18
markeywith GIMP15:18
markeysheytan: can you do it?15:18
markeythat would be nice15:18
apacheloggerScottK: I still have my spaceship15:18
markeynot too small...15:18
markeyjust a bit15:18
markey20% or so15:18
rbelemsheytan, it would be really nice stay poking apachelogger for all day long15:18
sheytanmarkey i would have to redo the whole image :P Btw, it's the same size as  all others splashes :P15:18
markeysheytan: send to amarok-devel@kde.org please15:18
markeyit looks larger...15:18
sheytanit isn't :P15:19
ScottKapachelogger: Unless you start living in it, you still havet to get to it.15:19
markeyI dunno, also the aspect ratio looks weird15:19
markeyI'm not 100% happy with it15:19
markey<- perfectionist and annoying15:19
markeybrb shower15:19
apacheloggerno one shall fid me on omicron persi 8 15:19
apacheloggerthat much is for sure15:19
sheytanmarkey i'll take care about that tomorrow :15:19
markeysheytan: ok cool :)15:19
markeysheytan: we plan to tag on Tuesday15:19
markeyso, that should fit15:19
apacheloggerScottK: it is parked right next to the bad15:19
sheytanapachelogger if i wnat to find you, i'll do it ;D15:20
apacheloggerI just need to hop in15:20
sheytanmarkey sure :)15:20
Xand3rsheytan: i see you dont work today if you do everything tomorrow15:20
sheytanXand3r nope, today is my free time day :D15:20
sheytanand party time :D15:20
apacheloggerI demand such a day too15:20
* apachelogger writes a letter to the BBC15:20
sheytani get tired on the party, so now i'm kinda collecting power :D15:21
sheytanloading my batteries :D15:21
Xand3rsheytan so you do the mockup. in this time apachelogger can give me a qt lesson, time has to be used15:22
sheytanXand3r i need to be in a mood to GIMP :D15:22
sheytanit's not so easy15:22
apacheloggerQObject *obj = new QObject;15:22
sheytanfirst i need to draw stuff on paper :)15:22
apacheloggerall you need to know right there :P15:22
ScottKapachelogger: The next gcc update (in early Feb) will have support for Android as a platform, so shadeslayer will have another distraction.15:23
* apachelogger writes a letter to doko preventing that gcc from ever entering youbuntoo15:23
sheytanScottK it's kshadeslayer now :D15:23
ScottKIs it?15:23
sheytanyeah :D15:23
ScottKkshadeslayer: Don't you know the k* metaphor is worn and overused?15:24
kshadeslayerScottK: yeah .. but people are having nick completion issues15:24
apacheloggernot for function names it isnt15:24
sheytanScottK he propably did it for apachelogger :D15:24
apacheloggerfor rbelem15:25
kshadeslayerapachelogger: Y U NOT TELL ME15:25
ScottKapachelogger: True, but that would imply kshadeslayer does something useful and I haven't noticed much of that lately, so I think it's not a relevant point.15:25
rbelemahahahaha! :-D15:25
kshadeslayerhow to recover the private key :P15:25
apacheloggerScottK: agreed15:25
ScottKkshadeslayer: Not possible.  You've got to have it.  That's the whole point.15:26
* kshadeslayer goes back to fiddling with testdisk15:26
kshadeslayeralso neon15:26
Xand3rsheytan: i know, but i am so excited, first time i will do some thing useful here in kde-land15:26
apacheloggerone does not loose ones key!!!!15:26
kshadeslayerapachelogger: blame usb-creator-kde15:26
apacheloggerone puts a copy on a 3 layered luks pendrive15:26
ScottKkshadeslayer: If public/private key cryptography worked backwords it wouldn't be of much use.15:26
apacheloggerthen puts that in a very secure box15:26
apacheloggerthen deposits that at some bank in switzerland15:27
sheytanXand3r i remember the time too :)15:27
kshadeslayerwas just wondering if it was remotely possiblity15:27
apacheloggerultimtely in one of their underground bunker type thingies15:27
ScottKapachelogger: Not Switzerland.  It might get lost in all the holes.15:27
kshadeslayerScottK: so ... do you need help with backports?15:27
apacheloggerScottK: but the number of holes is not infinit15:27
ScottKkshadeslayer: I need a MOTU or two who are interested enough to regularly review and approve/reject backports requests.15:28
apacheloggerso one can recover it in O(n)15:28
apacheloggerwhich is not that bad15:28
ScottKI suppose.15:28
kshadeslayerim not a MOTU yet 15:28
kshadeslayerneed to apply 15:28
rbelemapachelogger, but it is almost like sand on the beaches15:28
apacheloggeran intruder however would require O(n) + a cuple of other thingies 15:28
sheytanok, i'm going to take a shower too. And shave. It's time! :D15:28
apacheloggeractually more like n by the powers of n or somesuch15:29
rbelemsheytan, have a good party15:29
rbelemsheytan, tomoroow i will ping you15:29
apacheloggeras each hole contains a whole bunch of options where one could find the bunker type of thing15:29
sheytanrbelem thanks :) and ok :)15:29
apacheloggerand if one found the bunker one still would need to find the deposit box thingy15:29
apacheloggerall in all they probably were faster breaking the key than finding it ^^15:30
kshadeslayer700 more cylinders to go :(15:34
kshadeslayerhas anyone taken up PIM?15:34
kshadeslayer_Groo_ was doing it iirc15:34
apacheloggerso we will never see it15:35
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: please do the pimy15:35
kshadeslayerapachelogger:sure ... just lemme create a pbuilder ... which is going to take ... 2 hours :S15:35
apacheloggeryou pour shade15:35
* apachelogger throws stones after kio15:36
kshadeslayerapachelogger: can you have a look at customSendRequest in KIO_HTTP?15:37
kshadeslayerand advise how to tackle it15:37
kshadeslayerand aakshay hasnt been around too15:38
* kshadeslayer thinks generating a new ssh key and uploading it would be simpler15:38
rbelem_apachelogger, i need help with ksambashare dolphin plugin15:38
=== rbelem_ is now known as rbelem
* apachelogger needs help with kio :(15:39
rbelemapachelogger, me too :-(15:39
kshadeslayermaybe photorec can help15:39
kshadeslayerrbelem: oi ... no kubuntu-mobile package?15:43
kshadeslayerwhat would i need to start a plasma-mobile session>15:43
rbelemkshadeslayer, there is a kubuntu-mobile pkg, it pull plasma-mobile, kdebase-workspace-bin, kde-window-manage15:44
kshadeslayerno there is no kubuntu-mobile15:44
kshadeslayer!find kubuntu-mobile15:45
ubottuFound: kubuntu-mobile, kubuntu-mobile-default-settings15:45
kshadeslayerrbelem: natty?15:45
kshadeslayer!find kubuntu-mobile maverick15:45
rbelemkshadeslayer, both15:45
Tm_Tapachelogger: pong15:46
kshadeslayerrbelem: apt-cache doesnt show it15:46
rbelemit is in main15:46
kshadeslayerE: Unable to locate package kubuntu-mobile15:46
apacheloggerTm_T: Xand3r wants to do love to kopete with help from sheytan, see backlog15:46
kshadeslayerrbelem: ??15:46
rbelemkshadeslayer, which architecture?15:47
kshadeslayerrbelem: well ... id guess ARM15:47
kshadeslayerright ... im on amd6415:47
kshadeslayerso maybe thats why it doesnt have it15:47
rbelemkshadeslayer, are you using ports.ubuntu.com?15:47
rbelemkshadeslayer, :-D15:47
Xand3rapachelogger: why are you telling it everyone?15:49
Tm_TXand3r: sounds interesting, you can poke devels in #kopete too if you need help, or kopete-devel ml15:49
Tm_TXand3r: he's prolly telling me because I've been involved to Kopete development15:49
apacheloggerXand3r: so you get help 15:49
kshadeslayerso ill be able to confirm whether or not plasma-mobile runs on a HTC desire in just a wee bit15:50
Xand3rapachelogger: thx now the kopete dev know a bout it before i realy know to program, thats nice -.-15:50
rbelemkshadeslayer, \o/15:51
apacheloggerXand3r: well, they know how to program, you want to help make kopete rock, I feel that there would be interesting in teaching you how to program ;)15:51
kshadeslayerrbelem: its just a chroot booted off android ^_^15:51
kshadeslayerbut yeah ... we can run it :P15:51
kshadeslayerlets see15:52
Xand3rapachelogger: realy? i think they would be pissed of15:52
rbelemkshadeslayer, running natty?15:52
kshadeslayerrbelem: lucid chroot15:52
kshadeslayerrbelem: http://code.google.com/p/android-cruft/wiki/LucidWithAndroid15:52
apacheloggerXand3r: I only know one developer who would be pissed off over help15:52
apacheloggerand he is not working on kopete ;)15:53
rbelemkshadeslayer, will you upgrade to maverick?15:53
kshadeslayerrbelem: natty on my desktop or on the phone?15:53
rbelemkshadeslayer, phone15:53
Xand3rapachelogger: but i am no help, i am work15:53
kshadeslayerrbelem: yeah ... lucid ... will try and upgrade chroot to maverick/natty15:53
rbelemkshadeslayer, cool :-)15:53
apacheloggerXand3r: so is kshadeslayer, yet I put up with him15:54
apacheloggerthough is is rather unproductive for quite some time15:54
kshadeslayerapachelogger: ive started working!15:54
kshadeslayerapachelogger: plasma-mobile on HTC Desire15:54
kshadeslayersearching where to insert http customSendRequest in kio15:55
kshadeslayerbuilding a natty pbuilder15:55
Tm_TXand3r: honestly I don't think there's any issue15:55
apacheloggerinserting stuff into http does not sound like plasma-mobile15:55
kshadeslayerapachelogger: no .. thats different15:55
kshadeslayerthats kdewebkit15:55
apacheloggersure "{15:55
rbelemhahah :-D15:56
Xand3rTm_T: hmmm, i have to lern nearly everything15:56
kshadeslayeror kde4libs .. need to see which15:56
* rbelem pokes apachelogger 15:56
apacheloggerstop poking me!~!!!GTehg15:56
apacheloggerrbelem: whatsup?15:56
* rbelem pokes apachelogger again15:56
rbelemapachelogger, it is nice poking you15:57
apacheloggerstop poking me!!~15:57
Tm_TXand3r: that is no problem15:57
Xand3rTm_T: ok :) so lets get started15:58
Tm_TXand3r: seriously, Kopete development is halted so any help or interest is welcome15:58
Xand3rTm_T: wich how to i have to read first?15:58
sheytanit's party time! :D Party angesagt! Dzisiaj impreeeza! :D16:00
* apachelogger just clapped so hard that his hands are now red like a tomato16:00
sheytan3 known languages :D16:00
Xand3rsheytan: nice16:00
sheytanyeah :D16:00
apacheloggersheytan: in chinese plz16:00
sheytanyou should learn polish people :D16:00
apacheloggeryou should learn chinese16:00
Xand3rsheytan: no, its tooooo dificult16:01
sheytanapachelogger: i don't have such drawing sklills :D16:01
sheytanXand3r it's not :D16:01
Tm_TXand3r: any Qt programming knowledge helps16:01
apacheloggerI knew it16:01
apacheloggeryou are a fake artist16:01
sheytanapachelogger try yourself :D16:01
* apachelogger draws some naughty bits16:01
sheytanit's not a problem to draw it, the problem is to draw it right :D16:01
Xand3rTm_T: i dont program yet, i have only some idea16:02
apacheloggersheytan: did you ever try drawing your naughty bits right, *that* is rather difficult to archive16:02
apacheloggerachieve even16:02
* apachelogger has an archive bug16:02
sheytanand now try to lern all the characters :D Then remember them all, and draw :D16:04
sheytani always wonder how do they manage to learn all that stuff16:05
apacheloggerthey make it up on the fly I am sure16:07
* apachelogger does that with german16:07
sheytanapachelogger you're not native german? :D16:07
Xand3rshure he is:)16:08
apacheloggeror maybe you just think that16:08
apacheloggerbecause really I am austrian16:08
Xand3rand? they speak german16:09
apacheloggerwell, I dont16:09
sheytanautrian dialekt is bad, i don't like it :D16:09
sheytanprefer german :D16:09
sheytanonce i had an austrian dude in my school on german lesson16:09
sheytanit's kinda different from german16:10
Xand3rits only ugly german16:10
kshadeslayerapachelogger: any upstream work available?16:20
* kshadeslayer just mailed adawit with questions16:21
kshadeslayeromg omg omg natty chroot finished16:21
Xand3rTm_T: look query, there i can ask embarissing questions16:22
* apachelogger finds up a very sad movie16:32
droidslayerMy laptop is dead16:33
droidslayerI can just move the mouse16:33
droidslayerS/dead/not responding16:34
yofelI had something else weird today - I could use the keyboard fine, I could move the mouse fine, but I couldn't click with the mouse anymore16:36
* droidslayer reboots16:36
droidslayeryofel: I can move the mouse but no keyboard input16:37
yofelyou could've killed X16:37
droidslayerAlso.... happened when i was sending a mail with kmail 16:37
droidslayeryofel: no keyboard input.... can't switch to tty16:38
yofelsysrq+k ?16:38
=== stalcup changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 2011 same procedure as every year: 2 releases and many hugs | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | KDE PIM 4.6 beta 4 to be packaged | alpha 2 bugs http://goo.gl/yGhJd || Select a time for a Kubuntu Meeting - http://www.doodle.com/s6smg85bsvicnsn4
droidslayeryofel: didn't work... couldn't type anything16:38
droidslayerJust movement of mouse :-P16:39
stalcupdont forget to sign up for the meeting http://www.doodle.com/s6smg85bsvicnsn416:41
kshadeslayerstalcup: please mail to kubuntu-devel as well16:41
stalcupapachelogger: Riddell nixternal JontheEchidna  ^^16:41
stalcupwill do kshadeslayer 16:42
ari-tczewI'm affected by bug that NumLock doesn't start on boot up. do you know this issue?16:43
ari-tczew(is it enabled)16:43
stalcupari-tczew: It's been tjat wau since Warty Worthog16:45
kshadeslayerari-tczew: that can be changed iitc16:46
ari-tczewstalcup: and not yet fixed? joke16:46
kshadeslayerari-tczew: http://i.imgur.com/65eET.png16:47
kshadeslayerits in systemsettings > input devices16:47
ari-tczewLeave unchanged16:47
stalcupari-tczew: it is annoying as hell, maybe you could pay nixternal to fix it16:48
kshadeslayerbandwidth is back up again16:48
kshadeslayernow to start work16:48
* kshadeslayer starts installing libqt4-dev and kdelibs5-dev16:48
stalcupkshadeslayer: is everyone supposed to prefix their name with a k, or is that just you?16:49
kshadeslayershows your KDE'ness :P16:49
kshadeslayerinteresting .. engadget is broke on chromium16:50
stalcupok then16:50
=== stalcup is now known as kstalcup
=== apachelogger is now known as kgnomelogger
kshadeslayerlol ^^16:51
=== kshadeslayer is now known as kglibslayer
kglibslayerbeat that :P16:51
* sheytan goes out for a party :D16:56
sheytanbye all :)16:56
Xand3rhow can i say cmake to ignor optional packages?17:06
kglibslayerXand3r: it ignores them by default?17:08
kglibslayerXand3r: post your cmake output17:08
Xand3rdoesnt matter now, i have another problem now, but thx17:09
kglibslayerok :)17:09
Xand3rarg if you just want do do something quick it will take hours17:10
Xand3ri quit17:12
Xand3rc ya tomorrow17:12
=== kglibslayer is now known as kshadeslayer
kshadeslayerRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+sshkeys << new ssh keys, please add to ktown .... lost my old keys :(17:49
Riddellhi all17:57
RiddellI'm stuck in London :(17:57
Riddellkshadeslayer: did you check behind the sofa?  if you lose something, it's nearly always there17:58
Riddellkshadeslayer: added17:59
kshadeslayernope .. not there :(18:01
kshadeslayerRiddell: what happened? Snow? :P18:01
kshadeslayeryeah ... london is notorious for vulcano's :D18:02
kshadeslayerRiddell: where in london exactly? 18:03
neversfeldeEyjafjallajökull was everywhere in europe ;)18:03
* kshadeslayer cant even pronounce that18:04
neversfeldeme too 18:04
kshadeslayerwho named it that!!!18:04
neversfeldethe people from iceland I suppose18:04
Riddellkshadeslayer: yes, we had a centimetre of snow in Edinburgh and they shut down the airport18:04
kshadeslayerneversfelde: they ran out of names i suppose18:05
kshadeslayerRiddell: ah .. well ... the temps here are not good as well ... 2oC ... 18:05
* neversfelde flew to his family during holidays, every flight was 10 min early18:06
kshadeslayeri have too much lag for some reason18:07
kshadeslayereven tho ... my connection is far better now18:07
Riddellkshadeslayer: I seem to be in somewhere called Hackney18:07
Riddellit looks like much the rest of London, ugly and grey18:08
JontheEchidnaari-tczew: pong18:09
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: did you try to fix pbuilder?18:10
kshadeslayerRiddell: some of my relatives live in MiddleSex18:10
yofelari-tczew: what's up with pbuilder?18:10
kshadeslayernear Queensbury i think18:10
kshadeslayerits either Queensbury or Kingsbury ... cant remember18:10
ari-tczewyofel: JontheEchidna's pbuilder can't build my exim4 merge. 18:10
JontheEchidnaari-tczew: still doesn't build after a pbuilder update18:11
JontheEchidnadid you say you had natty ppa logs?18:11
Riddellkshadeslayer: there's no upper case S in Middlesex :)18:11
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: yes, on PPA builds fine18:11
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: also my pbuilder builds exim4 fine.18:11
kshadeslayerRiddell: ive been there like twice ... i remember the name, thats a big thing for me :P18:11
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: try recreate pbuilder natty again18:12
kshadeslayerok so PIM18:15
Riddelldid 4.5.5 get tested?18:15
yofelit got tested as in: no dpendency breaks and nothing obviously broken after update18:16
kshadeslayerRiddell: in updates?18:16
kshadeslayeri can ask18:16
kshadeslayerseems yes18:16
kshadeslayerall went fine :)18:16
Riddellneeds an announcement then18:17
Riddellnot by me I'm afraid, I'm not on my normal computer18:17
kshadeslayerdefine normal :P18:17
Riddellthis one runs something called "Windows"18:18
kshadeslayeroh .... havent heard about that 18:19
kshadeslayeris it as good as Kubuntu? 18:19
Riddellnot very user friendly, I press alt-F2 and nothing happens18:20
kshadeslayerRiddell: i know the feeling18:20
yofelindeed, doesn't support middle click paste either :(18:21
* kshadeslayer tries to work with KMail18:21
yofellast time I tried kmail beta the akonadi background stuff almost killed my battery, ok well, maybe I shouldn't assume that closing something actually closes it18:23
kshadeslayeryofel: not using the beta18:23
kshadeslayerthe stable release18:23
yofelthat should work last time I tried it ^^18:23
kshadeslayerit does18:24
kshadeslayerbut ... i cant seem to load my google contacts18:24
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: for future: you should use debuild -S -sa -vLASTVERSION so in exim4 case should be -v4.72-2ubuntu1 18:30
kshadeslayerRiddell: by any chance, do you also have the power to sync ssh keys between i.k.o and git.kde.org?18:30
kshadeslayeryofel: look what i found http://paste.kde.org/2014/18:40
* kshadeslayer was crawling paste.kde.org18:40
yofelnice, I'll check later if I need something from there18:42
kshadeslayerweird ... i have freezes18:54
Daskreechyofel: What? how broken does it have to be to not support middle click paste?19:07
Daskreechthe only reason that Macs don't support it cause the only button is the middle button19:07
kshadeslayerwhat the ....19:08
kshadeslayeryofel: ^^ ideas19:09
kshadeslayerlike ... chmod +x debian/rules?19:10
kshadeslayerwhy are the rules not executable in the first place? 0_o19:10
yofelthat's the only reason I can think of too... (rules isn't executable in any case, you need to make sure it is)19:12
kshadeslayeryofel: that doesnt work too o_o19:14
kshadeslayermore weirdness ... it builds in my home dir ... so possibly a issue with how my partition is mounted19:15
=== kstalcup is now known as stalcup
stalcuptwo releases and many hugs19:30
stalcupboy, some people just hate skype19:34
yofels/hugs/bugs/ :P19:34
kubotuyofel: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"19:34
kshadeslayeromg kubotu19:35
kshadeslayerkubotu: cookies for everyone!19:35
ubottuCookies are delicious delicacies.19:36
yofel~order cookies19:36
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to yofel.19:36
kshadeslayer~order cookies for everyone19:36
* kubotu is going to his secret storehouse to get cookies for everyone - might take some time.19:36
* kubotu is back and slides cookies down the bar to everyone19:36
yofel~karma launchpad19:36
kubotukarma for launchpad: -519:36
yofelonly o.O19:37
kshadeslayerwell 19:37
yofel~karma stalcup19:37
kubotustalcup has neutral karma19:37
kshadeslayerrekonq is all sorts of broken in git :(19:37
stalcupyofel: try vorian19:37
yofel~karma vorian19:37
kubotukarma for vorian: 519:37
stalcup~woot woot19:37
stalcup~karma yofel 19:38
kubotuyofel has neutral karma19:38
kshadeslayer~karma shadeslayer19:38
kubotushadeslayer has neutral karma19:38
stalcupnot ninjas long enough i see19:38
stalcup~add karma yofel 19:39
yofelI know I had +1 at some point, kubotu had db issues a while ago I think19:39
kshadeslayeri thought it went yofel++19:39
stalcup~karma yofel 119:39
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help karma'19:39
kshadeslayer~karma yofel19:39
kubotukarma for yofel: 219:39
kshadeslayerhey .. no free karma19:40
kshadeslayeryofel++ :P19:40
stalcupon this to-do task, what packaes besides the one listed need done Ensure we have latest KOffice, KDevelop, Amarok etc 19:41
stalcupplus, I need to make a meta-plasmoids package19:41
kshadeslayeryofel: http://pastebin.com/42kbXhMn19:41
yofelsomeone should do new kpackagekit for 4.619:41
kshadeslayerso much pbuilder weirdness19:41
kshadeslayeryeah 19:41
stalcupyofel: good idear19:41
kshadeslayerAptitude couldn't satisfy the build dependencies 0.o19:42
stalcupsudo pbuilder update19:42
yofelweirdness? you don't have kdepim-runtime >= 4.5.8019:42
kshadeslayerwheee ... i made kwin crash19:43
kshadeslayerjust by alt+tabbing19:43
yofelouch ^^19:43
Daskreech~karma apachelogger19:43
kubotukarma for apachelogger: 1119:43
kshadeslayerour overlord19:44
nigelbthou shalt not worry about karma.19:44
Quintasan|DroidScottK: piiing19:45
kshadeslayernigelb: stop stealing my karma everywhere19:45
Daskreechthou shalt not buy Nestle products19:45
kshadeslayerfirst #h-i and now here :S19:45
nigelbkshadeslayer: I never stole karma19:45
Quintasan|Droidkshadeslayer: >implying you will ever reach cjwatsons karma19:45
nigelbfalse acusations19:45
kshadeslayerQuintasan|Droid: omg .... that guy is like ...19:45
kshadeslayernigelb: well ... stop negating my karma then!19:46
Quintasan|DroidOVER 900019:46
kshadeslayerQuintasan|Droid: err missed a few 0's19:46
yofelnote: if you need karma do kde packaging, you'll get rosetta karma without doing anything...19:46
kshadeslayeri have over 9000 karma19:46
kshadeslayeryofel: i know right :D19:46
nigelbkarma shadeslayer?19:46
nigelb~karma shadeslayer19:47
kubotukarma for shadeslayer: -119:47
Quintasan|DroidOver 9000 in internet slang means a whole lot more than you can imagine kshadeslayer19:47
kshadeslayer~karma nigelb19:47
kubotukarma for nigelb: -119:47
kshadeslayersame to you too :P19:47
yofellet the battle begin :P19:47
* kshadeslayer hugs yofel19:47
Quintasan|Droidkshadeslayer: never watched Dragon Ball?19:47
kshadeslayerQuintasan|Droid: ohhh .. DBZ ref19:48
yofel~karma bzr19:48
kubotubzr has neutral karma19:48
yofel~karma bazaar19:48
kubotubazaar has neutral karma19:48
yofel~karma bzr19:48
kubotukarma for bzr: -319:48
Quintasan|DroidLet the bzr hate begin19:48
kshadeslayermgraesslin: kwin is so sluggish i cant even alt+tab 19:49
Daskreech~karma Riddell19:49
kubotukarma for Riddell: 719:49
yofelI've bugged him enough..19:49
Daskreech~karma ubottu19:50
kubotuubottu has neutral karma19:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:50
kshadeslayerRiddell++ 19:50
Daskreech~karma kubotu19:50
kubotukubotu has neutral karma19:50
ulysses~karma ulysses 19:50
kubotuulysses has neutral karma19:50
kshadeslayerapparently my Dolphin + rekonq + qtcreator + konsole windows merged together 19:51
kshadeslayerthey look insanely kewl19:51
kshadeslayeryofel: ah and i thought we had kdepim-runtime in official natty archives :P19:52
yofelah, nope, experimental only19:53
Quintasanoh God19:55
* kshadeslayer starts debugging crash info first19:57
QuintasanScottK's assistance would be great now, I need some serious help with this sip madness19:57
Quintasanyofel: I don't know how it is possible, but python-sip puts two identical files in two packages :D19:57
kshadeslayerpyth0rn madness19:58
kshadeslayerno one can save you nao19:58
Quintasanwhere the hell is apachelogger?19:58
yofelI wonder if that's an improvement than putting same files for 2 different python versions into the same package..19:58
Quintasanyofel: it does that too19:58
Quintasan>Motorola XOOM20:13
Quintasan>implying I'm going to get a bootlocked tablet20:13
kshadeslayerQuintasan: HTC++20:20
kshadeslayerkgnomelogger: would be nice to have a room like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/sabrinaeras/2287966461/20:23
kshadeslayerkronos: back? :>20:40
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
kshadeslayeryofel: Quintasan fun : http://stuff.povaddict.com.ar/kdebindings-deps-colors.png20:51
yofelthat'll be fun..20:51
Quintasanu shitin me20:53
* Quintasan is making kshadeslayer responsible for this20:53
kshadeslayerthey moved stuff in svn20:53
kshadeslayerso quite possible its broken :P20:54
QuintasanI already lost the motivation to do sip20:54
Quintasanand I have 5 tests this week and I'll be studying like madman tomorrow20:54
Quintasanwell actually I was studying today too20:54
yofelI'll do bindings when they move to git, well, sometime in the future at least20:56
Quintasankshadeslayer: <trollface>20:56
kshadeslayerdamn you!!!! :O20:56
kshadeslayeryofel: you have no idea what Quintasan just did in #kde-devel20:57
kshadeslayerQuintasan: GRRRRRR20:57
QuintasanTroll much20:57
JontheEchidnaproblem, packager?20:59
kronoskshadeslayer: was having a losing streak .. :(21:02
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: http://tinyurl.com/2bu9g5e <- kshadeslayer right now21:02
kshadeslayerhehe :P21:02
kshadeslayerit'll be fun :P21:02
kshadeslayeras long as i dont have to do it during exams21:02
kshadeslayermgraesslin: http://paste.kde.org/2042/ <<21:14
kshadeslayerseems like its reported21:14
kshadeslayerill add the debug info21:14
mgraesslinmore important: what have you done to make it crash?21:14
kshadeslayerjust alt+tab21:14
kshadeslayerlike ... just alt+tab really fast ... it crashes randomnly21:15
mgraesslinwell my kwin does not crash if I just alt+tab really fast21:15
kshadeslayerdunno ... its a pretty randomn crash if you ask me21:15
mgraesslinyes that's the problem with the crash21:16
mgraesslinwe are missing a way to reproduce21:16
mgraesslinespecially crah in operator== of QRect sounds strange21:16
kshadeslayerwell i just added the backtrace to the original report21:17
kshadeslayerkde bug 25307921:17
ubottuKDE bug 253079 in compositing "[Boxswitch] Crash in KWin::EffectFrameImpl::setSelection" [Crash,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25307921:17
kshadeslayermgraesslin: whats the snapshot plugin for?21:18
mgraesslinit's a helper for ksnaphot to get better screenshots21:18
kshadeslayerah ok21:18
mgraesslinit includes the shadow21:18
yofelmgraesslin: about Blur, is Blur supposed to blur the background behind transparent window borders?21:19
kshadeslayerohk ....21:19
mgraesslinyofel: no21:19
yofelah ok, any intent on ever supporting that?21:19
yofelok, thanks21:19
yofelkwin is still great ;)21:20
mgraesslinbut if you use e.g. Oxygen translucency you get blur behind translucent windows21:20
mgraesslinbut I do not recommend to use it21:20
kshadeslayerlol : Application: Run Command Interface (krunner), signal: Segmentation fault21:22
kshadeslayerthats it21:22
kshadeslayerthe whole backtrace ^_^21:22
kshadeslayerheh ... looks like kdebindings failed :P21:23
kshadeslayerno ... it built!!! :O21:24
yofelyeah, but pretty contentless it seems..21:24
kshadeslayeraye ... just 2 so files21:26
yofeldo an svn up, the layout changed completely21:27
yofeland they probably won't update cmake for bindings before git move21:27
Daskreechkshadeslayer: I find that dropdown's crash KDE as well21:33
kshadeslayerDaskreech: dropdown's ?21:36
Daskreechyeah like umm typing in a dialog box and it does an autocomplete. Boooom21:36
kshadeslayerhavent seen that in any other app21:38
kshadeslayerRiddell: LP bug commenting via rekonq should be fixed with next KDE/kdewebkit release ... :)21:38
Daskreechkshadeslayer: Oh sorry missed it which app are we talking about? For me Rekonq causes a Full X crash most often21:45
kshadeslayerDaskreech: I was talking about krunner21:46
DaskreechOh no that just freezes up on me. I think it's a qdbus though21:47
kshadeslayerrekonq causing a full X crash? 0.o21:48
=== Daskreech is now known as Daskreetmch
=== Daskreetmch is now known as Daskreech
kshadeslayerwhat the flippin hell http://paste.ubuntu.com/55194822:23
kshadeslayeryofel: ^^22:24
yofeldpkg is obviously drunk on electrons22:25
kshadeslayeri knew it :P22:26
yofelwait, you didn't run cmake22:26
kshadeslayerstupid dpkg22:26
kshadeslayerwhy would i run cmake?22:26
kshadeslayerthat's dpkg-buildpackage's job22:26
yofelwell, I'm not sure what it's supposed to do, but it just skips the configuring and runs make in the binary build folder, where there is no Makefile yet22:27
kshadeslayerhmm ... looks like it22:28
kshadeslayerbug ...22:28
kshadeslayeryofel: im sleeping22:35
kshadeslayerits 4 AM22:35
yofelsure, good night22:45
kshadeslayerfyi : ktorrent and shutdown plugin dont work : /usr/bin/ktorrent: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/ktshutdownplugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5Solid7Control12PowerManager23supportedSuspendMethodsEv23:11
kshadeslayerclick on configure shutdown -> kaboom23:11
kshadeslayerif anyone can have a look ... else  ill take it up tomorrow23:11
RoeyHi.  Running KDE 4.6rc2 here.  Can anyone help me figure out why the configuration settings I've specified in my Keyboard Settings do not seem to get respected?  For example, I've turned Capslock into an additional control, but I don't see that behavior manifest after I click 'OK'...  btw, this problem has been in place for me since 4.6b1, and it is specific to this machine but affects all user accounts.23:34

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