
system_2011Anyone there?00:04
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poyntzis kubuntu mav heaps brighter than win 7 or is that just me?00:15
James147poyntz: i wouldent have said so....00:16
poyntzJames147: is there anyway to make the white in ff and chrome and oo word less bright?00:18
James147poyntz: on a laptop?00:18
poyntzJames147: yep00:19
James147poyntz: then turn down the back light (click on the battery widget)00:19
sithlord48is medibuntu up for natty?00:27
poyntztop stuff on linux-image-2.6.35-24 ! my distro now acts like its on 64-bit =D00:52
poyntzcan anyone help me get omaque working?00:54
poyntzpls explain this to me ~ http://pastebin.com/W4t2duc801:02
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Patriciamy ubuntu not be riding my stick alone, I need to manually mount01:30
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rtdoshelp! every once in awhile while i'm working in an application: firefox, kate, terminal, etc. KDE will what appears to re-initiate my login causing me to lose everything.  Is this a known issue?02:00
James147rtdos: not seen it do that before :s ... could you see if it happens with a new user?02:01
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rtdosi'll try a new account and keep you posted.02:23
elkngwhy dont they put "Midnight Commander" in "kubuntu live CD" ?02:29
rtdoshere is my xsession-errors log, james147:   http://pastebin.com/LQXxKqRQ02:30
rtdosjames, here is my log from /var/log/X.0.log  -   http://pastebin.com/GJuXS6ch02:33
James147elkng: my guess is space...02:34
James147and most people dont need it02:34
lazarus_kde is alot better than it used to be02:39
James147lazarus_: when was `use to be`? :)02:40
elkngJames147: for space issues they could remove... X or KDE but not mc02:44
James147elkng: ^^ then maby you want a different distrabution02:45
Sentynelelkng: did you typo "#slackware" as "#kubuntu"?02:45
Sentynelwe're the nice fluffy GUI lot02:45
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rtdoshere is the OLD log James147 - http://pastebin.com/LcrYN4yv02:53
* James147 isnt very good at finding stuff in the xorg longs :(02:54
James147logs ^^02:54
lazarus_they arnt too hard to understand02:54
James147lazarus_: just never been bothered to look at or understand them02:54
James147^^ or needed to02:55
lazarus_im still not used to kubuntu02:55
elkngthere is an nc.obenbsd, why not original netcat?02:59
Sentynelelkng: because the openbsd netcat has more features including ipv6 support, I should think03:00
rtdosare there addtional plugins available for krunner than what is provided?03:07
James147rtdos: yes try looking at http://kde-look.org/03:08
Sentynelrtdos: http://kde-apps.org/content/search.php search for "krunner" here03:08
James147Sentynel: :D03:08
Sentynelhaha, nice03:08
rtdosis there a way to do a grep search through the command line?03:10
rtdos....to look for krunner plugins?03:10
James147rtdos: what are you trying to achieve?03:11
Sentynelrtdos: um, well, you could probably scrape the output from the search for plugin information and pipe that through grep, but, er, it's a bit impractical03:11
rtdosi was wondering if i needed a plug into search my local directory for scripts (and execute them)03:12
Sentyneleasiest way of doing that would just be to add your local directory to the path03:12
rtdosi can get my scripts to work through the command line but not through krunner.03:13
rtdosin .bashrc, correct sentynel?03:13
Sentynelrtdos: yeah, something like this03:13
James147rtdos: ^^ thatss a bad idea03:13
Sentynelexport PATH=/some/directory:$PATH03:13
Sentynelas James147 says, though, just adding your home directory isn't very sensible03:14
rtdoshow come?03:14
Sentynelit'd be better to have a separate folder containing or symlinking to things you want in the path03:14
rtdoslike a folder that contains my scripts?03:14
James147rtdos: first: the krunner working directory wont change... so you wont really acomplish much... and it opens allot of potential bad things from happening... mostly you begin to forget what is being run..03:14
Sentynelwell, the working directory may not be a problem depending on what the scripts do03:15
James147rtdos: what you should do is create a folder (ie ~/bin) place your scripts in there (or just a symlink to the scripts in there) then add that absalute path to ~/.bashrc03:15
SentynelI wouldn't have thought you'd want to run working directory specific stuff in krunner03:15
James147relitive paths in your PATH varible are a VERY BAD idea ^^03:15
rtdosso how this is what it would like like in my .bashrc file "export PATH=/bin/scripts:$PATH" ?03:17
James147^^ (add the absalute path to ~/bin to bashrc that is.. ie the line "PATH=~/bin/:$PATH"03:17
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James147rtdos: ^^ come to think of it... i think ~/bin might already be in teh standard bashrc03:18
rtdosyou mean "PATH=~/bin/scripts:$PATH" ?03:18
SentynelJames147: it's not in mine, but this install dates back from 8.10 or so so it might have been added03:18
James147... if it isent then its also best to check to see if the dirstory exists as well03:18
Sentynelmy own $PATH includes something like /home/sam/python/bin03:19
rtdosi just created the directory scripts under ~/bin03:19
James147rtdos: yes, if thats where your scripts are (although, generally people put the scripts directly in the bin folder... or symlinks there from a script folder)03:19
rtdos(that way I can back up my scripts by just copying the folder)03:20
James147rtdos: something like this is a good idea: http://pastebin.com/PV84bF9i (added to your ~/.bashrc that is)03:21
rtdosok, thanks. i'll try that.03:22
* James147 's .bashrc has gotten really long :S03:22
SentynelJames147: how long is long?03:22
James1472 lines short of 2--03:23
Sentynelhm, that's pretty long03:23
Sentynelmine's 128 at the moment03:23
James147:D but has lots of cool stuff in it03:23
rtdosbetter than CMD.EXE   :D03:23
Sentynelrtdos: don't even joke about that, man03:24
James147^^ though to be fair, mine is synced over about 5 computers and 3 different distros :) so has a bit of redundency in it03:25
Sentynelheh, I'm nowhere near that organised03:25
SentynelI keep trying to use aliases I haven't got on my laptop and stuff03:25
James147Sentynel:  :) yeah, i use to do that... and thats why i now sync it over dropbox ... its nice having one change echo through my computers03:26
James147http://pastebin.com/gFVJBqmj ^^ thats what mine looks like atm03:27
James147^^ still need to find a better way to see if a program is installed :S03:27
Sentynelchecking for output from which is what I'd do03:29
James147Sentynel: atm I just throw the output away and see if it return successfully... but along the same lines :)03:30
James147just feels a bit hackish :)03:30
SentynelI can't think of anything neater that can reliably be assumed to be present on $DISTRO03:30
elkngwhere can I type in address of my dns server? there is no /etc/resolv.conf03:31
James147elkng: then create one ^^ note that dhclient will overwrite that file though if you use it (at least I think it dose)03:32
elkngJames147: thanks03:32
rtdosfunny thing is, i understand .bashrc better than autorun.bat/config.sys :)03:33
rtdosthanks james03:33
rtdosthanks sentynel03:33
James147rtdos: thats because bashrc is written in bash... and bash isent designed to be stupidly hard to understand... most of the time ;)03:34
rtdoshehe, 'most' of the time. :)03:34
James147rtdos:  :) yeah lines like: PS1="${EMK}${UC}\u${EMK}@${UC}\h ${EMB}\${NEW_PWD}${EMK}${UC}\\$ ${NONE}"   take a while to understand :)03:35
SentynelJames147: I'd have expected there to be a way to make, say, if [ -f aptitude ] $PATH aware, but there doesn't appear to be, which leaves which03:39
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rtdoshow do i remove activities from the activities panel?05:45
James147rtdos: click teh stop button (a square) then click the x05:46
rtdosdone. i had over a dozen. i wonder if that was what was causing my xserver to crash earlier?05:50
ecinxhey James14706:07
James147hey ecinx06:07
ecinxi've been all over the place with this stuff06:07
ecinxmy kile isn't working properly, the code complete part of it06:09
ecinxi've tried a lot of programs and they all have their pros, but I can't find a unified solution of the features06:09
ecinxI like the snippet thing in gedit06:10
ecinxsome stuff from texclipse, and kile. I think if i knew how to edit the plugin in texclipse i would be golden06:10
ecinxJames147: how do I install kile 2.1b5? from synaptic i only get b406:11
* James147 shrugs... he dosent use kile anymore... but thinks that you may need to compile it from source if it isent in the repos06:13
James147^^ you could see if its in the beta or backports repo... but if it isent then you might need to build it from source06:13
* James147 has found kubuntu (and well any release based os) to be lacking if you want to balance on the bleeding edge for most of the software you use... finds the rolling release model better for that...06:14
ecinxJames147: how do i check that?06:23
James147ecinx: do you have either the backports or beta repo enabled>06:23
ecinxi don't know what that is ill check06:24
James147ecinx: which verion of kde are you on?06:24
ecinx4.6 rc 106:24
valorieyou'll have beta06:25
valorieand you'll get rc2 if you update/upgrade06:25
valorieit's out06:25
James147yup :)06:25
* valorie is on rc2 now06:25
James147ecinx: ^^ which means that if kile isent b5 after you upgrade then its unlily to be in the beta repo and you might have to compile from source if you want it :)06:26
ecinxhow do i upgrade?06:26
ecinxthis is the kde version that came when i installed k desktop two days ago06:27
James147ecinx: then you must of had the beta repo enabled from before you have kde06:27
James147ecinx: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"  or run kpackagekit06:28
James147valorie: ^^ any problems with the upgrade as of yet?06:28
ecinxkpackagekit doesnt work in rc106:28
valorieoh well, kpackagekit is crashy06:29
valoriebut I haven't tried again06:29
ecinxonly reason i even considered upgrading but i forgot about it06:29
valorielet's see06:29
ecinxvalorie: if you got to systems setting sand go to programs you can access it06:29
ecinxbut you can't install anythign since it doesn't ask for a password06:29
valorieI took the opportunity to install muon06:29
valorieI've got apt06:29
valoriethat's fine06:30
James147ecinx: then run: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"  :)06:30
valorieI mostly used kpk for search06:30
ecinxin the terminal or alt f2?06:30
James147valorie: yeah, i find it much quicker to use apt-get or aptitude :006:30
James147valorie: , hell... i oly really use kpackagekit to remove repos if i nede to :)06:31
James147ecinx: any terminal should do06:31
valorieI've found it useful in all kinds of ways, but muon will do06:31
valorieas a backup06:31
valorieuntil it stops crashing, which it still is06:31
ecinxsince you don't use kile what do you use?06:32
James147ecinx: mostly vim :)06:32
James147(+makefiles :D )06:32
ecinxDo i need to restart?06:34
James147ecinx: did you get a new kernel?06:34
James147ecinx: then no :)06:34
James147ecinx: i would restart kdm though (logout, it should be on of the options on the login screen)06:35
ecinxso how do i see if my KDE updated?06:35
ecinxokays brb06:35
James147ecinx: then logback in and in any kde program > help > about kde06:35
ecinxsame ol rc106:41
valorieI wouldn't be sure about that06:42
valoriecheck the Help > About KDE in any KDE app06:43
ecinxthat's what i did06:43
valoriePlatform Version 4.5.95 (4.6 RC2) from Konversation06:43
James147ecinx: try running the command again (just to make sure) "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"06:43
ecinxthis only works for kubuntu?06:44
James147ecinx: what are you in atm?06:44
valoriewell, do you have KDE installed?06:44
valorieyou are upgrading KDE06:44
ecinxvalorie:  yes06:44
valorieso it will only affect KDE apps06:44
James147ecinx: kubuntu and ubuntu share the same repos, so the command should upgrade both (given they ahve the beta repos and kde installed)06:44
valoriequassel being one of those06:45
ecinxi got kde from kubuntudesktop06:45
James147ecinx: then you have kubuntu (effectivly)06:46
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ecinxnice :)06:46
ecinxinitially i tried to install it straight up, kubuntu that is , but I forgot what the problem was but it didn't work right06:47
James147ecinx: i suggest trying the command again (if it dosne t upgrade anything then you can try chaning your mirror... or waiting ffor your mirror to sync)06:47
HamaHi, i would like tu ask you, if you have some experience witch installing Kubuntu Mobile ARM to HTC Dream?06:47
ecinxthe star in synaptic means there's an upgrade for it?06:48
* James147 dosnt use synaptic so wouldnt know06:48
ecinxI think so because they are the only ones that give me an optoin to upgrade when i right click them06:49
James147ecinx: possibally ^^ the command i gave you above, however, will upgrade all youur packages to their latest version06:50
ecinxlets try again06:50
ecinxi probalby broke something06:51
ecinxit didn't upgrade anyting06:51
James147ecinx: it could be that your mirror is not synced yet06:52
James147ecinx: if in doupt, you could reboot to make sure you on the lastest verion (although I dont think it will do much)... or change your mirror and try again or wait a day or so and try again06:53
ecinxbig download06:57
James147yup, you will be needing to down loads the entire kde06:57
ecinx153 files06:57
ecinxit says 2 min remaining so it's not too bad06:58
ecinxJames147: I'm going to try vim07:00
ecinxwhen this thing finishes07:01
ecinxkde desktop kde netbook,, where's kde tablet?07:01
James147ecinx: :D i suggest you start with vimtutor (and install the "vim" package, if you havent already)07:01
ecinxi was reading the emacs tutor07:02
ecinxput me to sleep07:02
James147ecinx: that would be the netbook one :)07:02
ecinxbut my netbook has an intel i7 vpro07:02
ecinxit's heavy though07:03
ecinxlike 4 pounds07:03
ecinxor 507:03
ecinxI have a toshiba 13" that's under 4 lbs07:04
James147^^ dosent sound like a netbook, more like a fullon laptop07:04
ecinxlol, i kknow is a laptop07:05
ecinxjust that KDE says netbook07:05
ecinxno cddrive though07:05
James147bah, you dont need a cddrive... havnt used one of them in years07:05
ecinxI know07:05
ecinxi dont know why people tell me to get a usb cd07:06
ecinxoptical is dead07:06
ecinxmy blurays look cute in their little blue cases07:06
ecinxbut they are relics07:06
ecinxnetflix :) brb it says i have rc1 still07:08
ecinxthere we go07:09
ecinxhow do i screen shot the whole screen?07:10
James147ecinx: "print screen" button... or launch ksnapshot manually07:10
ecinxchucks no send to pastebin option07:11
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James147the panel?07:16
James147umm.. try clocing and reopening plasma-desktop "kquitapp plasma-desktop && sleep 2 && plasma-desktop07:16
James147if that dosent fix it you can try a new user or reset plasma to its default settings (by renaming/moving/deleting ~/.kde/share/config/plasma*)07:17
ecinxi had similar problems b407:18
ecinxbut not to this extent07:18
ecinxand it got fixed with a hover befor07:18
ecinxlooks nice now07:19
ecinxthank you07:19
James147ecinx: ^^ which suggestion worked?07:19
ecinxvalid. This  cache is likely corrupt.07:19
ecinxplasma-desktop(21236)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Trying to remove an entry which is already invalid. This  cache is likely corrupt.07:19
ecinxplasma-desktop(21236)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Trying to remove an entry which is already invalid. This  cache is likely corrupt.07:19
ecinxis that bad?07:19
ecinxthe command you gave me kquite07:19
James147ecinx: dosent sound good... thats for sure07:20
ecinxIt's not done yet thoug07:20
James147you can try removing the caches in07:20
ecinxthe terminal that is07:20
James147or clearing out /tmp07:20
ecinxi have to wait till this is done07:22
ecinxlet me see if this new kde fixed kile07:22
James147ecinx: plasma-desktop wont return till its closed... ctrl+c to kill it07:22
ecinxit is up htough07:22
James147(best to run plasma-desktop from krunner if you dont care about its output)07:22
ecinxjust the terminal window isn't done07:22
James147ecinx: plasma-desktop dosent background its self, the terminal will return to a prompt once plasma-desktop has ended07:23
ecinxit keeps doing stuff07:24
ecinxafter i ctrl -c07:25
James147ecinx: press enter a few times07:25
James147^^ or you can just open another terminal :)07:25
ecinxok, it shut up now07:25
ecinxI don't see vim qt :(07:27
James147ecinx: there isent one07:30
ecinxthat sucks07:30
ecinxso which do i get? vim or vim gtk07:31
James147ecinx: i tend to install the vim-gtk package (although i wish it dident come with the gtk part :( ) to get access to the vim compiled with system clipboard and client server support :)07:31
James147ecinx: (vim-gtk will install both gvim and vim... but the vim in vim-gtk has more compiled in optioned then the one in vim... well... not that many more, but the xterm-clipboard is a very importnat one to me :D )07:32
James147other then that you can install either, it shouldnt make much difference, espically if your just starting07:33
ecinxi don't care about  all that going up donw left right stuff07:33
ecinxi know it has it's uses for some people07:34
ecinxbut at least for now, i don't really need it that's why the emacs tutorial put me to sleep07:34
James147ecinx: you can skim over the easer parts if you want07:35
James147but vim does take a while to learn... and a little dedications :) but pays off in the end07:36
ecinxwhat's cream?07:36
ecinxcream for vim07:36
James147no clue07:36
valoriejust use kate07:37
ecinxI'm on07:37
valoriemuch simpler07:37
James147valorie: but vim is sooo much more powerful :D07:38
ecinxfor TeXing07:38
valoriepays off in the end if you want to be known as a GEEK07:38
James147valorie: whats wrong with that :D07:38
valorienothing, I wear the geek shirts07:38
ecinxi want to be known as he's wearing armani07:38
valoriebut am a bit too dim to use vim, OR emacs07:39
James147valorie: bah, its not that hard once you get use to it :)07:39
ecinxyou code in kate valorie?07:39
valorieummm..... html?07:39
valorieyes, that's code07:40
ecinxthat's close07:40
valorieI'm not a coder, for sure07:40
ecinxteX is markup too07:40
valorieI don't know that stuff07:40
ecinxokay here's what i want07:40
ecinxi type brace and {}07:40
valoriebut I'm about to learn docbook, I guess07:40
ecinxmagically appear07:40
valorie{} is pretty easy to type07:41
valorie2 chars instead of 5?07:41
ecinxIf you are good in TeX im pretty sure you can do HTML in it07:41
ecinx5 is faster than 2 for me07:41
ecinxa better example is07:42
valoriethe only time I type fast is in IRC07:42
valorieor my blog, or something07:42
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ecinxand \frac{}{} comes out07:42
valorieyou know how to use that07:42
valorieI don'07:42
James147ecinx: to do that in vim type in normal mode      :imap brace {}      then hit enter :)07:42
James147then when you type brace, it will be replaced with {}07:43
ecinxor integrali -- > \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{placecursor here}dt07:44
ecinxvalorie:  you seeit's value?07:45
ecinxit took me forever to type that07:45
valoriewell, it makes me glad not to be a coder07:45
valorieit's like learning magic07:45
ecinxit's not coding07:45
valoriea lot of energy goes into it07:45
ecinxTeX  is a replacement for MS word07:46
valorieI know what TeX is but didn't know it looked like THAT07:46
valorieI'm not learning that07:46
ecinxthat's just math stuff07:46
valoriewordstar was bad enough07:46
ecinxw/o the mathstuff it's pretty nice07:46
valorieand I had a lot more brainpower back then07:47
ecinxthe way it sets everything up for you07:47
ecinxyou don't worry about margins and all that crap07:47
valorieI can see the value07:47
valorieI just don't wanna do it07:47
ecinxit's especially good for books07:47
ecinx\chapter{The Sea}07:48
valorieI would pay someone to do the markup07:48
ecinxblah blah ..07:48
ecinx\chapter{The Sky}07:48
valoriebut I'm afraid docbook is much the same, and I'm bound to learn that, so.....07:48
ecinxwhen you compile it will be in bold Chapter 1, and under it The Sea07:48
ecinxI need tex shortcuts to type math faster07:49
James147ecinx: btw... in vim you can do the "integrali" thing   by  tpying in normal mode   :imap integrali \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{}dt<esc>2hi          then it will do what you want :)07:49
ecinxto the point that i don't need to write down anything in class and can just type the math07:49
ecinxhow do you go to normal mode?07:50
James147ecinx: <esc>  (escape)  will put you in normal mode07:51
James147(note the : at the start is important)07:51
ecinxah i see07:52
ecinxwhat do o do to be inside a brace?07:53
James147ecinx: imap lets you create maps for insert mode ^^ in this case the key sequence "integrali" will be maped to the other part ^^ the <esc>2hi  at the end moves the courser back to between the bracers and enters insert mode again07:53
ecinxi like how easy i caon do the imaps07:53
James147ecinx: ^^ that above command will do that07:53
ecinxI don't need the dt part07:55
ecinxi can just type that07:55
James147ecinx: :) then remove the dt and probally the 2h as well07:55
ecinx:imap integrali \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{}<esc>i07:56
ecinxlike that?07:56
James147ecinx: yeah07:56
ecinxthat feels so weird07:57
ecinxit doesn't type the word out07:57
James147ecinx: no.. thats the one problem... it will however place the word in if you cont complete it07:58
James147ecinx: a better way would be to prefix it with a \ or ,07:58
ecinxcomma owns07:58
ecinxi've never seen ,a word start like this07:58
James147ecinx: yeah, thats why its good for imaps07:58
James147ecinx: you might want to join #vim as well :) might be a better place for vim support then here :)07:59
James147ecinx: but you can see why its worth learning?07:59
valorieI'm not even throwing peanuts from the sidelines!08:00
ecinxyou should see texclipse08:00
ecinxit's pretty nice08:00
ecinxi just don't know how to edit their plugin, otherwise i would make it bettery suited for math08:00
ecinxlyx is kind of like the math standard, probably that's why all other tex editors are general latex not math08:01
* James147 notes that if you add those commands to ~/.vimrc (without the : at the start) then they are setup when you launch vim08:02
ecinxhow do you open it?08:04
James147ecinx: ~/.vimrc? with a text editor (like vim :D ) (ie vim ~/.vimrc)08:04
James147(create it if there isent one)08:05
ecinx:syn on08:07
ecinxlike that?08:07
James147ecinx: http://pastebin.com/3nFCtWVG << my vimrc, you might find it useful08:09
ecinxyou use latexsuite?08:10
ecinxi heard that was bad08:10
James147ecinx: not anymore... but the stuff listed for it in there is still useful08:11
James147(or dosent hurt)08:12
James147really you only need filetype plugin and indend from that block though08:12
ecinxhow do i open this file in vim08:12
ecinxi opened it in term08:12
James147:e FILENAME    or :tabnew FILENAME     or to start a vim session just vim FILENAME08:13
ecinxbrb im going ot print out the shortcut cheet sheat08:13
valorieubottu didn't know anything about it, and reprimanded me for laughing at it08:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:32
valoriesilly bot08:32
ecinxtrix r 4 kidz08:33
ecinxvalorie: Since you said you are not a coder08:33
ecinxI heard python is really good and easy08:33
ecinxI don't know python, but ill learn it when i find the time08:34
valoriethe world has enough bad coders08:37
valorieand can always use more good writers08:37
valorieI don't need to be cool08:38
ecinxI'm not a coder08:39
ecinxI'm a student08:39
ecinxcomputer engineering08:39
ecinxso my coding is going to be limited08:39
ecinxand im probably going to learn low level coding08:39
valorieok, I'm not a developer either08:40
ecinxi'm even further than that08:41
ecinxwe into circuitry and stuff08:41
valorievery cool08:55
valorieI think everyone should head in the direction(s) that interests them08:55
valorieI have, and it's changed over the years, which is fine08:56
Peace-Hi world09:06
valoriethe world needs more peace09:08
valoriefor sure09:08
Peace-valorie: lol09:10
* ecinx goes to sleep09:14
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nikolaihi can someone help me with following problem? i just tried to configure a second monitor (hp 72) with kubuntu 10.10. The problem is the screen stays blank and the monitor turns to standby. I can't configure this screen because kubunut only shows me the defaul screen (my laptops screen). what can i do?12:16
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1212:33
nikolaithank you12:33
nikolaii have an nvidia 9600m GT graphics card12:36
nikolaiisn't it possible to configure screens the old way? i mean with the tool in prefernces?12:37
BajKis it possible that by default kubuntu's root thingie has english locale only? I have a password with an "ü" in it and some dialogs accept and the console as well but kdesudo does not12:41
yofelnikolai: for nvidia cards nvidia-settings should work if you have the nvidia driver installed12:46
nikolaiyofel: thank you very much i kind of forgot about that tool12:57
BajKany ideas to speed up kubuntu a bit :D13:27
sverihi there, i am looking for an app starter in kde, maybe something to integrate into a panel, just like gnome has?13:27
BajKIntel Celeron M 1,46 GHz - Mobile Intel 940 GML Express - 40 GB HDD - 512 MB Ram13:27
BajKsveri: app starter? a menu or just icons in your panel?13:28
sveriBajK: icons in my panel would be enough13:28
BajKmake sure your widgets are unlocked, and then simply drag an icon off your kickoffmenu to your panel13:28
BajKit will become an icon13:28
sveriuhm, ok, i think i was a bit unclear, what i want is to create an app starter for apps that dont have an "icon"13:29
BajKah okay, mom13:29
sverijust like sype dragging /home/user/skype/skype to a panel, and then click on it, to start skype13:29
BajKI think this works in 4.6 but dunno. You can add a Quick launch widget (which comes with preset icons for dolphin, kmail and browser) and there you can freely add appliation13:30
BajKyou may also place files there13:30
BajK(nice, didnt know that)13:30
BajKto choose an icon then right click on the symbol and choose Edit launcher and there you can edit properties such as icon etc13:31
sveriBajK: ah, cool, thats exactly what i was looking for, just didnt know the name, thank you very much13:31
BajKno problem, you're welcome ;)13:31
sverigod, how i love linux13:33
BajK:P just got a notebook from a friend of mine. windows xp pre-installed and stuff. he told me "well you can erase anything". he didnt say he wants windows back (since I dont own it anymore^^)13:33
BajKnow it runs kubuntu13:33
sverihehe, nice13:34
BajKeven my grandma uses it and the last thing that she was typing on was like pre-WW2 typing machine13:34
BajKand she's 86^^13:34
svericool, i too converted my whole family to use linux, my mother always says how great it is to have a computer which doesnt crash13:35
BajKmy mum loves that application managment. she needed a money managing system. I told her "just go to systemsettings, software and stype "Kmymoney"", she was amazed how quickly it went. and then she could just launch it13:35
sveriyea, its indeed great13:36
BajKbut well I need several hours to set up kubuntu once. I need to add a whole bunch of keyboard shorcuts, change the overall design (i hate oxygen) and set up like wine and stuff, so I wouldn't let anybody freshly install kubuntu but letting them work is great13:37
BajKand my mom is just doing some money stuff, browsing, chatting. I see no reason to stand the fuzz with virus scanners, updates and sort of things13:37
sveriyea, indeed, the same goes for my mom and sister13:37
BajKI just upgraded my sister's notebook. also acer. and acer seems to be pre-destinated for overloaded stupid default installations.13:38
BajKso it depends on who gets the kubuntu. on my machine I have the panel at the top and the title bar buttons (close, maximize, ...) on the left. if I install it for a "normal" user, I leave the taskbar at the bottom and choose "plastique" design since it sort of mimics windows xp13:39
BajKsveri: we might consider continuing our discussion in #kubuntu-offtopic before one of the moderators gets annoyed :P13:40
sveriwell, ok13:40
=== niels__ is now known as nielsbusch
test1_hello all13:45
test1_i am misunderstood with kmix, unfortunately13:45
test1_can anyone explain me the meaning of its tab's contents ?13:46
=== Oblivion is now known as Guest23274
BluesKajHi folks14:19
test1_hello all14:30
test1_i am misunderstood with kmix, unfortunately14:30
test1_can anyone explain me the meaning of its tab's contents ?14:30
rorktest1_: which kubuntu version are you using and which tabs exactly?14:32
ricky_1966hi, there is a software under kubuntu 10.10 for printing labels like glabels ? I've installed glabels but it make an errore under GTK14:34
test1_rork, kubuntu 10.10 amd64 and the tabs: "Playback Devices" and "Capture devices"14:35
rorktest1_: Under playback devices you'll find controls for sound output (e.g. Amarok, games, cd's) Under Capture devices you'll find controls for sound input, e.g. a microphone or midi device. If you have questions about a certain control can you give it's name, or if you want info about all controls it might be useful to post a screenshot. (see !screenshot)14:41
test1_In the "Play back devices" tab i have only 1 control, is this correct ?14:43
rorktest1_: give me a minute, I'll reboot into 10.10 and check how it looks on my system14:44
rorktest1_: I only have one channel in "Capture Devices" too14:47
test1_rork, in the kde 3.5.xx there was many control in each tab, but in the kde 4.x.x its kmix only has 1 control on my computer. why? !!!14:49
test1_my main problem on the new kubuntu 10.10 is :14:50
test1_when i play TV with xawtv its audio is not heared, but on the same computer and same configuration, with only difference in OS i have no problem14:51
e01i was installed kde4.6rc2 just now from the ppa, and the FPS is stacked to 58, in kde4.5 i get 10014:52
e01in forums i read that kwin in 4.6 is better than in 4.5 but seems that this isn`t true, or is just in my case?14:53
e01nvidia 8600gt14:53
e01any idea?14:53
test1_i were using the Kubuntu 7.1 amd64 on the same computer and no an things was changed excey that i installed the kubuntu 10.10 (amd64) on another partition of its hard-drive and14:53
test1_when i play a film or a sound file its sound is heared but when i play the TV the same way as in kubuntu 7.10 its sound is not heared :-(14:54
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rorktest1_: does xawtv have it's own volume control or could it be a problem with the backend used?14:58
test1_rork, no xawtv has no volume control, its sound's way is simple: a wire is connected from my Tv card's output to the "Line" input of motherboard and all this were working.15:03
test1_rork, but with the only new change is the change of Kubuntu 7.10 with Kubuntu 10.1015:03
test1_rork, i even tested my TV-card's audio output wire when working wirh Kubuntu 10.10 and it has sound, but15:04
test1_when i connect its output in the "Line" input of motherboard ( its correct place) no sound is heared :-(15:05
rorktest1_: you can try to add more channels in Settings > Configure Channels, but on my computer this was empty (which was quite a surprise to me). You can also try the commandline utility `alsamixer` to control sound.15:09
=== yurug_ is now known as yurug
globaldirecthej hej15:45
globaldirecthaben wir jemand  aus Polen?15:46
globaldirectHow is from Polen?15:46
globaldirectKdo je s Polsky?15:47
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone . is kde 4.6 rc2 stable and is it safe to upgrade ?15:47
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, it's a release candidate (rc) and beta , hence it's still in development and unstable15:49
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: no , what i want to know is did it broke anyone's kde?15:50
BluesKajI'm running it on natty and some apps crash like dragonplayer15:51
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: kpackagekit fixed?15:51
BluesKajdunno phoenix_firebrd , sorry ..I never use kpackagekit ...I prefer muon , but mostly i just them to see what's available and use the cli to install15:52
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: good, i will give it a try15:53
=== vic is now known as Guest25687
=== willy is now known as Guest78737
IdleOneHey folks I was looking around in ~/.config and noticed a file named Trolltech.conf, what is it?16:28
IdleOnementions Qt and kde4 a lot16:28
IdleOneI am running gnome btw16:28
BluesKajIdleOne, kde is built on Qt4 , I beleive16:36
mr-richIdleOne: Those are for KDE ... if you run any KDE apps16:38
IdleOnethe file name is a little umm, stupid but thanks for answering :)16:39
mr-richIdleOne: if you're running Gnome, you should be in #ubuntu ... this channel is for kubuntu - Ubuntu running KDE, not Gnome ... :)16:40
* BluesKaj wonders how to get google apps to intergrate properly with kde , chromium and GE certainly don't link to application settings in system settings , like fonts and colours etc16:43
BluesKajerr integrate16:43
BluesKajdone lots of searching , but none of the suggestions thst supposedly work for others seem to work here16:44
BluesKajdon't seem to work here , rather16:44
IdleOnemr-rich: are you telling me to leave ? :P16:45
IdleOnemr-rich: I asked here because I saw all the qt and kde mentions in the file but the name of the file is what worried me16:46
BluesKajmr-rich, this is a kde chat btw , it's kubuntu , not #ubuntu16:46
mr-richNo ... Of course not ... I was just letting you know in case you ended up in the worng place by accedent ...16:46
Peace-BluesKaj: mmm systemsettings gtk stuff?16:47
BluesKajerr IdleOne  , same goes16:47
IdleOnemr-rich: no worries.16:47
BluesKajPeace-, nope, that works for FF , not google stuff16:47
Peace-BluesKaj:but on chrome stuff ? have you set default style or gtk styke?16:48
BluesKajgoogle seems rather arrogant , their stuff is untouchable in linux , barely configurable at all, the bin install seems like an after thought to me16:49
Peace-BluesKaj: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopcn157016:49
* Peace- uses ppa for chromium16:49
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BluesKajPeace-, I don't mean the actaual webpage fonts etc , I mean the toolbar etc fonts ...unreadable on a large monitor16:52
Peace-BluesKaj: you mean settings ?? http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopqf157016:53
BluesKajPeace-, no , those don't work on the toolbar and bookmark fonts16:56
BluesKajPeace-, you need a large monitor like my 42" TV to see what I' mean16:58
Peace-42 '' wth16:58
BluesKajthat's what I'm using16:58
BluesKajI sit in m y easy chair with a wireless KB and mouse abou 2.5M away from the tv..it's actually our media server pc , so i like to surf and chat on it a lot , due to my lazy nature :)17:00
Peace-BluesKaj: xD lazy17:03
=== dinesh_ is now known as saidinesh5
muraliHow to install google chrome in kubuntu. Please help17:08
Anf3t4m1nmy sound card doesn't work... plz help me! the driver are installed, but the s/pdif exit desn't work :(17:11
Peace-Anf3t4m1n: well17:12
Peace-Anf3t4m1n: version of kubuntu ?17:12
rorkmurali: you can download a .deb here: http://www.google.com/chrome/index.html and install it with `sudo dpkg -i name.deb` or install the open source version from the repositories: `sudo apt-get install chromium-browser`17:12
Anf3t4m1npeace 10.1017:12
Peace-Anf3t4m1n: do you need of pulse?17:12
Peace-Anf3t4m1n: on 10.04 was working fine  your card?17:13
Anf3t4m1ni am new in linux17:13
Anf3t4m1ni have installed yesterday my 1st version of kubuntu17:14
Peace-oh wow17:14
Peace-Anf3t4m1n: type ALT F217:14
Peace-Anf3t4m1n: on the top of your screen type konsole17:14
Peace-run it17:14
Peace-run this on konsole17:14
Peace-alsamixer -V all17:14
Anf3t4m1ni am in17:15
Peace-set every volume controller to max17:15
BluesKajAnf3t4m1n, open alsamixer in the terminal, unmute with the M key,  any relavent controls need to be turned up with arrowkeys which are also used to navigate17:16
Anf3t4m1nthe s/pdif doesn'have a volume controller :|17:16
edgyHi, how can I stop ssh from autostarting everytime from upstart? I tried update-rc.d -f ssh remove but nothing changed17:16
Anf3t4m1ni have just tryed this17:16
BluesKajPeace-, not the inputs ...they may overload the soundcard17:16
BluesKajAnf3t4m1n, no the pcm is controlled by the master17:17
Peace-BluesKaj: guess it's better remove pulse tome...17:17
BluesKajedgy, why not autostart?17:17
Anf3t4m1nall active, but doesn't work17:18
Peace-Anf3t4m1n: ok press quit or esc17:18
Peace-Anf3t4m1n: and type this17:18
Peace-Anf3t4m1n: speaker-test -c2 -D hw:0,0 -t wav -l117:18
Anf3t4m1nalsamixer haven't the volume control for s/pdif exit :-\17:18
Peace-on the konsole17:18
BluesKajoops sorry Anf3t4m1n I meant spdif is controlled by the master pcm has it's own control17:19
Peace-Anf3t4m1n:or this one              speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -twav -l117:19
|__CLAUDIO__|Hi everybody. I was wondering if someone could help me in setting up Filezilla  so that I can transfer files and folders to my var/www directory.17:20
Anf3t4m1nnone :(17:20
BluesKajAnf3t4m1n, spdif /pcm are supposed to be linked if you're using the spdif output to a dac17:20
Peace-Anf3t4m1n: if BluesKaj can't help you i guess you should just read this  http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/09/18/audio-problem-with-kubuntu-10-10/17:20
Anf3t4m1nyes but pcm volume is 100%17:21
Anf3t4m1noky, thank you very much17:21
BluesKajAnf3t4m1n, m ake sure the spdif has '00' in the box17:21
Anf3t4m1ngreen 0017:21
Peace-Anf3t4m1n: and this http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/11/07/kubuntu-audio-card-that-doesnt-work/17:21
BluesKajhow many spdifs ?17:21
Peace-that is what i know about aduio card17:22
Anf3t4m1nin alsamixer are 8 spdif :|17:22
Anf3t4m1nbut i have just 2 exit17:23
Anf3t4m1ndigital-optical, and digital17:23
edgyBluesKaj:  because I don't want people to bruteforce attack me17:25
chiiiiizKpackagekit always freezes when I try to use it.17:25
chiiiiizI purged it, and reinstalled, but no change...17:26
BluesKajedgy, areyou behind a router?17:26
chiiiiizIt says: Exécutable : kpackagekit PID : 2512 Signal : Segmentation fault (11)17:26
edgyBluesKaj: no17:26
chiiiiizany idea?17:26
BluesKajchiiiiiz, sudo dpkg --configure -a17:28
BluesKajchiiiiiz, kpackagekit is abit clunky , try muon instead17:28
chiiiiizdpkg --configure did not give anything17:29
BluesKajchiiiiiz, it won't if it works17:29
chiiiiizthanks, I did not know about muon...17:29
BluesKajchiiiiiz, you can use the package manager to find the apps , but whynot just sudo apt-get install nameofapplication in the terminal..it's clean and effective17:31
chiiiiizI mainly used the package manager to update with the graphical end...17:32
BluesKajwell , if you insist , but the cli updates guis as well :)17:33
chiiiiizBluesKaj: where shall I tell the machine to use muon instead of Kapckagekit as package manager17:33
BluesKajchiiiiiz, just put he muon app in your panel and use that17:35
BluesKajchiiiiiz, kmenu/applications/settings , right click on muon , add to panel17:36
BluesKajchiiiiiz, correction : kmenu/applications/system , right click on muon , add to panel17:37
edgyBluesKaj: any help?17:41
BluesKajedgy, checkout guardog or iptables17:48
BluesKajwireshark is bit overkill , but it might help17:48
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StetsyukIAДоброго времени17:56
IcarianHeightsru | StetsyukIA17:57
IcarianHeights!ru | StetsyukIA17:58
ubottuStetsyukIA: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:58
=== sidolin is now known as sidolinx
BluesKajedgy, maybe this is better : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SSH#Managing_SSHD_Daemon18:02
StetsyukIAесть проблема в убунте КДЕшніе плеері не воспроизводят видео, показівает пустую рамку18:21
StetsyukIAподскажите че над доставить18:21
James147!ru | StetsyukIA18:21
ubottuStetsyukIA: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:21
=== syl is now known as Guest83961
Guest83961people, who can to tell me where i can download "kde-devel" for kde 4.5.5?18:32
yofelGuest83961: that was a package provided by debian, I don't think we have that anymore18:34
rorkGuest83961: that was a metapackage IIRC, let me see if I can get you the details18:34
yofelwas dropped after lucid18:35
yofelGuest83961: here's the dependencies so you an install them yourself18:36
yofelDepends: kde-minimal (>= 5:55ubuntu1), kdesdk (>= 4:4.2.2), kdelibs5-dev (>= 4:4.2.2), libkonq5-dev (>= 4:4.2.2), libqt4-designer, kdebase-workspace-dev (>= 4:4.2.2)18:36
yofelbut you would usually use apt-get build-dep on the package that you want to develop for18:36
Guest83961i have this error: CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake18:41
Guest83961what is this?18:45
Peace-Guest83961: compiling is not a safe way...18:46
Peace-Guest83961: anyway... for the erorr..18:46
Peace-you should install apt-file18:46
Peace-that stuff give you what you are missing to compile if you feed it with the error of course18:47
rtdoswhat other window managers are there ?19:09
webc4532hello, upgrading oxygen-icon-theme and oxygen-icon-theme-complete is a real pita: gtk-update-icon-cache eats at least 170mb ram which made my system swap like hell19:13
rtdoswhat is fluxbox/kde?19:15
James147rtdos: metacity (horiffic, default with gnome) compiz (alright, can be abit anoying to make it play nicly with kde, default on ubuntu asfaik)19:15
James147rtdos: fluxbox is another one ^^ asfar as I know its designed as a light weight one19:16
James147good for older hardware (though if your running kde then you probally dont have that old hardware so probally dont need to worry)19:17
James147^^ kwin is the default with kde and kubuntu, and is best intergrated with kde its the one i recomend keeping if your not having any problems with it19:18
rtdosjames, is enlightenment a desktop or window manager?19:22
rtdosand have you tried it?19:22
Peace-i have tried xD19:22
Peace-destkop enviroments19:23
Peace-like kde but with a lost of stuff less19:23
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Daskreechrtdos: it's both19:29
rtdosdaskreech, what's the difference?19:30
Daskreechin terms of a full Desktop environment it's missing a lot of things. Any of the WM projects will tell you that E implements a lot of things that it doesn't need to so more than pure WM but not all the thigns that we need for a desktop19:30
rtdosthanks daskreech19:34
Daskreechrtdos: it's not really trying to be anything but enlightenment though if you like it then Wheeeee19:35
rtdosi just heard about it recently, daskreech, and thought i'd give it a try. i guess the headies and gnome are up in arms over it since it will replace gnome as the default in 11.04 of Ubuntu.19:40
Daskreechrtdos: Ha ha yeah that would cause some fires19:40
James147rtdos: it will?19:40
DaskreechJames147: I think rtdos is being sarcastic19:41
rtdoswell, that's what i read on wired.com anyways, james. :)19:41
socommHello just installed kubuntu and am trying to get wireless working.19:42
socommthe driver is present but for some reason it will not connect.19:42
socommi've tried to dhclient on wlan0 and it say network is down19:42
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:42
* Daskreech is no good at helping with wireless19:42
James147socomm: network manager not working? (wondering why your trying dhclient directly)?19:43
James147Hello falktx19:43
smoothtastesocomm: What kind of machine?19:43
socommsmoothtaste: acer aspire revo19:44
socommJames147: i've configured the connection on net man but it doesn't connect, dropped to cli for inspection19:45
socommifconfig wlan0 up returns as "resource device busy"19:45
* James147 notes that if you not useing network-manager... then you should stop that service, it messes with manual configureation19:45
socommyeah net-man is stopped19:47
socommiwconfig shows the card19:47
socommcan't ifconfig wlan0 up19:47
James147socomm: wpa pr wep?19:47
socommthere are no physical off switches on the machine, im pretty sure19:47
socommwep - hidden19:47
socommJames147: but wlist scan wont even work19:48
socommim guessing its because the device is down or not available19:48
socommcan't figure out how to bring it online19:48
James147socomm: can you pastebin teh steps you have teken to try to connect? (replacing any secret stuff  with a placeholder ;) )19:48
socommpretty much that, but it has to do with the interface being down, its not the connection .....19:49
socommdoes anyone know how to force it to come up19:49
James147socomm: ^^ probally because you havent "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up"19:50
James147that will bring the interface up19:50
socommJames147: i've sudo -s (root shell)19:50
* James147 would say you shouldn do that... but he is in a sudo -i on his server ;)19:51
socommdevice or resource busy19:51
socommif i can find where the wlan0 file is i can fuser19:52
James147socomm: hmm, what does "ifconfig" tell you?19:52
socommifconfig -a shows eth0 lo and wlan019:52
James147socomm: and iwconfig?19:53
socommwlan0 shows as managed et cetera - wlan0 is detected19:53
socommin short19:53
socommwait a minute19:55
socommlshw -c network shows wireless interface as disabled19:55
socommhow can I enable it19:55
James147socomm: I think that might be a hardware stwich...19:55
James147but i am not sure (never had to deal with it that low)19:56
socommJames147: i've searched all over the machine i can't find a hw switch19:57
socommfffffffffffffffffff lol19:57
James147socomm: could be a button on the keyboard (normally one of the fn keys)  and if i remember correctly, a friend had problems with windows in that he had to boot to that to enable it there first :S19:58
socommJames147: lol trust me i've searched all over the kyb for that xD19:58
* James147 notes that his button to turn of the wireless doesnt work at all... and is kind of glad at that :)19:59
James147socomm: are you dual booting?20:00
socommJames147: nope20:00
James147socomm: what chipset is it?20:00
socommRT3090 it looks like20:01
James147heh, looks like google is having problems with that one aslwell :S20:02
Snowhogsocomm: Which modle of the revo do you have?20:02
socommSnowhog: 370020:03
James147socomm: ahh yes, whats in /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state?20:03
Snowhogsocomm: What letter before 3700??20:03
socommSnowhog: r3700 sorry20:04
socommJames147: true for networkingenabled wirelessenabled wwanenabled20:05
James147socomm: this looks intresting: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149012320:08
Snowhogsocomm: Look through http://www.lonewolfdesigns.co.uk/installing-ubuntu-acer-revo/ for some insight.20:08
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socommi give up20:42
socommthere are no drivers for maverick20:42
socommwell no pre-packaged ubuntu drivers20:42
socommthx for help guys20:42
shane4ubuntuOk, the kde informational announcments that pop up by the clock, They are getting in the way, how can I change/edit/configure how they act re-act,  When I mouse over them I want them to disappear, or become transparent so I can see through them. ??  Any ideas?20:46
yofel*that* is notify-osd behaviour, not knotify, you can move the systray, they should pop up under it20:49
shane4ubunturight they always pop up under it, but I like it in the corner, just with the app I'm working with, (bookkeeping) the balance shows in the bottom corner just above the clock, also what I'm entering, so it keeps getting covered with every new song title popping up.20:50
shane4ubuntuactually for the time being I shrank the app, so that the notifications are under it, that helped, but seems like mousing over it should make it transparent, that was a nicety in Gnome. ;)20:52
yofelusing the air plasma theme they should be transparent by default20:55
yofelthe blur effect will blur the background behind them though20:55
yofelyou can turn that off though20:55
shane4ubuntuair plasma, ok, let me check out that theme20:56
yofelthis is kde 4.6 here though, so I'm not sure what happens in other versions20:56
shane4ubuntuyofel: where do I find that?20:57
shane4ubuntuyofel: right, but perhaps I have it, or the theme can be installed, where do I find the themes again?20:57
yofelshane4ubuntu: system settings -> workspace appearance20:57
yofelair should be the default theme though..20:58
* James147 notes that you need desktop effects and te transparency effect enabled for transparency to work at all20:58
shane4ubuntuhmm, I was setup with Oxygen20:58
shane4ubuntuJames147: good point, I do think I have that enabled, I know I have desktop effects on20:59
shane4ubuntuok, air them, they are semi-transparent20:59
James147oxygen was the default in older version, and if you upgraded then it wont change (unless you change it)21:00
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shane4ubuntuJames147: yeah, I think I messed with the themes before, and actually set it to oxygen21:00
shane4ubuntuThanks guys, I'm really enjoying kde21:02
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Nick_Meisterhi guys how do i disable certain shortcuts while im in a certain applications21:10
James147Nick_Meister: global or application level shortcuts?21:11
Nick_MeisterJames147, global21:12
Nick_Meisterlike alft+f321:12
Nick_Meisterthe ones that overlap :S21:12
socommanyone know how to enable hdmi output on kubuntu?21:12
ArGGu^^socomm it should work just fine21:13
socommArGGu^^: hmm21:13
ArGGu^^there should not be any need to enable it21:13
yofelvideo should work like any other external output21:13
yofelfor sound I have a seperate audio output listed in phonon for HDMI21:13
socommnot interested in sound right now21:14
ArGGu^^socomm you do not get picture?21:14
Nick_Meisterdoes nobody know the answer to this :X21:14
James147Nick_Meister: not sure you can, its probally bst to reassign the applicaion level shorcuts to something different21:14
ArGGu^^what version kubuntu you have21:14
Nick_MeisterJames147, thats messed up :S i dont see why you would not include such a feature21:15
James147Nick_Meister: ^^ why is it "messed up" and what elegent non complex solution would you do instead?21:16
ArGGu^^Nick_Meister special window setting and special application setting in workarounds there is block global shortcuts21:17
ArGGu^^you can set them when you right click window in title bar and go to advanced21:17
James147Nick_Meister: you can block global shorcuts entirly for an applicaion hoever... alt+f3 > configure window behaviour > window rules... and create a new rule to block global shorcuts21:18
ArGGu^^in the advanced is the special windows settings and application21:18
bigbrovaris anyone running kde 4.6 on 10.1021:20
bigbrovarplasma seems to be crashing every other day21:20
bigbrovarlike every 5min to be exact21:21
bigbrovarJust wanted to know if this was a known issue21:21
James147bigbrovar: i suggest you test a new user and see if they suffer from the same problem21:21
Nick_MeisterJames147, i think i know of a more elegant solution, it may be better to display a list of current global shortcuts, and untoggle them from this same dialog...21:22
bigbrovargood idea21:22
bigbrovarJames147: good idea21:22
rtdosjames147, i've installed openbox, lxde, and a couple of other desktops but i noticed they do not make it easy to start my network connection. is there a script or something i can put somewhere in startup to connect me to my network no matter what desktop i use?21:22
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James147rtdos: wired or wireless?21:23
rtdosmy connections name is wlan021:26
Nick_Meisterthat force disable did not work for me :S21:27
James147rtdos: i suggest you install nm-applet (network-manager-gnome is the package i think) and add that to the uato start programs the the enviroments21:27
James147Nick_Meister: you probally need to restart the window21:27
rtdosjames, will it conflict with my kubuntu / kde settings?21:27
James147rtdos: depends on how you do it... if the other enviroments have their own startup scripts (like kde has ~/.kde/Autostart) then putting it in there shouldnt affect kde21:28
rtdosThanks, James14721:29
inkubo_i dont know nothing about it21:30
Nick_MeisterJames147, nope did not work i right clicked on the window title went advanced>special app settings>workarounds and selected to force the disabling of shortcuts21:30
Nick_Meisteri restarted the app and nothing still21:30
ArGGu^^Nick_Meister special application settings->workarounds there  block global shortcuts, force , check checkbox. Works for me21:31
socommyofel: can you tell me more about hdmi audio output?21:33
ArGGu^^socomm what version of kubuntu you are using?21:34
ArGGu^^if you have not deleted the pulseaudio, then just set pulseaudio to use hdmi and it should work21:35
yofelI never actually tried my hdmi port here, but in my phonon settings I have internal audio (pulseaudio) and hdmi as audio devices21:35
socommlet me try that21:36
ArGGu^^I have kubuntu 10.04 on my mediacenter with pulseaudio. I have set pulseaudio to use hdmi and it works.21:36
kamillo1888hi, if I enable ati radeon drivers, loading screen in kubuntu was changed into text mode, non graphics (with radeonhd drivers), what the problem is it?21:41
kamillo1888my kubuntu version is: 10.1021:42
yofelthe proprietary graphics drivers don't support the interface the boot splash needs to recognise the right resolution (kernel mode setting)21:43
kamillo1888ok, i think this is problem with messages that services sending into console in system loading...21:44
yofelno, the text splash supports messages too, so it shouldn't matter (looks bad though :/)21:45
yofelthere are ways to set the resolution by hand, google for grub gfxpayload21:46
kamillo1888ok thx ^yofel21:46
socommhmmm is it normal for the hdmi to be zeroed out?21:54
socommim using alsamixer, i've umuted but the thing is set to zero with no option to increase21:55
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valoriesocomm: use your arrow keys22:20
shane4ubuntuok, another minor annoyance that I can't seem to pin down, my Num lock light is not on, but num lock is???  Somehow KDE messes with that and I'm not sure how to set it up correctly??  Any ideas?  I want num lock on all the time, and I want the light on all the time.22:39
shane4ubuntuI found where the settings are, however how do I get my light to lineup with the action?  if numlock is on, the light should be, and it isn't!22:47
shane4ubuntulol, this apparently is an issue that goes back to '07-'08!  incredible.22:48
bl4cksh33phi guys23:07
bl4cksh33pi have some problem with the windows "run as root" of kde, beacuse the password dosnt mach with my password23:08
bl4cksh33pand i must to do all in the terminal23:08
frieseanybody knows the window-class of colibri?23:09
Daskreechhi shane4ubuntu23:16
drbobbthe kde 4.6RC2 from ppa is working pretty nicely, except that kpackagekit segfaults right after startup - known issue?23:26
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shane4ubuntuDaskreech: howdy!23:38
shane4ubuntudo you know about the num lock issue and how to fix it?23:39
shane4ubuntuat least the light is lined up with the button now, but it was off.23:39
DaskreechHeard about it. Thought that it was amusing23:40
shane4ubuntuit is at least for a while, until today when I was using my numberpad, and instead of typing it went all over and deleted stuff.23:41
shane4ubuntuthat was a little less than amusing at the moment23:41
shane4ubuntu4.5.5 update today!  I upgraded, no probs, now we will see if strigi will work for me.23:49
shane4ubuntuOh well, still no strigi23:51

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