
* yofel wonders why launchpad always breaks when hggdh tries to use it00:03
yofelmy bug reports usually come trough00:03
coz_hey guys ... ok after installing nvidia driver   i now get    Failed to load terminal capabilities from '/etc/termcap   although I dont think it is dierectly related to nvidia00:09
hggdhyofel: it is personal, I think00:09
yofelcoz_: maybe set gfxpayload to text (GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text in /etc/default/grub, or add 'set gfxpayload=text' to the grub kernel settings on a new line)00:11
coz_yofel,  for gnome-terminal?00:12
yofelthat's gnome-terminal that gives you the error?00:12
coz_yofel,  yes00:12
coz_let me screenshot it00:12
yofeloh, don't know then o.O00:12
coz_yofel,    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/Screenshot-cosimo321%40coz%3A%20%7E.png00:13
yofelwell, I certainly don't have a /etc/termcap here00:13
yofelkonsole works still fine00:13
coz_mm  I could install kde  but I dont want to :)00:13
yofeltry xterm?00:13
coz_will hold on00:14
coz_yofel,  that works00:14
yofelhm latest vte update was on Jan 3rd, maybe it's gtk3 breakage00:15
coz_could be... this is a fresh install too ...but I dont want to do updates  for fear the "monitor out of range " issue is still there00:16
alex_mayorgamy AltGr dead keys are indeed dead :(00:16
alex_mayorgacan't accent anymore, anyone else?00:16
lucentupgrade from maverick to natty, and there's some fun dbus related errors with PolicyKit00:17
yofeldead keys work fine, I did tell keyboard-configuration to use no deadkeys though when it asked me00:17
lucentis that a common question?00:17
alex_mayorgayofel: how can I tell if my altgr is mapped correctly?00:19
yofelnot sure, for me my gui session still worked, but my login screen an ttys were broken00:20
jMCgThere is no /etc/termcap in Ubuntu.00:21
jMCgi.galic@phoenix ~ % apt-file search /etc/termcap00:22
alex_mayorgaseems to be back now, but now the LED for Srcoll Lock is always on, weird00:22
BUGabundo!search /etc/termcap00:22
BUGabundo!find termcap00:22
ubottuFile termcap found in bash-doc, elks-libc, jvim-doc, libncurses5-dev, libncursesw5-dev, libvte-common, manpages, manpages-de, manpages-es, manpages-fr (and 17 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=termcap&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any00:23
alex_mayorga117 upgraded packages ahead, any known breakage?00:25
BUGabundonot here alex_mayorga00:26
BUGabundojust pidgin00:26
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo: thanks00:26
yofellatest grub fell apart on my raid though00:27
hggdhalex_mayorga: only if you are an user of the bcmwl kernel module00:28
alex_mayorgahggdh: no broadcom card here as far as I can tell00:31
hggdhthen you should be good00:32
alex_mayorgahggdh: thanks00:33
bjsnidercoz_, have you got something in your .bashrc file about /etc/termcap?00:35
coz_bjsnider,  let me check00:35
coz_bjsnider,  no...nothing00:36
moreatiHello all, I'm seeing a build error when installing the dkms package bcmwl-kernel-source 5.100.82 on kernel 2.6.37-12-generic (both latest natty). Before I file a bug could anyone try the install and confirm the behaviour?00:39
coz_moreati,  are you using the script for this istallation>>?? and I am assuming you are trying to compile   compiz 0.9.x ...yes?00:40
yofelcoz_: he said bcmwl-kernel-source00:40
yofelmoreati: hggdh had that too00:41
moreaticoz_: no, it's a broadcom wifi driver00:41
coz_sorry  trying to do too many things at one time00:41
coz_and I am thinking I was on #compiz ...sorry guys00:41
moreatiyofel: cheers, I'll check for a bug on lp, and file if none present00:41
yofeldepending on the error maybe bug 70013500:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 700135 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "package bcmwl-kernel-source failed to install/upgrade: bcmwl kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70013500:42
moreatiyeah that's the one, problem with wl_attach()00:43
bjsnidercoz_, log out, log into the guest account and try launching the terminal from there. note if the message appears. if it does, the problem is system-wide and it's likely nothing you did. if not you have a userland issue.01:07
coz_bjsnider,  yeah fresh in stall... I am doing support in #compiz .. let me do that a bit later   yes?01:07
coz_ok I think I am done there hold on01:10
coz_bjsnider,   same thing in guest account01:15
coz_how the heck01:16
bjsniderthen i'm sure it will be fixed in a future update01:16
coz_bjsnider,  so the user account apparenlty is fine... this has happend over and again  ...each time I install natty...install nvidia drivers  I get same error01:17
coz_bjsnider,  I have no doubt   I am just concerned about updating  waiting for confimation that the "monitor out of range"  issue was fixed01:17
SamuraiAlbaIs there a fix for "cannot reserve mmio region"?01:21
sanal_madathethhi all01:35
SamuraiAlbaNi hao01:43
=== 13WAAZIX9 is now known as BajK_
Ahmuckhow do i report 11.04 bugs?03:30
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:30
KM0201KM0201> is there a way to log into an Ubuntu install(on a hard drive) from a live cd, via terminal.. so i can update grub...03:35
KM0201i was thinking chroot or something, but i'm not really sure03:35
psusiKM0201, yea, you can do it with chroot, but why not boot the hd?03:38
KM0201psusi: its difficult to explain, but i will try to summarize quickly03:38
KM0201he is attempting to install to an internal hard drive, w/ a usb, and its detecting the usb as sda, and the hard drive as sdb... well, when he reboots(w/o the usb).. it is looking for sdb, instead of usda.. and it errors out03:39
KM0201psusi: so what i'm thinking, if i could "log in" to the drive, and run update-grub, it should be ok03:39
psusiKM0201, that's not a problem on recent releases... grub searches for disks by uuid03:40
KM0201we've re-done grub by UUID03:40
KM0201it still errors out03:40
psusiwhat is the error?03:40
KM0201oh wait a minute.03:40
KM0201hang on03:40
KM0201i think i figured out the prob...03:41
KM0201when i reinstalled grub, using the UUID... i chose /dev/sda (which is the usb).. also explains why his usb installer isn't booting now..lol03:41
Ahmuckso, the link for reporting bugs is through some gui.  this was an aptitude update that failed03:42
Ahmuckcommand line03:42
Ahmuckguess i could report it agains aptitude03:42
KM0201psusi: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1323/p00115.jpg03:42
psusiKM0201, if you just do a normal install, if the internal disk is sdb and the usb is sda, it should default to installing grub to sdb, and this will work fine when you reboot03:43
KM0201psusi: it hasn't...03:43
psusiKM0201, that's not a grub problem... that's the kernel saying it can't find the root fs that matches that UUID03:44
psusiKM0201, see what blkid finds03:44
KM0201psusi: did, it matches03:44
Ahmuckwell, got another bug.  apport is not on 11.04, and after installation, it fails to start, so the bug reporter is borked.  guess i'll report the bug report is a bug03:45
psusiKM0201, and you see that UUID if you ls /dev/disk/by-uuid?  what does blkid say for the type of that partition, and what is the block device?  /dev/sda1?03:45
KM0201psusi: yes, thts why i thought it was a grub problem to be truthful03:46
Ahmuckheh, or not.  /me trundles off into oblivion03:47
psusiKM0201, if ls /dev/disk/by-uuid shows that UUID, then try to just exit and see if it boots03:48
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:58
dooglusaah - !partner - that was my mistake.  thanks ubottu03:58
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »04:07
dooglusso can I get the sun java jdk for natty?04:39
dooglusthe repo is empty04:39
dooglus(the partner one)04:39
VolkodavI change the browser in preffered apps but no effect ? Is that just me ?04:39
dooglusVolkodav: I found the same04:40
dooglusVolkodav: my workaround was to put a script in ~/bin and add ~/bin to my PATH04:41
Volkodavok i am not alone04:41
dooglusVolkodav: make a script ~/bin/firefox with:04:41
dooglus/usr/bin/firefox "$@"04:42
dooglusin it.  seems ubuntu always wants to run firefox, but doesn't check which one04:42
dooglusso you can replace it with your own script04:42
dooglusand replace the /usr/bin/firefox bit in your script with whatever you want to run04:42
dooglusyou'll need to chmod +x ~/bin/firefox and prepend ~/bin to your PATH environment variable04:43
donnieCan you install natty with brtfs root and no ext3/4 /boot partition yet?05:17
donnieInstaller says that default installer does not support a brtfs boot partition05:18
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coz_good day07:13
Oheligok so I looked at the bottom of the log in screen for the settings button and couldn't find it07:24
ironsightI just updated today, anyone getting gnome-panel loading with unity on the bottom?09:16
qziono, but for me, all applets crashes upon restart. I -always- need to re-add them to the gnome-panel (using ubuntu classic)10:04
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olmariHello, I'd have an idea for Nattys new "sidepanel"12:35
olmariSimpliest: why not use Docky for it :)12:36
bazhang!brainstorm | olmari12:36
ubottuolmari: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!12:36
Amarantholmari: The docky developer is on the unity team :)12:50
olmariAmaranth: =)12:54
olmariwell... just seems stoopid to develop "the same" all over again :)12:54
olmariunless there is something else why stuff wouldn't work OOTB :)12:55
olmariand/or if unity is much more than the dockbar and it just comes with it =)12:57
evilvishheh, all the different dock developers are on the Unity team ;p12:59
evilvishawn, docky, cario12:59
olmarimm well... if unity docklet will be anything like docky when time comes, then all cool.. after all, we are somewhere on alpha 1 for now =)13:00
scizzo-olmari: many times developers wants to start over to get the API better and so on. you can take the old gnome desktop and difference it with 2.0 gnome as a good example.13:04
olmariyeah :)13:06
Amarantholmari: unity's dock will have the features from docky they deem appropriate13:07
Amaranthdocky itself is a bit of a kitchen sink affair13:07
Amaranthoh, and is written in a different programming language13:07
Amaranthand it's designed to run inside compiz13:07
Amarantherr, isn't13:08
olmarimm well... maybe I'll just give it time :D13:11
scizzo-Amaranth: hmmm docky was python right?13:24
Amaranthscizzo-: no, C#13:24
scizzo-Amaranth: aaa13:25
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
ebischoffHello people and happy new year. I installed natty on two machines, a mac and a pc. No big problem, excepted that on the PC kdm "freezes" during one minute, making very hard to type or move the mouse pointer. After that delay, everything returns to normal. If I ssh from another machine I don't see any process eating all the CPU (system is 99% idle), which is quite weird.14:17
ebischoffI'm using nv driver on that machine (no way to use nouveau on my nvidia video card)14:18
penguin42ebischoff: It freezes for a minute and then carries on?14:18
ebischoffyes exactly.14:18
penguin42hmm - it might be worth checking dmesg or /var/log/messages while it's hanging if you can14:19
ebischoffduring the freeze at some time i have control for one second or two, and freezes again. it's not a complete freeze.14:19
BluesKajHi folks14:19
ebischoffoh yes i'm stupid, i only checked /var/log/Xorg0.log, not dmesg or messages. Hold on.14:20
penguin42BluesKaj: Afternoon14:20
BluesKaj'morning  penguin4214:20
ebischoffyes i can do it while it freezes, it's enough to ssh from another machine, it seems to affect only the graphic mode14:20
ebischoffnothing really suspect in dmesg, excepted for a lot of apparmor messages that weren't there at maverick times14:24
ebischoffand it's ALLOWED operations so i think it's not relevant14:25
penguin42not sure if there is a log for kdm itself14:27
ebischoffthere is...14:27
ebischoffand quite a lot of potentially interesting stuff in it14:29
ebischoffI'll remove it, reboot, and when i return here i'll pastebin it for you14:29
ebischoff(currently there are too many kdm sessions in it, due to my tests, they'll complicate the analysis)14:30
ebischoffrebooting, see you in a few minutes penguin4214:30
ebischoffok I redid the test. First, I told you rubbish before, penguin42. The ssh session itself freezes, that's why "top" does not show me any processes that eat the CPU. It's just because I can see processes precisely when it does *not* freeze.14:38
penguin42ah ok14:38
ebischoffsecond, the "strange" things are still in kdm.log. I'll pastebin them14:38
ebischoffdbus problem ?14:41
* penguin42 waits for firefox14:41
ebischofferic@ns:~/internal/config$ service dbus status14:42
ebischoffdbus start/running, process 99314:42
ebischoffrace problem? dbus slower than X + kdm ?14:42
ebischoffI'll be back in a few minutes, I have a christmas tree to bring down...14:43
penguin42possible I guess - don't know how that's all supposed to start up14:43
ebischoffok i'm back14:52
ebischoffdbus is already started when the system freezes. So it's not a race condition.15:04
ebischoffok, i give up. no idea what it is. i'll stay here in case someone wants me to do tests.15:08
coz_any issues with current updates?15:24
ebischoffa freeze at kdm time, which goes away as it appeared15:25
Volkodavcoz_: none here15:29
ebischoffalso had to set the console keyboard back to french in /etc/default/keyboard (after a dist-upgrade from maverick)15:30
coz_Volkodav,   ok thanks15:40
coz_Volkodav,   did you restart?  and which video card do you have?15:40
Volkodavno restart - nvidia GS840015:42
ebischoffi have a nvidia card, nv driver15:42
coz_Volkodav,   mm that is my  fear... last two installs  I got "monitor out of range'  after updates and couldnt get in15:49
Volkodavwhat is your card15:49
Volkodavdid you try the proprietary driver instead of nv ?15:49
coz_Volkodav,  so I did updates again today   and fear the same may occur  ...the curious t hing is with a 7600gt  installed I get the "monitor out of range"  if I swap that out with a 6600gt  all works well...go figure15:49
coz_Volkodav,  always the proprietary one15:50
Cork[home]is there anywhere to get a netboot cd for 11.04 a1 ?18:24
DexterFwhat's the current path with ubuntu regarding X/Wayland?18:47
DexterFlast I heard Wayland is supposed to become the primary video system in 11.04 already - true?18:47
charlie-tcarumor only18:51
penguin42Hey Bugs19:33
coz_ok guys.. did update and reboot with same problem... monitor out of range... with 7600gt  however   I  changed the video card to 6600gt and all works well20:11
coz_the 7600gt is fine and always works but not with natty 's updates o020:12
coz_temp on the 6600gt ranges  fro 60  up  in degrees  the 7600gt  stays around 40 degrees20:13
yofelmaybe it's the 7600gt + nvidia driver + new grub settings20:13
coz_yofel,  its something.. it works fine if I dont do updates to natty20:13
coz_yofel,  I have already read a few bug reports about this  but  reading them all on launchpad is painfully slow  so I stopped :)20:14
yofeltry to set gfxpayload to text maybe20:14
coz_yofel,  the  nvdia-current. grub-fgxpaylod  ...yes?20:15
yofelbug 68607020:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 686070 in linux (Ubuntu) "black screen (no more gdm/X server) with nvidia propriatery after gfxpayload=keep activation" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68607020:15
yofelcoz_: set 'GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text' in /etc/default/grub, or edit grub.cfg and add a line with gfxpayload=text to the boot options20:16
penguin42it's almost a throw back to the Maverick alphas20:16
yofelah, it's 'set gfxpayload=text' http://paste.ubuntu.com/551899/ coz_20:17
yofelactually it's even more, maverick we only set gfxpayload, now some more vbe settings were changed20:17
coz_yofel,  what would the  'gfxpayload-keep " do?20:18
yofelset the kernel to grapics mode so the framebuffer gets better access to the card I think, which confuses some graphics drivers20:19
yofel*graphics mode20:19
coz_yofel,  so I actually have to add that line to /etc/default/grub    ...yes?20:19
yofeland it's gfxpayload=keep, it's a setting, not a command20:19
yofelcoz_: the 'GRUB_G...' one yes20:20
coz_ok added  now to shutdown and try the origial video card   be back leter20:20
yofeldon't forget update-grub20:20
cozziemotowell that didnt work20:34
cozziemotonow getting symbol not found20:35
yofelyou did run update-grub right?20:41
cozziemotoyofel,  yeah  but something went wrong apparently20:58
cozziemotoyofel,  i will start again and i wont update this time20:58
alex_mayorgaanyone that has hedgewars installed?22:38
alex_mayorgalooks like the icon for it is missing22:39
BUGabundoI used to play it22:39
BUGabundobut not recently22:39
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo: can you check if you have the icon?22:45
BUGabundodon't have it installed22:45
BUGabundofor a couple releases22:45
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo: I guess you won't install it just to look for an icon, right?22:47
BUGabundoeheh :)22:47
yofelI could try22:48
yofelindeed, the icon is missing in the new version22:50
alex_mayorgayofel: can you bug it?22:53
yofelcan't you? I already removed it again22:54
alex_mayorgayofel: sure "ubuntu-bug -p hedgewars" right?23:06
yofelyeah, without the -p though, not needed23:06
yofel(and deprecated)23:06
alex_mayorgawill report when I get back23:09

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