
coz_good day07:13
coz_hey guys09:30
thorwilok buttons are dolt avoidance: http://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?project=Macintosh&story=Do_It.txt09:43
thorwilsince yesterday's update, my 10.10 here persists on using a specific non-ubuntu icon theme on the desktop (and only there, it seems)09:52
thorwilanyone else seeing that or having a clue how this could be?09:52
evilvishthorwil: what do you mean by non-specific ubuntu icon?13:00
evilvishlol! "I'm not a dolt, why is the software calling me a dolt?"13:19
thorwilevilvish: it might be the default gnome icon theme. some ugly slightly greenish stuff13:28
thorwilanyway, the choice of icon theme in appearance settings and what i see on desktop is decoupled now :/13:28
evilvishthorwil: well, if you are sure it was an update that did it.. you can roll back the update and see if that solves it.13:33
evilvishor check the gconf keys if it is changing correctly when you switch the themes13:33
thorwilthe /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme key does change. as do the icons everywhere, except on the desktop13:37
thorwilguess i will wait if this goes away in another session or after another update13:37
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