
sagaciin lovely sydney07:10
=== oracle_ is now known as oracle
blahdeblahHi folks, can anyone suggest a Windows media player which supports DAAP?09:47
nisshhblahdeblah, i *think* vlc does09:53
* nisshh checks09:54
nisshhblahdeblah, actually, no, i cant find it listed in the features09:55
nisshhblahdeblah, google says its frigging hard to use DAAP on windows, sorry :)09:56
* blahdeblah googles09:56
dns53(it is the itunes music sharing protocol)09:57
dns53i think vlc may support it09:57
nisshhdns53, VLC may, but i cant find it09:57
* blahdeblah is a conscientious objector to iTunes09:58
nisshhdns53, how dare you mention itunes in here, go sit in the naughty corner! :)09:58
nisshhblahdeblah, heh, arent we all :)09:58
* dns53 goes and gets a chair09:58
dns53vlc supports upnp so you could use that instead of daap10:00
blahdeblahexcept then i'd have to turn on upnp10:00
dns53exaile is suppose to work on windows but i have not tried it10:01
blahdeblahlooks like winamp does10:02
nisshhblahdeblah, upnp isnt that bad10:03
nisshhi had it turned on for 3 years before i finally realised i still had it on10:03
dns53upnp works good on a ps3 and some tv's10:04
dns53are you guys coming to linux.conf.au ?10:06
nisshhdns53, im not, since im in WA and i am broke :)10:09
dns53you just need to get the next one held over there next year10:09
nisshheasier said than done10:10
nisshhthey havent held it over here since about 2003 ish10:11
nisshhPerth is considered remote and small by all you eastern states people10:11
nisshhdns53, ^^10:14
blahdeblahdns53: I went to my volunteer training this morning!  :-)10:14
dns53i'm in adelaide, it's about the same distance to go anywhere10:14
nisshhdns53, yeah, itll cost me $600 plus to go to brisbane from Perth, crazy10:15
blahdeblahFWIW, Winamp + DAAP plugin from SourceForge worked10:43
blahdeblahIronically, i still had to install an Apple product (Bonjour Print Services) to get it working10:43
jferhi all. a while back i recall talk of a bulk order for stickers. did this end up going ahead?11:00
nisshhjfer, yeah, that was ages ago :)11:21
jferoh ok11:24
jferi was wanting to get some for my new laptop that is all and postage isn't exactly cost effective11:24
blahdeblahjfer: I was going to organise it before Christmas but never got around to it.12:31
blahdeblahThere was plenty of interest, and it would be quite cost effective if everyone is still interested.12:32
blahdeblahI'll pull the finger out and get it organised this week.12:32
jferoh ok12:33
jferare you going to LCA12:33
jferi will be12:33
blahdeblahYep - i want to my volunteer training this morning12:34
jferso this week might be ideal12:34
blahdeblahThen i can give them out with 0 postage for everyone who is there.12:34
jferat the open day?12:34
blahdeblahOr during the week - whichever suits12:35
blahdeblahI'll be there every day12:35
jferas will i12:35
jfernot sure about the open day yet though12:35
jferperhaps posting something on the mailing list would be a good idea12:35
blahdeblahYep - will do12:36
jferblahdeblah: what was the training for?12:44
jferare you volunteering at LCA?12:44
blahdeblahYep, even12:44
blahdeblahWe just talked about how to introduce speakers, policies of LCA, and how to operate AV equipment12:44
jferok. sounds great.12:45
jferwhat kind of stickers were you planning on ordering?12:46
jferi wouldn't mind some of those 3d ones for the back of my laptop12:47
blahdeblahI'll work that out this week, too12:47
jferok thanks12:50
jferjust so you know. according to canonical shipping could take up to 2 weeks so getting an order in early this week would probably be a good idea12:51

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