
RoAkSoAxcorrect me if I'm wrong, but when using grab-merge.sh it should not be applying patches in debian/patches, directly to the source right? Cause, when trying to debuild, it fails becuase it tries to apply a patch in debian/patches, but it has already been applied...00:27
ari-tczewRoAkSoAx: look in patches created by MoM, are there .pc files?00:28
RoAkSoAxari-tczew: nope00:32
ari-tczewRoAkSoAx: I think that you should report a bug against MoM.00:34
ari-tczewRoAkSoAx: and try merge manually00:34
RoAkSoAxari-tczew: yeah it is gonna be a PITA given that it'00:34
RoAkSoAxit's a big merge, and the changes forwarded to debian are still in the NEW queue :S00:35
RoAkSoAxanywayas, I'll work on that tomorrow00:35
ari-tczewRoAkSoAx: PITA?00:35
ari-tczeware you hungry?00:35
RoAkSoAxari-tczew: I pm'd you with the  meaning00:36
ari-tczewaha, ok cenzored00:36
RoAkSoAxanyways, off for the day00:36
bdrungtumbleweed: thanks for https://code.launchpad.net/~stefanor/ubuntu-sponsoring/footer-styling/+merge/4557401:48
bdrungtumbleweed: if you want to win a price: use for Statistics a three column layout (column1: Request types, column2: Target components, column3: Package Sets)01:49
stalcuphow does one configure the new ppa to uploads03:53
stalcupdoes dput.cfg need edited?03:53
* stalcup misses the old school way03:53
hyperairstalcup: you can still use the old school way, like i do.03:56
hyperairstalcup: global dput.cf has an entry that allows the ppa: syntax03:56
stalcuphyperair: mind pasting your config?03:57
ebroderstalcup: http://pastebin.com/68mq6Ete is what you need03:57
stalcupthanks ebroder and hyperair03:57
tumbleweedbdrung: yeah, 3 column does look better07:58
Wallch_DeveloperHi!! Can anyone tell me why package Wallch (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/wallch) went from needs review to needs work without a comment to what we need to fix... ?08:43
bdrungtumbleweed: wow, that looks nice.10:20
bdrungcan a motu swat team unsubscribe the team from bug #690173?10:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 690173 in VLC media player "Memory corruption in RealMedia parsing" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69017310:23
bdrungtumbleweed: maybe adding colons to "Type column" would be good10:25
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lfaraonetumbleweed: hi, I'll be your AM as you move through NM. a mail from me shortly will follow to get you started.14:11
DktrKranzlfaraone: oh, nice to see you act as AM :)14:15
lfaraoneDktrKranz: I was tempted to say "good news: you've been reassigned an AM. bad news, you're my first applicant"14:15
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pmjdebruijnI'm packaging a cmake app, and the basic stuff is automated by debhelper 716:17
pmjdebruijnhowever, I do need to make a parameter to cmake16:17
pmjdebruijnhow can I do that without manually creating an entire rules file16:17
pmjdebruijnare there any variables I can set/override16:17
debfxpmjdebruijn: you need to add a override_dh_auto_configure target to debian/rules16:27
pmjdebruijnseems to work actually16:27
pmjdebruijnjust found it online too16:28
pmjdebruijndebfx: thanks for your time16:28
debfxyou're welcome :)16:29
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ari-tczewScottK: ping18:44
ScottKari-tczew: Pong, but make it quick as I have to go in a minute.18:44
ari-tczewScottK: about backports: for lucid I have to add one change. how can I do it? add a a patch to sponsor in backports?18:45
ScottKari-tczew: If it's a package you have upload rights for, you can upload to lucid-backports and I can review it in the queue.  If not, you'll need to get it sponsored.  The approval process via a bug in lucid-backports is the same.18:46
ScottKBack later.18:46
ari-tczewok thnx18:46
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kshadeslayerhi, im trying to compile kdepim 4.5.94 in  natty and get this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/551950/22:33
kshadeslayerfor some reason dpkg-buildpackage is trying to run make before CMake22:34
kshadeslayerany ideas?22:34
ari-tczewkshadeslayer: check debian/rules from clementine, it uses Cmake as well22:35
kshadeslayerari-tczew: the point here being? .... ive seen alot of packages using CMake ... just never encountered dpkg-buildpackage jumping off to make before CMake22:36
bdrungari-tczew: do you have plans for bringing clementine to debian?22:52
ari-tczewbdrung: This is good question. There is a clementine packed by another person, but not yet in Debian archive. why you ask?22:54
bdrungari-tczew: because you referred to clementine. then i checked if it is in debian.22:55
ari-tczewbdrung: and this guy has troubles with getting clementine to archive.22:57
ari-tczewkshadeslayer: d/rules which you sent on pastebin is all?23:04
ari-tczewkshadeslayer: which debhelper do you use?23:05
ari-tczewudienz: you're crazy man23:10
udienzari-tczew, :D23:10
kshadeslayerari-tczew: yes ... and the debhelper which is in natty23:10
kshadeslayerari-tczew: im going to sleep ... will continue tomorrow23:10
udienzari-tczew, new record. one day 10 packages23:11
kshadeslayernight all23:12
udienzkshadeslayer, night23:12
ari-tczewkshadeslayer: I asked which version23:12
ari-tczew5 / 7 / 8 ?23:12
bdrungudienz: 10 packages? it's easy to upload 10 package in one day (do a big transition with many rebuilds). ;)23:14
ari-tczewlucas__: is it possible to rebuild again natty to show FTBFS in udd.d.o? now should shows also FTBFS with python 2.723:16
geserari-tczew: dodo is doing an archive rebuild of main in LP currently23:19
ari-tczewgeser: doko you mean?23:20
geserari-tczew: sure, yes23:21
geserari-tczew:  http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20110107-natty.html23:24
ari-tczewgeser: udd shows also output of FTBFS which is helpful23:30
ari-tczewgeser: heh, would be nice to run rebuild on universe as well23:31
psusihttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/ubiquity/natty/revision/346 says it does a bunch of things, including merge from the maverick-redesign branch... but this does not appear to be a merge commit... what gives?23:36
ebroderpsusi: look at the vcs-bzr for the package23:40
psusiebroder, so this was a merge, that was not a merge?  i.e. they just applied the upstream diff and committed, instead of doing a bzr merge from it?23:43
ebroderpsusi: the ~ubuntu-branches branches are auto-generated. if ev is maintaining ubiquity in a different branch, that's not necessarily reflected in ~ubuntu-branches23:43
ebroderdid you look at the other branch to see if there was a merge there?23:44
psusidoes it matter if there was a merge there?  my question is why the ubuntu branch does not show a merge23:44
psusihrm.. auto generated eh?23:45
wgrantari-tczew: We'll be doing a universe rebuild later this week, probably.23:45
wgrantari-tczew: We're just waiting on some more disk space to be installed.23:45
ebroderpsusi: unless a developer takes explicit action to do otherwise, the lp:ubuntu/foo branches are created by basically fetching each uploaded revision of a package and checking it into bzr23:46
psusiohh... so the auto generator isn't pulling from the real branch, but instead just auto commits each new source package upload?23:46
ebroderpsusi: it's clever enough to deal with merges from debian, and new upstream revisions, but not that much else on its own23:46
psusiI see23:46
ari-tczewwgrant: could you fix headers in the table on the page http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/debcheck/debcheck.py?dist=natty&list=ALL ?23:49
ari-tczewwgrant: IMO use of udd script is good idea. in that way developers can easy find similiar FTBFS'23:52
wgrantari-tczew: Sure, I might be able to set up the UDD script. But this was just what I did at 1am to get *something* up.23:55

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