[00:04] AlexJ_: You'll need to use gconftool, I believe. Gnome-panel settings are stored in gconf. [00:05] AlexJ_: You can probably delete the applet from the panel using the gconf command line tool to unset the key in /apps/panel/applets [00:06] AlexJ_: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/gconf-6.html.en [00:06] anyone here use Puppy Linux? [00:06] jacobw: thank you, ill try that [00:07] hi there. is there anyone from Blackpool LUG in here [00:09] jacobw: I typed this but it appears not to have worked, gconftool --unset /apps/panel/applets [00:09] jacobw: I typed this but it appears not to have worked, gconftool-2 --unset /apps/panel/applets [00:10] I forgot the "gconftool-2" when typing the first line here [00:11] AlexJ_: applets is a directory of keys, I imagine --unset requires a specific key as an argument [00:11] oh [00:11] :s [00:21] nos da, sleep well. [01:21] how can you tell if a package is updated with the server support? [01:21] or dropped when the desktop version is no longer supported [01:22] !server [01:22] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server [02:15] anyone else unable to sleep? -.- [02:16] :) [02:16] not actually tried :/ [02:23] now I will [02:23] nn ;) [03:25] hello there all, is there anyone about to help [03:26] need some help with wordpress please [08:24] has the uk planet stopped updating? [08:24] oops - ignore that - mistype [08:24] g'morning btw :) [08:41] Morning [08:48] morning [08:52] Morning peeps :) [08:57] Aloha [08:58] guten morgen czajkowski, wie geht's? === cps_ is now known as cps [08:59] !de [08:59] In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [09:01] czajkowski: morning [09:09] MooDoo: ello [09:17] I know wine lets you run windows programs in linux, is there one for mac applications? [09:18] kvarley: not that i'm aware of no [09:19] MooDoo: Ok :) [09:23] http://mac-on-linux.sourceforge.net/ [09:24] looks dead though [09:25] Thanks AlanBell, I'll check it out. I suppose wine will do as nearly all the programs I'd use offer a windows client. Just was interested. :) [09:35] czajkowski: I see what you did there [09:41] morning all [09:42] don't suppose anyone in here knows much about packaging? [09:42] I'm trying to package a library of mine that has a build-depends on libboost-thread-dev, but pbuilder keeps saying this: pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: libboost-thread-dev which is a virtual package. [09:43] !info libboost-thread [09:43] Package libboost-thread does not exist in maverick [09:43] !info libboost-thread-dev [09:43] libboost-thread-dev (source: boost-defaults): portable C++ multi-threading (default version). In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB [09:44] how's folks today ? [09:45] czajkowski, confused, 4 day weeks mess me up :p [09:45] popey, I think I need to enable universe in my .pbuilderrc [09:45] heh but they are soo nice [09:45] true that [09:45] yes kazade [09:45] April has a good few 3 and 4 day weeks :D [09:45] alan@wopr:~$ cat .pbuilderrc [09:45] COMPONENTS="main restricted universe multiverse" [09:46] popey, thanks, running pbuilder create again [09:46] did I mention that packaging sucks? [09:47] :) [09:47] ironically, I can write a Windows installer on Ubuntu far FAR FAR quicker than create a native Ubuntu package [09:47] experience++ [09:51] popey, true, but Ubuntu really needs better (read "easier") packaging tools [09:52] czajkowski: i'm working the weekend [09:53] kazade: it is easy if you use quickly [09:54] AlanBell, I might take a look at that actually [09:54] been meaning too for ages [09:54] btw, where does pbuilder output the package? [10:04] ah, forgot to sign the package :/ [10:12] http://ismycreditcardstolen.com/ [10:19] popey, surely that's a con? [10:19] view source [10:20] heh, cool, apparently I'm not a stupid person :p === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [10:55] nice [11:09] Is there a legal way to download an XP Pro CD for a co-worker? [11:11] nperry: MSDN has ways, I believe, but you probably have to pay for a subscription. [11:11] Baahhh, I'm only being paid £30 to reinstall windows :/ [11:12] nperry: then add the cost of the OEM installation media? [11:12] Should be able to get it for less than 60 quid [11:13] http://www.codemicro.com/store/product/BP/x0848123/Refurbished is the cheapest I can see from a quick search [11:14] If you know a Microsoft employee, they can get itr 15 pounds. [11:14] *for [11:19] need to schedule the next team meeting folks [11:19] Monday good for people? [11:21] Maybe [11:22] AlanBell: yup [11:23] dwatkins: I've got the product key, not to sure if that helps [11:23] nperry: on a sticker? [11:24] 8PM or 9PM? [11:25] wuzzzzzup [11:26] AlanBell: Monday is not good for me ... but then again, I've missed a slew of those recently :( [11:26] 9pm would be good :) [11:26] 21:00 OK [11:28] dwatkins: yeah [11:28] nperry: right, so essentially the CD is lost, and you could get a 'backup' from somewhere, I guess. Not exactly legit, but I don't think MS sell replacement media. [11:29] I'd be asking around my friends to borrow the physical media (assuming the key will work with it, that is) [11:29] I'm not to sure if its legal to torrent then use the product key :/ [11:30] nperry: I imagine their licensing system wouldn't know the difference. [11:30] Ultimately, you have a sticker, which constitutes the licenes. [11:30] * AlanBell notes the location of ##windows [11:30] Yeah AlanBell there all douches :/ [11:30] AlanBell: indeed, but have you ever tried joining the channel? ;) [11:30] as nperry says [11:30] really? [11:31] I joined ages and ages ago for a bit, didn't seem that bad [11:31] The trolls must have been in bed. [11:31] not as friendly as the ubuntu channels, but not extreme [11:34] How good are the memory tests in HP's bios.. [11:35] Says there is no issues, but this doesn't allow booting from USB [11:35] So can't run memtest :< [11:35] what will it boot from? [11:36] win! my dad's just texted me to say he's bringing round his laptop - "can I install that nobuntu-thingy on it because all windows gives me is errors and your Mum's laptop runs fine" (her laptop is on 10.04 btw) [11:38] CD AlanBell but don't have any spare cds at work to burn it onto [11:38] danfish =) dadbuntu [11:40] danfish Yorvyk how about 20:30? [11:41] AlanBell: fine by me [11:42] kvarley: good idea - the key function I'll need to build in is asking the same question again and again, and a werther's original theme ;) [11:46] danfish hehe [11:52] grr, I don't get this. lintian is complaining about .bzr directories - yet I'm passing the -i parameter to dpkg-buildpackage it's just not ignoring them as it should :( [11:52] is there an irc channel for packaging issues? [11:52] AlanBell: OK [12:01] is there any way to get gparted to abort its sequence of operations between operations? [12:02] i didn't realize it would copy all my fiddling around adjusting to different sizes [12:03] KrimZon: probably not a good idea to interupt gparted [12:03] pain may follow [12:04] struggling here - found a game called Red Orchestra, it's a mod for unreal tournament 2004 so does that mean I can play it on linux? The have released Red Orchestra 2 Heroes of Stalingrad, is that still based on unreal tournament? [12:05] oh well, doesn't look like it'll take unbearably long [12:07] looks like it would've been quicker to delete the data partitions and resize the OS partition, then copy the data back [12:08] except, even though the data is recoverable it's not an exact backup of what's on disk at the moment, so it'd cause a lot of fiddling about to restore it if i stop gparted [12:12] and it'll be interesting to see what happens to the ntfs junctions [12:14] can someone post me the output of: apt-file search shared_ptr.hpp ? [12:14] 11:29:38 < nperry> I'm not to sure if its legal to torrent then use the product key :/ [12:14] afternoonings all. [12:14] my apt-file seems borked [12:14] nperry: I suspect you know exactly how legal that is [12:15] * popey points kazade at packages.ubuntu.com [12:15] http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=shared_ptr.hpp&mode=exactfilename&suite=maverick&arch=any [12:15] libboost1.40-dev, libboost1.42-dev [12:16] popey, thanks, didn't know about that [12:17] doh, I'd used "sudo apt-file update" but then non-sudo apt-file search... [12:17] there was no user-level apt-file cache === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [12:37] popey: 9PM monday good for you? [12:56] AlanBell: yes === AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Monday January 10th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet [13:23] you know your computers getting a little insane when you overload an 850W PSU >.< [13:23] at least, I think that's whats going on. [13:39] Wow, I've never seen a quit message from an Emacs IRC client before [13:43] Daviey: do we have a stash of CDs and a funky new banner and box of goodies? [13:45] * brobostigon sighs, pastedpages worth of mailing list, for only two lines of actual text. [13:50] my laptop graphics card is nearly failed am i right in thinking if I can get ssh installed i can run it headless? [13:57] Afternoon [13:57] that it is [13:58] jenkins: Yes [13:58] hi guys can any one suggest me a channel to discuss about hybrid graphics card use in linux [13:58] !openssh-server | jenkins [13:58] cool thanks, [13:58] !info openssh-server | jenkins [13:58] jenkins: openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.5p1-4ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 294 kB, installed size 800 kB [13:59] I just hope i can get it installed before it fails completly [13:59] I know there was a discussion about updating couchdb in Lucid to support U1 contact sync, where the updated packages pushed? if not can I manually update a 10.04 instalation to use these packages? [13:59] s/where/were === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [14:32] I haven't got any sound in team combat elite or enemy territory in ubuntu 10.10 64-bit. Does ubuntu have oss support? [14:35] hi all [14:39] A giant rain cloud an enveloped my house :| [14:39] s/an/has [14:40] I think I need an electric shock everytime I make a typo :( [15:02] hello all [15:03] does anyone know if you can install ubuntu on a netbook running ce v6 [15:03] jonsaint: can you tell us the model of said netbook, please. [15:04] its a arnova 10. its my daughters but ce is a total waste of time, she knows how to use ubuntu....we all do. we aint great fans of mucrosoft products! [15:06] it looks like it is an arm device, debian has a very developed version for arm, so in theory it is possible, how,no idea. [15:07] jonsaint: It looks like it's pretty low on RAM [15:07] http://pdadb.net/index.php?m=specs&id=2653&c=archos_arnova_10 [15:08] yeah, even UNE needs more RAM than it looks like that has [15:08] yeah. it aint got nothing special in there [15:09] jonsaint: I think it's pretty unlikely without a bit of kernel level hacking to get it to go first [15:09] jonsaint: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements#Ubuntu%20Netbook%20Edition has the current system requirements for the regular Ubuntu flavours [15:09] debian could run inside that ram, but it would have to be quite minimalist. [15:10] drat. i hate this software. so its too low spec for ubuntu? [15:10] Ubuntu NB has been built for ARM machines, but it tends to be quite model specific... http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/releases/10.10/release/ [15:12] i dont think it would work.... oh well. :-( [15:12] they also still seem to want at least 256MB of RAM [15:12] not sure what this has got [15:12] jonsaint: You cna get ARM Linux running in 128MB of RAM easily enough with a cut down ubuntu setup - but you'll need a kernel/X that understands that hardware - and I'm not sure if that exists; I suspect it's buildable but will take some figuring out [15:14] yeah its only got 128 ram. my calculators probably got more memory than this thing [15:16] anyway folks many thanks for tying. hope you all have a nice saturday [15:18] I am trying to ssh into my laptop and I can't work out why its not working I am getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/551808/ any suggestions? [15:19] jenkins: It's getting upset by the -l [15:19] jenkins: I think it's trying to login to ip 2222 using username p [15:20] are ok, how do i use adifferent user name on the server then? [15:20] you already are doing with the usernameΩaddress [15:20] oops, [15:20] username@address [15:21] k thanks I am trying now and I haev a different error [15:21] you can do ssh -l username hostname or ssh username@hostname [15:21] i see :) [15:22] its a problem with the keys the public one is on the clinet and the private on the server right? [15:22] yeh [15:22] hmm I wonder what I haev wrong [15:23] so what do you get now? [15:24] http://paste.ubuntu.com/551811/ [15:27] That looks to me like the authorised keys on the destination doesn't have your public key properly [15:28] I will just check where it is [15:28] check ther permissions on .ssh and .ssh/authorized_keys too [15:28] .ssh should be 700, authorized_keys should be 600 [15:30] ok I will check that, it will take a moment as I only have one external screen and one keyboard/mouse [15:31] there's a handy wee utility called 'ssh-copy-id' that does al taht for you, provided you can get in with a PW [15:31] hi can any one help me through setting up hybrid graphic card switch on ubuntu 10.10 please [15:33] hmm permissons are fine. I may have to try allowing passwords to copy it across [15:33] Hi [15:34] kaushal, hi [15:34] ocean_: hi [15:34] Please suggest me about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-January/238179.html [15:35] kaushal: you might find reporting bugs better answered if you report them via lauchpad rather than a ML sorry [15:36] ok [15:36] it's the best way to report a bug tbh [15:36] czajkowski: so as a temporary measure ? [15:37] Do i need to reinstall the OS ? [15:37] kaushal: I'm sorry I don't know [15:37] I feel 10.10 is filled with bugs [15:37] I have upgraded the OS and it gives error [15:38] seems like some odd config there kaushal [15:38] popey: ok [15:39] you also dont say how it failed [15:39] just [failed] [15:40] popey: oi oi ;) [15:40] popey: so as a remedy do i need to run fsck > [15:40] o/ [15:40] ?* [15:40] I don't yet know what the issue is [15:40] I mean unmount /dev/sda5 [15:43] i dont know what happens when you go into recovery mode so dont yet know what the issue is [15:43] hi guys i am using ubuntu 10.10 64 bit.the machine has ATI monility radeon TM HD 5470 graphics switchable with intel HD GMA. on linux after a bit of googling in installed switcheroo and UCC . when i choose low graphics it shows intel chip is active. when i choose high perfomance under UCC>network info>display i cant see ATI card. instaed it says mesa project, software rasterizer. moreover my compiz doesnt work when i choose high perfomance graphics. is t [15:43] here anyway to get around this and make my ATI work.thanks [15:44] I would appreciate any help guiding in the right direction even if its not a proper fix [15:44] tx [15:49] I must be missing something here, I can [15:49] *can't find how to locate the svn of a project on sourceforge [15:50] http://sourceforge.net/projects/openmohaa/ [15:50] svn co https://openmohaa.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openmohaa openmohaa [15:50] popey: How did you find that? [15:50] google + svn + openmohaa [15:51] Ah ok, sorry [15:51] kvarley: it's under the 'develop' tab on SF [15:51] Oh yeah my bad, thanks popey and mgdm [15:54] popey, any help regarding the above problem :-) [15:54] ocean_: sorry, I dont have or plan to have any ATI hardware [15:54] popey, tx, [15:55] <-- Achievement unlocked: Master Ikea "Billy" builder [15:57] ocean_: if you feel competent to have you tried removing the intel card and starting you computer? It may then use the ati card this would to prove it works with compiz. [15:57] ooo, we have Billy [15:57] billy? popey [15:58] jenkins: Ikea :) [15:58] popey: I have Billy and Expedit now :) [15:58] * jenkins does not get it [15:58] its a product name [15:58] jenkins: http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/83688210 [15:58] I see now i get it [15:58] mine is beech veneer [15:59] i had to use pythagoras to figure out if it would fit in the room [15:59] jenkins, i need some help to do it if u don mind. [15:59] popey: I have 2 in Beech veneer (1x 80cm, 1x 40cm wide), drilled some extra holes for more shelves = more CDs :) [15:59] :) [16:00] popey: and one in "black-brown" [16:00] but that's in another room [16:00] ocean_: I am not really able to tell you how to remove it over irc, its not to easy to explain. Is the intel card part of the motherboard? [16:00] jenkins: intel cards are always on-board [16:00] jenkins: sometimes even part of the CPU [16:01] darn , sorry I did not know that [16:02] ok the only solution I can think off is to remove intel graphics driver packages and hope it uses the ait card on boot. if not you will need to be able to reinstall the packages using a live cd which is not easy. Does this logic make sense anyone? [16:03] Trying to make openmohaa and it fails, any suggestions as to what I need to do? http://paste.ubuntu.com/551830/ [16:03] kvarley: you ran configure? [16:03] also, why are you compiling it? [16:03] surely its packaged? [16:04] any dr. who Daleks fans? Argos are selling off mini ones for 5 quid in Aldershot [16:04] popey: Doesn't seem to be for linux [16:05] popey: It happened after the usual update manager process and asked for reboot [16:05] and then never booted [16:05] and that message [16:05] kaushal: what happens when you go into recovery mode? [16:05] never tried [16:05] anything to be done ? [16:06] uh [16:06] thats not what your email says [16:06] "Steps I tried: [16:06] 1. Tried the recovery mode from grub. [failed] [16:06] " [16:06] ah sorry [16:06] yes [16:06] popey: There is no configure, in the readme it just says make. [16:07] popey: Do you need more information ? [16:07] is there a recent bug reported on Launchpad ? [16:07] 16:05:39 < popey> kaushal: what happens when you go into recovery mode? [16:08] it fails [16:08] that is not an answer [16:08] what happens [16:08] kvarley: trying it here [16:09] popey: please give me a moment [16:09] Thanks popey [16:11] kvarley: do you have the original MOHAA pak files? [16:11] popey: Yes but the readme gives the impression you dont need them until after you've made it [16:12] sure [16:12] kvarley: there's not a lot of stuff online about this on linux, which makes me think it's not been properly ported to linux [16:13] popey: I have looked at forums and sourceforge dates and it seems like it's dead [16:13] kvarley: http://icculus.org/~ravage/mohaa/ [16:13] ? [16:13] popey: That's not the open one [16:13] ah [16:13] popey: I was just interested in the open one but am not bothered if it's not working as the project seems to have dried up [16:14] popey: Thanks for looking :) [16:14] yeah, it barfs in the same way here [16:16] popey: Too bad, I'll stick to trying to fix audio on tc-elite lol [16:16] sorry, I dont know how to fix that [16:16] popey: On a side note, whens the next uupc ? [16:17] dunno [16:17] hehe [16:17] unlikely to be before mid feb [16:22] I have made it work thanks mgdm and penguin42, part of the problem was that I had typed an extra s on the user name that was allowed to ssh into the machine [16:27] jenkins: ah, that'd do it! good that you got it sorted [16:27] yea I also re did the keys using password authentication [16:30] mgdm: how are you?! [16:30] Pendulum: I'm fine ta, you? [16:31] good :) [16:31] have not seen you around for ages :( [16:32] I've been rather busy [16:32] I can tell [16:32] I hope all is well :) [16:32] aye, things are fine :) sitting in among boxes just now - moving flat [16:44] http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/216101/ubuntu_adds_sparkle_to_nufront_laptops_at_ces.html [16:47] what is a good place to start,for independent, non-biased uk market research surrounding linux ? [16:48] hi guys i am using ubuntu 10.10 64 bit.the machine has ATI monility radeon TM HD 5470 graphics switchable with intel HD GMA. on linux after a bit of googling in installed switcheroo and UCC . when i choose low graphics it shows intel chip is active. when i choose high perfomance under UCC>network info>display i cant see ATI card. instaed it says mesa project, software rasterizer. moreover my compiz doesnt work when i choose high perfomance graphics. is t [16:48] here anyway to get around this and make my ATI work.thanks [16:48] I would appreciate any help guiding in the right direction even if its not a proper fix [16:48] tx [16:52] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_adoption is the closest to useful i have found upto now. [16:54] ocean_: Have you got the ATI closed drives installed or the free ones? [17:10] penguin42, i tried to install FGLRX. on reboot there was no GUI. so i reinstalled ubuntu and i havent installed anything in particular [17:11] ocean_: How did you install frglx - with the ubuntu jockey/hardware drivers gui or from ati's site? [17:11] fglrx* [17:11] erm indeed [17:11] penguin42, installed from system>admin>additional drivers [17:12] hmm that should work [17:12] ocean_: In your BIOS can you force it into one or other of the intel or ati modes? [17:12] penguin42, there is no option in BIOS i have cheked it [17:13] with the help of switcheroo i can see that the switch possible [17:13] ocean_: Hmm that sucks; the laptop I use has options to do the autoswitching them, or to fix at either the intel or AMD [17:14] ocean_: Hmm ok, I've not tried switcheroo - with switcheroo and if you switch into the ATI mode what does X do? [17:14] penguin42, for the time being i don mind fixing it to ATI. its so disappointing and my machine is getting overheated as well [17:16] penguin42, there is an option in UCC called VGA switching. u can either select low perfomance or high perfomance. when i switch to high perfomance the ATI card disappears from system info. and no compiz as well [17:17] ocean_: does it show up in lspci? [17:17] sorry when i switch to low perfomance intel chip is dispalyed [17:17] at high perfomance ATI is not shown [17:17] odd [17:18] penguin42, is it because ATI hasnt got any drivers? [17:19] ocean_: It should show up in an lspci without drivers [17:19] ocean_: If it doesn't show up in lspci I doubt there is much chance [17:19] penguin42, it is showing up on lspci http://paste-bin.com/view/5572ef1c [17:20] ocean_: OK, so what happens if you try and start X? What's in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? [17:23] penguin42, http://paste-bin.com/view/18abcd8d [17:25] ocean_: OK, so that's detected the intel card and blown up because it's not really there [17:26] penguin42, what does that mean? so there is no ATI card in there!!! [17:26] ocean_: Well if your lspci is to be believed it is there, so what I'd try is to write an /etc/X11/xorg.conf that explicitly uses the ATI card [17:26] Hey, I have some kernel parameters to pass via Grub at boot time. How would I do this on a persistent basis? [17:26] ocean_: What I'm surprised at is that doing the switcheroo the intel card is still lsited [17:27] ocean_: So I don't know why X is finding the intel card given your lspci [17:28] ocean_: My guess (without having one to try it on) is that you boot with the Intel, do the magic to switch on the ATI but something (hal? udev?) hasn't noticed [17:28] penguin42, does it mean that ATI card is there but not used by switcheroo? [17:29] ocean_: I think the fact it shows up in lcpsi means switcheroo is doing it's job, but I don't know the details of switcheroo [17:30] penguin42, is there anyway to use ATI from the boot up not bothering about the switch so that i can use ubuntu? [17:30] ocean_: Well that's why I asked about the BIOS; when you are running the switch program are you doing that from within Intel X or from the command line? [17:31] penguin42, sorry i don understand what X is. i just use the GUI to make that switch [17:32] ocean_: OK, to get any further I suspect you'll need to understand a lot more about the underneath of the GUI [17:32] ocean_: But I've not tried the switch stuff to know enough about how switching works - but I'm retty familiar with how normal stuff works [17:33] penguin42, if there is no switcheroo how would u fix this problem? i was not able to ATI right from the install. fglrx broke the GUI as well [17:34] ocean_: I'd stick with the intel, or I'd hand wirte an xorg.conf file [17:35] penguin42, what would the file do? [17:35] can i still do it? [17:35] ocean_: At the moment the GUI is finding the hardware for itself - and not doing very well; but you can say to it 'use this driver with this PCI device and configure it like this' [17:38] penguin42, is there any helpful link for it. I would try it and see how it goes [17:39] ocean_: Well here is the manual http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man5/xorg.conf.5.html but it's a bit hard reading, I'm sure there are some articles that are easier for starters [17:48] how do I add a device in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules? [17:48] pr0ph3t: that happens automatically [17:48] why do you want to do it? [17:49] MartijnVdS, not with my 3g modem unfortunately [17:49] how do I get the ATTR{address}? [17:49] pr0ph3t: is it a different device each time? [17:49] pr0ph3t: like eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3, etc. [17:50] MartijnVdS, it is built-in so it is always the same [17:50] pr0ph3t: that's what 70-persistent-net.rules does.. it makes sure that every device (with a specific hardware address (mac address)) gets the same name (eth0, eth1, etc.) to the system [17:51] after restarting [17:51] so if the name is already the same every time, you don't need to change it [17:52] MartijnVdS, I don't know if it is, it just has NO CARRIER on AT commands response [17:52] MartijnVdS, I'm trying to find what the problem could be [17:52] it's not this :) [17:53] persistent-net.rules is just there to give devices consistent names across system restarts. [17:53] I got "no carrier" a lot today on my 3G modem [17:53] it was caused by setting "Prefer 3G over GPRS" in the connection settings [17:54] Martkdoes it matter if on lsusb the device is recognised as E620 [17:54] sorry pressed enter by mistake [17:54] Huawei E620 should work fine [17:54] MartijnVdS, does it matter if on lsusb the device is recognised as E620 and AT command gives me EM770 instead? [17:54] but is it? [17:55] no, it should not matter. [17:55] As long as commands like "AT+COPS=?" work (that ones takes up to a minute to return, it searches for available 3G/GSM networks) [17:55] MartijnVdS, well it doesn't [17:56] because I have no carrier signal [17:56] so it can't return anything [17:56] pr0ph3t: how have you tried? [17:56] with two terminals [17:56] pr0ph3t: because modem-manager tends to take the modem device for itself. [17:56] pr0ph3t: "two terminals", which program did you use? [17:57] What happened to modem-manager? [17:57] What does /var/log/daemon.log say when you ask network-manager to connect? [17:57] I used tr -s "\n" < /dev/ttyUSB0 on one terminal [17:58] and passed the AT commands with echo -e on another terminal [17:58] try "screen /dev/ttyUSB0" next time (exit with Ctrl+A k y) [17:58] pr0ph3t: and "ATE" (enable local echo) :) [17:58] still same results [17:59] (you'll have to type the command blind, but after that you should see what you're typing) [17:59] pr0ph3t: Which command did you send to the modem? What did it give back? Can you pastebin it? [17:59] (remember: I can't see your screen, so I have to guess!) [18:01] MartijnVdS, AT+COPS? returns just 0 [18:02] pr0ph3t: and AT+COPS=? [18:02] with the "=" [18:02] MartijnVdS, error [18:02] tried it a lot [18:02] so it's not connected to a network, and scanning for networks = error [18:02] Did you turn off the radio in some way? [18:03] MartijnVdS, I never turned them on is what I think [18:03] pr0ph3t: did you enter the PIN for the SIM? [18:03] how would I do that is what I am trying to find out [18:03] no need for pin [18:03] ah, good [18:04] MartijnVdS, +CSQ gives 99,99 [18:04] so again no carrier [18:04] no signal [18:06] What does "AT+CFUN?" say? [18:07] NO CARRIER [18:07] hm [18:07] radio is off [18:07] it must be [18:07] pr0ph3t: AT+CFUN queries radio status... [18:08] pr0ph3t: AT+CFUN? queries, AT+CFUN=? lists supported modes, AT+CFUN=1,0 enables without reset, AT+CFUN=1,1 enables and resets device [18:09] MartijnVdS, I just get the same message with all of those [18:09] pr0ph3t: that's the radio on/off radio functionality [18:09] pr0ph3t: NO CARRIER? [18:09] or something specific [18:09] ? [18:10] MartijnVdS, yes [18:10] pr0ph3t: is modem-manager running? [18:10] MartijnVdS, but haewei doesn't give out the at commands [18:10] pr0ph3t: that doesn't matter. these are in a GSM spec that's freely available and shuold be supported by most GSM/3G modems :) [18:11] MartijnVdS, you mean NetworkManager? [18:11] ps xa [18:11] uhr [18:11] ps ax | grep modem-manager [18:11] that should list a modem-manager process [18:11] it's sort-of part of network-manager, but it's a separate proces [18:12] pr0ph3t: is the SIM of the same brand as the modem? The modem might be SIM-locked to some operator [18:12] MartijnVdS, yes [18:12] MartijnVdS, the sim works on windows on same hardware [18:12] OK, so that's not the problem [18:13] and the modem manager is running [18:13] pr0ph3t: can you pastebin /var/log/daemon.log when you try to connect through network-manager? [18:13] penguin42, sorry i was away for some time. if i am reconfiguring it would it use the ATI all the time? [18:13] MartijnVdS, not syslog? [18:14] pr0ph3t: /var/log/daemon.log contains all modem-manager and network-manager details [18:14] pr0ph3t: at least, it does here [18:18] MartijnVdS, it's just unknown error 32 [18:18] MartijnVdS, and same output in syslog [18:19] pr0ph3t: I'm sorry, I've run out of ideas [18:19] pr0ph3t: you could try looking around on launchpad for bugs related to your device, or on the forums.. [18:19] MartijnVdS, I think the AT commands have been modified? [18:19] MartijnVdS, there is a bug [18:19] pr0ph3t: no, that's impossible. AT commands are AT commands. [18:20] MartijnVdS, and it has been patched apparently [18:20] pr0ph3t: subscribe to it, supply the people who reply with answers to their questions :) [18:20] I have no idea [18:20] MartijnVdS, it has been patched and merged to the mainline, I run 2.6.37 kernel [18:21] ah! critical information :) [18:21] What happens when you use the default Ubuntu kernel? [18:22] MartijnVdS, http://dev.iksaif.net/issues/108, exactly the same [18:22] that's not a launchpad bug [18:22] that's the bugfix address [18:22] for a acpi4asus bug [18:22] if it's not in Launchpad, Ubuntu people don't know about it. You can link bugs to upstream trackers. [18:23] if you read the last comment it says [18:23] at the bottom, the anon is me [18:24] I don't understand entirely what is going on but it seems the rf switches for the 3g modem radio kill were not implemented in the original asus-laptop driver [18:25] Sounds like what happened on my Sony [18:25] But there the device just didn't show up until they fixed the sony-laptop driver [18:25] MartijnVdS, but now they fixed the problem, but on the patch comment it say they did not add the rf switches for wwan and wimax because they might just be for the led and not the hardware it self [18:25] pr0ph3t: can you try if it works from the latest alpha live CD? [18:26] pr0ph3t: (you don't need to install it, just try if 3G works) [18:26] pr0ph3t: the alphas have a .37 kernel [18:26] as I said I am running 2.6.37 kernel [18:26] and the entire "support structure" needed to make them work properly [18:26] the one that came out on the 5th o jan [18:26] which 10.10 doesn't have. [18:26] I also tried natty [18:27] latest "current"? an alpha? which one? [18:27] current [18:27] did it work? [18:27] after rc8 [18:27] is what I am running now but in maverick [18:27] did you try the natty-current live cd, or did you just install the kernel from natty in maverick? [18:27] natty I tried it but it didn't work [18:28] I did both [18:28] Then please file a bug on launchpad, mentioning that asus4acpi bug. People might be able to fix it before natty release then. [18:28] if it's not on launchpad, Ubuntu people don't know about it, and the chances of getting the fix into the next ubuntu version are near zero [18:28] by reading what it says there on that link Dan Haworth managed to get it to work using that patch [18:29] pr0ph3t: please read what I'm telling you... [18:29] MartijnVdS, but it has been merged into mainline, does that not mean it is in the ubuntu kernel as well? [18:30] depends on release schedules etc [18:30] pr0ph3t: usually it does, but sometimes it takes a while for Ubuntu to pick up releases [18:31] but let's say it was merged in 2.6.37-rc6 [18:31] mainline that is, now I am running the final 2.6.37 [18:31] ubuntu kernel [18:31] pr0ph3t: Just file the bug. The kernel people will check for you. [18:31] AlanBell: I've fallen into your trap, and find myself helping people on ##windows ;) [18:31] that should have the updated driver? [18:32] pr0ph3t: it's not just the driver. it's updated udev and some other "user-space" bits that might also be breaking it [18:32] * brobostigon feels worried about dwatkins [18:32] dwatkins: INTERVENTION [18:32] MartijnVdS: heh [18:33] * AlanBell is now full of guilt [18:33] AlanBell: "first one's free" [18:34] help :( [18:35] with what pr0ph3t? [18:35] pr0ph3t: ubuntu-bug linux [18:35] this 3g modem [18:36] pr0ph3t: no the 3G modem is fine. it's the ASUS laptop driver that doesn't enable it correctly. [18:36] pr0ph3t: don't make AlanBell go through the same steps I've already done please :) [18:37] pr0ph3t: just use that ubuntu-bug command to file a bug on the kernel (preferrably from the live-cd environment with current natty) [18:37] MartijnVdS, there is a guy that has it working, he just patched the kernel and it worked for him [18:37] Are you afraid of filing the bug? [18:37] I am afraid it is just a bug in my head, something I did wrong [18:38] pr0ph3t: I'm telling you it's not. And if it is, people will close the bug again, no harm done. [18:38] * AlanBell reads back then advises pr0ph3t to file a bug on launchpad and link the other one to it [18:38] like just press "c" numbnuts and it will work or something [18:38] you get karma for filing bugs [18:38] AlanBell: does karma buy discounts in the canonical store? ;) [18:39] you don't need discounts, it's all free [18:39] pr0ph3t: File a bug, at the worst you'll get asked for more information [18:39] AlanBell: File 500 bugs, get £5 off on DB2 [18:39] file 7299 bugs and get one of these http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=776 [18:40] AlanBell: ooh, sexy [18:40] AlanBell: Without clicking the link, is that Borat's cyling outfit? [18:40] it is [18:41] lol [18:45] h [18:46] the fact that uname -r gives 2.6.37 does it necessarily mean that that is the kernel I am running? [18:46] yes [18:47] but it doesn't mean that a .37 kernel will work 100% OK with maverick [18:47] because some programs that communicate with the kernel might be "too old" [18:50] pr0ph3t: As far as I can see, Maverick use the 2.36.35 kernel [18:50] DJones: he's installed a .37 from natty on maverick [18:52] MartijnVdS: Yes, I guessing that, was just pointing it out, pr0ph3t is possibly better asking in #ubuntu+1 that may be able to help, although its unlikely as its an unsupported version [18:52] DJones: read the log for the last hour :) [18:54] MartijnVdS, gosh it took that long, thanks for the help by the way MartijnVdS [18:54] and yes I am filing a bug [18:54] \o/ [18:55] is that a typo? [18:56] brb [19:11] hi guys i am using ubuntu 10.10 64 bit.the machine has ATI monility radeon TM HD 5470 graphics switchable with intel HD GMA. on linux after a bit of googling in installed switcheroo and UCC . when i choose low graphics it shows intel chip is active. when i choose high perfomance under UCC>network info>display i cant see ATI card. instaed it says mesa project, software rasterizer. moreover my compiz doesnt work when i choose high perfomance graphics. [19:13] New series of Hustle \o/ [19:15] get_iplayer to the rescue. :) [19:16] get_iplayer \o/ [19:16] Hmm, I remember last time I tried using get_iplayer than Flash video was a PITA to transcode [19:16] ocean_: Ubuntu doesn't support on-the-fly graphics chip switching [19:17] ocean_: it's a wonder that it works as well as it does. [19:21] MartijnVdS, can i use ati alone by some how/ [19:27] Speaking of which, is it possible to switch between battery and AC power in software on Linux? [19:28] jacobw: there's hardware that supports that?! [19:28] * MartijnVdS doesn't know if it [19:31] Laptop hardware must support that because it switches from AC to battery and back again when it detects a power input [19:33] jacobw: it doesn't really expose that to the software though [19:34] or when plugged in to mains allow the user to decide to use battery [19:35] AlanBell: I feared as much :( [19:35] why would you want it? [19:40] AlanBell: I wanted to write a script to switch the laptop to battery power when the battery was full to charge cycle the battery in laptops left on AC all the time [19:42] AlanBell: And also to copy the AC power management profile to battery profile during run downs to keep it fairly unintrusive [19:52] why would you want to cycle a lithium battery? [19:54] ali1234: As far as I understand it, cycling batteries is the only way to stop them degrading? [19:54] jacobw: why not just rely on the hardware for that sort of thing? It should detect when the battery is full and stop cherging it at that point. [19:54] If you really want to stop your battery degrading, remove it when you boot up your laptop when connected to the power, jacobw ;) [19:55] no, cycling batteries wears them out faster [19:56] the reason that they tell you to cycle laptops batteries is the keep the battery gauge calibrated [19:58] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium-ion_battery#Advantages no memory affect, so no need for cycling. [20:00] you can't stop a lithium battery from degrading anyway [20:00] the best you can do is charge it 50% then put it in the fridge [20:00] agreed. [20:00] even then it will have a shelf life of about 3 years [20:05] http://www.osnews.com/comments/24225 ouch,how sad apple is. [20:06] the developer specifically asked for it to be removed in that case [20:06] sorry, "a" developer, not "the" developer [20:06] because there is no "the" developer of vlc [20:07] yes, but it is really sad nonetheless, [20:07] why? [20:08] like he said, i'm not sad for the apple users [20:08] ali1234: me neither,but i would haveliked them to have more. [20:08] * brobostigon goes awayand reads http://www.haiku-os.org/blog/zooey/2011-01-08_package_management_first_draft === denny- is now known as denny [20:18] interesting ideas, [20:31] hey all [20:32] I have to say I find the absence of a applications menu quite confusing [20:32] in natty narwhal [20:32] pr0ph3t: it's not done yet. [20:32] have you tried it? [20:32] switch to "gnome classic" on the login screen [20:32] yes I know you can do that [20:33] Also, doesn't clicking the Ubuntu logo in the top left corner bring up a panel of applications? [20:33] I usually have something like cairo dock with all the stuff I use the most [20:33] it brings a view with all the applications but in no particular order [20:34] that was for jacobw [20:34] I can't see this particular version of Ubuntu described without thinking of this: http://www.weebls-stuff.com/songs/Narwhals/ [20:35] dwatkins, cool [20:35] dwatkins: http://www.reddit.com/r/narwhals/ [20:35] MartijnVdS: I did wonder if there was a link, thanks :) [20:36] dwatkins: bacon, narwhals :) [20:36] bacon, MartijnVdS? [20:36] http://www.reddit.com/r/bacon [20:36] Reddit = Narwhals + Bacon + alien [20:36] urrrm, now you've lost me [20:37] I'm reading up on the reasons for choosing NAtty Narwhal as a name for the latest Ubuntu version. [20:37] ah [20:37] I'm repeating the things a lot of people on reddit seem to like :) [20:37] the side could replace cairo and have all the applications you use the most, but there should always be a certain order in the applications folder [20:37] MartijnVdS: "The Narwhal, as an Arctic (and somewhat endangered) animal, is a fitting reminder of the fact that we have only one spaceship that can host all of humanity" [20:38] waiwut?! [20:38] we have spaceships now? [20:38] Nafallo: The Earth is being described as a spaceship. [20:38] the earth, :) [20:39] meh [20:39] disappointing [20:39] * dwatkins directs Nafallo to the engine room [20:39] * Nafallo goes to hell, then. [20:39] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaceship_Earth_(Epcot) [20:42] can the side bar in natty be customised? [20:42] no [20:42] you can just add you applications [20:42] once you run them for the first time [20:43] maybe you should have 2 side bars [20:43] !designteam [20:44] pr0ph3t: http://design.canonical.com/ [20:44] ohbtw. applications you start with something like gnome-do, can't be marked permanent. [20:45] took me several weeks to figure that one out. [20:45] they should be able to, file a bug? [20:46] gord: even for the 10.10 version then? [20:46] erm no not for 10.10, confirm the bug exists in 11.04 first [20:46] heh, okay. [20:47] just waiting for alpha-2 I think. [20:47] mutter drives me inssane [20:47] * AlanBell tickles Daviey [20:48] AlanBell, think he is travelling today [20:50] ok [20:53] * MartijnVdS re-organises a lot of cables [20:53] no more network cables crossing the room [20:53] \o/ [20:53] * Nafallo waits for MartijnVdS to ping out [20:54] Nafallo: good thing I'm on wifi then ;) [20:54] MartijnVdS, today you suggested I should use ATE instead of what I was using to test my 3g modem [20:54] MartijnVdS: the wireless should connect to wire somewhere :-P [20:54] can you tell me again how it worked please? [20:55] pr0ph3t: ATE is the AT command to enable local echo of commands (so it shows letters as you type them, not only the output/return value) [20:55] pr0ph3t: http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/todays-chatter/ [20:55] pr0ph3t: using screen: screen /dev/ttyUSB0 (you can exit with Ctrl+A, then "k", then "y") [20:55] if you want to review the logs for today [20:55] Nafallo: ap is part of the dsl modem [20:55] thanks AlanBell, MartijnVdS [20:56] MartijnVdS: eeew. you're not re-cabling that thne? :-P [20:56] Nafallo: no, just the bit in my "computer geek room" :) [20:57] * brobostigon wnts one of those, :( [20:57] * Nafallo would prefer to have less technical stuff at home :-P [20:57] brobostigon: 3-bedroom appartment + alone :) [20:58] and a smaller home actually. [20:58] Nafallo: That's why I've concentrated my technical stuff in one room [20:58] MartijnVdS: i am jealous now, :( [20:58] brobostigon: don't be. Being alone isn't always fun :) [20:58] MartijnVdS: I could do that to! ...if I had a studio flat ;-) [20:58] MartijnVdS: i mean a dedicated geek room. [20:59] brobostigon: geeks are much more fun to store in pubs anyway. [20:59] Nafallo: agreed, with loads of real ale.:) [21:00] +1 [21:00] ale \o [21:00] / [21:00] * brobostigon install a bar in this geekroom, [21:01] * brobostigon goes towatch QIXL. [21:01] good idea [21:01] MartijnVdS: bbc2, now. [21:01] bah. I want a mini fridge in the data centre :-P [21:01] QI is good this week [21:01] good morning [21:01] Good evening :) [21:01] brobostigon: *click* :) [21:02] MartijnVdS: :) [21:02] no spolilers please. [21:02] can someone tell me how to get a sip number? for fring on htc desire hd [21:03] kieko: go to a SIP provider and get an account? [21:03] MartijnVdS: any? [21:03] MartijnVdS, there is good news, that command you told me about, +CFUN returns something now [21:03] kieko: sip is just a protocol [21:03] pr0ph3t: good! [21:04] MartijnVdS, so something has changed, the device is receiving a signal now [21:04] right? [21:04] pr0ph3t: so +COPS=? returns something as well? [21:06] MartijnVdS, still error, but it might be because of +CTFUN [21:06] pr0ph3t: set the radio on -> +CFUN=1,1 [21:07] MartijnVdS, that gives error [21:07] pr0ph3t: 1,0 then? or +CFUN=? [21:07] (that last one lists supported values) [21:08] MartijnVdS, the last one gives: +CFUN: (0-1,4-7),(0-1) [21:09] pr0ph3t: that means you can use 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 before the comma, and 0 or 1 after :) [21:09] pr0ph3t: you can google for the meanings :) [21:09] why do I get error though :/ [21:23] o/ [21:24] wondering: if "ignorance is bliss" ... why aren't there more happy people in the world? [21:24] suprengr: like conservative voters. [21:25] biting tongue here.... trying to not to laugh.... [21:25] :) [21:28] suprengr: funny though, :), am i watching and listening to to much satire? [21:30] *never* a person has been found suffering from too much satire ; only the opposite [imho] [21:30] not enough satire, so too lack of a sense of humour ? [21:31] suprengr: also, cynicism :P [21:32] only for those that have never realised that sarcasm. like satire; if stated well - is the *highest* form of wit ;) [21:33] ...& cheers to me... I am a creature that I like call a cynic - but a healthy cynic [21:35] [a good dose of cynicism would cure half of the world's internet probs!] === MattJ100 is now known as MattJ === heeed_ is now known as heed [23:47] nos da, sleep well.