
akgranermhall119,  - yum-o - I like it too :-)00:23
mhall119akgraner: next time y'all are down I'll cook up some00:30
akgranermhall119,  how are you all doing - I haven't had a chance to talk to many people later..sorry about that.00:31
mhall119akgraner: doing well, just took a 5 day trip up into tennessee00:33
mhall119first time the kids got to play in snow00:34
akgranerI saw michelle's comments on FB - glad you all were able to00:34
mhall119though we had to drive to the top of the smokies to see any, and even that was melting and hard-packed00:34
mhall119but they didn't know any better00:34
akgraner:-)  ahh to be a kid00:34
mhall119so when's your house going to be move-in ready?00:35
akgranermid to the end of February00:35
akgranerwe modified the basic house plan so it is going to take a little longer00:35
akgranerbut the main part of the house is "dried in"00:35
mhall119that's good00:36
akgranerso we are one step closer00:36
akgranerI told Pete that I hope that I get I to come home from SCaLE and go to our house00:38
akgranerthat would be awesome00:38
akgranermhall119, will you all be at SCaLE this year?00:38
mhall119yeah, a nice coming home gift00:38
mhall119I don't think so, SCaLE's a budget buster, and we just don't have it this year00:38
akgranergotcha - what about SELF?00:39
mhall119we're saving up to go to DC over spring break00:39
mhall119we can probably do SELF, even if we just drive the camper up00:39
mhall119are nick and josh going to try to do another ALF this year?00:39
akgranerlet me know when you go - I have friends up there (as a matter of fact we were just there last weekend) I'll drive up and see you all and hang out with them00:39
akgranermhall119,  nope :-(00:40
mhall119that's too bad00:40
akgranerit's just too much work for 2-3 people - the last one was 1000+ people $2500 budget and 5 people00:40
mhall119yeah, I know you three were fried by the end of it00:40
akgranerhave you seen there new business venture?00:41
mhall119run level media?00:41
mhall119yeah, it sure sounds interesting00:41
akgranerI wrote about them a few weeks ago00:41
mhall119is it going well for them?00:41
akgranerthey are working on getting into gov't contracting side of things00:42
akgranerit's steady00:42
mhall119oh cool00:42
mhall119that's good, I haven't seen either of them on IRC in ages, so I only hear what they post on Facebook00:42
akgranerwe were going to head to Atlanta at the end of the month for Becca to try out for America's Got Talent - but after we reviewed the contract  - we aren't going to now00:49
mhall119yeah, I hear it's not a great deal for the artists01:33
holstein_marx_: you see my FB messages?04:01
holsteinactually, im not sure i created the right thing04:05
holsteini dont understand FB04:05
holsteinand i dont really want to04:05
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!15:21
Nivexwell this is frustrating: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Mavericki8xxStatus16:40
Nivexmy hack of the day: how to identify what packages you have installed from multiverse:17:50
Nivexdpkg-query -W -f='${Package} ${Status}\n' | awk '/installed/ {print $1}' | xargs apt-cache show | grep pool/multiverse17:50
NivexI'm thinking there's probably a way to optimize that a bit more17:50
Nivexbut I was trying to get a feel for what non-Free software I still work with17:50
mhall119Nivex: nice17:56
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!18:21
=== ShootEmUp2 is now known as shootemup
=== ShootEmUp2 is now known as shootemup
holsteinNivex: :)20:45
holsteini like that20:45
shootemupholstein! you live in north carolina to?20:46
holsteinsnowing pretty good here still20:47
shootemupwas snowing here, while the sun was out20:47
holsteinshootemup: what did you do theme-wise?20:51
holsteinfor your ISO ?20:51
shootemupjust the base look of LXDE20:51
shootemuplooks like windows out of the box20:52
holsteinmore so than average20:52
holsteineven says 'start' right?20:52
shootemupmore so than XFCE or gnome20:52
shootemupno start, but button is in the same place20:52
holsteinshootemup: did you set some common apps up in wine?20:56
shootemupnot yet20:57

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