
YetanotherxSo I'm kind of stuck here. I've downloaded the ISO, *made sure the MD5 was right*, and burned ths CD. It doesn't boot, but only says "Cannot mount /dev/loop0". So I follow the intructions to make a USB drive, and the bootloader doesn't see it as bootable00:00
nothingspecialawesome_guest: See all these people with problems? Sometimes a new kernel breaks stuff. Sometimes you don`t realise. Old kernels are good.00:00
aromancp24eva, what are you installing/upgrading?00:00
Yetanotherx(this is a macboot, by the way)00:00
MrUnagisacarlson: rather i didnt think of that at all00:00
cp24evaaroman, I think it's a total system update00:00
redcodeYetanotherx, what machine are you running?00:00
awesome_guestnothingspecial: yes, I am removing the oldest kernel out of 300:00
botcityCodeWar: i hear you man ! just want a choice.. would be nice thats all00:00
PsPhaKeR_ For some reason, my panel on top where my user name i displayed is shown twice, for example... if my user name was bam,it would say X bam bam00:00
sfearsmac won't boot off of usb Yetanotherx00:00
aromancp24eva, ah yeah, if you haven't done them in a while (or ever) they can take a little while :)00:00
redcodeYetanotherx, well, to start off, I think EFI (Intel) machines are unable to usb boot00:00
Yetanotherxsfears: redcode: I've booted off of other USB disks before, but ok then.00:01
YetanotherxBack to the CD issue.00:01
sacarlsonMrUnagi: I know you want me to write your bash script for you witch I can but I'm just tooo lazy00:01
nothingspecialawesome_guest:  why does it bother you?00:01
NixGeekYetanotherx: mabey it burned to fast (a slower burn is better).  Have you tried the cd in another computer?00:01
cp24evaaroman, it would be a first time. I just built this PC yesterday and loaded ubuntu.00:01
MrUnagisacarlson: i can do it, thanks though00:01
redcodeYetanotherx: What did you use to 'burn' it to the stick?00:01
Yetanotherxredcode: The terminal00:01
YetanotherxNixGeek: I'll try that00:01
redcodeYetanotherx: sudo dd etc.?00:01
YetanotherxYeah, redcode00:01
PsPhaKeR_ For some reason, my panel on top where my user name i displayed is shown twice, for example... if my user name was bam,it would say X bam bam00:02
YetanotherxI tell rEFIt to load the CD, and it loads a purple screen for a while, then it gives me the error.00:02
awesome_guestnothingspecial: well, that kernel was released something like 2 years ago.. not even supported anymore.  Why keep it?  Hard enough as it is trying to get everything in my system "right"00:02
redcodeYetanotherx: I suppose you booted into open firmware to set the stick as your boot device?00:02
Yetanotherxredcode: What do you mean?00:02
greenhat_No one has setup ubuntu server as a router?00:02
AlexJ_Evening everyone, I'm trying to do some learning, I have this error message http://i52.tinypic.com/r0bg47.png I know I can press Delete, but can I delete it from the command line instead00:03
redcodeYetanotherx: Well, to boot off a USB stick, you usually boot into open firmware and set it as boot device00:03
redcodeYetanotherx: At least, that's how I did it, wouldn't work otherwise00:03
sfearsAlexJ_: is there a .applets fo?lder somewhere in your /home/user directory00:03
YetanotherxOh... I have to press space when i see the purple screen00:03
YetanotherxNow to try that00:04
cp24evaaroman, alright, it's started. now what?00:04
botcityPsPhaKeR_:  right click the top panel go to property's select auto hide  just for a moment then unclick it should sort it out glitch00:04
nothingspecialawesome_guest: ha,ha....... I keep old kernels ........ just in case, what`s wrong with your system?00:04
YetanotherxNixGeek: It did the same thing on a windows box00:04
YetanotherxBack in a minute, redcode and NixGeek00:04
YetanotherxTrying again00:04
bastidrazorAlexJ_: that is talking about an applet on the panel not an actual file. Pressing delete will remove it fromt he panel, nothing else. you will be able to add it back to the panel00:04
awesome_guestI mean, it works.. it just has like half the battery life compared to XP lol00:04
milamberAlexJ_: did you recently upgrade?00:04
aromancp24eva, compiz-config is?00:04
awesome_guestI have an SSD, need to look around and minimize unnecessary I/O as well00:05
AlexJ_milamber: fresh install00:05
bastidrazor!ccsm | aroman00:05
ubottuaroman: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz00:05
cp24evaaroman, actually....no it isn't. lol. hold on00:05
AlexJ_sfears: no .applets folder00:05
PsPhaKeR_botcity: It did not fix :(00:05
awesome_guestall the "tweaks" optimizing Ubuntu's I/O has been geared towards hard drives00:05
aromanbastidrazor, Erm, I was explaining to him how to use it, but thanks anyhow :D00:05
xivenSo, what is the best way to replace WebMin?00:05
awesome_guestwhich may make SSD performance even worse00:05
nothingspecialawesome_guest: know less than nothing about bbatteries00:05
cp24evaaroman, ok i think I can handle a GUI lol. thanks again.00:05
aromancp24eva, :D yeah, the plugin you'll want to use is called "Expo", and make sure to look at "Edge bindings" (screen edges). good luck!00:06
PsPhaKeR_what is used to default the panel again?00:06
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:07
perry__it slowed down00:07
milamberAlexJ_: try and uninstall/reinstall gnome-applets and gnome-applet-data00:07
botcityPsPhaKeR_:  hmm  click on some other options for a bit !! it should clear itself00:07
PsPhaKeR_ubottu: thanks!00:08
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:08
PsPhaKeR_botcity: too late :D00:08
PsPhaKeR_It does not matter though00:08
PsPhaKeR_I am having strange problems when booting linux up00:08
bigpreshAm I right in expecting sound to Just Work with 10.10, on a laptop with an "Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio" audio device?  aplay -l shows no soundcards, as does Sound Preferences -> Hardware00:08
PsPhaKeR_It takes up to 4 minutes to turn on to log in menu00:08
botcityPsPhaKeR_:  wow thats extreme00:09
botcityPsPhaKeR_:  i think the name at the top panel is the last of your worries00:10
PsPhaKeR_botcity: it is very bothersome and weird, I have nothing altered with the panel, the only thing I change is that I delete the mail client thing00:11
Yetanotherxredcode: So I loaded from CD. I selected both Check CD for defects and Try without installing, and it gave the same error both times00:12
awesome_guestPsPhaKeR_: haha I'm reading about that just now.  Try "sudo apt-get install gnome-panel"00:12
PsPhaKeR_botcity: Also it takes up to 4-5 minutes to turn my computer on, with linux ofc and get to the login screen00:12
awesome_guesthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Evolution#Uninstalling Evolution00:12
ivnnviplease helpme00:12
Gnea!ask | ivnnvi00:12
ubottuivnnvi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:12
redcodeYetanotherx: Meh.00:12
awesome_guestI was trying to uninstall evolution too.. bad idea :p00:12
PsPhaKeR_who else here is using irssi? :)00:13
botcitygood grief you'd think its windows !!00:13
GneaPsPhaKeR_: just ask your question00:13
perry__creative rnt i lol00:13
PsPhaKeR_I already did00:13
cradammosty, no required driver detected for unity. you will need to choose the ubuntu desktop edition once you select your user name. if you are yousing a live cd then your username is ubuntu with a password of ubuntu00:13
GneaPsPhaKeR_: no, that's a poll, not a question.00:13
cradamas i said it didn't say much00:13
PsPhaKeR_I asked a question one sec ago00:13
ivnnviI configured https but not as long as I load the page that you remove the lock and the blue bar, why?00:14
awesome_guestalso, read https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/76295 and see about installing all the packages that you think were reomved00:14
perry__it was faster earlier00:14
Gnea!poll | PsPhaKeR_00:14
ubottuPsPhaKeR_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:14
mishahi - I want to move files from one ubuntu laptop to another - using a hub - is there a guide - also i dont want the network config changes i make to be permanent?00:14
PsPhaKeR_It was "When I turn my computer on, it takes a while to turn on to the log in screen... like up to 3-4 minutes"00:14
GneaPsPhaKeR_: oh, didn't see that one or how it related to irssi. have you tried booting without all of the gui stuff on the screen?00:15
ivnnviI configured https but not as long as I load the page that you remove the lock and the blue bar, why?if I do not do any port mapping problem00:15
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PsPhaKeR_Yes and it still takes a while for some reason00:15
cradammosty,  i just found a solution on the first link on google lol00:16
perry__christoph 411> did it all work?00:16
GneaPsPhaKeR_: as in, press ESC during bootup to get rid of the 'quiet splash'00:16
GneaPsPhaKeR_: yes, well, it will say why if you do that00:16
mostycradam, great- because that error message is really crappy ;)00:16
ivnnviI configured https but not as long as I load the page that you remove the lock and the blue bar, why?because it is self-certified...but if I do not do any port mapping problem00:16
celestiushow can i get byobu to stop starting on login?00:17
cradam mosty how do i get this driver  Actually the problem caused by non 3d graphics driver. I did not install any 3d support00:17
mostycradam, what video chipset do you have?00:18
sacarlsonivnnvi: you can't get your self signed https page to display?00:18
PsPhaKeR_When I turn on the computer, there is a blinking insertion point on a black screen for about 10-15 secs, then a block of text appears for about 1-1.5 secs and then the screen turns off (completely black) and then Ubuntu loads up after a while00:18
cradamnvidea geforce 2 go00:18
cradamPsPhaKeR_, does this text say anything about codecs?00:18
GneaPsPhaKeR_: yeah, all of that 'blinking' and 'blank' stuff is the kernel starting up - the trick is to get rid of all of that so that you can actually *read* what the kernel is actually doing so that when it lags, it will tell you exactly what it's lagging on about00:19
mostycradam, login and install the proprietary nvidia driver00:19
ivnnvisacalson:only for a moment, check the bar and the padlock00:19
cajunafter removing ZumoDrive from Ubuntu, I am getting the error message at login that is an indication that I have no disk space left. I am using the Live version to access my drives. I used the Disk Usage Analyzer and it reports that all of my partition has been used. Is it safe to remove 2.6.32-*-generic by just deleting it? Or is there a way to uninstall apps via the Live version?00:19
PsPhaKeR_ok guys brb00:19
PsPhaKeR_I am gonna check it out00:19
GneaPsPhaKeR_: and this is done by modifying the boot arguments to the kernel by removing 'quiet splash'00:19
mostycradam, do a google search for ubuntu nvidia00:19
PsPhaKeR_what do you mean by "quiet splash"?00:20
sacarlsonivnnvi: you want to view the certificate by clicking the lock in the bottom corner?00:20
Gneathey are 'quiet splash', the boot arguments to the kernel that grub uses in order to boot the system.00:20
PsPhaKeR_ok brb00:20
mishahas network-admin been replaced in the latest versions of ubuntu ?00:21
Mba7ethhey guys.... how can i access ipod touch filesystem from ubuntu00:22
PsPhaKeR_I can live with the boot time, it seems to work fine enough, but my audio is un-berable!!!! it sounds more like static00:22
Gnea!ipod | Mba7eth00:22
ubottuMba7eth: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:22
NaAnNAI want icons of ubuntu with all the same size.00:22
GneaPsPhaKeR_: are speakers plugged in?00:23
ivnnvisacalson:I want an ordinary self-certified but here it says it is normal not verified00:23
GneaPsPhaKeR_: what about headphones? does sound sound the same way in them as through the laptop speakers?00:23
PsPhaKeR_Ill check00:24
NaAnNAI want icons of ubuntu with all the same size. I found the problem is not the same size I do not like.00:24
sacarlsonivnnvi: I guess I would have to see it to understand it00:24
NaAnNAWhat should I do.00:24
ivnnvisacalson:But if I remove the router's port mapping this problem does not arise00:24
sacarlsonivnnvi: self signed certificates aren't verified they are just encrypted00:25
BartDevHow can I fix bad sectors on a disk from the CLI?00:25
PsPhaKeR_BBBBGnea: Works perfectly through headphones, but I want it to work without them00:25
PsPhaKeR_Gnea: Works perfectly through headphones, but I want it to work without them00:26
botcityNaAnNA:  you mean desktop icons ?00:26
ivnnvisacalson:then it is normal00:26
NaAnNAI want icons of ubuntu with all the same size. I found the problem is not the same size I do not like.What should I do to fix this problem or no solutions.00:26
sacarlsonivnnvi: what is normal?  http?00:26
GneaPsPhaKeR_: I can't hear it, so I can't say what the problem is. perhaps the speakers bass is blown?00:26
PsPhaKeR_This is a NEW computer00:26
ivnnvisacalson:anyway I have my tunnel relatively safe?00:27
PsPhaKeR_Basically, the sound is more static than anything that it tries to put out00:27
bigpreshI have a Dell Inspiron 17R with an "Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio" audio device, with 10.10 installed.   aplay -l shows no soundcards, as does Sound Preferences -> Hardware.  Do I need to install specific drivers or mess with /etc/modules.conf or something?00:27
GneaPsPhaKeR_: this means nothing, have you tried adjusting all levels of volume with alsamixer?00:27
cradamapparently u can get nvidia drivers in 104 but not in 1010 mosty00:27
PsPhaKeR_I seen that, but i did not understand it, like at all00:28
GneaPsPhaKeR_: differences between the master and pcm levels tend to have an effect00:28
SonicComKidHi, could someone help me with a rookie level bash issue? I have a command that works fine normally, but not in a script for some reason00:28
GneaPsPhaKeR_: ah, well it's pretty simple: there's a master control for the volume, and then other volume controls for other streams (like browser, mp3, etc)00:28
PsPhaKeR_How should they be adjusted?00:29
itaylor57SonicComKid: whats the command00:29
GneaPsPhaKeR_: cdrom, microphone, etc00:29
GneaPsPhaKeR_: open a terminal and type: alsamixer00:29
botcitySonicComKid:  as long as its not to long let us have it00:29
cradami need to find them on synaptic00:29
Gneashould be pretty self-evident what to do next00:29
SonicComKidit's a short line00:29
SonicComKidtar jcvf test_$(date +%b%d_%Y_%I-%M%p).tar.bz2 backup/00:29
MagicJneed to do output to the parallel port on 10.4.1 - code i found uses asm/io.h - where is this file - gcc says it can't find it00:29
PsPhaKeR_MASTER is 100<>100 && PCM is 100<>10000:30
NaAnNAicons of ubuntu with all the same size. I found the problem is not the same size I do not like.What should I do to fix this problem or no solutions.00:30
PsPhaKeR_Gnea: MASTER is 100<>100 && PCM is 100<>10000:30
GneaPsPhaKeR_: that could be a problem - keeping both at max can damage a sound system. try lowering PCM to 8500:30
Gneaor as close to 85 that you can get00:30
SonicComKiditaylor57, botcity, when I run the command in bash, it works fine. It makes a bzip2 archive of the folder 'backup' with the name 'backup_<date>' <date> being the date and time. If I put this in a script though it says 'file not found'00:31
PsPhaKeR_So, ok how can I save it like that?00:31
PsPhaKeR_Does it automatically save it?00:31
NaAnNAicons of ubuntu with all the same size. I found the problem is not the same size I do not like.What should I do to fix this problem or no solutions -_-00:31
itaylor57SonicComKid: are you running the script in the same dir as backup ?00:32
PsPhaKeR_Gnea: Should MASTER be kept at 100<>100 ?/00:32
SonicComKidyes, first thing I made sure to test00:32
SonicComKiditaylor57, yes, first thing I make sure to test.  (sorry keep forgetting to tag names on my posts)00:32
MrUnagi&& means 'when previous process is finished, do the next command' right?00:32
PsPhaKeR_Gnea: Docking External Internal is all 85<>8500:33
jinkSonicComKid: What about using full paths?00:33
SonicComKiditaylor57, my script is in the same dir as where I can successfully run the command from, and my working directory is where I am when I run the command00:33
GneaPsPhaKeR_: master should be fine at 100, try to keep everything else at 85 or lower00:33
milamberMrUnagi: if previous finishes w/o errors00:33
PsPhaKeR_Ok, how do I save those settings?00:33
cradam well i cant use nvideas site the earliest they go back to is 5 cards after mine the geforce 7go00:33
GneaPsPhaKeR_: they're saved on-the-fly00:34
MrUnagimilamber: hmmm i have to learn fault tolerance then lol00:34
SonicComKidjink, you think it's not grabbing properly from my working dir?  Is there a way to make it grab the working dir based on the location of the script, or must I delcare it in the script by using cd <path> first?00:34
cp24evaCan anyone tell me how I can configure Conky?00:34
GneaPsPhaKeR_: how does sound sound now?00:34
PsPhaKeR_one sec00:34
PsPhaKeR_Also, why are youtube nd all videos soooo laggy?00:35
PsPhaKeR_I did not have this problem on Windows00:35
GneaPsPhaKeR_: no idea, they shouldn't be00:35
jinkSonicComKid: cd `basedir "$0"` might work.  But I tend to just be explicit, and hard-code the paths.00:35
GneaPsPhaKeR_: perhaps your video driver isn't up to snuff00:35
PsPhaKeR_Do I have to install something for them to work better?00:35
GneaPsPhaKeR_: perhaps, can you bring up a terminal and tell me what the output of this command is?  lspci | grep VGA00:36
PsPhaKeR_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)00:36
SonicComKidjink, okay, I'll try hard coding first, like this right? tar jcvf /data/place/test_$(date +%b%d_%Y_%I-%M%p).tar.bz2 /data/place/test/00:36
LantchipsPsPhaKer_ have you animation in compiz on ?00:36
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GneaPsPhaKeR_: basically, sound should sound good to your ears - as a rule of thumb, I always start at 85 and adjust from there until it sounds good00:36
KM0201Lantchips: good point.00:36
jinkSonicComKid: If those are your paths, sure.00:36
SonicComKidjink, okay, testing00:37
GneaPsPhaKeR_: hm, it should work alright, I've got one of those in my netbook00:37
SonicComKidjink, same result00:37
SonicComKidjink, is the date code somehow interpteted differently when run as a script?00:37
PsPhaKeR_Lantchips: what?00:37
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LantchipsPsPhaKeR_ Do you have animations on like Compiz running at the same time like the cube etc ?00:38
SonicComKidjink, I assumed scripts did nothing more than run commands exactly the same way you would if you typed them in yourself00:38
jinkSonicComKid: You put it in a script, how?  Do you have a #! at the start of the script and does that point to an interpreter that exists?00:38
cradamwish me luck00:38
PsPhaKeR_Lantchips: idk I don't think so, if it requires installing then prob not00:38
jinkSonicComKid: Note there's a difference between  commands here, or ./script.sh or bash script.sh00:38
SonicComKidjink, no I do not. I never knew scripts required a header of any sort. I thought I could just make a list of commands00:38
PsPhaKeR_also my audio is still messsed up00:39
Lantchipsit doesn't require installation right click the desktop00:39
cradamabout 10 mins till i know whether ive broken the install00:39
SonicComKidjink, huh.. bash backup.sh works! but not ./backup.sh  why is that?00:39
LantchipsPsPhaKeR_ and the change desktop thingy and then you pick uhmm the tab to the right wait let me boot my ubuntu pc00:39
jinkWhat's the error?00:40
rumpe1!shebang > SonicComKid00:40
Jordan_USonicComKid: Probably because the author of the script incorrectly assumed that /bin/sh == bash.00:40
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: that would be the appearances tab00:40
ubottuoneko is the cat of cats, the loler with minnions, the sudo apt-get installable one, the cat of our times, but not the cat of the command line!00:40
jinkJordan_U: The author is himself. ;)00:40
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: try etting it to none, and then testing flash00:41
LantchipsKM0201 Thank you00:41
KM0201Lantchips: :)00:41
PsPhaKeR_I don't see it00:41
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: what verison of ubuntu are you using?00:41
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jinkSonicComKid: So, what's the error?00:41
SonicComKidrumpe1, jink, I assumed the console itself *is* bash, is this untrue? When I run a script using ./  what interpeter runs?00:41
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jinkSonicComKid: The one you specify in the script. ;)00:41
Lantchipsrightclick the desktop00:41
itaylor57SonicComKid: the shell script needs the full path to the files to work, command line works in the current working directory00:41
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: right click your desktop, change background, *visual effects* tab.. change to none00:41
SonicComKidjink, and if none is specified?00:41
Jordan_USonicComKid: The interpreter specified after '#!' on the first line of the script.00:41
GneaPsPhaKeR_: have you checked with system->administration->hardware drivers?00:41
KM0201Gnea: he's got an intel GPU00:42
Jordan_USonicComKid: If none is specified then the script won't run with "./script.sh".00:42
GneaKM0201: I know.00:42
jinkSonicComKid: I haven't a clue, really.  What's the error?00:42
PsPhaKeR_There isnt anything that says "hardware drivers" it only has "additional drivers"00:42
KM0201Gnea: intel GPU's don't have drivers in the hardware drivers section.. at least that i've ever saw00:42
SonicComKidjink, itaylor57, Jordan_U, I'll place #!bash  on the first line of the script and try ./backup.sh and see what happens, as bash backup.sh worked00:42
GneaKM0201: would prefer to make sure that nothing's there00:42
jinkSonicComKid: That still doesn't answer my question. :/00:43
KM0201Gnea: well, if its intel, ther's nothing there.00:43
Jordan_USonicComKid: #!/bin/bash00:43
PsPhaKeR_thanks you!!! That fixed the video lag!!!00:43
PsPhaKeR_I still have problems though :(00:43
LantchipsPsPhaKer_ What was the error ?00:43
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: w/ that GPU... desktop effects will drag it down.. and that will cause issues w/ flash, etc.00:43
LantchipsPsPhaKer_ Or what removed the video lagg :P00:43
Gnea!intel | PsPhaKeR_, KM020100:43
ubottuPsPhaKeR_, KM0201: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.00:43
SonicComKidjink, the error was 'file not found' I believe. Having trouble answering all of you fast enough00:44
KM0201Gnea: i'm aware of that00:44
SonicComKidJordan_U, thanks for the correction00:44
Jordan_USonicComKid: You're welcome.00:44
PsPhaKeR_The graphics and video stuff is fine now :)00:44
PsPhaKeR_But my audio is still pretty messed up :|00:44
cradamgood thing is that its only installing to the latest kernal so if it breaks i just run the old kernal00:44
PsPhaKeR_like really messed up00:44
jinkSonicComKid: Errors tend to be longer, but sure. :)  You know what to do next time. ;)00:44
GneaPsPhaKeR_: like how messed up?00:44
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: like, whats wrong w/ it?00:44
itaylor57myself I write my scripts in ksh00:44
PsPhaKeR_like static-y and very hard to listen to00:45
KM0201Gnea: even then, thats all for Jaunty.. i've really not had any problems w/ the intel graphics under 10.1000:45
SonicComKidjink, the error message is beyond my buffer.00:45
GneaPsPhaKeR_: try lowering all volumes to 50, including master and try again00:45
jinkSonicComKid: Doesn't matter.00:45
GneaKM0201: I don't even use 10.10, I just try to help solve problems for it. 10.04 is stable enough for me and my needs.00:46
Steristhellos, i formatted my hard drive and installed ubuntu off USB and now after GRUB i get this: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1323/p00115.jpg00:46
p_resDoes anyone know to remove a font from the system?00:46
Steristcan anyone help?00:46
DebianUTGnea: Amen00:46
KM0201Gnea: i still don't know how pointing to a thread about jaunty, is relevant to 10.0400:46
GneaKM0201: intel is intel is intel00:46
KM0201Gnea: the last post in that thread, was june 0900:46
SonicComKidjink, I'm really confused now.. even after removing the #!/bin/bash line, it now works with ./backup but it originally didn't before I added the #!/bin/bash line. I'm really confused why I can't reproduce the issue now00:46
KM0201Gnea: thats like saying because something was a problem in dapper, its obvioiusly a problem in maverick.. thats ridiculous00:46
MyMindsAvatarHi, I need help. I deleted some items (duplicate entries) from my gnome menu (via the edit menu dialog) but now my Places menu is all screwed up (opens "Find Files" dialog instead of Nautilus)...what did I do? How do I reset nautilus to open from Places menu? (I'm using ubuntu lucid lynx)00:47
KM0201Gnea: the link isn't even relevant to 10.04 or 10.10.00:47
GneaKM0201: doesn't matter, the information could be relevent. just because 10.10 is 10.10 doesn't mean that the same trick couldn't be used for 10.10, and if not, why hasn't it been properly documented?00:47
KM02019.04 is EOL anyway...00:47
GneaKM0201: then find some proper documentation for it for 10.1000:47
Gneathat's not my problem.00:47
KM0201Gnea: the problem is resovle already.. thats my point.00:47
p_resI installed 2 fonts and then removed them because I didn't like them. Now I removed them using FontMatrix and they no longer appear in there. Yet when I got to OpenOffice and scroll though fonts they still appear.00:47
SonicComKidjink, Jordan_U, I'm going to run around and start putting #!/bin/bash in all my scripts.. no wounder I always had so much trouble with scripts00:47
SonicComKidjink, Jordan_U, thanks for all the help00:48
KM0201you're pointing to ancient links describing a problem, that does not exist on 10.10, or 10.0400:48
Jordan_USonicComKid: You're welcome.00:48
GneaKM0201: agreed00:48
jinkSonicComKid: np.00:48
cradamwho cares p_res  its just fonts00:48
GneaKM0201: if it's in ubottu, it must still be relevent00:48
PsPhaKeR_Did not fix00:48
Steristhellos, i formatted my hard drive and installed ubuntu off USB and now after GRUB i get this: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1323/p00115.jpg00:48
p_rescradam: I care. If you can't help, ignore my message.00:48
KM0201Gnea: hardly, just hasn't been removed yet.00:48
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: whats your audio device?00:49
GneaPsPhaKeR_: what are you trying to listen to?00:49
cradambrb hopefully00:49
_Synergy_One of my monitors is not being properly detected and I'm in xorg hell... Aren't there any tools to help you setup xorg.conf (besides the nvidia-settings app)??00:49
PsPhaKeR_I don't know if it is at all interesting but, when I watch the video [with sound turned to 50] and then I check alsamixer again and for somereason the levels are up to 100<>100 again, why?00:49
Steristcan anyone help me?00:49
PsPhaKeR_Gnea: just a video00:49
PsPhaKeR_KM201: idk00:50
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: find it in lspci00:50
PsPhaKeR_KM201: How can I check?00:50
GneaPsPhaKeR_: could be a different mixer you're using for it at the top of the screen00:50
KM0201Sterist: just ask your question, if we can help, we'll answer00:50
SteristKM0201 i formatted my hard drive and installed ubuntu off USB and now after GRUB i get this: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1323/p00115.jpg00:50
GneaPsPhaKeR_: if PCM is equal to or higher than MASTER, it will likely sound like crap00:50
PsPhaKeR_Well, it changes itself to 100<>100 after watching a video [even if I changed it to 50<>50 earlier, why?00:51
KM0201Sterist: if i had to guess, it looks like its saying your disk does not exist.00:51
SteristKH0201 any suggestions? :(00:51
GneaPsPhaKeR_: not sure, try changing the volume from within the video itself00:51
paq7512anyone know how to save graphics cards fan settings?00:52
PsPhaKeR_THIS IS FRUSTRATING!!! aghhh00:52
PsPhaKeR_I did not have this problem when I first installed Ubuntu00:52
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: you do realize all these folk are just spitting in the wind, cuz you've still not even revealed what you rsound device is00:52
GneaPsPhaKeR_: I know it is, but it can be solved, just need a bit of patience to go through each step00:53
sacarlsonSterist: did you have a ubuntu on the system before you formated it?00:53
PsPhaKeR_KM201: It is along list, I will post it somewhere and give a list ok?00:53
KM0201!paste | PsPhaKeR_00:53
ubottuPsPhaKeR_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:53
NixGeekSterist: I'm getting the connection times out with your image, try http://imagebin.org/00:54
Steristsacarlson no. i have installed ubuntu on 4 consoles before so i am familiar with the process but i have never had this happen before.00:54
freezwayis google dns down or patiatially down?00:54
sacarlsonSterist: I would have guessed you installed the mbr to the wrong disk, as sometimes usb flash will become sdaX00:55
Hilikusi'm reading this to configure alsa to play surround sound "But it can be because your card uses the same sockets for some input and output channels. Often the Line in socket is also used for the LFE output channel and the Mic socket for the Center output channel, or viceversa. If this is the case you must use the appropriate toggles in the mixer controls to ensure that those sockets are used for output and not input."00:55
Hilikuswhere are those toggles? in alsamixer?? how do i change the direction of the sockets?00:55
PsPhaKeR_KM201: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551668/00:55
Steristsacarlson yes i checked with Gparted and the USB was listed as SDA (while under LIVE boot)00:56
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: strange, i have 82801h, and it sounds perfect00:56
Steristnixgeek http://imagebin.org/13153500:56
sacarlsonSterist: try live boot your usb and try sudo fdisk -l00:56
KM0201!tab | PsPhaKeR_00:56
ubottuPsPhaKeR_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:56
Steristsacarlson would that fix the problem or help diagnose it00:56
^Phantom^I have a question regarding wlan connections.  Is there any way to force the connection to bind to a particular IP with the router?00:57
sacarlsonSterist: then you will have to reload grub mbr onto the correct disk sdb00:57
the-bakerusing maverick netbook remix. can't seem to figure out how to connect to my win7 shares, please assist.00:57
^Phantom^I am able to do it with my windows OS on here.00:57
Steristsacarlson i can confirm that it reads USB as SDA based on the check i did with LIVE earlier00:57
sacarlsonSterist: that would be the diagnostic00:57
PsPhaKeR_How come my sound settings in alsamixer NEVER get saved!!00:57
elvensinanyone know how to edit the alsa-base.conf file?00:57
Steristsacarlson okay gotcha, so how would i reload it to SDB?00:57
^Phantom^But I want to also do it with ubuntu00:57
the-bakerelvensin, sudo nano /etc/alsa-base.conf ??00:58
PsPhaKeR_How come my sound settings in alsamixer NEVER get saved!!00:58
elvensin@the-baker will try00:58
botcitySonicComKid: http://www.youtube.com/user/metalx1000#p/c/465C6C735CEB7CBD/69/CsBVaJelurE   for more tuts00:58
LantchipsPsPhaKer_ http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/alsamixer-does-not-save-my-settings-136701/ Old link mayb that works ?00:58
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: try switching from alsa to OSS?00:59
SonicComKidbotcity, thanks00:59
NixGeekSterist: look at this, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8782925&postcount=2 it should help you00:59
elvensindidnt work01:00
PsPhaKeR_KM0201: OSS??01:00
KM0201the OSS driver, i think thats still available.01:00
elvensinneed to add a line to the end of file which should fix my issue01:00
KM0201i think it stands for open soruce sound... but consider that a last resort01:00
the-bakerso i have windows 7 shares on my home network. I have samba installed, opened up nautilus to connect and it asks for password, name, domain.......i have no idea what to put because when i share with other windows pcs it doesnt ask for this.....should be public shares01:00
sacarlsonSterist: well mount the disk sdbX  x being the partition you have installed to, do a quick view to see the files you would expect,  if ok then do a sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt; sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb01:00
PsPhaKeR_KM0201: why do you keep putting ! marks before you words?01:00
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: because i thougt it was a bot trigger... but !oss is not..01:00
Steristnixgeek Step 1 in that link is N/A in my case01:01
KM0201!ubotu | PsPhaKeR_01:01
ubottuPsPhaKeR_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:01
Steristnixgeek since fresh install on the PC in question01:01
MrUnagican you execute a script from a script?01:01
PsPhaKeR_ubottu: your not a real person?01:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:01
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: no, its a bot01:01
KM0201he gets triggered by users01:01
Steristsacarlson LIVE is booting. i'll give it a shot and report back01:01
KM0201!sorry | PsPhaKeR_01:02
ubottuPsPhaKeR_: It's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/01:02
MrUnagii love you ubottu01:02
elvensingreat now its saying cannot open file01:02
tappiis ubuntu one available to non-desktop users?01:02
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tappiie. can it be used in a terminal01:02
MrUnagii feel bad now =( ubottu: Sorry, I don't know anything about love01:02
gbswhat package ubuntu use to make automount for usb devices?01:02
ubottuGirls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/01:02
elvensini change this one line and issue should be fixed grr01:03
the-bakerelvensin, what issue?01:03
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: try this... left click your sound icon, choose sound preferences, click the hardware tab, then where it says "profile" at the bottom... try changing to some different options there, see if that fixes your sound01:03
elvensinthe-baker will message you01:03
PsPhaKeR_I don't have a sound icon...01:04
marine1failing hard drive just bought a new one now how do I make that one the main hard drive and move all of my files over??01:06
SamuraiAlbamarine1, download and burn clonezilla, hook both drives up, and use clonezilla to copy :)01:06
PsPhaKeR_How can I give write permissions again?01:07
freezwaycan anyone tell me google's ip01:07
freezwayim having dns issues01:07
marine1SamuraiAlba: I wan tto make that also 10.1001:07
SonicComKidjink, I'm sorry Jink.. but I just had something confusing happen to me01:08
SamuraiAlbathen in a command terminal, marine1, sudo apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade...  I think01:08
PsPhaKeR_19:06 < PsPhaKeR_> How can I give write permissions again?01:08
jinkSonicComKid: Hmm?01:08
marine1SamuraiAlba:  yes but before that I want tro make that my main operating system01:08
jinkSonicComKid: Btw, 02:09AM here, so don't expect me to stick around much longer.01:08
SonicComKidjink, in my working directory I just created a file called restore.sh. The first line is #!/bin/bash  but when I run it I get -bash: ./restore.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory01:09
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:09
SamuraiAlbamarine1, what are your other OSes?01:09
marine1SamuraiAlba: 9.1001:09
jinkSonicComKid: So, what happens when you type:  which bash01:09
sacarlsonMrUnagi: yes you can execute a script from a script as long as the script is set to +x01:09
SamuraiAlbain the 9.10 distro, do you want to upgrade that?01:09
MrUnagisacarlson: thank you01:09
Jordan_USonicComKid: What text editor are you using?01:10
marine1SamuraiAlba: just bought a brand new hard drive01:10
buckySonicComKid, you have to make it executable01:10
LeifCan anyone explain why when i create a chroot environment using this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot (with the lucid modifications), I get this error: http://pastebin.com/FCTAZ029 ?  Thanks01:10
SonicComKidjink, I get /bin/bash    what's more confusing is my backup.sh with the exact same line works.01:10
SamuraiAlbafirst use clonezilla to copy the existing to the new, then run the upgrade commands when you reboot on the new drive :)01:10
DRCoB0Lfrom what SonicComKid typed i think his problem is a carriage return after the word bash01:10
Jordan_USonicComKid: Looks like you're using Windows style line breaks instead of Unix ones.01:10
SonicComKidbucky, I already have the restore.sh set as +x by chmod01:10
jinkSonicComKid: Oh, I get it.  The file's a dos file.  Get rid of the dos newline. :)01:11
SonicComKidJordan_U, doesn't unix phrase windows, but windows can't do vice verca?01:11
jinkJordan_U: Right, you said that. -__-01:11
marine1SamuraiAlba: and I want to make that my main drive. How I install 10.10 the copy off all my data over before using clonezilla or disk utlilty01:11
* jink running around between channels and windows and work and such. :P01:11
DRCoB0Lits best to get rid of dos carriage returns in unix, and get rid of unix line endings in windows/dos01:11
SonicComKidjink, seriously?.. werid.. I used notepad++ to edit it, and I thought blash/linux could read dos format. How can I fix this? go into nano and delete the returns and remake them?01:12
SamuraiAlbaNot sure, marine1.  I always clonezilla first, then run "sudo apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade" after I reboot on the new drive, to make sure I have no issues.01:12
Jordan_USonicComKid: First configure notepad++ to use unix style line breaks.01:12
iNicolashi im new in using ubuntu and i need someone to tell me how to make them look cool :P01:13
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jinkSonicComKid: Use a unix editor, or dos2unix01:13
marine1SamuraiAlba: yeah but i have to format my new hd first right?01:13
LantchipsiNicolas use Compiz :P01:13
jink(Or set notepad++ to use unix lineends..?)01:13
SonicComKidjink, oddly, in nano I can see the line breaks properly, I guess nano can understand dos line breaks? If so if I remake them in nano, will nano use unix breaks?01:13
Leifespecially seeing as /srv/chroot/hardy-i386 most certainly does exist.01:13
darius__Ubuntu Server 10.10 adm64 - trying to perform a netboot installation from a locally hosted http repository.  Systems are correctly pxe booting into the installer.  The installers does retrieve my ks.cfg file and does apply some of its settings.  Only problem is that it does not apply the url --url setting to retrieve from the local network installation server.  Anyway to figure out why it's ignoring the url directive?01:13
DRCoB0LiNicolas - wear sunglasses while typing lol01:13
SamuraiAlbamarine1, no.  Clonezilla does that :)01:13
jinkSonicComKid: Not sure, I don't use nano.01:13
LantchipsiNicolas what cool stuff what do you think is cool then ?01:13
iNicolasthnx for the advices :P01:13
LantchipsiNicolas * what do you think is cool01:14
_TexNick_DRCoB0L ... roflmao ... jeeze01:14
marine1SamuraiAlba: But like I said previously I want to go from 9.10 on my old hd to 10.10 on the new harddrive01:14
SonicComKidjink, okay then. I'll make notepad++ use unix format. This is a first, I must have wrote 20 scripts by now using vinalla windows notepad before O.o01:14
LantchipsiNicolas get Compiz and Compiz Fusion and get something cool so you get animated background etc :P01:14
SamuraiAlbaiNicholas - http://www.ubuntuthemes.org/01:14
jinkSonicComKid: ^__^01:14
iNicolasi am allready using compiz+ but my taskbar looks the same and ive seen some people on youtube that has more docks on the side and no taskbar..01:15
DRCoB0Lsonic, you could fix it like this - if you have every thing01:15
SamuraiAlbaMarine1, the safest way to do that, is to use clonezilla to make a clone of the drive first, then run the commands I posted once you boot from the new HD :)01:15
PsPhaKeR_How can I give write permissions again?01:15
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DRCoB0Lfor f in $(ls -1 files)01:15
^Phantom^Oh, how interesting01:15
LantchipsiNicolas download Cairo-dock01:15
awesome_guesthas anyone successfully mounted /tmp in RAM?01:15
DRCoB0Lcat $f | dos2unix > .x01:15
^Phantom^It already binded to the IP01:15
DRCoB0Lmv .x $f01:15
awesome_guestI'm using 9.1001:15
awesome_guestwondering if "tmpfs   /tmp  tmpfs  nodev,nosuid,noexec,mode=1777  0 0" actually works01:15
PsPhaKeR_How To Give Write permissions!?01:15
_TexNick_iNicolas ... google for ubuntu themes ... you can change the way the windows/icons/controls look01:15
SonicComKidjink, Jordan_U, bingo, needed to be unix format.. gee people like me must make you guys cry with we give you weird questions like that. At least I'm learning. Darn do I have to go back and rewrite my scripts with what I learned today01:16
PsPhaKeR_what is the root command??01:16
iNicolasi do have cairo dock and i also have docky .. i still cant make it look as cool as the dudes on the youtube... im desperate :( :P01:16
SamuraiAlbasudo su01:16
LantchipsiNicolas www.gnome-look.org is also good01:16
Jordan_UDRCoB0L: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls#for_i_in_.24.28ls_.2A.mp3.2901:16
DRCoB0Lsonic this might work - just run your script as an argument to bash01:16
PsPhaKeR_SamuraiAlba: Yes?01:16
cradamfixed driver problem but now have another problem01:16
DRCoB0Llike /bin/bash myscript.sh01:17
marine1SamuraiAlba: OK but How am I going to boot from the new hd??01:17
PsPhaKeR_SamuraiAlba: Yes??01:17
SamuraiAlbaonce clonezilla is done copying the HD over, power down, disconnect the old HD, and put the new HD in its slot. :)01:17
iNicolaslantchips that might help... thnx man ;)01:17
cradamwhen i load netbook remix it just shows a purple screen01:17
SamuraiAlbaPsPhaKeR_, the root command is "Sudo su"01:17
LantchipsiNicolas I can tell you how to get animated backgrounds to if u want :P01:17
PsPhaKeR_root command for giving write permissions...01:18
iNicolasis there a private chat on here??01:18
SamuraiAlbaonce you sudo su, use chmod :)01:18
PsPhaKeR_chmod 755?01:18
DRCoB0LiNicolas - you can probably create your own channel01:18
aeon-ltdiNicolas: /query nickofpersonyouwanttotalkto01:18
marine1iNicolas: right click on person and select im01:19
SamuraiAlbaPsPhaKeR_, I blelieve so01:19
PsPhaKeR_Unknown id: chmod01:19
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DRCoB0Lyou can also do a /msg nickname01:19
iNicolasthnx people01:19
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DRCoB0Lthats too old school though - forget that01:19
marine1SamuraiAlba: so just move the sata connect over to where the other one was and move the old one to another slot01:20
PsPhaKeR_SamuraiAlba:  PsPhaKeR_, I blelieve so01:21
PsPhaKeR_SamuraiAlba: Unknown id: chmod01:21
SamuraiAlbaMarine1, aye01:21
SamuraiAlbaPsPhaKeR_, I am a bit newbish.  I am not sure how to proceed, now01:21
marine1SamuraiAlba: the only thing left is making that into 10.1001:22
SamuraiAlbato make it into 10.10, run the terminal and type01:22
SamuraiAlba"sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"01:23
marine1SamuraiAlba: first up is clonezilla where is it going to saved the clone data01:24
agnosticQuestion: How can i get back the audio volumue control into the pannel? I looked everywhere but couldn't find it :=(01:24
Tink__89Can anyone tell me why, when sitting on Ubuntu 10.10 I'm jus doin my stuff & the thing gives me a black screen then reboots and gives me choice of running Ubuntu normally or running a recovery ? - Sorry I a newb so don't know the terminology01:24
SamuraiAlbamarine1, clonezilla will make a dead on copy of one drive to another :)01:25
SamuraiAlbaJust select the source and destination in the menus :)01:25
SamuraiAlbaEasy peasy01:25
coz_Tink__89,  not sure...what were you doing when this occurred?01:25
Tink__89coz_ browsing the web. Now the whole interface has changed too =S01:25
agnosticSamuraiAlba: can not find it!01:25
coz_Tink__89,  the theme has gone back to some drab  sqaureish look?01:26
Tink__89coz_ yeah01:26
PsPhaKeR_How does the chown command work!?01:26
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coz_Tink__89,   I think its a bug in maverick  and a recent one at that  you might be able to remedy it...open the home directory  and hit ctrl +h to show hidden files01:26
Tink__89coz_ done that01:27
coz_Tink__89,  look for the   .gconf  folder01:27
Deihmosanyone use xbmc with ubuntu01:27
marine1SamuraiAlba: part of the reason for the upgrade because when I updated using update manager i have several problems now and I think there resolved in 10.1001:27
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PsPhaKeR_ How does the chown command work!?01:27
coz_Tink__89,  clikc that opned then open the  apps folder under there01:27
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:27
coz_Tink__89,   delete the  "nautilus"  folder01:27
Tink__89coz_ done01:27
coz_Tink__89,   close home directory ...open terminal      nautilus -q   and restart x01:27
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marine1SamuraiAlba: so after using clonezilla i don't need the 10.10 live cd??01:28
coz_Tink__89, if it comes back with the restart of nautilus dont restart x  if not then restart x01:28
marine1SamuraiAlba: use the terminal instead01:28
SamuraiAlbaMarine1, nope :)01:28
coz_Tink__89,  either way it is a recent bug in mavrick you may want to report it on launchpad01:28
SamuraiAlbaMarine1, use the terminal :)01:29
coz_Tink__89,   is this nvidia graphics on this system?01:29
marine1SamuraiAlba: i basically want a fresh install01:29
^Phantom^I have an odd question to ask.01:29
Tink__89coz_ I would if I knew what launchpad was heh01:29
Tink__89coz_ I have no idea lol01:29
coz_Tink__89,  oh ok01:29
coz_Tink__89,   open a terminal can copy paste this command        lspci | grep -i vga01:29
marine1SamuraiAlba: with nothing corrupted from previous data that I'm copying over?01:29
Tink__89coz_ Like I said, total newb. But I have to say, I only installed this last night and it's been nothing but problems :s01:29
SamuraiAlbamarine1, I am not sure how to save the data from your user files AND do a fresh.  Sorry.01:29
^Phantom^When I was using my ubuntu 9.10 livecd, it told me that a drive in this computer was failing.01:30
coz_Tink__89,  on linux if you highlight text and simply middle click inside the terminal ...it should paste01:30
Tink__89coz_, VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)01:30
PsPhaKeR_I am still having the audio problems btw :(01:30
^Phantom^Now that I've got 10.10 installed, that message doesn't show up anymore, yet the same drive is still in this computer.  What is different about 10.10?01:30
coz_Tink__89,  ah ok.... maybe maverick is wrong one to install... although the most recent release I dont think it is that stable01:30
coz_Tink__89,  ah ok... cool intel01:30
coz_Tink__89,   if this continues   especially wit the bad theme revert... you migh want to download the lucid cd   make sure you check the md5sum and burn it at 1x  if possible01:31
Tink__89coz_, ok I will see how it goes, thanks for your help =D01:32
coz_Tink__89,  no problem..and this is not a result of bad install..it was happening to me on maverick for a week or so already01:33
Deihmosi just installed ubuntu using my hdtv. haing a hard time getting over how ugly and old eveything looks01:33
coz_Deihmos,  hold and ugly?01:33
Tink__89coz_, yeah I got probs with using Flash in Chromium too =|01:33
coz_Deihmos,   you mean the interface ...yes?01:33
coz_Tink__89,   ah  mmm  is this 64 bit or  32 bit?01:33
Tink__89coz_, 32 bit01:33
coz_Tink__89,   I think you might like lucid much better01:34
coz_Tink__89,  and it is LTS  or  Long Term Support ...so it will be updated for a few more years01:34
Tink__89coz_, thanks again :)01:34
SonicComKidThanks for the help everyone, I heave to head out01:34
coz_Tink__89,  no problem01:34
rami1983when i try to play a movie01:35
rami1983i get disconnected connection terminated01:35
coz_rami1983,  this is a movie online or on the disk?01:35
Deihmosinterface yes01:36
MrUnagi36 20 * * * for i in *.jpg; do sudo mogrify -resize 50% $i ; done && sudo mv *.jpg /jail/home/waynrdude/MyDropbox/Convert/Converted<---------this should have ran at 8:36pm today right?01:37
coz_rami1983,   do you have all of the codecs installed?01:37
rami1983i think yes01:37
rami1983how can i check that?01:37
coz_rami1983,  which player are you using?01:37
rami1983movie player01:38
marine1SamuraiAlba: quick question brother if I use the live cd to format my new hard drive in place of the old one, so that one will be my main hd. Then soemhow mount the old one and then  transfer data from that one over??01:38
rami1983with vlc it is ok01:38
rami1983it runs01:38
PsPhaKeR1KM0201: Help with my audio problems please?01:38
Cube``omg guys01:38
r00t4rd3domg what01:38
coz_rami1983,   mm  I use vlc  more than anything... movie player  I dont use01:38
SamuraiAlbamarine1, I think you could do that :)01:38
KM0201PsPhaKeR1: i don't really have an answer, i told you what i would do(under sound preferences)01:38
marine1SamuraiAlba: i'm not sure about mounting but that hd is already formatted I jjust want to transfer all of my old files over01:39
rami1983coz_ is the a plug in in vlc that downloads subs auto.?01:39
marine1SamuraiAlba: so just switch the sata connections over and that one will boot up??01:40
Yetanotherx_So I'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation01:40
Yetanotherx_It says "If you previously created an “msdos” style partition used Boot Camp, you should use gparted to delete this partition. It will be located after an EFI partition (hidden in OSX) and an HFS+ partition (HFS+ is OS X's filesystem). Deleting the new partition leaves “free space” on the disk for the Ubuntu install. Click “Apply” before exiting! "01:40
coz_rami1983,  ah mmm... I dont think I am as good with these issues  as many are here so I am going to let them help with this one01:40
Yetanotherx_In GParted, I see an EFI fat32 drive, a hfs+ drive (my mac partition), and a fat32 drive (my ubuntu partition)01:41
Yetanotherx_Do I want to delete the last one?01:41
MrUnagii cannot figure out why my cronjob wont run01:41
Yetanotherx_I'm a little concerned it will delete the partition and leave it unable to be used for anything again01:41
DRCoB0LMrUnagi, check /var/log/messages01:41
rami1983how can i check if i have the latest audio and video codecs??01:42
DRCoB0LMrUnagi, if you have cron setup and running it usually emails you with errors too01:42
reece_hurr durr01:43
marine1SamuraiAlba: so just switch the sata connections over and that one will boot up??01:44
zaeryI've got an old (used to be) bootable flash drive that nautilus sees as two, "ubuntu" and "casper-rw" but gparted doesn't recognize it, is there any way for me to reformat it for other uses?01:45
marine1SamuraiAlba: i just wannt to get this right the 1st time01:45
MrUnagiDRCoB0L: theres nothing in the /var/log/messages for it01:45
MrUnagii am baffled because if i paste the command in the cli, it runs correctly....01:45
DRCoB0Lah - that usually signals a path problem01:46
MrUnagihow so?01:46
DRCoB0Lyour path in cron is probably different than your login path01:46
MrUnagii did sudo crontab -e01:46
MrUnagiis that an issue?01:46
Doinkleif goblins appear it is01:46
DRCoB0Lwell to be honest i am a solaris guy and am learing linux so i would do it different myself01:47
DRCoB0Lfor example i would just crontab as me, drcobol01:47
DRCoB0Lit looks like you are trying to do a root crontab01:47
MrUnagiright but how do you crontab if your command needs sudo01:47
MrUnagisuch as sudo mv01:47
DoinkleMrUnagi, if u didnt write to it yer fine01:47
MrUnagiwait.....i should do it as him01:48
DRCoB0Lwhat does crontab -l say ?01:48
MrUnagiaaaah lemme try something01:48
sacarlsonMrUnagi: you need to run your cron as root  sudo crontab -e01:48
DRCoB0Lif you want root to run something, i would su to root and do a crontab -e01:48
MrUnagisacarlson: i was01:48
zaeryIs there any way to find (and partition) a storage device that gparted doesn't know about01:48
DRCoB0Loh - what sacarlson said is right and probably better01:48
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MrUnagiwait if a user doesnt have shell access will cron still work01:49
sacarlsonMrUnagi: I saw sudo in your script it's not needed as root01:49
DRCoB0Lno mrunagi01:49
MrUnagithen i would need it ran as root01:52
sacarlsonMrUnagi: I guess there is another solution if you setup sudo with no password in sudoer01:52
MrUnagisacarlson: that is a good point lol01:52
Hilikushow do i stop pulseaudio in m,y current session?01:52
=== bustedup277 is now known as shower277
MrUnagiso what happens when root sudos01:54
bashedIs there a tool to see if a binary file contains the stuff from another binary file?01:55
MrUnagisigh.....it STILL didnt execute01:55
marine1SamuraiAlba: do i have to boot up in cdrom first or run it on the desktop01:55
sum1nilHi I am hoping someone can guide me to a tutorial (not the manual reference) so I can understand tolua++01:55
sacarlsonMrUnagi: I don't know since I have no working shell in root01:55
MrUnagisacarlson: what do yo umean01:56
sacarlsonMrUnagi: I just used that to know that you tried to run sudo in an acount other than root01:56
sum1nilNo xterm?01:56
MrUnagisacarlson: is there no way to crontab without password interaction?01:57
sacarlsonMrUnagi: yes you can setup sudo with no password if that's your option01:57
EvilenkoMy microphone makes noise, ubuntu 10.10, driver: Realtek ALC272X plz help?01:57
sacarlsonMrUnagi: eather way works01:57
awesome_guesthey I want to start a daemon every time I log in (tpfand).  Should I just stick "sudo tpfand" into /etc/rc.local?01:57
MrUnagisacarlson: or chmod so that the group can do anything01:57
EvilenkoMy microphone makes noise, ubuntu 10.10, driver: Realtek ALC272X plz help?01:58
sacarlsonMrUnagi: make everyone root?  I guess that would also work01:58
MrUnagisacarlson: no make the user part of the group named in chown01:58
PsPhaKeR_KM0201: I am sorry, had to give the computer up... what did you say?01:58
moszerhello everyone, need help, seems like i mess up something, when i click my folder, it'll open brasero instead of nautilus, what should i do?01:59
sacarlsonMrUnagi: oh in your case you want to rename in someone elses account,  so is that the only account?  just run cron under that user01:59
MrUnagisacarlson: wont work if that user doesnt have shell access02:00
jribmoszer: open nautilus, right click on a folder, properties, open with, other, set nautilus to always open them02:00
sacarlsonMrUnagi: I run cron under root and it works02:00
moszeri'm on it, brb02:00
MrUnagisacarlson: via sudo crontab -e?02:00
sacarlsonMrUnagi: yes02:00
PsPhaKeR_KM0201: I am sorry, had to give the computer up... what did you say?02:00
EvilenkoMy microphone makes noise, ubuntu 10.10, driver: Realtek ALC272X plz help?02:00
MrUnagithen that shatters my spirits because i put it in root and it wouldnt run02:01
zaeryGparted won't see my flash drive, but if i right click it on my desktop and format it, it starts to format it and them errors "Daemon is inhibited" How do i reformat this drive?02:02
moszerthanks jrib02:02
sacarlsonMrUnagi: try sudo crontab -e   with a script or just line touch /path/to/test.txt02:02
agnosticQuestion: How can i get back the audio volumue control into the pannel? I looked everywhere but couldn't find it :=(02:02
sum1nilagnostic: would it be in gconf-editor?02:03
MrUnagisacarlson: i wish i could do this by the second lol02:03
UnholyTerroragnostic, Right-click on panel->Add to panel->Notification Applet02:03
aeon-ltdagnostic: right click, add to panel - it should be there02:03
MrUnagisacarlson: success...02:04
PsPhaKeR_KM0201: I am sorry, had to give the computer up... what did you say?02:04
PsPhaKeR_I am still having audio problems02:04
sacarlsonMrUnagi: so I guess root can run a cron script02:04
MrUnagiso what else can it be02:04
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db_locohas anyone got experience installing VMWare in ubuntu?  I need help :s02:07
_ZroTo|ernZ_agnostic ... on my 10.10 build it's the "indicator applet"02:07
sacarlsonMrUnagi: is the script chmod +x ?02:08
MrUnagino script involved yet02:08
Lantchipsvmware | db_loco02:09
Lantchips!vmware | db_loco02:09
ubottudb_loco: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware02:09
agnosticQuestion: How can i get back the audio volumue control into the pannel? I looked everywhere but couldn't find it :=(02:11
agnosticit really doesnt work02:11
agnostichow can i may get to default?02:11
MrUnagiwow....can you not chown in a script?02:12
MrUnagioh duh...i messed up02:12
_ZroTo|ernZ_agnostic ... what build are you using ?02:12
agnosticthe newest lts02:13
UnholyTerroragnostic, Right-click on panel->Add to panel->Notification Applet02:14
_ZroTo|ernZ_try right clicking on the panel ... add to panel ... "indicator applet"02:14
agnosticI sweare it is not there. But lots of more sh***02:14
UnholyTerroragnostic, it doesn't say 'Volume Control'02:15
UnholyTerroragnostic, Right-click on panel->Add to panel->Indicator Applet02:15
B|ackPantherHi, i have a website i wan to deploy but i dont have access to the /var/www folder. Can i still be able to deploy it from my another directory ?02:15
agnostici don't get it. its in german ^^ (It has a control for the "brightness", but not vor volume02:16
jribB|ackPanther: give yourself access or change the document root...02:16
sarthorHi, I did lsusb, and i saw Upek, i think this my finger print reader device, Is there any posibility to configure this Upek deivece under Ubuntu 10.10, I am using Lenovo Edge, How to konw is this deivce is compatables to maverick or not?02:16
Lantchipsagnostic "gnome-volume-control-applet" try that02:16
agnosticnow it's fine. thanks :-)02:17
B|ackPantherjrib,  the account set up for me doesn't allow that.02:17
jribB|ackPanther: well what do you expect to do?  Run your own server instance then I guess02:17
moszerhow can i make my connection faster? is there any software or anything should i do?02:18
aeon-ltdmoszer: truth is you can't, but you can make sure nothing is slowing it down though02:19
moszeraeon-ltd: ain't that the truth, so, nothing we  can do accept to pay more to the telephone company huh..02:21
sarthorHi, I did lsusb, and i saw Upek, i think this my finger print reader device, Is there any posibility to configure this Upek deivece under Ubuntu 10.10, I am using Lenovo Edge, How to konw is this deivce is compatables to maverick or not?02:21
NickyTTremember me from earlier?02:23
Evilenkohow to i put in the update manager, that it will search for the latest alsa and nvidia drivers? even the unstable once02:23
bazhangEvilenko, enable proposed in software sources02:23
Evilenkohow do i open software sources02:25
Evilenkoin terminal02:25
Evilenkobecause i cant find it in my main menu02:25
MrUnagiEvilenko: are you stuck in cli?02:25
aeon-ltdEvilenko: the sources list you mean?02:25
MrUnagioh nevermind lol02:25
NickyTTWhy does the installed version of SuperOS not have certain drivers on it that the live boot does have?02:25
Evilenkono the software source app02:26
bazhangNickyTT, ask the superos people as that is offtopic here02:26
Evilenkoits usally in system -> preference or administration02:26
Evilenkobut not now02:26
SriramBipul': You are getting that error because the specified package isn't found in the repo02:26
bazhangEvilenko, check synaptic02:26
felix000hi all. i bought a new mobo because mine died in a short-circuit. is an ABIT VT7. at first, while i mounted the parts in the new mobo, no OS was able to load from the hdd (memtest86 works ok, mems are ok) nor linux or windows. i thought my hdd was dead also, because it was quite old and i hit quite bad during mount. I reinstalled linux on an old 40gbhdd... windows had problems everytime while trying to partition/format the disk. linux had problems trying to02:27
felix000 do more than 1 partition... so i bought today a new brand SATA hdd (two oldies were IDE), and just EXACTLY the same kind of problem: different OS give error while accessing hdd's. Now im runnung a livecd in that machine with every hdd wore off.02:27
bhueyI'm getting a hang at at gdm start up02:28
SriramBipul': There?02:28
NickyTTLiveCD is different than installed02:28
bhueywith a fresh 10.10 installation02:28
bazhangNickyTT, its offtopic here02:28
NickyTT10.10 is overrated02:28
bhueyis this a know problem ?02:28
NickyTTwhat's the topic?02:29
Srirambhuey: Not sure, tried re-installing?02:29
bazhangubuntu support NickyTT NOT superos02:29
bhueySriram: this is a fresh install02:29
bhueyclearly there's a bug here02:29
felix000i think that perhaps its a problem of BIOS config. it allows 3 ways to access the disks and auto. set to auto by default and as failsafe...02:30
NickyTTDoes the installed version of Ubuntu have less drivers to install offline than the LiceCD?02:30
elkngare there "Midnight Commander" in "ubuntu live CD" ?02:31
sarthorHi, I did lsusb, and i saw Upek, i think this my finger print reader device, Is there any posibility to configure this Upek deivece under Ubuntu 10.10, I am using Lenovo Edge, How to konw is this deivce is compatables to maverick or not?02:31
aeon-ltdNickyTT: just assume this, during hardware autodetect only neccessary drivers are installed02:31
Srirambhuey: Give me a sec, looking into the bugzilla, meanwhile can you check log files and paste relevant ones?02:31
sleepysosleepyhi, how do i find out whether my USB drive is EXT4 or something else?02:31
bhueyit's upgrading now02:31
Srirambhuey: oh02:31
NickyTTI noticed a difference02:31
ewooksarthor: If do you know the device name, google it.02:31
sleepysosleepyBTW, my USB drive does not show up on the desktop02:31
bhueyi'm hoping that this might change things02:31
sleepysosleepyor anywhere else.02:31
sleepysosleepybut the USB drive does show up on mount02:32
NickyTTwith installed version, no drives are available02:32
bhueySriram: packages are installed now over the fresh installation02:32
NickyTTwith liveCD of the same version, 2 drivers are there02:32
NickyTTdrivers, sorry02:32
Srirambhuey: Reboot and see if it still hangs02:32
dgy18787hello,i have a problem, why my ubuntu 10.10 cant sleep to swap or ram?02:32
bhueySriram: yeah, I know02:32
felix000hi all. i bought a new mobo because mine died in a short-circuit. is an ABIT VT7. at first, while i mounted the parts in the new mobo, no OS was able to load from the hdd (memtest86 works ok, mems are ok) nor linux or windows. i thought my hdd was dead also, because it was quite old and i hit quite bad during mount. I reinstalled linux on an old 40gbhdd... windows had problems everytime while trying to partition/format the disk. linux had problems trying to02:32
felix000 do more than 1 partition... so i bought today a new brand SATA hdd (two oldies were IDE), and just EXACTLY the same kind of problem: different OS give error while accessing hdd's. Now im runnung a livecd in that machine with every hdd wore off.02:32
felix000i think that perhaps its a problem of BIOS config. it allows 3 ways to access the disks and auto. set to auto by default and as failsafe...02:32
FloodBot4felix000: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:32
bhueySriram: did you find an existing issue with gdm freeze bugs ?02:33
Srirambhuey: Nothing useful yet02:33
sarthorintel ips 0000:00:1f.6: CPU power or thermal limit exceeded.....continently getting this message logs. is there any pro blem with my computer???02:34
dgy18787hello,i have a problem, why my ubuntu 10.10 cant sleep to swap or ram? my ram is 2G and swap is 4G,when i choose sleep to ram ,it sleeps,and i cant wake it up02:35
kusznirHi all: I'm trying to start a ubuntu domU using the provided sample start script (10.10), and after starting, it just sticks in this state:ltsp-core                                  201   512     0     --p---      0.0 .  I don't know what it means, or more importantly, where to go from here...suggestions?02:36
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iNicolashi ppl.... im kind of a new user of ubuntu and i have a problem...02:37
=== bustedup277 is now known as sleep277
iNicolaseverytime i give a command to the terminal it asks for password... what kind of a password??? -.-02:37
DRCoB0Llike what kind of command ?02:38
MrUnagiis there a way to have a script check for a running process before executing?02:38
DRCoB0Lhow about date02:38
LantchipsiNicolas let me guess like sudo apt-get ?02:38
_ZroTo|ernZ_<iNicolas> use your login password02:39
x_The ubuntu website tells me to go to x.org website for compatibility of graphics cards but I cant find it anywhere, I want to buy a new machine / video card for ubuntu.02:39
* DRCoB0L claps for Lantchips02:39
LantchipsiNicolas your root password is wanted so your login pw02:39
avangacan any 1 help me installing tata photon plus (usb olive V-ME101) on ubuntu 10.1002:39
iNicolasill try it out..02:39
MrUnagiiNicolas: because you are a sudoer you have to use your password......it is kind of like a fake root02:39
Digistrasi finally got my hands on this card: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.3568802:39
LantchipsDRCoB0L /bow02:39
Digistrasnow....how do i install the drivers on ubuntu?02:39
cp2_4evaanyone know how to Ubuntu to boot up? it was working then I rebooted and now it wont load.02:40
Digistrassorry....i'm a noob in ubuntu02:40
iNicolasthank you very much...02:40
cp2_4evanevermind...it finally wanted to load and now is checking disk for errors02:40
Srirambhuey: Does gdm freeze before/after login screen?02:40
happy-buntuavanga.. did you tried asking the company support? for TATA?02:40
Pupeno[work]How do you configure which services start at boot time on ubuntu?02:40
cp2_4evathe login doesnt come up02:40
emI have this key on my laptop that's like the wireless key or something, if i click it, the wireless connection disconnects and if i click it again it connecgts. Anyway it has a little light on it, and it keeps flashing red and white.02:40
emi wonder if it's noral to flash or if it's supposed to be always white.02:41
cp2_4evait just has a blinking cursor02:41
Sriramem: It's normal02:41
avangahappy-buntu, yea they are noooooobs. dont know anything about ubuntu02:41
Digistrasi finally got my hands on this card: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.3568802:41
Digistrasnow....how do i install the drivers on ubuntu?02:41
emSriram: oh okay.02:41
Digistrassorry....i'm a noob in ubuntu02:41
FloodBot4Digistras: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:41
Sriramem: Same thing happens to me, except it's bule and red02:41
emSriram: is it like white is down and red is up or something?02:41
happy-buntuguys.. i don't know what but i did something wrong on My ubuntu.. that will not let compiz to work .. the cube effect... does anyone has an idea on how to fix it again?02:41
Sriramem: Don't think so02:41
emSriram: it's not like a steady thing it sort of is a blink that seems to mean it's doing something.02:42
MatthewVx_, any specific graphics card... almost every graphics card around nowadays works with linux/ubuntu. If you're concerned, I would just google the model of the graphics card and ubuntu to see if anyone has had issues02:42
Lantchipshappy-buntu have u enable animations ?02:42
Srirambhuey: There?02:42
emSriram: sometimes it's steady and sometimes it's blinking ike it looks like it's really working, if you get me.02:42
emso i just wonder what it means.02:42
Sriramem: What laptop do you have?02:42
emHP Pavilion dv602:42
Sriramem: One sec will do some research on that and ping you02:43
x_MatthewV, nvidia works good with ubuntu right?02:43
Digistrasi finally got my hands on this card: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.3568802:44
Digistrasnow....how do i install the drivers on ubuntu?02:44
Digistrassorry....i'm a noob in ubuntu02:44
Sriramem: What version of ubuntu do you have?02:44
FloodBot4Digistras: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:44
Sriramem: 10.10?02:44
cajunI have a dual boot system w/ Ubuntu 10.10 and XP Sp3. I have a FAT partition so I can share files between OSs. However, XP keeps creating .chk files when I switch OSs. How can I recover those files?  I remember performing a scan that renamed ALL files previously to the correct extension. Does anyone know what this command would be?02:44
bhueySriram: yeah02:45
bhueySriram: failure at the login screen still02:45
Lantchipshappy-buntu did you solve the problem ?02:46
emSriram: yep!02:46
zvrkem,  if you compere to win it is different response of wifi light on ubuntu of any another distro of linux02:46
YankeesFanwhy is ubuntu laggy with dual core when watching youtube?02:46
MatthewVx_, most should without any issues. I had a nvidia 7600GS working with ubuntu for years with no issues. Like I said, if you've narrowed it down to a couple of models, a quick google should highlight any issues.02:46
Sriramem: It's normal, just that when data is bieng transferred, like when you're loading a page it blinks02:47
Sriramem: No clue why, but02:47
Sriramem: I know it is a little annoying02:47
MatthewVx_, only time I've had problems is with new release cards where drivers haven't quite stabilised on linux yet.02:48
emSriram: okay cool.02:48
emSriram: it's not too bad, annoying wise, i just got curious. Yeah it's mildly annoying if i think about it :) but i usually do not.02:48
MrUnagifor i in *.jpg; do mogrify -resize 50% $i ; done && mv *.jpg /jail/home/waynrdude/MyDropbox/Convert/Converted<---------if i take the done && out would the mv command wait on mogrify?02:49
linuxfreakerWe are organizing an event for Open Source technology in college for 100 students and want to provide them access our corporate PC. Our aim is to provide them remote access to few 10-20 machines in our corporate to try out our product which runs on specific hardware.Anyone who can suggest me any secure colloborative tool which will let those students access concurrently.02:49
bhueySriram: deleted the '.' files and it starts up properly02:49
bhueygoing to try another shot02:49
Guest78813Hi everyone02:49
bhueyso it was cruft in that stuff that was screwing it up02:50
Guest78813I'm hoping to get some help with networking on ubuntu. can anyone help?02:50
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Lantchips!ask | Guest7881302:50
ubottuGuest78813: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:50
MrUnagiGuest78813: what is your question?02:52
avangacan any 1 help me installing tata photon plus (usb olive V-ME101) on ubuntu 10.1002:52
Guest78813ok, I have Ubuntu Server 10.10 and I've setup Samba just last night. I can map the shares yesterday but after rebooting, now my windows machine can't map the drive but I can ping my server's ip. I am unable to VNC into my ubuntu server from my windows PC but i'm able to VNC from my  Mac. I'm quite lost on what is wrong with the networking on my ubuntu server. Is there any thing I can do to troubleshoot this? I can still access the we02:53
Guest78813the ubuntu server. I'm unable to ping my windows machine from the Ubuntu server02:53
paq7512do you guys know how to save nvidia-settings for fan speed at startup?02:53
YankeesFanis ubuntu rolling release?02:54
jdjbYankeesFan: no, not really02:55
MrUnagifor i in *.jpg; do mogrify -resize 50% $i ; done && mv *.jpg.......is the done && even needed?02:55
gilanialihow do i copy the contents of a file to my clipboard02:55
powerlesscan someone help me access my plugged-in USB drive? I see it on lsusb02:55
powerlessbut not on mount02:55
_ZroTo|ernZ_linuxfreaker >  ... are you familiar with VNC ?02:56
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MrUnagipowerless: what does lsusb list02:56
powerlessMrUnagi: the relevant line is: Bus 001 Device 005: ID 058f:6387 Alcor Micro Corp. Transcend JetFlash Flash Drive02:56
happy-buntuguys.. i don't know what but i did something wrong on My ubuntu.. that will not let compiz to work .. the cube effect... does anyone has an idea on how to fix it again?02:57
MrUnagipowerless: er....did you try mount /dev/sdb1?02:57
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Lantchipshappy-buntu have you enable animations ?02:57
powerlessMrUnagi:  mount /dev/sdb1 mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is already mounted on / mount failed02:57
happy-buntuyes lantchips those are enabled02:57
agnosticyour mother stinks out of the asshole!02:57
NixGeek!language | agnostic02:58
ubottuagnostic: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:58
Lantchipshappy-buntu uhmm have you a icon on the top right and made sure your running compiz and not metacity ?02:58
Felix00hi all. i bought a new mobo because mine died in a short-circuit. is an ABIT VT7. at first, while i mounted the parts in the new mobo, no OS was able to load from the hdd (memtest86 works ok, mems are ok) nor linux or windows. i thought my hdd was dead also, because it was quite old and i hit quite bad during mount. I reinstalled linux on an old 40gbhdd... windows had problems everytime while trying to partition/format the disk. linux had problems try02:58
Felix00do more than 1 partition... so i bought today a new brand SATA hdd (two oldies were IDE), and just EXACTLY the same kind of problem: different OS give error while accessing hdd's. Now im runnung a livecd in that machine with every hdd wore off.02:58
Felix00i think that perhaps its a problem of BIOS config. it allows 3 ways to access the disks and auto. set to auto by default and as failsafe... LBA CHS HBA02:58
happy-buntuactually i was doing something with the compiz and effects were working too.. but i got a msg like in a blue screen.. i dont remember what it was... anyways i just said NO and it stopped working all effects..02:58
MrUnagipowerless: are you editing fstab for this02:58
agnosticYour mother eats my seeds!02:58
powerlessMrUnagi: i have not edited anhying02:59
powerlessMrUnagi:  i though the usb device would just work.02:59
MrUnagipowerless: i dunno man02:59
=== Guest78813 is now known as NeedsNetworkHelp
powerlessMrUnagi: 8 - (02:59
MrUnagipowerless: usually does but not always02:59
happy-buntu"m have you a icon on the top right"  << what icon ???02:59
Lantchipshappy-buntu do you remember what you were doing ?02:59
happy-buntuyes.. i was making changes in compiz settings and all that.. and it asked something related to allowing effects02:59
Lantchipshappy-buntu I guess I have downloaded something to compiz I guess thats the icon I have :)02:59
happy-buntuoh ok.. u mean the manager i will check it again03:00
Lantchipshappy-buntu try to restart the manager? Or rightclick the desktop and then change desktop and then go to apperance (I think thats the order)03:00
Srirambhuey: One sec brb, need to reboot03:01
NeedsNetworkHelpwhen I ping www.google.com i get Destination Port Unreachable, but when i traceroute www.google.com it works fine. Can anyone help me with this please?03:01
happy-buntulantchips i just checked again and it started working ... thanks :)03:02
happy-buntuim so happy using ubuntu :D03:02
Lantchipshappy-buntu good :) Enjoy your compiz :) haha Good that your happy :)03:02
cp24evais there a way to change access rights to a MAC OS time machine backup folder?  I want to put some of that data in my Ubuntu OS....but it says access denied and I can't change the permissions because I am not the owner.03:02
fogusI am trying to run http://sourceforge.net/projects/portableubuntu/ .  When I run the .exe, it says "no valid configuration file."  There appears to be no documentation other than the readme: "Copy these files on your Portable Ubuntu directory. To use Portable Ubuntu with Xming run the pubuntu_Xming.exe file."  How can I get it to run?03:02
yeatsNeedsNetworkHelp: are you able to ping other sites?03:02
NixGeekfogus: that is not an ubuntu problem, it's a windows problem, and not supported here.03:03
happy-buntulantchips i have couple more questions. do u have any link or t tutorial where i can learn more on how to spice it up.03:03
NeedsNetworkHelpNo i'm not able to ping other sites, but traceroute works. I can access via the browser too.03:03
Lantchipshappy-buntu Your compiz ? Depends on what kind of spicing you mean :)03:04
yeatsNeedsNetworkHelp: so you can reach Google in your browser but can't ping it?03:04
cp24evais there a way to change access rights to a MAC OS time machine backup folder?  I want to put some of that data in my Ubuntu OS....but it says access denied and I can't change the permissions because I am not the owner.03:04
Lantchipshappy-buntu a basic introduction to compiz ?03:04
NeedsNetworkHelpi can't ping my router address too which is weird03:04
happy-buntuwell.. yeah.. i want more exciting burning windows and background environment for the cube03:04
fogusNixGeek: I fail to see how it is a windows problem.  it may not be an normal ubuntu problem, but that doesn't mean something is wrong with windows03:04
happy-buntuis it possible by using beryl or something?03:05
Lantchipshappy-buntu ahh I will whisper you a link I used when I started using compiz03:05
Lantchipshappy-buntu yes it is :)03:05
spydonNeedsNetworkHelp: what message does the ping give you?03:05
spydonCan you ping localhost?03:05
NeedsNetworkHelpDestination Port Unreachable03:05
NeedsNetworkHelpYes i can ping localhost03:05
cp2_4evais there a way to change permissions on a mac backup so I can use it on Ubuntu? without using a MAC?03:06
NixGeekfogus: it may not be a windows problem, but this is the offical ubuntu support channel and portableubuntu is not supported in this channel.03:06
yulerhappy-buntu: http://www.compiz.org/03:07
yeatsNeedsNetworkHelp: sounds like a firewall thing03:07
NeedsNetworkHelpyeats: how do i check the firewall setting on ubuntu server 10.10?03:07
mbrushheya.  I just installed 10.10 but GDM doesn't start until 30sec - 1min later.  so i startx then gdm loads later.  is there something i can do to make it start immediately?03:08
yeatsNeedsNetworkHelp: you can start with 'sudo ufw status'03:09
NeedsNetworkHelpyeats: Status: inactive03:10
NephyrinI need a pulseaudio guru to explain to me why "pacmd set-default-sink 1 && aplay some-sound" Plays some-sound through sink 0, whereas changing the default sink in the gnome volume control panel works fine. It also works fine for non-alsa-plugin inputs.03:10
fb_I just installed and am in 10.10 via Wubi.  Whenever I do something that needs me to authenticate with password, I enter the password and hit Ok, and the text box disappears.  At this point I can't click Ok or Cancel, I have to X to close the auth window, but the root permission seems to be granted anyway....  I just can't exit those dialog boxes without Xing them after making the text box element disappear with the correc03:10
fb_t password.  Ideas?03:10
yeatsNeedsNetworkHelp: does 'host' work? (e.g. 'host google.com')03:11
mbrushwhat is the name of the package for the new ubuntu splash screen?03:11
mbrush(boot splash)03:11
NeedsNetworkHelpyeats: Yes it does, google.com has address
yeatsNeedsNetworkHelp: so is ping the only thing not working then?03:12
casidyWhat line do I need to add to sudoers to be able to have userB be able to run sudo service mysql restart without typing in the password? I have it working with userB ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL but I would rather limit what userB can do.03:12
mbrushcasidy, use 'man sudoers'03:13
NeedsNetworkHelpyeats: yes, ping isn't working. I am having trouble with connecting to my ubuntu server's vnc from windows and am unable to mount my shared samba mounts. I'm trying to troubleshoot it- i realised i can ping my server from my windows machine but i'm not able to ping my windows machine from my ubuntu server03:13
NeedsNetworkHelpyeats: samba was working yesterday and I could map the drives from my windows machine. However now it's not working from my windows machine and as part of the  troubleshooting guide goes on: http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/diagnosis.html it says to test pinging the client machine03:15
MrUnagihow can i search subdirectories for .jpg in cli03:15
NeedsNetworkHelpyeats: so i'm unable to ping and it says my TCP/IP software is not correctly installed... so i'm trying to fix it now but have no idea.03:16
avangacan any 1 help me installing tata photon plus (usb olive V-ME101) on ubuntu 10.1003:16
sacarlsonMrUnagi:  find  -name "*.jpg"03:16
yeatsNeedsNetworkHelp: this isn't a solution, but you're not alone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164848503:17
fb_Anybody know why entering my password into root auth dialogs in 10.10  won't close them and disables the Ok and Cancel buttons and removes the textbox element?   I have to X out the auth window, but root permission is still granted.03:17
MrUnagisacarlson: is there a way to turn that into a list for the for loop to do?03:17
dragonfliI need to rebuild a kernel module in 10.10 -- is there any specific method to do so?03:18
overdubMrUnagi, for i in $(find -name "*jpg")do; ... $i; done03:19
jon_athonhow do I get ubuntu on .36 or .37?03:20
NeedsNetworkHelpyeats: i see. I just realised that I can ping my ubuntu server from my windows machine but I'm unable to ping it via my mac03:21
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
NixGeekHow can I stop my command line aliases from leaving after I close the terminal?03:22
NeedsNetworkHelpyeats: I also realised it doens't connect from my mac machine on the IP address via vnc, it connects via the machine.domain name which is OLYMPIA.LOCAL instead of
casidymbrush: I think I want something like "userB ALL = NOPASSWD: service mysql restart" but i'm not sure on the syntax for the "service mysql restart" part.03:23
NeedsNetworkHelpwhat is the difference between connecting to my ubuntu server via it's static IP and it's machine.domain name (eg. OLYMPIA.LOCAL)?03:24
cryptodiraresource not found when trying to play a dvd with totem.... disk utility sees and mount and unmounts the dvd.... what could be the problem???03:24
NixGeekHow can I stop my command line aliases from leaving after I close the terminal?03:25
cryptodiraerrr.... rather: 'could not read from resource'.... sorry.03:25
geeknikGood evening.03:27
jon_athongood evening03:27
cryptodirai just did a fresh install of 10.04 amd64... could i have left something out... or need an upgrade?03:27
ignarpsNixGeek, read up about .profile and .bashrc03:27
Ahmuckwhere do i report 11.04 bugs03:29
bazhangAhmuck, #ubuntu+103:30
jon_athonWhat's this ubuntu one business? What's the general opinion?03:30
bazhangjon_athon, try #ubuntuone03:30
ayakaI know a daemon can do this,if the server called then start it,not make always start,but what is it name?03:31
trismcryptodira: did you run the install-css.sh script as described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs03:31
jon_athonbazhang, roger03:31
trismcryptodira: after installing libdvdread4 that is03:32
lea123Hi the "Choose helper application" simply froze..... I thought this is very un-ubuntu like.03:32
lea123I right clicked on the dialog box to close it however it won't simply close03:32
fb_Anybody know why entering my password into root auth dialogs in 10.10  won't close them and disables the Ok and Cancel buttons and removes the textbox element?   I have to X out the auth window, but root permission is still granted.  Any idea how I can fix these dialogs?03:33
narayan44sweet lord my sound just broke, all of a sudden I can't play sound files03:33
ayakaI know ubuntu use upstart,but why I can use /etc/init.d/gdm stop,this it init?03:33
cryptodiratrism: no, i do not believe i installed css.sh script.... totem will play dvd's from the hard drive... just not the dvd drive.03:33
narayan44although it will output my microphone if it is selected03:33
narayan44anyone have any ideas?03:34
ValkyrieIf I were to re-mount my partitions, how would it go?03:34
hellojoneshi what may be wrong, when I run speaker-test and I get the messages left front right front . . .. but I cannot hear anything?03:34
ValkyrieI mean, manually that is. mount /dev/hda1 /boot03:34
Valkyriemount /dev/hda2 /03:34
KM0201is there a way to log into an Ubuntu install(on a hard drive) from a live cd, via terminal.. so i can update grub...03:34
Valkyriemount /dev/hda3 /home?03:34
MatthewVnarayan44, could you be more specific... will sound files play and nothing comes out the speaker, or sound files can't play, any error messages?03:35
fb_M0201: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275   see section 13. Reinstalling GRUB 2 from the LiveCD03:36
fb_err KM020103:36
KM0201fb_: thats not gonna work.03:36
trismcryptodira: ubuntu can't play most commercial dvds by default, the ones on your drive may not be copy protected03:36
KM0201fb_: for some reason, its detecting his internal hard drive as sdb, instead of sda(installing from USB)... so install goes fine, but grub is looking for sdb, and errors out03:37
aLemmer1Is there a way to get Gnome panels to have only one show/hide button (on the left side)?03:38
hellojonesKM0201 look for chroot03:38
fb_i have that exact problem on a system I have at work, grub updates were always a pain... i haven't found a real solution other than letting grub autoconfigure then going in and changing the assignments around and re-updating03:38
MrUnagiis there a command i can run in a script to check for a running process first before starting it again?03:39
fb_but typically any system update that updates grub without me noticing results in a broken boot03:39
fb_i keep a livecd around just so i can go in and manually re-grub... so I'd like a solution to that one too :/03:40
sacarlsonMrUnagi: maybe something like ps -A |grep filename03:40
Dirjelapt-get has been running for 83 minutes on my computer, and I don't know why.  Help?03:40
MrUnagisacarlson: what is the A flag, man doesnt make sense03:41
ner0xWhat exactly is Ubuntu One?03:41
sacarlsonMrUnagi: all process03:41
cryptodiratrism:  Kudoos!!!  Thank YOU very much.  totem is reading disks now. :)03:41
MrUnagioh i read it wrong03:41
MrUnagiso ps -A | grep mogrify if mogrify is the command that might be running?03:42
chris_bsdner0x: dot mac for linux users03:42
Dirjelner0x: Near as I can tell, it's online data storage03:42
ner0xchris_bsd: I dont' know what that is either.03:42
aetarichey. my touchpad and keyboard are acting insane. they randomly stick/fail to work.03:42
sacarlsonMrUnagi: better example http://www.anyexample.com/linux_bsd/bash/check_if_program_is_running_with_bash_shell_script.xml03:43
asdfasdfasdfasdfhello is there a way to create a tar file (no compression) with a personalized tree of folders inside? example i want to put files from many different folders from my HD, but inside that tar. they'd all be in folderroot/subfolder1/?03:44
chris_bsdner0x: https://one.ubuntu.com/plans/03:44
p_resasdfasdfasdfasdf: Just right click and compress the directory as tar.03:44
Dirjelbeluga: hi03:44
belugaI am japanese03:45
MrUnagisacarlson: reading now thanks03:45
_xiluoso many people03:45
chris_bsdbeluga: konichi-wa03:45
smwasdfasdfasdfasdf, with the commandline or gui?03:45
belugaVery Good !!03:45
asdfasdfasdfasdfp_res, i just can't create the desired internal tree, then paste every files in there and then right click compress. because this internal tree i want to create involves a partition that hasnt got enough free space.03:45
asdfasdfasdfasdfsmw, anything03:46
belugaIt is difficult for me to understand Englush03:46
chris_bsdbeluga: ;-)03:46
yudi1whenever I update the kernal, nvidia driver fails. anyone know why? I uninstalled the open source nvidia driver supplied with ubuntu.03:46
p_resasdfasdfasdfasdf: So how do expect to do it then?03:46
smwasdfasdfasdfasdf, one sec, quick research03:46
asdfasdfasdfasdfp_res, thats why im here =)03:47
Dirjelapt-get has been running for 83 minutes on my computer, and I don't know why.  Help?03:47
p_resasdfasdfasdfasdf: But how do you expect things to work if you have no free space? You see what I'm getting at.03:47
smw asdfasdfasdfasdf; start "fileroller"03:47
asdfasdfasdfasdfp_res, when i create a new tar file with my archiver application i dont see anything like add empty folder, to create a new folder.03:47
asdfasdfasdfasdfsmw, ok03:48
smwasdfasdfasdfasdf, it is a program for making compressed files03:48
rayk3nhi how can i mount an nfs using GID, UID03:48
asdfasdfasdfasdfsmw, yes03:48
NeedsNetworkHelpI'm having problems connecting to my samba server from my windows machine. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?03:48
smwasdfasdfasdfasdf, start up a new archive, put stuff in it, tell file roller you want a tar. I have never done it before, but I know it works03:48
Dirjelasdfasdfasdfasdf:  Where do you plan on saving this .tar?  If it's going to be uncompressed, and you don't have space on03:48
Dirjelyour HDD...03:48
jon_athonAny ideas why my system may seem bogged down after upgrade to 10.4 lts03:48
p_resDirjel: My point exactly!03:49
asdfasdfasdfasdfDirjel, i have free space in some other partition03:49
asdfasdfasdfasdfsmw, ok03:49
asdfasdfasdfasdfsmw, im on it03:50
p_resasdfasdfasdfasdf: You never said that before. <rolls eyes>03:50
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon ... please explain :bogged down"03:50
jon_athonEverything just seems to move real choppy...03:50
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, like opening new windows, switching between windows, even receiving messages in IRC03:50
Zeu5hi there,03:50
smwasdfasdfasdfasdf, my "research" was seeing what program opened when I double clicked a zip file ;-)03:50
carpetlintzis there any nee reads on geting my usb cad to connect to my router, or see why only some services work and  others don thanx03:50
Zeu5recently whenever i want to delete a file permanently in nautilus, my nautilus windows keep going into grey screen like they are hanged. why is that?03:51
asdfasdfasdfasdfsmw, p_res i believe you guys dont understand what i want to do due my bad english, ill try to explain again:03:51
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, my cpu and mem usage are low though... and I'm not swapping03:51
DiamondciteZeu5: Is it alot of files or a large file? Would the drive happen to be full?03:51
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, I turned off the visual effects and dropped to 2 virtual desktops03:52
Zeu5Diamondcite, i just want to delete 1 file. right now my drive is only 52%03:52
DiamondciteZeu5: Do you have any network shares attached in some way?03:52
Zeu5normal delete works fine, but not permanent delete03:52
smwasdfasdfasdfasdf, I did not even realize english was not your first language. You seem to be speaking it perfectly03:52
Zeu5network shares? no i dont03:52
DirjelZeu5, how big is that file, though?  and "normal delete" you mean trashing it?03:52
carpetlintzIm looking for some updated FAQ geting my Wirles usb card to connect03:52
DiamondciteZeu5: ( Doesn't normal deletes just move to trash? )03:52
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, switching between tabs on google chrome does it also03:53
asdfasdfasdfasdfi would like to create a .tar file (uncompressed) but then re-arrange its internal folders, this is put files inside sub-folders, but creating this set of subfolders in my hdd and then copying files on them to finally right click it and pres compress is not an option because i dont have free space in the partition that involces those folders.03:53
Zeu5Diamondcite, yes normal delete move to trash. the grey screen hanging occurs when i do a SHIFT+DEL03:53
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon ... you upgraded ... and this just happened after the upgrade ?03:53
asdfasdfasdfasdfsmw, =)03:53
Zeu5aka permanent delete03:53
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, yea, I upgraded, did the reboot, it was slow, rebooted again, and turned down the visuals... that helped a little but it still unusually slow03:53
DiamondciteZeu5: is this a large file by chance? Does your computer have an indicator to show hard drive activity?03:53
DirjelZeu5, when you move something to trash, then empty trash, your computer hangs?03:53
happyhiya, I need some help with bash scripting03:54
Zeu5yes i turn on my applet to monitor system. it looks fine. its not a large file.03:54
DirjelOkay, apt-get is still running on my computer.  96 minutes and counting.  Help?03:54
clarity_so... when I turn on my ubuntu box with mongodb and ruby on rails does it scale right now?03:54
clarity_right up?03:54
psusiasdfasdfasdfasdf, why do you want to lay out the files differently in the archive than the original files?03:54
clarity_like how many connections can I handle?03:54
p_resYou need to create the directory tree first. That's what I keep telling you.03:55
p_resasdfasdfasdfasdf: above03:55
DiamondciteDirjel: So what is your apt-get doing? Updating a system?03:55
Zeu5Dirjel, when i move to trash and empty trash, NO my cmputer does NOT hang03:55
DirjelDiamondcite, I have no idea.  I'm thinking it's the auto-update thing running.03:55
DirjelI definitely didn't start it up.03:55
asdfasdfasdfasdfp_res, so there is no way to manipulate a directory tree with a app like file-roller, or console app?03:55
Zeu5Diamondcite, is the system monitor able to view the harddisk activity?03:55
asdfasdfasdfasdfpsusi, thats not really important =)03:55
DiamondciteDirjel: So it's one of those automatic ones which show up in 'top' to use 100% cpu?03:56
DiamondciteZeu5: Yes it should be able to... if your monitor supports one that check for disk I/O03:56
Dirjelasdfasdfasdfasdf: It should work just fine if you use File Roller.  Just make sure you set the save location where you have03:56
Dirjellots of free space03:56
psusiasdfasdfasdfasdf, can you move around the original files instead, then tar them up, then move them back to the original locations?  what you are asking to do is really strange..03:56
p_resasdfasdfasdfasdf: Not with creating the tree first, no.03:56
DiamondciteZeu5: I was hoping you computer had a little light indicating drive activity.03:56
Zeu5Diamondcite, well so far it has never hit 100% when i permanently delete something.03:56
psusiasdfasdfasdfasdf, I could probably hack together a way to do it on the command line, but no, I don't think you can do that through the gui03:56
Zeu5Diamondcite, yes i think i have that03:56
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon ... what stats do the "system monitor" show ?03:57
DirjelDiamondcite: I guess so.  User is root, command is apt-get. CPU usage is 80~90%03:57
Zeu5Diamondcite, so what should i do? should i try again?03:57
DiamondciteZeu5: Honestly speaking.. I have no idea why shift+del would cause it to hang...03:57
Zeu5Diamondcite, i see.03:57
Zeu5Diamondcite, thanks anyway03:57
DiamondciteZeu5: Can't you move that file alone to trash and empty to get rid of it?03:57
asdfasdfasdfasdfpsusi, you mean creating a folder like "test" where  i have free space and inside this test folder create the directory tree i want and then compress it?03:57
p_resasdfasdfasdfasdf: Yes.03:57
psusiasdfasdfasdfasdf, bingo03:58
p_resasdfasdfasdfasdf: Did you not understand what I was saying all along?03:58
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, cpu around 50 -70 % and memory at 33.8%03:58
DiamondciteDirjel: I don't know of an update check taking that long... maybe you can try to start up Update Manager and hit check to see if it does something?03:58
asdfasdfasdfasdfpsusi, i could do that but itd take a long time to do so since they are so many files, i thought it'd be easier if say there was a "add new folder" in the gui of the tar creating programs :(03:58
asdfasdfasdfasdfp_res, sorry now i see it hehe03:58
p_resasdfasdfasdfasdf: It's alright.03:59
psusiasdfasdfasdfasdf, won't take any longer than it would to move them around inside the tar, if you could do that03:59
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, according to top, Xorg is using about 25% cpu constantly and gnome is using about 20% constantly03:59
p_respsusi: That's what I was thinking.03:59
robleeinstalling ubuntu on i7... i want 64amd version anyone?04:00
jake_i am looking for the location that "IceTea" is installed... please help me find it.04:00
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon ... brb ... I have to take a phone call04:00
jake_it is a java package04:00
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, no sweat04:00
p_resjake_: Isn't it just ~/.icedtea04:00
jake_i am attempting to install Aleks for school but has to be installed in the /lib/ext directory04:00
DirjelDiamondcite: I can pull up the Update Manager gui thing, but if I try "check" or "Install Updates" it just tells me "Failed to lock the package manager"04:01
jake_i will look there p_res04:01
robleeinstalling ubuntu on i7... i want 64amd version anyone?04:01
p_resjake_: That was an obvious guess...04:01
p_resroblee: What are you asking?04:01
asdfasdfasdfasdfpsusi, yeah kind of04:02
p_resroblee: If you should install AMD64?04:02
DirjelDiamondcite: It DOES show that there are 32 updates, but it's only 31 MB total.  There isn't any reason for it to take this long.04:02
robleedo i want the 32 bit or amd 64 bit version of buntu?04:02
asdfasdfasdfasdfpsusi, but i'd be cool :D04:02
p_resroblee: 64bit.04:02
robleeim trying 32... but its only detecting 4gb of ram04:02
wisevoyagerapt-get update && apt-get upgrade04:02
jake_how do i access the a  "~/.directory"04:02
p_resroblee: That's why you need 64bit!04:02
p_resjake_: ~/ means /home/username/04:03
asdfasdfasdfasdfokay thanks for the help guys see you around =)04:03
p_resasdfasdfasdfasdf: Bye. ;-)04:03
=== KM0201_ is now known as KM0201
Dirjelwisevoyager: Dunno' if you were talking to me, but it did let me run apt-get upgrade.  Surprising.04:04
PsPhaKeR1KM0201: I need to give file permissions [write] and nothing I seem to do will work :\04:04
KM0201PsPhaKeR1: hang on just a minute, i'm in a real difficult problem right now04:05
=== pins is now known as pinPoint
wisevoyagerDirjel: typing error, I'm apology04:05
jon_athonwhat is the backend process and why is it eating my CPU alive?04:05
Dirjelwisevoyager: Don't worry about it, it helped me out anyway :D04:05
potipheraHi, does anyone know what "No init found. Try passing init= bootarg" means in GRUB (the old version)?  I just downgraded to it because GRUB 2 was giving me problems, and I've already tried running fsck on the boot partition and the filesystem.04:06
happy-buntuany girls from india :D04:06
psusipotiphera, that's the kernel, not grub... most likely you forgot to load the initrd04:07
potipheraThanks, psusi, how do I fix that?04:08
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon ... sorry for the delay04:08
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, no worries, now backend is using most of my cpu... strange04:09
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, and I don't even know what it is04:09
psusipotiphera, load the initrd04:09
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon ... scrolling up you say a backend process is eating the cpu ... try killing that process04:09
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, Is it purposeful?04:10
_ZroTo|ernZ_it won't hurt to kill it ... most could happe would be a reboot ???04:11
psusipotiphera, in addition to the linux /boot/vmlinuz-1.2.3 there should be an initrd /boot/initrd.img-1.2.3 grub line... of course, that file has to exist... it not being there would explain why grub did not add that line to the config04:11
jon_athonkilled it04:12
jon_athongnome system monitor is using about 20% and xorg is using about 20%04:12
potipheraYeah, OK, I see the lines in menu.lst, so I'll check if the files exist.04:13
Diamondcitejon_athon: What might the cpu be?04:13
jon_athonDiamondcite, I forget... I think 1.804:13
psusijon_athon, gnome-system-monitor is a horribly inefficient pig.. shut it down04:13
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon ... has that inproved your performance ?04:13
Diamondcitejon_athon: I was thinking something a bit more details.. like Intel Aton 450 or AMD Sempron 4000+ etc...04:13
jon_athonDiamondcite, Ah, AMD Athlon XP... I forget which model04:14
jon_athonDiamondcite, xp-m that is04:14
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, yea, I think it's just the diplay being kinda funny... laggy04:14
_ZroTo|ernZ_psusi ... lol ... yeah but it works for gui ;)04:15
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon try a cold boot ... see if that backend process starts up as soon as you reboot04:16
potipherapsusis, yeah, the files exist on the boot partition, and the only thing I can think of is that they are listed with paths like /initrd.img-2.6.32-27-generic.  Does GRUB read that as being on the boot partition, or on the root of the main filesystem?  Because I have an encrypted filesystem.04:17
arkanabarcould somebody suggest a simple app to turn create .wav files using my microphone?04:17
Diamondcitearkanabar: Sounds recorder which comes with Ubuntu?04:17
arkanabari'm using lubuntu, and don't think it's included.  what's it called?04:18
kcorcoran_v0lksman:  you around04:18
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon what kind of video hardware are you using ?04:18
yudi1nvidia driver fails after each kernel update, help?04:18
PsPhaKeR1KM0201: Are you back yet?04:18
Diamondcitearkanabar: "gnome-sound-recorder"04:19
psusipotiphera, what do you mean?  it goes in /boot... so unless you somehow have mounted /boot as /, they won't be in /04:19
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, ATI Radeon Mobile04:19
Diamondcitearkanabar: You can also try the command line utility 'arecord' which is ALSA's recording utility.04:19
Diamondciteyudi1: Seems kinda normal.. they are supposed to be upgraded together usually.04:20
yudi1Diamondcite: yep figured, seems to be a fairly common issue, I am after a permanent solution.04:21
Diamondciteyudi1: Don't use the proprietary driver, the nv driver doesn't have such issues ^_^04:21
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon ... i'm looking for compatibility on that driver04:22
arkanabarDiamondcite, tyvm.  I'll look into both of those.  either of them have push-to-talk?04:22
Diamondciteyudi1: Unless you have the knowledge to write a script which checks for changes in the kernel version on boot and make it auto recompile the nvidia driver interface automatically and restart X as needed.04:22
yudi1Diamondcite: i know, but I run compiz, Nouveau is the last resort, I might go back if I cannot fix it04:22
PsPhaKeR1Can anyone else help me?04:22
Diamondcitearkanabar: arecord starts recording as soon as the app runs, gnome-sound-recorder has a record button.04:23
Lantchips!ask | PsPhaKeR104:23
PsPhaKeR1I need to give write permissions to a certin folder in /usr/local/file_name/   How can I do this?04:23
ubottuPsPhaKeR1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:23
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, overall it's working and the system test cycled the modes which worked fine. It's not crippling, it's just not what it was before...04:23
potipherapsusi, thanks, I think it's usually in /boot, but I have a separate boot partition.04:23
PsPhaKeR1I already asked :P04:23
yudi1Diamondcite: one thing I have noticed is that the kernel header files do not get updated with the kernel?? I suspect this is the issue.04:23
PsPhaKeR122:23 < PsPhaKeR1> I need to give write permissions to a certin folder in /usr/local/file_name/   How can I do this?04:24
arkanabarPsPhaKeR1, people come and go pretty often.  You may need to repeat it for those who've entered since you last asked.04:24
LantchipsPsPhaKeR1 ahh sorry I just tabbed back :)04:24
NeedsNetworkHelpCan anyone see what is wrong with my routing table? jackson@OLYMPIA:/var/log/samba$ netstat -nr04:24
NeedsNetworkHelpKernel IP routing table04:24
NeedsNetworkHelpDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface04:24
NeedsNetworkHelp192.168.1.0   U         0 0          0 eth004:24
NeedsNetworkHelp192.168.122.0   U         0 0          0 virbr004:24
NeedsNetworkHelp169.254.0.0     U         0 0          0 eth004:24
FloodBot4NeedsNetworkHelp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:24
NeedsNetworkHelp0.0.0.0         UG        0 0          0 eth004:24
Diamondciteyudi1: I... have no idea how that goes.. the only ubuntu system I have runs a first generation atom, so I don't have to deal with the nvidia driver there.. in my other distro.. it's dealt with automatically during the update process.04:24
Lantchips!pastebin | NeedsNetworkHelp04:24
ubottuNeedsNetworkHelp: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:24
arkanabarPsPhaKeR1, man chmod04:24
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon what type of pc is this ?04:24
PsPhaKeR1I have tried and it did not work!04:25
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, hp pavilion ze4560us04:25
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, don't waste much time on it, it's still usable I was just curious if this was common04:25
yudi1Diamondcite: I want it to be automatic as well04:25
PsPhaKeR1arkanabar: I already tired that, what exact statement would I use for this??04:25
arkanabarPsPhaKeR1, did you have privileges needed to change permissions on that folder?  for /usr you probably need to sudo the command.04:26
DiamondcitePsPhaKeR1: Which user needs write permisson? Someone other than root? If so try this: sudo chmod o+w /usr/local/filename04:26
psusipotiphera, oh, ok... then yes, the grub line should just be linux /vmlinuz-1.2.3 and initrd /initrd.img-1.2.304:26
PsPhaKeR1Diamondcite: What do you mean by "root"?04:26
yudi1why are the kernel header files not installed with the kernel update? can any one answer this04:26
DiamondcitePsPhaKeR1: Err.. root should be the 'owner' of all files under /usr04:27
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon ... you really shouldn,t see any noticable speed degradation after that upgrade04:27
NeedsNetworkHelpCan anyone see what is wrong with my routing table on my ubuntu server? http://paste.ubuntu.com/551700/04:27
psusiyudi1, because the header files are separate and only installed if you go install them... they aren't needed by most people04:27
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, I'll toy with it, it might just be too much graphics still04:27
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, what's it not doing?04:27
_ZroTo|ernZ_It really looks like a video driver issue to me though04:27
arkanabarPsPhaKeR1, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_user04:27
NeedsNetworkHelpI can't seem to connect to my Ubuntu Server via it's static ip from my windows machine04:28
PsPhaKeR1I think I need root04:28
PsPhaKeR1because that did not work :\04:28
DiamondciteNeedsNetworkHelp: What is the IP of the windows machine?04:28
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, what's your ip?04:28
yudi1psusi: but if nvidia driver needs them, how come they do not get updated automatically? I am pretty sure for some it gets updated automatically04:28
NeedsNetworkHelpmy server's ip is
arkanabarPsPhaKeR1, for root privileges, add "sudo" to the beginning of a terminal command.  It will ask for your password.04:28
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, does PING work?04:28
potipherapsusi, and root should be root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/(a bunch of hexadecimal stuff), right?  Because that seems to work (other paths gave me "ALERT!" errors).  So I'm not sure what is giving me this error.04:29
NeedsNetworkHelpping on the server doesn't work but it can traceroute04:29
PsPhaKeR1I tried that, arkanabar still did not work :(04:29
lickalottNeedsNetworkHelp you can use to include the whole subnet04:29
krunalso any word on Netflix & Ubuntu ?04:29
NeedsNetworkHelplickalott: how do i do that?04:29
lickalottlooks like you need to add a default route as well04:29
_ZroTo|ernZ_have you tried the "Additional drivers" menu item from the "System Administration" menu ?04:29
psusipotiphera, yep04:30
Uminoanyone tried "lubuntu" ?04:30
Diamondcitelickalott: Isn't the default route?04:30
NeedsNetworkHelplickalott: sorry i'm quite new at this, can you point me to a url for instructions?04:30
NeedsNetworkHelp254 is my router04:30
jon_athon_ZroTo|ernZ_, no I haven't04:30
lickalottis 254 the router?04:30
psusipotiphera, that is, the root= argument on the linux line... not the set root= line04:30
jon_athonDiamondcite, that's the gateway04:30
lickalottroute add default if router = .104:30
PsPhaKeR1arkanabar: last time I did this succesfully was by using "chown" or something, but I can't figure out how to use it again [last time I found it on the internet randomly]04:30
george__hey umm i tried installing Ubuntu 10.10 on my gf's laptop and i need some help u.u04:30
jon_athonlickalott, his routing tables are correct04:30
NeedsNetworkHelpmy router is 25404:30
lickalottok then04:31
p_resgeorge__: What's the problem?04:31
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, your router is your gateway04:31
arkanabarPsPhaKeR1, the creepy crappy way to do it is open a file manager window as root, right-click the suitable directory's icon, and select "Properties"04:31
potipherapsusi, yeah.04:31
arkanabarit's not *elegant* but it works.04:31
george__the problem is that it boots to the terminal screen04:31
DiamondcitePsPhaKeR1: sudo chown -R yourusername:yourgroup /usr/local/pspdev04:31
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, I'm curious, try arp -a04:31
george__but no GUI04:31
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: okay thanks. so if my routing table is correct, is there anything else I can do fix this?04:31
psusipotiphera, well, if grub has the initrd line, and the file actually exists, then it is corrupt and needs rebuilt04:31
george__its a Dell Inspiron 14R04:31
DiamondciteNeedsNetworkHelp: Which services are you trying to access? Is there a firewall in place?04:32
potipherapsusi, what needs to be rebuilt, the initrd files?04:32
psusipotiphera, yea04:32
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, yup, just gotta figure out what04:32
PsPhaKeR1Diamondcite: Thanks, worked!04:32
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, are both machines connecting to the internet ok?04:32
p_resgeorge__: What video chipset does it use?04:32
NeedsNetworkHelpno firewall. yes both machines are connecting to the internet ok04:32
george__hold on04:32
arkanabarUmino, I use lubuntu.04:33
NeedsNetworkHelparp -a results are here http://paste.ubuntu.com/551701/04:33
george__ill search it04:33
yudi1what is the difference between the non generic and generic header kernel files04:33
lickalottwhy would one ICMP work and not the other......04:33
_ZroTo|ernZ_jon_athon ... see if you can find a specific video driver for your machine from the "System/Admistration/Additional Drivers" menu04:33
NeedsNetworkHelpi'm trying to use my windows machine to get to the samba server on my ubuntu server. I had it working yesterday but I'm not sure why it stopped working.04:33
gyfdtyou then.. ubunta it...04:33
lickalotthave you checked to see if your samba service is running NeedsNetworkHelp04:34
Diamondciteyudi1: Supposedly they are for different kernel versions, it's best to stick with a headers file identical to your kernel to make compiling nicer.04:34
=== someone is now known as Guest3586
DiamondciteNeedsNetworkHelp: is samba RUNNING on ubuntu server?04:34
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, Hmmm, strange, all of the ARP information came through alright04:34
gyfdtyou know..04:34
george__the graphics card is04:34
george__Intel® HD Graphics04:34
PsPhaKeR1I have more problems, although I will come back some other time and ask them :D04:34
lickalottNeedsNetworkHelp do you know how to check for the service?04:35
yudi1Diamondcite: I seems to be unwittingly installing generic kernel and non-generic header files!!, I will correct this and see if it fixes the nvidia issue04:35
george__and im kinda new here on IRC n_n""04:35
NeedsNetworkHelpI'm not sure how to check now I checked it earlier, can u paste me the command? or i have to search for it again now...04:35
delinquentmeUmmm a good place to get servos? anyone :D04:35
p_resgeorge__: What version of Ubuntu did you install? From what source iso?04:35
george__i installed Ubuntu 10.10 i38604:36
lickalotttry ps -ef | grep samba and see what shoes up04:36
george__from the Ubuntu site04:36
DiamondciteNeedsNetworkHelp: For now try this and see if you get anything: ps auxw | grep smb04:36
gyfdtmy god god that xandros running eee pc, cant update it eather... This Ubuntu real works!04:36
delinquentmewoops! wrong channel!04:36
p_resgeorge__: Not too sure mate. I use Intel video and never had that problem. Perhaps someone else can help you with it.04:37
gyfdtthe lot..04:37
MrUnagifor j in $(find . -name '*.jpg' -type f);do sudo rename 's/\.JPG/\.jpg/' *.JPG; done<--------any idea why this isnt working for subdirectories?04:37
NeedsNetworkHelpOk here are the results diamond: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551702/04:37
potipherapsusi, do I just run update-initramfs to rebuild it?  (after chroot because I'm on a live CD)04:37
MrUnagisacarlson: ^^?04:37
DiamondciteNeedsNetworkHelp: So samba is running.. and you seem to be tinker with it's inerds (smb.conf)04:37
gyfdtbetter and better..04:37
george__when it boots to the terminal screen, i type startx and the screen goes black04:38
psusipotiphera, yep04:38
lickalottNeedsNetworkHelp; (piggy backin on Diamondcite's comment) have to made any changes/edits to the .conf file since yesterday?04:38
george__maybe if i install it via CD?04:38
yeatsMrUnagi: have you tried pyrenamer? It's very easy and will do what you're trying to do (unless you're just trying to learn the CLI way ;-) )04:38
gyfdtthat was it basacly.. the dial up program it had.. for some countryes.. if you needed it..04:39
NeedsNetworkHelpI edited it to add the 3 external hdd's i have on it. last night and it was working till this morning.04:39
MrUnagiyeats: kinda trying to learn the cli way, also making this a cron job, through ssh, on a server that is 600 miles away04:39
NeedsNetworkHelphere is samba status output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551703/04:39
yeatsMrUnagi: gotcha04:39
p_resgeorge__: I always use CD and have no problems. Try that and see how you go.04:39
p_resgeorge__: Use the Alternate Install CD too.04:39
george__ill try it out tomorrow04:39
yudi1what kernel ver are most users on, I am on 2.6.32, are there any advantages in moving to say 2.6.35 or 2.6.36? just curious04:40
lickalotti got nothing man.  have you already rebooted the box?04:40
lickalottNeedsNetworkHelp ^^04:40
george__thanks p_res n_n04:40
george__well im leaving n.n04:40
gyfdteverything will work with it.. and no virus or spy can harm it eather.. god..04:40
DeezeNutsHello, i need help changing my username. When I installed Ubuntu my login was user. I went to User and Groups under administration  and changed it to DeezeNuts. After this was done, at the top right screen where you log on aim and such it still says User. How can i change this?04:40
Diamondciteyudi1: I'm just going with whatever happens to be current since it is USUALLY reliable.04:41
SeaPhor2.6.36 is supposed to have better intel video driver support04:41
NeedsNetworkHelplickalott yes I tried rebooting it. this morning i coudln't even ping the server IP address04:41
potipherapsusi, yeah, I tried that with GRUB 2 and got some errors, but I'll try it again now and report back if I get errors again.04:41
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, do netstat -nl04:41
lickalottNeedsNetworkHelp you're on the windows box now?04:41
gyfdtthis now is LostIrc.. just black and white one chat box..04:42
NeedsNetworkHelpI'm on my mac because my mac can vnc into the ubuntu server but my windows machine can't. I've turned off the firewall settings on the windows machine and I'm able to ping the server's static ip.04:42
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, I take that back, do netstat -nlp04:43
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, go ahead and pastebin it but your also going to look for a listening socket with a PID that matches your smbd process04:43
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: here are the results: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551707/04:44
gyfdtit didint plug and play my usb dvd row.. after the first big update download.. thats why04:44
gyfdti think..04:45
d``I have ubuntu 10.10 installed with encrypted home dir. I disabled the password in GDM so when you click my account name it just logs in. it seems like this broke mounting my encrypted home partition. How can I re-enable requiring a password from the command line?04:45
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: on line 97 and line 132 it seems to be listening for samba connections04:46
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, I don't see your SMB daemon listening, so let's check if it's got a socket at all in any state... one sec for the command04:46
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: ok thank you04:46
DeezeNutsHow do i change my username on Empathy? It still says user even after i changed my username  in User and Groups04:46
gyfdtgreat, thanks.. bye for now!04:46
bonjoyeeDeezeNuts: for yahoo?04:47
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, Hmm I didn't see 97 and 132, but I'm curious because it doesn't match the PID04:47
DeezeNutsNo for empathy04:47
DeezeNutsat the top right of my screen it still says user04:47
DeezeNutsnext to the power button04:47
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, but try netstat -npav04:47
p_resDeezeNuts: Don't you have to change it through whatever site protocol you're accessing?04:47
bonjoyeeDeezeNuts: thats your username i believe?04:48
DeezeNutsi changed my username from User and Groups though04:48
DeezeNutswhy does it still say user04:48
PsPhaKeR_Can linux play flash games?04:48
PsPhaKeR_I can't seem to get them to work...04:48
d``PsPhaKeR_: yes as long as you have the browser plugin04:48
p_resDeezeNuts: I see. That's wierd. It should display whatever name you're currently logged in as.04:48
PsPhaKeR_I added those already I think04:49
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: the output seems to be a larger than what is displayed, should i output to a file first before copying and pasting?04:49
p_resPsPhaKeR_: If you install Flash, then yes.04:49
PsPhaKeR_I need Java, don't I?04:49
d``PsPhaKeR_: what browser are you using?04:49
=== plustax is now known as wat
p_resPsPhaKeR_: Is Flash working correctly?04:49
DiamondcitePsPhaKeR_: Linux does have Flash Player, what it doesn't have is Shockwave.04:49
=== wat is now known as plustax
p_resPsPhaKeR_: Google "flash player test".04:49
Dangr_Hi everyone04:49
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, or you can stretch your terminal window04:49
p_resDangr_: Hi.04:49
IdleOnePsPhaKeR_: install the flashplugin-installer package04:50
Dangr_I need some help with a geom error if anyone is familiar with it :-/04:50
PsPhaKeR_It says installed correctly04:50
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: i meant, i can scroll up to the max but i can't get to the line where i inputted the command...04:50
DeezeNutsp_res, when i go to User and Grousps it say04:50
DeezeNutsDeezeNuts and under it, it says user04:50
d``PsPhaKeR_: can you watch youtube?04:50
PsPhaKeR_But, still flash games don't word04:50
PsPhaKeR_Do I need Java?04:51
d``PsPhaKeR_: can you give me a link to the game you're having trouble with?04:51
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, Oh.. yea04:51
PsPhaKeR_ok, one sec04:51
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, netstat -npav > file04:51
FishFacePsPhaKeR_: You might need to change your global settings. I had to do this a few days ago - http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager03.html04:51
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: i'm geting a bash: ./netstat_npav_out.log: Permission Denied04:52
FishFacePsPhaKeR_: Its the 2nd tab by the way04:52
Dangr_I have a custom PC, installed Ubuntu 10.10 64bit on it and I am receiving a Geom Error. I have an Nvidia card as well.04:52
p_resDeezeNuts: Then according to that your username is now user.04:52
Dangr_Any ideas why this is happening?04:52
fructosehi, I have a new laptop I'd like to dual-boot with Ubuntu, but the automatic installer doesn't offer to resize any of the drives. any ideas what I should do instead? is there a good partition manager for windows?04:52
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, cd ~04:52
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, then try again04:52
q_a_z_stevehey, just installed 10.10 and ran apt-get upgrade. Am I really running 11.04 just like that?04:52
DeezeNutsSo how can i change my REAL username?04:53
d``PsPhaKeR_: do you have adblock installed?04:53
d``the firefox plugin?04:53
jon_athonq_a_z_steve, Ithink you have to apt-get dist-upgrade but I recommend using the update manager04:53
PsPhaKeR_yes maybe, I think so04:53
p_resDeezeNuts: Don't you have to create another account with the new name.04:53
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR_: works perfectly here..on 64bit flash04:53
PsPhaKeR_It won't even load a screen04:54
asdwhi there !04:54
yudi1SeaPhor: Diamondcite: sorry lost my internet connection04:54
PsPhaKeR_for me04:54
Dangr_Anyone familiar with the Geom Error?04:54
PsPhaKeR_Am I missing a package?04:54
d``bonjoyee: PsPhaKeR_ doesn't work for me either, 64bit flash on chrome unstable04:54
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon:  thanks for that here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551708/04:54
DiamondcitePsPhaKeR_: There is no native version of "Shockwave Flash Player for Linux" please try 'wine' 'firefox' 'shockwave player for windows'04:54
DeezeNutsI was hoping I didn't have to do that04:54
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: what should I be looking for in the output?04:54
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, No problem, I noticed from your other pastebins that you were ina directory that probably wouldn't let you write to it04:54
PsPhaKeR_I have Wine, what do I do with it?04:55
Diamondciteyudi1: I haven't said anything other than stick with what is current since it's usually reliable04:55
p_resDeezeNuts: I think. You can't just change usernames in GNU/Unix as easy as you'd think so.04:55
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: yeah, i realised it once u said to cd back to home04:55
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, same thing, from the earlier pastebin you can see the PID of smbd04:55
DiamondcitePsPhaKeR_: Please download and install the windows version of firefox into wine04:55
LantchipsPsPhaKeR what is the page you have problems with I got most of my flash stuff to work when I downloaded flash from the ubuntu software center04:55
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, you want to match that with a connection04:55
q_a_z_stevejon_athon: that's what I thought, but then the About Ubuntu said natty. Anyway, I installed on a MacBookPro, and I have no sound :( I thought when I booted into the liveCD I heard the original stuff, but I went to Rhythmbox and NOTHING :(04:55
PsPhaKeR_Lantchips: http://www.silvergames.com/game/data-worm/04:55
DiamondciteLantchips: It's not using flash player. but shockwave flash instead.04:55
bonjoyeed``: i use 64bit flash on firefox 4 beta804:56
Sc00t3rq_a_x_steve: Check your output settings to ensure they are set to your MacBook Pro's speakers. It's common for it to choose a different output.\04:56
yudi1Diamondcite: i am not moving from 2.6.32, I was just curious if the newer kernels were better at handling HD content rather than making my CPU sweat04:56
LantchipsI use 10.2 flash on my firefox 4 beta 8 :P  and most of the pages work04:56
p_resAvoid Shockwave like cancer.04:56
Sc00t3rp_res: +104:56
Lantchipsp_res 10.2 is really good with hardware acceleration04:57
d``bonjoyee: chrome has it's own google built flash, that's probably the issue04:57
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, now it's showing up... strange04:57
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, try conneting04:57
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: there is a PID of 1875/samba04:57
Diamondciteyudi1: Well supposedly 2.6.36 has a new scheduler routine which improves overall system performance.04:57
d``PsPhaKeR_: try following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave04:57
NeedsNetworkHelpok i'll try hang on brb04:57
p_resLantchips: You can have it...04:57
d``that'll install shockwave under wine04:58
bonjoyeed``: PsPhaKeR_: using 64bit ubuntu?04:58
Sc00t3rd``: Personally, I avoid using Flash under Wine due to the fact that it uses more system resources than is required. Flash works fine on Firefox and/or Chromium.04:58
DeezeNutsif i make a new user04:59
yudi1Diamondcite: it's always tempting to move to a newer version? it would be interesting to know from someone actually using it.04:59
d``Sc00t3r: it's shockwave under wine, not flash04:59
DeezeNutswill my xchat settings stay?04:59
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: both my windows machine and my mac machine can't access it via
DeezeNutsthat's all i really care about04:59
Sc00t3rd``: Ah', sorry for the mistake.04:59
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, I noticed that one too, I think SMBD is the service that samba uses to serve files04:59
Sc00t3rDeezeNuts: Generally, every user will have different settings. This include settings for programs, I believe.04:59
p_resDeezeNuts: You may have to migrate some data files from the old /home/user profile to the new /home/newname profile.04:59
=== onlyplayragz_ is now known as onlyplayragz
q_a_z_steveSc00t3r: It says Internal audio Analog studio - only option05:00
PsPhaKeR_d``: actuall, it seems other flash games work :)05:00
Diamondciteyudi1: I use that kernel on my main machine and my netbook.05:00
PsPhaKeR_sorry :|05:00
Diamondciteyudi1: err nope, just main machine05:00
q_a_z_steveSc00t3r: I can choose speakers or headphones below.05:00
PsPhaKeR_I still have audio troubles though :o05:00
d``PsPhaKeR_: I think the one you were trying was using shockwave, not flash05:00
DeezeNutsok p_res ill try that05:00
Digistrasi need to patch my kernel for this bug: http://marc.info/?l=linux-wireless&m=127306591003201&w=405:01
bonjoyeed``: PsPhaKeR_: i have never had flash issues on 64bit..when i simply copied the libflashplayer from adobe in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins..for 64bit try square preview305:01
Digistrashow do i go about patching my kernek?05:01
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, try killing all smbd processes and run sudo smbd -D05:01
Digistrashow do i go about patching my kernel?05:01
Sc00t3rq_a_z_steve: Check lower down at 'Connector', and ensure it's set to 'Analog Speakers', or try another option under that menu.05:01
yudi1Diamondcite: how come, I thought Ubuntu 10.04 shipped with 2.6.32, are you using 10.10?05:01
Digistrasi need to patch my kernel for this bug: http://marc.info/?l=linux-wireless&m=127306591003201&w=405:01
Digistrashow do i go about patching my kernel?05:01
Diamondciteyudi1: Yes I'm on 10.1005:01
d``bonjoyee: I've never had any flash trouble, but like I said, I'm using Chrome unstable with the built in flash player05:01
MrUnagiwhy cant i use * with the mv command?05:01
Digistrasi need to patch my kernel for this bug: http://marc.info/?l=linux-wireless&m=127306591003201&w=405:02
Digistrashow do i go about patching my kernel?05:02
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: how do i do that? when i type jobs on CL it doesn't return any PID's for me to kill05:02
p_resBye for now folks.05:02
Sc00t3rp_res: Take care.05:02
d``MrUnagi: what command are you trying to run05:02
p_resSc00t3r: :-)05:02
yudi1Diamondcite: so 10.10 uses 2.6.36 as standard?05:02
MrUnagitrying to mv everything in a directory recursivly05:02
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, kill #    (#=PID)05:02
Digistrasi need to patch my kernel for this bug: http://marc.info/?l=linux-wireless&m=127306591003201&w=405:02
Digistrashow do i go about patching my kernel?05:02
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, sudo kill05:02
Sc00t3rDigistras: No need to repost your question. It takes time for someone to respond. They may be looking it up.05:02
NeedsNetworkHelpok thanks05:02
d``mv -R <src> <dst>05:02
bonjoyeed``: ok..05:02
Diamondciteyudi1: Sorry I made a mistake it's 2.6.35-24 in 10.10 at the moment, 2.6.36 is in my main system which isn't ubuntu.05:03
MrUnaginevermind d`` i got it05:03
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, leave the samba process runing just kill smbd PID 437 and 123005:03
bonjoyeed``: theres no -R for mv05:03
yudi1Diamondcite: do you notice any difference between 35 and 3605:04
PsPhaKeR_Diamondcite: What was that chown command again?05:04
Dangr_Can anyone help with a Geom Error05:04
d``bonjoyee: I just realized that, mv will just rename folders recursively by default05:05
Danny78How do I e-mail the output of a command from tty?05:05
q_a_z_steveSc00t3r: I looked and connector is only analog output or analog headphones. I tried every option under Hardware, tested speakers each time, no dice.05:05
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: there's no PID for 1230, i killed 437 already. What's the process you wanted to kill for 1230?05:05
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, used to be SMBD05:05
DiamondcitePsPhaKeR_: chown -R username:groupname /usr/loca/pspdev05:05
Danny78or can I send output to pastebin from tty?05:06
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, if you ps -e | grep smb it'll show any more running process you might need to kill05:06
Diamondciteyudi1: I have no idea.. main system is always fully used...05:06
bonjoyeeDanny78: use pastebinit05:06
Diamondciteyudi1: From another person's input, it does yield some performance gain when multi tasking05:06
NeedsNetworkHelpjona_thon ok there are 2 more found from that. I'll kill those now and start smbd -d05:07
SeaPhorDanny78: <command> | less >> test.txt && pastebinit test.txt05:07
q_a_z_stevejon_athon: so I haven't been able to get any of the hardware choices to work either, strange but my headphone jack is glowing red inside now... I'm afraid, Dave...05:07
yudi1Diamondcite: I might upgrade to 36, it's pretty stable form what I gathered using google05:07
jon_athonq_a_z_steve, uh that doesn't make sense is it like... too much current glowing red... or like an LED glowing red05:08
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: everytime i kill the process found by ps -e it seems to spawn 2 new smbd's05:08
q_a_z_steveLED, but I didn't ever see one in OSX05:08
^Phantom^i must admit...05:08
^Phantom^it's been nice using ubuntu again05:09
q_a_z_stevejon_athon: I don't get why HDA codec isn't automatic...05:09
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, hmmmm05:09
* jon_athon thinks05:10
SeaPhorq_a_z_steve: is it "closed-source"?05:10
NeedsNetworkHelpi just did a sudo smbd -D gonna try to see if i can connect again05:10
q_a_z_steveSeaPhor: no idea, that's the only real comment I got from ##mac05:10
^Phantom^I have a quick question, regarding firefox and windows05:10
NeedsNetworkHelpjona_thon: no joy yet T.T05:10
SeaPhorq_a_z_steve: if it "closed-source" then you have to initiate it yourself, NOT auto...05:11
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q_a_z_steve^Phantom^: Probably would be best to ask in either #firefox or ##windows05:11
PsPhaKeR_I have a major audio issue with Ubuntu.05:11
^Phantom^where does the windows version of firefox store bookmarks?  I forgot to export them and don't feel like switching over just to get the bookmarks?05:11
^Phantom^q_a_z_steve, ah okay, thankies ^_^05:11
PsPhaKeR_I have a major audio issue with Ubuntu...05:12
q_a_z_stevePsPhaKeR_: so you've said. Several times.05:13
PsPhaKeR_I know...05:13
PsPhaKeR_I have tried everything...05:13
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, it must already be running a daemon then I guess, that's a bit beyond my understanding, I have mostly network training, but I assume samba is working correctly. The two ports are correct 445 is SMB and 139 is NetBios05:13
SeaPhorpulseaudio SUX05:13
q_a_z_steveThat alone doesn't let us help you05:13
PsPhaKeR_and none of it worked :(05:13
PsPhaKeR_What do you need?05:13
=== valeriu__ is now known as a
q_a_z_steveStart with what version of Ubuntu, what hardware05:14
Steristhello i'm having a problem with my Live CD (installed on USB) getting recognized as SDA and the internal hard drive as SDB. does anyone know how to solve this?05:14
=== a is now known as Guest24792
PsPhaKeR_q_a_z_steve: hardware?05:14
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: could IPBlock or Deluge's ipblock be stopping the smb connections from my windows/macosx machines?05:14
q_a_z_stevewhat sound card?05:14
PsPhaKeR_Is there a command to tell?05:14
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, I'm not familiar with those, are they linux firewalls?05:15
PsPhaKeR_I am sure there is05:15
q_a_z_stevelspci could help05:15
PsPhaKeR_q_a_z_steve: https://gist.github.com/b045daa9c663939dcf7c05:15
q_a_z_steveSterist: what issue is having the two recognized as such causing you?05:16
potipheraDoes anyone know why update-initramfs gives me "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab -"?05:16
=== Guest24792 is now known as ubuntucrcap
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR_: what kind of sound issues?05:16
PsPhaKeR_hard to listen to05:17
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: IPBlock takes in a list of IP addresses from bluetack and blocks bad ip's like adware spyware bogons and anti p2p ip addresses. Deluge is just a bittorrent client, it also has a ip blocking plugin05:17
PsPhaKeR_wait, one sec05:17
Steristq_a_z_steve when i install ubuntu onto the hard drive (which is SDB) and try to boot i get an error05:17
ssfdre38how can i view mail from ssh or from horde3 distro?05:17
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, it's possible. the quickest way to find out (since I don't know the programs) would be to disable both and try.05:17
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, if it works enable one and see what happens, then do it again for the other05:18
mitzedhi all guys05:18
SeaPhorPsPhaKeR_: do you have compiz enabled?05:18
NeedsNetworkHelpjon-athon I don't have them on at the moment since I've restarted. Is there any way I can search my running processes for them?05:18
PsPhaKeR_SeaPhor: How can I tell?05:18
q_a_z_stevePsPhaKeR_:  try lspci | grep udio05:18
PsPhaKeR_00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)05:19
q_a_z_steveSeaPhor: what would compiz have to do with audio? Unless you're just talking CPU usage...05:19
PsPhaKeR_q_a_z_steve: also alsamixer did not work when I tried that method btw05:20
mitzedhow i can mount a ntfs partition on ubuntu 10.10, i created a new  user on mi pc and now i cant see mi data partition , what can i do?05:20
q_a_z_steveWhat method?05:21
SeaPhorq_a_z_steve: just checking, if ATI was controlling audio, then the issue could be there, but its intel...05:21
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR_: pastebin the output of "aplay -l"05:21
icedownI'm Having some problems with openvpn, I can run it from the command line and everything fires up fine, tun0 shows up and i can ping my server, but when i try from service, it shows up in ps but nothing happens05:21
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: Is there any networking reason you can think of, why my macosx's vnc app can't connect to my ubuntu server via the static ip of but it somehow connects using OLYMPIA.LOCAL which is the server's name?05:21
icedownany ideas?05:21
q_a_z_steveSeaPhor: ah, well I was just curious.05:22
PsPhaKeR1oops, sorry :)05:22
q_a_z_stevebonjoyee: good grief, I just did the same, NVIDIA is controlling my audio???05:23
ender2040novideo is also nosound05:23
SeaPhorq_a_z_steve: also, both ATI and pulseaudio sux... he says that "alsamixer" doesnt work???05:23
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, Not off hand, for something like that I would start doing some packet capturing and see what kind of information is and isnt being passed in each case05:23
ender2040pulseaudio is great05:23
ender2040when packaged properly05:23
PsPhaKeR1q_a_z_steve: https://gist.github.com/b045daa9c663939dcf7c05:24
q_a_z_stevecard 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: Cirrus Analog [Cirrus Analog] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #005:24
milestone_who are you05:24
q_a_z_stevecard 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 1: Cirrus Digital [Cirrus Digital] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #005:24
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, in windows there is a program called wireshark, you can watch all of your traffic... in linux it's tcpdump, it's a terminal app but there is probably a gui as well... I duno what you could use for mac, but wireshark might be made for it05:24
LoveUbuntuI am installing Windows 3.1 in DOS emulator05:25
yudi1Diamondcite: everytime I wake the system from standby I lose the USB DVB-T device, I have to unplug it and plug it back in. Any clue why the system does not pick it up?05:25
LoveUbuntuPrivate with me if u r interested05:25
PsPhaKeR1bonjoyee: https://gist.github.com/b045daa9c663939dcf7c05:25
piercedwaterI am trying to mount my HFSPlus (non-journaled volume) in Ubuntu Server 10.04. It is read only and I have changed the permissions as well as installed all the hfs tools. Any ideas?05:25
q_a_z_stevebonjoyee: I'm activating Current version of the NVIDIA drivers.05:25
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, have you tried disabling those applications and see if it works?05:26
q_a_z_steveto see if that changes my issue05:26
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: both are not on now I just restarted the server.05:26
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, gotcha05:26
mitzedanyone can help me05:26
q_a_z_steveSterist: I don't think just have /dev/sdb during liveCD would cause that.05:27
PsPhaKeR1If you needed the aplay -l then:05:27
DaGeek247mitzed: wats ur problem?05:27
NeedsNetworkHelpon my vnc app, it shows "Trying" then after a few seconds, it swaps over to "Trying OLYMPIA.LOCAL". then it connects05:27
mitzedhow i can mount a ntfs partition on ubuntu 10.10, i created a new  user on mi pc and now i cant see mi data partition05:27
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: looking into it..also what sound issues u said?05:27
Digistras_how do i patch a driver in ubuntu? I'm a ubuntu noob here05:27
Bunburyhello all05:27
Digistras_how do i patch a driver in ubuntu? I'm a ubuntu noob here05:27
Digistras_how do i patch a driver in ubuntu? I'm a ubuntu noob here05:27
FloodBot4Digistras_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:27
PsPhaKeR1bonjoyee: Like weird, when sound is "sounded" all you can hear is mostly static [depending on how high the volume level is05:28
DaGeek247mitzd: have you explored the "mount" command in the ubuntu terminal?05:28
ender2040the ubuntu terminal?05:28
ender2040when did canonical write something05:28
blacksunsevenso my friend's ubuntu installation has done something i've no idea how to fix05:28
Digistras_how do i patch a driver in ubuntu? I'm a ubuntu noob here05:28
blacksunsevenhis raid6 mount has almost entirely disappeared05:29
piercedwatermitzed: Use ntfs-3g05:29
blacksunsevenat random. i can still mount and umount it without a problem but only some of the files are on it05:29
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: pastebin the output of "sudo lscpi -kv"05:30
DaGeek247mitzed: go to Applications>Accesdories>Terminal. then type "man mount". (man being manul). press ctrl+c to exit.05:30
blacksunseventhe strangest part is that df -h returns the same used/free space as it did before05:30
LoveUbuntuMy dos emulator closes when i run windows 3.105:30
blacksunsevenbut simple analysis of the mount shows only 9GBs (should be 3.4TB)05:30
LoveUbuntuplease help me05:30
blacksunsevenwhat could be going on? what should i do to try and find where this "ghost" space has gone?05:31
icedownAnyone with any experience with openvpn on?05:31
PsPhaKeR1bonjoyee: "lscpi: Command not found"05:32
jon_athonPsPhaKeR1, lspci05:32
piercedwaterI am trying to mount my HFSPlus (non-journaled volume) in Ubuntu Server 10.04. It is read only and I have changed the permissions as well as installed all the hfs tools. Any ideas?05:32
mitzeddageek247 using  this can i permanently mount this  partition?05:32
Digistras_how do i patch a driver in ubuntu? I'm a ubuntu noob here05:32
Digistras_how do i patch a driver in ubuntu? I'm a ubuntu noob here05:32
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, sorry to run on you but it's late, gotta get some slep05:32
Digistras_how do i patch a driver in ubuntu? I'm a ubuntu noob here05:32
q_a_z_steveDigistras_: That is a contradiction in terms05:32
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: sorry typo... sudo lspci -kv05:33
SeaPhormitzed: would neet to add it to /etc/fstab05:33
NeedsNetworkHelpjon_athon: its fine, thanks for your help so far though. I'll try to push on myself for now05:33
PsPhaKeR1bonjoyee: https://gist.github.com/a09eb418a978fbf7257805:33
Bunburycan anyone point me to a guide on installing jrockit 4(R28.1) on meerkat?05:33
Digistras_how so?05:33
ph0n7r1cdoes anyone know how to fix this : WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug!05:33
mbvpixies78Can someone help me with the structure of the command to pastebin the output of "lsmod | grep pmouse" ?05:33
icedownWhy would the --daemon option for openvpm cause it not to create the devices, can't seem to find any error logs either05:33
jon_athonNeedsNetworkHelp, good luck, get into some packet sniffing if you feel adventurous, it can reveal a lot of whats happening and what's not05:33
LoRezDigistras_: that's the second time you've done that.  stop it.05:33
Haunt_Househi, is there a safe (internet independent) way to display information on the desktop itself? For example displaing a small text, changing each day? I'm using 8.04 hardy05:33
q_a_z_steveDigistras_: sudo apt-get install patch ?05:34
q_a_z_steveHaunt_House: cron ???05:34
DaGeek247mitzed: not from just typing in the code, but you probly could add that command to the startup. i dont where you would put your code to autorun everytime you boot, but its very possible.05:34
bhueywhat's going on with 10.10 being so buggy ?05:34
ignarpsHaunt_House, if you want it in X then look at conky05:35
bhueychanging the password using the regular GUI app crashes05:35
mbvpixies78How do I pipe the output of a command into a file?05:35
q_a_z_steve/etc/rc.d mitzed somewhere in there05:35
bhueygdm hangs05:35
Haunt_Houseq_a_z_steve, ok, googling it. I only know cron from web pages05:35
bhueyand barks out crashes05:35
icedownmitzed: /etc/fstab is where you put the information for automounting05:35
bhueydo folks test ubuntu before shipping this stuff still ?05:35
Digistras_i'm trying to patch my wireless driver form here: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download#Directly_downloading_the_tarball05:35
Digistras_ho do i do it?05:36
SeaPhorbhuey: its not a perm release,,, the last was 10.0405:36
DaGeek247bhuey: the 04s are always better05:36
spaniardgdigistras did you try going to sytstem>atmin>additional drivers?05:37
icedownmbvpixies78:   command > filename05:37
q_a_z_steveDigistras_: read www.linuxfromscratch.org book for a bit?05:37
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/27442405:37
SeaPhorbhuey: look at it like this,, all between 10.04 and 12.04 is justto play with05:37
q_a_z_steveHaunt_House: your question was rather vague05:38
icedownmbvpixies78: command >> filename       to append05:38
Haunt_Househm, is there an autostart folder equivalent on ubuntu? Because i just had the idea of altering the desktop-image on startup05:38
PsPhaKeR1bonjoyee: What do I do?05:38
bullgard4!sound | <hellojones>05:38
ubottu<hellojones>: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:38
Haunt_Houseq_a_z_steve, you helped me05:38
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94068905:38
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: read..and see if it helps!05:38
chris_bsdis there an official ubuntu handbook like in freebsd?05:39
homeanyone here play runes of magic?05:39
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:39
homechris_bsd: Check the wiki05:39
chris_bsdhome: thanks05:39
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
mitzedand for what is used sudo mkdir05:39
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: also what model laptop/computer?05:39
q_a_z_stevechris_bsd: google05:39
ender2040chris_bsd - canonical hasn't copied someone elses yet05:39
PsPhaKeR1bonjoyee: emachine05:39
chris_bsdq_a_z_steve: google is not quite what i am looking for05:39
DaGeek247does any one know were it would be possible to run some code on startup in 10.10? its for mitzed.05:39
q_a_z_stevemitzed: root will then create the directory, owning it05:40
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: specific model?05:40
ender2040lol chris_bsd - openbsd is the shit05:40
q_a_z_stevechris_bsd: well it's definitely not going to be written here05:40
PsPhaKeR1bonjoyee: It is pretty late here, I cannot read to well at night. Is there a certin something I need to download?05:40
chris_bsdender2040: "shit" in the sense of good or bad?05:40
PsPhaKeR1bonjoyee: idk05:40
ender2040good chris_bsd05:40
Haunt_Housenevermind, found it. You guys helped a lot. thanks05:41
q_a_z_steveHaunt_House: good luck05:41
q_a_z_stevePsPhaKeR1: plastic !=computer05:42
piercedwaterI am trying to mount my HFSPlus (non-journaled volume) in Ubuntu Server 10.04. It is read only and I have changed the permissions as well as installed all the hfs tools. Any ideas?05:42
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: is this a laptop?05:42
Haunt_Houseq_a_z_steve, you gave me the idea of altering the desktop image in python and execute it on startup. that'll do the trick05:42
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: try this05:43
q_a_z_steveoh, are you looking for something like bginfo does in windows? I see.05:43
turned1111any info on apparmor?05:43
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor05:43
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf05:43
q_a_z_stevepiercedwater: are you trying to mount as RW I assume?05:44
PsPhaKeR1bonjoyee: then?05:44
fermulatorJust upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10, compiz enabled, there are no window borders (decorators), switch to metacity, window decorations  work.  I've tried "compiz --replace", "/usr/bin/compiz-decorator --replace", "/usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator --replace"....05:44
fermulatorany ideas?05:44
fermulatorw/ compiz enabled, there are no window decorations.05:44
turned1111have u guys heard of the site 1youtube.com (I advise to stay away)? heard its infectious. can it effect ubuntu?05:44
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz05:45
PsPhaKeR1bonjoyee: and after that?05:45
Digistras_what command do i have to input to get this patch working?  look here: http://patches.aircrack-ng.org/channel-negative-one-maxim.patch05:45
q_a_z_steve!virus > turned1111:05:45
Digistras_what command do i have to input on the terminal window to get this patch working?  look here: http://patches.aircrack-ng.org/channel-negative-one-maxim.patch05:45
q_a_z_steve!virus > turned111105:45
ubottuturned1111, please see my private message05:45
fermulatorthanks, moving on to #compiz05:46
q_a_z_steveDigistras_:  man patch05:46
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR1: then add... "options snd-hda-intel model=laptop" to the end w/o the quotes..reboot and see if it helps...else remove the line later05:46
Digistras_so is "sudo man patch http://patches.aircrack-ng.org/channel-negative-one-maxim.patch"05:46
q_a_z_steveDigistras_: is it what...?05:46
turned1111kk thnx05:47
DaGeek247ubuntu doesnt get viruses... 1youtube.com shouldnt affect it. if you are woried, you could get a browser vm or something.05:47
homeanyone here play games05:47
homeand use wine to run it?05:47
alpha_2034How can i force a volume to be read and write. mounting with r/w options failed. i get acces denied. help please05:47
q_a_z_steve!wine > home05:47
ubottuhome, please see my private message05:47
turned1111ydageek247:update manager popped up as soon as i went to it so i worried for a bit05:47
homeq_a_z_steve, !05:48
q_a_z_stevealpha_2034: what does the line show in /etc/fstab ?05:48
homeq_a_z_steve: Tried.. they are all dead05:48
fermulatoralpha_2034: what command are you using to mount? (is it an NTFS partition, or EXT#)05:48
q_a_z_stevehome: who?05:48
DaGeek247turned1111: update manager pops up whenever it feels like it. :p05:48
turned1111lol k05:48
homeq_a_z_steve,: winehq.. nothing05:48
PsPhaKeR1bonjoyee: what do you mean by remove the line later?05:49
q_a_z_stevewhat's your question, home05:49
alpha_2034this is the commadn05:49
alpha_2034"/dev/sdb2 /media/Macintosh_HD hfsplus rw,exec,auto,users 0 0"05:49
alpha_2034i coped from ubuntu help05:49
turned1111anyone one know where to get a tic tac toe game that can do CPU vs CPU05:49
q_a_z_steveturned1111: update manager isn't being called by any process other than it's own05:49
alpha_2034yes it is a mac running ubuntu live for data recovery05:49
homeq_a_z_steve,: how do I uinstall wine beta?05:49
q_a_z_steveturned1111: you mean AI vs AI?05:50
homeq_a_z_steve,: how do I uinstall wine beta?05:50
Nox2k3hi, I just got a laptop with a BCM43225 and installed 10.10. The wiki claims that this card is supported and the Broadcom driver does indeed detect it. However, I am unable to get the card to respond. It just says that it's "disabled". It worked in Windows and I have toggled the hardware siwtch.05:50
DaGeek247home: suo dpkg wine-beta05:50
fermulatoralpha: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166095805:50
turned1111o srry i copied the wrong text05:50
Nox2k3Has anyone had any experience with this casrd?05:50
Bunburyhey what gui allows u to manage the startup of services?05:50
turned1111ya AI vs AI05:50
rohitshindeis there any alternative for proxifier?05:50
fermulatoralpha: i'm wondering if the shutdown of the filesystem was not proper (since it's journalled, ubuntu would by default prevent read/write against hfsplus and NTFS on unclean partitions)05:51
fermulatorif you mount rw,  you risk losing data05:51
alpha_2034<fermulator> i will try this thanks!05:51
q_a_z_steveturned1111: I have checkers that my brother wrote, I don't imagine that would be much different. Have you checked google?05:51
fermulatorrecommend booting mac OS and running checkdisk/scandisk, properly shutting down if you can05:51
jongbergsNox2k3: enable the STA driver..System > Administration > Hardware Drivers05:52
homeit says its not isntalled05:52
Nox2k3I have: [ 1788.775696] eth1: Broadcom BCM4357 802.11 Hybrid Wireless Controller
PsPhaKeR_bonjoyee: Thank you!! It worked !! :D05:52
q_a_z_stevehome DaGeek247 isn't it dpkg -l | grep wine05:52
Nox2k3however, "sudo iwlist eth1 scan" says: eth1      Failed to read scan data : Invalid argument05:53
Nox2k3I find it interesting that the module reports the card as BCM4357 when that model doesn't seem to exist in Broadcom's docs.05:53
jongbergsNox2k3: enable the STA driver..System > Administration > Hardware Drivers05:53
jongbergsNox2k3: did u try this method?05:53
homeq_a_z_steve: Got it :D05:53
Nox2k3Yes, I have.05:53
DaGeek247q_a_z_steve probly is, i was taking a guess from my memory, not the command line.05:53
Nox2k3It's loaded05:53
homeq_a_z_steve,: going to try new wine.. should I also uninstall winetricks?05:54
bonjoyeePsPhaKeR_: really..good..it was a calculated guess!!:)05:54
jongbergsNox2k3: verify if the STA is actually activated..05:54
mitzedthanks to all for help me05:54
turned1111q_a_z_steve: if I get java codes, how will i compile through ubuntu05:54
mitzedsolved problem05:54
mitzed i think05:54
Nox2k3lsmod | grep wl05:54
Nox2k3wl                   1965231  005:55
jongbergsturned1111: you need java-jdk installed05:55
Nox2k3"This driver is activated and currently in use"05:55
q_a_z_stevesudo apt-get install java05:55
turned1111so the file has to be in .jar? cant be plain text then i convert it to jar?05:55
jongbergsturned1111: to compile: javac your_program.java05:55
jerry__Are there any Chinese Channels?05:55
q_a_z_stevewill give a list of runtime options05:55
jongbergsturned1111: to run: java your_program05:55
q_a_z_stevejava !=wine05:56
q_a_z_stevehome never heard of winetricks05:56
bth1202graphic card fx5700 is good for mkv ?05:56
fermulatorwinetricks is helpful05:56
turned1111if written in java it will work on linux & windows correct?05:56
fermulatorsimplifies some stuff for you05:56
homehi fermulator05:56
mitzedlong life to ubuntu05:56
q_a_z_stevejerry__: try cz or ch after whatever subject05:57
homefunny how you did not respone in winehq05:57
homeI cannot uninstall dirext9 from winetricks05:57
DaGeek247q_A_z_steve it like uto installs cerain programs such as IE05:57
q_a_z_steveturned1111: java is supposedly cross-compatible05:57
homeor firefox05:57
spaniardghey I'm trying to figure out the best way to run rtorrent in as a daemon on ubuntu server 10.10. should I do a chron job that keeyps it running or is there a better method?05:57
Diamondciteturned1111: Yes, as long as it's using java code and not some method to call OS specific functions..05:57
mbvpixies78http://pastebin.com/t0kb2xFt  "lsmod"  but not sure what to do to get mouse working05:57
Braid3rhey does anyone know if u can open or run Mac software on linux?05:59
yulerNox2k3: I wrested a BCM4312 in Ubuntu 10.04 last week and found open source drivers were released in Nov 2010.  Updating the kernel fixed it.05:59
jongbergsspaniardg: i am using transmission-daemon with success...05:59
q_a_z_steveWhat's the command to remove all traces of an installed program, for turned111105:59
bth1202According to a news on internet, I've heard that ubuntu linux will be an operating system of smartphone this year. Is that true?05:59
spaniardgi'll look that up thanks05:59
q_a_z_steveBraid3r: that would be a Mac emulator05:59
Braid3rhey does anyone know if u can open or run Mac software on linux?05:59
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages05:59
Bunburyanyone know how to properly install jrockit on meerkat?06:00
bth1202In that case, what is different from android of google's?06:00
fermulatoryes steve?06:00
fermulatoroh nvm, "emulator" ;-)06:00
jongbergsspaniardg: yes, it runs on the background..you can access it remotely from a web browser :)06:00
q_a_z_stevefermulator: yeah, didn't work for me either.06:01
q_a_z_steveok, well I'm going to reboot to activate drivers.06:01
icedownAnyone know why the daemon option on openvpn would cause it not to load correctly?06:01
turned1111does wine allow microsofts .net frmwrk to work on linux?06:02
bth1202wine works well on linux, especially when I use internet with activeX?06:04
jongbergsyuler: what open source driver is it for bcm4312?06:04
bth1202That is big trouble in using internet for me.06:05
yulernews said Broadcom released their drivers as open source06:05
turned1111..anyone know any C++ compilers'06:05
Bunburyanyone know how to properly install jrockit on meerkat?06:06
motaka2when I type whereis php in my ubuntu machine I get two paths which one is really my php ? usr/local/lib/php or usr/local/bin06:06
dnivra!info g++ | turned111106:06
ubottuturned1111: g++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.93ubuntu2)): The GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.4-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB06:06
avisis ubuntu any fun ? :)  don't play games.06:07
yulerjongbergs: I don't know, specifically.  The mini-HP with a BCM412 I worked on is not mine.  I just updated the kernel and the blue light came on.06:07
lickalottanyone running bnc here?06:07
lickalottif so do you have a tut i can read?06:07
jongbergsyuler: do u still remember the exact kernel version?06:08
adityaHow to configure PIDGIN for irc chat with etwork having proxy...I am getting port tunellng error???06:08
desaiui can't add glipper to the panel, can someone help?06:08
desaiuthis is a fresh install of ubuntu06:08
Goliath!g why linux is better06:09
adityaHow to configure PIDGIN for irc chat with etwork having proxy...I am getting port tunellng error???06:09
jongbergsyuler: most of the bc43XX i have encountered with works out of the box with STA drive enabled..06:09
jongbergsyuler: definitely updating the kernel solves the issue.06:10
adityaHow to configure PIDGIN for irc chat with network having proxy...I am getting port tunellng error???06:11
yulerjongbergs: I06:11
arkanabarI need to get director shockwave animations (which are different from flash) to play in firefox.  What do I do?06:13
gremmachookI cannot telnet into localhost, gives me an unable to connect error.06:13
kardoncan I use kismet and aircrack with a wifi usb adptr06:14
yulerjongbergs: I'm Ubuntu inexperienced, but can use search engines with tenacity.  The fact the kernel fixed the problem ("just worked") is a testament to the Ubuntu developers prowess.06:14
jongbergsyuler: i agree..thanks for your inf0 :)06:15
Rav3nSw0rdI have been having issues installing ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 on my Dell Dimension 8100. I previously had issues with irq 3, but that went away after I disabled second cd drive (both were set to primary, changed, then disabled within BIOS). It currently hangs right after detecting sda and sda1, at a line about loading scsi. Any ideas on what I could do? Thanks.06:16
avisthere is no such this as a ssl connection on the internet06:16
alnewkirkhow can i make a window "stay on top" and "follow me" no matter which desktop I switch to?06:16
jongbergskardon: don't know about aircrack..you can consult kismet README file on supported usb cards06:16
aksh1Rav3nSw0rd, you can change bios setting06:17
aksh1change harddisk setting to sata06:18
Rav3nSw0rdaksh1, thanks, I'll give that a try06:18
kardonjongbergs:I tried commview for wifi but when it tried packet sniffing it did nothing06:19
inashneed help in recovering partitions after converting from gpt to mbr06:19
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:20
desaiuwhat's the apt command to see what a package is installing?06:20
desaiue.g. the binary file06:20
beachwood23i'm having problems booting from testdrive… it will only boot from the floppy, says that the hard disk is not a bootable disk06:20
alnewkirk* how can i make a window "stay on top" and "follow me" no matter which desktop I switch to?06:21
spvenskohi, does anyone here run a standard ubuntu 10.10 install? it is very tempting to run a custom set-up (using dwm and the minimal installation cd) but i feel it may be easier to write software using a "standard" environment. does anyone else feel this way or am i crazy?06:21
fermulatoralnewkirk: a great question! (don't know the answer, but I'm interested)06:22
blacksunseventhe file structure of my disk seems to be messed up. the folders are all gone from the mounted disk06:24
blacksunsevenbut df -h shows the disk is still using a significant portion of the raid array06:24
blacksunsevenwhat could cause this? how could i fix it?06:24
cp2_4evais it possible to load 3 operating systems on a PC?  I think I might have messed something up06:25
frogballsiuse vmware cp2_4eva06:26
alnewkirkfermulator: just noticed the option "always on visible workspace" :)06:26
cp2_4evaI had win xp and Ubuntu running dual boot. then I installed OpenSuse on a diffeent partition. the boot manager no longer shows Ubuntu06:26
cp2_4evaand its a different boot manager. he suse boot manager06:27
frogballscp2_4eva, reinstal grug06:27
cp2_4evafrogballs, how do I do that?06:28
frogballscp2_4eva, i think u can do it by using the live ubuntu cd06:28
cp2_4evaFrogballs, I'll try that06:28
frogballscp2_4eva, ok06:29
cp2_4evabonjoyee, whats that !grubrestore?06:29
motaka2>I can't find php.ini on my ubuntu system, how can I find it ?06:30
bonjoyeecp2_4eva: sorry..check this http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide06:30
adnaphow can i browse network shares via the command line?  i can navigate shares in the gui, where windows shares are prefixed with "smb", but i'm not sure how to manipulate these files on the command line.06:30
kevin_this is awesome06:31
glacemangood morning everyone :D06:31
bonjoyeeadnap: smbtree06:31
frogballsthank you for choosing ubuntu glaceman06:31
glacemansomeone yesterday told me about arista transcoder, for converting videos06:32
bonjoyeeadnap: not sure you can browse them..06:32
glacemananything similar for audio conversions ?06:32
Rav3nSw0rdaksh1 I could not find anything to specify sata, only supports auto, though I changed usb emulation to auto, and now it gets past the scsi, loads mouse, and then hangs at "rtc can wake from s4" and then "[sda] write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support dpo or fua" and lastly "rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0"06:33
adnapbonjoyee: is it possible to just mount the shares to somewhere so i can navigate like it's a local directory?06:33
bonjoyeeadnap: yes..install smbfs06:33
glacemanany tool to convert audio please ? mp3,wav etc...06:34
bonjoyeeglaceman: soundconverter!06:34
beachwood23glaceman: vlc can be used to convert audio06:34
JohnTeddyHow can I find out if I have bluetooth on my laptop?06:34
glacemanthanks u both bonjoyee  and beachwood2306:34
dodsHi, someone can tell me if it is possible when I start my desktop it automaticaly shares my internal and external hardisk to other users in my homenetwork?06:35
bonjoyeeJohnTeddy: check the laptop specs online;)06:36
bonjoyeedods: share those with samba or ftp06:37
dodsthe sambashare?06:38
bonjoyeedods: yes..06:38
gopshello world06:38
glacemangops: hello06:38
vovaрканал на русском06:38
dodsok thanks for the info bonjoyee06:39
gopshey how do i install sun-java5-jdk06:39
gopsin ubuntu 10.1006:39
bonjoyeegops: is it in the repos?06:39
bullgard4desaiu: dpkg -L $packetname06:39
vovaдайте ссылку на рускоязычный канал06:39
dodswill it stay in share mode when I start my computer the next day06:39
hasek79is there a way to see all my apps that are open? like ctrl alt del in windows and cmd option esc on osx06:40
bullgard4!ru | vova06:40
ubottuvova: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:40
gopsbonjoyee: E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jdk06:40
beachwood23hasek79: system monitor in the administration section06:40
beachwood23it shows you all running processes06:40
gopsi was geetting that errot06:40
bonjoyeedods: if you want to share without logging in...then add the shares to /etc/samba/smb.conf06:40
bonjoyeegops: have you enabled the partner repos?06:41
dodsoh...ok ok06:41
dodsi will do that06:41
gopsbonjoyee: how do i enable that06:41
dodsthanks a lot06:41
bonjoyeegops: sys>admin>software sources06:41
hasek79thank you that works. can i set it up to bring it up when i hit a cmd?06:42
dodsbonjoyee: thanks a lot!06:42
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bonjoyeedods: glad..i could help:)06:42
gopsbonjoyee: all are checked06:42
bonjoyeegops: check third party tab?06:43
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gopsbonjoyee: yes lucid partner repo is enabled06:44
ishanhi how can i backport gettext 0.18? i am using lucid06:45
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blacksunseveni'm getting an error when i try to umount that /media/disk is mounted multiple times.. wtf?06:45
fermulatormount | grep /media/disk06:45
bonjoyeegops: did u refresh the sources?06:46
fermulatoris it already mounted?06:46
bonjoyeegops: sudo apt-get update?06:46
cp2_4evabonjoyee, thanks for the tip about the grub thing. life saver06:46
gopsyes i had tried that too06:46
gopsno go06:46
blacksunseven~$ mount | grep /media/disk06:46
bonjoyeecp2_4eva: :)06:46
beachwood23hasek79: go to keyboard shortcuts under sys>pref, and under unknown, type in the keyboard shortcut you want, and the command gnome-system-monitor06:47
blacksunsevenshows just the one mount06:47
cp2_4evahow can I get Ubuntu to load up the first time instead of maybe the 4 reboot after a failsafe half startup???06:47
bonjoyeegops: open synaptic...and manually try to locate the package..check if its there06:47
razz1how to start a program minimised to the notification area at start up? I put the program in start-up applications but want it to start minimised.06:47
fermulatorcp2_4eva: please rephrase06:47
gopsbonjoyee: ok ,06:47
bonjoyeegops: jdk6 should surely be there..06:48
dodsone more thing, when I log in with a account and  plug in a usb harddrive and it is mounted and just switch to another account without loging out. to get acces to it I have to go disk utility to unmount and mount back so I can get the icon to click on it06:48
cp2_4evafermulator, how can I get ubuntu to start the first time all the time?06:48
Haunt_Houseq_a_z_steve, thanks for the help, the problem is solved06:48
dodsin the current account06:48
gopsbonjoyee: yes buddy java6 jdk is there06:49
q_a_z_steveHaunt_House: cool beans06:49
bonjoyeegops: u want 5 or 6?06:49
dodsis there a other way to do that06:49
Haunt_Houseq_a_z_steve, sent you the script via dcc, maybe you have some use for it someday06:49
ishanhow can we use backports in lucid?06:49
q_a_z_steveHaunt_House: send it again.06:50
dodsbecause it is still mounted in the disk utility but I dont see it in "places"06:50
gopsbonjoyee: i actuallu i was trying to setup android build enviourment on my pc, in android web page they mentioned to install java5,06:50
Haunt_Housenothing fancy06:50
gopsbonjoyee: but i think java 6 will also work06:50
gopsbonjoyee: rite?06:50
q_a_z_steveDoesn't have to be06:50
cp24evaSo no tips on how to get Ubuntu to load up the first time all the time?06:50
bonjoyeegops: yeah..it should06:50
Haunt_Housebut it'll help to have 100 000 bucks by the end of the year06:50
hasek79i dont have an unknown in my keyboard shortcuts i have sound, desktop, accessibility, and window manag06:51
q_a_z_steveHaunt_House: when can I expect my cut?06:51
bonjoyeegops: wait a minute...really need the jdk or the jre?06:51
gopsbonjoyee: jdk06:51
bonjoyeegops: ok..good luck:)06:52
hasek79nevermind i got it06:52
beachwood23hasek79: on the bottom of the screen, hit add, then you can specify06:52
Haunt_Houseq_a_z_steve, when I have earned it. But if you tell me how to reach you, I can say thank you when the series starts06:52
hasek79thank you06:52
gopsbonjoyee: thank you very much.06:52
beachwood23ope there you go06:52
bonjoyeegops: :)06:52
fermulatorhas any1 else had problems with missing window borders (window decorator) when running compiz on ubuntu 10.10? (I'm in #compiz, but we're not having much luck)06:52
hasek79what would be the cmd to quit an app?06:53
fermulatorhasek79: CTRL+C?06:53
mt1mmaHow do I debug .php page in Ubuntu?06:53
beachwood23hasek79: alt-f406:53
q_a_z_stevehasek79: Open Apple+Q ? :P06:54
hasek79can i put that in my keyboard shortcuts to quit any app?06:54
bonjoyeehasek79: its already the default!06:54
beachwood23hasek79: alt-f4 will close any window that you have open, as long as it is in focus06:54
hasek79i havent heard it called open apple for ever06:54
fermulatorcp2_4eva: it doesn't start the first time? that is not usual06:54
q_a_z_steveHaunt_House: ok, looking forward to it.06:54
fermulatorcp2_4eva: it should start in ~10s06:54
fermulatorcp2_4eva: what does it do/say/error the times it doesn't start?06:55
q_a_z_steveyes friends, Apple invented the Meta Key.06:55
dodsbonjoyee: Thank you for your time and patients, its 02:57 am and I am going to bed. tc06:57
q_a_z_steveHello Dave06:57
bonjoyeedods: gn:)06:57
tibmanhey I know I have seen this list before but cant find it for the life of me, the list of supported/tested ubuntu netbook remix on netbooks, anyone know where to look?06:58
flowwwwhi folks;  is there a way to get the iphone running 4.2.1 to connect on ubuntu 10.04?06:58
mt1mmaWhat is PHP Notice:  Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT ?06:59
tibmanflowww: its call gtkpod07:01
tibmanin case your more visual: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmtkr2J9PCs07:01
q_a_z_stevehey bonjoyee Everything seems recognized, why do I still not have sound? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=3e71a81dc9558042685280bdfde358d92bd2c9d407:04
tibmanwow its a real snooze fest here07:04
beachwood23need some excitement?07:04
beachwood23i'm having problems booting from testdrive… it will only boot from the floppy, says that the hard disk is not a bootable disk07:05
q_a_z_stevetinman you have no heart07:05
beachwood23but of course the hard disk is the testdrive07:05
tibmanbeachwood: are you using gparted as your live cd?07:06
beachwood23nope its not a live cd07:06
beachwood23i'm trying to get "testdrive"07:06
beachwood23the program used for testing development versions07:06
beachwood23but ubuntu-devel isn't answering anything haha07:07
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tibmanbeachwood: sorry i thought you meant testdisk, big difference07:08
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=== theseAreNotTheDr is now known as droid|
nerxgashow do you paste from the clipboard into Terminal using ubuntu netbook remix 10.10?  i tried control-shift-v07:09
droid|nerxgas: use the menus?07:09
nerxgasthere must be a way to key it in07:10
nerxgashmmm, in the menus it says to hit control shift v07:11
nerxgasi wonder if this is a bug?07:12
t0ken_ubuntu did not detect the status of my battery my laptop is an aspire 574507:12
t0ken_help me!!07:13
FishFaceCTRL C and CTRL V usually do it. I never used shift07:13
nerxgaseven using the menus wont paste07:14
Goliathwhats the difference between (env WINEPREFIX="/home/shockrates/.wine" wine C:\\Program\ Files\\Native\ Instruments\\Guitar\ Rig\ 4\\Guitar\ Rig\ 4.exe) and just running the exe with wine?07:14
t0ken_Algua person knows about my problem?07:14
nerxgasthis is completely unacceptable07:14
cthuljewAnyone able to help me with some trouble related to PiTiVi and codecs?07:14
t0ken_ubuntu did not detect the status of my battery my laptop is an aspire 574507:15
coz_t0ken_,   not sure  but in terminal  try   acpi07:16
nikkunick major07:16
coz_t0ken_,  or    acpi -t    with a  -f  if you need farenheit07:17
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yulerto the person that wanted a window to follow them through workspaces, you can use the "put" plugin for Compiz to assign the window to show with a key combo http://wiki.compiz.org/Plugins/Put07:17
Stinkypantsif i install Ubuntu 10.04.1 (wubi), can i easily update it to 10.10, through the OS it's self?07:17
t0ken_coz_ bad that I'm not very good with commands07:17
coz_t0ken_,  did you try that command?07:17
coz_t0ken_,   just open a terminal   and type    acpi  and hit enter07:17
t0ken_coz_ No07:17
t0ken_tells me it's terminal sensors BAT1 not tell me if the battery run out or is charged07:18
StinkypantsI just need a simple yes or no, before i go and decicde to install Ubuntu... Does no one know?07:19
coz_t0ken_,   mm  ... is this a new battery?07:19
gobbeStinkypants: i would go with plain install and skip wubi07:19
coz_t0ken_,   I dont own a laptop so I can;t  test there07:19
cthuljewWhat is wubi?07:19
coz_t0ken_,  rather I cant test it here07:19
StinkypantsI tried that... but ran into issues of it not detecting my HDD (doesnt pass the space requirements)07:20
t0ken_is a new laptop is an acer aspire 574507:20
coz_cthuljew,  I believe it is the windows ubuntu install  ...no partition needed07:20
alkisgt0ken_: what about gnome-power-statistics ?07:20
nit-witStinkypants, not designed for long term use or upgrading, be careful, have whatever is there backed up.07:20
cthuljewcoz_: Ah, okay. Makes sense.07:20
gobbeStinkypants: you need to shrink your windows-partition before install, but that should be easy to do in modern windows07:20
rohanhi.. i have ubuntu 10.10, and i use the .29 nvidia driver, installed manually using .run07:20
rohani forgot to rebuild the module after a kernel upgrade. can someone help me how to do that? thanks07:20
t0ken_coz_ how to do to see gnome-power-statistics?07:21
coz_t0ken_,  mm  according to one link audio in/out and battery status  indiactor  dont work on that laptop07:21
majornikkuim having a video proble i cant watch 1080p videos correctly, they lag and it sems my proccessors is the only thing decoding the video07:21
Stinkypantsgobbe: I shrunk it, and left unallocated space for it, and it still didnt pass requirements... then I tried to create a ext2 partition, plus linux swap space... same thing07:21
t0ken_mm does not say anything if charged or how is it that my battery is fully charged my acer aspire 574507:22
coz_t0ken_,   you can try   System/Administration/ System monitor07:22
Stinkypantsgobbe: I just want to use ubuntu (wubi) as a media server for my xbox 36007:22
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:22
alkisgt0ken_: if you run gnome-power-statistics from a terminal, do you see information about your battery? Or it doesn't detect your battery at all?07:23
magik-I have eth0(internet) and eth1 (local) nic's setup.. PC's connected to local NIC can SSH the server fine... the server can ping google fine.. WHY can't i get iptables to allow the local computers to browse the web??07:23
coz_t0ken_,   not sure ...but you may have to check the bios of that system  or get the latest bios for that laptop07:23
TanvirDear all, I've installed Joomla in Ubuntu 10.10. But I can't edit it's template, because it says, it's not writable. Maybe my account doesn't have the permission. With which command I can assign the permission to "view" and "edit" for all directories and files of Joomla folder?07:24
t0ken_BAT1 detects that it does not detect my battery status sensors07:24
t0ken_My English is very bad I am for a translator07:25
alkisgmagik-: see the sections about iptables and ip forwarding in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/ThinClientHowtoNAT07:25
magik-ty.. reading now07:25
gobbeStinkypants: ok, how much did you have free space after shrinkin?07:25
coz_t0ken_,   what is your language?07:25
Jordan_U!es | t0ken_07:26
ubottut0ken_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:26
majornikkudoes linux support 1080P videos07:26
coz_t0ken_,  ok try  #ubuntu-es07:26
gobbet0ken_: most acer laptops need bios-upgrade to be able to pass battery status to linux07:26
Stinkypantsgobbe: my hdd is 233GB, and i reserved 50GB for Ubuntu07:26
TanvirCan someone help to assign permission please?07:26
Jordan_Umajornikku: Yes.07:26
t0ken_I'm in ubuntu, it's just that I can help07:26
alkisgt0ken_: for my acer aspire 5920g, it says "State | Fully charged", "Percentage | 100%" etc, do you have those rows?07:26
Stinkypantsgobbe: i also ran chkdsk /r , and then tried again with no luck07:27
alkisgNo bios update was required07:27
majornikkuanything special i have to do to get it to work properly?07:27
gobbealkisg: maybe your laptop came with decent bios07:27
alkisgIt's 3 years old07:27
gobbealkisg: i had one 5920g and few other aspires in past and two of them needed bios upgrade07:27
t0ken_always says that is loaded but does not leave more than that07:27
alkisgmajornikku: what graphics card?07:28
gobbet0ken_: is your computer attached to plug? it doesn't show battery status until its running on battery07:28
majornikkugforce 800007:28
alkisgmajornikku: I tried vdpau and it worked fine for my 8600, I don't know if 8000 is supported, search the wiki, there's a page for it07:28
t0ken_connected or disconnected while this does not show the battery status07:29
Jordan_Umajornikku: Are you using the proprietary nvidia driver? (check in System > Administration > Additional Drivers).07:29
m1ndvirusHello. When my computer is on for ~2 hours, all of a sudden my computer freezes.07:29
m1ndvirusMakes weird noises.07:29
m1ndvirusCan't do anything.07:29
glacemanhow can i put back the volume icon on the upper taskbar ?07:30
majornikkuno driver's from nvidia it didnt work with the ubuntu restricted drivers either07:31
Jordan_Umajornikku: Did you try with VLC?07:31
Stinkypantsgobbe: I am going to reboot, hope it works now (im trying a dif version of ubuntu with wubi)07:31
glacemananyone knows how to put back the volume icon on the taskbar ?07:31
Stinkypantsgobbe: brb07:31
glacemani tried to right click add to panel, but dont seem to find it07:32
alkisgmajornikku: dpkg-query -W libvdpau107:32
=== zhang is now known as Guest28213
Nobodyi cant make tor open the dns port from torrc "permission denied" in log. what to do?07:32
alkisgglaceman: to completely reset *all* your panels to the default state: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel07:33
majornikkulibvdpau1  0.3-2build107:33
alkisgmajornikku: and did you pass the appropriate command line parameter to mplayer?07:33
glacemannow it's gone completly07:34
glacemani can't even see it alkisg07:34
Nobodyis there anywhere tor-dns-proxy can be downloaded? lots of search results on google but no place to download it07:34
alkisgglaceman: it should come back automatically after 2 seconds, if it didn't, run: gnome-panel &07:34
glacemancannot register the pannel shell07:34
glacemanthere is allready one running07:34
majornikkui use vlc07:35
=== matthew is now known as Guest89267
glacemani will try to restart my computer alkisg07:35
alkisgglaceman: hmm, something went wrong, I tried that many many times and it always worked. Try logging off and back on: gnome-session-save --logout07:35
=== Guest89267 is now known as Harness
alkisgmajornikku: I don't think vlc properly supports vdpau yet07:36
alkisgIt has some commits, but nothing stable, afaik07:36
majornikkurecommended vid player, i have many video's with different file ext. from mkv to wma07:37
alkisgAFAIK only mplayer supports vdpau for now07:37
glacemanthanks it worked after a restart07:38
glacemanhey guys07:38
glacemani clicked somewhere on updates07:38
glacemanand there was like 200 mb update07:38
glacemani made them all07:38
FloodBot4glaceman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:38
glacemanis that good ???07:38
zick_Chow to use Virtualbox to start the windows from HDD?anyone plz07:38
=== matthew_ is now known as Harness
gobbezick_C: just select the virtualmachine and turn it on. What kind of issues do you have with it07:39
hyuni just installed lamp on fedora 14 and i can't connect from other computer07:39
hyunwhat do i do now plz help me07:39
alkisgask in #fedora?07:40
Guest28213are there any chinese ??07:40
Jordan_U!cn | Guest2821307:40
ubottuGuest28213: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk07:40
hyunim not chinese07:40
hyunand it's linux07:40
zick_Cgobbe-  version?07:40
hyunyou mean php?07:40
Jordan_Uhyun: This is the support channel for Ubuntu. #fedora is the support channel for Fedora.07:41
Guest28213oh no  i don't very understand what are you say07:41
Guest28213have any body say chinese ??07:41
hyunhe just said version07:41
gobbezick_C: ?07:42
Stinkypantsgobbe: didnt work :( , "Can't open /dev/sr0: no medium found" and "could not find the ISO /ubuntu/install/ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso"07:42
ducadominoserver irc.unixlab.at07:43
alkisghyun: when there's a name in front of a line, people refer to him, not to you. Also, different distributions use different commands, that's why there are different channels. No "tasksel install lamp-server" in fedora...07:43
gobbeStinkypants: with wubi?07:43
Stinkypantsgobbe: yes07:43
zick_Cgobbe-  alright,where to download it?07:44
magik-wow... ok i'm trying to get iptables to forward my eth1 devices to eth0 (web) .. now i reboot and craps not mounting. wtf07:45
Stinkypantsgobbe: if i were to try a normal install of ubuntu again... Do I need to create the ext2 and linux swap partitions? or would unallocated space work (so its not necessary to create the partitions)?07:46
matthew_I have question for everyone. Is there a way to get/install all dependancies before I start trying to make/install something? Having it error out due to this dep or the other missing all the time is rather annoying..07:46
alkisgmatthew_: if it's a package, sudo apt-get build-dep packagename07:47
matthew_If it's build source, I'm on my own?07:47
alkisgDepends on the source... it should state its dependencies somewhere07:47
hyunhelp me07:47
Gneamatthew_: best thing is to start by making sure the build environment base is setup07:47
Gnea!compile | matthew_07:47
ubottumatthew_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)07:47
hyuni just installed lamp on fedora 14 and i can't connect from other computer07:48
Jordan_Umatthew_: The INSTALL file should specify all of the build dependencies. What are you trying to compile?07:48
matthew_Okay, thanks everyone!07:48
Gneamatthew_: if you run across things, usually you can search for and install the -dev package of that07:48
mwaijandeghello! I was looking for the means to start learnig using blender! I am beginner in using this program and I would like to be competent07:48
Jordan_Uhyun: This is not the place to ask for Fedora support. Please stop.07:48
alkisghyun: we can't give you any advice because we don't know fedora, it's different than ubuntu, even though both use the linux kernel. Ask in #fedora.07:48
mwaijandegcan any one advice me07:48
Gneamatthew_: as -dev packages provide the .h header files required07:48
hyuni tryed
hyunbut that's not work07:48
Gnea!fedora | hyun07:48
ubottuhyun: Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)07:49
gobbezick_C: virtualbox or what?07:49
Gneahyun: please /join #fedora and ask there, thanks07:49
hyuni know...07:49
zick_Cgobbe- yep vbox07:49
gobbeStinkypants: unallocated space would be enough07:49
gobbezick_C: it's in package repository, use synaptic or sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose07:49
hyunbut it's linux07:49
zick_Cgobbe- that's an old one07:49
HarnessIt's not the same though07:49
HarnessEach distro is different07:50
Gneahyun: would you prefer to be forcibly removed?07:50
HarnessThat's what we're trying to tell you07:50
Gnea!ubuntu | hyun07:50
ubottuhyun: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:50
Jordan_Uhyun: This is your last warning. We do not support fedora here, #fedora *does* support fedora.07:50
magik-now when i boot up it says "mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/....... on /root failed: Device or resource busy07:50
Harness#fedora even links07:50
HarnessIt's a single click07:50
Stinkypantsgobbe: k, thanks for your help. I guess I will try to do a normal install again.  Since this wubi thing isn't working out, and a normal install is better.07:50
HarnessWubi broke for me first time I used it.07:50
magik-then drops me in to busy box07:50
HarnessBut that was when it was new. I prefer normally installing it anyhow.07:50
alkisgmagik-: that should be completely unrelated to your iptables etc efforts, right?07:51
magik-yeah.. totally. thats why its driving me nuts..07:51
Achmudashello, i have problem. I'm trying to play Torcs game but it lags. But my computer it's enough powerful. Maybe it's because video drivers?07:51
gobbezick_C: www.virtualbox.org then07:51
zick_Cgobbe-   got it ,THX07:52
HarnessAchmudas: Did you install video drivers?07:52
HarnessAlso; what video card do you have?07:52
mwaijandeghello! I was looking for the means to start learnig using blender! I am beginner in using this program and I would like to be competent. Any one to advice me07:52
Achmudasi can't find. My video card is 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07)07:53
hyunfedora sucks07:53
HarnessWe know.07:53
alkisgAchmudas: that's not your video card, try: lspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 VGA07:53
hyunanyone there07:53
HarnessNo, I used it once without a problem.07:53
Jordan_U!ot | hyun07:53
ubottuhyun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:53
* Harness would just like to note, you guys blow me out of the water with the stuff you know... 07:54
gobbehyun: try to stick in point. This channel is only for ubuntu-support, other talking should be done somewhere else07:54
HarnessMaybe you can answer me this then; has anyone gotten Optimus working on Ubuntu?07:54
Achmudas00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2a42] (rev 07)Subsystem: Lenovo Device [17aa:20e4]Kernel driver in use: i91507:54
hyuni just installed lamp on ubuntu and i can't connect from other computer07:55
hyunhelp me07:55
Harness^I lol'd07:55
m1ndvirusI have an icon theme that has a Dropbox icon that is supposed to replace the original one, but it doesn't do that. How do I make it do that?07:56
clu3i just installed the google earth package for ubuntu. no errors. but when i launch it from Applications -> Internet -> Google earth, no thing happens. Any ideas why?07:56
MrUnagii am having a very hard time figuring out how to recursively change spaces to underscores in folders and files....can anyone lend a hand?07:56
alkisgclu3: run googleearth from a terminal, it might show some errors in the output07:57
clu3alkisg, thanks : here is the error /usr/bin/google-earth: 43: ./googleearth-bin: not found07:57
alkisgclu3: so it seems that it's not properly installed07:57
han_What's up duder's i just installed ubuntu on my lalptop. I know its late, but I got a quick question if someone is bored!07:58
somethinginteresmaybe a silly question but on Ubuntu 10.10 how do I know if I am using ALSA or pulseaudio?07:58
pianolenderMrUnagi: maybe you should write a small script to rename them (or have I misanderstood you)?07:58
alkisgMrUnagi: something alone this, remove the echo after testing: cd folder; find . | xargs echo rename 's/ /_'07:58
clawhey im want to run this 'rsync  -a -e ssh --delete /etc /media/ftp/RAID5_0/.backup  >/var/log/backup$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M)' but it says permission denied for the export to /var/log - is there anything wrong with this string ?07:58
alkisgMrUnagi: forgot a slash: cd folder; find . | xargs echo rename 's/ /_/'07:59
MrUnagipianolender: that is what i am trying to accomplish, however, anything i have tried in the middle of other scripts i get directory not found07:59
han_yes, total beginner as far as it comes to the linux world07:59
MrUnagialkisg: ill try07:59
gobbeclaw: you user doesn't have write-access to /var/log07:59
clawgobbe im running it as root of corse08:00
alkisgMrUnagi: ah, and better to include only files: cd folder; find . -type f | xargs echo rename 's/ /_/'08:00
Achmudasany suggests?08:00
MrUnagialkisg: all of a sudden i cant ssh my server lol 1 sec08:00
pianolenderMrUnagi: looks like you are trying to access a file/folder which is not in your current directory08:00
gobbeclaw: can you pass excact error-message08:00
gobbeclaw: paste i mean (to pastebin.ubuntu.com)08:01
han_Is there any type of anti-virus software that I need to install for ubuntu? In windows I always download microsoft esential security or AVG, is it necessary to get something similar for ubuntu?08:01
MrUnagipianolender: that is what confuses me, the directories it says arent there, the for statement is generating.....so it knows that the directories are there08:01
magik-how do i figure out wtf is causing the mount problems when booting up now? This wasn't happening 3 hours ago.08:01
clawgobbe i got it i was not working with sudo but with sudo -s it runs08:01
beachwood23han: not at all08:01
han_lol sry I am just starting out!08:01
clawthx anyway08:01
Bipul`han_, hehehe no08:01
gobbeclaw: yes, because sudo stops working after >-mark ;)08:02
mwaijandeghan_ :does ubuntu need antivirus08:02
pianolenderMrUnagi: maybe you forgot to cd?08:02
gobbehan_: there's no need to run antivirus, if you are using ubuntu only08:02
mwaijandeghello! I was looking for the means to start learnig using blender! I am beginner in using this program and I would like to be competent. Any one to advice me08:02
dexihey guys. I ran a game and it changed my aspect ratio, now i can't view my top bar and my screen is all messed up. is there a way i can do this without logging out or rebooting? I'm running unetbootin so it would be bad to logout08:02
clu3alkisg, yep googled and found out i needed to install lsb-core package as well, thanks08:02
soreau! virus | mwaijandeg08:02
ubottumwaijandeg: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:02
MrUnagicd is at the beginning of script, and a similar script passes before hand pianolender08:02
han_:-) yay no antivirus!! My buddy told me i didn't need to but I didn't really believe him!08:02
Bipul`ubuntu is it's a antivirus08:03
han_that's pretty killer!08:03
mwaijandeghop han got an answer08:03
Bipul`ubuntu is it'self a antivirus08:03
GeekSquidmwaijandeg: perhaps take your question to #blender08:03
activex64can somebody tell me how can I register my username in freenode?08:03
gobbeactivex64: #freenode08:03
dexinevermind i managed to blind-click and fixed it :)08:04
soreau! register | activex6408:04
ubottuactivex64: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode08:04
Bipul`ActionMan,  move here #freenode08:04
mwaijandegwhat is #blender? I will ! is it another xchat?08:04
activex64tell me step by step. I'm completely new to IRC08:04
MrUnagii think i have been hacked08:04
GeekSquidmwaijandeg: type /join #blender08:04
activex64should I type the commands right here?08:04
W43372Anyone on here have any expertise with getting windows programs to run on Karmic?08:04
pianolenderMrUnagi: if you paste the output of that script and script itself to paste.ubuntu.com, it may help08:04
Bipul`activex64,  just move to #freenode and ask this question they will definately help you out08:04
han_Alright, next question for all you night owls; I installed Chromium from the "Ubuntu software center" and it works fine, however flash videos do not play (i.e. youtube videos don't work!) Any suggestions?08:04
activex64Thanks Bipul`08:05
alkisghan_: it's 10:05 in the morning here :)08:05
gobbehan_: you need to install flashplugin08:05
MrUnagipianolender: i cant access it, i got dropped from ssh, now i cant access my server, i think im being hacked lol08:05
mwaijandegin terminal window?08:05
Bipul`han_,  have you downloded flash player?08:05
mwaijandegor network list at xchat08:05
Bipul`just download it from ubuntu software center08:05
han_alkisg: Goodmorning then :-)08:06
sparsisreally quick question08:06
han_Bipul': okay do I search for flash?08:06
Bipul`search flash player in ubuntu software center08:06
sparsisin NetworkManager how do I set  'Use this connection only for resources on its network'. via command line?08:06
gobbehan_: flashplugin08:06
gobbehan_: flashplugin-nonfree is best, but it's not free (as in lisence, free to use)08:07
Bipul`han_,  yes08:07
mwaijandeggeeksquid can u direct me ... sorry to botha08:07
mwaijandegwhere do I /join #blender08:07
Bipul`mwaijandeg,  ? what's you problem ?08:08
sparsisso, um08:08
cradamhi does 1004 have lower system reqs than 1010?08:08
mwaijandegI wanna go blender community for begin 3D studies08:08
gobbemwaijandeg: google blender, you might find out several forums08:09
mwaijandeggeek give me direction08:09
Bipul`mwaijandeg,  then you must join this channel #blender08:09
W43372I'm trying to install a labsim for a class I'm taking, and it says that the prerequisite for the program is that it needs to install .NET Framework 3.0, but when I try that the program tells me 'Unable to find a volume for file extraction. Please verify that you have proper permissions.'08:09
mwaijandegthere u r08:09
mwaijandegchannel #blender08:09
Bipul`just type this message /join #blender08:09
gobbeW43372: you are using wine?08:10
cradamhi does 1004 have lower system reqs than 1010?08:10
Bipul`</join #blender>08:10
W43372gobbe: Yes.08:10
gobbeW43372: then #winehq can help you08:10
mwaijandegon terminal08:10
mwaijandegor channel08:10
mwaijandegu know this ubuntu is new to me08:10
Harnessmwai: I suggest giving it a shot - familiarize yourself with different menus and effects so that when you do find guides/tutorials you have a general idea of what you're doing.08:10
Bipul`no not on terminal here in X chat or whatever client are you using for IRC08:10
W43372Gobbe: Or, well, I assume I'm using wine. I just double clicked on the .exe. Am I doing it wrong?08:10
gobbecradam: about same requirements there are08:10
Harnesshan_ Micro$oft Security Essentials was useless, may as well have been AVG free.08:11
MrUnagii dont understand how i can be in the middle of an ssh session, then all of a sudden the connection is dropped, and i can no longer connect08:11
Bipul`mwaijandeg,  if you wants to connect via you ubuntu terminal then you have install irssi08:11
gobbeW43372: if you ahve problems with software under wine, then #winehq-channel can help you08:11
HarnessAnd I didn't scroll down before I answered questions08:11
cradamgobbe,  shame because my comp is rubbish08:11
han_gobbe, Bipul' thank you so much you guys for your help :-) it totally works now!08:11
Harnessmwai: type /j #blender08:11
mwaijandegthank u bipul08:11
gobbecradam: you chould try running something like xubuntu08:11
Harnessin IRC08:11
Bipul`han_,  you welcome08:11
MrUnagiRead from remote host waynrdude.dipmap.com: Connection reset by peer Connection closed08:11
han_Harness: You don't think MSE is any good? :-( ive been using it forever on my windows computer! Is there something more secure out?08:12
cradamgobbe, does xubuntu still use gnome, or is it a completely different environment08:12
Harnesshan_ I don't like M$ in general, but I've never seen their products to be overly reliable08:12
gobbecradam: it's using xfce, but anyway. gnome is also quite lightweight today08:12
Harnesshan_ before I moved over to Linux, I was using Comodo Security Suite, free and quite awesome, verbose and robust.08:12
gobbecradam: what kind of computer you have there?08:13
cradamgobbe, i was actually on about the fact that i like gnome08:13
JoseAntonioi have a ppt file, how can i open it under this SO08:13
cradamgobbe, hp compaq tc1100, tablet netbook08:13
gobbecradam: how much memory?08:13
Bipul`JoseAntonio,  Try to open in Gedit08:13
gobbecradam: ok, memory might be issue. can't you get more?08:13
MrUnagiim totally freaking out08:14
han_alright, totally understand :-) this is actually my first time having a lone ubuntu install on my laptop! Going to be a fun next couple of days ;-) Comodo? I have heard of it, will have to look into it a bit to see if I can switch to it on my home computer!08:14
cradamgobbe bye08:14
W43372gobbe: noone is there08:14
gobbeW43372: well, then you just need to wait08:14
gobbeW43372: or try to access some wine-forum08:14
han_Thanks again Harness gobbe and Bipul' for the help :-) Going to get some ZzZZ now!08:15
HarnessSee ya han08:15
HarnessGlad I could contribute.08:15
HarnessJose: OpenOffice should be able to open ppt files08:16
Bipul`Harness,  Try it and let us know08:16
HarnessJoseAntonio: It may not be included with the Openoffice suite bunbled with the os though08:16
clawhow to add some content to an file. because the mark '>' will just overwrite it right ? an where can i read those things? im was trying to google that but dont realy know the name for such things. tried bash scripting08:16
HarnessYou mean opening ppt?08:16
=== johan578 is now known as johanness_
HarnessI'll have to find one to try o.O08:16
red2kicclaw: >>08:17
clawred2kic where can i read more about things like that ?08:17
HarnessBipul` I tried one of my PPT files from school it opened flawlessly with OpenOffice Presentation08:18
Bipul`Harness, then i think it's working08:18
Bipul`other wise repot it as a bug08:19
HarnessBipul` Indeed, but it wasn't me with the question ;) I was recommending it elsewhere :p08:19
HarnessIt was... JoseAntonio who asked the question :P08:19
red2kicclaw: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/InputAndOutput#Redirection08:19
HarnessAnyhow, bedtime08:19
HarnessGood night all08:19
HarnessThanks for teaching me stuff already.08:19
Bipul`Good night08:19
=== Harness is now known as Harness_zzz
clawthank you very much red2kic08:20
red2kicclaw: ">> will not empty a file; it will just append new data to the end of it!"08:20
hacked_kernelif the home partition is encrypted and i will install a new system, do you i have to decrypt it first or while installation it will ask for the phasephrase?08:23
Dr_Willishacked_kernel:  i would suggest backing up the unencrupted data somewhere.08:24
potipheraDoes anyone know anything about update-initramfs?  I've been trying to use it to fix a "no init found" error when I try to boot my computer, but I have an encrypted filesystem and so it always tells me "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab -", and I'm not sure if that's why I haven't been able to fix the error.08:24
Dr_Willis'when in doubt' backup.08:24
MrUnagiok now i am back in the shell.........can anyone help me figure out how to rename spaces to underscores recursvely?08:26
MrUnagiin files and folders08:26
Dr_WillisMrUnagi:  ive seen scripts that can do that.  and otehr example commands last time i googled for it.08:26
MrUnagiDr_Willis: i have seen many but when i put them in my script, it fails08:27
Dr_WillisI dont seem to have any in my  bin dir.08:27
* red2kic does not know how to use sed 08:27
glacemanplease a program to rip dvd's so i can watch them on my laptop08:28
Dr_Willis# for files in *.mp3; do mv “$files” `echo $files | tr ‘ ‘ ‘_’`; done08:28
Dr_Willisglaceman:  dvdrip.  handbreak, k9copy, proberly others...08:28
glacemanwhat's the best one Dr_Willis08:29
Dr_Willisglaceman:  handbreak is popular.. it depends on your needs.08:29
red2kichandbrake. :)08:29
Dr_WillisI tend to use k9copy to convert video dvd to a video.dvd.iso and play those.08:29
glacemanthanks Dr_Willis08:30
p_resglaceman: Just to throw another in the mix, I use AcidRip.08:30
red2kicglaceman: Just to throw another in the mix, I use dvdbackup.08:31
MrUnagiDr_Willis: what about folders too08:31
Dr_WillisMrUnagi:  the url i gave mentiuon recursively doing things on down the page.08:31
glacemanok guys08:33
glacemanthis is my first time dealing with PPA stuffs08:33
glacemani just went on some website for handbrake08:33
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.08:33
glacemanadded the ppa08:34
glacemansudo apt-get update08:34
glacemanthen what ?08:34
FloodBot4glaceman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:34
Dr_Willisupgrade, then install the package08:35
glacemanyeah but what package ?08:35
glacemani mean i didn't download anything08:35
Dr_Willisthe ubuntu tweak program has a gui that lets ya install enable the ppa/install handbreak and other 3rd party apps08:35
Dr_Willisuse package manager  se4arch for 'handbreak'08:35
Dr_Willisor however its spelt. :)08:36
Dr_WillisI recall the actual binary for handbrake having an odd name also.08:36
* Bangsak is back (gone 00:13:15)08:38
* Bangsak is away: I'm not here right now..!!!08:38
jjkinasis this the right place to ask beginner question    ?08:43
red2kicjjkinas: Sure. Why not? Ask away.08:43
Dr_Willis:) You just asked one.. so sure.. ask some more.08:44
jjkinasok i tried to add indicator-workspaces to startup applications08:44
jjkinasand it wont open   but it opens when i type indicator-workspaces in console08:44
Dr_WillisHmm. neat 'spaces in file name renamer' method ---> find2perl . -depth -eval 'my $o=$_; tr/_/ /; -e or rename $o,$_ or warn "cannot rename $o to $_: $!"' | perl08:44
jjkinasit just wont open on startup08:45
Dr_Willisjjkinas:  make a script that runs that binary, and have the script 'wait' like 10 sec.. so the desktop is loaded befor the command runs.08:45
Dr_Willissomthing like (3 lines) ->   #!/bin/bash      sleep 50        commandtorun &08:46
Cradamgobbe, my ubuntu install just went ru08:46
Cradam*rubbish so i need a new one08:46
Dr_Willisjjkinas:  i would guess the command is running befor the panel/rest of the desktop is ready.08:46
jjkinasthank you08:46
GneaCradam: what version were you running?08:46
Dr_Willisjjkinas:  ive seen this trick needed with other apps like conky and stuff befor as well. I t3nd to make a 'delayed-start.sh' script i just put such commands in.08:47
Cradam10.10 it went corrupt because i did an instant shutdown Gnea08:47
Gneaah, yes instant shutdowns tend to be problematic, but I would suggest 10.0408:47
jjkinasthanks dr_willis08:48
Dr_Willis'instant' ? thats where the dog pulls the power plug?08:48
Gneaor the cat gnaws on the cord08:48
Dr_WillisGrandkids gnaws on the cords...08:48
orochiis there a set way to monitor the input of a line in?08:49
orochion any given sound card08:49
magik-Why would my ubuntu server go from booting up fine to having all sorts of mounting issues? I tried rescuing through the rescue menu and rebuild grub.. now i get stuck at the grub menu.. when i give grub commands to boot linux i get mount errors ;(08:49
Dr_WillisGrandkids notice the BIG BLUE button that makes Grandpaw yell when he reaches for it....08:49
CradamGnea, i have a very low amount of ram and a GHz processor can u suggest a good os, gobbe suggested xubuntu08:49
GneaCradam: which figures do you have, exactly?08:49
Dr_Willismagik-:  could be HD died. or other FS errors . it all depends on the exact errors..08:49
orochii'm clearly inputting audio i just don't see anything for it on alsamixer08:49
Cradam488 MB at 333DDR and a 1GHz processor pentium m08:50
Dr_WillisCradam:  'lubuntu' is the lowest resource 'ubuntu' varient out with  a relatively full featured desktop.08:50
magik-well.. my bootup raid screen shows healthy mirror's.. what log should i be checking out?08:50
GneaCradam: yes, xubuntu would be a good choice, and don't use firefox with it, install google chrome from the daily ppa08:50
Dr_Willismagik-:  i dont do raids.. so it may be some sort of raid issue.  You could boot a live cd and check out the fs's i guess for starters.08:50
gobbeCradam: hmmmh, what happened?08:50
GneaCradam: you could try lubuntu as well08:51
magik-well the raid has nothing to do with it.. something else fishy is going on08:51
choofHey, I'm having trouble with CF cards could anyone give me a hand08:51
Gneachoof: just explain the problem08:52
Cradamgobbe i instant shutdown my comp because i was in a hurry and xchat started playin up so i decided i would have a fredh install08:52
=== che is now known as Guest52458
Cradamam about to uninstall old 108:54
Dr_WillisI still have to wonder what an 'instant' shutdown is.08:54
Cradaminstant like when u hold down power button for 4 seconds08:54
Dr_WillisI would call that 'forceing power off' :)08:55
Cradamsame thing08:55
Dr_Willisa filesystem check would be in order.08:55
Cradammy dad calls it manual shut down08:55
Dr_WillisI would call it other words.. that are not allowed in this channel.. :)08:56
choofI'm trying to install an embedded operating system on a CF card but /dev/hdX or sdX don't seem to exist08:56
Dr_Willisreminds me of a laptop we had to remove the battery once - to make it shutdown.08:56
Dr_Willischoof:  check 'sudo fdisk -l' and 'dmesg' to see what exists.08:56
choofwill do Dr_Willis08:57
Cradamlol, that happened to me once except it was the college comp so i didnt touch the 3 pin lead08:57
bonjoyeeCradam: thats not a shutdown...its like choking the computer!08:57
bonjoyeeCradam: to death!08:57
Dr_Willisbonjoyee:  well it shut it down! :) forever!08:58
red2kicThat is like taking out the computer with a sledgehammer.08:58
disappearedngbest client/server for sharing desktop space between two computer08:58
bonjoyeeDr_Willis: :)08:58
Cradamyeah i shutdown the coffin on that os, i forgot because nothing happens when u do it in windows08:58
Dr_WillisHmm. I installed ffmpeg from source..  now cant get winff to  underatand it dosent need the dependencuies..  Whats the 'proper' way to force an  'sudo apt-get install winff08:58
bonjoyeeCradam: so what are u trying now?08:58
Dr_Williswithout it being mad and saying -> winff : Depends: ffmpeg but it is not going to be installed08:59
choofoh shit, problem solved, thanks Dr_Willis08:59
Cradambonjoyee, either xubuntu or lubuntu08:59
Dr_Willischoof:  :) what was it.08:59
Erengpg --decrypt needs X server being started, is there anything that I can do to work without X?08:59
Cradamitll be xubuntu cause thats the one wubi provides, which would people suggest 10.4 or 10.1009:00
bonjoyeeCradam: thats not true..linux in fact is better in my opinion..as i encounter abnormal shutdowns almost everday(because of power failures!)09:00
Dr_WillisEren:  from whati see int he gpg man pages.. that statement dosent make sence.09:00
Dr_WillisEren:  i dont see where it 'needs' X at all.09:00
Cradamoh ok then, i remember once when i was a kid i had a virus or something which auto rebooted my computer09:01
Guest52458 /HELP -l09:01
phox_yo! I can't get my intellimouse 3.0 to work correctly, it wont light up immiedatly. Works perfect with the W7 partition. What can be done?09:01
Dr_WillisGuest52458:  you sould have better luck if you stated the problem.09:01
Cradamok should i go for 10.409:02
d3centeddoes anybody runs autofs on 10.4 lucid?09:02
Dr_WillisCradam:  10.10 lubuntu - is quite good.09:03
gobbed3cented: i'm sure that quite many, ask your question09:03
Cradamim goin for xubuntu because i can try that out easier09:03
Cradamok ill go for 1010 cubuntu09:03
Dr_Willisxubuntu is not that much lighter then gnome.. but it does have a  bit more features then lubuntu.09:04
bonjoyeeDr_Willis: manually download the winff deb and install with dpkg -i --force09:04
Cradamall i need is it not to almost crash when it updates09:04
d3centedhmm, moment i'am in the forums and read all the problems that i also have... it's just that the folder appears but always empty despite --ghost09:04
gobbeDr_Willis: yep. it was few years ago when xfce was much lighter, but today it's about same09:04
siawashwhat's up guys09:05
mactimesd3cented, Most people providing help usually don't have empathy for questions which seem you're just asking for statistics...09:05
siawashanyone talking?09:05
Cradamif there was a wubi for lu i would use it but i don't much like partitioning as it is09:05
Doinkle!ask | siawash09:06
ubottusiawash: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:06
magik-i hate when a fresh install seems like the only solutions09:07
Cradamahh xubuntus logo has a dog in it09:07
mactimesmagik-, What's the matter?09:08
gobbeCradam: it's mouse, not dog :)09:08
Dr_WillisI got lubuntu setup on a 8gb flash drive as a 'rescue' os. :)09:08
bonjoyeeCradam: i believe thats a mouse!09:08
magik-spent the day configuring samba and trying to get iptables forwarding traffic from my internal network NIC/switch to the web (eth0/eth1) .. I go and reboot.. and then I get mounting problems09:09
Cradamoh maybe oops but when its small it also looks like 1 of those furry dogs09:09
magik-i boot from live cd and have it update grub.. now when i reboot it goes to the grub command line09:09
Israfelis there a wine channel here that's not invite only?09:09
Dr_WillisIsrafel:  many of them are 'registered nick' only.09:09
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:09
phox_hi! I have problem with my sound. It is not mutet and turned up everywhere, what can i do more? =) It works on my windows partition.09:09
IsrafelI am registered.09:09
Dr_Willis #winehq i think is the main one09:10
IsrafelOk, thanks.09:10
glacemanphox_: i got the same problem09:10
mactimesmagik-, You're using latest grub version, righr?09:10
glacemanit only works when i plug in my headphones09:10
red2kicIsrafel: If you're not registered, then you haven't identified yourself.09:10
d3centedok. setup my auto.master and in my case auto.nfs with correct parameters... starting autofs the folder appears correct but nothings in it..... btw in auto.master i commented '+auto.master' but with it, it doesn't work either09:10
red2kicIf you are*09:10
phox_glaceman: doesnt even work with headphones with me.09:10
mactimesmagik-, Single disk?  Single OS?  Or dual-boot?09:10
glacemanphox_: try alsamixer09:11
d3centedany suggestions?09:11
glacemanunmute any sound if it's the case09:11
phox_glaceman: what is it?09:11
glacemancheck ur sound card09:11
gobbed3cented: upload both files to pastebin.ubuntu.com09:11
magik-mirror raid 4 drives.. so only working with 2 virtual drives.. 1st drive . ubuntu server 10.10 only / 2nd drive is just for storage09:11
glacemanopen a shell09:11
glacemanand type alsamixer09:12
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:12
phox_glaceman: it is not mutet, and the soundcard is working. Ok ill try that09:12
bonjoyeephox_: please pastebin the output of "aplay -l" and "lspci | grep -i audio"09:13
phox_bonjoyee: ok, 1 sec09:13
magik-i'm just going to reinstall at this point.. i could have saved things earlier but this is too outta hand for me09:13
phox_glaceman: everything looks good in alsamixer i think, everything is tuned up atlest09:14
Dr_Willisphox_:  use the left/right arrow keys also to see if theres any mixer controlls to the 'side' you may not be noticeing09:14
glacemanunder the propreties of ur sounds card09:14
glacemanhave u checkeed the ouput09:14
mactimesmagik-, You might want to check this out before reinstalling http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html09:14
phox_Dr_Willis: I did that. Everything is set to 11. hehe.09:14
white_rhi! I'd like to install Ubuntu using a USB stick and I'm running debian; what should I do? (on the site the instructions don't explain how to do it in a general GNU/Linux distribution)09:15
phox_glaceman: Under the "System" thing? Yes. Atleast i think so. or where do you mean?09:15
glacemanon the upper right on ur desktop09:15
glacemanthere's the sound icon09:15
* bonjoyee is away...brb09:15
glacemanright click on it09:15
d3centedalright http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/551738/09:15
FloodBot4glaceman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:15
glacemani mean left click phox_  sound preferences09:15
glacemancheck the hardware tab phox_09:16
gobbed3cented: why did you comment +auto.master?09:17
twiztidwhite_r: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/03/how-to-install-ubuntu-from-a-bootable-usb-drive/09:17
gobbed3cented: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs09:17
phox_bonjoyee: here is the output : http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/bd47eZX909:17
phox_glaceman: ok i will09:17
d3centedanyway if i comment or not, still the same09:17
Cradamxxubuntu is about 10 mins smaller in torrent time remaining09:18
phox_glace: im sry, but where do you mean? Please direct me.. :P09:18
phox_glaceman: oh now i see u wrote09:18
white_rtwiztid: thanks :)09:18
glacemancan please someone guide me to a link where i can learn how to back up my system and what program to use09:19
d3centedi read all the stuff... can it be a permissions problem or port or something, i run ufw but tried already when disabled09:19
phox_glaceman: the icon isnt there, that shouldnt make a difference i guess. But i see under sound that it is turned up09:19
gobbe!backup | glaceman09:19
ubottuglaceman: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:19
ErenDr_Willis: pinentry needs X09:19
Erenhowever, let me dig into it09:19
ZykoticK9!clone | glaceman09:19
ubottuglaceman: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate09:19
glacemanubottu: i was thinking more about a way to completly clone the system09:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:20
glacemanin case of a crash or something similar09:20
phox_n1 glaceman ;)09:21
twiztidhey all... i have a little problem with my maverick installation.... all is good but the screen flickers every 5-10 seconds... I have read alot about this but no workarounds help... I have disabled power management in hopes that it was not working well with the screens power save modes an options... but it still flickers... i have heard talk about the new kernel (2.6.37) might address this but im unsure... could anyone help?09:21
Cradamwould norton ghost backup ur system or is that only for MS09:21
phox_bonjoyee: so what do you think of the output?09:21
ZykoticK9glaceman, you might want to check out Clonezilla a livecd that does hard drive cloning - similar to Ghost09:21
Dr_WillisCradam:  theres similer backup tools for linux.09:21
bonjoyeephox_: looking into it..09:21
glacemani will ZykoticK9 thanks for the tip09:22
Dr_WillisI recall one called 'g4l' ages ago (ghost for linux) , and theres mondo/mindi that can make a bootable dvd/cd/networking restore media.09:22
d3centedgobbe: ok i'm sure i'll get it to work because of you did, thanks anyway for no09:22
gobbed3cented: ?09:23
twiztidi am running on a radeon x1300 card and  the screen flickers every 5-10 seconds... I have read alot about this but no workarounds help... I have disabled power management in hopes that it was not working well with the screens power save modes an options... but it still flickers... i have heard talk about the new kernel (2.6.37) might address this but im unsure... could anyone help?09:23
glacemanZykoticK9: does clone zilla also backup the bootloader (grub) in case i totally installed a new hard disk ?09:24
glacemanif u might know09:24
bonjoyeephox_: check if this helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152481509:24
gobbed3cented: so you are trying to get /home/g/nfs/www to be mounted from ?09:25
ZykoticK9glaceman, yes I believe that is an option (but consult the documentation to verify)09:25
phox_bonjoyee: I am not using the HDMI-sound, but an external sound card. Something like sound audigy 2 sz i think.09:25
neilnHi, I am not able to go online on Spectranet broadband09:25
gobbed3cented: if you want to mount only one folder, autofs is quite waste there, why just don't mount it with /etc/fstab09:26
d3centedyes should be mounted in /home/g/.....09:26
d3centedbecause my server is not available all the time....09:27
Dr_Willisfstab can have a 'noauto' entry - where you mount  the location by hand.09:27
Dr_Williswhen you want.09:27
d3centedbtw if it would work i surely wanna mount more folders09:27
Dr_Willisjust not on 'first access' automaticall.09:27
d3centedDr_Willis: i think i'll try that one.....09:28
bonjoyeephox_: so i assume this is a desktop with three audio jacks on the back?09:29
d3centedbut why is then autofs? for exactly i should use it?????09:30
* Dr_Willis goes back to reading the latest linux news and other blogs..09:30
d3centedfor what i mean?09:30
gobbed3cented: for example if you have shared users and you want to have home-folders automounted09:30
d3centedgobbe: that makes totally sense i got u..... thx09:31
SliderV3which free antivir for windows?09:31
gobbe!ot | SliderV309:31
ubottuSliderV3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:31
Dr_Willisallows you to have acces to have access to large numbers of filesystems and directories, and only those that are used will be mounted, minimizing your risk from those unused servers.09:31
d3centedDr_Willis: thx09:32
Dr_WillisSliderV3:  i only use the ones that also support linux versions. I think theres like 3.09:32
red2kicSliderV3: Ubuntu is a pretty good antivirus software.09:32
phox_bonjoyee: it is acctually a 7.1 card, with 7.1 sound system. I dont remember whether it has worked earlier on this ubuntu comp, but i think so. Worked last night on the W7 partition09:32
Dr_WillisI need to read up on whats new in the 'free' av area some time. AVG, avast, and clamav  i think are the main ones.. are there others?09:32
bonjoyeephox_: ok..so 6 audio jacks?09:33
p_resPlease don't discuss AV software for Windows in here. Go off-topic.09:33
red2kicDr_Willis: You don't need to worry about them. It *really* is a liberating feeling. Viruses be gone! :)09:33
phox_bonjeyy: something like that, yes :)09:34
martinZGRhi, i have this question, i wanted to convert an video from XviD to h264 with smaller resolution so that i can play it on my phone, nokia ... how long could i expect it to take? its a ~40minutes long... aristo says 600:00 remaining - does it mean 600hrs?09:35
staplefoodzonggu: please move to #ubuntu-tw09:35
Dr_Willisred2kic:  i still like to scan the lan/network every so often just to be sure no windows 'things' have gotten stored in some download dir. or users caches. :)09:36
phox_bonjoyee: no im sry!! it was the sound on the motherboard with 6 contacts09:36
Dr_Willis'free' but you have to register and get a ### for one year.09:36
Cradami keep havin to delay my windows update because of my xubuntu install09:37
phox_bonjoyee: let me start up the windows partition and see if it works..09:37
Cradamcan u pause wubi?09:37
Dr_WillisCradam:  i dont think thats a good idea.09:38
Dr_Willisthen again - i dont think using Wubi is a good idea.  :) But pauseing a wubi install = proberly not possible09:38
martinZGRit there anyone who tired converting video to h264?09:40
sukhihow i can download you tube videos09:40
Dr_WillismartinZGR:   thats easially done.09:40
Dr_Willissukhi:  i use the various firefox extensions to do that09:40
red2kicmartinZGR: Use VLC. It can play popular formats.09:41
Dr_WillisSh3r1ff:  ffmpeg/mencoder or front ends to those 2.09:41
Dr_Willis!info winff09:41
ubottuwinff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.0-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 1416 kB, installed size 4496 kB09:41
popeymartinZGR: yes, I use ffmpeg to convert video to h.26409:41
martinZGRyoup, i know it can be done, but the question is how long did it take you? bcs in my case arista says 604:3409:41
popeymartinZGR: but i had to install some libs from medibuntu to do the aac audio encoding09:41
Dr_WillisIn some cases one MAY need to install a custome/updated ffmpeg.  for aac or some other formats.09:41
popeyoh, not long, but then the videos arent long in my case09:41
keevee09i need to reinstall winXp on a dual boot machine. Should i place ubuntu in an extended or primary partition? which does windows prefer? does it matter?09:41
TweekTweaki found one of the better ones to be "YouTube Enhancer" at userscripts.org - you need to install GreaseMonkey extension first. It provides not only nice clean reliable YouTube d/l, but many other nice features09:42
martinZGRmine video is 40minutes09:42
popeymartinZGR: is it doing two-pass encoding?09:42
Dr_WillismartinZGR:  it all depends ont he settings used. h264 can take longer.. but thats  a tradeoff - you get better quailty/smaller size..09:42
Cradams there a youtube to mp3 conv09:42
Dr_WillisI dont think 2 pass doubles the time it takes.. but it does take a lot longer09:42
Cradamy does ff linux look completely diffferent to ff win09:42
red2kicCradam: That's just GUI.09:43
TweekTweaksukhi - lol is that a russian nick?09:43
Cradami know but why make design enhancements if u arent gonna put them on all platforms09:43
Dr_WillisCradam:  what 'ff' are your efering to?09:43
keevee09vid d/l i just open nautilus with 2 tabs (/tmp & 'my video folder) then copy,paste rename09:44
Dr_WillisCradam:  they lookt he same to me...  care to clarify.09:44
martinZGRit is using something like that in arista: pass=qual quantizer=21 me=umh subme=6 ref=3 interlaced=false cabac=0 threads=009:44
GneaCradam: they look the same here, too09:44
alkisgkeevee09: it doesn't matter, but you'll need to put grub again in MBR, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling from LiveCD09:44
ceranhello. i have ubuntu 10.10 and suddenly im just getting sound on my headphones and not my speakers when i unplugg the headphone, can someone please help me09:45
Cradamim on about the gui like the buttons and stuff like that09:45
TweekTweakkeevee09 - you don't sometimes "miss" c/p-ing a vid once in a while because it disappears from /tmp when it completes?09:45
keevee09rgr thnx alkisg. odd install this time as winXP is listed twice in grub but only installed once09:45
GneaCradam: are you talking about the things that the OS provides?09:45
alkisgkeevee09: probably ntldr and the other windows boot files are there on 2 partitions09:45
keevee09Tweek: i pause it before it completes playing09:45
Gnealike window borders and decorations?09:45
TweekTweakceran - check your sound config via preferences, and/or via pulseaudio volume control applet09:45
sukhipl tell me about my prob09:46
Cradamno the back buttons, and the personalities ff was going on about09:46
ceranTweekTweak,  ok tnx09:46
keevee09ok thnx alkisg :)09:46
ljloverrj_anyone help me pls09:46
GneaCradam: those are themeable, so if you have a different theme installed, that's your bag09:46
Gnea!ask | ljloverrj_09:46
ubottuljloverrj_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:46
TweekTweakceran - i had that happen to me - i found a dropdown that can be set to either analog audio speakers or headphone09:46
TweekTweakceran - it's of use if u also use usb headphones sometimes (depends on what combinations of hardware/headsets you need in various situations).09:47
Cradamoh ok ill see what ff4beta looks like in xfce09:47
sukhihow i can download09:47
keevee09sukhi : download what?09:48
Dr_Willissukhi:  i use the downloadhelper addon for firefox09:48
ceranTweekTweak,  ok tnx, but i dont have usb headphones09:48
TweekTweaksukhi - if u use firefox, try getting greasemonkey extension, then go to userscripts.org and get YouTube Enhancer script - you'll thank me. Best I've found over many searches :)\09:48
sukhiyoutube videos09:48
keevee09ahh srry09:48
TweekTweaksukhi - and does your nick mean "b*tch" in russian?09:49
Cradami wish i did because some of the comps i use have the 3.5mil port locked away09:49
ceranTweekTweak,  i think i got some popup when i plugged in the headphones, and changed the settings to headphones, and now i dont know how to turn it back to speakers, have checked everything in sound settings09:49
bonjoyeesukhi: install flashgot extension on firefox..then play the yt video...then click the icon that flashes on the status bar in firefox..09:50
ljloverrj_uhm i installed powertop in my ubuntu09:50
ljloverrj_then run it and it powersaved my usb09:50
Cradamceran have you tried pluggin them back in and seein whether u get the pop up again09:50
ljloverrj_how can i turn it off?09:50
GneaCradam: why not google chrome?09:50
cerannothing is happening09:50
TweekTweakceran - do u have the pa stuff installed (missed what version ub u runnin, sorry)? dropdowns in there control some routing of audio, too, as well as other settings only available via pavolume and other tools09:50
ljloverrj_no pop up09:51
cerani have ubuntu 10.1009:51
Cradami am now gonna remake my personalised windows classic theme, that'll pass a couple of hours09:51
Alpha_10hello, is it possible to log in as admin on a live cd? i need to run a command as root09:51
Gnealjloverrj_: you could uninstall it09:51
alkisgAlpha_10: sudo su09:51
alkisgsudo -i09:51
ljloverrj_how do i uninstall it?09:52
TweekTweakceran - okay, i think that has the pa stuff in on original install. i run some earlier versions and had to add it from repositories :) the pa stuff shows on the sound and video menu i believe in 10.1009:52
Gnealjloverrj_: open a terminal, type:  sudo apt-get remove powertop09:52
ljloverrj_gnea: thanks09:52
TweekTweak(lol, dang, i feel useful, maybe! wooo! finally giving back!) rofl09:52
Gnealjloverrj_: cheers09:52
ljloverrj_my mouse still powers off09:53
TweekTweakOh, while we're talkin sound, anyone EVER been able to get a USB headset mic to work for VOIP in OpenArena? regular mic input i can make work just fine. but usb headset mic (which works for everything else in ubu) just silent in OA. ?09:54
Alpha_10<alkisg> i cant blieve i forgot about that one! im trying force mount hfsplus with write premissions can you telll me what is wrong with this com mand? "mount -o force -t hfsplus /dev/XXX /mnt/" hfs library is installed09:54
kyle___what the application to record desktops called?09:55
alkisgkyle___: http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/about.php ?09:55
TweekTweakAlpha_10 - wh;at's force do - i took peek at man mount can't find reference to it, re:hfs09:56
TweekTweakAlpha_10 - You've tried mounting it w/o the force option? Fails?09:58
v3traegood evening folks. Is there a run level init script manager like rc-config in gentoo, or chkconfig in rhel? or is it just the add a script to /etc/rd3.d directory?09:58
alkisgv3trae: update-rc.d?09:58
bonjoyeev3trae: update-rc.d09:58
Alpha_10<tweekTweak>  this is the website. http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1660958  yes i did because of jurnialing it is impossible to use stab to do this manually09:58
v3traealkisg: bonjoyee: that'll do it. Thank you very much09:59
Dr_Willisv3trae:  theres the files in /etc/init/ for 'upstart' managed services you can rename. Im not sure if update-rc.d manages /etc/init09:59
Alpha_10<tweekTweak>  terminal rejects the "-t" function  and i changed the o to c since it needs to run a command09:59
Dr_Willisv3trae:  most all services are using 'upstart' these days. the sysv files/dirs you see are actually being 'grandfathered' in via upstart.09:59
v3traeDr_Willis: rgr, appreciate it. Moving back to debian after a long long hiatus10:00
TweekTweakAlpha_10 - thx, looking now10:01
=== derick_ is now known as Guest6837
Cradamthat'll do for now10:01
Okitain Where can I wipe the font settings in Gnome?10:02
Dr_WillisOkitain:  the users settings?  should be int heir home dir somewhere. the 'ubuntu tweak' tool has some features to reset various gnome settings with a nice gui. Otherwize you find the proper files/gconf settings and reset those.10:03
Alpha_10<tweekTweak>  Thnank you.10:03
Cradami h8 havin 2 use single clip on my icons but its the only way i can open them without accidentally moving them10:03
OkitainDr_Willis, thanks.10:03
Cradamis there a single click function in xfce?10:04
TweekTweakAlpha_10 - hmmm, dunno, but how about trying it with sudo in front and without, and check on the mountpoint's permissions before mounting? stabbin in dark, but those are a couple thoughts10:04
=== Guest6837 is now known as Derick__
siawashIs anyone using jolicloud?10:11
Alpha_10<tweekTweak> without sudo it terminal is malefuntioned. hopefully google will be helpful. thanks10:12
gobbe!anyone | siawash10:12
ubottusiawash: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:12
siawashI'm wondering if anyone knows how to increase hard disk space dedicated to jolicloud when it's installed within windows10:13
arunkumar413is a notetaker application available for ubuntu like MS OneNote10:14
gobbesiawash: this channel is for ubuntu-support, jolicloud nor windows has nothing to do with it10:15
erkan^Can someone tell me where can I change a Dutch language in SeaMonkey?10:15
siawashi thought jolicloud was pretty much included in ubuntu forums loll10:15
v3traesiawash: windows isn't -,-10:15
siawashwell i'd just increase the size from within jolicloud obviously10:16
siawashi wonder if it even gives that option10:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:16
siawashfine lol10:17
Marchitosi am going to install ubuntu from PXE10:18
Marchitoshow can i install from an iso image?10:18
Marchitosi don't wanto to burn a cd10:18
darth_grantiusyou can10:18
darth_grantiusit is difficult though10:18
FloodBot3darth_grantius: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:18
gobbeMarchitos: usb?10:18
Marchitosi need to install it on 5 machine10:18
Marchitoswith a network it's faster10:19
FlannelMarchitos: Sure.  There's a bunch of different methods available here, depending on what resources you have: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation10:19
magik-so i did a fresh install.. but i didn't touch this storage partition from the 1st time installing.. how do i mount that partition to a dir?10:19
gobbemagik-: sudo mount /dev/sdXY /dir/you/want/it10:20
gobbemagik-: if you want permanent mount, then you need to add it to /etc/fstab10:20
magik-better question.. whats that command to see all the different mounted partiitions10:20
magik-thanks gobbe!10:20
magik-err not mounted.. different available10:20
magik-dmesg | grep sata10:21
arunkumar413need a desktop notetaker like MS OneNOte10:21
Dr_WillisMarchitos:  i normally set the iso to boot from a usb flash drive.. thats very fast. :) set up 1 machine as a 'apt-cacher-ng' server. so  all machines get the updates from that one machine. helps greately also.10:21
Marchitosis possible to specify to get files from ftp?10:22
magik-gobbe.. how do I know which /dev/sdXY to use?10:22
Marchitoswhere do i set it?10:22
Marchitosto ubuntu installer?10:22
Dr_Willisfastest install i ever did. Set up grub2 to boot an iso file from spare hard drive :)10:22
Dr_Willismagik-:  'sudo fdisk -l' and examone the layout.   see whats what. perhaps mount some of them to learn what each is. Set proper 'labels' on them and blkid can show the labels also10:23
gobbemagik-: sudo fdisk -l10:23
gobbemagik-: lists all partitions10:23
Marchitosthis is also very faster10:25
magik-wow it says /dev/dm-4 doesn't contain a valid partition table10:25
Marchitosi found the ftp option10:25
Marchitosnow ubuntu asks for an archive10:25
Marchitoshow do i create it?10:25
Marchitosi don't have ubuntu on the server machine10:25
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:26
shareHow can I change time to "release" root privileges?10:27
Dr_Willisshare:  i think thats in the /etc/sudoers file.10:27
Dr_Willisthe sudo / sudoers docs ive seen it mentioned. and thats een mentioned on the forums also10:28
Tyrnisplop all !10:28
shareDr_Willis: tks10:28
Dr_WillisHmm. not in /etc/sudoers10:28
Dr_Willis'to the bat google!'10:29
magik-so im looking through fdisk -l .. i've tried mounting /dev/dm-2p4 /dev/sda4 /dev/sdb4 no good10:29
magik-how do I know what to mount from all that info10:29
criticalmehi all. could somebody please help me? i'm running ubuntu 10.10 x86 and the time command doesn't accept any parameters ... I tried --verbose -f -v and almost all other params and it just says: -param: Command not found10:30
ronr__hi everyone, just installed ubuntu on my media center and actually managed to get the hdmi sound working (yay!).10:30
Dr_Willishttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-763142.html         share  shows the line to add to /etc/sudoers10:30
ronr__I'm using vlc, and for some reason, I sometimes get pixelated video. any suggestions how to fix it?10:30
ronr__also, are there any common subtitle download programs for linux?10:31
Dr_Willisronr__:  ive seen some subtitle downloader apps. but never tried them10:31
Dr_Willisronr__:  i think i saw them mentioned at the omgubuntu, or webupd8 ubuntu blog sites. (those are the only 2 i ever read)10:31
ronr__Dr_Willis: I switched from Win7 on which I used sublight, looking for an alternative :)10:32
ronr__Dr_Willis: will check those, thanks!10:32
share test10:32
ronr__Also wondering, I installed VLC from the Ubuntu Software Center, and installed version 1.1.4 and not the latest 1.1.5. Any idea why?10:33
bazhang!latest | ronr__10:33
ubotturonr__: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.10:33
bazhangronr__, there are fully unsupported PPA if you must have the latest.10:33
alpha_a2hello, i am having problem installing a package.  It is unable to install hfsprogs. any help?10:33
elkyHrm. GCStar doesn't appear to actually import the images in to the directory it makes for them by default, and I can't seem to find the correct settings.10:34
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:35
bazhangalpha_a2, whats the error message pastebin if more than a line10:35
Dr_Willisalpha_a2:  try a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' and try installing it again.10:36
alpha_a2<bazhang> "reading package lists...done    building dependency tree     reading state information....done   E:unable to locate pckage hfsprogs"10:36
Dr_Willis!find hfsprogs10:37
ubottuFound: hfsprogs10:37
Dr_Willis!info hfsprogs10:37
ubottuhfsprogs (source: hfsprogs): mkfs and fsck for HFS and HFS+ file systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 332.25-8 (maverick), package size 124 kB, installed size 304 kB10:37
bazhangalpha_a2, make sure the repo is enabled?10:37
hOZSiPici bruder ikonia bruder ola!10:39
alpha_a2<bazhang> other hfsplus and hfsutils are installed i assume its maybe im on an live cd upgradeing package list now10:39
alpha_a2<DR_willis> thanks good call.10:40
ronr__okay, thanks for the info guys.10:40
ronr__what should I do if I encounter specific issues with installed software?10:41
alpha_a2<bazhang> i am unsure of how to do that.  i am a newb-ish .10:41
red2kicWow. I just learned about GNOME's scrolling in taskbar feature. Why didn't anyone tell me this! That was pretty radiant! :)10:44
=== Jay is now known as Guest64199
brianmunkhi, is there a way to find out with what options a source from the repos was compiled for 10.10?10:44
Okitainbrianmunk: how about asking devs?10:45
Int007Which version of kde is used in 10.10 ?10:45
Okitainbrianmunk: Or compiling yourself?10:45
Dr_Willisactually dont the .deb/deb src files - have some options files?10:46
shareDr_Willis: timestamp_timeout "Number of minutes that can elapse before sudo will ask for a passwd again.  The default is 15.  Set this to 0 to always prompt for a password."10:46
OkitainInt007: KDE 4.510:46
sharemine is not set but it's not 15 minutes10:46
ox3aHow can i change graphical login interface to command line?10:46
Guest64199hey folks - a linux newbie looking for help on the broadcom 4312 drivers10:46
clawim doing backups with /etc /var and the /home - are there any other folders needed for systembackup ?10:46
Dr_Willisshare:  could be some other file is setting it. its a per user setting via some commands I recall.  I rarely mess with it.10:46
brianmunkOkitain, I was thinking like VLC player if I were to compile myself, and wanted to change one option but I would like the rest to be 'default' 10.1010:47
shareyes ox3a10:47
Dr_Willisox3a:  change from what 5to what? 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm' lets you select gdm/xdm/kdm/whateberdm  if they are installed.10:47
ox3ashare, pm?10:47
shareno lol10:47
shareor u want to help me :p10:47
ox3ashare, k10:47
mariusz`i'm trying to remove evolution but i don't know which package remove10:48
ronr__hmm... my metacity process is taking 99% cpu.. I'm guessing that's not normal.10:48
sharemariusz`: evolution10:48
Dr_Willismariusz`:  its proberly 'best' to just leave it installed and not use it.10:48
shareevolution-common i think10:48
mariusz`when i purge evolution-common i still have evolution-data-server10:48
Guest64199mariusz - use the ubuntu software center10:48
Guest64199just hit up evolution and uninstall10:48
sharemariusz`: that is used in "about me" thing10:49
red2kicmariusz`: evolution-data-server cannot be removed. Leave that alone. It's not part of Evolution (mail).10:49
mariusz`oh, okay, thanks!10:49
sharemariusz`: just remove "evolution"10:49
sharethe rest is part of ubuntu10:50
=== antons is now known as anton__
magik-ok i got the partition to mount thats on the same disk as my os software... i have a 2nd disk i'd like to mount but when i ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid it doesn't list10:53
red2kicmagik-: Try "sudo blkid" -- or "sudo fdisk -l"10:54
martinZGRhi, does anyone use ffmpeg or mencoder to convert AVI/DivX file to mp4/H264 file? what command do you use?10:54
sacarlsonmagik-: maybe that disk isn't formated,  if not it has no uuid yet10:55
=== serg is now known as Guest40962
Dr_WillismartinZGR:  i use 'winff' as a front end to ffmpeg. it can even show the command line its using.10:55
Dr_WillismartinZGR:  the ffmpeg faq/docs give examples as well. and i recall there being some h264 faq/site that had tips for optmizing the conversions10:56
Dr_WillismartinZGR:  or see -> http://www.rodrigopolo.com/ffmpeg/10:57
magik-thanks.. you guys are the best most awesome community ever10:57
magik-I thought i lost my shiznit10:57
Gabigood day , how can i install crond ? ( ./run: 3: crond: not found )10:58
motaka2there is no man here who can help me instal php memcache?10:59
sacarlsonGabi: it's probly running,  try ps -A |grep cron10:59
TheMusicGuyI keep having this problem where KDE apps keep going into fullscreen mode on their own and I can't get them out except by manually deleting things from each app's config files.11:00
TheMusicGuyIt only affects KDE apps; for example, kprofile, and kcachegrind11:00
oCean!info php5-memcache | motaka211:00
ubottumotaka2: php5-memcache (source: php-memcache): memcache extension module for PHP5. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.4-4 (maverick), package size 44 kB, installed size 176 kB11:00
fructoseI just installed on a HP ProBook 4250s and the wifi LED light continuously flashes, very annoyingly. I've checked the forums, but the solutions there don't appear to apply to the driver it's using. Can anyone help?11:01
staplefoodubuntu: hi! what's the most convincing word to persuade someone like me to switch to ubuntu and install right away?11:01
sacarlsonstaplefood: freedom11:01
Dr_Willisstaplefood:  'money'11:02
staplefoodfreedom and money11:02
Dr_Willisstaplefood:  'viruses'11:02
fructosestaplefood: pumpernickel11:02
staplefoodDr_Willis: I will be careful with viruses11:02
staplefoodit's not security through obscurity11:02
Dr_Willisstaplefood:  biggest danger to a ubuntu box - is the end user doing somthing stupid..11:02
fructoseDr_Willis: Or bad hardware support11:03
DrManhattanpebcak error is big11:03
Dr_Willisbiggest danger to a windows box i find is the end user.. OR the OS doing somting stupid.11:03
staplefoodporn and warez <---11:03
staplefoodif you get involve with those11:03
hovefirseHi folks. I'm running MM on my media server. I'd like to install a package found for LL, but not yet for MM. Any trick for achieving this, or would I have to compile/wait for a MM-tailored package?11:03
Dr_WillisI run 'virus/malware' tools in wine. to see what they 'do' :)11:03
=== Marc is now known as Guest25748
jetman36anyone in here good with networking issues?11:04
gobbe!anyone | jetman3611:05
ubottujetman36: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:05
sacarlsonjetman36: that's a broad subject11:05
Dr_Willisa VERy broad subject.11:05
staplefoodjetman36: social?11:05
jetman36meh, just a rather unusual problem is all11:06
jetman36im in the army and am curently deployed11:06
jetman36im trying to set up ubuntu 32bit 10.10 to connect to the wireless network here11:06
jetman36but it uses the PPPoE protocal to log into the network to get online11:07
ph8hey all11:08
ph8my sound's just stopped working11:08
ph8it was working fine before shutdown last night11:08
ph8i'm on a relatively new install of 10.1011:08
FloodBot3ph8: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:08
ph8all i've done recently is install akregator - which obviously installed lots of KDE stuff, but would that mess up the sound after a reboot only?11:08
hovefirse...hi folks. I'm running MM on my media server. I'd like to install a package found for LL, but not yet for MM. Any trick for achieving this, or would I have to compile/wait for a MM-tailored package?11:09
caroline_Hi. I need some grub help. My laptop (EeePC 1201) is dualboot Ubuntu/Win7. When I run update-grub, it says a Vista bootloader was found of /dev/sda3. But /dev/sda3 is a Fat32 partition that contains the ASUS recovery. Windows is /dev/sda1. How do I tell that to grub? Right now when I choose Windows in grub, it boots sda3 which offers to wipe my HDD and reinstall Windows...11:09
PoshepocketI'm using Ubuntu and for some weird reason, it will "hibernate" and "suspend" but it'll never open up again. D:11:09
ph8It's worth mentioning I still here sound when i type "pulseaudio -k" - I get a little 'shhhhp' shutdown sound, but spotify and xine-ui don't make sounds anymore and in fact both freezeup when they start playing11:09
ph8Poshepocket:  Do you have any encryption?11:09
jetman36i need a way to set up a PPPoE connection over a wireless network11:09
Poshepocketph8, what's that?11:10
ph8guess not then :p11:10
PoshepocketIt's supposed to WAKE UP after I unhibernate or unsuspend it. But it never does.11:10
sacarlsonjetman36: I would assume they use a wpa encryption at least,  try wpagui  with wpasupplicant11:10
sacarlsonjetman36: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man8/wpa_gui.8.html11:10
Bipul`Poshepocket, what version of ubuntu are you using11:11
Dr_WillisPoshepocket:  with all the differnt MB/Chipset makers - Hibernate and suspend. can be tricky,.,.  or it can work great. :( its just the way things are.11:11
jetman36thank you, hopefully that will have the info i need11:11
PoshepocketBipul`, how do I check which version of ubuntu I'm using. I'm pretty sure it's a newish version.11:12
hovefirsePoshePocket: cat /etc/issue11:13
Bipul`Poshepocket,  uname -ar11:13
sharejust uname -a11:13
share-r release?11:13
shareit gives me the same output11:13
Poshepocketubuntu 10.04.1 errm also 2.6.32-27-generic11:13
Bodsdashare: -r shows you the kernel version11:14
sharekernel release11:14
Bipul`yes r for kernel release11:14
Poshepocketso I'm meant to type in "-r"11:15
Bipul`Poshepocket,  open you Terminal and Type uname -ar11:15
BodsdaI tend to use    cat /etc/apt/sources.list | head -n 1    for finding my ubuntu version, as it gives the numbers and name11:15
Poshepocketkernal release is 2.6.32-27-generic11:15
Dr_WillisPoshepocket: the command is 'uname -a'11:15
PoshepocketBipul`, yes.... then?11:15
hovefirseSorry for nagging...but is it at all possible to install a package for a previous release? An LL-package to MM?11:15
shareDr_Willis: it doesnt say maverick11:15
shareor 10.1011:15
Bipul`Bodsda,  thats also good to finde :)11:16
Dr_Willishovefirse:  perhaps possible.. but not a good idea11:16
Bipul`then past the result11:16
hovefirsePoshePocket: Try cat /etc/issue11:16
Bodsdahovefirse: sure, you can grab packages for any version from  packages.ubuntu.com11:16
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »11:16
Bipul`Poshepocket,  past the result in ubuntu pastbin11:16
PoshepocketBipul`, I got 2.6.32-27-generic.11:16
PoshepocketHow do I use pastebin, how do I even copy from a terminal window.11:17
hovefirseOf course, I'd like to do it automagically, through apt-get11:17
sacarlsonhovefirse: that's dependent on it's dependancies11:17
Dr_WillisPoshepocket:  install  the 'pastebinit' command and use that. Makes it easy11:17
IsrafelPoshepocket, Ctrl-Shift- V and C11:17
Poshepocket2.6.32-27-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP11:17
Dr_Willislsb_release -a | pastebinit11:17
fructoseif ubuntu installs an incorrect network driver by default, what's the best way to fix it?11:17
Dr_WillisPoshepocket:  theres also the 'select' then 'middle click in a window' method.11:17
Poshepocketyep. I did that.11:18
Bipul`Poshepocket,  check this paste.ubuntu.com/11:18
hovefirsesacarlson: It's a plugin to VDR (a video recorder), so methinks it should be quite safe...11:18
PoshepocketIs what I did up there useful?11:18
Dr_Willisfructose:  uninstall it with the pacakge manager. then install the proper one.11:18
hovefirseWhat would I need to tweak to install it with apt-get?11:18
fructoseDr_Willis: How do you locate new drivers with the package manager?11:18
sacarlsonhovefirse: you can set pin in synaptic to set a version of a package you want to keep or move to11:18
fructoseDr_Willis: Or even locate the old ones11:19
caroline_Anyone? Please?11:19
Dr_Willisfructose:  Ive rarely needed to.  depends on the device11:19
caroline_Hi. I need some grub help. My laptop (EeePC 1201) is dualboot Ubuntu/Win7. When I run update-grub, it says a Vista bootloader was found of /dev/sda3. But /dev/sda3 is a Fat32 partition that contains the ASUS recovery. Windows is /dev/sda1. How do I tell that to grub? Right now when I choose Windows in grub, it boots sda3 which offers to wipe my HDD and reinstall Windows...11:19
Dr_Willisfructose:  pacakage maanger has a search feature. theres also the 'addational drivers' tool.11:19
hovefirsesacarlson: Where di I do that (I run my server in terminal mode - no GUI).11:19
areonHello pleas i need help with Wi-fi11:19
sacarlsonhovefirse: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:20
PoshepocketBipul`, http://paste.ubuntu.com/551757/11:20
hovefirsesacarson: Cheers!11:20
sacarlsonhovefirse: it can be done in apt-get also11:20
areonje tu nějakěj čech?11:20
Bipul`Poshepocket,  yes you are using ubuntu 10.04 lucid11:20
Bipul`and that's a 32 bit11:21
PoshepocketBipul`, does that mean that I can't "suspend" and "hibernate"11:21
hovefirsesacarson: "Pinning is a process that allows you to remain on a stable release of Ubuntu (or any other debian system) while grabbing packages from a more recent version." But I'd like to grab packages from *earlier* versions...same procedure, anyway?11:21
fructoseDr_Willis: Yeah, the drivers dont show up in any of my searches11:21
Bipul`Poshepocket,  nops it does not that mean actully just give me a time to think on you problem11:22
oCean!cz | areon11:22
ubottuareon: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.11:22
sacarlsonhovefirse: I guess worst case you run with both repositories in your list but not very wise in my opinion11:23
Bipul`Poshepocket,  are you on laptop ?11:23
areonoCean: so sorry  but ubuntu-cz not working11:23
PoshepocketBipul`, yep11:23
kyle___i used recordmydesktop GUI, the output file is .ogv.  how can i make this a avi or mp4, mpeg??11:23
hovefirsesacarlson: Doing it temporarily? Just while installing the desired package, then removing the old repo?11:24
sasorineed help, i am using vmware, then I loaded the iso ubuntu 10.10 x86, while vmware is installing, there's a message saying "you can login your user and password"  else wait for the graphical user interface to get installed11:24
hovefirsesacarlson: Would that feel safer...?11:24
Bipul`http://www.linux.com/news/hardware/laptops/8253-how-to-suspend-and-hibernate-a-laptop-under-linux Just read this might be it will help ful to you11:24
sasoriwhen i tried to log in, i was able to log, but now i don't see  any GUI anymore11:24
Dr_Williskyle___:  winff, ffmpeg, mencoder, or other front ends to those11:24
sasorishould I restart the machine ?11:24
oCeanareon: ok. but this is english only11:24
sacarlsonhovefirse: I guess you could just download the deb file and try load it and find what dependinses you end up seeing at install with dpkg11:24
hovefirsesacarlson: Probably smarter...I'm not too familiar with that process...any walkthroughs on the net you'd recommend?11:25
kyle___Dr_Willis: You don't happen to know if i can change the output file so i don't have to convert after..11:25
Bipul`Poshepocket,  check this also http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/5461011:25
Dr_Williskyle___:  i leave them as ogv.11:25
Dr_Williskyle___:  check the programs settings i guess.11:25
sacarlsonhovefirse: you sure just the pinning won't work?11:26
hovefirsesacarlson: No, never done it - I just quoted the link you sent me.11:27
hovefirsesacarlson: But, experimenting is half the fun! I'll start by downloading the .deb-file and fool around with it!11:27
sacarlsonhovefirse: in my case danger experiments I keep in virtualbox,  I just delete them after I have my fun with an idea11:28
PoshepocketBipul`, I've tried installing that apmd thing but it's still not letting me 'suspend"11:28
Bipul`Guys can any one help me in compiling Gyachi on ubuntu10.10 as it got some issue with this file  i hop so  http://paste.ubuntu.com/551759/11:29
sasorianyone ?11:29
hovefirsesacarlson: Probably clever - but this is just a plugin to an application I use, so I consider it somewhat safe...11:29
sasorihow come i don't see a GUI in my newly installed ubuntu 10.10 in vmware ?11:29
Bipul`Poshepocket,  ok hold up let me look at tat11:29
sasoriall i see is a black screen where i can do login and type commands11:29
dmzdaHow can I find out if I have a PCI Express slot on my Mobo?11:29
dmzdaWithout opening my pc up :P11:30
TheMusicGuyWhy do all these KDE applications keep going into fullscreen mode by themselves? Why can't I get them back to normal?11:30
sacarlsonsasori: if you want gui try virtualbox11:31
sasorisacarlson: does that mean the VMware can't really show an ubuntu 10.10 with a graphical user interface similar from what the ubuntu site describes ?11:32
sasorii mean the ubuntu site shows a nice ubuntu with stuffs that are clickable,,so you mean vmware can't show those stuff up ?11:32
sacarlsonsasori: not sure11:33
sasorihmmn ok thanks11:33
Dr_Willissasori: :  you did install the desktop edition?11:33
ravenhow to connect partimage to ubuntu?11:34
sacarlsonraven: like iso image?11:34
ravensacarlson, to make the backup over the network to another machine11:34
=== b_ is now known as Guest5481
aaafcan somebody explain to me what the service utility is there for?11:36
aaafit just anoys when calling /etc/init.d scripts11:36
aaafbut does not itself call all init scripts correct11:36
sacarlsonraven: I see it availabel in packages apt-get install partimage11:38
tracetoSomeone here that can recommend a good terminal font?11:39
ravensacarlson, i found a partimage-server but now i have a versions mismatch......11:39
ravensacarlson, do you know how to update partimage on the sysresccd live system using any app-installler?11:39
sacarlsonraven: well fix it one one side or the other if ubuntu is the only choice ppa or go back a version with pin11:40
ravensacarlson, what is pin?11:40
bazhang!pinning > raven11:40
ubotturaven, please see my private message11:40
sacarlsonraven: wow two people in just 10 min ask that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:41
lukafulmineciao a tutti!!!!11:44
bazhang!it | lukafulmine11:45
ubottulukafulmine: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:45
ouyeshi all , I have three movie players and I prefer vlc , how to set vlc the default player when I double click a movie file?11:45
zywhello everyone my name is zye11:45
jrib!default | ouyes11:45
ubottuouyes: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.11:45
zywI come from china11:45
bazhangzyw, ubuntu support question?11:45
zywyes I like ubuntu11:46
bazhangzyw, here is support, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic11:46
ouyesjrib, no mate it does not word11:46
Marchitosi have a big trouble11:47
jribouyes: yes it does.  What exactly did you do?11:47
Marchitosi setup the mirror on my LAN11:47
G25How do I know whether I have a package installed? I know its name.11:47
jribG25: apt-cache policy PACKAGE11:47
Marchitosand ubuntu installer says that the mirror  version is not correct -_-'11:47
zywfrist name :zhang11:47
zywlast name : yunwei11:47
sacarlsonG25: you can look in synaptic with search11:47
jribzyw: welcome, do you have an ubuntu support question?11:48
bazhangzyw, thats not an ubuntu support question11:48
ouyesjrib, I want that, when I double click on a video file, the vlc will open the file not mplayer11:48
zywjust so-so11:48
zywthank you11:48
G25scrooloose: no gui. trying jrib's apt-cache policy11:48
jribouyes: I know what you want.  I told you how to do it and I asked you exactly what you did11:48
ouyesjrib, I did exactly as the robot tell me but it does not work11:49
ouyesjrib, I told you it did not work11:49
jribouyes: don't say "as the robot tell me".  Tell me in your own words exactly the steps you took.11:49
zywmy English is not good11:49
zywi'm good at chinese ,11:49
jrib!cn | zyw11:50
ubottuzyw: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk11:50
zywthank you very much11:50
zywwhere are you from11:50
bazhangzyw, this is not the channel for this11:50
bazhangzyw, try #ubuntu-offtopic11:51
zywok thank you11:51
jribouyes: do you understand what I need you to do so that I can help you?11:51
zywspeak chinese11:52
ouyesjrib, ok I made mistake, It works now11:52
jribouyes: cool11:52
ouyesjrib, thanks11:52
jribzyw: #ubuntu-cn for that, not here11:52
G25!cn > zyw11:53
ubottuzyw, please see my private message11:53
netnicknaamHi all. How can I install the netbook interface for ubuntu 10.10 when I already have genome? I cant seem to find the package11:54
basilgobbe: are you there ?11:54
Marchitosthe error is this: WARNING **: mirror does not support the specified release ( maverick )11:54
sacarlsonMarchitos: try another mirror server,  like japan11:56
Marchitosit's a mirror on my LAN11:57
bazhangMarchitos, pastebin the sources.list please11:57
sacarlsonMarchitos: well as it looks your lan mirror isn't updated to support maverick,  so change mirror or update the lan mirror server11:59
=== jofo_ is now known as jofo
Marchitosi've mount the maverick image on it..12:01
Marchitosmaybe CRC error..12:02
bazhangMarchitos, pastebin your sources.list please12:02
=== sleep277 is now known as bustedup277
qdbhello. how to hear what you say to microphone immediately from load speakers/headphones ?12:13
qdbhello. how to hear what you say to microphone immediately from load speakers/headphones in ubuntu 9.10 ?12:13
zywnobody can say me chinese12:13
skiingHi.... My Quick Launch Buttons on Keyboard don't work... Anybody know how to do is functionally?12:14
LjL!cn | zyw12:14
ubottuzyw: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk12:14
bazhangzyw, wrong channel as we have said many times12:14
LjLzyw: please not here12:14
bazhangzyw, english here only.12:14
bazhangzyw, /join #ubuntu-cn12:14
SamuraiAlbaNi hao12:15
zywni hao12:15
LjLSamuraiAlba: don't make it worse ;P12:15
ravenwhat is the new command to restart services?12:15
bazhangSamuraiAlba, thats not helping12:15
zywi need trouble12:15
LjLraven: sudo service blah restart12:15
zywsome trouble12:15
LjLhe's had trouble12:15
ravenstill have partimage-server versions mismatch..... what can i do?12:16
SamuraiAlbaljl, I could curse in Mandarin :)12:16
raventhere is NO compatibility12:16
* SamuraiAlba studied it through Rosetta Stone12:16
ruif13hi, it's possible to upgrade from 6.2 core to the last version 7?12:16
bazhangruif13, core what?12:17
skiingPlease... my quick launch buttons on keyboard don't work... do anybody know how to fix it?12:17
ruif13sorry i copy12:17
ruif13:) past from my report12:17
sacarlsonraven: what version is on the side you can't change?12:17
ravensacarlson, i changed both but WHY is there NO compatibility between any version12:18
ruif13i have an site with drupal 6.2  and i need to upgrade to the last version12:18
ruif13can i?12:18
jribruif13: #drupalsupport12:18
bazhangruif13, with a PPA perhaps. its fully unsupported though12:18
thedukehi guys, I'm running Ubuntu Desktop and I'm trying to disable startup jobs with update-rc.d, but when I type eg sudo update-rc.d apache2 disable I get the output "Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/apache2 ..."  and immediately after "Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/apache2 ..."12:18
thedukeso they are all re-added right away12:18
thedukesoemthing i m missing?12:18
sacarlsonraven: maybe just use the dd command to create a image of the partition and rsync that file12:19
jribtheduke: well it's probably modifying the links so that apache would *not* start... but are you sure apache isn't use an upstart script anyway?12:20
ravensacarlson, to difficult for a thing that should be so simple...12:20
sacarlsonraven: what two lines instead of one?12:20
ouyeshi all, I  use vlc to play a movie x264, 6.5GB, I felt the image stoped from time to time? do I need to make some confirguration with vlc to play this movie?12:21
ravensacarlson, only one hdd inside the machine, dd dumpts also the empty parts, so everything and time is the reason12:22
nunyais there some way to skip the GRUB loader, or make the countdown like 2 seconds?12:22
ouyesnunya, there is a way to make a 2 seconds12:23
sacarlsonraven: well the rsync might compress it before it sends it12:23
ravennot the very best option12:23
ouyesnunya, sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg12:23
oCeannunya: edit /etc/default/grub, set GRUB_TIMEOUT=212:23
white_rhi! I've some problems copying files from a fat partition to an NTFS partition, because the names of some files contain accents. What can I do, beside manually renaming all files?12:23
bazhangouyes, never edit that file directly12:24
Mrokiihello. Is there a way to play a Video-CD that is just mounted from an ISO-image (not a real CD)?12:24
bazhangMrokii, via vlc sure12:24
ouyesbazhang, WHY?12:24
bazhangouyes, its in the grub2 wiki12:24
oCeannunya: after changing the value in /etc/default/grub, run the command "sudo update-grub"12:24
bazhang!grub2 | ouyes have a read12:25
ubottuouyes have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:25
Mrokiibazhang: But how? I can't use the vlc-device and I don't know how else I should start the video-CD or which file(s) I should choose in vlc.12:25
ravensacarlson, how to install partimaged 0.6.9 on ubuntu 10.4?12:25
bazhangMrokii, right click open with vlc12:25
Mrokiibazhang: Thanks, I will try that.12:26
ox3aFor education purpose i am customizing ubuntu (already success). Now how can change "Ubuntu" Name?12:26
bazhang!remaster > ox3a12:26
ubottuox3a, please see my private message12:26
ox3abazhang, everything done ... Just need to change the name12:27
andrewaxI've compile linux 2.6.37 for Ubuntu 10.0412:27
sacarlsonraven that's a beta release you would have to compile it,  the 6.8.1 is available in ppa12:27
ouyesbazhang, Is there an configuration in vlc that can accelarate the playing effect, I get a movie played but the image stops from time to time , I lost frames12:28
bazhangouyes, rip the file to something more playable?12:28
ravensacarlson, i have 0.6.9 on the newest release of sysresccd12:28
nunyawhat is the command to mute/unmute?12:28
sacarlsonraven: you can look deeper in ppa but I think it will require compile12:28
ResQueif i search a man file using /searchString how can i then step through all the occurrences of that searchString in the document12:30
jribResQue: n and N12:30
ResQuejrib thank you12:30
thomccan anybody help me understand the output of the free command?12:30
jribResQue: man less :)12:30
sacarlsonraven: I'm sure you know where the source is http://www.partimage.org/Download12:31
jribthomc: maybe if you're more specific...12:31
ox3aJust give the place address that where to change12:31
thomcjrib, sorry. i'm not sure what the -/+ buffers/cache means?12:31
jribthomc: basically that's memory that's being used for buffers/cache but if it's needed by a program, the program will get it12:32
jribthomc: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ is fun to read12:33
thomcjrib, great, that link is very informative - thanks!12:34
giantpunehi guys, im having trouble with ubuntu's auto key repeat.  no matter what i set it to in the keyboard preferences, autorepeat simply doesnt work for me12:36
kaiyinwhat is the command for opening a shell in a split window?12:36
nitroprdezSo...I have this problem and I'm sure there's simple solution to it. Is anyone willing to help me?12:36
sacarlsonraven: I also note that there is a partimage-ng  not sure if it's better or worse but seems to be a branch https://launchpad.net/partimage-ng12:37
sasorihi, i didn't touch it while installing, i think it got stuck like this http://i54.tinypic.com/2m7i6th.jpg what should i do ?12:37
giantpuneevery time i open the keyboard preferences, all the values are set back to 012:37
jribnitroprdez: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:37
kaiyinwhat is the emacs command for commenting a single line?12:38
jribkaiyin: try #emacs12:39
nitroprdezok. I am the only person that uses this computer so I don't want to enter keyring or administrator password every time I log in/install certain application/come back while computer is in hibernate mode.12:39
nitroprdezIs there anything like once typed MASTER password?12:40
rumpe2nitroprdez, sure ... but it's really not recommended. You can deactivate screensaver-locking for hibernation and autologin for your session, but for administration you shouldn't change it.12:41
dosydoo1234hi any wine experts here ? for ubuntu 10.10 am having some problems12:41
bazhang#winehq dosydoo123412:42
dosydoo1234baxhang everyone ine winehq seems to be asleep12:42
bazhangdosydoo1234, thats where the experts are12:43
gobbebasil: now i am12:43
zhenbeijuhello everyone12:43
giantpuneperhaps ubuntu will allow me to set a global breakpoint?  i just want to know which program is resetting my autorepeat12:43
moszerhello everyone, need help, trying to get this pocket modem working,please help12:45
ox3aplease guy help12:46
basilgobbe: Hi , I tried that drbd on vanilla ubuntu server. It worked . thanks :)12:46
nitroprdez@rumpa2 rumpa2: thanks for advice. I found out how to do that. You'll see me no more if i succeeded. :D Gonna try it now!12:46
thespawnmanis there a way to watch blu ray on linux without ripping it id like to be able to delete my windows partistion12:47
basilgobbe: so the problem was with that distro(turnkey linux)12:48
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap12:48
gobbebasil: np :)12:48
mattlichim new there ;)12:48
gobbebasil: i thought that there might be issues with it, i have tried few turnkey packed ready appliances (wiki's, etc) and all of them had problems :-)12:49
mattlichhi german man12:49
gobbe!anyone | moszer12:49
ubottumoszer: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:50
basilI 'm a small contributor to turnkeylinux. If u can list those bugs , it would be nice12:50
basilgobbe: I 'm a small contributor to turnkeylinux. If u can list those bugs , it would be nice12:50
mattlichsearch on google :P12:50
gobbebasil: i could list them next week, i have them written down at office :)12:50
moszerubottu: sorry, i don't mean to be rude12:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:51
basilgobbe: It got one forum. please list them in that forum http://www.turnkeylinux.org/forum12:51
moszerDoes anyone knows how to make a pocket modem to work on ubuntu?12:51
* share googles pocket modem12:52
nicolas_im trying to install vlc and this message appears everytime im trying...12:52
nicolas_Failed to fetch http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libc/libcdio/libiso9660-7_0.81-4_i386.deb 404  Not Found12:52
sharenicolas_: why dont u install it from repositories?12:52
sharesudo apt-get install vlc12:53
gobbeshare: well, the error is from apt12:53
nicolas_ive tried....12:53
sharenicolas_: change the server12:53
nicolas_how??? :P12:53
sharesystem preferences software sources12:53
share"down from"12:54
nicolas_im a new ubuntu user you see... :(12:54
share"*download from"12:54
shareclick on choose server12:54
shareand click select best server (with lowest ping)12:54
shareubuntu should do it by default anyway..12:54
nicolas_ill try out... thnx share12:55
gobbeand there's no system->preferences->software sources either ;)12:55
sharenicolas_: open ubuntu software center12:55
sharein applications12:55
sharegobbe: it's just hidden :P12:56
shareyou can edit the menus and enable the shortcut12:56
gobbeshare: i know12:56
ox3aperhaps i need help from OP for a simple problem12:57
ravenwhat is the pendant to apt in sysresccd?12:57
nicolas_share: thank you very much man... i appreciate it ;)12:58
shareox3a: what problem12:58
sharenicolas_: glad to help12:58
ox3ashare, i am trying to customize ubunt12:58
nunyais there some quick way to switch between window managers without logging out and back in?12:58
ravenwhat is the pendant to apt in sysresccd?12:59
ox3ashare, Everything done but only one problem12:59
icesword!info sysresccd12:59
ubottuPackage sysresccd does not exist in maverick12:59
ox3ashare, Changing the "Ubuntu" name to my choice13:00
horseatingweedsIs there a software package called "samba-client"?13:00
ox3ashare, How can i do it ?13:00
rumpe2!info  samba-client13:00
ubottuPackage samba-client does not exist in maverick13:00
share12:59:10  ox3a share, Everything done but only one problem13:01
sharewhat problem?..13:01
ox3ashare, Changing the "Ubuntu" name to my choice13:01
hippietrailis the monitor settings tool from the desktop edition also available somewhere in the netbook remix?13:01
sharefrom where ox3a13:01
ox3ashare, ?13:02
horseatingweedsDoes samba-client exist in 10.04 Lucid Linx?13:02
share"ubuntu" appears in many places?13:02
ox3ashare, oh13:02
ox3ashare, Everywhere but important is when booting(the screen)13:03
farhanshahid2009i need help13:04
ox3ashare, How can i do that?13:04
shareox3a: https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=851&q=change+ubuntu+boot+screen&aq=o&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=13:04
farhanshahid2009why cant .debs made for ubuntu 10.04 work on ubuntu 9.04???????????13:05
sharefarhanshahid2009: it's for a newer version..13:05
zywi want to join china ubuntu13:05
share!cn | zyw13:06
ubottuzyw: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk13:06
bazhangzyw, you are there already. please stop it.13:06
iceswordzyw, huh?13:06
sharehe is.13:07
thespawnmanis there a way to watch blu ray on linux without ripping it id like to be able to delete my windows partition13:07
bazhangthespawnman, mplayer can13:07
moszerdoes anyone knows how to configure pocket modem?13:07
sharethespawnman: lxBDplayer13:07
gobbethespawnman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD13:07
tappii cba to check the logs if someone answered this yesterday but is ubuntu available to non-desktop users?13:08
bazhangtappi, netbook? server?13:08
gobbetappi: yes13:08
gobbetappi: server edition13:08
bazhangtappi, sure.13:08
tappihow bout netbook?13:08
tappii have that too13:08
bazhangas well13:08
LjLthere is a netbook edition too13:08
tappiwhy'd you ask then :p13:08
bazhang!une | tappi13:08
ubottutappi: Ubuntu Netbook Edition is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu13:09
gobbetappi: netbook-edition, but it's just same as desktop + unity13:09
tappiah damnit13:09
tappii meant, ubuntu one13:09
tappii have ubuntu server edition and netbook remix13:10
bazhangtappi, perhaps #ubuntuone can answer13:10
tappiie. can it be used in a terminal13:10
tappii see13:10
hippietrailwhen booting 10.10 from the live cd stalls, can i find an error diagnostic somewhere?13:11
minushow can i have my ext4 fs mounted like ubuntu mounts ntfs? (files belong to root:plugdev and plugdev users have write access)13:11
ox3aI do not see : /boot/grub/menu.ls13:11
bazhangox3a, its gone with grub213:12
bazhang!grub2 > ox3a13:12
ubottuox3a, please see my private message13:12
farhanshahid2009i need help13:16
zywgood lucky13:16
ox3abazhang, But i installed windows first13:16
guntbertfarhanshahid2009: with what?13:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:17
bazhangox3a, so? grub2 is not dependent on there being windows or not13:17
hellyeahiş need help my touch pad doesnt work13:17
ox3abazhang, #13:17
ox3aGrub 2 uses uses boot/grub/grub.cfg.      is it?13:17
hellyeahmy touch pad doesnt work pls help13:18
bazhangox3a, you did check the wiki link I gave you, right?13:18
fhdHi. I need to install the VideoLAN player on a fresh Ubuntu Netbook Edition that is not connected to the internet. I've looked up its dependencies on packages.ubuntu.com, but how can I find out whether any of these is part of a standard installation?13:18
farhanshahid2009i wanna know why .debs for ubuntu 10.10 cant work on ubuntu 9.0413:18
ox3abazhang, yeah13:18
erUSUL!offline | fhd13:19
ubottufhd: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD13:19
gobbefarhanshahid2009: because they are meant for 10.10, and there are not same package-versions available in 9.0413:19
ox3abazhang, I am using 10.10 ; is it Grub ?13:19
ravenhow to install a special version of a tool13:19
guntbertfarhanshahid2009: because they use different versions of libraries, and maybe different config files, and ....13:19
bazhangox3a, grub213:20
minusshould i resend my question if noone answers after 5 mins?13:20
farhanshahid2009means if i am stuck with old software if i dont upgrade??13:20
erUSUL!patience | minus13:20
ubottuminus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:20
bazhangfarhanshahid2009, and eol13:20
guntbertminus: wait for 15 minutes before repeating please13:21
bazhang!eol > farhanshahid200913:21
ubottufarhanshahid2009, please see my private message13:21
minuserUSUL: don't pipe patience into me :(13:21
minusi'll go spam the forums then :D13:22
fhdubottu: Sounds good, but I fear I don't have access to the box right now :(13:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:22
ravenhow to install a special version of a tool13:22
erUSULminus: why? it contains tips on what to do while you wait here for your answers here.13:23
ox3abazhang, if it is Grub2 then it grub.cfg instead of menu.lst?13:23
fhdubottu: I tried to do it on my box, but I'll probably miss some dependnecies even if I uninstall VLC now13:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:23
fhdTalking to robots now, eh? :)13:23
erUSULfhd: you used the synaptic dwonload script and it failed?13:23
fhderUSUL: No, I just learned about that feature. Pretty neat, but I don't have access to the box where I want to install packages on.13:24
jribminus: ext4 doesn't work like that.13:24
fhderUSUL: That is, not before downloading.13:24
minusjrib i figured, there's no gid/uid mount options like for ntfs13:24
erUSULfhd: then use the webpage linked in the factoid13:25
farhanshahid2009what if i cant upgrade?13:25
jribminus: right13:25
minussetguid flag on directories works13:25
minusfor groups13:25
minusbut setuid doesnt >_>13:25
jribminus: no, that doesn't do what you want either13:25
minusjrib: it did13:25
fhderUSUL: Oh, I missed that. That's neat :)13:25
jribminus: then what you want is not what you asked.  Can you rephrase what you want to do?13:25
blacknightany programmers here ?13:25
minusnewly created files belonged to the parent dir's group13:26
erUSULminus: check on using posix acl's if standar unix permissions are not enough13:26
blacknighti wanna a help at python13:26
jribblacknight: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)13:26
jribblacknight: ask in #python13:26
minuserUSUL: hm thank's, i'll check that out13:26
blacknightno body answer there13:26
jribblacknight: be patient13:26
erUSUL!info eiciel13:26
ubottueiciel (source: eiciel): graphical editor for POSIX ACLs and extended user attributes. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-1 (maverick), package size 451 kB, installed size 1048 kB13:26
fhderUSUL: Looks good, although the number of dependnecies is suspiciously high13:27
jribblacknight: and you haven't asked recently...13:27
erUSULfhd: looks like the only option you got13:27
blacknighthow i can be a programmer13:27
blacknightlooks like i'll never13:28
jribblacknight: docs.python.org13:28
bazhang!ot > blacknight13:28
ubottublacknight, please see my private message13:28
fhderUSUL: Still good enough :) Now I'm just wondering if this will also work on Ubuntu _Netbook_Edition_. Couldn't select it in the dropdown.13:28
cutiyariam from iraq,  i want apps that can i watch tv online free?13:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:28
jribcutiyar: that's not an ubuntu question13:28
bazhangcutiyar, try miro13:28
^Phantom^I *knewI there was on offtopic channel, I just couldn't remember the name to save my life!13:28
jribcutiyar: because watching tv online has nothing to do with ubuntu13:29
cutiyarbazhang, ihave it but i can see the tv s list?13:29
cutiyarjrib, mr i wanted package13:29
bazhangcutiyar, more like web tv (youtube etc)13:29
bazhang!info tvtime13:29
ubottutvtime (source: tvtime): television display application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-6.1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 687 kB, installed size 1972 kB13:29
blacknighti wanna start programming from the start13:30
jribblacknight: go to docs.python.org and read the tutorials there.  For more help, go to #python13:31
d3centedblacknight: also check out php.net13:32
tappilol don't13:33
mattlichhi again :)13:33
mattlichi`m updating my system lol13:33
cdbs!lol | mattlich13:35
ubottumattlich: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.13:35
* icesword suspects he's a troll13:37
jubeican somebody help troubleshoot the installation? it freezes. I've Ctrl-Alt-F1 to a different TTY and wanna figure out what's wrong13:39
gobbejubei: desktop-installation?13:39
gobbejubei: what is last thing you see13:39
jubeigobbe: I uuhm... it starts the graphical environment13:39
Dr_Willisjubei:  if using nvidia (or ati perhaps) try the 'nomodeset' option (space on boot screen/shows man, F6)13:40
jubeigobbe: and then on the 1st step of the graphical install where you choose "fetch stuff from the internet" and install 3rd party styuff.. it freezes there13:40
gobbejubei: are you running installation from desktop-cd?13:41
jubeigobbe: yes13:41
gobbejubei: have you tried alternative-installer?13:41
jubeigobbe: uuhhm... haven't.13:41
jubeithat's an option from the main menu of the cd?13:41
TimothyAhow do I install the latest perl version on ubuntu 8.04?13:42
TimothyAwell, rather, upgrading13:42
jubeiDr_Willis: will try it thank you.13:43
moszerdoes anyone knows how to configure pocket modem/broadband?13:44
TimothyAanyone? :x13:44
rs0832TimothyA, ?13:45
=== bustedup277 is now known as away277
TimothyAI'm trying to upgrade from perl 5.8 to at least 5.10 or 5.1213:45
shareis there a way to use normal connection and VPN at same time? (without virtualmachine)13:45
moszeranyone? please help me13:45
AivarasKiviliusWhat is the command cold if from output i what only one value? Grep show all line, how to replace some text from line too?13:45
rs0832share, i think there is, yes13:46
AivarasKiviliusHello, neriukas :D13:46
rs0832TimothyA, what version of ubuntu are you using?13:46
jribAR_: you need to rephrase your question.  I can't understand it13:46
sharers0832: ie, ethernet and wireless is possible too?13:46
jribAivarasKivilius: you need to rephrase your question.  I can't understand it13:46
TimothyAubuntu 8.0413:46
rs0832share, i think as long as you have 1 nic for each connection it should be fine13:46
neriukashello AivarasKivilius :D13:47
sharers0832: what u mean13:47
rs0832TimothyA, hmm you may be able to download the package from packages.ubuntu.com but there will almost definitely be some unsatisfiable dependancies unless you upgrade to v 10 of ubuntu13:47
gobbejubei: no, it's different cd13:48
rs0832share, do you need to connect with a wireless modem? usb ?13:48
jubeigobbe: kk13:48
TimothyAI still have an CentOS 5 box... but that one also has perl 5.8 in the repos13:48
gobbejubei: meant for cases where live-installer is not working13:48
sharers0832: im using ethernet and i have a pen wireless13:49
rs0832share, if you want to connect the wireless and ethernet to the internet(a normal connection) i am not sure13:49
rs0832share, have you created the connections yet?13:50
jribTimothyA: what version do you need?13:50
TimothyA5.10 at least13:50
ox3ahello rs083213:50
=== JosefAssad is now known as Guest77113
Guest77113quick question. A friend with a Macbook wants to try a livecd. Is it just the regular one that works regardless of being a mac or regular PC?13:50
rs0832ox3a, hi13:50
TimothyAan script is having problems with the threading with 5.8 ;>_>13:50
sharers0832: im more interest in using normal connection and vpn at same time13:51
jribTimothyA: upgrade to at least ubuntu 10.0413:51
TimothyAwon't that break my box?13:51
sharebut dunno if it's possible13:51
ox3ars0832, how are you?13:51
jribTimothyA: huh?13:51
rs0832share, vpn on the ethernet?13:51
rs0832TimothyA, i dont see how it should13:51
shareboth on ethernet13:51
TimothyAit's an server :P I can't just go and upgrade13:51
jribGuest77113: yeah, though I think 64bit 10.10 doesn't work (see release notes)13:51
minusyes upgrading usually breaks boxes :D13:51
rs0832ox3a, i am good, thanks, and you?13:51
jribTimothyA: meh13:51
Guest77113jrib: ah. Excellent, thanks. :) 32 bit it is then13:52
ox3ars0832, me too13:52
minushappened many times to me13:52
TimothyAisn't there a .deb i can use? :/13:52
gobbeTimothyA: you can look that if someone has backported it13:52
sharers0832: it's kinda confusing13:52
gobbeTimothyA: or then just compile it yourself13:52
jribTimothyA: if you want recent software run a recent distribution...13:52
upslaHello every one.13:52
sharehow can i use different connections on one host13:52
TimothyAgobbe: I heard pain about compiling it yourself13:52
rs0832TimothyA, you can get one at packages.ubuntu.com13:52
TimothyAdpkg -i <package> right?13:52
gobbeTimothyA: you could try look from packages.ubuntu.com newer ones, but they might be painfull to install13:52
rs0832share, just create them like normal13:52
jribTimothyA: you are going to break your box13:52
gobbeTimothyA: if you want latest versions of software you should update your server13:53
rs0832TimothyA, a bit more than that... compiling from source is more likely to break your box than upgrading ubuntu13:53
dhanijeremyhi... is there a good monopoly game for ubuntu?13:53
TimothyAI just don't want to do a dist-upgrade and kill the box ;>_>13:53
sharers0832: ? vpn connection "overrides" the existing one13:53
upslahi i have beetel 100 cx usb ADSL modem. I have trouble in it connecting to internet . Help me.13:53
rs0832share, hmm try using the ifconfig command to do it instead13:53
jribTimothyA: why would upgrading kill your box? You should have backups anyway for the rare chance something goes wrong13:54
rs0832share, the vpn is on the ethernet connection, right?13:54
sharers0832: so i need to add eth1?13:54
jrib!upgrade > TimothyA13:54
ubottuTimothyA, please see my private message13:54
sharers0832: yes13:54
hellyeahis there a way to search a package with library option13:54
sharers0832: if i connect to the vpn the normal connection is gone13:55
exil3hi all13:55
jribhellyeah: what do you mean?13:55
hellyeahfor example i wonder which package or packages has libGL.so13:55
jribhellyeah: apt-file search13:55
TimothyAI can't do an direct upgrade from 8.04 to the latest version?13:55
rs0832share, what is the interface name of the usb connection?13:55
jribTimothyA: you can go 8.04 -> 10.0413:55
sharers0832: im not using wireless right now13:56
gobbeTimothyA: 8.04 is LTS so you can upgrade directly to 10.0413:56
gobbeTimothyA: on server-environments i dont recommend 10.1013:56
gobbeTimothyA: i would stick with lts-versions13:56
TimothyAis it goign to give me an option? :P13:56
frogballsi 2nd that13:56
jribTimothyA: the wiki explains how to upgrade13:57
TimothyAthe wiki says I need to install update-manager-core13:57
TimothyAand that's where it hangs13:57
jribTimothyA: what do you mean "it hangs"?13:57
rs0832share, is the usb wireless plugged in?13:57
TimothyAhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS13:58
jribTimothyA: be more specific.  What exactly did you do and what exactly and in full happened as a result?13:58
gobbeTimothyA: and then you run update-manager13:58
sharers0832: but im not talking about wireless right now..13:58
TimothyAit doesn't mention anything about running update-manager under the servers header...13:58
rs0832share, then what are you talking about? the ethernet?13:58
sharers0832: yes13:58
rs0832share, it overrides the wireless right?13:58
jribTimothyA: right.  It tells you to do something else...13:59
rs0832share, are you enabling the connections using the cli or network manager?13:59
sharers0832: but im not using wireless! forget it13:59
monkey1911hola, I got every thing else working, but I can't get my dual head set up to run the way I want. Anyone know how to get the task bar and menu to move to the other monitor?13:59
jribTimothyA: you're reading this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended) right?13:59
TimothyA3.5GB is enough for an upgrade, right?13:59
=== darth is now known as Threepwood
rs0832share, k13:59
sharers0832: with *just* ethernet how can i use normal connection and vpn at same time13:59
=== Threepwood is now known as Guybrush88_
shareor is it not possible14:00
rs0832share, ah ok:)14:00
rs0832share, it is14:00
shareso how would i switch connections in firefox14:00
sharehow would i use switch between normal connection and vpn in same machine14:01
upslaTrouble in connecting USB ADSL modem to internet .Help please.14:01
rs0832share, you'd have to enable one connection and disable the other... if you want both at the same time, use 2 nic's14:01
rs0832upsla, what trouble14:01
sharers0832: 2 cards?14:02
upslars0832:I have beetel 100 CX usb adsl modem.I cannot use ir to connect it to internet .14:02
Evilenkoubuntu and linux is the best? who is with me?!14:02
TimothyAjrib; 3.5G is enough, right?14:02
gobbe!ot | Evilenko14:02
ubottuEvilenko: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:02
jribTimothyA: iirc update-manager checks14:03
rs0832share, you are trying to connect to the net from the vpn too right?14:03
TimothyAI know apt-get doesn't14:03
jribTimothyA: anyway, it should be plenty14:03
rs0832share, or is the vpn just to connect your machine and another together?14:03
sharers0832: right now im connected to this irc network right.. if i connect to vpn i lose this connection..14:03
upslars0832:can u help me.14:03
rs0832upsla, did you create the connection in the network manager?14:04
Evilenkomu realtek ALC272X internal microphone makes a noise? help plz?14:04
ljloverrjcan you tell me a program for listing services in ubuntu14:04
Evilenkomy realtek ALC272X internal microphone makes a noise? help plz?14:04
upslars0832:i am newbie so, guide me.14:04
rs0832share, you cant have two connections on the same nic14:04
sharers0832: so i can use the wireless14:05
ljloverrjcan you tell me a program for listing services in ubuntu14:05
rs0832share, guess so14:05
sharers0832: but i think network manager doesnt support wireless and ethernet at same time14:05
rs0832upsla, what isp?14:05
rs0832share, how so?14:06
sharers0832: ie ethernet = normal connection and wireless = vpn14:06
sharecan i do that14:06
rs0832upsla, did you get a manual with it? or a username and password?14:06
shareand how i switch from one connection to another..14:06
milamberljloverrj: from the terminal: top    or:  ps -au14:06
pinoyoragonHi! I'm having a hard time sharing my wired internet connection to windows xp clients thru wireless adhoc connection (i'm using ubuntu 10.0, dell inspiron 640m)14:06
sharei need to disconnect one right14:06
rs0832share, i'd go with it the other way around... but then i suppose you can with both on at once14:06
upslars0832:no manual. I have username and password with me.Actually i does have support in linux.14:07
sharers0832: and how do i switch from one connection to another..14:07
milamberps au*14:07
rs0832share, i don't think you'd need to ... both should be on at once14:07
pinoyoragonHi! I'm having a hard time sharing my wired internet connection to windows xp clients thru wireless adhoc connection (i'm using ubuntu 10.0, dell inspiron 640m (i got dc, resending...)14:08
rs0832upsla, then create a connection in the dsl tab of the network manager14:09
=== Guybrush88_ is now known as Guybrush88
=== david is now known as Guest33961
Guest33961can someone help me download a package?14:10
rs0832upsla, if your connection is similar to mine, your modem should be preconfigured.. so just fill in the username and password fields14:10
=== Guest33961 is now known as asdfgh
milamberGuest33961: details please14:10
asdfghI can't get nvidia-graphics-drivers from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates14:11
pinoyoragonAnyone knows a working step-by-step guide in sharing my internet connection thru adhoc wireless?14:11
ljloverrjmilamber: thank you14:11
upslars0832:i have trouble in that . can u gude me.14:11
asdfghI did add the repo to apt14:11
rs0832_upsla, did you get my message?14:11
milamberasdfgh: after you add the repo you have to: sudo apt-get update14:12
erUSULpinoyoragon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc14:12
erUSUL!ics | pinoyoragon14:12
ubottupinoyoragon: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php14:12
milamberasdfgh: and what version of ubuntu - seems like these packages are for lucid14:12
asdfghmilamber: yes14:12
upslars0832:FYI right i am chatting from window . ihave dual boot system. i think u can ubderstand.14:12
rs0832_share, i missed anything after : <share> rs0832: and how do i switch from one connection to another.. so if you said anything after that, please repeat14:12
pinoyoragonerUSUL: thanks will check on that14:12
asdfghwait, it says packages in Maverick14:12
rs0832_upsla, yes14:13
blacknighti have wrote a python programe code with emacs but i don't know how to start it14:13
rs0832_upsla, so how do you set up your connection in windows?14:13
blacknighthow i can start the programe with a source code ?14:13
milamberasdfgh: the link i clicked on defaulted to lucid, but if you did/have maverick you should be good14:13
rs0832_blacknight, in a terminal, : python filename.py14:13
milamber!compiling | backnight14:13
ubottubacknight: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:13
blacknighti do it but always send error14:14
blacknighti don't know why14:14
upslars0832:in windows, isp gave me a cd with software to use the modem.14:14
milamberasdfgh: where are you running into problems?14:14
=== david__ is now known as asdfghef
rs0832_blacknight, what error?14:14
asdfghefdid I miss anything :D14:14
C1sM0Hi, everyone. I am having some issue with a hard drive.14:14
rs0832_upsla, ok, so what do you do then? you put the cd in, then what?14:14
=== rs0832_ is now known as rs0832
blacknightno such file14:15
C1sM0I am trying to mount a ntfs hard drive but I get an error14:15
rs0832blacknight, you have to cd to the directory that contains the file first14:15
blacknightcan u write it14:16
milamber!error | C1sM014:16
ubottuC1sM0: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)14:16
blacknightwhat should i write in the terminal14:16
rs0832blacknight, where did you save the file(the .py)?14:16
C1sM0I am guessing that hard drive is bad or might be a virus that damage the hd. does any one have any idea of what can I do?14:16
upslars0832:a setup pops up asking for username and password.Then it asks me to plug in the device and it detects it.A dialer is installed on desktop. i use everytime to connect to internet.14:16
blacknightsuch a file not folder14:16
rs0832blacknight, : cd Desktop | python <filename.py>14:16
rs0832upsla, is it the default windows dialer? a pppoe?14:17
sharers0832: right now im connected to wireless14:17
shareit's on the same subnet :x14:18
rs0832share, yes,14:18
rs0832share, and you want to connect the the vpn to another computer?14:19
sharers0832: connect the wireless to vpn14:19
upslano dialer with conexant icon is created . when i click it asks for username and password.14:19
sharebecause im using ethernet for irc14:19
BluesKajHi folks14:19
upslars0832:no dialer with conexant icon is created . when i click it asks for username and password.14:19
asdfghefmy /etc/lsb-release says I am running 10.04 but I don't believe it. how do I check?14:19
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »14:20
rs0832share, hmm is the wireless connection (Not the Vpn) connected to the computer which will be connected through vpn?14:20
milamberasdfghef: why don't you believe it?14:20
blacknightrs0832,thank u soo much man14:20
rs0832blacknight, :) yw14:20
asdfghefbecause I could have sworn I just upgraded14:20
asdfgheflsb-release lies!14:20
sharers0832: dude im on one computer and im connected to ethernet and wireless but right now im using the ethernet ofc14:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:21
asdfghefI'd stack my reputation as a 28 year old slacker on it!14:21
=== onlyplayragz_ is now known as onlyplayragz
sharers0832: and so how do i connect the wireless to vpn and then switch14:21
rs0832upsla, does it look something like one of these ? http://www.google.co.in/images?hl=en&q=windows%20pppoe%20dialer&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi14:21
blacknighthow can i turn the source code to exe >14:21
rs0832blacknight, py2exe14:21
=== walt is now known as Guest2794
blacknighti mean i wanna make it a programe able to be installed on the sys14:22
milamberasdfghef: there are some known upgrade misinformation bugs w/ natty, but afaik lsb_release has been pretty ok14:22
rs0832blacknight, ?? for ubuntu?14:22
blacknightis that able ?14:22
upslars0832:yes. the dialer looks like the one in the second picture.14:22
asdfghefmilamber: thanks, I am coming to terms with being on 10.0414:22
milamberasdfghef: here's an easy way to tell: from the terminal: dpkg -l | grep software-center and see which version you have14:23
sharers0832: i dont think it's possible14:23
rs0832upsla, k good14:23
rs0832share, can't you use the vpn with a vpn client? i have never used vpn but i think the network manager one is not what you want14:24
rs0832upsla, in ubuntu,14:24
Guest2794test msg14:25
blacknightrs0832,u didn't answer14:25
rs0832upsla, right click the network manager applet, and click edit connections.. in the dsl tab, add new connection, and just input your username and password in teh provided boxes and click the ok/apply button then connect.. it *should* work14:26
jemaduxwhat is the best dock ?14:26
rs0832blacknight, you want it to install on ubuntu?14:26
upslars0832:where i can find network manager ?14:26
upslars0832:I mean network manager applet.14:27
rs0832upsla, in the gnome panel... near the shutdown, calendar, date time icons14:27
TimothyAYOU BROKE IT14:27
rs0832upsla, or in the system menu>preferences14:28
moszerhello everyone, i need help to set my broadband14:28
upslars0832:describe the icon14:28
corrosivmornin all14:28
C1sM0My apologies for the lack of information and flooding of the channel here is the link for the error I am getting --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/551796/14:28
rs0832blacknight, it's not that simply stated...14:28
milamberGuest2794: message worked14:28
blacknighti know14:28
blacknightso that i wanna learn that14:28
blacknighthow can i do it14:28
rs0832blacknight, you have to have it programmed that way...14:28
pankajis there a yahoo messenger alternative for ubuntu that runs webcam and voice too?14:29
rs0832blacknight, then use dist-utils, i think, and build a .deb...14:29
corrosivsimple Q - in ubuntu 10.10 how do I find the "Services" app (part of gnome-system-tools)?  I have g-s-t installed, but nothing in the menus.14:29
upslars0832:ok. right now rebooting to ubuntu.i will tey ur method and tell u the result.14:29
pankaji am waiting for a response :-s14:29
rs0832blacknight, sorry it is build-essentials14:30
pankajis there a yahoo messenger alternative for ubuntu that can run webcam and voice :((14:30
pankajpidgin seems to have webcam and voice options14:30
pankajbut they are not working :-?14:30
rs0832blacknight, if your program does not need to be installed, you don't need to... it is not something that is always mandatory while making software14:31
rs0832blacknight, some programs can just be downloaded in archived form, extracted, and used14:31
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:31
blacknighti wanna make my own programes u getme ?14:32
rs0832blacknight, yes, i do get you...14:32
pgavinhello, I have a wierd problem...  when I log in, something is muting the speakers. I know alsa is set up right, because GDM plays a sound when it starts, but after I log in I have to use alsamixer to raise the speaker volume again14:32
rs0832blacknight, and that's what i mean... it depends on how you wrote the program14:32
blacknightso what i want is to make open source pro14:32
Piciblacknight: If you mean from scratch, perhaps you should ask in the channel for whatever programming language you are using.14:33
blacknightu mean the language i use ?14:33
rs0832blacknight, no14:33
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pgavindoes anyone have any ideas?14:33
rs0832blacknight, the way you programmed it... every one implements software code differently14:33
neo_the_chosen_ohi , i have a laptop toshiba c650 and my mic doesnt record any sound here for more infos on my soundcard http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=718144b84b922dea09262c6e3399eb874f861c9014:33
pgavinthe speaker level doesn't show up in the gnome control, btw14:33
pgavinI *have* to use alsamixer14:33
frogballspgavin, maybe try restoring panels, update and reboot.14:34
blacknightrs0832,what do u mean with the way ?14:35
rs0832blacknight, for example,14:35
pgavinfrogballs: do you mean, like removing both and recreating them?14:35
frogballspgavin ill get the command 4u14:35
netwrkspiderany one knw abt bbb server14:35
pgavinrm -rf ~/.gnome/14:35
rs0832blacknight, you may write a program that uses certain other libraries, but i will even implement the libraries myself and give distribute it along with my actual software... then the user does not need to install dependancies... got it?14:36
pgavinfrogballs:  sudo debconf gnome-panel14:37
rs0832blacknight, kind of 'standalone' software14:37
frogballsIn the terminal14:37
frogballs2. gconftool-2 — – shutdown (no space between the dashes and no space between the dash and the word ‘shutdown’)14:37
frogballs3. rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel14:37
frogballs4. pkill gnome-panel – That’s14:37
FloodBot3frogballs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:37
pgavinfrogballs: I lost all my stuff now :(14:37
frogballsuse the command to restore panels14:37
blacknightrs0832,i got it14:38
kernixhow do i download the java jdk via terminal14:38
pgavinok, gonna reboot to test it14:38
rs0832blacknight, writing software is not all about installation as you may think ... you don't need to install software to make it usable... the guys at #python will probably explain it to you in detail14:38
edakiriwhere are sources in a package repository?  i thought they would be in pool but do not see them.14:39
TimothyAwait... wtf...14:39
TimothyAit removed mysql... and all my databases...14:39
blacknightso where i can find them?14:39
rs0832blacknight, the #python channel14:39
pinoyoragon erUSUL: i still can't connect my windows xp clients to my ubuntu 10.10 adhoc14:39
pinoyoragonerUSUL:why is my windows xp client won't connect with my ubuntu adhoc wireless network connection... i followed the site you gave me14:40
ActionParsnippinoyoragon: can you ping the IP?14:40
erUSULpinoyoragon: :/ sorry; points to docs is all i can offer. never done such a thing myself.14:40
ActionParsnippinoyoragon: did you manually set the IP correctly on each side of the link?14:40
skiingHi! I changed the label of my partition.. Now, it is apparently empty14:41
rs0832blacknight, you may also understand better if you look here:14:41
frogballsuh oh14:41
skiingdoes anyone know what might have happened?14:42
rs0832blacknight, http://guide.python-distribute.org/creation.html , http://docs.python.org/distutils/ , http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ch-python.html14:42
frogballsskiing, did you press format14:42
skiingfrogballs: no, I didn't14:43
pgavinthat didn't work14:43
frogballsdid u get your panel back pgavin14:43
blacknightrs0832,thank u pal14:43
pgavinyeah, I still have one14:43
rs0832blacknight, :) good luck with python14:43
frogballsdo you want 214:43
jongbergspinoyoragon: pinoy k ba?14:44
Bipul`what does sl means?14:44
rs0832!screenshot | upsla14:45
ubottuupsla: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.14:45
frogballscheck disk utility skiing and make sure all your partition are there and healthy14:45
Bipul`can any one tell me what does sl means?14:45
skiingfrogballs: yes, it's ok14:45
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rs0832Bipul`, with respect to what?? an abbreviation? or a command?14:46
ActionParsniperUSUL: ask a civil queustion and get no answer...charming eh ? :)14:46
skiingfrogballs: but, when I enter in the partition, it's empty!14:46
erUSULActionParsnip: :) you know how it goes around here  ... ^.^14:47
skiingfrogaballs: After this, when I enter in the partition on windows, this is empty too!14:48
BIGBAMBUhi guys14:50
frogballsskiing what was on the partition14:50
ActionParsniphi BIGBAMBU14:51
shaunwireless not working need help! b43 and sta problems14:51
ActionParsniperUSUL: sadly14:51
ActionParsnip!broadcom | shaun14:51
ubottushaun: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:51
resnoim trying to grep through multiple dirs using grep -r "[(1)].mp3$", however its not checking the dirs. what am i missing?14:51
ActionParsnipshaun: use a wired connection, its much easier14:51
blacknighthow i can change my screnn settings14:51
ActionParsnipresno: use a capital R14:51
skiingfrogballs: /dev/sdd114:51
shaunthats what im using now, except i still need my wireless to work in the least14:52
frogballsskiing, do you mean /dev/sda114:52
resnoActionParsnip: no change. the docs say use -R -r or --recursive14:52
erUSULblacknight: System>Preferences>Monitors14:52
ActionParsnipshaun: get full updates using the wired connection, then use the commands in the link14:52
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blacknighthow i can change the screen size to80*2514:53
skiingfrogballs: no... there is another partition14:53
skiingfrogballs: when I type MOUNT... this is the result:14:54
ActionParsnipresno: I just ran:  cd ~; grep -R "" .    and got results14:54
skiingfrogballs: /dev/sdb3 on /media/HD-Externo type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=0,gid=0,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush)14:54
ActionParsnipresno: could also use find with it to help: http://www.williambharding.com/blog/uncategorized/grep-a-directory/14:54
Grujahwhen i copy files from HDD to USB Flash, it starts fast but when it gets to the end of a file it takes ages to start copying second file.14:54
leo_wow, can't believe it's been like 6 years since I last used IRC; and this channel certainly gets lots of traffic14:55
xstation111i instlled unbuntu yesterday I now i find that the root partition will not mount , swap and home and the other are ok what should I do I am in a live cd14:55
ActionParsnipleo_: every day is busy14:55
ActionParsnipxstation111: try booting to liveCD and fsck it14:56
thomcis it necessary to reserve any blocks at all on an ext2 filesystem on a USB drive that's just used for data storage?14:56
skiingfrogballs: some idea?14:56
miguel000hi, I want to establish an vpn connection with my network at work, which is running under windows. do I have to take this into account?14:56
DaGeek247hey, how do i register my nickname?14:56
martinZGRhi, who uses mencoder ? i need some individual help with that14:56
frogballsskiing not sure researching...14:56
frogballsmsg nickserv help register14:57
xstation111ActionParsnip:: i trid that via the gparted gui but it did not work it does give a long list of info about that partition14:57
chipmonkmsg nickserv indetify theodore14:58
ActionParsnipxstation111: gparted is nothing to do with fsck, you use fsck in a terminal14:58
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martinZGRwho knows about converting video formats? i need some individual help please14:58
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asdfghis there any software that doesn't run on 64bit ubuntu14:59
rs0832martinZGR, use winff14:59
rs0832martinZGR, it has a gui14:59
martinZGRrs0832, does not help, i can choose to use x264 rom there14:59
martinZGRcan't choose14:59
xstation111ActionParsnip:ok  what is the coomand other than fsck and is it with sudo15:00
frogballsskiing, could you have changed the mount point15:00
rs0832martinZGR, what formats do you want to convert from and to?15:01
Bipul`rs0832,  with respect to a command15:01
shaunapaarantly my firmware-b43-installer has errors any help?15:01
rs0832Bipul`, can you tell me the command?15:01
horseatingweedsTo work as a SAMBA client, does the Windows user need a password?15:01
compdocyou can if you want15:02
vultrazhow do i install flash player in 10.10?15:02
Bipul`apt-get install sl15:02
martinZGRrs0832, i have two types i think: one is AVI/ DivX and AVI/ XviD and i want to convert them into MP4/ H.264 320x240 for my nokia phone15:02
rs0832shaun, try pastebinning the errors so that someone can see them and help15:02
ccvpHello fellow internet addicts, are we looking forward to another LONG & GLORIOUS weekend of irc again? Mindlessly watching irc text scroll up, while drinking beer/soda at the computer, getting cozy at our "internet area/desk", googling random technology information/news, playing online games, enjoying the delight of the internet glory/addiction for yet another addicting weekend.15:02
compdocbut you can set permissions not to need a password15:02
skiingfrogballs: I don't know... How I can see this?15:02
barf_barf!ot | rs083215:02
ubotturs0832: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:02
frogballsdisk utility is one way skiing15:02
Ryu_Kurisuccvp: Just a bit...15:02
compdocsomeone ban ccvp. jk :)15:03
rs0832barf_barf, sorry?15:03
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:03
abeHello all, Someone did a port scan 13 times last night.  I believe it was a hacking attempt.  What security program is there for ubuntu?15:03
rs0832martinZGR, maybe you need to install the codecs15:03
compdochorseatingweeds, do you want passwords?15:03
Bipul`abe,  install linux kung fu15:03
xstation111ActionParsnip:ok what is the coomand other than fsck and is it with sudo15:04
abe@Bipul, I will install now. How can I found more information of what was done?15:04
SilentSpoonabe, you realize ISPs and many other companies portscan regularly?15:04
martinZGRrs0832, i think i have all the codecs bcs i can play all the video types, divx xvid h264 aac etc :/ i can't figure out the command line, there are so may options :/15:04
shaunhow to pastebin?15:04
rs0832martinZGR, ah ok.. then use the gui15:04
SilentSpoon!pastebin | shaun15:05
ubottushaun: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:05
frogballsplease read this skiing    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508715:05
ActionParsnip!fsck | xstation11115:05
skiingfrogballs: Is there any way to see all the commands you have typed in the terminal?15:05
ubottuxstation111: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot15:05
abe@SilentSpoon I don't know if it was a ISP, it was UDP in high port numbers15:05
horseatingweedscompdoc, I'm just trying to figure out how to make SAMBA work. I don't have a password for my Win user. I used smbpasswd -a nobody and just clicked through to add nobody to SAMBA without a password.15:05
abe@SilentSpoon 13 times port scan at night.  I had to manuall turn the router off and turn back on15:05
Bipul`abe,  just read what i give you i hop certanly it will help out15:05
SilentSpoonabe, what do you mean you had to turn it off/on?15:05
abe@Bipul thank you15:06
kyohello ,everybody15:06
abe@SilentSpoon removed the power from the router for about 30 seconds to full refreash15:06
xstation111but can i do this from a live cd  "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check;15:06
SilentSpoonabe, but why did you have to do that15:06
skiingfrogballs: ok15:07
compdochorseatingweeds, nobody is the default user that samba uses when its writing permissions. I create a different user (myself), but nobody should work. what are the permissions on the folder youre sharing?15:07
Bipul`Can any one tell me what does this command signify "apt-get install sl"15:07
thomcwhat's the best linux filesystem for a usb drive that's just being used for data storage?15:07
SilentSpoonBipul`, it would appear that it installs the package sl15:07
vultrazsudo apt-get install sl doesnt give me flash player it gies me sl15:07
shaunthe wireless worked the first time i installed ubuntu, then when i tried to install additional drivers, it failed to work and now when i try to install both b43 and sta, both wont work15:08
rs0832vultraz, try sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin15:08
xanguavultraz: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer15:08
Bipul`SilentSpoon, what kind of package it is "sl"15:08
abe@Silentspoon that is what is so weird.  All of the computers showed that there was internet connections through netstat. However firefox would not load stating the server cannot be found. The router was giving internet access but the computers were not able to connect.15:08
ActionParsnipBipul`: it installs sl, sl is a bit of fun for when you mistype ls15:09
abe@Silentspoon also each port scan came from a differnt ip15:09
ActionParsnip!info sl15:09
SilentSpoonBipul`, I do not know.15:09
ubottusl (source: sl): Correct you if you type `sl' by mistake. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-16 (maverick), package size 24 kB, installed size 188 kB15:09
shaunany help?15:09
SilentSpoonabe, you really don't think ISPs can use 13 different IP addresses?15:09
abe@Silentspoon how can i post a image for you to view. I would like you to see the log15:10
Bipul`ActionParsnip,  i know sl and ls both are oppsite to each other in letters but i know about ls but not sl ?15:10
SilentSpoon!pastebin | abe15:10
ubottuabe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:10
ActionParsnipBipul`: what's your point?15:10
horseatingweedscompdoc, To experiment I just used Documents, which has 75515:10
Bipul`POint ?15:11
frogballspgavin, do you have both panels back15:11
JemtDo I need to keep the linux-headers-* packages? How are they relevant if I don't compile software myself ?15:11
compdochorseatingweeds, who is the user listed on the folder Documents?15:11
leo_Jemt_: you never know15:11
JemtSeems they don't take up much space, so I'll just leave them on my system :)15:12
horseatingweedscompdoc, My first user: ben. My user on the Windows system is 'Ben' with no password.15:12
TimothyAI've upgraded to 10.0415:12
ActionParsnipBipul`: well all you have said (from what I understand) is that you know of ls but not sl.....15:12
TimothyAand not a single service wants to start15:12
HaarCan Anyone tell me if its possible to sync My ipod Touch(the new one) Up to ubuntu in any way shape or form?15:12
TimothyAbecause it so totally needs this "Upstart" thing15:12
ActionParsnipHaar: may be able to in Banshee or Rhythmnbox15:12
compdochorseatingweeds, try 757 on the folder at first - that lets anyone use it15:13
InvaderZimdeborphan reports to me libqt4-core... is it really safe to remove it?15:13
michal_hello, can someone tell me how to run application using './' in fullscreen?15:13
HaarActionParsnip: Ive tried both, Niether work15:13
javadwho are you?15:13
SilentSpoonHaar, what iPod do you have? Banshee should work15:13
compdochorseatingweeds, what OS is the windows PC?15:13
xanguaHaar: iOS 4.2 ¿¿15:13
horseatingweedscompdoc, XP15:13
abe@Silentspoon what do you think?15:14
HaarSilentSpoon: One of the new iPod Touches15:14
javadno no ,i hate apple and microsoft15:14
Bipul`ActionParsnip, yes ls  command would list each of the files in the current directory and the files15:14
compdochorseatingweeds, then click Start>run, and type in \\ipaddress of the server15:14
Bipul`how about sl ?15:14
TimothyAstatus: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused15:14
ActionParsnipHaar: you could mount the partition as a disk. You have a device from one of the most ignorant companies around (Apple inc.) if you had a more open minded device then you would have fewer issues15:14
TimothyAcan anyone help me with this error?15:14
Bipul`i want's to know about this command15:14
javadbecouse this is bad effect for me15:15
ActionParsnipBipul`: yes, i know. So what are you getting at or asking?15:15
horseatingweedscompdoc, When I run "net view \\[Linux IP]" from Windows I get "System error 5 has occured, Access is denied."15:15
ActionParsnipBipul`: install it and run it, it doesn't do anything constructive. Its a bit of fun15:15
compdocdont use net view - just use \\ipaddress15:15
javadi have an question15:15
HaarActionParsnip: Trust me, If it wasnt a gift i would have gotten a Zune15:15
ActionParsnipHaar: could try Amarok15:15
javadwould you help me plz?15:15
compdocipaddress = the ip address of the server15:15
Haarlol Im installing it as we speak15:15
SilentSpoonabe, verify that those last 6 ports scanned are secure, and check what their function is. other than that I wouldn't class those as a threat. massive and there are too many ports double or triple scanned15:15
Bipul`ActionParsnip,  ok let me install it15:15
Ryu_Kurisu!ask | javad15:16
ubottujavad: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:16
ActionParsnipHaar: if all else fails, you can us closed source virtualbox with windows and install iTunes there and it will work although it will chew resources like mad as you will be running both OSes at the same time15:16
javadhow to install .bed files?15:16
compdochorseatingweeds, never mind, net view should be ok15:16
SilentSpooncompdoc, \\ipaddress is not a command15:16
compdocipaddress = the ip address of the server15:16
xanguajavad: double clic on them, better install from repository15:16
ActionParsnipjavad: sudo dpkg -i  filemane.deb    or you can double click them in nautilus15:16
SilentSpooncompdoc, I do think that is a windows command not Ub15:17
abe@Silentspoon i am checking what those ports are for :) would kung fu allow me to close and open ports?15:17
javadok best way for me in terminal15:17
horseatingweedscompdoc, OK, that gives me a Connect to box asking for a user and password.15:17
compdocSilentSpoon, I meant to do that on the windows PC15:17
SilentSpoonabe, I have never used kung fu15:17
ActionParsnipSilentSpoon: try:   smb://ipaddress15:17
Bipul`HAHAH when i type ls in mine terminal it shows me old age Train runing through mine terminal15:17
Ryu_Kurisujavad: By default it would use gdebi for it (till ubuntu 10.04), after that Ubuntu Software Center...15:17
Bipul`sl * sory15:17
javadmy APToncd dosent work?15:17
ActionParsnipBipul`: thats it, thats all it does ;)15:17
Ryu_Kurisujavad: What kind of deb do you want to install?15:17
javadwould you help me!15:17
ActionParsnipBipul`: just a bit of ful15:17
ActionParsnip!aptoncd | javad15:18
ubottujavad: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline15:18
HaarActionParsnip: I'd rather reboot into windows and install  iTunes, Transfering files by flash Drive before i do that :p15:18
abe@Silentspoon do you think that my tor network helped in this incident?15:18
Bipul`ActionParsnip,  can i pm you15:18
ActionParsnipBipul`: sure15:18
ActionParsnipHaar: if you must, i'd sell the ipod and get a cowon :)15:18
compdochorseatingweeds, use pastebin.org and show me your /ect/samba/smb.conf file15:18
javadi creat a .iso file but u can't to restor it15:18
SilentSpoonabe, could have. no way to really be sure15:19
ActionParsnipjavad: did you open the ISO with your CD burner to burn the data?15:19
horseatingweedsOk. I used system-config-samba15:19
martinZGRhmm, maybe someone will know what is wrong with the command line: mencoder input.avi -o output.mp4 -of lavf -lavfopts format-mp4 -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts acodec=faac:vcodec=x264 -vf scale=320:180 ? ubuntu 10.1015:19
Ryu_Kurisujavad: Don't abbreviate...please use full sentences :) More understandable that why what you want :)15:19
compdochorseatingweeds, I meant pastebin.com, sorry15:19
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:20
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ActionParsnipcompdoc: if you have the user install pastebinit you can ask them to give the output of:  pastebinit /etc/samba/smb.conf15:20
compdocjust going to the website is fine15:21
horseatingweedscompdoc, http://pastebin.com/rzGGMsyH15:21
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!15:21
Ryu_KurisuHai ShootEmUp :)15:21
javadok i burnt it but dose'nt work15:21
horseatingweedscompdoc, Sorry, a lot of comments in there15:22
kuukiShootEmUp, welcome15:22
ActionParsnipcompdoc: sure, but if you can give a command to copy and paste so the user can copy the outputted result, its a little simpler and avoids the "how do I use the site" question, just a friendly tip15:22
=== Hekos is now known as hekos
compdoc, a few changes - in mine, 'security = user' is enabled (the # is removed)15:22
javadhalooo ...?   do you peresent?15:22
ActionParsnipjavad: did you burn the image as an image, or as data so the CD only has one file on it?15:22
Bilznot so much ubuntu related, but is there a way i can schedule my computer to turn on and off daily?15:22
SilentSpooncompdoc, security = user should be enable if you are discussing smb15:23
compdocwe are15:23
ActionParsnipBilz: sure, install gnome-schedule  then run:  gksudo gnome-schedule   and you can schedule the reboot15:23
BilzActionParsnip, i actually meat turn off at night, then turn on in the morning, so not really a reboot15:23
Moervincan anyone tell me why my webcam works in skype, but not if i want to use it with firefox(omegle etc.)?15:24
Ryu_KurisuBilz: If you bios supports it, you can set it up to boot at an certain time :)15:24
Ryu_KurisuBilz: And with that gnome-schedule or cron even, you could set up a shutdown time :)15:25
Bilzi see, Ryu_Kurisu, do most support it? (im not by the compute rright now)15:25
Ryu_KurisuBilz: That I don't know, maybe google could tell me :P15:25
javadhow to restor my software from .iso image file?   in the APToncd15:25
ActionParsnipBilz: you can schedule power off in gnome-schedule, you will need to organise the power ON in your BIOS15:26
ActionParsnipjavad: do you have the .ISO file?15:26
ActionParsnipjavad: you can simply mount the ISO file and read that15:26
jimi_When I try to open cheese, mywebcam has a big red NOcircle... what causes this? it was working for months15:26
Lily_WhiteI just recently re-installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my computer to make it take up less space on my hard drive... but after I did that, my Vista option no longer shows up on GRUB's menu15:26
javadno no i mount the .iso image file baut it dosent work15:27
Lily_WhiteI know that you can manually add a menu option by making a custom file in the grub.d directory, but that directory is read-only...15:27
ActionParsnipLily_White: try: sudo apt-get install os-prober; sudo os-prober; sudo update-grub15:27
kuukiis there any way to get my lost photos which where  store in my documents when i am using 9.10 but after installing 10.04 i lost them15:27
Lily_Whitelemme try that15:27
ActionParsnipjavad: then I suggest you recreate the ISO15:27
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ActionParsnipkuuki: use your backup15:27
kuukiActionParsnip, how to do it15:28
javadbut i bleilve that it true15:28
ActionParsnipkuuki: how did you back them up?15:28
ActionParsnipjavad: reuse aptoncd to recreate the ISO15:28
Lily_WhiteI'm not seeing the main partition(/dev/sda1) on the list...15:29
Ryu_KurisuBilz: Do you know what motherboard the pc has?15:29
ccvpohh, blizzard just announced a native port of Diablo 3 will be available for Linux on release specifically Ubuntu15:29
Lily_Whiteyet the recovery partition shows up fine15:29
BilzRyu_Kurisu, i kjnow the make is gigabyte, but no more than that15:29
Lily_WhiteWhat I'm trying to do is get /dev/sda1 to show up, which is where the actual OS for Vista is located15:29
javadok dine15:29
Ryu_KurisuAlright Bilz, I'll try to find if gigabyte even supports it at all :P15:29
kuukiActionParsnip, help me please15:30
ActionParsnipkuuki: how do you backup your images?15:30
javadsudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu-dev15:30
ActionParsnipLily_White: try:  sudo update-grub215:30
javadwhat is this?15:30
horseatingweedscompdoc, !!!! Hey, I ran \\IP-address again. This time with 'nobody' as the user and a blank password. It connected and now Network Places shows the 'share'15:30
kuukiActionParsnip, thats what i am asking u15:31
wazzHi, last nigh I modified my sshd_config, by setting forceCommand to run my script. But It seems that I'm doing this wrong. Script runs well (I will play sound at login), but after its done ssh client is disconnected from server.15:31
ActionParsnipkuuki: no, if you are unsure then you simply don't have one which is a REALLY bad idea15:31
Lily_Whitestill nothing15:31
jimi_My webcam shows up in lsusb, and ive used it before, but now, i dont have a /dev/video0 any more Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd 2.0M UVC Webcam / CNF712915:31
ActionParsnipLily_White: may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126880915:31
ActionParsnipjimi_: do you see yourself in cheese?15:31
jimi_ActionParsnip, i used to.. now it says no device found, and there isnt a /dev/video0 any more15:32
sacarlsonjimi_: it might show up as video115:32
javadsudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu-dev                       what is this?15:32
ActionParsnipjimi_: can you give the 8 character hex ID from the lsusb output, thanks15:32
ActionParsnipjavad: its a command to install 2 packages15:32
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jimi_ActionParsnip, 04f2:b07115:32
javadcontinue    very god15:33
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kuukiActionParsnip, what are saying i cant get u15:33
ActionParsnipkuuki: no I'm saying that if the data is important, you should have a backup15:33
ActionParsnipkuuki: you may have luck with foremost but some or all of the images may have been destroyed15:34
kuukiActionParsnip, k tell me how to backup them15:34
ActionParsnipkuuki: you will need a partition to spit the data out to, if data has been overwritten by the new install then it is GONE15:34
kaushalPlease suggest me about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-January/238179.html15:34
ActionParsnipkuuki: you get a sufficiently large external drive ( I use firewire but USB is fine (but is slower)) and you reularly copy the data over. If the live data gets corrupted then you can simply copy back from the backup15:35
javadsudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu-dev        this command install what pakage         this pakage how work?15:36
Lily_Whiteokay, I think I've found the file I want to edit15:36
Lily_Whiteproblem is, its read only15:36
kaushalActionParsnip: hi15:36
=== hc0 is now known as zhcone
xanguajavad: install those packages..15:36
sacarlsonkuuki: for binary files rsync is cool for text files I love git15:36
rusty149Lily_White: sudo nano /etc/grub/grub.cfg15:37
kaushalActionParsnip: Please suggest me about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-January/238179.html15:37
kuukisacarlson, they are jpge files15:37
Ryu_KurisuBilz: I can't seem to find it, you need to dive in the BIOS yourself I'm afraid :)15:37
Bilzthnx 4 chkin15:37
javadok tanx   bye15:37
ActionParsnipkaushal: unmount /dev/sda5   if it is swap then run:  sudo swapoff /dev/sda5   as this will tie up the partition15:38
kaushalActionParsnip: and then next ?15:38
wazzAnyone around who knows the right way of using sshd_config's ForceCommand?15:38
sacarlsonkuuki: yes for jpg I would call them binary so rsync is a good method of backup in the future15:38
Griz64Hey Gang. How can I tell if this ubuntu install i'm looking at is 32 or 64 bit??15:39
ActionParsnipkaushal: run the fsck, the error you see relates to that being busy, so you will be freeing it up and the check can now take place. Thought that was fairly obvious....15:39
kuukisacarlson, then how to do it15:39
ActionParsnipGriz64: uname -m15:39
ActionParsnipGriz64: i686 == 32bit    x86_64 == 64bit15:39
Griz64ActionParsnip, Thank You!15:39
ActionParsnipGriz64: np :)15:40
Lily_Whitelet's try this now15:40
sacarlsonkuuki: in the future you might look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync15:41
* Lily_White sigh15:41
Lily_Whitestill nothing15:41
eltumeWhat can I use to convert AVI to DVD?15:41
sacarlsonkuuki: another option is use raid5 if you have at least 3 hard drives15:42
erUSUL!info devede | eltume15:42
ubottueltume: devede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.16.9-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 1976 kB, installed size 3936 kB15:42
javadthis servise is free?15:43
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ActionParsnipeltume:   devede is great for this15:43
ActionParsnipjavad: which service?15:43
sacarlsonjavad: no you have to send me $1 ..... just joking yes FREE!!!15:43
Oer!hi javad15:44
javadhow to xor to number?15:44
ActionParsnipLily_White: yay15:44
Lily_WhiteI had 2.2 GB left on my hard drive, so I had to allocate Ubuntu to take up only 30 GB15:44
javadhow to xor tow number?15:44
Lily_WhiteI just freed up 150 GB of space. :D15:45
Ryu_KurisuLily_White: With what?15:45
ActionParsnipLily_White: nice15:45
xanguajavad: xor¿¿15:45
eltumelily-white how much stuff did you have saved on that15:45
Lily_Whitemost of it are games15:45
javadXOR in numerical set15:46
Lily_WhiteTF2, L4D, L4D2, Just Cause 2, Saints Row 2, the entire Half-Life catalogue15:46
Lily_WhiteGarry's Mod, stuff like that15:46
javadplz answer me115:46
Ryu_Kurisuxangua: eXclusive OR15:46
sacarlsonjavad:  for xor in bash ^= http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ops.html15:46
javadhow to learn profisional c++ program?plz guide me115:48
sacarlsonjavad: you can also use java, ruby, python,  c++,......  that may do it a bit different15:48
=== zhcone is now known as hc0
javadonly c++15:48
duperwhat's that minimalistic X11 window manager that multiplexes terminal sessions like GNU screen?15:49
javadplz answer me!15:49
kuukihow to compile c++ file in ubuntu15:49
javadhow to learn profisional c++ program?plz guide me115:49
duperkuuki: GNU g++15:49
sacarlsonjavad: try look at : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65672115:49
devkorcvinceduper: I use awesome wm15:49
duperjavad: http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/15:49
duperdevkorcvince: it's name is "awesome"15:50
FloodBot3duper: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:50
duperFloodBot3: fux0r u 2 nucka15:50
kuukiduper, g++ file.cpp15:50
devkorcvinceduper: yao15:50
devkorcvinceduper: yap15:50
IdleOne!language | duper15:50
ubottuduper: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:50
duperkuuki: other compilers are Visual Studio Express (free)15:50
tlvbunr on computer with geforce 6600, restricted graphics drivers install killed X, I have trouble finding similar errors when googling15:51
duperor if you wanna spend some $$$ then there's Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Team Suite15:51
Cheluhi how can i uninstall ubuntu? i got a bad installation and wanna do it new. my CD/rom aint working. i still have windows. help plaese?15:51
jeeves_Mosshow do I repair a pooched grub loader on 8.04?  it decided to die after I did a dist upgrade15:51
tlvbis 6600 going out of fashion or is my problem somewhat unique? (I guess the first of them)15:51
duperOracle is also giving away the Sun Studio compiler suite for free now as well which includes an ISO C++ compiler with the STL15:51
Grujahwhen i copy files from HDD to USB Flash, it starts fast but when it gets to the end of a file it takes ages for it to finish copying a file (when it comes to like 99% it almost stops).15:52
tlvbthe restricted drivers SHOULD support the 6600 though, according to the readme15:52
rusty149Chelu: use a USB stick15:52
duperkuuki: btw, that syntax is only going to create an object file.. you still  need to link it to an executable15:52
drPoOChelu, you can use a USB stick and install ubuntu from there15:52
javadc99 varible array length        how dos work?15:52
rusty149Chelu: System > Administration > startup disk creator15:52
duperi.e. g++ -o or man ld15:52
duperjavad: it's specified in the initializer or dynamically allocated15:53
kuukiduper ,ok thanks15:53
javadc99 varible array length        how dos work?15:53
drPoOChelu, chek out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick15:54
duperi.e. char buf[BUFSIZ] or char*buf=calloc(BUFSIZ, sizeof*buf);15:54
IdleOnejavad: try asking #c++15:54
javadc99 varible array length        how dos work?15:54
duperIdleOne: c99 is ANSI C15:54
javadin c++ or c15:54
duperprobably better off asking in #C15:54
javadg++ or gcc15:54
duperjavad: strlen or sizeof aside from that15:54
Chelui dont wnt to install it now. i will install it after. i ALREADY have it installed, but a messed up installation.15:54
IdleOneduper: ok, but not ubuntu support related15:54
Cheluso i want to UNINSTALL ubuntu now, and install after. i know about the stick, thats how i did it in the first place15:55
tlvbIt seems I need terminal instructions for how to remove the restricted graphics driver and install the default ones, it was a while since I used apt, and I'm not sure which packages are which in the list of nvidia-related packages15:55
duperIdleOne: doesn't ubuntu patch gcc itself?15:55
javadwhait is heap in memory?15:55
rusty149Chelu: When you install you can select the current patiion or 'Use Entire disk' to erase current ubuntu install15:56
javadc99 varible array length        how dos work?15:56
javadplz answer me15:56
devkorcvinceChelu: Delete the part. and repair your win boot...15:56
FloodBot3javad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:56
javadexcuse me!15:57
javadexcuse me!15:57
sacarlsonjavad: there are better places than ubuntu to find info on C or c15:57
erUSULjavad: go to ##c or ##c++ or other programming channel15:58
javadmatch ubuntu vs. kubuntu15:58
Lily_Whitefeels good to be back inwindows15:58
Cradami think xubuntu might be faster but not very noticably15:59
JemtGuys, what would be the easiest way to protect a guest account from modifications? I don't want users to be able to change anything - look and feel and such15:59
devkorcvincejavad have you tried netbeans ide15:59
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CradamJemt: i think the best way to do it would be to install a new OS which u don't care about and let them do what they want16:01
glutton   ~.16:01
CradamJemt: and attempt to unmount the filesystems used by the OS's u care about16:01
JemtCradam: Not an option. However, I do consider restoring the home folder on reboot16:01
paq7512how can i save my nvidia fan settings at startup?16:01
javadhow to login in #c channel16:02
xanguaJemt: ubuntu already has a guest account, you can't modify nothing on it16:02
IdleOne!register | javad you must be registered16:02
ubottujavad you must be registered: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:02
Cradamcan any1 tell me what i would use nvidia drivers for16:02
Jemtxangua: Don't you have to log into an ordinary account to access the guest account? It's not visible in the login manager16:02
Cradamis it just really for games?16:02
duperany personal testimony on that awesome window manager?16:03
JemtCradam: If you want 3D, you probably want the nVidia drivers. If you are happy with GFX performance, then don't install them16:03
devkorcvinceduper: its fast and light im using it ryt now16:04
scdzaakanyone can help with use irc ?16:04
duperdevkorcvince: what are the terminals like?16:04
javadc99 array varible length    how it work?16:04
devkorcvincei installed sakura cause i want it clean16:04
devkorcvinceduper: i installed sakura cause i want it clean16:04
Cradamok thx so its only for if i decide to install quake on my linux install, im just goin to install quake on my windows install16:04
ActionParsnipjavad: I think you need to be identified to get in the #c channel16:04
fermulatoris any1 familiar with window decorators? (my ubuntu 10.10 system w/ compiz enabled doesn't have any borders/titles)16:05
javadplz di=o this work for me    ok?16:05
xanguafermulator: run: metacity --replace16:05
ActionParsnipCradam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/QuakeIIIArena16:05
javadc99 array varible length    how it work?16:05
duperdevkorcvince: any cool features16:06
good_intentionshey Ive just bought a sandisk 8gb pendrive but when I plug it in Its not detected any help?16:06
ActionParsnipfermulator: could try emeral instead16:06
javadplz answer me now!16:06
duperjavad: check your privmsgs16:06
ActionParsnipgood_intentions: can you see the device in the output of:  sudo fdisk -l   ?16:06
duperi sent you the link to the draft standard specification for the language16:06
YamaIRCanyone chatting from a psp?16:06
devkorcvinceduper: it really depends on the user... cause im a dev so i only have terminal sakura here16:06
good_intentionsActionParsnip, nope16:07
duperdevkorcvince: what dependencies does it require16:07
Cradamthanks ActionParsnip but ill just put it on windows, much simpler16:07
javadhow to register in this channel?16:07
ActionParsnipgood_intentions: ok unplug the device and them plug it bak in, then run:  dmesg |  tail    do you see any activity?16:07
ActionParsnipCradam: as you wish16:07
fermulatorthanks; i'm in #compiz and we're working on it in there16:07
guntbert!register | javad16:07
devkorcvinceduper: just apt-get install awesome16:07
ubottujavad: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:07
IdleOnejavad: click on this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration  FOLLOW instructions.16:08
duperdevkorcvince: do you write lua extesnions for it16:08
devkorcvinceduper: yap bunch of stuff on site http://awesome.naquadah.org/16:08
duperdevkorcvince: i'm still planning my install so not an option16:08
duperyeah i'm on the site now16:09
duperu said u were a developer so i thought u meant awesome deveoper16:09
dupercuz i write lua too16:09
devkorcvinceduper: nope im a node.js/rails/python/php dev16:10
javadi'm mixed up now   i'm not understand you say plz suond now!16:10
javadexcuse me!16:10
javadexcuse me!16:10
Griz64ActionParsnip, you seem to be the man in the know, so I'm going to add MY request for info/an assist. I have a laptop here running 10.04 LTS (and up to date) with a built in video camera {CNF7047 on /dev/video0}. Cheese sees/uses/manipulates it just fine although Google-Talkplugin and FF just do NOT seem to understand that it's there. Where do I go to begin troubleshooting this?16:10
good_intentionsActionParsnip, While I was pulling it out and in the power cable droped out, booted back up and the USB is working fine :)16:10
ActionParsnipGriz64: not sure, I dont use webcams. They are creepy16:11
ActionParsnipgood_intentions: nice16:11
Griz64hahahaha. yeah, i can't argue that, but Moms wants it werkn and "I" am the geek so..."Tag! I'm it!"16:11
Cradamcan any1 tell me what is best edition of ubuntu for a slow computer, im currently using xubuntu, im only interested in 1's which are available on wubi16:12
ActionParsnipCradam: Lubuntu or XUbuntu16:12
YamaIRCmorning evryone in the US16:12
Cradamok X then as L isnt available on wubi16:12
ActionParsnipCradam: i wouldnt advise wubi at all, the NTFS fragmentation will make it slower16:12
compdocit is morning - and I need coffee16:12
Cradamafternoon every1 in the UK16:13
duke_hi, im using ubuntu 10.10 64 bit can i still follow this  instructions for install with 11g database oracle for linux16:13
guntbert!ot | Cradam16:13
kwtmubottu: testing to see if I am audible in this channel.16:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:13
ubottuCradam: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:13
Cradami know action but i regularly defragment16:13
ActionParsnipCradam: install Ubuntu as usual, then install LXDE, log off and log in to LXDE instead of gnome16:13
ActionParsnipCradam: why not do a true install??16:13
YamaIRCcoffee is good16:13
kwtmHi! Kubuntu user here; I'd like to know if the GNOME Ubuntu email program (is it Evolution?) can send email with inline images?16:13
Cradami have no cd drive and dont know how to make a liveUSB16:13
ActionParsnipCradam: its still a sucky situation, plus if you get issues wubi is a lot harder to fix16:13
IdleOne!usb | Cradam16:14
ubottuCradam: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:14
ActionParsnipCradam: use the 1-2-3 app from pendrivelinux or unetbootin16:14
dAnjouhey, do you know a tool that creates software usage statistics for me?16:14
ActionParsnipCradam: there are tonnes of guides how to make install USBs, what a ridiculous statement16:14
IdleOneCradam: I recommend unetbootin, always works for me16:14
Cradamshould i use persistent or normal?16:14
Cradami think normal16:15
ActionParsnipCradam: if its just an install media, persistence isn't really needed16:15
suprengr_What is the best way [only way even] to completely empty Gwibber' and start again? ...no obvious uninstall gwibber options pretty pleese ;)16:15
Cradamare there any distros that are good with slow systems and have wifi drivers preinstalled16:16
xanguaCradam: lubuntu¿16:16
ActionParsnipsuprengr_: if you run:  cd; la   do you see a gwibber folder, if so rename (or delete it), then run:   cd ~/.config; la    and rename (or delete) gwibber folders found there16:16
Cradamok ill look up L16:16
ActionParsnipCradam: they are all the same except the default app list and DE is different, the drivers are exactly the same16:17
CradamActionParsnip: i didn't just mean ubuntu16:17
suprengr_ActionParsnip: trying it now... thanks16:17
danidragonis anyone now when the inkscape 0.48.1 is launch16:17
ActionParsnipCradam: anything else is offtopic here but puppy is very light16:18
devkorcvince1K + people here nice16:19
Cradamlubuntu looks good but does any1 know any stats about it16:19
tuzloMorning all16:19
IdleOneCradam: #lubuntu16:19
tuzloWhat software is good for designing graphics images?16:20
suprengr_ActionParsnip: no gwibber folder found when doing the cd: la16:20
suprengr_*cd ; la16:20
devkorcvincetuzlo: GIMP and Inkscape16:20
ActionParsnipsuprengr_: ok then check in ~/.config16:20
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tuzlodoes either gimp or inkscape work in layers so you can readily change one item on one layer16:22
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rusty149suprengr_: sudo rm -R ~/.config/gwibber16:22
antonyclincehello can somebody help me16:23
resno!ask | antonyclince16:23
ubottuantonyclince: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:23
erUSULtuzlo: gimp supports layers just li PS16:23
tuzloask your question16:23
IdleOneActionParsnip: may i msg you?16:23
antonyclincei am having trouble installing ubuntu in my sony vaio16:23
resnoantonyclince: what kinda of trouble?16:24
ActionParsnipIdleOne: sure :)16:24
resnoActionParsnip: i was about to use find and do what i wanted. thanks16:25
rusty149antonyclince: What have you done so far?16:25
Cradamlol noones talking on #lubuntu16:25
antonyclincei installed ubuntu but on booting it shows blankscreen16:25
ActionParsnipresno: np man, find is hugely powerful16:26
suprengr_ActionParsnip: rusty149  no such animal found [including trying sudo rm -R ~/.config/gwibber]16:26
antonyclincei tried editing the grub line by removing "quiet splash"16:26
rusty149antonyclince: You must see the vaio logo on boot then what do you see before the 'blank screen'16:26
Cradamwow puppy looks cool16:26
antonyclincethe kernel messages are shows16:26
rusty149suprengr_: Then there are no settings for your user account16:27
ActionParsnipCradam: it can use ubuntu repos too16:27
karthick87Every time after I login into Ubuntu16:27
karthick875 folders from the same path (/usr/share/applications) are opening automatically..How to fix this problem??16:27
Cradamwhat can use ubuntu repos?16:27
Cradamoh it can use ubuntu apt-get files?16:28
xanguaCradam: ¿¿16:28
nirvana02hello all guy16:28
xanguakarthick87: go to sys>prefs>startup and uncheck the remember option in the......option tab16:28
suprengr_rusivi: that's what's confusing me!  two accounts set up in gwibber  [facebook & identica] - but nothing found as to to where / what file held in.16:29
suprengr_sorry rusivi16:29
rusty149when it's ready: So you see grub and then it boots the kernel?16:29
rusty149antonyclince: So you see grub and then it boots the kernel?16:29
suprengr_rusty149: that's what's confusing me!  two accounts set up in gwibber  [facebook & identica] - but nothing found as to to where / what file held in.16:30
antonyclinceyes the kernel boot and when it runs the init scripts blank screen16:30
rusty149antonyclince: is this a new install?16:31
antonyclinceyes its a new install16:31
suprengr_ActionParsnip: rusty149 [time to remove accounts and set them up again methinks] ;)16:31
rusty149antonyclince: Then best to do a new install. You don;t have to worry about data and settings16:32
suprengr_ActionParsnip: rusty149 ... and thanks  for both your efforts16:32
deadmaushello. i am doing a net install of ubuntu, used the mini iso after the base install, i'll install lxde. but, even without anything running, the laptop is running very warm16:32
antonyclincei tried installing it twice same problem16:32
rusty149 suprengr_: You can do sudo apt-get purge gwibber16:32
deadmausis there a way for the CPU to scale down when I am not doing anything?16:33
antonyclincethe blank screen always comes16:33
ActionParsnipSupertanker: not something i use tbh, but those are the normal places apps store configs16:33
deadmausmy laptop has a intel core i3 2.13 processor16:33
ActionParsnipantonyclince: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html16:33
rusty149antonyclince: ActionParsnip: Good point, if it is an X problem then you should be able to do Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a prompt?16:35
ActionParsniprusty149: true, usually the 'nomodeset' sorts the black boot screen out16:35
antonyclincei tried that but not getting a console16:35
SillyKoneHello.  How would I find out my computer's architecture? uname --hardware-platform returns unknown16:36
deadmausanyone have tips for ubuntu 64 bit running on an i3? i dont even have X enabled, but the laptop is running very warm. what do i need to do for the heating to be okay and the fans dont have to spin as crazily all the time16:36
ActionParsnipSillyKone: uname -m    i868 ==32bit  x86_64 == 64bit16:36
antonyclinceduring installing i used nomodeset to remove the balnk screen16:36
ActionParsnipantonyclince: then boot to root recovery mode, add it in /etc/default/grub   then run: sudo update-grub16:37
danidragonis any  know a good replacement of dreamwaver to ubnutu?16:37
SillyKoneActionParsnip: uname: extra operand `i868' :(16:37
ActionParsnipdanidragon: bluefish or kompozer spring to mind16:37
ActionParsnipSillyKone: no, the command is:  uname -m16:37
Random832also, it's i686 - and that's something you look for in the output, not somthing you type16:38
GulfstreamIs it possible to play .swf files in movie player?16:38
ActionParsnipSillyKone: I used the many spaces to differentiate command from info, it's also i686   not i86816:38
Random832so it's x86_64 now not amd64?16:38
ActionParsnipSillyKone: watch what you copy and paste16:38
blueskyhello everybody, my update manager says it cant download the following package: http://ppa.launchpad.net/plaxx/random-fixes/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz16:39
ActionParsnipRandom832: 64bit will always say x86_64   afaik, it's never reported amd6416:39
audacityHi. I'm trying to figure out how gdm is started during boot - there is no gdm script in /etc/rc2.d to launch it16:39
Random832i think it did originally back when amd was the only ones that made it16:39
SillyKoneSorry, I thought I was supposed to copy that whole line. :) Didn't seem like bash.16:39
SillyKoneSo then when I download Ubuntu, should I download the amd64 or i386?16:39
Random832i might be thinking of windows though, there are certain bits of windows that call it amd64 internally16:39
Random832SillyKone: what kind of processor do you have16:40
ActionParsnipSillyKone: depends on needs and use and ram amount16:40
Gulfstreamis it possible to play .swf files in Movie Player?16:40
danidragonthanks actionparsnip16:41
ActionParsnipGulfstream: install swfdec-gnome  and it may16:41
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal16:41
ZykoticK9audacity, the upstart script for GDM is /etc/init/gdm.conf16:42
robin_hoodhi. need some help, please. somebody here knows about kerberos, active directory, etc?16:42
ActionParsnipdanidragon: http://www.osalt.com/dreamweaver16:42
rusty149!ask | robin_hood16:42
ubotturobin_hood: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:42
SillyKoneActionParsnip, Random832: 00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 11h Processor HyperTransport Configuration (rev 40)16:43
ActionParsnipSillyKone: how much RAM do you have?16:43
SillyKoneActionParsnip: 2G.16:44
Random832SillyKone: /proc/cpuinfo, not lspci16:44
ActionParsnipSillyKone: ok and what do you use the system for?16:44
Random832though i think that's a 64-bit processor - now, a 64-bit OS does require a bit more memory and disk space, so you may still want to go with 32-bit16:44
SillyKoneActionParsnip: Why do you need to know? :/ Ubuntu is Ubuntu, isn't it?16:44
audacityZykoticK9, thanks, but I was trying to figure out from where it was started. I supposed X is launched through /etc/rcS.d/S70x11-common16:44
ActionParsnipSillyKone: what do you use your PC for?16:45
robin_hoodok, thanks. i am trying to join a ubuntu client in a windows 2003 server active directory. i did a tutorial i found somewhere , but i am stuck doing the command "sudo kinit Administrador@trabajoasi.edu". it ask for password and i type it, but it gives the error: kinit: KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial credentials16:45
robin_hoodanybody knows what this error mean?16:45
ActionParsnipSillyKone: web browsing? word processing? SQL server.....16:45
ZykoticK9audacity, it's launched from that script i sent you - you should research Upstart it has replaced the old init (rc) stuff.16:45
SillyKoneActionParsnip: General stuff, just about anything you can imagine. :)16:45
ubuntuWhen trying to install kino through sudo apt-get install kino, I can't due to the following problem: Err http://es.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/universe kino 1.3.3-1ubuntu2 403  Forbidden16:46
ubuntuImposible obtener http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kino/kino_1.3.3-1ubuntu2_i386.deb  403  Forbidden16:46
ubuntuWhen trying to install kino through sudo apt-get install kino, I can't due to the following problem: Err http://es.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/universe kino 1.3.3-1ubuntu2 403  Forbidden16:46
rusty149robin_hood: not sure but: man kinit  gives you the manual16:46
Koopa516whats the best font I can use on ubuntu that can get everything in the "Miscellaneous Symbols" Unicode subrange?16:46
danidragonany know  if jashakara project is still going one ?16:46
danidragonit was de best effects programa for video editing16:47
naitsohi all16:47
NixGeekubuntu: it sounds like ubuntu has a permission problem with the archive, it shouldn't be doing that. report it and they should fix it.16:47
SillyKoneMy processor is AMD Turion(tm) X2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-70.16:47
ubuntuNixGeek: how does one go about reporting that?16:47
audacityZykoticK9, Okay, thank you :)16:48
Random832SillyKone: ok that's a 64-bit processor - but you don't _have_ to run a 64-bit OS16:49
naitsoi use ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop, brasero don't recognise my /dev/sr0, the output of find /dev/ -group cdrom -ls http://paste.ubuntu.com/551845/ and the output of "groups" is naitso adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare. thanks for help16:49
Random832Koopa516: does opensymbol have them?16:49
Koopa516lemme check16:49
ZykoticK9ubuntu, i'd try "sudo apt-get update" then try again -- before reporting any "bugs"16:49
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rusty149robin_hood: so the command without options is: sudo kinit [principal]16:50
ubuntuZykoticK9: I also had tried sudo apt-get update, and sudo apt-get install --fix-missing as well16:50
linux_probekino 1.3.3 doesnt exist on that mirror, if you browse it it has kino1.3.416:50
SillyKoneRandom832: I know, but my computer has been wiggy for a the longst time and I figured it might be I downloaded the wrong architecture to begin.16:50
ZykoticK9ubuntu, try changing your mirror perhaps?16:50
Random832what's "wiggy"?16:50
ubuntuZykoticK9: how can I do that?16:51
Koopa516Random832, I don't think it does16:51
SillyKoneRandom832: My computer would work just fine right after each upgrade, but after a week or two (even now), the system is really slow and even crashes sometimes (especially when using Blender).  I feel this shouldn't happen with 2G of RAM.16:51
ZykoticK9ubuntu, open Ubuntu Software Center - and somewhere there is a "Software Sources" option - in it there is a drop down to select your mirror16:52
ActionParsnipSillyKone: if you are just doing normal desktop stuff then 32bit is fine, if you are doing lots of audio and video encoding then 64bit will help, or if you intend to upgrade RAM past 3Gb then 64bit will make life easier16:52
ZykoticK9ubuntu, it's labelled "Download from:"16:52
naitsono update?16:52
ActionParsnipSillyKone: however if you have a hardware device which only has 32bit drivers (like brother or canon) then you will need to use32bit and use PAE kernel if you go past 3Gb RAM16:53
ubuntuZykoticK9: I don't use download software center, I always use apt-get and make changes thru editing "sources.list", can't I do it that way?16:53
rusty149rusty149:: The Key Distribution Center (KDC) options specified by the [kdcdefault] and [realms] in the Kerberos configuration file (kdc.conf) are used if you do not specify a ticket flag on the command line.16:53
robin_hoodrusty149, yes i type sudo kinit Administrador@trabajoasi.edu (Administrador is the admin user on the 2003 server ad, and trabajoasi.edu is the domain)16:53
Koopa516nobody got any good fonts?16:53
ActionParsnip!fonts | Koopa51616:53
ubottuKoopa516: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/16:53
Robinuxis installing adobe photoshop with Wine a good idea?16:54
ActionParsnip!appdb | Robinux16:54
ubottuRobinux: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:54
rusty149robin_hood: check  kdc.conf16:54
ZykoticK9ubuntu, yes that's possible - but I don't know how you'd find the new address(es) to use.  Best of luck.16:54
joentjuhOkay, I may have a very simple problem but am not sure how to get rid of it (tried google but no success). I've just created an USB boot disk via the 'Startup Disk Creator' (with success) but am now stuck with an "729 MB File: Ubuntu 10.10 amd64" entry in both Disk Utility and Nautilus that I just can't seem to get rid of...(it _really_ annoys me) Any ideas?16:54
ubuntuZykoticK9: whre does the software centre get the addresses from?16:54
naitsohow use brasero?16:54
ActionParsnipjoentjuh: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?16:54
ActionParsnipnaitso: its a cd burning app, its fairly self explanatory when you open the gui16:55
joentjuhActionParsnip: nope, I've had that image for a while now and used it before (burned to cd, not usb)16:55
ZykoticK9ubuntu, sorry don't know - they seem "built-in"16:55
danidragonis any know how to put tomtom gps runnig with wine16:55
ActionParsnipjoentjuh: I'd check it just to be sure, if you cant transfer the image you may want to fsck the usb storage too16:55
rusty149robin_hood: : That is  /var/krb5/krb5kdc/kdc.conf16:56
naitsoActionParsnip: lol, the problem is that brasero don't find my device sr0 (my optical device)16:56
ZykoticK9naitso, consider using a different burning software then Brasero - gnomebaker or K3b (if you have KDE libs) are alternatives.16:56
robin_hoodrusty149, it's empty16:56
NixGeekubuntu: sorry about not answering for so longs, try here: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/report-problem to report it16:56
ubuntuNixGeek: thank you16:57
NixGeekubuntu: happry to help as alwasys16:57
ender2070Jolicloud is sick16:57
ActionParsnipnaitso: trued any other burning apps?16:57
ActionParsnipender2070: its also offtopic here16:57
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ZykoticK9ender2070, Jolicloud is also OT for this channel16:57
ender2070its ubuntu16:58
nirazioI was wondering if it's safe to upgrade Maverick Meerkat to Natty (I believe I'm fully aware of the bugginess of Natty at the moment).The only thing that's of concern is altering of other partitions during the install.Will it wipe any partitions out?16:58
joentjuhActionParsnip: There's nothing wrong with the actual image, and the USB disk has been successfully created and is already removed from my system. It's just an annoying entry in Disk Utility telling me it knows of an image (but is not mounted) that points to /dev/loop016:58
ubuntuZykoticK9: I finally managed to change the sources and now it allows me to install it.Thank you16:58
naitsoActionParsnip: k3b after brasero work ok, but i decided to remove all kde software16:58
ZykoticK9ubuntu, glad you fixed it!16:58
rusty149robin_hood: http://linux.die.net/man/5/kdc.conf16:58
ActionParsnipnaitso: try gnomebaker or xfburn, i have personally had zero luck with brasero16:58
ActionParsnipjoentjuh: could try unetbootin then16:59
ZykoticK9naitso, i think brasero causes a lot of issues in this channel16:59
naitsoActionParsnip: i don't use gome wm, i use fluxbox with only necessary library16:59
ActionParsnipnaitso: xfburn is default burner in LUbuntu so may be WM independant16:59
naitsook, thank, i'll try it17:00
KM0201ActionParsnip: does lxde (like xfce) install a  lot of gnome dependencies?17:00
joentjuhActionParsnip: Not sure what you mean...?... The USB disk is already created17:00
ActionParsnipKM0201: by default, very few17:01
KM0201i see...17:01
ActionParsnipjoentjuh: boot to the USB and check it for consistency17:01
bullgard4Disk Mounter v. 2.30.0 in Maverick shows one Partition of my single internal hard disk with 2 Icons: Firstly "(not mounted)" and at the same time  secondly as "(mounted)". Is this a bug? '~$ mount' shows it as mounted.17:02
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braxtonI can't kill a process. How do I end it? It's java.17:03
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joentjuhActionParsnip: Does it matter if it is, or if it's not? I just want the entry pointing to /dev/loop0 gone from nautilus/disk utility...17:04
ActionParsnipjoentjuh: well yes, if the USB isn't consistent then the data is bad17:05
nearsthi ppl17:07
rusty149robin_hood: What is the computer name of the AD server17:08
joentjuhActionParsnip: But again, what does this have to do with anything? Even if the iso were completely corrupt and the usb disk were to crash... I still want the pointless entry gone. The only thing 'Disk Utility' tells me is that it's a unmounted loop device named ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64 of type IS09660... Surely there must be some way to (forcebly) remove this.17:08
urthmoverrusty149: if you are authenticating against is it could be your DNS iP17:09
robin_hoodrusty149, sorry for not giving a answer to you before. this is damn hard...the computer name of the ad server is windows-2003-117:10
xoc_how do I test a usb cam out on my puter?17:10
erUSULxoc_: use "cheese"17:10
erUSUL!info cheese17:10
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 61 kB, installed size 260 kB17:10
rusty149robin_hood: Try:  sudo kinit host/windows-2003-1.trabajoasi.edu17:10
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erUSUL!es | Guest307817:11
ubottuGuest3078: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:11
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urthmoverwell said erUSUL17:11
rusty149urthmover: Yeah but the name can be resolved with the dns. And you need to point to AD directly17:11
LimeBursthi guys17:12
robin_hoodrusty149 : "sudo kinit host/windows-2003-1.trabajoasi.edu" gives "kinit: Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials"17:12
jkghi folks. I've just set up a Dovecot IMAP server on Ubuntu 10.04 (migrating from a host running old-ish Debian), I can connect to port 993 locally (e.g. with telnet) but not from other hosts. is there some obvious thing I should be checking, like a default firewal?17:12
xoc_ok the cam works now with cheese; and I want to use this cam with skype think it is possible or is there some subsitute for skype on ubuntu17:12
urthmovertrue...I was just giving you a place to start cause once you know the possible IP of DNS  then nslookup that IP and poof  you have a potential hostname17:12
robin_hoodrusty149: it seems like i have to type Administrador instead17:12
jkgit's fairly stock Ubuntu 10.04, although I have already moved some mysql/apache based stuff to it, which is all working fine.17:12
erUSULjkg: no default fw in ubuntu but maybe davecot is configured to only listen in localhost. check its configuration17:13
erUSULjkg:  #ubuntu-server17:13
naitsoActionParsnip: xfburn support DVD-RW ?17:13
jkgI have "ssl_listen = *:993" in dovecot.conf so I don't /think/ it's that... I'll try there, though, thanks!17:13
robin_hoodrusty149: when i type the pass incorrectly, it gives a different error message, so i suppose that it founds "Administrador@trabajoasi.edu"17:13
ActionParsnipjoentjuh: you may be able to use:  sudo umount -f /media/loop0    (or whatever the mountpoint is)17:14
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ActionParsnipnaitso: it'll burn them , yes17:14
rusty149robin_hood: OK try Administrador@windows-2003-1.trabajoasi.edu17:14
naitsoActionParsnip: ok, thanks17:14
Walexxoc_: there are lots of VoIP apps, some are not firewall-friendly. IAX-based apps tend to be more firewall friendly than others. Also try EVO, it is a decent free Java system used a lot by academics.17:14
ender2070mono is the devilz17:15
rusty149robin_hood: It just seems like credentials should be in a config file for this17:15
xoc_thanks Walex17:15
joentjuhActionParsnip: As I've said before, it's not mounted and has no 'remove' action... Hence my predicament17:15
Walexxoc_: look at Ekiga for example, it is fairly popular.17:15
ActionParsnipjoentjuh: yes but you can use the -f (force) option in umount and it will remove it, will that not sort it17:16
rusty149robin_hood: Have a look in:  /var/krb5/security/creds/krb5cc_[uid]default credentials cache ([uid] is the UID of the user.)17:16
kwtmHi! Kubuntu user here; I'd like to know if the GNOME Ubuntu email program (is it Evolution?) can send email with inline images?17:16
LimeBurstHi guys. I am using Ubuntu Server 10.10 on VirtulBox. When I change the network connection type on VirtualBox(NAT->BRIDGE), Ubuntu fails to install packages but I can still connect to if by FTP from outside. When I change the network setting back(BRIDGE->NAT), I can install packages well. Any ideas how to fix this?17:16
davide_scusate per togliere windows 7 dalla schermata di avvio me lo sapete dire17:16
ActionParsnipkwtm: i believe so, yes17:17
xoc_Walex: Ekiga should be able to be installed on mac os x17:17
danmanvillehello. I'm trying to install the 10.04 netbook remix; I've setup the USB stick but when I boot to it I get a message "unknown keyword in configuration file" and it hangs. Any ideas17:17
LimeBurstMaybe I gotta ask this on the vbox channel, but I think the problem is on Ubuntu's network settings17:17
ActionParsnipLimeBurst: can you ping from the server?17:17
DiamondciteLimeBurst: I'm just wondering.. Does your network have something capable for SHARING an internet connection?17:17
robin_hoodrusty149: "sudo kinit Administrador@windows-2003-1.trabajoasi.edu" gives "kinit: Cannot resolve network address for KDC in realm "windows-2003-1.trabajoasi.edu" while getting initial credentials"17:18
robin_hoodrusty149, thanks i will take a look17:18
LimeBurstActionParsnip: I can still ping to that IP address on both settings17:18
socommHey guys anyone got tutorial on how to install ubuntu drivers through the commandline?17:18
joentjuhActionParsnip: 'umount: /dev/loop0: not mounted'... Can't find any mount location either.17:18
socommhow to install NVIDIA drivers. Sorry.17:18
bullgard4Disk Mounter v. 2.30.0 in Maverick shows one Partition of my single internal hard disk with 2 Icons: Firstly "(not mounted)" and at the same time  secondly as "(mounted)". Is this a bug? '~$ mount' shows it as mounted.17:18
nsdI'm having trouble mounting floppies on this machine; I have an entry in /etc/fstab that seems to be correct, but I can't mount with just sudo mount /dev/fd0 or to manually mount with sudo mount -t vfat /dev/fd0. Either way, I see the light on the floppy drive light up and it makes a sound, but the disk isn't actually mounted. Am I doing something wrong, or is there something wrong with the drive, or what?17:19
LimeBurstDIamondcite: Yes I think it can, becase NAT works just fine.17:19
socommnsd: you're not specifying where to mount the floppy.17:19
socommnsd: mount /device/to/mount /directory/to/mount/it/to17:20
DiamondciteLimeBurst: VirtualBox NAT mode, has vbox do the connection sharing... I was wondering if your home has an actual system for sharing the internet to multiple computers, you'll need something like that to do a bridged connection.17:20
PesiVHi, anyone help?17:20
PesiVLooking for a program to connect to the DSL network.17:20
DiamondcitePesiV: Network Manager should already handle that17:21
nsdsocomm: whoops, I forgot to put that in my message; I have been specifying that. I've tried /mnt and /media/floppy, both to no avail. In the first example, I didn't specify because my /etc/fstab entry says to mount to /media/floppy017:21
socommPesiV: if you have a router it can usually do that for you17:21
yaluhi, is there somewhere still a working mirror for intrepid? be.archive doesn't have intrepid anymore17:22
PesiVno modem DSL17:22
socommnsd: how do you know it is not mounted?17:22
LimeBurstDiamondcite: I can use vbox just fine on my other virtual machine like XP with every other network settings. Could it be a problem with package archive certificate stuffs?17:22
socommnsd: could it be that your flopppy is mounted but has nothing on it?17:22
LimeBurstDiamondcite: It's my best guess :(17:22
blackstarhello, what is the best way to create a liveCD (clone my hardrive) ?17:23
nsdsocomm: Doing ls /mnt shows nothing and mount shows that the drive isn't mounted. Also, when I try to unmount it (either with sudo umount /dev/fd0 or sudo umount /mnt) it says that it's not mounted.17:23
DiamondciteLimeBurst: I'm really not sure then.. all I can suggest is check your default gateway when in bridged mode17:23
socommnsd: do df -h17:23
LimeBurstDiamondcite: OK thanks :)17:23
nearsthi people.. how are u..17:23
socommnsd: that will tell give you break down of all the mounted devices17:23
nearstdone expertise in ubuntu17:23
socommnsd: if it shows /dev/fd0 then chances are that your floppy is mounted17:24
magicianlordlol floppy17:24
nsdsocomm: nope, nothing17:24
socommnsd: also make sure that the /mnt/floppy directory exists17:24
socommnsd: mount will not auto craete directories for you17:24
nsdsocomm: I was trying to mount it just to /mnt, which does exist; I do know to make directories17:24
joentjuhActionParsnip: This is what I'm talking about: http://thuis.joentjuh.nl/dump/screenshot8.png & http://thuis.joentjuh.nl/dump/screenshot9.png17:24
socommnsd: k17:24
nsdsocomm: and the floppy module is loaded17:24
nsdI verified that with lsmod17:25
blackstarwhat is the best way to create a liveCD (clone my hardrive) ?17:25
magicianlordwhy does linux does not recognize a wifi module when it's turned off with F2 again until reboot? win does not have this issue17:26
ActionParsnipjoentjuh: not sure then dude17:26
socommnsd: and your floppy is good?17:26
joentjuhActionParsnip: Bummer, thanks anyway17:26
ActionParsnipblackstar: if you want to clone the drive you can use dd, rsync or partimage17:26
ActionParsnipjoentjuh: others may be able to help though17:26
nsdsocomm: I have tried several17:27
bullgard4blackstar: liveCD != harddrive clone17:27
socommnsd: floppy drive is good?17:27
socommblackstar: your hard drive would probably not fit on a CD17:27
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: remove the module, then re-modprobe it17:27
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: windows is a different OS with different support. That's why it acts differently17:27
mawstWindows is teh sucks.17:27
nsdsocomm: this I cannot verify17:28
nsdsocomm: it is relatively new (about a year)17:28
blackstarscom thanks, but i can use a DVD17:28
ActionParsnipmawst: its a tool for a job, windows does have advatnages over Linux. In short - Every OS sucks17:28
mawstActionParsnip: Such as?17:28
socommblackstar: most DVDs are about 4gigs I don't think you can fit your hdd on dvd17:28
xtcgr0gmint: hi17:28
blackstarscom thanks, but i can use a DVD i want to dod this so i dont have re install all my apps, and also keep my comfiguration17:28
ActionParsnipmawst: if a custom built program relys solely on windows and will not run in wine, Linux would be a terrible choice17:29
socommblackstar: do you want to fit your whole hdd or just apps+configs?17:29
edgyHi, how can I stop ssh from autostarting everytime from upstart? I tried update-rc.d -f ssh remove but nothing changed17:29
ActionParsnipmawst: running games which refuse to run in wine17:29
magicianlordActionParsnip: when i hit F2 again to reactivate the wifi light, it should automatically turn it on17:29
ActionParsnipedgy: bum may work17:29
mawstRelying on a program that only runs in windows is human error.17:29
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: log a bug17:29
guntbertmawst: keep to the topic of this channel please17:29
magicianlordthe light comes on, but the driver does not work until reboot17:29
blackstaryes, i'm looking for a tool similar to remasterys17:29
socommnsd: play with the mount command, if the floppy drive is new and you've got everything in place17:29
mawstChoosing your OS based on what games it plays is not very bright either.17:29
magicianlordit's not a bug. it's been that way since  forever17:29
* magicianlord cries17:30
socommnsd: should be no reason why you shouldnt be able to mount floppy17:30
ActionParsnipmawst: it can and does happen, mac is sometimes a better choice over both.17:30
mawstEspecially given there are several sufficient systems designed exclusivley for games (PS3, 360, Wii etc).17:30
blackstaryes, i'm looking for a tool similar to remasterys, than i can find in the official repo17:30
nsdsocomm: well, I guess I'll just keep trying then, thanks for the help anyways17:30
mawstActionParsnip, you're preeching to the choir on that one. I'm running OSX now.17:30
st__some clown decide not to load floppy module?17:30
blackstarSscom yes, i'm looking for a tool similar to remasterys, than i can find in the official repo17:30
ActionParsnipmawst: or a device which is essential to the system doing its job (like in manufacturing), windows may be the only OS the drivers work on17:30
pavankumarlhello everyone17:30
Lord_RahlIs there funky problem with apache ssl in 10.04 LTS17:30
pavankumarlI want to create custom background image for my conky scipt, where to start from?17:31
ActionParsnipst__: name it to be loaded in /etc/modules17:31
socommI need to install NVIDIA drivers from package, anyone got tutorial on how to do this through command line?17:31
xoc_how do I check to make sure my mic works?17:31
socommI'm feeling lazy today17:31
ActionParsnipxoc_: there is sound recorder by default in the sound menu17:31
Hilikussocomm: just run the installation script17:31
Lord_Rahlxoc_, use sound recorder17:31
xoc_I tried that and on't get anything :(17:31
mawstxoc_, go to the sound properties and switch to the input tab.17:31
ben_qhow can I check which dns-nameservers are used by my ubuntu server at the moment? (since it's not resolving addresses)17:31
ActionParsnipsocomm: which nvidia chip?17:31
socommxoc_: use gnome sound recorder?17:31
ActionParsnipben_q: cat /etc/resolv.conf17:31
socommActionParsnip: not sure off top of my head17:32
rusty149ben_q: sudo ifconfig17:32
ActionParsnipsocomm: lspci | grep -i vga    will tell you17:32
mawstifconfig doesn't show name servers does it?17:32
magicianlordis the creative xifi sound card supported well in linux17:32
Lord_Rahlifconfig -a17:32
ActionParsnip!hcl | magicianlord17:32
ubottumagicianlord: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:32
socommmawst: no17:33
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: personally I avoid them, i've seen a lot of issues with them17:33
socommmawst: it shows your hardware config17:33
mawstYeah you need to cat resolv.conf17:33
LSD|NinjaCreative PCI cards don't work terribly well anywhere, truth be told17:33
dAnjouhey, do you know a tool that creates software usage statistics for me?17:34
ActionParsnipsocomm: if it's later than an 8000 it'll run fine with this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-nvidia-260-19-12-drivers-in-ubuntu-10-1010-04-using-ppa.html17:34
magicianlordActionParsnip: with what17:34
Cru_i wondered if someone could help me.  I just installed a new hd and now when I log into ubuntu it nolonger boots into gui but just to the terminal screen for logging in.  Even when I unplug the added hd and have it originally it stays the same17:34
magicianlordwhat's the best notification daemon  for openbox17:34
ben_qActionParsnip, can I add nameservers there manually?17:34
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: getting them to work, usually you have to use OSS istead of alsa and such17:34
liminalmy applications in ubuntu keep crashing, the logs show a 'seg fault' is likely due to faulty memory?17:35
socommActionParsnip: much ppreciated17:35
=== bread_ is now known as breadcrumb
socommliminal: could be17:35
ActionParsnipben_q: yes but they will be removed when you next boot as network manager will change the file, you should add nameservers in network manaer / wicd / whatever gui app you use (if you dont use a gui manager you can simply edit the file017:35
ActionParsnipben_q: its fine to edit just to test but it will be changed back once you rebot17:36
liminalsocomm here are my logs from chrome that seems to be crashing alot today17:36
ben_qok, so on ubuntu server it will stay?17:36
compdochow would you run a command as user spamd? spamd is also a program, so it errors if you use: su spamd17:36
pr0ph3thi all, I have this 3g modem inbuilt, on windows it works fine, on ubuntu it does not register, the reason is it doesn't have reception, maybe the radio is off? How can I switch it on?17:36
pr0ph3t there was a patch created to support this hardware and I am running the kernel 2.6.37 which definitely has it merged17:36
pr0ph3t I can send AT commands to the modem and get responses, but it has no signal17:36
pr0ph3t I can be in the exact same position in windows7 and it will register without a hitch, in ubuntu this doesn't happen17:36
pr0ph3t with AT commands I get the response no carrier17:36
FloodBot2pr0ph3t: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:36
pr0ph3t network manager wizard doesn't work please don't suggest that17:36
ActionParsnipben_q: i believe so, not sure how network manager managers that stuff in server, I use wicd-curses in server to get a nice curses gui to networking :)17:36
socommliminal: when was last time you updated your system?17:36
socommliminal: also is it just chrome crashing, or other applications besides chrome17:37
pr0ph3tsorry about flood17:37
DarkStar1anyone here used CentOS or has to use it?17:37
liminalother applications are crashing also17:37
pr0ph3tplease help17:38
Wolfsherzchrome is not an application, its a data collecting piece of ...17:38
socommDarkStar1: I've used just about everything.17:38
socommWolfsherz: kids eat it up though17:38
compdocDarkStar1, yeah17:39
b0tzI need some help just fixing a minor inconvinience, http://pastebin.com/PgMUeiPw I get this whenever trying to apt-get remove apache2* and any other apt-get process17:39
DarkStar1pr0ph3t: Wish I could but I haven't had to deal with a 3G modem.. Though I have had problems with wireless in the past on ubuntu.. Last time I just changed the network manager to another17:39
b0tzis there any way to fix this so this doesnt print everytime i use this17:39
DarkStar1socomm: Maybe you can help17:39
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: if you use the chromium daily build, it'snot17:39
socommDarkStar1: ask17:39
DarkStar1socomm: I installed tomcat5 using yum but I don't know where it's installed it. Not only that. the locate command doesn't work for some odd reason17:40
socommDarkStar1: you need to run updatedb17:41
liminalchrome, chromium and firefox17:41
DarkStar1socomm: I afk installed it yesterday before I went to bed17:41
WolfsherzActionParsnip: why would i use those... the philosphy behind google should be enough for everyone to just stay away from them where possible.17:41
socommDarkStar1: you can alsy try "find /usr/ --iname \*tomcat\*"17:41
DarkStar1socomm: thanks17:41
Lord_Rahlanyone know if Comcast block 443 (SSL) incoming17:41
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: why, if the product provides what is desired then why not use it...17:41
WolfsherzActionParsnip: because there is plenty of alternatives?17:42
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: imho chromium browses a tonne faster than any firefox build, but I have a lot of extra settings and it flys, and eats less ram which firefox does a LOT here which is why I don't use it. I also use aroroa17:42
milen8204anyone knows, have gcc library math.h ?17:43
ActionParsnipmilen8204: try:  dpkg -S math.h17:43
dAnjouhey, do you know a tool that creates software usage statistics for me?17:43
WolfsherzActionParsnip: never made any difference for me to wait for a website for either 1s or 0.1s.... really.17:43
milen8204ActionParsnip, thanks17:43
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: I have no issue using the browser and frankly dont care if I am transmitting what I look at, I have nothing to hide. I'd happily send them my cookies every hour if they wanted17:44
DarkStar1socomm: thanks.. that worked17:44
WolfsherzActionParsnip: thats just scary...17:44
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: why, what am I losing exactly?17:44
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: try installing dnsmasq as well as use a web proxy to reduce the use of the web connection, keeps stuff on the LAN rather than the slower web connection17:45
socommDarkStar1: cool, get familiar with the find utility - its very easy to learn and comes in very handy17:45
WolfsherzActionParsnip: won't argue with you about which one is faster, better, what else... but google is to be avoided imho17:45
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: what am I losing by them tracking me?17:45
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: i still get the sites I view and all is good17:45
socommgoogle scares crap out of me from a privacy stand point17:46
WolfsherzActionParsnip: have some pretty interesting articles here about why the behaviour of collecting data as done by google and others is bad for you. but they are all in german.17:46
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: i'd like a read if you can give links please17:46
Code_Bleuanyone in here able to get Flash working in Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit and using Firefox 4 beta 8?17:47
* st__ yawns17:47
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: grab the 64bit flash ppa and you'll be fine17:47
Bipul`Code_Bleu, install it from ubuntu software center17:47
Code_BleuActionParsnip: which is where?17:47
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/install-64bit-flash-from-a-ppa-or-deb/17:47
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: I knew you'd ask, you could have used my direction and found it yourself....17:48
DarkStar1socomm: I just tried that find command you posted. gives me a - predicate invalid " --iname "- error17:48
Code_BleuBipul`: not there17:48
WolfsherzActionParsnip: try this video on youtube, its a documentation about google (german) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwa2rqEhL6E17:48
Bipul`Application <Ubuntu software center and then type flash player17:48
introjectionI have a partition with a working user folder, but a broken system. Can I manually replace all folders except user with a clean working system from my other working system?17:48
socommDarkStar1: lol maybe i should go back and re-learn find try -iname instead of --iname17:49
LantchipsCode_Bleu just download 10.2 32 bit17:49
Code_BleuLantchips: i want 6417:49
st__introjection, with same amount of reason, yes17:49
magicianlordis anyone familiar with EFI17:49
LantchipsCode_Bleu Think I heard somewhere that the 64 bit version is the same as 32 bit just the name sorta17:49
DarkStar1socomm: already did after I asked.. I put it down to your typo :)17:49
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: ah, I thought you meant a page with german text17:49
ScuttleHum...I have a problem with ubuntu, or apt rather, freezing when I install something... Right now I have Apt stuck at unpacking.... (10.10 server, 64bit"17:50
Bipul`magicianlord, what's EFI17:50
nearstScuttle: what problem17:50
nearstScuttle: just doing dpkg-reconfigure -a17:50
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: frankly I dont care, i use about 6 or 7 sites so the data will be very boring, I have nothing to hide and I don't care17:50
st__extended firmware interface17:50
introjectionst__, thank you.17:50
nearstScuttle: it will reconfigure your system17:50
introjectionlright. . my second partition has the working system i want to overwrite broken one with. i wonder if just copying will make it bootable though.17:51
Bipul`Scuttle, ?17:51
nearstintrojection: maybe u need to configure using cfdisk17:51
st__introjection, no, you should skip boot folder17:51
WolfsherzActionParsnip: it is my opinion that everyone should do what makes him/her happy. i was just saying something like google is not your friend, everything else you need to make up with yourself =)17:51
introjectionthat's actually what needs replacement. boot folder is broken, i have infamous initramfs bug on boot.17:51
DarkStar1magicianlord: I'm going to take a pot shot and guess you're trying to install ubuntu on a mac? :d17:51
magicianlordBipul`: Extensible Firmware Interface. it's a DRM-inspired attempt to replace the current BIOS and control your computer17:52
introjectioni'm searching cfdisk17:52
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ActionParsnipWolfsherz: did that ages ago, people wear too many tinfoil hats. Your ISP logs what you lok at anyway17:52
Scuttlenearst: why would I want to reconfigure my system? I'm trying to install a perl-module...17:52
magicianlordMacs have used EFI since 2006. i'm just reading about it, since intel's new p67 platforms will be forcing it17:52
DarkStar1magicianlord: Which is why apple use it17:52
introjectionDarkStar1,  correct.  i had no issue and have enjoyed ubuntu until initramfs bug emerged.17:52
introjectionfor over a year it was perfect17:52
magicianlordDarkStar1: why what17:53
WolfsherzActionParsnip: but they have not the ability to correlate the collected data as google can17:53
ActionParsnipWolfsherz: they could if they wanted17:53
Scuttle"Unpacking libgetopt-argvfile-perl (from .../libgetopt-argvfile-perl_1.11-1_all.deb) ..."17:53
DarkStar1magicianlord: DRM inspired17:53
Scuttlebeen sitting there for several minutes now17:53
nearstScuttle: okay17:53
introjectionoh my bad, wrong username17:53
Cru_>i wondered if someone could help me. I just boot into livecd, took it out (didnt change any settings on my original install) and now when I log into mythbuntu it nolonger boots into gui but just to the terminal screen for logging in. Even when I unplug the added hd and have it originally set up it stays the same and doesnt enter into gui of mythbuntu17:53
DarkStar1introjection: I tried to install ubuntu a couple of months back on my Macbook and just gave up... Gave me no end of problems17:54
guntbertActionParsnip: Wolfsherz: I suggest taking that to another channel :-)17:54
st__ActionParsnip, unlike ISP, Google needs no court order to disclose such logs17:54
Scuttlecan't even ctrl+c with apt...it's totally frozen17:54
ActionParsnipst__: still not even remotely concerned or scared17:55
Scuttlethe hell... not even kill 9...17:55
st__Scuttle, alt-ctrl-shift-sysrq-r17:56
DarkStar1anyone here have to deal with 1&1 or rent virtual servers from them?17:56
guntbertScuttle: switch to another terminal and use top/htop to see what is the matter17:56
Scuttlest__: I managed to kill it...but apt freezes again when I re-run it17:56
guntbert!ot | DarkStar117:57
ubottuDarkStar1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:57
DarkStar1thanks guntbert17:57
=== lolzer is now known as binil
binilhi how can i copy to a root protected area graphically ...17:59
Thornis php5-fpm 5.3.5 available for 10.04 yet?17:59
binilthe cp command is a bit tiring17:59
magicianlord10.04 is now available on dell vostro v130, aluminum-chassis laptops18:00
Cru_my gui no longer opens in ubuntu.  when i type startx it says that my NVIDIA kernel fails to initialize.  that screen(s) are found, but none have a usable configuration18:00
Idol_MindCru_: were you using nVidia X Server?18:00
edbianbinil: You can open a nautilus window as root by running gksudo nautilus18:00
jsnikerisHi all.  I'm writing a bourne shell script.  I want to prompt the user for input, but I want to provide an initial string that they can just modify.  Anyone know how to do this?  For example the prompt would say "Artist: Bob Dylan" and they can backspace to remove the Dylan and hit enter18:00
edbianbinil: But don't do it unless you have to because you might accidentally delete files18:01
Cru_Idol_Mind: not sure.  I had installed it a long time ago via sh nvidia.run18:01
xoc_I have Jaunty Jackalope and skype is being a bitch on here; should I upgrade my entire ubuntu to the latest one?18:01
Cru_Idol_Mind: it worked fine and today just stopped.  would love to re-install but not sure how to do it via the terminal (noobish to ubuntu)18:02
st__if I overwrite the folder, will its contents go to lost+found?18:02
ActionParsnipxoc_: jaunty is nt supported any more18:02
edbianjsnikeris: Short answer, there is easy way.18:02
xoc_well shit on me18:02
jsnikerisedbian: no easy way?18:02
magicianlordCru_: what stopped18:02
xoc_ActionParsnip: what is the best way to upgrade to the latest?18:02
shiv_I have ubuntu and windows 7 on the same HDD partitioned (dual boot) I am running out of space on ubuntu side. Is there a way to expand the partition size without loosing data on either side?18:03
edbianjsnikeris: You'd have to write a text editor window (like in a graphical text editor program) with a buffer of text in it and everything18:03
ActionParsnip!upgrade | xoc_18:03
ubottuxoc_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:03
guntbertst__: no18:03
edbianjsnikeris: I would just print the string and then ask the user if they wanna change it to something else and have them type in a whole new string18:03
jsnikerisedbian: OK, thanks18:03
edbianjsnikeris: no problem18:03
Cru_magicianlord: i no longer boot into the gui.  I just end up at terminal when computer turns on.  when i try to run startx it says nvidia kernel couldnt initialize b/c a screen was found, but none usable18:03
Idol_MindCru_: have you double checked your connections at the gpu and monitor? aside from that i'd look into seeing is the xorg.conf got corrupt18:04
bullgard4Disk Mounter v. 2.30.0 in Maverick shows one Partition of my single internal hard disk with 2 Icons: Firstly "(not mounted)" and at the same time  secondly as "(mounted)". Is this a bug? '~$ mount' shows it as mounted.18:04
ActionParsnipshiv_: remove old unused kernels as well as openoffice if you only use writer and install abiword, you should also install bleachbit and clean stuff that way (close as many apps as you can) as well as run: sudo apt-get clean18:04
Cru_Idol_Mind: yeah, i turned off and re-seated video card and hdmi cord as well18:05
edbianbullgard4: when it doubt trust the terminal18:05
Code_BleuActionParsnip: so you are saying this PPA will work with the Beta 8 version of Firefox 4?18:05
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: it'll work with any browser as it uses the standard folders.18:05
bullgard4edbian: Right. But this answers my question only partially.18:05
shiv_ActionParsnip, thanks will do that for now18:05
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: You can also download the deb, extract it and put the plugin in ~/.mozilla/plugins18:05
bablehi ppl , can some one help me? problems with a Realtec RTL8191SE wireless in ubuntu 10.1018:06
magicianlordwhy isn't there a proper working video drive for via chipsets?18:06
ActionParsnipshiv_: watch your options in bleachbit or it'll clear settings you want to keep, also avoid options which say they will take a long time, run it as user and root18:06
ActionParsnipoh well18:06
edbianbullgard4: I'm not up to date on the bugs of that program.  All I can say is that if I saw an app giving me different information than some cli program. I'd trust the cli program18:06
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: there is, its in a default install18:06
Code_BleuActionParsnip: Im trying the PPA first, then if that doesnt work, then i will try the .deb file18:06
magicianlordi was going to install ubuntu on a via laptop, but the resolution cannot be changed properly18:06
BluesKajCru_, have you installed the nvidia-current driver , if so , at the prompt : nvidia-xconfig...this will rewitr Xorg.conf18:06
magicianlordit extends past the screen18:07
magicianlordand changes it from 1600x1200 corrupts the display18:07
Idol_MindCru_: take a look and see if /etc/X11/xorg.conf is present and readable (cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | more)18:07
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: then you may need an xorg.conf file if udev isnt detecting things right18:07
Cru_BluesKaj: when I type that it says "unable to write to directory /etc/X1118:07
Idol_MindCru_: use sudo18:08
Code_BleuActionParsnip: I forgot to mention that i have both the original version of FF installed and i have installed the FF4 in my /opt dir...and the PPA didnt work18:08
bablewireless not working , it worked after install just fine, but next day.. stop working18:08
bullgard4edbian: Thank you for answering.18:08
BluesKajoops yeah , sudo  , Cru_18:08
edbianbullgard4: yep.  Good luck with it.18:08
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: fine, the browser as ~/.mozilla/plugins in its plugin path (you'll need to make the folder first)18:09
bablecan some one help me? problems with a Realtec RTL8191SE wireless in ubuntu 10.1018:09
Idol_Minddoes anyone know and guides for moving ubuntu to an SSD while triming down the size of partitions?18:10
freerideguys, please, tel how to restore drub2 after windows installed18:10
Cru_Idol_Mind, BluesKaj: Ok, I typed the nvidia xconfig and it went through, but startx still same problem and when i used cat command, it says no such file or directory18:10
ActionParsnipbable: could compile the driver from the realtk site using this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142514018:10
binili wonder what ubuntu did with the network manager... 10.04 worked great but having problems with 10.1018:10
Idol_MindCru_: really? well there's one problem18:10
bullgard4!grub2 | freeride18:10
ubottufreeride: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:10
Idol_MindCru_: alrighty, one sec18:10
Code_BleuActionParsnip: can you explain that again..not sure im following you.  Im sure it has something to do with symlinks, but i have tried that..unless you are explaining to me to do something different18:11
bablebinil: same thing here18:11
ActionParsnipfreeride: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html18:11
bableno wireless18:11
glacemanHelloooooooooooooooo EVERY1 :D:D:D18:11
Idol_MindCru_: is /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup present?18:11
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: make the folder ~/.mozilla/plugins18:11
BluesKajCru_, which nvidia card are you using ?18:11
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: extract the deb and copy the plugin file to that folder, its that simple18:11
bullgard4binil: "having problems" is no precise error message.18:12
Idol_MindCru_: try 'sudo nvidia-settings'18:12
Code_BleuActionParsnip: i Have that from the original version installed...im assuming18:12
Idol_MindCru_: that should rewrite the xorg.conf18:12
Cru_Idol_Mind, BluesKaj: n/m about it not being there...mistyped it. lol.  Xorg opens and backup is present18:12
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: then you will need to remove the packaged version or it may conflict18:12
Code_BleuActionParsnip: i wish it was that simple....i promise you i know what im doing and have tried everything18:12
bableany good soul out there , some tutorial ... some link... wireless prbs in 10.1018:12
bullgard4!wireless | bable18:13
ubottubable: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:13
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: also make sure you dont have gnash installed or swfdec-mozilla etc or that will conflict too18:13
Cru_Idol_Mind: sudo nvidia-settings gives me an error saying control display is undefined18:13
binilwell my cell  is forced into  going into memory storage mode after like 5 mins ... phone is sony ericsson w200i18:13
kokozedmanhey guys ... i'm having a really weird packet problem on my Ubuntu Server18:13
babletanka you18:14
Code_BleuActionParsnip: I just verfied that gnash and swfdec-mozilla are not installed18:14
edbiankokozedman: What is it?18:14
kokozedmani have installed Squid3 ... then i removed it and install Squid 2 ...18:14
glacemancan anybody please tell me if i could possible delete safely the following folders from my home profile "templates and examples", what are they here for anyway ?18:14
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:14
Idol_MindCru_: rename the xorg.conf to xorg.conf.old (sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old) and try again18:14
ActionParsnipglaceman: where is it located?18:14
kokozedmanthen, just now ... i install squid3 ... and both doesn't work18:14
Cru_BluesKaj: Nvidia geforce 21018:14
glacemanActionParsnip: in my home folder18:14
binilto go about the problem i keep running some application on phone...18:14
edbianglaceman: You can safely delete it.  Right click anywhere, the menu there pulls from the templates folder18:14
kokozedmannow, i can't remove squid3 ... nor re-install it18:14
Code_BleuActionParsnip: so you are saying that no one can run an earlier version of FF and the FF 4 Beta with Flash working in 64bit Ubuntu 10.10?18:14
ActionParsnipglaceman: templates folder is used when you right click and use 'create new..'18:15
robin_hoodplease somebody help me. in smb.conf, "#" means commentary, but what does mean ";" ?18:15
glacemanoh so i can keep it18:15
ActionParsnipglaceman: Examples can be deleted without issue18:15
kokozedmanedbian: i get error from apt-get whether i want to install squid3 or remove it .... squid3 was not fully isntalled18:15
glacemanbut it's empty18:15
LantchipsCode_Bleu normally ff is a 32 bit browser anyhow so a 64 bit won't really do any difference18:15
Idol_MindCru_: you could also try sudo nvidia-xconfig18:15
edbianglaceman: Drop files in it then right click and look at the create new menu item18:15
ActionParsnipglaceman: yes, unless you don't want to be able to make new empty files of various types from right click18:15
glacemanok i understand now edbian18:15
kokozedmanis there a way to have the system forget there ever have been a squid3 .. and start really fresh again?18:15
glacemanok ok, thanks guys18:15
binil@<bullgard4>  do you know what is different in the network manager this time ...18:15
bullgard4glaceman: I believe they are for openoffice.org programs.18:15
edbiankokozedman: Did you try the -f flag on apt-get to fix broken packages?18:16
kokozedmani need squid3 ... but i can't get it anylong now18:16
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: i dont know, i dont use crappy firefox no more18:16
kokozedmanedbian: nope ... let me try that18:16
Cru_Idol_Mind: I did that and it re-wrote, but startx is the same problem.  screens found but none have a usable config18:16
edbiankokozedman: I think sudo apt-get -f install   tries to fix all broken packages18:16
bullgard4binil: Different to what?18:16
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: you could try symlinking the plugin file into the plugins folder for the browser in /opt18:16
edbianluis001: hi18:16
Idol_MindCru_: ok, well can you pastebin your xorg.conf?18:17
aneviltrendhi all - i have a networking question. i have a 5-port switch and i'm trying to set a static ip on my ubuntu box so i can connect to it from my laptop18:17
Cru_yeah....it may take awhile as i will have to manual type it (unless you know a way i can do it via the terminal)18:17
edbiananeviltrend: sure....18:17
aneviltrendunfortunately my laptop can't ping the ubuntu box18:17
Cru_Idol_Mind: yeah....it may take awhile as i will have to manual type it (unless you know a way i can do it via the terminal)18:17
robin_hoodplease somebody help me. what does ";" in a start of a line on a document? (# is commentary, but ";" ?)18:17
binil@<bullgard4> the way it goes about connecting.. i wonder why are all these problems cropping up??18:17
edbiananeviltrend: The laptop and the ubuntu box both must have static IP addresses18:17
bullgard4aneviltrend: man route18:17
Code_BleuActionParsnip: I tried that too...i guess im just going to give up for now, and hopefully in the months to come it will work...so for now if i need flash i will use something else.18:17
Idol_MindCru_: I don't unless someone here does18:17
lukethedukeI have a weird problem with my RaLink 2860 wireless. it randomly stops working and I can't get it to work again unless I reboot. In Windows 7 that doesn't happen. When I try to set it down or up with ifconfig it says "device busy". Here's what happens in syslog: http://pastebin.com/Vs2nQcQA . any ideas?18:17
aneviltrendedbian: both of them? okay, i'll try that18:18
glacemanguys my system freeze, freshly installed 2 days ago18:18
glacemani clicked on application on the top, and now it dosen't want to close18:18
aneviltrendedbian: the laptop is win7, so i'll have to monkey around a bit :)18:18
Cru_Idol_Mind: where do I get the xorg.conf file?18:18
edbiananeviltrend: yes, the packets know where the server is, they do not know where the laptop is without a valid IP18:18
Idol_MindCru_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:18
ActionParsnipglaceman: can you restart the X server using ALT+K+Printcreen ?18:18
aneviltrendedbian: thanks for the help18:18
rohitnikcoolhello everyone18:18
edbiananeviltrend: Just to be clear, what IP does the server have?18:18
rohitnikcoolDoes anybody know software similar to magic iso for ubuntu.18:19
glacemanActionParsnip: dosen't do anything18:19
robin_hoodplease somebody help me. what does ";" in a start of a line on a document? (# is commentary, but ";" ?)18:19
edbiananeviltrend: k, what IP does the laptop have?18:19
NixGeekhow can I, using metacity, have a window stay always on bottom?18:19
bullgard4binil: I cannot tell you beforehand. You better make some test and produce an error message. Report this error message. Otherwose the matter is too complex.18:19
aneviltrendedbian: it's assigned by dhcp18:19
bullgard4binil: I cannot tell you beforehand. You better make some test and produce an error message. Report this error message. Otherwise the matter is too complex.18:19
edbiananeviltrend: Oh well if you have dhcp than that's fine.18:19
aneviltrendedbian: it's one of two interfaces, the other is the wireless18:19
magicianlordis 11.04 stable enough to install now?18:19
Idol_MindI've currently got a dual boot setup with Win7 on my SSD and Ubuntu on my WD 640G, i'd like to swap them without losing anything... is there a guide for this? I assume dd is going to be my best bet18:19
edbiananeviltrend: PM me?18:20
aneviltrendedbian: the weird thing i'm doing is that there's no router in the setup18:20
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.18:20
bullgard4magicianlord: No.18:20
magicianlordbullgard4: then when18:20
edbiananeviltrend: you're going to have to lay out the entire network for me to fully understand what's happening.  PM me :)18:20
aneviltrendedbian: sure, i'm a bit of an irc noob so how do i start it?18:20
ActionParsnipglaceman: try holding ALT + PrintScreen and press R then E then I then S then U then B18:20
rohitnikcoolDoes anybody know software similar to magic iso for ubuntu.18:20
ActionParsniprohitnikcool: what's it do?18:20
Idol_Mindrohitnikcool, archive manager should do the trick18:20
edbiananeviltrend: every client is different.  Click my name? right click my name?18:21
Idol_Mindrohitnikcool, what are you trying to accomplish?18:21
rohitnikcoolActionParsnip: its a iso maker like18:21
BluesKajCru_, have you tried a reboot since the xorg rewrite ?18:21
Cru_Idol_Mind: is there a way to copy the xorg to a flash drive via terminal?18:21
Cru_BluesKaj: Yes, still the terminal18:21
bullgard4magicianlord: The answer depends on your knowledge and the degree of reliability you expect. At the end of April it will be better to use without many bugs.18:21
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!18:21
magicianlordok man18:21
rohitnikcooli need a s\w for creating iso image from disk and folders18:21
binil@<bullgard4>   how to get around with the error message when all the thing that goes about with the network manager is graphical???18:21
Idol_MindCru_: sudo cp (file) (destination)... i'm a bit noobish myself so I don't know how to mount a flash drive18:21
rohitnikcooli need a s\w for creating iso image from disk and folders18:22
BluesKajCru_, ok , I miight have another suggestion if I can find the example....bbiab18:22
rohitnikcooli need a s\w for creating iso image from disk and folders18:22
AbhiJitrohitnikcool, try acitoneiso18:22
ActionParsniprohitnikcool: linux can already mount ISOs18:22
edbianweird_19: hello, did you just try to private chat me?18:23
rohitnikcoolAbhiJit: ok18:23
ActionParsniprohitnikcool: sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/filename.iso /media/iso18:23
edbianweird_19: what for?18:23
ActionParsniprohitnikcool: just change /path/to/filename.iso   in tht command and it will mount, you dont need anything else18:23
lwizardlok back to problems with multiple monitors. how can I force my main display for all applications to be the laptop sceen and then to the left of the screen be the secondary monitor when connected18:24
weird_19i have a little question18:24
rohitnikcoolActionParsnip: yes i know that but what about making iso image from folders18:24
ActionParsniprohitnikcool: the files in the image will then be accessible from /media/iso18:24
edbianweird_19: what is it?18:24
AbhiJitweird_19, ask18:24
lukethedukeActionParsnip: he wants to write an iso not mount it.18:24
ActionParsniprohitnikcool: oh you want to make an image from a folder18:24
michelok i got back after a restart, alt + prnt screen + r logged me out saying waiting for even logging: even looging is off18:24
weird_19how to to rename user in backtrack 4 and password if we start booting bt418:24
ActionParsniprohitnikcool: mkisofs -r -o file.iso /path/to/folder18:25
binil@<bullgard4>  it would be better if you tell me what to search on the net ... i am interested in studying how these work ..18:25
AbhiJit!backtrack | weird_1918:25
ubottuweird_19: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition18:25
edbianWhy do so many people from backtrack end up in this channel?18:25
ActionParsnipweird_19: backtrack isnt supported here18:25
ActionParsnipedbian: no idea18:25
robin_hoodplease somebody help me. what does ";" in a start of a line on a document? (# is commentary, but ";" ?)18:25
bullgard4binil: Yes, I see the problem. i.) You can try to connect via the network using Network Manager and describe verbally what reaction Network manager produces. ii.) You can report the associated error messages seen in /var/log/syslog and/or /var/log/dmesg.0 .18:25
weird_19tnx friends18:26
bullgard4!networking | binil18:26
bullgard4!network | binil18:26
ubottubinil: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:26
AppErrorGood day :)18:26
AppErrorQuestion, does it make sense for me to look into hiding server headers to increase security a bit?18:27
magicianlordwhy does ubuntu install kernel headers by default, but fedora doesnt'18:27
Dr_Willismagicianlord:  Hmm. I cant recall it doing that.  Could be some drivers pulled them in.18:28
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages18:28
Idol_Mindwould i be better off doing a fresh install of ubuntu instead of trying to downsize and dd copy it to my ssd?18:29
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: i have them in my vanilla-ish install18:29
magicianlordthe question of the day is why18:30
michelhow can i make a RDP to a windows computer from ubuntu ?18:30
trismmagicianlord: do you use any propretary drivers? (such as the nvidia driver), because in that case you need them for dkms18:31
michelremote desktop connetion to a windows computer !!!18:32
bullgard4!samba |  michel18:32
shcherbak!vnc | michel18:32
ubottumichel: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:32
ubottumichel: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:32
robin_hoodplease somebody help me. what does ";" in a start of a line on a document? (# is commentary, but ";" ?)18:32
jsnikerisrobin_hood: it does nothing18:33
michelthanks u Bot18:33
pankajmy ubuntu software center and package manager got fucked up18:33
smwrobin_hood, depends on the document18:33
shcherbakrobin_hood: what language?18:33
rewt; is sometimes used for comments too, depending on the file18:33
bullgard4robin_hood: Depends on the use of the document. Often it is equivalent to '#'.18:33
IdleOne!language | pankaj18:34
ubottupankaj: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:34
gr0gmintxtc: hi?18:34
BluesKajCru_, try to use the recovery kernel then the options dialog should pop up with various optons , choose low graphics mode , then if successful setup yor resolution in hardware nvidia driver settings18:34
Omegapankaj: What is the problem?18:34
smwrobin_hood, it is used for comments in certain types of files18:34
robin_hoodfile /etc/samba/smb.conf haves a lot of ;18:34
pankaji didn't know families were here18:34
rewtrobin_hood, those would be comments18:34
pankajmy package manager18:34
OmegaNow you know :)18:34
smwrobin_hood, ; are used to comment useful lines18:34
OmegaWhat is the problem with your package manager?18:35
Cru_Idol_Mind: here is my pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/551873/18:35
robin_hoodthanks!, so ";" are equivalent to "#" in /etc/samba/smb.conf ?18:35
Cru_BluesKaj: how do i go into recovery mode via terminal?18:35
pankaji entered a new repository source18:35
smwrobin_hood, comments start with #, null cmds start with ;18:35
pankajfor gyachi download18:35
smwrobin_hood, yep, ; and # are the same thing18:35
robin_hoodsmw thanks18:35
pankajand now the package manager is hung up18:35
robin_hoodthanks everybody18:35
pankajit does not work anymore18:35
pankajit crashes18:35
BluesKajcru  reboot , hold down the shift key to get the grub menu, then go from there18:35
ActionParsnippankaj: can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get update   please use: http://pastie.org  to give the output. Thanks18:35
Idol_MindCru_: ok, lemme glance through it18:35
BluesKajCru_,  reboot , hold down the shift key to get the grub menu, then go from there18:36
ActionParsnippankaj: also, you don't have to hit enter after every word,you can in fact type huge long lines just like the one you are reading now. This prevents the channel from scrolling like crazy18:36
Omegapankaj: go to System > Administration > Software Sources18:36
Idol_MindCru_: just a single monitor?18:36
OmegaAnd remove the source that caused the trouble18:36
Cru_Idol_Mind: yes18:36
Idol_Mindwhat's the make/model?18:37
pankaji want to delete the last repository source i entered it is causing the problem18:37
pankajbut i don't know how to delete it18:37
pankajthe package manager won't work it crashes showing error18:37
Omegapankaj: go to System > Administration > Software Sources18:38
shcherbakpankaj: /etc/apt/sources.list18:38
Cru_Idol_Mind: My monitor is my hdtv actually18:38
smwpankaj, edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the line18:38
smwpankaj, please remember to edit it as root.18:38
Idol_MindCru_: lucky lucky man... alrighty, i doubt that is the issue anyways18:38
pankajomega i looked there is no such software sources option18:38
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:39
pankaji am using ubuntu 10.1018:39
ActionParsnippankaj: applications -> software sources18:39
smwpankaj, gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:39
BluesKajpankaj, alt+f2 , gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ..delete the repos or comment it with a #18:39
ActionParsnippankaj: then click Edit -> software sources18:39
Cru_Idol_Mind: yeah =) i actually use my ubuntu box as a dvr18:39
smwhi patart18:40
FaTHeRBaDTouCHty BluesKaj18:40
FaTHeRBaDTouCHand smw18:40
FaTHeRBaDTouCHI also had that problem from yesterday witha ppa i mistyped18:40
cargilcmi have a dell laptop that i need to install some extra ram on...can anyone tell me where the two sockets (slots) are located?  I would reallly appreciate it!! ??!! : )  Thanks18:40
PsPhaKeR_Can I change how the terminal looks?18:41
FaTHeRBaDTouCHinside car18:41
pankaji can't see software sources18:41
FaTHeRBaDTouCHtinside cargilcm18:41
Idol_MindCru_: nice... when it works i guess... to be honest, I can't be much more help to you... i figured it was a TwinView problem... are you able to get video from live-cd?18:41
=== JesusFreak316_ is now known as JesusFreak316
patartale beznadzieja18:41
cargilcmFaTHeRBaDTouCH   thanks lol18:42
BluesKajFaTHeRBaDTouCH, copy and paste is your friend :)18:42
thedukehow can I install command-line emacs only using apt-get? is there a specific package? i dont want the gtk version18:42
Cru_Idol_Mind: yeah, boots fine.  just some issue with video card, but cant figure out how to uninstall/re-set up18:42
Dr_Willistheduke:  i think its comthing like 'emacs-nox'18:42
Idol_MindCru_: have you tried to reinstall nvidia drivers/software?18:42
PsPhaKeR_Can I change how the terminal looks?18:42
thedukeDr_Willis: emacs-23-nox it is ... thanks!18:43
jribPsPhaKeR_: in what sense?18:43
wildc4rdevening all18:43
Cru_Idol_Mind: can you do that via the terminal/18:43
BluesKajCru_,  did you reboot , hold down the shift key to get the grub menu ?18:43
PsPhaKeR_jrib: Colors, etc...18:43
Cru_BluesKaj: when i hold down shift key nothing happens, still get to terminal log in18:43
Idol_MindCru_: as long as you got internets, sure...18:43
Dr_WillisPsPhaKeR_:  depends on what you want to change. You can set the prompt and do other things.18:43
BluesKajCru_, no grub ?18:43
Grujahwhen i copy files from HDD to USB Flash, it starts fast but when it gets to the end of a file it almost blocks and needs few minutes to finished each file.18:43
PsPhaKeR_Dr_Willis: Like the colors and maybe the font color?18:43
jribPsPhaKeR_: sure, right click -> edit profile18:43
Dr_WillisGrujah:  ive seen that also. i think its using some 'cache'  so is missleaing in its speeds.18:44
Cru_BluesKaj: wait, held down both and it went this time.  let me try that !18:44
Dr_WillisPsPhaKeR_:  like the colors for what?  most of that wuill be either setting the prompt, or specific program settngs18:44
PsPhaKeR_Dr_Willis: nvm I got it, thanks18:44
Putrhi! .. so why dont my "delete" and "left and right arrow keys" do not work? ...18:45
Dr_WillisPutr:  dont work where?18:45
PsPhaKeR_Also everybody my audio is fixed for the most part, and so I have another problem :\18:45
Putrin ubuntu. They just stoped working yestarday18:45
wyclifhi all18:45
Cru_BluesKay: hey, i got to my os ! =)18:45
spikemikespikecan anyone suggest a good printer that will functon good 9.1018:45
anon33_I'm looking for a music player that supports moving music to devices that isn't rhythmbox / banshee. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated18:46
Dr_WillisPutr:  well yes.. in 'ubuntu' but you mean in IRC? in terminal? in console? in vi/emacs/whatever?18:46
magicianlordPutr: is your keyboard region set properly?18:46
EnigmaticCoderIs there a channel dedicated to the command line?18:46
Putrhow the hell can i set up a server over ssh (and all the config files) if my left and right arows do not work18:46
magicianlordanon33_: vlc18:46
PutrDr_Willis: I mean .. EVERYWHERE18:46
magicianlordanon33_: gtk-pod18:46
Dr_WillisPutr:  double check in the console.18:46
magicianlordPutr: why did this hapen?18:46
Putrmagicianlord: Ye just checked, they are set properly18:46
EnigmaticCoderPutr: Tab?18:46
anon33_magicianlord: Does gtk-pod support android phones?18:46
Putrtab works18:46
shcherbakEnigmaticCoder: #bash ?18:46
magicianlordPutr: try external usb keyboard to ifx18:47
EnigmaticCodershcherbak: that sounds good, ty18:47
Putrmagicianlord: ye dont have any external (ye i'm on a laptop) usb keyboards.. or a PS2 to usb converter :( and everything is closed :(18:47
EnigmaticCoderPutr: Also shift tab if you want to go backwards18:47
PutrI've been googling a while.. is compix to blame?18:48
shcherbakPutr: install on screen keyboard18:48
PsPhaKeR_When I turn the computer on it has an insertion piont thing flashing, then text apperars for literraly less than 1 second [I cant read it one bit] then Ubuntu starts up. Can I make Ubuntu launch without that happening?18:48
Cru_BluesKaj: You are the man!  I will mess with this for awhile and see if I can figure it out now. thanks for getting me into the system18:48
GrujahPutr, you are sure the keyboard is not broken? :)18:48
horseatingweedsHow can you get a location bar in Nautilus for entering text?18:49
Grujahhorsedasdsd, ctrl + l18:49
Dr_WillisPutr:  if 'compiz' is to blame. then the keys should work in the alt-ctrl0f1 through f6 consoles.18:49
PutrGrujah: ye i considered that. But the thing is that it's not just the keyboard, and it's not all the time. Sometimes mouse cant click anything18:49
horseatingweedsGrujah, thanks18:50
Dr_WillisPutr:  also you could try installing a simple window manager like 'icewm' and seeif it works in there. If so. that would point to a gnome/compiz setting/issue.18:50
ActionParsnipanon33_: ubuntu should just pick up android phones after you tell the phone to mount the SD card18:50
Dr_Willishorseatingweeds:  thers some setting to enable tht to be always 'the default'18:50
BluesKajCru_, good luck , I hope your resolution settings will hold up.18:50
PsPhaKeR_Dr_Willis:  When I turn the computer on it has an insertion piont thing flashing, then text apperars for literraly less than 1 second [I cant read it one bit]18:50
PsPhaKeR_                   then Ubuntu starts up. Can I make Ubuntu launch without that happening?18:50
pankajhow do i edit a file as root?18:50
pankajhow do i become root?18:50
shcherbakpankaj: sudo nano <file>18:51
phaizedI need kernel headers for Where will i find these? I am running Server 10.04. Thanks in advance.18:51
Dr_Willisanon33_:  on my android phone. i plug in the cable.. phone asks me to enter 'data' mode, i then have to use the status bar thing ont he phone to enable 'mount the sd card' to let the pc actually get to it.18:51
PsPhaKeR_pankaj: sudo chown -R username:root /location/of/file/18:51
EnigmaticCoderPsPhaKeR_: There is a way to do that, iirc. I'm looking it up for you18:51
PsPhaKeR_thanks :D18:51
Dr_WillisPsPhaKeR_:  if its a Pymouth messing up issue. No idea. I disable plymouth. so i only see the text befor gdm loads. no animations.18:51
jribpankaj: do not do that18:51
jribpankaj: that will break your system18:52
pankaji am confused18:52
anon33_Dr_Willis & ActionParsnip - it does. I'm just looking for a friendly, GUI version that lets me browse music by arist,album,whatever and drag and drop to an Android device. Something similar to Banshee, but not Banshee (because it's ultra slow)18:52
jrib!sudo | pankaj18:52
ubottupankaj: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:52
jribpankaj: you use "sudo" to gain superuser privileges.  So to edit a file as root using nano for example, you would do: sudo nano /path/to/file18:52
ActionParsnipanon33_: nautilus does it fine18:52
pankaji am trying to edit sourcelist file18:52
pankajbut i need to be root to do that18:52
Dr_Willisanon33_:  i just use the normal file managers.18:52
jribpankaj: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list   or if you want gui: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:53
anon33_ActionParsnip & Dr_Willis I'd like my music to be organized by artist / album, not just a ton of .mp3 files18:53
pankajok let me try18:53
PsPhaKeR_Dr_Willis: plymouth?18:53
Dr_Willisanon33_:  my music is allready organized that way on my hard drive.18:53
shcherbakPsPhaKeR_: your last command, you gave. Remove it from your memory, Sudo forever.18:53
pankajaha so the gk command is for gui18:53
Dr_WillisPsPhaKeR_:  grub -> pymouth -> GDM login screen -> Desktop18:53
PsPhaKeR_shcherbak: I am afraid I don't understand :|18:53
anon33_Dr_Willis: But if I want to exclude certain albums under an artist, then I have to create an artist folder (on the phone) and drag the album in.18:53
shcherbakPsPhaKeR_: that chown is not good18:54
jribPsPhaKeR_: you shouldn't recursively chown files so that you can edit them18:54
ActionParsnipanon33_: rhymnbox maybe18:54
Dr_Willisanon33_:  I just copy ALL my music over. :)18:54
Idol_Mindis there a guide on moving ubuntu to an SSD?18:54
anon33_ActionParsnip: It doesn't pick up my android phone (I assume the plug in doesn't work)18:54
Dr_WillisIdol_Mind:  should be the same as any other HD.18:54
PsPhaKeR_shcherbak: Oh, ok... why is it bad?18:54
ActionParsnipanon33_: then you may have to use the 'slow' app if you want the organisatio18:55
Dr_WillisIdol_Mind:  some sdd's can use specific mount options/filesystem for some extra speed/other benifits.. but that area is 'very confuseing' and can depend on the sdd in question18:55
spikemikespikeA word of advice  DONT BUY A KODAK ESP-3 Total garbage sent it back twice and got back the same garbage only worked for a short time and the replacements would do evrything but print wont even work in WindowsXP they wont refund lost 100 bucks  they just want to replace with another defective printer.18:55
shcherbakPsPhaKeR_: in wrong directory ir will damage system, even in ~ it can cause trouble.18:55
Condoritohi. okay before I dive into editing the grub.cfg file to shorten the list on the initial boot options, does anyone have any reason why I should not, please? Thanks.18:55
Dr_Willisspikemikespike:  stick with HP or brother.18:55
ActionParsnipspikemikespike: just dont buy kodak, they refuse to support linux18:55
Dr_WillisCondorito:  you DONT edit grub.cfg - theres guides out on how to properly 'shorten' the grub menu luistings18:55
Idol_MindDr_Willis, what about tmpfs/swap considerations? I don't want to eat up my SSD prematurely18:55
spikemikespikewill do18:55
pankajgksudo sources.list is this the right command18:55
Dr_WillisIdol_Mind:  you could mvoe them to ram i guess. or a cheaper hd. but im not sure its that big an issue.18:56
pankajwhen terminal is opened in the particular folder18:56
jribpankaj: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:56
NixGeekDr_Willis: hp printers are awesome, just make sure to steer FAR AWAY from there computers18:56
Dr_WillisIdol_Mind:  lots of talk on that topic ive seen. but very little 'real' data18:56
pankajbut i open terminal at the location18:56
ActionParsnippankaj: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list    sources.list isn't a command which gksdo expects18:56
jribpankaj: this will still work18:56
magicianlordThe Grub 2 editing process must be made human-friendly.18:56
CondoritoDr_Willis: Thanks, good thing I asked...18:56
magicianlordIt is not friendly at all now.18:56
pankajso gksudo /sources.list?18:56
Dr_WillisNixGeek:  the $299 HP desktop i got on black friday. works :)18:56
NixGeekhow can I, using metacity, have a window stay always on bottom?18:56
Idol_MindDr_Willis, same here, guess it comes down to price and paranoia18:56
Hilikuscan someone help me configure pulseaudio for surround sound. i don't know if it is pulseaudio though as even speaker-test that bypasses it doesn't work in 5.1 mode18:57
jribpankaj: no, the command you've been given 3 times now, not the random stuff you are typing18:57
shcherbakpankaj: gksudo gedit source.list if in directory18:57
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:57
ActionParsnippankaj: no, gksudo gives the correct way to run graphicl apps with elevated access. sources.list is not a command, its  file and gksudo will fail18:57
NixGeekDr_Willis: it works, but was it loaded with crapware?  also, hp tends to use lesser components than other companies18:57
shcherbakpankaj: / in start means absolute path18:57
Code_BleuActionParsnip: I decided to uninstall everything firefox and flash and start from scratch on FF4 beta 8 and nothing worked18:57
ActionParsnippankaj: gedit IS a command and can be ran with gksudo, you can use /etc/apt/sources.list as an argumet of gedit to be opened as soon as the app runs :)18:58
pankajok i am learning when i am in the directory i don't have to give path18:58
PsPhaKeR_Also, how to re-load terminal defaults?18:58
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: could try the mozilla ppa, may be friendlier18:58
shcherbakpankaj: yes18:58
magicianlordCode_Bleu: download the beta from their site and run it from a location18:58
jribpankaj: sure, you don't *have* to but you still can if you want.  Your mistake was omitting the command for the editor: gedit18:58
EnigmaticCoderPsPhaKeR_: I don't know if this will work or not, but edit /etc/default/grub and see if you have this set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"18:58
pankaji got it18:58
Code_Bleumagicianlord: i did18:58
PsPhaKeR_EnigmaticCoder: What do you mean?18:58
pankajgksudo gedit sources.list will do it18:58
magicianlordit no work???18:59
jribpankaj: yes18:59
pankajwhen i am in directory18:59
Code_BleuActionParsnip: where is the mozilla PPA?18:59
pankajlet me try it now18:59
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: websearch and you will find18:59
EnigmaticCoderPsPhaKeR_: try this command $ gksu gedit /etc/default/grub18:59
anon33_Does anyone here know how to fix Banshee's bugginess on 10.10?18:59
EnigmaticCoderPsPhaKeR_: Then look for this line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT18:59
pankajthe file didn't open with gui for me to edit :(18:59
oxan_hi. I'm trying to get a triple monitor (on 2 nvidia graphical cards) setup  working, but it doesn't work. I can set two monitors into a twinview configuration, but when I add the third one my windows maximize to both screens instead of just one in kde. when i use xinerama Xorg starts eating CPU (always 30-50%)19:00
Idol_Mindis clonezilla a good choice for backing up windows? I would use dd, but I don't need to maintain the partition size..19:00
PsPhaKeR_EnigmaticCoder: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"19:00
EnigmaticCoderPsPhaKeR_: Hmm, I don't know how to get it more quiet than that19:00
ActionParsnipIdol_Mind: i'd ask in ##windows19:00
pankaji can't edit the file sources.list19:00
PsPhaKeR_EnigmaticCoder: How can I reset the terminal to its default settings?19:00
pankajit does not open with the gksudo gedit sources.list command19:01
pankajwhat is wrong19:01
EnigmaticCoderPsPhaKeR_: Not sure19:01
Idol_MindActionParsnip, will do19:01
shcherbakpankaj: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list19:01
shcherbakpankaj: ^^^19:01
ActionParsnippankaj: try:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list19:01
pankajok i will try that shcherbak19:01
PsPhaKeR_shcherbak: How can I reset the terminal to its defaults?19:01
shcherbakPsPhaKeR_: you mean gnome-terminal? locale?19:02
PsPhaKeR_shcherbak: yes19:02
PsPhaKeR_shcherbak: gnome19:02
pankajpankaj@ubuntu:/etc/apt$ sudo sources.list19:02
pankajsudo: sources.list: command not found19:02
pankajpankaj@ubuntu:/etc/apt$ sudo <sources.list>19:02
pankajbash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'19:02
pankajpankaj@ubuntu:/etc/apt$ gksudo sources.list19:02
pankajpankaj@ubuntu:/etc/apt$ gksudo gedit sources.list19:02
FloodBot4pankaj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:02
pankajpankaj@ubuntu:/etc/apt$ gksudo gedit/etc/apt/sources.list19:02
pankaji will ignore the flood bot19:03
spikemikespikewhats the diff between sudo an gksudo?19:03
pankajwhy can't i open the file for edition19:03
EnigmaticCoderspikemikespike: sudo is for command line programs, gksu for graphica;19:03
pankajwhat is the apt$19:03
shcherbakPsPhaKeR_: you have profiles in gnome-terminal, have you edited Default?19:04
PsPhaKeR_shcherbak: nvm :)19:04
pankajPlease help me19:04
pankajmy package managers are dysfunctional now19:04
pankaji know i have to edit that file sources.list19:05
pankajto solve the problem but i can't19:05
ActionParsnippankaj: if you ignore the flood bot you will be kicked from the room19:05
EnigmaticCoderpankaj: Have you tried editing the sources.list from the update manager?19:05
PsPhaKeR_shcherbak: Actually not nvm I did edit tat one :(19:05
pankajthe update manager crashes19:05
kcorcoran_v0lksman:  you here?19:05
pankajit doesn't even start properly19:05
ActionParsnippankaj: do you use KDE or gnome?19:05
pankaji am using xfce ubuntu19:06
BluesKajpankaj, close your package manager19:06
shcherbakpankaj: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list is this command works?19:06
BluesKajpankaj, alt+f2 , gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ..delete the repos or comment it with a #19:06
ActionParsnippankaj: ok try: gksudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list19:06
tarelerulzWhat is the minimal space ubuntu 10.10 needs to work?19:06
ActionParsnippankaj: its not working because xubuntu uses mousepad, not gedit19:06
spikemikespikeCand I switch over to KDE in 9.10?19:06
shcherbaktarelerulz: 100 mb? 150 mb?19:06
ActionParsniptarelerulz: do you want a desktop OS, if so, which do you want to use?19:06
PsPhaKeR_shcherbak: So what command would restore defaults?19:07
ActionParsnipspikemikespike: sure just install kubuntu-desktop   or kde-core for a slimmer solution19:07
shcherbakPsPhaKeR_: no idea, one moment...19:07
tarelerulzDesktop os , I'm using it for surfing the web and watching movies19:07
ActionParsniptarelerulz: lubuntu needs just shy of 2Gb19:07
ActionParsnip!requirements | tarelerulz19:08
ubottutarelerulz: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu19:08
pankajok guys i solved the problem without the terminal19:08
spikemikespikeActionParsnip: is it benifitial?19:08
avg_guyhow to check what version i have installed?19:08
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pankaji just right clicked on the exclaimation mark  in the task bar19:08
* BluesKaj assumes ppl who ask for help here are running gnome or kde ...i should have asked :)19:08
spikemikespikesorry cant spell19:08
pankajand went into preferences from there i could delete the wrong software sources19:08
magicianlordi run gnome and openbox19:08
pankajthank you \m/19:08
ActionParsnipspikemikespike: installing only kde-core uses less space as kubuntu-desktop will install a Qt based CD burner and Qt based apps of which you alreay have apps for19:08
chao-muMy keyboard suddenly started acting funny. I lost my mapping of control to the alt key and suddenly control+t no longer opened an new tab in firefox and alt+tab no longer switches between windows19:08
michelhey guys in this link, can anyone please tell me what's my ubuntu version http://www.synce.org/moin/SynceWithUbuntu19:09
chao-muI've gone to system -> preferences -> keyboard and cleaned out all my customisations19:09
rtdosis there a list of other window managers available for ubuntu rather than just xfce, gnome, or kde ?19:09
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: its good to ask dude19:09
ender2070KDE apps are better19:09
chao-mubutI still have the problem with control+t and alt+tab19:09
magicianlordrtdos: openbox is the one for you19:09
BluesKajActionParsnip, yup, so true19:09
ActionParsnippankaj: i suggest you run: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/mousepad /usr/bin/gedit19:09
rtdosdoes lubuntu use openbox, magicianlord?19:09
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pankajAction i got my problem solved19:09
Code_BleuActionParsnip: It appears that adding the mozilla PPA , it sees the plugins correctly when i do "about:plugins"  nothing was listed before, now everything including flash is.  Im also running the original version of FF and FF4 beta 9pre.....it must have been fixed with 9pre, cause FF 4 beta 8 didnt work.19:10
ActionParsniprtdos: it uses openbox as the WM and LXDE as the DE19:10
shcherbakPsPhaKeR_: not tested, make back ups! -- http://askubuntu.com/questions/14487/how-to-reset-the-terminal-properties-and-preferences19:10
chao-muI also noticed that in zev control+t is ascting different than other combinations. I get "KeymapNotify event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x0" and then a bunch of zeros19:10
edbianI noticed that windows 7 and Ubuntu have almost identical system requirements.  Why is this?19:10
ActionParsnipCode_Bleu: nice, watch the updates as it will upgrade  3.6 to namaroka19:10
spikemikespikeAction: What apps?19:10
pankajAction i got my problem solved i just had to right click on the exclaimation mark and select preferences19:10
pankajthank you19:10
ActionParsnipspikemikespike: all the stuff which is default in KUbuntu19:10
Code_BleuActionParsnip: k, thanks19:11
pankaji deleted the rougue repositories now the package managers are running fine :)19:11
shcherbakedbian: production standarts?19:11
ActionParsnippankaj: make the symlink, it'll make support a lot easier19:11
edbianshcherbak: what does that mean?19:11
ActionParsnipspikemikespike: exactly, so you'll have 3 text editors and 2 file managers19:11
ActionParsnippankaj: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/mousepad /usr/bin/gedit19:11
magicianlordis there a lightweight terminal web browser that's as functional and responsive as links, but with flash and other bloat support?19:11
socommHey im trying to do a wlist but am getting "network is down" on my wlan019:11
NixGeekhow can I, using metacity, have a window stay always on bottom?19:12
pankajwhat does the symlink do19:12
shcherbakedbian: That sowfware is written for more-less contemporaty hardware19:12
socommanyone know how to bring wlan0 up, i've tried ifconfig wlan019:12
spikemikespikeok then19:12
socommifconfig wlan0 up i meant19:12
VCoolioNixGeek: try devilspie19:12
ActionParsnippankaj: most assume gnome in here which ships with gedit, xubuntu uses mousepad which is waaaay lighter so if you run that command, you will be able to use the gedit command and it will make mousepad run :)19:12
rtdosok, here are the WM i've found: xfce4, gnome, kde, openbox, fluxbox, icewm - did i miss any ?19:12
rtdoswhat about opengem?19:12
ActionParsniprtdos: xfce4 isnt a WM, nor is gnome or kde19:12
BluesKajsocomm, iwconfig19:12
magicianlordXFCE is not worth it compared to GNOME. Use Openbox if you want a light and sleek window manager.19:13
VCooliortdos: enlightenment, awesome, musca, just a lot19:13
ActionParsniprtdos: kde is a desktop and uses KWIN as its WM19:13
socommBluesKaj: any particular flags? i've tried iwconfig wlan0 up19:13
edbianshcherbak: Fedora's system requirements are substantially lower than Ubuntu's.  How do two graphical gnome distros vary so vastly in system requirements?19:13
pankajso that is why the gedit didn't work for me?19:13
chao-mucontrol+tab and control+shift+tab are also suddenly not working...19:13
NixGeekI've looked at it, but how would I set it up to keep tilda (a terminal) on bottom?  I have the terminal clear and on my desktop, overlayed19:13
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pankajbecause i have mousepad and not gnome19:13
ActionParsniprtdos: (K) (D)esktop (E)nvironment   0 massive clue19:13
pankajam i talking sense?19:14
rtdosalright, what other desktops are there, ActionParsnip?19:14
mouchhi evrybody!19:14
IamredInstalling ubuntu! :D19:14
BluesKajsocomm, sudo dhclient wlan019:14
chao-mumouch: Hello19:14
ActionParsnippankaj: yes, you dont have it installed, but the symlink will make mousepad launch when you run gedit19:14
pankaji got it19:14
socommBluesKaj: ..... wlan0 is not up .....19:14
socommmy question is how do I bring up WLAN019:14
erUSULsocomm: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up19:15
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magicianlordsocomm: iwconfig wlan0 up19:15
shcherbakedbian: Hard for me to argue, pretty much run Ubuntu on everything from 600 mH to i5, strongest compromise was to use Xfce on pentium III.19:15
mouchi need a help, i want to write a program with C. I have installed build-essential.19:15
SandCubeis there any app to easy add/delete DNS zones on ubuntu?19:15
magicianlordsocomm: dhcp wlan019:15
glacemanhow to know my version of ubuntu please, hardy,intrepid etc.. ?19:15
magicianlordor ifconfig19:15
magicianlordglaceman: open terminal, then type uname -a19:15
erUSULglaceman: lsb_release -a19:15
BluesKajsocomm, ifup wlan019:15
minusmouch: do you know C?19:15
erUSUL!version > glaceman19:16
ubottuglaceman, please see my private message19:16
NixGeekrtdos: teachnically xfce4, gnome, kde are desktop enviroments and openbox, fluxbox, icewm are window managers19:16
mouchbut i don't know which program to use to write the programm19:16
satykpidgin crashes in ubuntu 10.10 when starting an audio call19:16
mouchi want to learn C19:16
magicianlordNixGeek: yes. hi19:16
erUSUL!ide | mouch anjuta is nice19:16
ubottumouch anjuta is nice: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator19:16
NixGeekmagicianlord: hi19:16
mouchi have install emacs also19:17
Iulyhello all ! Does anybody knows how to fix a failure in Rhytmbox? It closes when you try to open a .pls . There is an error window wich says there is a failure it Gstreamer. Thanks!19:17
Griz64How can I force the reinstall of a package?19:17
VCoolioNixGeek: http://foosel.org/linux/devilspie, something like (if (is (application_name) "tilda") (begin (below)))19:17
ActionParsnipGriz64: sudo apt-get --reinstall install name19:17
mouchi have to write the programm first from another part?19:17
NixGeekrtdos: look here for a full list: http://xwinman.org/19:17
NixGeekVCoolio: thank you, i'll have a look19:18
Griz64ActionParsnip, Thank You, Sir.19:18
rtdosthanks nixgeek19:18
pankaji typed the command i hope the symlink is created19:18
ActionParsniprtdos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=764060    if you search software centre stuff will come up19:18
ActionParsnippankaj: you can test with:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list19:19
NixGeekrtdos: your welcome, i've done some searching before on the topic due to wanting to install debian on an old gateway with a 133mhz processor.19:19
glacemani  need to change "HARDY" to my version deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/synce/ubuntu hardy main19:19
IsmAvatarhey guys, what's the boot screen program called for 10.10?19:19
ActionParsnipIsmAvatar: plymouth19:19
IsmAvatarthank you19:19
ActionParsnipglaceman: lsb_release -c   will tell you the code name19:19
IsmAvatarand how do I get Plymouth working with my GeForce 9200? It's reverted to textual rather than graphical19:20
glacemanthanks ActionParsnip19:20
pankajActionparsnip: Its working !!! thank you19:20
magicianlordIsmAvatar: what is your issue19:20
ActionParsnippankaj: thats the symlink working19:21
IsmAvatarmagicianlord: the boot screen is displaying as text, rather than the Ubuntu image.19:21
magicianlordIsmAvatar: this is normal. it happens when you install the nvidia drivers.19:21
rtdosnixgeek, how'd it go on the 133?19:21
pankajlinux is not that difficult after all i am learning its fun19:22
IsmAvatarmagicianlord: is there a way to switch to the graphical one?19:22
magicianlordit is fun for the whole family19:23
pankajwhere can i get a good soft copy of d a book to learn and understand linux commands19:23
NixGeekrtdos: not well....  I moved the harddrive to another old computer with a 1.2GHZ processor (i think) and installed xubunut after I found a stick of 512MB ram laying around19:23
Bunburyanyone know how to install ibm jdk 6 or jrockit r28.1 on meerkat?19:23
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magicianlordIsmAvatar: yes, but if you switch the graphical logo will be at an ugly, lower resolution, because the nvidia drivers cannot accomodoate kernel-setting mode. i suggest you either keep the text one, or disable the splash altogether. i keep the text19:23
NixGeekrtdos: on the 133GHZ you could do text processing and a few other things, but videos or anything like that was impossible.  I used XFCE19:24
shcherbak!man | pankaj19:24
ubottupankaj: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/19:24
pankajok thanks :)19:24
magicianlordpankaj: use the manual "man PROGRAM_NAME" or the arch wiki19:24
ActionParsnip!manual | pankaj19:24
ubottupankaj: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:24
magicianlordhe said linux. not using the web19:25
mdgeorgeI'm having trouble finding the real time or low latency kernel for maverick19:25
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:25
mdgeorgeapt-cache search linux-image doesn't show either19:25
anon33_Does anyone here know how to fix Banshee's bugginess on 10.10?19:25
glacemananyone able to sync data between wm6.1 on ubuntu 10.10 ?19:25
nitalI have encountered a most peculiar case of a ubuntu glitch19:25
NixGeekman, something just happened19:25
magicianlordnital: what is it, homie19:25
mdgeorgedo I need to enable a special repo?19:25
IsmAvatarmagicianlord: for a simple boot screen that's only showing a simple logo and a couple dots, I think low resolution would be more than sufficient.19:26
erUSULanon33_: Banshee's bugginess is a very nubelous concept19:26
nitalNamely, whenever I insert the USB plug of the webcam logitech c200, the wlan goes off19:26
erUSUL!details | anon33_19:26
ubottuanon33_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:26
nitaland ifconfig can't bring the interface back up19:26
magicianlordIsmAvatar: it looks really ugly though. look up a guide on how to switch the theme from ubuntu-text to ubuntu-logo (you can see it in synaptic)19:26
nitalwhen checking with rfkill list, I can see that wlan is hard locked, like with a hardware switch...19:26
glacemanis there a channel for windows mobile devices guys ?19:27
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erUSULnital: you press a button when you plug the camera? :)19:27
nitalhowever, plugging off the webcam doesn't help the matter, you have to reboot the system with webcam unplugged to get the wlan working again...19:27
nitalI thought it was some kind of kernel issue, so I updated to 10.1019:28
edbiannital: Next time it happens look at the output of dmesg19:28
nitalthings went better a bit - the wlan seemed to turn off after a random interval of time after plugging the webcam in...19:28
nitalnot immediately19:28
IsmAvatarmagicianlord: thanks. I'll be the judge of how ugly it is, but it's probably less ugly than the textual one19:29
nitaledbian: good idea - since it's totally reproducible, I'm off to to that now19:29
nital*to do19:29
rtdosnixgeek, in your opinion, is that the best one to install on a small machine?19:29
edbiannital: It's reproducible so you should make a bug report19:30
Callibonsoir à tous, j'aurai une petite question svp, je suis e train d'essayer d'installer libircclient mais j'y arrive pas et ça me gonfle ><19:33
NixGeekrtdos: a fulll enviroment would definatly be XFCE, for just winow managers, and of the boxes are lightweight19:33
Myrtti!fr | Calli19:33
ubottuCalli: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:33
Dr_Willislubuntu is a nice 'light' desktop. given how people rarely use 'just' the window manager and a few terminal windows. :) (well most people)19:33
alex-hphello everyone! i was wondering if someone could help me with samba to transfer files between linux and windows machines?19:34
rtdosthanks, nixgeek19:34
Calliokay thanks i'm sorry19:34
Dr_Willisits just too old-skool to go back to mounting every usb flash drive by hand. :)19:34
MyrttiCalli: np19:34
Dr_Willisalex-hp:  it should work rather easially. There are some known issues witn windows 719:34
ender2070KDE is ftw19:34
NixGeekrtdos: happy to help, hope it helps19:35
alex-hpDr_Willis: i am using windows 7, do you recommend and pages that I can look at for solutions to these issues?19:35
Dr_Willisalex-hp:  short 'guide' install samba, and smbfs, edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to set a workgroup,  perhaps enable teh Home shares. -  give users samba password via 'sudo smbpasswd -a username'     make some shares (right click on folder -> shareing)19:35
DiamondciteKDE is big and doesn't work well on slower systems. I would know.. since I'm using it ^_^19:35
st__xfce: less featues, same bloat19:35
Dr_Willisalex-hp:  for win7 the 'main' issue is some window-live-login assistant program that can cause major issues. I had to uninstall that for linux to get to the win7 shares19:35
katesmithI would like to know something ?  Is there anyone here that had Gastric Bypas surgery?  I want to know if ift is a good idea or not?19:35
Dr_Willisalex-hp:  let me track down some url;'s19:36
alex-hpDr_Willis: thanks19:36
erUSUL!ot | katesmith19:36
ubottukatesmith: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:36
lcbhi all. please give me a suggestion of a good (non CLI) GUI replacement for webmin, a web interface to control some servers, mainly LAMP. but if possible, more servers on the same tool package .  (let me add i intend to use the interface trough lan, i.e. blocking WWAccess)19:36
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox19:36
ravenhow to make a graphical ubuntu out of a text ubuntu?19:36
erUSULlcb: i think that ebox was recently forked ...19:36
Dr_Willisraven:  install ubuntu-desktop pacakge19:36
erUSULraven: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:37
cp24evaanyone have any cool conky scripts that can also include weather?19:37
Dr_Willisalex-hp:  -> Windows Live Sign-In Assistant   http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itpronetworking/thread/9c6f1d74-f7f0-4503-94fa-0d79a559752719:37
lcberUSUL, yes, it is in the repos19:37
BluesKajalex-hp, ok19:37
Dr_Williscp24eva:  there is a spuped up conky thats called 'conky weather' or somthingliek that. that has fancy weather reporting19:37
Dr_Williscp24eva:  its a bit overcomplex i found.19:37
lcberUSUL, thanks, that's a start.19:37
sionI'm trying to upgrade to the new version of Ubuntu but it doesn't work. Does anyone know what the problem is?19:38
cp24evaDr Willis, how complex?19:38
Dr_Williscp24eva:  thres also a lot of enhanced conky script/variants out it seems these days.19:38
Dr_Williscp24eva:  seems conky has 'grown' a lot of new features in  the last few mo. :) i just do it old-skool style.19:38
cp24evai looked in the package manager and whatnot, but cold not find conkyweather19:38
Dr_Williscp24eva:  google for its ppa's19:39
=== bustedup277 is now known as away277
nitaledbian: (and everyone who cares about the bizarre wlan/webcam turnoff problem) http://pastebin.com/6qnPsGfk19:39
sionI don't understand it when I tell it to upgrade it asks for my password I enter it and then it does nothing. What the hell is going on!?19:39
nitalhere is the dmesg19:39
erUSULspikemikespike: please stop19:39
Myrttispikemikespike: wakey wakey, you've fallen asleep on the keyboard19:40
anon33_anyone here use banshee on 10.10? do you experience slowness?19:40
Myrttision: latest stable or latest alpha?19:40
lcberUSUL, just in case.. do you know if there is any workaround to avoid those known glitches of webmin in ubuntu and debian?19:40
sionThe latest Alpha19:40
ravenDr_Willis, erUSUL ok tnx19:40
BluesKajsion, describe , it does nothing19:40
=== dAnjou_ is now known as dAnjou
erUSULlcb: no; sorry. i've heard of people that uses it with no problems19:40
lcberUSUL, okay, thanks a lot19:41
=== metefr is now known as mete__
sionFirst I start the update manager, then I chose upgrade to 10.10, then I enter my password.....19:41
sionAnd it just closes an does nothing19:41
Myrttision: 10.10 is the latest stable though19:41
ichathi this must be a stupid question but im asking still,   - i got a really old pc with me tonitgh wich begged me for ubuntu on  it... (xubuntu 10.10)  but when i boot the live cd i have, it just  boots gives the menu  i select my language  and than the monitor get out of sync...  ino i know there is some kind of legacy vga mode ... for these cases but google didnt  gave the answer ?? - so how do i boot the live cd with  low res and refre19:42
sionOk does it matter?19:42
Myrttision: from what version are you upgrading from?19:42
sionI'm trying to upgrade but nothing happens19:42
erUSULnital: report it as a kernel bug. apparently when you plug the camera de irq of the usb controller is disabled or some such19:42
sionI don't know 9 point whatever19:42
nit-witsion, open a terminal and run sudo apt-get update and look for errors tell us what they are if any19:43
alkisgichat: how much ram on the client?19:43
alkisgichat: Heh, and you call that old? :D19:43
ichatand a old GF5500 card19:43
alkisgichat: try pressing F6 and specifying xforcevesa as a kernel parameter19:43
erUSULnital: not unique problem http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-kernel-70/strange-interaction-between-mic-webcam-and-wifi-mouse-807689/19:43
erUSULnital: unless you are that fakie_flip :)19:44
sionIt came up with 0 errors19:44
Myrttision: you can't upgrade from 9 point whatever straight to 10.10, so you must be doing something wrong or you must be mistaken in something19:44
nitalerUSUL: no, thanks, didn't find it when googling :-)19:44
alkisgichat: http://ubuntu.ninetomidnight.com/images/book/options.png19:44
ichatso its   quiet splash -- xforcevesa       ????19:44
sionHang on I'm a total idiot, I was just typing my password wrong :P19:45
sionWhat a *****19:45
sionHow embaressing19:45
ichattrying now -19:45
erUSULnital: http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-media@vger.kernel.org/msg10598.html <<< kernel devs discussing similar issues19:46
kristofferlcHi, i'm an ubuntu newbie trying out the desktop version on my laptop, i was trying to install vlc media player via. the ubuntu software center, but i get a 404 for one of the files, anyone know where to report problem and/or where i can get vlc from a working provider?..19:46
ichatsame error :S19:46
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BluesKajsion, in the terminal , lsb_release -a , this tells you which ubuntu version ...if you're trying to get to 10.10 then you have a couple of OSs to go19:46
BluesKajat least19:46
webmasherDoes anyone know why the apache2 package is so badly outdated? It still uses 2.2.14 which is more than 1 year old; there have been six security patches since then including two closing SSL vulns. I am on 10.04 TLS and apt is up to date.19:47
moocher_hi.  is there any software for ubuntu that can help me learn 10-key typing?19:47
alkisgichat: if it keeps failing, try installing from the alternate cd, which uses a text mode for installation. Not sure if it has xfce though.19:47
luislopeshello, I'm trying to use my hp 840c on ubuntu, but the parallel port isn't detected, though modprobe loaded both partport and lp19:47
webmasherIt just seems ridiculous to me that such a key and widely used package (apache2) is allowed to be so far out of date.19:47
erUSULwebmasher: if you are in 10.04 then you are getting securioty patches but as in any other release there are no version bumps19:48
cradamhi where can u find out the name of your usb sticks, im looking for the sdXY names19:48
ichati kinda need it cuze 10.4 gnome crashed it  :S19:48
=== Lana is now known as lll
BluesKajcradam, lsusb in the terminal19:48
webmashererUSUL - Apache 2.2.15 and 2.2.16 contain the patches so I don't have them if I'm on 2.2.14 right?19:48
alkisgichat: you can install it afterwards, even on your current installation, if it's still running in text mode19:48
nit-witerUSUL, you will get the 10.10upgrade if you set the software sourecs for normal updates/upgrades19:49
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StevenXHi. Can anyone point me to a how-to on getting Zune support on Ubuntu?19:49
erUSULwebmasher: yes you have them distros backport securioty patches when needed19:49
Doinklecradam, as well as lsusb, you can x-reference with df -h19:49
Rubberduck_LVkristofferlc: in terminal: sudo apt-get update  then sudo apt-get install vlc then sudo apt-get install -f19:49
erUSULwebmasher: yes you have them distros backport security patches when needed19:49
ichatcan i safely remove gnome and its debs than>??19:49
doalittledanceWhich edition/download is recommended for ATI graphics cards? (specifically HD 5770)19:49
webmashererSUL - Oh OK thanks. That would explain why the build said Nov 2010. I guess they backport?19:50
erUSULwebmasher: that's part of their job19:50
webmashererUSUL Oh ok.19:50
kristofferlcRubberduck_LV: thanks, will try that. :)19:50
webmashererUSUL impressive, then!19:50
BluesKajdoalittledance, do you mean which driver for the card or ?19:51
ichatis there a command to remove gnome desktop and than install xfce than?19:51
webmashererUSUL Thanks for your help that puts my mind at ease and I can skip all the manual compiling I used to do.19:52
erUSULwebmasher: no problem19:52
webmasherhave a good wknd!19:52
doalittledanceBluesKaj: which installer, actually. though I don't know if that's the question I should be asking.19:53
kristofferlcRubberduck_LV: i get same 404 error19:53
alkisgichat: see here for switching from gnome to kubuntu, the gnome part applies for switching to xfce too: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE19:53
kristofferlci misses an archive from the server url: http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libc/libcdio/libiso9660-7_0.81-4_i386.deb19:53
Rubberduck_LVkristofferlc: one moment.....19:53
kristofferlci'm thinking it's only the danish server missing it?..19:54
BluesKajdoalittledance, which ubuntu version are you on ?19:54
=== ShootEmUp2 is now known as shootemup
doalittledanceBluesKaj: I'm trying to install 10.10 AMD 64 but failing. the alternate install gets stuck on updating list of available packages (73%) and the desktop installer crashes mid-installation19:56
Rubberduck_LVkristofferlc: have a look at http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html19:56
kcorcoran_anyone available to assist getting my tuner card configured?  when i run the channel scan it does not find any channels.  using a hauppage WinTV-HVR 1600.  any help appreciated.19:57
kcorcoran_trying to configure mythbuntu19:57
sabinascan #ubuntu19:57
Dr_Williskcorcoran_:  I recall the interface in mythbutnu being a little odd last i used it. I think there is the #mythbuntu channel also.19:58
Kraken19_what were you talking about xiven?19:58
Dr_Williskcorcoran_:  i was thinking some pull down menu was defaulting to the wrong 'device' last i used it. (2 yr ago)19:58
kcorcoran_Dr_Willis:  from what i have been told mythbuntu is easier to setup than mythtv19:58
mgjkristofferlc, yeah, the danish mirror is actually pretty horrible. I've completely stopped using because i was having the same issues as you - missing packages19:58
mgji can only recommend you to use the main server19:59
kcorcoran_Dr_Willis:  i am on the mythbuntu channel, but no help there so far...been trying for a few days19:59
kristofferlchow do i get to the main server then?19:59
BluesKajdoalittledance, how much RAM is installed , because if it's less then 4G then a 32bit alternate install might work19:59
Dr_Williskcorcoran_:  mythtv config 'program' is the same  -  I just recall the setup wizard - i had to use some pull down menu to select my actual card. it waswent smart enough to select the proper card.19:59
mgjkristofferlc, i believe you can set it up in synaptics19:59
ichatdo i first remove  ubuntu  or do i first  install xubuntu???19:59
mgjkristofferlc, under settings -> repositories if im not mistaken19:59
Dr_Willisichat:  what are you trying to acomplish exactly?19:59
kristofferlcthanks, will try, just a sec19:59
mgjnp, good luck20:00
doalittledanceBluesKaj: that would be ubuntu-10.10-alternate-i386 ?20:00
ichatgome brakes my system to a constand 100% cpu load. and i wanted to see if xubuntu could fix20:00
ichatbecause its lighter20:00
doalittledanceBluesKaj: will try that, thank you.20:00
kcorcoran_Dr_Willis:  that's the issue i am having...i can select the card, however when i perform a channel scan; no channels found20:00
BluesKajdoalittledance, yes20:00
Dr_Willisichat:  install xubuntu-desktop package, select xfce at the login screen.20:01
BluesKajdoalittledance, , I hope it works20:01
Dr_Willisichat:  no need to 'remove' anything.. I would guess that its some specific app thats causing high load..  not 'gnome' in general.20:01
Dr_Willisichat:  you could determine whats usong the cpu so much and try to 'fix' gnome.20:01
Dr_Willisichat:  if you want the least resource hog. - that would be 'lubuntu'20:01
Kraken19_anybody tried lubuntu yet?20:02
BLack_PeteIf I want to print a pdf in Ubuntu Netbook remix, the print dialogue is too big for the screen and I cannot access the "Print" or "OK" or Cancel buttons at the bottom of the box. Is there a way to resize the dialogue box?20:03
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:03
alkisgBLack_Pete: left alt+mouse drag the window20:03
Ryu_KurisuKraken19_: Once, it's pretty good....you can ask any questions you want on #lubuntu :)20:03
ichatDr_Willis:  - in specific  its a  celron northwood  1600mhz  qith 1gb ddr 266 and a  GF5500 -  i first installed   8.04 gnome running verry smooth, than it got updated to  10.4 (by mistake) and the update went good  BUT the sound doens work and the cpu gets up to  95 / 100 %20:03
BLack_PeteThanks, I'll try it now20:04
alkisgichat: what app is causing the load? See from system monitor or from `top` on the terminal...20:04
ichati don know htop isn  clear20:04
magik-So I have a linux server connected to comcast broadband.. help me understand domains.. i.e. dhcpd.conf 'option domain-name "exp.org"; If i'm on dhcp braodband what do I do with this?20:04
no_dvi_outputhello all20:05
kristofferlcmgj: thanks alot, it worked, in the ubuntu software center the path was "edit -> software scources" and then just change the server from danish mirror to main server... Thanks again. :)20:05
Rubberduck_LVkristofferlc: great! and you fixed it yourself. linux rocks (og vlc er rigtig god!)20:06
ichatit seams like  mplayer,  and firefox   are both causing it,  where they didnt with the 8.04 install (same version of firefox thogh...  3.5x20:06
=== ShootEmUp2 is now known as shootemup
no_dvi_outputanyone out there with a not working DVI after upgrading to 10.10?20:06
Ryu_Kurisuno_dvi_output: Let me guess...you've got no dvi output? ;)20:06
no_dvi_outputcorrect conclusion Ryu_Kurisu :)20:07
BluesKajno_dvi_output, which card ?20:07
no_dvi_outputan integrated intel 310020:07
Jax123hi, jsut compiled vlc under 10.10 and i'm getting this error:20:07
Jax123vlc: error while loading shared libraries: libvlc.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:08
no_dvi_outputI believe that it's not the xorg.conf but the kernel itself20:08
Jax123which vlc20:08
kristofferlcRubberduck_LV: yeah, well thanks for the help anyway. :) And yeah, i'm quite happy with linux so far. :) (og tak for den tid du gad lige i at forsøge at hjælpe)20:08
BluesKajno_dvi_output, what are you connecting to , a monitor , a tv ?20:09
no_dvi_outputto a monitor BluesKaj20:09
NanohaHi all!  I got a question about network cards in general with ubuntu.  I bought two 10/100/1000 NIC's.  Currently accourding to network manager, I've got a connection speed of 100 Mbps.  How can I increase this to the 1000 Mbps mode?20:11
BluesKajno_dvi_output, does the analog out to the monitor work ?20:11
RippleEffectHow do I use the md5sum command? I read the man page but I don't get it. I always get the error "file not found".20:11
no_dvi_outputit always used to work, I think even back in the 7.xy days, but now just to have a cleanly installed system I installed 10.10 from scratch, as said no DVI output, just VGA. Then I installed 10.04 from scratch and DVI output works out of the box, eventually I did the upgrade to 10.10 and using the DVI interface was not possible anymore20:11
no_dvi_outputyes, BluesKaj, I am using the VGA connector now20:12
rewtNanoha, what's the other end of the cable connected to?20:12
Nanoharewt: my dsl modem20:13
rewtNanoha, does that have 10/100 or 10/100/1000?20:13
erUSULNanoha: that depends not only on your card  speed but also in the other's end speed aswell20:13
kcorcoran_is is possible to remote into a ubuntu workstation from another workstation?  like terminal services?20:13
BluesKajno_dvi_output, is there an intel giu control ?20:13
Nanoharewt: I'm not sure.  Is there a way i can tell?20:14
no_dvi_outputhow do you mean BluesKaj? a control tool for the graphics card?20:14
somaunnkcorcoran_, yes it's possible20:14
rewtNanoha, it might be in the manual, but my guess is it's only 10/10020:14
BluesKajno_dvi_output, yes20:14
Nanoharewt: hmmm, okay.  I'll see if I can look it up.  Might have to google it then.20:14
somaunnkcorcoran_, ssh from CLI20:14
no_dvi_outputnot that I know of BluesKaj20:15
rewtNanoha, how fast is your dsl?20:15
mouchsombody know how compile a program with C to search the password???????20:15
mouchsombody know how compile a program with C to search the passwords???????20:16
no_dvi_outputfrom what I have read on the fora , it seems that others, with other cards have the same issue with DVI20:16
rewtmouch, probably with gcc20:16
kcorcoran_somaunn:  any links i can follow up with or any chance you can walk me through it?20:16
RippleEffectAny idea?20:16
Nanoharewt: Tested at 5 Mbps20:16
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o20:16
somaunnkcorcoran_, u better google ssh20:16
somaunnkcorcoran_, from there u can find more info20:17
Rubberduck_LVRippleEffect: here I just use md5sum filename20:17
rewtNanoha, in that case it doesn't really matter if your nic goes at 100 or 1000; the actual data will only go as fast as the slowest link, which is not more than your dsl link20:17
RippleEffectRubberduck_LV, but what if you want to use the md5sum command with a password?20:17
erUSUL!info jack | mouch why writte your own?20:17
kcorcoran_somaunn:  using ssh, will it only offer CLI on the remote station - or does it display the gui?20:17
ubottumouch: jack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-26 (maverick), package size 148 kB, installed size 668 kB20:17
mitzedhi all  anyone konows if is possilble to run encarta  in ubuntu?20:18
erUSUL!info john | mouch why writte your own?20:18
ubottumouch: john (source: john): active password cracking tool. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 283 kB, installed size 800 kB20:18
erUSUL!appdb | mitzed20:18
ubottumitzed: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:18
=== denny- is now known as denny
Nanohaokay.  thanks!20:18
somaunnkcorcoran_, not at all20:18
somaunnkcorcoran_, it's command line20:18
somaunnkcorcoran_, u need gui?20:19
kcorcoran_okay, i am looking for something that will perform gui display on the remote desktop - like a vnc client.  any ideas?20:19
Rubberduck_LVI don't get it password ? why? md5sum is just a check of file integrity20:19
BluesKajkcorcoran_, try teamviewer20:19
kcorcoran_somaun:  yes, i need a gui...new to ubuntu and trying to stick with it before getting frustrating.  easing in to it's use20:20
NanohaOkay, so another question regarding network speed.  I saw things on the internet called TCP optimizer for windows, that doubles internet speed.  Is there any tweaks or programs I can use to do something simular with ubuntu?20:20
no_dvi_outputkcorcoran_, or nx-server from nomachine.org20:20
kcorcoran_i searched teamviewer in synaptic - nothing listed20:21
kcorcoran_isn't nx-server more of a vm configuration?20:21
no_dvi_outputyou need to fetch it from teamviewer.com itself20:21
erUSULNanoha: TCP optimizer == snake oil ?20:21
somaunnkcorcoran_, it's better for you to google it20:21
Silent93hey any ideas why the 10.10 install disk fails to load, it shows the 4 dots loading screen but then crashes with most of the screen white and a bar at the top and bottom with blue/green stripes?20:21
Silent93Its a nvidea 7300 card seeming as I guess its that20:21
no_dvi_outputvm as virtual machine?20:22
no_dvi_outputactually no, it's not20:22
NanohaerUSUL: I'm not sure what "snake oil" is20:22
Rubberduck_LVNanoha: Don't believe everything you see on the internet20:22
kcorcoran_i am using google; however i am not seeing the answers to my questions there, so i am asking here20:22
markturnipHow do I install netconfig?20:22
no_dvi_outputno_dvi_output :(20:22
spajderixI have been monitoring loadavg of a few machines and noticed something weird. Given the manual corresponding to loadavg file in /proc/ which says: The20:22
RippleEffectAny ida?20:22
spajderix              fourth field consists of two numbers separated by a slash (/).  The first of these is the number of  currently  executing  kernel  scheduling20:22
RippleEffectAny idea?20:22
spajderix   entities  (processes,  threads);  this  will  be less than or equal to the number of CPUs.20:23
Travis-42is there any way to make linux hold down a key, say alt, for as long as I want?20:23
erUSULNanoha: placebo; something that does not really works20:23
spajderixI have noticed that this value shows above number of my cpus20:23
NanohaerUSUL: oh, okay.20:23
spajderixcan anyone tell my why is that?20:24
mouchSo i ha ve to write sudo apt-get install maverik?20:24
no_dvi_outputmouch, what is your question?20:25
shcherbakmouch: Rather not.20:25
mouchwhich package i have to install20:26
no_dvi_outputmaverick is an entire release of ubuntu, not a package20:26
no_dvi_outputwhat do you want to do?20:26
no_dvi_outputupgrade to maverick or so?20:26
erUSUL!es | esperteyu20:28
ubottuesperteyu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:28
mgjkristofferlc, no problem, glad it worked out for you =)20:30
mouchC'è qualcuno che chatta in italiano?20:30
erUSUL!it | mouch20:30
ubottumouch: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:30
Travis-42is there any way to make a key stuck on purpose? like I want "alt" to always be pressed for a period of time?20:30
mouchThank you20:31
Rubberduck_LVTravis-42: Have a look at http://www.python-forum.org/pythonforum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=951320:38
clgshafthey guys, i have an issue with ubuntu 10.10 not recognizing and initializing a hauppage 160020:39
Travis-42Rubberduck_LV, that might work, thanks20:39
markturnipI can't apt-get netconfig? However I'm reinstalling Ubuntu Server anyway, is it possible to add it during install?20:39
Digistrashow do i stop ubuntu from asking for password if the computer have been idle for some time?20:43
Digistrasis damn annoying!!20:43
DoinkleDigistras, screensaver settings20:43
somaunnleaving u guys, need to rest a bit20:45
BodsdaHi - when I type something into the url bar in firefox, is there a way to make it google the entry if its not a valid url? Currently it uses my isp's search engine20:50
=== bittwist_ is now known as bittwist
rusty149Bodsda: Omnibar addon20:51
Jarvisthe default mirror on the download page for the UK seems to either overloaded or slowwww .. goscomb one is good tho20:51
ActionParsnipBodsda: http://redchaos.wordpress.com/2008/03/25/set-google-back-to-the-default-search-engine-url-search/20:51
ddt_Have installed live cd ubuntu ver 10. Need edit grub menu list - but can not find it. Where it is please?20:52
ActionParsnipBodsda: http://www.firefoxfacts.com/2008/01/13/change-default-search-in-firefox/20:52
Bodsdarusty149: ActionParsnip cheers guys20:52
JarvisActionParsnip: easiest way is just to click reset for the key20:52
Jarvison mine it defaulted to google20:52
rusty149!grub | ddt_20:52
ubottuddt_: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:52
ActionParsnipJarvis: no idea personally, I don't use firefox20:53
Jarvisah :)20:53
ddt_ubottu: need add some more OS into grub menu.20:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:53
rusty149ddt_: It is different now using Grub2 in ubuntu20:53
markturnipCan anyone help me run netconfig on Ubuntu server?20:53
DiverdudeI am trying to count the number of words in a pdf file. I tried like this: pdftotext myfile.pdf | wc -w    but it always return 0. Any other suggestions? What might i be missing?20:53
=== randy is now known as Guest17772
ddt_ubottu: I wanted to add some more OS into grub menu and then make boot sector image for windows menu. But for that I first must find OS list.20:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:54
rusty149ddt_: Is windows installed?20:55
ActionParsnipDiverdude: perhaps: pdftotext YOUR_PDF.pdf YOUR_PDF.txt; wc YOUR_PDF.txt -w20:55
ddt_yes - it is20:55
ActionParsnipDiverdude: or: pdftotext YOUR_PDF.pdf - | wc -w20:55
ddt_rusty149: also ubuntu is installed - I am on it now20:56
rusty149ddt_: run: sudo update grub220:56
DiverdudeActionParsnip, ahhh the '-' was missing. What does that do?20:56
ddt_rusty149: what it will do?20:56
rusty149ddt_: That will scan all OS's again and add windows to GRUB20:56
ActionParsnipDiverdude: no idea. source: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56640720:56
ddt_rusty149: I dont have all my OS installed yet - but want to put it manually into the menu yet.20:57
ActionParsniprusty149: you may need to run: sudo apt-get install os-prober; sudo os-prober; sudo update-grub20:57
rusty149ActionParsnip: Is that installed by default?20:58
hihihi100i am running simutrans as downloaded from their site. HOwever, I downloaded it onto a directory where I dont need superuser privileges. If I extract it onto usr/games, would I have problems?20:58
SyriaHi, How can I close the laptop lid without hibernating or suspending or anything else.20:58
KingChillbillhi I am trying to connect to a ftp-server with sftp. the server expects explicit ssl but I dont know which option to use? Google and the man could not help me.20:58
ActionParsniprusty149: not sure, but the command will simply say it's already installed then go to the next command20:59
newwuserrhello anyone can help20:59
ActionParsnipSyria: I believe its in power options20:59
newwuserrhave just get the ubuntu 10.1020:59
Lantchips!ask | newwuserr20:59
ubottunewwuserr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:59
Mannequinhi. I've noticed that Rhythmbox won't play .ape files (on mu Ubuntu 10.10 install). Other players (Movie player, VLC) and even hovering over them on Nautilus play .ape files without a glitch.20:59
rusty149ddt_: ActionParsnip: Sure well, follow that command to be certain. You can run update-grub2 after each OS install. Never failed for me. :)20:59
ActionParsnipMannequin: log a bug / is one already logged?21:00
newwuserrthe battery says laptop baterry charge21:00
newwuserrand it is not21:00
newwuserrit is at 4 percent21:00
ddt_rusty149: OK. thank you - but can I change settings inside the grub menu - during the showing boot menu?21:00
SyriaActionParsnip But no one of the options worked for me, even blank screen because I lose the picture on my lcd screen when I close the laptop lid.21:00
ActionParsnipnewwuserr: are you fully upgraded?21:00
newwuserri just downloaded it21:00
newwuserrput it on usb21:00
newwuserrand started21:00
ActionParsnipnewwuserr: ease up on the enter key lad21:01
MannequinActionParsnip: I've seen a logged bug at Launchpad, and even a fix/workaround (disabling crossfade functionality) which didn't worked for me (as I didn't have it enabled)21:01
ActionParsnipnewwuserr: get full updates, this may help21:01
MannequinI'll look deeper on Launchpad and Ubuntu forum before posting a bug21:01
newwuserrwhere do you get that21:01
=== amyutzza is now known as romaniangirl
rusty149ddt_: During GRUB boot you can change them temporarily. But to make permanent changes edit after ubuntu boots. The files to edit have changed now though so follow the how-tos21:01
Mannequinin the meanwhile, I'm using Guayadeque, which looks a bit ugly but plays .ape files flawlessly.21:02
ddt_rusty149: but what file I must to change? I am confused.21:03
bastlhello. I want to partition a harddisk, but it isnt shown in GPartEd. OTOH, I can mount it manually ... I booted a live 10.10 from a USB-Stick.21:03
ActionParsnipnewwuserr: use System -> Admin -> Update Manager21:03
rusty149!grub | ddt_:21:03
ubottuddt_:: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:03
pooltablehi what is the best way to test how fast my computer is ?21:03
rusty149ddt_: Sorry that is old one,  use this  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:04
=== v3nd3tta is now known as v3nd3tta``
bastlWhy is the disk not shown ?21:04
ddt_ok rusty 149 and ubottu - thank you. going to read it first.21:05
ActionParsnippooltable: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/11/15/benchmark-your-linux-system-with-hardinfo/21:05
ActionParsnipbastl: if you can mount it then it is partitioned21:05
chris_bsdddt_: ubottu is a computer program, a bot21:05
bastlActionParsnip I want to repartition it.21:05
negevdoes anyone know how to download from ubuntu using wget?  they seem to have changed things recently and the methods i've found with google no longer work21:06
negever sorry, from rapidshare :)21:06
ddt_ahh - got me :D21:06
bastland it should be shown in GParted no?21:06
socommI've a machine with HDMI output21:06
rusty149negev: wget [url]21:06
esperteyuubuntu en español21:06
socommanyone know how to enable the HDMI output?21:07
socommis there something i gotta do?21:07
Jordan_U!es | esperteyu21:07
ubottuesperteyu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:07
ActionParsnipbastl: if you use sudo fdisk diskname     (not the partition), e.g.   sudo fdisk /dev/sdb     then you can delete the partition there (make sure the partition is unmounted before you run the command)21:07
linxehsocomm: it depends on the graphics typically21:07
socommlinxeh: ?21:07
linxehsocomm: the mythtv/mythbuntu wikis are usually quite helpful for this kind of thing21:07
linxehsocomm: some graphics cards need prodding to get them to work on the hdmi output, others dont. some are even more problematic with sound over hdmi21:08
linxehnegev: how do you mean ?21:08
ActionParsnippooltable: http://www.roylongbottom.org.uk/linux%20benchmarks.htm21:08
bastlActionParsnip: My question is: Why do the partitions not appear in GParted? (Another Disk (sda) is shown correctly. fdisk -l shows the partitions of sdb correctly. But not GParted ..21:09
ActionParsnipnegev: as long as the ISO passes MD5 test then you can get it anywhere you wish. I advise torrents for maximum speed as well as parity due to the torrent protocol21:09
rusty149bastl: Are you selecting the other device from the drop-down menu?21:10
bastlits been a time i used the tool :-)21:10
socommthinking maybe building my media box from ubuntu was not such good idea21:10
ActionParsnipbastl: not sure man, as rusty says, make sure you change the disk in gparted21:11
ron_anyone know why ubuntu wont recognize any device with removable media21:11
BoratI've just updated to 10.10 but now ut2004 has no sound. When I exit I see this: pause_audiodevice stubbed for 0x321:11
Boratpause_audiodevice stubbed for 0x321:11
BoratSegmentation fault21:11
ActionParsnip!sound | Borat21:12
ubottuBorat: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:12
ActionParsnipron_: can you see the partition being detected if you run:  dmesg | tail      after you inset a device?21:12
Boratok checking the links21:12
cp24evai downloaded vuze from the website, how do I install it?21:12
lystraI have 10.04 installed. I'm having a font problem with xterm. A snapshot is at http://www.lystra.org/compiz-bug.png. The "rm compiz-bug-0.png compiz-bug-1.png" shows the problem. Any ideas? I have compiz 0.8.4-0ubuntu15.21:14
rusty149cp24eva: What is the file extension?21:14
ActionParsnip!info vuze cp24eva21:14
ubottu'cp24eva' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable21:14
ActionParsnip!info vuze21:14
ubottuvuze (source: azureus): Multimedia BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 7 kB, installed size 84 kB21:14
IdleOnecp24eva: sudo apt-get install vuze21:14
ActionParsnipcp24eva: you can install vuze in software centre21:14
cp24evai'll give it a try21:14
ActionParsnipcp24eva: you don't need to manually download anything. Didn't you think to search that first....?21:14
ron_ActionParsnip: this is what it shows   [   39.735885] ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 321:14
ron_[   39.762335] ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A21:14
ron_[   48.239287] wlan0: authenticate with c0:3f:0e:2a:d9:2c (try 1)21:14
ron_[   48.241918] wlan0: authenticated21:14
ron_[   48.241960] wlan0: associate with c0:3f:0e:2a:d9:2c (try 1)21:14
FloodBot4ron_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:14
ron_[   48.298319] padlock: VIA PadLock not detected.21:15
ron_[   58.449030] wlan0: no IPv6 routers present21:15
ActionParsnipron_: use a pastebin for multiple lines21:15
cp24evaActionparsnip, I downloaded it from the site and i have a vuze folder on my desktop.21:15
ActionParsnip cp24eva: its not necessary, you can install it in the normal way you install everything else21:16
ron_ActionParsnip: whats a paste bin?21:16
brack101So I installed Ubuntu onto an SD card, now Grub on  my hard drive doesn't work21:16
brack101how can I fix it21:17
pooltablethanks ActionParsnip21:17
ActionParsnip!paste | ron_21:17
ubotturon_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:17
Bipul`how can i shut down my computer via terminal ?21:17
Bipul`man shutdown ?21:17
cp24evaactionparsnip, with the sudo apt-get install vuze command?21:17
eplBipul`: sudo halt21:17
ActionParsnipBipul`: sudo shutdown -h now21:17
rusty149brack101: Boot from Live CD and reinstall grub21:17
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P21:18
Bipul`epl,  and ActionParsnip  ? whom shud follow21:18
brack101rusty149, Is there a way I can do it from the ubuntu on the sd card?21:18
ActionParsnipBipul`: both will work21:18
eplBipul`: both will work21:18
rusty149brack101: yeah, sorry21:18
brack101how can I do that?21:18
cp24evaaction parsnip, ok so it says i have the latest version., but now it can't do a search for a movie. nothing comes up21:18
brack101rusty149, use apt?21:18
rusty149brack101: no21:19
mecoIs there any competitive alternative to torrents? And what are the most recommended clients?21:19
ActionParsnipcp24eva: itshould be in the applications menu someplace21:19
ron_ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551925/21:19
ActionParsnip!torrent | meco21:19
ubottumeco: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P21:19
rusty149brack101: is hard drive (ubuntu partition) mounted?21:19
ActionParsnipmeco: ubuntu comes with transmission installed as part of a default install21:19
brack101rusty149, nope.21:19
cp24evaActionparsnip, i see the program and the program is open, but when I search for a movie then nothing happens. The "loading" icon appears on and off, but no results21:20
rusty149brack101: Is it in Places21:20
Rails3anyone know of a chan that deals with background checks?21:20
pooltableram question how will i know if a type of ram will work for a motherboard thanks ??21:20
brack101rusty149, not sure what places is.  Shouuld I just mount it?21:20
rusty149brack101: yes21:20
ActionParsnipron_: is that after you plug in the device?>21:20
brack101rusty149, ok...how do I list the hard drives?  I think it's sdb2 but not sure21:21
boatingbum23i am trying to get my graphics drivers working, but i cannot seem to get glxgears to read over 60fps i have a pair of ati x1600s in crossfire21:21
mecoActionParsnip: OK, that will mean that many people use it, I guess...21:21
ActionParsnipmeco: why is that relevant?21:21
ron_ActionParsnip: yes21:21
ActionParsnipron_: is it a wireless device?21:21
ron_ActionParsnip: no a card reader21:22
rusty149brack101: sudo fdisk -l21:22
mecoActionParsnip: Good question... I guess I want something that has good support and is liked by many...21:22
ActionParsnipron_: ok, pull the device out, shove it back in then rerun the command. what is output?21:22
ActionParsnipmeco: all the clients in the repo are equally supported21:22
ActionParsnipmeco: liked by many is completely moot21:23
mecoActionParsnip: OK..21:23
Digistrasis there a disk check utility? I don't know why but my ubuntu hangs quite frequently and the whole system is not responding after it hangs....i have to force restart21:24
Digistrasis there a disk check utility in ubuntu? I don't know why but my ubuntu hangs quite frequently and the whole system is not responding after it hangs....i have to force restart21:24
brack101rusty149, mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/hd -t ext3?21:24
brack101it's not taking that21:24
ron_ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551927/21:24
rusty149brack101: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/hd21:25
Djalois anyone here ?21:25
Digistrasis there a disk check utility in ubuntu? I don't know why but my ubuntu hangs quite frequently and the whole system is not responding after it hangs....i have to force restart21:25
ron_ActionParsnip: looks the same to me21:25
ActionParsnipmeco: you are using an OS which thrives on choice and freedom, yet you are seeming to look for the most used solution which smacks of Windows as you are being controlled in your choice by others. Try a few clients and see which you like, then use that]21:25
Digistrasis there a disk check utility in ubuntu? I don't know why but my ubuntu hangs quite frequently and the whole system is not responding after it hangs....i have to force restart21:25
FloodBot4Digistras: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:25
rusty149brack101: If /mnt/hd exists. And /dev/sda1 is correct?21:25
brack101rusty149, Yep, ok it's mounted21:25
Digistrasis there a disk check utility in ubuntu? I don't know why but my ubuntu hangs quite frequently and the whole system is not responding after it hangs....i have to force restart21:26
rusty149brack101: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hd /dev/sda21:26
esperteyuspanish ubuntu?21:26
ActionParsnip!fsck | Digistras21:26
ubottuDigistras: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot21:26
ActionParsnip!es | esperteyu21:26
ubottuesperteyu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:26
ActionParsnipron_: seems its not making any noises. are the USB ports enebled in BIOS. Do other USB devices cause reactions?21:26
brack101rusty149, is that going to prevent the sd card from booting?21:27
ddt_I want to mount floppy. but I got message: only root can to that. How to fix it?21:27
rusty149brack101: It should find it during update (search for other OSs)21:27
rusty149brack101: And add it to the grub list21:28
reactor16hi all21:28
reactor16hi all21:28
cooz202Digistras:  my ubuntu 10.10 package came with Disk Utility 2.30.1 or find in software center21:28
brack101rusty149, The file /mnt/hd/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.21:28
reactor16you see my text ?21:28
FloodBot4reactor16: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:28
ActionParsnipreactor16: yes, now please cease flooding21:28
reactor16what is package for file command ?21:28
KM0201ActionParsnip: somehow i think that was intentional21:28
rusty149brack101: Is that an error message?21:29
brack101rusty149, yah21:29
reactor16what is package for file command ?21:29
rusty149brack101: From the command I gave you?21:29
ddt_rusty149: tell me pls. I have installed ubuntu from live CD. Is it good? I need root access and dont have it. Should I install it again and not from live CD?21:29
ron_actionparsnip: not recognozong any device. plug in my blackberry and it shows its connected for about five seconds on the bb itself then the usb symbol goes away21:30
brack101rusty149, yeah21:30
ActionParsnip!info file | reactor1621:30
ubottureactor16: file (source: file): Determines file type using "magic" numbers. In component main, is important. Version 5.03-5ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 46 kB, installed size 144 kB21:30
rusty149!sudo | ddt_:21:30
ubottuddt_:: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:30
ddt_rusty149 - ahh - working :D thank you.21:30
sudiptaddt_:use sudo21:31
rusty149brack101: Check that /dev/sda1 is correct. Is doesn't sound correct as sda is usually the first/root device21:31
precubcrwhat is ESC in a router ?21:31
brack101rusty149, yeah that's it for sure21:31
brack101rusty149, I checked the home directory and the correct users show up21:32
ddt_yes - I did sudo and it is working well - thank you all21:32
KM0201precubcr: i dunno, but google turns up a lot of hits on it.21:32
rusty149brack101: To confirm, /dev/sda1 is the ubuntu on the hard drive (not booted) and your sdcard ubuntu is something else21:33
ActionParsnipron_: sounds like a BIOS / Hardware setting. I'd make sure they are setup ok in BIOS21:33
ActionParsniprusty149: sda1 is a partition, sda is the drive21:33
ddt_bye bye :D21:33
rusty149brack101: Can you pastebin the whole error message and command?21:33
ron_ActionParsnip: ok will try.  thanks21:33
rusty149ActionParsnip: Thanks, I don't think I confused the two21:34
sudiptacomponent main, is important. Version 5.03-5ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 4621:34
danielvilhasHi, can anyone help me?21:35
ActionParsnipdanielvilhas: not without asking a question, no21:35
danielvilhasI've got some troubles with nvidia drivers on Ubuntu.21:37
Jordan_Ubrack101: Follow this guide for re-installing grub2 http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide (installing from another system is just like installing from a liveCD in this context).21:37
brack101rusty149, I'm going to try the guide first21:37
ActionParsnipdanielvilhas: can you give full details21:37
rusty149brack101: sure21:37
brack101Jordan_U, Grub2 is what 10.04 uses?21:37
Jordan_Ubrack101: Yes.21:37
Jordan_Ubrack101: And the error you are getting is from grub legacy (so you were most likely installing the wrong version of grub, which is one reason the chroot method is preffered).21:38
NixGeek!details | danielvilhas21:38
ubottudanielvilhas: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:39
danielvilhasOk, Wait.21:39
ron_ActionParsnip: all is properly set in bios. device shows connection until ubuntu finishes boot then connection is lost. nothing shows up in places menu ever21:39
danielvilhasSimply, the driver doesn't install. It says it's impossible to recognize the encoding.21:41
mecoHow do I see how much free space I have on the Linux partition?21:42
danielvilhasAnd I surely downloaded the right driver.21:42
ActionParsnipmeco: df -h21:42
rusty149meco: System > Administration > System Monitor      > File Systems21:42
NixGeekdanielvilhas: it could of gotten corrupted, it happened to me with a fedora iso, and it wiped my harddrive.  thank god for recovery tools21:43
ActionParsnipron_: do you have the latest bios?21:43
boatingbum23does anyone know how to get graphics acceleration working with an ati radeon x1600 i cannot seem go get any acceleration to work at all21:43
ActionParsnipdanielvilhas: how are you installing the driver?21:43
ron_ActionParsnip: i belive so21:43
ActionParsnipron_: I'd check21:44
sam-_-boatingbum23, version of ubuntu?21:44
danielvilhasActionParsnip: By simply clicking twice on the file.21:44
AlagosI have ubuntu 10.10. When I press alt+f2 there is main terminal open. Start program bar starts only when session restarted. How can I fix it?21:44
Rails3can someone PM if they know of a chan that could help me with criminal background checks? i think the guy stalking my girlfriend has a history, and I want to know the details21:44
boatingbum23sam-_-: 10.1021:44
ActionParsnipdanielvilhas: what filename?21:44
boatingbum23sam-_-: also x64 if that makes a difference21:44
sam-_-boatingbum23, then fglrx won't work anymore21:44
ActionParsnipRails3: i'd call the cops21:44
danielvilhasActionParsnip: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.29.run21:44
boatingbum23sam-_-: then what will work?21:45
sam-_-boatingbum23, u have to use the opensource drivers21:45
ActionParsnipdanielvilhas: you don't need that, youo should use the hardware manager in the system menu21:45
sam-_-boatingbum23, they should work out of the box21:45
boatingbum23sam-_-: how do i install those?21:45
boatingbum23sam-_-: they do, but i am limited to 60fps21:45
boatingbum23sam-_-: and minecraft is ultra laggy21:45
sam-_-boatingbum23, that can be if your monitor refreshrate is 60hz21:46
ActionParsnipdanielvilhas: if your chip is quite recent you can use this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-nvidia-260-19-12-drivers-in-ubuntu-10-1010-04-using-ppa.html21:46
pfarrellhi, I have a quick question. I'm looking to install gfortran-4.6 on ubuntu maverick, but maverick only has -4.5 packaged. does anyone know where I could find gfortran-4.6 packages for maverick?21:46
boatingbum23sam-_-: it is my monitor refresh rate, but how would i solve the lagging?21:46
riennhello, I have ubuntu 10.10 and I have issues with multiple displays and mouse focus? hma :)21:46
sam-_-boatingbum23, what does this command say: glxinfo |grep -i direct21:46
NixGeek!details | rienn21:46
ubotturienn: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:46
boatingbum23direct rendering:yes21:47
danielvilhasActionParsnip: where can I find the hardware manager?21:47
ActionParsnipdanielvilhas: like I said. SYSTEM menu21:47
riennLCD TV hooked to laptop, ATI xpress 200M, cannot click on buttons, window resize/close etc... :(21:47
sam-_-boatingbum23, hmm. is minecraft a native application or do you run it via wine or sth.?21:48
ActionParsnipdanielvilhas: or you can run the commands in the link I gave21:48
boatingbum23sam-_-: its a native application that runs in the java-jre21:48
ActionParsniprienn: press ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace21:48
=== fifi is now known as Guest31119
st__pfarrell, try Debian sid21:49
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rusty149pfarrell: arch?21:50
riennno luck :/21:50
=== vic is now known as Guest13043
danielvilhasActionParsnip: I prefer to run the commands, thanks, friend xD I'll come back here if it doesn't work21:50
stealthcis there a way to have an autorun file (or similar mechanism) work on a usb thumb drive under ubuntu?21:50
pfarrellrusty149: Linux aislinn 2.6.35-24-generic-pae #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 03:21:31 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux21:50
stealthcI have a script on a thumb drive I would like to run on insertion...21:50
sam-_-boatingbum23, could either be that minecraft needs a better graphics card or the drivers for your card aren't mature enough yet.21:50
sam-_-boatingbum23, did you try it in windows?21:50
ActionParsnipstealthc: I think Ubuntu obeys Windows autorun.inf files21:50
stealthcummm ok but what do I have to put in there that would be different than a windows autorun21:51
stealthcobviously I can't auto run an exe file...21:51
pfarrellst__: I was hoping there would be a PPA of some sort or another21:51
ActionParsnipstealthc: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120241321:52
rusty149pfarrell: http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-4.6/gfortran-4.6_4.6-20110105-1_i386.deb21:53
Guest13043Всех с Праздниками!21:53
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:53
stealthcI see autorun.mips21:54
stealthcis there a way to target linux and not mips platforms in a similar way?21:54
blue112Hi here.21:54
glacemanhi blue11221:54
glacemanhi all of u21:55
Guest13043Русские есть на сайте?21:55
Dr_WillisI cant even rember what 'mips' even is21:55
=== KindOne is now known as kyndwun
Lantchips!ru | Guest1304321:55
ubottuGuest13043: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:55
pfarrellrusty149: thanks21:56
glacemanwow taht ubottu is amazing loll speaking different languages21:56
blue112I have a problem with my sound (hda intel), I have to restart alsasound (with sudo /etc/init.d/alsasound restart) and to modprobe snd_hda_intel many time after each reboot for it to work. It's really boring. Is there a way to improve that ?21:56
blue112(it's pretty calm down here)21:56
LantchipsUbottu is prob the smartest ubuntu user in this chat :P21:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:56
glacemanlol Lantchips21:56
Lantchipsnvm :(21:57
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIPS_architecture21:57
ActionParsnipblue112: is your system a branded pc or laptop?21:57
blue112Any help, better place where I can ask ?21:57
blue112ActionParsnip, laptop.21:57
stealthcuhh mips is cpu architecture, like ppc or risc21:57
ActionParsnipblue112: what make / model?21:57
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blue112ActionParsnip, it's a DELL inspiron 154621:58
Dr_Willisauto running programs from removeable = bad security  :)21:58
sam-_-stealthc, risc is more like a concept not a cpu-architecture21:58
sherry_zhangIt has been three years since last time I used ubuntu... To my astonishment, ubuntu boots so fast now. Can anyone explain why (what has been changed in the system)?22:00
ActionParsnipblue112: try:    sudo -i; echo "options snd-hda-intel model=dell-m6" >> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf; exit      then reboot22:00
blue112ActionParsnip, sounds nice, I test it.22:01
sam-_-sherry_zhang, switched to upstart22:01
NixGeeksherry_zhang: one of the main features the developers wanted in 10.04 was an extremely fast boot.22:01
sam-_-sherry_zhang, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/22:01
sherry_zhangsam-_-: last time I used ubuntu, it was based on upstart already...22:01
ActionParsnipblue112: if it's no good, run: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf      and change dell-m6    to dell-inspiron   reboot to test22:02
blue112ActionParsnip, ok :p22:02
sam-_-sherry_zhang, well then it improved22:02
sherry_zhangNixGeek:  then what had been done in 10.04? are there any technical documents?22:02
riennthe only fix seems to be logout/in as suggested on the forums :|22:02
sam-_-sherry_zhang, i guess there are a lot of little things that were changed as well22:03
Diverdudein my terminal some folders are written with blue text and black background while others are written in blue text and green background. What is the difference between these folders?22:03
sherry_zhangsam-_-: no.. 6.06 and 6.10 took almost the same time to boot on my machine...22:03
Diverdudewhen i type ls22:03
glacemani just installed ubuntu 10.10 days ago, let's say a newer version arise, do i have to format and reinstall the new version or is there a way to upgrade ?22:03
Diverdudein my terminal, when i type ls, some folders are written with blue text and black background while others are written in blue text and green background. What is the difference between these folders?22:03
sherry_zhangsam-_-:  and actually 6.10 is pretty buggy ... crashes all the time22:03
sam-_-glaceman, you can upgrade via do-release-upgrade22:04
jribDiverdude: dircolors -p22:04
Putrhey guys... is it posible to make a path alias: FROM ssh://domain.tld:/usr/local/www/someproject TO ssh://subdomain.domain.tld/someproject (i just whant to make git repos a little less write intensive to access)22:04
glacemanthanks sam-_-22:04
rusty149Diverdude: permissions, use ls -la to see permissions on all files for current directory22:04
glacemanjust good to know22:04
txdvglaceman: sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade22:04
sam-_-txdv, i think he meant like from maverick to natty22:05
glacemanthanks txdv22:05
glacemani noted this one22:05
NixGeeksherry_zhang: I can't seem to find any, though I found a report of a developer using a ssd booting in 3.6 seconds22:05
st__what I need to show X apps via ssh?22:06
txdvglaceman: you want to test out the new beta or smth?22:06
sherry_zhangNixGeek: thanks all the same.22:06
crooks3o6st__: use the -X flag when you connect22:06
glacemantxdv: i just installed 10.10 and was wondering what to do if a new version comes22:06
blue112_ActionParsnip, mhh, doesn't seem to be better. The problem is, the sound output is set either to integrated speakers, or to headset, if one is pluged in the jack. That is normal, but the problem is, that isn't changing when I plug in/out a headset : The sound will either stop output (if I plug out), or output in the speaker (if I plug in) : I need to restart alsa and modprobe many time to fix it. Any though ?22:06
NixGeeksherry_zhang: sorry I couldn't help more, mabey you can find sometihng more22:07
meekwarriorglaceman just update in term and you will be at the newest one22:07
st__glaceman, upgrade obviously, 10.10 was a disaster22:07
meekwarriorst__ is t here something newer than 10.10 out already?22:07
glacemantxdv: im a microsoft system engineer, but i got sick of windows seriously, so i wannted to make the switch for linux wish i did a couple of days ago, and im trying to learn as it goes22:07
ActionParsnipblue112_: not sure, if you websearch your make / model with reards to Ubuntu or Linux, then you may find things to add to alsa-base.conf22:07
ActionParsnipmeekwarrior: natty is in Alpha, natty is 11.0422:08
meekwarriorwhattt!!1 i need an invite to #c?22:08
meekwarriorActionParsnip can i  update to alpha thru 10.10 or do i need to reinstall22:08
NixGeekglaceman: go to system >administation >update manager and it should have it there if there is an update.  ubuntu releases on a 6 moth cycle, so it might be a bit till the next one.  maverik merrcat was just released a month or so ago22:09
glacemani wanna know something who is that maverick ?22:09
meekwarriorit was released on 10.1022:09
lcbis there any problem if enter localhost's static ip (192.168....) as a LDAP server to use, while configuring it?22:10
sam-_-glaceman, maverick is 10.1022:10
meekwarriorcan anyone point me to a channel that someone can help me with ansi C22:10
txdvglaceman: what have you used so far to develop on those nasty windows machines?22:10
meekwarriori tried #C says i need a invite22:10
sam-_-!maverick |glaceman22:10
ubottuglaceman: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101022:10
rusty149glaceman: Maverick Meercat22:10
glacemansorry txdv can u reformulate ur question i dont understand22:10
Digistraswhen i do a aircrack-ng -b 00:23:51:83:F6:C1 output*.cap i got a error message saying read(file header) failed: Success22:11
txdvwhat kind of application have you written so far?22:11
txdvwhat languages have you used on windows to write them22:11
IamredI have a question...22:11
IamredWhy doesn't ubuntu work on Windows 7 starter?22:11
MACscrmy microphone in ubuntu 10.10 is pretty much useless, its choppy in skype and teamspeak. Any recommendations?22:11
sam-_-meekwarrior, how about ##c?22:11
MACscrIts crystal clear in windows22:11
rusty149Iamred: Are asking about Wubi?22:11
MACscrsame hardware22:12
david234I just installed ubuntu 10.10, and accidentally removed one of the panels. Now the sound control icon is gone as well as rhythmbox's icon, but msn and keyboard wifi and date/time are still there22:12
sam-_-meekwarrior, you will need to register though. but no invite necessary22:12
glacemantxdv: i work as an IT manager, and also as a security consultant22:12
meekwarrioryes thank you sam22:12
ActionParsnip!panelreset | david23422:12
ubottudavid234: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »22:12
Iamredrusty149, why is that?22:13
glacemanbut i know @#$ about linux lolll, that's why im interested and so far, im not dissapointed at all from linux systems, it's just take time to get used to it22:13
ActionParsnipmeekwarrior: you can upgrade to natty with: sudo update-manager -d       support and discussion is in #ubuntu+122:13
david234I wish all problems were as easy to solve :)22:13
txdvI see, but what do you DO as an IT manager and as a security consultant22:13
ActionParsnipglaceman: you'lllearn with time, just like you did with windows22:14
ActionParsnipdavid234: most are22:14
glacemanthumbs up ActionParsnip22:14
rusty149Iamred: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide22:14
david234Ok, I have a regression. My volume up/down keys which worked on 8.04 and 10.04 do not work on 10.10. What do I do ?22:14
ActionParsnipdavid234: log a bug22:15
glacemani have a question please, anyone a bit expert22:16
rusty149txdv: I think he came here to talk about Ubuntu not his job for windows22:16
glacemani have a sound card working properly, but i just have the sound via headphones, (audio jack) why ?22:16
rusty149glaceman: Is it a laptop?22:16
glacemanyes Lg x 13022:16
glacemanrealtek alc27222:17
rusty149!alsa | glaceman22:17
ubottuglaceman: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.22:17
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ActionParsnipglaceman: run: alsamixer    in terminal and crank / unmute all levels22:18
glacemanActionParsnip: done22:18
PolydwarfI did an apt-get upgrade (and then dist-upgrade for the new kernel it wanted to install) on my 10.10 box, and on reboot, it hung for ~3 minutes at a console login prompt.  Keyboard input was not accepted, however ssh was up and running.  After the 3 minutes, it proceeded to boot into X.  the dmesg lines around the hang were about no ipv6 routers present (before), then "audit_printk_skb: 1222:18
Polydwarfcallbacks suppressed" (after).  Google doesn't show much immediately useful, so I came here to ask if anyone else had had problems recently with long boot times.22:18
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PolydwarfAnother odd thing... dmesg shows my partitions being re-mounted both before and after the long hang (but no activity in between that would indicate them being unmounted to warrant a remount)22:19
ActionParsnipPolydwarf: can you boot to the older kernel?22:19
rusty149glaceman: Go to System > Administration > Additional Drivers   are the any Realtek drivers available?22:20
glacemanrusty149: no22:20
Polydwarfonce I find it on the fs and in grub.conf, most likely yes :)22:21
glacemanrusty149: i have done today a 200 mb download for the update manager22:22
glacemanstill dosen't help22:22
rusty149glaceman: lspci | grep Audio22:22
rusty149glaceman: Did you reboot??22:22
glacemanrusty149:  of course i did22:22
ActionParsnipPolydwarf: hold shift at boot, then select i22:22
Polydwarf(side note... I want my clean and short gentoo grub.conf's back lol)22:22
glacemanrusty149: Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)22:22
Polydwarfermm... yeah, that's going to be way easier, I think, actionparsnip :)  brb (it's in the other room)22:23
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jeeves_I just did a forced release upgrade, and now my system is stuck @ fsck, and has been for hours.  It's only a 250Gb disk, and I'm getting worried.  How can I repair this box?22:24
rusty149glaceman: uname -r22:25
ActionParsnipjeeves_: i'd boot to livecd and fsck22:25
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jeeves_ActionParsnip, hey man, long time no chat!22:26
glacemanrusty149: 2.6.35-24-generic22:26
jeeves_I did the fsck from the live 10.04 CD and it came back clean22:26
ActionParsnipjeeves_: not sure then dude22:26
ActionParsnipjeeves_: others may know22:28
Tetsuo55_2hello, is there any way to change the weather system so i get weather from my city instead of the nearest one?22:28
mrwizeguy1983hi all, anyone around who can help briefly with a graphic problem?22:28
Silent93mrwizeguy1983: click the time, edit the add a location22:29
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mrwizeguy1983Silent93, i'm sorry what?22:29
Silent93do you want the weather in the top right's location setting?22:30
mrwizeguy1983Silent93, i think you have me confused for someone else, my issue is that i can't enable desktop effects22:30
homeRAWR!!! SPAMZ22:31
Silent93ill try and help if you say your problem :)22:31
mrwizeguy1983no problem Silent93, know anything about proprietary drivers? lol22:31
mrwizeguy1983thank you22:31
PolydwarfSorry for the delay (apparently, I needed to connect a hard-wired keyboard to bring up the grub menu).  Yes, I can put into the previous kernel (2.6.35-23-generic) without the long hang happening.22:31
Silent93Tetsuo55_2:  click the time, edit the add a location22:31
rusty149glaceman: I need the rest as well sorry,  uname -a22:31
Silent93mrwizeguy1983: a little22:31
ajwillhi all, I have a couple of quick questions, first: on my desktop, I have a link to my trash and my home, and I dont want them there... how do I get rid of them? ( I know it sounds simple but its not as simple as it seems)22:32
Diverdudeis it possible to run SETI@home in ubuntu 10.04?22:32
glacemanrusty149: Linux michel-X130 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 01:41:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux22:32
Dr_Willisajwill:  ubuntu-tweak tool has a gui config to show/hide those. (google for it, its not in the default repos)22:32
Silent93Diverdude: install boinc first22:32
Dr_Willisajwill:  otherwise you need to edit some gconf settings i recall.22:32
mrwizeguy1983Silent93, i just upgraded to 10.10 and got the latest nvidia driver as well.  my graphics work fine and i'm able to use the nvidia settings manager (which requires the nvidia driver to even launch) and i'm also fine on 1080P resolution, but for some reason i can't enable desktop effects and additional drivers says there are no proprietary drivers installed on the system22:32
Dr_Willis!info boinc22:32
ubottuboinc (source: boinc): metapackage for the BOINC client and the manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.10.58+dfsg-3 (maverick), package size 48 kB, installed size 104 kB22:33
ActionParsnipDiverdude: yes I believe so22:33
ajwillDr_Willis: thanks! :)22:33
DiverdudeSilent93, sudo apt-get install boinc ?22:33
upslahello everyone22:33
ajwillsecond question: I have Avant Window Manager (and love it) but there's one problem, I cant add ubuntu software centre to my dock as a launcher... help?22:33
Tetsuo55_2Silent93:  my location is not in the list22:33
ActionParsnipajwill: http://www.manast.com/2008/03/13/show-computer-trash-icon-on-desktop-in-ubuntu/22:33
Tetsuo55_2Silent93: and if i add my coordinates, it wont have weather info22:33
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Silent93Tetsuo55_2: use google maps to get yor longitude and latitude22:34
PolydwarfActionParsnip : I know I'd be better off just changing the default boot in grub.cfg.. Is the "proper" way hand editing the file, given there are all sorts of warnings not to hand edit the file? :)22:34
Silent93Tetsuo55_2: I get weather data that way22:34
ActionParsnipajwill: it is a simple question, if you do a little searching before asking you'd find guides without issues. If you get nowhere then ask :)22:34
DiverdudeSilent93, what to do after boinc is installed?22:34
glacemanrusty149:  Linux michel-X130 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 01:41:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux22:34
frxstremhow can I find the name of the audio device file?22:34
ActionParsnipPolydwarf: you can edit the default in /etc/default/grub   then run: sudo update-grub22:34
Dr_WillisPolydwarf:  you do not want to hand edit grub.cfg22:34
ajwillActionParsnip: that one was simple but its the second one I really came here for, I just hoped i could learn the nerdy command like way of removing them :)22:35
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Silent93mrwizeguy1983: I installed the beta driver manually to fix that, google should show a good guide, ill look in a moment22:35
PolydwarfDr_Willis : I figured that would be a no-no... I just didn't know "The Ubuntu Way" to do it. :)22:35
ActionParsnipPolydwarf: the file is generated, so any changes will be lost after you run: sudo update-grub22:35
Silent93Diverdude: add a new project22:35
mrwizeguy1983you had the same problem Silent93 ?22:35
Dr_Willisajwill:  drag/drop the software center to the desktop/panel right click - properties.. see wht the actual 'command' is its running. add a launcher to the dock to launch that command.22:35
ActionParsnipajwill: drag the app to the bar from the menu22:36
DiverdudeSilent93, how? run boinc?22:36
Tetsuo55_2Silent93: that fails for me, it will only show time. thats why im looking for a way to maybe replace the service that provides the weather data?22:36
ajwillActionParsnip: I've tried that22:36
Silent93Diverdude: yeah22:36
k4r1mis here some sort of an unofficial ubuntu os x installer?22:36
ajwilloh finally it worked! :) thanks guys!!22:37
DiverdudeSilent93, hmmm when i run boinc from terminal it writes out some stuff to the screen and gives then error code -18022:37
The-Kernelhow can I configure ubutnu 10.10 to except and display syslog from other servers in its messages file?22:37
DiverdudeSilent93, 08-Jan-2011 23:36:45 [---] [error] GUI RPC bind to port 31416 failed: 9822:37
PolydwarfTo Everyone : Before I go back to the old kernel, is there any further troubleshooting I should try to pin down what's going on?22:37
ActionParsnipk4r1m: virtualbox may do it but I'd check the license22:38
DiverdudeSilent93, i think its because its already running22:38
Dr_WillisThe-Kernel:  ages ago i saw an artical by  the 'linux journal' or 'linux gazette' magazine that covered that topic. tey even showed how to do it with a 'server' that had no actual ip (some how) so the hackers couldent even see/access the 'syslog server' :)  but that was a few years back i read that.22:38
DiverdudeSilent93, does it mean its now decoding SETI packages?22:38
k4r1mActionParsnip: I don't want a virtual machine.. I want to dual boot22:38
ActionParsnipajwill: or you can right click the dock and add click settings (or add a new launcher) I forget what it is exactly22:39
Silent93Diverdude: you have to install/run boinc-manager I think (might be spelt wrong)22:39
The-KernelDr_Willis, well 10.10 uses rsyslog now, and I can't find anything on that22:39
k4r1mor just boot ubuntu only22:39
ActionParsnipk4r1m: then you'll need a MacOS disk to install22:39
Dr_WillisThe-Kernel:  yep. that may be totally differnt.22:39
ActionParsnipk4r1m: this wil obviously come with a license22:39
k4r1mI think i was clear.. I'm running os x right now on my macbook.. I want to install ubuntu.22:39
ActionParsnip!mac | k4r1m22:40
ubottuk4r1m: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages22:40
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rusty149glaceman: Try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/551951/22:40
DiverdudeSilent93, hmm strange when i go sudo apt-get install boinc-manager it says its already installed, but when i try to run boinc-manager it says no such command22:40
Silent93Diverdude: look at this to be able to have it running every time you boot22:41
no--nameI see that gdm consists of 282 packages while xdm only consists of 1. Will Gnome run under xdm or do I need gdm?22:42
david234I read that Ubuntu is going to move to rolling releases instead of 6 month cycles, anyone know when this will happen?22:43
IdleOnedavid234: it won't happen22:43
k4r1mActionParsnip: I have already read that my problem is not compability.. I can't manage to get a usb to boot so thats why i was asking if there was a ubuntu os x installer aka a tool lets you install ubuntu from within ubuntu on a seperate paritiion that is22:43
Silent93Diverdude: the full guide http://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/Installing_BOINC_on_Ubuntu22:43
no--nameWhat are "rolling releases"?22:43
david234IdleOne : Good, I like 6month/2year release cycle :)22:44
mrwizeguy1983Silent93, i think i understand what you meant and i think i can get it.  thanks for the help.  don't worry about that info, you seem to be the only qualified helper in here right now and a LOT of people needing help.  much appreciated and bye for now22:44
Sheepherdis it possible that my 3d graphics acceleration is off even though "glxinfo | grep rendering" returns "direct rendering: Yes"?22:45
Sheepherdcuz i cant get any compiz effects working22:46
k4r1mif no, does anyone know anything about getting a macbook to boot up for usb? I followed to setups to my usb and write the ubuntu image on it and the rest of the steps but it doesnt show up on start... does it have to be in MBR or GUID layout?22:46
ActionParsnipSheepherd: what is the output of:  sudo lshw -C display    use http://pastie.org  to give the output, thanks :)22:47
ActionParsnipk4r1m: ask in #apple on how to get your mac toboot use22:47
ActionParsnip*to boot usb22:47
SheepherdActionParsnip, http://pastie.org/144118122:48
ActionParsnipSheepherd: those will need xorg.conf file to work22:49
hippietrailthe monitor configuration tool runs but doesn't do anything on my netbook22:49
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teagedo i have to type join??22:50
teagelast time i came here i had to type the word JOIN to join22:51
teagethey changed it again22:51
teagei think22:51
KM0201teage: to join a channel, is "/join #channelname"  no quotes22:52
Steristhow do i un-mark a mounted volume from being read-only?22:52
teageoh ok ic thanks KM020122:53
rusty149Sterist: change the mount options in /etc/fstab22:53
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rusty149Sterist: Unless it is a removable storage22:53
glacemani have a question please22:54
Steristrusty149 yes, removable22:54
KM0201Sterist: are you still working on that?22:54
Silent93glaceman: ask then...22:54
glacemani have several shortcurts on my desktop for my "D" drive (another partition) wich is mounted automaticaly when i boot ubuntu, but i always have to click on D: for the shortcuts to work22:54
Silent93Are you sure they mount on boot?22:55
romaniangirlhi, a helper named cristi is here?22:55
glacemanSilent93: yes cause i can click on the D drive in places, then D drive22:56
rusty149Sterist: please paste bin: sudo fdisk -l22:56
glacemanit is mounted, but it;s like the shortcuts not working before i click on D first22:56
SteristKM0201 the owner took the laptop home and i left him with a LIVE installation to use for now lol, now i'm having problems with my cellphone refusing to remove the read-only spec that i never applied in the first place22:56
rusty149glaceman: It sounds like it is not mounted untill you click the drive though22:57
Silent93glaceman: where can you click on D to make it work, by default partitions on mount when accessed22:57
romaniangirlthx for the answer22:57
glacemanrusty149: click on ubuntu on places, then i access the D drive, then the shortcut on the desktop work22:57
k4r1mjust to get this clear there sort of tool to install ubuntu on a mac from within os x? just like the wubi installer but for os x?22:58
glacemanSilent93: Silent93 i click on the D drive into my places, then the shortcuts on my desktop works22:58
rusty149glaceman: please paste: sudo cat /etc/fstab22:58
erUSULk4r1m: no; nothing like that for MacOSX afaik22:59
Steristrusty149 the device in question is the FAT32 http://pastebin.com/Cj0R2BYc22:59
glacemanLinux michel-X130 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 01:41:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux22:59
glaceman# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier22:59
glaceman# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name22:59
glaceman# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).22:59
glaceman# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>22:59
FloodBot4glaceman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:59
k4r1merUSUL: hmm too bad... how about running windows as a vm under os x then running wubi?22:59
KM0201glaceman: seriously? haven't you been coming here like a week?22:59
k4r1mglaceman: paste bin buddy22:59
hippietrailbooting 10.10 desktop on my netbook stalled sometime after choosing a language - is there some place to look for an error diagnostic?22:59
rusty149glaceman: Thats not the full output23:00
glacemanrusty149:  how do i do the paste bin stuff please23:00
ardorCan I ask someone a file handing question?23:00
jribardor: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)23:00
KM0201glaceman: read the topic23:00
rusty149!paste | glaceman23:00
ubottuglaceman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:00
erUSULk4r1m: why not run ubuntu directly in the vm ?23:00
ActionParsnipglaceman: sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:00
KM0201!pate | glaceman23:00
ActionParsnipglaceman: you can then run:  pastebinit /etc/fstab  and you can give us the resulting link23:00
Jax123guys, hi23:00
ActionParsniphi Jax12323:01
k4r1merUSUL: I only have 2gb of ram... I wanna run ubuntu natively or dual boot it23:01
Steristrusty149 did you get that?23:01
ardorI'm trying to copy a folder into a folder. I get an error that says I don't have permissions...23:01
ActionParsnipk4r1m: 2Gb ram is plenty, none of my systems have that and run fine23:01
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Dr_Willis'only 2gb' :)23:01
Jax123just compiled vlc 1.2.0-1 vlc under Hardy 8.04...install went ok, then:       vlc: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.8' not found (required by /usr/local/lib/libvlc.so.5)23:01
Jax123any help?23:01
Dr_WillisI rember having only 2gb of hd space..23:01
ActionParsnipardor: prefix the copy command with sudo23:01
rusty149Sterist: yeah is it /dev/sdd1 ??23:01
k4r1mActionParsnip: think of my mac as early version of vista... it loves ram.23:01
Steristrusty149 i believe so23:02
Steristrusty149 yes23:02
ardorI'm not using command line. I'm dragging and dropping (and a complete newbie :-}23:02
erUSULk4r1m: running ubuntu directly in the vm is exactly as runnig it in wubi with windows in an vm. only it needs all the extras space windows uses and it is more fragile23:02
k4r1mActionParsnip: with my current usage I usually get 200mb free...23:02
ActionParsnipk4r1m: firefox loves ram too23:02
rusty149glaceman: The 'D:' drive is not in that file so will not be automounted23:02
erUSULk4r1m: so no upsides and all the dwonsides you can think of23:02
glacemanrusty149: what to do ?23:02
k4r1mActionParsnip: don't use firefox, I use chrome23:02
ActionParsnipk4r1m: i use chromium :)23:03
k4r1merUSUL: err thats not what I meant... I meant to run windows in a vm so that why I have access to the wubi installer23:03
Silent93glaceman: install pysdm then you can use it to edit that file23:03
k4r1mActionParsnip: chromium == chrome.23:03
IdleOneno it isn't23:03
erUSULk4r1m: wubi will install ubuntu in the vm if you run it like this23:03
Silent93k4r1m: not exactly23:03
glacemanSilent93: done23:03
ActionParsnipk4r1m: half, chromium is the open source version which helps build chrome23:04
Silent93glaceman: now run it23:04
ActionParsnipk4r1m: I get daily builds of the browser23:04
erUSULk4r1m: you are a little confused as to how wubi works23:04
glacemanSilent93: done23:04
k4r1merUSUL: no not really I thought I would get way by using a vm but I just remember how a vm really works lol23:04
wolfrici can't get my windows 7 machine to connect to smb share on ubuntu. The test parm on the smb.conf works, i can list the shares, it says "the network path was not found"23:04
k4r1mActionParsnip: yeah just the dev channel thing23:05
Silent93glaceman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87219723:05
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Steristrusty149 did you have a suggestion ?23:05
ActionParsnipk4r1m: yes but its not chrom, its chromium. It also has less google tracking stuff23:05
Silent93ActionParsnip: how reliable are the daily builds?23:05
ActionParsnipSilent93: its been flawless here23:06
rusty149Sterist: sudo umount /dev/sdd1 && sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /mount/USB23:06
k4r1mActionParsnip: didn't know it was that much different thought it just had beta features since it gives you nightly builds... but never mind that my ram problem is coming from eclipse not my browser23:06
Tetsuo55_2Silent93: i found multiple tickets and even a gnome project page on getting more cities into the list, so i guess im stuck with the "closest" city, who's weather is nothing like mine :P23:06
ActionParsnipk4r1m: yea there are beta features, the bug reports get files and fixed then the stable release, chrome is made23:07
rusty149Sterist: Then test for write support23:07
sshdi use deluge-console23:07
sshdhow i can see active downloads23:07
k4r1meclipse on os x is just terriable... atm its idle'ing at 900mb. main reason I need to get ubuntu working.23:07
vhannHi, is it possible to use XDMCP in Ubuntu 9.10 onwards?23:07
Steristrusty149 the mount command errors to: mount: mount point /mount/USB does not exist23:08
k4r1mActionParsnip: yeah I understand the whole proccess of nightly builds after all I'm a dev.23:08
ActionParsnipk4r1m: for the chromium project?23:09
rusty149Sterist: sudo mkdir /media/USB    then rerun previos23:09
ActionParsnipvhann: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147170323:09
k4r1mActionParsnip: haha I wish lol23:09
ActionParsnipk4r1m: then you being a dev is moot, not all projects work in the same way as chromium/chrome do. So it doesn't mean you know how it works23:09
Jax123ActionParsnip, can i have 5 sec of your atten pls?23:10
ActionParsnipJax123: sup?23:10
Steristrusty149 that doesn't really sound like what i'm trying to do lol i'm trying to make undo the read-only spec from my attached USB storage... is that what this is achieving?23:10
k4r1mActionParsnip: not nesccarly but I have a general idea on how things work and why are you even telling me this when its completely irrelevant to my problem23:10
Jax123just compiled vlc 1.2.0-1 vlc under Hardy 8.04...install went ok, then:       vlc: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.8' not found (required by /usr/local/lib/libvlc.so.5)23:11
Jax123any deb pacj under hardy 8.04?23:11
ActionParsnipk4r1m: because you said chromium == chrome  , which it isnt23:11
Jax123pack glibc23:11
vhannActionParsnip: Thanks, but I used KDM (GDM is too much trouble). Now, I can see the other XDMCP enabled hosts, but when trying to connect screen stays black23:11
ActionParsnipJax123: why not use a PPA?23:11
rusty149Sterist: If manually mounting works then it should be to do with the mount options. If not then it could be support(ulikely) or something else I haven;t thought yet23:11
Jax123which one ?23:11
Jax123most of them are down23:12
k4r1mActionParsnip: get over your self thats not that big of a difference... they run pretty much almost the same shit23:12
Jax123all i need is glibc > 2.823:12
Steristrusty149 i did the mkdir command and then the mount command as directed and got same error :(23:12
DaGeek247k4r1m, please avoid such language.23:12
ActionParsnipvhann: http://lubuntu.net/   theres a screencast which talks about SSH remote desktops and goes to a black screen, the steps taken may help23:13
ActionParsnipvhann: 2nd video down23:13
Cru_Wondered if someone could help me:  I cloned a hd and have it installed (works fine) and extra hard drive space I have as a seperate partition (formatted ext4 like the original) but it says that it cant mount it because it is locked.  Any ideas?23:13
wyclifActionParsnip: that's what I use23:13
wolfriccan someome help me debug a samba problem on ubuntu? I'm an error shares not found (verified with a packet dump) yet my testparm comes up fine23:13
k4r1mDaGeek247: not my fault... I'm here asking for help. and he is the one who is started to get off topic...23:13
ActionParsnipwyclif: nice :). Check it out, see if it helps some23:13
rusty149Sterist: sudo umount /dev/sdd1 && sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /media/USB23:14
sillykoneHello, I recently reinstalled leaving my home directories alone (on a separate partition).  However, with the previous install I encrypted my home directory.  I know the password to decrypt it, so is there a way to decrypt the home directory from the new install?23:14
sillykone*I reinstalled Ubuntu.23:15
ldz420Hi I have a question about which ubuntu distro to install on a laptop. would this be the right room or is there one that could better assist? I tried the ubuntu-laptop chat but not getting a response23:16
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joentjuhAfter tinkering and searching for a while I have come up with no solutions. My problem is that I don't know how to remove this and want it gone: http://thuis.joentjuh.nl/dump/screenshot8.png http://thuis.joentjuh.nl/dump/screenshot9.png23:16
ajwillhi all, I have a problem, I'm currently running a dell computer and I'm dual-booting windows XP and ubuntu, and I want to be able to mount my windows partition at start up, I've added it to /etc/fstab, however my computer doesnt realize its mounted unless I umount and mount again which is a pain, can you help?23:16
glacemanhow to use pastebinit command line please !!!23:16
rusty149glaceman: paste.ubuntu.com23:17
Steristrusty149 i unmounted the volume, disconnected cable, reset device, and reconnected + mounted and it now works :)23:17
ActionParsnipglaceman: pastebinit filename23:17
xanguaglaceman:  pastebinit /file/path23:17
sillykoneldz420: #ubuntu-offtopic might be better.23:17
rusty149Sterist: Nice, did you have to manually mount?23:17
arunomiHi how do i change the system lang to eng iv tryed <system><aministrartion><languag support>23:18
Steristrusty149 upon reconnecting, no. ubuntu automatically mounts volumes23:18
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Seagullmy word I'm a massive bender!! I've hidden it for so long...this is just such a relief to finally tell everyone that I loooOove cock...and arse!! just such an absolute gay I am! seriously girls...fuck off! I have no interest! get ur drippy. fannies away from me!! also I like sucking the farts out of dead seagulls23:18
ActionParsnipajwill: you could add a command in /etc/rc.local   to run the umount/mount command23:18
ldz420thx #sillykone - take care everyone23:18
Cru_anyone know why my harddrive wont mount a second partition in ubuntu?????23:19
ajwillActionParsnip: is /etc/rc.local the list of commands that are run at startup?23:19
glacemanguys, in the storage device manager, what do i do now to get the drive to auto-boot23:19
ActionParsnipajwill: just before the login screen runs, yes23:19
ActionParsnipajwill: add it without sudo as well as above the exit 0 line23:19
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ajwillActionParsnip: but if I dont do sudo it says "only root user can perform this action"?23:20
ActionParsnipajwill: the commands in /etc/rc.local run as root :)23:20
rusty149glaceman: removable drives automount by default. Internal devices are controlled by /etc/fstab23:20
sillykoneHello, I recently reinstalled Ubuntu, leaving my home directories alone (on a separate partition).  However, with the previous install I encrypted my home directory.  I know the password to decrypt it, so is there a way to decrypt the home directory from the new install?23:21
glacemanrusty149:  ok23:21
Jax123ActionParsnip, any sugest regarding PPA gor glibc > 2.8 under Hardy?....link only if u don't mind23:21
ajwillActionParsnip: oh! sweet! :D hey... would I be able to use that to start a vnc server that shows the login screen? cuz ubuntu sometimes randomly logs me out and then I cant vnc into it which would be a pain if I was elsewhere and needed to do something23:21
ActionParsnip!ppa | Jax12323:21
ubottuJax123: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.23:21
arunomiHi how do i change the system lang to eng iv tryed <system><aministrartion><languag support>23:21
PhoenixSTFhi guys, does anyone knows how to put the Server with a printer and run it? i'm kind of confused about hwo it works, with samba or cups, but where do i install the printer?23:22
ActionParsnipajwill: i think that will need running in the desktop so the X server is started, I dont use vnc so couldn't really comment.Worth a try, it is free23:22
st__arunomi, /etc/default/lcoale23:22
erUSULPhoenixSTF: you can use only cups and use a ipp (the protocol cups uses) driver in windows. or you can share it with samba too23:23
ajwillActionParsnip: okay, as for the umount and mount, should I just put the commands in there? ie: "umount /dev/sda1;mount /dev/sda1 /media/WINXP;" (without quotes) or should I write up a quick bash script?23:23
ActionParsnipPhoenixSTF: you could use the cups web interface23:23
ActionParsnipajwill: yeah that'll do it23:23
k-yo_Hello, it seems my packages cache is broken, I don't know how to fix it :(23:23
arunomiand what do i do there?23:24
ActionParsnipajwill: could write a script if you wish, or the 2 commands raw will work too23:24
PhoenixSTFOk guys how do i do it? like do i need to 1st install the printer? then share it in samba?23:24
k-yo_one of my packages has a problem, I can't remove it, I can't install its dependencies...23:24
ajwillActionParsnip: I think I'll write a script, that way if I ever need to run it manually its easier :)23:24
ActionParsnipPhoenixSTF: you can installit with te cups web interface then use the same service to connect from other PCs with23:25
stealthcgot a problem with a shell script need some help23:25
ActionParsnipPhoenixSTF: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/cups.html23:25
ActionParsnipstealthc: ask away23:25
stealthcI'm trying to get it to execute two things but not sequentially, at the same time23:25
PhoenixSTFActionParsnip: ok but i already have samba installed so use samba?23:25
trond-which music player are people using. I have used banshee up until now and I think I am happy with it. Rythmbox has been a bit of a hassle, especially with podcasts if I remember why I am not using it. What are people here using and why?23:25
ActionParsnipPhoenixSTF: if you like, sure23:26
stealthcspecifically I'm trying to get virtual box headerless to launch and at the same time spawn a remote desktop session23:26
erUSULPhoenixSTF: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu23:26
erUSULPhoenixSTF: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31045023:26
phox_yo! My sound isnt working. Fresh install, and the sounds works on W7 partition. Checked in alsamixer, everything is turned up. Think it was working eariler. Wtf?23:26
ActionParsnipstealthc: add an ampersand after one, the next command will run immediately after and not wait for the first to finish23:26
ajwillActionParsnip: so I named the script winmount, do I just add winmount; anywhere above exit 0 in the file?23:26
ActionParsnipphox_: Windows is a completely different OS so what it does isnt too interesting23:27
ActionParsnip!sound | phox_23:27
ubottuphox_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:27
rusty149k-yo: sudo apt-get -f install23:27
ActionParsnipajwill: yes, make sure the script has the usual script header and is marked executable :D23:27
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phox_actionparsnip: True, although what i meant was that nothing is wrong with the speakers or the soundcard which i believe to be a valid point.23:27
ajwillumount /dev/sda1;23:28
ajwillmount /dev/sda1 /media/WINXP;23:28
stealthcanyway to get it to wait a few seconds before doing the & item?23:28
ajwillActionParsnip: would that work once I make it executable?23:28
ActionParsnipajwill: you don't want the semicolons on the end23:28
ajwillActionParsnip: okay, why not may I ask?23:28
PhoenixSTFThanks m8s :)23:28
stealthchere's the line I am using: VBoxHeadless -s TCL & rdesktop
ActionParsnipajwill: otherwise it's perfect23:28
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ActionParsnipstealthc: you can use the sleep command to make it wait a number of seconds23:29
rusty149ajwill: semicolon is not part of the command.23:30
stealthclike this:23:30
stealthcVBoxHeadless -s TCL & sleep 10 rdesktop
alpha_juliet1hello i am trying to force mount HFSPLUS but im getting summarry at the end with no conformation or rejection. help23:30
ajwillrusty149: but I thought a semicolon would just separate commands? or does the enter do that in a bash script? (I'm fairly new at it)23:30
stealthcis there a logical operator used to link the sleep with rdesktop?23:30
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stealthcsomething doesn't seem right about the logic behind that line23:30
rusty149ajwill: yep23:31
ActionParsnipstealthc: more like:  VBoxHeadless -s TCL; sleep 10; rdesktop
vhannActionParsnip: Thanks, but that didn't do it. My 9.10 box can't connect to itself (I get a crash then KDM restarts). I guess there's a bug in the KDM for 9.1023:31
erUSULstealthc: VBoxHeadless -s TCL & puts that command in background then the rest of the line is executed. the rest of the line is wrong though23:31
alpha_juliet1"mount -o force -t hfsplus /dev/sda2/mnt/"23:31
ajwillawesome, okay one more thing now... whenever I mount it, in the places menu, I have two WINXP options, one actually takes me to it, the other attempts to mount it and just gives me an error message saying it cant because it's already mounted... how do I remove the one that would mount it for me?23:32
ActionParsniperUSUL: ahhh, gotcha23:32
erUSULstealthc: this --> VBoxHeadless -s TCL & sleep 10; rdesktop
as-dfaqwfd##politics is a family friendly channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! as-dfaqwfd trevorpace az7 canon scheibo_ kukuNut pipeep psusi paranoid_ndroid joegiampaoli kra23:34
as-dfaqwfd##politics is a family friendly channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! kabjj hiexpo vhann Lenin_Cat MadViking sshd brontoeee bittwist breadcrumb mrroth wolfric CarlF23:34
as-dfaqwfd##politics is a family friendly channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! Tetsuo55_2 darkwurm werdan7 home Thorn overlord_tm ActionJohnny eoss xavierx suprengr kdub ej 23:34
stealthchmmm close but something is still wrong with it...23:34
FloodBot4as-dfaqwfd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:34
vhannIt's impossible to use GDM as an XDMCP _client_ in lucid, maverick or newer, isn't it?23:35
rusty149alpha_juliet1: mount -f -t hfsplus /dev/sda2/mnt/23:36
stealthchell yeah got it working...23:36
stealthcok now how do I get my script to autolaunch on insert of my thumbdrive (LMAO)...23:36
bencahillHey guys, what does ubuntu (desktop) use to mount smb shares? I don't know how to access them from the cli23:36
rusty149 alpha_juliet1: no no23:36
bencahills/cli/terminal/bash/whatever :)23:36
rusty149 alpha_juliet1: mount -f -t hfsplus /dev/sda2/ mnt/   forgot the space aswell23:36
ActionParsnipbencahill: gvfs-fuse as far as I know23:36
joentjuhDoes anyone know how to get rid of this? (http://thuis.joentjuh.nl/dump/screenshot8.png http://thuis.joentjuh.nl/dump/screenshot9.png) It was created by "Startup Disk Creator" and when I run it again (with the same source image) it disappears during the creation process but reappears afterwards.23:37
ActionParsnipbencahill: oh, you can use smbmount or mount -t cifs23:37
bencahill!info gvfs-fuse23:38
ubottugvfs-fuse (source: gvfs): userspace virtual filesystem - fuse server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.4-0ubuntu1.1 (maverick), package size 13 kB, installed size 96 kB23:38
michelenatale in sud africa23:38
bencahillActionParsnip: ^^ "is optional" :-/23:38
bencahillActionParsnip: so I could add them to /etc/fstab?23:39
ActionParsnipbencahill: absolutely23:39
erUSULbencahill: you access them in ~/.gvfs/23:40
michelesegni particolari bellissimo23:40
erUSUL!it | michele23:40
ubottumichele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:40
bencahillActionParsnip: it's quite powerful :)23:40
bencahillerUSUL: thx, that's what i was looking for :)23:40
michelejoin ubuntu-it23:41
bencahillmichele: /join #ubuntu-it23:41
erUSULbencahill: you can mount them in fstab explicitily if you want too ( instead of using nautilus/gvfs/fuse ) ....23:42
bencahillActionParsnip, erUSUL: Is there any downside to mounting shares automatically (using /etc/fstab) with computers that are on 24/7?23:42
bencahill...and having them always mounted?23:42
ActionParsnipbencahill: none at all :)23:42
bencahillstuntman_mike: hi there :), you have a question regarding ubuntu?23:42
bencahillActionParsnip: ok thx, just curious :)23:42
erUSULbencahill: i do not know of any. also the kernel cifs driver should ( no waranties though ) be faster than gvfs/fuse23:43
bencahillerUSUL: ok, good to know23:44
poipond@wpops ##politics is a family friendly channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!   poipond Ragnar Frenk yeats MNichie SealedWithAKiss bustedup277 sraue NixGeek stuthy bonhoffer iflema tohtori_ michele 23:44
sdkhrq##politics is a family friendly channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! sdkhrq poipond Ragnar Frenk yeats MNichie SealedWithAKiss bustedup277 sraue NixGeek stuthy bonhoffer iflema tohtori_ michele fa23:44
sdkhrq##politics is a family friendly channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! nerxgas spetrea_ joe75 ajwill kerim iceflatline Cru_ xangua shaw1337 tlab cooz202 eMxyzptlk Maletor kabjj hiexpo vhann Lenin_Ca23:44
sdkhrq##politics is a family friendly channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! pizzledizzle The-Kernel DarkToagac lighta Zorlin dreamer000 Peddy Tetsuo55_2 darkwurm werdan7 home Thorn overlord_tm ActionJohn23:44
sdkhrq##politics is a family friendly channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! Drone4four Andre_Gondim cinch Evil_DuDe XuMuK gaz00 socomm tensorpudding dougl lystra lazarus_ bastl Nick_Meister herbmonk guam23:44
poipond@wpops ##politics is a family friendly channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!   spetrea_ joe75 ajwill kerim iceflatline Cru_ xangua shaw1337 tlab cooz202 eMxyzptlk Maletor kabjj hiexpo vhann Lenin_C23:44
FrenkHey, I have a Ubuntu-Netbook-Edition installed. Is it possible to roll back the operation system? I installed a lot of stuff I do not need any more and it would take me a lot of time to search and delete it. Can I send my Ubuntu back to the roots?23:44
stuntman_mikebencahill, sort of..... i'm doing android development on ubuntu and thought i'd pop in to the android-dev channel here on freenode but it seems i cannot speak in that channel. would you happen to know why?23:45
ActionParsnipstuntman_mike: i'd ask in #freenode23:45
erUSULstuntman_mike: maybe you have to be registered?23:45
erUSUL!it | pippo23:46
ubottupippo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:46
rusty149Frenk: Have you considered a fresh install23:46
stuntman_mikeActionParsnip, i'll check there23:46
huyensexportfs: /home/username/folder does not support NFS export in ubuntu 10.10, google turns up nothing, what the deal?23:46
rusty149Frenk: Doesn;t get much more 'back to the roots' than that23:46
stuntman_mikeerUSUL, i regged this nick a few minutes ago. should be ok? haven't confirmed it via the email yet tho23:46
Frenkrusty149: Dual-boot ... So I need to restore the MBR from windows then delete ubuntus partition and then oh hell i can reinstall ubuntu ...23:47
erUSULstuntman_mike: have you identified to services?23:47
erUSUL!register > stuntman_mike23:47
ubottustuntman_mike, please see my private message23:47
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:48
rusty149Frenk: Shouldn't have to touch your windows partition. Just boot up an Ubuntu CD/USB and install on current Ubuntu partition23:49
NixGeekis there any big risk to extending my extended partition to 150gb?23:50
NixGeekactually, to adding 150gb onto my extended partition to make it about 211GB?23:50
stuntman_mikeah, it was the last step that was missing..... to verify the nick with the info in the email. alright, now i can talk :) thanks!23:51
rusty149NixGeek: Greatest is probably doing it wrong. It should be fine. You are recommended to make backups before modifying partitions though23:51
Cru_how do i run a sudo command via a script?  security isnt an issue23:53
rusty149Cru_: run the script as sudo23:53
NixGeekrusty149: all that's on it is my home partition, and i'll make a complete backup using rsync to another partition before I modiy it.  I've resized ubuntu partitions before and kept ubuntu wokring, but never an extended partition, so I just needed to know wether there was any extra risk.  Thank you23:53
Cru_rusty149: I have a script in start up that I made awhile ago and is running, i'd just like to add a line to run a "sudo mount" command for extra hard drive.  how would i do that/23:54
rusty149Cru_: Well have you considered using fstab?23:55
Cru_never have used it.  im a noobish to ubuntu.  what/where is fstab23:55
zenoHi, I am on 32 bit ubuntu 10.10 fresh install.  i replaced my .mozilla with my old .mozilla and then installed flashplugin-installer.  however flash does not work.  help please?23:56
rusty149Cru_: /etc/fstab mounts partitions on startup. including / , other internal drives and network shares (if any)23:56
xanguazeno: restart firefox¿23:56
rusty149Cru_: It is a text file and you can add extra lines to it, following the syntax23:56
Raiinhey can anyone help me with botnets?23:57
zenoxangua: i did, and doesnt work in other browsers either23:57
xanguazeno: does it work with a fresh fx profile¿¿23:58
zenolet me check23:58
Cru_rusty149: I have the fstab opened but not sure what to type/make it go.  would i simply add a line "sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt" ?23:58
rusty149Cru_: no23:58
rusty149Do you know the UUID of the device?23:59
rusty149Cru_: Do you know the UUID of the device?23:59
error21why Brasero and k3b do not writing a cd image to cd?23:59
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zenoxangua: yes.  however i need my bookmarks etc23:59

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