
ScottLit seems like both the amd64 and i386 ubuntustudio ISOs are bombing during the software installation04:39
ScottLdrops to clear screen with "sigterm" at the bottom of the screen04:39
ScottLi'll check about bug reports with alternate discs later04:39
ScottLtomorrow i go to my dad's with the kids (and dogs)04:40
ScottLbut i'm on vacation next week so i should be able to get some stuff down :)04:40
holsteinScottL ailo 04:58
holsteini got around to testing firewire in natty again04:58
holstein-lowlatency seems OK04:58
holsteini only have jack installed04:58
holsteini'll have to install something and give it a workout04:58
holsteinBUT it starts and runs normally04:59
holsteinno xruns04:59
ScottLholstein, awesome!11:58
ScottLso it would seem that you are saying the -generic kernel doesn't work with firewire but the -lowlatency does?11:58
ScottLdid you have to do any extra tweaks to get it to work compared to normally?11:58
ScottLi'm afraid i'm aware of the new firewire/kernel stack from reading the FFADO website, but do not understand it completely on a fundamental level11:59
ScottLheading to my dad's this morning, so i'll be away for a day or so11:59
ScottLwell, two days12:00
holsteinScottL: im running out in a minute16:36
holsteini just tried the generic kernel16:36
holsteinout of the box16:36
holsteinrunning sudo qjackctl16:36
holsteinthen, i installed the -lowlatency16:36
holsteinran sudo qjackctl16:36
holsteinand it runs as expected16:36
holsteini wanted that to be the only varialbe16:36
holsteini wanted that to be the only variable *16:37
ailoholstein: Ok, so it's definitely only the Maverick generic kernel that does not work.16:37
holsteinailo: that was natty16:38
holsteinBUT i did more tweaks in the maverick install16:38
holsteinand i wanted to make sure that didnt influence the outcome16:38
ailoI don't understand. Maverick does not work with generic, right? But Natty does, no?16:38
holstein-lowlatency works with natty16:39
holsteini added that one in natty and tried it16:39
holsteini just jumped to -realtime in maverick16:39
ailoBut Natty should be a problem anyway because of cgroups, which makes rt impossible.16:40
ailoHow about usermode natty/-lowlatency? ffado-rules?16:40
holsteini'll have to tweak that as normal user16:41
holsteinand see16:41
holsteinailo: ill ping you when i get to that16:41
ailoI'm proposing to use the list for specific devices.16:42
holsteinso i can do it in some logical order16:42
ailoI could check that it's complete.16:42
holsteinbbl... gotta run see if my LUG meeting is off or not16:42

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