
tanders12holstein: you in?01:33
holsteintanders12: hey02:02
holsteinsooperlooper is FUN02:02
tanders12holstein: listened to your openmusician podcast today02:57
tanders12and read your blog02:57
tanders12good stuff03:11
tanders12ive played violin for 10 years and never understood hardly any theory03:12
tanders12but now that im learning guitar i figure it's about time03:12
holsteintanders12: hey, thanks :)03:25
holsteinfeel free and comment at the blog and ask whatever03:25
tanders12yeah np03:39
tanders12i love theory. almost makes me wanna switch my major. i would if there was any money in teaching03:39
tanders12holstein: hey you still around?05:50
holsteintanders12: yo05:51
tanders12wanna help me troubleshoot my xruns? :D05:51
holsteindid you say you have a TI chipset?05:51
holsteinthe other one is looking at05:52
holsteincat /proc/interrupts05:52
holsteinand see what all is on the same IRQ as the firewire05:53
tanders1216:     564157          0   IO-APIC-fasteoi   firewire_ohci, yenta, i91505:53
tanders12what's an irg?05:53
holsteinOH yeah05:54
holsteini remember looking at that with tou05:54
tanders12it means interrupt request05:54
holsteinyenta is the PCMCIA05:54
holsteinand i915 is graphic05:54
tanders12lol i had the page open in my browser that explains irqs05:54
tanders12yeah you're right05:54
tanders12we did look at it05:54
holsteinprobably not great that graphics and the firewire are together05:54
holsteinthat can matter05:54
holsteinhow much?05:54
holsteinwho knows05:54
tanders12just a little05:54
tanders12atm i don't even have an rt kernel running05:55
holsteinthat'll do it05:55
holsteinthat'll help05:55
holsteinRT kernel05:55
holsteinthe IRQ thing05:55
holsteinand realistic expectations05:55
holsteini can get down to 1.205:55
tanders12is natty rt kernel the only way to go for maverick?05:55
holsteinbut i cant run a whole bunch of stuff like that05:56
holsteini have different profiles05:56
tanders12me want :)05:56
holsteinone for around 2.4ms05:56
holsteinthats for realtime processing/live-softsynths05:56
tanders12i don't need to run much, but tracking is important so I really need to get the lat down05:56
holsteinthen i have a kinda general purpose one05:56
holsteinaround 12ms05:57
holsteinand a really high one05:57
tanders12pretty sure my af4 doesn't have hardware monitoring05:57
holsteinaround 60ms or so05:57
holsteinfor mixing05:57
holsteinwhen i have all kinds of plugins going05:57
holsteinand JAMin05:57
tanders12i set my buffer to 1024 and was still gettin xruns05:57
holsteintanders12: OH05:57
holsteinthats not good05:57
tanders12things like minimizing ardour would through an xrun05:57
holsteinBUT try the other kernel05:57
holsteini might get an xrun opening an app05:58
tanders12yeah about that05:58
holsteinbut when its running, its stable05:58
tanders12how's your natty kernel working out?05:58
holsteini installed the -lowlatency one05:58
holsteinfrom abogani's PPA05:58
holsteinseems OK05:58
tanders12on maverick? or are you running natty?05:58
holsteinthat was natty05:58
holsteini wanted to test it out in there05:59
tanders12natty alpha or just the natty kernel?05:59
holsteini dont have anything installed there though05:59
holsteinother than JACK05:59
tanders12i wouldn't mind trying out natyy05:59
holsteinso ill have acutally try something over there soon05:59
holsteinBUT it seemed to load and run like normal06:00
holsteinat around 5ms latency06:00
holsteinno xruns06:00
tanders12yeah the install im on right now is a 20gb partition dedicated for an audio testbed06:00
holsteinthe maverick install seems stable too06:00
holsteinwith that kernel i suggested to you06:00
tanders12with the natty kernel?06:00
holsteinthe -realtime one06:00
tanders12you have that link again?06:00
holsteini didnt try the other one06:00
holsteintanders12: you can try the low-latency one first if you want06:01
holsteinthats the one i had in natty06:01
holsteinwifi was working with it and all06:02
holsteinif thats important06:02
holsteinim sure the RT one is a little better06:02
tanders12id just as soon go for broke. like i said this install is dedicated to audio06:02
tanders12oh thats actually a good point06:02
holsteinhell, try em both06:02
holsteinwont hurt06:02
holsteinthey'll just be there in GRUB06:02
holsteinand you can choose06:02
holsteinwont hurt anything06:02
holsteinyou can always find em in synaptic and zap them if you want06:03
holsteinmy test box has a scrolling GRUB menu now ;)06:03
holsteini got 5 kernels in lucid, 2 in maverick and 3 in natty06:03
tanders12well that settles it, the links for the lowlatency are broke06:04
tanders12so rt it is06:04
holsteini just DL'd them today06:04
tanders12btw, is there a difference between linux-rt and linux-realtime?06:04
holsteintanders12: not really06:04
holsteinlinux-rt was the official one06:04
holsteinin the repos06:05
holsteinwhen it was there06:05
holsteini think abogani just used -realtime for the testing branch he was making06:05
holsteintanders12: those links are working for me06:05
holsteini can put them up here if you need06:06
tanders12the first one works but both of the lowlatency ppa links don't06:06
holsteinyeah, that ones bad :/06:06
tanders12its all good06:07
tanders12btw off topic but patchage is the shiz06:07
tanders12you said the realtime headers didnt't install for you either, didnt you?06:08
holsteinoh yeah06:08
holsteinprobably just a bad link that guy copied and pasted06:09
tanders12whats meta?06:09
holsteini didnt DL the lowlatency from there earlier06:09
holsteini just added it06:09
holsteintanders12: meta-data ? maybe06:10
holsteinim not too sure about building kernels06:10
holsteinand what all the components do/are06:10
holsteinyou probably just need the image and header06:10
tanders12im confused06:12
holsteinby all those files ;)06:12
tanders12do i want kernel-image* or just straight image*?06:12
tanders12and what does pae mean?06:12
tanders12abogani's a busy guy...06:13
holsteini386 is you06:13
holsteinPAE is physical adress extension06:14
holsteinim not totally sure what all that entails06:14
holsteinyou can run over 4 GBs of ram06:14
holsteinon a 32bit box06:14
holsteinIF the motherboard supports PAE06:14
holsteini have used a PAE kernel before though06:14
tanders12ah ok06:15
tanders12id really love to build a dedicated audio machine, rather than running off this lapto06:15
holsteinsomeday maybe :)06:16
holsteini like laptops06:16
holsteinif they are powerful enough06:16
holsteinthey tend to be quieter06:16
holsteinand more portable06:16
tanders12is that what you run?06:16
holsteinsomebody gave me a desktop box06:17
holsteinand it ended up being quiet06:17
holsteinsome emachines06:17
holsteinthat has decent specs06:17
holsteini like it alright actually06:17
holsteini have a decent netbook too06:17
tanders12im toying with the idea of buiding a fanless/"silent" pc based of the new AMD fusions for audio06:17
holsteinthat i can use the firepod wih06:18
holsteinand a larger notebook im trying to save06:18
holsteinand access to a macbook if i need06:18
holsteintanders12: ive always wanted to do that06:18
tanders12ive got a couple old p4s laying around but I wasnt sure if they could handle audio06:18
holsteinthey can06:18
holsteini had a P4 box doing it til recently actually06:19
tanders12actually did my first arch install on one06:19
holsteinnice :)06:19
tanders12maybe ill go all the way and try to get it running with my hardware06:19
tanders12man i love all the software available for audio for linux06:19
holsteinits great06:20
tanders12are there any limitations, other than commercial VST, vs windoze and mac?06:20
holsteinso many options06:20
holsteinhardware really06:20
holsteinthats it usually06:20
holsteinardour doesnt limit anything06:20
tanders12usb 2.006:20
holsteinsooperlooper too06:20
holsteinyou can just keep adding whatever til you're machine cries ;)06:21
tanders12im really hoping linux gets in on usb 3.0 audio06:21
holsteinnot sure about USB 2.006:21
holsteinbut im not a fan of the USB audio anyways06:21
tanders12linux support for it in the audio world is 006:21
tanders12yeah im glad i got fw working06:21
tanders12btw are all your fw chipsets ti or have you had luck with others?06:21
holsteini have a VIA that works good too06:22
holsteinbut i got TI's mostly06:22
holsteina couple PCI TI's im hanging on to06:22
tanders12thats another reason i wanna keep this laptop rather than upgrading to a new one06:22
holsteinand the VIA06:22
tanders12that's smart06:22
holsteinand a TI mini PCMCIA express06:22
holsteinor whatever the call those06:23
holsteinTI on that notebook im trying to save too06:23
tanders12ive heard that those dont always work because they are still controlled by the main chipset?06:23
holsteinthe express cards?06:23
holsteinnot sure... i had 7 days to return this one06:24
holsteinand it works great06:24
holsteini got it so i could use the netbook with the firepod06:24
tanders12and cat /proc/interrupts shows TI?06:24
holsteintanders12: yours?06:24
tanders12no on yours when you run it on your netbook06:25
holsteini think thats going to be it06:25
holsteinid have to look06:25
tanders12i meant06:25
holsteinits in there somewhere06:25
holsteinand it didnt xrun so i didnt look06:25
holsteinyeah, its TI06:25
holsteini searched around for it06:25
holsteinit was 60 bucks or so too :/06:26
tanders12k imma reboot and try the lowlatency one. it wouldn't install the headers but the kernel installed so we'll see...06:26
holsteintanders12: im going to catch the new IT crowd06:26
holsteinand then some ZZzzzZZZzz06:26
holsteinlemme know how it goes :)06:26
tanders12k have fun and thanks06:26
illspeckoi need help with rme digi 9652, i think it's the module that has to be fixed. any one?15:22
robert00anyone know how to pull up bios on an acer 5610Z,, i'm downloading 10.10 now15:40
ailorobert00, I would recommend you to try 10.04 instead, depending on your needs.16:07
holsteinillspecko: im running out the door, but try #opensourcemusicians :)16:37
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